#just imagine the pure shock when Steve gets with Nancy after saying them saying WeRe JuSt FrIeNdS for a month
straight4joekeery · 2 years
Y’all say Mike has a crush on Eddie but I fully believe he has a crush on Steve and dresses like Eddie because he’s cool and absolutely nothing like Steve. He acts like he hates him to try to get over it (it absolutely doesn’t work a single bit).
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choerypetal · 5 years
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The one with the hidden bruises. | Steve Harrington Imagine
An imagine of Steve Harrington and Hargrove!Reader where they both hate each other until a darker secret is being revealed.
Warning : Abuse/Violence/Slurs
Type : Sad.
Enjoy ♥︎
Your’s and Steve’s relationship had always come either with pure rage or jealousy with one another. Knowing you were Billy’s twin out a 100 the chances of you adapting the same attitude of your brother wasn’t even questionable.
Classes ended in a matter of hour and all of the students went home or somewhere they could get their desire distractions away from school for the next twenty four hours.
You on the other hand decided to go on a walk around Hawkins’s school and the park. You had warned your brother earlier about your absent once back home and to tell your father before he could get worried. Or worse angry.
One of your hand in your pocket another one holding your bag’s strap you were ready to start your little journey. You were fairly new to Hawkins and your curiousity took over you and you just had to adventure yourself out there.
After all Hawkins was a small village you weren’t so scared of getting lost anyway. During your little adventure you realized something very different. The citizens were welcoming and so calmed which was the complete opposite of California. Yet without your mother around Cali nor Hawkins nor anywhere it wasn’t the same.
You knew you had to get yourself lost on your own thought when you felt a strange car sound coming near you nearly scaring you to death. You knew it slowed down when your head looked over to see who could possibly follow you. Especially at this time.
It was Steve. His vehicle engine stopped once he parked next to you. He kneeled down his head a little to have a better look at you. “You know for a pretty girl like you, staying this late wouldn’t be good for your own safety.”
Shit. Have you been walking this long to realize it that the sun was practically down at this point?
You rolled your eyes. “Look who’s talking. For someone who isn’t creepy at all driving around the city to follow pretty girls. Yeah totally not creepy at all. Harrington.”
The way you had said his last name made him more irritated then he ever was and you liked doing so. “Don’t spill useless words out your mouth, Hargrove. Now come. I’m going to bring you home.”
Home? Crap. Knowing it was getting late your family has probably started dinner by now.
He looked at you with disbelief. “Y/N, your parents must be getting pretty worried. Or do you even have any parents? Who am I kidding you two are such a piece of meat that I bet you, your parents disowned you both and made you move here.”
You were this close to punch him but he was Steve and you were.... you. “Suck it up dipshit, I bet Nancy left you because of that small dick of yours.”
Ouch. Steve acted as if he was shock or even felt humiliated at all. “Also let’s face it your brain could only hold a kid way younger than you to even keep yourself stable these days. How sad.”
Now you had pull the last strains of his patient. He started the engine of his vehicle and once you were fully settled in his car he drove not minding a shit at the speed limit he was driving on at this point.
You two didn’t say a single word when you finally arrived at your house. The lights were on and your father’s and Susan’s car were also parked. You were in some deep shit.
You got out of the car not even facing Steve due to the conversation you both had earlier before the drive until your father opened the door before you could do so. “Y/N, your late.”
You lowered your head, “I know, Sir...” Neil tried his best to remain the father he was meant to be and to educate his children professionally especially when Steve was still watching from a distant. “I didn’t quite understand.”
“Yes, Sir... and I—-“ You felt his firm fingers slapping the right side of your cheek. Being so use to it you didn’t even flinched. Once you lifted your head up you looked around like a lost puppy. Not only for something but for someone. “Your /precious/ Billy went to pick up dinner for you. Since we ate everything.”
Neil then grasp both of your arm and violently slammed your back on the wall near the door way. Steve couldn’t believe his own eyes.
The Hargroves he thought he knew from the start, now knew damn well why the two of you acted all tougher. Your attitude in school was a way to keep your broken pieces far away the from arch reality you had been living. Especially after your mother’s passing.
“If you weren’t such a whore 24/7. At least we could’ve shown you some respect.”
You just couldn’t believe, Susan on the other hand tried to rassure Neil and informed him that a gentleman with the name Steve Harrington has picked you up from your walk. And to as an excuse said that you had a rough day to make the situation loosen a bit.
She was trying her best you knew that. But when your father’s eyes darkened he said. “Who’s Steve?”
“One of Maxine’s good friend to. Apparently he’s some kind of babysitter...?” She chuckled nervously. Trying everything in her power to distract your father from this hell you now couldn’t escape from.
“Y/N?” A voice way too familiar was heard. It was Billy. He had picked you some food and with worried eyes looked at not only you but your father as well. Until his expression darkens. “Keep your filthy hands off her now.”
And with that your eyes looked up at Steve from across the street. You could only look at him not moving an itch until your father closed the door knowing damn well where you were looking to.
Steve on the other hand had watched the whole scene with his own two bloody eyes. You needed to get out of there not only yourself but Billy and Maxine. But for now he just couldn’t he had to let the life decide. Whether he liked it or not.
After the whole situation of embarrassment, you cried all night. Your father kept yelling at you to stop hanging with whoever this Steve was. You tried to resonate with him but as time went you realize you had been talking to a wall this whole time.
Now cuddled up in Billy’s arms. Billy caressed gently your fresh bruised your father had been giving you when Steve watched. “Since when..?” Billy couldn’t believe. How could he be so blinded by his father’s actions. Especially towards the person he cared the most out of this family. /You/.
“I want this to be over Billy.... Why can’t he just accept the fact that mom’s gone and I can never be like her....” You sniffed one of your last tears and wiped them up with your fingers.
“If he ever lay a hand on you tell me, if this happened ever since mom died I could’ve saved your ass, Y/N you know that.” You nodded and soon your eyes felt heavy and your were exhausted and sleeping was your only cure right now. “Rest now, tomorrow you and I on a long road trip far from Hawkins and a huge after care.... Sleep well.”
Maxine had arrived from one of Will’s D&D games. She was blinded by the situation the both of you had between you and your father. Susan tried everything to keep her daughter far away from the abuse. She would often be told “Go play with your friends and I’ll come pick you up.” After all Maxine didn’t complained at all socializing and making friends were her own way of surviving.
Once she step foot inside her home she felt the tension. Had Billy gotten into trouble again? She didn’t bothered to ask the game she had tonight had her so thrilled. As she walked towards your room she began to speaks. Like a little sister who’s exciting to share a moment of the day with her older one.
“Y/N? Guess what! You are welcome to play! Thought on the other hand, Steve will be there to. I know you hate his guts just as Billy does but—!”
She then heard the small cries of yours. She leaned on your bedroom door and opened slightly hoping she hasn’t got herself caught, yet.
“Shh....” Maxine couldn’t quite understand. She had never seen Billy like that. Nor Y/N. Did she had a break up? No... From what she remembered she was single. Her eyes soon then adjust themselves with the slightly dim of light from your room. Bruises on your arms. No.... How?
With surprise Neil closed the door soon as he sees his step daughter peaking into her older’s sibling’s room. “Time for bed kid.”
She didn’t argued and knew them well what was going on at this point. Billy and you didn’t had that though persona it was your father who both mentally and physically had turned you into this state. She wanted to do something but for now she had to just like Steve let what the life decides to give.
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Talk Later?
A/N: WELCOME BACK. I got another request here, this one is with a Henderson!Reader. Again, I took some liberties with the request. I think it still fits, but it just made more sense in terms of timelines and such. Either way I hope y’all like it!
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Fandom: Stranger Things (specifically Stranger Things 3)
Word Count: 1,813
Summary/ Request:  Can you do a Steve Harrington x Henderson!reader imagine where they meet up at the Starcourt before the battle and worry/asses each other’s injuries (her’s from the Mind Flayer and Steve’s from the Russians) and while they’re meant to be preparing, Steve decides it’s the time to finally confess his feelings?
Warnings: Some violence, sad times, light sexy times. 
(I don’t think that that is what he is saying in the gif, but meh, who cares. 
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This was it. 
You, and all your friends, were gonna die. 
Billy was speeding towards you, his camaro’s engine was thrumming with power, and compared to the thunks and groans your car was making, you would be lucky if Jonathon’s car would even start.  
Nancy was firing shot after shot at Billy, but no matter how good of an aim she had, he didn’t seem to be slowing down. Tears clouded your vision, and you could hear the kids screams, but you could only think of your loved ones. 
“I love you Dust Bunny” you said through the walkie as you braced yourself against the back of the car. You were scared to leave your brother behind, but you had no doubt that Steve would love and take care of Dustin in your place. You just prayed that he would live to see the next day, even if you didn’t.
But instead of an impact, your head snapped up as you heard the scream of metal hitting metal and the squealing of tires. 
