#just so i can get a bit of protective/possessive kira
wlwhq · 11 months
@lavenderhazestories *heart eyes*
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"i could hear you last night, you know. these walls are thinner than you'd think." leaning back in her chair, kira nonchalantly mused this thought aloud more to herself than to ellie. was it to egg her on and test the waters? absolutely. "kind of bad manners to fuck yourself with company over and not ask them to join in. what had you so worked up, sweetheart?"
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spikeface · 3 months
Hey friend! A little random question just to pop into your ask box with
Thoughts on the following random ships? Lydia/Malia
Thank you for the ask, kind anon!
Erica/Allison - One of my fave fave femslash ships! It's got what I think is the perfect enemies-to-lovers dynamic where the characters are good foils for each other. Both were seduced into becoming a pawn for a leader who is exploiting them--harassing Allison is part of Erica's initial power trip, and I love that we can start to see Allison's darker elements when she gloats after stopping Erica from killing Lydia. I really, really wish Erica had survived into s3, because I think her dynamic with Allison would have been so amazing now that both of them have come back, and each of them reckoning with what they did to each other, now that they want to be different. A raging Erica would have been a really interesting pair with 3a Allison, who takes a lot more effort to be provoked into a fight.
Lydia/Malia - I think I prefer these two as friends more, but I do really like their dynamic. They're different enough that their s6 dynamic feels like buddy cops, which I really enjoy.
Lydia/Kira - Very underrated ship! I definitely think Lydia develops possessive weirdgirl feelings about Kira, starting with her faint wariness when Kira arrives. If she's instantly possessive of Allison in the pilot, she seems to take a bit more time to warm up to Kira, but then becomes almost casually flirtatious with things like "you're a vixen," and I like that the two of them get to talk about 4x01 together. I wish they spent more time together, though, and I definitely wish we knew more about what Kira thinks of Lydia. I get the impression that Lydia awes her a little bit, given how shocked she is to find out that Lydia used to pretend to be dumb, but I would have killed for more.
Lydia/Cora - A femslash fandom classic for a reason, though I support it passively more than actively. I'm a sucker for their initial snarking at each other, and do like when Cora, for all her bark, is instantly protective of Lydia, who seems interested, almost despite herself, in Cora's aggressiveness.
Erica/Theo/Isaac - Erica/Isaac for sure, but I can't see either of them with Theo. I can see Erica initially being interested in Theo--his flirting might seem fun and harmless, and I think she'd be a bit charmed by his sleaziness in the way she clearly is by Isaac's--but that would only make her rage post-betrayal bigger. Theo exploits his pack even worse than Derek exploited his, so I can't see her forgiving that anytime soon.
As for Isaac? We saw how he felt about the twins: he never stops trying to punch them and fight them and root for their death, and even in 3b he's still trying to murder them for what they did to him, Erica, and Boyd. The guy who'd killed Scott? He'd never forgive that. He wouldn't piss on Theo if the guy was on fire.
Peter/Deucalion - This one shows up not infrequently in fic and honestly I don't know why. Deucalion canonically thinks the stuff Peter does is "boring," and I can't see Peter "Revenge" Hale ever understanding or respecting the fact that Deucalion became obsessive about creating the perfect pack rather than, say, ripping Gerard's eyes out with his claws. Their contempt is dismissive, which is hard to ship.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
hIII WASSUP, istg i felt butterflies in my stomach when i saw u answer my request 😭❤️ so when I saw the notif abt ur requests opening i immediately rushed to tumblr lmaoaoaoa, uhh, anyways, may I request Light, Uraraka, Shuu Tsukiyama, Satori, Aomine, and Hinata Hyuga with a soft-spoken and gentle crush?
My, my, I’m flattered💗.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, manipulation, gaslighting, overprotective behavior
Soft-spoken and gentle crush
Hinata Hyuga
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💘Hinata herself is exactly like her darling in that regard, she is for the biggest part gentle and soft-spoken as well, but flustered nevertheless. She can’t seem to handle how unbelievably kind and careful her darling seems to be with everything around them and the way they treat her as well, it makes her a bit shy. People often tend to joke that you two are a match made in heaven due to the similarities in behavior, though you might not be as shy as she is. Still though, Hinata also worries a bit about this.
💘Whilst the time you two live in are rather peaceful, you have to be always prepared for a sudden catastrophe to happen. And she fears that her darling might be due to their nature unwilling to use violence or hurt someone. Next to that people might misuse their softness. So whilst Hinata isn’t the most courageous herself, she always steps up when she thinks someone tries to abuse your kindness or tries to hurt you. She’s shy, but won’t let someone with bad intentions touch you either. The girl really just adores her darling for being the way they are and her and her darling have despite everything bad tongues may say always each other’s back and protect each other.
Light Yagami
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✍️Surprisingly he is a bit torn between absolutely adoring this and being a bit frustrated with it. On the one hand his darling makes it all too clear to him why he has to purify the world from scum and criminals, to protect someone like them. Light finds himself growing extremely possessive over his darling due to their nature, soft-spoken and gentle, the ideal picture of innocence for him. His darling is just so perfect and their behavior seems to help enhancing his worshipper tendencies a lot which makes him more pleasant to be with. He still manipulates you a lot, he finds his fun with poking playful fun at you and teasing you so you’ll get flustered which Light seems to find extremely cute and he does it very often.
✍️Surely won’t let other loud and annoying people near you, not when knowing how much such people could confuse you and annoy you next to the simple fact that he would feel jealous. But on the other hand this also hints that you might not agree with the methods of Kira which puts Light in a tight spot because on the one hand he loves your innocent nature, on the other hand he hates that you don’t like what he does since he does it for you and the best of the world.
Ochaco Uraraka
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🎈She is extremely sweet to her darling, knowing how gentle and soft-spoken they can be and she honestly finds herself just being so much more in love with them because of it. She is a bit more on the energetic side from time to time and can get a bit too excited, but her darling always manages to keep her a bit down which isn’t always a bad thing. Uraraka finds herself being a bit worried when you are confronted with her friends since her and her friends can be quite the bunch of troublemakers.
🎈She wouldn’t want you to get overwhelmed which is why she always tries to shield you a bit whenever the energy level seems to reach it’s peak with them. Though you’ll have to get used to it since she is from time to time like this as well. She tries not to be when she thinks that you might need some space which she is ready to give you, though she’ll get grumpy whenever she isn’t near you. Also gets fiercely defensive and protective when someone makes fun of you and says that you are too much of a coward due to always being the way you are, she can get scary if she is mad.
Shuu Tsukiyama
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🍷Just wait until his father has whipped him into shape for treating his darling so terrible , an absolutely endearing being in Mirumo’s point of view, someone who deserves to be treated rightfully which his son didn’t seem to fulfill too well so far given his sadistic tendencies. His father can be extremely strict on his son, especially when it comes to how he treats his darling and after he’s done, Shuu will deliver a long speech about how he is so sorry for treating you that way, accompanied with lots of presents, kisses and tears. On the bright side life gets afterwards better and with the help of his father, Shuu finally learns to not hurt you anymore, though you will have to endure him reaching the peak of infatuation and clinginess.
🍷I guess it is still better than getting eaten every once in a while, although he becomes also more dramatic. Shuu in general is an extremely jealous Yandere to have, the only exceptions are his father and the servants, they’ll be spared from getting killed because he’s jealous. For everyone else that doesn’t count and whenever you give the same gentleness and soft encouraging words to someone else, he gets envious which never ends well for the other person. Due to your way of being Shuu just never seems to stop cooing over your softness and he also grows protective and whenever someone who isn’t family seems to make you uncomfortable, they end up being another corpse.
Satori Tendou
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❤️Satori actually never dared to come near you in the first place, scared you would be frightened of him due to it being known how soft-spoken and gentle you were, though it was what drew him to you like a moth to fire. It was the kindness his darling treated him with despite everyone else treating him like a creep or weirdo and it made Satori with time fall hard. He’s still a bit insecure, scared that he might end up being too much for you since all he wants is showering his darling in hugs and kisses all day long, but he is sane enough to hold himself back as long as he is scared it might repulse you which is really the last thing on earth he would want. But if you tell him that you’re completely fine with it and he believes you? He won’t let go for as long as he doesn’t sense any discomfort from you. Tendou really just craves love and he does not fit by all means in the sadistic category, the dude is such an insecure boy.
❤️His darling seems to be one of the very few people who accept him and their kindness has him swearing that he’ll die if they would ever leave him. He knows that it is just the way you are to people, but he kind of gets jealous whenever you act the same way to others and he also gets a bit insecure. What makes him furious is whenever you are still polite to people who openly insulted or bullied you because that’s where he gets serious which is eerie to witness. He loathes people who are so mean to someone who is for him his paradise.
Daiki Aomine
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💙He is confident in himself, sure. But he also is extremely flustered since he knows that he can come over as rough or too touchy and he is not dumb enough to not realize that with someone like his darling this might clash in a unpleasant way which is why he asks Momoi for some help on how to make sure that he doesn’t overwhelm you. But let’s just appreciate a man who gets the softest he could ever be with his darling, just finding the way they are gorgeous. In all honesty, it creeps people out how sweet he is to them and how scary to others, though they know better than to point it out to him.
💙They also know that they should not make you uncomfortable because over this kind of darling Daiki grows beyond protective which means that a small gesture can be enough to make him mad at someone since he finds over time out what scares his darling and what not. Aomine really can’t seem to stop viewing you as a lovely person he has to protect and it always ends in him just wanting to take care of you and do everything for you. The only person he is really comfortable with you around is his best friend who daily gives him tips how to make sure that you’re happy and he actually listens.
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kalinara · 4 years
So, recently I found myself thinking about Teen Wolf, specifically the MTV show from the early 2010s.  And I’m reminded about how fascinated I was by the Argent family in the first three seasons of the show.
I loved the Argent family for the same reason I loved the Lightwood family in Shadowhunters.  In a lot of ways, I think they’re very similar.  Both families represent people who are raised from birth in a system in which they believe they are righteous warriors, protecting innocent people from horrible monsters, while being blind to their own prejudices and committing some truly heinous acts in the service of their “cause”.
There are differences of course.  The Argents are not part of a greater society, and do not have institutionalized power over the Hales or presumably other werewolf families (though they’re certainly good at exploiting human organizations and legal systems).  The Argents are also very clearly villains, while the Lightwoods are sometimes adversarial but contrasted with more extremist villains like Valentine.
But both families represent a theme that I find fascinating: the way that growing up in an isolated culture of violence, hate and extremism can warp an individual and the ways that they might overcome it or not.
Honestly, Teen Wolf as a show was always more complex and layered than I think it’s given credit for.  It didn’t always deliver on what it was trying to say, but there were a lot of interesting ideas.
So anyway, the Argents fascinated me from day one, because there were some very interesting layers.  We had Kate, and later Gerard, who were the complete monsters.  We had Chris and Victoria as more noble demons.  And then we had Allison, who was the complete innocent in all of this.
And actually, it’s the fact that Allison WAS innocent that got my attention.  Because that says something really interesting about Chris and Victoria.  We know, at least in retrospect, that the Argent family are fanatics who raise their hunters very young.  The little that the show told us about Chris and Kate’s upbringing is pretty horrifying.  Gerard was raising weapons, not children.  We can probably assume Victoria’s upbringing was similar.
(At least going by her death: she’d clearly bought into the Argent mindset by that point, even though she’d met at least one non-malevolent werewolf at that point.)
Allison was clearly taught skills useful for the hunt: marksmanship, gymnastics, et cetera.  But they never told her about werewolves.  They never told her about what they did.  And until Kate’s death, they’d had no contact with Gerard.  In their very flawed way, I think they were genuinely trying to protect their daughter and give her something better than they knew.
A lot of this didn’t become clear until Gerard’s arrival.  Before Gerard’s arrival, it was easy to see the Argent family as a group of fallen Knight Templars.  They’re extremists, but ones with a cause that might, once upon a time, been worthwhile (at least when we look at monsters like Peter Hale) and still possessing a remnant of a code of honor.  Kate was portrayed as the outlier, based on Chris’s disgust at her deeds, and the willingness of Victoria and Chris to leave Scott alone at the end of the first season.
But then, in season 2, we meet Gerard.  And it becomes clear that Chris and Victoria, with their antiquated code of honor, are the actual outliers, at least in the modern Argent family.
This doesn’t mean that Chris and Victoria are good people at this point.  They’re not.  They still hunt.  They were still complicit in Gerard’s actions.  But there are clear lines drawn here.
I remember being really surprised when Chris pulled the gun on Scott at the beginning of season 2.  It seemed like a direct contradiction to his and Victoria’s resigned acceptance at the end of season 1.  But then it makes more sense when we see Gerard’s arrival at Kate’s funeral.  Chris and Victoria were probably never going to be happy with their daughter dating a werewolf, but if they truly hated the boy, they’d have just told Gerard what he was.  Instead, they spend most of that hilariously awkward family dinner lying through their teeth.
I think Victoria often gets the shaft when folks discuss the Argent family.  She seems to get labeled as the same kind of monster as Kate and Gerard, while Chris is recognized as a more complex character.  I don’t think that’s fair.  For the most part, Chris and Victoria are a united team, working on the same page.  They both had the same potential to turn on Gerard and become a reluctant ally to Scott and the team.  It’s just that Victoria went one way, succumbing to fear and desperation, choosing to sacrifice Scott to save Allison, and it doomed her.
