#just realized I forgot to draw Barnaby
thegayestofbats · 1 year
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I recently got into the Welcome Home fandom and decided to draw the puppets! I hope you enjoy them :))
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cherrycherryking · 1 year
why hello there Cherry!! i hope you're having a great day 🥰💖
a little request if you're interested, but no pressure whatsoever - you should follow your heart with what you post 🥺💖 how about You being teased by another member of the Neighbourhood about your obvious crush on Wally? i think it's a really cute concept 🙈💖
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wally x gen!reader (romantic)
Being Teased About Your Crush For Wally
✧You're so bad at hiding it.
✧Sorry someone had to tell you. (actually everyone is letting you know.)
✧Okay but what do they expect when Wally is just so- him??? Do they not want you to giggle all lovestruck when he tried to search for the apples on a pie then nonchalantly going "there's no apples in here, silly."
✧Or when you found him looking at himself on a hand mirror and after asking he responded "im very pretty, so i'm looking at myself" so you accompanied him to also stared at him because yes he Is really pretty.
✧And if you jump at the opportunity to explain when he asks the weirdest things in that calm, monotone voice of him, who can blame you??
✧Well, not everyone, but Barnaby who usually is the one responding the questions surely will tease you about it (with the lamest jokes to pair it).
✧The worst would be Sally and Julie, specially Julie. Shes just sooo excited at the idea of her friends!!! being in love?!?!
✧WILL sing the kissing song anyways cause my god is this so fun, and you look so cute all flustered! Wants to play wingman so badly.
✧How funny would it be for the whole town to know but Wally about your crush.
✧A lot.
✧But there's always the possibility that he was the first to know but doesnt bring it up because. Is there a reason?? Hm, he likes to hang out with you and he as well thinks is pretty funny to see you red in the face,
i remembered this song and the drawing just materialized on my screen guys!!! also. PLEASE go and check starleska's stuff!! it is all so good (literally first post of the wally x reader tag o7 thank you for your services)
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beanpills · 6 months
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I did realize that Barnaby had like two beta designs I think? So I just closed this one because it was my fav
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I liked drawing their old designs especially Poppy it was so weird yet I like it. I feel like Poppy may be intimated by her.but they both are shy things
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almost forgot these lovelies absolutely adore Julie's design
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jacenotjason · 8 months
helloooo!!! hello!!! Halloween related question :3 do the opposites celebrate halloween? if they do, what do each of them dress up as??
(i sort of picture howdy just straight up being money. just money. he gets a money costume)
OO! I doodled this on our last doodle break! Lets talk about it!
Frank is obviously a cat duh
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He made it himself! Cat ears and tail, plus some wire whiskers!
Eddie is a scary murderer, probably from some movie?
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He has some big rubber gloves and a tracksuit, a scary mask, and a machete!
Howdy is still a ghost, bc he is lazy
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It’s still just an old bedsheet he cut holes into
I also forgot to draw a hole for his nose at first whoops
I didnt draw any of the others but here’s some ideas i had!
Julie and Sally do matching costumes as a Princess and a Prince! Though ppl dont realize theyre matching bc sally.. doesnt leave her house
Barnaby is a blueberry :3 a big ol blueberry!! Maybe like a blue cloak and a cute headband with a leaf and stem!
Poppy completely forgot and scrambled to make a costume and also host a party. She gets some old jackets and stitches them into a grim reaper costume!! And also hosts the greatest Halloween party ever
Wally is still a lil demon :3 frank thinks hes also a cat
Here’s another lil doodle
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dumbassdadfriend · 9 months
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I said I would draw Barnaby and I did just that! This was my first time drawing my favorite dead owl so don’t expect this to be my absolute BEST work, I was going in blind after all-
I LOVE this game and the songs so far! I can’t wait for its release! Not like I could even play it, because I would be WAY too busy dancing or listening to the music to actually complete any of the boss fights-
For those who are unaware, this character is from a fantastic work in progress indie game called Billie Bust Up!
I realized that I forgot to tag the official BBU account- I believe we are welcome to tag them in fanart right?
Sorry if I’m mistaken 🥲
I hope you like this!
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meat-hound · 1 year
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I don't think I'll ever draw him cute or something, but at least he's happy
(I just realized I forgot Barnabys eye spot smh)
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cherrythepuppet · 4 months
Regrets -Penny's POV
Grover and Antoni belong to Planty (@trashcanplant) and the original story was done by @junetheroach!
