#just. i just need to curl up into a ball under a million blankets and never move again
orcelito · 5 months
Genuinely this cold makes me want to sink my teeth into something violently and painfully because I feel like I am.never going to be warm again and it's. Bone deep. It's bone deep and I am so deeply unhappy about it
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cal-flakes · 11 months
Dealer! rafe comforting the reader on her period
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╰┈➤ dealer!rafe period comfort
warnings: none really, just fluff.
summary: dealer!rafe comforts y/n on her period. (this is written based of my own experiences with periods, hopefully some people can relate.)
the sound of her quiet sobs down the phone had derailed rafe’s entire day, not that he minded.
he’d answered her call as he drove through town, on his way to barry’s. he grimaced as her broken cries sounded through the speaker system, suffocating him.
he was frantic, he had no idea what was wrong, but he knew she needed him, and he would never in a million years fail to be there for her.
pushing the speed limit, he sped through the neighbourhood, pulling into the driveway with a screech before running into the house.
“angel?” he called, listening for her cries. “i’m in bed..” her whimpers echoing throughout the house.
his heavy footsteps padded up the stairs in a rush, flinging the bedroom door open.
“what happened baby?” he cooed, nearing her side of the bed. he perched on the edge, staring at the pile of covers she’d hidden under mere minutes beforehand, desperate for closeness.
reaching over slowly, he pulled the blanket away slightly, allowing her flushed face to peak out over the top.
she was curled in a ball, clutching her stomach, while she held in a deep breath, attempting to subside the pain ripping through her.
“i can’t help if i don’t know what’s wrong princess..” he muttered, stroking away some tangled hair stuck to her cheeks.
“e-everything hurts rafe, i have cramps, i’m too hot, i’m too cold, i’m hungry, i’m not hungry..” she wailed, clutching the covers to her chest as she shivered underneath.
“oh, sweet girl, come here..” he whispered, pulling her weight on top of him as he crawled in beside her. “how can i help you baby?..”
“i just want you..” she sniffed, nuzzling into rafe’s shoulder. “i’m here princess, i’m not going anywhere..” he whispered, holding her head in his large hands.
a stream of guilt washed over her, earning more tears. she knew he had a busy day today, he had told her about it earlier.
“i’m sorry for ruining your day..” she mumbled, while drawing shapes on his arms. “shh, you couldn’t ruin my day if you tried angel”
the pair lay like that for hours, tangled in each others comfort whilst she dozed off in his arms. rafe had never felt so full of love, he couldn’t help but feel the urge to yell, to scream how much he loved her to the world.
everything she did was perfect to him. the way she curled up against him, to the way she’d throw her head back in hysterics at a bad joke.
she’d woken a few hours later, the crash of waves rolling in through the balcony. she craned her neck to find his eyes also closed, light snores blowing from his nose.
resting her chin against his now bare chest, she stared up at him, scanning over his chiselled features.
he looked so undeniably at peace for once, and she adored it. she adored the man underneath her to no end.
y/n had never felt so content, so blissful. to have a day in bed with rafe wasn’t a common occurrence so she had to take advantage of it.
her dainty hands trailed over his cheekbones as his eyes fluttered. a small groan escaped his lips as he woke, meeting her eyes.
“hi baby..” she cooed, beaming up at him. “do you want to watch a movie with me?”
and that’s what they did. rafe grabbed his laptop from under the nightstand, searching through netflix while she pottered about the kitchen, gathering snacks.
“okay, what do you want to watch angel?” setting down the bowl of popcorn, she twisted her face in thought.
“hmm, how about…” gasping, her face rose to a menacing smile. “harry potter?” she squealed, sliding under the covers once more, almost drowning in the sheets.
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Anything for you • Jude Bellingham
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Request: one where jude takes care of you when you feel off/bad and the feeling comes out of Nowhere. Like you start to reminisce abt your childhood and it ruins your mood
Genre: angst then Fluff
Don't repost but you can reblogs it
Request are open but I'm a little slow while writing
The feeling came out of nowhere. One minutes you were fine the next you were curled up in your bed bawling your eyes out.
Your childhood was filled with so many bad things. Your parents were absent most of the time and when they around they treated you so poorly. You grew up to have a lot of trauma. After you started dating Jude you’ve rarely had any days where you remembered those moments so it was a surprised when you got one today.
The tears wouldn’t stop falling from your eyes. You had no idea how long you’ve been crying for but it was a while. Long enough for Jude to come home.
He had no idea what you were going through. The last time he talk to you on the phone you were fine.
Jude walked into the house; The first thing he noticed was how unusual quiet it was which was rare. Most days you would be blasting music or watching a movie on the couch but you weren’t today. It was just quiet and dark.
“y/n” he called out as he dropped his bags. When he got no response he knew something was wrong.
Jude walked up the stairs quietly just in case you were asleep. He made it to the bedroom door, he pushed it open softly.
Jude was meet with the sight of you under the covers all balled up. He could hear the sound of your soft whimpers coming from under the pile. His heart hurt hearing that.
“baby, what’s wrong?”
He made his way over to you, lifting the blankets so he can see you better.
“no, I don’t want you to see me like this.” You tried pulling the blanket back but it was practically useless compared to Jude’s strength.
“Tell me what’s wrong. Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?” a million negative thoughts went through Jude’s mind as to why you were crying. He hated seeing you like this and would do anything to see you smile again.
“I had another flashback.”
Jude knew all about your past. You made sure to tell him early on because you trusted him more than anyone.
“Oh darling I’m sorry.”
Jude pulled you into his arms and hugged you close. You sobbed a little as he placed soft kisses on your head and held you close.
After a few minutes your cries turned into hiccups.
“you ok?” he asked as you pulled away from him. You nodded softly and sighed. “yeah, I’m fine.”
Jude smiled at you, wiping your wet cheek with his thumb. “ok. How about we relax? We can watch a movie and eat a lot of junk food, but just don’t tell anyone on the team ok?”
Your laughed filled Jude’s ears making him smile. That’s was the sound he’s been waiting for all day.
Jude got up and went down stairs to grab a couple of things while you picked out something to watch. When he returned he had an arm full of snacks and two spoons in his mouth.
“I got everything I could possibly find.” He said while placing everything on the bed. You smiled and grabbed a couple of bags of candy and brought it over to your night stand.
Jude got under the blanket with you and sighed loudly. “so what are we watching?”
“Lilo and stitch!”
“Oh a classic. I like how you think.” . Jude put his arm around you and pulled you close to him making you giggle.
“thank you for this. I really needed it.”
Jude pouted as he leaned over and kissed your lips.
“anything to make you smile my love.”
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
super trouper |dad!rockstar!eddie munson x mom!nepo baby! reader|
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prompt: zarah's obsession with mamma mia! leads to an all out birthday party <3 based off a blurb on my old blog. super sweet!
thank you @eddiemunsons-missingnipple for the edit <3
contains: fluff pure fluff!
Eddie blamed Victor Klein, his father in law, for this. For the screaming kids, his own and others. For the bright sparkles, streamers, and sequins. For the obnoxious disco balls that were hung everywhere, spinning and reflecting off the sea of turquoise. And worst of all, for the blaring ABBA that boomed unforgivingly out of the sound system.
You’d been busy all morning, giving directions to the workers who were setting up the party, instructions on where to hang things, put things, perfecting every last detail while you cradled Vega in your arms, nursing her with a blanket thrown over you. All these years and Eddie was still in awe at you, heart still skipping a beat when he saw you. You always had it so together. What would he do without you? He didn't want to ever find out.
“Hang the big disco ball up there- yes, right on that tree. I want it in the center over the dolphin.” You nodded towards the event planner, petting Vega’s downy curls while you swayed with her. “Ed, honey, could you do me a favor?”
Of course he could. He’d do anything for you, you knew that. “What do you need, mama?” Eddie hummed, hooking his chin over your shoulder, grinning down at your fourteen month old.
You beamed at the two, watching your baby gargle in laughter at Eddie, hands reaching out towards him. “I’ve got to get the girls ready. Can you hold Vegie and make sure the caterer knows where to set up? Oh! And make sure there’s room in the fridge for the cake?“
Eddie took baby Vega, smiling at her while she laughed, chubby hands immediately going for his hair to yank them. The little shit, Eddie thought. Always thought it was so funny because he'd hiss in pain and she would cackle her little baby laugh, she was so much like you.
"Yeah, I got it." Eddie pressed a kiss to Vega's baby fat filled cheek, nose nuzzling into the soft skin. "We got it, Mama, you go get dressed." His voice raised in octave, bouncing the baby in his arms.
Your face melted, eyes crinkling from the smile on your face. "Oh, and Daddy will be here soon with the props for the photo area."
Eddie's face fell into something of a half lipped snarl of dread. He regretted not volunteering to help get the girl's dressed instead. You gave him a tight lipped grin, leaning forward to kiss the corner of his mouth, hand gliding over Vega's dark curls. "Make sure you show him where to put them, ok?"
"I got it, Princess." Eddie rolled his eyes at you. "Go on control-freak. I've done a million of these things. I've got it under control."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him playfully. "Oh, she might need to be changed soon, rockstar." You quipped, sashaying into the house. "But you've got it handled, right?" Head tilted over your shoulder to look back at him, eyes batting playfully in his direction.
Eddie huffed, looking down at Vega, her little plump lips pulling into a gargling grin. "Think I'll change you into your Metallica onesie just to watch your mom have a fit." He gave dimpled grin. "Yeah? You think that would make her lose her shit on me?" Vega laughed, hands reaching out to tug his locks before Eddie stopped her, taking the small, chubby hand and blowing a raspberry kiss into her palm instead.
Eddie jumped at the sound, the static then the trill sound of the piano blaring and playing the opening notes of 'Dancing Queen' through the connected speakers outside and in the house.
"Sorry, Mr. Munson!" Sherry, your family's party planner, apologized quickly, turning with her clipboard to chew out the sound tech responsible.
Eddie looked at Vega, frowning at her puckered, pouting lips, brows creased deeply at the intruding sound. "Aw, did that scare you, sweetheart?" Eddie cooed dramatically, pressing his nose to hers. "I know, sweet girl, ABBA scares me too."
Eddie could feel his shoulder's tense, spine straightening and rolling back at the sound of the voice behind him. Victor and Tana Klein.
"Hey," Eddie greeted, a fake laugh companying an even faker grin, while he set the shelf down on the cabinet. Of course, you'd gone over the top for Zarah's cake, it was large and tiered and didn't fit with the cleared shelves.
"I didn't know you guys were getting here so soon." You're never early to anything else, not even our wedding, Eddie thought behind clenched teeth barred in a smile.
"Well, of course we are." Tana sneered in a faux smile, painted pink lips pressed firmly together. "It's my grand baby's birthday."
Eddie fought an eye roll. He knew you would've given it to them anyways, but he was trying to be better, accommodating for the sake of his daughters.
"Button said she wanted these brought." Victor motioned to the large tub their chauffeur was carrying in.
"Yeah, great." Eddie nodded, taking the tub from the uniformed man. "Let me take these to Sherry, and, uh, the girls are all in our room." He nodded, a white knuckled grasp on the tub.
Between your parents, the bright colors, loud disco music, and shrilling kids that were soon to come, Eddie was in his own personal overstimulated hell. "Need help with that, boy?" Wayne's gruff voice came from behind Eddie, finishing the last of his cigarette.
"I got it." Eddie grunted, dropping the box and motioning to Sherry that it had arrived.
Wayne snorted, shaking his head in laughter, tilting the cigarette over to Eddie in an offering. He'd flew in the week before to celebrate on Zarah's actual birthday. No way in hell Wayne was missing any of his grand babies' birthdays or milestones. He stayed in the guest house for the week, cooking breakfast for the girls in the morning. You both enjoyed the extra company, and the girls loved their Poppa Wayne.
Eddie graciously took the cigarette, taking a long drag before exhaling slowly, looking over his shoulder to make sure you or the girls weren't around. Kensington had nearly combusted when she found Eddie smoking, screeching that he was going to die, so since then, he had to get more careful about sneaking out for a smoke.
"Saw your in-laws made it." Wayne nodded towards the house. "I bet the girls will be happy to see 'em."
"Yeah," Eddie rolled his eyes. "Surprised they made it. They brought the stuff from the set that they promised Zarah, so at least the followed through on that." Unlike the countless promises they gave to you as a kid. It was unspoken, but Wayne heard it loud and clear.
"'S a real nice party, son." Wayne nodded. "ABBA. Who woulda thought a nine year old would want that kinda party?"
Eddie shrugged with a small grin. "Mamma Mia!, technically." Eddie said pointedly. "Zarah's been in love since the movie premier this summer. Victor funded it or something, and she got to go. I thought Sicily for sure would be the one to love it, but no, it was Zarah."
Zarah, your quiet, calm daughter, always so level-headed and easy. You and Eddie weren't sure how she came from the two of you, she was so opposite from either one of you. She always loved music, loved when Eddie would teach her how to play guitar so you supposed that's what was to blame with the Mamma Mia! obsession. Still, it was a stark contrast from her very calm personality, the bright, dizzy colors of the movie and upbeat songs.
Wayne smirked, lines by his eyes crinkling deeply. "I think she'll be excited then." He motioned around. "Your lady went all out for this, didn't she?"
Eddie snorted. "Of course, she did." He grinned proudly, watching the staff put the blue and pink flowers in a disco ball vase. "She always goes all in for the girls' birthdays, you know that."
"Yeah, I do." Wayne nodded. "She's a good mama to 'em girls."
"She is." Eddie agreed fiercely, heart swelling at the thought of you. You were good at everything you did in life, but motherhood... it was like you were born to be a mother. Eddie was sure you were, so perfect in every way. He got emotional thinking about it, thinking about how good you were to the girls; to him.
"You're a good Daddy, too." Wayne clapped his hand, calloused and scarred from years and years of hard work. Hard work to provide for Eddie and himself. "They're lucky to have you too."
Eddie felt his throat constrict, jaw clenching to keep his emotions in. "Thank you." Eddie's head bobbled, looking over at the older man. "Sometimes I don't know what the hell I'm doing with them. Especially six."
Wayne laughed. "Six girls. I tell ya, I wasn't big into that karma shit, but after that, they made me a believer, boy." He cackled, clapping Eddie on the back firmly.
Eddie rolled his eyes, smirking lightly. He knew he was right, Wayne just didn't need to know that. He didn't need the older man knowing about how Persephone had went on her first date on New Years Eve and Eddie had a panic attack.
"You're good to 'em, Ed. All of 'em, their mama too, and you know it." Wayne said casually, flicking the cigarette into the ash tray by the waste bins.
Eddie nodded wordlessly. "Thank you." He swallowed thickly around the lump in his throat.
"Daddy!" Sienna's shrill voice cut through the bustling noise around her, through the yard and leaving Eddie cringing. "Mommy needs you!"
Eddie huffed, rolling his eyes over at Wayne. "Better go, boy." Wayne laughed. "'Fore I have to say I spoke too soon."
"What baby?" Eddie asked, heavy boots stomping up the stairs towards the house.
"Mommy said you have to come change that it's almost party time." Sienna reported, head lolling to the side, hands on her hips. Ten years old, and had enough sass to rival your worst attitude.
"I have to change?" Eddie asked, brows furrowed. He looked down at his outfit. He'd wore his nicest paired of ripped jeans, a band tee because it's a birthday party, for fucksake.
