#just let her have more moments with piper and you’ll see ok just trust me im not crazy
khrysos-karnifex · 2 years
"Piper McLean," Annabeth grumbled, "that was without a doubt the dumbest risk I’ve ever seen anyone take, and I date a dumb risk-taker."
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ursie · 4 years
I Am Here For When Your Thoughts Are Thought. 😳 soul eater au is consuming me, im rewatching the anime so i can remember details
Ok ok new thoughts
Luke is a weapon hence why Kronos can wield him so easily. In this au Kronos kind of overpowered him and stuff he’s far more ala Crona than anything else.
He used to be weilded by Thalia til she fell and that broke something inside of him-Annabeth wields him after but and as much as he adores her he’s just never the same
Ethan gave up part of his soul to be a self weilding weapon. It’s a constant give and take
Thalia’s soul is protecting the school and sometimes you’ll see her still fighting in the corner of your eye
Reyna is a Meister and can make up for any weapon by her mother’s blessing, she can be a weapon as well, she can be whatever she needs to be to ensure victory-she’s limitless
She refused to let anyone wield her (never again-not after everything not when she doesn’t have to anymore) but Octavian falls and Jason..Jason needs a weapon and in that moment..she realizes she truly trusts another man
Jason wields both Octavian and Reyna up until the obvious-sword and shield
Jason wakes up with Piper and Leo claiming to be his weapons and it doesn’t feel wrong? But it doesn’t feel right
They’re both guns , Piper is a sniper, Leo is firepower. Piper can adapt her weapon form to Jason’s powers with some work-her charmspeak is a perfect balance of the parties strengths. So she can electronical weapons as well. Her close combat form is a taser (Leo’s is a stun gun)
It isn’t til Jason left til Octavian stopped protecting him that Reyna realized he could be a dagger as well and that. That was worrying
Frank is a backup weapon it’s a training in Rome that they have battalions ready with weapons who will wield to those who’s needed or meister when necessary. It’s mostly Mars and Apollo kids who heavily tend to be weapons and meisters respectively. When Nico’s missing Hazel wields him. And they continue onwards afterwards as Nico has some healing to do and eventually he becomes Hazels official partner which is 🥺 because that just doesn’t happen for Mars kids they’re used and disposed but for now..he matters.
He can shapeshift because his grandma was a witch or something
Will is technically a meister but he’s incapable of weilding a weapon he just can’t hold it his soul is incapable but he’s learned to use his soul for other things his healing is that. The only person he could ever successfully wield is Nico who did most of the work fgdgfgdggfgg
Nico is Hades official weapon post pjo and post hoo he chooses to pair with Reyna, or Hazel but as he heals he will pair with any of his friends. He definitely prefers and it’s most natural with his siblings (Reyna/Hazel/Perc) but he grows to find comfort with Will & Jason
that’s most of what I have so far I’m still thinking too many thoughts head full fgdgfgdggfgg
*edit do not tag as fr*zel or L*kabeth those are nasty we do not support it in this house
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silvia7272 · 5 years
? ~ Threats & Frights Tonight
I decided to do some smaller fanfics to just make sure everyone is on the same page as me so the SongFic will be revealed later on. However, I’m going to write out of order just like season 3 because I thought this would be cool and a nice way to introduce my OC.
I believe this takes place in season 3, after Lila gets back but before the oh so great finale episodes, so they’re still like around 14. I won’t mention all the episodes but I will post more about how my OC becomes friends with Kagami and Luka. (And Felix because I love Fanon Felix)
Also, I want to ask, do you want consistent salt, salt but redemption for few or all?
Edit: The question mark just means I’m unsure which part this takes place in my main story. It doesnt mean too much.
Word Count: 2203
Marinette stood there frozen, her new best friend, one she knew she could trust with everything, one who knew her identity… Was being Akumatized right in front of her.
Rosina, the newbie of Collège Françoise Dupont, the one who was able to get Marinette and Chloé to settle their differences and let them become friends had fallen for Hawkmoths Akuma.
Why don’t we go back to see how that happened?
Ever since Marinette and Chloé’s friendship blossomed apparently overnight, things had only gotten worse for the girls.
All the classmates had believed that they were always friends but decided to trick them so Marinette would be seen as their ‘Everyday Ladybug’ while Chloé was the bully.
Thank god they ditched her as soon as they saw her “true inner colours”
However, even with all the glares and comments directed towards the girls they never even bat an eye to them, they just kept on walking ahead never looking back. They even had the nerve to smirk back at them.
And now it had appeared there was one more person they wanted to convert.
Rosina Scoats.
She had been a new student to Dupont, and everyone had been excited.
She had looked so pleasant, and everyone had tried to warn her of Marinette, the bully, the one who had made Lila feel so sad and disheartened after Marinette had openly tried to oppose her for being a “liar”.
After all, she had done nothing wrong.
…Nothing wrong.
And yet, no matter what they did, she had always gone back to the outcasts of the class, and they talked as if they had been long-time friends.
It was hopeless now, she had fallen for their lies, there was no way they could save the poor girl.
Although they thought it weird it was only after she came that Marinette and Chloé became friends.
It had just started like any other day. Marinette and Chloé had arrived first and walked to the back where their seats were located, not that they minded being at the back.
Because Rosina had been staying with Marinette she made sure the busy girl got up early for school much to Tikki and her Parents comfort, although she hadn’t appeared yet as there was something the girl had to take care of before coming so the trio became dos at the back.
Then the quiet ones, Nathaniel, Juleka, Ivan, Mylène and Adrien came in. The latter held a disapproving stare at the two girls who should’ve taken the higher ground. They shouldn’t have rocked the boat, and what did they do? The exact opposite.
Honestly, they were worse than Lila at this point.
He just wanted them to apologise to Lila and they could be friends again, couldn’t they see the error in their ways?
It was even worse when he had that argument with Chloé. After that everyone told him it was great, he finally got rid and stopped being friends with Chloé, he could, at last, see just how much she had hurt all his friends and he felt like a fool; he only just realised. Chloé had hurt people while Lila hadn’t.
How ironic right?
Then all the rest came in, ending with Lila, again sprouting some nonsense about meeting several celebrities and she was like a little Sister to them all. Alya was sucking all this information and typing it on her Ladyblog, which by now should be called ‘Lilablog’ considering all the information dedicated to her ‘bestie’ instead.
“Of course, but because they live so far away, they can’t come and celebrate my birthday. Sometimes it’s hard being so far away from them, they’re like family, but they always give me a message and the best presents to make up for it” Her fake tears earned her so many sympathy votes the girls were surprised she wasn’t nominated for best actress.
A scoff was heard, and all heads turned towards the back, it would’ve been creepy considering how in tune they all were, but they didn’t say anything.
“Yes, is there anything wrong?” Lila innocently asked but pulled a disgusted face when no one saw her.
“Oh, nothing nothing, I just love watching Reality TV so early.” Chloé knew they all hated her, but she didn’t care, Lila had already turned Sabrina against her, so she only had Marinette and luckily newbie Rosina as friends.
“Don’t listen to them Lila, their just jealous of all the people that love you compared to them” Some snickers were heard but the girls didn’t pay them any thought. However, a noise disrupted the talk amongst the students.
A phone ringing.
Marinette’s phone was ringing.
“H-” Before she could even get a word out, she had to pull her phone back by how loud the girl’s voice had been on the other line.
“OPEN THE WINDOW NOW OPEN THE WINDOW NOW OPEN THE WINDOW NOW OPEN THE WINDOW NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!” Marinette confused but used to weirdness in her life did what she was told and opened the nearest window. It was a close call as a body slammed into her just as the window opened, leaving no room to run.
“Sooooooorrry about that Mari. I got held up again. That thing I told you I had to do while here, weeeeell it came up, so I had to take care of it, and then Piper wanted to- AHH! Piper are you ok? You aren’t hurt, are you?”
The redhead turned to the bundle she had been carrying while she flew through.
A child, possibly 4 or 5, with black hair and pink eyes in a colourful mini dress, that looked incredibly cute on her all the girls awwed at the girl that they all knew as Piper.
Their meeting would be stated for another time.
Part of her hair was tied in a small high side ponytail, adding to the girl’s cuteness as well as her fringe. They just hope the girl wouldn’t become a bully like the other two. But whenever they tried to come up to her she was always too shy and would bury her head in the girl Rosina.
The little girl nodded before going over to Marinette and trying to help her up. Even if she was shy of the class somehow the bullies were able to warm their way into the girl’s heart, it seemed surreal.
What did they have that the rest didn’t?
“Don’t worry Piper I’m fine you don’t have to worry about me.” The girl nodded before hugging her after noticing everyone was still glaring at her, or rather Marinette.
Before they could even sit-down Lila just thought she should tell the class her thoughts.
“Shouldn’t Piper be around some nicer people? I would hate to think what would happen if she continues to be in that type of environment?” She said sneakily yet no one seemed to notice while they all still nodded.
Rosina although knew about the situation between her friends still always wanted to remain positive for her besties and besides, she was great at being civil.
“While I appreciate your concern, Layla-”
“Layla, my seat is assigned here, and Piper would tell me if she wanted to move. So, Piper, would you like to-?”
“No thanks,” A barely audible voice spoke before she could even finish.
“Well you heard it folks the answer is no. Hey, Piper, you want to draw something?” She nodded enthusiastically and started drawing while Lila wasn’t finished.
“But I’m worried. I’ve been to multiple care homes and helped out whenever I could, and all children love me. You can just leave her with me, I’m sure it would be good for her to spend some time with new people.” The rest seemed to agree with her and started to encourage both girls to hang out with them instead, even if the child had previously said no.
But Piper had been focusing on some particular words.
Leave her with me.
Leave her.
“No no no, p-please don’t leave me, p-please y-you promised me you would s-stay with me!”
Everyone stopped, they didn’t realise the girl would be so upset over this. Even Lila, she was mean but not heartless, especially to a kid.
The three girls at the back tried to comfort the girl with her worries, one bluenette especially worried.
But that didn’t stop the Akuma from entering. Mylène had been the first person to see it.
“Quickly move! The Akuma’s headed for the girl” Even if the teacher was there what could she do? Become Zombizou and have to go through all those Kissy Boo again? No thank you.
Rosina didn’t know what to do. Sure she had faced Akumatized victims before and helped Ladybug (Marinette) whenever she could, she was an amazing fighter, but that was all after the Akuma.
This, right here, was now.
And like hell, she would let Piper be Akumatized.
“Chloé!” Before the girl could respond Piper was placed in the blonde’s arms anyway, the girl would’ve denied but she could see the urgency in her eyes, plus she was trying to be a better friend anyway.
At that moment Rosina was concentrating. She focused her feelings, learning that you must keep a level head in this city, she had to make sure to display positive emotions all the time.