Chris went the other, and he became an ally.  I hesitate to call his arc a redemption arc, at least at this point, because I'm not sure I think Chris is capable of true remorse for his past decisions.  He’s not really wired like that.  He can recognize that the Argent code was flawed, and certainly that Gerard and Kate crossed the line, but I’m not sure he could ever really acknowledge how cruelly he treated Scott or the other victims of the hunt.  
To be fair, I’ve only seen bits and pieces of the series after season 3, so it’s possible that I’m wrong about that.
So I don’t think Chris has a redemption arc, per se.  But he does actively choose to become better.  Mostly because of Allison.  Because as terrible a father as he can be sometimes (and the Argents were TERRIBLE parents), he does love her and he wants to become the person his daughter wants him to be.  And we see that best of all in that moment when Allison rewrites the code.  CHRIS may not be truly redeemable, per se, but the family can.
At least until Allison’s death.  
I stopped watching the show regularly after they killed Allison.  It’s not that I disliked the other characters.  They were great.  Kira and Scott are adorable.  Derek was slowly starting to turn into a character that didn’t annoy the shit out of me.  I love what I’ve seen of Malia and Lydia’s development.
But my investment was in the Argent storyline, and that really died with Allison.  Chris was still around, and I was glad to see that because he’s still my favorite, and he continued to be a willing and ready ally to Scott, which makes me happy. But he’s basically lost his narrative significance.  There’s no Argent clan to be redeemed anymore, just one broken soldier with a tangential involvement in Scott’s adventures, who gets an unexpected happy ending with Scott’s mother.  (which is an amazing IDEA, but as others have mentioned, there're a lot of missed opportunities with that set up.)
It’s a good, fun show, that I will sit down and finish in full one day.  But I’ll always regret the loss of my favorite element.  Oh well.  There’s always fanfic.  Assuming I can wade through the 16 billion Stiles and Sterek fics to find it.  :-D
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softranswolves · 3 years
For It May Not Be My Time
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: Teen
Ships: n/a
Characters: Derek Hale, Laura Hale, Lydia Martin, Stiles Stilinski, Deaton
Words: 1598
When Lydia shows up at his door to tell him his name unlocked the last of the list, he doesn't react. He knows Braeden is watching him, gauging how he responds. He knows Lydia will slowly come down from her premonition and switch to fix-it mode. She came alone, not wanting him to feel subjected to the pack's stares, but he knows that Stiles knows, and the kid has never been great at keeping pertinent information quiet.
He insists that he's fine each time he's asked, Braeden deciding to let him stew in whatever he's feeling while Scott and Stiles try to get more out of him. The latter goes so far as to goad Derek, trying to taunt him into talking but that isn't something they've ever done and he doesn't plan on starting now. It's easy to push back when they ask, because he's being honest. He isn't looking forward to dying, but he's resigned to it, knowing he's made his mother proud, made his family proud. He's worked to right the wrongs Peter has done, making Hale a respectable name again. Maybe he'll get to be with them soon.
"She didn't show you the whole list, did she?" Stiles asks a few days later. The whole pack has been working overtime to protect their own and figure out who is behind the deadpool in the first place. Kira returned after staying in hospital with her mom, and Scott has taken some time away from everyone to be alone with her, leaving Stiles with nobody else to pester.
"Why does it matter, Stiles? I'm marked for death, I know that already." He's exasperated but tolerant, realizing he might actually end up missing the banter they have. His gaze doesn't leave the gun he's reassembling, a task Braeden gave him for when he needs something to fill the spare time.
"Because there's a name on it that might draw your attention, sour wolf." Stiles is serious, and while this has become the norm after his possession, it's still out of place.
"So? Who was it?" He can hear the uptick in Stiles' pulse, scents anxiety in the air, but maintains his focus. If he engages, Stiles may take it as invitation for another attempt at a heart-to-heart.
There's no response for a moment, just the sound of paper unfolding, before a crumpled sheet slides into Derek's line of sight. He looks up at Stiles, who crosses his arms and simply nods toward the paper to emphasize Derek should look at it. Obliging, he scans the sheet, landing on a name two-thirds down the list.
"That's not possible," he says, eyes stuck on the letters. He doesn't pay attention to the numbers, just that string of impossibility.
"Are you sure?" Stiles asks, voice tense but gentle.
"You saw her body, you know it's not possible."
"Also shouldn't be possible for Peter to be alive, what with his quasi-possession of Lydia a few months ago, yet here we are."
Silence blossoms between them, and Derek thanks the universe for Stiles letting him sit with the information.
"Could it be outdated? Maybe the list isn't live, maybe it was made years ago," Derek suggests. He looks up to Stiles, eyes wide in hopeful shock. The only response he gets is a shrug as Stiles considers and starts to pace, running a hand through his hair in contemplation.
"I mean, it could be. We still don't know anything about it besides where the money came from. Lydia says she can feel a tangible thread to Laura, but she never met her and couldn't say for sure what it means."
Derek nods, standing to look out the window in thought.
"Have you talked to Deaton? Maybe he knows something, being human like you."
"We were kind of waiting to see what you wanted us to do," Stiles says. "She was your sister, after all, and there's no way we're bringing it to Peter without you. Y'know, her literal murderer?" He's pushing at Derek's buttons again, but this time he doesn't mind quite as much. He just nods again before turning back to Stiles.
"We can take the Camaro," Derek says, walking toward the door after grabbing a jacket and his keys."Though we should stop to pick up Lydia."
"Why Lydia?" Stiles asks as he follows after Derek.
"She can explain to Deaton what feelings she's having about Laura. He may be able to interpret them better than you or I could."
"Makes sense." Stiles is quiet after that, not saying anything for so long that Derek thinks it may be the longest he's gone without talking.
While he may have preferred this conversation to happen between the veterinarian and himself privately, he knew Lydia and Stiles would be useful at asking questions he may not consider and keep Derek from going too far off the deep end. The last time he'd been in a room with him alone was the night he kidnapped Deaton, thinking him to be the Alpha at the time. Things may have changed but he still kept his distance.
The boys drive to the Martin house, texting Lydia to join them, and continue the last few minutes to the Vet Clinic. Lydia was unsurprised when she sat down in the car, but seems uneasy around Derek, as though his impending death prediction is making her uncomfortable. He doesn't let himself dwell on it, instead focusing on clearing up his confusion.
"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Deaton asks when the trio arrives, motioning to the chairs in the back to sit in. Lydia takes a seat while Stiles continues the pacing he had started at the loft, and Derek simply hands Deaton the list of names.
"See anyone on there that shouldn't be? Any impossible names jumping out?" His voice is raised despite his efforts, and he clenches his fists to ground himself.
"I do," Deaton starts, his usual tone of knowing more than the rest of the room. "What do you think?" He directs the question at Lydia.
"I think... it's not an accident that her name is there," Lydia tries. "These lists, they don't feel arbitrary, as if everyone supernatural in Beacon Hills was added. Cora isn't on there, and as far as we know she's alive." She doesn't seem to want to meet Derek's eye, but he can understand it.
"So you think she's alive." It's a statement, not a question, but Derek' bluntness cuts through the room.
"I didn't say that," Lydia says quietly. "She doesn't feel dead, but she also doesn't feel alive either. It's not the same as when you were taken by Kate, but it's similar." She stands and puts her hand on top of Derek's, a similar motion to a few weeks ago when he'd been lying on the same table they're gathered around now, only a teenaged version of himself.
"So where does that leave us?" Stiles asks. He notes the way Derek has gone tense, and decides to push once more. "Derek, what's wrong? Isn't it a good thing if your sister is still with us?"
He's leaning over the table, arms holding his weight up at the edge, and he shakes his head, smiling to himself a little.
"I was so ready to die," he breathes out. "I'm just so... tired, and when Lydia told me my name was a key for the deadpool? I was relieved. I could stop fighting, stop pretending I know what the hell I'm doing, and be with her again."
Lydia reaches her arm up to rub circles against his back, feeling his sigh beneath her hand.
"The others, I miss them everyday. But for years it was just me and Laura against the world. I don't know what I'm supposed to do if she's alive somehow."
"You keep fighting," a voice chimes in, and it's familiar, too familiar. Derek spins around to see his older sister standing there, a sad smile on her face as she plays with the pendant hanging from her neck.
"Laura? Wha- how?" Derek is frozen in place, mouth hanging open as he stumbles over his words trying to speak properly.
"I'm sorry, Derek, I'm so sorry." She rushes forward to pull him into a hug before taking a step back, holding him at arm's length. "You've grown in just these past few months, Der. Look at you." She has tears in her eyes and laughs a little.
Derek still hasn't spoken, but Laura doesn't seem to mind.
"I haven't been back too long, I promise. I just needed to get my bearing before I came back into your life, especially considering how mine ended."
"How did you come back?" Stiles cuts in, curiosity getting the better of him. Laura turns to look at him but someone else answers first.
"Peter," Lydia says. "It happened when I brought back Peter, didn't it?" Her voice is small, shaking slightly as she recalls those traumatic months, only part of which she actually remembers.
"You're the smart one, aren't you?" Laura answers. "I still don't really know how, and Deaton hasn't been able to fully explain it either. But yes, when you resurrected him, it ended up like a package deal. Whether it was some karmic twist of fate or just Hale blood keeping us bound together, I'm back. And apparently being hunted despite only the people in this room knowing I'm alive." She scoffs at this last bit, turning her attention back to Derek.
"I'm back, baby brother. What do you say we figure this out together?"
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
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@sdeathslayer-want-requests Mmhm mmhm i certainly can! First part 4 ask!! Woohoo! 💋
I love Yukako. She’s one of the main crew, fight me!! I wish we had gotten to see her fight more like if she had helped Josuke or Koichi against one of those extra Stand users that Kira’s father made to protect Kira.
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   Honestly, the moment you had met Yukako Yamagishi, she had truly stolen your heart.
   She was beautiful, of course; that’s how anyone could describe her, though. You knew a different Yukako behind her face and her hair; she was caring, loyal, incredibly passionate, and sweet.
   To her, you were a breath of fresh air. Her feelings for Koichi had burned too bright and too quickly, and the two of them had mutually agreed that it was probably for the best to end their relationship. Though it took her some time to truly get over him and accept just being friends, Yukako found herself drawn to you more and more. Yukako never felt that possessive jealousy burning in her heart that she did with Koichi around you; she could simply enjoy the time the two of you spent together. It never mattered to Yukako that you were another girl; she was only surprised when that familiar feeling of love crept up on her. She hadn’t even noticed when you went from friend to something more to her, it had happened so naturally.
   All the while, you were unaware of this development, bathed in your melancholic pining. You had long ago accepted that Yukako felt strong romantic feelings for Koichi, and resigned yourself to keeping your friendship with the other girl. After all, didn’t they say if you loved someone, you should let them go? You were rather surprised, as surely Josuke and Okuyasu were as well, when Yukako and Koichi ended their relationship. Though you felt some hope at the thought you might have a chance again, the number one priority to you was Yukako. She always was.
   Funny then, wasn’t it, that it was Koichi who gave you the encouragement you needed to begin your relationship.
   You thought you were pretty good at hiding how you felt about Yukako from everyone else, but one way or another Koichi had figured it out. He insisted that he wanted both of you to be happy, and that you should ask Yukako on a date. So you did.
   A blush spread across your face as Yukako’s hand slipped into yours as the two of you met up on your morning walk to school. The two of you had only officially been going out for a couple weeks, and you found yourself counting your blessings every day that this was real. Yukako, your girlfriend - just the thought of calling her that was enough to fluster you more! - was beaming at you as you walked.
   “It’s a beautiful morning, don’t you think?” she mused happily.
   Hardly able to speak, you simply nodded your response enthusiastically. As usual, you caught yourself staring at her face. To your horror, Yukako started giggling, indicating she had caught you staring, too.
   Eventually, she gave a gentle, content sigh as the two of you joined a crowd of students all making their way to school. “I was thinking, maybe the two of us-”
   “Oh, Yukako! [Y/N]! Good morning!” Koichi’s voice cut off Yukako, as your friend joined in step with the two of you. Yukako looked a bit frustrated, but she could never stay angry with Koichi for long. Before you could even think to inquire what she had been about to ask you, another classmate pulled your attention away to ask about a class assignment that was due later that afternoon.
   And thus would begin your day, full of interruptions.
   Though you and Yukako were not in the same class, you spent the time in between together. It was something you had done long before the two of you began dating. Unfortunately, as Yukako made her way into your classroom, she found you being hounded by two other boys she was normally happy to see, though not today; Josuke and Okuyasu.
   “Please, [Y/N]! Can’t you spend just one day helping us study for exams? We’ll bring all the food you want!”
   “Josuke, I know you’re broke.” you answered, unamused by their pestering.
   “No, my mom blocked my bank account! That’s totally different! Okuyasu can pay though!” he countered.
   “Oi, don’t push this on me!” The latter exclaimed.
   Josuke sneered at his best friend. “You need her help even more than I do!”
   As the two of them began arguing between themselves, you noticed your girlfriend making her way over toward you, which sent your mood rising exponentially. She crossed her arms and narrowed her gaze at the two of them.
   “Please do not pester my girlfriend,” she seemed immediately cross with the boys. But as usual, the fact that she called you her girlfriend nearly had steam coming out of your ears.