“Griswold family, do you copy?!” Dustin yelled over the walkie, “Y/N please! Tell me you’re okay!” you could hear the tears in his voice, so you fought through the shock to reply. 
“We’re all good Scoop Troop, a little shaken up, but we’re good” You said as you let out a breath, and looked over to Steve who sat in the driver’s seat of the TodFather. He was your knight in shining armor. Well, more like your knight in a sailor costume. 
However, your relief was short lived as you felt the ground shake, so forcefully you felt it from within the back of the car, and heard the terrifying roar of the Mindflayer as it crawled atop the destroyed Starcourt Mall. 
Thankfully, right then, Jonathon was able to get the car started, and Nancy called for Steve and Robin to jump in. Steve climbed into the back with you, and Robin managed to squeeze in with Lucas and Will. You let out a squeak as Steve grabbed you when Jonathon peeled out of the parking lot, bringing you into his lap and drowning you in a hug. You clung to him like a lifeline, breathing him in. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you had thought about him too, when you saw Billy cruising towards you. You thanked every god there was that he was okay, well, relatively okay.
“Oh my god Steve! What happened to your face?” You said as you sat back and got a good look at him. You lightly swiped your thumb under his swollen eye, before trailing it to his cheek, a frown crossing your face.  He couldn’t help but close his eyes at your soft touch, leaning into the hand that was now holding his face. He felt like he finally had a second to breath, now that you were safe in his arms. Your hands stroking his face reminded him that he did in fact have to open his eyes, and reply to you. 
“Ah, just some Russians, don’t worry about it. This is like, the third time in the last two years my face has looked like this,” He laughed, shaking his head and wrapping around his arm around your waist a little tighter as Jonathon took a sharp turn. You gasped as his fingers hit a spot on your side, and your hand flew down to cover his. 
“You okay Y/N/N?” Steve asked frantically, moving you off his lap and onto the seat, his own body switching to the floor where he put his hands on your face and arm, looking for any visible injuries. You shuddered as your hand grazed the spot again, and you felt a small amount of liquid slip through your fingers. 
“Oh my god! You’re bleeding!” Steve shrieked, causing Jonathon to swerve and Nancy to send a glare to the back. You had to stop yourself from laughing as he tried to (unsuccessfully) rip off a piece of his shirt, “need to stop the bleeding…” being mumbled under his breath. “Steve, I’m fine, it’s just a graze from some glass,” You said as you took his hands in yours, making him stop trying to rip apart his uniform. Just then, a sound came over the walkie again, one you never thought you’d actually here. 
“Dusty Buns do you copy?”
“I copy Suzie-Poo, it sounds much better now, thanks” You looked back up to Steve and you both came to the realization at the same time. 
You couldn’t help but shake your head at the craziness of it all. There you were, sitting in the back of Jonathon’s car, hearing your brother talk to his girlfriend about Planck’s constant, so that Hopper and Joyce could get into the secret Russian base underneath the mall, to shut down a machine that linked your world to an alternate dimension. Oh and not to mention the fact that there was a giant ass monster running after you. 
Speaking of the Mindflayer, he decided to make his presence known once again, by unleashing yet another ear shattering roar into the air.
Before you really thought about it, you threw yourself back into Steve’s lap, hiding your face in his neck, as his arms instinctively wrapped around you. You realized a beat later what you had done,  and immediately tried to move back. 
“S-Sorry…” You said as you pulled away slightly, not getting too far due to the arms that were still wrapped firmly around your waist. 
“S’okay,” Steve whispered, but you could tell his attention was elsewhere. Instead, as you felt your heart start thundering in your chest, you realized that he was staring at your lips. His eyes flicked back up to meet your gaze, and the next thing you knew he had crashed his lips to yours. The kiss was frantic, as if you both couldn’t get enough. Maybe it was because you both knew that it could be the last time you ever got the chance to do it, or maybe it was the thrill of finally acting upon unsaid feelings. Maybe it was a combination of both, but neither of you were complaining. 
Steve’s hands were everywhere, pulling you closer onto his lap and trailing them down your back as you gripped onto his amazing hair. Stars danced behind your eyelids as you finally got to kiss the boy you had been crushing on since middle school. It was horrible timing, but who were you to question fate?
While you and Steve were off in your own bubble of teenage hormones, Robin and Will were sat upfront, both amused and horrified by not only your makeout session, but with Dustin and Suzie singing “The Never Ending Story” over the walkie. 
“What on EARTH is happening right now?! There is a monster chasing us while Steve and Y/N are making out in the back and Dustin is doing karaoke!” Lucas shouted as he looked at the remainder of the group. Robin and WIll shrugged, prepared to let it go in favor of focusing on getting away from the MindFlayer. But then Robin heard Steve groan and she did NOT want to hear what other sounds the two of you could make if she let you continue.  
“Steve! Y/N!” Robin said as she threw a can at Steve’s head. You broke apart immediately, with Steve glaring at Robin as he rubbed the back of his head. 
“We’ll talk later?” You asked through a laugh, even though Robin had ruined a moment, you had to admit that she had good aim. 
“Yeah, yeah sounds good!” Steve said as he cleared his throat, trying to discreetly shift under you without you noticing...
“Oh my god! Steve’s got a boner!” Lucas shouted, laughing maniacally as Steve turned a bright shade of red.
“C’mon man! Not cool!” Steve looked back to you, trying to gauge your reaction, but your gaze was locked onto the back window.
“Hey guys!” You said nervously, getting the attention of the entire car. “It’s turning around”
“What?” Nancy asked from the front. 
“It’s turning around,” 
“Maybe we wore it out?” Lucas suggested.
“I don’t think so, hold on!” 
Jonathon said as whipped the car around, flying back towards Starcourt Mall
In the end, the battle had been won, but the victory didn’t come without a price.
Max had left without her step brother, and although he had been a dick to everyone, including you, you knew of what went on behind closed doors. You also knew that he had been possessed, like Will had been, his actions weren’t of his own free will. 
He was a kid that had been taken advantage of, and was a victim like everyone else. In the end he had sacrificed himself to Save El, a girl he had just met, because she showed him two minutes of kindness. 
You believed that Billy Hargrove deserved better than the fate that was handed to him. 
And El, poor El, lost the only parental figure she had. Hopper’s death was felt by all of you, and it was going to take a long time for the party to heal from those wounds. He too, had given his life for the world, and there wasn’t even ash left to remember him by. 
It was a grueling few months that followed. You’d attended both Billy’s and Hopper’s funerals, and helped the Byers, including El, move out of Hawkins. The only thing that got you through those tough times, was your boyfriend Steve. He had held your hand and wrapped his arms around you through the night when you were plagued by nightmares. He meant the world to you, and you thanked the stars every day that he had come into your life. 
“Hey Steve?” You asked as you laid upon his chest, his steady heartbeat thumping under your ear. 
He hummed in reply, his eyes closed and relaxed, fingers softly carding through your hair.
“I just wanted to say that I love you” He opened his eyes then, and you nearly melted when you saw the pure adoration shining in them.
“I love you too Y/N, more than you know,” He said as he leaned down, pulling you closer to his body and kissing you like your life depended on it. The fire still burned as bright as it had that night, if not more so, and before you knew it, Steve had laid himself on top of you, seemingly now shirtless. You felt his mouth start to trail from your lips, to your jaw, to the curve of your…
The door burst open, and to your horror, Dustin strolled in without a care in the world. You tried to throw Steve off as fast as possible, but the damage was done. 
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andyl394 · 7 years
Fuck away the pain - ONE SHOT
Summary: All you wanted was to forget your excuse of a ex-boyfried for one night, you just wanted a distraction. Luckily, the new kid seemed more than willing to help you out.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Word Count: 2,123
Warnings: Cursing, SMUT, mention of cheating, angst if you squeeze your eyes really hard, Pure SMUT, ORAL (female receiving), FACE RIDING, Billy boi being a damn sub(for a while). 
A/N: First of all, HAPPY 2018. Second things second, this one shot is based on THIS MUSIC by divide the day, I’ve heard it so many times for years but when I listened to it again after watching the second season of Stranger Things, I couldn’t help but to imagine Billy singing this to the reader after whatever happened between her and Steve. I just… ugh. I really hope you guys enjoy this. (btw, I know who Billy is and I do not ignore it I just think he’s hot as fuck and deserves a chance to get a smut one shot, K? Thanks, you’re welcome,)
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You think your life is done he took it all with him,
So you drink enough for it to wash away the sins.
Bitterly staring at Steve and Nancy, you couldn’t help but to chug down on your drink as the couple danced in the corner of Tina’s Halloween party.
Everyone was still shocked that Steve Harrington, the King of Hawkins’ High School simply broke up with you, the Queen, to stay with Nancy Wheeler.
It wasn’t only the status, far from that.
You did actually loved Steve and his dumb hair and pick up lines, and you thought he loved you too, but apparently, for him, all that mattered was what people thought of him and dating the most popular girl sure would bring him some extra popularity.
