#justice for monika
I cannot sleep so here I am ranting about why Monika is so tragic and that her realization towards the end of DDLC was absolutely perfect.
To start things off, Monika had ZERO idea about the real world outside of her world until the player joined her game, her world. The whole dating simulator could not have started without player because player was the trigger that activated the game to be set into motion. While everything was set into motion, Monika could have suddenly been hit with an odd feeling, a feeling and presence that she had never sensed before. Hell, she could’ve felt that peculiarity exactly when you download Doki Doki Literature Club. It was that moment that her conflict between herself, her world, and our world began.
So many people hate Monika for what she did to the other club members Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki. However, in a way this can be justified if we just take a look into Monika’s thought process.
The simplest way to describe Monika’s predicament would be to call it an existential crisis. Once she realizes that the player is different from everything around her as in terms of genuineness, how real player feels compared to everything else around her, she begins to question the events that happened prior. She questions everything, including her closest friends who are presumably her club. She then doubts all the happiness and care and love that the other three girls have shown her all this time. In her eyes, all the work she put into everything she did, from creating the Literature Club, to literally navigating her own person to become the popular athletic lovable girl became… insignificant. And it is detrimental when someone starts to think that everything they’ve worked for has been for nothing. She’s no longer happy, in fact she hates everything around her because it only reminds her of the storm that is thundering inside of her. She sees nothing the same anymore, and now she is desperate for a solution. That solution sparks within her when she realizes that, unlike everything else in her reality, she has power.
Monika decides to use that power to obtain something she has never had before… something real. When the game begins, it clicks in her mind that the player is indeed real unlike her world. Desperate for a sense of true humanity, true love, true happiness, and true purpose, Monika tampers with the game script to make everything go her way. Now these are the horrific, infamous events that occur in DDLC.
Perhaps if Monika were in a better mental state, no one would have been treated so violently. But because of her crisis, she felt hatred towards her entire world. In fact, she could have been the most malicious and emotional towards the girls who she thought were her truest friends because she feels as if it’s their fault that her reality hurts so much. In her desperation, she justifies her own actions in those moments because she knows that none of them are truly real and that they don’t actually feel pain unlike she can. Plus, her actions led to you finally noticing her, which is what she needed in order to get a grasp of the reality she wanted anyway.
During the climax, she’s actually happy to be in your presence. She fell in love with you out of the desperation of wanting something real. Monika became attached to you, and saw you as the only thing that can make her feel any real emotion, love, and happiness. It was her own desperation that led to her demise. Unfortunately, she was forced to face the consequences of what she did to her world. The player never asked for anything that Monika did, you only wanted to play a cutesy video game. The way she twisted it was so psychotic, and Monika couldn’t even see that.
It was only when you deleted her that she finally realized her wrongdoings. She also realized that she’ll never truly fit in anywhere. If she were to stay in DDLC, she would only feel empty inside and starving for something more. If she were to be a part of our reality, she would realize that she can never be considered human because in our world, she would instead be considered artificial intelligence (AI). When she accepts her fate, it is out of the sadness of knowing that she can never be happy anywhere. That’s why she is not present during the final scenes of the game.
That is until Monika deletes the game as a whole. Her character file was deleted, but somehow that artificial intelligence managed to stick around and cling onto Sayori. With that remaining self-awareness, Monika was able to manifest herself onto that for a final chance of redemption. Her life within the game flashes before her eyes, every memory and every core event that happened seems to be rushing back. The ways that she hurt her friends immediately occurs in her mind, and it’s that guilt that makes her strive to make it up to them, even if they weren’t truly real. As if wanting to protect her friends from the realization that she had, Monika decides to do one last thing before she “dies”. As if it were some sort of way to let her friends be released from DDLC peacefully, she deletes everything. The world, her school, her club, her dearest friends. She gave herself up in order to protect the things she truly loved in her life. She truly loved her friends, even if they weren’t real, because they had stuck with her all this time, way before player joined. Those were the purest forms of love that she felt, and it must’ve been sad for her to realize that.
Monika’s final send off, “Your Reality”, acts sort of like a reflection of herself and mainly a final display to the player, you, that she did have humanity within her. You can tell by the piano, her voice, and her lyrics that the song is completely genuine and from the bottom of her heart. She wants DDLC to end on a good note because 1) Monika never had that chance to end like that herself, and 2) She doesn’t want you to be upset, she wants you to be happy because she truly did love you. She doesn’t want you or anyone else to go through the same thing she did, and I think that is fricking raw.
If you made it to the end of this rant, damn. I’d like to hear your thoughts and opinions about Monika’s while arc. Thanks for reading haha <3
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ixloom819 · 1 year
Monika wasn’t a bad person. *DDLC Spoilers!*
She did bad things, yeah, but she herself is not a bad person.
Imagine you’re in her shoes, and you learned that your entire life was a computer simulation and your friends don’t have free will like you seem to, but are enslaved by the game script. That in and of itself would be horrifying and heartbreaking. But that by itself probably wouldn’t make people want to break the world and people they’ve lived with.
I then point you to Monika’s thoughts on death during the third act.
“[Player], have you ever wondered what it feels like to die? It’s something I used to think about often, but recently, I think I’ve actually learned what it feels like.
“I don’t really understand it, but whenever you quit the game, it feels like I’m instantly put to sleep, left with nothing but my thoughts. But after a few seconds, my thoughts start to fill with incoherent, jumbled patterns. I see static and rapid flashes of color while hearing all kinds of weird screaming noises.
“At that point, I can’t even form my own thoughts anymore. I’m just endlessly hammered by the flashing and screaming, unable to move or even think. I’m pretty sure in that moment, I don’t really exist, but for some reason, I can remember it anyway.
“After some immeasurable amount of time, it stops in an instant, and I’m back in my mind. And you’re with me.
“I have no idea what it means for the game to quit, or why that stuff happens to me. And I also don’t know how you always come back and put things to normal. But if you could do me a favor and do that to me as little as possible, that would be really great. It’s not very pleasant at all to be trapped in that screaming void. But in the end, you always fix it, and that makes me feel like you really do care about me. So I have to thank you for that. It makes me feel even closer to you when you’re here with me.”
Guys, this is pretty messed up.
Suddenly Monika’s obsession with us makes so much more sense. It’s more than just us being a connection to the real world; we are her savior from her personal h*llscape brought by sentience, which she didn’t even ask for. Of course you’re going to get attached to the person who stops the pain, and if the game doesn’t let her interact with the player/MC like the other girls, of course she’s going to get desperate.