   “Hey, Josuke offered to pay her in food!” Okuyasu insisted.
   At the mention of this, something terrible flashed in your mind. You dug around in your book bag, and gave a horrified gasped.
   “I forgot to pack my lunch today,” you told the three concerned individuals around you. “Guess I’m going to have to go out and buy it today. Don’t mind me.”
   Yukako’s face brightened again. “Actually, I wanted to see-”
   “No problem!” Josuke enthusiastically exclaimed, accidentally interrupting her. “We’ll wait for ya to get back before eating!”
   Okuyasu agreed. “Oh yeah, yeah! We should probably discuss our project a little more too!”
   Once again, before Yukako could finish, your next teacher entered the room to begin class. The two of you embraced briefly before she rushed out of the room before she could be counted late by her next period. Funny how she had been interrupted twice already today.
   Lunchtime rolled around, and you waved to Josuke and Okuyasu before packing up your things and double checking the time. You wondered if you’d be able to to catch a sandwich at the popular sandwich shop before they were all sold out. Maybe if you hurried. If you absolutely had to buy lunch today, you figured you might as well treat yourself.
   On your way out the door, someone caught you by your hand. You turned to find the face of your girlfriend once again. Her breathing was a bit labored, as if she had ran a bit to catch up to you.
   “Finally!” Yukako exclaimed, surprising you. “I caught you and no one else is around to interrupt me!”
   You gave a laugh. “Yeah, that has happened quite a bit today hasn’t it? Did you want to come with me to get lunch?”
   You nearly burst out laughing at her dumbfounded expression. “That’s what I’ve been trying to ask you all day! I wanted to ask if you wanted to get lunch, just the two of us today! But those two oafs just had to go and claim you!”
   “I’m sure they’ll understand if we’re both gone, don’t you think?” you couldn’t contain the wide smile that spread across your face as you squeezed her hand a bit. “Let’s go.”
   You and Yukako made your way to the cafe downtown, a favorite meet-up spot for your group. It was perfect for a casual lunch date between the two of you. You were particularly glad to finally get some time alone with Yukako as the waiter brought two cups of espresso to your table, took your order, and left the two of you. You wrestled with the thoughts that had been on your mind for a while now, before taking the plunge, just as you had when you asked Yukako out before.
   “Yukako, I...” you spoke, slowly. “You know I’ve liked you for a long time right? So I don’t want to come on too strong but... I’d really like to kiss you.”
   You watched as she stared at you for a good while with those pretty, sparkling eyes of hers, before Yukako’s cheeks flushed a sugary sweet pink.
   “You don’t really have to ask, you know...” she mumbled toward the table, though she scooted her chair a little bit closer. Despite how the day had started, it was instantly looking up as the two of you leaned in close to one another.
   “Hey! There they are! You were right, Josuke!”
   A familiar voice once again rang out, and both you and Yukako immediately jerked away from one another as though you had been caught doing something bad. It wasn’t that you were, it was just that... you didn’t really want your first kiss with Yukako to be in front of all your friends. Sure enough, all three of the boys were approaching. You deflated. As though they didn’t even realize what was going on, Josuke, Koichi, and Okuyasu all pulled up chairs to your table, beaming at the two of you.
   Sensing a chill run down your spine, you spared a glance toward your girlfriend; the air around Yukako was practically boiling, and she looked ready to explode. Shaking your head, you placed your hand back on Yukako’s, hoping it would calm her down so that she wouldn’t end up killing the three of them for interrupting your first kiss.
   You could always try again later after school.
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
The Hunter’s Princess- Chapter 3: Winchester Castle
Pairing: Dean x OFC Kira (eventual), Prince!Dean x OFC Lady Kira. Other Characters: Sam Winchester, Prince!Sam Winchester, Castiel, Rowena, Gabriel, King!John, Queen!Mary, Lucifer and assorted minor characters.
Chapter 3 Word Count: 3145+
Warnings: Dean nightmare, Prince!Dean jealous, fluff with Castiel. Each chapter will have individual warnings as needed.
A/N: This is from some material that’s been rattling around in my head from another project that changed direction. Couldn’t let all this content go to waste, though, so here it is. It’s a work-in-progress, and I will try and update as regularly as I can. If you want to be tagged in this series, send me a message!
Thank you and happy reading!
Two days later, the carriage reached the gates of Winchester Castle. Once inside its walls, Kira was in awe of how much larger it was than her own humble dwelling. As they passed the stable area, Kira saw a short, white-haired man brushing down one of the horses. "Pardon me, sir?" she called.
The man wandered over as the carriage rolled to a brief stop. As soon as he saw who was in the carriage, he removed his cap and gave the ladies a deep bow. "My name is Collins, Lady Kira. I am in charge of the stables. How may I serve you?"
"It's very nice to meet you, Collins," she smiled. "You may help me, kind sir, by letting my driver know where he can park our rig. I need to report for the Princes' Challenge, and I'm sure, be shown to our quarters," she finished.
"It would be an honor, Lady Kira," Collins grinned and winked at her as he proceeded to give the driver the directions he needed.
"Thank you very much, Collins. I hope to see you again, as I love horses. I don't get to ride as often as I'd like, but maybe while I'm here, I'll get an opportunity," Kira remarked.
"Our stables are at your command, Lady Kira. Whenever you fancy a ride, please come down to the stables and ask for me. I would be honored to assist you," Collins replied, with a twinkle in his eye.
Kira laughed and bid him farewell, as the carriage continued to its destination. She and Rowena were shown to their rooms, where they were each assigned a lady's maid. Rowena's was named Katherine and Kira's was named Sarah. When she introduced herself, Kira felt a little dizzy as a feeling of déjà-vu played in her mind. Sarah looked concerned, but Kira assured her she was fine, just needed a drink of water. Sarah quickly poured a glass from the pitcher on the dresser and handed it to Kira, who smiled gratefully, and promptly drained the contents.
"Thank you so much, Sarah. I appreciate it. I think I'll do some unpacking now," Kira said as she moved to open the trunk.
Sarah intercepted her before Kira could put one finger on the trunk. "I will do that for you, Miss. Please, relax. You're competing in the Princes' Challenge, so you'll need to save your strength," she reminded Kira. "Dinner will be at 7 o'clock for any of the competitors who have arrived. May I suggest you wear this?" Sarah held up a pastel green silk empire-waisted gown with cap sleeves. The skirt was dotted with pale pink mini-rosettes embroidered throughout.
Kira marveled at the selection, but did not recall packing such a dress. Rowena. Kira shook her head in amusement as her fingers brushed the locket around her neck. "That will do very nicely, thank you Sarah," Kira responded. "I would like to freshen up a bit from our long carriage ride. Can you please arrange a bath for me in a couple of hours? I'd like to tour the grounds for now, if that's all right," she added.
"Yes, Miss," she said as she curtsied lightly. Kira gently put her hand on Sarah's arm. "When we're in here, just us or with Lady Rowena? You don't need to curtsy. I may be 'Lady Kira', but I'm a little less....formal than most royals, if that makes any sense," she chuckled lightly. This seemed to put Sarah a bit more at ease. "Thank you, Miss. I'll try to remember," she said as she smiled warmly.
Kira decided to check in with Rowena and find out if there were any other surprises in her wardrobe. As she turned around from closing the door, Kira nearly slammed into a raven-haired woman, a little taller than her, dressed in a red satin gown. "Pardon me, I didn't see you there," Kira apologized.
"Then you should watch where you're going," she seethed. "If you don't want to end up on the floor, that is," she smirked.
"Now, Serena, you need to control your temper a bit. It's not her fault she's so clumsy," a man's voice calmly broke in. Kira looked and saw a man with ice blue eyes and sandy blond hair. Lucifer. Her mouth ran dry and she excused herself before he could see the look of absolute terror on her face. Kira hastily knocked on Rowena's door and as soon as it opened, she rushed in, her entire body shaking.
"Och, Kira dear, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Rowena exclaimed. One look at Kira's face told Rowena that she was not far off the mark. "Katherine dear, would you please excuse us?" Katherine nodded and exited the room. "What's wrong, darlin'?" Rowena asked.
"I was coming out of my room, and bumped into someone. I apologized, but she was rather rude about the whole thing. Told me to 'watch where I was going if I didn't want to end up on the floor'. Then a man came up behind her and it was Lucifer," Kira explained.
Rowena's eyes got wide, then she seemed to collect herself again. "I was hoping we could avoid him, but it seems not. Listen to me: you must keep that locket of yours in your possession at all times. No exceptions," she ordered.
"Why? It's just a locket from my mother's jewelry box that she never got around to giving me. What could Lucifer possibly want it for?" Kira asked.
"Darlin', that locket is a very powerful charmed object. It's what brought you here. Your dear mother didn't get a chance to tell you anything about the locket and all of its power. You know as well as I do that if Lucifer got his hands on it, his power would know no limits. He could do the same as you, move freely about the multiverse."
Rowena continued. "Just think of all the trouble he'd cause in those other dimensions, which might even affect our home dimension at some point. Let's face it: we all know that Lucifer is not exactly the poster boy for 'self-control'. It is imperative that you keep hold of that locket, Kira," she finished.
Kira thought back to how the locket glowed in her hands just before she ended up here. Lucifer is a powerful enough archangel as it is. If he were to get hold of the locket....there'd be no stopping him, Kira thought. To her, that was unacceptable. Not to mention, it's her only ticket home after accomplishing whatever it is she's supposed to do here. In that moment, Kira vowed to Rowena that she would protect the locket with everything she had.
Dean went to his room in the bunker to try and get some sleep, at least his usual four hours. However, all he could think of was Kira and how far away from him she is right now. He'd give nearly anything to see her beautiful smile or lose himself in the depths of her soft, hazel eyes. He missed hearing her sing in the kitchen while she was making dinner. The bunker was way too quiet with just him and Sam in it.
If Dean really stopped to think about it, he'd been in love with Kira for quite a long time. Probably started after she started showing him up on the firing range. Dean was never truly upset about Kira being the better shot, but how else was he supposed to get pie? Besides, when she shot the targets better than he did, it always made her smile. And damn, did he love to see her smile.
Where are you, Kira my love? Dean silently wondered. Suddenly, her face appeared before him, but it was like she was looking through him to what was behind him. The look of terror on her face made his blood run cold and was enough to make him turn around to see what it was. Lucifer. Dammit, he was with Kira wherever she was. Oh, Kira darlin', hang on.
Dean was jolted awake and scrambled to sitting upright in bed, taking in huge gulps of air. A sheen of perspiration was on his brow and his T-shirt was soaked.
"What?? What is it?? Dean?!?" Sam shouted as he burst through the door. He heard Dean cry out in terror, which brought him to the door. Sam took in his brother's disheveled appearance and knew he'd had a nightmare of some kind, one involving Kira.
"I saw her. Wherever Kira is, I saw her, Sammy. And she's not alone. I also saw Lucifer," Dean rasped.
"No....." Sam whispered. "Okay, while you change into a dry shirt, I'm gonna call Cas. See if he's come up with anything new, or if Gabriel's been in touch with Cas instead of us," Sam muttered.
After her encounter with Lucifer, Kira was still a little shaken up. There was no way she was going to catch a nap before dinner, so she decided to tour the grounds a bit. She started in the gardens, which were breathtaking, to say the least. There were so many beautiful flowers that it would take a lifetime to sample each of their fragrances.
Kira lingered most over the lilac bushes, as they were her favorite scent for the brief time that they are in bloom. Kira sat down on a stone bench near the lilac bushes. She closed her eyes and just listened to all of the sounds of nature happening around her.
"Did you know that a honey bee visits 50 to 100 flowers during a collection trip?" a gruff voice behind her said. Kira shrieked in surprise and nearly fell off the bench.
"Wh-what did you say?" she turned to see a man with dark hair and vibrant blue eyes. Where have I seen him before? Kira asked herself as she regained her composure.
"I am sorry to have frightened you, Miss--" he started.
"Lady Kira. And you are?" she responded.
He immediately knelt before her, bowed his head and drew his right arm across his chest. "Forgive me, my lady, I did not realize who you were when I disturbed you. My name is Castiel, head of security and friend to Princes Dean and Samuel. With your permission, I will take my leave of you," he said, rising to his feet.
Kira placed her hand on Castiel's arm to stop his retreat. "Please, Castiel. There's no need to leave. I was on a self-guided tour of the grounds. Besides, I enjoy learning something new every day. For instance, did you know that a honey bee can fly for up to six miles and as fast as 15 miles per hour?" Kira asked, a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth.
Castiel's face broke out into a huge grin and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle. "No, Lady Kira, I was not aware of that. Perhaps I could accompany you? I could act as your tour guide," he suggested, holding out his hand.
"That would be lovely, thank you," Kira smiled, took his hand and rose from the bench. He guided her hand around his arm and tucked it close to his side. "Shall we tour the marketplace next?" he asked.
"Excellent suggestion, Castiel. Please lead the way," Kira replied.
The pair wandered through the marketplace to see what treasures they could find. As far as they could see, there were all types of merchants within the castle walls. Some sold food and drink, some had bolts of vibrantly colored fabrics for sale, still others offered books and jewelry. Kira didn't have a lot of spending money with her, but enough to have some fun and maybe pick up a few trinkets for her house and pub staffs.
As they passed a man selling apples from his cart, Kira's stomach rumbled rather loudly. Castiel looked down at her midsection then back to her face and chuckled. "Well, that was interesting," he grinned.
