#just thinking about them.....giving character varied body types my beloved
cyberdragoninfinity · 8 months
some specific yutag bodytype/appearence headcanon ponderings for the protags i've gotten to know so far:
-Yugi: this kid's hair makes up a solid third of his height and he just came like that!! pretty average build, kinda skinny (though not as skinny as ryou "open the car window and he flies out like a mcdonald's napkin" bakura). Smattering of silver ear piercings, chipped black nailpolish. Big doe eyes, kinda smudged eyeliner.
-Jaden: fat jaden is just real and true to me sorry. fat trans guy who doesn't really bind much. T and/or Miscellaneous Duel Monster Fusion Hormone effects are making him hairy. he's going to grow up to be the bear of all time. he's going to grow up to look like jack black. has scraggly teenager stubble.
-Yusei: STURDY. Toned arms, Kind of fat, super solid center of gravity-- you are NOT knocking this man over. Covered in little (and big) nicks and scars, some newer, some long since faded. Has a bit of an intense resting face. Big prominent nose. Transmasc, small chested, binds sometimes but finds it not worth the hassle sometimes.
-Yuma: At the beautiful stage of being 13 where your proportions are just kind of fucked up. Long arms, gangly in the way a puppy that's not quite full grown is all limbs and boundless energy. Big ol scar across his nose bridge from running into a door/tripping down the stairs/accidentally opening his duel disc directly into his face/etc. (choose your own adventure.)
-Yuya: i havent watched enough arc-v yet to fully have my grip on what his bodytype's like but i KNOW this kid's got freckles and a tooth gap. Kind of springy lean build. Bangs constantly flop into his face. Big eyes that always kind of look a little wet. Silly looking on purpose.
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atoriv-art · 5 months
I’m deeply in love with your artstyle! What do you headcanon for the Naruto characters appearances and how did you come to that?
thank you!! assuming you mean facial features + body types and the like, it's honestly a very "vibes"-based approach AKSDMKM i wrote down a feeew of my thoughts in [ this post ] (which i doodled as i was still not done watching naruto LMAO) but it's mostly about like.. picking aspects of the character that jump out to me and thinking about how to incorporate that in my interpretation of them, a lot of the time it's their eyes (for example i Adore itachi's stupid prettyboy eyelashes so i knew i wanted to draw those) but it could be just about anything; some examples of my beloved Guys:
with itachi i wanted a 'ghostly' kind of look to him because he is very aloof and distant, i also like having him be Long and Bony for a lack of a better word for the same reason?
with sasuke i wanted a very sweet and earnest "trying to look tough but failing because he's a little guy" vibe, mostly because those are the thoughts that were going thru my brain in any given sasuke scene in our naruto watch
for kakashi i needed his prettyboy charms coupled with his depressed everything
etc! it's hard to convey how/why something comes off a certain way, and that's mostly because imo any given appearance can be used to convey any sort of idea depending on execution! it's not Just "round = friendly and triangle = angry" yk you gotta like. flavor it for the lack of a better word
i'll put the rest under a read more so it's not too long ^^
for more general examples here's my kabuto (yeah i'm a kabuto liker. woe.), konan and nagato
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kabuto (esp. in shippuden) has sharper features and i also wanted to go with a face type i'm not AS used to drawing for funsies, i also think the Angles contrast well with his (...stupid...) glasses.
kabuto is an adult but he's still very young esp when we first meet him so when drawing his younger self i'd like to put emphasis on that (especially because he presents himself as friendly), thus the slightly rounder features. by contrast in shippuden he's Going Through Some Things so the spikes in his hair are emphasized and he looks a bit more mature
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konan for me sticks out as like, "bold"? not aggressive but very intense if that makes any sense, she's a very serious person and you can tell from the moment you see her, nagato ofc has the rinnegan so his eyes have to be the main feature of his face, and similar to itachi he has a thinner body type... what i wanted with him was similarly a very serious person with a lot of edge to his gaze due to his special dojutsu. and finally on a more subjective level i wanted them to look like they match/belong together because i'm very normal about them ♥
i also enjoy conveying character through how hair is maintained, so for nagato he lets his hair grow kind of however it wants to, konan is more meticulous about hers (tho i forgot to draw her bun in that LOL), and kabuto (given when his design transitions to the shorter hair) i very much picture cutting his in a moment of crisis (pictured below. <3)
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there's also always like.. the Fullness of the hair if it makes sense, i enjoy drawing 'fluffier' stereotypical anime hairstyles a lot but i also really like having people like itachi with finer hair and such, i also think varying that between characters gives each a more unique charm :)
one should also note that a lot of the times the physical features are only half the impression, the other half is how they carry themselves and body language conscious And subconscious!
i think in general studying from life will never lead you wrong (even if your style isn't 'realistic', like, mine certainly has anime leanings), and being mindful of what kind of choice/feature you give someone and what you think that implies about them is always important :) the characters i draw are all characters i like so i try to let whatever makes me fond about them have an influence ^^
it's a constant learning process imo i personally find that even if i like how i draw faces Now i often find them wonky like, 6 months later? but i take that less to mean that i drew them Bad and more to mean i've improved lol
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angelfoodcake222 · 7 months
@cow-stealin-gal, here's some answers to that list of questions you mentioned. You weren't kidding when you said this was a lot of questions. It took me a good hunk of the week to answer them all. Whew!
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1. "What's the lie your character says most often?" The usual ones: "I'm/it's fine" "I'm/it's okay" "That doesn't hurt" "I'm peachy keen" etc.
2. "How loosely or strictly do they use the word 'friend'?" she uses terms like "My friend", "My dearest friend", or "My beloved friend" as her relationships evolve, in that order. The first one comes when she is comfortable in TADC.
3. "How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?" She shows her more tender, caring side to the main cast, but the audience sees the beast lurking just beneath the sugary surface...
4. "What's a hobby they used to have that they miss?" See Question 38 below. Thank you :3
5. "Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?"
6. "What's their favorite [insert anything] (I picked food & clothes) that they've never recommended to anyone before?"
7. "What would you (mun [???]) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?"
8. "How loose is their use of the phrase 'I love you'?" Boa-Constrictor-catching-its-prey loose. Though she never verbally says those three words in that order or anything similar to it, she prefers showing it rather than saying it. Gift-giving & Words of Affirmation are her specialties. Sometimes she is physical though this is sparce.
9. "Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?" She is a kind, compassionate soul, but adaptive to an uncanny degree. That being said, her type of 'love' varies from character to character with other elements like the immediate environment/scene/situation, etc. at play.
10. "What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?" How fast rabbits are & what bugs are the cutest.
11. "If someone was impersonating them, what would friends/family ask or do to tell the difference?" Have a brief scene written specially for this question! >:3
"Do you think you baby us too much?"
"People do not need to be coddled & babied 24/7. Though it is a nice occurrence to happen when you need it to keep your sanity, too much could do just as much harm as not doing it at all. With that out of the way, dearies-." She snatches the smug double by the arms, ears sharpening like downcast horns. Deep & demonic, her voice reverberates through the double's body to dominate any chance of retaliation. "Who the bloody f@ck do you think you are, messing with my friends, you low-budget, dollar-store wonton!?"
Violence censored by a Cain & Bubble-themed 'Technical Difficulties' screen blocks the scene.
12. "What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!" Really bad jokes. Dad Jokes, puns, & dark humor, mainly.
13. "When do they fake a smile? How often?" She smiles much like Jax but not for the same reasons. She does this smile quite often to try cheering up anyone who may need it. Jax is the exception as he angers her very well.
14. "How do they put out a candle?" When in a good mood, she'll cup her hand behind the flame & blow air with a soft whistle sound. When upset or wishing to look imposing, she'll pinch it out, no finger lick, nothing. Only pinches while holding eye contact with whoever she's attempting to intimidate. The candle (probably) isn't the only thing she would extinguish in this way when put to scale.
15. "What's the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they're alone?" Publicly, she is a caring, nurturing, understanding, healing influence who is an ambivert. Privately, she is a candle down to her wick's end & ready to bring virtual hellfire upon this plain of childcore-coded torment. Being conducive to everyone's mental & emotional betterment is her sanity's glue & staples at this point.
16. "What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?"
17. "What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?"
(18). "Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?" Insufficient information on the writer's part. This question will be answered later when the story is more developed.
19. "What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they've been avoiding?"
Option A) Makes peace as best as she can.
Option B) stays silent & keeps her distance (physically, verbally, emotionally, mentally).
Option C) If the first two fail, time to boss up & whoop a blockhead into rubble.
The last one is once in a Blue Moon but can happen if the person she's been avoiding completely ignores her very visible attempts at peace on purpose. If it's out of worry, she returns to Opt A.
20. "Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don't like the person?" Jax & Cain, for the first half. She loves how laidback Jax is & his impish ways are amusing at times, but she hates when he's malicious & uncaring to the others. She doesn't care about her well-being, only about others, so this is the kindling of her internal conflict. Cain, though charming & charismatic, seemingly caring for his 'cast/friends/coworkers', tends to be a little too much for even her. The unpermitted touching makes this worst. She is not a fan of his activities as they do not entice much brain power to solve & often leaves the crew in danger routinely. Lady loves a good brain scratching when it's safe.
The second half is herself. See, she feels a little guilty about inadvertently putting herself out there as the main maternal figure within the cast when Ragatha was there long before her. Even though she is happy to help everyone reach self-betterment, Ragatha included, she cannot stop the shame from reaching her heart.
21. "What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?" Handshaking. Not everyone is comfortable with physical contact like her so she tries not to do this. She will do this if the person is insistent about it.
22. "What is an example of a simple activity that most people do/can do that scares your character?" Acrobatics & yoga. She isn't too big on heights &/or things that scream "possible body horror" to her.
23. "What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn't/don't even remember?" How she tried to avoid them when she originally blipped into existence under the digital big top.
24. "Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?" No, but if she did it would be a shortbread cookie with raspberry preserves on top.
25. "What subject/topic do they know a lot about that's completely useless to the direct plot?" The amount of rabbit/hare/bunny breeds there are currently & the fun facts for each & every single one of them.
26. "How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?" Takes it on the chin like a champ but is crumbling on the inside.
27. "What's the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?" Glitter trap from Jax. Cain was going to clean her off with the snap of his fingers but stopped when she started laughing merrily & heartedly. "I love fine glitter! Thank you, Jax!" She actually hates glitter of all kinds, fine or chunky, shaped or not. She only did this to damper Jax's malicious smirk. She let Cain clean the rest of the surroundings but wore that glitter for months just to prove a point. Yes, she's motherly & kind, but she has her peeves & limits. Jax pushes all of it.
28. "What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?" To help everyone be their best selves. She wants to be the shoulder(s) to cry into, for the crying person's sanity & hers.
29. "How do they respond when someone doesn't believe them?" Understanding. She isn't everyone's container of favored beverage & she knows it. If the situation is too bad for her to be this way, she will get snippy with the person if that person is rude or ignores her words.
30. "When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it's personal versus when it's professional?" This varies. Bigger the issue/mistake, the worst the emotions & vice versa. She's trying her best though.
31. "When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?" Whenever someone comes to her for advice or comfort instead of Ragatha. She helps them with whatever they're asking with the usual bonus (if desired by the asker) to bring Ragatha's second opinion into play for possibly better results. Ragatha herself comes to her occasionally to talk over subjects they share interests in.
32. "If they committed one petty crime/misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?" Jaywalking & motor vehicle offenses. Jaywalking because she is not fond of crowded routes &/or places period. Motor Vehicle Offenses (Speeding & running traffic lights) because girlie has no head for speed management & has poor vision at a distance.
34. "How do they greet someone they like/love?" All the warm, soft, cozy vocals you could think of. Hugs are optional. She is careful to note what the liked character does & doesn't like to do.
33. "How do they greet someone they dislike/hate?" Very formally. No warmth, no softness. Cold, hard tones through & through until the person catches on to her behavior. What the character does next determines her behavior onwards. Physical contact is at the negative numbers as is her normally kind adaptability.
35. "What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they've made?" Tricking Jax into a box filled with Gloinks as punishment for his mean actions. Due to her respecting the Gloink Queen unlike any other, aside from Kinger, the Queen granted her leadership of some lesser Gloinks to carry out Jax's retribution. Both were pleased with his annoyance & anger.
36. "Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?" Nobody & nope. She is stuck in the circus & takes care of everyone, even Jax (occasionally & sneakily). This is more like maternal intent for most.
37. "What's a secret they haven't told serious romantic partners and don't plan to tell?" Sadomaso to the bone. More on the 'Sado-' than the '-maso', but she has a motherly reputation to uphold.
38. "What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?" Domestic chores; baking, cooking, laundry, & so on. What good are such activities if there is zero need for them?
39. "Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?" A bit of both. She loves feeling included & welcomed but if she isn't wanted then that's okay. She'll just take a long walk around the grounds or retire to her room. Now, if the invitation is verbally delivered with wholehearted want, she'll attend solely for that one person's contentment. If she is in a position where not one person likes her, she'll shrug. "Don't let me spoil your merriment, dearies. I'll be off now."
40. "How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?" Put simply, she's worried & confused. "Is this person well? Am I grabbing/shaking too hard? Maybe they don't like being touched & are just doing this for etiquette's sake? I'll make a note of this & find better-tailored ways to interact with them if they'll grant me their friendship at any level."
