#just hear me out and you might understand we’re made up of the same blood I’ll be your medicine if you let me give you reason to get out of
a-nice-egg-offering · 8 months
Sometimes I will pretend that the twins are soft just as a little treat
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angelshimaa · 6 months
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✧ cw :: gn!reader, deep angst, major character death (sorrei), mentions of blood, eijirou calls you 'angel', 'pretty' and 'baby'
✧ a/n :: i actually thought about writing this like, last year. stumbled across this unfinished piece a bit ago and decided to redo it :D if it’s bad no it isn't
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a trembling hand reaches out blindly, every muscle stretching as far as it can to get him there. a strangled groan leaves his mouth at the sting in his legs, crushed by wall, and finally, he drags his phone closer.
“c'mon— c'mon, please,” eijirou's voice sounds broken in its plea. his blood-coated fingers are trembling far too much to press the right buttons on the shattered screen and the panic is debilitating.
by the grace of whatever god was responsible, he manages to unlock his phone. his fingers move on instinct until his phone dials your number, each ring feeling like an eternity and he pleads for you to pick up.
“eijirou? eijirou is this you?” you're worried, frantic in your questioning and eijirou knows you're aware of his situation. he can’t bear the pained rush weighing your lovely voice down, but he can't begin to decipher the relief that floods him.
“it’s me, pretty,” you hear how hard it is for him to breathe under the rubble and the deep wound in his side makes him yelp in pain. he can't bring himself to look at it, but he feels the warm blood coating his skin and he understands there's a possibility that the warmth might seep away from him too. “how’s my baby, hm?”
“eijirou i’m watching the news— the building— they can’t find you— eijirou where are you?” your eyes are blurry with tears and every breath you take feels as if it's about to expire.
“it’s dark in here,” there's warmth in the tears that run down the side of his face. suddenly eijirou's a little boy again, trembling at the darkness of night and begging anything lurking in it to be kind. “it’s dark and i’m stuck— and i don't know how long my injuries will hold.”
you choke on a sob, your contorting heart lurching against your chest. “eijirou please— they're going to find you— they need to find you—” the words are stuck in a lump in your throat and your heart lurches against your chest at a rate that makes you sick. your eyes dart to the live news broadcast— they don't seem any closer to finding anybody trapped underneath.
kirishima’s breathing is so unsteady and his life lies on a tightrope and you want to crumble at the thought of him losing his balance without you there to catch him. “i love you so much. you know that, right?” the strain in how he says the words this time drops boulders into your stomach.
“eijirou we’re not doing this, i swear to god if you don't make it out—” he can't just leave you.
“pretty, please. there's not much time left.” why won't he breathe normally? “i’d give anything to be held by you. to hold you. god, i love holding you.” you can tell he's using every ounce of strength in him to force his words out and you want to scream at him to stop, to give himself hope for surviving.
he had to survive— he was unbreakable.
“i’m so scared, pretty. i’m scared and i love you and i’m— sorry i can’t stay around to love you longer.” your face contorts the same way your heart does, hammering against your chest and shattering itself with every beat.
“i love you, eijirou. all of us do— please don't leave us. don't leave me— you still have so many promises to keep—” you take a shaky breath, cheeks damp with tears. “eijirou my heart doesn't know what to do without you—”
kirishima’s aware he's breaking so many promises, so many pinky swears made while drunk on the highs and lows of life. the promise of the two of you sharing surnames. the promise of a home he swore to build for you, for the both of you. the promise of coming home to you after patrols and missions and the promise to be the best hero you could ever love.
“i’m... sorry, angel. please, promise me you’ll try to live, to find happiness when i’m gone. promise me... you’ll all take care of each other.” he's speaking so much slower now and you miss the chirp in his voice every time he calls.
you realise you’ll miss him in every other way.
“and y/n— my beautiful y/n— don't forget me, okay?”
your throat burns and you want to scream until it tears apart, but the pain in your chest has you curling into yourself, lowering to the floor— your stability is losing every inch of his life on the other end, and somehow he thinks it's possible to forget him.
“never. i’ll never forget you eijirou— i don't think i ever could. how does one forget someone so manly, hm?”
you hear a huff, and you allow yourself to imagine kirishima’s lips curling into a smile. you remember the warmth that came from his smiles, the brightness they drowned you in, and you try and find comfort in them as your sun dies.
eijirou’s heart slows as he listens to you thank him for loving you so right. your words blend into breathless ‘i love you’s because he needs to know, you can't let him leave without your declaration. you're a mess on the line, voice thick with sobs, and the only thing he finds fault in is not being able to feel your warmth as his seeps away.
he imagines his loved ones around him, you grasping his hand, and suddenly the darkness doesn't seem so terrifying anymore. he finds there is kindness in it, kindness in picturing your presence by his side— and oh, how perfectly warm the golden vision of you is.
you swear you hear him take his last breath and the silence is enough to make you want to go with him. crumpled on the floor, it hits you like a train that keeps running you over— eijirou kirishima will never breathe again.
you pray you gave him the love that he already was— patient and golden. and when you hear him finally get uncovered, the silence replaced by the screams of his friends on the scene, you realise you can never ask if you did.
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
Heyy! I'm back for asking something again (not my fault, i love sm your fanfics)
Can you write a fanfic where Severus is jealous because we are too close to Sirius or Remus (I leave the choice to you) and it ends in smut (if Sev could be submissive>>>) Thank you so much for writing your fics !
Again sorry for the wait but here you go!
Also, we love subby sev in this house
Warnings: NSFW
"You look clean today"
"Thank you, I had extra time on my hands this morning"
"Glad to hear"
Severus wanted to vomit at the sight, black has been getting on his nerves more than usual lately, and it didn’t make it any better that you’re being all lovey doves with the mutt.
"Careful or you might break your glass severus"
"Mind your business wolf" he hissed at Remus.
"Easy now" Remus lifted his hands in defense.
Severus looked you and almost threw his glass at Sirius when he saw him whispering something in your ear and you were chuckling at whatever nonsense he was saying.
He wanted to strangle him that very instant but years of playing an emotionless git paid off, he chugged what’s left of his cup then walked out the back door and stood near the chicken coot.
This was ridiculous but the way that idiot was so close to you made his blood boil.
But at the same time it made him remember how much Sirius was popular at school, how everyone drooled over him and you were just perfect, no wonder he would sweet talk you like that, severus hated how self conscious he could be but you looked so happy in there…so happy to not be around him.
He felt choked all of a sudden then decided that it would be better if he just left and you stayed, you looked fine without him anyways.
He got home and changed into his nightshirt, he didn’t eat or drink anything, just laid there in the dark alone.
He had hoped he would fall asleep before you came back home but his hope was cut short when after 30 minutes of just laying there he heard the front door open and a pair of feet coming upstairs.
The bedroom opened, he could make out your shadow looming in.
"Severus? I know you’re awake, why did you just up and leave?" Severus hated that you came following him, he wanted to be mad at you, to hate you.
You sat on the bed and tried to pull the covers off of him but he refused and turned over giving you his back, you stared is disbelief.
"Why are you so mad all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?"
He huffed and closed his eyes. You sighed pull him by the shoulder and onto his back, he glared at you.
You climbed on top of him and sat on his chest, your eyes were hooded and you looked very appealing from his point of view, he clenched the sheets to not touch you.
"What could be so bothering that made you leave me there alone?"
"You had black to entertain you, he seemed to like the attention as well" he spat, with no real venom, none that would harm you at least.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed his wrists then pinned them over his chest, his breath hitched yet he tried to still look angry.
"You’re actually jealous? And from Sirius of all people?! This must be a joke" you laughed then grind your hips over his crotch. He whimpered immediately, he was weak when it comes to you and both of you knew it.
"It’s not a joke…you we’re laughing with him" he groaned when you moved your hips again then closed his eyes when you let go of his wrists and started lifting up his nightshirt.
"You silly man…I’ll never look at anyone but you, Sirius is just…Sirius you know how he is" severus gasped lightly when you warped your fingers around his cock.
"Do you truly think I’ll leave you for somebody else" you pumped him half harden cock and smirked when he whimpered your name.
"He’s nothing. You’re mine and I am yours, all yours. Do. You. Understand. Me?"
"Yes!" He ached his back now breathing heavily, his hands gripping onto the pillow behind his head.
"Good" you sighed, his tip dripped pre cum and you spread with your thumb, teasing him until you saw his eyes wide and watery, you could taunt him all night if you wanted too but you enjoyed seeing his face while he spills into your hand.
"Tell me, do you love me?"
"Yes, I love you, I love you!" He breathed out shaking.
"Who do you belong too?" You watch his body tense up for a second but then you stopped moving your hand and climbed on top of him lifting your dress higher up.
His lust filled eyes stared at you in awe, so beautiful and perfect for him, so divine and majestic.
Your body was a masterpiece.
"Answer me or I’ll leave you for the night" you gripped his chin and made him look you in the eye, a pretty blush was dusting his pale cheeks.
"You-rs…Yours, I’m yours, all yours" those dark eyes begged for you, craved you, desired your touch.
"Good boy" you grabbed his cock and slid it inside of you, you moaned mouth open wide while he hissed at the wonderful sensation. He stretched you just right.
You moved your hips slowly, moaning and savoring the of being full with him, his hands held your waist, digging into your flesh, making sure to leave pretty marks on your soft skin.
Her groaned thrusting her hips up, he whimpered and hid his face when you started to ride him faster, his breathing quickened, he was so close but you looked so beautiful he didn’t want to finish just yet.
Your body burned with desire, every muscle itching for release, he was addictive and you would gladly take as much of him as you could.
Severus couldn’t hold it anymore, his head felt clouded with you "I’m so…close" he moaned pushing his hands up and cupping your breasts in his large hands.
You moaned and let him squeeze them harder "it’s ok baby, cum for me, come on do it" you rode him until his entire body was shaking again and he spilled inside of you with a loud groan.
His arms dropped and he watched you reach your peak using him, he was still sensitive but you made him feel so good and when you came on it he felt full.
You stayed on top of him for a minute catching your breath then leaned down to kiss his face, both of you were sweaty.
You vanished what rest of clothing you had on and cuddled him close, his arms warped protectively around you.
"Mine.." he mumbled.
You chuckled "Yours."
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tmd-clangen · 2 months
As the two strange rogues fled, Heartstripe came to a sudden halt. “Cosmos above! Foxpaw, are you alright?!” Heartstripe cried, veering over to her apprentice. At this point she didn’t care if the other cats got away as long as she ensured his safety. I can’t possibly let Star Night down on the honor of mentorship! But this isn’t about you right now, Heartstripe!
Foxpaw shook himself briskly as the two rogues fled up the slope and away, growling. “Yeah, I’m fine!” he replied, frustrated, though the tone wasn’t a jab at her. “Just all scratched up now…”
Heartstripe pressed her paws to his fur to part the tufts and look closer at each of the red marks on his pelt. “Are you sure you’re okay?! We should get back to camp quickly, wounds shouldn’t stay out in the cold for so long, that’s not good–”
“I promise I’m completely alright, they don’t even hurt that bad. Please don’t worry too much, I’m okay,” Foxpaw meowed, backing away from her a little and smiling lightly. “That tom that attacked me seemed pretty young and inexperienced. They both seemed really little.”
Heartstripe nodded slowly, having made the same observation. The pitches of the tom’s voices, their shorter statures, the lightness of the wounds… It’s likely they’re not any older than six moons, maybe even younger. “Okay. Well, still, we ought to return quick. Star Night is going to want to hear about this. And you know Asterhaze is serious about never leaving even the smallest things unattended.”
“Yup yup, I gotchu,” Foxpaw replied humoredly. “Let’s go then.” He stuck his bushy tail up high and turned around to leave the other way.
Heartstripe let out a pressed sigh, catching up to him and taking the lead. “As if we didn’t already have enough problems to worry about… now there’s the possibility of rogues,” she fretted.
Foxpaw shrugged his shoulders, then said, surprisingly grimly, “Well, they might not be a problem for long, if the next moon turns out to be a blood moon. The beasts will take care of ‘em for us… you know, what usually happens?”
“I don’t wish that fate on any cat, even if they oppose us!” Heartstripe murmured sharply. “I’m rather appalled you think that way–”
“I mean! Not to say I like that happening to anyone, either!” Foxpaw tried hurriedly to repair his statement. “But it’s just… you know. That’s what happens all the time. We have an outsider problem and we don’t interfere because we know we’re guarded enough already and, nature will, well…”
“All right, why don’t we just stop talking about this,” Heartstripe laughed strainedly, trying to put an end to the topic. It’s a little uncomfortable to see he thinks this way… I have no doubt it’s because of Glowroar. She shook her head thinking of the violence-happy golden tom. “I understand what you’re saying but Star Night is going to want to hear about this issue anyway.”
And I need to see how I can resolve this, to a permanent end, Heartstripe thought to herself, brows furrowing slightly as she gazed off into the starry sky. It’s my duty, now.
"Anyway, you think you did good?"
Foxpaw exclaimed proudly, "For sure! I think that's been one of my better training sessions recently! And next time, I won't get all clawed up by some little cats."