"And most un-ladylike, I'm so sorry," she grimaced. "How much for the apple?" she asked the man. He quoted the price, and Kira dug out enough coins for two. "Pick one, Castiel," she said.
He chose his apple and Kira chose one. She smiled and gave her thanks to the vendor, who bowed as they left his cart. She turned to Castiel and said, "Okay, on three, we both take a bite of our apple," Kira commanded. "One....two....three!" she counted as they sank their teeth into the fruit.
It was the most amazing apple Kira had ever tasted, tart at first, then giving way to a sweet finish. She groaned in appreciation and looked over to Castiel, who was having a similar reaction. He nodded and smiled at Kira as he enjoyed his apple and they continued their marketplace tour.
Dean and Samuel had just returned from a ride out into the country, enjoying the gorgeous weather. They guided their mounts through the marketplace on their way to the stables. All of a sudden, Dean stopped and Samuel pulled up to a stop beside him. "Look, Samuel. There she is, there's Lady Kira. And she's with Castiel?" he wondered.
The princes watched as Castiel and Lady Kira stopped at a milliner's cart. They took turns trying on different hats, each one more outrageous than the next. When Castiel put on a hat obviously made for a woman, Lady Kira burst into giggles at first, then full-on laughter. At that moment, Dean decided that if he could only hear one sound in the world for the rest of his life, it would be Kira's laughter.
Both princes observed the scene playing out in front of them. Kira seemed so at ease here, not so guarded as she seemed in the pub when the princes had first met her. That night, they heard she'd had to throw out a drunk patron. The man tried to take a few too many liberties with her and one of her staff. She'd also had to deal with two last-minute customers, but both men had to admit, she'd handled both situations with grace.
Samuel looked over at Dean, who had been so relaxed during their ride, now seemed to be genuinely annoyed. Is he....he's jealous! My brother is jealous of his best friend, who at this moment appears as if he's making a move on Lady Kira! Prince Samuel smiled to himself.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dean dismount and quickly walk over to the milliner's cart. Sam caught the attention of one of the stable hands, Logan, and motioned for him to take the horses to the stables. He dismounted as well and handed the reins for the two horses over to Logan.
"Prince Dean! Prince Samuel!" exclaimed Castiel as his face beamed. "How was your ride today?" he asked.
"Good afternoon, Your Highnesses," Lady Kira greeted as she dipped her head and curtsied.
"Good afternoon, Lady Kira, Castiel," Dean said tightly. "How lovely to see you again. What brings you to our doorstep?" he asked.
"I am here to compete in the Princes' Challenge, Your Highness. I only arrived this afternoon, and have already been shown to a room. I was on a self-guided tour of the grounds, starting in the gardens. That's where Castiel found me and has since been graciously acting as my tour guide here in the marketplace," she explained.
With rapt attention, Castiel and Samuel watched the exchange between Dean and Lady Kira. Sam recalled what he and Dean had found out about her from Collins. After what he saw with Kira and Castiel in the marketplace, he was beginning to see why Dean was so captivated by the woman. Sam found himself wanting to know more about her.
"So, you've only seen the gardens and the marketplace so far?" Dean asked, to which she nodded. "I would be happy to step into the role of tour guide now, if you wish. It would be my honor," he finished.
"I deeply appreciate your kind offer, Your Highness. However, it was a long trip to get here, and I am feeling a bit tired at the moment. I had hoped to get some rest before joining everyone for dinner. Perhaps you and I could continue the tour another time, if I may request?" she asked.
Dean paused for a moment and his face broke into a genuine smile, one his brother hadn't seen grace his features in quite some time. "It would be my pleasure, Lady Kira," he said softly. "May I have the honor of escorting you back to the main hall of the castle?" Dean asked.
"The honor would be mine, Your Highness," she said as she curtsied. Dean offered her his arm, and when she gave him her hand, he kissed her knuckles before tucking it close to his side. A pink blush crossed her features, which made her all the more lovely, if that was even possible. As they made their way to the main hall, Castiel and Sam followed behind. This Princes' Challenge is certainly going to be interesting, Sam thought.
Where am I? Oh dear, this is definitely NOT the pub, this is someone's bedroom, the woman thought as she surveyed her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was that she was just about to pour a beer for someone, then she woke up here. Wherever "here" is, she thought.
She sat up in the bed, which turned out to be kind of a bad idea, as a wave of dizziness crashed over her. She groaned at the dull ache in her head and waited for the woozy feeling to pass. After it had, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and gingerly tested her ability to stand. Once she was satisfied that she wasn't going to fall over, she took a few tentative steps towards the door.
On the other side of the door, she heard male voices, three distinct ones, in fact. One sounded heartbroken, like he'd recently lost the love of his life. She felt a pang of sympathy for the man.
Another man was trying to comfort the first one, to assure him that whatever was going on, they could fix it. The third man had an authority to his voice, confident that a solution would be found to the first man's problem.
As she cracked the door open, all three voices simultaneously stopped and three heads swiveled in her direction. She quickly closed the door and ran back to sit on the bed, her knees drawn tightly up to her chest. The first man carefully opened the door to see who or what was on the other side. His eyes widened as he regarded the woman before him. "Kira?" he whispered.
Part 4 here!
Tags: @janicho88 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @swiftlymoniquesblog @lyarr24 @miss-nerd95 @distefano123 @hobby27 @deanwanddamons @jessica-noel94 @wayward-mikaelson @jawritter @gabrielslittleangel @jensengirl83 @deangirl93 @ellewritesfix05 @supernatural-jackles
The Hunter’s Princess Series tags: @flamencodiva
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asterekmess · 4 years
1-4 What the fuck is a true alpha? A recurring joke? A convenient plot armor? A desperate attempt to make an irrelevant character look ‘relevant’ despite canon showing otherwise? Scott/Posey Stans think that Scott McCall has a right to command and dictate everyone’s life because he is a tWuE aLpAhA; Scott has a right to play judge, jury & executioner with his “inferior” friends, and he has a right to determine what is wrong or right based on his own benefit and bigoted black and white mentality.
2-4 If you think that this sounds an awful lot like the Divine Right of Kings, you are absolutely right. An unearned (and undeserved) mystical superiority or blessing, a fabricated sense of purity, goes a long way in ameliorating Scott McCall’s Failures and Fuck-ups. And like kings who rule by Divine Right, he can do as he likes. Which is why Scott can patronize and lie to Allison and Kira to control them, assault Isaac and Jackson due to his own pathological jealousy and possessiveness,
3-4 use Hayden (Liam’s girlfriend) as bait against the Dread Doctors without her consent to play the hero, dehumanize Stiles and accuse Stiles of being a violent, dangerous, inhuman monster and serial killer for daring to accidentally kill his abuser in self-defense, sell Derek and his Pack to the hunters, refuse to tell his girlfriend Allison the truth about her mother’s death to look ‘good’ in her eyes,
4-4 plot/conspire with Gerard Argent and Deaton behind everyone’s back to violate Derek Hale’s boundaries, bodily autonomy and consent for his own benefit, claim that the Argents had a reason to slaughter the Hales (including HUMANS and CHILDREN) in front of Derek Hale and of his comatose uncle – and then Scott/Posey Stans will consider everyone kicking Scott’s whiny, toxic excuse of an ass to the curb and not giving an utter crap when Scott died in Season 5 as an act equivalent of treason
I put all your asks together so I didn’t get confused (which is v likely to happen) and I thank you for numbering them for me. <3
The concept of a true alpha...sigh. Look, I see the intention, okay? I see the goal, the idea that you don’t have to kill someone to become an Alpha. That there can be “Good” Alphas who haven’t killed anyone. But I also think it’s lazy writing. This is one the few instances where TW hadn’t actually shot themselves in the foot yet. They gave us so little information on werewolves that they never actually said that the only way to become an Alpha was by killing another Alpha. They could very easily have said “Also, you can become an Alpha this other way” (Be it by passing the Alpha spark down to children willingly, or being beaten in a special kind of combat, or through a ritual of some kind)
But they didn’t just want another way to be the Alpha. They wanted a way that didn’t take any effort. It would be too hard to introduce another Alpha that would give up their spark to Scott, or to have him put in the effort to do a ritual. They needed a way to make Scott an Alpha without any additional effort. Part of me honestly wonders if they did it because they knew they’d lost a lot of Scott fans by the end of Season 2, what with all of his betrayals and lies and what he did to Derek. They needed a way to reaffirm that Scott was the good guy, so they made up the True Alpha thing and said “Look! He’s so pure and goodhearted and he has so much good will, that he can’t even help but become an Alpha”
They demonized werewolves by reducing them to murderers who had to kill for power (In Derek’s case it was survival, and i’ll fight for him.) and then held Scott up as a saint because he managed it without killing.
Except that he had killed. Or at least tried to kill. How could he be this pure person they claimed if he spent weeks poisoning a cancer patient, lying to everyone around him, and he took Pleasure in it. He was Proud of himself for his lies and his tricks and for getting back at Derek by hurting him. That’s the kind of behavior we expect from Stiles, who is established as a morally gray character. You cannot have Scott do something like that and then make the claim that he is morally pure.
Once Scott finds out from Morrell that killing someone will take away his True Alpha status, he goes out of his way to avoid killing people even when it puts others at risk. This ISN’T an Avatar moment, okay? He doesn’t summon the power of his ancestors and render the villains completely incapable of harm. He just fucking lets them go! Deucalion gets his fucking eyesight back for fuck’s sake. He was MORE dangerous than before and they let him go! (I know Derek was part of that, but I’m pretty sure Derek was possessed by a pod person by that point)
He never said he’d behave. No one checked on him or watched to make sure he didn’t hurt anyone. They just let him leave. He could’ve just rebuilt a new Alpha pack. Could’ve killed dozens more people.
Jennifer would have too, had Peter not killed her.
Even better, he brings Ethan and Aiden into his pack. They walked right up to him and told him “Everyone is hunting for us because we killed a ton of people” and he just took them in? Gave them protection from the families of the people they’d slaughtered? All because they followed him around for a bit and said “We’ll only kill for you from now on.”
And this is why I get so frustrated about the blue eyes. The concept of ‘taking an innocent life’ is so fucking vague? Scott is indirectly responsible for countless deaths throughout the show. Whether by inaction or because the people doing the killing were acting on his orders, or whatever the fuck else I can’t think of at the moment. It doesn’t matter if he hasn’t intended to kill anyone. He should not still have his True Alpha status. Period. But he does, so apparently Scott can kill as many people as he wants, actually, so long as he doesn’t do it with his own claws and teeth. Or maybe he just can’t kill a human who hasn’t killed anyone else? Who the fuck knows.
I’ll say it again. If The Alpha spark can be used to heal someone, why didn’t Scott use it to save Allison? She wasn’t cursed. She was stabbed. He could’ve done the same thing Derek did. Peter even said that it can be done on accident. All it requires is that he do the pain drain and not stop when it starts to hurt.
To be quite honest, I don’t blame Scott’s True Alpha eyes for his entitlement and his belief that he can do no wrong. He held that same notion way before his eyes ever turned red. The eyes are to blame for no one else calling him out for his actions. You’re told by the only fucking person who seems to know what’s going on in the supernatural world that this kid’s eyes turned red all on their own because he is meant to be an Alpha. That it’s because he is good and pure and it’s a sign of his worthiness. He literally was just gifted extra power, apparently because he’s the only one worthy of it. How the fuck are you supposed to deal with that? Are you supposed to be the one person who tells fucking Werewolf Jesus (technically Derek is Actual werewolf jesus what with the evolution thing, but before that Scott’s as close as it gets cus’ Peter’s just a zombie.) that he doesn’t know best? That he’s doing something wrong? If the Powers that Be made Scott an Alpha, what will they do to the one who tells him he fucked up? Everyone is just supposed to trust that Scott must be in the right. That his reasons are good enough. That he knows what’s best. Because if he doesn’t, then why the sudden Alpha eyes? Peter questions Scott often and happily, mostly because he doesn’t care if he gets struck by lightning or something. It’ll always be worth it to get that last quip in. Eventually Stiles starts to argue too, because he’s reached the point where he doesn’t care if he dies so long as everyone else important to him stops getting hurt. That’s when Scott starts cutting him out. When he stops believing Scott knows best.
And honestly, it’s like the first post I made that sparked this whole ranting binge. Scott cheats. He cheats and he uses his abilities to his advantage without ever thinking of what it does to other people. Except this time he’s not cheating at lacrosse. He’s not taking credit for bowling six strikes in a row. For some reason his eyes turned red, and everyone else is taking it as a sign that he must know better and he should be in charge, and he never disagrees.
Sure, he complains. “Why me? Why does it have to be my responsibility?”
Guess what buddy? It fucking doesn’t. If you stopped fucking ordering people around and admitted you don’t know what you’re doing to someone besides your MOM and you want someone else to take the lead? THEY WOULD. But because he will not admit any kind of weakness or that he isn’t sure what to do, he puts the weight on himself. He blames everyone else for the lead weights he tied around his waist. He doesn’t want to have to do the work, but he hates the idea of someone else being in charge. Of not being important. We’re told right off the bat that Scott wants to be important. He wants to be on first line not because he loves the game, but because he wants to be popular. He wants Allison to go out with him. This is just another way he wants to be important, and he won’t ever let go of it. He gives orders and makes calls on who gets to know what and who is worthy and won’t take responsibility for the failures, but happily takes credit for the successes. When he fucks up by not talking to people or by lying to them or making a bad call, he doesn’t admit it. He doesn’t tell anyone. He lets them think that he’s blameless so that when he actually says shit like “I lost them” someone will say “They’ll come back because you’re their leader” No. He’s not. He lost them because he pushed them away. It was his fault.
