quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
(i do try not to think about that episode so much because it does annoy me greatly that it’s this build up of. everyone around the doctor loves him so much they’d risk destroying time itself to save his life. river resists shooting him, amy puts together pieces of him in her head enough to want to help him across reality breaking, and at the end, the whole of time and space hears someone say “the doctor needs help!” and they come to answer. because that’s the good he puts out into the universe. people will come. if he just asks, they’ll come.
and then the episode turns around and goes, ‘yeah, anyway, river’s an idiot for doing all this dramatic shit to save him lol. the doctor had a plan all along to save himself. he doesn’t need anyone’s help.’ like THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT. OF EVERYONE WHO CAME. TO HELP HIM. WHY DID WE BOTHER WITH ANY OF THIS.)
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2smolbeans · 11 months
Part 1 Part 2.5 character info
He let out a soft series of chuckles. Staring at you with a pitiful look, showing an expression of fake sympathy.
"I don't love you, and I never will. Not even if you beg and try. "
Love Me, Love Me Not (2)
Yandere Best Friend x Obstacle Reader
Tags: small description of Nsfw- they don't fuck, self loathing, hostage keeping, one sided attraction, betrayal, mentions of previous friendships the yandere broke, slight angst, yandere is attracted to someone else, escape planning, mentions of a previous murder victim, reader is complicit to the murders, guilt, past memories.
Disclaimer: This is just a scenario I thought of with an Oc! So nothing is really 'official' or canon-
You look at the door, contemplating your next move. It's right there, just staring at you. The latch was loose, Marco didn't consficate the butter knife like he did usually whenever the two of you ate, and he was no where to be seen. It was so fucking conveinent, so perfect. Too perfect...Maybe you were just paranoid. The latch. The door. Just do it. Run. Sprint. Why were you panicking? This was all on you now. Your legs were shaking as you wobbled your way towards the door, grabbing the butterknife that you were previously cutting the lamb chops with. Trembling, you tried to bust open the secuirty latch. But ultimately you ended up throwing the butterknife into the sink.
Falling onto the couch, grabbing a soft pillow as a soother, you let out a frustrated scream. It's better to be safe than sorry. If anything, Marco could be hiding behind the door waiting for you. For all you know, Marco could be waiting outside the apartment complex exits, standing by while he prepares to tackle you when you finally rush outside. He could be testing you. Why wouldn’t he? It was just predictable. You knew better than to assume that Marco would freely let you loose.
So you waited, and waited. The more time passed, the more you started second guessing your choice. Wow, maybe he was just clumsy. For what seemed like forever, Marco finally rushed into the room, slamming the door open before closing it shut.
"Did I scare ya?"
He smugly spoke, swaying his way towards you while he dragged two suitcases. Stiff from the frozen fear that had shot you in the chest, you only stared at Marco wide eyed.
"I'll take that as a yes..? Anyways stay put, I just need to do this real quick.."
Peeking into the contents of the suitcases, you heard Marco examine and fix the locks. Noticing that one of the latches were left loose, Marco turned back to look at you- surpirsed yet expecting this from you. You stayed, you're still here.
While Marco was preoccupied with himself, you reached out into one of the luggages. It was your stuff! Holding out an old shirt of yours, you let out an accidental gasp.
"Oh yeah, I figured that you might want a few things of yours. I mean I can't have my roomie empty handed~"
Underwear, socks, shirts- everything! He even brought a few extra things like your plushies and accessories! Smiling, you thanked him while you zipped up the zipper of the suitcase.
"No problem dude! Anyways you can go do whatever, fool around in your room or something. I dunno?"
Can you leave?
"Hahaha! HA! You're hilarious!"
Scoffing, you nudged Marco's shoulder, making your way to your 'bedroom'. Closing the door behind you, you took out all of your belongings from the two suitcases. Searching through the pile of stuff you had, you managed to find your phone! Immediately powering it on, you tried calling the authorities. Even trying to turn on your mobile data so that you could contact somebody through your socials. Though expectantly, your phone had blocked all of those options. No service, no nothing. Scrolling through the photo gallery, you looked at the photos you took, all the stupid screenshots you saved. You and him, it's always been the two of you. Of course, sometimes it would be you, him, and.. Matheias and Angela.. You just stare at their faces, feeling nothing as you observe their smiles. You were all so happy back then..
Matheias screamed as he lunged himself towards Marco, crying as his sobs echoed the room. Quickly, you grabbed Matheias by the arm, struggling to keep him still as he dragged you along with him. You shouted at Matheias, scolding him while also begging him to calm down as he continued to howl at Marco. Trying your best to keep Matheias away from Marco, you were forced onto the floor as Matheias shoved you away from him. Showing concern, Marco rushed towards you, trying to help you back on your feet.