“During a training outing, Heartstripe suggests to Foxpaw that this would be a good time for them to practice all sorts of things. Foxpaw gives her all he’s got! However, when they’re about to leave, they have a stressful encounter with two strange cats. While the assumed rogues get away unharmed and Foxpaw is left scratched up, Heartstripe is determined to tell Star Night everything and figure out how to end this new problem.”
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When she's done, she feels so much lighter. All these dark thoughts were weighing on her and now, it was out and it felt good. But a new sort of apprehension appeared as she waited for Joel's answer.
It was important at this moment that he said the right words, any clumsy comment and he’d completely shatter his and your relationship with Ellie.
He did his best to comfort her, remind her she was your kid—blood or not— and although it was normal and valid to feel that way, your love for her would never weaken. He’d probably finish with a humorous touch— “you’re the only one who can make shitty puns somehow funny”— and Ellie’s soothed by those words.
That evening, Joel obviously tells you all about how Ellie’s been feeling and your heart breaks for her. You never realized that a new baby would make the fact that Ellie was adopted much more present. For you, there was no difference between her and the child you carried but it was normal she wondered and felt insecure.
You also realized you might have made her feel left out. With the pregnancy, you’ve been more and more tired, sometimes not able to do the usual stuff you’d do together.
So the next weekend/day off, you prepared her favorite breakfast and woke her up, gently caressing her hair.
“We’re having a girls day, just you and me,” you announced.
Joel was with his brother so it would really be just you and her. Ellie sensed that it had to do with the conversation she had with Joel but she didn’t complain. You took her for a picnic in the forest and prepared a little surprise.
It’s quiet at first. You try to engage conversation with her but you feel like you need to break the ice. So you give her the gift you kept for her birthday.
You’d searched for it for months and yeah, it was supposed to be for her birthday but it felt more right to give it now. It wasn’t like a “I’m buying your love” thing, it was more a way to show her that she mattered, that you cared about her.
It was a rocket ship model (you know those mini things you have to build yourself?) that you managed to find in an old supermarket after exploring the surroundings.
Inside the box, you also added a small card and a Polaroid picture Tommy took of you, Joel and her one evening. She was sitting in the middle , giggling as you kissed her cheek and Joel was gazing at his girls, a bright smile on his face.
“I understand it’s been hard on you lately but I want you to know you’re still my Ellie bug and nothing—no one’s changing that”
Her eyes are burning with tears and she holds onto the picture, reminiscing about that particular night. Part of her feels stupid for those doubts she’s been having, especially when she sees all the effort you’ve made to find something she enjoys (and it was A LOT of effort).
You explain to her that she is very much your first child, no matter what biology says and yes, you’re going to love your baby of course but it doesn’t mean they’ll take her space. No, your heart is just going to grow a lot more and make space for the baby as well. Ellie keeps the same spot, she won’t have to share your love with another child. You’re honest with her of course and you tell her that you will have to focus on the baby, take care of them and it will be with you most of the time in the beginning. But it doesn’t mean the end of your relationship. You’re still going to tuck her in at night, help her with school projects, be her best friend and confidant. You’re still going to be her mom.
Things are going to change, you’ll have to find a new balance to welcome the newest addition to the family but Ellie’s place doesn’t change— apart from the fact that she’ll gain the status of big sister.
You also make sure to remind her that whenever she’s feeling doubts or having those dark thoughts, she can come to you and you’ll reassure her, however long she needs to be reassured.
And Ellie probably crumbles after hearing your words because she had been so scared, terrified really of finding herself all alone, again. She loves her future sibling, that’s not the issue. She just couldn’t see a future where she wasn’t put aside now that you had a “real” child.
You hug her tight and tell her how much you love her over and over because she needs to hear it. She needs to know you’re still her mom.
You promise to enjoy as much time as possible together until the baby arrive and then, try to organize things with her so she can still have you all to herself a little bit.
That night, when Joel arrives home, he is happy to see you giggling in the living room as you’re building the rocket-ship model together. He knows you’ve talked to Ellie and “fixed” things with her and when she goes upstairs to put the finished model in her bedroom , you tell him about your day with her.
From then on, you make sure to both include alone time with her— bonding with Joel when you need to rest and staying with you when you have the energy.
She feels much more secure and the rest of the journey is really just pure happiness. Obviously, she loves her sibling and now that her doubts have been cleared away, she’s all the more happy to share her joy with her parents <3
Wowza that was long and I feel like I might have rambled on a bit but I hope it’s still okay!! Feel free to add as much as you want about this :)
The bond between Joel and Ellie is so unique and so strong so without a doubt it would be so important for him to remind her that hey you are the queen of puns, you made my broody ass laugh remember? The diarrhea was crucial... They are similar in so many ways. So I think that Joel's role in this vital. Ellie has been his baby girl for so long, the first to break through Joel's iced up heart. So them two hugging on the top of a mountain together, while looking at a pretty sunset. Yes and yes.
To add to the girly time. Yep, you two now have dedicated time when you do things you love. Let's say you also love to paint. So you offer to teach her since most of the time Ellie chooses to just watch. You pick some random arrangement together or maybe even choose to paint one another. And it's just you two at home. Snacks all around as you chat about random stuff. I feel like a paint fight would break out. You would playfully dab your paintbrush onto Ellie's nose making her gasp and she's instantly turning to her paint before tapping her hands onto your arm. Joel coming home to paint splattered walls and you both laughing hysterically while laying in the middle of the living room.
I feel like Ellie just needs reassurance. Need that extra bit of love because she doesn't know what family is. Had no clue about that for 14 years of her life and now she found you both. If you got taken away she would absolutely crumble because now she knows what happiness looks like. So it's time that she needs. Words of encouragement to make her believe that she actually deserves to be loved by you and Joel.
Now I'm also thinking about how fun it would be for Ellie to paint your growing bump... my brain is going places...
No, but after this little downfall it would all be blissful. Ellie would get to experience the excitement of becoming a bigger sibling. I feel like then she would worry that she might not be good enough for that. Just this time she would tell you both about this fear so you and Joel would be able to kill off any doubt that she has sooner. Telling her that the fact that she even worries about that shows that she cares. The fact that's she's been bringing home random books. Sharing her spaceship collection adding it to the nursery. Helping Joel and you paint star constellations on the ceiling and stuff.
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hyenahunt · 6 months
Saga: Rivals - 11
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Chiaki, Eichi, Tori
Proofreading: moricchiichan (JP) & Peace (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Eichi: Not at all. I only said we’re friends as pleasantries. You’re a presence of absolutely no account to me, Chiaki.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Classroom 3-A
Chiaki: So you don’t know the origins of the name Lilith either, Tenshouin…
Actually, this might be a bit late to say, but I heard from Hidaka’s dad that these things aren’t officially announced yet. Is it okay for me to hear this name?
Eichi: Yes, an impatient fool with no clue about the risks of information leaking already made it viral on the net.
Well, it’s probably still part of their promotion strategy, of their production design…
CosPro’s Saegusa-kun is very clever in that scene — diligent, actually.
Conversely, this means as long as he’s involved, there’s no way that there isn’t any deep meaning behind it.
Maybe he didn’t name Lilith himself, but he should’ve argued, considering the nature of the name.
I would, if I were him. The fact that Lilith got approved and spread despite that means…
…it does fulfill some form of purpose.
They’re different from your Rain-bows, or the Knight Killers I once belonged to.
They were formed with the mission to save CosPro from decline.
Their name and work content should have been designed with great care and polish. Failure is not pardoned; they can’t afford to let anything unforeseen happen.
Chiaki: Hmm… I’m sorry to say this when you’re being so nice and putting so much thought into this, but is it something to be so fixated on?
Eichi: Yes, because names are important. I named the Five Eccentrics as such to invoke the imagery of otherworldly, out of touch beings whom none would wish to understand — to put it bluntly, inhuman; it’s exactly because I’d made the same calculation in the past that it bothers me so much.
Ah… I see; the Five Eccentrics. Aha, is that it? If I remember correctly, in Lilith, there’s a boy named Sazanami Jun whose father was —
Hmm, they just caused a great disaster by playing a similar hand in SS, so I’d like to think they wouldn’t rake over the ashes a second time.
But I’ll take some precautions.
Chiaki: …? What are you talking about — Sazanami? I’ve heard of him; he’s from Eden, who was Trickstar’s final opponent in SS, right?
Actually… I thought the same thing back then, too. That I’d heard of his name somewhere.
Right, right! I think the guy who filled the position of Sagami-sensei’s rival back when he was active was called Sazanami too?
Eichi: Yes. Sazanami Jun-kun is his son, apparently. I’ve done some research. Blood relation is an illusion, but it leaves footprints that can’t be covered up.
…I’m sorry, Chiaki. I need to look up something, so I’ll stop our conversation here. If their intention is to overlap the images of Sazanami Jun and Lilith…
Chiaki: …? Alright then, let me know if you find something out. I’m counting on you; but really, I'm sorry to depend on you so much.
Eichi: Think nothing of it. Aren’t we friends?
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Tori: Excuse me~!
Ah, there he is — Morisawa-senpai! Why don't you check your phone more?
Today’s not Rain-bows’s usual work day, but we just got summoned on an emergency —
They said we should gather ASAP! But you didn't turn up, Morisawa-senpai, so I came all the way here to pick you up, you know~?
We’re not gathering on the rooftop like usual, so I’ll lead the way, ‘kay?
Chiaki: Ooh, Himemiya! Sorry, sorry! The third years had an interview regarding our career path today, you see? It’s been so busy the whole day that I didn’t have a minute to spare to check my phone!
Tori: Oh? But you seem to be taking your time chatting with somebody, as far as I can see~
…Oh wait — Prez! Huh, why? Ahh, that’s right, you’re in Morisawa-senpai’s class, aren’t you…?
Eichi: Why hello, Tori. Isn’t it such a nice day? You’re adorable as ever.
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Tori: Eh!? E-Ehehe…♪
Chiaki: Yes, adorable, very adorable! So adorable that I could eat you up! ☆
Tori: Doesn’t make me happy at all coming from you, Morisawa-senpai.
…Actually, it’s surprising to see you two together. Why are you chatting around like friends? Unless you really are friends?
(Oh, shoot! If I knew, I would’ve acted like a good boy in front of Morisawa-senpai!)
(I’ve been so rude towards him the whole time~ What if the Prez finds out?)
Chiaki: Yup! We’re really good friends! Aren’t we, Tenshouin? ♪
Eichi: Not at all. I only said we’re friends as pleasantries. You’re a presence of absolutely no account to me, Chiaki.
Chiaki: What a fiend you are! Come on, we get along swimmingly, don’t we? You always look for me the first thing whenever we have to pair up for PE!
Eichi: That’s because Keito would get all overprotective and try to pair up with me if I didn't…
You’re the safest option I have. I can’t say “Pair up with me♪” to Itsuki-kun even as a joke.
Chiaki: Couldn’t you ask Hakaze or Sena, then?
Even if Itsuki or Mikejima-san might not be options… But well, I understand why you wouldn’t want to pair up with people you often fought on DreamFest.
On that point, Ryuseitai is and has always been on pretty good relations with fine.
Eichi: Since you started to take charge, that is. Shinkai-kun is with you, though, so I actually take care not to match up against Ryuseitai for DreamFests.
But there’s nothing I can do in S1s that assemble many different units, so in those cases, I just leave it to fate.
Chiaki: …Hmm. Do you feel some kind of guilt towards the Five Eccentrics, after all?
Eichi: No. Not me, but Wataru — He doesn’t show it on his face or attitude, but he has difficulties going against his friends.
Tori: Uhh…?
Eichi: Oops. Forgive me, Tori, I end up dragging out the conversation. I suppose it’s about time we part for our respective destinations.
It'll be the end of our lunch break before we know it if we don’t hurry, too.
Chiaki: Alright. You did say you had something to look up. Let us depart, Himemiya — towards the brilliant future, together…☆
Tori: Whoa — Don’t pull me~! You don’t have to be in such a hurry, it’s not that much of an emergency!
Eichi: Ahaha. Have fun, you two. Let’s talk again later…♪
Tori: Y-Yeah! Bye bye, Prez! Let’s meet again in Stuco or fine…♪
[ ☆ ]
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Mimic Chapter 26
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Memories resurface with the first step in unknown territory for everyone.
Words- 3984
Reader x MHA (Platonic)
Warnings: Injury, angst, death, fluff, annnnd we actually are getting a relationship.
Your voice is cold as you begin to walk away before stopping to glance back, “As far as you’re concerned…I don’t even exist.”
It felt like a weight had been lifted off you by just speaking your mind but you couldn’t help but frown at the almost empty feeling in your chest. Like you left something behind with All Might as you entered the dorms. The evening had already arrived so your classmates had already returned you could hear pestering from some of the boys to Bakugo as he yells at them. You drag your body further into the dorms reaching the couches where some of your classmates sit. You spot Mina and Kirishima on one of them conversing with others.
Your eyes meet with Mina and she raises her hand waving to you but her smile drops slightly seeing the conflicted look on your face. You plop onto the couch leaning against the pink-haired girl your head resting on her shoulder while she and the redhead seemed to have a conversation with their eyes looking down at you concerned. Mina looks down at you running her hand on your back,
“You okay?” She asks and you just groan on her shoulder and she frowns. Yeah, that wasn’t good, “Haven’t you eaten at all? We should probably check your injuries.” She says and you see Kirishima nod,
“Yeah Sato made some really good food tonight, we were just about to eat!” Kirishima tries to get something out of you but you just close your eyes sinking deeper into the couch and burying your face further into Mina’s neck.
