#just rotating ideas in my head
arcandoria · 9 months
I've been thinking how everyone has a personal quest, except you as a PC ofc, and for that reason... what would be Nat's personal quest.
Already established she's been constantly on the run for deserting Lolth's cult in Menzoberranzan, so it'd definitely be tied to that. I like to think that for the past 70 years, she's always been captured here and there but always managed to escape.
She's not under constant attack, there's a lot to do in actual service, but to turn your back on the Spider Queen is a great as sin as ever, one Nat's previously High Priestess would like to see properly punished, with a great deal of pain involved.
I haven't decided many specifics yet, but my general outline is that during Act 2, due to close proximity to a convenient Underdark entrance, Nat gets snatched up somehow and has to be freed. Between her companions realizing she's gone and actually finding her, her captors have flooded her system with poison that only an expert can get rid of.
And that's how it "bleeds" to Act 3, where either Araj Oblodra helps after some of her bizarre bargains, or the treatment has to be found lost somewhere in the Sorcerous Sundries. Meanwhile, Nat's in under constant but somewhat manageable pain and has her combat abilities (which are not that exquisite, she's a thief after all and not a fighter) severely hindered.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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M'lady, doth this harlot bother thee?
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roszabell · 1 year
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anywho, here’s my favorite gorgeous gorgeous girl
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quinn-pop · 10 months
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dedede gets attached to every small creature he comes across at this point lol
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north-winds1 · 1 year
Thinking about artificers pups
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What if the pups came back?
Clearer version of the W. I. P timeline under read more + some notes :
Start of spearmaster campaign
Arti's pups "death"
Spear delivers moons message
Pups visit moon
Moons exits/entrances collapse
End of spearmaster campaign (returned to Suns)
Start of artificer campaign
Defeated scav king
Regions like garbage wastes/shoreline look more like hunters time (not hunters time but moon fully collapsed)
Pups find/given ID drone
Meeting pebbles
Find arti in metropolis (???)
I'm not 100% sure how the pups would get up to moon's can my most reasonable idea is them getting picked up by a vulture but getting dropped for larger prey/being fought over by other vultures.
I think moon's can partially collapsing in artificer's campaign happens a few cycles after the pups get there. Basically leaving them trapped on moon's can.
When moon fully collapsed (a while before hunters time) the pups (now much older around monks age) decide to set out on a journey to find their mother.
Also if anyone wants to ask me about this I'll gladly answer.
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nkgrimmie · 2 months
something i like to imagine sometimes is that alan's creations are... him, in a way. tiny little shards of a full person that broke off in creation, giving them life. breathing life into them.
and despite that, they still have individuality. they're their own people, their personalities starting out were just akin to small little facets in alan's mind.
but the little pieces taken from him were so small, that there was no change. Like dipping an empty glass into an ocean. The amount taken isn't enough to really damage the ocean.
this kind of ties into my headcanon of humans being outer eldritch gods compared to sticks, so different and vast compared to them. so distant and far that in a lot of cases, humans don't even realize that sticks are people too. alan's just a special case cause he realized. anyways thank you for listening :3
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cutetanuki-chan · 1 month
do you have any alecto/anastasia hcs?
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I think my biggest hc is that Anastasia wanted to be present at laying Alecto down in the tomb, but something went not as planned, cause she helped design it and it's her house, where is she
and not quite a hc but I want Alecto snatch some of Anastasia's bones before leaving the tomb
but tbh the moment I got the ask my mind completely blanked out on everything I was thinking about them, I'll add more to this post if I remember some of it
but thank you for asking!
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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the king shunned, the lion dead, the knight lost, the princess absent. but the wizard lives.