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
43. What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
44. What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
45. What's something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they're a listener, what makes them talk? If they're a talker, what makes them listen?
47. "Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?" Her family back in the real world. In her defense, nobody remembers anything of their past lives when in the circus.
48. Who would they say 'yes' to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn't want to do?
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
50. What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun [???]) personally don't agree with?
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purplekoop · 1 year
Alright immediate followup to my last post, what if every Overwatch hero got a Street Fighter skin? Same general logic as the OPM collab skins, basically characters from one wearing costumes based on the other.
I am aware trying to find the venn diagram of tumblr users who like Overwatch and Street Fighter isn't gonna lead to much success but uhhh look I don't feel like putting 74 images in this one post so if you want context google it. (Also for a disclaimer for the hypothetical singular Street Fighter fan that finds this, I know next to nothing about any of the games besides 1, 2, Alpha, and 3, if there's a perfect match in 4, 5, or 6 I'm not aware of then I'm just Not Aware of them.)
Soldier 76: Either Ryu (Boring Standard Man), Ken (Boring Standard American Man), or Guile (American Military Man). Tough call between those three for him, but frankly my one reason for considering Ryu is because I think S76's VA would kill the delivery for Ryu's iconic lines.
I'd put Hanzo as Ryu and Cassidy as Ken, but like. Frankly it'd be a little cursed to have Hanzo and Cass both clean shaven.
Mei: Chun Li. Mostly because they're both Chinese and I think it'd be a fun combo visually. I don't have any clever ideas for what Snowball would be though.
Winston: Blanka. Pretty obvious. Weird ape-like man who jumps around the place and shoots electricity, weird man-like ape who jumps around the place and shoots electricity.
Reinhardt: Zangeif. Was very tempted to go with Hugo from SF3 (German Synergy), but I had to pair my two beloved large hairy men who would slam you into the concrete or give you a tender hug.
Zenyatta: Dhalsim. Okay like. This is literally the easiest one. Zenyatta was literally called "Robo Dhalsim" by people when they first saw him. Come on.
Doomfist: Balrog (yes I'm going with US names). I mean. Punchy man. punchy man. Simple math, folks. He'd also be a pretty solid Sagat, but. Punchy Men.
Genji: Vega. Skinny lanky pretty boy with a crouched fighting stance, a mask, and a knack for sharp things and screaming while launching himself at high speeds.
Ramattra: Sagat. This one's mostly based on body type, nobody else that was available is quite as long and lanky as Sagat. Plus, it'd be weird to not pair the one guy who actually shoots energy with his hands as an attack with somebody who can do that in Street Fighter.
Sigma: M. Bison. Like I said in my last post, besides personality this one lines up very strikingly well.
Tracer: Cammy. Simple enough, small nimble British lady, small nimble British lady.
Baptiste: Dee Jay. Not quite from the same place in the Caribbean (Haitian for the former and Jamaican for the latter), but I feel like they'd get along. Plus Dee Jay has a down->up charge input, which you can't say any Overwatch character has anything like besides Baptiste, right?
Reaper: Akuma. Shadowy edgelord. Nothing more complicated past that and the fact I couldn't figure out any better ideas for Reaper or Akuma.
Junkrat: Adon. Lanky bastard men. Simple math.
Roadhog: Birdie. Big dude with a chain he likes to grab people with, and (as of OW2) a mohawk. Funny enough, both Birdie and Adon were Street Fighter 1 characters who came back as playable for SF Alpha, so they do kinda stick together, which is nice cohesion for this "couple of dashing rogues".
Kiriko: Sakura. I know for a fact that logically, Kiriko should get an Ibuki skin. Ninja girl, throws knives, simple math right? But like. In my heart. Kiriko deserves Sakura more. The energy Aligns. She deserves to have the Schmoovement victory dance as an emote.
D.va: Karin. This is mostly just because they're both varying levels of rude. Plus I think Karin/Sakura is a ship to the same extent as D.va/Kiriko? Don't quote me on either of those.
Symmetra: Rose. Flashy extra girlboss. Frankly I think she'd just slay the outfit.
Junker Queen: Rainbow Mika. Mostly just because they're the two of the beefiest ladies from the respective series I'm aware of. The other option was Zarya, but JQ's showboaty personality and more flirty nature make me prefer her for this match over Zarya.
Lucio: Yun. Honestly just the bottom-heavy outfit and calm, cool personality, and how it looks cool in my head.
Echo: Twelve. Shapeshifting inorganic being, shapeshifting inorganic being. Though uh... not sure how you'd make this skin look... good?
Bastion: Q. It's very hard to think of any good matches for Bastion, but I think this one's funny enough to pass. Just imagine him with the hat and trenchcoat. Not sure what Ganymede would be. Give him a hat and trenchcoat too.
Moira: Gill. Definitely would need some extra details considering... Gill is kind of just a buff man pretty much just wearing a cloth over the bare essentials, but the split color design and the fact that if I heard Moira's VA say "The mark of my divinity will scar thy DNA" I would disintegrate make me at least enjoy the concept.
Aaaaaand that's all the ideas I got. Which leaves 13 on the Overwatch side of things without a match: Orisa, Wrecking Ball, Zarya, Ashe, Pharah, Sojourn, Sombra, Torbjorn, Widowmaker, Ana, Brigitte, Lifeweaver, and Mercy. Almost all of which besides very specific body type are ladies, which... I mean considering there were literally only 2 playable women in Street Fighter before Alpha, should kinda make sense. There's almost certainly more in 4, 5, and 6 that'd be great matches, but I haven't played those yet so uh. Sorry women. Also didn't think of anyone who really fit Torb's body type, Lifeweaver's too new for me to have any great ideas for, and... Wrecking Ball. I don't think that one's hard to explain.
Anyways I hope this nonexistent target audience enjoys this poorly organized hypothetical.
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ginminowas · 1 year
grumpus designs addendummm
ANYWAYS. felt like doin a post talking abt how i draw the grumpuses or whatever for funsies bc im bored + since i did the design meme. lets go
in General : i draw them like furries, vaguely. which is fun because im not much of a furry artist so i have no idea what im doing and it shows. in general i give them sorta snouts in varying... snoutyness depending on their over/underbite. eg floofty, snorpy gramble and shelda have flatter faces while liz, lillow and wambus look like weird dogs, i guess. i draw them with human-shaped hands but put pawpads on them. sometimes. you could say i give them ears but to be honest they dont look functioning i just slap some squiggles on their heads and move on. i also give some of them tails. because i walk around irl like why dont i have a tail and well its their problem now.
I also give them more/detailed-er hair and clothes. character specific stuff below
Filbo is still just a guy. I mostly just slapped some freckles on him because I thought theyd be cute. in a spongebob kinda way. i put a hawaiian shirt on him. not pictured, i think he would have a little tuft of a tail. average goober
I draw Beffica with more... idk if id say realistic hair, but it’s less of a hat. as far as I can tell, her in-game model has orangeish-red eyes (color makes me think of ketchup), but I made them browner. not a lot of brown eyed characters in media but this is partially habit on my part coming from drawing genshin fanart (nobody has brown eyes). i made her nose heart shaped and put her in a off the shoulder shirt. she has a sort of... cheetah? pattern bc i think its cute.
Eggabell is round soft and pink. not as egg shaped in my style i suppose, but she prob looks more egg fullbody than just her bust lol. i like the ........ floofy thing ive seen ppl put on her so theres that, i also think she’d look cute w/ short hair. changed her med belt into a sort of... satchel lookin thing?
Liz. in the meme I forgot about her hat, LOL. I give her a ponytail haircut - she kinda looks like a wolf and less like a walrus I suppose... she’s muscular and scared from The Adventuring, and I put a vest thing on her. she still has the belt.
Wambus I made look a bit dilfy... kind of wolf shaped in my brain. him and Triffany feel like the types to be that thick beefy kind of muscled. gave him bushy eyebrows and sort of hair, w some grey hairs. he and Triffany are around 40-50s to me, they both have some wrinkles, but im. bad at drawing older ppl
Triffany..... her hat was a menace to draw. she’s just as beefed up as Wambus, but she’s very fluffy and soft looking. her vest is more Open in canon but I didn’t wanna redraw it but im sure she has amazing chest fur. she has curly-ish hair in a ponytail.
for Cromdo I tried to make him like.. idk... uncleish. danny devitocore. I’m not used to drawing characters like him so ??? its a little funny looking but I tried to make him look like he had body hair as if he wasnt covered in fur lmfao. gave him some wrinkles, he’s probably in his 40s. put a shirt on that freak. also, had trouble w his nose.
I’ve had trouble drawing shorter characters in relation to taller ones (chandlo) but I liked how I drew Gramble. I put freckles on him (cute factor), turned his vest into a full sweater (w shirt collar), gave him some curly strawberry red hair under the hat. he’s cute. I know he weighs like 3 apples
WIGGLE my beloved! I felt I made her a bit Much but honestly? fits her. I gave her short curly hair - I do like how other designs give her the spiky mohawk look from the cheepoof tho! in her model her eyes are blue, but I darkened them similarly to how I changed Beffica’s eyes, but its less noticeable with the glasses. I gave her a sorta... half tube top w a see thru part (forgot the word.) probably wears beach party clothes
Oddly, I have trouble with Chandlo. He’s kind of dog-ish like Liz an Lillow, also made his nose heart shaped cuz its cute. gave him hair under the hat but idk how I feel on it. he’s beefy obviously, but I think he’s a bit more defined than Wambus. I couldn’t quite show it but I imagine he has rather calloused paws, but is otherwise careful when carpenter-ing and such (unlike Snorpy and Floofty, OSHA enemies.)
SNORBYYYYY I love this little yellow thing. I draw him (and his sibling) with casual glasses usually, because I imagine the magnifying glass isnt Always necessary. I also put him in a sweater. I gave him some freckles and changed the direction of his hair + the style to be in a ponytail idk. his arms and hands are particularly scarred, from equipment and engineering accidents and such, probably has some burns too.
Floofty my beloved rude asshole. I have a little trouble w their hair on the left side of their head 😭 I also give them simpler glasses to wear when they don’t need the goggles because wearing that shit all day hurts. I put them in a hoodie/jacket + lab coat combo. I imagine the lab coat is blood stained. stuff’s hard to clean. They’re equally if not more scarred than their brother, and have a particularly bad burn/scar double whammy on their right hand which I hc they get after getting fired when having a meltdown. ANYWAYS
Shelda my gramma. I love her but MY GOD coloring the flowers was hard lol. I imagine her fur is on the shorter side. I don’t have too much to say I guess? I want to give her a hug.
Clumby I just drew a kind of Aunt-y ish garfield. the glasses and hat were hard. definitely the type of woman I saw in the middle school’s reception office.
is that all? I guess that’s all. there’s Lillow, but I dont have much to say I guess? besides that the scar on her nose is from snaktooth. what was it clumby said? “dont fall off a cliff onto your face?”
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divinefireangel · 3 years
You are my Honey and my Forever Moon
SF9 Inseong x Wife! Reader Fluffy Smut.
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Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. If this piece of fan fiction is offensive to any celebrity, fandom or culture please let me know so I can take it down. Also note that this is my version of a character or celeb, which will vary from person to person.
Author's Note: I finally got to finishing this request!! 🥳 Not gonna lie I kinda like this one lol. I have a free day tomorrow so let's hope I post tomorrow as well🤞
Copyright: Please note that this is my work and if you want to publish this on any other platform, take my permission before doing so. Taking an author's work and posting it somewhere else without any intimation is just disrespectful. I readily welcome suggestions and criticisms. That being said, Happy reading! 🤍
Warnings: 18+ ages and female readers (nothing specified with respect to appearance, etc of reader). Tbh all can read it. Soft sex. Unprotected sex (just don't do this unless you want kids). Probably slow burn I'm not sure. Sexy but soft Inseong 😂. Lmk if I need to add more! Italics is flashback.
Requested: YES. By our fav @inseongsfoxybae
Hey, babe Sush 🥰🥰🥰 Can I request something?
Would you mind writing a honeymoon scenario with Seongie? Smuty and with a lot of softness at the same time 👉🏻👈🏻
Oh babe I hope you like it and that this makes your day a lil better 💞❣
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Staring down at your left ring finger, you traced the new golden band that your finger adorned. Smiling, you remember the moment that changed your life forever. Finally, you were each other's happily ever after. How did you get so lucky to have Kim Inseong fall in love with you, you'll never know. But what you do know, is that there is no one in the world whom you can love as much as him.
You remember the look he gave you just before you got wedded, standing opposite you holding your hands in his, that always fit together like a puzzle, the moment in which you knew, there is no one who will love you as much as him. Seeing his love filled expression, reminded you of every single time he looked at you like that. The first time he saw you on your first date, the first time he saw you all glamed up, the first time he saw your natural perfections, the first time he saw you naked, the first time he kissed you, the first time he smiled at you, the first time he smiled because of you, the first time you made him laugh, the first time he saw you laugh, the first time he saw you dance your little happy dance because you got your favourite food, the first time you told him you loved him, the first time you held him when he cried, the first time you let him sleep on top of you after a long day and the first time he realized you were the one he was looking for his entire life.
And since all those firsts, he's looked at you the same way. Because he doesn't know how else to look at you. You, his soulmate, his eternal love, his forever and forevermore.