"Yes, Daddy." Sienna scoffed. "Mommy said we're all wearing outfits." She looked down at her own, flared metallic go-go leggings and a sequined, turquoise top. You'd smeared teal eyeshadow on her lids, glitter down her cheeks to really encapsulate the look. She looked adorable, but no way Eddie was wearing anything like that.
"Sienna! Where's my feathers?" Sicily huffed from the other room.
"Kensie had them!" Sienna pointed towards the stairs.
"Nuh-uh, she said you took them! The pink one was mine!" Sicily snapped.
"No, it isn't!" Sienna gaped at her twin. "Mama gave me the pink one and you the blue one!"
"Easy," Eddie held up his hands between the two. "Mama left them in the basement, ok? Don't make a mess, but go get the one you want." He nodded towards the basement door, climbing the stairs up towards his own bedroom.
"Baby?" Eddie called, ducking down the hall to listen for your voice.
"I'm in here." You hummed, cooing down at Vega, slipping the rather large bow headband over her curls. You swore you'd never be that mom with the exaggerated bows that were bigger than your baby's head, but... they looked so cute in them. And what better occasion for an obnoxiously large bow than an ABBA themed party?
"You are just the prettiest girl in the world, aren't you? Look at my little baby Vega." You cooed, tickling the little fat of her tummy that poked through her outfit. All the girls were dressed in coordinating go-go outfits, just like in the movie. You'd had them ordered for week, including one of your own.
Eddie smirked, looking at you hunched over the bed, body hugged tightly in the metallic stretchy material of your own outfit. Eddie wolf whistled at you, licking his bottom lip while he eyed you in your little teal outfit, tight and fun- like what you used to wear when you first met him, only this was more ridiculous.
"Look at you, sexy mama." Eddie grinned. "Think I might finally be getting the hype around this shit."
"Hey," You warned with a frown. "Don't even start, alright? I know you're a rockstar, but your baby likes Mamma Mia! and ABBA, so you're gonna be alright with that. Humor me for tonight, Munson."
"I'm just teasing, angel, you know that." Eddie rolled his eyes, walking over to you. He looked at you with wide eyes then back at Vega. "What have you done to my baby?"
You snorted. "Doesn't she look adorable?" You squealed down at her. "Just the prettiest little baby! Yes, you are!"
"Baby, she can't lift her head in that, that's too big." Eddie pointed to the bow.
You rolled your eyes, shoving him lightly. "Shut up, and go get dressed. Everyone's about to be here."
Eddie blinked at you. "What's wrong with what I have on?" He asked, motioning down to his outfit.
"Eddie, be serious, please. I don't have time today." You huffed with an eye roll. "I have your stuff in the closet."
"I am being serious." Eddie frowned. "I'm not wearing anything like that." He pointed to your outfit, shining and reflecting off the sun in the windows.
"Yes, you are." Your eyes narrowed in challenge, hoisting Vega up on your hip. "You can't wear that, Eddie, it doesn't match!" You threw an accusing hand out towards his outfit, pouting up at him.
Eddie huffed. He longed for the days when he could bend you over if you shrilled at him like that, fuck you until you didn't care what he wore. "Baby, it'll be fine."
Your eyes narrowed at him. "Please tell me you are not that fragile that you won't at least wear a white top and khakis to your daughter's party to fit the theme for her."
"Don't do that." Eddie snapped, finger pointing at you in warning. "Don't try to manipulate me and use Zarah. You want me to wear it, not her, and I don't even have khakis."
"So? Do it for me!" You shrilled, throwing your hands out. "And you have blue jeans, Ed, wear those!"
"Button? Is everything alright?" Tana's droning voice, nasally and posh came from down the hall.
You pinched the bridge of your nose. "I'm fine, be right down!" You called back. Vega sensed your distress, dropping her head onto your chest, face rubbing against the exposed skin on your chest and shoulder.
"At least change the shirt? Into something on theme?" You huffed, looking at him with rounded eyes, pleading.
"Something on theme? Like what, baby?" Eddie asked, softly and cooing.
"Something white or colorful at least?" You quipped a brow at him, hearing the doorbell sound with the arrival of guests. "Not black." You shut the bedroom door with a slam much harder than you meant to, leaving Eddie cringing at the sound of your wedged heels stomping down the stairs.
He opened his closet door, exhaling slowly out parted lips while his eyes scanned the sea of black clothes in front of him. He managed to find an old Iron Maiden shirt that was blue instead of black, slipping that on and hoping that would satisfy.
Zarah was in her own form of paradise. The usual shy child, blushing and giggling while you walked her into her party, the crowd yelling a harmonious "happy birthday!" when she entered. Disco balls, teal, sequins, and everything Mediterranean and pretty all scattered your backyard and patio. The speakers played a mix of ABBA and Mamma Mia! on a loop, a large disco ball hanging in the center cascading rays of light and colors down on all the guest below.
"Happy birthday, Zar." Eddie smiled, hugging her tightly to his hip. She looked positively adorable, little snaggletoothed grin and one of each color of the feathered boas around her neck, big bedazzled sunglasses on her head.
"Thank you, Daddy." Zarah giggled, brown eyes that mirrored his own darting around the party, still clinging to his leg. She tilted her head back, hanging on his knee to look up at him.
"You look so cute, Zar-Zar." Eddie cooed, running a hand down her curls that were sticky with the glitter spray you'd coated them in. "Is this the party you wanted?"
"Yes." Zarah nodded, leaning far back to look at the dangling disco ball. "It looks just like Mamma Mia! does."
Eddie snorted lightly, cupping the back of her head gently to keep her from leaning back too far. The last thing he needed was her busting her head on the concrete slab. "Pop-Pop brought that from the movie, did you see it?" Eddie pointed to the little sign by the cake table. Zarah nodded. "Did you say thank you?"
Zarah hummed, nodding in response. She looked over at you, talking to your guest, smiling and chattering with that true Beverly Hills dazzling grin. "Why don't you like this kinda music?" She asked, little brows furrowing up at Eddie.
Eddie paused, looking from her to you. "What do you mean, sweetheart?"
Zarah twisted her lips in thought, face scrunching while she scanned the crowds. "Glammy said you weren't having fun because you don't like this kind of music. You only like loud music." She said plainly.
Eddie bit back his scowl, eyes narrowed in on your mother, dressed in white linens like she was going to the Hamptons. "Well, Glammy is wrong." Eddie sneered. "I like this music. I just... I don't listen to it as much as you do." He reassured, hands brushing down her little ringlets.
"Will you wear feathers then? Please?" Zarah asked, eyes rounded up at Eddie, soft and shining full of gentle hope, amber flecks catching in the rays of the Calabasas sun. Eddie could feel his heart swell, Wayne's echoing words from before. How could he deny her?
"Me and Mama and everyone has them on." Zahra said simply, tiny fingers running through the cheap feathers, sending a few shelling off to the ground. "Please?"
Eddie looked over at you, the white feather boa, that complimented your outfit, thrown casually over your shoulder. "Alright." Eddie nodded, crouching down to Zahra's level. "You pick the color."
Zahra bit back a grin, looking down at her own neck, decorated with all the different colors. She grinned mischievously up at him, a smile bitten back- she looked so much like you. "Pink?" She asked, eyes lit with excitement.
Eddie shrugged casually. "If that's what you want me to wear." He said, shoulders rolling like he wasn't scanning for any one with a camera. The press would have a field day. Eddie Munson, notorious rockstar bad boy, in a pink boa at an ABBA themed party. How times had changed.
Zahra giggled, pulling it off her neck, flinging it around Eddie's before her own arms followed in a tight hug. "Thank you, Daddy." She smiled.
"You're welcome, baby." Eddie hugged her back tightly. He'd wear a million pink feather boas if it meant she'd be happy. "Go play with your friends." He nodded towards the bounce house in the corner of the yard.
Zahra scampered off, flip-flops clacking against the bottom of her foot with every heavy stomp against the grass. Eddie stood, flinging the boa over his neck to mimic yours, sighing heavily while he looked around the crowd of people. His eyes caught yours, watching you stutter in movements before your face lit up.
You excused yourself, practically skipping over to Eddie. "Look at you." You cooed, pressing your manicured hands over your lips. Your wedding rings dazzled, huge and stunning in the sunshine. "You look so handsome. Pink is totally your color, babe. Time to ditch the black." You winked, teasingly at him.
Eddie scoffed, rolling his eyes lightly. "Glad you think so." He smirked, pulling you in by your waist softly. "The shit I do to make you girls happy." He shook his head at you.
You tilted your head, grinning at him. "Oh, please. You love it, you big mush."
"Yeah? You're right." Eddie shrugged. "Don't think I'm a mush."
"Total mush. The gig is up, I know you're a total softy now." You teased, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Eddie grinned back, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "Oh yeah? Let's see if you still think that later, hm?" His hands moved to squeeze the fat of your ass through your tight turquoise pants.
You squealed, eyes cutting around to see if anyone saw. "You better behave, Mr. Munson." You pointed at him playfully. "Or I'll be punishing you."
Eddie grinned, laughing at you softly. "I look forward to it." He pecked your lips.
You hummed, running your hands down the boa, pulling it so it rubbed against the back of his neck. "Seriously, you look hot in this."
"Yeah? The feathers are doing it for ya?" Eddie laughed while you shrugged. "Good to know. Maybe I'll tie you up with them later."
You snorted, rolling your eyes, smacking his shoulder lightly. "Thank you." You said sincerely, eyes shining up at him.
Eddie looked over at Zarah then back at you, giving you a soft smile. He knew what you were thanking him for. Thanking him for being a good dad, for being good to his girls and good to you. Nearly twenty years together and he still made you swoon every single day.
You managed to wrangle all the girls together, plucking them from their separate activities, pushing them in front of the backdrop by the patio in front of the photographer.
"Ok, smile big my precious babies!" You cooed, clapping from behind the photographer, desperate to get Vega to look towards the camera.
Eddie sat in the middle, dimpled grin on his face, pink boa around his neck, holding Vega, who was more interested with the glasses on Eddie's eyes than your coos to distract her. Zarah in front of Eddie on his left, the twins on his right posing with the mics dramatically- they were so Eddie's children. Even Persephone and Kensington stood behind their dad, holding out their own boas in a fun pose.
The photographer managed to finally get one useable photo where they were all looking, eyes open, and smiling. You framed it, putting it next to your bedside for years and years to come. Your family, your whole heart in that frame, Eddie in dark clothes surrounded by his girls in coordinated turquoise and sparkles; and neither one of you would have it any other way.
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icey--stars · 1 year
Stories To Be Told: PART 22
Series Index
A shadowsinger, a warrior, an Illyrian, that's what she was. Trained by one of the most formidable female warriors. Escaped the Illyrian camps and her clipping when she was barely sixteen and is now the holder of 6 siphons. What happens when she tries to sneak into the City of Starlight? And starts down a whole new road of chaos?
a/n: ya’ll. let's just admit we need an azriel. because i certainly do. also we’re going to pretend fae have modern things like tampons and shit.
WARNING: mentions of a woman's menstrual cycle. (blood, and everything else that comes with a period)
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
When I awoke the next morning… I honestly didn’t know what was worse. The pain in my abdomen or the blood that was seeping into my undergarments, and making me feel disgusting. My cycle was usually like this, coming on with absolutely no warning. And then terrible for the entire time. Absolutely just miserable.
“Fuck,” I groaned, curling up a little more to a position that ever so slightly alleviated the pain I was in.
A few more long minutes went by and I tried to stop dying-
“Y/N?” Azriel asked from behind my door.
I rolled my eyes. “What?!” I called back, cringing painfully as another wave of cramps took over. Why didn’t I count the months?! Why did I forget about this stupid biannual cycle bullshit?
“I was wondering if you were coming to training. It’s been an hour since you usually wake up,” he explained.
An hour?! Maybe those long minutes were more than just minutes. Or I just woke up later because of this stupid dumb natural cycle.
“I’m not,” I replied. “Not in a million years with this stupid pain-“ I added with a whisper to myself.
“Are you alright?” Azriel asked, sounding more concerned now.
“Perfectly fine,” I answered, probably failing horribly at keeping my voice even. “Just go on without me!”
“Can I open the door?” He asked.
I glanced back at the rest of the bed. No blood stains just yet, so… “Fine.”
I tried to move into a position that extenuated exhaustion instead of pain. But something on my face must’ve given it away. Azriel opened the door and saw me laying there, and then immediately rushed over to the bedside, hands raising above me, but not touching.
“What’s wrong? You look like you’re in pain.”
I rolled my eyes. “That’s because I am. I’m skipping training today, I might see you later.”
His brows furrowed, confusion evident on his face. “What’s wrong?” He asked, kneeling down to meet my gaze easier. “Can I help?”
I groaned, both hands reaching under my stomach in a useless attempt to alleviate the pain. “No, you can’t help,” I said, turning my face back into the pillows. “Nobody can, now go off and do your thing-”
“Can you at least tell me what it is? Should I get Madja?”
“I’m fine-” I cut myself off with a groan, wings curling up over my back as every muscle in my body seemed to tense at once. Like fuck- couldn’t they have made this process pleasant!?
Azriel’s hands went to rest on the bed, inching closer. “Angel? You alright?”
“No,” I answered honestly. “It’s my cycle- completely normal, just fucking awful-”
I turned my head to see his reaction, His eyes were flickering with immediate recognition. He winced visibly as well, as if feeling the sympathy pain. Which honestly? With this odd bond? He might just be able to feel it. Which in that case, he’s leaving me right here and getting out of range as quick as fucking possible. I might wish I didn’t have this, and sometimes wished males also had some occurrence as well, but I wouldn’t wish this upon Azriel, who, in most senses, had been quite kind to me.
“Oh,” he hummed. He sniffed the air experimentally, snapping his attention back to my gaze. “I should’ve smelled that. Sorry angel. How can I help you?” His voice was so soft and comforting. Fuck, it just rolled off his tongue so easily and settled across me like a fuzzy little ball of happiness. There was no other way to describe it.
“I’m fine,” I lied, lifting the blanket off of my back using my wings. It was starting to get just slightly too sweaty under it. “Just need to get some things from town once the cramps die down slightly. Go to training.”
“You need–they’re called tampons right?” He questioned, staring at me. I nodded, confirming his statement. “Right, how about I go get them for you then?”
I lifted a brow. “I think everyone would stare at you weird.”
“Like I care. I’ll be right back, alright angel?” Azriel said, standing quickly.
I opened my mouth to protest that I could do it myself, but Azriel had already walked out the door, closing it so it was left only cracked.
I sighed, rolling my eyes at his antics. Really, I would’ve been able to get it myself. It just might’ve taken a while until I had the will to battle against the pain stemming from my abdomen, thighs and lower back.
Azriel returned not too long after, holding a box of tampons in his left hand, which he set down on my bedside table before kneeling down to be eye level with me. “How are you holding up? How long do these last again?”
I cringed as another wave rolled over me. I crushed my hands to my stomach, clenching my jaw tight to stop a groan from escaping. “I’m fine,” I lied. “And about a week, at least for me. Some get longer and some get shorter.”
“Your lying skills might need to be brushed up on,” he chuckled. “Do you want me to talk to Madja about some sort of tonic for the pain?”
“First tell me if you can feel it,” I ordered. “Because if you can, yes and then you’re leaving.”
“It’s very weak, but a little,” he admitted. “But not anything compared to what I imagine you’re feeling.”