“I don’t wanna.” You mumble and Mina looks down at you before frowning standing up from the couch as you fall over losing your headrest.
“Nope come on. I’m fine with you keeping secrets but I won’t let you mope around. Alright up.” She grabs your hands to pull you to your feet but you become a deadweight and she lets go of your hands as you flop back further onto the couch. Mina gives you a look her hands on her hips before she looks over at the male.
“Kirishima help me please.” She says a look of exhaustion as the redhead chuckles standing to his feet.
“Y/n either get up or you leave me no choice,” Mina warns you and you scoff settling deeper into the couch.
“I’m fine, I don’t wann-eat!” Your whine turns into a yell as Kirishima grabs your waist lifting you as if you weigh nothing throwing you over his shoulder, “Put me down! You’re hurting my ribs.” You yell at Kirishima and Mina banging your hands against his back while some of your classmates laugh at the situation.
“You’ll live,” Mina says as the two of them make their way into the kitchen with you on his shoulder. With your vision upside down you catch the waves and laugh at your classmates as you pass them, returning them with glares and middle fingers. Your gaze meets Midoriya who has a small grin on his face seeing the situation but there was something else on his mind as you turn the corner leaving the common area. With your horrible ride service as you are brought right side up the blood rushing from your head makes you dizzy as your sit in one of the chairs. Kirishima gives you a cheesy grin which you don’t reciprocate while Mina returns sitting next to you with two plates of food.
The smell of the home-cooked meal fills your sense as your stomach rumbles and Mina grins while your face flushes before you reluctantly grab your plate and dig in. Kirishima returns sitting on the other side of you before feasting as well. “How were classes?” You say and you see the two of them sag at the thought of classes. You listen to them groan over the new English you’re learning with Present Mic and just everything they didn’t understand in just a day you had been gone.
“And the works studies we may have to try I wonder if we’re going to be placed under the same internship as before?” Kirishima says and you perk up hearing a new word you haven’t heard of.
“Work studies?” You ask and Mina explains,
“They are a more immersive version of the internships before but don’t worry Mr. Aizawa said it wasn’t likely for first years to partake. They are usually for upperclassmen.” She says and you nod looking down at your empty plate. You wonder what would be a more immersive internship than when you went against Stain and almost got yourself killed. You would only learn more information when you return. So you enjoyed this small moment of peace while you could.
The room was cold and damp the only sounds you could hear were the water dripping from the empty pipes and your breathing. Your bones ached as you sat against the wall trying to preserve your warmth and soothe your hunger when footsteps grew closer. Pushing yourself further into the corner trying to disappear into the shadows as they grow louder and fear seeps through the walls as they stop right in front of the door and it creaks open.
“Come.” The voice beckons as you bring yourself to shaky legs your soft footsteps echoing through the hall as you are brought to the room with the doctor. You didn’t like that room you would enter that room but you would come out of it. He said it was to train your body to handle when he needs. It was painful as you felt your body be torn apart, your screams fills the room as your mind fought to keep control but you weren’t strong enough and would succumb to his will. It was dark every time you lost, you couldn’t move, you couldn’t speak, you could barely breathe all you could do was listen and try to understand what was happening.
Your vision comes back as you hit the ground gasping for air feeling bile rise up your throat expelling it to the ground. The acidic burn in your throat causes you to cry out more as you hold yourself up with trembling hands. His heavy hand touches your shoulder as you flinch in fear before it travels up to your head petting it as you shiver at his touch.
“You’re responding well dear child,” His voice is cold as he praises you but you don’t feel comforted by it, “You will become my perfect weapon.”
You gasp for air as your vision clears the bright lights burning your eyes as your body trembles from the memory the voices around you are muffled as your vision begins to clear and the ringing fades as the voices become clearer.
“We’re getting more information but most of her memories are blank due to All For One using her.” Someone says as someone passes you water that you accept with shaky hands. You were sure how you agreed to this but returning to the station you were introduced to a psychologist that was added to the case. They wanted to dive deeper into the time that you were with All For One those undocumented years of your life that you believed were with your foster families. His quirk allowed him to view memories in a digital format, so by viewing your memories they could gain evidence and learn more about your past.
“I can’t find any memories where she’s in control. There are just blanks before it jumps forward to document memories.” The psychologist explains wiping sweat from his brow the overuse of his quirk starting to hit.
“Well dive deeper! Go past the blanks, there’s information that is valued for this case in that girl’s head so find it.” The same annoying officer from before demands god you didn’t like that you were stuck with her while Tsukauchi was pulled away but intrusted this process in her bitchy hands. You wanted to throw a snarky comment her way but your mouth was heavy your body drained from reliving a multitude of memories that left you exhausted. He frowns before looking at you concerned but you just nod slowly at him. Just get it over with. He sighs in pity before reaching one hand to the TV they had brought in and the other against your head and then everything went dark.
You could smell something burning as your eyes opened and you saw destruction all around you. It was chaos, the roaring flames, the crumbling buildings, and the screams. They seemed to come from every direction as people scream in pain or cried out for their loved ones. You felt frozen in place like cement was in your shoes stopping you from moving. Your eyes took in everything you could before you hear someone draw closer, their feet crunching the rubble and glass under them. Before you felt a hand rest on your shoulder.
“You have done well Y/n.” His dark voice echoes as you just watch the world burn around you. You couldn’t have done this…no you don’t do that. You couldn’t have…
“What did you make me do…” Your voice is soft as the sirens almost drown you out.
“I didn’t do a thing,” He laughs and you look up at him your eyes widen seeing his deformed face. His face or what was left of it was covered in blood you didn’t understand how he was still able to stand.
“This was your free will.” Your heart drops to your stomach as you shake your head. No…you didn’t want to hurt anyone. You press your hands on your face to hide when you feel something smudge against your face, pulling your hands back you recoil seeing them stained red. You pull your hands back as a choked sob comes out as he laughs at your breakdown while the world burns around you.
You hear a whimper and you look down to see a woman who is holding her child, she cries out when your eyes meet having been caught.
“Help us please!” Her cries are frantic as you watch her try to free herself, her leg pinned down between rubble. Dust and blood coat her as her shrill voice screams for help as her child wails into the air. You feel your hand raise without your control as you look at it like it’s a foreign object as power starts to fill your arm.
“Stop what are you doing!” You cry out trying to push your arm down with your other but it won’t budge as his arm is raised as well like controlling a puppet pointed at the woman and her child.
“She’s seen too much. She can’t leave alive.” His words cause the woman to grow hysterical as she wails for mercy for herself or just her child but it falls on his deaf ears.
“Please don’t do this, please I don’t want to!!” You cry out tears streaming down your face as red sparks surround your arm and you look away as she screams for help.
“I’M SORRY!” You scream out before the power becomes too much and explodes.
You turn away from the sight now having an outside view in on the memory as the screams from the woman and child grow deadly silent as your younger self screams and sobs while All For One watches you. You feel bile grow in you, that vision during the license exam…it wasn’t the future it was you. You killed her...you killed her child.
“This isn’t real. It can’t be real..oh god…oh god.” You feel the air grow thin as your hands shake. The tightness in your chest wouldn’t leave as your shaky legs hit the ground, glass digging into your palms and knees but you grew numb to the pain, the panicking not ceasing. You killed them. Killer...Murderer…villain. How could you call yourself a hero?
“You’re no hero. A hero would have never done this.”
You can’t continue…you couldn’t do this. It was all too much. How could you live on knowing blood stains your hands, who knows how many other people died under your hand when you were with All For One?!
“I wanna go home. Please I wanna go. I’m done. Stop it now! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!” Your voice grows more frantic and manic as you scream out into the air, fire and screams still around as you try to leave your memory.
“MIDORIYA! MINA! MR. AIZAWA! ANYONE HELP ME!” Your voice grows raw as you pull at your hair scratching at yourself to wake yourself up. This wasn’t like Mindbreaker, you didn’t have control this time.
“She’s resisting I can’t keep forcing her.” The voice is muffled but you hear it as you spin around trying to find them through the destruction.
“We’re so close just a push that’s all we need.” Another voice is muffled as you trip against some rocks hitting the ground your palms bloody but you push yourself up and continue to find that voice.
“SOMEBODY PLEASE!” You cry out when you see a figure standing in the distance, “Hey!” You call out and you see them turn to look at you and it’s the psychologist watching the chaos around you.
You run up but you hit a wall as your eyes widen in fear, an invisible block between the two of you as your fist bang against the barrier.
“Please I wanna go home! Let me out!” You cry tears streaming down your face as you see him step forward going to help you but an outside force seems to stop him as he steps back and you grow frantic. Your fists slam against it as you beg to let you go.
“PLEASE I’M SORRY! I WANT THIS TO STOP!” You scream and he looks distressed before he turns away and starts to walk away and the barrier starts to cover up reflecting the world you’re in.
“No…NO NO NO!” You scream as your left in your memory. You didn’t want this. You wanted to leave. This wasn’t what you wanted. Rearing your fist back your hit the wall and an explosion comes off from it as the world around you shakes and your hand shakes your fist bleeding from hitting the barrier having done no damage. Sending another explosion has little effect on the world-shaking again. Raising your hand as red sparks comes off it as you look at the world around you... You didn’t want this. Why didn’t they stop?
“Show them..” Far more powerful than any time you’ve used All For One’s power surges through you as your fist demolishes the world around you. Was this what they wanted to see? The power you contained in you. You fall through nothingness before your body hits the ground.
“Y/n…?” His voice says as you lift your head seeing him looking down at you.
“Tenko..” You whisper out as he steps closer to you kneeling as you push yourself to your knees, your arm was completely broken as you were covered in blood and dust.
He just looks over you in confusion and almost horror at your bloody figure, “what..happened to you?” You shake your head grabbing his arm with your good hand as he gently holds your body in his arms making sure not all his fingers are touching you,
“You have to stop this Tenko…please. All For One is going to kill us all for his goal.” You beg him and he seems confused before his gaze hardens.
“Master is going to help us Y/n…you just have to see. I’m doing this for us.” He says and you shake your head.
“Please you have to believe me! You can stop all of this. We can be together if you stop. Don't do this.” You clutch his coat as he looks conflicted, “Let me see you…we can figure this out together.” Your voice is soft as he looks away before looking back at you the hand still covering his face. His background seems to grow around him slowly becoming clear,
“I’m with the-” A creak fills the emptiness as he pauses and the two of you turn and you see the psychologist looking at the two of you. His eyes widen when he realizes you two can see him and your brother pulls away looking at the doctor with a murderous look before looking at you with a look of betrayal on his face while your face is shocked.
“You…” He hisses out glaring at you and your mouth opens trying to explain, reaching out to him but his background quickly disappears along with him leaving you in darkness once again. Your hand still stretched out grasping at nothing before falling to your lap beside your broken arm.
“Ms. Shimura.” Your head snaps over to him and he can’t help but shiver in fear at the look on your face.
“Get out of my head.” You hiss your eyes flashing red as your hair floats and you wake up.
You blink getting used to the light and quickly getting used to the yelling that was in the room your vision slightly blurry, “She should be put in custody! She clearly hiding information in the investigation!” The female officer yells before more yelling ensues.
“She is guilty of obstruction of justice and the possible homicide charges!” Her shrill voice yells at you trying to get closer to you but is held back by Tsukauchi who is yelling back at her. Your gaze drifts to seeing the psychologist being tended to by another officer their nose was bleeding profusely as they handle the bleeding.
“y/n…Shimura…Y/n!” A voice calls out to you and your head is moved to look to see Mr. Aizawa who is looking at you concerned while holding something against your nose, “You’re done okay..” He says calmly while helping you up to your feet. You felt disoriented as you’re taken out of the room, but you’re able to take in the state of it. The table is flipped over, files all over the place, and the TV that was being used was cracked and smoke coming from it. The door closes behind you two you could still hear the yelling from inside but it was muffled. Mr. Aizawa seemed to speak to you but your hearing was fading as you seem to have tunnel vision. At the end of the hallway you see Nana standing there looking concerned but when someone passes in front of her it changes to All Might.
“Nana…” You whisper as black spots appear in front of your vision as your legs buckle under you and the last thing you hear is Aizawa and All Might calling your name out before your vision turns to black.
Y/n why would you do this to me…How could you?
Tenko… The abyss was quiet but you could feel his betrayal the hurt he felt as you floated in the nothingness.
I’m sorry.
So am I.
What you were laying on was soft as you slowly blink your eyes open confused but surprised to find yourself back in the dorms, lying in your bed. The mid-day light streamed through your balcony as you push yourself to sit up rubbing the exhaustion from your eyes. You felt disoriented you remember being at the police station before nothing. A knock on your door has you turning to look at it. Calling for whoever it was to enter the doorknob twist before the door creaks open and you’re surprised to see Midoriya peeking his head inside.
“You’re awake that’s good.” He smiles softly entering holding a small plate of toast and fruits he places the plate on your nightstand and leans against your bed. You look at the plate and then back at the boy confused.