Gathering the crowd's attention, the officiate began the ceremony.
"Dearly beloved, we are present here, to experience the blessed union of Ms. Y/N L/N and Mr. Kim Inseong. As I start, I have a passage to read, written by me, about falling in love.
When you hear the word falling, it's generally assumed to be a neutral word. No one prefers to fall willingly. But falling in love, is one of the purest ways to use the word falling. Not a single person is scared of falling like this. Falling from a height of course is scary for most." The crowd laughs at this remark. Smiling, the officiate continued.
"Well now really when we go back then to falling in love. And say it's crazy. We don't say rising into love. The moment you enter any kind of human undertaking relationship, you've given yourself up. But this is the most powerful thing that can be done. Surrender, you see. And love, is an act of surrender to another person. I give myself to you.
These two young people standing here, in front of each other, have surrendered themselves to one another, creating a strong bond, and I pray, that it only gets stronger with time." Staring into each other's teary yet love filled eyes, Y/N and Inseong slipped on a band on their ring fingers to indicate their eternal love.
"What are you thinking about my love? " Handing you a glass of champagne, your husband asked you.
"Just..... Us. "
"Us? " He questions chuckling, sitting next to you on the couch in your hotel room, which is rented for your honeymoon.
Humming a yes, you lean in to kiss him. Meeting you halfway, Inseong attached your lips together, as a hand stroked your hair.
"Don't you want to change into your nightwear? " Tilting your head innocently, you looked at your husband in curiosity.
"I kinda have other plans." He said sheepishly grinning at your confused demeanour. Placing the two identical glasses on a table nearby, Inseong grabs your face gently with both his hands, connecting your lips again.
Carefully he moves his hands to your hair, trying to find for things that may hurt you when you laid down on the bed. Removing the U pins from your hairbun, he slowly lets your hair down. Breaking the kiss completely, staring at your with a soft smile, warming your heart, he moves to remove your earrings and other jewelry.
Chewing in anticipation on your bottom lip, you lift your fingers to unbutton the buttons of his dress shirt. This action isn't something foreign to either of you, having done this multiple times before in the past. But this time, today, right now, is just more softer, more intimate.
By the time you finish his dress shirt, he's already pulled down the zipper of your dress.
Admiring you again, he moves his hand to the side of your face, slowly pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
Moving the same hand to the back of your head, he tilts your head up, engulfing your lips again in a needy kiss. A kiss of this type from him never fails to make you lose balance, lose your sense of presence of mind and makes you aroused enough to close your eyes as a your lower abdomen starts heating up for attention.
Breathing into each other, you stand up taking his hand and pull him towards the bed, stopping at its foot. Slowly you slide off him shirt from his shoulders, letting it fall on the floor. Looking up at him through your lashes, you bite your lower lip, as you feel yourself getting wetter by the minute. How can you not be wet when you have such a sexy husband? Smirking a little, Inseong traces your skin from your neck to your shoulders to your back, gliding your dress down near his shirt. Taking your delicate hands in his, he gazes down your body, the tent forming in his pants approving your pretty lingerie. How did he get so lucky to have found you. You goddess of a being, so in love with him, a mere man who worships you more than anything.
Placing your hands around his neck, he leans down to kiss your lush lips, as his hands go down your body, reaching behind your back to unclasp your bra, and settling on your waist for a moment, before going down to reach the back of your thighs. Lifting you up without breaking the kiss, Inseong kneels on the bed as your legs wrap around him in instinct. Laying you down lovingly on the bed, your husband looks into your eyes, with that sweet look of his. For him although, he feels like he is looking at you for the first time ever, starting from your forehead to the distance between your eyebrows, to your cute nose and to your parted lips, waiting to be kissed again.
Swallowing in the sight below, his lips find themselves at the base of your jaw. Sucking there lightly, Inseong rolls his hips such that his clothed length rubs against your core. Even with so many layers you could feel the outline of his dick. Kissing down till your neck and collarbone, he continues to grind into you, groaning when he feels your nails scratch his back.
Gasping at a sudden forceful thrust, you wrap your legs tighter around his waist. Detaching his lips from your body, he sits on his knees, looking down at your, enjoying the view of you in your loving needy state. Making eye contact, he unbuckles his belt removing it sexily, followed by his pants and boxers. Placing his hands on your bent knees, he moves his torso up as his hands glide freely from your knees through the top of your thighs, coming to a still on your hips.
Leaning down, Inseong kisses your lips again, as his fingertips trace the upper elastic of your panties. Grabbing ahold of them, he peels your panties down your legs and throws it to the side. One of his hands comes next to your head to support himself up as he stays close to you, kissing till you run out of air in your lungs, while the other takes liberty to part your folds.
Sighing into your mouth, he spreads your wetness from your entrance to your clit, giving it a few strokes to stimulate you more. Moaning into the kiss, you silently beg for more, wanting more, more of him in you, taking you to paradise.
Removing his fingers from your folds, he breaks the kiss just to rile you up more by sucking them as his eyes never left yours. Biting your lip you look at him with pleading eyes. Dropping his cockiness at your cuteness, he slowly guides the head of his cock to your entrance, nudging it in little by little, letting you get used to his size. Pecking your forehead repeatedly Inseong bottoms out into you. Stilling for a moment, he takes your hand in his free hand, bringing it up to kiss your knuckles.
Melting at this sweet gesture, you intertwine your fingers together, as your eyes close overwhelmed by the feeling of his cock starting to move back and forth, in and out of you slowly. Petting your hair with the hand that's next to your head, Inseong joins your lips again, but only for a small kiss. He then proceeds to kiss your cheeks, your nose, your eyebrows, your eyelids, your chin, your jaw, your forehead and back to your lips, all while rutting his pelvis against yours in a loving pace.
This isn't the first time he's made love to you. He's done that multiple times and more. But now, you are his wife and he wants nothing but to take care of you and your burdens and to keep you happy. He wants to spoil you in every way possible. He wants you fulfilled to the maximum extent, and he will do anything for you and your future together to be as perfect as possible.
Moaning his name, when you feel yourself coming closer to the edge, you clench your walls around him. Shuddering in response, he increases his pace to help you both have a blissful orgasm. Nuzzling his nose against yours, he squeezes your intertwined fingers looking back up into your eyes, wordlessly conveying that he is close. So so close to you.
"I love you" He whispers roughly, feeling his release approaching.
"I love you too" You gasp as you tighten your legs around him, clenching your walls as you come undone below your lover. Repeating your name as if it's the only word he knows, Inseong comes down slowly from his high, falling on top of you as slowly as he can.
Pressing your foreheads together, you catch your breath, hugging each other. Setting his head in between your shoulder and neck, Inseong starts to feel drowsy. How cute, you think fondly as you wrap your arms securely around you lover, your husband, playing with his hair as he drifts to sleep with you in his arms, and you following him soon after.
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sagasofazeria · 3 years
My Attempts At Making Unique Nonhumans Part 4: Aasimar/Tieflings/Genasi
Listen, time is soup. I forgot it was Wednesday. It’s been a Week. Anyways, have some funky magic people.
Taglist (just ask to be added/removed!): @hellishhin @talesfromaurea
Aasimar: I really like the lore for the Aasimar so I really didn’t change much besides the ways they are created, of which there are now 3 kinda loose categories. The first is the normal way, a semi-celestial born of mortal parents due to some sort of divine happenings or a mortal infused with celestial energy. The second is being literally part celestial from a very different kind of “divine happenings”. The third is that they were created by direct divine intervention, which is much more rare, and usually results in a more obviously celestial appearance (as well as often being created as fully grown adults with no mortal template). I also kept the stuff about their “purpose” though I do think it’s a little more loose and hard to determine than the official lore makes it seem. Anyway, onto the funky stuff! Aasimar are immensely varied due to mainly two factors: 1. They don’t have genetics since they’re literally angel people, and most celestials primarily self-actualize. 2. The ones that used to be a part of/were born from mortal species will retain those features as well. So honestly, an Aasimar could be just a plain looking human who sometimes sprouts glowing wings, or an Aasimar could be an 8 foot tall lady with silver skin, glowing markings, and wings on her ankles that match the 4 that appear on her back. So yeah, they can get all sorts of weird. Extra eyes, all sorts of wings, holy markings, weird colors, glowy bits, all of it. A lot of it fluctuates too, especially with the more emotionally driven of aasimar. For example, they might glow slightly when happy or proud, or their eyes might get cloudy when confused or angry. And any Aasimar’s appearance of their angelic features might change based on how they feel, due to the self-actualization bits of their celestial heritage.
Tieflings: Tieflings, my beloved. Same as the Aasimar, I kept most of the lore and just added some ways they are created. (Also I removed the racism against them because I don’t like it. They aren’t even fully fiends, leave them alone.) The first way is obviously via curse or fiendish pact passing down bloodlines like the official lore. The second is that they are the product of mortal/fiendish relations, because monsterfuckers. The third way is when fiendish energy infuses a place or person it can create tieflings, especially if the person/someone nearby is pregnant (baby becomes the tief). I also decided there should be demonic Tieflings too, because I want to, and it really makes sense for that third way especially. (In my world, places of great evil/sorrow/etc can create demons based on what happened there, so that sort of applies with Tieflings on a smaller scale.) Also, like Aasimar, Tieflings can vary widely as well. Could be an average bloke whose eyes are just red orbs or it could be a fourteen-fingered ivory-skinned half-demon with a set of horns shaped like a crown on their head. So yeah, pretty much anything. Some commons ones are wacky eyes, acidic or boiling blood, spines and horns, tails, pointy bits, and pretty much anything slightly spooky you can think of. Generally though, these traits will mirror or mimic the curse/fiendish magic/demonic heritage that makes them a tiefling, and unlike Aasimar this rarely changes even throughout generations.
Genasi: Okay so I did it again, I added some new origins for genasi, because there’s so much potential. First way to get genasi is for elemental magic to imbue itself in someone, which could mean you were born during a magical storm or you witnessed an opening to the realm of fire or a thousand other things. Second way is to have elemental heritage, which is far less common, but it still happens. (I also extended this to not just djinn, because again, the potential). I also added some more types of genasi besides fire, water, air, and earth. In my world there are also storm genasi, smoke/steam genasi, dust/sand genasi, ice genasi, and life genasi. Genasi can be widely varied as well, depending on what elemental energies they have, but within elements many genasi can look different too, based on how much elemental magic they have. For example, a fire genasi could be just a human with glowy eyes and fire powers OR someone with glowing fiery tattoos and literal fire for hair etc etc. I think as far as biology goes here there isn’t really a lot besides the manifestations of the elements over top of whatever mortal species they would have been/their other heritage is. Like, a dwarvish ice genasi would still have all the dwarf things (like the two hearts and metallic bones and etc) but they would also have a body temperature of next to nothing (even worse for a mountain dwarf lol) and smooth icy skin and the ability to freeze water by touching it and all the ice genasi things.
Now where all of this gets really weird is when you start mixing these three. Tiefling or Aasimar based Genasi is probably the most common since elemental magic is cosmically neutral and would just lay on top of the other thing, but like. A half Tiefling half Aasimar I’m sure would be very interesting, and who knows what the mortal bases for that were (imagine if they were different too). Also, Tiefling/Aasimar/Genasi bloodlines tend to overpower mortal ones so there can be generations of them from one event.
Basically, I like to give my players the opportunity to make the most complicated character designs possible, is what I’m saying.
Thanks to @hellishhin for the suggestion for this week! Probably gonna do dragonborn next week if I’m not struck with inspo for something else first.
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whitelotus-ffxiv · 3 years
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[[ tagging @benes-diction / @sirenofthesea-xiv for mentions, as always, of her beautiful amazing characters. <3 ]]
After the celebrations of the Lunar New Year in the Jade Palace, I am... tired. The banquets seem endless, the parties going on for what feels like days - maybe sennights - at a time. It’s exhausting, but it’s familiar. Among the ranks of the yakuza, we celebrated each passing year like this, too. It was a rare period of reprieve from rigorous training and painful punishments, a time to eat and a time to breathe before life went back to normal. 
Even still, even if the memories are not altogether unpleasant... the passing of the new year is difficult for me. I find it hard to be as light-hearted as those around me. Inside of my chest is what feels like a large and heavy stone - a cold sort of place where it feels like I have placed a stone just so it doesn’t feel too empty. For years, I have tried to chase this feeling away. I’ve tried to bury it and stifle it and smother it in all manner of ways, but it persists. It lingers. 
There is a place in me that cannot be filled, only repaired. Consciously, I know this. As a child, I did not mourn the passing of my parents. We never had the time. Hui and I were set and focused only on surviving each day after that. The oyabun took us in, and Hui... Hui allowed himself to mourn. He allowed himself to weep and to miss our parents and to say his goodbyes with paper lanterns covered in their names.
Sun Chun Tao. Sun Lei. 
I hated watching those lanterns float away. I resented the watery fondness in Hui’s eyes, wistful and sad but at peace, as he watched them. And I was angry at myself for ever wanting to deny him that peace, for ever wishing he would sit and suffer with me, because... I didn’t know how to let go. Hui was always the level-headed one. He was able to say goodbye and know that it was for the best.
Of all the things and lessons he taught me, I wish he had been able to teach me this one, too. 
There are some things, though, that I suppose you can only learn on your own - or that you can only learn when you’re ready.
