#just needed some comfort after this week
yuckydraws · 9 months
Sleepless, Snowy Nights
Pairing: (Wine/reader)
You sigh as you watch the falling snow, your breath clouding around you for a moment, before dissipating. You have work in a few hours. You should at least try to get some sleep. Yet, your bare feet don’t move from the cold concrete of the back patio. The brisk chill of the winter air should feel frigid, but after the nightmare you just had, it grounds you. These past few days have been full of stressful, restless nights, and you’re starting to feel the effects.
The end of December, and the first snow of the season is finally here. Chunky, full flakes fall delicately on the grass, slowly yet surely covering up the green.
It’ll be a snow day tomorr- er, later today.
But for now? It’s just quiet. A quiet that only a good night-snow creates. Cars rarely fill up the roads, it’s too early for the plows to be out, and it almost seems as though everyone else in the world is peacefully asleep.
Except you.
“MY LOVE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE IN JUST YOUR PAJAMAS?” You hear your ‘mate’s voice call as the back door creaks open.
And Wine, apparently.
“Just watching the snow.” You answer softly, exhaustion creeping into your voice.
You turn your head to peek at him over your shoulder, to find him approaching you with a blanket. He drapes it over your shoulders, effectively covering most of your body, besides your feet. It doesn’t take him long to notice that, either, because just as he settles in, hugging you from behind, he lets out a small gasp and pauses in the kiss he was about to leave on your shoulder.
“STARS! NO SHOES EITHER? ARE YOU TRYING TO GET SICK?” He chastises, adjusting his hold so that he can instead scoop you off of your feet - holding you in a “princess” style. Once there, he uses his blue magic to tuck your toes under the blanket and cocoon you in. “THERE.” He smiles, satisfied with his work, only to falter when he meets your tired gaze.
That’s all it takes for your lip to start quivering, and your eyes to well up with tears.
“Oh Dear, Let’s Get You Inside, Hm?” You just bury your face into his chest to avoid answering.
You hate crying.
Shaking, whether from the cold or from the pure exhaustion you’re experiencing, you’re not entirely sure. Nor do you really care.
Wine squeezes you close to him, opening the door with his magic, and closing it behind him. You hadn’t realized just how cold you were until the warm air from your heated home engulfs you.
He doesn’t take you all the way to bed, like you were expecting him to. Instead, he beelines to the living room, carefully sitting on the couch, cradling you in his lap. You just let him adjust your body, too tired to bring your face from its hiding spot. His carefully manicured claws move to stroke your hair, and you feel his worried him reverberate through his ribcage from where your face his pressed against him.
He doesn’t push, or prod, or rush you, he simply lets you release a little bit of that stress into the embrace - and it doesn’t take long for your tears to slow to a stop.
Even crying seems to take up too much energy.
You risk peeking up at your ‘mate… only to find those knowing lights of his trained on your face.
There’s no hiding from Wine. Stars knows you’ve tried.
“… kinda.”
“I-I just didn’t want to wake you. Just because I can’t sleep doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.”
You scoff.
“I do not.”
He deadpans.
“… I don’t find you funny.”
“Wipe that smirk off your face.”
You grumble, knowing you’ve ‘lost’ this round. He is right, though, you can’t keep having sleepless nights… it’s really getting to you.
“What if I wake up and he’s gone?” You interrupt, causing his jaw to click shut as his sockets widen ever so slightly. “A-and I would’ve had the chance to help but I was fucking sleeping, and he was just alone in the end?”
Oh, well, hello tears, nice of you to make another appearance.
“Oh, My Love… I Hadn’t Realized This Was Getting To You That Much. I Am So Sorry I Assumed You Were Okay.”
“‘s fine.” You croak, wiping at your face.
“It’s Not, Though, I Did Exactly What Those Assholes Used To Do To You.”
You bite your lip to hold back a rising sob, taking a deep breath, instead. Your next words need to be spoken with certainty, not shakiness.
“You’re not them. You couldn’t be, even if you tried. Despite not being a big fan of dogs, you’ve been loads more supportive than they ever were.”
“I Appreciate That, But I Should’ve Been More Mindful, I’m Sorry.”
In lieu of answering, you just reach up to flick his nasal cavity, causing him to scrunch his face up a bit.
“Stop apologizing for something that isn’t your fault.”
“OKAY, OKAY.” He cracks a smile at you. “BUT, YOU KNOW… YOU ARE SAFE TO SLEEP.”
“Okay, b-”
You snort.