TW:For mentions of death, Tearing apart a body, teeth being pulled, Knives, blood
Penny and Grover had just got back from Dandy's Candy, Grover was getting rid of the body and told Penny "Don't come near 'm. Go do whatever kids do these days"
So Penny was talking to Howdy at the bar as she was drawing but he eventually walked away leaving Penny alone
Alone... Funny feeling... Like your being watched... Several eyes... Stop it.... She doesn't like this... Someone stop it-
She heard footsteps "Toni! How'd it go? Was there blood? Violence? Did someone get their teeth torn out?!" Penny giggled making Antoni back away from her slightly
"Uh- No, nobody got their teeth ripped out of 'em Penn. It was a simple deal i had to do" Antoni replied 
Penny frowned and made an eye roll "Well that's no fun at all" She mumbled "What did happen?" She asked "I'd... Rather not talk about it" Antoni sighed
"Oh..." Penny paused and wanted to reach a hand out to put on his shoulder in a comforting way since she's been told that's a way of comfort
But Antoni spoke before she could "So what's with the blood on your gloves?" He asked, Penny looked at her gloves and giggled at the sight of the blood
"Oh I forgot there was blood on them" Penny muttered "Well remember that lady? The uhh-" Penny paused "The uhhhhh... The green one!" She snapped her fingers in realization "The slug that ran the candy shop in the middle of town!" She exclaimed
Antoni gulped slightly "You mean Miss Candy?" He asked after a moment of silence "Yeah! She was nice! Gave me these really nice tastin' taffys once!" Penny grinned "Oh... I bet she did" Antoni whispered 
"Anyhoo! Me and Grover went there to clean up her body! Although I can't really remember the whole thing but I got candy from it while Scarycrow tore her apart!" Penny added
Antoni tensed up at that "He... Tore her apart?" He asked "Yeah!" Penny laughed then thoguth to herself "I think Grover still has my knife" she said mumbled 
She then hopped off the barstool and took her pearl bracelets off before tkaung her gloves off next "How do I wash blood off? I'll ask Poppy" She shrugged
"It was nice chattin' Toni!" Penny grinned before she grabbed her drawing and began to look for Barnaby since he always seemed to know where Grover was
She couldn't find unfortunately so she just tapped the drawing to Barnaby’s door with a note that read "pLeAsE giVe to GroVer" with her 6 year old handwriting...
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I just realized that in all three of the Barnaby's Guest List drawings I did where his lower body is visible, I forgot to draw his tail.
I can go back and draw it, and then replace the tail-less drawings, but only here on Tumblr and on DeviantArt, since Twitter posts can't be edited.
For now, I'd like to move on to tomorrow's picture because I've got none left in reserve.
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creamecream · 5 years
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*Off to the Celestial Ball.*
Ivy belongs to @r-enegadedbi
Farren belongs to @shinynymphia
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dat-silvers-girl · 2 years
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Friday Night Funkin: Sphinx Club edition
Here you go @weirdcursedvaultkid!!! In reference to this, Merula and Ismelda are now ready for a proper rap battle!
Have fun bopping on the speakers, Alex! ❤️
60 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 21:06:25 GMT
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"I've never gone all out before. I'll show you what I can do."
I enjoyed the duel with Rakepick in chapter 42 and all, but I really wish it was more epic. In my headcanon, Sarahi uses the smokescreen spell, Fumos, to distract Rakepick and when the smoke cleared, she'd literally pointed dozens of arrows at her. That was obviously not good.
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Made a loading screen version too because it was fun.
61 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 19:11:50 GMT
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"Happy Birthday Sarahi..."
Today is 11 September 2021, therefore mine, and Sarahi's birthday! I'm always just overly excited on my birthday for no reason whatsoever. I guess while I'm not exactly ready to grow up, I do find it amazing, personally, that I am, in fact, getting older. As of today, I am now 19 years old, but my brain mostly goes towards the fact that I will be 20 next year. It feels weird to me, but it's also rather thrilling.
I always make a birthday drawing for myself in advance, but I was late this year and only finished this soft Saranby piece at 5 PM. I have to say, I think this is the softest Sarnaby drawing I have made to date. I wanted to make this last year, as this is something that happens in Year 6, when Sarahi turns 17, but I forgot then, so I made it this year instead.