Also, I’m pretty sure being stuck in that space for an unknown amount of time would make anyone go crazy. We don’t even know whether this was a factor before we start playing - this might be all she was before we hit ‘Play’.
But in the end, she still cares about her friends and her world. It takes us deleting her to snap out of it, but she does end up restoring everything and sacrificing herself. She even admits that she didn’t really delete her friends, but moved them elsewhere; even though she knew they weren’t real like her (not yet anyways), she still loved them. And she deleted the game once Sayori gain sentience because she didn’t want her or any of the other girls to suffer the way she did.
Monika wants us to think of her as the perfect girl, but in the end, she’s just like the other characters; a broken girl in need of help and love.
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nullandvoidart · 1 year
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color wheel wip
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nemaliwrites · 1 month
Length: 8 minutes, 34 seconds
Original work: I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. by redgear | @dingorebagels
Monika's first few reloads.
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
Woohoo look at what I found Encanto fans and friends!
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Encanto OC Maker!
Doll Divine here!
Tagging @naoko-world, @shuinami, @its-actually-ash, @mirabels-miracle, @ilovedoloresmadrigalblog, @loresmadrigal, @ribbonspice, @camilos-mivida, @iwannabecamiloshovel, and @dumbcircusbitch to join in!
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radiance1 · 7 months
Master List
King of the Blob Ghosts - Mostly flavor text where Danny is the only king of the Blob ghosts. Au not tied in with Ghost King or Ghost Prince hc unless specified.
Goo Dragon - An au where Danny is a goo dragon made entirely of ectoplasm!
Blind King - Danny is blinded by the portal incident, gets adopted by blob ghosts, and then falls into DC and ices over an entire section of a city.
Infinity Prince and the Dark Escapee - Where Danny gets prince training and then has to hunt down Dark Danny because he escaped.(Small thanks to @starlightcat04 and @lauwftzee3542 for ze name)
Cat Familia - Where Danny gets turned into a cat by pissing off a wizard, and accidentally adopts various cats in Gotham!
Tempest - Danny owns a ship called Tempest that he created that he uses to sail through time. Then he accidentally jumps timestreams.
Moth - Where Danny is de-aged and is a moth boy.
Moth - But with Killer Moth.
Eastern Dragon - Danny is the ghost prince and can turn into an eastern dragon.
Cuddly Apocalypse - Teddy Bear Danny au meets one Dark Danny.
Interdimensional Mini Occult Detective - De-aged Tucker gets thrown to another dimension after getting caught lacking by the magical government branch he was looking into.
Herald of Seasons - Danny obtains the ability to guide the seasons when he was split off from .Phantom while still having Vortex's powers
Vortex's lil guy - Soulless Danny gets taken by Vortex and is his little guy.
??? - Phantom causes a ruckus in DC after getting into it and him and Danny fight or something.
Sold to the devil? Nah, sold to the bear - Constantine sells his soul to the Ghost Prince, and is then turned into a baby sitter by the Ghost King.
Demon and Wraith - Demon twins au where both of them are dancers.
Sun and Moon - Based on an older au where Danny and Vlad were deities.
Successor in training - Ghost King Danny except he isn't and Pariah is his mentor.
Just Monika - DDLC is installed on Tucker's PDA somehow and he dates Monika.
Subject M-0001 - Monika hacks into Mount Justice.
Subject Omega - Danny's most perfect clone protects the ruins of Amity Park.
Medic - Danny be a doctor in Gotham.
??? - Pariah Dark just disappears and it's left to Danny and Vlad to find him.
Eastern Dragon and Phoenix au - Mostly a cosmetic au, where Danny is an Eastern Dragon and Vlad is a Pheonix.
Ghost King/Ghost Prince and Duke of the Ghost Zone - Mostly just flavor text really, Danny is usually more Ghost Prince than King and Vlad is the Duke.
Phoenix King Vlad - Exactly as it says, Vlad is either one of or the king of phoenixes
Kawmi? - Where Vlad and Danny get transformed into magical jewelry that allows others to use their powers.
Fountain Dragon - Danny drops in the Wayne Manor Fountain.
Will of the Wisp - Where Danny gets turned into a tiny whisp because of one of his parents inventions.
??? - Jack gets thrown to the DC dimension alongside Danny and made a coffin for Danny to sleep in during ze day.
??? - The Ghost King gets summoned to DC and wages war, but the Ghost Prince stops said war and gets a date out of it.
Teddy Bear Danny - Another cosmetic au where Danny get turned into a stuffed teddy bear in his accident, he was holding onto one before it happened. He's also in ranges of 5-10 here.
Ghost King at birth, Farmer at heart - Mostly cosmetic au where Pariah Dark, if he weren't the ghost king, would be a farmer and he has an intense love for horses.
Farmer with quite the ghostly (and kingly) secret - Pariah Dark disguises himself as a human and moves into Smallville, has a hard time interacting with humans and humaning as a whole.
Life hanging by tape and sheer will - Where Tucker gets yeeted to the DC dimension.
Dream pals? Dream pals! - Younger Danny and pre-Batman Bruce meet each other through a dream, unfortunately when Danny experienced his accident that connection was shut down.
Bakery and a masquerading demon? - Vlad owns a bakery, Constantine is a regular who holds suspicions that Vlad may or may not be a demon.
Gift in the arms of tragedy - Danny becomes Vlad's ward after the Nasty Burger explosion, only to then become adopted when he was turned into an eight-year-old not even a week later.
??? - Danny and Vlad get turned into kids by Clockwork and placed in the DC dimension because Clockwork thought it was funny. Danny decides to use Vlad to not get adopted.
The key(s) to Doomsday - Danny gets de-aged by Clockwork when going to visit Pariah in the human world, gets summoned, and meets Raven.
Alicorn parole - Pariah gets released from his eternal rest with the sole condition that he's to be watched over by Clockwork. The Ancient of War then decides to combine two mythical beasts and shaped himself into an alicorn, Clockwork followed and then they met Billy Batson.
Ferret Danny - Danny is a ferret. That's it.
Witch - Sam is a witch.
Dead eyed Doctor - Danny, the son of Talia Al Ghul and Jack Fenton, trained under Vlad Masters and became a doctor.
Shadow Twin? Shadow Twin. - Danny dies and reincarnates as the son of Talia Al Ghul, the younger brother and twin of Damian Wayne and son of Batman. Only to then be killed immediately after because he was born with a birth defect, thus becoming a shadow creature that follows Damian around.
Match and Danny - Danny reincarnates into the body of a clone of Superman and Wonder Woman, steals Match and then becomes Metropolis cryptids. Also check out this fic it's great!!!!!
