#just so you could abuse me for not meeting every darn of your selfish expectations?
katyspersonal · 1 year
I really do not deserve sympathy if I keep trusting into people who obviously can only hurt and invalidate everything about me and everything we had as soon as I don't meet some of their selfish expectations. As soon as I start to feel safe and accepting living together, I fucking hear "we have no reason to be friends if you don't get into the videogames that I love" when I explained 500 times how I interact with videogames and fiction and why I cannot just waste my days playing many of them and why I cannot simply chug up new information and content often.
But really, why should anyone care about the fact that I get hurt again and that I am crying again, when I am the one who never fucking learns and keeps giving a chance to a person that I /know/ doesn't care and will harm me when I expect it the least? That every time it is another dumb, stupid, minor thing that magically makes me no longer important. That I cannot be honest and cannot be myself without being punished for it every time. That I just am not worthy of acceptance and understanding and unconditional love, it seems. That I am never good enough. Maybe people that hate me and want to exterminate me for the awful sin of having terrible mental health were right. Maybe I am weak for expecting anything from wrong kind of people. And the weakest must be gone.
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katehuntington · 5 years
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Title: Ride With Me (part nine) Fandom: Supernatural AU Characters series: Reader, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Ellen Singer-Harvelle, Jo Singer (Harvelle), Benny Lafitte, Ash Miles, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Castiel Novek, and many more. Timeline: 2008 Pairing: Dean x Reader (eventually)  Word count: ±5050 words Summary series: Y/N is a talented horse rider who is on her way to become a professional. In order to convince her father that she deserves the loan needed to start her own farm, she goes to Arizona for six months, to intern at a ranch owned by Bobby and Ellen Singer. Her future is set out, but then she meets a handsome horseman, who goes by the name of Dean Winchester. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family.  Summary part nine: Everyone deals with the aftermath of the fight differently. Worried about Dean, Y/N goes out to look for him, but doesn’t find the man she got to know in the past weeks. Warnings series: NSFW, 18+ only! Fluff, angst, eventually smut. Swearing, smoking, alcohol intoxication, alcohol abuse. Mutual pining, heartbreak. Crying, nightmares, childhood trauma. Description of animal abuse, domestic violence, mentions of addiction. Financial problems, stress, mental breakdown. Description of blood and injury, hospital scenes, character death, grief. Music: Save Yourself - KALEO (Y/N and Dean scene), Burden - Foy Vance (end scene). Check out ‘Kate Huntington’s Ride With Me playlist’ on Spotify! Author’s note: Thank you @kittenofdoomage and @girl-with-a-fandom-fettishfor helping me. You girls are awesome betas. Thank you for your endless patience!
Ride With Me Masterlist
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     The evening has set in completely, a clouded sky obstructing a view of the galaxy above. Normally, a dark blue would stretch out above the ranch, blending into a lighter tone at the horizon in the west where the sun sank down hours ago. But today the sky is black. No moon nor stars decorate the night’s ceiling. Almost as if the weather knows that it’s not the time to be breathtaking. No one will look up to appreciate her anyway. 
     Y/N vacuumed the bunkhouse, then gave the kitchen a good once over, just to keep busy. Jo took her example and scrubbed the bathroom. At least the therapeutical cleanup isn’t for nothing, because there was enough sand between the floorboards for the footing of a new arena, and there were several organisms living on leftovers in the refrigerator. Wranglers are a bunch of swines, that much Y/N knows. She neatly folds the wrung out the cloth that she used, leaves it in the sink, and stares through the four-squared window. Still no sign of Dean. Honestly, she’s not sure if it would be reasonable to expect Ash back tonight, since he doesn’t have to show up for work in the morning. But Dean isn’t going to stay away, is he?
     While she is cleaning the faucet until she’s able to see her own reflection in the copper, she moves past denying how worried she is about him. Staying here and letting him be, as Jo put it, feels wrong. A breath of air rolls from her lips when she eyes the wall clock again. Ten minutes to nine; he’s been gone for almost two hours. For a moment she contemplates what to do next. She can still ride Meadow, even though she intended to give her the day off. It will keep her busy, for sure, her horse will probably offer some comfort, too. But she cannot take away the concern she carries for the head wrangler, only he can do that. With three determined steps she’s by the door opening, and is about to push away the fly curtain, when she hears stumbling, coming from behind. Jo just exited the bathroom, almost tripping over the stick of the mop while holding up a bucket of water. She has purple rubber gloves on, her blonde hair looks quite similar to the rag she is holding, and her shirt is pulled into a knot above her belly button. It’s quite a peculiar sight.
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     “Where are you going?” she asks, perplexed. Surely, Y/N isn’t going to leave her friend to scrub the floor alone.      “I’m gonna go to the stables. I think we did enough cleaning for one day, or a week,” she excuses.      “To the stables, my ass. You’re going after Dean, ain’t ya?”      Y/N opens her mouth to counter Jo with a firm ‘no’, but when she looks at her friend, she drops the act. One cocked eyebrow, that same judgemental grin she gave the intern when she commented on her boots being too clean for a ranch hand, the day the cowgirl picked her up from the airport. Darn, Jo is on to her. And so she presses her lips together and sighs.       “He seemed upset,” she utters.      “He’s a dude, he’ll live. Men are mad for a minute, walk it off and by the time they turn around, they have forgotten what the whole thing was about. They’re like goldfish,” her friend scoffs.      Y/N snorts at that comparison. Clearly the ranch owner’s daughter has a strong opinion of the other gender.             “I’m just going to check on him, alright?” she promises.      “Do what you gotta do,” Jo replies. “You know where I’ll be.”      Thankful Y/N smiles at her friend, then moves the fly curtain out of the way and steps outside. Jo might think it’s stupid of her to let Dean get under her skin, but that doesn’t mean she will leave her to struggle with it alone, in case it backfires. Odds are that the wrangler is going to hurt her feelings somewhere down the line, the numbers are not exactly in his favor. But knowing that Jo will be there with a safety net ready to catch her, is reassuring. After a mocking ‘hate to say I told you so’, she will be her friend. 
     Grateful, Y/N walks down in the direction she saw Dean disappear hours ago. The air is thick, as if another thunderstorm is about to break out. The wind died down completely, leaving the lands in silence. The only sound she can detect, is a rhythmical pound every so many seconds, much like a pile-driver. Y/N isn’t far off, because when she reaches the cattle pens, she finds Dean, slamming a post into the ground with a sledgehammer. Seems like she wasn’t the only one who kept her hands busy to get through the evening.       Clearly still worked up over the fight he had with Ash, Dean swings the hammer over his head with everything that he’s got and hits the pole on the head. His grey shirt sticks to his torso, sweat shimmering on his skin, brought out by the lampposts that light the driveway. Veins lay thick on his forearms, dust and dirt smudges add to the shades in his dark features. He hadn’t noticed her yet, so caught up in the work that he fails to hear her footsteps. In silence, she watches, both intrigued and intimidated, but eventually gathers the courage to announce herself.      “Dean?”
     He pauses his action for a brief second and looks at the timid woman, bewildered. Out of breath, he takes her in, but decides not to respond and heaves the hammer again in order to smash it down, driving the post deeper into the ground.      “It’s getting pretty late,” she adds, hoping to get some kind of response that is more than just a look.      “I have to finish this fence,” he returns, his voice monotone, as if he is trying to restrain every emotion.      “The fence will still be there tomorrow,” Y/N returns.      “I’d rather fix it now.” He hits the pole again. “At least this fucking fence –” and again, “– I can fix.”      Oh, yeah; this is definitely a good way to deal with things. Y/N watches him jam the sledgehammer down a couple of more times, overworking his body.       “You’ve been going at it since 4 AM,” she counters, trying to convince him. “Please come inside?”      “I’m fine,” he replies bluntly, between swings.      Y/N huffs, sarcasm evident. “Yeah, I can see that.”      The head wrangler doesn’t respond, yet keeps grinding. He feels the young woman’s eyes on him, though. She is reading into his actions, his words, his behavior, and it’s bugging the hell out of him. 
     Cautiously, she moves in a few steps closer. “Do you want to talk about it?”      He drops the sledgehammer on the ground with a loud thump and turns to her, chest heaving and clearly annoyed.      “Do I look like I wanna talk about it?” he scolds between breaths. “I told you I’m fine!”      Taken aback by the hostility in his voice, Y/N stares at him. This is a side of Dean she has never seen before. Sure, he gave her a cold shoulder when she turned him down on her first night at the ranch, but the darkness that clouds his eyes now is different. He has closed himself off and as he was rebuilding the fence, he pulled up a wall as well. She understands that he’s hurt, but he is the second friend to lash out at her tonight and it’s more than she can handle.      “You know what? I won’t waste your time then. I’m certainly not going to waste any more of my time on you,” she spits, acrimony on her tongue. “Good luck with your damn fence.”
     Angry, Y/N turns on her heels before he can spot the tears burning in her eyes. Hurried steps take her away from the man that gets to her more than she should let him. You dumb goose. How could you have been so naive? Jo was right to warn her every single time she did. She has known her cousin her entire life and still Y/N begged to differ. For hours, she’s been worried about the guy who is only nice to his intern when he thinks he can seize the opportunity to get her into his bed. She empathized with him, and this is what she gets in return. A snarl from that selfish dick when she tries to help him. The cowgirl can hear him call out for her, but she ignores it. It’s not until she hears her name again close behind her, that she hesitates.      “Y/N…”      Strong yet tender fingers lock around her wrist and stop the woman who tries to flee from him. The action spins her around, but she avoids Dean’s eyes. When Y/N does glance up into those green orbs bouncing over her features, she can detect the dismay in his expression. If there is anything that she does not want him to see, it’s the tears that threaten to roll down her cheeks.           The bitterness that affected his temper a moment ago is gone and guilt replaces it. Shit, what has he done?      “I’m sorry,” he says, not a trace of swallowed pride. “You’ve been blamed for things that ain’t your fault enough today. You didn’t deserve that.”      He loosens the grip on her wrist a little and lets his fingers slide down her smooth skin until he holds her hand, squeezing it gently. There are so many emotions from both sides of the spectrum coursing through Y/N, but the most evident is the sensation that races up and down every nerve like a racetrack, the start and finish where he touches her. She looks down at their entwined fingers, at how her hand, soft from the all-purpose cleaner, fits in his palm. This is the first time that there is intentional physical contact and it shuts down her brain and sends her heart into overdrive. 