“You do not deserve any sort of pain when I’m the one supposed to be dealing with it, leave and go to training,” I ordered, closing my eyes as another wave came over some sort of wall that was the threshold of pain.
“I already told Cass I wasn’t going,” Az chuckled. “Now, how can I help? Would the tonic help?”
I groaned in both frustration and pain. “Fine, go get the stupid tonic.”
Azriel smirked, clearly proud of the fact I’d given in. “Be right back sweetheart.” And then he left before I could question him on the next new little name he’d given me. How many do I have now? Angel, baby and then sweetheart?! Fucking hell.
My trail of thinking was cut off again as the pain came to overwhelm my senses again. Gods, I really just needed to find a good book to dive into. Maybe a distraction would work? Right? If I managed to get the damn energy to do anything. A bath, a book and then suffering. I didn’t have the patience for any of those right now.
Azriel returned after gods know how long, holding a small bottle of amber liquid that looked suspiciously like alcohol.
“Is that whiskey?” I asked, eyebrows scrunching up as I looked at the bottle.
Az scoffed. “No, Madja claims it's something to help with pain.”
I rolled my eyes, pushing myself to sit with my back against the pillows and wings splayed out on either side of me. I held out a hand and Azriel dropped it into my palm. I gave another look at the liquid inside before popping the cork off and swallowing it down. Bitter as fuck.
I opened my mouth as soon as the liquid was down, face scrunching up against the bitter taste. “Fucking hell,” I swore. “Madja needs a damn warning on that thing. I’ve never tasted something worse.”
Az wordlessly took the bottle back, putting it beside the tampons on my bedside table. “Do you need to…” he hesitated, gesturing towards the box with his scarred hands.
I sighed, still holding a hand to my stomach. “Look away, spymaster,” I ordered. “Don’t need you scandalized with the blood.”
“I’ve seen much worse than blood,” he replied. “But very well; I will turn away.” He shifted on his feet, body facing towards the door now.
With a silent wince, I pulled myself out of the bed, and quickly grabbed a second set of undergarments, night pants and then the box of tampons before running into the bathroom.
After dealing with that, I almost just laid down on the cool tile floor. I felt nauseous as hell, black spots entering my vision as I washed my hands and attempted to walk straight toward the bathroom door. All I had to do was make it to the bed and then I could pass the fuck out again, and pray to every higher being out there that when I woke up, it wasn’t worse. It probably still would be, to be honest.
Azriel had turned back to face the bathroom door, eyes narrowing as I stumbled out of it and toward the bed. I felt my foot trip over the other just as my vision went almost completely black. I spread my wings, hands flying out automatically, but I never hit the ground.
I groaned, and Azriel slowly lowered me to the ground, knees bending so I was sitting on my calves instead.
“Y/N?” Azriel asked. “What’s wrong?”
I held a hand to my forehead, feeling the sweat coming off of it.
“Can you hear me?” He asked again, sounding more urgent with each passing second.
“I’m fine,” I growled, looking around the room. It was spinning less with my lack of walking. My wings had slumped to the ground, one of my claws at the apex was laying on Azriel’s knee. I could distantly feel the fabric of his pants, but I could barely see straight, much less try and think about that.
“Y/N,” Azriel stated, a warning tone entering his voice. “You are not fine. You almost just blacked out.”
“I am fine,” I insisted. “This is normal.”
“You normally pass out while walking on your cycle? Are you sure?”
“No,” I answered. “I don’t normally pass out. I just trip a bit when I’m dizzy is all.”
“That amount of dizziness isn’t normal,” he insisted. “You should be able to at least walk straight.”
“Whatever,” I dismissed.
He sighed, head dipping down. I noticed now, that his hands were still grappling onto each of my upper arms, still holding tightly as if he was afraid I was about to faint and fall over or something. Which I wasn’t. I would be fine. I had dealt with these before. This one might be one of the worst ones in a while, but that didn’t mean shit.
“Let me help you onto the bed,” he murmured, moving his arms to support me as I stood. He looked at the distance to the bed once I was standing before literally sweeping my feet off, and settling me down on the sheets again. I was damned lucky they hadn’t gotten stained. Must’ve been the way I’d been laying that saved them.
I curled up with my knees to my chest against the pillows, looking at Azriel with a lifted brow. “I could’ve walked.”
“And I wanted to carry you,” he chuckled. “Now, tell me, how can I help?”
Well, he was certainly determined.
“And don’t claim you’re fine,” he said quickly as my mouth opened to deliver the same lie as before. “You almost just fainted.”
I rolled my eyes. “I don’t think there is anything you can do to help,” I replied instead. “This is kinda a thing that happens and is dealt with alone.”
“Well,” he hummed. “You keep putting your hands to your abdomen, so I’m assuming that at least gives the illusion of helping. You’re shaking like you're cold, and sweating like you're hot, so something to help even out that temperature might help.”
My brows furrowed, concerned on how the hell he’d gleaned so much information just from being here for such a short period of time.
“So, angel, how would you like me to help?”
I rolled my eyes, sighing. He wasn’t going to give in, and I was in too much pain to fight on this for very long. I didn’t want to get some weird emotional response or something. The other symptoms that followed this bullshit. “What do you feel like doing?” I asked. “Like- suggest something. You’re being too open ended for me to answer.”
Azriel smiled softly at that. “How about…” he hummed. “You move over slightly on the bed, and I sit next to you, or lay behind you and lay my hand on your abdomen, and keep you at a normal temperature at the same time?”
I swallowed, but internally, my heart swooned. He truly did care. My mate cared. And that just made me swoon even more, heart aching pleasantly at the thought.
“Okay,” I coughed out finally. “Yeah.” I shuffled my wings at the same time as moving my body down the bed so that my head was on the pillows and farther over on the bed. I didn’t really want to face him, because the emotions I was feeling were likely already playing out on the bond for him. So if I saw his reactions, likely it wouldn’t end well.
“You okay with me brushing against your wings, angel?” He asked, the bed pitching downwards as he crawled onto it.
I nodded. “Just don’t-” I cut myself off, unable to form the proper words to describe what I was forbidding him from doing.
Luckily, he seemed to understand well enough. He pressed against my back and wings, but didn’t let his hands linger anywhere, or move too drastically to cause some reaction from the touch. It was gentle, and caring. Careful, but also freeing. He looped an arm over my middle, laying his palm against my abdomen.
“Where’s it hurt?” He asked, his other arm coming up under the pillow my head was on. I simply lifted my head so he could move it under my neck for a more comfortable position. Cuddling was a foreign concept, but I knew enough from books.
I reached down to position Azriel’s hand gently with mine. “Mostly right there,” I answered, setting my hand back against the bed. Another wave washed over and I winced, jaw tightening as my eyes closed of their own accord.
Azriel’s hand began to gently rub over the fabric of my shirt. It gave the illusion of help, and also felt… immensely comforting actually. My mate pressed up against me. The male who I apparently had grown to love, caring for me oh so gently. Azriel, the idiot, cuddling up close to me. This wasn’t a sexually enticing position in the slightest. It was just comfort.
“Is this helping?” He asked, breath brushing against my neck.
I wordlessly nodded, pushing my head down more before settling where I was. I yawned, unable to contain the sound. Fuck, these things really just made my entire sleep schedule, emotions, and body just… wacky.
“You tired?”
“A little,” I admitted. “I should get up and do something.”
“No,” he chuckled. “You shouldn’t. Rest sweetheart.”
“Should I call that a new name unlocked?” I joked, eyes still closed, but my mouth curved into a big smile.
He scoffed, but I could almost feel his grin from here. “I can call you many more things, add to the list if you’d like.”
I rolled my eyes beneath my lids, but that smile only grew.
“Rest darling,” he commanded. “I won’t leave you.”
I grinned a little before taking a deep heaving breath of air, and letting relaxation fill me.
As sleep came to claim me, I started to wonder about what would happen if I did accept the bond, and decided to fall in love with Azriel. What would the future be like? I could imagine Azriel just like he was now, cuddling up close to his lover and assuring them that he loved them every moment he could. With a short flare of heat, I also wondered what Azriel would be like… in bed. Would he be rough? Gentle? Kinky as fuck? Sleep claimed me before I could continue that trail of thoughts completely.
Azriel continued to refuse to leave me alone. He did go back to his own bed during the night, but only for the beginning. By the third day he was staying the night because we’d passed out so early in the evening. Waking up felt surreal the next morning.
I started to tease him that if he didn’t train, he was going to lose all that handsome muscle. Of course, I accidently said it exactly like that, and he had smirked so fucking big it looked like it hurt.
Now, the entire thing was entirely too unpleasant to deal with. Back pain, abdomen pain, muscle soreness, headaches, nausea and dizziness, emotional instability… all of it. It was worse being around actual people too. People who could get hurt by some impulsive words of mine, or I could hurt them by accidently getting too emotional—
“Stop thinking,” Azriel ordered, hand running through my hair. “Just relax.”
I felt better than usual today, so I would probably try to go to training tomorrow. Even if it would be miserable. I didn’t train this week. 2 times a year, I didn’t train once. Because I’d always have trouble recognizing those limits, and it’d only make me feel more like shit when I realize I can’t do something because of the pain, or I’m weak, or something.
“Baby…” Azriel complains. “I can see your little upset face from here. Stop it.”
A smile curved onto my face.
Azriel had been so, so soft during this. Cuddling, so unlike the deadly spymaster I’d heard stories of, and gentle reassurances and check-ups so different from the figure I’d heard could kill so easily with just a flick of his wrist. It was both unnerving and reassuring. Azriel was softening up. I distantly wanted to know how long he’d felt the damn bond. How long had he’d been holding himself back from these soft little intimate moments? He’d argued with me enough that I didn’t have a damn clue.
But I enjoyed it. The softness. It felt like something I’d been craving for so long, finally given to me. It felt like another home, within a home. And Azriel knew me better than anyone alive right now. He knew my story, knew my tendencies. He even knew the face I made when I was upset. He knew. And I knew him as well. It was companionship at its best level. It was friendship at its closest. It was… it was a mate who cared oh so much. And one I cared for in return. These soft moments hadn’t just been for me. I’d attempted to scratch his head too, even if he waved me off. I’d tried a bit more innocent touching. A hug, leaning into his scratches, letting him near me in a way nobody had ever been.
Maybe I didn’t need as much time to think as I thought.
“Sleep,” Azriel complained. “If you want to go to training tomorrow, you’re going to sleep.”
I scoffed. “Bossy spymaster,” I admonished with a grin.
“Stubborn rogue,” he replied cheekily.
I rolled my eyes, but they fell shut momentarily as I settled into the soft embrace of love.
↢ 『 ☾ 』 ↣
TAGLIST (see post for getting added)
@mis-lil-red, @bunnymallowo, @judig92, @biblophilefox82, @azzydaddy, @thegirlintheshadows101, @whatupmydudes01, @feyres-fireheart, @elizarikaallen, @xenlynn, @panzees-bizarre-adventures, @starswholistenanddreamsanswered, @baebeepeach, @nyctophiliiiiaaa, @brekkershadowsinger, @officiallyunofficialperson, @bookslut420, @margssstuff, @bluephoenix908, @goldentournesol, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @ladylokilaufeyson5,
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melinoelliones · 1 year
Valentines Akira Fluff
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You and Akira had decided to spend the night together once again, however today was no ordinary day, it was Valentines Day.
2.1K Words  
This is pure fluff/hurt/comfort, all SFW 
Happy Valentines Day Rena my love!! Yes, I got you for the server exchange and believe you me, it was hard to keep it a secret. I know you’re an Akira lover so I tried my best, oblivious bf x obvious gf realness. 
This reader represents Rena and how she acts so just be aware. Also she/her is used.
I got the idea from The Neighbourhood You Get Me So High.
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Oblivious. If you had to describe Akira in one word, that would be it. You could gift this boy a million roses and a diamond ring yet he’d still have no clue unless you spelt it out for him, you’d know that better than anyone.
You and Akira had been close since the day he transferred to Shujin Academy; trips to  Akihabara together, staying round one anothers houses, you had even joined The Phantom Thieves of Hearts for him. You were joint at the hip, the usual quiet and well mannered Akira was the complete opposite when around you, you brought out a new side to him. You were what Akira had needed to come out of his shell and truly live up to the title of “Leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts”.
Those feats aside, you had a soft spot for him, not the Leader, not the Joker, just Akira, his regular old self. One could say you had fallen for him, but you wondered what was the point if the other showed nothing back, especially considering the amount of times you hinted at wanting to explore something further.
“Can you get in already, it’s getting cold under here” you whined, Akira was allowing a draft to make its way under the duvet as he was lightly perched off the side of the bed, “Alright alright im coming”. He carefully slid himself under sheet, making sure to cover any possible openings as he knew you loathed the feeling of letting ‘warmth out’.
You were spending the night at Akira’s place tonight, this was super common for you guys as you spent what seemed like every waking minute together, his home slowly became your home. No hidden motives or agendas, just a casual ‘night over’ as you will, however the following day was a special one, or so you had hoped anyway. 
The small silence was followed up by some idle chit chat between you too, the usual rundown of your day and what to do the next. “What time is it by the way? My phone is charging” you asked, just curious as to how late it had possibly gotten while you talked, “It’s….. almost 12, what? We should probably get some sleep while we can, everyone's coming over to the shop early tomorrow” Akira exclaimed, his eyes in shock as to how quick time passed when you guys spoke.
“Oh, okay that's fair, but just curious, you do… know what day it is tomorrow right?” you questioned, the slight glimmer of hope that he’d remember or even care for that matter slowly fading as he responded, “Feburary 14th? What about it?”, confusion written all over his face.
“It’s Valentine's Day Akira?”, you scoffed in utter disbelief. “So? Is there something I'm not getting at, it's just like any other day is it not?”, Kurusu stared blankly, the nonchalant tone in his voice tipping you over the edge but you attempted to hold it in. Your heavy heart almost pushing tears to your eyes.
If he didn’t see the importance of the day then why show him any signs that you did? You knew deep down that he wouldn’t feel the same way you did, yet you would always try and dig for the minute signs that would tell you otherwise. Delusional is what Ann would always say but that wasn’t always a bad thing to be, but in this instance yet again, she was right. 
Taking a deep breath to compose yourself, you turnt to face the wall, covering yourself with the blanket you simply let out a sharp “Maybe to you it is, but whatever Akira, night”. The boys eyes fixed on the ball you had curled yourself into, sheets over your head to muffle your sorry attempt at controlled breaths to halt the flood of tears which were starting to trickle down your cheeks. You hoped he would assume they were soft snores however he could hear them clear as day. He went to tap your shoulder before catching himself, he watched on as the sheets shifted around as you repeatedly wiped the tears for him not to notice.
His heart sank, why were you so distraught, he didn't feel as if he had said anything out of the ordinary. In roughly an hour it was Valentines Day, what about it was special? You both weren't in any couple, you had no upcoming plans other than the meeting tomorrow, so it was just a regular Tuesday.
Akira slid out from his side of the bed making sure to grab his phone from the nightstand before silently slipping away.  “What was that all about?” he muttered to himself as he crept down the stairs from his attic room, “I feel like i’m missing something but what is it?”. 
The neverending unanswered questions engulfed his tired mind as he hit the cafe floor. Pulling out his phone he decided to text the group chat for advice, if he ever needed honesty those people were the ones to go to.
Akira - ‘Is tmr an important day? I’ve been made to feel like it is but with no explanation?”  
Morgana - ‘........’
Ann - ‘You did not do what I think you did.’