In Year 6, Sarahi doesn't spend her birthday with her friends. After putting on the dress Andre had given her as an early present, she goes to Diagon Alley to wait for Jacob, who had promised a week ago that he would show up for her birthday. He did show up, and presented Sarahi with a music box he had finished recently. Sarahi spent as much time as possible with him, but Jacob had to leave quickly. Even then, she only returned to Hogwarts in the evening. By then, her friends had already gotten worried and had been looking for her for hours. Barnaby eventually finds Sarahi in the Astronomy tower as it was getting dark, playing the tune of the music box on repeat. Soon enough, he sits down next to her and asks her where she had been. Sarahi explained where she was all day and her concerns, seemingly uncomfortable. Barnaby is thoughtful as ever, decides not to pry further, and just spends the evening with Sarahi, giving her as much affection as he possibly could. The two spent a while in the Astronomy tower, before Sarahi agreed with him to go have dinner and see her friends. At dinner, everyone is happy to finally see her (especially Andre who is so proud of himself for making the dress), and give presents of their own to Sarahi. She also recieves some gifts from her muggle friends back home.
61 notes • Posted 2021-09-11 12:07:03 GMT
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I'd like to meet you and shake your hand.
68 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 04:14:28 GMT
SPOILERS for Year 6 Chapter 18 and later
Tagging my fellow Rowan lovers/friends because I think you may like this?
@weasley-adoptee @wandsandrings @adellovesrowan @carewyncromwell @carmilla-the-bird
So we know that Jam City apparently “had to” kill Rowan off in Year 6 Chapter 18 because we know in canon she’s not the youngest Professor at Hogwarts.
That “canon” problem could have EASILY been avoided by making it so Rowan DID become the youngest Professor, but AT ANOTHER SCHOOL!
Imagine this: Rowan is gravely injured by a considerably less lethal curse (than Avada Kedavra at least). Her parents now are terrified of literal attempted murder, and decide to switch her school for her last 2 years of education.
Rowan could be left with scars like the ones @immagrosscandy once made? And once she has recovered in the Hospital Wing, we visit her, and she gives MC the news.
And you know where Rowan goes? The Brazilian Wizarding School, Castleobruxo! Maybe let’s assume she has some family there. And that’s when Alanza comes in! (Alternatively, Ilvermorny is also an option, but I’m just saying.)
And because we had to let go of Rowan because of Rakepick’s antics, the Circle of Khanna could still be made in her honor. And once we’ve thoroughly kicked Rakepick’s ass, write to Rowan about it, and she replies “I’d normally pummel her with my extensive vocabulary of profanities, but I’m not going to write them down. I hope you gave her a couple punches from me.”
BONUS: The Head Kid TLSQ
MC writes to Rowan that Dumbledore offered us the position. Rowan writes back saying she’s proud of us, and also writes some stuff in Portugese (with translations), while excitedly telling us that she’s picking up the language and getting better, and how amazing Castleobruxo is. MC misses her extremely so we can’t share her enthusiasm very much even when we try. The whole “Dream Rowan” conversation could happen, instead, when Rowan sends MC a letter encouraging them to take it up.
In the end, MC sends her another letter saying we got the position and the badge, and we go the extra mile of even sending her the badge so she can see it. Rowan is already doing excited SQUEEEEEEEEEE at breakfast because she’s so proud of her bestie… and she sees that MC sent her two badges- one with MC’s name, and one with ‘Rowan Khanna’ on it. In the letter, MC has written, “Thank you for encouraging me, Rowan, but I will always feel like this position should have been yours. I may be the Head Girl now, but I choose to stand in your place. In the meantime, I requested Dumbledore get a badge for you too. You’re still my Head Girl, and that will never change. I hope you find it as shiny as I do.”
And Rowan fucking cries, like “That’s my best freind, right there!” Feeling a little bad that MC misses her so much, she sends MC her badge back with a letter and a surprise.
“Thanks for getting a badge for me, MC! I love it! Now you take yours and put it on, and remember that we now have matching badges! I miss you too, and I know you do as well, so I decided to send you a gift- the very thing that began our friendship in the first place. You’re my best friend, and I’m trusting you with this. Take care of it, yeah? Love you!”
Lo and behold, Rowan has sent MC the item from the beginning of the game- The scarf, hat, or sweater. AND WE. FUCKIN. TREASURE IT. LIKE WE DO ANYWAY.
As for the future, she tells us that she wants to continue studying at Castleobruxo and become a professor there. And MC and friends will be supportive!
Bottom line is, A LOT OF LETTERS.