     “You’re not fine,” she manages to say. “I’m not a simpleton, Dean.”      “I know you’re not,” he acknowledges. “It’s just that…”      He pauses, hesitant about his next step. Opening up about the things that occupy his mind and keep him up at night is not something he’s comfortable with. His entire life he only had a few of those conversations, a few with Bobby, the others with Ellen. He only talked to them because they already knew a thing or two about his past and the issues that it brought along. But apparently the newest member of the crew is able to pierce through that veil and see behind the mask he thought he wore so well.       “Dean… I know this isn’t all about Ash, and whatever it is that is bothering you, it’s okay. You can talk to me.” Y/N squeezes his hand, ensuring, letting him know she’s ready to listen.      The anger she felt a moment ago when he shut down on her has disappeared as the ice on the lakes at the end of winter, back in Freeport. She isn’t even sure how this happened, but standing here in the wide-open spaces, lingering in his touch, it feels so good and so safe. It brings a calm over her she didn’t realize she longed for. 
     “I - I don’t really talk about this stuff,” the head wrangler admits. “I dunno, it feels like when I do, I just rattle shit up… It wouldn’t do anyone good.”      He lets go of her, before the girl he feels attracted to starts to wonder what the connection means, but runs his thumb over her knuckles gently before her fingers slip from his. The moment he pulls away, the wrangler already aches for her touch. Uneasy, he turns away and rests both his hands on the mid rail of the fence, his hunched shoulders blocking a clear view of his face. He cannot let her see it. He cannot let her see him.      “So that’s your strategy? When something bad happens, you bury it?”       Y/N isn’t judging him, he can tell by the way she asks the question and is looking at him, curious and sympathetic. What she is doing, though, is trying to understand how his mind works. What if she’s able to decipher his code? What if she can speak this foreign language that he made his? What if she figures me out?      Just the thought of letting it all rise to the surface scares Dean to death. Knowing that the one person he wants to impress, who he wants to do good by, will be able to tell how broken he truly is. And yet, despite the fear that is eating him up inside, he cannot pretend. He cannot lie to her.      “Yeah, I guess I do,” he admits. “Usually it works for me.”      “But not always,” she knows.      “No, not always.”
     He’s quiet now, his gaze locked on the soil that has become solid again after this morning’s rain. Y/N observes his body language; how he’s turned slightly away from her, head tipped down, resting his arms on the fence as if he needs something to lean on. It’s a stark contrast to the confident smile and bright eyes that she got used to. This is a part of him people rarely get to see, Y/N is very much aware of that. What she’s also aware of, is how delicate the situation is. Pushing him to talk will only trigger the opposite, and so she lets him be. The words she leaves between the two of them have only one purpose: to make him feel better.      “If you don’t feel like talking, that’s alright. But what happened to Ash, you know he was wrong to take it out on you, right? This is not your fault.”      Even in the dim light she can see his jaw flex, confirming her suspicion that he does, indeed, blames himself for his friend’s departure.      “It was my decision. One I had to make, but still. At least I should’ve been honest with him. He had a hunch that something wasn’t right and I could have eased him into it. Instead, I told him everything was going to be alright. Who does that?” the handsome wrangler ponders, able to kick himself in the head for his tactic. “He’s family, he deserves better.”      “You tried to protect him,” Y/N soothes.      The cowboy scoffs and pulls at his bottom lip with his teeth. “And look how that turned out…”
     Dean appreciates the cowgirl’s efforts. Hell, he admires her for them, because she could have walked off and let him rot after that snarl he gave her, and it would have done him justice. The thing is, Y/N wasn’t far off when she assumed that he wasn’t just upset about Ash. His whole life he has tried to protect the people he loved at the expense of himself, without question. One person stands out from all the others. A boy with hazel hair, bangs hanging in front of his eyes which used to look up to Dean admiringly. Always carrying some book around, always reading and studying. Quiet, observant, smart, a will of his own, even at a young age. A boy Dean fought for to keep safe, tried to make sure he would land on his feet alright, and be given all the opportunities he deserved. A boy who he took the hit for, every single time. A boy who would call Dean his big brother. A boy called Sam. He failed him, just like he failed Ash today.
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     “Hey…”      The woman who is breaking down his walls brings him out of the trance he was stuck in, her voice alone having that effect. He turns to her again as she steps closer and looks up at him.      “I know we haven’t known each other that long, but sometimes it’s easier to open up to an outsider.”      She’s not done with her pledge, but Dean interrupts her either way.      “You’re not an outsider,” he makes clear. “I know you’re not from here, but that doesn’t mean you don’t belong. In fact, I think you are exactly where you should be.”      The words quiet her, leaving a smile on her lips and warmth in her heart. Feeling accepted and welcome, she lets her eyes glide over the dark desert lands on her right. Her surroundings look exactly the same as it did on the evening she arrived on the property. She remembers how alien this world seemed, witnessing a landscape like she had never seen. Her gaze captures the overhead sign above the driveway, ‘Gold Canyon Ranch’ carved out of the worn pinewood. Maybe Dean is right; maybe she is exactly where she needs to be.      “Well, outsider or not…” She restores eye contact, a calm exuding from her that soothes him. “You can always knock on my door.”      For the first time tonight, she can spot a glint of relief in his expression. It’s almost unnoticeable, but it’s there.      Dean is not going to make any promises, though. Not because he doesn’t want to get close to her; on the contrary. But revealing what he’s truly about, what has inflicted the scars which haven’t healed even after all those years, it will scare her away.       “Thank you,” he responds, grateful. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
     It’s a good enough answer for Y/N and she smiles back, glancing up into his eyes. There she is again, trapped like a butterfly in a spider’s web, unable to move or look away. His breathing has slowed and is back to normal after the exertion, but beads of sweat are still forming on his forehead, a drop rolling down his temple. He wipes his brow with his forearm, barely breaking eye contact. They both sense it, the change in the atmosphere, just like when the two had a moment under the Joshua tree. God, he wants to kiss her so bad that lust almost wins the battle it’s fighting with his confidence. He is offered another chance to make a move, but he’s not going to take it. This smart, kind, and strong woman deserves much better than the damaged man that he is. He breaks the tension by glancing down briefly while clearing his throat. When he looks back at her, he could swear he sees disappointment in her gorgeous eyes and regret stabs him in the gut.       “I’m, uh - I’m gonna finish up that fence,” he stammers, making a fist and pointing his thumb over his shoulder.       “Need a hand?” she asks, recovering quickly from the letdown.       Dean seems stunned by her offer, because he frowns at the intern after a double-take. “You want to help me fix the fence?”      “I’m only offering once,” she warns jokingly.      The head wrangler grins, amused. “Well, in that case. Yeah, I could use a hand,” he accepts.
     The cowgirl walks past him, eyeing him over her shoulder as she parades away. He stares for a second, smiling at the sight of her picking up the sledgehammer along the way, which apparently is heavier than she anticipated. The clumsy way she handles the large tool makes him chuckle, joyful for the first time tonight. No wonder, because without trying, she is absolutely stunning. A warmth spreads through him in waves, and he is highly aware of it. He recognizes the sensation. It has washed over him several times already, always when he laid his eyes on her. The girl with bright eyes and messy hair after a hard day’s work, despite her efforts to contain her locks. The girl who cares for others, who is kind to every living creature on this planet. She is beautiful in every way, inside and out. Under the yellow ray that falls down on her from the lantern above, she turns around. The spotlight creates dark shadows on the ground, but at the same time, it illuminates her features with a warm glow. 
     “Are you coming or what? That fence isn’t gonna fix itself,” she challenges.      Dean scoffs with a laugh, appreciating the attitude. Then he heads her way, stopping her when she almost loses her balance after heaving the large hammer above her head.      “Why don’t you give the sledgehammer to me, before someone gets hurt,” he mocks, holding out his hand.      “I can handle a hammer,” she returns, huffing defensive.      Doubtful, the wrangler looks back at her. “I think the fence is gonna disagree with you there.”      “Do you want my help, or not?” she recalls, letting out a laugh.      “Yeah, I want your help,” he admits. 
     The words lay deeper than would appear on first notice. It’s not intentional and Dean is worried for a second that she will pick up on what he really wants; he wants her to help him. Help him to heal, help him breathe, help him to love. No one has ever come through to him like she has already, and that’s exactly why he won’t make a move. He is beginning to understand what this all means, what is happening to him. How he feels about the newest member of the crew, is different. It’s mind-blowing and exciting, yet at the same time, it scares the shit out of him. The space she has occupied in his heart is growing steadily, but he can’t allow himself to act on it, because he simply can’t be selfish with her. That’s okay, though. Having her around as a colleague and a friend for the limited time she will stay with him trumps not having her in his life at all.       “I’m gonna give this pole a couple more knocks on the head. Can you fetch the new woodwork?” He nods at the wooden planks, stacked up in the back of his truck, a little further on the driveway.
     Reluctantly, Y/N lets go of the hammer and turns to get the new material for the fence. By the time she brings three new rails over, he has leveled the post with the others still standing. While she holds the board in place, Dean nails it to the post. In order to hold still, Y/N stands close to the head wrangler as he secures the fence. She fixates on the plank she’s holding, trying to ignore the fact that she is seriously invading his personal space. He smells like the damp earth below their feet and a hint of deodorant mixed with hard work; it’s the opposite of a turn-off. Trying to distract herself, she listens to the ticking sound of the head on the pin, until all the new woodwork is mounted to the posts. Sometimes he pauses for just a short second, his gaze burning her skin. Once he’s done, Y/N picks up the broken pieces left by the cattle when they stormed through, and carries them to Dean’s Chevrolet, where she lays the wood down in the cargo bed. Now that she and the handsome wrangler are a few more feet apart, she feels like she can breathe again, missing him close by at the same time. As she leans against the truck, he loads up the last of the wood that he didn’t use for the restoration. Again, his eyes linger on her briefly; the poor guy just cannot help himself, can he? Suddenly she feels bold.
     “Ash was right about one thing, though.”      “Oh, yeah? What’s that?” he wonders, as he dusts off his hands.      She grins cheeky, biting her bottom lip. “You are desperate to get in my pants.”      Dean stares at the cowgirl flabbergasted, eyebrows shooting up. Whoa, where the hell did the shy girl go? One question surfaces in the sea of thoughts that her remark triggered; what is her angle? Does she want him to get in her pants? The handsome wrangler scoffs nervously and looks down flustered, as he rubs the back of his neck. But he doesn’t deny it. He can’t.       “What, no comeback?” she nags, expecting either a smart or flirty return.      “There are some things I just can’t argue with,” he chuckles, a blush pushing past the freckles on his cheeks. “Ain’t no reason to get cocky, though.”