I walked through melting snow with a thick cloak wrapped around the simple hanfu I’d chosen to wore for the journey. Jun told me there was a temple not far from the palace that the Garleans had left standing. He didn’t know if there was anyone left to attend it, but I went, regardless. I had to. 
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It was in varying conditions, really. Some parts of it looked old but well-kept, while others seemed to be nothing but crumbling stone and moss. I had cleansed myself in what seemed to be a bucket of fresh water and savored the chilly bites of ice against my skin before moving on. And although it was unknown if the temple was still being used or not, I was still surprised to see that someone else was there. 
Holding a broom in gnarled hands, an old Hyur woman swept snow off of the stones. She wore the garments of a miko, and almost immediately, I felt a lump threatening to start in my throat. 
I had seen my mother’s priestess garb only once before. She kept it folded away safely in a box within a closet, deep within, but she had showed it to me before with the same wistfulness and sadness but peacefulness in which Hui paid his respects to them each year. 
“This is our history,” she had said while looking over the red and white fabric. “A special history that your brother and father can’t quite share with us. This is why you can see the ghosts that mama can see. This is why you can hear and sense things that others can’t. It’s a gift from our female ancestors - a blessing, as long as you know how to wield it, you see?” 
Despite the fact that I knew I didn’t make much sound while I walked, and that I hadn’t spoken, the old woman with her broom looked up and over her shoulder to look directly at my face. She... was not familiar, but there was something in her eyes - dark and endless - that seemed that way. Or, at least... she wasn’t familiar to me. The same could not be said the other way around.
“Ah,” she noised softly, smiling slowly as she examined my face. “Yes. We have been waiting a long time for you, little Sun Xiu.” 
Over her shoulder, I could see part of the ‘gift’ my mother mentioned in the form of hazy spirits, ones that I have always seen and never been able to name - ones that dispersed once I looked their way, and maybe it was the look on my face, or maybe it was the woman’s own thoughts, but she only smiled more once I looked her way once more. 
“I guess that you have,” I relented quietly, coaxing soft laughter from the miko. 
“Come out of the cold. I expect there’s much to talk about, Sun Xiu.”
She took us to a private room, and while she brewed a pot of tea, I observed her rather than the surroundings - which were simple, really, and not unusual for a temple’s inner rooms. The woman herself demanded my attention more. 
She was rather short, a couple of ilms shorter than I was, and squat. All of her was round, in the comforting way that grandmothers are often portrayed. Wrinkles and lines were prevalent on her kind face, on her thick hands that had known their fair share of hard work. Trailing her was the scent of incense, the faintest smell of smoke. Her silver hair - which might have reached the backs of her knees if loose, I expected - was wound into a long, tight braid that she wore over her shoulder, not a wiry strand of out place. 
“You’re a sad sort of young woman,” she mused, glancing up at me as she poured a cup of tea and set it down in front of me. “Your shoulders sag with an invisible sort of weight, Sun Xiu. And the way that they coil up now tell me that not many read you with as much ease, do they?” 
“I expect our mutual friends have told you plenty about me,” I grumbled, forcing my shoulders to relax. “Do you always speak so bluntly?”
“You do not strike me as the type to prefer anything else,” she replied with a smile, and I clicked my tongue, resisting the urge to roll my eyes, because she was right. Of course she was. “And I most certainly have never been the type to speak in riddles. That’s the last thing a soul as tired as yours needs.” 
With a soft groan, the old woman sat down in front of me with a cup of her own clasped between her strong hands. There were words sitting on the tip of my tongue, ready to fall - ready to bite and be curt and harsh, but I couldn’t force them out. And the woman watched my face with a familiarity and a warmth that unsettled me and, in a way, comforted me. 
There was much, I expected, that I would not need to explain to her. There was clearly much about me that she already knew, and if it was anyone else, I might have reacted poorly. But her knowledge didn’t come from means that I could control. They came from that bond that my mother had told me about - a bond between the spirits and the miko that could communicate with them. And it seemed like the spirits had tattled plenty already.
“I am not unhappy about your visit, Sun Xiu - or perhaps you’re more comfortable with Lian Hua now? - but I must admit that I thought it would be a little sooner than this. Tell me, child - what plagues you so badly that you step foot into a shrine?”
I swallowed. I looked down at the cup of tea between my own hands - calloused from training and from fighting, so indelicate and ugly, at my nailbeds that were worn and torn, at nails that were kept as closely shaved down as possible. How much wicked had my hands done? How many lives and how many families had I torn apart with a flick of my wrist? How did I not burst into flames when I prayed, how did the kami not refuse to hear any pleas I might still have? 
“Many things, I think,” I said finally, looking back up at the old woman’s face. “It’s hard to choose just one when you ask me in that way. But I expect there are many reasons why I should have come here a long time ago.” 
As I spoke, the old woman lit three thick candles, the wax melted down into the tray they sat upon. Each was a different color - the tallest was purple, and the middle was red, while the shortest was white. 
Royalty. Strength. Death. 
“A heart is a heavy sort of burden, and I think you may have only recently began listening to yours once more,” she murmured, and I sat silently, watching the flames flickering in her dark eyes as she watched them. “The spirits have told me much of you already, Sun Xiu. You are most beloved by the kami. You were beloved by your parents, loved by your brother, even by a prince and princess of Doma, but...” 
The woman trailed off and looked up at me expectantly, bushy eyebrows raised. My tongue felt thick in my mouth, like it was coated in sand. 
“I don’t deserve it,” I whispered, like I was letting out a breath, and it felt like something had been sapped from my body all at once. They were words that I had been cradling since... since the day... 
“Since the day I refused to give my parents my blessing into the afterlife, I have not deserved any of the love I receive. Not from them, certainly, or from Hui, not from the kami, not from Jun or Aoi or... anyone else. I have tried to be a light that never goes out. I was worrying about the flickering, but now... Over time, I realize that I never really was a light. I was trying to be something... that I wasn’t. I have always been a void, something dark and terrible and wicked, masquerading and basking in the warmth of something I have never deserved. A monster, pretending to be a-- a hero, or a savior, or--”
I had to wonder, the more I spoke, if the miko had drugged my tea to coax so many words from me at once. Only Jun was ever privy to my thoughts at length, and even so... Even so, expressing any of this to him would have been nigh impossible. But this woman - this stranger who knows me - watched me with a gentleness reminiscent of my mother’s, of Luli’s, even of the redheaded Garlean’s when she told me goodbye. 
She had the eyes of a caretaker, of someone gentle, who looked at a broken person and saw those shattered pieces and loved them regardless. 
“Xiu...” Her voice had softened, reaching a hand out to grasp one of mine as she stopped me - and silently, I thanked her for it - from rambling anymore. “You cannot truly think you are the only child who has not been able to accept the loss of their parents? You can’t believe that only those who have ever done good deserve to be loved, can you? Your prince - has he not done abhorrent things? Do you not think him still deserving of love?
“I see the spirits that linger around you,” she added, with a slight smile. “Even now, as hidden as they are to anyone else, I see them. They do not cling to you because you are wicked. They cling to you because they see what even mortals who know you well see - and that is a heart that only wants to do good. They see little Sun Xiu tending to sick chickens and stray kittens and running down dark corridors to help a ghost - someone long departed - because you heard them crying and begging.” 
Even as I swallowed the lump rising in my throat, I looked back up at the miko. And despite everything, I... needed to know, as she recited these old stories back to me. I needed to know...
“Who are you?” I asked quietly, and she smiled again. 
“My name is Mirai. And while we have never met, I have had quite the influx of spirits coming to tell me about you since you came to the Jade Palace - ones that have followed you from Haishan, and ones that you’ve only just met. You are the daughter of Chun Tao and Lei,” she said gently. “Chun Tao, priestess, miko, beloved by the kami and by the spirits as her precious daughter is. We miko have a way of getting tangled up if the spirits and the kami wish it to be so.”
Slowly, and with another quiet groan, this woman named Mirai rose to her feet. I watched as she walked to a shrine set up in the small room, and although there were no portraits, it was clear that offerings were made frequently. A tray for incense sat square in the middle, and quietly, Mirai placed a fresh stick after kneeling, just like I had watched Jun do in front of the portraits of his family within his wardrobe. 
“You may not like it, and you may not agree with it, but you have always been destined for things bigger than you, Sun Xiu. You have always been in the plan of the kami. No, perhaps you won’t save the world - not in this lifetime, at least - but is it not true that you have saved people? That you have tried, despite the circumstances that have been given to you, to do good?” 
My fingers tightened around my cup of tea as she lit the stick of incense and clasped her hands, bowing her head as she said a silent prayer. When was the last time, I wondered, that I had properly prayed? When had I knelt and bowed my head and brought offerings? 
Had I ever prayed of my own free will after losing my parents? 
“You have been a savior to the Jade Palace,” Mirai continued, and I swallowed again. “You walked into a place overcome with rot and pain, and  you have helped to bring light back within. Where once laid only fear, there is now hope. Where there was once resignation, there is a refreshed desire to keep fighting. And where there were once a cursed people...”
Mirai lifted her head and looked to me, and for a moment - just for half a moment - I saw her eyes flicker in the way that mine do. The air shifted, and quite suddenly, I looked away from her to see the ghostly images of Luli and her family in the window, but not as they are now - as they were, blind and terrifying to behold, unable to speak...
“...are a people beginning to heal.” 
The ghostly images shifted as I held my breath, revealing Luli and Liqin laughing together, their children laying in the sun while Midori ran across the beach with Aoi. Kyou was in Jun’s arms as he smiled at... someone I couldn’t see, but I knew the smile, now. 
He was smiling at me, his eyes directly fixed on me, before the images disappeared into thin air once more. 
“Your parents would be proud,” Mirai murmured as she rose back up to her feet, her eyes no longer kaleidoscopes of color but dark brown again. “You have been taught violence. You have been fed cruelty off of a spoon and told that it was love. Now, you receive love, and it confuses you. You wonder if you deserve it. You long for your parents, and you feel a disgust when anyone else tries to act that way - an anger at anyone, most especially, who tries to be a mother to you.
“It is not a betrayal to Chun Tao to allow them in. Do you think she would want her child to suffer eternally for the simple fact of not being able to say goodbye yet? No loving mother would wish that upon her precious child. You have been fighting a war for so long, Xiu, and it is far from over. The curse in the Jade Palace is not lifted in its entirety. You will go through extreme obstacles, hardships that will make you wish you were dead, trials beyond imagination...”
As she spoke, the old woman watched the burning incense, watched as the smoke curled into the air and as the ashes fell onto the wood beneath it. I found myself unable to move, unable to speak, unable to interrupt. All I could do was watch her and will my hands not to shake. 
“...and you will survive them, as you have survived everything else,” the old woman said quietly. “It is not what you deserve. Just because you are strong does not mean you should have to do these things. But such is the nature of circumstance. You knew these things without me telling you. You knew these things and accepted them the day you decided you would remain in the Jade Palace - a feared and loathsome place by all who know it. Didn’t you?” 
“Yes,” I whispered, unable to stop myself, and Mirai smiled at me, gentle and soft once more. She touched my hand, brushed her thumb over the sparse gathering of scales at the top of my wrist, before looking at my face. 
“The spirits of your ancestors will be with you. The love you receive will spur you on, as long as you accept it. The wicked you have done does not define you. The only one who can define you is you. So what are you, Sun Xiu? Who are you, beloved lotus?”
“Someone who is trying. Someone who is sad and angry and... full of regrets and... confidence that I can survive anything, without the desire to for myself. Not for myself, but for... for the people who need me...”
For Jun. For Aoi. For Ume and Anh, Luli and Liqin, Midori and Kyou, Hui-- for Biyu, that brave girl who risked her life just to defend my honor. 
To live, because my parents died just so it could be so. To live, because my parents had begged, with their dying breath, that I do just that. To keep on going so that my parents did not die in vain trying to protect me. 
I don’t remember when I started crying or how I ended up collapsed into this unfamiliar-but-familiar miko’s arms, letting her hold me as I wept. I was thankful that she didn’t ask me to say more. Maybe she didn’t need me to. I expect that she didn’t. No - I have a good feeling she knew every thought that ran through my head, in that quiet room, as melting snow dripped onto the open window. 
“It is okay to crumble,” she told me as she held me. “It is okay to not always be strong, Xiu. You have been strong for so long. You put others before yourself, always. You are allowed moments of weakness and of selfishness. And it is okay - more than acceptable and understandable - to feel this deep sort of sadness when you miss your parents.” 
I leaned back in her arms, sniffling, letting her wipe my tears with her calloused fingers as Luli had done for me before, as Liqin had done, as my mother had done when I fell and hurt myself and wailed over my scraped knee. 
Mothers. Women who were older and wiser and who knew what to do, what to say - women who were strong but not infallible, who were kind but not weak. Women I wanted to be. Women I only hoped I could become. 
Women that I hope I can help Aoi, Midori, Kyou, and all of the young girls around me to be, too - someone they can run to when the world is too much and when the sorrow is finally too much to bear alone. Those young girls, who trust me with everything... I hope I can help them. I hope I can be an example, someone to look up to, and not only for physical strength, but... as someone like a mother, or an auntie, or a big sister. 