Ryuji ‘Fucking idiot’
Ann ‘We’ll be there in 10, don’t do anything else stupid’
Akira ‘I didn’t even finish?’
Seen by everyone
Taken slightly aback by their responses Akira slumped himself across one of the booths in the cafe, the sound of the clock ticking away as he waited. Morgana emerged from the corridor not too long after the last message had sent, without a word he curled into a ball on the edge of the table, “hmmpth”.
As the minutes went by Akira could feel himself drifting off, before he could act on said feelings he was rudely awoken by the front door slamming open, any home training those two had been given were long gone. “AKIRA KURUSU” they bellowed in unison causing Morgana to shudder off the table.
The new group members begun to make themselves comfortable as Akira perked up, the aura in the room wasn’t the usually upbeat one, he knew he had done something wrong just by that and the looks on their faces. 
“Who knew Akira was as stupid as Ryuji” Morgana splurted out sarcastically, changing from his cat form to regular form, “HEY? STUPID CAT this isn’t about me” Ryuji spat back, “anyway back to the matter at hand here, you really don’t understand why tomorrow is a big day?”. Akira shook his head in response, he truly had no clue, if he did he’d probably be fast asleep like he wanted to be.
Deciding to add her two cents into the conversation, Ann lent over the booth Akira was sat on, “she likes you Mr Phantom Troupe Leader, you can’t truly be that blind can you? I told her you didn’t feel the same but she doesn’t liste-”, “what are you talking about Ann? I do like her, I have always liked her?” Akira cut her off, his tone showing genuine confusion as he perked up in his booth.
“If you liked her, why did you act as if tomorrow was a regular day idiot? It’s not as if she hasn’t given you endless hints and clues…. let's be honest here”, Morgana choked out, he couldn’t contain his laughter any longer, the situation was beyond humorous to the little cat guy.
“Maybe I am blind, I didn’t see any of the hints, signs, any of that. I thought I was chasing something beyond my reach” Akira sighed as he slipped himself out of his seat and towards the locked cabinet opposite the stairs, the group watched on, heavily intrigued as to what he was doing. “Let me just show you guys” he huffed, pulling a key from the grate by the stairs to unlock the overflowing case.
Akira grabbed an armful of items from one of the shelves before aimlessly scattering them across the booth table the rest were sat at, their faces as if they were deer in the headlights. “What IS all this?” Ann spoke up, asking what everyone else was thinking. “Look closer” was all he responded with.
As they all rummaged through the items the pieces started to piece themselves together little by little. Lying before them were heaps of items from trips they had all been on ranging from figures and manga from Akihabara to photographs of you and Akira doing day to day activities, some of them were simply of you sleeping and pointing at things. 
Ann looked up at Akira, his eyes softening as Morgana shifted through the photos, “You do like her, don’t you” she asked sincerely, her hand tightening on his shoulder as a cheshire cat smile emerged on her face, “I have an idea, have you got anything to wrap with? A bag even?” she quizzed him as she paced back and forth.
Walking back over to the cabinet he pulled out a gift box, “I have this from one of the prizes I won on a crane game?” he suggested, unsure as to if that would be okay, “Perfect, everyone pick one item to put inside, this will be her gift!”, Ryuji added, trying to immerse himself into the activities. ”So you caught on I see” she chuckled to herself. Everyone carefully placed an item inside, Akira slipping in a few of his favourite photos at the top for you to see.
Taking a step back to admire the last minute gift, the group silently patted themselves on the back for the fast thinking. Ann passed Akira the box, her brows narrowing as she spoke, “go give this to her, but in all seriousness Akira, no one should go to bed upset. We’ll see you tomorrow”, her sincere tone clinging to him as she proceeded to leave the cafe followed by Ryuji, “She’s right u know” he chipped in as the door closed behind him.
Akira’s eyes shot to the cat facing him head on,”have anything to say there?” he asked sarcastically, “absolutely not, go to bed” Morgana hissed, strolling past him, tail held high. Akira sent a quick thank you text to the group before taking himself back to his bedroom, not before locking the bookcase, that was to be a secret between him and the others, for now anyway.
Akira slid into his side of the bed in hopes of not waking you but failed, you rolled over to notice him with a large box, the tense smile on his face baffling you. As you sat up he passed you it, “did you really go out at this hour and buy stuff just because of our conversation? What makes you think i want your pity gifts? Goodnight Akira” you scoffed, as you attempted to roll back over he placed his hand on your shoulder. 
“I love you”, the boy blurted out, the newly found frown on your face deepening before he continued. “I love you, I have for quite some time to be fair, I’m an idiot to have not taken the hints you sent me seriously, I shouldn’t have even needed you to show hints for me to muster up the courage to say it. This is also no pity gift, inside are items I deem thoughtful, every trip we take you point and I watch your eyes light up at your favourite things but you always say “I can't justify it”. You deserve more than any item on a shelf but in here are a couple things I noticed that piqued your interest in stores along with photos I took of you when I found you the happiest, I’ve had these for a while I pay attention to all that you do and take note of any little thing you say. You’re my best friend, and I’ll love you forever, Happy Valentines Day.” he spilled, letting every thought on his mind free. 
Speechless, you watched as Akira cupped your tear stained cheeks, his thumbs wiping the tears you hadn’t realised had started to fall. Pulling you closer you whispered “you’re sweet when you speak your mind”, an innocent smile making its way to your lips. “Is that so” he cheekily smirked, placing your lips on his, your lips gliding over one another effortlessly. The kiss was short but sweet, pulling away you could feel your cheeks heating up as your nervousness kicked in.
Akira planted a quick kiss on your forehead, he could tell you were flustered, “can I open this in the morning? I’m exhausted” you asked softly, he nodded whilst you placed the box on your bedside table. Akira let out a yawn as he slid deeper into the bed, “we need to be up early tomorrow, we should get atleast some sleep” he laughed, arms out for you to lay with him.
You allowed yourself to be pulled into him, his arms wrapping around your waist as you rested your head on his chest, “goodnight Akira, I love you”, you giggled as you noticed his heartbeat speed up as you spoke, “Goodnight my love”.
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g0dspeeed · 9 months
can i get 3, 12, 30, 42, and 53 for cappieli for the ask game please! 🧡 (--direwombat)
Thank you for the Asks💕
OTP: CappiEli
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Art by @schoute
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
Cappie wears Eli's militia jacket all the time, especially if she's away from the Wolf's Den. It gives each of them a sense of connectedness even when apart.
Eli is the only person whom Cappie would allow to wear her red ball cap. A high honor, and Eli knows to keep it safe.
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
They have little tiffs on the daily, the kind that arise when two people with polar opposite personalities fall in love and try to survive a cult takeover.
Their most heated arguments arise out of the fear of danger, that something terrible could happen while Cappie is smuggling or Eli is trying to fight off the Peggies in the Whitetail Mountains: A missed radio call, rumor of capture, an injury, etc.
After the yelling and the tears, after the much needed time and space to cool off, Eli will seek Cappie out, she'll cry and say a million sorrys, he'll kiss her, apologize too, and then they'll have hot sex on the twin mattress in his bunker bedroom.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
"Pft, you can't, ya can't say that, Eli. Has to be like, an actual outfit."
"Mm, nah. I love you naked."
"Ha! Aw, fuck it. I love you naked, too. Next question..."
42. What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
For Eli, it would have to be a nice sunny day, pristine weather for a great hike in the mountains.
But, Cappie hates hiking, and she feels awfully nice cuddled up with him under a blanket as rain patters heavy on his rooftop. The house smells like amber, and she glows like the candles lit in every room. Maybe he has two favorites.
53. Would they ever go skinny dipping?
They would, and they do in the RP I wrote with @gaeadene :
The next thing her hands grabbed was the waistband of her joggers. She slid them down. Eli started to undress with her, and as she got her shirt off, his eyes caught the soft swell of her stomach and he tried not to grin. He should feel more guilty about this, and part of him still did, because she was still worried about this, and yeah, he was too. But it was hard to be scared when he was so damn happy. “I can probably give you a solid answer to all those questions,” he added after a moment. “Hell, we could just call Kim Rye.” The chill in the air danced across her bare skin. She shivered and grinned at the bite, at the chill of autumn. The beanie was the last to go, revealing that her dark hair had almost grown back since her time with Faith, all thick and coarse. Her eyes caught his smile. She shoved him, playful yet admonishing. "Quit it." “I can’t,” he almost apologised, heading down to the water. “You got the pregnancy glow.” "Ha!" she barked out. "I don't, but I appreciate your glass half full kinda outlook." Rather than follow Eli down, Cappie swung a leg over the rail. He let out a frustrated sigh, watching her like a hawk the whole time as he kept moving towards the river. He hissed at the cold as it washed over his feet, but he was distracted by Cappie, mother hen instincts fluffing up his feathers. Toes curled at the edge, the stone rough on her feet as she peered into the darkness below. She thought about who she was the last time she jumped from that spot: Dating John, laughing with Sharky, Staci, and other friends in the spring, despite the angry glares of the Peggies who drove by. That version of herself was so happy and free. Hazel eyes befell Eli below, all worried eyes and anticipation. She smiled. And then she jumped. She careened into complete darkness below.
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lale-txt · 2 years
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comforting their lover on a bad day w/ Rayleigh & Roger & gn!reader
a/n: i was having ✨a day✨ and needed to write my silly little men for comfort. that's it. maybe they bring you some, too <3
word count: 793
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It was one of those days where you just wanted to disappear. 
You couldn’t tell why, but the tiniest things felt like walking on glass and made you want to scream and cry for three days straight; you despised your own mood so much and were a menace to be around, snapping at the people you loved the most. When your favorite plate slips out of your hands and shatters on the ground, sending what was supposed to be your comfort snack flying, you simply burst out in hot, angry tears. 
You were so fucking useless.
Not being able to stand the worried faces of your crew members, you run off to your cabin, ignoring the voices that call out your name until you slam the door close behind you, your vision blurry. Your face felt so hot from the rage and the shame and you could hardly catch your breath. If only you could crawl out of this skin or rinse your brain under cold water. You kick off your shoes with quiet sniffles and crawl straight into your unmade bed, pulling the blanket over your head where you allow yourself to bawl until your head hurts from all the crying. At least the throbbing muted your horrid thoughts for a bit and let you slip into a restless slumber. 
It is already dark in your cabin when you wake up again, a big hand carefully brushing your hair out of your face. You could have sworn you heard some knocking on your door earlier in your dreams. Sadness still had a tight grip around your heart; it was the kind which didn’t just disappear after some sleep, it never did. You lean closer into the touch, trying not to cry on the spot again. 
“Today is rough, huh?” Rayleigh’s voice is soft and forgiving, pulling on your heart strings. “But we’re here now.”
You blink a few times, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness in the room. Rayleigh is sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning over you, his hand resting on top of your head. Next to the bed is Roger, squatting down, his shirt loosely unbuttoned, his big captain’s hat sitting on the table in the corner. You can tell his eyes are full of worry as he gently takes your hand peeking out from under the covers and places a big kiss on top of it, mumbling your name.
“I’m so sorry, I just–” 
And here came the tears again. You cover your face with your free hand, sobbing quietly. Everything was just too much, everything felt so fragile, as if you could shatter into a million pieces any second. You felt like you didn’t deserve their love, that they were better off without miserable old you; as if you robbed them of their sunshine with your existence alone. You curl up into a ball, unable to look your two lovers in the eyes, their touch burning on your skin with deep desire and guilt.
The captain and his first mate exchange worried glances but immediately know what to do. Roger doesn’t let go of your hand, no matter how badly you try to pull it away; instead he gets up and crawls into bed with you, pulling your figure against his broad chest. Rayleigh robs in the niche between you and the wall, hugging you tight from behind, nuzzling his face in the back of your neck, soft kisses trailing down your spine. 
Sandwiched between them you allow yourself to wail, letting go of all the frustration that built up inside of you over the past few days. You still felt miserable but their reassuring words, whispered into the dark, found their way into your heart, sending tiny sparks through it like fireflies. There was no place like home except in their arms, it was where you felt the safest you ever had. Rayleigh is kissing the spot behind your ear, mumbling how much he loved you while Roger had his arms around the two of you, kissing you both on top of your heads. 
You can feel your body relaxing a bit, sinking deeper into their embrace, letting them love you in a way you feel like you don’t deserve it but still crave it; your heart bathing in their adoration for you. It will take a while until you shake off this darkness inside of you, but you have a feeling that everything will gonna be okay in the end as long as these two would be there to pick you up again, both holding out a hand for you to help you spread your wings so you could fly towards the sun again; knowing they would be there to catch you, too.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
waves that hurt | k.bakugou + i.midoriya.
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♡ pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader x izuku midoriya.
♡ word count: 3.04K
♡ rating: everyone.
♡ genre: pro hero!au, hurt, angst and comfort.
♡ summary: dark days mean dark waves that crash across your mind, intrusive and mean the waves pull you under— but they are the helping hands that pull you up and let you breathe.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy tw for depression, intrusive thoughts and self depreciation, self doubt and low self-worth. this fic is written mostly from personal experiences and may not be accurate to how everyone feels! mentions of therapy.
♡ author’s note(s):  this is my contribution to @doinmybesthere​ ‘s mental health awareness collab, this is kinda personal to me and something i experienced recently!! i hope it can provide some comfort to anyone out there, please don’t forget to check out everyone else’s works and i hope you’re all safe ‘n well <3
♡ masterlist | requests | kofi
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“kacchan, it’s much worse this time, i really think you should come home early tonight.”
deku whispers into the phone, his marred hands rub slow and soothing circles into your back from over the duvet— you can feel his warmth, light and airy through it but he feels and sounds much further away. a million miles across a dark ocean that trickles through your thoughts, intrusive and mean, keeping you under and away from clear air.
you wouldn’t want to pull him into this, bother him with the way you drown in dark thoughts— so you pull away from your boyfriend and tuck yourself away into the sheets.
izuku doesn’t retract his hand even as you pull away, listening to katsuki grunt orders down the phone— make sure yn’s eaten, make sure yn’s had water. basic things you should be able to do on your own but can’t, paralysed by the anxiety and depression that clamps down on you like a vice and refuses to let you up so you can just breathe. you want to breathe and not feel like the world is crashing down on you, to have a second to yourself where everything seems like it’s okay.
brushing fingers over the nape of your neck, toying with the coils of your baby hairs, your boyfriend speaks, only gently. “baby,” says quietly, his weight causing the bed to dip. “katsuki will be home soon, do you want to come with me to let him in?” you shrug, a sick feeling twisting in your gut. you see the black tendrils and waves in the back of your mind, bringing forth a new batch of ugly words that force you down. are you really that much of a burden these days that katsuki has to call it quits on work for you? “how are you feeling?”
you don’t know, you don’t know how to tell him that every thought you have hurts and there’s a pain in your chest with every breath you take. “i don’t know, it’s just...bad izu…” you want to explain how you feel deep inside, but the words are trapped like balls of tar in your throat— fear that if you say something he’ll walk away.
“you don’t have to say anything, don’t force yourself to…” he speaks with a soft voice, cotton to your ears in an attempt to soothe you. you can just about feel the clean air flowing through your lungs at the sound— it tells you he loves you, no matter what and you almost believe it before sinking back under. “let’s get you some water okay? wouldn’t want kacchan scolding us would we?”
the joke hangs in the murky and heavy air for a few seconds before you muster a small smile— your green haired boyfriend lets out a tiny sigh of relief and pressed a kiss into your hairline, the affection simmers under your skin and briefly brings light to your dark mind as izuku starts leading you to the kitchen.