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marinaiguess · 1 year
no more wholesome sonic and Tails
give me sonic who fucked up as a big brother because he didn't know how to properly raise a child. give me tails who is tired of living as Sonic's shadow. give me absent sonic. give me tails who decides to do things his own way but just ends up doing what sonic doesn't. give me sonic trying to protect tails by staying away from him. give me tails who is confused as to why sonic is leaving him on his own so much more often. give them a few years to grow apart without either of them knowing what happened. give me tails who is mad at sonic, so much so that he eventually turns against him (not by joining forces with eggman though). give me sonic who is confused as to what happened between them.
fights, misunderstandings, repressing emotions, choosing violence over words, manipulation.
do you understand what I mean
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orbitalbeetle · 1 year
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Nim the Prince who fell from the Sky !!
yet another oc for Welcome Home :]c
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gideonthefirst · 2 years
i’m not going to pretend to be certain one way or another about what level of agency muir intends to give gideon in becoming kiriona/in aligning with john, because i think the level of uncertainty we’ve been given is both important and intentional, but i do think it’s specifically interesting how every other character we see be resurrected in some way and renamed by john it’s heavily implied that he also altered their memories and/or personalities; we see the renaming of titania and ulysses when he turns them into literal zombies entirely under his control and we see that the other lyctors, at some point, had different names and that their resurrection involves john altering them, and we see in some ways that kiriona falls right in the middle of those two - renamed like both of them, and still dead like titania and ulysses were and with her body having been altered by john and able to be “turned off” by ianthe at will, but also moving to some extent under her own power and retaining aspects of her personality (or her entire personality, depending on the reading - and i do think there are multiple legitimate, supported readings here)
and i think what’s specifically interesting here is that the set up of the original lyctors forces us to see them as complicit with john even though he does change and alter them - it is impossible to ignore the fact that m—- and a—- and g—- and c—- (and p—- and n—- and the nun and a—-‘s little brother!) stood with john through acquiring the first nuke, through killing hundreds of people, through necromantically piloting a world leader, etc. they’re fully complicit in the nuclear death of earth’s population even though most of them turned on him last minute, which translates over to being complicit in his empire, where we see the exact same pattern of them standing with him until eventually, later, individually deciding to betray him for whatever personal reasons they individually have. they are inarguably complicit, regardless of what alterations john made to them!
in contrast, titania and ulysses, at least prior to the resurrection, had no control, no ability to go against john at all, and so without knowing more about their resurrection and function as lyctors, it becomes almost impossible to say whether or not they had agency, ability to go against him, etc, and so all we know is that john used their bodies after their deaths in a way in which they could not resist against or do anything about
so by placing kiriona in this middle ground between the two, where we don’t know if she’s working with him entirely by gideon’s choice or if john altered her mind in some way, she’s in between total death and true resurrection, her wounds are still there but she isn’t rotting, the question becomes a question not of “is this her choice” but a question of “regardless of if this is her choice, how complicit is she?”
even if kiriona is mentally altered in some way, she’s only in this situation because she learned and embraced the cavalier role to such an extent that she died so that harrow could go lyctor. even if kiriona is mentally altered in some way, gideon was only in canaan house in the first place in order to earn the ability to “go free” and join the cohort. and, in contrast, even if she hasn’t been altered in some way mentally, she literally does not have physical control of her own body. kiriona isn’t a portrait of how people choose to align themselves with empire, but rather she’s the centerpoint of three books’ worth of themes about complicity, imperial corruption, death as something which the empire owns and corrupts, family, and memory. to say definitively that kiriona is only aligned with john because of trauma and her behavior is exactly how gideon always behaves in this situation or to say definitively that gideon would never act like this and so kiriona must have had her memory fucked with or her soul altered in some way i genuinely think is to miss the point - regardless of how much quote unquote agency gideon has in the way kiriona’s behaving and who she’s expressing loyalty to, she both has no power over herself (ianthe can and does shut her off!!! she spent her entire life obsessing over her body as a method of escape and now her body has been physically altered by john!!!) and is complicit, has been absorbed into the imperial seat of power and is being used as a weapon by that seat of power, etc.