So she threw all of that out the window.
The Akuma had nearly touched Piper but quickly changed course once more prominent emotions appeared. Surely Hawkmoth would prefer a capable fighter to a little girl?
Hehe, you’ll see.
There was a bow in her hair, just begging Hawkmoth to Akumatize it.
And so, that was how everyone stood in terror to the girl with the magical pink mask on her face.
“Rosina please control it you have to!” Marinette grabbed onto the girl, trying to calm her. Tikki looked apprehensive, there was no way Marinette would be able to turn into Ladybug now, all they could do was wait.
“Angerella, that anger is nothing like I’ve felt before. I am Hawkmoth, I see all you want is to protect your little girl, I can give you the power to make that come true, all I ask is for Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous.” Hawkmoth’s offer and voice seemed so tempting.
“I can protect and conquer” No. No this couldn’t be possible, all that’s left would be the purple substance covering her, she was going to have to fight her friend.
A friend with a lot more fighting experience.
“If I cared.” Marinette breathed a sigh of a relieve, as well as Adrien. She knew she should’ve trusted her newfound friend but she was so scared. She’d make it up anyhow.
“Now Hawkmoth, I have your attention and you best listen to every word I say” The class looked on in anticipation, some had run off to try and get some help from teachers. Alya, thinking it would be great for the Ladyblog, started recording the whole ordeal.
“That girl you were about to Akumatize, if you ever try to Akumatize her again I will give you hell. Not even the heroes would be able to protect you from my wrath, understand”
“Your answer is duly noted. Now!” She but her hands on her head, seemingly struggling with the sudden Akuma. Was Hawkmoth increasing his control?
“Get out of my head! Now!”
“It's… Gone…” They didn’t expect that to happen, certainly not.
So they cheered and raved how great and cool she was able to do that. Alya cheerfully exclaimed how excited that scoop she was able to get and posted it on her blog right away.
And they all carried on as nothing had happened.
As if it wasn’t important.
Little did they know repelling an Akuma took a lot out of you, ask Chloé she’d tell you.
“Rosina are you ok? You had us so worried” When Rosina stumbled because of her unbalance, Marinette held onto her tighter, that ordeal really frightened her.
“I-I -pant pant- just need a moment, can we get some air? Please?” She nodded and the four immediately left.
“Rosy? Are, are you ok?” Rosina smiled and hugged the girl as they approached the entrance.
“Of course, don’t worry Li’l Piper, no one will ever hurt you, if Hawkmoth knows what’s good for him he will stay away from you.” She rubbed her head as the little girl smiled.
“I gotta say that was impressive, you had me worried for a sec but of course you’d be able to pull something like that off” The blonde lifted her ponytail up and down while commenting the tired girl.
“Thanks for your belief. I never would’ve forgiven myself if I hurt either of you. I love you two so much” She hugged them both surprising them more.
“We love you more Rosina. But please don’t scare us like that again. Angerella” Marinette couldn’t stop the light punch coming from the redhead before they all laughed.
All the while Hawkmoth in his lair was coming to a conclusion.
“She is the one who will bring me both the Miraculous’”
I just noticed this was more about the OC than salt so sorry, I’ve never done salt before so hopefully, I’ll get better as time goes on. But anyway I hope you liked it and I may do another one to add more details if you want.
Have a good day/night.
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greekgeek21 · 4 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - team-up time!!
Ok, so I'm a little off schedule, but who cares? Honestly, I've been getting a lot of good reviews/comments and I'm so grateful!!
My amazing beta reader, nightskywithrainbows, is so patient and I would not be able to do this without you. So, give them some love!
Anyway, I hope you like this! Stay safe and happy reading!
- your author
Ω ♆ Ω
"Wise Girl? Are you here?" Percy asked as he walked into his cabin.
He had just gotten back, and the first thing he did was ask where Annabeth was. Apparently, she had got into the Poseidon Cabin after their IM and hadn't come out since. It was sweet, really, but if she ever caught him saying that, he would be beheaded in an instant, so he kept it to himself.
He was not expecting what he saw when he walked into his home-away-from-home. Annabeth was asleep on top of his covers, a book laying beside her. The lights were still on, too. It looked like she had tried to stay awake for him, but it was reasonable for her to fall asleep. He HAD gotten back at 2 AM.
To anyone else, she would have looked peaceful, but he knew his girlfriend, and he saw that she was having a nightmare. Unlike him, who thrashed around and screamed, Annabeth was dead silent during her dreams. It had scared him more times than one. The only indication was her frown, the slight sheen of sweat, and the rare barely-there whimper.
He raced to her side, lying down next to her and pulling her into his side, "Shhh...you're okay. We're okay. We got out. We're safe now."
The Tartarus nightmares had gotten better, but they still had them every so often. They had learned to deal with them properly in a way that worked. They had even tried therapy once, but that was a disaster waiting to happen anyways. Annabeth and him don't talk about their feelings very well. Still, it was worrying to watch your loved ones suffer with nothing to offer for comfort other than your support.
Percy continued to whisper sweet nothings and reassurances in Annabeth's ear before her breathing eventually evened out and she slowly started to blink her eyes open. She seemed confused about his appearance for a second before she realized that he had come in while she was sleeping.
"Seaweed Brain? When did you get here?" She tried to sit up, but Percy held her tight, so she relaxed into him.
"Not long ago. But don't avoid the question. You know we need to talk about it. What happened this time?" he asked.
Annabeth sighed and answered, "It was the same one. You were controlling the poison 'down there' and I saw your eyes. They were a sickly green, Percy. Not anything like your usual sea green. They were almost grey, and they were glowing. I was terrified. This time, I couldn't stop you. I had to watch as y-you killed her."
By then, tears had started to escape her tight control over them. If it were anyone else, Annabeth would never have let them hear her sound so weak, let alone see her crying. She was the strong leader of Camp Half-blood, and that came with the responsibility to keep a confident front.
However, every leader needs time to release the stress. Her alone time with Percy was that time. He had been through almost everything with her, and she trusted him to the end of the universe. HE was HER rock just as much as SHE was HIS.
"I would never do that. You have to know that. It wasn't real. We're home, and we're together. We made it, Wise Girl," Percy reassured, kissing her on the head.
"Yeah, I know. They just get so real sometimes," Annabeth curled into his side.
"I know. It's late, though. Do you want to stay up talking or do you want to try to sleep again?" he asked, tucking them under the sheets.
Annabeth closed her eyes, wrapping Percy's arm around her tighter as she said, "Let's go to bed. I'm sure I'll be fine now that you're here."
Percy smiled his goofy smile, "Okay, Wise Girl. I love you."
"I love you, too, dork."
He chuckled, and Annabeth fell asleep in contentment to the sound of his heart beating. As long as that was happening, she would be fine.
Ω ♆ Ω
The next few weeks went by as smoothly as a demigod's life could. Percy never received any communication attempts from SHIELD, so he let himself fall back into his schedule. Him and Annabeth went to stay with Sally while also staying at camp on and off. There were no major problems for him to deal with, and he was soaking up every bit of it.
Of course, he should have never said anything. That was an invitation to the Fates.
He was driving with Annabeth when he learned about it. A news broadcaster came over the radio and was retelling an active event happening in Los Angeles.
"There has been another suicide bombing in downtown LA. There appears to be GREEN FIRE coming from the explosion. Officials are attempting to get the flames under control, but their tactics seem to be failing thus far. This is another in a string of connected bombings around the US. So far, there are no suspects, but we are told there has been progress made in the investigation. What is the purpose of these attacks and who..."
Annabeth turned the volume down. She turned to Percy with a grave expression. Green fire could only mean one thing: the divine were involved. The mortals had somehow gotten into contact with Greek fire, and they were using it for terrible acts of violence. And of course nobody could put the fire out, it was impossible unless dealt with by someone who knew what they were dealing with. Like Leo, for example.
"Percy, at the Brooklyn Bridge, was the fire green?" Annabeth asked cautiously, already dreading the answer.
"I can't remember. I was too focused on making sure the bridge didn't collapse that I didn't bother to check what the explosion looked like. Oh gods, what if I could've done something if I had seen it earlier? What if I could have stopped this bombing in LA? This is all my fault!" he exclaimed.
Annabeth laced her fingers with his, "Perce, you did more than anyone could've asked. You saved so many people that day. This is not your fault, okay?"
He still looked disbelieving, but he reluctantly nodded. He didn't have time to debate his guilt with Annabeth, he had somewhere to be. Percy wasn't exactly sure where that location was, but he was needed somewhere, and so was Annabeth.
"SHIELD's on this case already. I need to get in contact with them, and then we need to meet with them. I'm not letting anyone else get hurt," he told Annabeth, driving towards Camp Half-Blood.
The gears were turning in Annabeth;s head, and he knew the exact moment she figured out what his plan was. Surprisingly, she didn't argue. She just nodded and grabbed her phone from her backpack, flipping it open and turning it on. She only used it in emergencies, and this felt like an emergency.
She called one of the few numbers she had on there: Camp Half-blood's. Camp had only one phone in the Big House, and it was scarcely used. It was an old landline, too, in hopes that it attracted less monsters. Nowadays, it was impossible to not attract them, with technology all around them.
It rang for a long time, almost to the point that she was just going to give up, but right as she was going to press the 'end call' button, Jason's voice came over the phone, "Hello? Who is this?"
Annabeth let out a sigh of relief, "It's Annabeth. I'm with Percy. We need you to gather the Seven quickly. We'll be there soon."
"What? Annabeth, what's going on? Why do you sound so worried?" Jason asked.
Annabeth's patience was waning, "Jason! This is important! Secret of the gods important! Prepare for a fight and wait for us to get to camp. We'll explain there."
Jason sighed, clearly wanting more information than that, "Alright. See you soon."
"Bye," Annabeth hung up the phone as soon as possible.
They had probably already been on for too long, but it was worth a shot. And besides, none of the monsters would dare come near them once they realized who was on the call. That's what she was counting on, anyway.
She looked up at Percy and instantly noticed the tension all throughout his body. He still believed it was his fault, obviously. There wasn't much she could do about that. It was his fatal flaw!
"We're going to figure this out," she consoled.
"Yeah," Percy whispered as he pulled over at the bottom of the hill leading up to Camp.
They were both out of the car and running already, so it didn't take them long to reach Peleus and Thalia's tree. He didn't even pay them a thought as they ran through the border and towards the Big House, where they could see a group of armored demigods congregated on the porch.
As they ran closer, they saw it was the Seven on the porch, talking with Chiron. They were all in their basic armor: a chestplate, greaves, vambraces, and helmets resting under their arms. Piper had her dagger hanging on a belt, Jason had his gladius, Frank had his bow and arrows slung over back, and Hazel was carrying her imperial gold spatha. Leo was, of course, wearing his toolbelt. They all were in various states of confusion and agitation from being left in the dark about whatever they were dealing with, and they all seemed relieved when Annabeth and Percy came running up.