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you’re curled up in izuku’s lap when the front door pops open with a click— signifying your other boyfriend had arrived home. you flinch, hiding yourself in the blankets keeping you warm and locking away the dark thoughts from the eyes of your lovers.
part of you hated them seeing you this way, that’s why you forced yourself to keep everything away from them— but they knew, they always did and always came to your rescue. you didn’t want them to feel like they had to look after you when the days were bad and draining and your mind took hold of everything that you felt. you didn’t need the weight of your own problems on the shoulders of two pro heroes who had enough to deal with.
in the end, you would destroy them like you did with yourself.
you can hear katsuki shedding his gear by the door, feeling his intense and heated presence flood the room and barely penetrate the barrier you created for yourself even while you lay in izuku’s arms. for as long as you’d known the two— even from back in your U.A days, bakugou had hated self-pity, of course in recent years he’d cooled down a little and spoke less on the actions of others but even still, you weren’t sure if you could handle him looking down on you for looking down on yourself and for feeling this way.
the blanket is suddenly lifted from your head, momentarily blinding you with the overwhelming light that is your boyfriend, katsuki bakugou. a twinkle of concern lines his ruby eyes and you can see traces of his charcoal eyeliner that he usually smudges underneath his mask— he’s so beautiful but you’re afraid of the twitches of worry, afraid that he’s mad at you for being the way you are.
“hey honey,” bakugou hums, crouching to your level to cup your cheeks, stress bleeding from his body when you nuzzle into him.
izuku gives you a squeeze, an encouraging one and you nod. “hi,” is all you can muster, afraid of blurting the intrusive words that crackle across your brain.
katsuki sits back on his haunches, looking between you and his boyfriend before he attempts to kick off his shoes. the room is full of a thick, ugly quietness that you know you’re responsible for— they don’t have to say anything, you know that it’s you. because when you’re like this it’s hard for bakugou and midoriya to talk, afraid that they’ll say something to set you off and you afraid that they’ll leave if they knew how you really felt. how trapped and alone you felt inside, how the twisted darkness added tones to your vibes and dragged you down with every step that you took.
they don’t need to say it because it flows from your body like a rushing river and drowns them, fills their lungs and it’s your fault for infecting them with your own bitter taste of life.
“have you eaten?” the blonde of the two boys asks, looking you dead in the eye. you want to answer, but again the viscous back from earlier starts to flood through your body. you try to take care of yourself of these days where you feel it the hardest, but it’s difficult to move and to breathe— and the drive to complete even the simplest of tasks is barely ever there.
you move to speak, caught up in the thick smog of your own brain when izuku gives your body a squeeze and shakes his head, the forest of his hair brushing against your cheek. “you’ve had water, right?” izuku has no problem answering for you. “but nothing to eat,” he whispers, keeping his voice low as if to hide his worry from you— it’s light in his tone but tremors throughout the number one’s body. you feel sick for making him feel that way.
katsuki’s gaze shifts back from his boyfriend to you, his expression unreadable because he knows how you get if they worry too much about you. you’re thankful, partly for that at least, his blank face prevents your mind from reading too deep into things and blaming yourself for things out of your own control.
“‘m makin’ your favourite for dinner. you’ll eat it, no questions asked.” the explosive pro hero states firmly, rising from his place crouched down by your side, obviously not before thumbing over your cheeks to wipe away evidence of your dried tears. “gonna run you a bath too, damn nerd better get you upstairs and ready by the time it’s done.” deku’s chest rumbles with a light hearted chuckle beneath you, lifting the heavy weight of the air within the room— bakugou had always loved brashly, with a fiery intensity that hardly left room for the answer ‘no’, and while izuku was more tame, they balanced one another out in a way that felt more like a warm hug than a battle. they grounded you, in the best of ways.
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true to his disgruntled words, your blonde headed boyfriend runs you a hot bath. you don’t miss the addition of lavender oil to the perfectly warm water, the baking soda which you’re sure he only knew to add because his mother had said it would remove the demon spawn toxins in his body. izuku is the one to help you strip, holds your hands as you kick off gross comfort clothes and folds them away, after pressing kisses to your groggy face and chin.
it’s almost funny to see the two biggest and beefiest pro heroes sit on your bathroom floor crossed legged and beside the tub— both of them taking up the majority of the room. you know for a fact that no one would believe the sight unless they saw it, but they’re there. both of them, izuku midoriya and bakugou katsuki are with you encompassed in the silence while you wash away the ugly words that plague your mind and fill the pores of your skin.
they’re still there.
even as sweet lavender water moves in soft waves over your bare body, while black ink moves in the same way across your brain— tattooing self-depreciating thoughts into every inch. you’re not worth their time, they say, you’re wasting it. because how could their precious time be put to good use if you’re taking it up, they could be saving people but instead your boyfriends are here, drowning in your own darkness.
they’re still fucking here.
when they could be out there saving the people who needed it, who were suffering out there in the world outside of your home.
and the suds against your body, the warm water sloshing over your thighs isn’t enough to get rid of the burning sensation of vile phrases printing themselves against your body and clouding every thought that you think. toxic, mean and nasty things you can’t scrub away— none of it is enough to make you feel like you deserve bakugou tenderly lathering you up with the rose scented soap his mother had sent you for christmas or the sips of cool water midoriya brings to your lips in order to prevent you from overheating in the steam of the bathroom.
deku catches the painful twist in your face, pausing his movements to study you. “whaddya need?” you need it to stop, to find something to replace the pain and doubts that fill you.
“water, hotter,” you croak quietly, tears building up in the base of your throat as katsuki catches on and flicks the tap for a stream of hot water to fill the tub. “please,”
they tell you to let them know when to stop if the heat gets too much, but the scalding water burns away any reminders of the self loathing you feel across every inch of your mind, your body and your soul. it stings at the darkness in a way that’s painfully soothing and maybe if you sink under— it could stop hurting completely. if you could slide deeper into the water, would the waves of darkness not crash so hard?
and then the damn breaks, like a tsunami the guilt and anguish you feel crashes over your body and takes control, leaving you fighting for oxygen in the form of your happiness.
everything that you’d been holding back flows freely in salty tears from tired eyes, scorching a path down the apples of your cheeks and mingling with the contents of the tub below. your boys, they don’t notice at first, how you cry and curl in on yourself until you think the world won’t notice you anymore but then just as they always do, they’re pulling you into their warmth and bubble of light— freeing you from black intrusive tendrils even if it means they have to crawl into the tub and wade their through the ocean you’ve made to set yourselves apart.
“don’t—!” you heave with an uneven voice, signs of you falling apart evident in every way. bakugou and deku pull away from you slowly, with dripping shirts and worry written across freckled faces and red eyes. they’re scared for you, hate seeing you force your feelings down and away from them. “please don’t touch me—you’ll—“
the water in the bathtub sloshes from where you retract from their touch, backing yourself up against the wall and away from your boys. “we’ll what?” izuku presses but only gently, keeping you afloat, stopping you from sinking and bakugou stays put in his place, letting the latter talk you down.
you shake your head, trying to think of the right words but it’s hard to, with the crashing waves heavy against your ears. how do you tell your lovers that everything hurts, to think and to feel, to live day by day. you don’t want to bother them with and an extra stress to their busy lives. but you can’t keep it in any longer, bursting at the seams. “you’ll drown. i-if i touch you, i’ll pull you under, you’ll drown with me and you won’t be able to breathe and all those horrible things that i think about will burn in your lungs until you give up fighting like me,” your tears and hiccups interrupt your words, but they listen. bakugou and deku, they listen and they stay.
“because if you do, then all that i feel will be a burden to you— i’ll break in ways that can’t be fixed and you’ll be forced to pick up the pieces and i’ll just be a burden,” you continue, not even pausing to take a breath while you continue to cry. “if you stay to pick up the pieces, you’ll be taken away from people who need you, who are worth saving, and can be helped and—“
you can’t recount how many nights, similar to this in which you wondered why and how two pro heroes could want and love you, why they dealt with your down days that sometimes outnumbered the ups— even if they’d shown you how much they cared, you couldn’t help but feel guilty as if your sadness took up their time to save someone else.
“you can be helped, yn. you don’t have to go what you’re going through alone, you’re worth the time and the effort of helping, no one deserves to suffer,” the green haired of your two boyfriends cuts through the tail ends of your words, still keeping distance until he knows it’s safe to touch you again. there is no look of condescending pity on his face, no sign to show you’ve pulled him into the dark of your mind. it’s just izuku, trying to help you pull through.
you look to katsuki hesitantly, he hasn’t said a word. “but i don’t want to be seen as...as weak, or to worry you because i can’t get out of my own head—“
“y’not fuckin’ weak, we’d never think that of you. we see you try to hide your pain, pretend things don’t get to you when they do. but fuckin’ handlin’ things on ya own can make y’stronger than any two heroes combined,” a look of anger flashes across his features, finer with age and tired with work. but bakugou isn’t angry with you, but with himself for leading you to believe that you were an extra weight on his shoulders. both of their shoulders. “yer not gonna get rid of us or scare us away, we love ya, we’re here for ya ‘n if it’s help that you need or think yer not worthy of, we’ll find some. it’s okay t’ask for help.”
maybe it’s hearing it from someone else, that your pain and your depression is valid, that you’re not an extra weight on the people you love that allows you to come up from a tar-like ocean for fresh air in your lungs, for the waves to calm and the storm raging in your mind to soothe. maybe it’s the two of your boyfriends being there for you despite the fear that you’d scare them away with not being okay that washes away some of the awful things you think.
you know that their support won’t make things go away over night, that it will take time for you to heal but for now you can keep your head above the water just long enough to breathe.
“can i touch you now? is it okay?” deku asks, feeling less distant from you than at the start of the day, but as your body shakes with the last of your tears all you manage is a nod before the number one hero is pulling you into his chest from the tub and the number two is wrapping a towel and his arms around you.
you sit sandwiched between the two, they keep you at the surface— holding you tight while you let out what you’ve been holding back. “we can get some help if y’want it, the doctors...therapy might be nerve wrackin’...scary even, but it can help and we’ll be there every single step of the fuckin’ way,” katsuki reasures you with pets to your head, rocking you back and forth on your bathroom floor, steam clinging to the air that you can finally breathe.
izuku nods along in agreement, pressing kisses to your wet hairline. “we’ll be here. you won’t be alone.”
the murkiness of the water in your mind starts to clear, but only just— their warmth starts to push through the clouds like sunshine brushing against your skin. a light to the dark that's plagued your every waking moment, the waves no longer crash and destroy but instead lap comfortingly at your painful thoughts and tame them just enough for you to have a moment of clarity.
you don’t have to be alone or millions of miles away, you deserve the hands of your loved ones that offer you help instead of pushing them away. the process of healing and things like therapy or meds will be hard sometimes, but katsuki and izuku will be here by your side, to help you manage days where darkness rolls in waves that hurt and help you breathe once again.
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warmblanketwhump · 3 years
ʌ ≈ ¿℧
ʌ: comfort after a nightmare
≈: medicine
¿: thermometer
℧: a damp towel against flushed, feverish skin
(four prompts in one? challenge accepted)
A climbs into the cold sheets and curls into a tight ball. Their flu-ridden body is so exhausted that it hardly has the energy to warm the sheets around them. B had told them to take a sick day, but A insisted they just couldn’t miss work - so they’d spent 8 hours alternating between sweating through their shirt and shivering miserably in their cubicle, desperately trying to get warm enough to focus. Now their spent body is paying the price for refusing to rest.
A huddles tighter, knees to their chest, arms folded tightly and hands tucked into their armpits in a pitiful attempt to warm up. Their chest burns every time they try to breathe. Despite the extra sweater and the feverish heat, the bed refuses to warm them, leaching the heat from their bone-weary body. Another shiver courses through them, and they squeeze their eyes shut.
“Please,” they plead to no one in particular. “Please let me fall asleep.”
Below them, the bed shatters into a million pieces, and A falls, colors twisting into darkness and sleep and dreams....
B gets home at 6 pm, and A was nowhere to be seen. In bed already? They're not surprised - A had looked like death this morning, but was rambling on about some presentation they had to get prepared for their boss. A was like that - pushing themselves to the edge, always going a step farther than anyone asked and paying the price later. Perhaps some chicken noodle soup would help after what was likely a long, terrible day.
A loud cry stops B in their tracks, and they drop all they were gathering to make dinner, taking the stairs two at a time. When they get to the room, a feverish A is thrashing in their bed, screaming unintelligibly. B rushes to their side, dodging a sudden kick from A.
“A, wake up!” A’s screams turn to sobs, as they swing wildly, out of their mind, fighting some invisible force that’s tormenting them in their head. B gently shakes their shoulders, and A’s eyes snap to them. For a moment, they freeze, recognition flooding their eyes as they gasp for air. Their face crumples into weeping, and B gathers them up in their arms, letting A bury their face in the crook of their neck as they rub their back.
"It was awful," A sobs. "Something was chasing me, and...and there was this thing that got me, and I couldn't stop it, and I couldn't fight it–" A coughing fit cuts A off, and B shushes them gently, encouraging to breath deeply. After a few minutes, A pulls back. They cross their arms and hunch over, and B can see them shaking, despite their layers.
B winces as they press a hand to A’s forehead “You’re burning up, honey.” They stand to go and get the thermometer, but A grabs their arm with surprising strength.
"Don't leave," they whisper, mind not quite cleared from the nightmare.
A’s grip is weak, but B doesn’t want to further traumatize them by yanking their arm away. “A, I’ve got to get some stuff to help you feel better. You've got to let me go.” Still A clings to them, shaking their head vigorously.
So they settle on half-carrying, half-dragging their bundled friend to the bathroom, plopping them on the toilet before rummaging through their medicine cabinet. They emerge triumphant with the thermometer.
"Open up," B prods gently, and A relents, flinching at the feel of the cold metal. In a few moments, it beeps, and B shakes their head at the reading. "103.1. Remind me what was so important you had to do at work today?" A shrugs limply. B dives back into the cabinet, and pulls out a dark bottle of cold medicine.
"Better late than never, right?" A wrinkles their nose and frowns, but a cough only proves B's point further. After a dose (and a gag or two), A's head is nodding. B helps them stand and shuffle back to bed. Once they get there, A nearly collapses on the bed.
B ruffles A's damp hair before tugging at their sweater.
"C'mon. You've got to get this off. You're too hot."
"You're too hot," A grumbles. B fights back a grin, and helps A shed the extra layer. The sudden loss of heat sets A shivering again, so B tucks them back under a single blanket. Before A can say anything, B darts out of the room. A can barely keep their eyes open, and the next sensation they feel is a cool cloth over their eyebrows, bringing sweet relief to their burning forehead.
A's exhausted eyes blink shut once, twice, but B can tell that they're fighting it, scared to slip back into the dreams that wait for them. So they slide their body onto the bed next to them, and slip their hand into A's.
"I'll be right here. Just squeeze if you're not ready to fall asleep, and I'll squeeze back." A looks up with grateful, tired eyes, and squeezes. They continue that rhythm until A falls into an easy, peaceful sleep, finally getting the rest they've needed all day.