He screeched, throwing chairs, his face red with anger. Helping you up, Marco cautiously approached Matheias- holding his two palms up as he slowly approached. Calmly, Marco tried to speak to Matheias.
"Come on..Please let's not do this. Not now - just not now, okay? Please, let's just talk this out-"
Panicked, Matheias threw something at Marco, trying to keep more distance.
"LIAR! You fucking CUNT!"
Persistent, Marco was beginning to lose his composure. His voice was now on the verge of shaky tears as he lowered himself to Matheias's height level.
"P-Please..We just- it's her- fucking hell.. Come on Matheias! Really man?"
The more Marco spoke with sincerity, the more Matheias reacted. The more Marco tried to reach out to Matheias, his grieving work buddy.. His best friend..The more terrified you saw Matheias get.
"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. You're sick- Stop that. Those aren't real.."
Trying to descalate the situation, you spoke firmly towards Matheias. Enough is enough. You've had it with the accusations about Marco, the delusions and rumors Matheias had accumulated about him. It was tiring seeing Matheias grow bitter against the only person trying to hold everyone together. You were annoyed with how he was reacting. Everyone was mourning, nobody was themselves. You understand that, you can sympthazie with him. You're also hurting. You miss her too. It was just the three of you now. So why, out of all people, he could've chosen to take his anger out, did it have to be Marco? Hysterically, Matheias let out a series of laughs. Rolling his eyes as he pointed a finger at you.
"Oh yeah! Of course you believe him! I think I know why. Trying to get some brownie points aren't you?"
He marched towards you, keeping his finger pointed at you. His voice so loud and angry, it began to ring your ears.
"It's always been like that! Don't you find it fucking unfair how he's always the innocent little sheep in every sitaution?!"
He let out an exasperated breath, his hands aggressively flying everywhere.
"But NOOOOOO! EVERYONE LOVESSS MARCO! The fucking psychopath. Fucking murderer. And I'm the only one that fucking knows!"
Stop it, you beg. You're being delusional, you cried. You held back your tongue, knowing that Matheias wasn't being himself. He always had an issue with his temper, so you knew you had to be patient with him. But you've done that so many times throughout the friendship. It's beginning to run thin. Espically now.
"Why don't you just say it huh? Why don't you just admit it? Tell him. Just fucking-"
Out of instinct, you rushed towards Matheias. Raising your hand as the palm of it harshly came into contact with his face. Tears streaming down your cheeks, you slap him again..And again..And again..Stopping when Marco had to pull you away from him. Holding you in a hug as the hiccups and sniffles begin to escape you.
It was quiet for a while. Your sniffles and his loud, hyperventilating breathes were the only thing left in the room. You remember the look in his eyes, the grief he felt when he saw Marco shake his head dissapointingly. As tension filled the room, suffocating the three of you in an uncomfortable moment- unsure of what was to happen next. Matheias finally spoke up, defeated as he slammed his hand against the table. Memorial cards, photographs, and sympathy letters falling onto the ground.
"..You know what? Fine. Suit yourself. But she's gone, and I know who fucking did it. Sooner or later, you'll know I'm right. And when you do, you'll be wishing that you listened to me."
Without a word, Matheias grabbed a memorial card. Shoving chairs out of his way while he walked out the door. With a final glance, he looked at Marco, and then at you. Scowling, he shut the door violently, leaving you and Marco alone.
Your eyes burned as you stared at the ground. Your body feeling limp as you pressed your back against the bedframe for support. Matheias was always the smart fucker of the group..You wonder how he'd react if he knew what was going on. Probably with a snarky remark of how "I told you so!". Funny how the end of their close bond was the start of yours. You want to cry, to get rid of this awful feel that brewed inside of you. But you can't. Maybe it was your body's way of punishing you for being such an awful human being.
Yeah sit with your guilt. Let it simmer with no outlet to release it.
Looking at the screen, you decided to check out your notes. Scrolling through them, you recalled how you always used it as a personal diary rather than a proper agenda tool. Just a pile of insecurities about your crush on a friend who clearly had the hots for someone else. A bunch of useless shit that you bitched about. A series of notes that revealed what type of selfish person you truly were.
Last opened a week ago...?
Your heart sank as you looked at the bottom of each note.
Each note, every single one of them, he read them all. All the words you said to yourself, all the thoughts that you had- he knew about it. You went rigid the more you thought about it. Before..Was he playing with your feelings? He knowingly roped you into this shitfest because he knew he had you wrapped around his little finger. You were the perfect loyal pawn that helped him clean the messes.
Hahaha. Haha. Ha.