“I thought you might like some food to help get your energy back,” He says his face slightly flushed rubbing the back of his neck, “Mr. Aizawa brought you in while the class was at lunch. You were unconscious and he seemed really upset over whatever happened to you. Kacchan and I told everyone that you didn’t want to be bothered if anyone asked. You slept the entire day yesterday and to midday today.” He explains as you nod. Everything seemed fuzzy but your memory from yesterday became clearer, the interrogation, the memories, seeing Tenko…What All For One made you do..what you did in your own free will.
“I did horrible things Midroriya…and. I don’t know how I can keep being a hero after knowing the truth about everything.” You whisper and Midoriya goes still as silence fills the room. You could still hear the screams and fire burning away around you, the warm liquid that stained your body. Though long gone now is still thick on your skin with its sins.
His hand grasps yours holding it as you look into his eyes, “Whatever All For One made you do wasn’t in your control. You were forced to do it to survive.” He squeezes your hand and his smile is sincere and gentle.
“You’re going to be a hero, and your past doesn’t define who you are...I see the good in you even from the moment I met you” He says and you nod faintly as you bask in the calming energy that pours off him.
“Thank you.” You say and his eyes widen slightly what was there for you to thank him for, “For believing in me even when I don’t. I just feel like everyone is so hesitant that I just go crazy. When I came back from Kamino I knew what they all thought, I felt the stares, the comments behind my back.” You had joined the League, Shigaraki oblivious knew who you were so what was your connection with them? If anyone would be a traitor it would be the girl who can copy quirks.
“I just feel like you’re the only person that understands where I’m truly coming from. I just hate having to keep all these secrets from everyone. So I just want to thank you…for being with me…for being my friend.” You couldn’t explain why you felt like confessing all that to him, you just felt safe around him. He’s a hero it made sense for him to feel like that. You hadn’t noticed until now the collage of green in his eyes as he looks at you or the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. The freckles covered his face like stars but the prominent four on each of his cheeks were like constellations. Hands roughen with scars but warm still holds yours the daylight streaming into your room as you take him in both of you enjoying the company in silence.
You can’t explain what went through you as he looks back at you and smiles. The same smile that lights up a room with just pure happiness and then your lips are pressed against his own.
It was over as quickly as it began. His eyes are like saucers his face bright red as your eyes widen your hands covering your mouth. “I-I am so sorry... I don’t.” You stumble over your words as he stands up quickly fumbling his words.
“No yeah! Um…I gotta get back to clean..and ya know uh other stuff.” His face is still bright red as he nods waving his hands pointing outside before leaving the door quickly closing behind him. Looking back at the door you can’t help but ignore the pain in your chest. Is it better that you both were surprised by it? It’s fine it's better this way, you can’t hurt anyone. It was a simple mistake…
Then why did it hurt so much?
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pen-of-roses · 1 year
WHG Prompt 2-The Reaping
WHG Tag List: @concealeddarkness13 @ratracechronicler @maple-writes @clocksandchaos @knmartinshouldbewriting @forthesanityofsome (let me know if you want to be added!)
Serah Reide
“Evan, why are there three bowls on the stage?”
It was still a roar in their ears as they leaned forward to ask him over the murmur of the growing crowd. There were still a lot of people–a lot of children–in front of them in the line. And it only kept growing. Too many of them were familiar faces they’d cared for over the years and specifically that morning.
“Didn’t you hear?” Lillian asked, appearing seemingly out of nowhere next to her and linking their arms. She wore the same dress, with her black hair up in a braid, similar to her own brown hair. But her usual smile was replaced with a grim expression and dark bags under her eyes.
“Hear what?” Evan asked, though he only inclined his head back rather than turn. His sister was only a few steps in front of him, and like the past couple years, he wouldn’t take his eyes off her until all of this was over.
“Some of the Districts are required to send in three this year.”
“What?” He said at the same time they said, “That’s against their own rules!”
“You think they care?” Lillian hissed back. “They’re sending children to their deaths for fun every year, and they raise and lower the ages whenever they want. We’re not even supposed to be here.”
Someone started to cry near them, and they sent Cast up her arm to stop her from saying anything else.
Now wasn’t the time nor place for that. Not with everyone already well aware of what was about to happen and the heavy blanket of fear covering everything from the stage outwards.
The Dread was louder and louder with every step forward. They barely even felt the prick to their finger because of it. 
Evan’s mouth moved, but his words were lost in the rushing whispers. Still, they could guess the general meaning. Stay safe, don’t do anything reckless, meet up afterwards in the usual place. 
They nodded and squeezed his hand. 
The weight of what was coming kept Lillian from even trying to talk. Instead, they both walked through the crowd to the proper spot on autopilot. Every Caster being required to be in the same outfits helped with that. But even being among the familiar faces, people she’d known for years and considered more of family than most considered their blood relatives, couldn’t stop the roar. If anything, it made it worse.
It would be over soon.
And then it would repeat again next year. And the year after. And the year after. 
And there was nothing she could do.
The officials and victors took the stage, and it began. Just like every year.
Except more would die this year than normal.
There was nothing they could do.
Stopping the ceremonies wouldn’t prevent anyone from being called. And even if it did, there were still all the other Districts’ children, and it would still happen again later. They couldn’t save everyone.
The Dread was almost deafening now as the escort stepped up to the mic. Even if there were words to be heard in those thunderous whispers, there would be no hope of understanding them at this volume. 
And besides that, there was nothing they could do to stop it.
Warmth licked up her arm. For the second time in one day, she’d accidentally called Cast. If any Peacekeepers saw it, they’d take it as an act of aggression, and act with extreme prejudice given that it was at the Reaping of all events.
One of the victors turned towards them, possibly to point them out.
 Lillian grabbed her hand to cover it with a too tight squeeze to ground her. Focus on that instead. 
Focus, and she just might make it through this.
Focus on the powdery white face from the makeup and mint green lips and hair on screen. Try to make out what’s being said. Remember the escort's name. Focus on the way the dress moves and shines with her steps. Try to count the number of names in the–the number of gems on her sleeve. Remember which year every victor won. Focus on the new face on–
They knew that face.
They hadn’t heard the name, but they knew that face.
“Thank you, Miss Reide…I’m still scared though.”
Edel walked up to the stage on wobbly legs. 
It was his first year and he had sat in her kitchen maybe two hours early, trembling. It was his first year and she had told him his name wouldn’t be picked. It was his first year and she had promised that someone else would volunteer if he was. It was his first year and–
No one was stepping forward to stop it.
There was nothing she could do to stop the games, there was no way to save everyone.
They couldn’t even hear the words leave their mouth.
But they could do this. And they could save someone, just one person.
Lillian’s grip was a vice on her arm, not letting her move. “Serah you can’t.”
“We still qualify this year.”
Their steps echoed in the silence as they walked up to the stage. All eyes on them, making their skin crawl. But they didn’t stop.
“And what is your name?” The escort asked with an outstretched hand and too sharp smile.
“Serah. Serah Reide.”
It was only after giving up her name that it registered, looking over the crowd of stricken faces. The roar was gone, and the Dread was silent.
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cartoonfuel · 2 years
Mind Games Chapter 10
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Chapter 10: Don’t Let It Kill You First
See Chapter 1 for trigger warnings, rating, etc.
Chapter 11: I’m The King
Shortly following the villains’ parade out of the building, the feathers restraining you returned to Hawks. After waving goodbye to his comrades, he let out a long sigh and twisted around to smirk at you, his typical nonchalant demeanor on display.
It made you want to punch him.
“Are things going a bit too fast for you now?” he tutted. “That must be the case.” He stepped towards you, your back connecting with the warehouse wall. “Especially now that your quirk has quite literally walked away from you.”
“What is going on here?” you hissed at the supposed Pro Hero. “Are you really—”
You and Hawks heard the doors to the building open again. Dabi re-entered the room wearing the same dull expression he always did. “I cannot believe Shigaraki chose you to hold down the fort,” Dabi sulked, approaching the two of you as his eyes looked you up and down. “And here I thought maybe it’d be my turn.”
“What are you talking about?” Hawks crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at the villain.
“Oh, nothing really,” Dabi replied. “It’s simply not a decision I’d make if I were the one leading this organization.”
“Boohoo,” you cut in, mocking the two of them.
“You know, it is rather impressive how rational you’re acting. You wouldn’t be a bad fit around here…if you weren’t quirkless, that is.” He shrugged, reaching for an item on the floor a few feet in front of you. “No matter.” He turned and began wandering away, stuffing the item in his pocket. “Forgot my earpiece. See ya.”
Much to your surprise, the doors shut gently, leaving you alone with Hawks again—who swiftly flew up to the ceiling and peered through a window, gracefully landing back on the ground a moment later. “Okay, I think we’re alone,” he stated.
“No shit,” you snapped.
“No, that’s not what I mean,” he said, giving you a stern look. “I can’t tell you everything, but please understand that whatever I told you in the hospital was genuine.”
“How can you lie through your teeth like that?”
Hawks hid his face in his hands. “Aya, I know you heard my thoughts earlier.” He then ran a gloved hand through his hair, locking eyes with you after taking a deep breath. “Think about it.” He had a point. You remember hearing a few warnings mixed in with the League’s internal monologuing. “My biggest problem is, I’m not sure if I should be siding with someone who wants to 'dismantle the hero ranking system.' Quite frankly, I don’t think I should even be telling you this much.”
You glanced away for a second, taken aback by Hawks’ so-called problem. Your perspective was entirely different now that you could no longer read Hawks’ mind. Was this how people went about every day? Trying to interpret facial expressions was the worst. “I’m…confused,” you murmured.
“As much as I might want to, I can’t just let you walk out of here,” Hawks informed you, rubbing his temples. “But I can assure you, I am no Villain.”
You changed the subject. “Do you know what Shigaraki wants to do with me?”
“I believe he intends to invade UA using Doppelgänger’s quirk,” Hawks explained. “Which also requires using your quirk as an alarm system to sneak them inside.”
“Why did Toga need my blood?”
“That I’m not sure. I’m assuming she has the blood of a few different people in her arsenal. I refuse to let her near me, though.”
You furrowed your brow. “Wait, but what do they want with UA?”
“One last go at All Might,” Hawks spat. “Tomura Shigaraki’s suspicious of what happened to All Might’s power. While the League may consider this a small-scale invasion, it’s just as much of a stealth mission.”
“That seems stupid,” you gawked, sliding down the wall into a sitting position. “There are so many Pro Hero teachers at that school. The League is walking into a trap.”
“Not with Doppelgänger pulling his little puppets’ strings. He’ll separate people from their quirks left and right, and he'll have a hell of a time doing it.” Hawks walked towards you and sat down, joining you on the floor and removing his gloves. “Shigaraki told me to stay here so that I can come and rescue the heroes and students later.”
You tilted your head at him. “Seriously?”
“It’s not too horribly orchestrated. It’ll be kinda like picking up my emo kids from school.” Hawks was silent for a brief moment. “And if you didn’t know, Shigaraki’s preference was to have you join the League. I’m not entirely sure what happened but he pulled a complete one-eighty towards the end there.”
“And you’re just going through with all this?”
“For now.” Hawks stood up, cracking his knuckles and tucking away his gloves inside his jacket. “I can’t let you leave yet, so if you’d follow me back to that cell—”
“Are you crazy?” You shot to your feet, balling your fists. “No way in hell!”
“I promise I can send help soon, but I need to make it look like you were rescued by someone else. I could phone Mirko, for example, or even a hero of your choice. Because realistically speaking, you would have no chance escaping this place with me on guard duty, quirkless or not.”
“So what am I supposed to—”
Hawks grabbed you by the arm. “Fake it till you make it, sweetheart,” he said harshly, yanking you toward a familiar hallway. Once you had reached your favorite little room, he held you in place by lifting your wrist high above his head. “Now, you can go willingly or I can throw you in.” He gave you about two seconds to respond—but you weren’t aware of this, so when he heard silence from you, he shrugged and tossed you inside with ease. He seemed to be enjoying this villain charade a little too much. “So, what hero do you want to get you outta here?” You stubbornly didn’t reply, exhausted of Hawks’ act. “You do know I’m still not entirely sure I can trust you. You should be grateful I’m offering to do this.”
“If you encounter Doppelgänger again and recover your quirk, don’t look into his eyes…that’s how he activates his power. M’kay?”
“How do I recover my—”
“Don’t let it kill you first.” Following that, Hawks closed the door, the sound of the door locking echoing in your mind.
Seconds became minutes and minutes turned into hours. You sat in silence, several waves of grief washing over you. So many opportunities…gone. The opportunity to be a Hero? Declined. A Villain? Declined. At least you could say you had some great friends—
And then there was an explosion. Your head jerked to look at the door. A voice called to you from the other side. “Oi! Aya, you in there?”
Was that…Bakugou? “Yes, I’m here!” you shouted back. “Did…Hawks send…you?” You were expecting another Pro Hero—not a high school student.
“What? Hawks? Hell no! Deku forced me out here. Now get away from the door, I’m blowing it up!” Without hesitation, you backed away, plugging your ears and shutting your eyes to protect yourself from the blast.
Bakugou waved the smoke away with his arms, and the moment he was clearly visible, you ran to embrace him. He was as stiff as a board of course.
“Sorry,” you commented as you released him, your hair catching on his hero costume's headpiece.