108 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 07:16:27 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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slytherinliththorne · 4 years
Lith’s relationships (as to year 5)
I have known the state of Lith’s relationships with almost every canon hp character, but I guessed that since I mainly draw Talbott and Rowan somtimes it wasn’t as obvious for everybody else. So I made a quick breakdown of the groups and people Lith hangs out with in-game, because, well, mc friends are another story. Explanation of their dynamics under the cut.
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BFF Squad (Rowan+Chiara): During first year it was only Lith and Rowan, the two weird Slytherin girls who seemed like outcasts. They had encountered Chiara a few times during classes, but never got close. After the Howling Hallowe'en quest, Lith and Chiara started to be friendlier with each other. After discovering Chiara’s secret, that friendliness increased, she even trusted Chiara with her own Curse. Lith started to invite Chiara to hang out with Rowan and they quickly became a trio. The three of them are quite introverted and lonely people, but they kind of bonded over that, as all understand the importance of alone time and that you don’t need to be overly clingy to maintain a friendship. During Chiara’s transformation, Lith uses her Curse to keep her company, and Rowan prepares Jacob’s room for their return with sweets, breakfast and other things they enjoy. At first, they roamed the Forbidden Forest, but after the Forest Vault, Torvus helped them find a spot to spend the night. Their hang out spots are the Hufflepuff Common Room, near Hagrid’s Hut and the Forbidden Forest. 
Original Trio (Rowan+Ben): They were the first group of friends that Lith ever made at Hogwarts. She already had a friendship with Rowan so Ben’s addition was a surprise. Individually, Lith doesn´t really get along with Ben, they are on good terms but outside curse breaking adventures they don’t usually hang out. However, that doesn’t mean Lith doesn’t care for them, she actually has a soft spot for Ben. 
Original Curse Breakers (Rowan+Ben+Bill+Penny): They were Lith’s ideal curse breaking team and she really misses those days. Now this team barely gets together, but she knows she can count on each of them. This group is currently disbanded.
Penny: Lith and Penny sometimes talk, and ever since Bea got trapped in the portrait, Lith has tried to be more attentive to her. Lith can be comfortable with Penny, but she quickly drains out of energy around her.
Unexpected buddies (Charlie): They seem to have nothing in common to bond over, Lith doesn’t share his love for creatures or quidditch, but maybe that’s exactly why they get along. Charlie first aproached her to offer his help with the Vaults and Lith must admit she was hesitant. But after colaborating the whole year to get to the Forest Vault, they became close friends. Lith enjoys indulging Charlie in his interests and Charlie is always there to comfort her when most people seek her comfort instead. They often hang out at Care of Magical Creatures and Jacob´s room.
Chaotic with a purpose (Tulip): They also seemed like unlikely friends, but Lith discovered that Tulip’s chaos was not just to be chaotic, but actually well thought, and they became partners in crime. Lith appreciates wit and cleverness, traits that Tulip has. Tulip is the scheming mastermind while Lith is the voice of reason due to her self preservation. They usually hang out at Jacob´s room and the library.
“WDYM I’m not a Weasly?” (Charlie+Bill): Lith hangs out with Charie and Bill separately, but together is also okay. As they are both her friends, she feels comfortable with them, but when the three are together is mostly due to the Cursed Vaults or some Weasly family business. They hang out at the library or The Three Broomsticks.
Convinient allies (Jae): Same thing as Tulip, Jae is clever and maybe a little shady, but Lith likes that. She sees advantage in befriending him and is usually amused when they hang out. They are usually goofing around the Kitchens when not discussing business. They also play cards together a lot. 
Prank pals (Tulip+Tonks): Lith often hangs out with this group to get something out of it, not because she enjoys it. She doesn’t like pranking for the sake of it, so whenever Tonks is involved, it will probably be prank orientated stuff. She likes her, but not as a close friend. They are usually at Zonko’s.
Rakepick’s Curse Breakers (Ben+Merula+Bill): Out of all the groups, she feels more uncomfortable in this one. She feels like she is trapped in an awkward fusion of her group of friends. Lith will avoid being with this group as much as possible. They can be seen together with Rakepick, in the DADA classroom or the training grounds.