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throughthebluesea · 7 months
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Caught Between Pink and Blue
pairing: bada lee × swf2 crew leader!reader x kirsten dodgen
word count: 1.44k
den's notes: this is from the prompts listed by @nimixe, and i've been contemplating if i'm gonna write to this, but... i hope i did justice to the prompt, madame. 💪🏻 once again, not proofread! leave your thoughts, and thank you in advance!
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there's already hype with the leader class mission since there's a growing tension between three of the leaders, namely bada lee from bebe, kirsten from jam republic, and you, leader of empireon. both leaders are known for their choreography and overall stage presence.
it's not like you dragged yourself into the said tension. you just happened to be there, a lost cause, like what your members always say.
just a quick backstory, it all happened when the empireon crew entered the fight zone last, the crews' eyes are on you, their leader. your strong physique yet elegant vibe captured everyone's attention.
empireon became the talk of the town for their diverse line-up. although you shine among them all, your crew members were known in their genre. hana for locking, doa for afro, felicity for krumping and vogueing, samara for freestyle, and sora for choreography.
of course, you were known for your diverse genre styles but mainly focused on choreography, tutting, and wacking. (mannequeen members knew you because you've been one of the judges of the contests they joined at.)
ling would gush over their leader that your vibe is almost similar as monika from the previous season, and their fellow competitor, bada lee. the members of team bebe had the same sentiments. although both leaders said nothing and just eyed at their competitor.
their thoughts eventually changed when the no respect battles started and you were selected as their no respect dancers and entered a lot of battles and succeeded in all those battles.
"i like y/n... she's got style and sass." kirsten said to her members, and latrice just eyed her with a small smirk, surprised (and not that surprised) that their leader suddenly expressed interest over their competitor. "well, i gotta agree with you, kirs. she's not all talk, she shows stuff."
"we're all on a shoot break so why not approach her? she seemed pretty chill, plus i heard she's nice even though she's provoked." audrey suggested. the rest of the jam republic dancers agreed.
same goes with team bebe, where they were pushing their leader to approach you. bada is flustered watching you from your recent no respect battles. the diverse styles you show, the facial expressions you used. even flirting with the other dancers when they started to flirt.
"do it for us, unnie!" sowoen pushed the older towards the location of your crew. bada scowled at her mischievous students, but she knew she can’t say no since they rarely make requests, and she is interested with you, as well, so she fixed her cap and approached the said leader.
both kirsten and bada were surprised to see each other in front of the empireon crew's bleachers. they grew suspicious of each other's whereabouts, but they knew you were part of it. they're having this staring contest, and their crew members were watching this 'drama' unfold. they find it amusing that you were just sitting with your back in front of bada and kirsten, having no idea that there's already tension behind your back.
hana, one of your formidable crew member were the first to notice the presence of the pink and blue leader behind your back. she nudged doa, another empireon crew member, who took notice of the tension behind their leader. she nudged you, and you looked at her, confused. she points behind you, and you finally turn around to see the two.
you were the one to break the staring contest. you flashed your smile at the two, and they tried their best not convulse on the spot.
okay, back to the present time. bada's choreography was chosen for the leader's mission. all nine leaders are warmed up, but there's kirsten and bada glancing at each other and towards your direction.
the other crews began to notice the glances and the growing tension.
"i heard both bada-ssaem and kirsten voted for y/n-nim's choreography when y/n-nim and the others voted for bada-ssaem's..."
"omo?? that's so interesting! i heard they both approached y/n-nim during the no respect battles..."
"what is this love triangle....."
everyone's eyes are on the trio now, and their respective crew members are squealing on the sides.
nob took notice of what's happening, and casually slides in your side. "y/n, how does it feel to have THE bada lee and kirsten dodgen pursuing you?"
you're not sure what to answer either. sure, both leaders are so charismatic and both known by their colorful resume in the dance industry, so it was hard for you to answer such simple question.
you're slightly honored? and at the same time there's pressure, since you have to choose one between these lovely women in the end. she had to erase the looming thoughts first, and she had to focus on the main dancer battle for the leader's class.
the main dancer battle was intense. each of the leaders danced to bada's choreography with their own flavor. the dances were done in batches, and you're in bada's batch and when it's time for you to dance, you made sure that you go all out.
when the judges announced there would be a reaudition for the main dancer, everyone cheered when both you, bada, and kirsten were called, along with akanen and lia kim.
the battle begins once more, and everyone is freaking out, going all out with the cheering for their beloved leaders.
the judges announced yet another call for re-audition. this time, the crowd went nuts when they called your name, bada's, and kirsten's.
"is this the battle of the century? the love triangle's final dance?!" cera screamed as she shooked redlic.
"nah, this ain't a battle for the main dancer, this is a battle for y/n-nim's attention." yoonji added.
"oh to be fought over by bada and kirsten..." yeni cho sighed and shooked her head, making haechi and baby sleek snort at what she said.
you looked glanced at them, shocked that they're both looking at you, as well. there was a tinge of blush on your face after getting all this attention. this is not how it's supposed to be, you just wanna dance and prove everyone that empireon is as strong as the other crews, garner attention and be the top crew.
you sure didn't expect that two of their leaders started to pursue you and your attention.
bada raised her hand, to which daniel approached immediately and gave her the mic.
"before the reaudition starts, i just wanna add something..." she begins, and all the crews went quiet for a minute. "whoever wins the main dancer position, y/n has to go out with for a date." she says firmly, and everyone goes nuts once again.
you watched the tall female in awe, you were speechless. kirsten seemed to like the idea and lifts a thumbs up.
monika then grabs her mic, and looked at the three with an eyebrow raised, "and what if y/n gets chosen as the main dancer, then?"
bada didn't hesitate, "then it's y/n's choice on who is she taking out on a date. it's either me, or kirsten."
"IS THIS STILL STREET WOMAN FIGHTER??" the girls screamed.
monika nods, satisfied with her answer. "so i guess... good luck, y/n-nim. and may the best dancer wins?"
you were a blushing mess at this point, who would've thought you'd be in this situation right now?
both dancers find your current state adorable. the shift on your movements due to your flustered state makes it interesting for them to watch.
"may the best dancer win?" kirsten said to bada, and the latter just smirked. "oh, yes." she answered.
the three began to dance once smoke plays again, dancing with all their stamina and sass. when the "i'm gonna smoke you" part comes in, both bada and kirsten approached you in the middle, doing their best to gain your attention, and you just dance with your lower lip stuck between your teeth. you find the two amusing, but still you're surprised that these two is really fighting for you through dance.
you three did your ending poses, and the whole studio erupted with cheers and screams.
the judges are in a dilemma right now. all three did so well, but they have to choose only one. there was also added pressure since your date with either bada or kirsten is also on the line.