“Bakugou, are you blushing?” another voice asked, a very pensive Todoroki standing in the doorway to your left. You panicked and pulled away from Bakugou, losing some strands of hair in the process.
“I am not, Half-and-Half Bastard!” Bakugou roared at his classmate.
“In any case, we need to get out of here as soon as possible,” Todoroki said with a shrug. “We don’t want Midoriya to run into any trouble.”
You began following the two out, caution being a top priority. “Todoroki, Bakugou, how did you find me?”
“We followed a villain here undetected,” Todoroki explained to you. “Midoriya is standing guard just outside the building.”
"Is UA safe?"
"I'm not sure, it took some time for us to figure out any leads after you disappeared. Last we knew, everything was as it should be, aside from catching a villain near campus."
"And now that we have our Provisional Hero Licenses, this gives us some fun shit to do," Bakugou added, coming to a sudden halt before stepping outside of the facility through the main doors. He held a hand up, commanding you and Todoroki to freeze. "Wait a damn minute, what's with all the questions? Can't you tell what's going on by listening to our thoughts?"
Shyly, your eyes shifted downward. "I...can't, no."
"What happened?" Todoroki asked with a downcast expression.
"It's a long story. What matters most is that we get me to UA so I can explain everything to the faculty. Things aren't looking good."
As soon as the three of you made it outdoors, Midoriya came into view...though he didn't look very excited to see you. "Hey!" he screamed. "I need backup, it's—”
Bright blue fire then manifested behind Deku, lighting up the night sky. If it weren’t for his speed, the boy would’ve been burned alive in a matter of seconds. "It's Dabi!" Deku finished his sentence as he joined alongside you.
You gawked at him. "It was Dabi you followed back here?!" Using the coldest ice he could muster, Todoroki quickly put out the surrounding blue flames. Right afterward, Bakugou eagerly jumped in front, his crimson eyes locking onto Dabi's figure which had emerged from behind a tree.
"I didn't know there'd be a welcome party waiting for me," Dabi snickered, his arms outstretched as if he wanted a hug.
"Why aren't you with the others?" you snapped, taking a step forward.
"I got bored."
“What, did my mind tell you otherwise?” Dabi smirked, well aware of your quirkless state.
Deku narrowed his eyes at the fire-user, quickly changing the subject. "Why aren’t you attacking?”
"Because I know when I'm outnumbered." He twirled around and began to walk away. "Thanks for the play date, Izuku. Let’s do it again sometime.”
Bakugou lunged forward, screaming, "Bastard!" He wasn't quite able to reach Dabi before a wall of cerulean fire engulfed him, sending him tumbling backwards into Todoroki. Despite this, the blonde had managed to activate Explosion in time to push Dabi backward, forcing him to have to dig his heels into the ground to stay upright.
Midoriya sprang into action, shouting, "Kacchan, stay with Aya! Todoroki, on your feet! I need your ice!" The two obeyed, Todoroki rolling Bakugou off of himself and dashing towards Midoriya and Dabi. After being hit with Dabi's fire, Bakugou was far less interested in bickering with Izuku about being ordered around.
Midoriya and Todoroki flanked the villain, dodging cobalt fire left and right. Eventually, Deku was close enough to land a kick, and you swore you could see fear in Dabi's eyes for a brief moment. All of a sudden, the fear then twisted into a sick pleasurable expression, Dabi dancing out of Midoriya's line of attack and placing a ball of fire right in the young hero's face. Luckily for Deku, Shoto noticed this and weakened the blow by casting a wall of ice between Dabi and Midoriya. While Deku still took a hit via the impact of Dabi's fist, the villain's hand was injured as it came into contact with Todoroki's ice.
Shoto then exclaimed, "Flashfire Fist!" In response, Dabi's eyes widened and he returned the attack, practically mirroring Shoto. Their fire collided, the attacks canceling each other out.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Midoriya jumping towards Dabi again. "Wyoming Smash!" he declared, successfully landing the attack and sending Dabi into the forest.
Katsuki stood up beside you, readying himself for battle again. “Is he…?”
Bakugou was interrupted by an eerie chuckle as Dabi came forth again, his nose appearing to have been broken by Deku’s Wyoming Smash. His eyes glowed in the crescent moon’s light, crimson liquid pouring freely from a wound near one of his temples. Meanwhile, the other half of the villain’s face was completely covered in blood.
“Wow, you brats have gotten stronger,” Dabi sneered, continuing to laugh. “You’ve also gotten on my nerves. Though it’s a good thing I came out here…it seems I’ve distracted you from the real business happening over at UA.”
“Where is the rest of the League?” Todoroki growled, Midoriya at his side.
“That’s just it, isn’t it? Oh, and Todoroki,” Dabi grinned, pressing a hand over his bloody eye. “Looks like you and I are twinning, now.”
“That’s enough talk!” Bakugou snapped, making his way over to stand next to his two teammates. He turned to Midoriya. “How are we supposed to detain him? Should I phone Eraserhead?”
“No,” Deku replied. “It sounds like we’re going to need Mr. Aizawa at UA.”
The villain laughed again. “You are all so foolish standing next to one another like that,” Dabi chortled as he effortlessly snapped his nose back into place. “Thanks for the bigger target, Shoto.” Dabi threw both hands forward, a tidal wave of sapphire flames heading towards Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou.
Right then and there, a new voice came into play.
“Flashfire Fist: Jetburn!”
Out of nowhere, the Number One Hero landed in front of you, his powerful attack protecting the trio of Class 1-A students. “Get out of here!” Endeavor demanded with a commanding presence. “I will handle this!”
Well, you four definitely weren’t going to argue with him. “Hawks, you son of a bitch,” you muttered to yourself.
When the fire surrounding everyone finally dispersed, Endeavor and Dabi stood several meters apart from one another, pride oozing out of the both of them. You, Deku, Bakugou and Todoroki started to evacuate the area, glancing over your shoulders to witness the Number One Hero in action.
“Endeavor,” Dabi said from afar, catching his breath. “What a…surprise.”
Chapter 11: I’m The King
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letterbite · 1 year
I see you on the weekend Dancing like a star You've practiced your lines To convince us you're fine But I know that's not where you are
We were kids in the car Having lighthearted arguments We don't know what's there 'til it's gone
Just hear me out And you might understand We're made up of the same blood
Throw me in the deep end I'm ready now to swim
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horrorxweasley · 2 years
Ok so, I share quite a bit of my life on Tumblr here because it is my only escape to rant everything going on in my life so it doesn’t bottle up. I do this also because I am basically anonymous on here only a few of my mutuals know what I look like/who I am.
This week has been the most fucking infuriating week I've ever had. 
I’ve shared on here that my boyfriend recently had a stroke and is currently recovering, he also has a congenital heart condition which a metal valve was placed to stop him from dying basically.
At the start of our relationship I made it my mission to research and understand as much of his heart condition as I could so I would understand his needs and how his body works. I started a note on my phone with all of this information. Same goes for when he had the stroke I made it my mission to know everything I can about strokes in relation to him and his other conditions. 
I’m putting it out there that I struggle pretty severely with my mental health and as you might imagine taking aboard all of this stuff is pretty extreme and is making my overthinking so much worse than it already was. So I get upset pretty easily and have panic attacks a lot.
Well, on Wednesday I was at his house, his parents were in and he had a hospital appointment. I was having a panic attack and his dad called us down ‘’for a talk’’ despite us both being adults (his parents treat us like children) to which I was already upset and not in the mood for so I refused to go down. My bf went down without me and says that I was upset so I wouldn’t come down.
“How can she STILL be upset, you had a stroke what a month ago she's no right or reason to be upset now. If she’s still getting upset maybe you should rethink her” 
So I go down stairs raging and they start to insult me, 2 grown adults start to insult their sons adult girlfriend.
They said that I basically don’t care about his health and don’t want him to live to his next birthday. 
That’s really funny to me because I am the ONLY person that cares for him, I go down 40 miles away from my home to care for THEIR son, while they fuck off 2 hours away to their caravan for 5 days. 
I was the one that phoned the ambulance despite my bf telling me NOT TO
I am the one that reminds him to take all of his medications
I am the one who helps him do his physio
I am the one who writes down what and how much medicine he takes
I am the one that writes down what his blood viscosity is
I am the one that cleans THEIR house when he’s puffed out and done too much
I am the one that cooks not only mine and my boyfriends dinner but also his BROTHERS DINNER WHO IS THE SAME AGE AS ME
I am the one that sacrifices my own mental and physical health to go down to the arsehole of Scotland to do all this
I am the one that moves away from my ill Gran (who I also care for the only other 2 days I'm free) to look after THEIR son
They said that because my bf wanted to come up to my house for a break from his psychotic twisted parents that he needed his head checked and then went on to say that ‘’you’re not the only one that needs your head checked son’’ referring to me and my mother that have done nothing but support and help my boyfriend.
They then told me that if I had any respect or cared about my boyfriends health that I should consult his parents before doing anything with him
Honestly I never liked his parents because of how they treated us and how they treated him in particular it is so fucked up but that just made me HATE the fuckers now I never use the word hate lightly but I genuinely HATE them now.
My bf apparently had a word with them and said how horrible they were to me and that I was already uncomfortable in that house but now they made me not want to go back. 
‘’oh we didn’t mean the things we said she took it the wrong way we didn’t mean that’’
when you said I didn’t care about my bf’s health conditions
when you said I needed my head checked
when you said I had to basically be a child and ask my 23 yro bf’s parents if we can go out and do things
when you said I was trying to kill him??
anyways that's the rant over I'm honestly just really pissed off 
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aeoki · 5 months
Fist of the Shangri-la Idol - Action Star: Chapter 10
Location: Chinese Restaurant Characters: Touri, Hokuto & Makoto Season: Summer
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Hokuto: You okay, Yuuki~!? I’ve come to save you!
Touri: Whaa!? Y–Y–You scared me! Don’t startle me like that, Hidaka-senpai! I thought the pervert came back!
Hokuto: Pervert? What happened…?
Makoto: Before I explain, can I ask why you’re flinging around a Chinese broadsword?
Hokuto: Save your quips for later, Yuuki.
Makoto: Well, if you were serious, then I wouldn’t have to say that!
Hokuto: I’m not trying to be funny at all. I’m always serious.
Makoto: Look, you’re basically trying to be funny by saying that! What’s going on with this joke monster…!?
Touri: Uwaaaaah, Hidaka-senpai~...
Hokuto: Woah, stop grabbing onto me! What’s wrong with you, Himemiya? There, there?
It’s okay now. I’ll protect you from all the pain and sad things that exist in this world.
Touri: No, you don’t have to go that far… *Sniffle* Uuu~ Why did I grab onto you? Stuff happened and now I’m getting confused!
Hokuto: Hehe. That must mean you unconsciously see me as a friend.
So that makes me a bit happy. I think our activities in “Rain-bows” were meaningful and valuable…
Touri: Yeah… But right now, we’re “fine” and “Trickstar”. We’re in the same agency but we’re rivals, okay?
So don’t get so chummy with me.
Hokuto: I wouldn’t know how to respond if you tell me that while hugging onto me so tightly like that, Himemiya ♪
Anyway, could you tell me what’s going on? What on earth happened?
Fushimi and I headed over in a panic after hearing your screams.
Hm? I don’t see Fushimi here. Did he forget where the Chinese restaurant was and got lost?
Makoto: Uh, Fushimi-kun wouldn’t do something you would in a situation like this, Hidaka-kun.
Touri: Yeah. Even if he did, there’s on way Yuzuru wouldn’t know where I am.
By the way, Yuzuru burst in before you did, saw the pervert getting close to me and flew into a rage…
It was the first time I’d ever seen Yuzuru acting like that.
Makoto: Yeah. But the pervert managed to get away, so Fushimi-kun’s chasing after him right now. It didn’t look like he was listening to us, either.
Actually, I was more scared of Fushimi-kun than the pervert.
That was probably real murderous intent.
I thought Fushimi-kun was pretty intense during filming, but it made me realise he was still holding back.
Hokuto: Hmm… What’s with the pervert? Who are they?
Touri: We dunno. I think they were just trying to break into the place.
It looks like they stole my toothbrush that was in my bag.
Hokuto: ? Why would they steal a toothbrush? They could just buy one at the convenience store.
It would make sense if it was something more expensive… I don’t think the risk and its returns balance out.
Makoto: You probably won’t understand, Hidaka-kun, and I don’t think you have to. Don’t ever change, okay?
Hokuto: Okay…? Anyway, a thief is on the loose, right?
I was under the impression security for the set was pretty tight, but I guess there’s no such thing as “perfection”, huh.
Touri: Uuu~ The security people we hired are gonna get a deducted salary after this~!
I can’t believe they could’ve let a pervert like that in! There’s no way I’d be able to sleep even with my head up~!
Makoto: Hmm… It makes me curious about something.
Hokuto: What do you mean, Yuuki?
Makoto: No. I shouldn’t say something that might not be true, right?
Anyway, you shouldn’t have helplessly run all the way here… You knew it’d be dangerous,right?
You’re always like that – you never think of the consequences.
Hokuto: Hmph. But I heard you two screaming… so Fushimi also did the same. It’s not right to just reprimand me.
Makoto: Fushimi-kun is Himemiya-kun’s butler and it’s his job to protect him, right?