That's hilarious, isn't it? You stand up, furious of how stupidly feeble you felt. You pick up the clothes and your belongings and organize them in their rightful place. The couch, when he touched you like that..It was just to keep you on your toes, to keep you obedient. Your 'reward' for being so good.. Pissed, you started to pace around your room. That's it, you want out. You should've left the room when you had the chance. You lay there on the floor, mind numb as you stare into nothingness. That poor girlfriend, whoever they are, hoped they were okay. Why did Marco like them again? How did they even meet? Do you even remember what she looks like? You should know, he's talked about her so many times you've lost count. Charlie? Ashlyn? Abby? No.. none of those sounded right. Does it matter in the end? You should be worrying about yourself.
What if you tied your clothes and made a makeshift rope? Looking down through the window, you grimaced as you thought about it. It's too high. You're on the highest floor of the building. You laughed at another desperate thought that came up. What if you fought Marco yourself? Sure, yeah, if you wanted to get suplexed to death. Right, fight the 6'2 "maniac who goes to the gym every week and could easily pick you up like a ragdoll. There has to be someway.. Who knows how long he really plans on keeping you. It was so easy for him to drop Matheias, someone he knew longer than you - and swiftly wiped Angela off the face of the earth. You're next. Time was ticking. You sat there for a while. Thinking to yourself. Did Marco really care about anything other than himself? Is he capable of emotion? He has some capability, or maybe he plays the illusion that he does fairly well.
Without another thought, you got up, walking towards his room. Knocking the door, you called his name. No answer. You knock again. No answer. You try opening the door to check if he's inside. It's locked. Going to the front door, you began to play with the locks. Loudly banging them against the doorframe, the metalic sounds echoing the entire room. Still no response. Using this opportunity, you scan the entire apartment, looking for anything you could use or take note of. But you couldn’t think of anything. Deciding to go back to your room, you try to get some shut eye. Changing into some nightwear to get comfortable.
Eventually, you were able to find yourself melting into the matress. Dreaming about what could've been, you were sound asleep. You wished you could've stayed like that forever. Blissful and full of rest. However, it was short-lived as you felt yourself being lifted up. Groggily, you were brought up onto your knees. Slowly, you were propped up at a certain position while a warm breath fanned against the back of your neck. Your back was pressed against his chest, legs spread apart, and hands on both sides of your thighs. Fully awake and aware, you froze as you felt his hands play with your chest - barely grazing at your nipples. Alert, you tried to turn your body away from his wandering hands. Out of protest against your reaction, Marco hushed you as he pushed you back to the position.
"Ah ah ah. Nono. Stay put for me okay? Trust me"
It felt so foreign with the way he spoke to you with such geniune softness. You couldn't help but lean further against his body as he began to travel his hands further down your lower half.
"You've been so good, such a good friend to me..I've never really thanked you properly, so I'll do it now..Yeah?"
His hands now grabbing onto the waistband of your pajama pants, you went paralyzed. Why was he doing this?
"You deserve it. That's why.. Do you not like this?"
What about her? Doesn't he hate you for standing in the way?
"Just answer my question. Do you like this or not?"
You were starting to get on his nerves. So quietly, you meekly squeaked for him to continue. Even though you knew you should've denied his offer and advances, you still couldn't help but fall into him. So, lifting your hips up, you allowed him to pull your pants down.
"I just want to make it up to you, that's all..You'd enjoy something like this afterall.."
Rubbing all the right places, going at that perfect rhythmic pace, focusing on your body movements. He made sure to treat you carefully, leaving gentle kisses along your neck as he watched your chest rise up and down. Back and fourth, he left your mind in a daze as he whispered those sweet praises into your ears.
"Finally got what you wanted, huh? How long have you been thinking of this for? Hah.. And don't lie to me, I know everything.."
You didn't answer him as you focused on chasing your release. Your hands pathetically gripping onto his arms while you whined as his hands continued to play and stroke at your sex.
"It's only fair. I realised if you hadn't helped me, I would've been so lost..So good job. You did so well for me. You earned this"
Twisting and brewing, you felt the heat inside you threaten to spill as he changed his pace. His hands now trying to chass the pleasure out of you while you quivered underneath him. You were close, so close to tipping over the edge.
"I love you"
With those words that you so desperately fantasized about for years, you felt the heat in your body spread. Milking out your orgasm, Marco continued at the same rhythm, pulling his hand away after he felt you try to shove him off. Getting off the bed as he left you there to calm down, he wiped his hands dry. Smirking at you as if he had just pulled the world's most amazing prank.
"I did good didn't I?"
....What the fuck was that? Why in the hell did you say yes? Why the fuck did he- Looking at him in confusion, you pulled up your pants. Giving him a look that demanded an answer.
"Okayy fine. I just felt like it. Plus it's fun seeing you melt like puddy!"
Huh? You felt dumbfounded as he kept walking around the dark room. The moonlight providing the only source of light to the bedroom.