Whatever. I’m salty. *pouts* Anyway. True Alpha is dumb, and I’ve read a couple theories about how Deaton made it up, and tbh, I’d follow that logic. If you’re curious, I think I tagged it ‘true alpha’ or ‘deaton’ on my blog.
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chainsawcorazon · 4 years
im not sayin julius is a dumbass, but with him thinking charmy was yami’s daughter when in reality she’s just the clover kingdom version of a little person and a straight hustler just speaks VOLUMES of how detached julius has been from his own magic knight brigade, and ultimately, ineffective as a political leader. i know issa joke cuz charmy’s literally two feet tall, but even then, you’d think the WIZARD KING was paying attention to his own roster.
like, if julius put in even HALF a braincell into keeping a close eye on his soldiers, he probably could have figured out on his own that billiam was possessed, but instead, he just let everyone run buckwild to the point where yami was recruiting excons and not offering therapy as a workplace benefit when almost all of his subordinates are mentally ill, purple orcas were STILL acting up, and billiam was literally harboring a terrorist, like i GET julius is incredibly powerful.......... but at the end of the day, he’s also incredibly apathetic to the machinations of his own kingdom and THAT’S why he needs to excuse himself soon, or simply perish and marry zara in the afterlife.
i understand that he KNOWS he’s not really the best king, since he never had any intention of leading people to begin with. the one that wanted change in the world was zara, but he died before he could see his dream come through, and julius only took the bare minimum of that dream and put it into action.
the reason i like to call out that JACK is the one who’s really carrying out zara’s will, is because jack knows that if HE doesnt hire all the common kids with low magic potential and give them a reason to do better for their world, then NO ONE is gonna stand up for the commoner. now, is he actively ignoring people like asta who’re probably the clover version of a mutant? yes, but jack doesnt run his squad to cater to hurt feelings, and i tend to believe his view of asta was similar to father orsi’s, ie asta having no magic was viewed more as him having a disability than a mutation and thus exempt from joining the military brigade. from characters like en ringard and sekke, you understand that jack knows that their world is virulently hateful towards people of lower classes, and YES he sold out when he joined the clover version of a corrupt military, but en ringard’s character makes it clear that this military is one of the few ways people in jack’s and en’s class can thrive in their world..... and when you got bellies to fill, you not gonna give a FUCK who you gotta kill. in a way, as idealistic as zara was, jack parallels that idealism with the staunch realism of being dirt poor.
it’s also why more and more, im inclined to believe that julius WILL die in the end, not bc he’s gonna get one-upped by a ghost elf, but bc he KNOWS that the kingdom will never grow if he and people in his level of power (damnatio, king kira, the noble houses) continue to maintain that control. as MUCH as everyone wanted to wordsmith the goddamn WORDSMITH DEMON to say that humans werent the ones at fault for the elven genocide....... it’s pure and utter bullshit bc zagred could do what he did BECAUSE the nobles of clover were that selfish. lumiere and secre just happened to be the only outlier nobles who WEREN’T dirty, but two people cant change the world, and the elven genocide DID happen, and to this day, the nobles who helped carry out the genocide ARE STILL IN POWER. issa moot point that uwu asta and yuno are now peasant bois in the clover military cuz HELLO, the ones running that damn military are descendants of people who financed and carried out a genocide.
i’d go as far as to say that the elven genocide probably WASN’T the first time a species was wiped out or exiled to make room for humans to exercise their power. bringing it back to charmy, i think about how she was arguably one of the most powerful characters BEFORE her wolf and her heritage was revealed, but the second the wolf showed up, it’s like HIS rage poured into charmy like he was waiting for her to wake the fuck up and smell the music, and it’s not unlike the generational trauma that follows descendants of oppressed minorities, cuz when you snap, you SNAP! what’s worst is that charmy doesnt even really know WHO she is, bc somewhere along the way, she wasnt taught about half her heritage, and i can only believe it’s either bc her parents were trying to protect her, or bc they’re simply dead and that there was no one to teach her about the wolf living in her soul.
which brings me the purpose of this crackheaded rollercoaster... i believe tabata is setting up an interspecies continent-wide war! one of the things i also tend to believe is that not ALL the elves were killed in the genocide, and the few that survived either a) ran to different continents to regroup with different elves of different cultures, or b) integrated with humans and hid their heritage with magic makeup, or c) a lil bit of both! we’re probably another hundred or so chapters from meeting the dwarves, but i suspect we’ll meet them, along with the earth elemental spirit, and of course the rest of the demons. in addition, i also dont think the dark triad are the final villains of the black clover saga. if anything, i believe they’re the gateway to exposing the real villains, which are the clover royalty, and i would NOT be surprised if the story drives all of our main characters to band together against the very institution they’ve been protecting thus far. i see a commoner uprising, a peasant uprising, a fucking dwarven and or elven invasion, i see yami’s people rolling up with their ki-based martial arts and dimensional magic as secondary invaders, and anti magic demon straight SAUNTERING into the chat with booty shorts, a croptop, and a cigarette while proclaiming he’s asta’s wife.
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evermoire · 4 years
as if you were a mythical thing | pack
with christmas just behind them and the new year steadily approaching, a blissful quiet settled over the pack, which—- really should have been derek’s first clue that things would go wrong sooner than later.
though not everyone was here today, the house — their house, this time, because they had to let hershel and natalie enjoy their farm in peace at some point — was alight with noise from every corner, a good half of which came from dean playing the record stiles had given him for christmas. everyone seemed to make it a point to make the most of the presents from their secret santas, wearing their jewelry and clothes, carrying their blankets and teddy bears everywhere. cora sat on the couch with boyd, reading one of the books that sam had given her aloud, breaking stride every now and again to explain why something excited her so much. she smiled more nowadays, derek noted with a glance in her direction, and usually around boyd, but he had a feeling she’d scowl at him if he pointed that out. scott had shown up earlier telling them about the progress of his wolf — he’d named her mika, for obvious reasons — and clutching his stuffed toy like it was his most prized possession. 
they smelled of scented candles and perfumes and joy, this eagerness to just exist with one another, and it was a feeling derek thought he could get lost in.
when the raeken clan came over — with hayden, jacqui, ezekiel and rory in tow — aoife, swaddled in the blanket from castiel, had grabbed her hand and dragged her upstairs, along with a few of the other girls. derek could still hear their laughter from downstairs, even as he and a few others discussed the one matter from christmas that still needed a bit of work: adopting erica and lucy.
“having stiles’s dad find the reyeses isn’t a bad idea,” camden said, the words obviously preceding a ‘but.’
derek nodded, catching the hint before he had to speak. “but what we find could hurt erica more than it helps her.”
“do you think you should go ahead with lucy’s adoption first?” t-dog asked curiously, though his voice didn’t imply an opinion one way or the other. “since you don’t know how long it’ll take to find erica’s parents.”
“i think you should,” erica said, drumming her fingers along the marble countertop. “i’m not in danger if i go back to my house.” she ended the sentence there, but the implications were enough. “i’ve been independent since i was twelve. lucy still has to go through her mom for important things, and you can’t rely on that. for me, it’s more important that you get custody of lucy now and worry about me later.”
derek rolled her words around in his mind, trying to determine the right thing to do here. he did want to move forward with lucy’s adoption sooner than later, but he didn’t like the idea of leaving erica behind just because her parents had — once again — failed to show up when she needed them most. he opened his mouth to ask if she was sure, then—-
the air grew displaced, as if it was pulled taut around all of them, trapping them in one stiff moment — magic — before there was shuffle of voices, a gasp, and a piercing scream. “HELP!”
if asked, derek couldn’t tell you when or how he got from the kitchen, up the stairs so fast. one second, there was a pen spinning between his fingers and in the next, he was bounding up the stairs in long, quick strides, heading towards evie’s room. before he and the others could make it, lydia came rushing out of the room, her cheeks red and her eyes wet. “no, no, no!” she grabbed derek and lori’s arms, stopping them from going into the room. “you can’t go in there.” she shook her head and a few tears fell. “you can’t.”
every bone in derek’s body wanted to protest, but t-dog slipped past, stepping into the room first. the first thing he saw was the gaggle of women on one side of the room. maggie stood closest to him, her eyes wide and her arms wrapped protectively around enid as she stared at whatever was on the other side of the room. evie buried her face in allison’s neck, her body shaking. kali stood firm in front of beth, a shield between her and whatever was scaring everyone. then there was hayden, eyes gleaming yellow and expression blank as she stood in front of bailey.
a little ahead of all of them was kira, who seemed fine, just—- still.
and then, clear on the other side of the room, sitting in a wicker chair, was meghan. and meghan—- meghan was on fire.
“meghan!” tara all but threw herself towards her sister, stopped only by t-dog’s arms wrapping around her to keep her from getting hurt.
the smell of burning flesh reached t-dog’s nose and his eyes snapped to bailey. “bee—-”
“she can’t see it,” hayden promised, voice blank. “i have a glamour up. but...”
cole slipped past t-dog, shakily kneeling down in front of meghan. she swallowed thickly and held out a hand. t-dog’s eyes widened. “cole, don’t!”
her hand passed through the fire, once, then again. after a second, she rested her hand on top of meghan’s. beats of silence passed, before she let out a breath. “it’s not a fire. it’s...” cole shook her head, amazed. “it’s magic. when it—- that tension we all felt a second ago, that was her magic trying to explode as a result of being let out, but meghan pulled it back in. she’s protecting us. the flames are just her magic taking a familiar form. it can’t hurt us; it’s not hurting her. meghan will be okay,” she reassured them. t-dog hesitantly let tara go, and the teen rushed forward, falling to her knees in front of her baby sister. cole stood up. “meghan’s just getting her magic under control. she’ll need a few minutes, but she’s still conscious. but someone needs to get that necklace from kira.”
burning flesh. his eyes snapped to kira, who still stood still, and he finally recognized that the scent was coming from her. his eyes fell to her hand, clutching a fine object, but—- burning, burning, burning. it was a gruesome scene, one that he’d never witnessed before. he swallowed his nausea and stepped closer to her. “kira, you have to give me the necklace. it’s hurting you.”
she flinched away from him, drawing the necklace to her chest. her face was twisted up, but it was with worry, rather than pain. it didn’t look as though she felt the pain at all. “it would hurt you. it was hurting meghan. that’s why i asked her if i could take her necklace off. i knew it was hurting her, i could sense it. just like lilly’s is hurting her.”
maggie’s eyes worriedly sought out lilly. “lil?”
“it has to be someone human,” kira said. “it’s... it’ll hurt the rest of you. i’m fine,” she said before t-dog could ask for the necklace. “my fox is, um, taking most of the burn. someone has to help lilly first.”
kali — expression blanketed by nothingness, a state that t-dog hadn’t seen in her yet — glanced towards cole. “will the same thing happen to lilly?”
the blonde woman hesitated, shrugging unsurely. “it could? meghan has impeccable control over her magic, so it didn’t hurt anyone. lilly could be the same way, with her magic taking its own form. or her magic could explode. it’s...” her eyes drifted over towards evie sadly, still hiding herself in allison’s safety. “it’s not horribly different from what the laveaus did. except the jewelry didn’t kill meghan and lilly’s magic, it just put a lid on it. so the pressure has built up, and if you take that lid off...”
jo clenched her jaw, a few unsavory words building on her tongue, but she held them back. she placed a hand on lilly’s back. she didn’t imagine lilly knew about what the necklace was doing; she wasn’t cruel enough to ever do something like that, not to anyone, least of all meghan. and jo had questions, but she could save them for later. “are you okay with taking it off, lilly?”
“kira, can you—-” noah stopped, biting his lip. “can someone hold up one of the necklaces? i know i can’t touch it, but i want to inspect it. i might be able to find who did this.”
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“The next day Scott apologizes to Allison, who’s a little bit upset. But hey, Scott’s a werewolf, so I mean, what are you gonna do, say no?”
Of all the things that confused me for a long time, among the most confusing was Scott/Posey Stans’ simultaneously held beliefs that Scott McCall would be the bestest werewolf ever and yet somehow remain a toxic human disaster worthy of pity. All the things that make Scott McCall that disaster – his insecurities, his lack of empathy, his bigotry, his hypocrisy, his abusive tendencies and behavior, his possessive instincts – also make him an absolute horror as a werewolf.
How many times did Scott lash out in anger at people he professed to care about just because they didn’t do what he wanted them to do? How many times did Scott lie and conceal important information from others for his own benefit? How many times did Scott’s mother, girlfriends and friends complain about not being able to help if they don’t know? How many times did Scott charge headlong into situations with no plan whatsoever solely focused on fulfilling his own emotional needs? If it wasn’t for Stiles and Derek, Scott would have been killed off by the hunters and by Peter Hale after exposing his own kind during one of his jealous fits/dick measuring contests with Jackson in Season 1. If it wasn’t for Stiles and Derek, Scott would have hurt Allison and killed Jackson out of jealousy.