“Light a lantern for your parents before the end of this sennight,” Mirai told me, quietly, as she opened the door once I had pulled myself together to leave. “Or a stick of incense. Say a prayer for them. They await you - that much I can feel, but... They are in no rush to see you either,” she added, smiling faintly. “I will be here, Sun Xiu. My doors are always open to you. It seems you’ve learned much on dealing with your gift on your own, but there is always more to learn, hm?”
“Thank you,” I said as I bowed at the waist, my eyes low. “Thank you for... listening. For your time. And for... well. For knowing plenty enough about me without me having to say it all.” 
“Don’t thank me,” Mirai chuckled, holding a hand out to reveal a familiar black yokai coiled around her wrist in the form of a snake. It blinked its large eyes at me, and even in my emotionally rattled state, I couldn’t help but to smile. “Your friends have been worried. They entrusted me with much.” 
The snake disappeared, only for me to feel it settling in the sleeve of my hanfu, comfortable and warm for the journey back to the Jade Palace. 
“Happy new year,” Mirai said, bowing to me. “And may many blessings reach you, Sun Xiu.”
“And you, miko. Happy new year.” 
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burnouts3s3 · 6 years
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, a review
(Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit unprofessional blog post written by an unprofessional blog poster. All purported facts and statement are little more than the subjective, biased opinion of said blog poster. In other words, don’t take anything I say too seriously. Just the facts 'Cause you're in a Hurry! Publisher: Sega Developer: Sega CS1 Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP): 59.99 USD How much I paid: 59.99 USD Rated: M for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes How long I played: 12 Hours to complete the story mode (while watching the cutscenes) on Easy Mode. Microtransactions: An alternate Skin that is free if downloaded between October 2nd through October 16th. Pre-order bonus of 6 Destiny Talismans, equipable items that boost stats or other effects, all which are earnable in-game. Dual Audio: Yes. Both the Japanese and English Audio is available. English Cast: Robbie Daymond as Kenshiro, Sarah Williams as Yuria, Greg Chun as Shin, Allegra Clark as Xsana, Imari Williams as Jagre, Kirk Thornton as Toki, Kyle Hebert as Rihaku and Patrick Seitz as Raoh. What I played on: A Regular PS4, not a PS4 Pro Performance Issues: For the most part, Fist of the North Star runs very smoothly, with little to no hiccups that’s beautiful even to look at, even on a regular PS4. One instance of a game pausing for a brief moment before transitioning to a quicktime event. My Personal Biases: I only recently got into Fist of the North Star and have to say I quite enjoy following Kenshiro and his many adventures in the wasteland. My Verdict: Get ready to say “ATATATATATATA!” as you kick, punch, slap, and brutally kill any bandit you come across. While the open world element doesn’t offer anything new in terms of revolutionizing the genre, there’s such a plethora of content, mini-games, challenges and sidequests that even after the short campaign is finished, you’ll be busy mixing drinks, playing baseball with steel girders and managing your own nightclub. It maybe a Yakuza game reskinned as a FOTNS game, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a whole lot of fun. Buy it! Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, a review
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Sega is at it again. After their successful Yakuza series getting prominence in the West, the same developers decide to do the same thing, but using the Fist of the North Star license. Will they succed the same way they did with Yakuza? Let’s find out in this review of “Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise”! The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic alternate timeline Earth. After a nuclear war, the oceans have dried up. Kenshiro, a successor of the martial art Hokuto Shinken, was defeated by Shin, who proceeded to kidnap his fiancée, Yuria. Kenshiro thus travels through the wastelands to find his beloved. He eventually hears rumours that a woman called Yuria could be found in the city of Eden - he makes his way to Eden to find Yuria. Newcomers don’t have to worry about being lost as the game takes place in an alternate continuity and explains all the events occurring so they can catch up. So while the series’ iconic villains, such as Shin and Raoh, and familiar faces, such as Bat and Lin, make an appearance, the game’s narrative changes the context of such settings to fit into the world of Fist of the North Star and the new land of Eden. The city of Eden itself might alienate fans of the original show. Eden is a fully working city with services, guards, food and currency. It’s such a departure of one usually expects from Fist of the North Star. But, if you’ll give it a chance, you’ll find yourself loving the city but also invested in its characters. Things actually get less interesting outside of Eden. While the Wasteland is vast and allows for lots of exploration in your buggy, it’s mostly empty save for the occasional group of enemies and item to be found and sold. Occasionally, defeating an enemy will unlock a treasure map, markers that show valuable loot on the map. But most are under a timer so Kenshiro will have to drive fast before it’s lost for good. Combat is the game’s strength. While it doesn’t evolve much between light and heavy attacks, the variety of foes and situations he can use his abilities always surprised me. Just when I thought it would get tedious, Kenshiro finally pulls off a move that has my jaw dropped to the floor. Should a foe be in a staggered position, players can press the circle button to active a quick time event, leading to a cinematic kill. Sometimes Ken punches an enemy 100 times. Sometimes, he uses both thumbs to make the enemy’s head explode. Should Kenshiro use the circle button to ‘channel’ at just the right time, it leads to an instant death of the enemy, causing them to explode into gooey bits! And what Sega open world would be complete without mini-games? Remember that manga chapter where Kenshiro played some arcade games? Or worked as a bartender? Or used his healing ability to treat the sick? Or managed a nightclub and had to deal with troublemakers? That’s right, in this game you get a plethora of sidequests (called ‘substories’) where Ken can earn experience and money by playing mini-games. Working at the hospital activates a rhythm mini-game using timed button presses. Managing the nightclub means having to manage your ‘girls’ put them in the right table and manage their money, the customer type and their energy levels. Of course, if you’re feeling up to something more manly, you can fight off waves of enemies at the colosseum. (My personal favorite is using a large steel girder to play baseball against incoming motorcycle gangs and hitting their bikes away).   Completing story missions, doing substories or playing minigames will earn Experience, causing Ken to level up and gain Destiny Orbs, blank orbs that can be used to progress the game’s skill tree. In the colosseum, he can earn Battle Points and use it to buy Technique, Body or Mind orbs to progress your tree. The skill progression is surprisingly varied, allowing for different branches to explore and can give significant boosts or techniques in combat. Ken soon learns that in the city of Eden, Yuria has locked herself into the sacred chamber, a mysterious room that somehow provides power to all of Eden. But invaders and combatants would soon loot Eden for its resources and Kenshiro finds himself teaming up with the city’s guard to stop the bandits before they destroy everything. The game’s plot is serviceable. Granted, much like the source material, it relies more on coincidence than character action and reaction. (It find it a bit odd that many of the main players just ‘happen’ to know each other) as well as the reliance of weird rules to generate stakes (when you find out why certain plot devices work, you’d have to question the logic of what the architects and engineers were thinking). It’s too bad the game’s main story is all too short and the game attempts to hinder speedrunners by scaling the enemies to ridiculous amounts of levels so that players will have to grind mini-games and coliseum fights or be overpowered. What’s surprising is that the English dub of the game is actually very well acted. Robbie Daymond  (who voiced the English Goro Akechi from Persona 5) manages to capture the cold yet gentle nature of Kenshiro (though I think my favorite will always be Lex Lang in the old dub). At first, I thought Daymond would be too young and high pitched for Kenshiro but he actually delivers at the moments that matter the most. And it’s great to hear voice acting veterans such as Kyle Hebert, Patrick Seitz and Kirk Thornton voicing the NPCs. But praise should be put on Allegra Clark. Bioware fans (what few are remaining) will recognize her as Josephine from Dragon Age: Inquisition and Nakmor Kesh from Mass Effect: Andromeda, but she’s also done some anime work (such as in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) and she does a really good job as Xsana, growing a scared girl who doesn’t know what to do to a leader willing to leader her people into prosperity.   THE JAPANESE VOICES ARE AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO PREFER IT. CAVEAT: Fist of the North Star is by no means a revolution or an innovation to the open world genre. Like Yakuza, it’s a polished, well-made entry that offers a lot to both fans and non-fans alike. A lot of critics are going to say that the open world element feels restrictive or that the level scaling is attempting to make up for the short campaign or that the combat, at times, feels repetitive. While all those criticisms are true, I still had a great time with the game. It’s a game that’s more about style than substance, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t have one helluva style! Verdict: Buy it!
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alarawriting · 6 years
April’s Dream House
Back when Aqua Teen Hunger Force was on the air, I thought about how to create a sardonic animated comedy for adults that centered around female characters, possibly even having no male characters, the way that ATHF had no female characters. My high concept was a Barbie doll who has to open up her home to an assortment of other toys, where behind the scenes presumably a little girl with a very dark sense of humor was telling these stories.
Eventually I added male characters, and gave up on the dream of making it an animation, since I can’t draw and I don’t really have access to people who can who have time to do something like this. I still kind of hope to make it a comic book or something like that, though, because this would be funnier if it’s visual.
Anyway, I’ve decided to post what I have of the concept because I think it’s funny.
April (April and Friends) (Based on Barbie)
Sheonte (Divazz) (based on Bratz)
Catrina (Weargirls) (Based on Monster High)
Kerry Kitty/Kelly Kitty (Japanese mascot character, Kerry/Kelly Kitty and Friends) (Based on Hello Kitty)
Cherry Blossom (Best Pony Friends) (Based on My Little Pony)
Doktor Zapp (Playstuf mad scientist lab set) (based on Playmobil)
Lovey (an elderly, non-franchised, stuffed puppy)
Emily Egg (Emily Egg, line of small baby dolls with furniture) (based on Penelope Peapod)
Chad (April and Friends) (Based on Ken from Barbie)
Steve (Real American Heroes) (based on GI Joe)
Meet April. One of America’s most beloved celebrities, April has been, over the course of her lengthy career, a nurse, a neurosurgeon, an astronaut, a firefighter, a rocket scientist, CEO of a company, owner of a restaurant, a police detective, a model, a rock star, and an actress. Also, a mother figure to her three younger sisters, Betty, Courtney and Madison. (One wonders where her mom is.) But the sad secret to April’s incredibly varied career is that she is too big of an asshole to keep a job. She’s incredibly smart, sarcastic, and cruel to anyone she thinks is intellectually or socially beneath her, which is everyone. She’s also addicted to uppers, and doesn’t sleep, like, ever.
Though she’s remarkably talented, her equal talent for pissing people off has gotten her blacklisted from several industries lately, and so, facing foreclosure on her magnificent Dream House mansion, April is forced to… ugh… take in housemates.  Thus, the plot of April’s Dream House begins with April reluctantly inviting others into her home to help her pay the mortgage.
Appearance: White, tall, long blonde hair, blue eyes. Wears a lot of classic fashion, rich white lady from old money type stuff. Also a lot of things like sparkling white tennis outfits and the like. Huge boobs, tiny waist.
Housemates at April’s Dream House include:
Sheonte: Part of the Divazz team of fashion designers, journalists and adventurers, but the Divazz have broken up recently, the result of internal lawsuits and sexual shenanigans involving each other’s husbands. The Divazz and April’s entourage considered each other top competitors ten years ago, to the point of being at “war”, so Sheonte and April kind of low-key hate each other, but Sheonte needs a place to live ever since she caught her husband Jax having sex with her best friend Vivi, attacked them both brutally with her shoes and then ran into the night screaming. Jax has chosen not to press charges but has a restraining order against Sheonte, so she’s sort of stuck looking for a place to live, and all her other friends have taken Vivi’s side.
Appearance: Black, shorter than April, has a big beautiful fro that she occasionally does up in dreads. Very urban style, hip-hop look, also wears shoes with absolutely ridiculous spiked heels. Does not have as exaggerated a figure as April. When she is first introduced, she has no feet, since she attacked her friend and her husband with her shoes and Divazz’s shoes are part of their feet, but she acquires a wide assortment of feet very quickly.
Catrina: The Weargirls were top fashion models who all happened to be animal shapeshifters. Catrina, to no one’s surprise, is a cat. She thinks she’s supposed to live up to this, frequently making cat puns and throwing random meows into her conversation. Catrina thinks she’s tough, but really isn’t. Tries to start shit with her housemates. April and Sheonte bond over how immature she is and how the Weargirls are total ripoffs of their own thing. Catrina decided to move in because none of the Weargirls have a dream house; the best they’ve got is Batrice’s creepy mansion (Batrice being a bat shapeshifter, and also a vampire. With vampire parents.)
Appearance: Long, straight black hair. Body and face design is “race-coded” to look Latina, but she has tabby markings on her skin and cat eyes and ears.
Kerry/Kelly Kitty: Kelly herself refers to herself as Kerry and Kelly interchangeably. Kerry is a Japanese mascot character who is a cat. She is a white cat with a smile who is often seen doing the maneki neko beckon thing with her paw; is only vaguely anthro in that she is bipedal and has a much bigger head in comparison to body than a cat (or than a human, or a human doll). Kelly is very amiable and friendly, but is tired of having her life micromanaged by her agents. She is a huge celebrity in Japan, but less well known in the US, and is thrilled that sometimes people don’t know who she is. Has a pet named Chibineko, which she freely admits is a ridiculous name (it means “little cat”; apparently her American agents stuck her with the name. She wanted to name it Unagi, because it squirms out of her vaguely anthro arms like a little eel.) Catrina often tries to pick fights with her because “catfight”, but Kerry just laughs.
Appearance: Is a bipedal white cat with a really big head. Mostly dresses in a very casual style but has a bunch of kimonos from home she likes to wear around the house when she feels like being comfy. Never wears shoes. Has cat feet and paws, but somehow manages opposable thumb tasks. Unlike the real Hello Kitty, Kelly does in fact have a mouth.