“… I guess you’re right.”
“Okay, mister, tone it down.”
“Lucky me.”
He just chuckles at your grumpiness, leaning down to press a skele-kiss to your temple. You can’t help but lean into the affection.
“Are you coming on to me right now?” You tease, earning you a roll of his eye-lights. Your giggle turns into a squeak when he pinches your bum and all but tosses you over his shoulder as he stands up.
“Ppppprrt.” You blow a raspberry in response.
Your cackling takes on a little bit of a hysterical form, but it feels good to be laughing.
It’ll be okay.
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crabsnpersimmons · 6 months
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"Slow down, Sunshine. You're not falling behind and you are loved for more than what you do for others."
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
There is a strange path which Philza finds while out exploring one day. It winds between the trees, and it is set along its side by flowers - not poppies, not Tallulah's flowers, but flowers.
He hesitates at it for a while, but eventually decides, why not? He may as well just take a peek.
Around and around the little path goes, until eventually it leads him to a little house.
No sharestone.
Still... He makes sure his scythe is ready and his armour intact, and pokes his way inside.
Just a little, empty room, with a very obvious elevator inside.
It's a trap - it has to be a trap - but curiosity killed the crow and Philza takes it anyway.
Whatever he had been expecting down the elevator, it is not what Philza finds; from a quaint wooden room to a large area, not unlike the election dinner arena. It is entirely underground, however, the glass replaced with stone, and the stone decorated with buttons.
The stone floor, too, is decorated with buttons.
Or pressure plates, to be more exact.
A great, great many pressure plates...
Philza's eyes trail up from the immediate, to what should perhaps have been the more obvious; where the stage was before is a plinth. On that plinth is a bed, and strapped to the bed lies the struggling form of Forever.
Forever, who vanished into the Nether, and has been missing for weeks.
"Forever!" he calls, to no avail.
There's a knife attached to some sort of redstone contraption very close to Forever's throat, a bloody line already drawn across it.
Blood in his hair, too, matted and dirty. Torn clothes, bruises and cuts and ugly looking burns covering his body, and yet Philza is drawn to the knife at his throat, and the blade at his neck.
He looks around for a clue, desperately for a clue, and finds only arrow traps in the walls.
"Forever!" he tries again.
This time he earns his friend freezing up, going completely still, angled just perfectly to see where something has burnt away the skin across half of his face.
Philza's heart drops through his stomach, but he has to stay strong. He might not have control of the situation, but if Forever is going to get out if this… If Forever is going to get out of this, Philza has to keep his head perfectly level.
"Forever, look at me." He orders.
It takes a moment, and the indescision is clear across Forever's face. After a moment he does, however, turn his head to the sound.
"You're doing well," Philza tries to soothe as well as demand. "Now just stay still, and open your eyes."
"Phil?" Forever's voice trembles.
"I'm right here," Philza repeats. "I'm right here, just open your eyes."
Forever does as he is told, and Philza does his very best to keep his swearing quiet. The eyes that greet his are terrified, bright and scared and the pupils are uneven. He doesn't even know if he is recognised right now, with the signs of a concussion so very apparent on Forever's face.
"It's going to be okay," he promises, forcing his voice to stay calm. "We're going to get out of this."
They so fucking aren't. Anywhere Philza could step is a pressure plate, and any one - maybe more - of them will swing the blade at Forever's throat. From others, arrows. From others still, perhaps poison.
If he had his wings, if he could just fly, he could save Forever.
For now... He isn't quite sure what to do.
"Don't move," Philza instructs, trying to keep things simple. "I'll get you out, just don't move."
He's pretty sure it would be impossible, but he says it anyway. One slip, one movement, and Forever is dead. A knife through his throat, whatever.
And with the Federation as it is... Philza does not trust them not to have forced him to respawn on the bed in which he lies.
"Philza?" Forever asks, voice desperate and confused. The Portuguese that follows is too disjointed for the communicator to follow, so Philza just gently shushes him in reply.
"It's okay," he says in a voice reserved for eggs and panicking teenagers. "It's okay, I'll get you."
He can grapple up to the ceiling, then maybe float down? But the ceiling has buttons on it, and he's not sure it will work. Chorus fruit, perhaps, but it could equally land him on a pressure plate. He looks up and around, searches his backpack, checks his things... Takes a photo, looks at that for clues. Whatever the solution is, it is not obvious.
In the end he has to make a choice.
Still Philza hesitates, until he looks up, and sees that Forever's eyes have slipped shut.