     He winks at her flirtatiously, his bright green eyes joined by a smug grin and Y/N cannot help but laugh. Who would have known that she missed Cowboy Casanova? It’s good to see he got his wit back, because he had her worried there for a second. She has spotted the pattern, though. Whenever he is forced to deal with an issue he wants to steer clear of, he dodges the matter by either making fun of the situation or by shutting down completely. So this is his defense mechanism, this is his armor. But beneath all the silence and the horse crap, he admitted straight up that he wants her. Ash might have implied that the head wrangler is only following her like a lost puppy because he wants to keep counting the girls he had in fives, but Y/N knows that’s not all that there is to it. With nothing more than a look, he made it pretty clear he feels something for her that Friday evening after training when they had a moment under the Joshua tree. Now that assumption has been confirmed. 
     As the gears in her head are turning, she begins to walk across the gravel parking lot back to the bunkhouse, but it’s not just her grey matter that is doing overtime. Contemplating his own words, Dean gets behind the wheel of his Chevrolet. The fact is, he wasn’t just flirting. He’s simply telling the truth. But hasn’t that been the case the entire time? The wrangler is hungry for the new ranch hand, he’s pining so bad that selflessness alone is stopping him from running up the driveway and closing her in his arms. Strangely enough, it has nothing to do with sex, or greed, or any other sin, despite what others might think. For a moment, he worries if she might have read into his words just now. He doesn’t want to give her hope, or does he? Fighting his mind, he sighs; he’s so tired he can’t even think straight. 
     With a flip of the key, the engine comes alive, only to drive a couple of hundred yards. After steering the black pickup to a spot next to the shed, Dean leaves the transmission in park. He will unload tomorrow, today he’s calling it quits. A grunt passes his lips when he hoists himself out of the car again. Damn, if his muscles are sore now, he doesn’t want to picture how bad it’s going to hurt in the morning. Maybe a long hot shower will do him good, he definitely needs one to rid himself from the filth he’s covered in.       The head wrangler strolls up the trail that leads to his bed and finds the girl he’s losing himself to, watching the bunkhouse from some distance. When Dean levels with her, he sees why she stopped. On the bottom steps of the porch, two figures sit and talk: one of them is Jo, the other is Ash.       “Well, what do ya know,” Dean huffs, surprised.       Relieved, Y/N smiles. “Seems like he came around. Go talk to him.”
     His chest constricts a little with the thought of the confrontation alone and he hesitates. His friend is most likely still mad at him. What if doesn’t want to settle this? What if he screws it up again?       When Y/N detects that the man next to her is in two minds, she nudges him reassuringly with her shoulder, smiling at him before he gathers enough courage to step forward. The pair are walking up to the steps, when Jo spots them. The cattle worker next to her looks up now too, shame and uneasiness draping his features when he sees the head wrangler. The blonde cowgirl gets to her feet, picking up her hat that she had put down next to her.      “I’ll leave you guys to it,” she says. “Comin’, Yankee?”       Y/N nods and passes Dean, shortly squeezing his arm supportingly as she does.      “Good luck,” she whispers, as she glances over her shoulder.            He nods at her thankfully and takes Jo’s spot on the porch stairs, as the two girls retreat inside. An awkwardness fills the air within seconds, thick and suffocating, yet neither of the men say anything in order to break it. After what feels like minutes of going over what has been said and still needs to be, Ash gets up. Motionless, Dean sits on the step, forearms on his knees, fingers forked together. He hears his friend’s footsteps on the floorboards, followed by the rattling of the bamboo fly curtain and then the eerie silence; Ash has walked away. 
     Pained, Dean closes his eyes and presses the knuckles of his clasped hands against the bridge of his nose. The tightness in his chest that he felt when he realized he had to face his friend has turned into an uncomfortable ache now. It seems to be a recurring theme in his life, people walking out on him. Fuck, why is it so hard to do this? Why can’t he just tell Ash he’s sorry? He takes a breath and lifts his head, staring at the lights coming from the neighbors property, several miles up the road. Then something moves into his peripheral vision and he turns to find a can of PBR beer handed to him. Dean’s eyes move up to see who is holding the beverage, the weight falling off his shoulders when he sees the guy who rocks the mullet. The head wrangler takes the cold refreshment while Ash sits down next to him again. They both open their cans and take a slug of the golden brew. The silence returns, but it’s a much more pleasant one this time. Without saying a word, they’ve made peace. That does not mean, though, that nothing should be said. 
     “Ash?”      “Hmm?”      “I - uh… I’m-–”      “– Yeah, brother. Me too.”
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Thank you for reading! I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to reblog my work or buy me coffee (Link in bio at the top of the page)
Read part ten here
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tigerlover16-uk · 8 years
Final Thoughts on The Shadow Dragons Saga. Dragon Ball’s lowest point.
You know, it’s kind of strange. The reason I started re-watching GT is because I thought I was going to enjoy it. I liked it just fine as a kid. I’ve always been one of those people who thinks fans have been way too harsh on it over the years, and it’s really not that bad. I expected to come out of this saying “It’s not just bad. It’s okay, sorta” and with plenty of nice things to say.
Instead I hate it. Like, I legitimately despise GT. And that’s weird, because when I was on the Baby Saga I thought I was having fun, aside from all the many things wrong with that. Super 17 made me need to take a break because my God, that was a chore. But I thought the Shadow Dragons Saga was going to be another good saga outside of it’s ending, because that’s what I always thought it was as a kid.
Who would have thought it would actually be terrible.
Let me make this clear once again. If anyone reading this like’s GT and this saga in particular... there is nothing wrong with that. Your opinion is valid to you and you deserve to enjoy it. Don’t read this if you want that enjoyment thrown into question. Because I don’t like it, and in fact I think this is the worst Dragon Ball story ever told outside of Dragon Ball Evolution and Episode of Bardock. And I will not pull any punches in explaining why.
The saga actually started off fairly good, the shadow dragons initial introduction as they spread across the earth was terrifying and the general idea of the dragon balls being corrupted and becoming a group of evil dragons bent on destruction is a tantalizing concept that seems tailor made to be the final Dragon Ball story and end the series on the perfect note... and then we meet Haze Shenron, and he gets hurt by some rubble falling on his foot. And it becomes clear this is all going to be really unsatisfying.
One problem I have with the shadow dragons is the set-up... THEY MAKE NO SENSE! So, apparently the dragon balls actually absorb a fair amount of negative energy every time they’re used, and that energy dissipates over a century, so they’re only supposed to be used once every hundred years because if they’re overused the dragon balls will crack and summon these evil shadow dragons that have the power to destroy the world or even the universe...
how and why? No seriously, how does this make any sense from an in universe perspective? Why would Kami design his dragon balls to take in so much negative energy and create planet destroying monsters? He was the guardian of the earth, and he gave humanity the dragon balls to help the planet recover after King Piccolo’s rampage and encourage them to do wonderful things with them. It was only later on that he came to regard humanity as selfish and greedy, and he got over himself after meeting Goku. WHY would he willingly create something that could destroy the planet he swore to protect and possibly the universe? The implications for his character here are just as disgusting as with the black star dragon balls.
Or is it the Namekians that decided that dragon balls should operate this way? I seriously can’t imagine the supposed peace loving Namekians would be stupid and reckless enough to design their magical wish orbs with such a glaring design flaw. They gave Porunga the ability to grant 3 wishes at once, and had those be prizes for contests they held. How come THEY never had to deal with this nonsense?
Or did they? Because according to Old Kai, this thing with the Shadow Dragons? IT’S HAPPENED BEFORE! A planet has supposedly been destroyed by something like the shadow dragons in the distant past. And it’s NEVER explained how, when, why, whatever! What was this event and how did it happen?
Did the Namekians have another planet that got destroyed by shadow dragons when they overdid it with their wishing before and they had to move to Namek? Did they give a set of Dragon Balls to some other race? If so, not only does that not make much sense given the namekians attitude about the dragon balls when they were introduced, but it would make them all look like idiots! Or did another race create their own Dragon Balls? Because if so that’s horse hockey and devalues both the concept of the dragon balls and the Namekians uniqueness in their ability to create them.
That whole incident they mention raises a barrage of questions that never get answered. But most of all... WHY WOULD THE NAMEKIANS DESIGN DRAGON BALLS WITH SUCH A FLAW!? Why did they never do anything to stop something like the Shadow Dragons from happening when they’re shown as being to alter their dragon balls? Or if they did with their own dragon balls, why did they never tell Dende how to fix that fault with the earth’s dragon balls? Why did they never warn our heroes about the dangers of overusing the Dragon Balls? Why did Old Kai never bring them up when he had the chance considering how angry he gets at the Z fighters when the Shadow Dragons are born? Why did King Kai never bring up that this could happened when he’s had Kami use the Dragon Balls to grant his own wish before? Why was all of this information apparently never relevant until now when it’s all too late and none of the characters who should know this was a possibility ever did anything to stop this disaster from happening? WHY WHY WHY?
The entire aspect of the Shadow Dragons been born from all that negative build up makes no sense given the logic and events of the previous two series. I get the meta commentary at play in how the dragon balls are an over used deus-ex-machina, make everything better again plot device throughout the series, but this idea that the Shadow Dragons came about as Karma for Goku and friends “Abusing” the balls makes no sense. Like Goku brings up at one point, almost every wish we’ve seen get made in the series was for a good cause. And the earth, nay the entire universe wouldn’t exist right now if the characters didn’t have the balls  handy. Their wishes were selfless, they’re exactly the sort of things Kami WANTED people to wish for when he made the darn things. Why would he set it up so that not only would people be punished for doing that, but that the one Shadow Dragon that’s so noble that he’s borderline good to start out and pulls a full on face turn later is the dragon formed from the one entirely SELFISH wish in the entire series? I get what they were going for thematically, but both from a logical standpoint and even thematically, nothing about the logic applied to the Shadow Dragons makes a darn lick of sense.
How are these things so powerful anyway? Shenron was easily killed by King Piccolo, who while he’s a great villain let’s be honest, is an absolute creampuff compared to every major villain of Z and isn’t even a millionth as powerful as Majin Buu, who at this point in GT should be able to be one-shot by SSJ4 Goku. Shenron’s power had a number of limits, and he was useless at stopping anyone that was stronger than Kami. Who would have gotten his butt kicked by a saibaman. And without kicking it’s butt beforehand like Yamcha did. I legitimately can’t believe that the dragon balls are capable of becoming beings as powerful as the Shadow Dragons are presented simply by storing up a bunch of negative energy. And don’t give me the excuse of “It’s magic, we don’t have to explain it” Because NO! You DO have to explain it! You’re not allowed to pull a stunt like this and never explain yourself outside of a brief handwave.
And if the fact that this saga is built on an even bigger, completely illogical contrivance than the Black Star balls wasn’t a problem, the presentation of the Shadow Dragons makes them an insulting waste of an idea outright.