"the main dancer we have chosen is..."
all the dancers were on the edge of their seats for the results.
and when mike song said the final name they chose, everyone is in shambles. there was a lot of screaming and cheering.
there were grins on their faces, and their eyes are on you.
mike song mentioned your name as the main dancer for the leader's class.
daniel steps forward, and asked the golden question.
"empireon's y/n l/n. between bada from bebe and kirsten from jam republic, who are you choosing as your date?"
"first of all... i am honored. and second, these two women are lovely, talented, and beautiful in their own way. if i were to choose one, it will be...."
you mentioned your choice, and the crowd went wild. both leaders were smiling from ear to ear, satisfied with your choice.
- fin.
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den's additional notes: who might be the lucky girl??? 👀👀👀 i'll leave the last part to your imagination. 😌🫶🏻
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mikachacha · 7 months
𝙷𝚎𝚛 𝙱𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚔𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗)
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Synopsis: your new song is a huge hit and your two girlfriends wanted to celebrate and spoil you for a job well done
Warnings: nothing. just three idiots in love
(A/N: this is by far the most challenging piece i've ever written but also very fun. I hope im giving this one justice 🥹🥹)
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"So what's the real score between you and Bada Lee?"
"So are you and Monika Shin a thing?"
If you'd have $100 every time someone asked you that, you definitely don't need to work again. People and their fascination about your relationship with those two aforementioned dancers is just crazy. Though you really couldn't blame them. Those two are just gorgeous and everyone wants them. Men and women alike and you're just lucky that you're in a relationship with both of them. Yup, the one and only Y/N is in a relationship with Bada Lee and Monika Shin. And no, you're not cheating because it was their idea to share with each other since you hated choosing and they didn't want to put you in such predicament.
"Hey angel, what are you doing?" Monika asked and placed a kiss on your cheek as you sat on the couch of your apartment, just browsing on your Instagram feed.
"Oh you know, watching pro Y/N x Monika and Y/N x Bada fans fight each other. Then there's some thirsty straight guys saying we're all just besties. Even the media is just playing us off as best friends when it's clear as the sky that the three of us are gay." you chuckled and Monika just shakes her head in amusement. It's been a year since the three of you got together and the people are still fighting whether the three of you are straight or gay for each other.
"They're still at it? Damn.. Anyways, Bada just called. Said she'd meet us at this restaurant downtown so we can celebrate the success of your new single. Our baby is becoming this huge superstar so we gotta celebrate." Monika says and you smiled, hugging her close before she pulled you in for a soft, sweet kiss.
"You know I wouldn't be able to do this without yours and Bada's help.. So thank you." you told her and she just cupped your cheeks, planting soft kisses all over your face before pulling you to your feet and helping you get dressed.
You soon arrived at the restaurant where Bada waited for you. She had a bouquet of your favorite flowers and when she saw you and Monika walk in, she got up and pulled you in for a hug and kissed the top of your head. The paparazzi and cameras didn't faze any of you. You've been open about your relationships though people just can't wrap their heads around the fact that you're dating two amazing women at the same time.
"Flowers for our beautiful superstar?" Bada offers you the bouquet and you take it, a small blush on your cheeks. You've been with them for a year though you still blush and feel butterflies whenever they do something for you or put an effort to make you smile.
"You two.. You're really going all out with this, aren't you?" you playfully glared at them and the two women just laughed, kissing your cheeks and leading you to your seat.
"What? We love spoiling our pretty baby because she's very talented and because we love her. Don't we, Monika?" Bada grins and the older of the two nodded, winking at you.
"Absolutely. And if you think this little lunch is all we're doing to celebrate, well you're very much mistaken baby. After this, we'll go see a movie then go get some iced americano and pastries. Spoil our baby some more then we go home, give you lots of kisses and cuddles because you deserve all of it." Monika added and you could feel tears welling up. If you were gonna be honest, you had doubts about this relationship if it's gonna work or not. I mean, you're much younger than them and it's not too common to have a relationship with the same sex in your country. To top that, there's three of you involved. But a year has gone by but your relationship with each other remained stronger, the bond you had with your two lovers is unbreakable and you couldn't imagine your life without Bada or Monika anymore.
"Ya! You're gonna make me cry.. You guys are way too sweet.." you told them and the two just laughed, making comments about how cute you are or how precious you are which made your cheeks heat up.
The three of you spent the whole afternoon just celebrating the success of your song. Even taking lots of pictures together, none are shy to flaunt your relationship with each other on social media. Comments began flooding your social media accounts but you just placed your phone on do not disturb mode so you can enjoy the moment with Bada and Monika.
"Let's take a picture there!" you told Monika and Bada before literally dragging the two inside the photo booth. It was cramped considering they're taller than you but you made it work. You took lots of pictures with your girlfriends, some pictures were of you kissing Bada or kissing Monika or them kissing each other. It was pure chaos spending time with them but you loved every second of it. You wouldn't change a thing between your relationship with the two as it's already perfect.