The panic tips over, and he cannot hold it down any more.
"Forever!" he screams. "Forever! Look at me!"
Forever's eyelids flutter, but do not open. Philza curses and screams and yells encourage, but no matter what he does...
Forever manages to crack his eyes open for a moment, whatever he tries to say too quiet and too slurred for Philza to make out.
"Shit, okay, um," Philza looks desperately around for any sort of key.
There isn't one.
"Don't move," Philza asks of him. "Trust me, and don't move."
Philza does not deserve Forever's trust in that moment.
He's given it any way.
The only option he has, in the end, is to step forwards.
The first pressure plate does nothing.
Neither the second.
He doesn't like his chances so he steps to the left a little - still fine.
On gut he keeps slowly approaching, knowing it is inevitable his luck will not last.
It does not, of course, last.
Philza can only be thankful that the arrows in the walls turn to him, not to Forever, tearing through his armour and nestling deep.
He sees the shooter reload, breathes against the pain. Forever's eyes have slipped shut again, and his body has gone limp, and Philza does not have the /time/ to do anything other than suffer the pain.
Step. Step. Step.
Another trap, this time lava starts pouring in from the edges of the room.
Step, step, step, faster now, get Forever and /get out/.
It's the last pressure plate before he can jump to Forever's side that brings hell down upon them; a blade shoots through the bed Forever is laid on, piercing through his chest. Too far to the right to hit his heart, but the blood and the lung and - and Philza can see how Forever /barely/ reacts, even to that.
He doesn't chance the final pressure plate - he jumps over it instead.
As soon as he is past the worst of it, he runs over, grabbing Forever's hands. He only holds them for a second, just long enough to squeeze them, before he starts unbuckling the straps keeping him to the bed. Somehow, somehow, despite the blade through his chest and the concussion in his eyes, Forever manages to look at him.
"I knew you would come for me," blood drops from his lips as the slurred words struggle to be heard.
"Fucking moron, getting yourself trapped like this." Philza pulls free the last buckle, then looks at the blade.
He doesn't know if potions are going to cut it, and respawn... Respawn is not an option, when he doesn't know where Forever will end up.
There's not much else to try, though; Philza pours potion all over the wound, then ducks under the bed. It's not too hard to disconnect the mechanism, and then all he has to do is...
Forever /screams/ as Philza pulls.
As soon as the blade is free Philza pulls himself back out, slamming one hand to press against the wound while he grabs potions in the other.
"It's okay, it's okay, you're okay," he promises, all he can do between the blind panic himself.
It's not okay - even concussed and bleeding to death Forever can tell that, even blind with panic as his backpack straps slip from his grasp for a moment Philza knows that.
He still pours a potion down Forever's throat, and more on the wound, and begs his lady not to take his friend away.
The winds twist and turn and when Forever passes out Philza cannot pause to worry about the concussion because no matter what he does the wound still bleeds. The potion should have healed it; there must have been something on the blade because no matter what he does, Forever still bleeds.
He bleeds less, and less, but still bleeds.
With one shaking, bloody hand - the other still trying to treat the wounds - he manages to turn his communication's location to public and yell for help in the chat. He does not know if anyone sees. He does not know if there even is anyone to see, he can only bring a potion back to his hand and continue pouring it.
The wound is smaller now, Philza thinks at least most of the internal damage might have finally healed, but the external... The skin is still gone, and the blood is still blood.
Philza is an Angel of Death, not of Life, but he does his best regardless.
Somehow, he stops the blood pouring from Forever's chest.
But more drips onto is suit and
the blood is his.
Some of the arrows came dislodged in his panic, others fell, some just left space from the start.
Philza sits heavy on a bloody bed, rests a bloody hand on Forever's bloody chest, stares as bloody drips hit a bloody plinth, and the lava pools all around.
His awareness narrows until he cannot feel the panic, or the pain, or the adrenaline in his veins, only the delicate rise and fall of Forever's chest beneath his hand and that quiet
[break. This should be a new chapter but I'm taking pity on tumblr]
Philza does not know how long it takes for them to be found, only that Forever is still breathing when they do. Not awake, but breathing.
Family voices swear from the doorway, there is the sound of water buckets placed down, a thousand other sounds he has trained every part of himself to pick up on because knowing those sounds means the difference between life and death.