Such a shitty thing he did, the way he said goodbye
You can take all on me if you like.
You wished he had at least warned you, it would have prevented you from falling for him for months, prevented you from searching for Steve one day only to find him all hugs and kisses with her.
Luckily, you were taught better not to make a scene or get mad at Nancy. Yeah, it was Steve who was cheating on you, but she knew he had a girlfriend and still chose to keep whatever the fuck they were and send a smile to you at the corridor whenever you passed by her locker.
You couldn’t help but to notice both of you two differences, she was all dolled up in pink sweaters and cute smiles while you rocked your leather jackets and sinful smirks. Steve caught an eye on you, guilty plastered on his face as he watched you dry your cup the second he turned to you.
“And what are you supposed to be?” Some drunk brat caught your attention; he was one of Tommy’s stupid friends.
“Not interested.” He lifted his hands up in surrender, knowing better than to pressure you out of all people.
“Well, don’t you have a sharp tongue for such a pretty face?” Resting your hip on the counter, you turned to the smirking boy; the newbie.
“You’re the new boy, aren’t ya? The one trying to steal Harrington’s crown?” He chuckled under his breath, his back against the wall behind him.
“Billy. And you’re Harrington’s ex, huh? No wonder why it’s so easy to take his place, the guy fell on standards even on woman.” Tilting your head, you smirked. Not because of what he was saying, no. Other guys had gotten way worst from you with better words. As you were about to open your mouth for a snarky comment, you heard the voice that still haunted your dreams.
“Back off, Hargrove.” Raising his brows, Billy was about to tell him off when you angrily kissed him. Not even bothering looking into Steve as you lost yourself on his hungry lips on yours.
Fuck away the pain, erase him from your brain
Fake it like you love me, c’mon baby touch me
Show me where it hurts, this dirty little curse
 At first you only did it to shoo your ex away, but when Billy deepened the kiss you couldn’t help but to lose yourself on it, roughly biting on his lips as he pulled you closer by the waist, smashing his hips on yours as he quickly turned around to have you pressed against the wall.
You didn’t even care if Steve watching or not, the way Billy flicked his tongue made you moan and forget why you even did it in the first place.
Quickly, he trailed his lips down to your neck, leaving wet open-mouthed kisses on your skin, each place his lips touched seemed to burn on the outside while still sending chills down your spine.
“Aren’t you a good little distraction?” You hummed, not exactly caring about his feelings as he chuckled before ghosting his lips near your earlobe to whisper in a low tone.
“Is it what you want me to be? Your little distraction?” He sucked on the sweet spot under your ear and near to your jaw, getting a moan out of you, your hands tugging on his curls when his tongue darted on your neck. “I’ll be your little distraction for tonight, doll.”
 Don't have to be ashamed if you wanna scream my name
While I fuck away the pain
 “Then you better do something, because I honestly need it right now.” You whimpered when his needy hands explored the exposed skin from your hip.
Pushing him away, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him through the dancing bodies, not having to struggle too much since they opened the path for you and Billy, walking out of the party, you walked to his car smirking and entering the passenger side.
“Start driving, pretty boy.” He mirrored your dangerous smile, doing as told. It was a fast drive to your house, but not fast enough as he kept teasing you; the tip of Billy’s fingers running up and down your thighs, as you started to kiss his throat and jaw.
When he finally stopped in front of your house, you basically ripped him out of the car, shoving him on your door to roughly kiss him again as you tried to open it.
“Someone’s eager.”
“And someone looks hotter with his pretty little mouth shut.” Billy chuckled, gripping the back of your thighs and mumbling for you to jump as you closed the door again and silently thanked the heavens that your parents weren’t home.
Hargrove blindly walked upstairs, almost dropping some stuff in the halls as he followed to the obvious room with a sign of ‘Stay out’. You moaned when he bit down on your lips and his finger dug deeper into the flesh of your ass as you pulled on his curls.
 You hate the way he fooled around behind your back
A slave to him but now with me, no strings attached
 Billy stared down at you as he stood on his knees, his hand on your cheek as his thumb ran through your swollen lips. Capturing his hands, you flicked your tongue around it before engulfing it in your mouth, making him release a shaky breath after you let it go with an obscene ‘pop’ sound.
His hand traveled your neck before roughly ripping open your button shirt, getting a surprised gasp out of you. Licking his lips, he hungrily took in your body, lips on your chest, leaving angry sucking marks on it as one of his hands traveled down your stomach to where you needed the most.
You moaned loudly when he slowly drew eights with his fingers on your clit, his eyes staring at your reactions as he took his time teasing you when you grabbed his wrist, trying to set a faster pace.
“So wet and so hot, can’t imagine how you must feel around my cock.” You bit your lip to stop the whimper to come out when he took his hand out of you, getting a frustrated groan from you. “Now, I want to hear you sing, darling.”
Grabbing on his shirt, you pulled him under you, straddling his hips with yours and smirking when he moaned with the pressure on his cock.
“I don’t think you understand, pretty boy. I’m in charge, here.” You licked your lips when he smirked at you; that was a first. He was used with all the women wanting to be under him that when you proclaimed your top, his cock twitched inside his pants.
Sitting, Billy took the rest of your shirt off, working his way on your bra as you did the same to him. He lifted your skirt, palming your ass as his lips went to your soft spots again.
“Then tell me what you want.” Smirking, you roughly shoved him to lay down again before you got up and took the rest of your clothes off. When he was eagerly about to take his pants off, you grabbed his hand, swatting them away before denying with your finger and climbing on top of him again, biting his earlobe and whispering:
“You’re going to be a good boy and eat me out, Hargrove.” Getting shoved again, he licked his lips when you climbed further, helping you by grabbing your hips only to give a teasingly long lick on your cunt.
Moaning loudly, you threw your head back, grabbing a hold on the headboard to steady yourself as he worked his ways on you, testing to see how you preferred him to do, when you started to roll your hips as he harshly sucked on your nimble of nerves; he was quick to keep doing it, moaning at your reactions and praisings.
“You’re so good at this, baby boy.” Never had someone called him that, but, ah, if it didn’t bring things to him.
Billy helped to rode you out from your orgasm, kissing your shaky thighs as you moaned lowly, looking into his eyes; you were taken back by his blown pupils from lust.
“Was that good?” You climbed out of him, sitting on his laps and pulling him to kiss you.
 But if you wanna use me up and leave me in the bed
If that’s what you need, go right ahead.
 “That was amazing, but I’m not done with you just yet, love.” You ran your teeth through his neck, smiling when he shivered under you. Something told you that a girl being in control when it came to sex was something new to him.
Reaching for your night drawer, you shuffled through it until you gripped on the condom and tugged down on his pants, freeing his glistening cock and hearing him sigh in relief and groan when you pumped him a little bit more before sliding it on his pulsing meat.
You lined him on your entrance before slowly sinking down on it, gasping for air as he moaned in your ear at how tight and warm you felt.
“Shit.” He cursed, gripping your hands when you started to rock then, grabbing a fist of his hair as you looked into his eyes, resting your forehead on his.
You two were pressed together so hard that it almost seemed as if you were going to turn into one.
 Fuck away the pain, erase him from your brain.
Fake it like you love me come on baby touch me
 You threw your head back when he began to thrust into you, slowly getting the control back as he finally had enough, throwing you under him again and gripping on the headboard to slam himself into you, lifting your leg up to his hips to thrust into you deeper, hitting the sweet spot that made your eyes roll at the back of your head and your finger curl as you screamed his name in pure pleasure.
 Don’t have to be ashamed if you wanna scream my name
As I fuck away the pain.
 At that point, you couldn’t even remember your own name, much less why you made a move on him. Billy was fucking you senseless and you couldn’t care less as you dug your nails into his back, scratching it harshly as he bit on your shoulder.
 Stronger than a shot of whiskey or any pill you take.
 His thrusts became sloppier as he reached down between you two to harshly rub your clit, making the knot in your lower abdomen – the one he had snapped once before – snap suddenly.
You kept calling his name until he came, gripping onto him as you moaned when he bit into the flesh of your shoulder again, trying to lower his moans as you did the same by baffling your screams into his neck.
 Fuck away the pain, erase him from your brain.
Fake it like you love me, come on baby touch me.
Show me where it hurts, this dirty little curse.
 He fell by your side, a breathing mess much like you.
“Now, how’s that about a distraction to you?” Billy breathed out, pulling you to his chest and grinning down at you.
“Distraction to what?” His smirk grew bigger before he leaned down to kiss you again. “We should take a bath.” He hummed, burying his finger in your hair as you devilishly smiled at him. “Ready for a round two and then to get your cute little ass out of my house?”
He reflected your smile, getting a hold of some condoms before throwing you playfully into his shoulder.
“Ready as ever, doll face.”
 Don’t need to be ashamed if you wanna scream my name
As I fuck away the pain.
