#justice for river song fr
quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
(i do try not to think about that episode so much because it does annoy me greatly that it’s this build up of. everyone around the doctor loves him so much they’d risk destroying time itself to save his life. river resists shooting him, amy puts together pieces of him in her head enough to want to help him across reality breaking, and at the end, the whole of time and space hears someone say “the doctor needs help!” and they come to answer. because that’s the good he puts out into the universe. people will come. if he just asks, they’ll come.
and then the episode turns around and goes, ‘yeah, anyway, river’s an idiot for doing all this dramatic shit to save him lol. the doctor had a plan all along to save himself. he doesn’t need anyone’s help.’ like THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT. OF EVERYONE WHO CAME. TO HELP HIM. WHY DID WE BOTHER WITH ANY OF THIS.)
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kind of going back to a post i made earlier but assuming bruce is the same in justice league as he is in the new batman adventures (i think he is? but im just going off of how his non-masked character design didn’t really change) but i’d like to think bruce sang tim to sleep. or just sang to him in general. like in the rare moments he gets to relax, he puts on like an old frank sinatra record cause i definitely peg bruce (i could just end the sentence there but i wont) for a jazz standards, great american songbook, tin pan alley, old musical theatre standards, etc. kind of guy. “am i blue” might be his favorite but he also enjoys “the riddle song”, which i recommend the sam cooke version (the song choices here are basically me just projecting, bruce is just like me fr), “moon river”, etc. this is the stuff you’re gonna hear while bruce is reading with a nice cup of coffee, on a rainy day and he even sends sheet music of his favorite arrangements to the musicians he hires for galas. it brings him peace cause this is the kind of music his father showed him so he’s passing it down to tim, like a family heirloom of sorts. bruce is very musically talented, he was definitely a rich kid who took piano lessons and while he’s not the next beethoven, he can play a pretty sweet rendition of “dream a little dream of me”. tim will just sit at the piano and stare and bruce will sit beside him and start playing and he puts tim’s hands on his and oh god give me a sec i’ll start crying. and the thing is bruce is always making music. he has a lovely, melodic, and deep voice and humming is second nature, as well as whistling. sometimes tim asks bruce to sing him to sleep and sometimes bruce is already singing as he puts tim to bed and will finish his song as the boy’s eyes are fluttering shut.
i just got really emo about timmy todd’s relationship w/ bruce in TNBA, they are SOOOO father and son and my favorite iteration of the characters (comic purists are rolling over in their graves but idc). i love scenes when bruce is so father to tim like in “cold comfort” when freeze threatens to kill tim, the surrogate son, as a way of harming bruce and the fear in tim’s eyes is that of a scared kid and he’s not even in robin mode. he’s just scared out of his mind. or scenes when he’s doing homework in the manor living room. or even the very small sentence in the comics where bruce says “tim’s asleep in the east wing” which to me implies bruce puts tim to bed himself.
if i could have eight more seasons of TNBA and at least 150 more issues of the comic series within that universe, i’d be a happy, happy, woman.
okay this was word vomit and made no sense but this is what im contributing for the day.
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soyboysace · 2 years
say what u want about moffat's writing but lemme just say this: as painful (and i mean painful like fr moffat wtf bestie) as the whole face the raven to husbands of river song stories were, moffat did damn good at doing justice when it came to the endings of clara and river. it would've been such an injustice to river if clara stayed or if twelve's memory didn't get erased and vice versa. he got to focus on two pains separately and at the right times. it gave good individual focus on both with neither having to be overshadowed by each other's demise and i appreciate that.