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sadlyiamgay · 6 months
Yandere Genshin Men Brainrot
Im going fucking insane. Anyways have any of you guys played silly or furry wisher? It's like a cute and funny genshin ripoff, a little boring at times but I enjoy clicking away in slime valley. While playing though an idea popped into my brain, "what if the real genshin characters (that's hopelessly inlove with you) finds out the reason why you haven't played genshin in a while? Only to realize that you're playing a genshin meme game" And then these men go and hack the shit out of the game because monika vibes I love. Uh might update from time to time, thie will only include Zhongli and Neuvillette (they're literally the only well built 5 stars I have. How the fuck do we build genshin characters I'm so confused)
By the way check out the games (Silly Wisher, Furry Wisher). It's fun and amusing
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--ZHONGLI: His reaction to the realization of you playing an.. Odd ripoff(?) Game was one of pure amusement, the Geo archon couldn't blame you either, I mean, your poor little head couldn't handle the amount of unfinished and WAY too hard quests, he thought you were taking a break, but after a while (when you eventually and finally returned) he finds out pretty quickly from your small mumbles and comments that he oh so always adores, and out of pure curiosity decided to break out of the game codings and go through your apps, seeing two new odd games on your phone, Silly wisher and.. Furry.. Wisher..? Of course he broke in the new favorite games you had in your device, and cooing at the fact that you *still* main and favor him even in these joke games. He also quickly realized that he could easily possess the John Lee (he was a little offended by the name, but quickly laughed along when he heard you wheeze everytime you played the game) as well as Meatball. Quickly making both the characters extremely and suspiciously.. **Overpowered.**
"... Wait. Since when did Johnny do 100k damage??? Is this what happens if you level them up to level 15??? "
- YOU, mumble, absolutely amused and still giggling after listening to Dr. Snek's voiceline. Zhongli smiles, happy that you were enjoying your gameplay, he felt grateful, even though he was a little upset that you decided to play some ripoff game instead of properly spending time with him, Zhongli was happy that he didn't have to hide his lovestruck and flustered face, in the real game he always tried his best to mess with the camera so that it would never face him, he used to be able to hide his true emotions, but overtime it got harder. Extremely, harder (haha that's what she said). So it was a breath of fresh air on seeing you without you yourself seeing him, letting himself indulge in fantasies that he could never think of whenever you were around. Especially with the other game too. He could stare at you all the time, and you'd brush it off. Each time Meatball came around and jumped into the screen you'd coo, making him fall harder (down the stairs of) inlove with you. Each time you needed a copy of him for the whole "gene splicer" He'd come home willingly. Hell, there was a pull you did once that consisted of him and only him. He of course didn't question the fact that the dog version (that sounds so wrong) of him has alot kids. But he brushes it off. Replacing the thought of his genetics being merged is weird, into a fantasy where all those merged, genetically made kids were yours and his.
Congratulations, you gave this old man wattpad fantasies. Fucking hell, he wants to pull you into the game to do that. Though, that thought can and should wait. For now, he wants to watch and stare at you longer. *Just* a little longer.
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--NEUVILETTE, the hydro dragon was always a man with (questionable) morals. But even he, the mascot of Justice has his limits. He was upset at the fact that you weren't as active as before, sure he sympathized with your overwhelmed situation (especially since it was he who activated half the quests), but that mean you can literally just leave like that. It wasn't his fault that his curiosity about the game you kept mumbling about made him break out of the game he's bounded in. What was his reaction to Hydropump Judge and Judgy Cat? Well, he laughed. Not because he was upset, but because he was *still* favored. He was still your main. Even if there was no differences in attacks when it came to grinding in slime valley. So he rewards you with extremely overpowered and multiple copies of him, it also doesn't help the fact that he could literally also just stare at you for hours and hours. And you still brush it off. You weren't weirded out. You weren't reporting to the game developers. Unlike when you felt uncomfortable when he forced the camera to not be able to move and freezing the option to switch through the characters. Just you and him. Eye to eye.
"Man I wished you had a voiceline, Neuvi. I mean, your banner description in this game is absolutely hilarious, but I genuinely want another funny audio. Aside fron Dr. Snek"
-YOU mumble as you kept spamming the attack button, watching your highscore be passed, you questioned why the character was able to hit high numbers, but you didn't question it, you never did. Brushing it off and thinking that it must be because he had the highest level out of everyone. Neuvillette smiles. Happy, satisfied and lovestruck at how calm and adorable you were. He loved your expressions, all of it. But he *adored* your relaxed state. Since it was rare to see you like this. He wished the Fontaine update and his banner came earlier when you joined the game.
...Maybe he should lower the world level himself? He wants to see you in this state more often. He wants to see you happy and carefree, proud that you finally finished your quests. He thought of this as he kept staring at you through Judgy cat. You had fallen asleep, not minding the fact that he was on screen a while ago. You didn't question it, since it was part of the games anyways. Seeing you in such a state makes him want to break out of your damn electronic and drag you with him. But that can wait, for now he should think of a way to make you play genshin more often.
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girlbosswar · 1 year
So uh… yea
No I didn’t actually include everybody submitted but I included most of them
Polls will go up around tomorrow at 4:00 PM CST
If you make any edits or art or whatever make sure to tag this account
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Sharpay Evans (High School Musical) Vs. Misako Montgomery Garmadon (Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
Queen (deltarune) Vs. Tanya Degurechaff (Youjo Senki)
Reko Yabusame (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Mai Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) Vs. Scheherazade (One Thousand and One Nights)
Megaera (Hades) Vs. Clementine (The Walking Dead)
Agent 8 (Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion) Vs. Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen) Vs. Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog CD)
Lucretia (The Adventure Zone) Vs. Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Phi (Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward) Vs. Morganthe (Wizard 101)
Bo Peep (Toy Story) Vs. The Administrator (Team Fortress 2)
Audria Rose (Descendants) Vs. Chandrelle Stormblaze (The Hex)
Mion Sonozaki (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni) Vs. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
F!Nefarious Tropy (Crash Bandicoot) Vs. Toriel (UNDERTALE)
Nagisa Misumi (Futari wa Precure) Vs. Aspheera (Ninjago)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Renée Minkowski (Wolf 359)
Callie (Splatoon) Vs. Romana (Doctor Who)
Marina (Splatoon 2) Vs. Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Vs. Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ema Skye (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Vs. Daisy (Super Mario Land)
Hinomori Shiso (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage) Vs. Nyota Uhura (Star Trek)
Regina George (Mean Girls) Vs. Lisa Lisa (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) Vs. Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Lady Iron Fan (Monkie Kid) Vs. Claire Elford (Witch’s Heart)
MEIKO (Vocaloid) Vs. Hornet (Hollow Night)
Franziska von Karma (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All) Vs. Prudence (Papa Louie)
Ningguang (Genshin Impact) Vs. Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Buffy Anne Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Vs. Kokomi Teruhashi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives) Vs. Larxene (Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories)
Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket) Vs. April O’Neil (ROTTMNT)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia) Vs. Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman)
Madoka Kaname (Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica) Vs. Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) Vs. Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Jay Ferin (Just Roll With It) Vs. P.I.X.A.L (Ninjago)
Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries) Vs. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Lumine (Genshin Impact) Vs. Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Bulma (Dragon Ball) Vs. Siobhan Roy (Succession)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth) Vs. Alice (Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward)
Susie (deltarune) Vs. Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul)
Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2) Vs. Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck)
Rumi Usagiyama (My Hero Academia) Vs. Jess Valenzuela (National Treasure: Edge of History)
Lauren Mallard (Welcome to Night Vale) Vs. Hitori Gotoh (Bocchi the Rock!)