Tags: @lomlbarnes 
Knowing that this a character that many hate, I won’t tag anyone that didin’t ask. Even if they were on my “Dammed to a forever tagging” list, because they didn’t knew that I would write for anything other than Marvel, so.. Yeah. 
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superlepato · 6 years
Harringrove Incubus Au SFW
This is the second part and possible end. I want to thank again a @billyandsteve and @abouttwocats without them this Headcanon wouldn’t be what it is now.
• This is a continuation but exposing other aspects of their relationship. So Steve stays with Billy as his housewife/maid in exchange for sex and lessons on how to be a player.
• Steve becomes friends or at least is in friendly terms with the rest of the tenants in the building. “When did you buy pie” “Mrs. Henderson give it to me for babysitting Dustin” “WHO?” “Your neighbor? They live below you” “…” “They have an orange cat? Dustin is one of the kids that always run on the stairs? For hell Billy, you threw his bike because it was blocking the exit of your car!” “Ahhh…you mean the cat lady and the toothless kid” “BILLY”
• Steve knows more about Billy’s building than Billy, the landlord likes Steve so he gets soft with the rent, which pissed Billy a bit since the landlord never did that to him.
“That’s because you are rude”
• This can’t continue forever. Steve was supposed to a quick job and return so when he didn’t return like he supposed too, his father came to him.
• While Billy is out Steve’s father shows up and tries to take Steve home. Disappointed of his son - @abouttwocats
• He would be really, really disappointed and asks what the hell was he doing all this time? Steve starts to sweat metaphorically because he knows that if he tells his father the truth it’s only going to get worse, let a human train him. His father would kill him for bringing shame to the family.
• They are like top class demons, very respectable in hell. His dad is an incubus and his mother a succubus, usually, two different types of demons don’t mix but there are exceptions.
• Like Steve has always been a bit on the weaker side, and now having a human train him. Steve was wearing the little maid outfit when he was questioned - @abouttwocats
• He would play with the edge of the dress while his father throws lasers with his gaze.
“This human like a little of roleplay before sex, Dad” “So you DO are having sex with him” “Yes” “then why haven’t you return?” “…” “show me your form”
Steve changes and his father see that there isn’t enough development according to the time he is been living with the human. His dad gets so angry that he changes too and is scary, his horns are large and have more than a pair, his skin is dark purple almost black, yellow eyes and fangs sharp like a snake.
• Steve’s whimpering. “I’m sorry, I just like spending time with him. He’s teaching me so much” - @abouttwocats
• Billy returns only to find this big demon terrorizing his babe, and quickly positions between them.
“Stay away from him” “Billy, don’t..” “Why” “That’s.. that’s my dad” - @abouttwocats
• Steve’s dad hates when Steve cries for something that isn’t pleasant, it makes him look weak and soft. Ugggh pure.
• Billy is shocked, this is how his baby should look like? he prefers him the way he is. Takes a mental note of to not feed him with cum for a while.
• After the confrontation with his dad, Billy’s like “you gotta spit”. From there on Steve has forbidden swallow his cum, it took time for him to get used to the idea.
Billy holds Steve’s face in his hand, squishing his cheeks, “spit”. The come dribbles out of his mouth. - @abouttwocats
• Now, we all agree that Steve is expelled and can’t come home ever again, but I did imagine how I would like the scenario to be played. (I didn’t have the time to share this in discord).
• Billy tries to defend him but he is only human and Steve didn’t want him to get hurt, in the end, his father took him to hell. He is in house arrest waiting to see what the other demons are going to do to him when is obvious his parents have lost any hope for him.
• They decided to expel him instead of exterminating him or turning him into a slave but only because it was found that technically it wasn’t his fault the way he was, it was just his nature.
• Apparently, there was a reason why two different type of demons doesn’t mix apart from chemistry, is because the spawn of such union could come with side effects.
• He was born as an incubus, his body function that way but his mind perceive things as a succubus. Two natures clashing, living in contradiction, that’s why he was such a submissive incubus and how he couldn’t feed as a succubus.
• He is happy to return to Billy even though a small part of him is sad that he won’t be able to return to hell, the place might be… hell but it was all he knew.
• Now with Billy, he has to face the reality that he won’t be tasting cum for a while.
Steve would have to beg and throw tantrums for Billy to let him eat his cum. One time he tried to be sneaky and give a blow job while he was sleeping. Billy didn’t find it funny at all, he was punished. “BILLY, please I’m hungry” “There is food in the fridge, I think it is Chinese” “I DON’T WANT CHINESE” “Steve, what I said about yelling?” warns him behind his book “That is rude and good boys aren’t rude” “Damn right” “…
• Imagine that one time they came across with one of Steve previous lovers. Nancy, they break up in good terms especially because demons don’t go searching for stability (billy is an exception the same way Steve is an exception to Billy)
Nancy is with Jonathan and they have a small talk, she is happy for Steve and his new boyfriend. The point is, in a way or another she tells Billy about the whole “HARRINGTON EXPERIENCE" (Harrington is the fake last name he uses with Nance)
• Later Billy is like “why is that you never try to woo me and buy me stuff?” “Why would I, the first thing you did when we meet was give me a handjob. It seems pointless to do that when you were so eager to fuck me”
Billy would never say it because it’s dumb and he isn’t the soft one in the relationship but that kind of hurt him.
• Billy wants his Harrington experience, he doesn’t like to be left aside.
Steve notices that Billy is sulking, he doesn’t get the reason but wants to cheer him up and bakes a giant cake and dolls up, making a surprise! with flowers and candles (he gets the idea from human TV) - @billyandsteve
• Billy is so happy that let Steve suck his dick.
• I think he would like food with strong flavors, like spicy food and sweets. I mean he could eat everything, but he would love those flavors no in between. Billy would gross out seeing Steve eating noodles with kimchi and later chocolate pancakes with whipped cream and three toppings of ice cream.
• He can out eat Billy “Where are you keeping that princess”- @abouttwocats
• I mean since he can’t drink his milk, he has to fill himself with other stuff.  He loves human food, there isn’t any food in hell, everything they take is from the humans or other creatures.
• The only time Billy tasted Steve’s cum he burned himself in the throat, he didn’t know that sex demons cum runs hot like HOT TEA HOT. Steve feels guilty for burning Billy’s throat, now Billy has to have a liquid diet or solid food with mushy texture.
Billy is grumpy the whole time, thank God is just for a few days.
• I can’t believe I almost forget to put this part, when Billy punish him he has to punish him making use of his soft side. No cuddles, no kisses, no hugs, no share shower, no more borrowed clothes and stolen sweaters, no more movie nights, no more praises.
•  Steve gets so upset :( he nearly cries and begs Billy to forgive him “Please, I will be good, pretty please Billy” - @billyandsteve
“I promise not to ask for your cum and-and I will not lick the sheets or floor” starts to sniff “Also I pro-pro-promise not to try…to suck your dick while asleep” “I’m sorry Billy, please” big fat drops roll from his cheeks.
• Billy can’t be mad at his Bambi’s eyes and scoops Steve in his arms “That’s my good boy” He pats Steve head gently “Did you learned your lesson?”  - @billyandsteve
• Later everything gets better with Makeup sex.
42 notes · View notes
mysticalreadingnerd · 7 years
Machetes and Near Death Experiences (A Steve Harrington x Reader imagine)
Words: 5286
Summary: Being a babysitter for the Party requires a full set of abilities. Battling inter-dimensional monsters, being a machete swinging pro and managing a bunch of dorks with a penchant for attracting danger being just a few. Add Steve Harrington to the mix and things get a lot more interesting.
Warnings: swearing, violence, Dustin being a sassy cutie
  Disclaimer: I don't own Stranger Things or any of its characters. This is merely me turning my wishful thinking into reader insert imagines. GIF credits to the owner.
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No answer.
“Harrington, what do you think you’re doing?”
Still no reply.
“Hey this ain’t funny, dammit!”
