#just mestize things
sephirajo · 1 year
Yo my mestise queers, I love you all 💙
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magz · 2 years
Someone tagged the “Frida Kahlo was anti-semitic and racist” post saying it must be misinformation because of not being able to find anything on Google except that Frida Kahlo faked being Jewish.
So you barely researched the complicated topic you just now became aware of, and her faking being Jewish wasn’t considered an indication of anything to you?
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bizarrementation · 5 months
> Enter Name.
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Your name is ICHOR ROSE "RHOSE" "JASPROSE" LALONDE. You are 20 YEARS OLD (9/19) and use SHE/IT pronouns. Currently, you are on your LAPTOP SCROLLING TUMBLR as usual. You have a variety of interests. You have a passion for PSYCHOLOGY. You enjoy writing cards and are NOT SO SECRETIVE ABOUT IT. You have a fondness for the BESTIALLY STRANGE AND OCCULT. You are SOMEWHAT NEUROTIC from time to time. And on occasion, if just the right one strikes your fancy, you like to play VIDEO GAMES with your friends.
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TERFS, pedophiles (yes, you, MAPs, and pro-fiction freaks,) LGBTphobes, and racists get humiliated, (IP) blocked, and/or reported to staff and/or authorities. I don't care about other kink. Everyone else is on a case-by-case basis. Yes, I will go through your blog personally. Consider it an honor to have the kinnie freak to do it.
Whitepassing mestize. TME. Professional loser. Professional fingers in many pies haver. Professional huge bitch. Speaker of far too many 50 cent words. Active from time-to-time and inactive other times. I get my way or I throw a hissy fit and then get over it.
I don't like people who won't let me say slurs I can reclaim, and I don't like people who believe in "problematic media."
This blog is run by a psychotic addict system. Obviously. Correlation or causation? We have known we were a system since 13; don't like self diagnosis? Block us. Spend enough time around us and you may get to know who is who. Since apparently every system must have a stance on this, we are traumagenic/psychgenic, endo-neutral, and anti-syscourse.
Things will not be tagged unless I like you or you ask nicely. I may forget because I have memory problems, so just remind me.
Feel free to screenshot and mock my about on your blog. Or block me. I don't care. I'm an adult and have better things to do these days than have a panic attack over Tumblr anymore.
All of this being said, I swear I am a really nice person/people. If you read through all this, here is your prize.
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catsnuggler · 1 year
Honestly, I think a large part of why I'm so laser-focused on decolonization is because I was raised Mormon - as in, it is a direct, violent reaction against my upbringing. I was raised to believe Indigenous people of the Americas were the descendants of a fallen race, cursed by God for the sins of their ancestors (in spite of that very same God telling his "prophets", in no uncertain terms, that "men shall be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression")... that they were not beyond redemption, but could only be redeemed by embracing the will of the Lord, and other assorted colonialist Christian bullshit. This grated against the anti-racist values I was raised with by my dad, and the diverse non@ormon community I was raised in (helps that about a third to 40% of my city's population are Latine, mostly Mexican mestizes, which, you know... means that they descend from Indigenous people, even if their ancestral cultures are, sadly, distant to them now). Eventually, the cognitive dissonance grew too great, and I realized that any just god wouldn't be so fucking racist, so Mormonism proved to be simultaneously theologically and politically untenable for me. This doesn't mean that I instead choose to see all Indigenous people as "noble savages" - they're people, and have done horrible things, like everybody in the world. The Salish peoples owned slaves. Their economy wasn't slave-based, it was just an economy that also had slaves, and slaves were usually treated as indentured servants, but slaves were also sometimes burned with the other articles of wealth of their owners at potlatches. Just one example of Indigenous people not being perfect. Still, there is much to admire, much that should be learned from, and, by far the most important, these peoples should be free. Their oppression has gone on too long, never should have happened in the first place... And any cult that holds their alleged inferiority as doctrine is obsolete, and must be destroyed.