The first Shadow dragon looks like a deformed frog and is a complete wimp, only getting an advantage over our heroes because of a cheap gimmick and because Goku and Pan didn’t just kill him straight away, and the two are healed in a contrived manned so they can finish the guy off anti-climactically. The second Shadow Dragon literally loses because it starts to rain. Oceanus Shenron is the only one of the first four dragons to actually be okay, but she feels like she would fit in more as a one off villain than as one of the final bosses of all of Dragon Ball. Then the fourth shadow dragon starts off looking like a big mole rather than a dragon and has a personality that seems more comic relief villain than anything, and while he does get threatening in the second episode he’s in, he loses in the STUPIDEST manner possible by outright sabotaging himself.
These guys come off as pathetic and incompetent. The Shadow Dragons should have been terrifying. This saga, and GT as a whole, was meant to be the grand finale to all of Dragon Ball. These are the final villains... and they feel like antagonists ripped out of old, cheap Saturday morning cartoons! They’re a joke at worst, and they quickly feel irrelevant once the last two Shadow Dragons are introduced and it feels like the story actually starts there, making them feel entirely pointless!!
Speaking of, Nuova Shenron is the only good character out of the lot. He’s an amazing idea for a character, the embodiment of the Four Star dragon Ball giving him a personal connection to Goku. His powers make him a believable threat and he puts on a good fight, and he actually has a sense of honour and his interactions with Goku were great. He was actually interesting to watch... which makes it disappointing that he also doesn’t get nearly as much screentime as he deserves to fully utilize his characters potential to the fullest. Especially when they did briefly bring him back and that in the most frustratingly stupid and ill-explained manner possible. So that just makes me want to slap my forehead.
To be fair Eis Shenron is a decent villain too, being intimidating and interesting in his own right for how sinister and underhanded he is and how he plays off Nuova, so props there, but he’s not around very long and he and Nuova are quickly killed off to make way for Syn/Omega Shenron... who’s dull.
Honestly, if you’re going to have a character be the final villain in a franchise that includes such awesome and delightfully memorable villains as King Piccolo, Frieza and Cell... you really should go all out. And Syn Shenron actually does start out very intimidating, he has a cool design and he’s very threatening and a real powerhouse with some good dialogue between him and Goku... and then everything goes to heck with him halfway through the episodes he’s featured in, because after the Gogeta episode frustrated me beyond all belief, I started to find him extremely tedious and boring.
The problem is, Omega Shenron has no personality or character. He’s just generically evil, he has no interesting quirks or personality traits. Frieza, Cell and Buu all had charm and personality to them, even if they weren’t the deepest and most complex characters. Omega Shenron though? He’s only got sheer power and intimidation on his side, so he’d need to rely on being cool and the fight with him being amazing... and the fight starts out good, but once Vegeta shows up and declares he and Goku should fuse, it becomes infuriatingly tedious with one awful, head-bangingly annoying contrivance after another packed with no end of stupid moments, topped off by the method Omega Shenron is defeated being EXTREMELY forced and annoying. I already made several posts detailing the worst of these episodes, so I’ll just link them here to not repeat myself pointlessly:
Needless to say though, the final half of this saga is AWFUL! And Omega Shenron himself becomes a tedious, boring, lackluster villain that pales in comparison to the awesome baddies that came before him. Just like the whole lot of these stupid dragons. The entire second half of the saga is badly paced, the fights are badly done and full of stupidity.
We get an entire episode that interrupts the fight between Nuova Shenron and Goku to flash back to everything that happened to Vegeta in Z... despite the fact that the show doesn’t do anything to explain things to anyone who hasn’t watched the previous two series before now and throughout the show it just assumes the viewers have watched Dragon Ball and Z and would know what they’re talking about for the most part. The saga doesn’t take Vegeta’s character in any new or interesting directions, it’s just same old same old characterisation and him becoming a super saiyan 4 to try and catch up to Goku and help him out... which outside of Gogeta he’s not actually helpful at all and just gets his butt handed to him repeatedly by both Omega and briefly Nuova Shenron. So he doesn’t even get to be cool despite getting the then ultimate super saiyan transformation. Why’d we waste so much time recapping his character arc then? If you didn’t offer a proper explanation to who Piccolo was when he showed briefly in the Baby Saga and then later to die, then why extensively recap Vegeta’s character when at this point anybody still watching GT would have been fans who know this stuff?
No one gets to do anything besides Goku! Everyone just stands around, makes comments, looks worried, and gets slapped aside by Omega Shenron without putting up anything resembling a fight. The Z fighters didn’t even contribute to the universal spirit bomb, for crying out loud! Even Pan, who the show still seems to want to pretend is the secondary main character, is only really useful against Oceanus Shenron, and even then Goku probably could have won without her if she’d just powered up.
This entire saga was built on contrivances, pathetically tedious and uninteresting villains, and stupid, stupid, STUPID moments and nonsensical ideas and plot holes that just leave me feeling completely unsatisfied and sorry I even thought about watching it. This thing is stupid and thoroughly unentertaining.
And do you want to know why this is so bad? Why all of that makes this the worst saga in Dragon Ball history? Because this was meant to be the end!
In Japan, GT aired literally a week after Dragon Ball Z ended. With Toriyama having no involvement outside of character designs and the name of the show, Toei made GT to be the final chapter of the Dragon Ball story. The Shadow Dragons Saga was meant to be the grand finale to the entire franchise. Yes, today we know that only the manga is truly canon, that’s what the fandom mostly agrees on. But people who were following the anime as it was airing and just the anime wouldn’t know that. The people who were desperate to see what happened next after Z’s ending weren’t going to immediately argue semantics. People in the West watching GT right after Z ended weren’t going to wonder that when information and the debates on what’s canon weren’t anywhere close to clear cut, and still fully aren’t today. And it’s not like it made much of a difference to Toei’s mindset making the series at the time.
GT was made to be the definitive ending of the story of Dragon Ball... and they blew it in EVERY CONCEIVABLE WAY! First they said “Screw you” to everything Toriyama set up with EoZ by tossing Uub and the majority of the supporting cast to the wayside, regressing the story right back to the beginning by having a rehash of the Pilaf saga, only IN SPACE and a lot more boring and unengaging. They derailed Pan into an annoying, unlikeable brat who does get more sympathetic after the first saga, but as I explained in my Baby Saga review was still a COMPLETE WASTE of a character in every other way. They turned Goku back into a kid in a pathetic attempt at pandering. And then when they realized this didn’t work, they desperately tried to correct this by making a saga more in tone with Z. Which was marginally good, but that still had a ton of bad and mishandled elements that made the derailment of the Dragon Ball stories natural progression all the worse.
Then they made a saga where the premise was a dollar store knock-off of Fusion Reborn, except horrible and boring and which made the few villains they actually did bother to bring back look pathetic or like complete jokes, especially Frieza and Cell. And by extension the supporting cast, worse than the last saga but not quite as bad as the shadow dragons saga did. And just for added measure, they also made sure to destroy any potential to be had with the idea of bringing back Android 17 for a dumb, stupidly designed try-hard fusion villain with a MUCH blander personality and have him be killed off in the most mean spirited manner possible without even really capitalizing on the potential drama of the situation. Oh also, let’s treat krillin as more of a prop to move the story along rather than an actual character. Not that we didn’t just reduce him to a random joke the last time we bothered to acknowledge his existence or anything.
And THEN they end it with THIS insulting, pathetic, ill-conceived, BORING AND ANNOYING MESS of a Saga with one of the WORST handled climaxes the franchise has ever seen. It even feels like this saga was just ripping off elements of the Buu Saga, but making them horrible and not putting in the same effort that originally made them work there. As if they’re admitting that Toriyama’s ending for the series was perfectly fine already, but they’re going to take a dump on it anyway by completely derailing everything he’d set up with his stories epilogue, tell their own garbage stories, and then do their own take on the ending that they want to play up as the REAL one so they can take all the credit for concluding the franchise. it really does feel just that pretentious. Especially with that final episode.
Because my God, I’ve wanted to rage on this since I started watching GT again. This is the one thing about this show I’ve genuinely hated since I was a kid and didn’t understand what quality storytelling even was. I don’t care what anyone has to say. I don’t care about the excuses for why this is truly the best ending for the franchise. Because in my humble opinion:
So, after all of that nonsense I’ve already ragged on about this saga and especially the last half of it, Shenron suddenly shows up, revives Goku after he seemingly passes on, and then uses his final wish to restore the earth, declaring that he’s going to leave the earth for an unspecified amount of time because of all this mess and humanity needs to learn to get along without the Dragon Balls... and then Goku just randomly decided to leave with him, never to be seen again...
(Shakes with barely suppressed rage, and then takes a deep breath).
This ending makes no sense. So, the one time outside of complaining about people taking too long to make their wishes that Shenron decides to have any autonomy, it’s to basically go “Screw this, I’m outta here”? WHY!
Okay, I get why, the explanation he gives makes enough sense in context. But like I’ve raged on, the entire thing with negative energy building up in the balls and the Shadow Dragons makes NO sense in regards to the previous series internal logic and the actual purpose of the dragon balls. So after this contrived mess, how does Shenron get to decide he doesn’t get to be summoned anymore? He’s never shown this level of freedom before, he was created to serve a purpose and he should be under Dende’s authority now since Dende revived him after Kami merged with Piccolo. He’s not a free spirit as far as we’ve ever seen, he’s an asset used for the planets betterment and defense that as far as we’ve seen is under the authority of his creator. Him just going off into parts unknown so suddenly is just head scratching.
But I guess this isn’t my real issue with the ending. I could ultimately buy this if this really was meant to be the ending of Dragon Ball as a whole, so why not give the Dragon and the series name sakes a send off too while we’re at it. No, my problem is GOKU!
What the HECK, man? So after Shenron declares he’s leaving, Goku, without even a moments hesitation or any consideration to his actions, and after everything else that’s happened and after his family and friends had just been terrified they’d lost him... just hops on Shenron’s head and decides to leave earth to go train, never to be seen again?
What’s the matter with you, Goku! He doesn’t even give a proper goodbye to his confused family. He just mentions to Vegeta that he’s responsible for looking after Earth now, says “Bye everybody” and then he and Shenron just leave??? and the only people he actually gives a reasonable length goodbye to are Krillin, Master Roshi, Turtle and Piccolo... WHAT?!
And yeah, Goku leaves the planet inexplicably and never comes back as long as everyone who knows and loves him except Pan is dead and buried! He only briefly shows up a hundred years so Pan can glimpse him at a tournament where his and Vegeta’s great, great grandchildren are fighting, but then when she tries to meet up with him Goku just vanishes, letting her believe she was just seeing things and then just disappear again as we get a flashback sequence of Dragon Balls history, a narration about how “Thus ends the story of Dragon Ball” and Goku hovering away on the nimbus while saying “‘Til we meet again, guys!”