You weaved a frustrated hand through your hair as you watched the former King of Hawkins High leave the safe haven of the boarded bus in a bid to ‘expand the menu’ as Dustin put it. “Stay here and whatever you do, don’t open the door unless I tell you to.” You ordered the kids in a no nonsense manner and they merely nodded. They knew you enough from previous babysitting sessions to not mess with your instructions. Gripping your machete tightly, you followed the low growling that was slowly filling the night air. “Y/N what are you doing here? It’s not safe...” “Exactly asshole, you need someone to watch your back here. I won’t let you turn this into a suicide mission”, you answered as a demo-dog entered your field of vision. Steve took its jump head-on, the baseball bat landing with a sickening crunch. “That was easier than I had...” another snarl interrupted his sentence as more beasts appeared out of the fog. “3’O clock! 3’O clock!” Lucas shouted and all Steve could do was utter a low “fuck”, as another beast jumped on you both. Snarling with razor sharp teeth, its face opened up in a macabre parody of a flower. Pushing Steve out of the way you swung the machete in an upward motion, slicing half of the petalled horror clean off. You had known this Upside Down shit was no laughing matter when you encountered it last year while babysitting the boys. Keeping El a secret had been a bitch but you had managed, somehow. So the Party knew they could trust to be handy when things started getting strange again. You were no telekinetic Mage like El but you could slash your way through with a machete alright. It was no surprise really, when Dustin showed up at your house with Harrington no less (that pairing had been odd but who were you to judge), asking for your help regarding certain ‘pet’ problems. Turns out, pesky pets were actually demogorgon hounds masquerading as slugs. Code red could have justified one demo-dog, what you weren’t prepared for were a dozen more menaces appearing out of nowhere. “I thought you said there was only one!” you screamed as Steve rolled off the hood of a rusting car, kicking off another demo-dog. Too many. There were too many to hold off. “Steve! Y/N! Abort! Abort! Abort!” Dustin shouted and you guys didn’t need more incentive to abandon a plan which had been foolhardy from the very beginning. The door was thrown open on your shouts and quickly slammed shut just as one of them lunged at the bus, crashing on the door and sliding down. A thrashing limb tried to get in and you heaved the machete, putting your strength behind the swing as you repeatedly clobbered it until it slinked right out. Steve readied his nail ridden bat and you huddled the kids behind you, switching the machete to your other hand. “You think they can bust through the door?” a loud thud echoed off the roof, answering your question. “Shit!” This was followed by a scream from Max the one closest to the ladder, when a demo-dog reared its ugly head through the roof. Steve pushed her towards you and landed a solid hit with the bat. But more kept coming, making him retreat towards you. He clutched your hand blindly, tightening his grip once he found it as if saying a silent goodbye and you started fearing the worst. You hoped you could at least shield the kids before they took you down, when the monsters suddenly withdrew. All of them. With Harrington in the lead, you gingerly opened the door and stepped out to investigate. The coast seemed clear for the time being. “What happened? Lucas asked. “Steve scared’em off? Dustin sounded hopeful. “No. No way”, he replied, “They are going somewhere.” Steve pointedly stared in the distance before shaking his head and looking at you, checking for any signs of injuries. “You okay?” you gave a small nod. “You?” “Peachy”, he answered. Sighing in relief, you took a step towards him. His expression softened on seeing your approach and he was about to say something when you interrupted it by hitting him on the arm. “OW! What the...” Another hit, this time harder. “THAT HURTS!” “It was MEANT TO!” you screamed, huffing loudly at his stupidity. Sighing, you said in a deathly calm voice, “You dare try another heroic stunt like that again Harrington and I won’t just use my fists next time”, you brandished the machete in his face. Steve put up his hands in surrender, nodding in awe. “She’s so cool!” Dustin exclaimed, earning a weird look from Lucas and Max. “Okay. What do we do next?” Lucas asked, finally letting go of Max’s hand. “We need to find out where they went. If they were called back, maybe we can find the source of it and come up with a plan on how to deal with them”, you replied, wiping the machete with your hand, trying to get the blood off. Steve stared at you for a bit longer than necessary, absentmindedly answering, “Yeah, yeah you’re right.” You trudged up ahead with Max and Lucas as Steve and Dustin brought up the rear. Following the sounds that echoed off in the distance was your best bet. More like, your only lead. “Dude, did you see how she swung that machete at the demo-dog? That was pure art in motion!” Unknown to you Dustin raved on, repeating the same movements, swinging with an imaginary weapon albeit much more clumsily, stumbling in the process. “Watch your steps, Henderson.” Steve warned. But he couldn’t have agreed more as his gaze unwittingly watched your shadowy figure walk with an arm slung over Max and Lucas’ shoulders, the machete tucked at your waist, its blade glinting under your plaid shirt. He had been expecting that darn monster to be sweepingly fast but he hadn’t been prepared to face a dozen salivating horrors. He would never admit it out loud but never had a woman looked more attractive than you swinging your machete to slice off inter-dimensional creatures. Dustin noticed his gaze on you and chuckled, “You getting sappy, Steve?” Snapping out of his daze, Steve replied, “Shut your trap, dipshit.” He hadn’t expected to be attracted to someone so soon after what happened with Nancy. Let alone start falling so fast and so hard. It made him wonder whether what he had felt for her was love to begin with. It had been all fuzzy butterflies and tumultuous emotions with Nancy, more feelings than actual understanding. Whereas with you, he got a sense that everything was much more real, as if he could never be more grounded and aware than when he was with you. He had been swept away by Nancy’s perfection, failing to see the cracks that had developed in that facade over time. On the other hand, he was awed by your ability to transform imperfections. You owned them as if they were worthy laurels to be worn with a head held high. But all this over thinking was in vain. There was nothing between you and him, he mused, and it never would be. Even though a part of him hoped otherwise. After all, you were Y/N L/N, a machete swinging, protective badass in plaid. You didn’t do sappy nonsense like romance. Right?
Steve couldn’t have been more wrong. You crouched in a corner of the Byers’ living room wondering what exactly you had gotten yourself into. Bob Newby’s death had come as a shock to all of you. You had interacted with him twice or thrice while babysitting Will and he was one of the nicest people you knew. Slightly weird but nice. You couldn’t come to terms with how someone so good could be with you one moment and gone the next. Your gaze slid over to Steve Harrington as he sat with the boys, a sombre silence blanketing the room. With his perfect hair, kind eyes and warm smiles that brightened even your sulky mood, that beautiful bastard had managed to worm his way into your heart. God! You had hated the way your stomach became all tingly when he had clutched your hand and hovered protectively in front of you, braving the onslaught of a dozen demo-dogs. Brave and stupid nonetheless, but it was the thought that counts, right? You watched as Max sat next to you onto the floor. “Hey” you murmured. She had been taking all this surprisingly well considering she didn’t have as much time to adjust as you had. “Hey. You think this will work?” she gestured vaguely at the scattered papers on the table, ‘close gate’ scrawled across one of them. You merely shrugged, “It’s as good a plan as any. If there’s anyone who could beat that Mind Flayer, it would be El.” An awkward silence grew at the mention of Eleven. Not wanting it to continue, you asked, “You okay?” she muttered something under her breath. “What?” “I said, Eleven probably hates me.” You smiled at that and shook your head, “Nah, I doubt it.” She furrowed her brows, “How can you be so sure?” “Well, for one, I literally had to keep these idiots out of danger last year”, you gestured to where Mike, Lucas and Dustin were sitting. “Also, think about it. She was the only girl among them and then she had to leave these dorks for the longest time, only to find you amongst them. Maybe all she’s feeling is insecure, worried that you will replace her.” “But I’m not even part of the party. Mike specifically said so”, she mumbled the last part. “Oh don’t take him to heart. He’s just been miserable without El, missing her for so long. He’s been in a crappy mood with every one of us.” You gave her hand a small squeeze, “They’ll be fine, trust me. Just give them time.” Max pondered over your words before giving you a toothy grin. “Thanks Y/N! Dustin was right, you are pretty cool.” “Don't you mean pretty and cool?” you looked up to see Steve hunching over you both, obviously having heard your conversation. “Was that a lame attempt at flirting, Harrington?” you smirked, though you had to admit you were pleased on the inside. “Really? Is that the best you can do, man? I thought you could do better than this!” Dustin complained from his place on the couch. Pink dusted Steve’s cheeks as he placed the dish cloth he had been holding on his shoulder. “Hey. Hey. Hey. Don’t sass me you little shits. Let’s clean up this mess. Better than sitting in one place and just waiting for them to come back.” Everyone got up one by one, ready to clear up. Steve offered you a hand as you were about to get up and when you took it, a small smile bloomed on his face. “You are good with this,” he said, pulling you to your feet. “What do you mean?” his touch lingered on your hand as if not wanting to let go. Or was it just something you had imagined? “With Max. With the kids. You’re good with handling them, considering all this.” You found a