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bagofbonesmp3 · 2 years
Honest question because i have seen some discorse about this, do you think latinxphobia is real?
hm this is just a very complicated and nuanced subject. but to get things clear: there is not such thing as latinidad. at least from a perspective in latinamerica. no latinamerican LIVING in Latinoamérica thinks of themselves as latino. we say we're Argentine or Colombian or Brazilian. and EVEN inside every country, there are differences (race, class, religion) so to start with, latinidad is a concept that purely exists as a way to present ourselves to the rest of the world, or for diaspora to present themselves in a more broad way to the culture they are currently in. do i think that the """stereotypical""" latino (brown light skinned mestize, who speaks Spanish, has a "Spanish last name") according to usamerican views suffers a form of oppression? of course i do. do i think it's an incredibly reductive way to see A WHOLE CONTINENT FORMED BY A DOZEN COUNTRIES FULL OF DIFFERENT CULTURES? of course. for example, i wouldn't experience the same treatment in the US that a white Argentine would, even though we are both latine and from the same country. cause I'm asian and brown. TONS OF THINGS COME INTO PLAY HERE.
tldr: there is not a universal concept of latinidad, so technically, there can't be latinophobia, however, foreign countries have a fixed idea of what latinidad is that they subject to oppression. these two concepts can coexist. all we can do is deconstruct the way people think latinamericans are, cause we are definitely not all the same.
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orquidia · 4 years
Sorry if this might be ignorant or smth but I’m white so I don’t know this stuff anyways— how does the latine and other races thing work?? I was under the impression that latine was a ethnicity and not a nationality
race =/= nationality =/= ethnicity
latine just mean “be a person of latin american descent” therefore caribbeans, south americans, center americans, and north americans with latin american descent are in fact latines no matter their race. that is why you can be white and latine, asian and latine, mestize and latine, black and latine, indigenous and latine. 
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virtuissimo · 2 years
just thinkin, antiblackness//
I had forgotten than reservation dogs was taika waititis, and looking at ofmd through that lens, it does change things. theres praise of its handling of racism, and u know I see the appeal, to have a world that doesnt cook in racism soup but also isn't colorblind/where racism isn't completely ignored. the ones who face the worst of the racism are the Black and dark skin characters, and they're always shrugging it off, rolling their eyes and such &they get some form of revenge in those cases too, but. idk this isn't well worded, its just that taika cast himself as blackbeard, and he slips into an ambiguous space where he's called a donkey because of *race?class?*, bc he is very much a brown man playing a white character. and then wev got jim, who is played by a mestize latine but also plays into ambiguity wrt maybe being a landowning spaniard? meanwhile the crewmembers like frenchie oluwande and roach are unambiguous and get callbacks to indentured servitude (i don't recall if they brought up slavery itself or just servants but its like the elephant in the room in several cases) idk idk maybe I'm just saying stuff but its smth I noticed as a nonblack viewer esp given how the closer taika's subjects get to Black representations in media, the weirder he gets about it and in the case of reservation dogs just straight up antiblack so there's that
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clanoffelidae · 2 years
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Please please PLEASE be the sooner end
Story as to what this is and why I'm spending way too much money on it under the cut
SO. I haven't been super active in the Doctor Who fandom like, ever really, but rest assured I've been watching the show and have consumed fan content for it for well over a decade now. I've just never really gotten into the hang of interacting with other members of the fandom much myself. (To be fair being an active member of any fandom is still pretty new to me)
So, naturally, as a result, I wouldn't expect anyone to know this about me, but I am a HUGE fan of The Master. I'm a huge fan of villains in general honestly, any of my followers who followed me for Trinity Blood shitposts can attest to that since I literally never shut up about Cain. (shaped like a son <3)
But, like many other fans who got started with nuwho, my first introduction to The Master was with good ol' John Simm and the Harold Saxon plot. So, naturally, this plot holds a very special place in my heart. Even if Simm!Master isn't my favorite anymore, that doesn't mean I don't still love the round-faced rat man very much and have great nostalgic affection for his first two stories.