He does not look up, he does not even think he can. Some of his wounds have closed up now, but others still continue to drip
Someone tries to lift his hand from Forever's chest. He does not know who it is, where they are, but he moves all in a start. He does not even think, he just throws himself over Forever - protect protect PROTECT - and twists to hiss at the offender.
It's only Baghera, wide eyed, hands raised in surrender.
Only Baghera...
Philza backs off, only to freeze again when he sees his blood drip down, mixing with Forever's now drying blood in the gorey pool.
Someone takes Philza's hand.
"Stand down," a voice says. "We're here to help."
Philza must check out for a few moments, because the next thing he knows he is sat, hugged in Bad's lap, the other surprisingly warm beneath him. Someone - Etoiles, he thinks - is dabbing a potion-dipped cotton wool bud along a cut on his cheek.
Shakily, Philza raises a finger to it. He is allowed to - the dabbing turning to his arm instead - and he finds a graze from a clipping by an arrow.
He doesn't remember that.
"You are back with us?" Etoiles asks.
"I-" Philza glances around, trying to place himself, and- "Forever?"
"Baghera and Cellbit are looking after him," there's a swish of a tail against cobblestone, though Bad will always deny it. "He'll be okay."
"What happened, bro?" Etoiles pulls out a bandage, wrapping the wound on Philza's arm. "We just see a call for help and then this!"
"I..." Philza's gaze travels back to the entrance way.
"Maybe not just yet, Etoiles, he's still in shock."
"It will help."
"There was a weird building out here, so I thought I'd take a look," Philza frowns slightly, looks at his hands as he tries to remember. "It was... Trapped. And Forever was in the centre. I think... He was already injured, all chained down like a gift. I couldn't... I- look under the bed."
Etoiles does. Philza does not see his expression, and does not bother to pay attention to what Etoiles tells those treating Forever. He just... leans a little harder on Bad - earns an "oof" - and clings to one of the arms around him.
"Cold," is all Philza whispers.
Bad's arms tighten a bit.
"Guys," Bad calls. "I'm gonna get Philza back to the Order!"
Philza hisses.
Cellbit pauses, then, "we'll meet you there shortly."
"Before you pass out on me," Bad whispers to Philza and, okay, maybe Philza feels a little bit bad about that.
He doesn't want to make more problems. He just wants his family, and as he can't have his family, he wants to be sure his friends are okay.
"Favela," Bad reminds him.
Right, yes, warping.
His hands are shaking as he pulls out his warpstone, and Etoiles eyes are definitely worried as he watches the two leave.
As soon as he reaches the Favela, Philza has to grip the warpstone for support. A moment or two after Bad's arm crosses his back, providing what support he can.
They don't say anything until Philza is sat on one of the beds in the infirmary, a blanket around him and a mug of... something in his hands. He doesn't drink it, just holds it, and Bad seems willing enough to squirm on the chair while obsessively reviewing security footage.
Philza, honestly, cannot blame him.
"Forever will be fine," Philza says, trying to convince them both. "He always is."
Neither of them glance at the bed that has been Forever's so many times that they just leave it decorated with Richarlyson's art these days.
"Drink up," Bad says.
Begrudgingly, Philza does so. Worse, he feels better for the sweetened, warmed milk. He still keeps the blanket, and clings to the warm cup, but the cold is a little more tolerable now.
"Aren't you going to ask me questions?"
"What? And take Cellbit's fun away?" Bad cocks his head to one side. "No, we have enough details for now. Once Forever's up and about we'll worry about that."
"Might take a while," Philza frowns at the thought. "Idiot has a concussion, and a bad one at that."
"Ah, fudge," Bad switches to his communicator, presumably messaging the people left behind. "Maybe before then, then."
They lapse back into the quiet as they wait for the others. It takes another five, maybe ten minutes, before they stumble through. Forever is, somehow, on his feet - if supported from both sides by Baghera and Cellbit. Etoiles quickly abandons the trio to come sit next to bad.
"You good?"
"Better," Philza tests the shoulder he knows got an arrow in it. "Stings like a bitch."
"Weakness potions do that, yes," he agrees.
Philza's eyes glance to Forever, also sat on a bed and offering a shaky smile and a shakier thumbs up.
"Idiot!" Philza calls over to him. "Don't let the fu-dging bear stab you next time!"
Forever just laughs, coughs up a little blood to Cellbit's panic and Baghera's eye roll, "but you came for me anyway!"
Nobody in the room is impressed to learn that Cucurucho had something to do with this. Philza can see their minds whirring, but everyone has the sense to restrain from saying it aloud.
"Always will, dumbass!" he replies.