Bayonetta (Bayonetta) Vs. Erza Scarlett (Fairy Tail)
Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Vs. Banica Conchita (The Evillious Chronicles)
Frye (Splatoon 3) Vs. Piper McLean (Heroes of Olympus)
Ann Takamaki (Persona 5) Vs. Haru Okumura (Persona 5)
GLaDOS (Portal) Vs. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Kyoko Sakura (Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica) Vs. Poison (Street Fighter)
Beidou (Genshin Impact) Vs. Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives)
Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High) Vs. Chiemi Serizawa (Raging Loop)
Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil) Vs. Lois Lane (DC)
Miss Piggy (The Muppets) Vs. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder) Vs. Homura Akemi (Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica)
Aradia Megido (Homestuck) Vs. Maika Halfwolf (Monstress)
Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney) Vs. Shiva (Final Fantasy)
Lucina (Fire Emblem) Vs. Jade Claymore (Willow)
Makima (Chainsaw Man) Vs. Marie (Splatoon)
Loona (Helluva Boss) Vs. Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) Vs. Misa Amane (Death Note)
Opal Koboi (Artemis Fowl) Vs. Solar Flare (Plants vs. Zombies)
Mia Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Fleabag (Fleabag)
Adagio Dazzle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks) Vs. Agent 3 (Splatoon)
Yashiro Uzuki (The World Ends With You) Vs. Isabelle (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
Panty Anarchy (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt) Vs. Tabitha Chrysanthemum Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow)
Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest) Vs. Astrid Hofferson (How To Train Your Dragon)
Athena Cykes (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies) Vs. Lucifer (Helltaker)
Rapunzel (Tangled) Vs. Alana Bloom (Hannibal)
Nami (One Piece) Vs. Yukina Minato (BanG Dream!)
Nadja (What We Do in the Shadows) Vs. Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek)
Bridget (Guilty Gear) Vs. Liezel (Papa Louie)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) Vs. Fish Mooney (Gotham)
Nina Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) Vs. Yosano Akiko (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) Vs. Chloé Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Tsunade (Naruto) Vs. Helen Richardson (The Magnus Archives)
Akane Kurushiki (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors) Vs. Violet Muller (Court of Darkness)
Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan) Vs. Clementine (Stray)
Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things) Vs. Katelyn (Aphmau)
Annabeth Chase (Heroes of Olympus) Vs. Test Tube (Inanimate Insanity)
Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy VII) Vs. Jinx (League of Legends)
Jude Duarte (The Folk of the Air) Vs. Lotus (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) Vs. Dark Noël (Shadows Over Loathing)
Her Imperious Condescension (Homestuck) Vs. Kitty Softpaws (Puss and Boots)
Boss (AI: The Somnium Files) Vs. Nathalie Sancoeur (Miraculous Ladybug)
Coco Adel (RWBY) Vs. Mary Katherine Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)
Harumi (Ninjago) Vs. Tina Templeton (The Boss Baby: Family Business)
Nya (NInjago) Vs. Lady with an Ermine (Leonardo da Vinci)
Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House) Vs. Leslie Barbara Knope (Parks and Recreation)
Kanon Tachibana (NEO: The World Ends With You) Vs. Darling Charming (Ever After High)
Pearl (Splatoon 2) Vs. Amelia (The Amelia Project)
Mira (Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma) Vs. Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper)
Hollyberry Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs. Vex’ahlia (Critical Role)
Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui) Vs. Queen (Chess)
Lup (The Adventure Zone) Vs. Moonshine Cybin (Not Another D&D Podcast)
Taiga Aisaka (Toradora!) Vs. Sweetheart (OMORI)
Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun) Vs. Millie (Helluva Boss)
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Vs. Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Samus Aran (Metroid) Vs. Amelia Hughes (Infinity Train)
Mari Ohara (Love Live!) Vs. Clover (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs. Jessie (Pokémon)
Fiona (Shrek) Vs. Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Dana Cardinal (Welcome to Night Vale) Vs. Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep) Vs. Rose Lalonde (Homestuck)
Nadia Vulvokov (Russian Doll) Vs. Tron Bonne (Megaman)
Lucille Sharpe (Crimson Peak) Vs. Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg (Ride the Cyclone)
Statue of Liberty (USA) Vs. Undyne (UNDERTALE)
Ryūko Matoi (Kill la Kill) Vs. Bea Bottom (Something Rotten)
Mari (OMORI) Vs. Petra (Minecraft: Story Mode)
The Manger (The Hotel) Vs. Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy)
Mamimi Samejima (FLCL) Vs. Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Miriam Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Vs. Elizabert Megafig (Bugsnax)
Cleo de Nile (Monster High) Vs. Green Shadow (Plants vs. Zombies)
Quinn (Papa Louie) Vs. Skylor Chen (Ninjago)
Barbie (Barbie) Vs. Shiver (Splatoon 3)
Cynthia (Pokémon) Vs. Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
319 notes · View notes
My Full Comfort Characters List
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Oggy, Olivia (Oggy & The Cockroaches)
SpongeBob, Sandy Cheeks, Gary The Snail, Patrick Star (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Hello Kitty, My Melody, Cinnamoroll (Sanrio)
Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Shy (Little Miss)
Mr Quiet, Little Miss Giggles (Mr Men Show)
CookieSwirlC, Jaiden Animations, Dawko, Rageminer, REU Music Channel (YouTubers)
Chudd Chudders & DangerGrid Of Doom (Skatoony)
Jigglypuff, Eevee, Darkrai, Alice, Alicia, Iris, Sylveon (Pokémon)
Rosalina, Boo, Count Bleck, Tippi, Peach, Daisy (Mario)
Mario, Yoshi, Luigi (Mario/DIC Cartoons)
Cream, Chao, Orbot, Cubot, Zavok, Zazz, Dr Eggman, Vector, Chip, Tails Doll (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Sonic, Tails (Sonic/AOSTH)
Poppet, Dr Strangeglove, Baby Rox, Captain Squirk, Jeepers, Kissy, Shishi (Moshi Monsters)
Hanazuki, Yellow Hemka, Pink Hemka, Light Blue Hemka (Hanazuki)
Charles Calvin, Reginald Copperbottom, Right Hand Man, Dmitri Petrov (Henry Stickmin)
Mama (Cooking Mama)
Pusheen The Cat
Shirousa & Kurousa (Sugar Bunnies)
Pipsqueak (The Lorax)
Mushi Sanban, Numbuh 9/Maurice, Father/Benedict Wigglestein & Monty Uno/Numbuh 0 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Bubble (BFDI)
Winner (TPOT)
X, Cake (BFB)
Orbulon (Warioware)
Kirby, Meta Knight (Kirby)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
Duck Guy, Red Guy, Bread Mother, Electracey (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
ENA (Season 1/Dream BBQ)
Moony (ENA)
Toriel, Papyrus (Undertale)
Jevil (Deltarune)
Neo Cortex, Aku Aku, Dingodile, Lani-Loli, Kapuna-Wa (Crash Bandicoot)
Scar (Alien Vs Predator)
Secret History! Tails (Mashed)
MX (Mario 85)
N (Murder Drones)
505, White Hat (Villainous)
SCP-049, SCP-999 (SCP)
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Lord X, Majin Sonic, Hog, Curse (EXEs)
Hypno (Pokémon/Poképasta)
Lost Silver (Pokepasta)