So, be me a few months ago, refreshing myself on the contents of that scheme on the wiki, mostly just because I was on the Master's page looking for something I can't even remember at this point and because I have about as reliable an attention span as a wet potato chip has structural integrity I was clicking around on links and going on a rabbithole through the pages. And while I was skimming through the Saxon plot I saw mention of something I certainly didn't remember in the episode. Apparently The Master had given a speech at the school Harold Saxon claimed to have gone to?? And hypnotized a bunch of people and manually implanted memories in some teacher who didn't respond to the hypnosis?? I didn't remember anything about that.
Turns out, it's extended universe content. But while I haven't actually consumed much extended universe content directly (I'm still catching up on NuWho and my ADHD brain won't let me delve into the old series or any EU content until I'm done with that. Brain just said no.), I know a fair few things from it, especially in relation to my boy. Like come on, what kind of Master fan would I be if I didn't even know about him being the Champion of Death, being from house Oakdown, having the school nickname Koschei, like come on. I even know about Mestizer! But I've NEVER heard of this little tidbit before. What speech??? What is this???
Turns out, it's from a short story that was released in 2009. Appropriately titled 'Speech Day'. It was released in a collection of Doctor Who related short stories. But the reason I'd never heard about it before is that while all those other stories have been reprinted in 2015, Speech Day was NOT. The ONLY place to find it is at the back of this short story collection (titled 'The Doctor Who Stories').
Anyway I spent way too much money on this considering the fact that I ONLY want it for Speech Day and don't care about any of the other stories (though I'm sure I'll read them eventually) but my brain made an exception for this piece of EU content based on the sole fact that it seems like it's only gonna get harder to get ahold of as time goes on since it hasn't been reprinted and likely won't be. But it is now en route. :)
Anyone else have Speech Day? Did you like it?
And also just the short story collection in general lol. I mean I bought it solely for The Master content but if I have the book I'm sure I'll read the others too, anyone who's read it have any favorites?
(It's intended to be more of a children's book from the looks of things so that's probably also why I haven't heard much about it. But I'm hardly going to be picky when a whole new piece of content about the plot that first introduced me to The Master drops into my lap lol.)
So yeah this is one of my christmas presents to myself. <3 Merry belated crisis.
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(speaking from a mestiza lens so this is partially my apology to accept) okay sorry maybe im stupid but i dont see anything too bad with the apology?? like obv there's things wrong with it (misrepresentation/ quotes being "ooc", the nonbinary comment is weird being as far as ik they're a cis woman?, and they got more wrong than just the headscarf) but it's not all moot? like it's not the best apology but idt it makes things worse necessarily. maybe my standards are low but i don't think it's BAD per se
hi anon!! just wanted to say that I’m mestize so we’re both kinda in the same boat. anyway, was it the worst apology ever? no. but the whole “ur taking things out of context” is a Huge issue because all of this is coming out of people (mostly people who r a part of the offended groups) taking time to read the entire thing and finding what’s wrong with it, along with that, for a lot of it there rlly is just no way to justify it in a story, especially since (and this is a huge issue), they reached out to poc, asked them for advice, and then proceeded to ghost them And ignore whatever advice they did give. One of my mutuals ( @cvrsedseraph ) specifically told them that the boys would need somewhere to learn Spanish from and PH just decided to completely ignore that and just have the boys magically know Spanish despite growing up with only their white family,
like that could be a not bad apology if there where different circumstances but unfortunately they just half apologized by claiming to not have known despite people telling them not to
also ps I’m pretty sure they’re an enby lesbian cus they go by they/them
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kuramirocket · 3 years
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The history of artisanship in Mexico runs deep. Long before Europeans set foot in Central America, pre-Hispanic cultures were weaving, carving and moulding materials into everyday objects. It was once a country of many nations – from the Mayans in the Yucatán to the Aztecs in the Central Plateau – each with distinctive cultures, as well as their own advanced style of architecture and artisanship.