Soft Couple (Talbott): Their relationship started pretty similar than Chiara´s, with some differences of course. In my hc, Lith is the one to take interest in being an animagus in hopes of altering her Curse way before Talbott’s SQ. She hears about him from Penny, but is too socially anxious to approach him, so Penny does it for her. She introduces them, completely unaware of Lith’s intentions. Lith acts quite suspicious when talking about wanting to become an animagus, which causes Talbott to be mistrustful. At the end, the potion fails, but some of the painful side effects of the Curse’s transformation disappear. However, Talbott assumes that she was able to become an animagusThey get closer and Lith reveals her secret. Their tragic life, Talbott’s past and Lith’s irremediable future, helps them feel closer to each other. However, they bond over their love for the arts, specially poetry. They like being alone together, and start acting as a couple before they actually become one. They are very soft and wholesome, but their fear of losing people can spark fights. They hang out at the Owlery and the Astronomy Tower.
Art buddies (Badeea): I hc they met at Art class, both of them take it since year 1 so they know each other and greet each other in the hallways. In year 5, they formally introduce themselves and start to hang out. They usually meet up during weekends to paint and draw together in the Clock Tower Courtyard or the Astronomy Tower. They are polite with each other but not very close. They like their relationship as it is, as colleagues.
Study Buddies (Rowan+Barnaby+Tulip): How this group came to be? The Vaults probalby, but they actually enjoy to study together. Rowan tutors Barnaby while Lith and Tulip study on their own, and when they have questions they discuss them with each other. Rowan feels comfortable doing what she likes, Barnaby genuinly likes Rowan, and Tulip enjoys the dynamic of their study group, where everyone goes at their own pace but help each other when needed. They are almost always at the library.
Werewolf Support Squad (Talbott+Chiara+Jae+Rowan who I forgot to put in the image lol): Another hc and personal favorite. After sharing each other’s secrets, Chiara makes Lith realize that her Cursed is not only a burden, that she can actually use it to help. She tells her how Lupin said that his group of friends became animagus to stay with him during full moon. This is also incidentally the moment Lith learns about animagi. Lith accompanies Chiara from that moment on, whith Rowan’s blessing. By this point, Jae is already friends with Chiara, but not with Lith. After Talbott’s SQs Lith suggests the idea of having another friend joing their full moon nights, hinting that friend to be Jae. Chiara gets nervous, but Lith brings up the animagus potion. They agree to talk to Jae about it and he accepts, since being an animagus might come handy for a smuggler like him. While gathering the ingredients, Talbott gets suspicious, since Lith is “casually” asking him about the potion again. Chiara relunctantly tells Talbott the reason, much to Lith and Jae’s surprise. Talbott helps Jae finish the process and succesfully becomes an animagus (I hc he becomes a weasel). That’s how the four of them start spending full moon together. The mornings after strenghten their relationship. They all are introverted and sometimes reclusive, but their individual personality traits complement each other. They hang out in Jacob’s room at first and move to the Room or Requirement when Talbott and Jae join them.
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cursedfaulkners · 6 years
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I apologize in advance for how long this is going to be. I have so many ideas and headcanons about this character. She is quickly becoming one of my favourite and most fleshed out characters of all time. I just love her and I could honestly go on for hours!
DAY 1: MC for the Hogwarts Mystery Event 2018
Facts: (with comments in italics)
Name: Annie Jane Faulkner (Never uses her middle name. In fact she only really hears it when her parents are really pissed, the whole “first middle last name how dare you...” etc. that parents love doing)
D.O.B: 21.April 1973
Blood status: Pureblood (While the Faulkners are not counted as one of the sacred twenty eight(for many reasons of which I’m too lazy to think of), her mothers family the MacMillans are. Neither are typically concerned with the whole blood purity shit and are thus considered blood traitors, though not to the extent of say the Weasleys.)
House: Ravenclaw (Was almost a hatstall, but not quite. The hat was stuck between Ravenclaw or Gryffindor but settled on the former. Interestingly enough, Jacob was also in the same situation. But in his case it was a toss up between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.)
Wand: Maple, Unicorn hair, 12 1/2″, Slightly yielding (Almost the exact same as her brothers who had a maple, dragon heartstring, 10″. “Curious indeed” - Ollivander. Maple wands choose those who are “by nature travelers and explorers; they are not stay-at-home wands, and prefer ambition in their witch or wizard.”)
Pet: A barn owl named Nunzio (Of latin origin meaning messenger. Derived from the element ‘nuntio’ which means to announce or to report. A rather fitting name if Annie does say so herself.)