... Goku, you inconsiderate, absent minded, oblivious, self-centered, selfish, stupid, ignorant, hypocritical, scatter brained, JACKA##!
WHAT THE *BLEEP* WAS THAT ABOUT! You know, I despite all the discourse about “Oh, Goku’s a bad father!” or “He’s a selfish idiot who only cares about training and keeps abandoning his family!” Because that’s straight up NOT TRUE. But whatever anyone wants to argue about this ending. Whatever anyone wants to bring up in his defense, there is objectively no justification or argument against this instance. This time, it is an objective fact. In this ending, Goku ABANDONED HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS! On a moments notice and with no consideration to what he was doing! With no explanation! And never came back! For the sake of training and going on an adventure, or at least that’s what we assume, he never does properly explain himself or what is even the deal here! And when he finally comes back briefly he doesn’t even offer a hello and some comforting words to his last living “Loved” one. Just walking out on her again. What... what is even the heck.
This and the fact that he spent five years training with Uub where he apparently never bother to visit his family or never let them know how he was doing, despite the fact that from all we see they were apparently just on the Lookout for a good chunk of that time, pretty much justifies the idea that Goku is a deadbeat that’s willing to abandon his family and friends at the drop of a hat just to pursue his own interests.
At least when he went to train with Uub at the end of Z, he had a decent enough reason since he was slowly getting older and earth needed a new protector for when he was gone, and he promised to come back and visit his loved ones whenever he could. And we can easily interpret they’d visit him since he wouldn’t have gone all that far. It was sudden, rushed, a little confusing of why Uub was the choice for successor when Goten and Pan were right there and could have been handled better. But it was a believable progression for his character at that point given all his experiences and ended on an open ended, but ultimately optimistic note.
This... this is contrived, last minute nonsense that I cannot conceivably believe Goku would ever do. At least not like this. The guy just up and leaves. No hugging his wife goodbye. No last words for his children or granddaughter. No words of encouragement for his student Majuub (Also, why the heck did you waste FIVE YEARS of your life on this kid while leaving your family in the dark about where you were and when/if you were ever coming back if you’re NOW going to turn around and tell Vegeta you want him to defend the earth in your absence while Majuub is RIGHT OVER THERE! Glad you have so much faith in him, you little prick!). No reminiscing over things with his first friend Bulma, who’s instead left to do that herself.
He just reminisces about “The good old days” with his best friend and mentor and has a quick sparring match with Krillin before vanishing on them. And then goes to see Piccolo, the guy who got stranded in hell due to the illogical contrivance that is the black star dragon balls and Goku’s actions, and instead of explaining to King Yenma WHY Piccolo went on a mock rampage in Otherworld and vouch for his friend to get him out of hell, which he sounds like he’s not enjoying being there and the ogres seem to just be content using him as a body guard for crowd control, he just says “Yeah, I’m leaving now, hope they bail you out of here someday, dude” And then vanishes on him too. I know that was meant to be a hopeful note in context, but the way I just describe it is how it really FEELS like it plays out when you stop and think about it.
This ENTIRE ending makes NO LOGICAL SENSE from a storytelling or character standpoint. It paints Goku’s character in a very uncomfortable light and ends with a future where every character we know an love is dead, and the only one left alive is the annoying brat from this show that the majority of fans HATED! How is THAT a good ending!
Honestly, it’s even worse when GT seems to go out of it’s way to glorify Goku and paint him as this “Ultimate heroic” type. The nuance of his character slowly fades away the longer this series goes on for, and he just gets characterized more and more as a generic “Noble hero” type of character, and I still SWEAR this show is where people get the Superman comparisons from when there are points, especially when confronting the fourth shadow dragon where he just prattles on and on about things like “Killing is wrong”, where he went on about it to the extent that it became pandering. he only acts close to his normal self in the Baby Saga, otherwise in the first saga he’s mostly a blander version of his kid self, in the Super 17 saga he’s a pale reflection of his Z self minus several important character flaws and traits. And then in this final saga, he’s just a full on GARY STU throughout that then pulls a stunt like abandoning everyone he ever knew and loved for no good reason.
It’s made all the worse show constantly glorifies him. They downplay his negative qualities unless it’s something for comedic purposes and try to present him as this super pure, noble hearted hero type that’s all about doing good and saving people. They make such a big point throughout the show about how much Goku cares about the earth, how important it is to him and how much he cares about his family and loved ones. So it just comes off as all the more jarring, hypocritical, disgustingly selfish and NONSENSICAL when he just up and leaves the way he does without even a moments hesitation on explanation, or sympathy to his confused family who were just grieving for him after all the horrible things that had just happened. Chichi doesn’t even realize he’s leaving, she stops to comment about what she was going to make him for dinner, for Christ’s sake! Only Vegeta and then later Pan realizes what’s really going on, and they’re not happy about it.
His deciding to leave also comes off as irresponsible. Because, after the show had continuously made the supporting cast increasingly pathetic and irrelevant in actually contributing to saving the day, Gohan outright acknowledges before the fight with Omega Shenron that Goku’s the only one who ever seems capable of doing anything useful when the worlds in danger... and Goku pretty much nods and goes along with that. And between Vegeta’s ineptitude in the fight and everyone else constantly failing in their efforts to help and being irrelevant throughout the show, it legitimately feels like the show is making it an explicit truth that no one but Goku is capable of saving the world from all the threats it faces... and then he just leaves and tells Vegeta he can fend for himself? After the show acknowledges that little annoying tend without doing anything to disprove the idea? Wow Goku, you care so much...
then again, that wasn’t the only time the show tried to pull an inappropriately jerkish move with him. Since after the aforementioned incident with the fourth Shadow Dragon, Goku proceeded to pull a horribly jerkish move when, after Pan had been absorbed by the shadow dragon, suffered excruciating pain after Goku was nearly forced to kill her, and she was left battered... he dangled it’s dragon ball in front of her face as she was regaining consciousness and joked that it was the dragon getting ready to absorb her again, terrifying Pan just for a laugh... when realistically, such an incident would have left any normal person with a SEVERE case of PTSD and doing something like that would have probably triggered her, resulting in a possibly fatal heart attack considering the damage she’d already took! WHAT THE F###, YOU LITTLE S###!!
And again, THIS little idiot is still frequently glorified, being the only character that gets to do anything useful and the show treats him as this all living, perfect hero. The narration at the end even says that he’s going away so that he’ll return when the earth has need of him again, painting his actions here as noble and Goku like he’s some mystical, King Arthur-esque hero who’s destiny it is to always save the world and he pretty much exists only to be the hero of the universe.
Except that misses the POINT of what kind of a hero Goku is. He doesn’t choose to be a hero. He’s not some destined hero of legend born for the sole purpose of being this biblical saviour. He’s not space monkey Jesus. He started out as just some good natured alien kid who just happened to always be in the right place at the right time.
Adventure literally found him when Bulma drove into him one day looking for his Dragon Ball. He kept stumbling into conflicts when he was just doing his own thing in the Original Dragon Ball. Sure he was always happy to offer  help to people he saw were in trouble, because he was a good person but he never once sought out conflict. Trouble found him, and he was just doing what he fought was right or defending his family and friends, doing good along the way. He was happy to just live peacefully with his wife and child after beating Piccolo Jr.
He had other motivations like a lust for battle, which caused him to make risky, sometimes selfish or just reckless decisions that, while they often worked out for the best in the long run, could have ended badly and make Goku seem questionable. But he always realized when he’d made a mistake and tried his best to fix it afterwards. He detested people doing evil things, and while he’d try to minimalize collateral damage and would occasionally lecture villains on their heinous actions and call them out, he never did it while talking like he’s some sort of paragon on truth and justice. Outside of the dub’s “Hope of the universe” speech, but I agree outside of that and some minor instances the dub didn’t change his personality TOO much.
Goku was a kind and loving person and he’d gladly save the earth where he could, but it wasn’t his job. He never acted or treated himself like some traditional hero type, and the show and manga never pretended he was. He was just always there because situations lead him to the point where he’d have to get involved in conflicts and he’d do his best to prepare and overcome them and help whoever he sees is in trouble, while still trying to have a life outside of that, occasionally persuing his own interests which mostly revolved around fighting and martial arts anyway.
Goku is a very realistically written kind of hero. He’s grounded, and that’s part of what makes him great.
That ending and a lot of GT’s treatment of him seems to want to fill him with this sense of grandeur and mysticism and this whole destiny, higher calling thing, despite the fact that goes against his prior portrayals and the ending of Z. It misses the point of his attempts to pass the torch to Gohan and then later Uub at EoZ. Goku didn’t intend to always be the when the earth needed him. He realized his mortality and while he’d never intended it, he came to understand that the earth frequently depended on him and it would need someone else to do so when he was gone. Thus, training a successor. So as well as making him look like a complete inconsiderate, reckless a-hold, the ending also completely derails the entire direction Toriyama intended for the character just to put Goku on a pedestal above everyone else, with the implication that no one CAN be a hero because that’s HIS job, now and forever. Which is nonsense and disrespectful to all the other characters that actually did meaningfully contribute to saving the world before. Way to miss the point. I guess that’s why they call it Goku Time, huh?
What a load. This series completely derails Goku’s character by the end after first turning him into a bland Gary Stu and outright makes me want to punch him at the end despite the fact that he’s usually my favourite character.
And that and everything else I’ve mentioned is why I know hate GT. It misses so much of the point of Dragon Ball. It breaks the story, 3/4 if not more of it is unenjoyable for me, it arrogantly tried to position itself as the true finale to this legendary franchise while completely missing the point of the story and completely destroying the set-up left to it by Toriyama for an actual proper continuation. And it does so while having the most unsatisfying, frustrating, badly written final saga possible that just feels like it spits on the legacy of everything that came before it.
I could go on, but I’m getting sick of writing this, I don’t want to save this for tomorrow or whenever since I already said I’d get this written up today and I don’t want to go back on that. It’s getting late and I have other things to do. There’s a lot more I could elaborate on, and maybe I will in future posts. But I think I’ve made my point.
Gt is bad. It derails the story, does insulting and despicable things to many of it’s characters, especially Piccolo, Buu, Kami, Pan, Uub, 17 and Goku. It presents us with unsatisfying, boring, and STUPID stories with only one marginally above average story that’s still full of holes. It destroys potential for so many characters and ideas for more stories, with an ending that closes the door on any kind of continuation, or at least one featuring our main character. It tired to pass itself off as the grand finale, but spat in the face of Dragon ball, Toriyama and every fan that had been following Dragon Ball all the way to the end. All while trying to present itself as good and seemingly wanting to pat itself on the back for doing what Toriyama did with his ending, only better by going several steps further. Failing because of it’s terrible context and writing.