Cherry Blossom: Is a pony. Pink, with a white mane that’s tied up with a big pink flower hair clip. Cherry Blossom comes from a land of friendship and sharing, and is a bit miffed that in this new world she has to give pony rides and act in stupid Disney movies to make a living. She’s kind of bitter because she was flung into another dimension years ago and none of her so called friends have come to rescue her. And by kind of bitter, I mean she’s a giant bitch.
Doktor Zapp: Rents the basement, which he’s converted into his new lab. Doktor Zapp is rather resentful that he’s been cast as some sort of malevolent mad scientist, performing horrible experiments on the human body, when all he wants to do is create the perfect cyborg. His previous lab got trashed by a twenty-foot-tall dog that chewed on most of the lab equipment; he barely got away with his life by hiding under a gigantic couch. Now he’s trying to rebuild his life. He does government contracting for a living.
Appearance: Smaller than all the others because he’s a playset action figure. White hair in a bowl cut, pale skin, dark glasses he never takes off. Always seen in a lab coat, green shirt and black pants.
Lovey: Is a hound dog. A stuffed puppy that was adorable once, but now she’s elderly, her coat patchy and fraying, stuffing leaking, one eye pointing in a different direction than the other. Lovey’s kind of perpetually sad because her owner went to high school and started ignoring her, and then went away to college and never came back.
Emily Egg: Is a baby doll, but close to the same size as the fashion dolls, just proportioned like a baby. Emily doesn’t talk much, and when she does, it’s kind of baby babble, but she is friendly and cheerful. Has sort of latched onto April as a quasi mother figure. Is also great friends with Lovey. Emily sleeps in an egg-shaped basket.
Chad: Is April’s “boyfriend”. He’s handsome, stylish and romantic, and very gentlemanly; he’s never pushed her to have sex. He’s a model, an actor, and the lead singer of a teen-beloved boyband. He’s also completely and totally gay, and April is the only one who doesn’t know it, but he is afraid of ruining his career if he comes out because he works for Disney-esque child-friendly networks.
Steve: Is April’s other boyfriend, the one she is cheating on Chad with. Steve is an ex-Marine, smart, tough and rugged. He’s also bi. He knows of Chad’s existence but thinks Chad is a jerk for not coming out to April and breaking up with her, because he, like everyone on the planet but April, knows that Chad is gay. When he actually meets Chad, he finds to his shock that he actually likes the guy. Steve and Chad both end up breaking up with April and marrying each other; she gets to be Best Woman. April remains friends with them both but cries a lot about the whole thing.
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adoranymph · 4 years
So. I wanted to keep up a momentum of positivity up given current world circumstances, which means I figured it was time I expressed and explored my love for family tropes in stories, found or otherwise.
They say you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. On a genetic level that’s indisputable, but what if apart from that, your friends are your family? I just love that stuff, personally. Actually, I love stories that examine and enrich family bonds in general, biological or not. And today, I’d like to share a few (a fair few) of them with you, if for no other reason than to try and spread around some warm-fuzzies instead of other, nastier things.
If we’re talking a specific, earliest moment that I recall having a strong reaction to a family bond, I’d have to say it’d be after reading what became my favorite installment in the Harry Potter series, Prisoner of Azkaban. I specifically remember thinking, “Aw, Harry finally has an adult in his life he can see as family.” I mean, yes, the Weasleys were already there in his corner, but Sirius Black had a more personal connection to Harry’s parents that gave this sense of him being able to connect more with the family he’d lost with what little connection he had gained that was left. And yeah, include Lupin in that too, while we’re at it.
And that love for that trope has just grown more with time with the amount of media that I’ve consumed. Found families, blood families, families struggling, families coming together, I eat that up with a big hot fudge sundae spoon. For as long as I can remember, I’ve tailored 99% of my stories around these types of plot points, perhaps with more intensity after having lost my own parents. If only because my fulfillment from it always comes from wanting to see more stories that feature family and family bond themes. Moreover, the opportunity to experience them in fictional contexts offers differing perspectives on family and what family means to others. Which I also enjoy.
With the Fate series, for example, starting with Fate/Zero, the respective relationships of father-and-son in Kiritsugu and Shirou Emiya (which honestly gave me Harry Potter and Sirius Black vibes even though theirs is a relationship far different from what’s here), and father-and-daughter in Kiritsugu and Illya (which I melt at for the sake of being a father-daughter relationship) was the initial thing that most had me immediately hooked, in addition to the concept of historic and legendary heroes from across time coming together in the modern era for a battle royale for the Holy Grail. With all of that though, and everything else great about Fate/Zero (which is, yeah, everything), you have a shoe-in for what still stands as my favorite anime. Although the family moments are minimal, not just in Zero but in its sequel Stay Night as well, the moments themselves are powerful enough to stand out and be effective in spite of that. More than that, but they’re written so well, they transcend any tropiness they would have had in the hands of another creator. Zero in particular.
I think part of that comes from how much Fate and the Type-Moon universe seem to emphasize how broken the family relationships of mages and those related to the supernatural are, which in turn makes the ones that still manage to radiate love all the more precious. Especially in terms of Kiritsugu, his wife Irisviel, and their daughter Illya. Not wanting to repeat myself too much, I’ll distill it down to this: the fact that Kiritsugu’s relationships with them is tailor-made for tragedy might, on paper, seem almost contrived, but it’s Kiritsugu’s character, and Irisviel’s too, that highlight how dearly they love each other, throwing any contrivances about it out the window.
You can read more about it in my Type-Moon post. Suffice to say, I could talk about this stuff for hours, days even perhaps, and that’s just about Kiritsugu’s family. There’re also the Tohsakas and the Matous who all have their varying degrees of screwed-uppedness that still manage to produce people who are loving and caring in their own ways, from child abandonment as a result of a skewed view of fatherhood to just straight-up abuse. Which unfortunately brings to light more twisted examples of my beloved father-daughter trope that really gets under my skin, not unlike a very cold example of this in V. A. Schwabb’s This Savage Song and the unfortunate fact that the main heroine’s father never grew to love his daughter despite his wife’s reassurances that he would. Which is just sad without having to go into much further detail.
Same with Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)/ Fullmetal Alchmeist: Brotherhood. That franchise had the audacity to take my most beloved family trope, the father-daughter relationship, and mangle it (literally as well as figuratively now that I think about it) with the arc of State Alchemist Shou Tucker and his daughter, Nina. Desperate to keep his State Alchemist license, he uses his daughter Nina and their pet dog Alexander in an alchemic experient to create a talking chimera, by fusing the two of them together into one being, making for one of the most equally horrific and tragic scenes I’ve ever seen.
And yet again, these perversions of family are no less enjoyable than those of ones built far more genuinely and conventionally on love and care. Both are satisfying in their own way, to see not only places where love lives, but also places where we know love should live but doesn’t, which makes us, the readers, or the audience, want all the more to scoop these characters up and give them the hugs they deserve.
Not to say that Fullmetal is all about broken families. In fact, it’s more about the functioning ones that still manage to get torn apart. First you have the main plotline of the Elric brothers, Edward and Alphonse (Ed and Al). They committed the taboo of “human transmutation” in their attempt to resurrect their mother from the dead. For committing this taboo, they pay a heavy price: Ed, literally an arm and a leg, and Al, his entire body, leaving his soul to remain tethered in the living world by nothing more than a blood seal on a suit of armor. The brothers struggle with their efforts to set things right, and along with what happens to Nina, encounter their estranged father, though in the 2003 version the character arcs that form in those vary to those in the Brotherhood reboot.
In both versions though, their meeting Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes and his family, his wife Gracia and daughter Elecia, plays out the exact same tragic way, resulting in one of the worst sucker-punches of a death, and anyone who’s seen the show(s) knows what I mean. There’s even something of a family (if a dysfunctional one) in that of the homunculi (villainous ones in this case, unlike the homunculi in the Fate series). They might be named for the Seven Deadly Sins, but in their respective incarnations between the 2003 version and the reboot version, they develop in various ways, due in no small part to their relationships with each other. And part of what makes a family, in my experience, is nurturing the character of those with whom you are close with your own relationship to them. Hence why blood ties aren’t all that make a family, and why the concept of found families rock.
An anime I just finished recently, March Comes In Like a Lion, a pretty chill show, but still very emotionally engaging, (and chill is a high priority on what I’m looking for right now, which shouldn’t be surprising–save of course for my catching up on Season 3 of Castlevania), involves a young boy, Rei Kiriyama, roped into the fate of becoming a shogi prodigy when he loses his parents and little sister and is taken in by a shogi family as a foster son. The father was a friend of his father’s, but unlike his father, pursued the profession of playing shogi seriously, and unfortunately he was one of those fathers who meted out his affection to his children based on how good they got at the thing he was good at.
Which brings out the dark side of the found family, when Rei proves to be far more talented than either the daughter or the son of that family. He begins to see himself as “in the way”, as the daughter in particular takes her anger with her father out on him, sometimes in violent ways. This is further complicated by the fact that in his early formative years he appeared to have developed a crush on her despite the way she treated him, and continues to treat him throughout the majority of the anime.
Thankfully, where the story starts is with Rei, now in high school and now living on his own as a pro shogi player prodigy, and the relationship he’s developed with a family of threes sisters who just recently lost their mother. With them, he finds all the wonderful things a family can be, certainly the standard to which all found families should measure up to. He finds love and warmth that he’d not only been starving for, but had taught himself not to even hope to expect in his life going forward. An affirmation of where love can be found, not always with blood, and not always with where you thought you’d find it, which will never fail to be an incredibly moving thing to me.
The struggles of a young pro shogi player interlaced with the interpersonal struggles of the characters both inside and outside of the world of shogi, was incredibly satisfying on the emotional palate. I loved it, and it was definitely getting me through this difficult time at present, along with how much keeping in touch (without touching) my own family and friends has been. It’s one of those shows that shares both such dark struggle and passionate triumph and hope, and I’m glad that I chose now of all times to get around to watching it (though initially I chose it because it was the month of March, and it’s called March Comes In Like a Lion so ha ha).  Regardless, while I can’t speak for the manga as I haven’t read that, I recommend the anime to anyone who’s interested, and who’s anxious right now and needs something to binge in this time of self-isolation and still get the warm-fuzzies.
Incidentally, Rei is among a small group of fictional characters, all of who have hit particularly close to home with me. He’s almost a boy version of me: his introversion, his experiences with depression (some of the thoughts he had circling in his head while struggling with that were, a lot of times, verbatim the same as the ones I’ve had, which gave me chills if nothing else), the fact that he had to learn how to “survive” school not because school itself was hard, but just because of the ostracizing social structure, that he lost his blood family and went to live with another, that he wraps himself up in something to cut off the pain that everything else causes him (with him it’s shogi, with me it’s writing)–these things all resonated with my own experiences of losing and regaining family. So much so that at this point, I’ve set aside an idea for doing a separate post on his character. You know, when I get to a few more of the hundreds of other post drafts I have on the backburner.
The shounen anime Kimestu No Yaiba takes the traditional shounen trope of “main character loses whole family to tragedy and that sets him on the hero’s journey he probably wouldn’t have taken otherwise”, and creates what I’d consider the most emotionally engaging shounen I’ve ever watched (and this coming from the same young lady who got herself hooked on Fairy Tail after putting it off for months and months because she told herself she’d never fall into the “shounen trap”). Not only is it done by the godly studio ufotable who put Fate on the map with Fate/Zero, scored by one of my most favorite composers, Yuki Kajiura, but it also features one of the most emotionally engaging shounen fights I have ever seen, and that primarily comes from its focus on the family bond between the main protagonist, Tanjiro Kamado, and his sister-turned-demon, Nezuko, and how searching in the memories of his father, he rediscovers a technique to use that helps him survive a fight that would have otherwise killed him and his sister both.
Fruits Basket (both the original anime adaptation from 2001, and the the reboot coming out now) takes the concept of a family curse and examines how that affects certain of its members, and the ripple effect that comes from one outsider–a young girl grieving the death of her mother–deciding to befriend him through that anime “quirk of fate”. The curse itself being certain members of the family turning into animals of the Chinese zodiac when under stress or…hugged by a member of the opposite sex. Classic. And at first, yeah, is it a bit silly, but then you see how it’s affected those members of the family born with the Zodiac spirits of this curse. Like how one of them has to pretend that he isn’t his mother’s son, because his mother was horrified by the fact that the first time she held her child, he turned into a rabbit, and so, to ease her suffering, she had her memories of her having giving birth to him erased. Which gives credence to the idea that any idea can work, as long it’s executed well. Whether an idea unique will mean nothing if the idea itself is executed poorly.
And the criminally underrated anime film, Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms, tells a fantasy story of a young woman who follows the emotional arc of discovering what it means to be a mother. Maquia, one of a race of immortal people called the Iorph, is separated from the rest of her kind after a  mortal human kingdom attacks them for their power. Alone upon her escape from capture, she comes across a mortal human family who’re all dead, save for their newborn baby boy, and she takes it upon herself to raise the boy as his mother. Along the way she learns what it means to be a mother, the pain that comes with watching a loved one grow old and die and leaving you behind. To say that I felt things in that story would be grave understatement. And it comes from a place of genuine familial emotion: the film’s director and writer, Mari Okada, drew from her own relationship to her own mother.