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In recent years, Mexican designers have begun to look inward, acknowledging the wealth of talent and resources on their doorstep rather than from outside influences. Other creatives are joining them from overseas, flocking south in search of culture, skills and materials.
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One such creative is French-born product and furniture designer Fabien Cappello, who, following a three-week holiday, uprooted his life in London (where he’d lived for eight years having studied at the RCA) to relocate to Mexico City, before moving west to Guadalajara. “I was just so struck by the culture,” he says of the life-changing experience. His work incorporates local resources and manufacturing. “There isn’t a city in the world with more metal workshops than Guadalajara,” he adds. “Repairing or making something specific to your needs in a very local way is a concept that is still relevant here.” His pieces incorporate traditional materials: from seats tightly woven in natural tule reed fibre to vintage chairs with geometric fabric. “Everything I wanted to develop in my design work is so present in Mexican materials. To understand more, I needed to participate.”
This focus on Mexican design heritage reflects a growing interest in its culture. Evidence of this can be seen in the success of chefs such as Enrique Olvera, who has opened a string of restaurants (including Cosme in New York City), casting a spotlight on what is arguably one of the world’s most historic, complex and creative cuisines. “There is more support for Mexico globally,” says Age Salajõe, a cofounder of Mexico City based Ewe design studio. This coincides with the general shift towards the artisanal, which has given Mexican designers a platform, while instilling a sense of pride and confidence in their cultural values. “We stopped caring about working on a stereotyped expression of our culture, and stopped developing design based on the expectation of what Mexico is for others,” Esrawe adds.
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For many designers, the answer to the country’s design future lies in the past – and the skills passed down through generations, often in small rural communities. Many such skills risk being lost forever without timely intervention. Ceramicist Perla Valtierra turned her attention from industrial design to ceramics after participating in a craft and design program with a community in Zacatecas.
“I became aware of the possibilities we have in Mexico and realised how many people are out there making things across the country,” she says. She now produces ceramics with master craftsman Don Jesús Torres (whose skills were passed down to him from his father). Their pieces, hand-turned on the wheel, include tea cups and side plates with frilled rims and vases with rivet detailing. “The process is completely collaborative. We’re learning from each other,” says Valtierra, who sees a value not only in preserving these techniques but in creating a sustainable supply chain.
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Establishing a sustainable infrastructure where artisans are empowered to work independently in their own social and cultural environments – while enabling them to thrive – is the impetus behind txt.ure, founded by Regina Pozo. The project aims to revive techniques and reinterpret objects, as well as create visibility and channels for distribution. Its signature piece is a tabouret stool woven from tule using an ancient weaving pattern. What makes it so special is that it embodies the idea of reinterpreting something old into the modern – in this instance that an item harking back to the Aztecs is just as relevant and desirable today.
Ewe Studio also fuses artisan heritage with new mediums, and collaborating with master craftsmen allows its designers to work with people they’ve long admired. “Sometimes they challenge us, sometimes we challenge them – it creates a mutual learning process,” says Esrawe. The result of this approach includes a Tikal green marble table hand-carved by stonemasons and a sculpture-like altar marble table inspired by religious rituals and ceremonies, bringing pre-Hispanic skills, materials and ideas into the 21st century.
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Collaboration is also key for Dominican-born designer Javier Reyes, founder of Rrres, which he has established in Oaxaca, Mexico. “Having something handmade is luxury,” he says of the renewed interest in heritage design and craftsmanship. He has sought out under-the-radar artisans, often without access to the resources needed to showcase their skills. His bright, geometric, hand-dyed rugs are made by Zapotec weavers while tall playful palm sculptures are crafted using a traditional weaving technique from Guerrero. It’s a collective effort.