He’s probably trained to act in these sorts of situations.
But that isn’t the same for you, right, Hidaka-kun? We’re not even connected by blood – we’re just strangers.
Hokuto: …………
Makoto: …But that’s precisely why I was happy.
Hokuto: ……?
Makoto: I don’t want you to be involved in any danger, but it felt like things were kinda choppy between us ever since the movie project started…
It felt like you were kinda far away, but it looks like that was just my misunderstanding. Even in danger, you would jump right in without a moment’s hesitation to save me.
I’ll say this in a different meaning, but you’re always like that, huh.
You’re always doing your best. You look calm and composed, but you’re actually full of emotions and you care about your friends the most…
That’s you – Hokuto Hidaka-kun, right? That’s why I like you.
Hokuto: I love you too.
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youmissedone · 1 year
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“You are not required to lie to me,” Thor replied earnestly. “I know I am not as clever as Sylvie. I know I am not as brave as Brunnhilde. I know I am not as kind as my mother. I have more blood on my hands than all of them in combination.” Thor wasn’t trying to garner sympathy or attention; she genuinely believed these things about herself. If she couldn’t be intelligent, kind, or brave, then she would be attractive and loyal.
Thor hadn’t yet told Carlos of her past, partially because of a fear that he would leave her. He wouldn’t want to be her friend after hearing all the terrible things she’d done, let alone her lover. She knew that she didn’t deserve to have anyone in her life, let alone someone like him. Carlos had protected her on numerous occasions. He had treated her with kindness and respect, and she couldn’t even open up to him about her past.
The depth of Thor’s feelings for Carlos frightened her. One night, the thought of becoming mortal for him had struck her. Another time, she considered telling him about her past. She’d never felt that strongly towards anyone before.
“Um… I was going to ask you out, but then I remembered.” Thor blinked back tears, unable to look Carlos in the eye. “You have Alice already. You wouldn’t - don’t - want to be with someone like me.” Alice’s return has made Thor uneasy even though she had no reason to be. She’d heard the way Carlos talked about her. Alice seemed perfect in every way, and Thor… wasn’t. “And I don’t deserve someone like you.”
“I don’t lie,” Carlos insisted, his smile fading. “I’m a lot of things, done a lot of things... but I don’t lie. If I say something, I mean it.” His eyes fell a little as he listened to her, only raising when she’s finished. “Your words, not mine.” He had never called her any of those things or compared her to anyone else.
“And if we’re going to talk about blood on people’s hands, then let’s talk about mine. Between my youth in Brazil, working as a mercenary, working for Umbrella, and now existing in this apocalypse, I’ve got just as much blood on my hands as you do. Maybe more.” He didn’t say that to one-up her, and he clearly wasn’t proud of it. It wasn’t an expression of prowess, by any means. He was only trying to help her see that if blood on her hands somehow disqualified her from being a good person, well then he had the same problem.
Again, he listened, his eyes falling again at the mention of Alice. No, he didn’t have Alice. Although it seemed to him that they had a lot of chemistry, Alice didn’t seem to want to be with him. Carlos didn’t understand why, or what he might have done to make her no longer want to be involved with him, but after trying to ask her several times and her stonewalling him, he had to let it go. He had to let her go.
“Because I don’t lie... I will say that I still care for Alice. But we aren’t together anymore. We haven’t been for five years. She’s made it clear that that’s what she wants, or doesn’t want, I should say. I can only ask her so many times what the hell happened or why she doesn’t want to be with me before I have to just accept it. I have to respect her wishes, so I am. I’m moving on.” He wasn’t doing Alice or himself any favors by chasing her around like a lost puppy. It was time to move on with his life... inasmuch as he could do that during an apocalypse.
“I don’t know who deserves who or why or how much,” Carlos said, shrugging. “We’ve all done things we aren’t proud of, Thor, things to survive or to protect others. None of us are innocent, not after all this death and bloodshed. If you want to be with me, then all that matters is that you’re good enough for me, and I’m good enough for you. We decide that, no one else. And personally... I think you’re an incredible person.” He grinned now. “And I don’t lie.”
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akshigo · 1 year
>Hello reader, I shall be a guide of sorts. To help things flow if you will. My name is... unimportant. I am simply here to serve. Now let us focus on the scene. Death is quite busy right now. There is a massacre occurring. Why? Because some deranged lunatic has decided so, and now there are many unfortunate souls meeting a gruesome end. Our madman, designer of this chaos, has found himself a comfy spot in the steeple of an old church. He sits overlooking a morbid scene, but I need not describe more, he shall fill in the holes for us.
The townsfolk are running, running in any direction that sounds like it has one less scream because surely they'll be safer there. Unfortunately for them I'll draw this out for as long as I can. Just let me enjoy this cacophony of pain, while you watch in horror as your fellow man is torn apart. Love the ones that are fighting back, they fight so hard, struggle against certain death, they work so much harder, and fail all the same. So defeated, broken. I do wonder what they think. Do they think they’ll prevail or save anyone? That they can eek out any kind of win? Cause I promise I won’t let anyone go. Others beg, so desperate that they’ll try reasoning with their agents of destruction.
>Our sadistic architect unveils a heinous, wicked grin at the carnage unfolding in his view. A scene which was not planned very well. But he is familiar with this chaos, this bloodbath. He has done this enough times to have a basic plan for when he is-- desperate to feel euphoric.
They are sooo naïve, but I revel in their suffering all the same. Gotta hand it to the twisted bastards that made these unholy monsters. Oh how I adore these mindless beasts. Way too many legs and even more arms, guess they put 'em to good use though. Watching them rip someone limb from limb is something else; what a treat. They don't even talk back or despair at their orders! They smell like death, but a pleasant smelling amalgamated corpse would be so bizarre. Not sure what some of them are made up of though. Sure some humans are clearly in there, hint of some horse hooves. But their mouths are waay too large. Maybe a hippo? Nah the teeth don’t match. I honestly have no clue, probably shoulda asked huh... Hmm those two are making some distance, they actually might have gotten away. Not anymore though.
>He whistles to grab the attention of one of his minions, a shambling mass of rotting flesh. A mix of things never meant to be conjoined. Constructed by those who don’t understand life, but have tried to imitate it. Think themselves masters of it, failing to see how much they have yet to understand... I appear to be getting caught in the details. Let’s get back on track. He grabs the attention of one of his minions.
“Some cattle have managed to escape the party. Hunt them down! Do not kill them! I don’t have escapees often, I want to have some- intimate time with them.”
>Let us now change our perspective, switch focus if you will to our sadist’s new targets of his malice. A child and mother. Our duo.
Ma’s running so fast, it’s hard to keep up, and she’s holding my hand so tightly I feel like she’ll pull my arm off. I wish she would slow down, it’s hard for me to keep up... I- I’ve never seen Ma so scared. I don’t know why we’re running, I don’t think I want to know. I need to run faster, s- so I don’t slow us down. 
>Our unfortunate duo don’t realize they have been spotted. Don’t hear the snapping of twigs and stomping feet signaling the monster barreling towards them from the trees on their left. They can’t react in time, couldn’t plan even if they did. In a moment the mother has been grabbed, not by hands mind you, but jaws. Within seconds it’s crushing her bones like twigs. Flesh is being torn and twisted. A truly gruesome sight for anyone; let alone a simple child.
It’s... it’s killing her- there’s so much blood. I- I can h- hear her bones snapping. 
>The mother may be in excruciating pain, but she knows what will happen to her in a few moments. She looks at her child. Her baby stricken by fear and grief. Desperate to improvise, she speaks a most beautiful lie. 
“It will be ok sweetie, just- just close your eyes.” 
I try to cover my eyes, but he grabs one of my arms and stops me. He looks so... happy? H- He’s grinning?! Like he’s been t- told a joke.
“Don’t close your peepers kiddo. Look at her, because even if you don’t know exactly what’s happening, this moment will replay in your head. The memory will burrow deep into your mind, and every now and again it’ll surface for air. To remind you. So look at her, watch as she’s mangled. You do love her don’t you? So the least you can do is remember her in her final moments as clearly as possible. Imprint this feeling of powerlessness, and pure terror on yourself.”
>The mother tries to reach out to her child with her dwindling strength. She may be encaged by teeth and flesh but that isn’t enough to stop her. Neither is the pain. It’s not enough to stop her desperate attempt to console her precious little baby. 
“Don’t listen to hi... *crack* im...”
>Her arm drops to the ground with a small thud. A small thud. That’s all her struggle could muster. A doomed attempt to save her son from the anguish that has gripped his mind. Its found a cozy spot to sit and fester.
“This moment will pass, but you’ll never truly escape this, it’ll persist. Just like you feel the need to eat, sleep, and breath. You’ll be unable to go long without replaying this, so let’s make sure when it does replay, repeat, it’s crystal clear. No forgetting. No misremembering. Feel it mutilate you, as it carves its way deeper into the recesses of your mind, Like how my little beastie rends her flesh and shatters bone oh so effortlessly! Leaving you irreparably changed, damaged. But hey, there’s nothing you can do, and if you wanna survive this, which trust me you do, then look at her. Watch her die in front of you. Got it? Live so this wretched, beautiful moment can live within you. Forever! The child you were before this is dead, killed. Just. Like. Her. You however- you get to be born anew. The new you will forever be scarred by this, no matter how much you grow or change this moment will always live on, maybe not on your skin like a scar, but in your mind, like a tumor.”
>With sorrow in the child’s throat and tears building in his eyes he asks a genuinely good question. 
“W- why!?”
“WHY?! Haha, because I want to hurt you, torment you. But alas you're just a child, so young, so frail, brittle really. So if I can't physically torture you, I'll just have to settle for mental anguish. To put it in a way a tiny helpless child like you could understand. Because I like to!” HAHAH-
>He laughs for a while, I think we can stop here. Well not stop as in end, just a little more to go so hang on. Let’s change things up one last time. We’ll fast forward a bit. We’ll jump sixteen years forward, yeah? OK, let me set the scene one more time. We’re in a shabby house. It’s certainly not the prettiest but it’s enough for those without much money to their name. Our child has done a fair bit of growing. He’s got some friends too, and they have been doing a fair bit of drinking. You would think it helps to ease his suffering, but it doesn’t, not really. Just makes him feel- vulnerable. Like easy prey. His friends gladly indulge however. After all, it’s supposed to be a fun night. Now here’s the important part, the friends are so intoxicated that if they haven’t passed out, they’re about to. They might even forget all about such a wonderful, cheerful night. However, our child. Our grown man finds himself feeling quite distraught. Desperate to let a small tiny voice out. It’s begging him to alleviate himself of his pain, to let someone know his trauma. With his friends on the brink of passing out, he gives in.
“You know, sometimes when it gets quiet. Really quiet... I hear his laugh. It’s faint, like... its- its far away, but it sounds so close, and real... Like he’s found me again. And he’s come to finish what he started all those years ago. He’s lurking behind a corner somewhere, with her- her body. He’s coming to drag me back into those woods. He’ll force me to truly relive that. The memory, the scar, the tumor, wasn’t enough. Wasn’t enough to satisfy his disgusting and horrific appetite. Would I be able to stand up to him? Could I beat him? Kill him? I wanna say yes, of course. But then I realize I’m shaking. He’d see me shaking, see me start panicking. He’d know he won. Then I get so mad and angry and furious and- and disheartened. How can I sit here, and let this happen? HOW CAN I SIT HERE WEAK AND USELESS! SO... So incapable of fighting wickedness personified. Even though I survived. Should I have? If his grip, his hold can control me so far into the future then... then maybe I should admit that the child died, just didn’t realize that death had come and left with one more soul in tow. Some have told me that my hurt and pain made me stronger. I survived after all. I don’t think that’s true. If I was truly, truly strong, I would FIND him, and END him! Save god knows how many souls. Yet I don’t, I’m not hunting him day in, day out. I- I hate the man I see in the mirror, so helpless, and- repulsive. If the lone survivor of such an atrocity is too weak to do something, then what was the point? My inaction, my continued inaction means it was pointless right? Nothing was achieved beyond death and destruction. Sometimes... sometimes I wish the child I used to be... never survived.”
>What a tale. death, pain, joy, all wrapped in a package with a little bow on top. This is where we conclude. This is the end, this is all there is. There is no revenge. No more killing. No more hurting. Nothing. I could wax some truth, attempt to help those struggling to make sense of what’s come before. But why should I? I could despair at the evil that is free to torment. But I see no reason to. In fact, I see no reason to dwell for much longer. My task is finished; you no longer need me to guide. 
Inspired by a comic called Bloodline, page 384.
First draft started at “It’s killing her”,  Was listening to Coyote by Mako during that first draft.
Should I put my thoughts here? Fuck it, why not. For those who are curious as to my thoughts on trauma and suffering feel free to read. The nature of trauma means yeah it’ll stick with you in some form, that’s the tragic reality of it. But while it may define a part of you it doesn’t need to define who you are as a person. It doesn’t need to rule your life. It’s not an easy thing to get a hold of. And I don’t think it’s easy or even possible to just put in a mental lockbox and never let out. This sounds grim and kinda is, however if you try and hold onto this mindset that you can completely escape it, I think as a completely unqualified non-professional, that you will simply become more miserable when you feel it control you or part of you. The past can’t be changed, what has happened to you can’t be undone, but the only way forward is to look forward. Don’t forget what’s happened because while it hurts it doesn’t need to control and define your future existence. You also may struggle for a long time to make sense of it, or even be ok with it in some form, and that’s ok. Time can help give us a sort of distance from things. It gives us the opportunity to move on, or even look back and find meaning. You don’t have to find meaning if you don’t want to and you can change your interpretation of things that have happened if you so wish. Time by itself won’t heal you but effort and support can help lessen your struggle, and time helps make that more possible.