Bad cuffs him on the knee for that. Forever, though, gives him a lopsided grin, ended only by the flinch as Baghera forces some drink or another on him.
By the time he is done with it, Forever looks about exhausted all over again. Reassured they let him sleep, though Baghera, Bad, and Cellbit all agree to take turns watching him for the night.
Head injuries, and toture, and all that.
"I guess I should be heading home then," Philza says as they work it out. "Thanks guys."
He tries to stand; Etoiles grabs him, and sits him back down.
"You're staying," he says. "You are not allowed to do that again. And, this way, you can see when Forever gets up again, no?"
Three other pairs of eyes seem to agree.
Philza is too tired to argue; he lies back down.
"Sorry for scaring you," he says, instead of a goodnight.
"Scaring me?" Etoiles replies, though he does not deny it.
"You've got nothing on this idiot," Cellbit provides. "At least you texted and didn't get kidnapped."
Bad just pats Philza's head, then wanders over to give the same to Forever, and then heads out to get some sleep before his Forever-sitting shift.
"Night," Philza pulls the blanket over his head, and pretends he doesn't hear the quiet talking all night.
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heartual · 1 month
had such a good experience with surgery today i can’t even fully explain
#🍄.txt#i’m so happy that fuck ass doctor referred me to another doctor in the building because he was so nice and attentive#taking the time to explain things to me and make sure i was good#even said oh well if ur really uncomfortable we can always go to the operating room! :)#when the other doctor treated me like a nuisance the whole time and like some dumb child#well if you can’t sit still they’re going to have to put you under elsewhere 🙄#I DIDNT EVEN FUCKING KNOW THEY COULD DO THAT IN THE BUILDING? SHE MADE IT SEEM LIKE I WAS INCONVENIENCING HER THE WHOLE TIME#i was asking a bunch of questions because knowing makes me feel less nervous and he answered everything so clearly even when my mom was#asking questions too#recommending me different medications to keep this from happening again etc etc etc#so fucking bare minimum for a doctor but it was so nice seriously i wish i could thank him again for making it a more#comfortable experience#he put numbing shots on the inside AND outside of my lid just in case we needed to go from the outside this time#and while it hurt obviously it was so much better than the single shot she gave me the first time three weeks ago#she told me this would be a much more extensive surgery and here i am with my eyelid barely swollen 😐#i could barely see with it open three weeks ago immediately after because it hurt too much and was so swollen#what the fuck how do you have such contrasting experiences with two people who literally work together in the same building#anyway bad doctor experiences are always so fucking bad but when you have a really good experience it just feels crazy and insane#like wow thank u for treating me like a person#did i mention i actually left with care instructions this time written out. and the medicine recommendations on a physical piece of paper#i didn’t even get that after surgery with her how is that not below bare minimum#like this actually surprised me. jesus christ
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cherry-treelane · 3 months
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his hand on her arm/back is the cutest thing ever and yes i will be taking this two second interaction and obsessing over it
#cr fionnagallagher#listen#its so indicative of their dynamic its so adorable#because i was out with some family friends last week and i noticed that the son (hes like 20 or something) kept putting his hand#gently on his mother's arm/back in some supportive caring gesture as if he was protecting her and steering her#obviously she didnt need it but its like so instinctual on his part and a cute sentiment more than anything#its just so fucking heartwarming and protective like thats the woman who raised and protected this boy#now hes caring for her the same way#im going insane look at the beginning how he notices her crossed arms her worried face and instantly makes a move to comfort her#theres something so soft and tender about his affection for her he doesn't want anything bad to happen to her#or for her to feel any pain because she tried so hard to shield him from those things when he was little#he cares a lot in general about being there for her#like in s6 when fiona had to speak to cousin patrick and she was going with sean#but lip was like “are you sure you dont need me?” or something like that#also those scenes in that s4 episode after he finds her in sheboygan#he keeps showing the same affection where hes protecting her and steering her AND IT'S LIKE.... SHE DID THAT FOR HIM WHEN HE WAS A KID#SHE PUT HER HAND ON HIS BACK THE SAME WAY WHEN WALKING WITH HIM WHEN HE WAS LITTLE.#Like thats what i do with my littlest brother whos only 5 rn#Ur telling me the roles will be reversed one day....😭❤️‍🩹😭❤️‍🩹😭❤️‍🩹😭???
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highflyerwings · 8 months
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Bought myself flowers today.