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These distinctive designs embody the region in Mexico in which they were made. Even if you haven’t visited the country, they transport you there. “One of the things about craft-design is that you can tell a story of place,” agrees designer Daniel Valero of Mestiz. Born in Saltillo in the north of the country, Valero began collaborating with artisans to experiment with the traditional sarape weaving technique to create new textiles in 2014. He went full-time with his brand in 2018 and now works with makers across the country from Guanajuato to Bajio, creating ringed pottery in ultramarine, light pink chairs woven from palms by nomadic craftsmen and colour-blocked freeform wool rugs – pieces with a deep connection to the regions in which they originated. “I’m trying to continue the evolution of craft where it began,” Valero explains. “Someone has to do it, because everything that doesn’t evolve dies.”
As this new wave of creators shine a light on Mexico’s heritage, reviving techniques on the brink of extinction, the rest of the world has begun to take note – and the colourful, organic forms of Mexican design are set to be a big trend for 2021 and beyond. “Mexico has become a reference,” Esrawe concludes. “And as designers we’ve begun to look at who we are as a culture with pride.”
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
@the-iron-orchid how do you pronounce Mestiz@?
Oh, it’s mostly a written thing, actually! Spoken aloud, I’d just say mestizo because I am not a woman (but sadly no non-gendered spoken form exists that I’m aware of).
In the same vein, Chican@ and Latin@ used to be common, though the latter is now more commonly Latinx or Latine. There’s a lot of debate around it all, with many valid points of view.
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mandwhore · 3 years
Before You Follow
General DNI criteria - racist, lgbtphobic, terf, truscum, transmed, bigot, believe in radical feminism in any way, pedophile apologist
Pro cop, or “can’t” support acab
If you ship pedophilia or incest
Don’t think that fiction affects reality, and use that to justify consuming nsfw content of characters who are minors, or “aged up” minors
Think there isn’t whitewashing in tbb
Cannot consume content without critical thinking skills
Minors. This is an 18+ blog.
Note that you can follow me if you like them, but I do actively make and rb posts about disliking them.
Bo Katan, Satine, and the Death Watch. We bully yt women who would call me a slur, and the yt fanatics who appropriate the culture of mandalorians who were displaced on this blog. 
k*lo ren. Please do not mention the space nazi to me. (Also applied to ad*m driver because he was in the army to "avenge the us for 9/11" and I am someone who is directly affected by the patriot act)
lukedin. They are both my favorite characters but they have few interactions, one of the biggest one being Din giving away his kid. Also having interacial gay relationship with large age gap with the moc being the older one is bad, and I should not have to explain why.
The Sequels. I really liked tfa, and the potential it had. We were going to have a black ex-stormtrooper turned jedi protagonist, a latino pilot who had an interesting backstory involving a military legacy, and a woman with force sensitivity and an unknown backstory. Instead we ended up with... well *guestures vaguely*
MCU. Especially t*ny stark and class traitor peter parker
18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. I post stories with smut and rb stories with smut.
This is a multifandom blog. Mostly star wars tho and my current coc (crushes of color)
There is a queue, and the askbox is always open! Currently the anonymous function is on. Basic askbox etiquette is expected (read as please be kind!). The anonymous function is a privilege.  
I try to make this blog as accessible as possible. 
This means I try to make sure that all of my posts include an image description, video descripton, etc. if necessary. This also means that I will reblog posts that contain resources on accessibility. 
I am not perfect. I ask if you notice mistakes to gently point it out, or if you need accommodations to ask! 
More information on what I do here. 
I’m Ami! I’m 20, my pronouns are she/they. I am a disabled non-binary woc (no that’s not an oxymoron), and am bisexual. 
I am latine (mestize centroamericana) and desi (jain)! I speak spanish fluently, though my dialect is an odd mix of central american, caribbean (by proximity to lots of dominicans and boricuas), colombian (from medellin specifically), and repressed old lady (it’s because of a curse in my family it’s since been broken don’t worry). I also suffer from the gringo latine phenomenon of very little formal schooling in spanish, entonces no recuerdo como escribir en español, porque cuando terminé de ir a mi escuela bilingue, no sabia como teclar, entonces cuando escribo en español, especialmente con alguna forma de computadora; sea computadora o telefono...no lo se como hacerlo. Y como soy centroamericana y nosotros tragamos las consonantes, no se como deletrear palabras. Y con todo los homofonos que existan en espanol e ingles, no recuerdo las reglas, y entonces tengo escrito telefone en una papel de ingles! 