smile tugging at your lips. Steve intertwined his fingers with yours and you found that you didn’t mind it at all. His smooth fingers filled the gaps between your calloused ones perfectly. “Yeah? You aren’t half bad, Harrington.” “Half bad?” he sounded affronted. “I’m a pretty damn good babysitter!!” Your laughter rang out through the room at that and unlike other girls (he had to admit you were unlike any other girl he had ever met), who giggled or gave high pitched squeals, this was a throaty laugh, rich in timbre and echoing from the heart. Steve found himself mesmerized by the sound. He wanted to hear more of it and above all, he wanted to be the reason for causing it. “Okay, if you two love birds are done canoodling and giggling, can we do some actual work here? Steve, need your help with somethin’.” Steve reluctantly let go of your hand, cursing under his breath about burying Dustin with some unwanted demo-dog bodies. You proceeded to clean up the shattered glass along with Max, noticing for the first time how restlessly Mike had been pacing the whole time. “Mike, would you just stop already?” Lucas tried to reason. “You weren’t there, okay Lucas? That lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs!” Mike argued. “Demo-dogs!” Dustin corrected from the kitchen. “The chief said he’ll take care of it!” Lucas bit back, exasperated at Mike’s behaviour. Steve tried to simmer down the argument in his own misguided way, using ball game jargon. Mike was visibly irritated and voiced it out aloud, “Okay. First of all, this isn’t one of your stupid sports games and secondly, we aren’t even in the game. We are on the bench!” Steve sputtered out, “So- so my point...is...” you held your head in your hands, this was getting ridiculous. “Right, yeah, we are on the bench, so, uh, there’s nothing we can do.” He again placed the dish cloth on his shoulder. “That’s not entirely true”, you looked at Dustin, intrigued as he spoke about how the demo-dogs had a hive mind, basically connected to the Mind Flayer and if they were called back, the lab would be obstruction free for Eleven to close the gate. “Yeah, and then we all die!” Steve exclaimed. “Well, that’s one way of looking at it.” Despite yourself you chuckled, earning a grin from Dustin and a glare from Steve. ‘Sorry’ you mouthed at him. Mike started off about distracting the dogs by setting the hub of the tunnel on fire and the rest of them were pumped about the idea, completely ignoring you and Steve. “Hey.” They ignore him again. “Hey! Hey!” This had gone on long enough. You gave out a shrill, piercing whistle calling their attention to you. Silence fell in the room and all pair of eyes were trained on you, “I believe Harrington wants to say something.” “Thank you Y/N for that kindly interruption. This”, he pointed at them, “is not happening.” “But...” “No buts. We promised that we’d keep you shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what we plan on doing. We’re staying here. On the bench. And we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand? This isn’t a stupid sports game.” Steve paused. “I said does everybody understand? I need a yes.” “We should ask Y/N for her take on this. She can’t be agreeing with him” Dustin proposed, pointing at Steve as if he hadn’t said a single word. “Why are you even asking this? WE”, Steve waved a hand between you two, “are together on this!” “Oh shut it Harrington, we are asking for her opinion not your relationship status.” Steve sputtered incoherently at that. “Yeah, Y/N gets a say. She’s senior sitter, her vote carries more power than your’s.” Mike spoke up. You had been listening to this exchange with mounting annoyance. “Hey shitheads, stop talking about me as if I’m not even here. And that includes you as well Harrington!” you pointed at him with a ticked off expression on your face. You continued, “They aren’t completely wrong...” “Please don’t be actually considering this...” Steve begged. “All I’m saying...” the sounds of an engine revving loudly interrupted you. Max scrambled to the window, fear evident on her face. “It’s my brother. He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us.” She looked at you and Steve, just as you both recognised the person to whom the car belonged to. Steve exclaimed, “You are Billy Hargrove’s sister?!” she nodded. You frowned as you motioned to follow him outside. “Y/N stay here.” “If you think I’ll let you go suicide squad again...” “They’ll need someone tough if things go wrong”, he jerked his heads towards the kids.
That was your first mistake. Letting him go out there alone to face that savage Neanderthal named Billy fucking Hargrove. You just wished that King Steve wouldn’t be dethroned by the new Keg King in a fist fight as well. You noticed too late that the kids were crowding in the window when they were supposed to hide. Suddenly they ducked. “Did he see us?” Dustin asked. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. This was turning into one hell of a night. You shuffled them into the kitchen and prepared yourself for what was about to come. The door was kicked open with force, as Billy strutted into the room. “Well, well, well. Y/N L/N and Lucas Sinclair, what a surprise.” He looked at you and then at Lucas behind you with a manic glint in his eyes.
“Hargrove, you need to leave this house. Now.” He merely laughed. “Step aside L/N this doesn’t concern you.” He merely laughed. “Step aside L/N this doesn’t concern you.” “Like hell it doesn’t. You stay away from my kids, you understand?” You kept a hand on your machete, prepared for the worst case scenario. He snorted, “Did you and Harrington decide to take the next step and start adopting kids? If so, leave that bitch alone. ‘Cause I ain’t leaving this house without my sister.” “And I ain’t leaving Max with an asshole of a brother.” That was your second mistake of the night. Your sass was going to get you killed one day. Well, who cares, Hargrove had it coming anyway. He laughed out loud as if you had cracked a really funny joke but the mirth didn’t reach his crazed eyes. With a shout he rushed towards you. You whipped out the machete and hit his head with its handle in a bid to throw him off course. The leather grip and your force dealt a sizeable welt to the side of his head. He grunted with the blow but took you down nonetheless. The machete slid out of your grip and fell too far from your reach. Well, shit. The kids were shouting out loudly, telling him to leave you alone but all you could stare at were the eyes of Billy Hargrove as he grabbed your head and struck it against the floor. The pain thundered through your skull, dark spots danced across your vision and all sound turned into white noise. He didn’t give you a moment’s respite, grabbing you by the throat. You were hoisted momentarily in the air before being pushed against the wall. A groan escaped your lips when he choked you, “You should learn to keep that smart mouth of yours closed Y/N, never know who could rip it off.” You crumpled to the floor as he let you go and approached Lucas, slamming him into a wall cabinet with threats of dire consequences on his lips. Had it been somebody else they would have shit their pants. Not Lucas Sinclair. On being threatened, he kneed Billy in the groin. Despite being dazed and disoriented, you were a proud parent. “You are so dead”, the mullet wearing bastard threatened him again before Steve interrupted his tirade, “No. You are.” You were thankful for that as he seemed to have an upper hand in beating Billy out of the house. That was until you saw Steve being clobbered on the head with a plate and subsequently pulverised to a bloody pulp. The white noise was slowly turning into a dull buzz as you stumbled to your feet and approached the pair. “Hey asshole, stay away from my guy!” Billy looked up in time to see your fist rushing to meet his face. Muttering profanities he grabbed you again and returned the favour. You could have dodged that punch, but all you did was smile at the pain, feeling the bruise already blossoming on your jaw. Confused at your reactions, he cursed as the needle pricked his neck. Max had needed a distraction to plunge the syringe, so you gave her one. You left her to threaten Billy with dire consequences, with liberal use of Steve’s bat of course. You crawled towards him, watching King Steve in all his glory, knocked out cold with a bloodied face. God, he had had the daylights punched out of him. Your head pounded and you had a feeling that you were no better than him, though minus a split lip and a slowly blackening eye. You watched Billy promise Max to leave all of you alone and then slump into unconsciousness. They all looked at you as you chuckled, wondering if you had become deranged from his hits. “Did he knock something loose in your head?” Mike wondered out loud. “Nah, I was just thinking that I trained you kids well.” They all grinned at that. You managed to scrap together a few colourful band aids and carefully placed them on Steve’s injuries. That would have to do for the mean time.
Once you reached Billy’s car, you and Dustin somehow squashed Steve on the backseat. You were overcome by a wave of nausea and swayed on your feet. Most likely a concussion, you mused. “Max can you drive? If I attempt to do that in my state, I’ll probably ram it into a ditch.” That was how you found yourselves racing towards the hole Hopper had dug, Max swerving and accelerating at dangerous speeds.
Just as you started thinking that maybe this had been a bad idea, Steve groggily woke up. “Y/N?” he asked Dustin. “I’m here Steve.” He looked at you, before nuzzling into your side. “You look nice.” He felt your chuckle vibrate through his side, if he moved any further, he would be practically in your lap. “Speak for yourself Harrington.” A moment of silence passed before he asked, “Wait did you just call me Steve?” You turned your head to look out of the window, your cheeks flaming red. “What? No! I think you’re still too dazed to think straight.” “Wait, if you are sitting here. Then who’s driving?” His gaze shifted to Max and a chant of ‘Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!’ started. Frankly you don’t really know how you reached where you needed to be. Suffice to say, it involved a lot of shouting, a lot of cursing, one hyperventilating Steve and a smashed mail box. By the end of the ride, you and Steve were clutching each other for dear life.