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dandyshucks · 17 days
head in my hands helpppp my brother didn't even talk to our parents before hauling a bunch of his stuff over here 😭😭😭 texting w my mother now and I think she's pissed and I'm so scared she's going to get mad at ME even though I've been hassling my brother to text the parents since he first phoned me oh my goddd I've been nauseous from anxiety all day 😭😭😭
#she isnt making any sense in her texts fjfkdl i do not understand what she's trying to say to me#i rly dont want to cry today i rly do not want this fbfjdkl#i look forward to this month bc parents leave for a couple weeks and i get to have time to like. let my guard down.#and it usually takes a few days for the hypervigilance part of me to realize the parents are gone#and that we're like. safe. for a bit. but now brother being here is messing that all up fbfjdl#sorry i try so hard to not talk abt abuse and trauma shit here bc its like... i feel like its off-putting to ppl fjdkdl#but christ this is my one time of the year when i get to feel some semblance of safe and comfortable#where i can just. exist. and not have intense fear running in the bg constantly#like i wake up in the morning and im immediately on guard#and i dont even notice that happens until a week after parents leave#and suddenly i Don't have that happening anymore. i can just. wake up. and feel okay djfkdl#like this life situation is. so bad. it is genuinely nearly unbearable fjfkdl honestly it Does get unbearable sometimes#so this is just. fucking me up so bad. anyways!!! oh well !!!! it is what it is (but i do not like the way it is fjfkdl)#i just need to keep my head down and not think about it fjfkdl i will simply focus on art stuff and Not Think sbfjfkl#as long as mother does not get angry w me then i can deal w it. well. even if she does get angry I'll have to deal w it fjdkdl#it is what it is 😭😭#vent //#abuse cw#dandy.cmd
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prototypelq · 8 months
Learning Judgement Cutting is making me see just How Freaking Much DMC5 camera is broken. In Intricate Detail. It also makes me constantly trying to stare at Vergil's ass, even tho his coat covers it but my eyes automatically train to see where the Yamato scabbard goes to try to line up the JC timing, and I get a)secondhand embarrassment at constantly doing this, b) freakin annoyed.
I love DMC5 I do, but how do you screw your camera so bad.
I understand this is me kind of whining, as I've seen what capable players can do in this game, and they aren't complaining. But you know what, I can and will, cause I'm a newbie to these games. The only way to make your newbie into a combomad is to give them tools and make them have fun while practising. I am having tons of fun practising, watch me do nothing in the Void for 40 mins, that's fine and honestly really fun, my problem is that the tool which I rely on for proper controls, aka camera, freakin sucks bad at its job. And the input controls for combos explicitly depend on this stupid camera to work.
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seventh-district · 3 months
several days and 15 thousand words later, i am relieved to report that the suffocating urge to Write Something has been sated and no longer has me in a chokehold
#Seven.txt#writing stuff#thinking of that post that’s like ‘u Have To make art or all the ideas stay stuck in ur brain and make u sick’ bc yeah thats been the vibe#wish i wasn’t so all or nothing about it tho. but alas. i’m that way with everything in my life#i either expect 10k in a day from myself or i don’t write at all for weeks. or months :)#and my average pace is about 500 words per hour. so u can see. how that might be a problem. given how many hours are in a day.#and that’s obviously not sustainable. but idk if it’s adhd or what but it’s So hard to quickly start and stop tasks just Whenever#i struggle to be one of those ppl that can consistently write like. 500 words a day every day and then wow! soon you have a whole novel#nah. once i get myself in the Zone then i’m Goin’ and i can’t stop until i’m Done or i collapse from ignoring my body’s needs lmao#it’s something i should make an effort to do though bc i’d love to be consistently chipping away at things instead of working in bursts#anyways this is a lotta negative self-commentary for what is actually a Positive post! bc yay!! i wrote a thing!! Two things actually!!! 🎉#i got the follow-up to last year’s Matt oneshot done And i wrote the next chapter of Heaven in Hiding after uh. a year and some months#i wanted to blow the dust off the ol’ keyboard by starting with writing some less. uh. high-stakes(?) stuff#not that i didn’t put my all into writing them. i always do. just that ik they’ll have less of an audience so ill cringe less if they suck#so then i can hopefully do justice to the [N]MbD stuff that i’ll be putting out next! ehehe *rubbing my hands together* Finally#the next two [N]MbD fics r already written but the first little one needs a final edit#and then the Big one for. uh. someone (u kno who u r) needs a bit of rewriting i think. i wanna make it Better#so release schedule will be 1. Matt • 2. HiH Ch.3 • 3. [N]MbD small fic • 4. [N]MbD Big fic#then i’m gonna write a lil Boothill comfort oneshot. then i’ll edit/maybe rewrite and post that Dew (Ghost) OCD comfort oneshot#i ​also wanna keep writing the last couple chapters of HiH before i unintentionally abandon it again#and after/amidst all that maybe i’ll manage to get ES Ch.6 written and posted before the end of the year 😭#anyways ik i’ve made posts like this before. talking abt all these Plans of mine. and most of those things r Still stuck in the pipeline#so don’t put too much stock into this plan. i could have another Bad couple of months and get None of it done#but god i sure fucking hope not. i’d really like to cling to my creativity. if for no other reason than that it makes me happy
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gxlden-angels · 9 months
It really is just José y Maria (2014) by Everett Patterson and me against the world this Christmas season huh?