Scott knew that becoming a werewolf gave him the power to protect the people he cares about (which includes managing their image of him) and the power to force said protection on them. Teen Wolf S5A and B proved that Scott McCall will lie and manipulate and cheat and gaslight and commit premeditated murder to keep things under his control until he can’t any more; then he’ll explode, whine, throw another one of his self important temper tantrums, and attempt to blame others for his own failures. Why do you think Scott McCall’s body count is higher then the villains’?
Remember how Scott reacted when he found out that Isaac liked Allison? Isaac was a goner the moment he interacted with “HIS” woman. Scott never ever had the slightest hesitation (or any regret) about physically punishing him. Dead man walking. In fact, the only reason Scott stopped abusing Isaac in front of Melissa was because he started preying on the new girl on campus and, quoting Tyler Posey’s own words, “Kira is a good distraction for Scott.”
Perhaps that’s what Scott stans mean when they wax lyrical over how much of an incredible wolf and ‘true alpha’ Scott makes in self-insert Scott McCall Supremacist fan fiction after self insert Scott McCall Supremacist fan fiction: they admire how many innocent people Scott murders and how many abuse victims Scott maims, abuses and violates while working out his delusions of grandeur, pathological jealousy and emotional issues.
Scott McCall had that 10-episode span where he plotted/conspired with Deaton and Gerard Argent against Derek Hale and his Pack behind everyone’s back; which culminated in self proclaimed hero and ruler of Beacon Hills Scott violating Derek’s boundaries, bodily autonomy and consent and committing premeditated attempted murder just because: “He threatened my mom! I had no choice!”
And yet, the Scott McCall defense squad trolls are adamant that Scott immediately flipped an emotional control switch and resolved all his issues. Of course Scott McCall wouldn’t lash out and savagely attack the moment his friends chose to kick his whiny ass to the curb for good or suggested that Scott didn’t have the right to make their decisions for them. Nope! Ice-cold control. Clear loyalties, superior morality and leadership skills. A good, nurturing friend, boyfriend and werewolf and a true blessing to the pack. /sarcasm
While canon shows us that Scott McCall is a flop wolf (even his only beta Liam and his girlfriend Malia called him a failure to his face in Season 5), everything in canon confirms that Stiles Stilinski would make a magnificent werewolf. Born Wolf Peter Hale has always known this – that’s why he offers Stiles the Bite in Season 1 and then shamelessly admits that he NEVER stopped fantasizing about biting/turning Stiles in Season 6.
In conclusion: if Teen Wolf had revolved around the Hale Pack and family and werewolf Stiles and/or Dark Stiles & Void Stiles like viewers wanted, it would have been a better and much more interesting show than whatever Scott/Posey crap-show we got (and it would have lasted longer, too.)
The Teen Wolf writers and producers should have killed Scott McCall off in Season 1 Episode 1 and replaced him with Vernon Boyd or Kira Yukimura instead.
https://princeescaluswords.tumblr.com/post/623259473284399104/another-thing-fandom-claims-a-story-about-the#notes There. Fixed it for you canon and reality wise @ princeescaluswords
Ohhh, do I have opinions about… all of those things. So, in no particular order:
Hale pack; Hale pack 2.0; werewolf Stiles; pretty sure I answered Boyd as the MC before; Kira; 
Did I ever actually post that TW would have to deal with fundamentally different themes if Stiles/Allion were bitten instead or did I just go nope NaNo project?
Okay, let’s see, how would a show that actually focused on worldbuilding, werewolf dynamics/culture outside of “I’m the alpha now”, and pack-as-family be more interesting than a show about what is either the most hilariously bad excuse for a Good Guy™, or an unsatisfying good guy turned villain story that didn’t realise that we were actually interested in the character’s lives outside of Scott?
With the Hale pack 2.0, the show would be about rebuilding that, about human and werewolf norms clashing, and finding a middle ground that isn’t “you’ll heal/werewolves made them do it”.
Because TW does have so much potential for all those things, but Scott’s not interested in them unless it directly affects or benefits him; but we never see non-abusive pack dynamics.
And this might just be because I grew up with wolfblood/still haven’t finished the order, but actually seeing that kind of pack bonding/history outside of “let’s save the day” is so much more interesting. 
Werewolf!Stiles is interesting, because I can and have seen it both ways with a pretty even split?
(I’ve also answered Stiles saying yes to the bbite at least twice now, and that answer hasn’t changed. Unless it’s time travel. post5a/b Stiles asking Peter or Derek for the bite would be hilarious.)
First off, “Stiles would kill everyone he lies about giving a shit about!1!1!” is absolutely hilarious, given that Scott was the one who tried to kill Stiles, hurt and only didn’t kill Jackson because Derek and Stiles interfered, hurt Isaac, because of “control issues”. But sure, Stiles is the one who would kill everyone on sight. /sarcasm
Okay, so. Stiles wants to be part of this world, does everything he can to learn about it and knows when you can’t do something because werewolves. He has also shown that he’s willing to make sacrifices (skipping the lacrosse game in 1x9(?)/Eichen House in 3b/the relationship with his dad) if it meant keeping people safe, because he knew not doing those things would hurt people more than they could benefit him. 
(Meanwhile we have Scott “being bullied” into playing lacrosse/not caring if The Darkness™ hurt anyone— Isaac or anyone at school/lied to his mom, Allison, Kira constantly. Go figure)
Other than that, I honestly can’t tell how much control I would want canon!Stiles to have. Because with fic, I could go either way, for obvious I need to fixate on something other than adhd and werewolves, please, reasons, but canon? I don’t think perfect control on at least the first full moon is something that's actually possible given, you know, canon. And depending on if you go with Stiles being bitten instead of Scott, it’s not a particularly interesting story. 
But everything in canon suggests that he would be self aware enough to know that, and not go to a party like a certain other person I will not name here. 
But that’s one of the main— issues I have with this line of thinking. It’s always how would this compare to Scott. You always outdo the other, when you can’t really compare it in the sense they are both very different people, who are going to handle the same situation very differently. Scott’s go to response when Shit Happens is to avoid it for as long as possible by distracting himself with school/lacrosse/gf of the season; while, despite for that throwaway line, Stiles always needs to be there— he researches werewolves, stalks Theo, helps the Hales. 
As I said before, neither is the most thought out or safe option, both are a normal response, but you can’t— It’s hard to compare them because Scott got bitten “because of” Stiles, and didn’t have any how to werewolf 101 he really listened to. While with Stiles it’s either a) him getting “himself” bitten that night and being excited about it, b) him wanting the bite, knowing what to expect, with a lot less trauma, c) getting bitten without consent but with that understanding of what is happening. 
Now, Kira’s story is something I would pay good money to actually see done right. Because can you imagine of they did kill off Scott in 3a, and Kira had to navigate a) BH’s drama, b) coming into her own powers, c) actually dealing with not being fucking told about that, and d) not being fucking lied to end just getting yeeted into the desert?
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excorcismic · 4 years
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uhm . . . cheesed to meet you ?? - HI GANG !! what’s up , i’m hylia and i . . . love . misa and death note with my entire heart . I KNOW FOR A FACT i will probably pick up more characters along the way but i couldn’t have picked a better one to start out with !! i have experience writing both misa & light - i actually am more experienced writing light than misa , but i still have a lot of experience with her under my belt !! i’m currently writing him in another group and when i saw duality i just HAD to write her here - i’m so excited to plot w/ y’all !! so lemme tell you the basic facts & some connections and ideas i have under the cut c: ( this got long i’m so sorry )
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ooooooooooooo you wanna plot with misa so bad oooooooo - AHEM . so . 
IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH DEATH NOTE / MISA : death note is a manga / anime revolving around a smart young man ( light yagami ) who discovers a supernatural notebook who can take the life of any human as long as the writer knows their name & face . light uses this book to essentially try and purge the world of evil , earning the alias ‘kira’ ( who gains a following ) , and misa , who acquires a death note of her own , seeks him out as the second kira . she possesses things that he doesn’t , so essentially she becomes his partner in crime - she , falling in love with him ( or more so the idea of him she created for herself ) , and he , entertaining her fantasies in exchange for her abilities and assistance . it’s . . . way more complicated in detail and honestly pretty sad but that’s the getgo . she’s a pretty girl with a very powerful notebook and she likes a guy with a powerful notebook that sees her more as a tool he can use to further his plans . OH OH OH and also she has a protective monster lady who’s in love with her and looking after her and threatening to clap light if he hurts misa in any way . 
death note . . . is a story about how people who were good can become awful towards other people and themselves if you give them a bit of power . 
BUT ANYWAY . misa actually has a much happier life here than in death note !! it’s . . . still kinda eh in some places but overall much better since that godforsaken notebook doesn’t exist and isn't here to screw anyone's lives up .
she's a former child actor, now a musician in a pop punk band called 'your friends & the skeletons!!' but as of rn with her taking a break from big performances and touring she's just a streamer operatin' out of alucard and trying to entertain herself since sometimes the world gets a little too big for her and she needs to take a step back.
it’s a pretty cute life & that’s the rundown !! of course , it’ll be more detailed and developed in my intro for her , but that being said - CONNECTIONS .
okay so obviously some band mates !! YF&TS i imagine is a four-piece with misa on rhythm guitar & vocals , then lead guitar , bass , and drums . i imagine they’re all friends with misa , but maybe one person has been friends with misa since like . . . forever . and has seen her go through literally everything .
so , misa lives alone . maybe i’ll have her look for a roommate along the way but as for right now , even though she lives by herself ( and honestly is a lil lonely ) , i really like the idea that maybe she’s the helper neighbor that wants to befriend everyone that lives on her floor , runs to get groceries , always visits and checks in on people , etc . !! so neighbor friends pretty please !!
obviously if u wanna make ppl be fans of misa & her band that is a-okay with me just pls keep in mind they’re kinda big but not . . . big big . like they’ve got some dedicated fans but not full on stans y’know
SO  . . . folds hands . i kinda like the idea that misa hasn’t been through that many serious relationships ( always gets her heart broken through them ) but maybe there was that one serious ex-partner she had and they broke it off for whatever reason . it’d have to be when she was 18-20 and they’d be together for maybe about two or three years before her career takes off and stuff and yeah it’d be the saaaad relationship that fizzled out even tho it was serious for a bit
also some not so serious/long relationships where misa got her heart broken !! fun times !! misa throws her full heart into things way too easily so this could’ve happened in many different ways . flings ?? check . short-term relationships ?? check . she wrote a letter for someone on a starbucks napkin asking them out and they rejected so whenever she comes into said starbucks she feels shy & awkward ordering something ?? check . ( we can have fun with this basically it’s ‘ misa tried it with y/m and it didn’t work out and she’s still lonely ’ )
friends please !! friends that misa’s made in alucard !! also friends with benefits maybe !! idk !! misa is a very friendly person she will be your friend if you say ‘hi’ in a positive tone towards her !!
oh i think it’d b rly funny if there was one person misa kept trying to befriend and they’re just rly stubborn abt it for some reason bc idk maybe they find misa annoying or something anyway give me sb who misa wants to be friendly with n they’re just No abt it for whatever reason
she’s also a gaming streamer so imagine she gets into a fight with sb behind a screen on a game and/or stream and then finds them in alucard like ‘oh fuck’ aka cyber enemies
also the exact opposite scenario with cyber friends aka misa makes a friend on a game and they meet each other irl and it’s cute !!
misa . . . is not a huge party girl but i imagine she has ppl that regularly invite her to parties and stuff so there’s that . but like . she only knows these people in context of partying - they’re her party friends and that’s it and her relationships with them are just kinda shallow .
i’d ALSO like a friend she makes that’s maybe a little more sheltered & naive to the world than she is so she just takes them to cool places and stuff !! shows them what it’s like to live on the ‘ wild side ’ !! whether it’s driving to a 24 hr gas station for candy and snacks in the middle of the night and staying out until sunrise just on the road or just sitting at misa’s apartment and watching true crime documentaries in their jammies . just sb misa’s gonna take like ‘ hey we’re gonna show u what LIVING is like ’
actual shipping . . . i would love to explore at a point but i wanna explore other things first so that’ll just be smth that comes up in development maybe !! i want misa to get a chance to experience what actual love is and explore the relationship aspect of it so i’m open to it but also i just wanna develop it n let it come naturally . filled !
ANYWAYS . i’m open to rly anything !! enemies ?? friends ?? frenemies ?? friends or enemies with benefits ?? unrequited crushes ?? exes ?? found family ?? party pals ?? streamer pals/enemies ?? LET’S PLOT IT OUT I’M SO EXCITED
sorry this is a long as hell list anyways let’s plot out some relationships even tho i’m bad at plotting and trust me the intro is. probs gonna be even longer. i am so sorry.
- - - - - - - - - - - POST-EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT EDIT : okay so this one is rly specific but , , , i rly would like if maybe misa had sb to go to the cirque du eradicus with ?? probably as a date !! a date that doesn’t have to amount to anything but they’re gonna b the one who witnesses misa go into the hall of mirrors n it’s gonna be kind of like a connection since they’re gonna have been together when that stuff happens and it could be rly fun to work with in the future . just gonna put the age limit for this one at 22 - 26 just bc gaps and all !! i think it could be cute if it goes well or interesting if it doesn’t but . yeah idk they can split off at some point for other threads bt ANYWAYS I JUST THINK IT’D B FUN filled !
also if anyone wants to bring me anyone from death note i will kiss u ESPECIALLY for light , l , rem , or matsuda . pls . maybe these characters can ACTUALLY get a normal fuckin’ life this time around - ( sometimes we just want to live in the yotsuba arc forever where everyone’s runnin around solvin mysteries and not scheming against each other - )
death note hits differently .