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comfortbucky · 3 years
𝗮 𝘁𝗵𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗺 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗯𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘆 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚
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gif credit: @buckysbarnes
i’m not a writer but this idea just popped into my head bc of a thunderstorm going on rn
pairing: bucky x gender neutral!reader
my masterlist!
right so imagine:
thunderstorms scare u
and so all u want to do is curl up in a ball in a blanket
and u think about calling ur good friend bucky bc ur scared of being alone
but u don’t wanna bother him, u HATE being a burden for anyone
u guys have become good friends since meeting each other through sam
u met sam at one of his group therapy sessions he ran at the VA in d.c.
and ended up befriending him and his cyborg buddy
u ended up moving to brooklyn, new york where a certain super soldier also happens to live
anyways ur terrified right
and bucky knows about this fear u have
and that sweet precious baby boy is just naturally protective of his friends as he was with steve
there might be other motivating factors with him being overprotective of u.,... *cough* like his crush on u *cough*
and bucky is in his own apartment reading the hobbit AGAIN when he hears the first clap of thunder and he already knows
he knows u must be terrified rn but ur too stubborn to reach out and ask for help or comfort
and without a second thought he’s grabbing his jacket and heading out the door to ur apartment
u live a couple blocks away, so bucky decides to make the journey by foot
also so he can buy ur favorite snacks on the way
when u hear a knock at ur door u jump bc ur already on edge with the thunderstorm going on
and at first u think it was just thunder so u ignore it
until u hear bucky’s calm voice
“y/n?” “it’s me bucky”
u freeze for a second bc u were DEFINITELY not expecting ur crush bucky to show up
u open the door to see bucky soaking wet from the rain
“ur soaking wet”
“yeah, so are u gonna invite me in or not?”
as u let him into ur apartment he reveals from under his jacket some of ur favorite snacks
he was shielding them from the rain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so they wouldn’t get wet !!!!!!!!!!!!
“brought some of ur favorites”
u are in love with bucky
ur honestly still recovering from the shock that he’s here,,,, in ur apartment !!
so u scramble to find some dry clothes he can change into (clothes ur ex left behind)
ur able to collect urself while bucky goes to change and take a seat on ur couch, blanket wrapped around ur shoulders to protect u from the storm outside
bucky walks into ur living room while drying his hair with a towel
and u realize u could get used to this view
once u guys have settled and found ur spots on opposite ends of ur couch, ur about to break the silence when
a huge clap of thunder goes off and u pull ur blanket over ur head
bucky hears ur quick breathing
and suddenly u feel his weight shift closer to u
then the weight of his arm around ur shoulders
bucky is still readjusting to civilian life but something like muscle memory kicks in from the times he would care for steve
“it’s okay y/n, i’m here” “ur not alone”
u pull the blanket back and bucky sees ur watery eyes and tear stains on ur checks
and this old man baby is so god damn in love with u
bc his heart breaks seeing u sad and scared like this
“i’m sorry bucky, i’m fine really!”
“u don’t look fine”
“i can take care of myself”
bucky says the same words he once said to steve
“thing is, u don’t have to”
ur about to defend urself again when another boom of thunder goes off and ur body, almost instinctively, shoves itself into buckys chest
bucky moves his arm around ur shoulder to ur back, rubbing small circles
and he places his other hand on ur head pulling u closer to him, smoothing ur hair back over and over to help calm u
u guys have never been this close before and yet it doesn’t feel close enough for either of u
u can hear his soft hums and him telling u over and over that ur okay bc he’s here for u
eventually the storm settles down but u guys remain cuddled up on the couch
u pull ur head back from bucky’s chest and look up at him
bucky literally almost has the wind knocked out of him bc of how beautiful he thinks u are
“u wanna watch a movie?”
bucky smiles and nods before pulling u close to him again and leaving a gentle kiss on ur forehead, almost like he’s done it a million times before
neither of u expected that to happen and both of ur faces are bright red but luckily neither one of u can tell bc of the dim lighting in ur apartment
“i’m gonna go grab the snacks u brought”
u needed an excuse to leave before he could notice ur blushing
u guys settle in for a movie night, which u’ve had plenty before but never snuggled up like this
ur legs are on bucky’s lap and his left arm is wrapped around ur shoulder while his right arm rests on ur legs
neither of u are paying attention to the movie bc ur both too focused on how the other person’s body feels so close to urs
after debating urself in ur head for 20 minutes u muster up enough courage to grab his hand and hold it in urs
bucky freezes and then turns to look at u
u smile with rosy cheeks back as u look into his steel blue eyes
“thank u for today”
bucky is now beet red (shy baby boy!!!) with a soft smile on his face
“i’ll always be here for u, anything at all”
u give him a soft kiss on the cheek and u pull back only to feel bucky’s metal hand pull u back in
this time for a kith on the lips!!!!!!
it’s a soft, light kiss
when he pulls back he instantly feels like he misread some signal or something (shy bucky🥺) and immediately starts to profusely apologize
“i’m- i’m so sorry was that okay?? i should have asked u first—“
“bucky, BUCKY!”
u take both of ur hands and cup his face
“that was more than okay”
u smile at him and bucky could feel his head spinning bc ur just the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen
and he kisses u again
and suddenly ur not so scared of the storm outside bc u have bucky here with u
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forever-rogue · 3 years
17 on the angst section of list #2 for whiskey please 🥺
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Anything for you, my love 🥺💕 Please enjoy...and ugh...angst time?
Prompt: “Are you upset with me?”
Agent Whiskey x Fem!Reader ; warnings: angst
Pedro Characters Masterlist 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It had been a while since you'd heard from him. Too long. Hours too long. It was supposed to be a simple mission - easy in and easy out. But here you were, alone, worried and waiting - waiting, waiting, waiting. 
You'd busied yourself with cleaning the apartment you shared. When that was done, you'd set about asking dinner, even going out of your way to make Jack's favorites - including dessert. But even that didn't take too long and soon enough your mind was wandering. Every dark thought that you had pushed to the recesses of your mind started to bubble to the surface.
What if something went wrong? What if Jack was hurt? What if the mission was compromised? What if -
No. No. No.
You weren't going to think about that.
Sighing heavily, you padded to the bathroom in order to take a bath. Maybe that would take your mind off of things. Probably not, but hell, it was worth a try. 
Turning on the tap, you made the water as warm as you could tolerate before filling it up with bubbles and oils. This particular one was your favorite; Jack had bought it for you on a mission in France. With that thought brought front and center you huffed at yourself. 
Stripping down and discarding your clothes on the floor, you quickly slipped into the comfort of the warm water. An audible moan slipped past your lips as you submerged your entire body, remaining under the water under you could no longer hold your breath. 
Breaking through the water, you laid against the back of the tub and stared at the ceiling. Physically, your body felt relieved, the ache of the day slowly leaving your body, but mentally, you were still buzzing like crazy.
What would you do if something happened to Jack? If something happened to him you would ever forgive yourself. If he-
"Fuck," you groaned at yourself. Running a hand over your tired face, you quickly formulated a plan. Well, it wasn't as much of a plan as a rash idea. But at this point you needed something to cling onto.
You'd texted and called Jack throughout the afternoon and everything had gone unanswered. But you wanted - needed - answers. And you'd be damned if you weren't going to get them. 
You hastily stood up and stepped out of the tub, almost slipping and falling on the water that had sloshed out on the tile floor. It didn't matter though, as long as you got what you needed nothing else mattered.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You practically stormed into the Statesman Headquarters, dressed in sweats and an oversized hoodie, hair still messy and damp from your bath. No doubt something akin to a mad woman, but right now you didn't care. 
"Ginger!" it was getting later and the building was quiet, but you practically shouted at her, causing her to almost fall from her seat. She clutched at her heart as she settled down and gave you a wide eyed look, "where's Jack? Have you heard from him? Do you know if he's okay?"
"He's fine, honey," she promised, swallowing nervously as you gave her a curious look. If he was fine...why...why hadn't you been the first to know? 
"I've been trying to call him and text him all day and...I-I-I haven't heard back from him," you pouted slightly as you wondered what on earth could have caused such a mishap, "Ginger...what's going on?"
"Jack got back a little bit ago," her voice was soft as her eyes flicked down the hall and in the direction of his office. She wasn't normally like, all nervous and quiet, and you could tell there was something she wasn't telling you, "he's probably just catching up on a few things before coming home to surprise you."
"Ginger," her name off your tongue was low and predatory as you slowly took a step back in the direction of his office. She stood up and opened her mouth to say something but nothing but silence met your ears, "what are you hiding?"
"Don't-" and with that singular word, you dashed down the hall, wanting to know once and for all what the hell was going on with everyone.
As soon as his office came into view, you could see the outline of his figure through the softly frosted glass. A smile started to tug on your features when you realized he was actually alive and well. But your fleeting happiness came to a crashing halt when you saw he wasn't alone.
No - there was another figure, this one noticeably smaller and feminine in appearance next to his. Or rather, wrapped up in his arms as he kissed her. You stood there in silent horror as your heart dropped. 
It was just a kiss right? But then...why was he lifting her on his desk, as he has done to you many times in the past? Why did he keep kissing her? Why did he allow her to strip off his jacket? Why was he reached for the zipper of her dress? Why-
"Honey…" Ginger's voice was soft as she grabbed your hand and started to pull you away. Tears were streaming down your face as you stood there frozen, a few small whimpers escaping your lips. Eventually you gave in and let her pull you away.
"You knew," it wasn't a question - rather a biting accusation. Your lip trembled with effort as you tried not to cry and completely break down. The beautiful, glittering ring on your left ring finger, only there for a few weeks at this point, suddenly seemed to weigh you down, “you knew and you didn’t say anything. You let me walk in and see that. H-how long?”
“I know it seems bad,” she seemed genuinely upset as you looked at her, your voice cracking with each word until you were almost broken, “but I-I swear I’ve never seen him with another woman or man before. H-he said she was here for business. I didn’t think...I didn’t…”
“Do you mean it?” an ugly sob racked your body as you tried to figure out if it was possible that this was some sort of business venture, that perhaps this was still some odd part of the mission. But even though you prided yourself on being an eternal optimist, you knew this wasn’t what it was. No, despite what the world may or may not have known, Jack had always - always - promised that he would never kiss, touch, or bed another in furtherance of work, a mission, anything. He hadn’t been lying then...or perhaps he had been the entire time, “Ginger, please tell me you mean it. I can’t have my heart broken again.”
“I swear it,” she promised and you could tell she meant it. Either this was the first time, and he’d been careless in not getting caught, or it had been a time thing in a slew of many, and he just happened to be careless for once. You nodded slowly before moving to push past her, “I’m so sorry…”
“Me too,” you whispered as you left without another word, not even bothering to hide the fact that you were sobbing. Your whole world was slowly crashing down around your shoulders; each step away from the building was a fateful reminder that nothing would be the same. 
All you wanted to do was go home and forget; forget that you’d seen anything, forget that Jack had betrayed you, forget that anything from your seemingly idyllic life was out of place. 
But he was everywhere, in everything. From the pictures that greeted you as soon as you walked into your apartment to the touches of decor that were pointedly him, to the clothes that hung in your closet, to the bedsheets that smelled like him. Everything. 
In a fit of rage, you grabbed a few of the pictures off the wall and smashed them into a hundred, million tiny pieces onto the floor. Soon enough, the images of the two of you were distorted by the tiny shards of glass - or perhaps it was the tears that you kept blinking back. 
Thoroughly exhausted and wanting to sleep this day away, praying you’d wake up and find it was all a dream, you tore the blankets and sheets and pillows off the bed and threw them into a pathetic heap on the floor. At least his smell didn’t linger on the mattress. But before you were satisfied, you went into the closet and followed suit with his clothes, refusing to let yours rest next to his any longer. 
Maybe it was rash - dramatic and immature - but you didn’t care. Jack had broken the one rule, the one promise, he swore he would always keep. He had been a good man, an honorable man, and you thought you could always trust him. Now you just had one lingering question left.
Where did the lies start and stop?
Before you dragged your aching bones to the bare mattress, you pulled off the engagement ring and set it on the kitchen countertop, right where he would easily see it. 
You were a believer in second chances, in giving people the benefit of the doubt but this...this was exactly what it appeared to be. You knew that deep down. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was dark when Jack came home, not that he had been expecting you to be up and waiting for him. It was nearing three in the morning and he knew you to work that day. The crunch underneath his boots caught him off guard and he quickly flipped on the light switch to see what the disturbance was. 
A frown crossed his features when he saw that it was several photographs of the two; his heart leapt into his throat as he worried that something had happened or someone had broken in. 
But no - nothing else looked out of place, and the door had been locked and the windows were closed. No signs of any type of break in. Huffing lightly, he stepped further inside, stripping off his boots once he was past the glass shards, a gleaming from the kitchen caught his eye. His brow furrowed as he walked over and saw that it was...your engagement ring. 
His heart raced as he swallowed down the lump in his throat. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What was going on?
Padding quietly down the hallway, he nervously pushed open the door to your bedroom, and spied you sleeping, curled up in a ball, with no blanket or pillows. As he stepped inside, he almost tripped over the mess of sheets and clothes on the floor. 
Oh no.
The door creaked slightly, causing you to wake up from your slight slumber. You hadn’t really been sleeping, not much anyways, The little bit of reprieve you’d found were plagued with nightmares and bad dreams.  You sat up slowly, hunched over and pathetic as you wiped at your eyes. 
“Sugar...are you upset with me?”
“How long Jack?” your throat was dry and scratchy as you stared directly at him, trying to read his body language. It was dark, but the light was filtering in behind him and casting him in an odd haze. He stiffened immediately when he realized you knew. 
“You don’t-”
“How long Jack?” you repeated, this time more firmly and with more conviction, “was she the first? Or another in a long line of many?”
“Listen you have to-”
“Answer the question, sugar,” every word was filled with venom as you wished he could scream and shout or something - and tell you that you were mistaken and that there really was a truthful explanation for what you had witnessed, “was it for work? Because I will still be pissed because we agreed that it would never come to that, but at least what I would understand. Please tell me that’s what it was.”
“I…” he started and quickly cut him off. He wished he could lie to you and tell you it was for work. Gods, he had already been lying to you, but for some reason he couldn’t do it anymore. You nodded as the tears streamed down your face, “I love you. I really do, and you’re the only one I truly want. Please understand that, sugar.”
“I wish I could believe you,” your voice was a small, pathetic thing, “I really do. Because I loved you - I still do. I thought...all this time, all these years, that we were building a future - our future - together. I know things haven’t been easy for you, Jack, I know. But I thought...I thought this one thing I could trust you with. It was the only thing I asked of you.”
“I love you, that is one thing that is true,” he tried to take a step closer, but you held up your hand to stop him.
“No, you don’t,” you whispered, “if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have done this. To lie to me, to sneak around. How many others were there? How long? You know, it even would have hurt less if you’d say something like hey, I want to have sex with other people or hey, can we try this or that. But to not say anything and do this? That’s the worst. When were you going to tell me? We were supposed to get married, Jack. Married.”
“I know,” he took in a long rattling breath, “I...I wish I had a good answer for you, but you have to-”
“The fact that you have nothing to say for yourself, tells me everything I need to know,” you spat at him, “I wish I knew what it was. Was it me? W-was...was I not enough for you?”
“You are everything-”
“Yeah?” you asked bitterly as he nodded, “then why did you do this Jack? Why? Why? Please just say something. Anything.”
“Don’t,” it was a soft, broken whisper as you shook your head, “don’t ever call me that again. Just get out. Please. Just leave.”