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icantalk710 · 2 years
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It's 2pm and I may've gotten a bit too cozy after staying up playing some Breath of the Wild last night 🥱
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quenthel · 1 year
need to stop getting hung upon losing a lot of souls... lost like 2 levels worth to some fucking shrubbery literally so stupid that thang ate me... i was his lunch...
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fakeoutbf · 11 months
#food tw#body image tw#hi i feel like this whole week has been a lot and it’s culminated today in me having an anxiety attack over my body#so i thought i’d just let some feelings out please feel free to just skip over this#logically i know that my body and what it looks like isn’t representative of my value as a person#i completely get that and i know that the thought is insane#but growing up with the specific model of being skinny and pretty so ppl find you attractive / appealing is so hard to unlearn some days#this is the heaviest weight i’ve been in my life probably and it isn’t even that much but it just means my body looks different#which makes it fit and look differently in clothes i used to take comfort in#and sure i’ve gotten bigger sizes and it’s no big deal but my brain chose today to hyperfixate on the fact that my love handles are bigger#and create this dip in my hips that didn’t use to be there and now i’m panicking over eating so much bread and carbs and not working out and#winter season coming up and all the carb rich food endorsed during that time and my mom craving more sweets and offering me as well#and IT SHOULDN’T FUCKING MATTER but for YEARS one of the only things i had ‘control’ over was my weight#and now that everything else has gone to shit i can’t get myself to have control over this thing and it’s making me feel even worse#and then i think of eating better but it just seems so hard when i have no motivation to actually make myself healthier meals and i just#i’m stuck in a standstill of wanting to get better but my brain shutting down and being exhausted after work and idk what to do#i know i need to be kinder on myself but also i want to change but idk where or how to start#i know i have to do it alone but fuck everything is so much scarier alone
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Was contemplating whether or not to rewatch the specials before watching and dreaming comes out and then I remembered that the last time I watched thanks to them and for the future was...(checks notes) 20 days ago (KEEP IN MIND I'VE ALREADY SEEN THE SPECIALS AT LEAST 4 OTHER TIMES) I think it's safe to say that. I Do Not Need To Do That
#ramblings of a lunatic#toh#i saw that post about needing to rewatch the source material to renew your fandom license (which was a good post and joke)#and now I'm too over cautious. i have seen this show so many fucking times#admittedly it's mostly out of love but some of it is out of neurosis#which is just a little fucked up#tbh rn if i could rewatch any episodes it'd probably be early season 1 since a) they're the most lighthearted#and b) they're the most far removed in my brain rn#I'm so excited for watching and dreaming but I physically cannot fucking think about it or I'll die#I'm rewatching ninjago w/ my friends rn (after having not seen it in YEARS and also only ever watching the first 2 seasons)#and let me tell u it is a Great distraction from the dread#like i said a while back I'm gonna be binging baby comfort media after the finale 😭😭😭#in the week leading up to it i think I'll make a bingo card with my friends tho depending on if we get new stuff#we got the thumbnail and i feel like a week before the episode they tend to post a clip or two from the ep?#thanks to them had both clips released concurrently at nycc (which was a good few weeks before the episode aired. maybe even a month)#and for the future got one clip a week or so before airing and then the day before airing as well i think#so I'm intrigued to see what the promo timeline will be like for watching and dreaming? they probably can't do too much#not without spoiling us lmao#maybe a week or few days before we'll get just a poster and maybe (if they have time) some crew art/promos#we'll see tho#(<- getting caught up in irl minutiae helps me distract myself. lol <3)
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noxtivagus · 1 year
i shld sleep oh my god