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“I told you, zoomer.” Max said proudly, once you rushed out of the car never more grateful for solid ground. “Guys? Hey guys?” Steve shouted at the kids as they started taking out bandanas and goggles from the boot, ‘protection’ you had insisted would be required if you were to go through with this. You mumbled your thanks to Dustin as he handed you your pair. “Y/N you should be siding with me on this! We aren’t going down that hole! This ends now!” You stared at the ground for a moment before saying, “They are right, you know. I can’t sit there waiting for others to do things knowing I could have done something to help El and Hopper out. And anything goes, even crawling into a slime infested Upside Down tunnel trying to lure flesh eating demo-dogs if that means we can shut this shit down for good.” “You really have a way with words, you know?” Dustin said while giving Steve his protective gear, “Steve, you are upset. I get it. But the bottom line is a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe. So keep us safe.” He handed him his bat and your machete was thrust into your hands. Steve sighed and took his trusty bat after you gave him a nod. Getting down the hole hadn’t been difficult. Once you landed, the sight that greeted you was hardly scenic. The floating dust particles, the slime lathered pulsing tunnel and the chilly air gave you eerie vibes. It seemed like a piece of hell had been recreated in Hawkins. “Holy shit”, Steve exclaimed. “Pretty cosy, right?” you replied sardonically as the party looked around. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure it’s this way.” Mike shined the torch on the crude map of the tunnels you had drawn. You were glad that Steve stopped Mike and took the lead; these little shits could go running blindly into danger and not even know it. Bringing up the back, you swung the machete in your hand hoping that the demo-dogs would at least let you reach the hub and not make any surprise appearances. Getting there had been fairly incident free if you overlooked a minor hiccup (Dustin being spewed with otherworldly vomit could be considered that, in the grand scheme of things) and before you knew it, you were dousing the hub with all the inflammable liquid you could get your hands on from the Byers’ household. With everyone calling out that they were ready, Steve took out the lighter and flung it into the darkness whilst muttering, “I’m in such deep shit.” For the rest of your life, you would remember how the small flame sailed through the air, almost in slow motion, before landing on the floor and lighting up the room like a bonfire taking to dry wood. Nothing could be more horrifyingly beautiful than an inferno of flames engulfing the slimy tendrils that started screeching on being burnt. “Go, go, go, go, go”, Steve yelled snapping you out of your daze when he pulled you together with him. You quickly ran ahead of the boys, taking the machete out of its place at your waist. Was this how Vikings felt when they launched surprise attacks on enemies? Well, they probably didn’t have someone like Steve Harrington shouting, ‘oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!’ throughout the escape but you wouldn’t have liked it any other way. The euphoria of having burnt an evil shadow monster’s lair pumped through your veins, the frigid air rushing past your party as you ran through the winding tunnels.
That was until Mike’s cries for help brought you to a screeching halt. You changed directions, running back to see him being dragged by the vines. Lucas, Dustin and Max reached him first and tried to pull him out of the vine’s clutches. “Stand back!” Steve swung the bat at it once, twice. You delivered the third blow, cutting it clean from his foot as the shrieking critter gave a few dying wails before flopping lifelessly. You were hoping that that would be the end of your problems. You should have known better. A hungry growl diverted your attention from checking if Mike was hurt and the hair on the back of your arms stood up. A demo-dog stood in front of you in all its slimy, many toothed glory. You made a move to go full Viking on it just as Dustin called out, “Dart?” This was the thing that had been mistaken for a pet?? You lowered the machete as Steve tried to pull him back but he just shushed you guys. You tried to call him back, “Trust me on this!” he replied and you lapsed into silence. Your eyebrows rose up in disbelief as Dustin talked with the creature as if it were a beloved dog returning to its master. You were fairly sure your brows had disappeared into your hairline by the time he had managed to calm the demo-dog with nougat bars and waved you guys to move forward. This night was breaking all previous charts of trippy events but stranger things had been known to happen. You swiftly moved on ahead but a loud rumble shook the ground, tripping you and the others. “What was that?” Max asked. “They are coming. Run. RUN!” Mike shouted from the rear. You all ran like your lives depended upon it as growls echoed deeply from the tunnels, sounding closer and closer as you approached the rope. “There! Let’s go. Go. Go. Go.” Steve steadied the dangling rope while you hoisted Max up and urged them to climb up ahead one by one. You were about to follow Dustin as he was helped up by Lucas and Mike when the growls echoed too closely for your comfort. “Shit” you muttered. Hordes of demo-dogs rounded the corner and filled the tunnel, piling over one another in their haste to reach you. It was too late, you could never make it out in time. This was the end, this was how you would die. At least you both had got all the kids out safely. Your fist gripped the machete tightly, readying it for one last swing. Steve looked at you and gave a solemn nod. You held his gaze and a silent understanding passed between you. Whatever may happen, you would go down fighting. You saw the distance between them and you diminishing at an alarming rate. Running at you at full throttle, closing in on you, faster and faster.... And just continuing on as if you were invisible. Completely ignoring your presence, they roughly brushed past you, almost knocking you off balance. Did they not see that there were two prime steaks standing smack dab in their midst? Steve pulled you in his arms as the tide of demo-dogs made its way around you, disappearing around the corner heading god knew where. As you clutched onto him for dear life, your mind finally registered that you had nearly died just then. You stared at him, not comprehending that the ordeal was at long last over. He gazed right back, holding on equally tightly. As if letting you go would make the monsters come back. As if being nearly run down by literal hell hounds had finally opened his eyes and he was seeing you for the first time. You gave a hysterical laugh and flung yourself into Steve as he buried his head in the crook of your neck, clutching your waist even more tightly than before. You both stayed like that for what seemed like eternity before being interrupted by Dustin. “Guys? Guys, I know it’s literally the end of the world but can you have your lovey-dovey moment after you are safe and out of that hell hole?” You sprang apart at that and let go of each other. Blushing the shade of ripe tomatoes, you climbed up the rope. Once you reached above ground, you slipped your hand into Steve’s, took off the bandana & goggles and gave him a dazzling smile. The headlights burnt bright like two miniature suns, signalling that El had managed to close the gate. He looked at you then, with the fading light reflecting off your sweat and grime stained face. You looked as bone tired as he felt, hair greasy and all over the place. There was a purplish bruise on your jaw that was darkening with every passing minute (Hargrove was going to be so dead once he was done with him). Nobody had looked more beautiful in his eyes. In that moment, Steve Harrington thought that if the end of the world meant you would look at him with such adoring eyes, may be facing ravaging demo-dogs and enduring near death experiences wasn’t that bad of a deal after all.  
A/N: My first Steve Harrington imagine! Not exactly sure how this turned out. Please excuse any typos that may have crept in. I love Mom Steve, if you didn't notice. I react to feedback the way Dart acts with Nougat. ❤ ~mystical reading nerd.
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imagineaworlds · 7 years
Remember I’m Here For You -- Billy Hargrove
Written By: @rune-of-a-writer
Requested: Can I request a billy x reader fanfiction where the reader is dealing with depression and feels lonely but then billy starts to care for her and he’s really cute and fluffy and tries to make her happy.
Warnings: Depression, angst, self-doubt, cuss words
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Summary: Things hadn’t been going so great for you lately, and your boyfriend Billy has been picking up on it. So he decides to try his best to make you feel better.
Listen To: Teen Idle by Mariana and the Diamonds
Gif Creds: @elevnns
Words: 2,504
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    Your (e/c) eyes stared blankly out the window, the end of your pencil twirling between your teeth. The red, orange and yellow leaves of the autumn trees swirled on the pavement below, freely making their way across the street, through the parking lot, and wherever else the wind decided they belonged. While you on the other hand, were stuck inside Hawkins High School, feet planted firmly on the ground and body unmoving as your AP European History teacher dragged on.
    “Ms. (Y/L/N)? Would you mind bringing your eyes to the board rather than outside?” the voice of Mr. Hodgins suddenly called out.You slowly moved your eyes to the front of the board, removing the pencil from your mouth.
    “Yeah. Sorry,” you apologized curtly, though it was obvious you weren’t sorry from the lack of emotion in your voice. Your notebook lay open in front of you, void of its usual colorful notes. You didn’t have your usual highlighters or colored pens scattered out either. Just the single pencil and notebook. Mr. Hodgins eyed you carefully before moving on, electing not to say much else on the matter.
    A short while later the bell rang and you packed up your things, carelessly shoving them into your practically empty backpack. Before you were able to leave, however, Mr. Hodgins called you back. A short shock of panic ran through you, thinking you were going to be in trouble for not paying attention, or your missing assignments, or the absences piling up. Holding your breath, you turned around and walked over to his desk.
    “Yes, Mr. Hodgins?” you asked carefully, your hands gripping the strap of your backpack tightly.
    “I’m worried about you, (Y/N). Last year you were top of the class, always on time, never missed an opportunity to raise your hand or help out. Now, I’m lucky if you show up once a week, or turn in anything at all. What’s going on? I’ve had you in my class three years in a row. We’ve been working together to get you into Harvard— that’s not something you can slip up on. You know that. Talk to me, let me help you,” he spoke, nothing but pure concern and worry in his voice. You didn’t know what to do.
    “I…” your voice got caught in your throat. He was right, and you knew he was right. You were just waiting for somebody other than yourself to call you out on it. Ever since middle school you had been dreaming of going to Harvard to study, and you never let anything get in the way. But then last year happened, and that’s when everything slowly started coming undone. And then it happened again, and everything got worse. You’re lucky if you get 4 hours of sleep due to the nightmares of Demodogs hunting down you, Steve, and the kids. Your hands shake whenever you attempt to pick up a pencil. You know it’s not over for good, how can it be? Nothing ever is. So who’s going to die next? Would it be Nancy? Dustin? Mike? You? Or worse, your boyfriend.