If GT were canon, it would outright BREAK the story of Dragon Ball, and make so much of what came before feel like it was all for nothing in the grand scheme of things where it was all leading to, especially with that ending. And no, the fact that we’re know firmly decided on the fact that it’s not and the show is practically irrelevant does NOT make any of that any better. Because it’s still true within the context of this show.
I’m getting tired. I don’t know what else to say. Maybe I’ll write more again, maybe I won’t. I definitely don’t want to go back and watch this show again any time soon, that’s for sure.
If you like it, good. But please, don’t try to argue with me over GT. I will not budge with these opinions. This is how I feel, and nothing will change my mind. I won’t keep ranting about it unless I’m pressed to. I don’t want to force my views on anyone else and I respect the opinions of others who like this show. I’m happy that there are fans that love this series and find joy in it, really. Even if I don’t agree with people on things, it makes me happy to see people enjoying themselves regardless of what others think of a product. I love the Star Wars prequels and Scrappy Doo and the 3D Sonic games, after all.
But i stand by my case. Dragon Ball GT is awful. Possibly one of the worst things to ever be done with the franchise. And without a doubt, the worst ending the series could have asked for. And boy, am I glad we have Super, because whatever it’s faults, it proves that we can and will have more shows, more stories with Dragon Ball and these characters. GT didn’t end that potential. It doesn’t matter. Thank you, Toriyama.
And, after several months between watching and mulling things over, those are my final thoughts on Dragon Ball GT.
@kairi-yajuu Oh right, I believe I promised to link you this? Hope this jumbled mess and that reply I left yesterday help make it clearer. I have an ask about why I like Super more if you want me to link my answer to that to you when I get to it eventually?
15 notes · View notes
Clone Wars    Senate Spy
       Season 2 Episode 4
Yea,      This     Sound    -s     Good
  A true heart should never     be doubted
    Doubt     is generally a bad thing
     You’re either certain a person’s an          asshole
       Or not
        (Gosh darn it is this going to be in Asoka episode?)
             I just get that feeling
“Treachery        in         the     Senate”
    So a      Tuesday         (I will     not make     any more     political     jokes)
    Tak          Ing         Part...
     Oh no he hang out            ....
        with the wrong clique!
         Of enablers!
          (It’s so petty              but makes               sense
            Like;              Seriously
       Is Obi-Wan              Going               to walk over there?
       And            be like;
      ‘Heard you were hanging out with grievous..
   They’re         grown       adults...
                           (This is why we do accountability)
     Like       they’re even framed like a       cliche
     [Narrator             Voice;
         ‘this is me and my            clique,
           Also, hey
          Watton-boar’s                 In                 Prison!
           No             Ret-cons!
         (I thought that           episode was           relatively good!)
            Do you mean  he thinks they’re               peanuts?
            Or “Plot,”?
           As in he’s           plotting to destroy         them?
      Senator            From           Skipp-io          (We          have             to read              his text             messages!)
        [Okay, that’s the last          joke, but            Seriously,           the           military            gives a shit            what this guy             thinks?]
     And what.          happens       if he answers             “yes”,             (Or decides to say to stay            neutral?]
        Don’t really           have a plan             for that
       [Or is this you didn’t join our cliques so you get to spend the night in         prison,]              Rules?
         How is not blasting every detail of your communications     “spying?”
         Like that’s pretty lambasting for kid                Who’s crime-
      -Wait            what did he even do?
       [Think Yoda’s             snooping again,]
           Anakin               Sky-     Walker
             That’s a pretty              posh looking hotel                           (Makes sense                 for a senator)
        Okay,              so he’s not there,
       Isn’t he supposed to be            her bodyguard?
      Leading fecking,            what,  mate?
         - Get a                    Boomer Bait promotion?
       Because they treated him like                                                     shit last time I checked
      Like          he’s        below        Obi-Wan-
“Now      he    returns,”
  Clearly wasn’t that    important
    With his        wife...
    Did the      writing get any better(?)
    (Preferably not quasi(?)
   - Oh
    Hasn’t       spoken          a         word
     I         guess        that’s        Ok-ay
   What       do      they      have        in    common?
   What          do       they        like,           About          Each          Other?   
      (I mean             they’re going to have to spend some time in silence
        Looking adoringly              At the               Other                  Person-               Talk-               About                  The               Thing...
           Where’s                  the                 vibing?
             Padme’s                  tone                      is                   way                      too                   uneven...
                  And                          A                      Question?
                     I’ve                     covered                       before                         but..
                    Questions                          are                          sign                           of                         distrust
         (She              seems                 ner              vous)
                         If                           you                           trust,                           your                          partner                             says                           their                              thing                             you                             say                            yours                                . . .                            And you just                                vibe
                           (Or you                                don’t)
                             Cargo                                 Freighter
                              Military                                transport
                                   Dis                                      -trust
But   more   import   -antly        how       are       they                                ....      Avoiding        the        war?
       Like dude I’m pretty sure this was           tox before it              began?
           To abandon                  your productive                            And account                   -able                    Res-                     Pons                    Ibil                    ities?
                Like, even                 as-suming,                    (In the best                  cir- cumstances)                      They’re                           Entertain-ment                       focuses                        purely,                       Shouldn’t                        they                        have                       waited                         for                          the                        all                        clear?
Their      Gen    Leader       to       fix       everything       up?
  (There are blaring signs here that say         things are not alright,)
                                   These                                        two                                        are                                        far                                        from                                      innocent                                          (And por-)                                           Point                                          being                                             there                                             should                                              be                                               a                                               lot                                                Less                                            “Innocence”                                                Lot                                                 More;                                                 “We                                             shouldn’t                                                   do                                                     this,”                                                   To                                                     “I                                                   Don’t                                                   Care,”                                                       To                                                     “So                                                        -Bad,”                                                          [On                                                           Both                                                             Sides                                                          - Looking at you                                                               Amidala’s                                                                Char-                                                                ara                                                                  cter                                                                 Iza                                                                 Tion-                                                                  She’s                                                                   Not                                                                 Anymore                                                                   In-nocent                                                                     Than                                                                   Sky-                                                                    Walker-
                                                                    - In this af                                                                           -fair
                                                             And                                                                 harps                                                               should                                                                definitely                                                                  not be                                                                 playing
                                                               Over                                                                   one                                                                     of                                                                    the                                                                most                                                               severe                                                                rule                                                               break                                                                you                                                               can                                                               do
                                                          (Besides                                                               Gen                                                              -erational                                                               over                                                                     lay)
                                                         (It’s not                                                              cute)
                                                               It                                                                   isn’t                                                                    the                                                                 enabling                                                                       (Self                                                                        Less-                                                                power                                                                     of                                                                    love
                                                               This                                                                       is                                                                     purely                                                                   selfish                                
                                                            And should have clear “fuck society”                                                                 overtones (know                                                               ledg                                                                       ab                                                                       L                                                                     -e-
                                                                  [As                                                                   Adults.                                                                   ..]                                                                    . The     alter   -native         far        more      disturbin     g
   (A con-      versation      about        the          Over        sex       ualization           of      children-         And how         you      should      definitely           not         be      playing        harp       music        over        it
-is not a    con   -versation      I wanna       have with     this      movie
   But it won’t    commit     to      either        tone
 Dis-   turbingly!
  (Any way.     .)
   “It      blew       up”
Dude   you’re   supposed      to      be      making    sure     things      didn’t     stagnate      or         get       tox
 That should be   pain-     ted as a lot more malicious
Like;             “ oh yeah       ‘someone’      (Boomers          Or       (Corrupt)             Z-           Tried          to           kill         me            -         screw       holding        those            guys      accountable-             -        “Society’”        Can          deal            with                it”
        Hey               -                  that               was                        something                  -                  But              the             light             music               needs                to                fuck                 off                 (Very               Light-            Ly-            )           . . .
     Already premade?
           Then it   was-
         - Home-
          [Seriously what    was I supposed to get from that ?
         [Like her head bobbled  
         there was no emotion in eyes             [which is bad     considering she’s an adult 
 and should always have emotion                               in her.                      Eyes]
          That           “head bobbling           talking             when              spoken                 to...”    
          More befitting of a   child
        -Reacting   upon      given      orders-
      Is Padme.. like     an arc    -h        it      ec       t?
  (That sounded like something straight out      of a    bad    parent        In    an       Adop      tion        flix)
   (If they were good      they wouldn’t         say it)
    And Padme        Is not a          bad par-        She’s         His         Wife (Bo     -omer          humor         what’s           the      difference         can          go          right            to hell,)
     Nothing             (?)
        It’s the place you            live (?)          Why would you     name it?
      (And some     thing so impersonal,”
       Like not like the        “home that builds other homes,?”            (Since Padme =        Model arch       -tect?)
      It’s           Fine...
     (Just don’t know       why’d         you’d         name            it        that.)
    Naboo       Am-        bassador
   Right    next to the glass fucking windows,
 Oh,        God,
  They’re still       supposed to be secret        right?
  (Like, writers,        The           Scen-ery                Is contra-       dicting the themes)
     Like just the,  “they’re were supposed to keep the     secret,”
     Then they should meet           In close         quarters no light
      For thematic           appropriateness,
       Did the Ambassador...              Give the senator.                  Clothes?               (Like isn’t that               seriously               offensive?)                Like;                “I don’t like your clothing          style?”
           Like that’s pretty assumed authority        right      there
   (Unless        they        were        really        close       friends)
      Five        Blossom        Bread
   “Her        Spec        -ial           Ity,       Wouldn’t         it         be        her       preference-
 Cause        she’s         not      cooking        Also this is feeling very      Boomer.   right       now;         The        Wife         Cooks;       
   (But (as) if there’s anything wrong with cooking        if she likes cooking         and likes         cooking      for all      others?
    What are we going to get any      further    el-aboration         on        that?   
‘Cause it feels      kinda boomer      right now,
   Special-          Ity
 Special- ty       Again,    stop questioning her      and let her do what makes her happy
   Like seriously      You should be so head over heels     that you would listen to them talk about      nail polish for an hour.    (As in,      hearing them talk about paint dry would be interesting
  Because they are so        fecking            cool
      That’s          how           heavy        in the vibes         you should           be-
      (Also what did the ambassador     give      her.. .?)
     Except for galactic     peace
[I know that was a     low blow,]
  “Little,”         Oh          No
 “Every        Day-”
     Who ordered the small been to cook?
      Just...wanna .. to talk,
        And why is bring(ing) that tox                into the relationship            seen as a good thing
    (Also productive interest surfaces     at 22, excessive after)
  So, how young is        22?
   (Because ...     )  
   “I’ve         Been          . Sav-”
     Spec            Ial..
      You            Know...