Before either of them could get a word out, Piper spoke, "Let me guess: this has something to do with Percy and the bombings, and now we need to go clean up his mess."
"Words hurt, Pipes," Percy sarcastically held a hand over his heart.
She rolled her eyes, "You'll survive."
Annabeth smiled in the direction of her friend. She had really started to become comfortable as a demigod in the past year. Plus, she had picked up on some of Annabeth's habits. Like picking on Percy, for example.
"What's this about Annabeth?" Jason asked, stopping the playful mood in its tracks.
Annabeth exchanged a look with her boyfriend before responding, "Piper was right. This is about the bombings. They're using Greek fire. But it's still mortals doing it. That means somebody from out world is supplying the mortals with our weapons, and that is a recipe for disaster. We need to stop it before it gets too out of hand."
"Why us, though?" Hazel asked.
"We're the Heroes of Olympus, and we're the best to represent our kind in the fight. Plus, I trust you guys the most. In case it is a mole in the camps, we need to keep this between us," Annabeth answered.
The mood got even more serious at the realization of where her thoughts were headed. Somebody still inside the camp could be taking the fire to the mortals, and they didn't know who it was yet.
But then Piper noticed something in Annabeth's wording, "What do you mean 'represent our kind?' Who are we meeting?"
Percy answered her this time, "SHIELD. They're already working on this, and I have a deal with their director to help with stuff from our world. We only need to figure out how to contact them."
"I've got that covered!" Annabeth interrupted, "I have a plan."
"Of course you do," Jason said, "What is it?"
"We're going to Stark Towers, and we're going to meet with Tony Stark. He's Iron Man, and he no doubt works with SHIELD, so we'll use him to get to them. It's not my best plan, but it's the best we got," she answered.
"It's better than what I was going to do," Percy remarked.
Annabeth didn't even want to ask what his plan was going to be. That was a road she did not want to go down.
"When do you leave?" Chiron asked, finally speaking for the first time.
"Percy and I will get ready and then we'll head out right after. We need to get a handle on this ASAP," Annabeth answered, already heading towards the armor shed.
Percy ran down to meet her there, and they got dressed in the same gear as the others before heading towards their separate cabins. As a precaution, all campers had been required to make an emergency quest backpack in case they had to leave quickly. They had the demigod essentials like toothbrushes and paste, deodorant, a couple spare changes of clothes, nectar and ambrosia, and a prism with some drachmas for IMing.
Percy and Annabeth both grabbed their kits, along with a few other personal items that they suspected would be needed for this specific quest, if you could even call it that. They still had to meet with Rachel, but she was staying with her dad in New York. That would have to wait for later.
They were geared-up and ready in less than twenty minutes, and then they were standing on the edge of Half-blood hill with the others, saying goodbye to Chiron.
"Be careful. I have a feeling the path you are about to take will lead you through hard times," Chiron warned.
"We'll be fine, Chiron. It's nothing we can't handle," Annabeth assured.
He gave a tight smile in return. His reaction to their quest was disconcerting, but the demigods didn't have time to ponder on it. They had to get to Stark Towers as soon as possible.
So, they gave one last wave and started towards the Delphi Strawberries van Argus had pulled up. He would be driving them to the tower, but they would be on their own from there. There wasn't any reason to be worried, though. They had traveled across the world on a floating boat; this would be a piece of cake.
The drive there was tense and silence-filled. Or it was until Leo ruined it.
"So I get to meet Tony Stark?" he asked, an excited grin forming on his face.
Piper groaned, realizing what was bound to happen. She had met Mr. Stark at a gala her father had dragged her to before. He was a self-centered jerk who had too much money to know what to do with it. Plus, his ego was the size of a planet. Leo and Tony Stark together in one room was going to be crazy.
"Don't do anything nuts, Leo. We need him to trust us, and it's hard enough doing that without telling him what we are," Percy said.
Leo gasped, "I am hurt that you would ever think I would do such a thing! Uncle Leo just wanted to chat about some design flaws in his suit! And maybe some possible ideas that all that money could help put into action..."
Annabeth gave him her death glare, and he sank away, "You are forbidden from speaking until I say so."
He hurriedly nodded his head. She was scary!
Percy smirked at his girlfriend, knowing that she was fully aware of the effect she had on the poor demigod. Of course, Percy was whipped, too, but it was still amusing to see Annabeth go all 'powerful daughter of Athena' on people that weren't him.
"We're almost there, guys," Piper said, pointing up ahead, where they could see the tall outline of Stark Towers.
Annabeth had to admit, the architecture was impressive, even if she would've gone less futuristic. But the sustainable energy system was remarkable.
She snapped herself out of her daze. She was not there to admire the architecture, she was there to do her job: saving the mortals. And with the amount of stupid stuff they did, they would never get a vacation.
"So what's so important about this Stark guy?" Hazel asked, finally giving in to her curiosity.
"Oh! I always forget you aren't all caught up on modern pop culture," Piper exclaimed, "Tony Stark is a rich, playboy, engineer who doubles as an Avenger. The Avengers saved the world from aliens when we were saving it from itself. He's Iron Man, which is basically just a suit he invented."
"Sounds like someone Leo would like," Hazel remarked.
Percy laughed as Argus pulled over, "Exactly."
The demigods all climbed out, standing in a line before the entrance. It seemed they were all waiting for one of them to make the first move, but nobody wanted to be that person. Of course, Annabeth wasn't one to back down from anything, so she stepped forward and pushed the glass doors open, striding through with confidence only a daughter of Athena could command.
The rest of the group trailed behind, tensed for anything. They were literally surrounded on all sides by technology, and it was unnerving for them all. Well, for almost all of them. Leo was practically vibrating with energy and excitement. He was about to meet his idol AND get the chance to explore all of the toys there.
"Remember: professional," Annabeth warned one last time before turning to address the front desk lady.
"Yes, mom," Piper whispered to Leo, who muffled a snicker in response.
Percy just prayed that this all went well. He wanted this whole ordeal to be over quickly. He didn't want to be brought into another situation where he had to use his powers. They were still too unreliable, even after a year. The bridge incident was hopefully a one-time thing.
"Hello. We're here to meet Tony Stark," Annabeth said.
They knew the Mist was covering their weapons and armor, especially with Hazel there. People wanted to see some regular teenagers, so that's what they were seeing. Not seven, well-trained demigods in full armor, prepared for battle.
The receptionist looked her up and down, "Do you have an appointment?"
Annabeth tried for a smile, but it turned into more of a grimace, "No, but it's important. I'm sure Mr. Stark would understand once we talk to him."
Sometimes being young can come in handy, but a lot of the time, it sucks.
"I'm sorry, but Mr. Stark only accepts scheduled meetings. If you want to make one of those, you can contact his secretary. But for now, I would ask that you please leave," the woman responded.
Annabeth glared, and was about to start yelling, but Percy stepped up and placed a calming hand on her shoulder before he spoke, "Actually, this is urgent. And I'm sure that if you called Mr. Stark, he would send us up, considering that we're friends from work, and I'm not talking about his day job."
He said everything so calmly, that you would have thought he was having a civil conversation if not for his icy words.
"Fine," the woman ripped the phone up and dialled a number, "Yes, there are seven teenagers here to see Mr. Stark. They say it's urgent. And that it's about his OTHER work."
She nodded a few times before hanging up, "Mr. Stark will see you now."
Ω ♆ Ω
45 minutes earlier...
Fury was not having a good day. First, an idiot dressed-up as a spider ruins his morning, and then another bombing happens in LA, and finally, he has to deal with the Avengers now. He had been hoping to deal with this case without them, but he was pushed into the decision when he got a message from the terrorists responsible for the bombs. They threatened to bomb things much more important than the Brooklyn Bridge, and that they had the means to do worse.
None of his regular agents could figure it out, so he had to bring in the big guns. Besides, the heroes had had much too long of a break already.
That's how he found himself in another blacked-out SUV, on his way to Stark Towers after calling a meeting of the Avengers there. He had no way of contacting Thor, so it was just Stark, Rogers, Widow, Banner, and Barton. He had another person in mind, but Fury didn't want to call him in just yet. It was still a new alliance after all.
When he got there, he went straight up the elevator to the penthouse. From there, he went to the meeting room and found everyone but Stark already there, which was no surprise. Without a word, he strode up to the head of the table and slipped the flash drive into the slot, automatically turning on the holo-projector in the center of the table. The flash drive had all of the details of the case, along with whatever notes his agents had made.
He opened up the photo gallery, flicking to each bombing site, "The Brooklyn Bridge, Portland, LA, Long Island, San Francisco. What do all of these have in common?"
Just as Steve was about to answer, Tony burst in the door, taking a seat without an apology, as per usual.
Steve cleared his throat before continuing, "They all had a bombing happen recently."
"That's right. And it's gotten out of hand. Your job is to stop them," Fury cut right to the point, "Everything you'll need is in this folder. I want this done discreetly. That means no flashy spectacles, Stark."
Tony mock-gasped, "I would never!"
Banner shifted nervously, "Will the 'other guy' be needed for this?"
"Possibly, but as a last resort. You'll be needed for tracking more than anything," Fury answered.
Bruce nodded his head, seemingly finding comfort in that.
One look at Clint and Natasha, and you could see that they had gone into SHIELD agent mode. They were both studying the file information with rapt attention. They, at least, Fury could count on.
"This needs to be done as quickly as possible, got it?" he ordered.
"Yes, sir!" Tony sarcastically saluted.
Fury held back a growl. If anyone could make him lose his composure, it would be Tony Stark.
"I expect results the next time I see you," he said, turning to walk out of the room, but he was interrupted by J.A.R.V.I.S.
"Sir, there is a group of teenagers asking to see you. They say it is urgent," the AI said.
Tony sighed, "J.A.R.V.I.S., I thought I programmed you better than this. I don't want to see them."
"But sir, I am told it has something to do with your Avengers work. They are very adamant," J.A.R.V.I.S. pressed.
"Pull up the camera feeds," Tony ordered.
For some reason, Fury felt compelled to see who had wanted to see Stark, and he understood why as soon as he saw the footage. There, with six other teens, was Percy Jackson.
Before Tony could turn them down again, Fury said, "Let them up. Now."
"Right away, Director," J.A.R.V.I.S. replied, listening to his SHIELD reprogramming.
Tony threw his hands up in defeat and grumbled "Whatever. It's not like I own the building."
"Direct them here, J.A.R.V.I.S.," Fury ordered, going back to his previous position at the head of the table.
Steve sat up in confusion, "What are you doing, Fury?"
The man in question ignored him.