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riverdamien · 5 years
Living With Hope in the Wilderness
Living with Hope in the Wilderness On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, we are reminded that we are a people that live in the light of Christ. We are called to live rejoicing with the deep knowledge that despite the harshness, the cruelty and coldness that we experience in our world, Christ, the Son of Justice, has conquered all sin, oppression and even death itself. We are reminded that Christ who has come, continues to incarnate God’s love in and through each one of us and throughout all of creation. It’s not easy to live in hope and rejoicing when we are so deeply immersed in the current reality of divisiveness. Hope dims in the viciousness of racism with its underlying and fundamental desire to dehumanize the other, people who are created in the image of God. Hope dims in the callous and self-serving attitudes that prefer to be blind to the presence of God’s divine beauty within and throughout all of creation, so that, individually and corporately, we continue to indulge in our consumption and abuse of the earth and its resources. In ancient times, the prophet Isaiah spoke of creation not simply as incidental or inanimate matter. He foretold of God’s promise that, “The desert and the parched land will exult; the steppe will rejoice and bloom. They will bloom with abundant flowers, and rejoice with joyful song.” James, writing to the Jewish Christian community in Jerusalem, called the people to be patient. This resounds with the Advent theme of waiting and patience, however, let us remember that James was writing to people who were excluded and barred from worship in their synagogues and so perhaps also cut off from their families, friends and community, simply because of their following Christ. In this light, the call of James was a message of hope and encouragement in a dark and troubling time for these early Christians. And so clearly in the gospel, Jesus in his message to John the Baptist, reveals himself as the promised one. "Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them.” Woven throughout our readings this Advent Sunday are the values, the hope and the guiding principles of our Catholic Social Teaching. Let us continue to be the light of Christ as we uphold all of life and the dignity of every human person, as we promote the integrity of families and communities with the invitation and welcome for all, and as we continue to grow in our care for God’s creation with a deepening awareness that all life, all people are integrally connected. In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis made the following appeal: “The urgent challenge to protect our common home includes a concern to bring the whole human family together to seek a sustainable and integral development, for we know that things can change. The Creator does not abandon us; he never forsakes his loving plan or repents of having created us. Humanity still has the ability to work together in building our common home.” May our Advent prayer, our service and advocacy bring the healing presence of Christ to birth in our world crying out for justice and peace. Sr. Margaret Magee, OSF FAN Board Member Collect Prayer: O God, who see how your people faithfully await the feast of the Lord’s Nativity, enable us, we pray, to attain the joys of so great a salvation and to celebrate them always with solemn worship and glad rejoicing. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. In our second month as a student pastor, we brought a youth group from our college church to our hometown, to spend a week in the "projects". We had been in and out of the segregated black community for years delivering groceries and our house keepers lived there. But we lived in an affluent neighborhood, and so the shock set in, and began a conversion experience that continues to this day. We fought to end poverty, and we have come to realize that "the poor have been with us always," and our call is to be a listener, to walk with individuals, and in listening, see their lives transformed into a new ways of living, and to heed the words of Elizabeth Gilbert when she says: "You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures." And so that is our approach to ministry, and to life. This Christmas we ask you to join with us in being "listeners" in several ways: First: If would like to give, please give financially. We have our gifts bought, and need to refill our treasury, and secondly to bring in other gifts result in difficulties at the church. We spent three hours last week cleaning out the basement. St. Anthony's, The Salvation Army, The Gubbio Project are three programs that will take clothing. We are giving out stocking hats, and socks. Simple, and also items that we can carry. Second, and the most important thing you can do is to pray for us during this Advent Season. We also will not be taking any one out with us in giving gifts, it simply is our time to listen, and simply to be present with people we encounter. We snap chat, talk in person, and text with adolescents and older all day long, listening, and so pray for us. "Prayer requires that we stand in God's presence with open hands, naked and vulnerable, proclaiming to ourselves and to others that without God we can do nothing. This is difficult in a climate where the predominant counsel is "Do your best and God will do the rest." When life is divided into "our best" and "God's rest," we have turned prayer into a last resort to be used only when all our resources are depleted. Then even the Lord has become the victim of our impatience. Discipleship does not mean to use God when we can no longer function ourselves. On the contrary, it means to recognize that we can do nothing at all, but that God can do everything through us. As disciples, we find not some but all of our strength, hope, courage, and confidence in God. Therefore, prayer must be our first concern." Fr. Henri Nouwen Allow God to do something through you today. It might be an act of charity for someone in need, a visit to someone who is lonely. Or it might be a willingness to forgive an injury or to accept forgiveness. It might even be something God wants you to do for yourself, like accept the rest God is offering to you. Whatever God accomplishes through you, give heartfelt thanks. Fr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T. P.O.Box 642656 San Francisco, CA 94164 www.temenos.org 415-305-2124
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