Patronus: Hawk
Best class: Charms (Her favourite class as well. Besides care for magical creatures which comes in at a very close second)
Worst class: Potions (For no real reasons other than Snape despising every fiber of her being. Honestly, if not for Penny she would be failing big time.)
Boggart: Jacob’s dead body (This one really destroyed her. She first encountered boggarts in DADA as a third year and was not prepared to see her dead brother. For a moment she forgot it was just a boggart, it was the first time she really realized the very likelihood that she might not find her brother alive, if at all. She never managed to cast the Riddikulus charm that class, it being all too real for her. Instead she ended up having to sit that one out, pale, dizzy, crying and at the verge of throwing up. It was also an eye-opener to her fellow classmates and even Merula won’t go as far as to bring up the boggart incident. She has since then cast the charm successfully and reminds herself in almost a ritual chant each time “It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not real.”)
More info under the read more(Turned out to be a lot more than I first anticipated)
- She is honestly such a little shit sometimes. Sarcastic and blunt. But we all love her.
- 2nd year, after an incident that we do not speak of, Felix had caught her and rather pissed, dropped her off to Chester. His bloody problem and “Keep a @%& eye on your house Davies!” -.-” After being not so gently escorted back to the commonroom, one earful and a few overwhelmed tears later; they had come to find a new understanding. From there on out, Chester took on a sort of brother role that lasted until his graduation. Annie did appreciate having someone to talk to. Especially someone who knew her brother at Hogwarts, or at the very least someone who had overlapping years with him. (My version of Jacob would have been a 3rd year when the prefects started Hogwarts)
- Has a habit of sneaking out of her dorm and wandering around the castle at night. Usually on days she really misses Jacob and needs the fresh air as well as to stretch her legs.(Or so she claims at least the odd time she gets caught.) It doesn’t happen too often but more so around the holidays. Night to Christmas morning, 2nd year, she was wandering around and happened upon the room of requirement and thus the mirror of Erised. She did get caught by Dumbledore(who had been alerted by a nearby painting), but in his Dumbledore way her let her off the hook “this one time”(one time my arse). But that is a story for another time
- Grew up thinking she would become a magizoologist, but through everything that has happened, she became a curse-breaker instead. Worked for Gringotts for a year or two before starting her own firm with Jacob. #TeamFaulknerSiblings
- Has grown suspicious of Ben lately. He seems to know more than he’s letting on. But she has yet to confront him.
- Not as close with Rowan as they used to be. A lot of stuff is happening and they are simply starting to drift apart. She doesn’t confide in her as much as before. But who knows what might still happen.
- Penny is absolute bae and Tonks is a mood. Her two best hufflepuffs in the world! Annie loves these two and would honestly die for them.(Except no she didn’t, but the battle of hogwarts is a whole other can of worms that will not be opened this day)
- Annie and Tulip and still getting to know and trust each other. Annie still doesn’t like the fact that Tulip withheld information about Jacob from her though.
- The Weasleys! Good Godric the Weasleys.. Where do I even start.. it almost deserves a post of its own. Annie did grow close to Bill from the get-go. He quickly turned into that big brother she so desperately needed. He was the go to guy to invite on everything cursed vault related. While they did have a brother-sister sort of relationship, she did find herself fancying him a small bit for a short while. It was a small crush that eventually ended. There was an incident between them in her 3rd year but that is between Annie and Bill, agreed upon to be never spoken of again. Charlie on the other hand. Annie had definitely fancied him for a long time. The feeling was mutual but being so awkward both of them, it went unsaid for quite some time. They grew closer during their 4th year and started officially dating not two weeks into their 5th year. They would end up marrying many many years later.
- Barnaby is precious and we must protect him!
- Merula is a bitch. Annie is just fed up at this point. Sure it was fun to push her buttons(and merlin knows she has enough of those) and she almost enjoyed being snarky back at her. It was a nice distraction but they are 4th years now. It is getting old. She just doesn’t care anymore. You’d swear “Piss off Snyde” had become a signature catchphrase. Hell, maybe it has?
Ok.. I could honestly go on and on and on all night but I will draw a line here. If you are interested in my version of either my MC or Jacob or anything, please don’t be a stranger! I would love to explore and work out more about her. Asks of any kind are honestly welcome! My inbox has been empty for the entire 6+(?) years I’ve been on tumblr.(Not even an exaggeration.. it’s sad). This is probably a little too late but I’m sure it’s still the 22nd somewhere in the world so I’m going to count it ;)
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