Before any more objections could be made, the Seven were standing before the Avengers, everyone confused.
Percy was the one who broke the silence, "Well, this makes our job a whole lot easier."
Ω ♆ Ω
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- your author
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isolaween · 5 years
At 7 PM, all guests are waiting anxiously. Some are excited, others are nervous, but everyone wonders what will happen now. It's only been a few minutes since the lights went off, but it feels like an eternity.
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And then... Golden butterflies, just like those idly flying around, begin to amass at the top of the staircase leading to the second floor. They form a true cloud, which dissolves to reveal none other than the silhouettes of tonight's noble hosts. They wear costumes inspired by 1980's fashion, just fitting for their own temporal origin. And as expected, they start the festivities with the most iconic sentence:
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The lights turn on once again in a burst, as several magical figures, servants of the Ushiromiya family, pop into existence either on the staircase or floating above it, as they bright forth a wave of applause. The spotlights highlight the Golden Witch and the Endless Sorcerer the most, as the latter grabs a microphone to start their presentation.
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"Good evening, Spirale City! I hope you folks are ready for a truly spooooky night, where the world of humans and the world of witches comes into contact with each other!"
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Then, Beato took the microphone. "There is no need to be afraid, however. This is an once-a-year moment, where the grotesque, the weird, the supernatural, can exist freely, without being afraid of the limitations humans bring to them. This is a night of joy, after all."
"And speaking of limitations, that includes the temporal restrictions fashion imposes to us on a daily basis. This year's theme for our guests' costumes is a Chrono Celebration! No matter whether you came from ancient times or the most distant future, show off your time period's culture and style with pride! I hope to see many people joining this fun. Ihihi!"
"Of course, we wouldn't be so cruel to expel you if you choose to go for another path in your fun. But if you have even the tiiiiniest change of heart about it, check the rooms to the hall's right, where a costume room can be found. Alternatively, you could ask the makeup crew's assistance to make you look like a monstrous being straight from Hell! *Cackle**cackle**cackle*!!"
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“Beato, please, we have children here.” He whispers to her ear, before coughing and returning his attention to the audience. “A-Anyway, that is not our only attraction! To your left, you’ll find the parlor, where a karaoke system is set up on the TV. Just ask Hieda no Akyuu (@ninthmiare), who is overseeing it, to help set you up and go have fun singing your lungs out with friends!”
A spotlight shone upon Akyuu over this mention of her, as it would do for any other person mentioned during their speech. “Of course, if you feel like that is too cheerful for a Halloween Party, you can just wait a bit later. Once we hit 11 PM, Akyuu will move to the dinner room, where a ghost story sharing session will start! Bring on your scariest tales, or read some of the material provided to us by a partner of ours-” Beatrice summons business cards for Owl’s Books to everyone’s hands, much like the cards present at the gift baskets, with info about all the partner businesses that collaborated with the party. “-for maximum fright!”
“Those who’d rather partake in a more physical activity can go up the second floor, where Emma (@gracefieldorphan) and Jon K. are responsible for carrying out a hide-and-seek game! It’s open for all ages, so don’t be afraid to join!”
“And for people who’d rather enjoy tonight in a more intellectual manner, we’ll ask you to go all the way up to the third floor. A escape room game shall await those who dare take the challenge. I hope none of you will bore our dear Piper Elenmin (@shadowedstep) with boring reasonings!”
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“Lastly, we shall have an ample selection of musical attractions throughout the whole party! Starting at 19:20, we have Ultimate Pianist Kaede Akamatsu (@pureryudo) and famous idol Rise Kujiwawa (@wavesang)! Next, at 20:10, we have the idol duo of Sayo Hikawa (@heroicadvents) and Aya Maruyama (@ayasashi)!!”
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“Check in at 21:00 for the spetacular presentation of fellow cute blondes, Rin Kagamine (@rightreflection) and Klavier Gavin (@rockstarprosecutor)! By 21:50, it’ll be time for yet another idol to join us, the versatile GUMI (@mozeik)!!”
“If you’d rather listen to other sorts of music besides singing, just wait until 22:40. First, we’ll have Ecaterina Ciobanu (@unulales) bringing some creepy tunes with her violin! Next, it’ll be the time for Midvalley (@midvalley-the-hornfreak) to captivate us with a saxophone show at 23:30!”
“Music shall accompany us until the end of this magical night. After the stroke of midnight, Dorothea Arnault (@chanteuser) will bring us to a night in the opera, exactly at 00:20! And to end the service, we shall have I-no (@sinfoniette) going feral with her guitar! Huh huh, I can’t wait to have all of you relieving my boredom with your sweet tunes!!”
“Ihihihihi! I think we all will, dear!” Battler says amused, before pulling a more serious face. “....Before we end it for tonight, though, I need to give you folks a general warning. This is meant to be a funny evening, with nothing but positive vibes here. Light hearted pranks are fine, but violence of any sort will not be tolerated. See these?” He points to a golden butterfly flying around. “They’re directly linked to Beato and I’s minds. If any of you try pulling anything ‘funny’ that would disrupt the party, we will know.”
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“And the consequences for such violations of our hospitality will be dire.” Beato adds. “We have a strong security team. We trust them to be able of handling most rumbuctious folks. If you insist on offering resistance, however, goat butlers will appear around you and immobilize you. If that doesn’t suffice, we have our higher ranked furniture, such as the Seven Stakes of Purgatory or the Chiester Sisters, to deal with such elements.”
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“And if even after all that, you insist on spoiling people’s fun...” Battler raises his hand, where a small glass-like Fragment appears. “You will be sent to this Time-Out Fragment until the end of the party. It’s pretty much a pocket dimension, so don’t think you can escape if it gets to this.”
As soon as he finished that, Battler broke into a happy smile and clapped his hands. “So, I hope everyone enjoys the party! Thank you to everyone who came, and to everyone that helped and is helping us right now! Oh, and a last thing. If any of you gets hurt or feels ill, check the medical room, where you’ll receive due treatment. That is it for now!”
With that, Battler and Beatrice teleported away from the staircase, freeing the way up. They must be somewhere in the crowd now, as they wish to enjoy the party as everyone else...
(Hello, everybody! This is Battler-mun talking. Welcome to the first edition of Isolaween! Following the tradition of C*ttaween, this party will last ICly from October 4h, 7 PM, to October 5th, 2 AM. These are very special dates for the Umineko fandom, which is why the party happens this early.
OOCly, the party will last from this post’s bublishing time, which should be midnight of October 4th (Isola time) to midnight of October 11th (Isola time), unless the mods request us to end it earlier. You can obviously continue threads related to the party until then, but make sure to publish your starters and opens before end time! And remember: use the tag #isolaween2k19 so we and everyone else can see your interactions at the party!
Below are maps of the mansion, so you folks have an spacial reference on where each room is in relation to the others:
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As mentioned in the text, there will be musical presentations during this period, which will consist of drabbles written by the collaborative muns. The OOC dates for each presentation is below, so keep a look at these blogs at the corresponding day:
- Kaede and Rise: 10/4
- Sayo and Aya: 10/5
- Rin and Klavier: 10/6
- GUMI: 10/7
- Ecaterina: 10/8
- Midvalley: 10/9
- Dorothea: 10/10 (Around midday)
- I-no: 10/10 (Evening)
The rules of the festivities have already been well laid ICly, so I won’t repeat myself here. Just let’s try keeping things positive during the party, ok? Any doubt just ask either me (@ingoldentent) or Beato-mun (@goldenless) And above all, let’s have fun! Now excuse me while I go download Ciconia…)
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fallout4holmes · 6 years
Journal 26
Dogmeat woke long before I did, I suspect with the first hint of food being prepared. I found him in the mess hall, begging from my two officers. Danse, sitting down and eating despite being in power armor, ignored the canine. Preston, sitting across from Danse, slipped something from his plate every third time Dogmeat nosed his knee.
“Preston, you’re spoiling him,” I said as I joined them.
“Morning, General. Can’t do too much harm, can it?” He turned to Dogmeat, “Not like you can get anything begging from him, can you?”
Dogmeat made a short sound between a whimper and an excited woof. Preston laughed, and scratched Dogmeat’s neck.
I smiled, “He doesn’t have to. The Minutemen recruiters and the Diamond City Guard all spoil him without my help. Not to mention Shaun. And I suspect Codsworth.” I frowned. “Valentine too, come to think of it, and I’m certain Piper does, if only just to spite me in good humor.”
Danse turned his laugh into a cough.
“Rebellion in the Holmes household,” Preston joked. “I’ll send over some troops right away.”
“I am perfectly capable of handling matters on my own, thank you,” I grinned.
A thrilled “Bonjour, Monsieur Holmes!” came from behind me, “And allô to Monsieur Dogmeat as well.” Dogmeat’s tail wagged as Curie scratched his head, and then went right back to focusing on Preston. “Colonel and Lt. Colonel, good morning!”
We all said our respective hellos, and Sturges appeared beside her with two plates of food. “Mornin’! Glad to see you, General. Mind if we join you?”
The answer was obvious, and soon Sturges was next to Danse, with Curie beside him. Even with Sturges between them, Danse seemed a bit ill at ease. My suspicion was confirmed when Preston leaned over to mutter softly, “Just found out about her… origins.”
“Ah.” A synth Danse could deal with, even one with such unique behavior as Curie. Finding out the mind inside the synth is actually that of a robot… that was a little too reminiscent of the technologies run amok he’d been trained to prevent.
Danse was watching Preston. He raised an eyebrow, and made a visible effort at relaxing. It didn’t quite work, but the effort was the important part.
Sturges and Curie wanted to know about Diamond City and the family, and I asked about improvements to the town and Curie’s continued studies. And then Mayor Hancock of Goodneighbor walked through the door.
All conversation in the mess hall went slightly quiet at the sight of a ghoul in eighteenth century red coat and tricorn hat, star-spangled-banner for a sash. Someone uttered a muted “holy shit the Mayor,” though I couldn’t tell who.
“Mayor Hancock!” I greeted him, “Help yourself and come join us.”
He grinned, devilish and preening, “Thanks, General. Don’t mind if I do.”
Discussion resumed. Preston frowned, doubtful. Danse scowled, and stood, “Excuse me, General, but I think it’s best if I return to duty.” He said, slightly louder, “If I reach the training grounds before my recruits, there’ll be hell to pay.”
Curie was puzzled. “Surely you will be hampered by the armor?”
“You ever seen him run in that armor?” Preston asked with a smile.
“The recruits have.”
There was a sudden mass exodus from the mess hall. Danse looked pleased. “Gentlemen. Curie.” He followed his troops out.
Hancock sat down beside me, amused. “Crew-cut sure is the soldierly type.”
“More than you know,” I smirked.