#🌙.rambles#i am somehow not rlly sleepy despite barely having sleep but my head does ache slightly. but just a few more stuff left in this week n#i'll properly rest for a bit ! bcs next week even though we're gna have a break ofc there's like.. prom n then that vacation right after T_#gna be fun but i'm. definitely gna be rlly tired. n.. nah i need to stop overthinking abt sm stuff#just. anxious that i might end up being too shy. usually in social events like that i realize i#end up pushing myself a bit too much n then it ends w me just putting on a strong facade#i'm worried too i think bcs two of my friends haven't.. reconciled yet? so. yeah it is possible i may have to deal w some stuff during prom#fuck. i'm just. worried abt a lot of things in general. but i'm mostly overthinking it. everything.#sigh in general i'm being too harsh on myself again. wtf maybe it's the sleep-deprivation or smth bcs ik i'll manage it all#i believe in myself n know i'm capable but. it's just.. overwhelming rn i think. n it. hurts bcs it's like before in a way..? n like my wol#i wonder. what we'd all do if we were hypothetically given the chance to be able to do whatever we wanted in a day n have whatever we want#without changing the reality we have now or yeah no consequences at all. just a lil day in an alternate world we could control#if you were to choose for yourself n only for yourself what would you do?#sob ig i relate w rinoa too bcs of that strong facade part. i wrote that for my wol too#but like even w all that in the end uh. every time i read these sort of stuff it comforts me deep down#bcs i remember back then when i rlly just had my family#that.. loneliness. i write abt it a lot huh. not that i'm exactly seeking for something. maybe before bcs i didn't talk w my friends anymor#but now i suppose it's just something painfully constant. but not really too#i can't.. put it into words rn n i'm low on sleep. but i rmb just daydreaming to myself back then of my wol's development though#from heavensward.. sorta hiding herself n having to be strong for others. though she so desperately just wants to let her guard down#n be free yk. a break from all her responsibilities n rest.. she's young after all. but while i do relate with that it's still#yk particularly w the context of my wol being yeah the warrior of light in ffxiv. but. i rmb writing of how then that was being strong for#her. n.. yeah she was healing from stuff then. that's hw. but in stormblood ooh i wrote here that she put her emotions to the side#bottled them. became more serious n i tied that w being a samurai main back in stb w duty stuff help this connects well but it's funny#hesitant in heavensward to trying to do things more on her own in stormblood to.. accepting it all in shadowbringers#shy/quiet was more in hw while being serious/calm was in stb. raghhh i rmb my notes well in 2021 but i'm so afraid to look at like#the stuff i wrote last year 💀 but. oh my this is embarrassing but i do like how i even just dump my thoughts. it's bittersweetly beautiful#maybe i'm trying to accept everything at once or yk putting too much pressure on myself to improve holistically.#like.. i want to write before i grow older than my fav charas yk? n then just think of lots of stuff too n.#be productive. study. n idk just more more more in general but i could be less harsh on myself. yeah
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sludgeguzzler · 2 years
damn i feel miserable/scared/lonely/gay time to paint my nails
#that will require me leaving my room at night which is 😦 but thats ok i can do it im a big boy i can do this.#SIXTEEN YEARS OLD too old for anything to come after me. hopefully#im making it worse for myself#what no sweater does to a mf (WHERE IS MY COMFORTABLE GROUDING CLOTH THINF)#i just need some fucking acetone hhhfjnfnsbsbsbfndm#plus im hungry#plus i need to go to the bathroom#my god ok maybe staying in bed for hours on end doing a simple mindless task and skipping dinner as a result has its consequences#im fine tho i can survive this#i have delicious apple juice with me omg i have delicious apple juice with me several exclamation marks an embarrassih amount actually#the reason why i have to paint my nails is bc i had painted them this lovely blue like a week ago but#i chewed it off 😼 bc i got bored 😼#so now theres only paint on my right thumb and right . the finger next to the pinky#and its coming off pretty fast#i cant keep avoiding the fact that i have to lwave my room but also i dont wanna do this#its always like this WHY am i afraid of leaving my room i live in a happy home its literally so cosy during the day#why is it so scare when its oh my god its two thirty two am#????????? hello#will i have to survive on this warm apple juice. will i have to pee in its empty box when im done. am i becoming dave strider#either way im sure im reaching a terrible faith#i just have to remember to eat when the sun comes up (i have decided i am mot able to sleep for today i think)#sg.txt
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