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succubused · 5 years
I know nothing about jojo. Teach me it out of context
part 1 phantom blood. um jonathan (British) has some personal problems with his adopted brother dio brando (also british) and then dio kills their dad and becomes a vampire. jonathan gets shounen powers and a guy survives for like fifteen minutes after being cut in half. dio gets decapitated so jonathan went and got married but then dios decapitated head appeared on the boat and was like jonathan i respect you so i want to use your decapitated body as my own. and jonathan was like dude thats kind of fucked up but the boat blew up and dio did it anyway. erina survived though
im putting these under a cut cause it got long as fuck but heres your jojo summaries
part 2 battle tendency is like. joseph who is jonathans thotty grandson teams up with caesar zeppeli (italian) (gay) to defeat the pillar men which include kars (milf) esidisi (milfs live in boyfriend) wamuu (adopted son). another milf called lisa lisa trains them into their shounen powers and then esidisi shows up and kills the teachers aides and possesses lisa lisas assistant and then dies. basically they all get into this arena deathmatch involving zombie horses and kars grows wings and runs around all sexy for a little bit before getting launched into space. caesar gets crushed by a stone cross after making a gay ass speech. love loses. also it turns out lisa lisa was josephs mom the whole time.
part 3 stardust crusaders i kind of hate but i love the characters so basically jotaro kujo (josephs grandson) um he gets his stand and hes like whats this evil spirit i have to be locked in prison for everyones protection. and then his mom gets a stand too but sike women arent people so shes going to die. this is of course dios fault and they have to kill dio. kakyoin tries to kill jotaro and then jotaro pulls the worm out of his head and theyre best friends after that. polnareff tries to kill avdol and avdol sets him on fire and theyre [redacted] after that. they all go on a wacky roadtrip to cairo to kill dio during which kakyoin feeds a baby its own shit and avdol fakes his death for a little over a week. killing dio doesnt go great and vanilla ice sucks avdol into the void and kills their dog iggy and i hate watching that part. kakyoin is crushed under the weight of his own hubris. dio thinks hes sexy for being able to stop time but jotaro can also stop time and he kills dio. jotaros very traumatized due to the entire experience. for some reason both polnareff and joseph survive. the end
part 4 diamond is unbreakable is basically josuke higashikata whos josephs kid out of wedlock hunting down a serial killer with a hand fetish. jotaro is there hes a marine biologist now and josuke is technically his uncle. theres also josukes best friend okuyasu theyre a lil gay but thats alright we like them. also got short king koichi and yukako. and evil twink mangaka rohan. its like murder mystery except a lil more fucked up cause its jojo. ultimately kira (murderer with hand fetish) gets his ultimate powers that manipulate time and space but it doesnt even matter cause josuke has protagonist disease okuyasu dies for like 10 mins but he gets better. kira gets punched into the street by jotaro and then an ambulance runs him over and he dies.
part 5 vento aureo is giorno giovanna whos dios kid but hes also jonathans kid bc dio fucked with jonathans body and thats how giorno was born. he kind of acts like dio if dio had jonathans moral code and hes blond. anyway hes 15 and he joins the mafia because he wants to end heroin abuse and he ends up getting god timespace manipulation powers and killing the boss diavolo but half of his friends are killed horribly so that sucks. and then he becomes the don of the italian mafia. and hes still 15. also polnareff is there for a minute he gets killed sort of but his ghost possesses a turtle so hes giornos turtle after that i guess.
part 6 stone ocean my favorite part cause theres finally lesbianism. jolyne who is jotaros daughter is in prison bc she got framed for murder by her boyfriend. jotaros been an absent father due to him having personal problems. he shows up to break her out of prison but he gets his soul and his stand turned into discs and pulled out of his head and he goes into a coma and most of the rest is jolyne trying to get the discs back. she has 2 girlfriends called hermes and foo fighters who is technically a mass of sentient plankton. weather report (sexy) and anasui (ugly) are also there. the main antagonist is pucci who is a priest and was also dios best friend when he (pucci) was 16 for some reason. by the end they get jotaros discs back and pucci successfully starts manipulating reality itself and it turns out weather report was his brother all along and their backstory is REALLY fucked up and then jotaro comes back and anasui is like jotaro can i marry your daughter and hes like no and then everyone gets killed and pucci resets the universe but emporio the ten year old theyve been hanging out with gets weather reports stand and uses it to follow pucci through the universe resets and he ends up creating one where pucci never existed. it ends with “irene” kujo meeting hermes and anasui/weather report are also there. its implied that this is a new universe where none of the bad shit ever happened. emporio is crying. it kind of sucks
part 7 steel ball run i really dont know how to summarize but basically johnny joestar whos like alt universe jonathan but actually not really like that at all. hes also paralyzed from the waist down and he wishes he wasnt. um he meets an italian (gyro zeppeli) and they go on a horse race across america to track down the body of christ. they meet diego brando whos like dio but hes more about class warfare than megalomania and hot pants who has a stand that lets her turn her flesh into spray. diegos stand is that he can turn himself and other living things into dinosaurs. johnny can shoot his fingernails like bullets. anyway they end up fighting the president of the united states (funny valentine) who was trying to turn lucy steele whos only like 14 into a vessel for the corpse of jesus or something and he kills gyro and hotpants and diego and johnnys like this sucks but sends him into an infinite death loop bc hes a dimension hopper but he just keeps dying over and over again in any dimension he goes into. and he deserved it
part 8 jojolion i havent read but gappy seems like a nice guy
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #581: Comforting Her Honey Bear (SSBU)
3:05 a.m. at Smash Mansion's Living Room.........
Banjo: (Sitting Down on Sofa, With a Cup of Hot Coco) ('Sigh')
????: Banjo?
Banjo: (Immediately Gets Startled) Ah!- Huh? (Turns to a Very Familiar Face Coming Down Stairs) K-Kazooie? W-What are you doing up here so late?
Kazooie: Oh no reason. (Crosses her Wings Together) Just wondering why a certain honey bear isn't in bed with me right now. (Starts Frowning in a bit of Worry) Is everything okay?
Banjo: I uhhhhh.... Yeah! (Chuckles Awkwardly) I'm okay! I was just uhh..(Turns on the TV with a Remote) Watching some midnight television is all.
Kazooie: Banjo, I just saw you turn it on.
Banjo: Uhhhh.....Maybe a.....(Shrugged with an Awkward Smile) A ghost possessed me to do it?
Kazooie: Banjo.
Banjo: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay. I'll be honest with you....I....had a really bad dream tonight.....
Kazooie: (Made her Way to the Sofa and Sat Next to Banjo) What was the dream about?
Banjo: .............. Steve.
Kazooie: (Raised an Eyebrow in a bit of Confusion) "Steve"? As in.... Minecraft Steve?
Banjo: Yeah, but the Steve we know in here..... (Starts Shivering in a bit of Fear) I-It's a different Steve......
Kazooie: Exactly how different is he?
Banjo: Well......(Takes Out his Phone and Shows Kazooie a Picture of "Steve")
Kazooie: (Back Away a Little with a Bit of Disgust) Ugh......Is that seriously what he looks like?
Banjo: Yeah....... The king showed me this and everything.....
Kazooie: (Raised an Eyebrow) Which one?
Banjo: K. Rool.
Kazooie: ('Groans a Little') (Figures.....) You really shouldn't let that bonehead of a crock show you that.
Banjo: I know that now, but still......That picture was so scary that I dreamt him eating me in one gulp.
Kazooie: (Eyes Widened in Shock) Seriously?
Banjo: Yeah...... I know we faced scarier foes in the past and all, but.....(Covers his Face with his Paws While Sighing Heavily) I guess I can't help but to be scared of him, ya know?
Kazooie: (Frowns Sadly Before Gently Grabbing Banjo's Wrists and Gently Pull his Paws Away From his Face) Hey. There's nothing wrong with being scared of these kind of nightmares, 'hon. Stuff like that tends to happen to the rest of us. And I personally don't think of you as a coward because of it. You know that, right?
Banjo: (Nodded)
Kazooie: And while I really don't know Steve that well as everyone, I highly doubt he would do anything bad to you.
Banjo: I know that. It's just.....(Shivers a Little in Fear) That picture-
Kazooie: (Hugs Banjo) Is nothing for you to worry about now that I'm here. (Gives Banjo a Playful Smirk) Did you already forget that I always got your back or something?
Banjo: (Chuckles Lightly While Hugging Kazooie Back) Never. I'm always glad and thankful to have you around, Kazooie.
Kazooie: (Gives Banjo a Peck on the Cheek) I know you do, honey bear~ I never doubted you for a second~
Banjo: Thanks. So uhh....You think we can just stay here and watch some TV for a while? I'm not ready to go back to sleep yet.
Kazooie: (Snuggles Onto Banjo's Embrace) Only if you let me cuddle you for the rest of the night~
Banjo: (Chuckles Lightly) Deal.
The next day later, King K. Rool has officially made it onto The Banjo Protection Squad's List and is receiving harsh glares from each member to tis very day.
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Certified "Sex Doctor," Kira Murphy has always been a free spirit. She's passionate about preventing STIs, making sure kids get all of their vaccines, and celibri-stalking her favorite politician - Barclay Lucas. Sure, he might be a Tory (for U.S. Peeps that's the equivalent of the Republican Party), but despite his party trying to dismantle social protections he's one of the good ones. He's out to save the world and look good in a Savile Row suit. But celebrity crushes aside, Kira's out to make sure her patients receive the best care possible. So when a depressed, young man with HIV enters her examination room she's going to do what she can however she can to make sure he's given the help he so clearly needs.
Barclay Lucas has always been the responsible one. The reliable one. Mr. Fix-it. But when his brother, Henry, is diagnosed with HIV and falls into a depressive spiral, Barclay doesn't know what to do. However he doesn't need to, the eccentric and quirky doctor at the NHS hospital has managed to get through to him. But she's not his actual doctor. So Barclay needs to change that.
And with that, staid and conservative Barclay meets weird and wonderful Kira and their lives will never be the same.
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I'm torn about this book. I've loved Susie Tate's writing in the past and Kira's been a long time favorite of mine since I first read about her in Beg, Borrow, and Steal. So I was super excited to read this book. I like politics stuff.(Anyone who knows me in Real life can tell you that). Plus, Anything but Easy has two of my favorite tropes -- Fake Dating and Enemies-to-Lovers -- it's like this book was tailor made for me. 
So why am I so torn?
Let’s start with the some of the good.
Kira is still her quirky fun self. She's unpredictable and has a very idiosyncratic way of speaking. I loved seeing her interact with her patients. She's like the definition of Manic Pixie Dreamgirl. She's tiny. Quirky. Out to save the world. And she possesses very little in the way of common sense or self preservation. But, just like the character herself says (which nice lampshade hang) she's a bit of an acquired taste. She reminds me in a lot of ways of Fandom!Darcy. You know the one who is able to draw Bruce out of his shell, keep up a prank war with Clint and/or Loki, and ride herd on all of the scientists while winning the heart of whatever avenger the author wants to pair her with. You know, that Darcy.  I like that Darcy.
But like Fandom!Darcy, Kira does some things that people in real life would find questionable or in really bad taste.
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So I liked Kira. She’s a nicknamer. An idiosyncratic talker. She’s a bit like me, but with less fashion sense. 
So on to something I didn’t like.
The hero.
I don’t know if it’s me, but Barclay didn't grab me the way I wanted to. And I admit a lot of it is because of the current political climate. The Tory party is the one behind Brexit. The party of Boris Johnson, Theresa May, and Margaret Thatcher. I had a hard time rooting for him because for all that he was a nice guy, he's still on the political side of a party that has caused a great deal of harm to marginalized people. It’s like I said in a recent post, you may claim not to be a racist but if you support a racist institution and work to keep it in power then you are, in fact, a racist. That’s true here. The Tories are doing that in Britain just like the Republicans are doing that in the United States.
Barclay may care deeply about his brother. But he still felt his brother’s HIV diagnosis would hurt his political career.  This is something that actually happened in the book!!! 
He may like Kira’s quirkiness, but dear Gods is he embarrassed by it. He’s selfish. He does things that make it difficult for Kira to do her job effectively and doesn’t apologize for it. Because he doesn’t care about the people Kira is helping only himself.
So I didn't really like him.
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Unfortunately, my dislike of the hero played into my "meh" feeling regarding the romance. It didn't land for me. The chemistry felt forced. It’s also the main reason I didn’t like The Duke, the Lady, and a Baby by Vanessa Riley.
I'm also leery of obsessed-fan hooks up with the object of their obsession and finds true love. As someone who has had to be the person to stand between the fan and the person they're obsessed with, I can tell you this isn't how it works. I’ve read a few other stories with this trope and it really bugs me. Probably because of the objectification but also because of my own experiences with being stalked.
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Back to the good.
The writing is on point. Funny. Witty. Great banter. Seriously I really love Susie Tate's writing. The scenes with Henry and Kira's friends are some of the best. The creative nicknames and insults are faboo. I will need to add some of them to my repertoire.