We ate in silence a moment before Curie, unable to contain her curiosity, said, “You are a fascinating specimen, Monsieur Hancock.”
Hancock’s brow rose and opened his mouth, but before he could say anything Sturges said, “Honey, we talked about calling people specimens.”
Curie sighed, “I do not see why such a simple and general scientific term should be offensive.”
“Coming from you, it’s usually not, but some folks get touchy when you talk about them like they’re in a lab.”
“This is a struggle of mine,” Curie said to Hancock with an apologetic shrug, “adjusting centuries of programming for a precise vocabulary.”
Hancock blinked. “... Centuries?”
“Long story,” Sturges put out a hand, “Name’s Sturges.”
Hancock shook hands with an impressed, and bemused, smile, “Hancock.”
“Mayor Hancock. From Goodneighbor?”
Word of his fame, or infamy, never ceases to please him. “One and the same.”
“Huh. Ok. Well, I’m not sure how long the General’s staying, but if you want to lend a hand while you’re here, let me know. Always work that needs to be done.”
“And you’re the one that does it.”
“More often than not,” Sturges smiled. “I like working with my hands, and it’s not like everyone else doesn’t pull their weight. Everyone helps out.”
Hancock was skeptical. “Even the soldiers?”
“Especially the soldiers.” Sturges nodded toward Preston, whose frown hadn’t quite left his face yet. “Preston thinks it’s important the soldiers be as much a part of the settlement as everyone else that comes here, and the Lt. Col. agrees.”
“The guy in power armor,” Hancock clarified.
“That’s him. Curie here is the town medic, and if you need any supplies you'll want to see Al at the general store. He used to live in Goodneighbor, you might recognize his coat.”
Hancock was puzzled a moment before realization hit. “Wait. Yellow coat? That guy??”
“He sold my family our… room… in the Vault,” I said, “and then they wouldn't let him in. I understand he's set up some effective trade agreements for the settlement.”
Sturges nodded, “Nice guy. Well, I've got beds to build this morning. Young couple showed up a couple days ago, haven't said much, but they've got that look… I'm thinking Institute refugees. Past few months have been real hard for them. Dunno if they're synths or scientists, or maybe I'm way off, but that's the feeling I get from them.”
Hancock thought a moment, and then he shrugged and started rifling through his pockets. “Hell, Trouble here ain't gonna be much of it while he's playing General. Usually prefer a supervisory role myself, but I'm game if you want help.”
“Really? Well alright! Let's get to it, Mayor.”
Hancock found the canister of jet he’d been looking for, reconsidered, and stowed it away again. “Buildin’ shit, mentat’s better,” he muttered as he followed Sturges out the door.
Curie smiled, “I shall be in the medical facility - medbay. The Lt. Colonel calls it that, yes? Also clinic?”
“As it is your facility, you should decide what it’s called,” I said. “Danse will adjust.”
“Hm. I like this idea.” She smiled, and happily walked out of the mess hall.
I turned to Preston. His frown hadn’t lessesned. “You’ve heard of Hancock, I take it.”
He glanced away, and then attempted a nonchalant shrug. “I’ve never actually been to Goodneighbor before, but from what I hear it’s the sort of place you better watch your step.”
“That is accurate.”
Preston sighed. “Don’t let him talk you into anything you’ll regret later.”
“Honestly, Preston. Do you think that likely?”
He smiled, just a little. “Guess not. Still worth saying. If you’re finished, I’d like to go over some plans with you since you’re in town?”
“Of course.”
The rest of the day was spent “playing General,” as Hancock put it. The trade route north from Murkwater had to be re-routed around the Gunners headquarters, at least until a force could be mobilized to eliminate the threat. Stopping Gunners is always at the top of Preston’s list of things to accomplish, but he fortunately has enough sense to know Danse would be a more objective judge of Minutemen capabilities in taking on an entire Gunner stronghold. Our previously discussed plans for turning the nearby Red Rocket into an auxiliary settlement had come to fruition, with Sturges taking a special interest in the project. As Preston said, “The man built a teleporter. He wins all the arguments.”
It was later in the afternoon when Danse approached me. Sturges had somehow convinced Hancock to assist with further repairs. The Mayor of Goodneighbor was on a roof with a hammer, his coat hanging on the lone fencepost still standing in the yard beneath. I watched from across the street.
“A word, General?”
“Of course, Danse.”
“Permission to speak freely, sir.”
I was instantly a touch wary, though I suspected I knew what his concern was. “Granted.”
“I don’t think your decision to travel with a chem-addicted pseudo-anarchist dictator of a settlement of criminals and outcasts is wise.”
I blinked. “I’m proud of you, Danse, you didn’t mention the fact he’s a ghoul once.”
He frowned, “General.”
“Mayor Hancock takes great pains not to be dictatorial, actually. Though I’m not entirely clear what his day to day duties consist of beyond organizing the defenses against super mutant attacks.”
Danse scowled with a huff of frustration, “Holmes -”
“I’m taking you seriously, Danse. I know Hancock’s reputation does not inspire confidence, but do you honestly think I would travel with him if he was nothing more than what you have just described?”
He thought for a moment, “No, you wouldn’t. However I fail to see whatever redeeming quality you may have found.”
“He’s… how did he put it… ‘not out to hurt anyone that doesn’t deserve it.’”
“But he’ll stand by as people fall victim to crimes in his own town?”
“He doesn’t approve of cold-blooded murder. However, it doesn’t take much to justify violence, particularly against those who are oppressing others.”
“This is not reassuring. Who’s running Goodneighbor while he’s with you?”
“His second in command, a terrifying woman called Fahrenheit. He’s left town enough times they’re used to it. He says getting out keeps him honest, reminds him how the rest of the world lives.”
“You believe him?”
“I think it is both a sincere belief that no one in power should be comfortable for too long, and a desire for distraction.”
“Do you trust him?”
“I believe so. … you still aren’t satisfied.”
“I don’t think I’m ever going to be, but at least I am fairly certain my friend hasn’t gone insane.”
I scoffed. “That’s something.”
He sighed, “I hope you understand, you saved my life. I owe it to you to voice my concerns when I think you might be endangering yours. I know Garvey feels the same.”
“I understand, Danse,” I said, sincere. “Thank you.”
He nodded once. “You’re welcome.” We resumed watching the construction. Hancock was telling Sturges about a time Klio needed repair work done on her shop’s roof. Apparently the cause of the damage was a faulty weapon’s misfire… but he suspected it was actually the assaultron’s own laser, either fired in anger or frustration.
“An assaultron runs a weapons shop in Goodneighbor?” Danse’s question was mirrored by Sturges asking Hancock the same thing.
“Yes,” I said, and changed the subject. “I saw Nash and Crosby on their way to the Castle. They stopped in Diamond City.”
Danse was pleased - no, proud. “They performed admirably through training and I hope the Castle puts their talents to good use.”
“I hope they extend to all Minutemen the same loyalty they feel for you.”
Danse blinked. “For me?”
“There were Brotherhood soldiers in Diamond City’s marketplace the day they arrived. A Scribe insulted their training. They seemed to take it personally.”
Conflicting emotions fought across his face for a moment, “What happened?”
“Nothing, I stepped in when I saw the argument, set both parties aright and sent them on their way. They were reluctant, but they followed orders.”
“The Minutemen, or the Brotherhood?”
“Ha, both. You should be proud of the work you’ve done.”
“I am.” He hesitated, “Garvey worries I'm going stir-crazy. It's been a long time since I was in the field. Yet, he also says it's too much of a risk.”
“Hm. Is he worried about the truce, or is he worried about you?”
“He is more concerned with the possibility that I may be killed than he is with the idea of fighting the Brotherhood. In fact, he'd probably welcome the opportunity to test his precious artillery on the Prydwen.”
“This is a point of contention between you?”
Another hesitation. “Not exactly. I don't understand how someone so forgiving in general is able to hold such a grudge against an organization he's never had contact with, apart from me.” He scoffed, “Clearly I underestimated how distasteful the experience of meeting me was.”
I chuckled, “His opinion of you is not the same as his opinion of the Brotherhood. Not anymore, at least, and hasn't been for some time.”
Danse nodded, “I know. When you were last here, the night after you left he stood in my doorway and asked how I could think the Minutemen would let me die without a fight. I told him I wasn't worth anyone dying for, much less starting a war over.”
I cocked my head, studying Danse’s face, and thankful he dislikes wearing a helmet outside of combat. “Preston disagreed.”
“Strongly.” Danse remained expressionless for all of five seconds before a sort of embarrassment came over him. It was the same look I saw every time he told me something personal about himself back when he wore Brotherhood colors. “We've spoke a great deal since then. Neither of us quite understands the other, but at the same time there are some things we understand better than anyone else.”
I thought I understood, and the sight of Preston visiting Danse in the middle of the night gained new significance. “Nightmares.”
He watched me closely. “… yes. When did you arrive last night?”
“Just in time to see him go inside your quarters.” Danse blushed, which was not quite the reaction I expected. “And now my suspicion it might be more than talking about nightmares is confirmed?”
“It isn’t… not last night, most of the time not, but… ugh.” He clearly wished the conversation wasn’t happening.
I shrugged, “Honestly, it wouldn't matter to me at all if that were the case, as long as you are both happy and it doesn’t interfere with your work… though I suppose that is somewhat hypocritical of me. I'm hardly making regular patrols.”
Emotions vanished, the soldier gratefully declaring, “Neither are you commanding from behind a desk.”
“Kind of you to say so.”
His brow furrowed. “You answer when we call, no matter how trivial the matter. We value your advice, and will follow your command. Though,” he amended, “perhaps you should make an appearance at the Castle once in a while.”
I grinned, “You’re right, I should.” A thought occurred to me. “Have you ever been to the Castle, Lt. Colonel?”
“I have not.”
“A terrible oversight. It seems to me the man in charge of training my troops should at least be familiar with the facility he’s sending them to.”
The slight shift in his expression was almost mischievous. “I concur.”
“Could Col. Garvey continue training in your absence for, oh, a week or so?”
“Affirmative. However, he may be resistant to the idea.”
“I anticipate as much. Let’s go talk with him.”
Preston was indeed resistant, and understandably so. However, he also knew Danse needed some time outside Sanctuary, just for a bit, and he couldn’t argue that the third in command of the Minutemen, and the man in charge of training new recruits, needed to see the ‘official’ headquarters at least once in his life. It would take some arranging, so I planned to continue on my tour of settlements with Hancock and meet Danse in Diamond City before travelling on to the Castle together. He would escort the next traders passing that way, providing a convenient excuse for a man in full power armor to be on the road.
Sturges said he had an idea for making it clear Danse was ‘Minutemen’ and hopefully decreasing the chance of a hostile confrontation with the Brotherhood. I’m not sure what he has in mind, but I’ll find out the next time I’m in Diamond City.