I really do just log into tumblr and treat it as my own personal diary 🤪 
Also I’m a virgo and I refuse to learn which are my moon sign, venus sign, delta sign or whatever.
Favorite Characters of all time (in no particular order except Katara is number one) - KATARA (atla), Aang (atla), Buffy Summers, Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin, Adora (spop), Mako (lok), Ming-Hua (lok), Mulan, Peggy Carter, Akane Tendo, Ukyo Kuonji, and Kiki (kiki’s delivery service)
Favorite Movie - The Princess and The Frog (the way they are the best disney couple ever 🥺🥺🥺)
Favorite Star Wars Movie - Attack of the Clones (it’s about the forbidden love 🥹🥹🥹)
Favorite Star Wars Couple - Anidala (i am sorry they just hit me with the yearning. i am young and biracial and queer and they just make me yearn)
Favorite Tropes - Enemies-to-lovers, Forbidden romance (it's the angry biracial bisexual in me)
Main (i don’t really post political stuff here, but my main is half political and half shitposts and i don’t have a tagging system there)
As a note I tag all potential triggers as #tw trigger ! Triggers are more likely to be filtered by tumblr when tagged that way.
These are tags that I need. (General DNI criteria is applied). My catchall tag is #ami don't look.
R*pe/sexual assault
Excessive gore/horror (all fall under a horror tag that I have filtered)
Mentions of suicide
Flashing lights, other seizure warnings
Please send me a public ask reading “lip gloss” to let me know that you have read this post and understand it! I will not publicly answer the ask. If you often interact from a sideblog, please mention in the ask the name of the sideblog you interact from!
that feeling when yodito grogesh djarin (named to appease the latine-desi me 😌) thinks genocide is fun
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[ID: The “Friendship ended with” meme edited to say “parentship ended with yodito now gon freecss is my only son.”
Gon Freecss, from Hunter x Hunter is edited onto the image on the face of the right person in the original meme. In the two spaces of the bottom corners of the image, Grogu from The Mandalorian is edited there with a green “x” marked over his body. end ID]
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themountainsays · 4 years
👤- Favorite character?, 👗- Favorite outfit? One you’d like to see?, 🍂- Favorite scene in either film/ trailers?, 🛷- What would you like to see in the future? for the Frozen Fandom Asks :D
Thank you so much for sending these! I love you!
👤- Anna. Anna forever. Anna Anna Anna. Elsa is cool but she's not Anna. You know how all 13 years old lesbians had their gay awakening with Elsa? Yeah my gay awakening was with Anna. Idk she's just exactly what my type is like irl. I saw her and I knew she'd be my favorite character ever. I just think she's very well developed, and has this different kind of angst that Elsa doesn't posses. Elsa is all about wallowing in Angst but with Anna, it's like they're stabbing her and she doesn't even realize because her brain has broken and refuses to process it and somehow that hurts even worse. It's easy to comfort Elsa if she's sad, sure, just hug her and shit. But Anna doesn't even know she needs to be comforted even though the kid has gone through so much trauma. Idk my protective instincts go wild with Anna. She's my baby and I love her.
👗- oh boy. Ok ok so I'd love to see some traditional norwegian bunad some day. Like, actual norwegian bunads. The fantasy outfits are neat but... bunads are already so Disney princess-y it's unbelievable.
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I'm just in love with how these look. Oh! And real sámi gávttit as well! The clothes the northuldra wear in the movie look pretty historically accurate I think, and I think they look really good, but they all look the same and that in itself makes them a bit boring i think Disney could have a bit more fun with them.