“Listen, you have to do-”
“I have to do nothing, Jack Daniels,” you laughed bitterly, “but you need to leave. Just go. I...you can come and get your things when I’m at work. I just...I don’t want to see you right now.”
“Okay,” he agreed quietly, turning around to head, lingering in the doorway for a moment, “I am sorry, you know.”
“Sorry for what you did, or sorry I found out?” he remained silent at your question as you shook your head, “just go Jack.”
“I love you…”
“Just go,” you cried softly, “get out and never look back. I never want to see you again.”
“Get out,” it wasn’t filled with emotions or tears, no - that’s not what broke his heart further, it was that fact you sounded so empty, so hollow, “goodbye Jack Daniels.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Title: Mine Prompt/Day: Day 5 - Baby Rose or Hugo does not sleep Tumblr name:  Rating: G Brief summary: A newborn Hugo refuses to sleep. Can Rose be the answer to the young parents finally getting some sleep? Any possible triggering/warning tags: None.
Ever since the day she was born, Rose Weasley-Granger was a blessing to her young parents. Quiet, undemanding and easy to please, life was bloody brilliant with her around, or so her Dad thought.
As she grew, Rose showed great curiosity about the world around her. Even as a toddler, she absorbed every book and every story. When she came across bridges, cranes, or muggle vehicles — she always asked how or why.
Ron was more than happy to indulge her, taking her out for walks, and trips to the museums, places his wife teased him about as he’d always claimed he hated them before Rosie. And when Hermione discovered that she was pregnant again, he braced himself for the incoming questions the now three-year-old might have.
But none came.
Rose accepted that her baby brother was growing inside her mother, her curiosity replaced by the excitement of finally getting a sibling, just like the rest of her cousins. And that was that.
As Hermione’s stomach began to grow, Rose was obsessed and developed an instant love for the life inside. During family cuddles, Ron would often find himself elbowed out of the way so that Rose could get access to the baby bump.
“My baby,” Rose would say to anyone who would listen, splaying her hands across her mother’s belly and giggling as it rewarded her with a kick in response. “My baby. In there.”
As soon as Ron and Hermione brought Hugo home from St. Mungo’s, Rose claimed him as her own.
But Hugo was unlike his sister.
Restless from his first day in the world, the baby refused to settle, and the parents soon found themselves struggling to sleep or cope with two small people with very different demands to look after.
Ron found himself calling on his mother more than ever, pleading with her to take Rose, something he and Hermione agreed never to do.
Bereft every time they parted the siblings, sending Rose away came with its own problems. She would kick and scream as they forced her into the Floo network, tears marking her face and a look that told her Dad she’d never forgive him for this.
“I don’t know what to do,” Hermione fretted on their fifth morning with baby Hugo. It had been another night of not sleeping. She bounced him in her arms; his face bawled up. He wanted to be latched to her all the time, yet he rarely fed, meaning she was not getting a break.
Ron looked on desperately. They were out of their depth. Noticing that Hermione was about to give up completely, he held his arms out.
“Let me take him, love. I know I don’t have boobs, but he’ll just have to cope for a bit. You’re so frazzled. Why don’t you go and get a shower, and I’ll try and calm him down. Then when you’re ready, we can try feeding the terror again.”
“Okay,” Hermione whimpered, her entire body sagging against the pressure of not being able to calm her baby.
Taking the bundle of blankets from his weeping wife, Ron pressed a kiss to the top of her head and pushed her towards the bathroom. As soon as she was gone, he started to pace the bedroom floor, following in Hermione’s footsteps. With a million nieces and nephews, Ron had an arsenal of tools to try and help soothe his son, and he was willing to try them all. Hugo must be exhausted with all this crying; maybe he just needed a decent amount of kip.
The roar of the Floo activating distracted Ron from his mission, and he shifted the aggravated baby into one arm before heading down to greet their visitors. He arrived in the living room just in time to see his mum and daughter tumble from the green flames.
“Daddy!” A bundle of bouncy red curls threw herself at his legs, almost knocking him off balance. Her grip was vice-like but comforting. At least one of his children liked him, despite her regular protests at him ‘sending her away’.
“Hugo still not settling down, love?” His mother clucked, peering at the red ball of anger in Ron’s arms.
“Nah, I reckon he’s pissed off that we took him away from Hermione’s womb. He was so comfy in there, getting fat and sleeping. He’s just trying to punish us for it.”
Scooping up her granddaughter, Molly settled on the sofa. “Well, he was over two weeks late; it was about time he came out. Not like his sister, hey Rosie? Perfectly on time and lovely ever since, weren’t you? Where’s Hermione?”
“I’m letting her take a shower. She’s probably trying to drown herself in there, just for a breather.”
“Want me to take Hugo for a bit?” Molly glanced up, a hopeful look on her face. It didn’t matter how many grandchildren the Weasley’s popped out; each and every one was special and exciting.
“Su—” he started, eager for a break from the annoyed newborn, but he was rudely interrupted by his daughter.
“No. Mine.” Rosie’s arms were up in the air, demanding a cuddle from her brother.
“Oh, I don’t know, Rose.” Ron frowned. “Your brother still isn’t a happy bunny, and he’s very noisy. Why don’t you help Nanny cuddle him instead?”
“No, Daddy. My baby.”
Ron was surprised that Rosie hadn’t used accidental magic to summon her brother to her. The adamant look on his daughter’s face, with furrowed brows and curls that crackled with electricity, reminded him of Hermione, and he chuckled. He knew his daughter wouldn’t give up until she got what she wanted.
Glancing at his mum, Ron shrugged and, with her help, placed the baby into Rosie’s arms.
“Aww baby,” Rose cooed, the hand not supporting the baby’s head reaching across to stroke Hugo’s cheek. “My baby. Poor ‘oo-go.”
To Ron’s amazement, the baby calmed down almost instantly. Two bright but unfocused eyes searched the room for the source of his comfort. Something must have assured him that it was close by because Hugo closed his eyes and finally settled down to sleep.
A clammer on the stairs broke the silence, and Hermione burst into the room, a towel wrapped around her body and hair, her eyes wild with fear.
“He stopped crying — what happened? Is everything okay?”
“Rose sorted him out,” Ron stated before collapsing into the armchair and closing his eyes. “Now shhhhhh before you wake the beast up.”
Forcing his eyes open, his heart almost stopped as Rose continued to coo over the baby. He thought he couldn’t love anyone as much as he loved Hermione until these two tiny people were thrust into his life. He just wished they would always be this quiet.
The silence wouldn’t last long. Rosie’s arms were small, so she wouldn’t be able to support Hugo for the rest of the day. And he guessed it wasn’t ethical to allow their three-year-old to look after her brother forever. As parents, they’d need to step in eventually.
Sensing his thoughts, Molly smiled over at him. “Time for your shower, I think, Ronnie. And then maybe the two of you can take advantage of the quiet to have a nap. Rosie and I have things under control. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Nanny. Mummy, Daddy. Go!” Rosie beamed up at her grandmother.
“You heard her. Off you go.”
Shaking his head and marveling at the way his daughter already had him under her thumb, Ron got to his feet. He was desperate for a shower and a decent sleep. Placing a hand on the small of his wife’s back, he steered her towards the stairs.
“You heard the child. It’s time for us to have a break."
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rocorambles · 3 years
which haikyuu members would hide medication for depression?? i feel like it would make an s/o more dependent on them in a way
So overall these are going to be men who don’t really care about your health or your best interests. They care about you in the sense of keeping you alive and well enough, but they don’t necessarily need you at your physical, mental, or emotional peaks. They just prefer a pretty little thing that they can mold and control and you just make it so easy when all you want to do is stay quietly at home by their side. 
Kuroo, Oikawa, Matsukawa, and Akaashi came to mind. 
Warnings: Yandere, Toxic Relationships, Manipulation
As playful and charming as Kuroo seems in public, it’s all just a facade and it comes crashing down the second he locks the front door of his shared home with you behind him. It’s like a huge weight is lifted off his shoulders as he swiftly loosens his tie and shrugs off his blazer, leaving a trail of clothes in his wake until he’s just in his briefs as he makes his way towards the bundle hidden under the bed sheets. 
Hazel eyes affectionately gaze at you as he slips underneath the covers to join you, wrapping long limbs around the ball you’ve curled yourself up into, blissfully sighing at how perfect it feels to have you in his arms, so quiet, so pliant. 
And sure, he thinks nostalgically from time to time back on days when you’d hang off his arms and excitedly explore new cities with him as you tagged along on all his business trips. But things are better like this. You’re better like this. And he contently falls asleep, finding peace and quiet in your languid state. 
He won’t lie and say he didn’t enjoy the fiery relationship the two of you once had, the banter and fire the both of you played around with. But Oikawa has always been a jealous man and as your relationship progresses, he’s not sure who or what exactly he’s more jealous of. You for sharing the spotlight with him and garnering attention that should have been solely focused on him? Or of the men and women whose eyes linger on you everywhere you go? 
It’s infuriating. He’s spent his entire life being in someone else’s shadow, sharing the spotlight, and he’s not about to let that happen in his love life too. So it’s an easy decision to get rid of your pesky medication when he comes across them. Who knew modern medicine was so effective? 
Chocolate eyes triumphantly leer at you, a sickly sweet smile spreading across his face when you adamantly shake your head when he asks if you want to come watch his game in person tonight and instead huddle even further into the couch and fluffy blanket you’ve seemingly become permanently glued to over time. And with some affectionate cooing and kisses, he departs, victory gleaming in his eyes as he steps onto the court to the cries of his name and only his name. 
Matsukawa would be an interesting case because he wouldn’t always hide your medication. He would allow you to be on it depending on his own mood. 
He truly does love when you’re more lively, more energetic, finding it so charmingly different than how he himself is and he’ll let you live your life, watching you in amusement as you flit about. But it loses it’s endearing quality after a while and he just feels weary watching you, irritated and bored as you tug on his sleeve and yap on and on. 
So it’s a relief when you pipe down, shuffling lazily around the house (if you can even manage to crawl out of bed) and he sighs in relief, a large hand gently cradling your body as you curl up in his lap, drowsy dark eyes closing as he smiles and dozes off himself, grateful that you’re back to a pace he can live with. 
While it’s entertaining to an extent to watch as Bokuto and you exchange lively words and excited hoots whenever the athlete comes around, Akaashi finds you most beautiful just like this. Quiet and still. A solace when his own mind can’t stop with its own internal ramblings and inner monologues. 
And sure, he doesn’t love how sad you seem, how close to shattering into a million pieces you sometimes seem, but who needs medication for that? Bokuto-san has his down moments and Akaashi’s always been able to handle those episodes just fine by himself. So surely he’s more than capable of handling the love of his life, right? 
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I request a fluffy F!MC x Lavinia fic, where Lavinia visits F!MC at night for some reason. F!MC was unable to fall asleep and Lavinia ends up helping her fall asleep and they cuddle. Thank you in advance
Written by: @blue-is-the-coolest-color
Did midnight snacks help her sleep when she was having one of those nights where sleep feels impossible? No. Did Annisa find herself in the kitchen at one in the morning anyway due to lack of sleep? Yes.
Thankfully the rest of the house was asleep, or at least they were quiet enough to hopefully be asleep. She didn’t need a lecture from her brother about how bad late night snacking was. Besides, she grabbed a fruit so that makes up for snagging her secret stash of cookies that Lucas can’t know about.
Annisa grabbed her snacks and stealthily made her way back to her room, making as little noise as possible to not disturb the rest of the house. For a moment, she thought she had succeeded in being noticeable, until she went into her room to see a very familiar devious silver haired witch lounging on her chair, flipping through a book and looking rather at home.
Annisa sighed, closed her door and waited a few moments until Lavinia noticed her presence, looking up and flashing her signature cheshire cat grin.
“You’re up late.”
“Look who’s talking.”
Annisa dropped her snacks onto her side table, opening a box of cookies and walking one over to where Lavinia sat. The Ice Queen accepted the offering and put the book she had been flipping through down. Annisa noticed it was one of her many copies of Rapunzel. A leather bound special edition book her mother had gotten her the birthday before her parents left for California.
“What are you doing here?” Annisa decided to ask first, biting into her own cookie as she waited for Lavinia to answer.
“I saw your light on,” Lavinia explained, “so I thought I’d pay you a visit.”
“Not that I don’t appreciate the visit,” Annisa grinned, “but what were you doing out this late?”
“Taking Ezra for a walk,” Lavinia replied smoothly, her signature grin in place, “He doesn’t like being indoors for long.”
Annisa shook her head, resigning to the fact that she wasn’t getting a straight answer from Lavinia, yet for some reason, she was okay with it. Lavinia’s late night visits were starting to get more frequent, and Annisa couldn’t say she minded. She even started to look forward to them, staying up a little later every night to see if the queen of snow would grace her with a surprise visit, just for her.
“Are you having trouble sleeping?”
Lavinia’s voice is more concerned, her grin faded into a more serious expression as soft blue eyes took in Annisa’s appearance. Annisa smiled at the change in tone from Lavinia.
“Yeah, I’ve got a lot on my mind, with the curse and school and all kinds of boring things.”
“Tell me about all the boring things.”
Annisa couldn’t help but giggle at the dorky tone. Lavinia flashed her a fond smile at the sound before getting up and moving to sit at the foot of Annisa’s bed, patting the space next to her. Annisa rolled her eyes a bit before clicking off the light and moving to sit beside her.
“Something Lucas patrols, if he sees the light on he might come in,” Annisa explained as she sat beside Lavinia, “then we’ll both be in a lot of trouble.”
“I’m always in trouble.”
“More trouble than usual,” Annisa clarified as she nudged Lavinia with her shoulder, “now I thought you wanted to hear about all my boring thoughts.”
“Think away,” Lavinia offered as she turned a bit to face her, “what’s on your mind?”
Annisa hesitated, suddenly a bit shy under Lavinia’s steady gentle gaze. She wanted to avoid talking about the curse, or about fairies, or about any other serious topic that stunned her sleep. She had the opportunity to just talk to Lavinia without some threat hanging over them, for now. Lavinia patiently waited for her, soft against the moonlight that now filled the room.
“Do you ever think about what would happen if your world didn’t exist?” Annisa blurted out without thinking, quickly going into a rant at Lavinia’s confused face, “like if you and everyone else had been born here instead and lived normal lives here instead of in a world of magic?”
“I’m… not sure what you mean.”
“Yeah, sorry, it was a weird question,” Annisa looked away, face growing a little warm in embarrassment. She felt Lavinia shift a little next to her.
“I’m not sure that would work. We may not have been born at the same time, since…”
“Since you’re kinda old.”
It was meant to be more of a joke, but the flash of hurt and shame that passed through Lavinia’s eyes made Annisa feel worse about saying it.
“I’m sorry, that was uncalled for,” Annisa sighed and covered her face with her hands, “I’m being dumb, you talk for a while. What’s your favorite thing about this world?”
Annisa’s face burned at the quickness of Lavinia’s answer. Her hands pulled away from her face so she could look at Lavinia, seeing the witch had opted not to look directly at her, but more towards the opposite wall of the room.
“I’m really glad I got to meet you.”
There felt like a million other things she wanted to say, held captive by dark lips and icy tongue. The comfortable silence that followed blanketed over them like freshly fallen snow. The newfound calm held a unique warmth that only Lavinia seemed to carry. Annisa let herself soak in the moment, to just be and enjoy the presence of the usually icy woman next to her.