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#ItsJustAFleshWound {w/@HardGuytokill}
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Piper   ::I looked over the Jones and Warners notes on files, they lacked so many things. Like what was actually asked and to who. Where her parents were, the fact that the man they were talking to was actual Miranda’s step father, so her real dad was out there somewhere with her maybe. Who knows, no one had questioned him. Had they bothered to look at up her mothers name they would have found previous cases of abuse and would have learned that her grandmother had custody. That was more than likely where she was. My eyes rolled instantly as I picked up the phone and dialed out her number, we were on speaking terms but Gwen and I weren’t friends. It rang one to many times for my liking and when she did answer her voice gave way more than she wanted it too::
Hey Gwen, It’s Piper.  I’m just calling to check in on you and Miranda, you two doing alright? Apparently there has been some trouble with her parents again and I’m  just making sure she’s ok.  ::There was a long, long pause before she spoke again, her voice trembling but still firm. “We’re fine, Piper, just came in from playing outside so please excuse my breathlessness.” She even chuckled nervously, anything to distract me from the truth, but I couldn’t just charge in because my gut told me something was off. “Miranda is doing fine, we both are. She’s been asking about you a lot…” The phone hit the floor and someone cried out NO before it cut off entirely. That was all the proof I needed before I was on my feet, already tucking my gun into it’s holster and reaching out for my cell to call Riggs for backup. I popped into the Chiefs office on my way out to give him the heads up to send back up:: I’ll need it, but keep them a block away, he sees any sign of them and everyone in that house is dead. I’ll head in with Riggs, see how far I can get, if I can’t get far I’ll just call and leave the line open. That will be the sign to send everything in. Don’t do /anything/ until then.
One look from the Chief Rowland and I knew he both hated and accepted what I had said, I didn’t wait long enough to hear any complaints he had to say, Anger was already coursing through my small frame as my fingers flexed over the wheel, Riggs was meeting me there. He was closer than I was, he was meeting with some contact getting information on another case we were working on. It seemed to be his thing lately to get info on the seeder side of things and I wasn’t about to deter him from that especially when his info was proving positive.
Riggs. -This was my new routine drowning my memories in booze and feelings in random women, while dodging my partners questions with bullshit like I was getting intel on the gangs shipments of drugs or more. I hated that I was lying to her. Hated that I was putting her life in danger every time we went out but that was just the way it was. She knew parts of my life but she didn’t know all of it, I kept it that way so she couldn’t give me that look that my father in law gave me. The one that was filled with pity and regret for allowing his daughter to marry me. I slammed back another shot, waving the glass at the gorgeous blonde behind the bar- Another beautiful. -FUCK. - Maybe hold off on that. But I would like your number for after this is finished, what time do you get off? -She grinned, I leaned over the bar and smirked sliding my card across the bar- Call me, I’ll get you off after you’re finished you’re finished your shift. I’ll even use my cuffs. - One wink later she tucked that card in her bra and I was out the door towards my car to drown myself in some cologne. A little visine to the the eyes and Piper would never be the wiser when I arrived at our meeting spot. Why couldn’t this just be an easy day. I deserved it, didn’t I?-
Piper: ::I parked about a block away then waited for Riggs to arrive, I was already wearing my bullet proof vest making sure that my weapons were loaded. I tucked two back up cartridges into my back pockets just in case then stood there waiting as always for my “partner”. Ten bucks said he was at some bar drowning whatever issues he had to whoever would listen instead of doing the same to the people who wanted to help him most. I groaned loudly. There were so many of us that wanted to help him but he never let us in close enough. I shook my head focusing again on the case, my phone held the layout of the house, it was simple. Once inside you walked into the living room, on the left was a wall and behind that was the kitchen. If you continued about twenty steps you turn you hit the hallway continue down there you would pass Miranda's room first and then her Grandma’s. Gwen usually stayed on the couch when she stayed over so I was willing to bet money that was were they were gathered right now. Riggs and I would have to go in the back and work our way forward to the living room.
A smoke bomb would just cause chaos, which of course Riggs would love but someone would end up shot and casualties were not an option. Not even to Miranda’s father. Jason, he was nothing short of a jackass abuser. He spent more time in jail then he did out of it. Coming out more dangerous every time he came out of the system, whatever he had going through his mind this time wasn’t good. Maybe it was drugs? Money? Fuck, money for drugs? I just needed this to go smoothly. Just as I was pulling my hair up into a ponytail Riggs pulled up behind me, pulling off his shades as he made his way over::
Riggs:   -Pulling the car to a stop I admired how gorgeous my partner really was in that moment, how hadn’t someone taken advantage of that? She caught me, fuck. How she went from a beaut to a staring demon surprised me. I got out and made my way over, chuckling- You really think Jason is this fuckin’ dumb, Pipes? Stupid enough to put his daughter in danger? He knows you’d find him of all people, you’ve been protectin’ that girl since birth. -I watched her body tense even her jaw as she gazed out at the house, muttering something about men under her breath- I’m just askin’ is all. How we goin’ in?
Piper: ::Sometimes Riggs astounded me, why he always had to question everything made it really hard not to shoot him in the foot. So very fucking hard.:: Why? I have no clue but we are here for a reason, Riggs, maybe he wants money? Drugs or worse. I don't know. That’s why we are going in quiet. You really think having the whole station here would be a good idea? ::I threw up my hands in sheer anger, I hated when I was questioned, especially when I knew I was doing the right thing.:: We are going in the back, you’ll wait five minutes before coming in quietly behind me. Just give me enough time to talk to Jason and see if I can get him off the edge before you come charging in ok? You think you can handle that? And don’t think I can’t smell the booze, Riggs, I need you to focus. Please. ::I practically begged the last word, he was the only backup I had, really the only person I really trusted within the force right now. I let my eyes close so I could collect myself before I closed the trunk and opened them enough to find his.:: You ready?
Riggs:: -She was pissed. It was more than plastered all over her face it was now showing in her actions and words. I fucked this up. Listening was my only option now.- Follow in five minutes after you. If I hear anythin’ that leads me ta thinkin’ any of y'all are in danger I’m comin’ in, Piper. Five minutes or not. -She shot me a look that would have killed if it could but she understood what I was saying, she knew the the rules. She wasn’t about to risk shit.  We made our way down towards the house, creeping along the bushes that lined the house until we were in the backyard. All seemed relatively quiet except for the yelling coming from the living room. Jason was screaming up a storm, smacking someone around that was for sure judging by Miranda’s cries to stop. At least he hadn’t made it to her yet.- You  have 3 minutes, Hart. That’s all I’m givin’ ya
Piper:: ::My heart sank the second I hear the screams mixed with Miranda’s cries, it was already to late for somethings. Too late to stop him from beating someone I wagered was Gwen.:: Wait here, I’ll take the three then come in. Just don’t charge Riggs for the love of god. ::I flashed him a glare before I gave the handle a turn and stepped him, my gun already drawn. Making my way around the house was made easy by the numerous visits I had made to Miranda and her grandmother, we’d made a connection when Gwen was arrested the first time and the little girl would call whenever she was in trouble. Trouble being anything from it’s hot to I can’t find my grandma. This is why I hated that she was in this situation. My back slid along the wall until the scene came into view. Jason had Gwen held up by her hair both her eyes a bright almost shining purple, lip bloodied and swelling. Grandma’s had been obviously been hit as well but she was now curled up in the corner beside Miranda. Poor girl had tears streaming down her cheek, sometime during this all she had peed her pants and was desperately trying to hide it. I was made the second she saw my face::
“PIPER” ::Miranda stood up to run and that’s when Jason pointed his gun her way, instantly grandma grabbed her leg and pulled her back::
{She moves and I will end her, Piper, without a second thought} “NO” ::Screamed Gwen trying anything to get loose now, she bit and clawed at any part of him she could.::
Come on, Jason, what the fuck? This isn’t you. You’ve never put her life on the line before, why now? ::I kept my gun trained on him while slowly moving myself between Miranda, grandma and himself:: What gives? Tell me and maybe we can talk this out. You know me, know I would do anything to help your kid and family. So talk to me. Tell me what’s happening. ::He paused a moment glancing down at Gwen, I didn’t know what he was thinking or what was going on in his mind just that he was still. My eyes wavered between his movements and the gun, then suddenly it dropped, the butt of his gun hitting his ex in the head. She was down in an instant. Still breathing but unconscious. There was a shrill, high pitched scream to my left:: “MOMMA”
JASON! I’ve given you a chance ::I stepped in closer completely forgetting about Riggs:: Put down the gun now.
{What are you going to do, Detective, shoot me in front of my kid? You really want to traumatize her further? You’re too soft for that shit. That’s the whole problem with you bitches. Too fucking soft. Gwen was a fucking bitch, couldn’t handle any fucking thing. She owed me money, owed the gang money and she blew us off to visit the kid. She was supposed to ask my mom for money, was supposed to meet up last night with it, She didn’t . She knew what would happen. Miranda will make a lot of fucking money for us.}
::I gasped, shaking my fucking head at what I was hearing. I stepped in one step closer unsure if I could keep myself from slapping this asshole with my own fucking gun:: You are ..there are no words for scum like you. Drop the gun, get down on your knees and put your hands on your hea…
Riggs: -I heard what was happening before I even went in, fucking Hart. She had no control before she even went in. Jason had it all. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.Now she needed me to save her. I peek around the corner to see Gwen down, Miranda in her grandmas grasp and Piper in a full showdown with Jason. This was going to end one way and it wasn’t with my partner getting injured, it was with the perp getting one in the chest. At least if things went my way. I walked into the room slowly, neither seemed to notice until I called out- On your six, Hart. Jason I’d listen to her, I can take you out right here and now. Drop it. -He only seemed to grin darkly, Piper shifted a single inch and took two shots. One ripped through her side while the other buried itself in her abdomen. She turned to look at me before her hands covered the wounds, next she dropped to the floor. Miranda was in hysterics- Fuck. -This time there was no second thought, Jason knew it was over he dropped the gun and got down on his knees and instantly his hands were lifting to settle behind his head. I didn’t give two shits. I shot before he had his secondhand lifted, I kicked him back watching as he began to bleed out, the put the gun back in his palm.