Even in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the idea of the found family and the idea of family in general isn’t lost on its writers, particularly in regards to Guardians of the Galaxy, which touches not only families, but family abuse. Never mind that it involves people from alien worlds, cyborg assassins, and the like,  it still manages to have a very human resonance. And of particular note is a part of Natasha Romanov’s character arc, and how much she had come to view the Avengers as a family, while at the same time trying to repay the debt of all the lives she’d taken by saving lives instead. Which results in interactions like the very touching sort of brother-sister banter between her and Steve Rogers (that’s right, a male-female pair I don’t actually ship).
In the world of books, The Girl at Midnight, and Daughter of Smoke and Bone both involve found family subplots and explore those in their own creative ways.
We have Echo in The Girl at Midnight, raised by a group of bird-ish people called Avicen, and she gets to live in the attic of a library (lucky), and play a little with the magic she otherwise wouldn’t have gotten to if she hadn’t ended up adopted into her situation. I’m nearly finished with the sequel, The Shadow Hour, and we did get a glimpse of the life she had before: she’d run away from her birth mother, who was an abusive drunk to her daughter, which hurts on the very fundamental fact that we are born in the world with the idea hardwired in there somewhere that our mothers are supposed to love us unconditionally, and certainly never hurt us. It hurt me in my own way too, as my father was an alcoholic, and while he wasn’t perfect, he wasn’t abusive either, just more of a lost soul, I suppose, which can carry its own problems trying to function as a parent.
While I wasn’t too keen on the vision Echo has of her past characterizing her mother as the sort of abusive drunk you’d find…eh…like, in an amateur play, it could be argued that the idea was that the vision was based on her memory of her mother, and thus her perception of her at the time. Which was yeah, a mother who spouted nothing but verbal abuse at her daughter and hit her, and for seemingly no reason. And later on, when she discusses it with one of her close friends, not only does her friend tell her that it’s not from whom we are born that defines us, but also that even if her mother had her complicated reasons for why she was the way she was as a parent, the simple fact that’s irrelevant, and there’s never a “good” or “justifiable” reason to hurt a child. That it’s one’s own makes it all the more saddening.
For Daughter of Smoke and Bone, we have another eccentric waif in Karou, raised by a family of people called “chimaera” (not like the ones from Fullmetal Alchemist, these are a mishmash of different animal parts, sometimes human parts too). It too involves a complicated sort of father-daughter relationship that unfortunately seems to have ended in tragedy (I’ve only finished book one), as the slowburn story meticulously reveals that our heroine is being hidden to keep her safe from a threat that stems from a grand, epic, interdimensional war between chimaeras and angels. Last I saw, it looked like the father figure was probably dead, and unfortunately he and Karou hadn’t parted the last time they saw each other on the…best of terms, to put it mildly. Like with Kiritsugu Emiya’s estrangement from his daughter Illya in Fate, this one too hurts in that same, “what could have been, but never will be” way.
Then you’ve got a graphic novels like Saga, written by Brian K. Vaughn and illustrated by Fiona Staples (published by Image Comics), which, again, I was drawn to merely on the premise of it being about a male and female of two different alien races on opposing sides going AWOL together and ending up having a baby daughter along the way. I haven’t got too much into graphic novels aside from this and Monstress (also published by Image Comics), written by Marjorie Liu and illustrated by Sana Takeda (which deals with dead mother and mother-daughter issues against a very dark fantasy setting), but from what I’ve read so far, that premise has delivered as far as emotionally anchoring me to the story is concerned. Couple forced to flee for their lives + newborn introduced to the situation = my interest.
And that’s basically what it boils down to, beyond merely it’s emotional fulfillment for me. Apart from the family and friends I have found in my own life, it’s one other way I can regain something of what I lost in the passing of my parents. Even more than that, it’s a way for me to process it, after initially refusing to process it at all, especially when it comes to my own writing. In some ways, the novel I’m currently working on, the crux of which involves a father-daughter relationship, is a wish fulfillment of my own for the difficult months I spent with my father, between when my mother died and then when he himself died. Which even here is something that’s difficult for me talk about so straightforwardly, so the catharsis I get from writing about these things is far more valuable and useful to me. Even the deconstructional value of the dysfunctional versions of any parent-child relationship, not just father-daughter ones.
Exploring these themes both in writing and reading nurtures feelings and reinforces how important those feelings are. Found families in particular can be a lense through which we can begin to view people who are not related to us by blood still as kin, if only for the fact that we all are human. Family themes engender hope, even in the case of dysfunctional families, and it’s moving to see families who work to earn each other’s love as well as love unconditionally, depending on circumstances. Especially when death and danger threaten to tear those bonds apart, only for those bonds to emerge stronger than ever.
In times like these, don’t forget those you care about the most, or even those who you know who don’t receive as much care as they should, and reach out if you can (and thanks to the internet, reaching out remotely isn’t out of the question). The simple act of looking out for someone else is one of the most beautiful things about being human in my opinion, more so that it’s not even an exclusively human thing, which serves to draw we humans closer to each other. It’s a precious thing, and losing that would be a tragedy indeed in the long run. So as I press onward with this thing called living from day to day, I’ll keep seeking new family dynamics that inspire me with joy, with sorrow, and with hope. Particularly the hope that I’m not the only one who finds value in seeking these out in stories far and wide, and learning from them, and taking them sincerely to heart.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to make sure I’m keeping up with the currently running Kakushigoto, incidentally an anime about a father who draws adult manga and tries to keep the nature of his profession a secret from his young daughter. Hijinks and heartwarmingness I’m sure are in store. In the meantime, also enjoy this very emotional Fullmetal Alchemist AMV, as well as a revisit to the “Shelter” music video by Porter Robinson. Because fathers and daughters.
  Family Bonds So. I wanted to keep up a momentum of positivity up given current world circumstances, which means I figured it was time I expressed and explored my love for family tropes in stories, found or otherwise.
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showlexsite · 4 years
Smart steps towards a loving togetherness having A czech mail purchase bride
Smart steps towards a loving togetherness having A czech mail purchase bride
The place to start from the time you’re with A czech woman?
Czech girls are awesome and certainly will seduce any males due to their perfect forms. That’s a fact. Exactly what style of personality do they will have and exactly how to overcome them?
It is simple to fulfill online czech brides free since they are open-minded about lovers of other nationalities and want to travel. You simply have to find out what things to inform them when you finally got familiarized.
Most Useful Provides
Numerous western males stay speechless seeing the beauty that is outstanding sexiness, and unique charm of Czech girls. They indeed combine all Slavic values, sort of look, along with other benefits with solely European broad-mindedness and relaxed attitude. It is precious to stay in their existence and enjoy moments together.
Despite each of their advantages, it generates no sense to freeze right in front of them and lose all your valuable self- confidence. Just the opposite: you ought to be courageous and calm exactly like them. You’ll be astonished exactly just how easy-going czech republic mail purchase brides are. They truly are therefore friendly, down-to-earth, and calmly confident, it’s going to be a relief for you really to keep in touch with them and begin this exciting relationship.
Below are a few of this recommendations which will relieve your very first dialogues with Czech beauties:
Don’t begin with one thing extremely simple and easy trivial. It might assist Filipina ladies, Brazilian ladies, or a few of Nigerian girls, yet not with czech republic brides. They truly are perfectly educated and intelligent so that you need certainly to show the level that is same of right from the start. For instance, it is possible to inquire further about their artists that are favourite novelists.
Don’t keep consitently the remainder of conversation complicated. Just the introduction must be initial, to drawn their attention, but you are able to keep consitently the remainder of discussion very easy. What you need to do is usually to be courteous. Any subjects may be talked about with czech brides for wedding, however you should remember the fact that they will have extremely manners that are good expect equivalent away from you. It does not suggest being snobby or arrogant, simply cool and respectful.
Don’t attempt to bribe them to possess intercourse. Yes, a lot of men are causeing the blunder with ladies of various nationalities particularly if they’re gorgeous. But czech brides prague aren’t the under-developed ladies. Possibly they aren’t through the wealthiest nation, however they are economically separate adequate to present by themselves. Their character is very strong too. Czech republic is also more economically stable than Russia and Ukraine so that you cannot choose the girls’ attention. Just your interesting personality and family members values matter.
Don’t make an effort to wow these with fresh clothing, demonstrating parts of your muscles or perhaps a car that is new. Please, she already saw all of this in a senior school or in an university and she actually is planning to think you’re trivial. You should be yourself and wear smth comfortable but neat and neat. She actually is maybe not the type or style of a woman whom expects one to look fashionable on a regular basis.
Don’t put all of the effort to them. Some guys are confused with contemporary feminist motion among the ladies and they also aren’t certain how long their politeness is going towards czech mail order brides. Because of this, they allow A czech woman decided on locations to get and how to proceed. It’s a blunder. Prague women can be nevertheless traditional sufficient with regards to a romantic date, particularly the very first date. A man is wanted by them to produce actions and produce the environment. Nonetheless, she additionally expects you to definitely accept her modifications if she actually is planning to instantly improve your plans that are common. Remember, this woman is traditional but she’s nevertheless a woman that is unpredictable.
Never ever make force to them. It’s hard to think however some guys are nevertheless like this, – manipulating women with a couple logic or reasons that are fake. For instance: you currently promised me, and that means you should head out beside me. Or, a whole lot worse: you should hurry up to have infants I change my mind with me otherwise. Wow! Recall our advice become respectful and polite no real matter what, otherwise you’ll never succeed with czech brides for wedding.
Just how to persuade her getting intimate?
You need ton’t persuade her at all. You notice czech republic mail purchase brides have a different type of psychology. They don’t head to get closer as well as quickly sufficient, but there ought to be a method. Be as light and charming as you are able to, watching their body gestures along with a pretty woman costa-rica brides other signs and symptoms of attention. Then kiss her very tenderly, a bit in a timid manner if these signs go more far than pleasant glances and a kind smile, i.e. She is lightly touching your hand, your shoulder, your leg. It shall make her heart melt.
But in the event that you watch for this chance a long time, she could become disappointed and determine there’s no real chemistry between you and her. Now you note that czech brides prague are notably impulsive, psychological, making their conclusions too fast. It will make no feeling to fight using this quality; simply accept it and work properly.
Now, how about intercourse it self? It is interesting enough, Czech girls are open-minded with regards to beginning the partnership, however they do have their taboos and stop-points. Here are a few of these:
It’s important to learn that czech republic mail order bridesdon’t like intercourse in general public places. They might make an exclusion for a few occasion that is special as an example, ahead of the wedding, however in general, they like classical places and circumstances.
They don’t choose to get too drunk and have now sex that is drunk. They enjoy staying healthier and decent, also it comes even to more youthful girls. Czech ladies prefer to feel their partner good enough and revel in every minute, rather than missing it as a result of a liquor.
They don’t like spontaneous experiments in a sleep. Alternatively, they like to talk about new and uncommon things in advance. Also dental intercourse should better be gently talked about just before giving or getting it. It is rather a lovely game that is polite a responsibility, so perceive it that way. Whisper your concern to her ear and stay sweet: you might be greatly rewarded.
They definitely dislike dealing with previous sex lovers. Understand that czech brides for marriage are traditional for the reason that matter too. They certainly realize you’d partners before, plus don’t conceal which had also. But frank conversations of history along with juicy details just aren’t their design. They vary a whole lot from American, Australian, or German girls who don’t see any difficulty speaking about their or your ex lover.
They won’t understand or accept your envy. As you can plainly see also from past paragraphs, Czech girls are totally a spouse product. They truly are a girlfriend that is long-term too, however they aren’t appropriate one-night-stands. Properly for this, they have been really trustworthy and you are thought by them are, too. So that they take to never to get jealous plus it’s really uncomfortable for them if you fail to take control of your possessive instincts.
Just how to propose and live gladly ever after
You currently comprehended that czech brides free are really a treasure that is true a severe guy, however it’s essential to perhaps perhaps not spoil this present of humankind. You ought to propose properly, invest this evening that is special of properly, and begin your brand-new life together without rude errors. Without a doubt, you will flourish in that in the event that you don’t mind an item of advice.
Prague girls got familiar with an environment that is nice fancy places, but additionally enchanting places of nature. They will certainly extremely appreciate if you find the many stunning spot in her city or your very own town to propose. Don’t think it is simply a small thing: you might be creating the life time memories for you personally two, now along with your personal fingers!
The band could be medium-priced but extremely elegant. It’s a wedding ring for the time being as well as the bands for the wedding it is possible to design together a bit later on. All czech republic mail purchase brides greatly enjoy selecting things along with their partner or fiancee.
Following the wedding, never reveal to your romance that is beloved is. They truly are realistic sufficient themselves nonetheless they keenly need your attention that is warm and. Carry on showing it in small shocks, tiny actions that are everyday your does the exact same for you personally. Usually do not lose this sense of exchange and flight of bright feelings: with this type of supermodel in your sleep plus in your hands, relationship can endure for many years! Just begin your research and your dreams will eventually come true today.
Hot Czech women vary a lot from Asian or Latin American ladies by mindset, however they are near adequate to such Slavic girls as Polish or Ukrainian. So for those who have dated these nationalities, you curently have an idea. Simply make use of your imagination and follow your confidence, and you’ll have actually plenty of intimate victories in Prague!