    Fingers snapping in front of your face drew you out of your spiralling thoughts, yet again. You stared down at Mr. Hodgins silently, and he reciprocated the act, fingers placed on his chin. “Listen. If you don’t want to talk to me, that’s fine. But talk to someone. It’s November. Finals are next month. You can't afford to risk those if Harvard is still in your future. Now go enjoy your weekend,” he said finally. Nodding your head, you walked out of his class and made your way to your locker.
    Billy was already at your locker when you got there, a soft smile instantly finding its way to your face. “Hey there, handsome,” you called out, getting his attention. Smirking, he pushed himself off of the lockers and grabbed your hips, tugging you towards him.
    “Hey, beautiful,” he hummed in response, leaning down to capture your lips in a gentle kiss. Your backpack slid off your shoulder as your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. Billy was your safety net, even though he didn’t know it. You had refused to tell him about everything that had been going on with school, and with how you’d been feeling because he had enough to deal with. His dad had been slowly getting worse with the election coming up, new bruises popping up every other day. Not to mention, Billy was also shoved into the ‘Upside Down’ world, when Max had told him everything after his fight with Steve. You couldn’t bring yourself to stress him out more.
    “What took you so long?” he questioned once you two broke apart.
    “Mr. Hodgins needed to ask me a question,” you replied simply, swooping up your backpack and opening your locker. You grabbed your English and and French notebooks, shoved them into your backpack, and slammed the locker shut. “Ready?”
    “Don’t you have Chemistry or something, too?” Billy asked skeptically, eyeing the unusually light backpack. Even though he hadn’t been around last year, from what he had heard from your parents, and other students, you usually prided yourself on the amount of work you’d get done.
    “I’ll work on it tomorrow or something. It’s not that big of a deal,” you brushed off, beginning to walk ahead of him. Billy narrowed his eyes before jogging to catch up with you and tossing an arm around your shoulder. He opened the car door for you, making sure you were inside before gently shutting it and getting in himself.
    Billy had noticed a change in you. It was subtle, but it was there. When he would stay the night, you curled closer to him than usual, despite the heat of the blankets. You were constantly waking up throughout the night, nails digging into his pecs and eyes blown wide with fear. He hadn’t seen you do your homework in a while, or tell him to “back off, Hargrove, I’m making dreams happen”. Often times when he’d go to pick you up in the morning, you’d inform him you weren’t feeling well and wouldn’t be at school that day. Which he knew was total bullshit because when he would come over after school, you wouldn’t hesitate to curl up next to him. Your eating habits became abnormal, and you didn’t talk to anyone anymore. Billy was worried, but he had no idea how to bring it up. You were always the caring one, the one who knew how to help people. Not him.
    As Billy took off down the road, he slowed the car to a normal pace in order to give himself more time to talk to you. He mulled over the idea on how to approach the subject so that you wouldn’t shut him out or get annoyed. “How’ve you been feeling lately? With the whole Upside Down thing?” he finally asked.
    Billy’s question caught you off guard. You turned to look at him, picking at the fabric of your sweater. “I mean, as well as anyone would, I guess. I’ve been distracted, I suppose,” you admitted, not being able to lie to him. Billy nodded his head, biting the inside of his cheek. His hand moved to rest on the inside of your thigh while the other remained on the wheel.
    “You know I’m always right here, right? I’m not the best with words, not like you. But I have ears, and they’re good at listening, princess,” he said after a minute, briefly looking over at you through his sunglasses. Your heart fluttered at the nickname, like it always did.
    “You have your own things, Billy. This is just… Just something I’ve gotta figure out on my own. I don’t want to worry you,” you murmured quietly, resting your own hand on top of his. The car suddenly pulled over to the side of the road, the screeching of the tires coming to a halt. Whipping your head to look at Billy, you were about to question his impulsiveness but he didn’t give you the chance.
    “Now you listen here, doll. This past month has been hell. Literally. Things I only imagined to exist in hell have walked among Hawkins. I almost lost you. I almost lost Max. My dad has been on my ass more times than I can count. But none of that means I’m not here for you. That I can’t handle whatever is going on in the pretty little head of yours. If you’re struggling, I demand to know. If you need me, you better not be hiding it from me. I’m in this with you for the long run. You’re stuck with me (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and with that comes trust. This car isn’t moving until those lips of yours start talking to me. I’m not going to be accepting anymore of your bullshit,” Billy fired out, lifting up his sunglasses and turning his body so he was fully facing you. Your (e/c) eyes stared at him widely; that was one of the longest things Billy had ever said to you. You knew you couldn’t fake a smile through this anymore.
    “Fuck, alright. It started last year, after the first attack. Nancy losing Barb to the Upside Down was so unexpected, I didn’t know what to think. I’m not close to either of them— I only knew them through Steve. But just knowing it could happen, set me on edge. Then Steve dragged me to the Byers’ house that night when the Demogorgon attacked, and it was horrific. I thought all four of us were going to die. I had nightmares, but they weren’t bad. I was naive enough to think it was over, that Eleven had ended it and there wasn’t a problem anymore. But I was wrong. There’s always going to be a problem. Will started having his other visions or whatever the kids were calling it. The Upside Down was reaching into our world, affecting our life. And then Dustin’s pet Demodog shows up. And that’s when I realized, this will never be over. No matter how many times Eleven or Jane or whoever goes to close the rift, no matter how many times Steve pulls out that bat, it’ll still come back. Or something worse will. So what’s the point? Of anything? Of fighting? Of school, homework, sleeping, eating… Harvard… What’s the point of any of it if I’m not guranteed to live long enough to have it? I’m not a valuable asset to whatever team they’re trying to build. Steve has the strength and nurturing attitude for the kids, Nancy and Jonathan have the brains and detective work, Hopper makes sure none of us get caught, the kids keep everyone together and figure out the links between the Upside Down and our world, and Eleven is the weapon. I’m nothing. I’m just a potential body count needing to be covered up. I don’t see the point in any of this anymore. I’m so tired, Billy.”
    Your admission of self-doubt had finally been released, and all the unnamed tension in your body suddenly left. Your shoulders sagged as you fell back against the passenger seat, closing your eyes and leaning your head back. A few tears slipped out of your eyes, but you managed to hold the majority of them back because you knew you wouldn’t be able to talk if you began to cry. Billy’s hand on your thigh tightened as he leaned over. You opened your eyes, looking at him.
    “Don’t you ever tell me you’re nothing, do you understand me? I know you feel that right now, but it’s not true, god damn it. You’re the most beautiful girl in Hawkins, hell, the most beautiful girl on this planet. You’re the smartest in the school, smarter than Nancy or Jonathan. You’re strong in the sense that you’ve been holding all of this in for a year without anyone noticing. You were able to survive two attacks from something out of this world, something nobody knew anything about. If I didn’t have you in my life, I would still be the asshole yelling at my sister and beatin’ on Harrington. Whenever my body is black and blue, you know instantly and are able to fix me up in more ways than one,” Billy ranted, his hands having reached up half way through to cup your face, “Does that sound like nothing to you? Does that sound like a useless person?”
    Shaking your head no, you looking down as a few more tears slipped past. Your hand came up to grip at Billy’s hand again, taking in a shuddering breath. “I’m scared, Billy. I’m scared that next year everything will be different. That we won’t be together. That somebody else will be dead. That another problem will come up. It’s all I can think about, I can’t handle it anymore.”
    “I’m not going anywhere. When the two of us graduate, we’ll decide whether to stay or go. If a new problem comes up, I’ll be right next to you. I know you’ll use that brain of yours to get us out of anything, babygirl. Don’t let the future traumatize you before it even happens. Let right now happen before it’s gone,” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to your a forehead.
    Pulling back, Billy reached around his neck to unhook the brass pendant necklace he always had lying below his chest. You had loved that necklace, you always made sure he knew that. Whenever the two of  you were standing together in the halls you’d absentmindedly hold onto it, tracing the engravings as if it meant something to you. When the two of you were in bed together, you’d lay your hand on top of it, lightly clutching the cold metal between his heart and your hand. And whenever he was on top of you, the two of you tangled in your bed sheets, you would find comfort in the way it would constantly hit your throat, cheek, or under your neck.
    “Take this. I know how much you love it, though I don’t know why. Whenever you’re wearing this, I’m right there with you, baby. I’m not going anywhere,” Billy promised, dangling the necklace in front of you. You couldn’t stop the grin that broke out on your face as you eagerly grabbed it from him, not even trying to deny it from him. You instantly put it on, making sure it stood on the center of your chest.
    “Thank you, babe,” you sighed, looking up at him. Leaning up, you gave him a kiss before pulling back. “I’ll never take it off.”
    With Billy’s blue eyes staring at you with so much love and adoration, the cold metal of his necklace around your neck, the background noise of his metal album playing in the Camaro’s CD player, and wind swishing by the cracked windows-things were starting to look up.
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