Next came calling in the calvary- I need an ambulance to this location, Harts down. Suspects down. I repeat. I need an ambulance for Hart. ASAP.  -I was at her side before I finished, adding pressure to her wounds- Come on, Piper, you won’t give up this easy darlin’. I know you got some fight in you. -I barely heard what she said as people began bursting through the door- “I said…..don..t….bust in -She blinked a few more times and we lost her. The paramedics pushed me out of the way yammering about iv’s and shit I didn’t understand, soon enough they were gone with her in tow. While half the squad watched all wondering whether she would make it or not but we all knew it would heaven or hell would have a hell of a fight on their hands. She wasn’t one to go down easily-
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thecrewnbeeteam · 7 years
Internal Conflicts~
There he stood before me, his yellow chassis heaving from all the yelling he just did. We stared at each other, my optics wet and his optic ridges furrowed together. His expression quickly softened when he realized what he had just done. The words he shouted echoing in my processor, “I’ve loved you this entire time, and you’re to blind to even see it!” Fists clenched and trying to regain my composure, I broke the small intense stare down we had with one another. “I was never blind Bumblebee, I knew you did. Because I loved you too from the beginning to now. But you know it’s nearly impossible to keep up a relationship, especially now. With a war outbreak on our hands, we can’t… We can’t be together like we so desperately want.” “Then why is it I see you with Steeljaw here and there Piper? What is he gaining from this? What are you gaining from him? Please enlighten me,” he spoke frantically and in a hostile tone. His softened expression quickly changing back to his enraged look. “He’s gaining nothing as well as I. He’s just simply a fling, and that’s all he’s going to be. He knows that and has managed to come to terms with it.” Bumblebee let out a heavy sigh as he rested his servo on his forehelm, she could tell he was in pain and miserable. And she understood it completely, because she was in the same boat he was. Gently resting her servo on his cheek, she managed to get his attention. His optics had become wet with optic fluid which brought a pang of pain in her spark. “I’m sorry, I want to make all this pain go away, trust me. But the only way to do so is if we avoid each other. And you and I both know we can’t do that, we’ve tried for primus sakes.” “Piper… Take that as a sign we need each other and need to be together. If we can’t even stay separated and find ourselves in the same predicament over and over again. Let’s just end it and finally be happy.” Looking away for a moment, she looked back at him and softly planted a kiss on his lips. It wouldn’t be long before the two found themselves in her quarters. ______________________________________________________________________________
When she woke up, she found herself wrapped up in Bumblebee’s embrace. Watching his chassis slowly rise and fall as he slept away, she hated the idea of getting up and leaving him to recharge alone. But work had to be done, and she couldn’t let her guilt keep her from her full potential. Slowly moving his arms so she wouldn’t wake him, she sat up and took one more look at him. He had a peaceful expression on his faceplate, one that made her smile a bit. Planting a gentle, loving kiss on his forehelm, Piper got up and quietly made her way out of her quarters. Leaving him to sleep peacefully for once in a long time.
“You did what?!” Suddenly finding herself in front of a enraged and hostile Steeljaw, she looked around for something to help her defend herself. Without any luck she began to back away from him, but he only followed her getting closer with each step he took. The large mech could easily overpower her seeing how she seemed like an ant compared to him. “I-It was only a one time thing Steeljaw, and even so you act like we are together. Which we are not, we had agreed to leave this as just a fling…” He then grabbed her arm and pulled her even closer to him, a massive snarl on his lips. His tail was swishing harshly and could have easily knocked over a few things in her office. Staring up at him with wide optics, she waited for any attack he was ready to make. But instead he let out a mixture of a snarl and a sigh, looking away briefly before glancing back at her. “Damn it Piper… You’re mine. Always going to be, and I’m not about to let that fragging Lieutenant take you away from me. I know you don’t want anything with either of us at the moment, but we could do amazing… no glorious things together.”
“Steeljaw, you want things that are most likely never going to happen. And I’m not going to be the one that you either mislead or use to get it. I know you can change, but you have to be willing to do it.” “I will rule Earth, and soon enough I will have a queen to show with everything she’ll ever need and want. But damn it Piper I want it to be you…” Gently shaking her helm, she grabbed his servo and made him let go of her arm. Which he had a iron grip on, but quickly loosened it when she moved his servo back to his side. Watching her closely, he took note of how troubled and miserable she looked. Going from being angry to concerned in a matter of minutes, he gently knelt down so they were face to face. Snaking his arms around her waist he pulled her close to him. “Piper… tell me you’re thoughts.” “What do you care Steeljaw, I just… I need you to go.” “Not until you at least talk to me, I’m not Bumblebee. I won’t yell at you and get angry over stupid scrap.” She looked at him in shock as he smirked a bit. He moved a bit of her hair out of her faceplate, as he stared into her optics. Finally giving in, tears overcome her and she quickly found herself to be a bawling mess. Steeljaw just simply watching her and gently rubbing her back. “Come on Pipes… Talk to me. These big ears aren’t just for looks.” “Why? Why do the both of you make it so hard to choose? I was doing fine, I was doing okay just simply leading. And now besides the conflict going on with Betrelli, I have to figure out which one I want to spend the rest of my long life with? Oh what am I kidding, it wouldn’t last with either of you. You’ll both get sick of me working all the time and not being around.” “Piper, no matter who you choose, we’ll all be busy. But in the end we have to make time for each other, no matter how much work we have. In the end, we’ll be going to bed in each others embrace and loving every moment of it. In the end, we’ll always have each other to listen and cry to… will we not?” He gently wiped away a tear with his clawed digit. Huffing and puffing from crying so much, she sloppily wiped the tears away from her other optic. Which brought a soft chuckle from deep within his chassis. Looking up at him, she just simply stared at the wolfcon, thoughts running rampant in her processor. “Now, I’m going to check in with my team to make sure they haven’t been captured. When I come back we’re going to figure out something to do. Together.” He planted a small kiss on top of her helm, slowly standing he turned and made his way out. Leaving her alone in her office, she did the only thing she could think to do. Cry even harder than she just had. ______________________________________________________________________________
“Point Dexter, I really need your help kiddo…” Piper slowly walked in, her optics glowing bright from crying earlier. Her son quickly taking note on her looks, he ran up to her with a worried look on his face. Upon seeing her miserable expression, her gave her a massive hug. All Piper could do is hug her son back with just as much love as he hugged her with. “Mom what happened? Are you ok?” “I’m fine kiddo, but I need to ask you something.” “Shoot mama,” he looked at her curiously, but concerned unlaid his curiousness. “Have you invented something that could… I don’t know let you see possibilities or different realities?” “Hm...well I have been working on something of the sorts. It sends you to different realities, but you kinda have to ghost it so you don’t affect the reality.” “Do you think I could try it? I need help trying to decide on what I need to do…” “Sure! I’ve been itching to try it out! Follow me mom!” Piper followed her son closely as he lead her a rather large device hidden in the corner of his little lab. It looked like a teleporter of some sorts but without the bulkiness, consisting of a computer to input the reality and a pad with half a cylinder wrapped around it. She watched as her son began typing away on the computer, pausing for a moment he turned and looked at her. “Alright mama, which realities are you wanting to explore?” “One where Steeljaw and I decide to couple up, as well as Bumblebee. And one where I decide to simply be partnerless.” “Okay, it’s all put it. Stand on the pad and it’ll take you to all three. And it’ll be timed. You’ll have about a few minutes in each reality. So get your fill,” he spoke softly and smiled at his mom as he finished typing. “Thank you Point Dexter,” she planted a kiss on his helm and smiled at him. She then stepped on the pad, a blue cloud overtaking her form as a rush of energy rushed her from her son’s lab. ______________________________________________________________________________
Once the cloud had dissipated, she looked around to find herself still on Earth. Even so, she was still in her base, and in her son’s lab which looked dark and deserted.  Curiosity taking over, she made her way out of the lab to find that what was once a bustling base was now completely deserted. Concerned and confused, she made her way to the lobby, which upon entering she saw herself and Steeljaw standing just inches from each other. “Well, the new base is a raging success, and your team has completed their training. You are all officially apart of the Crew.” “So Piper, what do we do with this one? Since it’s too small to house all your new recruits… Are we just going to abandon it?” “Unfortunately, so… But soon enough we will have more people and they can inhabit this place. So it won’t be abandoned for too terribly long,” the femme smiled up at her new mate. Piper watched as Steeljaw took her future self into his arms and swung her around, both of them having massive smiles on their faceplates. He then planted a passionate kiss on her lips before setting her back down. “So how did Bumblebee take the news? I’m sure he was pissed…” “He… He wasn’t too happy definitely. But it doesn’t matter, it’s just us from now on.” Steeljaw smiled big at her before kneeling down and pulling her back into his arms. They both looked at each other with intense passion and love, and just simply hugged each other to enjoy the closeness and the embrace. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me Piper… And my team. I love you.” “And I love you…” Tears filled Piper’s optics as she watched the two confess their love, another blue cloud formed around her body as she teleported to another reality. One which her and Bumblebee were finally together… ______________________________________________________________________________
Cybertron… Why am I on Cybertron? She thought to herself as she looked around once the blue cloud had faded once more. She was standing in an abandoned alleyway that exited out into Iacon city. Seeing it’s busy streets and bustling activity, she made her way out and looked around. Quickly taking notice of her future self and Bumblebee making their way to a small pub, she followed after them. Once inside, she watched the two of them sit down at a booth. Hiding in the corner of the pub, even though they wouldn’t be able to see her, she stayed quiet and watched the two of them order. “You seem tense ever since we came back to Cybertron Bee… What’s wrong?” “Well, now that Steeljaw and his pack are finally in custody and we don’t have to worry about Earth… What is there going to be to do? It’s going to be boring to be back on the police force and a minor celebrity for the time being. And now that the Crew is allowed back on Cybertron thanks to Ratchet and all of them being the new High Council… What next for you guys?” “Well Betrelli is still a major problem, and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants. So there is still him, Death, hell even Thunderstrike causes issues here and there. But in the end… Isn’t this all what you wanted? To be home? Not having to worry all the time?” “Of course Piper, but to be honest… I just wanted you in the end. And now that I finally have you,” he looked away for a moment, lost in his own thoughts. “What? You’re bored of me already? It wasn’t what it was like before?” “No no no, things are definitely different now I will agree to that. But it’s just… It feels like we still need to be on Earth. It was a rush for us, to be in hiding, fighting cons together. Here we’re going to live normal lives, while on Earth we were in disguise. But I know that you don’t want to go back.” “Bumblebee, it’s not that I don’t want to go back, there’s nothing there for us. There’s no more relics, no more cons, we’d be bored out of our minds.” “Yeah… maybe you’re right,” he looked down at his servos before looking back up at his new mate. “There’s something else on your mind Bee… What is it?” “Piper… there’s something I need from you.” “Tell me, we made a pact… a commitment to each other. We need to have communication.” “I need full force loyalty from you, I need to know you’ll never leave me again. Ever. I want reassurance that even with you having to be gone at times with the Crew, that you’re pledged to me and only me.” Piper watched her future self stare at Bumblebee in amazement and surprise. She had never seen that side of Bumblebee, and could tell that he was only getting more tense and dictatorial over her. “O-Of course Bee, anything to make you happy…”
A bad feeling filling her from within, the blue cloud would soon embrace her frame and take her away to her final reality. Leaving with the sight of her future self looking extremely scared and worried, it took over her processor as she entered her last reality. ______________________________________________________________________________
“Welcoming the newest apprentice and future Mother of Cybertron, Piper!”