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I think the blue and red colors are a bit more modern so I understand Disney keeping their outfits with more brown-ish colors, considering they couldn't trade for 34 years, but as the last picture shows, there's still a lot of stuff you can do while keeping brown as the main color (and white! White fur looks so pretty!).
If we're talking about my current favorite outfit, they have to he Elsa's Dark Sea dress and Anna's post-coronation dress w jacket and her hair up. I love whoever designed that dress. I like the low key military vibe it gives, and it makes me wonder if it's somehow foreshadowing the plot of some future installment 👀 ngl i love war stories and I want to see Queen Anna leading an army of giants into battle.
Oof dude i LOVE Anna leading that army of giants. I love the dam scene and I love The Next Right Thing. And I really love For The First Time in Forever (Reprise?) that scene was like ANGST. AAAAAA. Oh and that time when Anna looks up the stairs and sees her hot sister being hot and she gayly low key stutters-- or when she HIGH KEY gayly stutters during the coronation ball because her hot sister called her beautiful... yeah that's when I started shipping Elsanna. My heart felt something there. It was too sweet for me. But seriously, my favorite scene must be when Elsa watches Runeard's memory insult magic and the Northuldra, and you see her expression slowly shift into sheer horror because she realizes this man, her grandfather, hated everything she is, and he would have killed her-- his own family-- because of her ethnich background and magic (for better or worse, Northuldra identity was strongly tied to magic in F2, and they became two concepts impossible to divorce, and I'm actually writing a longer post about it). I FELT that ok? My own grandfather on my white said of the family has said some very fucked up shit to me. Ever since it was revealed Elsa and Anna were mixed I deeply identified with them, even more than before. They're the closest I have to mestize representation since fucking Balto. And then you start to observe and think about what the movie has said so far about Runeard and magic and the Northuldra and it culminates with Elsa learning the truth about her Arendellian side of the family and... God i think I needed to see a character go through that. It's the highest point of a long process that recontextualizes the whole Frozen franchise (at least to me lol) and I love it for everything it does.
Mmmm well I'd love to see the girls physically together again, but not in a coward or bitter way. I don't want Frozen 2's ending to be meaningless. I think Frozen needed these three stories to be told, right? A) The story of Elsa and Anna finding each other again, B) the story of Elsa and Anna learning to be sisters again and work together after being reunited, C) and the story of Elsa and Anna finding themselves, on their own. Now, as I see it, Frozen 2 is either a very tragic resolution to the franchise, or an awkward way to squeeze story C) in the middle of the saga as to not turn it into the final resolution. I firmly believe the story of Frozen 2 needed to be told, and finishing the movie the way it did makes a lot of sense, but I honestly don't want this to be the final note the story of Frozen ends with. Think about it, if you had stories A, B and C in order, the logical conclussion would be.... httyd 3 😭 if you tell the story of Anna and Elsa having their solo arcs as the season finale, then they remain split up. Goodbye. Having it in the middle is weird and uncomfortable but I believe Frozen 2 could work a lot better as an in-between movie than a single sequel. I would like Frozen 2's ending to be used in an inteligent way to proppel the story of Frozen 3, to give it strenght and meaning. I don't want it to be shamefully swept under the rug, as if the writers regretted it and want to desperately backpedal on their plans. Even if they do regret it, they have to make it seem like it was part of a bigger plan all along and make it work accordingly.
Ik this sounds like I think the final episode is so bad there's a secret episode with the real ending somewhere in there, and I recognize Frozen 2 might very well be the ending of the franchise. I think both are equally plausible options. I mean, can you imagine a Frozen 3 in which Elsa and Anna are not spending time together? Can you imagine the writers giving Frozen 3 the exact same ending as Frozen 2? It's not even about the separation, you just can't end a movie in the same place it began. What? Anna and Elsa team up one afternoon to fight their monster of the week and then say goodnight and go to their respective homes? A sequel needs to somewhat challenge the status quo. The status quo of the F2 ending is the girls going on their separate ways. Good for them. I think their solo arcs will be healthy. But the separation is not an afterthought or a sidequest, like Kristoff's propposal. Frozen 3 doesn't need to challenge Kristoff's propposal because it's not central to the story, but it does have to somewhat interact with the hearts of Frozen and Frozen 2 and that means it needs to build upon them. Honestly, I don't think I'm delusional. I think my predictions for a hypothetical F3 are pretty sensible.