Source: https://showlex.site/2020/03/29/smart-steps-towards-a-loving-togetherness-having-a/
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robbieinterviews · 5 years
Interview: ‘Suicide Squad’ Stars Margot Robbie and Jai Courtney Talk Jared Leto’s Joker, Working With David Ayer, and the Possibility of Sequels, 2016
Suicide Squad is packed with characters and stars who could command a film on their own, but part of the fun is seeing this chaotic mess of personalities clash and come together and clash again. We had the opportunity on set to interview two of them together: Margot Robbie, who plays iconic fan favorite Harley Quinn, and Jai Courtney, who plays a version of Captain Boomerang that you’ve definitely never met before. The actors discussed their stunts, the “skwad” camaraderie, Jared Leto‘s Joker, and — of course — the possibility of sequels. Read our Suicide Squad Margot Robbie and Jai Courtney interview below.
What does Boomerang think of Harley Quinn?
MR: This I want to hear.
JC: He thinks the truth.
MR: My note towards Captain Boomerang when he walks in the script is, I think he’s an idiot.
JC: Well, you’re wrong. Did she correct herself later on?
MR: She has moments where she’s like, he’s funny, and then it goes back to her thinking he’s an idiot.
Can you talk about how your characters work together as a team?
MR: Well, the Squad’s together.
JC: That’s what I think makes this movie so fun is that there is so much antagonism between them all. We all have our roles to play amongst the group. I definitely pick up the kind of class clown slack at times. Harley has this great line where she says, “Your village in Australia is missing its idiot. You should call home.” Which is a great line and rings true.
MR: I think they’ve got like a brother/sister relationship. Where they just noodle at each other.
JC: There is kind of like mutual respect amongst them all at a certain point and that not necessarily something that is there at the beginning but when they come around to the idea that they need to band together because in a way they are all they have. That is sort of one of the beautiful playoffs of this ensemble.
Margot, you said you made a note in your script as to what your character thinks of Boomer. Did you make notes for all the characters?
MR: Oh yeah. Whenever little scenes between them happen, I just write in the corner of my page what I think about them. At the beginning I decided how she feels about each character. For some reason I think she really likes Killer Croc and looks at him like a teddy bear. She looks at him and says, “I love him.” And I think she thinks that El Diablo is the coolest one because he has the coolest superpower. Then it’s a different thing with Deadshot. I think it’s a brother/sister thing with Boomer because he either irritates her or she finds him funny and then he goes back to irritating her.
Margot, what has it been like for you being the first actor to ever bring this iconic and beloved DC character to the big screen in live-action?
MR: Yeah, I’m fortunate to be the first to do it because no one has set the bar remarkably high like they have with Joker, for example. So in that sense it is easier but I’m accurately aware of the fact that there is a massive fan base and I don’t want to disappoint anyone. So it’s terrifying, but like I said, it’s nice to be the first one to do it.
Can you talk about the camaraderie on set?
JC: It’s been one of those bizarrely pleasant experiences. We’ve all had, I think, varying types of experiences on films and spoke about it early on where its like you get on a film sometimes and you know its going to be good and you are working with a good group of people, but something happened early on. It was probably the rehearsal time that we were afforded, I think that meant that there was this period of concentration where we got to trust each other and coupled that with this lucky accident of the group that was assembled. We have just had a whole lot of fun.
MR: I think it also helps that none of us are from Toronto. So when we finish a day of work you turn to each other and say, “What are you doing now? What are we doing this weekend?” And a lot of people are married with kids and stuff and if we were shooting in their hometown, they would go home to their significant other, their kids, their life, and their friends that they have known forever. But since we are all away from home you stick together even more.
JC: It’s like this obnoxious little family.
MR: It’s a bizarre family.
Can you talk about how physically demanding this shoot has been?
MR: I can barely move my neck at the moment. It’s pretty physically demanding.
We saw the stunt you did in the elevator yesterday.
MR: We shot that for ten hours yesterday. That was crazy. At the time you never feel pain and then the next day you wake up and you’re like, “Oh my God.” That’s why we have professionals.
Margot, can you talk about the dynamic between you and Jared [Leto]? We’ve heard that he stays in character the whole time, is that true?
MR: Yeah, he’s kind of terrifying. He’s really lovely, though. He’s very conscientious on set. He’s not completely lost in the character that he’s violent or anything. Between every take he asks if I’m okay, blah, blah, blah. So when I first heard that he was method, and that we couldn’t refer to him as Jared and things like that, I started to panic a bit because I’m in an abusive relationship with this guy who thinks he is the character. I was worried I’d get beat up on set. But he’s respectful, professional, and lovely. It is so incredible to watch him work because it is a really bizarre process and kind of fascinating. It’s not a process that would work for me but I can see the way he does it and it clearly works for him. It’s cool.
What’s been the biggest surprise about being in a comic book movie for each of you?
MR: I thought doing a comic book movie would be a very formulaic process, and so far this has been one of the most organic and spontaneous process that I have been through. Which, this is the sort of process I’d expect to do on a really cool, gritty indie film. And we’re doing it on this massive budget film where there are so many people giving their opinions on what we’re doing, what we’re wearing, blah, blah, blah. But at the end of the day, they’re kind of standing back and letting David do it the way he wants to do it. Fortunately for us, the way he wants to do it is a very raw, gritty way.
Obviously the plan is to try and make several sequels if this film is successful, how many films have you signed on for and how long can you see yourselves playing these characters?
MR: Oh, I heard forever. I could play Harley for a long time. I don’t know how long. We’ve signed on I think everyone is committed to a couple of films.
JC: We’re all around for a few more of these should they choose to make them and I hope they do because I’m having way too much fun not to make another.
MR: And there is so much you can do. They are the kind of characters that you can keep exploring and find so much more to do.
JC: I hope we’re kicking about with this stuff for a while.
MR: Until my body can’t do the stunts anymore. That’s probably when they will bring a new Harley in.
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showlexsite · 4 years
Smart steps towards a loving togetherness having A czech mail purchase bride
Smart steps towards a loving togetherness having A czech mail purchase bride
The place to start from the time you’re with A czech woman?
Czech girls are awesome and certainly will seduce any males due to their perfect forms. That’s a fact. Exactly what style of personality do they will have and exactly how to overcome them?
It is simple to fulfill online czech brides free since they are open-minded about lovers of other nationalities and want to travel. You simply have to find out what things to inform them when you finally got familiarized.
Most Useful Provides
Numerous western males stay speechless seeing the beauty that is outstanding sexiness, and unique charm of Czech girls. They indeed combine all Slavic values, sort of look, along with other benefits with solely European broad-mindedness and relaxed attitude. It is precious to stay in their existence and enjoy moments together.
Despite each of their advantages, it generates no sense to freeze right in front of them and lose all your valuable self- confidence. Just the opposite: you ought to be courageous and calm exactly like them. You’ll be astonished exactly just how easy-going czech republic mail purchase brides are. They truly are therefore friendly, down-to-earth, and calmly confident, it’s going to be a relief for you really to keep in touch with them and begin this exciting relationship.
Below are a few of this recommendations which will relieve your very first dialogues with Czech beauties:
Don’t begin with one thing extremely simple and easy trivial. It might assist Filipina ladies, Brazilian ladies, or a few of Nigerian girls, yet not with czech republic brides. They truly are perfectly educated and intelligent so that you need certainly to show the level that is same of right from the start. For instance, it is possible to inquire further about their artists that are favourite novelists.
Don’t keep consitently the remainder of conversation complicated. Just the introduction must be initial, to drawn their attention, but you are able to keep consitently the remainder of discussion very easy. What you need to do is usually to be courteous. Any subjects may be talked about with czech brides for wedding, however you should remember the fact that they will have extremely manners that are good expect equivalent away from you. It does not suggest being snobby or arrogant, simply cool and respectful.
Don’t attempt to bribe them to possess intercourse. Yes, a lot of men are causeing the blunder with ladies of various nationalities particularly if they’re gorgeous. But czech brides prague aren’t the under-developed ladies. Possibly they aren’t through the wealthiest nation, however they are economically separate adequate to present by themselves. Their character is very strong too. Czech republic is also more economically stable than Russia and Ukraine so that you cannot choose the girls’ attention. Just your interesting personality and family members values matter.
Don’t make an effort to wow these with fresh clothing, demonstrating parts of your muscles or perhaps a car that is new. Please, she already saw all of this in a senior school or in an university and she actually is planning to think you’re trivial. You should be yourself and wear smth comfortable but neat and neat. She actually is maybe not the type or style of a woman whom expects one to look fashionable on a regular basis.
Don’t put all of the effort to them. Some guys are confused with contemporary feminist motion among the ladies and they also aren’t certain how long their politeness is going towards czech mail order brides. Because of this, they allow A czech woman decided on locations to get and how to proceed. It’s a blunder. Prague women can be nevertheless traditional sufficient with regards to a romantic date, particularly the very first date. A man is wanted by them to produce actions and produce the environment. Nonetheless, she additionally expects you to definitely accept her modifications if she actually is planning to instantly improve your plans that are common. Remember, this woman is traditional but she’s nevertheless a woman that is unpredictable.
Never ever make force to them. It’s hard to think however some guys are nevertheless like this, – manipulating women with a couple logic or reasons that are fake. For instance: you currently promised me, and that means you should head out beside me. Or, a whole lot worse: you should hurry up to have infants I change my mind with me otherwise. Wow! Recall our advice become respectful and polite no real matter what, otherwise you’ll never succeed with czech brides for wedding.
Just how to persuade her getting intimate?
You need ton’t persuade her at all. You notice czech republic mail purchase brides have a different type of psychology. They don’t head to get closer as well as quickly sufficient, but there ought to be a method. Be as light and charming as you are able to, watching their body gestures along with a pretty woman costa-rica brides other signs and symptoms of attention. Then kiss her very tenderly, a bit in a timid manner if these signs go more far than pleasant glances and a kind smile, i.e. She is lightly touching your hand, your shoulder, your leg. It shall make her heart melt.
But in the event that you watch for this chance a long time, she could become disappointed and determine there’s no real chemistry between you and her. Now you note that czech brides prague are notably impulsive, psychological, making their conclusions too fast. It will make no feeling to fight using this quality; simply accept it and work properly.
Now, how about intercourse it self? It is interesting enough, Czech girls are open-minded with regards to beginning the partnership, however they do have their taboos and stop-points. Here are a few of these:
It’s important to learn that czech republic mail order bridesdon’t like intercourse in general public places. They might make an exclusion for a few occasion that is special as an example, ahead of the wedding, however in general, they like classical places and circumstances.
They don’t choose to get too drunk and have now sex that is drunk. They enjoy staying healthier and decent, also it comes even to more youthful girls. Czech ladies prefer to feel their partner good enough and revel in every minute, rather than missing it as a result of a liquor.
They don’t like spontaneous experiments in a sleep. Alternatively, they like to talk about new and uncommon things in advance. Also dental intercourse should better be gently talked about just before giving or getting it. It is rather a lovely game that is polite a responsibility, so perceive it that way. Whisper your concern to her ear and stay sweet: you might be greatly rewarded.
They definitely dislike dealing with previous sex lovers. Understand that czech brides for marriage are traditional for the reason that matter too. They certainly realize you’d partners before, plus don’t conceal which had also. But frank conversations of history along with juicy details just aren’t their design. They vary a whole lot from American, Australian, or German girls who don’t see any difficulty speaking about their or your ex lover.
They won’t understand or accept your envy. As you can plainly see also from past paragraphs, Czech girls are totally a spouse product. They truly are a girlfriend that is long-term too, however they aren’t appropriate one-night-stands. Properly for this, they have been really trustworthy and you are thought by them are, too. So that they take to never to get jealous plus it’s really uncomfortable for them if you fail to take control of your possessive instincts.
Just how to propose and live gladly ever after
You currently comprehended that czech brides free are really a treasure that is true a severe guy, however it’s essential to perhaps perhaps not spoil this present of humankind. You ought to propose properly, invest this evening that is special of properly, and begin your brand-new life together without rude errors. Without a doubt, you will flourish in that in the event that you don’t mind an item of advice.
Prague girls got familiar with an environment that is nice fancy places, but additionally enchanting places of nature. They will certainly extremely appreciate if you find the many stunning spot in her city or your very own town to propose. Don’t think it is simply a small thing: you might be creating the life time memories for you personally two, now along with your personal fingers!
The band could be medium-priced but extremely elegant. It’s a wedding ring for the time being as well as the bands for the wedding it is possible to design together a bit later on. All czech republic mail purchase brides greatly enjoy selecting things along with their partner or fiancee.
Following the wedding, never reveal to your romance that is beloved is. They truly are realistic sufficient themselves nonetheless they keenly need your attention that is warm and. Carry on showing it in small shocks, tiny actions that are everyday your does the exact same for you personally. Usually do not lose this sense of exchange and flight of bright feelings: with this type of supermodel in your sleep plus in your hands, relationship can endure for many years! Just begin your research and your dreams will eventually come true today.
Hot Czech women vary a lot from Asian or Latin American ladies by mindset, however they are near adequate to such Slavic girls as Polish or Ukrainian. So for those who have dated these nationalities, you curently have an idea. Simply make use of your imagination and follow your confidence, and you’ll have actually plenty of intimate victories in Prague!
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