Finding herself to be thrown in the middle of a massive celebration in Iacon, she looked around the crowds of people. Her gaze stopping when she saw her future body standing next to Eclipse. Eclipse beaming down at her with extreme happiness, she had a look of determination and hope on her faceplate. Staring at herself in awe, she took in how different she looked compared to herself now. She was still small and curvy in stature, but instead of looking ordinary she was decked out with luxurious items. Jewels, shiny armor fit for a princess, a long dress like cape that hung off her hips like Eclipse herself. She was the living definition of royalty, but there was something underlying her expression. “I will do my best to learn and listen to what my lovely people will want from me, in hopes that you all can help me guide you to keeping everlasting peace.” With that everyone roared with love and appreciation for her, but something felt wrong. There was too much tension for some reason, so making her way up to the stage, she made her way past the guards and stood in the middle of her future self and Eclipse to get a good look of the crowd. Upon looking at all the cheering bodies she saw them, Bumblebee and his little team standing on the left hand side. His team cheering while he stood there with a small smile on his faceplate. He was still pained, hurting, miserable… But he knew she was finally happy. And on the right side stood Steeljaw and his pack. Surprised that they were released from prison, she watched as they all clapped along with the crown. His expression surprised her the most out of everyone, he was smirking evilly. A smirk that she hadn’t seen in a long time, worry filled her to the brim as she was frantically searching for anything unusual. And there it was, a loud gunshot rang loud and clear through the air. Everyone began to panic and rush out of the area, Piper looked around for the shooter but then took note that her future self was on the floor of the stage holding her leg. Energon quickly pouring from the wound, Eclipse herself picked her up and rushed her out of the vicinity her guards chasing after them.
Looking back, she took note that Steeljaw and his team still stood there slowly clapping as Bee’s team fought through the crowd to get to them. She watched the scene unfold before her optics met Steeljaws. At the moment it felt like he knew she was there, like he could see her through her cloaking. A chill ran down her spine before the blue cloud rushed her out of the reality. ______________________________________________________________________________
Finding herself back in her son’s well lit and busy lab, she quickly looked around to make sure this was the reality she was suppose to be in. Seeing her son standing there with an excited smile on his faceplate, she slowly walked out and looked at him. “Well? How was it? Did it work perfectly?” “Y-yes… very perfectly.” “Mom you seem shook up… what did you see?” “Point Dexter… mommy’s going to go drink herself to a stupor…”
And with that she left the lab, confused, scared, and hurt about what she just experienced all together.
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purkinje-effect · 7 years
The Purkinje Effect, 5
Table of Contents
With the carton of Grey Tortoise under his arm, Galen skipped down Publick Occurrences's couple of front steps. A single pack had cost him five dollars, and there were twelve packs--so he estimated to have about sixty dollars with which to barter. He had a bit of money left in top of that, but not much. But, having a sense of direction and some kind of medical opinions, where he'd had none prior to the morning, he found himself grinning.The surplus stall was in the far corner; second base would be directly behind it. A Latina woman in a white dress shirt stood watch boredly with a newspaper. Just as the pink ex-vaultie strolled up, she shooed two children trying to nick her wares. When she caught sight of him, she didn't conceal her startled stare.
"--That's not contagious, right?"
"Absolutely not. Galen, by the way." He offered a gloved handshake. She simply stared at his hand for a moment. "...Right. I need some travel supplies, and I hear you're the one to see."
"We've got a little bit of everything. Don't... touch anything. You sure it's not contagious?"
"I already saw Dr. Sun earlier." He remembered his scripting. "He gave me something for it. Promise it's not catching. Besides," and he wiggled all his fingers at her with an enthusiastic grimace.
"...Ok, but no funny business. I've got my eye on you. And if you see those two brats again, help me run 'em off. They try every day." She flicked her newspaper with a huff, going back to her reading.
Galen began to browse, setting things in front of him that seemed the most likely to be useful. Wonderglue and an industrial tub of shortening, for sure, and a card of needles and a cone of thread. He wanted to fix up his hood a bit better, and he could probably eat on the starchy oil for a week. His eye caught the junk bins off to the sides of the higher commodity items, especially the aluminum can full of utensils. He guessed those were what the kids had been going after, since he could tell a good third of it was silverware from the black tarnish. Remembering what Dr. Duff had recommended regarding accepting the changes in his constitution, he entertained the notion of buying a few butter knives for the road, and picked up the tin to root for a couple. Distracted by his own attempts at good behavior, ironically he didn't notice himself stomach them instead of setting them with his other selections, and he set the tin back down to continue browsing. As he reached for a piece of leather shoulder armor, he found his hand halted by the barrel of a pipe pistol.
"What-- what do you think you're doing? You're a Synth, aren't you? A reject. They messed up your mold pour. Is that why you're pink? How else could you store something inside you for later!" She cocked the gun, forehead glistening. "That's disgusting!"
His hands flew up and he backed away a step, but she aimed straight at his face the instant he moved and he stopped in his tracks.
"I-- I'm not-- Here, I'll pay for whatever it was--" He went to hand her the carton of cigarettes, and she snatched them from him, not standing down. "I'm sorry-- I--"
"You trying to tell me you don't even know what you swallowed! SECURITY!" Her weapon trembled. "I told you no funny business, you... you Geek!"
His stress got the best of him and he snatched the Wonderglue off the table and swallowed the bottle whole. Struggling against the impulse mid-act got him shaking fiercely, and she fired a warning shot at his feet. Reacting landed him flat on his butt, and he glared up at her, rattled to his core.
"Next time I'm not aiming for dirt, Geek."
"Myrna, stop blastin’ that thing." An uninterested guard wearing a catcher's mask finally meandered up with increased attentiveness when he heard her fire at Galen. "What's a matter now?"
"This Synth here is swallowing my inventory! He ate a bunch of my silver, and then he ate my last bottle of Wonderglue! How could you let him in here? He's obviously a Synth!"
"I don't even know what a Synth is," Galen finally managed to utter edgewise, but this only made her madder. The guard raced to put his arm up in front of Myrna to keep her from firing a second time.
"Aight, fella. Didja or didn’t cha swallow her stuff? We don't take kindly to deep pockets either."
"I meant to pay her for the things before eatin' 'em," he confessed. "I don't know what got into me. ... Surely that carton a smokes is enough to call it even?" He flinched when a second guard came up behind him to cut off his potential for escape.
"You were going to swallow my carton of Grey Tortoise next!?" Myrna hollered incredulously. "You heard this Freakshow Geek! He's already easily cost me a hundred caps in goods, and you heard him himself admit he was gonna steal even more!"
"Are you really still trying to get supplies outta her with her pointing a gun at you, Geek?" the second guard judged.
"You really aren't bright, are ya," the other seconded.
When a third entered the circle forming around Galen, the ex-vaultie knew not to object to Myrna's version of this story. The situation gathered infield attention and he started sweating.
"Aight, come with us. You can't be trusted inside the city walls, fella."
"Garry an' me's got 'im," the first guard told the third, and he and the other each hooked an arm under each of Galen's armpits. "Go on up to Danny and let him know he screwed up lettin' a pink guy in here-- an' why."
"Christ, short stuff, you're heavy as a brahmin," Garry muttered. "Jim, I think Myrna might a really caught herself a Synth for real this time."
"Officers, y'all, y'all can let me go," Galen reasoned pathetically, getting dragged toward the stairs out of the park. "I'll go peaceably. I swear I don't know what a Synth is. I, I, I keep hearing people talk about 'em and I sure wish somebody'd-- Hey-- Hear me out!"
"If I let you go," Jim calmly replied, "Myrna will chew my ear off for a month. An' the half chance she's right about you..." A low whistle. "Yeah, I'm not lettin' go of you for an instant."
"Piper!" Galen tried, kicking at the dirt as they passed Publick Occurrences. The reporter and her sister both stood on the porch, indignant and confused as ever. "Piper, tell them I'm not a Synth!"
"Galen, what did you DO?" she chastised, knowing fully it had gone abominably with Myrna. "Y'all, he's a vault dweller. He can't be a Synth."
"He admitted to swallowin' unpaid merchandise," Jim told her. "Synth or no, this sideshow has gotta go. If he can't keep his sticky fingers off what ain't his, we can't help but give him the boot."
"Hehe, that rhymed, Jim."
"You know, it did." Jim chortled a bit, then sighed. "Piper, we'll boot you AN' Nat too as accessories if you try to get involved. I won't have Myrna reportin' me an' Garry to the MacDonough for misconduct."
"Garry, at least-- at least give him this before you lock him out." Piper ran up and slammed a crumpled paper against his shoulder. Though Garry did take the paper, the guards didn't stop moving. The further along they got, the louder she got. "I know what I said earlier, but I went and talked to Duff anyway, Galen. Read. It. Y'all! This isn't justice. All just a huge misunderstanding!" She kicked the newspaper stand at the end of her lot, hard enough to dent it. "AUGH! Y'all are so bull headed!"
Once they got back out to the ticket area, the two guards threw Galen to the pavement. Garry started reading the note.
"Asked Duff about pink food sample. Could only recall testin' a sample a pink plastic. Say Jim, what's this word here say?" He pointed a mitt at the paper.
"Pre... servative. You been eatin' plastic, Piper says," Jim scoffed. "Man, plastic people eat plastic food? Gross." Garry wadded up the paper and tossed it at Galen.
"Never hearduva Synth t'eat plastic. Guess that makes you a Geek an’ a cannibal." As a loud mechanical process began, Garry and Jim each pulled out his pipe rifle with a casual fatigue. "Aight, Geek. The gates are gonna close. If y’know what's good for ya, you'll be on the other side and stay there."
Galen snatched the paper as the wind tried to grab it from him. He briefly caught sight of the guard from earlier getting an earful from the third guard, but he couldn't hear them over the pulley system. He glanced up to see the gates rapidly gaining momentum to close him out, and he gave the guards a short-fused, incredulous snarl before scrambling to his feet and walking away without causing any more of a scene.He shoved the paper in one of his jumpsuit's breast pockets, then fished his pack of cigarettes out of his rolled sleeve and slapped the packaging against the butt of his palm as he stormed off briskly, not paying much attention to the direction. It didn't take long into his smoke for him to notice half a dozen guards were staring at him from their various guard posts along the streets leading up to the corner gate.
"Y'all really suck," he muttered under his breath, kicking at the asphalt rubble, then quickly shying from an Eyebot that hovered too close to him, skulking onward until he no longer saw signs that pointed to Diamond City.
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