Since Tate is a doctor herself in Britain the medical stuff is on point. I loved the scenes where Kira got to show just how awesome a doctor she was. Give me competence porn, I am so here for that.
The story toes the line on sexy. It's steamy and acknowledges that sex takes place but most of the scenes are closed door or hinted at. So people looking for super clean, this likely isn't for you. Nor is this for someone who wants spank bank material in their romance. I wasn’t in the mood for sex at the moment, so this worked. But I don’t like the moralizing that’s often in so-called “clean romances”... sometimes you don’t have to have explicit sex to have a good romance.
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Back to the not so good. I wasn't the biggest fan of the ending. It was okay. Not bad, per se. Just not my cup of tea. I like to see more agency in my leads, and while Barclay had agency in his storyline, Kira did not.
Ask my editing clients and one of the things I tend to ding them on is characters, especially their female leads, having agency in their own stories. That they’re the ones driving the story arc and not the other characters -- particularly the male characters.
So while Kira’s story was resolved, she didn’t have a lot of agency in it. Which fed into Barclay tramping up and down all over her agency.
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This book needs a whole heap of content warnings including: depression, suicidal ideation, frank discussion of STIs, frank discussion of HIV/AIDS, Medical truama, medical neglect (not by the heroses), sexual harassment, workplace sexual harassment, parental neglect/abandonment, mentions of past child neglect/abandonment, mentions of stillbirth/miscarriage, ableistic language in regards to mental illness, sexual assault, use of the g-slur in reference to clothing/appearance (This was not in reference to the Irish Travellers who do call themselves by the g-slur but in reference to clothing/appearance/lifestyle choices of two white characters.), use of food descriptors for POC skin (cappuchino instead of brown or Black), microaggressions in descriptions of natural hair (wild and unkempt). The last three are things that are easily correctable. But they are things that do exist and I hope the author educates herself as to why they are problems. (I provided links to some resources when I sent in my review so she can’t say that she wasn’t given sources. We’ll see where this goes.) In all, I liked and both disliked this book. I still love Kira. I loved Henry. Libby, Mark, and Millie are great as always. But because of the issues I've listed above I feel like I can only give this: Two Stars.
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If this is your jam, you can get it here.
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I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley
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hydrospanners · 4 years
fic masterlist: swtor
at the request of literally no one, i’ve created a masterlist of all my swtor fic. first is a chronological collection of all the swtor fic i’ve written in my “canon”. it’s broken up into snippets of time relative to the events of swtor. aus and gift fics are at the end. this is more for me than anything else, but if you have a bunch of time on your hands and want to read some fic--enjoy!!!
i am the most self-indulgent author known to man so there are numerous fics that don’t feature any canon characters in any significant way. i’m not sorry, but i did mark them with an asterisk for everyone’s edification. i also wrote actually vaguely descriptive descriptions instead of whatever bullshit i put in the descriptions on ao3. all links go to ao3 because tumblr was not designed for reading and it shows.
53 fics below the cut... what a trip, y’all.
backstory these fics are about things that happened before the opening of the class story. 
* a very velaran life day - snippets of different life days in the velaran family history. no canon characters in it yet, but maybe this christmas i’ll get to some fics that aren’t solely about my own ocs.
* the shape of things to come - the story about how rea finally joined the jedi at the ripe old age of sixteen.
* a dimming star - the first steps on rea’s jedi path. they aren’t fun ones, lads!
* necessary sacrifice - like three years down the timeline and still no canon characters! rea continues to struggle with this whole being a jedi thing, and it continues to struggle with her! this one features a haircut as a symbol of a turning point in the story.
bars and stripes - canon characters??? in my fic????? its more likely than you think. this is a shameless ripoff of an episode of m*a*s*h masquerading as doc backstory. does it have cameos and/or mentions of other healer companions? maybe!!!
prelude these are fics set during the prologue of the class stories, everything that happens between the start and completing the capital planet missions. 
* memories - rhese? do you finally get a say in all this??? this is the moment rhese and rea finally see each other for the first time since they were recruited to the jedi, set at the very start of the class story.
attachments - kira and rea talk about rhese. that’s it. that’s the fic.
act one all the stories set between killing tarnis and beginning preparations to capture the emperor (everything after coruscant ending and pubside balmorra starting). rip orgus. one day ill finish all those wips about how sad it was when he bit it. in the mean time, can i interest you in some gifsets?
lessons - now rea’s padawan, kira reflects on how bad rea is at teaching, though maybe without as much clarity as i just implied.
a tangled web - so stupid it’s basically crack, kira has to rescue rea from an embarrassing situation.
of flowers, failure, and the virtues of friendship - kira and rhese start to bond over the shared torment of having to be around rea. rivals to friends (one day i’ll write the “to lovers” part that comes after).
act two all the stories during the time when the knight is prepping for the assault on the emperor’s fortress and then assaulting it. everything between pubside balmorra starting and breaking free from the emperor’s fortress after that super successful plan to bring him in alive. great job jedi!
filling the table - is that shipfic????? the reason i started writing swtor fic in the first place??? this is rea being thirsty disguised as me sewing seeds for the eventual doc x rea romance. pazaak themed for some reason? (doc x rea)
when the wicked play - this is me being obsessed with the translation of video game violence to vaguely realistic circumstances posing as doc feeling some kind of way about rea murdering a whole bunch of dudes who wanted to hurt her but weren’t powerful enough. not primarily romantic but definitely some setup for their relationship.
night shift -  everything is doc x rea and nothing hurts. rea’s got work to do but who can work when there’s a horny mustachio’d doctor trying to persuade her back to bed??? it’s not love it’s just good sex!!!!! honest!!!!(doc x rea)
these nights never seem to go to plan - rea isn’t yearning for affection, she’s just too tired to get out of doc’s bed after so much boning. okay maybe this is about slightly more than good sex after all... doc x rea TENDERNESS.
somewhere we’ve not been before - this is the good shit lads!!!! doc x rea!!! first dates!!!! shenanigans!!!! honest to goodness falling in love between all that fucking that do!!!!!!!!!!!! (doc x rea)
no better taste - a sequel to the last fic featuring the morning after!!! some post-horniness introspection!! tenderness!!!!!! hints of yearning!!! god i miss the days before the mind control and the carbonite when the problems were normal things like commitment and abandonment issues. (doc x rea)
heart - rea sends doc a rocking “thanks for the great sex” gift!! rhese is disgusted by every part of it! this is comedy folks!!!! (doc x rea... i guess)
interruptions - rea takes a work call while she’s boning doc. that’s the whole fic. i think this was my first spicy fic?? i can’t remember. (doc x rea)
* where you go to rest your bones - sibling tenderness!!!! their relationship is super complicated, but rhese is reminded that underneath all the bullshit rea really does love him a lot.... it’s both sad and not sad at the same time. schroedinger’s sadness.
gifts - the crew tries to plan a gift for rea, but what do you get for the woman who’s banned from everything?? so dumb it’s basically crack and i’m not sorry for it.
crapshoot - the crew takes bets on what rea’s next Bad Idea TM will be. she shows them you can’t predict chaos. basically crack but i don’t care.
spoonful of sugar - vignettes about the jedi knight crew dealing with sickness. almost entirely comedy and/or fluff. doc x rea content is present and rhese x kira content is suggested.
a little eggstra - grocery shopping gone awry, based on an old tumblr text post. hella stupid, yet hella fun. doc x rea is in the background.
to break our bones for kindling - you thought we were just having good times??? you’re a fool. doc’s job is to heal people and rea’s job is to break them. sometimes they have work-related disagreements!!! be sad with me. doc x rea.
* when a problem comes along, you must whip it - i can only stop being stupid for so long, so here’s the story about how rea came to possess her lightwhip, the stupidest weapon known to man. these events do not go well for rhese.
things unsaid - a dumb doc x rea drabble about stupid shit rea says when she’s been mortally wounded. if doc were to just let her die, no one would blame him.
* the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one - a bit of a character/relationship study about what rhese is willing to sacrifice for love of his sister, no matter how complicated things are between them. a second chapter about what rea sacrifices for rhese is in my wips and will be completed... .eventually. 
lovesick - doc x rea ship content. my interpretation of that one conversation where doc’s like “hey would your jedi powers tell me if im going crazy also do you love me? check yes or no. i will not elaborate.”
* the things we left behind - oh no lads.... we’re building up to the fortress shit.... our good times are over. rea does some underhanded shit to make sure her brother doesn’t go on this mission to capture the emperor cause the plan does not seem like a great one.
act three wow wasn’t act two fun??? so much silly nonsense and love. now get a drink assholes it’s Time To Be Sad. act three covers everything in the class stories after coming back from that super successful assault on the emperor’s fortress (great job jedi!) to finally stabbing the bastard in the dark fortress and hoping that gets the job done at last. (spoilers: it doesn’t!!!!!) aka stories from belsavis to the final assault on dromund kaas.
everything we left there - it’s trauma time!!! rea’s fucked up from the fortress and feeling the pressure (thanks for the prophecy scourge!!! love that!!!!) so she hurts people she cares about to protect them. it’s her signature move!
the only thing that’s real - rea continues to be fucked up from what happened on the fortress but hey... at least she isn’t fucked up alone??? sad doc x rea content.
into the jungle - the gang is on belsavis and no one is having a good time! since rea isn’t herself, doc tries to pick up the slack and reassure kira that it’ll all be okay! it goes about as well as you’d expect.
interlude now that i’m looking at it, there are some serious gaps in my fic coverage. anyway, sad hours are over, the emperor is (kind of but not really) dead and there may still be a war on but things are looking up! this covers everything between the emperor’s death and the beginning of kotfe, including forged alliances and the shadow of revan.
hands too hungry - doc finally takes rea on that honeymoon she didn’t really care about in the first place! tragically, rea is way too horny to be impressed by what an amazing vacation he planned for himself them. peak rea x doc content.
no kind of romantic - it’s doc and rea’s one year anniversary but they are both working on opposite sides of the galaxy. sad! it’s doc x rea fluff disguised as angst.
a little help from a friend - rea and theron are worst/best friends and i recycle romance tropes into annoying friendship ones. this is the least sexy sharing body heat fic you’ve ever (not?) read. bite me.
retirement - rea has some feelings about her very violent, stressful job and how it interferes with her husband doing things that actually help and heal. doc x rea content.
the dreaded kotfe content these are sad hours!!! this is everything from arcann’s invasion on, cause i’m not breaking it up by post-carbonite storyline you bastards. i don’t know why i’m being so hostile no one asked me to do this.
every doubt we had - after watching what may have been his sister’s death by exploding starship, rhese is having trouble sleeping. no one is more surprised than him when seeks out doc for comfort! doc & rhese brothers by marriage solidarity. carbonite angst...
love is a waiting game - rea’s been MIA for six months since the ship she was on bit it and her crew is finally making some changes. doc is sad about it. doc & rhese brothers by marriage solidarity again. doc x rea angst.
waiting - some time has passed and now rhese is the sad one again!!! grief is so funny isn’t it??? hahahaha haha hahahaha why is no one else laughing? doc & rhese brothers by marriage solidarity yet again.
the greatest distance - rea’s back baby!!!! oh but this isn’t a celebration. she’s taking a tour of her long lost ship now that all the people she loved aren’t in it. it’s a sad one, fellas. 
* when the stars are the only thing we share - rea tracks down some people from her past to help her track down her brother since he went missing while she was having a nap. no canon characters were used in the making of this fic.
leave her sleeping a little longer - rea has a dream and wakes up missing doc even more than she was before. sad hours. doc x rea angst.
take back what the kingdom stole - after theron pulls some Shenanigans (you know the ones) his friendship with rea is in peril. they both break character and actually talk shit out for once.
a wish your heart makes - rea dreams a dream. so does doc. it’s a wet one. this makes it sound lighthearted but actually it’s angst with a side of porn. doc x rea supreme spicy/sad content.
overserved - back to crack baby!! rea gets drunk and acts a fool based on a joke made in a discord server. this is the best shit i’ve ever written.
thrusting back into my skin i feel anew - the band is back together again and everything is fine!!!! just kidding -- actually people change a lot in six years and rea and doc are having some trouble fitting back into the marriage they had back then. doc x rea angst but with a hopeful ending!
non-canon fics i’ve written a couple of things with my dumb characters that are too stupid even for me to put into their canon story or are otherwise aus. these are them, listed in no particular order.
the lies we tell ourselves - a sadder (yet possibly more realistic) take on the ossus reunion and what follows. a bit experimental. doc x rea angst au.
archiban frodrick’s kennel - a romance au where doc is a vet and rea has a pet with a health issue, inspired by my own stupid dog whom i love very much. doc x rea. spiciness suggested but not detailed; sorry horndogs.
fallen - a fun au where rea’s shittiness as a teacher and everything being bad leads to kira falling to the dark side... its angst lads.
the new recruit - rusk’s squad adopts a kitten. that’s the fic.
cruel - ever wonder how things would have turned out if rea was never smuggled off eriadu and got plucked up by the sith?? no??? well i have and i wrote about it. the self-indulgence never ends.
fill my lungs with sweetness - a gift fic for @hoiist; flower-themed vignettes about doc expressing his love for hoiist’s knight, vii. this is some real soft shit, lads.
remember me, love - another gift fic for @hoiist; this time some ossus-flavored angst about doc seeing through vii’s eyes in his dreams. what he sees is not comforting!!! all aboard the angst train--choo choo!!
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