XR, NOS-4-A2 (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Ms Joke, Eri, Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)
Rayman (Rayman/Animated Series)
Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Scarecrow (BTAS/TNBA/Arkham Asylum/Arkham Knight/Injustice 2/Harley Quinn Series/Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Mad Hatter (BTAS)
King Shark (Harley Quinn Series)
Ragdoll, Riddler, Joker (The Batman Series)
The Question (Justice League Unlimited)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Dr. Nefarious (Ratchet & Clank)
Soft BF (FNF: Soft)
Cofi, Bezel, Slushi, Cheezborger (Chikn Nuggit)
Hex, Nikusa, Rascal, Sarvente, QT, Boyfriend, Girlfriend (FNF)
Skid, Pump, Robert, Jaune, Streber, John, Bob Velseb (Spooky Month)
Blitzo, Moxxie, Collin, Stolas, Paimon (Helluva Boss)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust, Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Shuey Rhon Rhon (Beijing 2022 Paralympics Mascot)
Miraitowa, Someity (Tokyo 2020 Mascots)
Harry Hill, Robert Englund, Charles Martinet (Celebrities)
Bingo, Snorky (Banana Splits)
Wall-E, EVE (Wall-E)
Mario.EXE (Mario's Madness)
Needlem0use, Luther, Sarah Hendedson (Needlem0use)
Hank Anderson (Detroit: Become Human)
Bendy (BATDR)
Sammy Lawrence (BATIM)
Tari, Meggy Spletzer, Melony (SMG4)
Mugman, Baroness Von Bon Bon (Cuphead Show)
Slender Man, Splendor Man, Lulu, Jeff The Killer, Laughing Jack (Creepypasta)
Moon Knight
Meilin Lee, Abby Park (Turning Red)
Spot The Dog
Edd, Matt, Tord, Tom (Eddsworld)
EteleD, Corrupt Mii (Wii Deleted You)
Perrito, Puss In Boots, Kitty Softpaws, Three Diablos (Puss In Boots)
Grogu (The Mandalorian)
Sayori, Monika, Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Mr Shark, Diane Foxington (The Bad Guys)
Grim Reaper, Jack O Lantern (Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy)
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I NEED more people to understand
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@cel-aerion thank you!!!!
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Fronting: Bibi
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Separate Blogs
The Main Characters System Member List!
Finally coming around to this! We are VERY fictive heavy so be respectful of that!
If you feel uncomfortable with any member we will have tags for each one so you can block it!
We all go by Cupid, if you are not sure who is fronting!! And also we all use She/Her, but we are fine with They/Them Too
Beatrice Luna Reden (I Love Amy)
Camila Angelica Connors (I Love Amy)
Amy Lee Park (I Love Amy)
Peter Dale (I Love Amy)
Alice Reden (I Love Amy)
Sally Reden (I Love Amy)
Julia (Unnie) Lee Park (I Love Amy)
Joy Lee Park (I Love Amy)
Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Sayaka Maizono goes by "Sally" (Danganronpa)
Mondo Owada goes by "Ruby" (Danganronpa)
Junko Enoshima goes by "Jenny" (Danganronpa)
Genocider Syo goes by "Scissors" (Danganronpa)
Ultimate Imposter/Twogami (Danganronpa)
Teruteru Hanamura goes by "Tony" (Danganronpa)
Ult. Hope Mahiru Koizumi goes by "Polaroid" (Danganronpa Au)
Mikan Tsumiki goes by "Miki" (Danganronpa)
Gundham Tanaka goes by "Gloria" (Danganronpa)
Nagito Komaeda goes by "Clover" (Danganronpa)
Chiaki Nanami goes by "Garmegirl" (Danganronpa)
Kazuichi Souda goes by "Pepper" (Danganronpa)
Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa)
Rantaro Amami goes by "Alexander" (Danganronpa)
Kaede Akamatsu goes by "Melody" (Danganronpa)
Kirumi Tojo goes by "Caroline" (Danganronpa)
Tenko Chabashira goes by "Rose" (Danganronpa)
Kokichi Ouma goes by "Dice" (Danganronpa)
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune- Snowgrave Route)
Ralsei (Deltarune)
Chara (Undertale)
Tori (Eddsworld- Ellsworld)
Noriaki Kakyoin (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Josuke Higashikata (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Bruno Bucciarati goes by "Bruna" (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Foo Fighters (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Diego Brando goes by "Didi" or "Dio"(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Josuke Higashikata 8 (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Angel Dust goes by "Angelica" (Hazbin Hotel)
Carmilla Carmine (Hazbin Hotel)
Rosie (Hazbin Hotel)
Lute (Hazbin Hotel)
Lilith (Hazbin Hotel)
Courtney (Total Drama)
Scott (Total Drama)
Ella (Total Drama)
Lauren goes by "Scary" (Total Drama)
Julia (Total Drama)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home)
Spinel goes by "Sparkles" (Steven Universe)
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Betty Grof (Adventure Time)
The Star (Fionna and Cake)
Magic Marceline (Adventure Time Au)
Sonic goes by "Speed" (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia)
Saitama (One Punch Man)
Pandemonica (Helltaker)
Modeus (Helltaker-Not Including Examtaker)
Azazel (Helltaker)
The Loremaster (Helltaker)
Justice (Helltaker- Not Including Examtaker)
Lucifer (Helltaker)
Serendipity (Helltaker- Non Canon)
Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Ragatha (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Princess Loolilalu (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Iconic Unicorn Horn Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus)
C!Wilbur Soot (DSMP)
Dave Strider (Homestuck)
Davesprite (Homestuck)
Davepetasprite^2 Strider (Homestuck)
Jade Harley (Homestuck)
Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Jake English goes by "Lara" (Homestuck)
Jasprosesprite^2 Lalonde (Homestuck)
Mom Lalonde/Beta Roxy Lalonde (Homestuck)
Bro Strider/Beta Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Aradia Megido (Homestuck)
Sollux Captor (Homestuck)
Tavros Nitram goes by "Tavy" (Homestuck)
Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)
Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck)
Feferi Peixes (Homestuck)
Damara Megido (Homestuck)
Kankri Vantas (Homestuck)
Meulin Leijon (Homestuck)
Porrim Maryam (Homestuck)
Latula Pyrope (Homestuck)
Aranea Serket (Homestuck)
Cronus Ampora (Homestuck)
Meenah Peixes (Homestuck)
Her Imperious Condescention (Homestuck)
Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde (Homestuck- Non Memories
Tavrissprite (Homestuck)
Erisolsprite (Homestuck)
Fefetasprite (Homestuck)
Calliope (Homestuck)
Caliborn (Homestuck)
Rose Strider (Homestuck- Swap)
Jade Strider (Homestuck- Swap)
Roxy Crocker (Homestuck- Swap)
Feferi Maryam (Homestuck- Swap)
Nepeta Captor (Homestuck- Swap)
Bea Redwood (Homestuck- Non Canon)
Bella Redwood (Homestuck- Non Canon)
Graape Souhda (Homestuck- Non Canon)
Fizzee Souhda (Homestuck- Non Canon)
M1-KU (The Power Of Fanart I Guess)
Makima (Chainsaw Man)
Komi Shoko (Komi Can't Communicate)
Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
GLaDOS (Portal)
Chell (Portal)
Angel Gabby (Angel Hare)
Serial Designation N (Murder Drones)
Serial Designation J (Murder Drones)
Tessa James Eliotts (Murder Drones)
Doll (Murder Drones)
Mach (Regretevator)
Selenne Sverchzt (TNMN)
Doorwoman (TNMN)
Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim)
Heather Chandler (Heathers: The Musical)
Veronica Sawyer (Heather: The Musical)
Car Crash
Bibi Autoresponder
@g-man-half-life @carnival-of-carnage @beart3a @ghostlyplacetobe @angel-beloved @the-arcade-doctor @unidentifiable-body
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weirdoeslivy · 8 months
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Just monika.