The newfound peace pulled a small yawn from Annisa, she leaned a bit more toward Lavinia, resting her head on the girl’s shoulder. She felt the other woman chuckle, arm brushing against Annisa’s back as her hand traveled upward, playing with the ends of Annisa’s curly hair.
“Have I bored you already?”
“Shut up, my head’s just heavy.”
“I’ll try to compliment you less then.”
Annisa pulled away for a moment, swatting Lavinia in the arm before leaning back up against her. She could feel the lingering laughter as Lavinia’s body shook a bit with the suppressed giggles leaving her lips. Annisa smiled at the sound. Her eyes closed as she felt Lavinia’s fingers play with the ends of her hair.
“What’s that?”
Annisa looked over at Lavinia, noticing her head tilted upward before following her line of sight to the ceiling.
“Oh, that was one of my lonely projects. I recreated the night sky on the ceiling with glow in the dark star stickers,” Annisa explained as she caught the dull glow of the faded stickers. “I tried to recreate all the constellations, starting with the bears above the bead and circling around them. It kept me busy when it was just me here.”
“Yeah, right there. That’s ursa major and minor.”
Annisa started explaining the various constellations and lore of the skies. Somehow the two ended up on their backs next to each other, Lavinia’s arm trapped under Annisa’s head. After a few seconds, Lavinia raised her free hand, creating a little bear out of light to float about the room. Annisa chuckled as she watched the little ball of light for a moment before it faded.
Annisa couldn’t figure out when, but her eyelids had gotten heavier between her vast tales of the sky and Lavinia’s light shows of creatures running through the air. She felt Lavinia shift next to her and next thing she knew, she was being lifted into the Ice Queen’s arms. She wavered in that space of half sleep as she felt Lavinia place her in bed and drag the blankets up to her shoulders. In her half-dazed state she willed herself to move, catching Lavinia’s sleeve before she could pull away.
“Stay, please?”
“I don’t want to get you in trouble,” Lavinia’s voice is soft, but her eyes seem to completely give in when Annisa tugged her sleeve, flashing her sad puppy dog eyes until Lavinia sighed dramatically. She stood up straighter to shrug off her black cardigan before laying on the bed next to Annisa, over the covers rather than under them.
“Fine, but only because I hate when you give me that look.”
Annisa curled herself as close to Lavinia as she could, arms wrapping around her torso and head resting against her shoulder, breathing in her peppermint scent. She felt Lavinia’s arms wrap around her in kind, one resting across her waist while the other wrapped around Annisa’s shoulders, fingers resuming their dance through her hair. Annisa let out a low hum, smiling at the feeling as it pulled her closer to sleep. She listened as Lavinia’s breathing slowed, the hand in her hair slowing as sleep seemed to be close to claiming her as well. She let herself enjoy the steady feeling of Lavinia’s breathing, pretending for a moment that she’ll be able to wake up with the girl still there.
She imagined a morning where she could wake up next to her. Have breakfast together. Without the illusive woman having to slip away in the dead of night or early in the morning just to avoid her friends' backlash at finding her there.
Annisa pushed the thoughts aside, settling against the body next to her willing sleep to swallow her whole.
But only after she’s memorized this feeling.
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goldentournesol · 4 years
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(Spencer Reid x Reader)
The one where plus size!Reader is struggling with her body image and Spencer gives her a boost of confidence.
Length: 2.8k (whew, i got really carried away, this hit home)
“Good morning, lovely crime fighters!” Y/N chirped as she walked into the bullpen, holding a file which indicated that they had another case. She had replaced JJ as the communications liaison when JJ became a profiler. 
She was a hugger. She hugged everyone, hoping to make them feel more human as they took on the cruelest of the cruel. Everyone welcomed her hugs, even Spencer. Hell, especially Spencer. She was the BAU’s resident ray of sunshine and Spencer quickly realized how much he’d needed her positive energy in his life. Today, however, she gasped as she hugged him tight.
“Spencer, this cardigan is so soft!” She exclaimed excitedly, one of her hands running up and down one of the sleeves of his lavender cardigan. It was his favorite color. The action alone sent Spencer into a spiral of emotions. He didn’t know which to deal with first: his stomach erupting in butterflies, every inch of his skin heating up and reddening, or the fuzz she created in his brain.
“I-uh…um, y-yeah! It is!” Spencer stammered as she stared up at him.
Morgan and Emily exchanged a knowing look and scoffed at their coworker’s obliviousness. The two have been dancing around their feelings for each other and the entirety of the BAU took notice. They all filed into the conference room where Y/N presented them with the case.
“Time is of the essence with this case, wheels up in 30.” Hotch stated as he picked up his file and left.
The case was tough and almost all the leads were dead ends. A few days into the case, Spencer and Y/N were the only ones left in the police station. Spencer stared intensely at the geographical profile he’d created from his seat, hoping something new would come to him. Y/N picked at her dinner in boredom, but mostly out of a loss of appetite. Spencer noticed that she had her chin propped up by her palm, lost in her own thoughts.
“Hey, everything alright? You should really finish your dinner so you can get some energy.” His soft voice took her out of her head. He’d noticed how she hated eating in front of others, always preferring to eat alone. She gave him a weak smile and nodded, noticing that his takeout container was empty. 
“Yeah, I just…don’t feel like eating.” He nodded, understanding but also decided not to prod any further. He hoped she would confide in him if there was anything else on her mind.
They caught the unsub a day later and were on the jet back home before they knew it. Y/N took one of the window seats and immediately zoned out, eyes staring out the window into the blackness of the night sky. Her arms had automatically wrapped around her body in an attempt to hide it from the world. 
Spencer took the seat across from her and watched as she retreated into the darkness of her own mind. Even the sun had to set every day. She felt his gaze on her and somehow felt him scrutinize every inch of her skin. 
An hour went by and the air conditioning in the jet had gotten too cold for Y/N’s liking. Spencer looked up from his book to find her body shivering slightly, her hands only doing the best they could to warm her up as she tried to create warmth. Spencer reached into his go-bag and found the cardigan that she had complimented him on.
“Here, take this.” Spencer once again ripped her from her own head. His hand holding the soft piece of fabric as his arm extended to reach her. A look of panic danced across her features as she eyed it. She began to shake her head profusely.
“No, no, no! It’s okay! I’m f-fine, I don’t need it…” She sputtered out quickly. The truth is, she knew it wouldn’t fit her and she would rather stub her pinkie toe one hundred times than admit it.
“Y/N, you’re literally shivering. Just take it.” Spencer insisted, setting it down on the table between them.
“No, Spencer, you don’t understand. I can’t put it on.” She stated firmly. 
His confusion was evident on his features. Did she think he’d be grossed out if she put it on? Oh God, did it smell bad? No, he’s sure he washed it. She looked like she might cry, her eyes glossing over and her lip quivering slightly, it would have probably gone unnoticed by anyone else but him. Spencer’s heart shattered as a wave of realization hit him.
She thought it wouldn’t fit her. 
The material was quite elastic, he thought it could stretch on her a little but he didn’t mind at all. He knew his frame wasn’t large or impressive, but never in a million years had he meant to make her feel uncomfortable.
She saw the realization hit him and she wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and disappear. The silence between them was deafening to her. 
“It’s alright, you don’t have to put it on if you don’t want to. You can just use it as a makeshift blanket.” He smiled softly, glancing down at the cardigan then back up at her. He saw her eyes soften slightly. 
She knew she’d break into tears if she used her voice so she resorted to nodding and giving him another of her weak smiles. He rested back into his seat after he watched her drape it over her figure. It smelled like him, like laundry detergent and coffee and it brought her a sense of comfort.
 After she made sure his attention went back to his book, she had no control over the tear that escaped from the corner of her eye. She quickly wiped it away with his cardigan. She didn’t even know what she was crying about. On one hand, Spencer was sweet enough to offer her his cardigan, but on the other, the dread she felt knowing it wouldn’t fit her was weighing her down. She knew he was just being Spencer and he didn’t mean to make her uncomfortable, but even the softest of fabrics couldn’t pull her away from her intrusive thoughts.
The rest of the journey was silent aside from the soft hum of Morgan’s music and the sound of Spencer turning pages. Y/N tried to get some sleep but couldn’t shake the thoughts away. As the plane landed, she folded up the cardigan neatly and returned it to Spencer, who just smiled and put it away. He knew he probably shouldn’t say anything, but he felt like he had to. Just as their feet reached the ground, Y/N began to take off in the direction of her car.
“Y/N, wait! Please.” Spencer called after her and she turned to him reluctantly. He made sure to wait until everyone else was out of earshot before he began stuttering nervously, “About earlier, I really hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable, t-that wasn’t my intention. I’m so sorry if I made you feel bad or anything.” His voice displayed true regret and she could practically hear the thumping of his heart against his chest. 
She smiled a little at the flustered doctor and shook her head. She rested her hand on top of his as it was clutching the strap of his messenger bag. She felt the muscles relax under her touch.
“Spencer, relax. I know you meant no harm. Thank you, I really appreciated it. You’re a sweetheart, it’s just difficult sometimes when…” she trailed off and shook her head when she couldn’t even begin to explain what she was feeling, “nevermind. It’s really late, I should get home.” She wasn’t exactly in the mood to bare her soul to Spencer about her body image issues. 
He nodded in understanding, hating that she felt that way. He was determined to make her feel better though. As they parted ways, Spencer thought of a way he could make it up to her.
Next Monday came around and Y/N walked through the bullpen to get to her office. Barely anyone had come in yet. She found a gift box sitting on top of her desk. Dumbfounded, she looked around to possibly find the culprit, but she couldn’t see anyone. She walked towards it and found a note taped to the top of the box. She recognized the handwriting immediately.
“This one’s all yours.” Spencer had scribbled as nicely as he could. 
She opened the box and reached in. Her sense of touch told her more information than her eyes could have. It was the same material of Spencer’s cardigan. She pulled it out  of the box to reveal the same exact cardigan he owned but in her own size. Warmth flooded through her heart and all the way out to the tips of her fingers. He went out of his way to make her feel happy and that alone melted away any negative feeling that had consumed her. She held the cardigan close to her chest as if it were a surrogate for Spencer as tears brimmed her eyes. She was so caught up in her emotions that she didn’t hear him come in.
He closed the door of her office slowly so as to not startle her and her eyes snapped up from the cardigan to meet with his warm ones as they tried to gauge her reaction. She didn’t even think to use her words so she made her way around the desk and wrapped him in a hug. His arms welcomed her and he felt a wave of relief hit him.
“Thank you, Spencer. You have no idea how much this means to me.You really didn’t have to do this.” she mumbled, her words muffled by her cheek against his chest. He bent his neck down and bravely placed a kiss to the top of her head.
“I’d do anything for you, Y/N.” He replied sweetly as his hands rubbed her back. He heard her sniffle into his chest. He raised a hand to rest it at the back of her head in hopes of seeing her face, “Is everything alright?” he asked as soon as she met his eyes. 
As she looked up at him, he saw the pain in her eyes but it was mixed with something else that he could only identify as adoration. Did she adore him as much as he hoped she would? 
She nodded slightly, not breaking eye contact with him. Having him this close was so nice, she had a hard time thinking again. His other hand came up to her face and she allowed for his thumb to gently wipe the tears from under her eyes. She smiled wider at the gesture and Spencer hoped his knees wouldn’t buckle under his weight.
“You’re an angel, Dr. Reid.” She teased and he smiled at the name, rolling his eyes playfully but kept a steady hand on her back and the other was cupping her face gently.
“So, do you wanna tell me what’s been going on up there?” He glanced up towards her forehead. Her smile faltered and he half-wished that he never asked. He felt her sigh against his chest and she pulled away from him.
“It’s nothing…” she began as she sat down in one of the chairs parallel to her desk, typically meant for visitors, “I don’t even know where to begin, Spence.” Her voice sounded defeated as she toyed with the cardigan in her hands. Spencer took a seat across from her but kept silent, hoping his silence would encourage her to continue.
“I know…I’m not…skinny and I don’t look like JJ or Emily or anything. And it’s really easy for me to get caught up in the self-deprecating thoughts, you know? And…most of the time I can just ignore it because I try my best to stay healthy and stuff, but sometimes it’s not enough and I start…” she broke off, huffing, “it doesn’t matter.” She shook her head, keeping her gaze floorbound.
He watched her in disbelief as she spoke, he had no idea she thought of herself that way, especially when he consistently thought she was the most beautiful woman in every single room she walked into.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to continue.” he reached for her hand with bravery and was delighted when she let him take it. She could feel how gentle he was with her and it made her heart flutter. 
“Listen to me, Y/N. I know how easy it can be to let ourselves succumb to the thoughts we have about ourselves. We always think we can define our worth by ourselves. But you don’t see it. You don’t see how beautiful you are. You don’t see the way your eyes light up like fireworks when you talk about something you’re excited about. You don’t see how we could practically use your smile as a flashlight from how bright it is. You also don’t get to hear your laugh, your real laugh, it’s so damn melodic I want to make it my ringtone. That sounds kind of creepy and I don’t know if that made any sense and I’m aware that I’m rambling, but my point is: you don’t know how beautiful you are to me. And I know the shape of your body bothers you, but honestly, you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me, not just because of what you look like but also because you are the most genuine person I’ve ever met. You’re magnetic and your pull is strong enough to send me spiraling, Y/N, even though that statement is technically impossible due to the laws of physics–but I won’t get into that at the moment. And if you don’t believe me now, I’ll spend the rest of my life telling you until you do believe it.” He took a deep breath after his confession. She was looking at him now, completely speechless with tears racing down her face. 
“I’m sorry if I overwhelmed you, Y/N. I just thought you needed to know how I felt about you.” Spencer stood, but she refused to let go of his hand, leading her to stand with him and tugged on it to keep him close to her.
“Spencer…you-” she began but she shook her head as if to gain control over her mental processes, “Spencer, you are my God given solace. You…you come in here and you literally sweep me off my feet and expect to run away? No, no, no. Now that I have you, I am never, ever, going to let you go.” She whispered the last part as she took hold of his tie and pulled on his tie gently to bring his face level with hers and pressing her lips to his gently. He reciprocated the gentle kiss and his hands found their way up to her face, cradling it and pulling it closer. He had never felt so flooded with emotion before that moment and all he could think about was her soft lips gliding against his and the way her hands rested on his chest. Soon, they pulled apart for breath and they both broke into the largest grins their faces could possibly muster.
“So…are you gonna try it on?” Spencer laughed as he took notice of the cardigan that was now laying on the floor. She had dropped it in the act of passion that had just occurred between them. 
She saw it and laughed, “Yes!” she picked it up from the floor and put it on quickly. She didn’t even care that it didn’t go well with her outfit. It fit her like a glove and Spencer couldn’t help but grin at her.
Outside her office, in the bullpen, Morgan sauntered over to Spencer’s desk with a coffee in his hand, “Where’s the kid?”
JJ and Emily nodded their heads towards Y/N’s office and Morgan let out an ‘ah’ of understanding, a knowing smile plastered across his features.
The door to her office swung open and the two of them walked out with grins literally reaching up to their ears. Morgan couldn’t help but whistle as he saw the way the young couple shared a loving look.
“Finally! My God, we were getting impatient!” Emily exclaimed as the pair made their way over to where they were sitting. Morgan immediately reached up to ruffle Spencer’s hair and Spencer swatted his hand away.
“Nice cardigan, Y/N.” JJ smirked and raised a brow at her friend and the pair shared another loving look.
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