      That’s          almost          ad-orable              What was          that           transition?
        Bread.         Then             Chest           Hug...
        Shouldn’t             she be            getting                  the               bread?
            (And the               cute-ness                  come from them enjoying it together?)
             With                   You
             Dude. ..            that was the moment           you wanted to lighten up               on the tone                  .      (Not to the point of        being not adult,)  
   Put in a dreamy       complementary       ‘I could hear you          .. talk about, anything”
     Special             ....   
     [WHAT ABOUT THE Bread?!]
      I’m sorry,           but there was a lot of opportunity            for cute
             But the tone...              was off
 [His pupils need to be wider         And the focus needs to be on that
   That he’s so in love with          Amidala
     (Whether             it’s             right or wrong,)
        Her            Lan-guish              Ing                In                Un-              Con              Dit               Ion               al                (Romantic)            Love            More   
 Okay. .
  That’s           a   building
  And       a    reminder           ...
   Of        all      the-        -            They’re     enabling
   One      less        day        to fix it            .....
   Bank-ing      (Bank-he?                If         so,         good       consis-      tency-)
Discover        the truth    in this    matter      we must
   What does that     have to do with the           other         Guy?
    Yoda..     must          Snoop
  “I         Couldn’t,”
    Obi-won          is down         to        snoop              ...
    Sen         a-tor  
 Am-idal            a
     Good for       her
  Not getting pulled into this       Jedi bullshit      ‘Padme,...
‘(muffled) Weneedyoutospyon      Clovis..
    Change            her        mind
        (Assumed auth-)
            Hella                      Tox. .
  [Also, do the Jedi order          have a literally           no other         senators?
Like no one else      semi-willing to        Partake           In their  degeneracy?
(I mean   good for    them.)
 He just left...
He’s on vaca
  Or     shore leave
[Well at least he temporary went    No Contact with the abuser ]
  He’s Amidala bodyguard      , right?
  [like I know it’s implied that he went to    a bar or something..]
 But       Like.. .
 Who’s watching    Amidala             then?
 On    the clock?
 [In front of    a huge freakin window
 [Scenery          /=/         Reason           To          Tor          -ped            O
     You         have           to         pace     yourself,      writers!
     Save the art         for the dramatic             Thematically              appropriate               scenes!
           You’re hit-          ting that button          every five seconds !
     Standing beside a HUGE fucking window-
           [i’m sorry the window-             thing really bothers me-]
           Mostly because it screws              with the rest of the story!
           [they shouldn’t be I                    love our life and                      everything                       involved                          in it,”                           This                         should                              be,                            “Oh I wish we could go                           public, we’re so screwed if the                             Jedi catch us,
                         It’s all about the                           yearn-ing                            [From                               my knowledge                           of the genre,]
“Me too,”
  I love    keeping      our love a secret from everyone else      From    everyone else-
   Only getting to see each other   on rare occasions
  And living in terror        About my          Narc...      Authority   Ass-   umers..
    Finding out about our relationship     and     shaming       me
  [Great society       we live in,]
    [Of my own       negli        gence..]
   *Just       Not       -ic-ed
   Yeah,  missed that detail
   Like missing a lot of unrequited yearning               [For- bid            den-]
        Love        In this      forbidden                 “love” story
  So, why wasn’t it beeping   nonstop?
  Also, Dick   move
  Rais-ing him      on break    just to get some   tea..
 De        -lay
  Yeah, we’re just gloss-ing over that?
  That Obi-Wan will literally send a         police brigade       If     Anakin       (An      Adult)            Doesn’t answer     him          (On        Break)
  Damn,      That’s        tox
 Must’ve    been        a     shit   childhood        -      With   Mister   authority   assumer   over   there       . . .    I’ve      been      Ducking..  ...
 Yeah that’s real    tox
      Assumed authority
     Expecting things         of others          (Apart           from         basic        human       decency)
       There’s too much        tox           in this scene         for me to cover
       But           seriously,          Yeet          the          authority            assumer..
      Angry. .
     As you   should     be..
 At the authority      assumer.. ...
   “don’t think you could read my   mind,”
     (Yeah, but then again this is a relationship you’re supposed to be                vibing
       Still a dick move he was like I know what        you’re thinking
       But saying           it isn’t going to               fix the         problem             ...
       Per-formative           statements                 Towards                  The                 Abuse-
            Isn’t going   to fix the very                  clear problem
If you want a healthy relationship     you’ve got a kick     them
  And      act    accountably
      Still a dick move             that he tried that though
     “You shouldn’t take this      personally,”
       We’re taking in this relationship             as the world around us         burns...
         Where               you         expecting           roses,
                                             [i’m sorry but this really doesn’t work in                                                     an unrequited love story                                                          (For-bidden]
                     “Duty   comes    first,”
             Except                  with                 society                     and                accountability
               (He’s                    not                   noble)
                   It should be more so                       in jest                          When he says                        “duty calls”                          Having                          noticeably                           flaun-ted                          the rules                           knowledgeabl   -y
                      Every note                          sardonic
                                        [They tried to play it                                                 straight.]  
           [This is just a badly         written love story,]
                                      They’re                                            both                                          adults
[Or   should be      if you don’t      wanna get into      sexualization       of          children         territory,]
                                               Neither is   in-   nocent
                                                          Either                                                                is                                                                un-knowledgeable
                                                             Or                                                               Should  
Dis-  -gus       t-       ing         - 
   No     Emotion! 
   None       what-         so- ever!
     [That’s          how             you          know               -                 it’s a good       love story                 -     S/
  .....  .
   Sorry...  I’m late
   But      she won’t answer our calls...
   Yeah there’s like     50 other      senators             They         all         said        no...
  Good        Friend(s
  Seriously,        that’s not suspicious
   Having non-mutual      friends is pretty common
   As is   Ana-kin not knowing this
 Obi-Wan   knock it off
   You don’t     know anything
  Nor was Sky     -walker’s
 Anything different than a general       who just takes       An     advanced     interest        In       Targets
   Point        Being;        This is a council of      snoopers that behavior isn’t a notable
Nor   worthy of the   eyebrow     raise. .
Know them, why would you
Cause, he’s a general?
 Like, seriously
Is social   studies      forbid        den         In       The       Council         Of       Snoops?
  (They are treating this        way more severe than it actually is]
  Also Anakin’s screwed if   the council of hypocrites      Only   allows elder -ly members.    to join    in the   gossip   circles
Yoda’s        A      Snoop.       -      Refuse.      -
  Emotionally    manipulate   ...
Your     girl   ..friend       ....
 Gas       Ligh        t-       Ing
Women       (Yes I use this because the      innocence tone            literally only             Acts up             More            Sever            Ly-            Around           Her)
   Can’t        make          Their         Own         Dec-         isi          On              -          Er
      I’m sorry but the whole tone is just         wrong                And none of this is       pres-        ented as a bad thing
   Tone is      kept neutral         As if Anakin       still beholden to their     orders        And not     accountable       for their own actions
  [and it’s been like this the       whole episode...   
  Like Amidala somehow the innocent flower that needs to be protected and corrected from her decisions
     -and none of it is presented       creepily
    [with the correct music choice or like this is toxically       en-courage         Ing          Som     e          one          to       be       a      dick         to      their   spouse    (Boomer-        term-       Partner)
 Okay       -    Al        right        -     Time        for-
   That is more like       an     adult         ...   
   But     know        ledgeably         and intentionally   tox
     Dear           Frick,
    Why is Amidala     acting like      an       adult?
  While Skywalker can’t even pull off   human?
  Neither the     knowledg       ability of an adult
   Nor        The      un-accountability       of a child
   [An adult      would know        why she was angry            And         Any feigned ignorance                     Toxic                 Flirt
    Here     Anakin‘s portrayed as too Stupid to Live  
          [For a              Sentient]
     [This is a         Boomer comics          level stupid,
       Like;        “Haha,        I don’t know           why my wife’s mad,”
       [despite both being human and that being a          backhanded insult to both yours and hers humanity  
       -And                    Developed
          As an attempt to avoid            accountability for              toxicity
Future does    n’t find it cute      mate
Reason    -able
  “Old        Friend,”
   Dude,       stop
    Gas-      lighting-
   To- gether
   Oh yeah you can’t have male       friends
    [Or     friends of         any     distinction]
   Okay well at least he’s   acting as a bodyguard
   So that    line might      make sense
  That he’s worried      for her safety
    Accompanying            her  
         As              Such
   In the    Council     chamber
[Accoun-t-       ability!]
   Also that’s      just    gossip
   You know- if she wants to play       she said he said so be it
  Less so,        With the tone       refusing to hold Anakin accountable
    And Amidala only acting like an adult,          For the           “shrew-ish wife,” joke                  To make Anakin’s actions,                   Which it refuses to hold to the same standard and adult tone,                    Seem less terrible                     And Male-                       cious
This is an open   aud-itorium   with people      clearly     floating     around,
  “Let         me,”
   The        writers...
     Didn’t earn        that...
     He seems         like a nice guy  
      [Like, yeah          standard           assumed              authority, but            personally he’s at least decent]
        If just a          mix match
       Okay never mind             it just got bad
         His eyes
         Weird shiny                 Thing
              This                   just                 got                 power
              Not              in-tentionally                    Good
           Po                   Liti                     Cal                  Definitely                  political,
              Nothing                   ‘bout                       that
Lady, red flags,       Red flags!
  This is more like        the con       versation         between        Amidala and         Anakin
    Should          be         like
      If          the       writers             -          Had         the        balls            -          To write him like an         adult
 “Owo, too         Stupid             To           Live          Abom.        Un-less           Angry,”
    Ena-          bling
     [oh and ob-      viously slightly less evil,]
      Old - Times
        Don’t            Know
That was almost nice          If it,        didn’t completely dropped the ball        On the power thing
     Now it’s just         spaghetti
      Inconsistent          Character             reaction
On   one   hand     Anakin    has   nothing     to fear     because        dude      clearly         has more interest        in power    than his wife
    That’s different
Dude,      Chill
  While the characterization has been        inconsistent and shaky at best
    Dude, clearly
    I fecking       hate both of them
Dude,      Doesn’t       Care         That        Much
Being       “a   more,     ‘I can’t       believe    the        condition      of the      airplane,”
   “Feck’in        Don’t         Mind          Me,”
    Like Anakin is being a   paranoid      dick
    This dude.     Isn’t great   is toxic in his ambition.     Of auth   ority.... over   people
  And     Padme...
  This is just a     toxic     mess         . .
Dude, doesn’t have his own ship   and   Captain        ...
 Also, so      they’re taking   her   ship       ...