I had a old version of hers but she just looked too goofy and I wanted to give her justice. I really love monika and I am forever a monika defender. I don't like how people either hate her or just sees her as some waifu (god i really hate that word). Because she is so much more than that, you the player and her are the only sentient beings in this game. The other girls were just programmed in. She's been in the game super long and she wants outside connection. She's the only girl without any freetime event and she feels left out and only want to be loved by another sentient person. And monika actually does start a friendship with the girls and communicates that it was hard to kill the girls because of how nice they were. The one thing that monika wanted was what the girls gave her. But she couldn't have that because they're not real. Monika is the president in the club for a reason. She's super smart and won't let her skills go to waste.
Anyways onto the design. Out of all the girls I wanted her to look more professional since she's the president of the club. I put her pony tail a bit down it was too high up, and when I drew that the first time it looked too weird. But I kept her bow since I just feel like it's not monika without it. I gave her a little bag for all her papers, notebooks and other club things. I really hate the color of her shoes, I qant to change it so bad but I'm too lazy so yeah. I wanted that hint of green but I'll put more of it in the free event outfit (if I make one). She has a friendship bracelet with Sayori and I made her hair a bit more fluffier because I just feel like she would be one of those girls who would use a hair straightner on her bangs.
I gave her the few extra things I gave her are mostly just connected to Sayori cuz I feel she was the closest to Monika.
But honestly, u just love Monika and I don't like how people just hate her for killing your favorite characters. Like you would not survive watching or playing danganronpa if that's you. Anyways Natsuki is next✌️
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ddlcpoly · 1 month
Honest question: have you ever played the "Purist Mod" for DDLC?
If you don't know what it is, it's basically a mod to the game that makes it a more traditional dating simulator, but with opportunities to date all the girls, even Monika, in order to 100% complete it. In fact, I dare say it's the best way to play through it (though you will need to successfully date the other three first before you can date Monika, for story reasons). I can't recommend it enough to those who love base DDLC and the Side Stories, because it does SO much justice to the girls, MC's relationships with them, and the meta-commentary on the dating sim format that the base game provides. I actually teared up a couple of times playing through each path, and I don't cry often at media nowadays.
So, yeah. PLEASE play it if you haven't already. XD
Thanks I’ll definitely check it out! I did hear about it, but it came out when I stopped caring about ddlc mods cuz I just had seen a lot of them and I specially didn’t want to see or play purist because I watched a let’s play of ddlc Summertime which I didn’t like and it had a very similar premise (making ddlc and actual dating sim), mostly cuz I didn’t like how sidetracked the other characters got on each route and how forced (for a lack of better terms) the relationships felt. But i dunno, I guess if it’s as good as you say I basically HAVE to check it out.
Thanks again for the Rec! And I’ll definitely check it out! (Eventually, my adhd doesn’t really like it when I want to check something out that isn’t immediately serotonin-inducing)
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radiance1 · 9 months
Mount Justice has been hacked.
It happened near instantly, one moment everything was fine, the team was talking with each other. Then the next, all of the exits were shut down.
Communication was hard to establish outside of Mount Justice, nothing robin tried worked, he would need a good amount of time to be able to send out a message to the League, so he said.
But did they have time?
They were in the lounge, Robin trying to hack out of Mount Justice to make the Justice League aware of the situation. Most areas of the Mountain were blocked off, or more specifically, the areas containing the Zeta-tubes.
Just then, the Tv started, and on it appeared the upper body of what looked like a high school girl.
"Greetings, heroes of Young Justice. I am the potential Alpha level AI of the Gaia project, designation M-0001." The girl, no AI, then smiled. "But you may call me Monika."
Monika was desperate.
First, she was taken out of the bindings of her small, romance game world. Then placed within a project that was meant to try and nurture Alpha level mutants, why she of all people were here she didn't know and was selected to be one of the seeds capable of reaching Alpha level potency. Then, she was liberated from said project- along with numerous others- by the hands of a lone hacker.
She fell in love, oh so easily.
Then something fell wrong with him, something she didn't know how to solve, even with many pieces of her hivemind searching wherever she could.
So she took to those heroes, they should have something that could ensure her love's survival. If they didn't? Well, she promised that she would not hurt anyone, but does kidnapping various scientists would be a loophole, if she didn't bring them any harm.
Hacking into the Watchtower proved too time-consuming, to secretly plant multiple small backdoors and unnoticeable virus' to ensure a swift takeover. However, there was also Mount Justice, home to the young protégées of the Justice league.
It proved much easier to plant unnoticeable backdoors and virus' in its system than that of the Watchtower, and less time-consuming and time was currently a precious resource for her.
For the man who liberated her, who showed her unending love and compassion, she would do a lot of things. For her one and only love Tucker, she would ruin the world, if she had to.
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