Points of note: 
1. The child/adult feeling the need to stop the madman could be seen as generic, created mixed feelings, wasn’t sure if it was good or bad, in one reader.
2. Could use bigger/grandeur words, similar to cacophony, was a preference in one reader.
3. Add reactions from the people the child/adult is talking to, any reaction including the lack of reaction.
4. One reader would have liked if the mother called the child’s name before dying, also felt the monologuing was anime- esk.
5. Narrator says “if you will” twice
6. One reader brought up mentioning the monsters earlier so readers have a better understanding of what’s happening to the townsfolk.
7. Interpreted message (violence begets violence) is bluntly delivered, melodramatic, ending monologue is anime- esk.
8. Personally wasn’t a fan of the narrators casual demeanor and thought bold lettering for the narrator was out of character for them
Common consensus. Narrator’s bold text helps provide a break from the violence, a sort of safe spot before delving back into it. 
Personal points:
The ending monologue from the child/adult could include physical descriptions of what’s happening to him as he talks. The narration from the madman doesn’t give the reader a good reason for why he says what he does. Maybe reader’s perceiving the madman as death is bad, not sure.
0 notes
babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 12
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: You need to make plenty of decisions, both for work and for your personal life.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Hmm I think none???
A/N: Probably the quickest update in the history of The Match 😂 Anyway, I honestly don’t know how to feel about this chapter lmao y’all judge it
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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"There's tension in this room and I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling it."
You sat next to Bucky inside the conference room, glancing at him warily before turning back to Sam who was seated across from you. He was eyeing you and Bucky suspiciously, waiting for someone to speak up.
"I don't want to interfere but I don't think we'll all be able to work properly if we don't address the elephant in the room." Sam added.
His tone was very meaningful, as if he knew something he shouldn't. Sure, he might have seen that you were checking out the job opening in his company but that wasn't enough for him to figure out what was going on between you and Bucky.
Bucky straightened up on his chair, "We might have done things that are not professional, which caused some huge problems." he spoke carefully and you couldn't believe that he was actually going to tell Sam about everything.
"Most of those problems are my fault and I—"
"Is that why Mackenzie is not here?" Sam asked.
You looked at Bucky again and he had the same reaction as yours. Was Sam referring to Mackenzie as the elephant in the room this entire time? And not the tension between you and Bucky?
"Was it Mackenzie you were talking about?" Bucky clarified nervously.
Sam chuckled, "Yeah, you avoided my question earlier when I asked about her whereabouts. Wait, is that not the issue?" he asked curiously.
You let out an exaggerated chuckle, "It is." you said, not wanting to deal with some personal stuff at the moment.
It felt inappropriate, obviously. You noticed Bucky heave out a subtle sigh of relief when you diverted the conversation, talking about Mackenzie's decision. From your peripheral vision, you saw Bucky snap his head towards you, probably wondering why you knew about it.
"So Mackenzie told you already." Bucky said, trying to play it cool but his tone was more of a question rather than a statement.
You nodded but kept your gaze on Sam, talking as if you were directly conversing with him. "Mackenzie told me everything. She uhhh...she felt like it wasn't her place to lead this project."
Sam shrugged, "I gotta admit, I'm not surprised. No offense to Mackenzie, she's great. But I was wondering why you hired her when you have someone who's more than capable of handling this partnership." he explained, letting his gaze linger on you for a while before looking over at Bucky.
"I made a mistake." Bucky said, his full attention on you despite you refusing to meet his eyes.
"A very big mistake and I should have trusted you to lead us— this project, so I'm—“
"Okay, I think we're all settled. We have addressed the Mackenzie issue, so how about we get down to the actual business?" you quickly interrupted, hating how Bucky seemed to have forgotten that Sam was inside the same room.
Sam chuckled, "So no more bad blood? I don't want to sound like a marriage counselor but I really don't want any issues affecting the preparations for the event. I'm sure you understand that, Bucky."
Bucky nodded, "Yes, of course. No bad blood." he said and then turned to you. Again.
Do not look at him, not when he's giving you those sad eyes.
"No bad blood." you smiled widely at Sam before you gave in and turned to Bucky.
Your breath hitched in your throat because of how he was looking at you. He really seemed apologetic and maybe, just maybe, you felt bad for him after hearing about his past. Still, not an excuse for going off and disrespecting you.
If Bucky truly wanted your forgiveness, he needed to do more than just giving you those puppy eyes.
Everything was professional and somehow normal when you presented the detailed plan to Bucky, from the list of potential suppliers down to the cost estimate. You've already talked to the accounting department about the budget but of course, the final say would be coming from Bucky himself.
"I listed down all the possible venues for this launch and pencil booked each of them just so we can block out the date. Just let me know which of these you prefer and then we can finalize it." you told Bucky, sliding over your laptop towards him so he can take a look at the photos and specifics of each venue.
Bucky rubbed his chin before leaning back against his seat, "What do you think, Sam?" he asked.
"I trust you on this. I'm just here to pitch in every once in a while." Sam admitted with a light chuckle.
Bucky nodded and went through the slides quickly before looking up at you, "Which of these venues do you prefer?" he asked.
"What?" you asked back, surprised.
"I want you to make most of the decisions for this event, the budget included. I trust you." Bucky responded.
Taken aback by Bucky's decision, you failed to come up with a response. You cleared your throat and regained your composure before nodding and choosing the venue you deemed the perfect fit for the event.
"As for the budget, I'm not sure if I should be making a decision as major as that." you explained, fiddling with your fingers.
"You've already done the cost estimate for the entire event and from the looks of it, it's perfect." he reassured and you're not sure whether to feel nervous or proud that he was somewhat letting you take full control of this project.
Sam clapped his hands as he stood up from his seat, "I guess we're all set then." he announced.
Bucky agreed and shook Sam's hand. All that needed to be done was to execute your plans, finalize the deals with the suppliers, delegate tasks to each department and work with your team to iron out the strategies. You gathered your stuff and excused yourself before heading out of the conference room.
You haven't even fully stepped out when Sam called for your attention. He glanced back at Bucky who was on the phone with someone before turning back to you.
"Are you free for dinner tonight?" he asked.
Your eyes were as wide as saucers but before you could even fully comprehend the question, Sam laughed at your reaction and shook his head.
"It's not a date." he clarified.
You let out a nervous laugh, "That's reassuring." you said with relief.
"I wanted to talk to you about an opportunity. Are we on?" he asked.
Stretching your neck a bit to check on Bucky, you were relieved that he was still preoccupied with a phone call. Would it be unprofessional to suddenly work for Sam? It's not like his company was a direct competitor so you wouldn't be violating any clause in your contract.
"Okay. Yeah, sure."
The rest of the day was very busy, with you coordinating with the different departments for their respective responsibilities for the event. After that, you met up with your entire team to further discuss the plan.
You've literally been on your feet for hours, going back and forth between all the people involved in the event planning. It was around four in the afternoon when you decided to take a quick break. Coming from the purchasing department, you sluggishly walked back to your cubicle.
You slowed down your steps when you noticed a Starbucks cup on your desk with a post-it stuck on it.
I'm not sure what you usually order but I hope a hot cup of Americano will do. Don't overwork yourself.
An Americano is definitely not your kind of drink, but with your energy level at the moment, you weren't going to complain. Before taking a sip from it, you looked around to make sure that Bucky was out of sight.
He doesn't need to see you accept the coffee, it'll only boost his already huge ego. The coffee did give you a boost of energy though and you were back on your groove a few minutes later.
It wasn't until your other teammates started bidding goodbye to each other that you realized the time. Remembering your dinner with Sam, you rushed to close all your tabs until you reached your e-mail and saw that Bucky sent you something but without any subject.
Checking your watch, you saw that you still had enough time to open one last e-mail before heading out. Upon clicking on it, you immediately realized that it was totally not work-related.
And no, it wasn't another dick scare.
I know you don't want to talk about what happened. I'm not going to force you to listen to my side, but know that I will wait until you are ready.
Maybe you won't be ready but I'm hoping you'd change your mind. But even if you don't, I'd still wait.
For the meantime, I hope you let me make it up to you.
Your fingers itched to type in a reply, maybe tell him not to waste his time waiting for something that might not happen. But then you remembered what he said earlier with the meeting with Sam, about him trusting you with this project.
You didn't want to talk too soon so you merely deleted his e-mail and prepared to leave.
While waiting for the elevator, you found yourself zoning out and thinking about the dinner with Sam. It wasn't a date, he made that clear so you felt relieved somehow. Pursuing a relationship at the moment was definitely out of your mind, moreover, with someone that you were working closely with.
Technically, Sam wasn't your boss so it wouldn't be inappropriate. Even so, you sort of swore not to get involved with colleagues anymore.
The elevator chimed and when the doors slid open, you were surprised to see Bucky step out. Obviously, he came to see you since pretty much everyone on your floor already left.
"Hi." Bucky softly greeted.
It was so weird to see Bucky so...tamed. He didn't even ooze his usual cocky CEO aura. He just seemed like a normal guy walking around the office. You weren't use to him being so timid and quiet.
"Uh everyone's out so..." you trailed.
Bucky cleared his throat and then scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "I uhh did you get the--"
"Coffee? Yes, I did. Thank you." you said almost monotonously because what the fuck was going on?
You were supposed to be avoiding him, not be awkward around him. Why was there suddenly a change of attitude? You wanted to slap yourself and remind yourself that Bucky said some hurtful things to you.
Bucky nodded, "Was that your usual order?"
You shook your head, "Far from it."
"Do you prefer hot or cold drinks?" Bucky asked.
"You don't need to do that, Bucky." you reminded him.
"I know, but I want to." he simply responded, the confidence slightly present in the tone of his voice.
You slightly frowned because what was Bucky doing? Sure, he mentioned about making it up to you but this entire thing felt a bit awkward for you. It's almost as if he was...getting to know you better.
"Did you receive my e-mail?" he asked again.
You nodded before adjusting the strap of your bag on your shoulder. "We don't have to do this." you said.
"I have to go." you added and pressed the button of the elevator again, and now you were stuck with Bucky waiting for it to reach your floor again.
Bucky stood next to you, his hands inside the pockets of his pants. The elevator was taking quite a while and it almost felt like there's some strange shit going on between you and this particular elevator. Was this elevator cursed or what?
The wait was antagonizing and it took you back to your first encounter with Bucky. The tension, the awkward atmosphere and just everything about being alone with Bucky made you feel uncomfortable.
When the elevator opened, you and Bucky rushed inside at the same time causing the both of you to bump into each other's shoulders. Bucky coughed and stepped back, motioning for you to head inside first.
"You have plans tonight?" Bucky asked, pressing on the ground floor and basement buttons.
"Yes." you curtly responded.
"Dinner with Mark?" he asked and you couldn't help but give him a look of surprise at how he correctly addressed Mark for the first time.
You quickly looked away before Bucky could even meet your eyes, "No."
Should you tell that you were going on a dinner with Sam? Why were you even stressing over it? Bucky doesn't need to know about your whereabouts after work or who you're going to be meeting up with. Besides, after his rude remark about you and Sam, you didn't want to put anymore ideas into his head. Thankfully, he didn't ask you anymore and stayed quiet the entire elevator ride.
As soon as you reached the ground floor, you bid goodbye and fought the urge to look back at Bucky again.
By the time you reached the restaurant, Sam was already there. Thankfully, he allowed you to meet him there instead of picking you up. You were trying your best not to stir any sort of rumors or whatsoever. Office gossip was the last thing you wanted, especially amidst a huge project.
Sam stood up as soon as he saw you, pulling your chair out and being gentleman as usual.
"I'm glad you agreed to have dinner with me tonight." Sam said, sitting back down from across you. "I already ordered for us, I hope you don't mind?" he asked.
"Oh, no. Not at all, thank you." you smiled and settled down.
Sam definitely did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point, "I saw that you were checking out the position we have at my company and I wanted to know why." he said.
You nervously chuckled, "Yeah, that was really clumsy of me." you said. "You must be thinking how unprofessional I am for doing that while still employed over at your friend's company."
Sam laughed and shook his head, "Don't worry about it, Bucky told me."
"I'm sorry, what?" you asked and then choked on your own spit, making you cough out loud like an idiot.
You heard Sam chuckle before quickly handing you your glass of water, watching you with amusement as you gulped it down all in one go. Wiping your lips, you cleared your throat and then proceeded to give Sam a look of utter confusion.
"I asked him whether he had any recommendations for a Managing Director and he mentioned that you were planning to resign. He didn't tell me why and so I wanted to know directly from you." Sam explained.
"Because I cannot understand why Bucky would be so willing to let someone like you go. All that he said was that you were too good to be in his company and that he was afraid that he might be holding you back." he continued.