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Brujería anon again. I really wish these weird racist white greeks would stop misusing the concept of cultural appropriation, including the appropriation of ethnic identities. A person who isn't Greek saying they practice "Hellenismos" isn't the same as a white person claiming that them being Portuguese or Italian makes them Latine. Or that they get to claim Latine identity just because they live somewhere with lots of diaspora Latines and LatAm immigrants (And yes, these are actual things our community has to deal with. All while the "mestize pride" white Latine supremacists try to push actual Latines who aren't "mestize" out of the community).
Thank you, I agree.
I'm not Latine but I believe I have witnessed the behavior you're talking about, unfortunately (I'm reminded of the conversations by Indigenous folks about Frida Kahlo). Proximity to whiteness is a very useful phrase in this area I think.
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coldlobbiesofmarble · 4 years
writin tweets about transphobia and Consequence is : thoughts :/ (zomg)
think there's a set of individual nation states (as we know today but I mean just 100 years ago Western European colonization would've made the maps and names all look at least somewhat different) that in terms of being a kid from and in the diaspora of Filipinx people who we should throw in with and name as marginalized in a way that's on the one hand colonially violent and also on the basis of being "far Asians that other groups in Asia can exert imperialist violence and specific trauma on." (The wording is weak I know!) Because it feels right. And I know that though it's bigger than brown-ness BY A HUGE AMOUNT, we need to have clear lines about common ground even more as a result. I hate being Brown I hate the things I've learned about the history of brown Asians AND the PI and depsise so so so much seeing how little thought is put to the very system we think makes us safe if we play it right, based in whiteness. We have it normalized by a gross sense of very-much-so "MURICA!" smelling, very much brown-Asian flavours of odd, irrational, worryingly individualist pride. Will and must point to "La Raza" discussions: And 100 percent must Defer to Queer Xicano Chisme; as I've just been losing my mind and reliving Bad Memory but . Its all true. Touching on fellow mestize PI maggotbrained love od whiteness, I found myself desperate to write even though I've been real quiet. It all is so true to me though: how we need to work together. Far Asia. (Er.... worshipping needed? I am... I'm not un-confident.) I also can catch the coded anti indigenous bigotry - the erasure is everywhere, but so insidious. How the PI was not a settler colony confuses me but here it is-- anti ndn racism, so Asian it's American 🤠🐎🎷
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Just some thoughts on heratige
Being Mestize with no allowed connection to your indigenous past is such a bitter thing at times. To be both colonizer and colonized. Polar ends of a war that your very existence proves your personal ancestors lost even as others continued the fight and won. It is sweet to see that survival, to see those of your ancestors people that made it through when yours did not. Where yours was forced to put down their culture and assimilate assimilate assimilate until all that are left are whispered words and hidden traditions.
The census was their year, of course, but there is no option on there for what I am. My friend says “do no let them make you white.” But what can I truly put? I cannot put ‘Native American’ as they can. That way is bared from me now. My families choice to survive by assimilation leaves me with nothing to put down. Because they chose this for us, because they chose this way of survival, does that make me white now? I am not indigenous. My family has no claim to that anymore, so does that mean we are only colonizer now? That my families surrender has washed away who they were before? Perhaps the answer is yes. Yes. Because this is how my ancestors have chosen to survive. To reject who they were and be only this. And who am I truly to judge them for that choice? To survive or to die, what choice is that anyway?
I am the child of those that lost this battle of colonization. Of those who gave in. Of those who were beaten, broken, raped into submission and of who’s culture there is now nothing left within me but broken words and broken lines. It is a bitter thing sometimes to know that this is my existence. That this is all I am. All I will ever be. A battle lost.
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