additionally, this is a series heavily interested in themes of agency around death and how death is constantly being exploited by john and necromancers. it is important that gideon died on purpose (although obviously under. external pressures lol) and has been brought back in a manner which robs her of control over her own body, and i think being willing to engage with that and with what we’re told about the original lyctors and how john used them is important to a reading of kiriona
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fernflowerss · 4 months
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Do you see my vision? Please tell me you see my vision
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cripplepunkbarbarian · 2 months
Bad Kids Class Swap (with some light "evil" influences) AU featuring:
Artillerist Artificer & Shadow Sorcerer Riz. Undead Warlock Kristen. Ascendant Dragon Monk & Fathomless Warlock Fabian. Storm Sorcerer Adaine. Vengeance Paladin Gorgug. Wildfire Druid & Zealot Barbarian Fig.
I have many thoughts about those class+subclasses but they're all very disjointed since I also haven't thought up a more cohesive way of getting them all in the same party since their "evil" influences all come from the different seasons.
I won't get too deep into it but the general inspirations are,
Riz: Artificer > Rogue, less focus on mysteries + more focus on his parents legacies. Shadow Sorcerer levels are developed after deepening his connection to Kalina, again reflecting the deeper focus on his relationship to his parents.
Kristen: She starts as a Devotion Paladin of Helio. Dies. Starts doubting the church. Becomes an Oathbreaker Paladin. Dies again. Is brought back by The Nightmare King as an Undead Warlock. Drops her levels of Paladin to focus on that connection.
Fabian: This one is the most canon divergent tbh. Has a more strained relationship with Bill. Doesn't take that 2 year gap to travel with him. Monk > Fighter is meant to reflect the shift in dynamic there. Ends up falling in with Dayne since they're closer in school year now, eventually learns from Kalvaxus (hence Ascendant Dragon). I still think Bill would eventually die and that death would impact Fabian. A Fiend Warlock would be more reflective of their canon dynamic imo so Fathomless helps separate that.
Adaine: Starts as her canon class, Divination Wizard, but her connection to magic is altered by the spirit of the former Oracle upon being awakened. Forcing her to lose her Wizard levels and pick up Storm Sorcerer, as like a "corrupt" Oracle. Honestly I could maybe see her eventually picking up levels of a martial class to regain some sort of control in regards to her adventuring experience.
Gorgug: Also starts as his canon class, Berserker Barbarian, but never goes down the Artificer route and is influenced by Porter into reframing his relationship with rage towards a pursuit of righteousness. I think Gorgug would've been leaning more towards Oath of Glory but Porter would've seen it as too passive and pushed for Oath of Conquest. Oath of Vengeance is what ends up being the "happy medium".
Fig: Instead of her infernal heritage coming out as her tiefling status, it presents a bit subtler with her connection to a Wildfire Spirit. I think that would allow her to live in denial about her heritage a bit longer since her mother has such a clear connection to nature, putting her in a more vulnerable position to be influenced by Porter as well. When the dots eventually connect, he acts as a "support" system encouraging (and actively empowering) her to channel and work with rather than against her rage. Hence levels in Zealot Barbarian.
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kerizaret · 2 months
Small wxs edit I made some while ago for ur enjoyment while I recover
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yuzuuu4 · 1 year
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a little warmth for the chilly weather
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carly404error · 10 months
An au is rotating in my head where q!missa finally confesses his feelings to q!phil and he agrees to marry but in the wedding the code appears and everyone dies including some eggs (make it more angsty so only chayanne and tallulah die) bc casually q!Etoiles is not there to protect them bc of whatever reason (breaking the fourth wall he couldn’t log in), and phil blames himself for not being able to protect his children, for opening his feelings too much and letting the excitement speak for him.
This idea is based from a post I read about why phil didn’t admit his feelings for missa or something i don’t remember very well i don’t even remember who it was from.
I like the angst potential that has, but idk if i’ll make any content out of that, maybe some art?
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