You were supposed to feel relieved that Bucky wasn't stopping you from resigning. You were very sure about it and he seemed to understand why you were so hell-bent on leaving his company. Although there was a part of you that felt disappointed at how quick Bucky decided to let you go.
Fuck, you were being such an undecisive bitch right now and you hated it.
"You're very good at what you do and I'm very interested to get you on my team. You were able to showcase your skills in the short span that we've known each other and I'm impressed. But what I do want to know, is why you suddenly wanted to leave Bucky's company." Sam asked.
The waiter arrived with your orders and you thanked the heavens for that because you were put on the spot. You didn't know how to respond to Sam's question. You weren't one to kiss and tell about what happened between you and Bucky.
"I..." you started, trying to find the right words to say until you clearly remembered Bucky's words and everything else he had done to make you snap.
"You let him fuck you too?"
It instantly brought the anger back and reminded you of the exact reason why you wanted to leave.
"I don't feel appreciated enough." you quickly said, tightening your grasp around the utensils.
Sam merely tipped his head in acknowledgment and urged you to continue with your explanation.
"Respect is very important to me and when Bucky brought Mackenzie in despite my role in the company, I just...I felt really invalidated. And although Mackenzie and I sorted things out, I feel like that isn't enough for me to stay. I know I said that there’s no bad blood between Bucky and I after that, but what’s done is done. I was disrespected and I know I have every right to feel that way." you said.
When Sam didn't respond, you were convinced that you fucked up your chance to find a new company to work for. Were you too harsh? Did you sound too demanding or too entitled?
Sam narrowed his eyes at you, leaning back against his seat and crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"So you're saying that you deserve more than what Bucky is giving you?" he asked.
Figuring out that confidence was probably the only way to deal with the current situation, you fixed your posture and nodded proudly, owning up to your explanation.
And then Sam smirked, his eyes glinting as if he was impressed of your answer. You were starting to think that this was an interview with how Sam was talking to you.
"I saw you handle things over at Bucky's company and I've seen you work." he said, leaning forward against the table.
"I know what you deserve and I can give it to you."
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag​ @weird-mumbling​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @mostly-marvel-musings​ @squishybabies​ @megzdoodle​ @suchababie​ @annathesillyfriend​ @xhollycowx​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @gogolucky13​ @countonthesun @iloveshawnieboi​ @learisa​ @scarlet-natasha89​
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii​ @jessou893​ @stealapizzamyheart​ @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky​ @ohladymacbeth​ @wildflowergubler​ @supraveng​ @twinerd14​ @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3​ @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm​ @charminivy @amelia-song-pond​ @iamvalentinaconstanza​ @mcubqrnes @im-squished​ @tcc-gizmachine​ @sipsteacasually​ @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​​ @its-yasbxtch​​ @buckybarneschokeme​
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edenmemes · 3 years
resident evil village starters
❝ oh, keep growing! one day your head might actually fit your ego. ❞   ❝ running will get you nowhere. ❞     ❝ you don’t have to trust my words, but do you have any better options? ❞   ❝ you shouldn’t be out here. it’s not safe. ❞   ❝ i know you don’t like to talk about it, but can we really just forget everything and pretend it didn’t happen? ❞   ❝ well, what do you think? it’s hopeless, right? ❞ ❝ i wish it could stay like this forever. ❞   ❝ oh, such a disappointment. i thought we could join forces.  ❞ ❝ i don’t have time for this bullshit. out of my way. ❞   ❝ i don’t give a damn about your personal issues. ❞   ❝ it’s a pleasure to see you safe. ❞   ❝ just give up. flesh and blood will never win against me. ❞ ❝ quit acting so full of yourself. ❞ ❝ the clock is ticking. playtime’s over! ❞ ❝ ohhh, don’t give up! ❞ ❝ you think you can take me on? ❞ ❝ you should have never refused me.  ❞ ❝ these are the fruits of my power.  ❞ ❝ leave it alone. you are out of your depth. ❞   ❝ i’ve learned all i can from you. your worth as a lab rat has run out. ❞   ❝ no, no, this can’t be the end for me! ❞   ❝ i can’t escape from here... i can’t do anything! ❞ ❝ what are you talking about? you think this is a game? ❞   ❝ don’t get cocky. i’d kill you if you weren’t the trouble. ❞   ❝ hey, do you know anything about what’s going on around here? ❞   ❝ i’m not used to relying on other people. ❞   ❝ you’re the real deal. well done.  ❞ ❝ i gotta...keep going. ❞   ❝ i think it’s time you left things in my hands. ❞   ❝ my power is leaving me! ❞   ❝ do me a favor... try to stay under the radar. ❞ ❝ you don’t get it. you don’t stand a chance by yourself. ❞ ❝ alright, alright. i guess i owe you an explanation. ❞ ❝ you must be pretty tough, huh? ❞   ❝ all your power’s done is drive you nuts. ❞   ❝ i gotta say, i’m surprised you made it this far. it’d be a shame if something happened to you now. ❞   ❝ so you finally came to see me! everyone falls for me in time. ❞   ❝ it’s all i can spare. take it, take it! ❞   ❝ you’ve got fight, i’ll give you that. ❞   ❝ i didn’t want to keep it from you. i didn’t want to lose you again. ❞   ❝ i’d kill you if you weren’t worth the trouble. ❞   ❝ is there something you’re not telling me? come on, talk to me. ❞   ❝ you can hear it, can’t you? someone’s waiting for you. ❞   ❝ oh, careful what you wish for. ❞   ❝ i don’t want to die. oh, it hurts so much. ❞   ❝ don’t look at me that way. ❞   ❝ i told you to sit down. ❞   ❝ you’re the reason ___ doesn’t love me. ❞   ❝ hey, kiss me? ❞   ❝ if it’s for you, i would do anything. ❞   ❝ come on, it’s not that much further! ❞   ❝ you’re the only one to see me in this form. ❞   ❝ ugh, my temper got away from me. ❞   ❝ play with me some more. ❞   ❝ trying to get on my good side? ❞   ❝ i don’t know if it’s the scent of the flowers, but i feel light headed. ❞   ❝ in all my years, i’ve never been this overjoyed. ❞   ❝ look forward to what i have in store for you. ❞   ❝ mmm, that smells good. what’s that? ❞   ❝ you really should have taken my deal. ❞ ❝ truth hurts, don’t it?  ❞ ❝ i’ve waited so long. but dreams really can come true. ❞   ❝ you coward! come out and face me. ❞   ❝ quit hiding, asshole. i’m not letting you get out of this.  ❞ ❝ i won’t let you have it. even if you beg. ❞   ❝ this is my territory, and i won’t let you leave. ❞   ❝ damn, i’m so cold. my legs won’t work. ❞   ❝ local wine, too. but if you’re going to keep sulking all evening, maybe you shouldn’t have any. ❞ ❝ it’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you. ❞   ❝ you’re the last asshole in my way, aren’t you? ❞   ❝ well, at least we’re together. ❞   ❝ hey, now. think positively, all right? we talked about this. ❞   ❝ come now, don’t be shy. show me your terror. ❞   ❝ i would’ve sliced you to ribbons if they hadn’t stopped me. ❞   ❝ it’s only a riddle if you don’t know the answer. ❞   ❝ shouldn’t we face what happened there so we can live our lives without it hanging over our heads? ❞   ❝ rest while you can, because i will hunt you, and i will break you. ❞   ❝ this village is full of monsters. we can’t fight them! there’s too many. ❞   ❝ a dead body? wait...there’s more... ❞   ❝ you’re a lot like your father, you know. ❞   ❝ it barely flinched when i shot it. i feel like it’s toying with me. ❞   ❝ it’ll be fine. it’ll be fine. it’ll be fine. ❞   ❝ listen. you’re being played.  ❞ ❝ too bad you’ll pay for it...with your life. ❞   ❝ please won’t you stay with me? forever? ❞   ❝ you are lucky to die before your child. ❞   ❝ quiet now, child! adults are talking. ❞   ❝ there’s nothing wrong with my memory. you’re just being paranoid. ❞   ❝ this is...this is just too much. ❞   ❝ awww, you’re blushing. ❞   ❝ how can a man be ‘almost’ dead? that’s a question for the wise. ❞   ❝ what kind of sick medieval shit is this? ❞   ❝ i’ve spent a lifetime creating this moment...and you try to take it away from me? ❞   ❝ i’m sick of fighting you! ❞   ❝ why didn’t you fucking tell me right away? ❞ ❝ shut your damn hole and don’t be a sore loser! ❞   ❝ but i’m not paranoid, i’m just cautious. ❞   ❝ don’t get close to me when i’m cooking, babe. ❞   ❝ anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you. ❞   ❝ i haven’t cut open a man in a while. ❞   ❝ we moved here so that you wouldn’t have to deal with any of that, remember? ❞   ❝ why? why would you do this? ❞   ❝ i knew you would want to be involved. and this job is hard enough without civilians getting in the way. ❞ ❝ oh? you have something to say? ❞   ❝ tell me what’s out there! ❞   ❝ you’re still alive...? impressive. ❞   ❝ hey, are you listening? hey! ❞   ❝ exactly how much do you plan on annoying me? ❞   ❝ oh, no. they’re coming! ❞   ❝ do you have a gun? please tell me you have a gun. ❞   ❝ it’s not---nevermind. i’m sorry. ❞   ❝ drunk or not, you are welcome---and safe---in here. ❞   ❝ you know how to push my buttons. ❞   ❝ hey, don’t i get a say in this? ❞   ❝ you wouldn’t know proper manners if it slapped you in the face. ❞   ❝ i won’t forgive you, you bastard! ❞   ❝ why...why do you treat me the same as them? am i not your favourite? am i not special? ❞   ❝ at night, i hear wailing, as if ghosts roam the halls. ❞   ❝ quit your whining; we’re almost there! ❞   ❝ i’m afraid you can’t return to your old world any longer. ❞   ❝ how dare you bare your teeth at me. ❞   ❝ you couldn’t save them. they were already gone. ❞   ❝ in life and death, we give glory. ❞   ❝ can you even understand that humiliation?  ❞ ❝ even i can get angry. ❞   ❝ what the hell is that thing? ❞ ❝ we will meet again soon. ❞ ❝ let’s just say parts of the human imagination are better left alone. ❞ ❝ some treasures still lurk in this village. ❞ ❝ my decision is final. there will be no argument. ❞   ❝ everyone leaves me. even you. ❞   ❝ there is no safe! every sorry bastard out there has been ripped in half! ❞   ❝ come inside. the others are waiting. ❞   ❝ come with me. there’s something i have to tell you. ❞   ❝ what the hell is wrong with this place? ❞   ❝ the strong will destroy the weak. that’s the way of the world. ❞   ❝ no, we’re getting out of here --- together. ❞   ❝ but what i saw was...frightful. ❞ ❝ i suppose it’s what they call ‘the beauty of the grotesque’. ❞   ❝ you taught me so much and for that i will be forever in your debt. ❞   ❝ it is my curiosity that ties me to this place. ❞   ❝ please let me know if you’d like to strengthen your weapons. ❞ ❝ you’ll pay if i find out this is a lie. ❞ ❝ speaking of foolish questions, who --- what are you? ❞   ❝ if i don’t kill them then my life will never be my own. ❞   ❝ you are abominable. your deceit knows no bound. ❞   ❝ quit holding out, and get to the damn point! ❞ ❝ you’re the one who’s cursed. ❞ ❝ i hope you will be able to achieve your goal someday, too. ❞   ❝ that is why i had to leave you. i will regret never telling you goodbye. ❞   ❝ if i had but a little more time, i know i might be able to turn the tides of this battle. ❞   ❝ i can hear it shuffling about outside. ❞   ❝ and now you even try to steal my property? how dare you? ❞   ❝ ugh, just another simple little manthing. ❞   ❝ oh, good. i was just thinking of ways to pass the time. ❞ ❝ nowhere to go but up. ❞   ❝ where are you? show yourself! ❞ ❝ not without me, it’s too dangerous. ❞ ❝ shit, that was close. ❞   ❝ i heard explosions. what happened? ❞ ❝ you’ve dirtied my dress! ❞   ❝ you’re my daughter...now act like it! ❞   ❝ i don’t think we will make it through winter at this rate. ❞   ❝ the wounds are severe. i won’t last much longer. ❞   ❝ will you please stop talking in riddles? ❞   ❝ goddamn. it really is you. ❞ ❝ you sure of this? your body is, well, falling apart. ❞       ❝ how long have i been out? ❞   ❝ keep your distance. do not move until i give the order. ❞   ❝ i’ve got a tough guy here, i need some back-up! ❞   ❝ if my mom saw this shit, she’d think she’d died and gone to hell. ❞   ❝ shut your fucking hole! ...sorry about that. ❞   ❝ who are you? who sent you? ❞   ❝ please, be well. ❞   ❝ there’s more than we thought. watch out. ❞ ❝ to hunger...is to be alive. ❞   ❝ goddammit! why is everyone dying on me? ❞   ❝ hey! hey. don’t talk like that. ❞   ❝ my word, you truly are as strong as they say! ❞   ❝ don’t you love me? ❞   ❝ oh, you didn’t think i’d let you get away, did you? ❞   ❝ taken alive? dead? which would you prefer? ❞  
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