That’s nice-    (The only initi-ative        This movie     has taken     other         than   portraying       Amidala         as a           shrewd          wife          —-    
      I        mean          the      insult,        Not any-        thing positive        about         being      shrewd        - -
   Fly       Ship
 - - -     What?
  Like is it a greeting thing?
  [Because dude      has shown      no interest]
    Except        power
   And Anakin is being way too   judge-mental
 Clearly,  Nothing       Behind         It
  And   Amidala        can        handle     herself
  (As can     any      adult)
   [put the   tri-umphant music back-       That wasn’t        cool]
  Blast        It
 Yeah,  if I suddenly had my arms and legs      restrained-
Also - I think     Amidala’s starting to pity him
 [And      I am too]
  Yeah like dude          a little too ambitious
  You’re tormenting him
  Or something that didn’t even seem    re-latively serious
 And could’ve just been    kind of some weird    custom
  [See-         Ing       as      dude      doesn’t         even      seem     remotely    interested,]
   She’s       Tr-ying
 Aw,      That’s        Nice-
    At least he has some humor
      Looks           like               a           de-ranged          superhero                 -            Aight
Trophy      Wives?
         That’s-                nice
 Fresh       S tart..
That was      Forced
   Hope        ...
 Clovis        ...
  Second         Chances-
       Again- what did he do?
    Like, episode insists on         lambasting this guy...
     On a Rumor                             Mill...
    And         something that happened when they were                                                                      kids.?
       (I know it’s implied                           relation-ship)
           But, seriously?
        “he didn’t take it well?”
           Dude, has shown no                                        interest
                                       Being about the                                            power
I half- convinced     “not taking it well,”        Was dude eating like a     pint of ice cream..
   And, y’know
   Just break         Up
    Don’t      continue             to         lambaste           the           guy
       Over            “Yoda”              The              Gossip’s      Pre-       Sence-
           Years                Later
   Good,       everyone’s       being        friendly,
   [Don’t fuck          it up       Anakin,”
     My          Bad-
      So         the          uniform
      [but then again             he did          explicitly say        that             was why he was coming,”
    And dude pretty smart for not wanting to be 
   gang-ed up                 on
                  So inn-ocent                        Enough
See, everything’s    completely     fine..
  See,     Normal
  Never mind-
          But, seriously
How is that          a problem?
  Specifically        Amidala’s        business?
      When She doesn’t help stop the war either?
 Also yeah     way to invite the senator  to your meeting..
  He       Right..
  Walk         ...
  Good       for       her
  What         ...   
   Okay          ...
  Showing       some        initiative-
    Good          for
   Lighting         Does-           n’t         necess     -arily        Make        him        evil..
    Again..         Terr-          Ifying      wolf cub
      Dude has no            teeth
        Nor energy           for what         he’s             saying
        He          has             a           point...
    Again he’s an absolute     .doofus
     She didn’t see         that?
      Or hear          that?
       Like, they don’t have           any guards?
     Ain’t the            Boss
       Like, seriously        according to them            she just got lost;
       Were you expecting her to stay in           her bedroom?
         My             Dear
         That’s               Very                 Nice-
           Also,                they              legit               hid           behind                the             columns                  ...
              In                their                   own                 house...
                After telling her           they were having a meeting
              This is a     “Did    you    get   lost?”     reaction            -worthy
    Not         “Hid,         Pillars,”
    “Dressed           for dinner,”
        That’s kinda             dick move
  Unless...    it’s a custom..
     Why        only         him?
    Seriously         that’s just -       particularly      bad negotiations-        Reactions-
Maybe I’m missing something..
I feel
  Have          To
    They’re going to sell him        out?
    Weak        -ness
     Dude has just been   plain   friendly    this entire time
       Like             No             In-
       Poison            Amadela
          Geez               -us
          That went from                  1 to 5!
             Why not just plant the     plans on him?
               Also that’s not necessarily a     rom-antic thing                          Like doesn’t matter   who’s before me  
                 I think I would care   whether a person lived or died
                 Even if   -grudgingly 
                 (That’s a                      human!)
Again,      It’s still leaves the    rest     of whatever organization he’s in
   And the concept of “duress,”           To       disqualify it
    (Like so      far he’s just a spokesperson        ; A Senator,
   Oh it’s that     ration      thing     . . .
   Okay,  Anakin took a chill pill
   Light        Drink
   Oh,         It          Is         A      Custom’s         Thing,         ...
    Good           Friend          ...
    Too       Disney
And with that weird   marriage thing in the back    
*Spoof      -y
 Acceptab    ly-
 Just      Stand-     ing
Helpless-     Hapless     (More   accurate)
  Drink      -      With       Me-
    Are we sure Clovis isn’t going to get drunk/       Poison
   Medic      -
   Look          At        Him;
Tumblr media
Face of evil
    Feckin Doofus..  
     Nothing            Too            Bad..
But,      also;        Shouldn’t         take her      to a secluded area
      After             Sick..
A little weird           but ok
     -          ...
  Good for you
  Never mind jerk       Anakin is back?
   Senator      Clovis
   Private         Tour
    No      it was just a tour,”
   Everything there      was pretty friendly
    Anakin’s gonna         ....
   There      it is.. though     actually sounds more like a guard.
 Not too     Bad...
Warn her
*Not too      bad   
      Wait...didn’t it        already?
    Wait that’s not disgust     that’s headache
Climate      Change  
Ahah      ha-
(I’m   sorry,     that’s      so out     of place         ... 
 It’s      Hi-     Lar-        Ious
   Aight          ....
  “I mean that    is childhood friend
   Or friend
  That’s       Nice-
    Not sus.        picious at all?
  . .
   [just put the drink down...
     Say           That
Also hugs can be      platonic...      (No              Rom...)
     Also good      skipped that     miscommunication       ...
  Racing          ...
   Even Dude knows when        to        Back          It...
   Where did that come     from?
   Like, seriously,
    Dude- She’s drugged
  (Take care of yourself      before you take care of others         moral)
   The tox        ...literally killed her
    Boundaries are     good...
   Medical       droid..
    Smart       decision
  Ack  nowledgemeant-
   If       I-
   Stupid plan-
   No     Matter
   They’re   negotiators-
   Poi-      Son     Ed-           Your-
    No shit
   How did he know that?
Tumblr media
   [The Republic Senator    I invited here                Might            not            like           the        Separatists?          Impossible!]
     Dude’s bordering on Himbo             (Corrupt)          But             Still             Trust              -ing
       Okay. .
    She’s      dying..
    That’s        Feck’in         Tame. .
     Also, hey          He did         get the          antidote..
I honestly     -feel for the guy
   Like, yeah he’s corrupt-        But so is     Padme      In terms   of       finishing the          war
With- his one thing-       Being      Friend       -ship
   (Which       Padme         likely       knew,  
   And      she    betrayed           it
   Like,        that’s      gotta      sting          -       More than the Senate    /Sep     art-       Ist-     -
  Dude is acting pretty     tame-
  Still betray   ..ed his friendship
Like,       Those...        A different      layers of     shitty          .
 Suppor-         ting a different sports      team
   Steal-         Ing         Your         Friend’s         Merch,           To         Lambaste him in front of a crowd          ...
   (Best       comparison        I can       come up        with..)
  Dude, It was a manu   facturing business
    Not like-
  Dude, like how many     clone    insta-llations do they have?
     He’s at least not          directly           Screwing            them over  
        Imm-ed      - iately
       Get           Away
       Dude, they were just talking about             their emotions...
      Jedi from        -1 to 10-
  Ha ha
   Dude just stands there
  Like,        What?
  Don’t       get me           wrong?
     A        random pilot just came bursting into his room
    Told him not to     touch
    (Which           he         wasn’t-
     You’d- be a little     ‘who the heck is this guy?’
     She’s          Fine?
    Like, to him        she’s just tired?
    Nothing seems        noticeably off. .
    The       Medical droid?
       Take        Coursant
     Dude, she’s been dying for like half an hour-
      He’s trying to be a good friend-
   Dude, he just gave you    advice on how to get the antidote
 Ain’t       Inter-      Sted-
   And I’ll       get
  [Honestly that comes across very concerned.]
   Like imagine some random pilot dude      Just-           Broke      into the room
   And said he was going to fight a dude     with       clearly     shady dealings        (Poison       up      his sleeve)
    And very    likely guns...
   You’d        Be like dude ‘hold up
(Note; Toxin      Logic- where        Author     -ity       Assum     -ed         Means    So     me-    thing,
 I still   believe    they      could     both     take    this     guy)
   But     Re-       ason- able         (Technically)
   You can’t
   Like,       Dude,        I know         You        Have        Some    Acc-        But          This         Dude         Does-          n’t
     -          -  
    Nor-mally,          I’d say      ‘accountability’           But they          actually  made him a         relatively good sympathetic           villain
   Like, yeah        that’s true         He could’ve       (Should’ve)         But       this        is        now     toxin vs. toxin        (aka.)
    Like, already, he screwed himself and humanity over,        And         that’s            Kinda               Sad...    
        You can’t help hope that they get    held accountable            soon
        To         stop         dig-           ging              ...            The            Hole               ...   
       They          dug          for            him           (self)            ...
     Not helped that he doesn’t really do anything evil
      (Moderately upset button (N     -ot Be-zerk) when          Padme betrays his friendship
      Her life..
    Good friend         Clovis,
     ‘Love           Her,’
   (What?    love can be platonic,      Dude     hasn’t shown any      real interest,”
     (Seriously Padme has used the                “lonely” line so many times                Dude’s only            response;  
         Cool, let’s go on a trip             together (Bond                              -ing)
          Cool, let me take you to your              room (non- sexual)
                       No interest
                       -No energy -Neat
      Lot          -Dot
     Come          with           me-
     There are witnesses-
       Just got him out of a           ultimatum-
      Dead-             Damn,           Clovis,           Fucking,           1/10
       around          - Don’t mess   
       With his friends-
[Seems     more   Anakin]
          Pay this
           Total             Weak-lings
          Even then             he’s nice
         [Though              sounds              like a           goblin...]
        More               so voice. .
          Clovis- do            n’t fuck               Around.
         Sur-vival               Skills
    Dude          He did that under stress         of his friend dying-
      Dick           Move-                 Whelp-
      Body guard was nowhere to be seen
     With the   - eye path
     There            He              Is.
 “sorry, sorry for what?
   Anakin wasn’t right about anything-
     Isn’t deserving         of an apology-
   But, They already knew it was       there...?
   No shit
   Can-      We          Play-             That              Back-
 “ I made you doubt me,”
   What kind of              -gaslighting-?      
           - - -   Er-
       The first                     part          absolute     boomer mess   
        Clovis’s             Struggle              With          Friend-               Ship?     
         End?          Nope In general,
    The tone           is a      confused mess
                    * Clovis                      a saving grace
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