"It's funny..You like me. I've known that for a while..Even before the notes. You were never really a good liar."
He let out a soft series of chuckles. Staring at you with a pitiful look, showing an expression of fake sympathy.
"I don't love you, and I never will. Not even if you beg and try. "
He leaned close to your face, his hands caressing your cheek.
"I only said it to get your rocks off. And clearly..It worked~"
Well fucking ouch..A pang went through your chest as Marco moved away from you. Disregarding your feelings he kept going, the softness and genuie warmth you felt earlier, disintegrated into nothingness. Like a flip switched inside him, he was back to his comedic cold personality.
"Ohh hun..Please don't be dissapointed. I wasn't lying when I said you deserved every second of that moment.."
Circling the room, he continued to monolog casually.
"Afterall for being such an obedient dog staying put in the room..You deserved a little treat!"
Patting your head to further squeeze out the feelings in your heart, Marco left the room.
"I'll see you tommorow okay? Dream about me~"
Alone by yourself again as you laid your body on the bed. You curled yourself into a ball, grabbing all the blankets, hugging them for some comfort. His words replayed in your head, trying to process what just happened. He was fucking with you. But why? Why like that? Staring up at the ceiling with your back on the bed, you muttered a few words while you felt the shame creep up on you.
What an asshole.
Part 3 coming soon!
You looked at her in horror as she sat there on the chair, tied up and gagged. Her face was stained with fresh tears as she struggled against her restraints. Oh god, did things not go well with her and Marco? Why was she here? You tried calming her down as she thrashed around, threatening to tip over the chair.
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jakesaverse · 3 months
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Synopsis: On her 21st birthday, Y/n wakes up overwhelmed by guilt and sorrow. It’s not just her birthday; it’s also the third anniversary of her high school boyfriend Jake’s tragic death. Surviving the accident that took Jake’s life, Y/n is haunted by memories of their love and the future they lost. In a moment of desperate longing, she makes a wish to see Jake again and is miraculously transported back in time to when Jake was alive. However, she finds that Jake now hates her, adding a new layer of pain and confusion. Determined to change his fate and earn his tolerance, she resolves to do everything in her power to ensure he escapes death this time.
Reader: Jake x reader
Authors note: Hello! I know it’s been awhile since I’ve uploaded or really updated about my process and I am SOOOO sorry 😭. I’ve had a pretty rough writers block right after I posted my second chapter. And I’m still having it but it’s slowly getting better ❤️‍🩹. This chapter is more on the emotional side ( all of them have been but yk what I mean I hope). Also, this is meant to be slow burn so please keep that in mind. Anyways, thank you for your patience and hopefully it was worth the wait 🥰! Thank you for your support 🫶🫶!!
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Jake jolted awake, drenched in sweat, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. The remnants of the nightmare clung to his mind, vivid and tormenting. He could still see the shadows closing in, suffocating him, and the echo of Y/N's words, "I’m trying to save you," haunting his every thought.
He sat up, gasping for air, and looked around his dimly lit room. The broken mirror on the wall caught his eye, a cruel reminder of his earlier outburst. Anger and despair had driven him to punch it, shattering both the glass and a piece of himself.
Jake's hand trembled as he reached for the first aid kit on his bedside table. His wrist was still bleeding, the pain sharp and relentless. He wrapped the bandage around it, each twist of the fabric feeling like a futile attempt to hold himself together.
As he tightened the bandage, tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't escape the image of the man in the mirror—so lost, so alone. The reflection was a stark contrast to the facade he showed the world. In truth, he was drowning in his own isolation, burdened by the weight of his past and the guilt that gnawed at his soul.
Y/N's words echoed louder now, cutting through the silence of the room. "I’m trying to save you ." At first, he had dismissed her as crazy, but now those words felt like a lifeline. Why did he need to be saved? What did she see in him that he couldn't see in himself?
Jake's thoughts spiraled as he tried to make sense of it all. He thought about his life, the constant feeling of not being enough, and the relentless self-blame. He had pushed everyone away, convinced that he didn't deserve their love or friendship. The loneliness was suffocating.
And yet, Y/N's words had pierced through his defenses. Despite everything, they had reached him. Maybe, just maybe, she was right. Maybe he did need saving—from his anger, his guilt, and the darkness that consumed him.
As he looked at the shattered mirror, Jake made a silent vow. He would find out what Y/N meant. He would confront his demons and try to understand why he needed to be saved. It was a small glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak existence, but it was enough to keep him going.
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Sunghoon arrived at Jake's apartment early in the morning, the sun barely peeking over the horizon. He had been worried about Jake ever since their last conversation. Jake had seemed distant, lost in his thoughts, and Sunghoon knew all too well how his friend tended to shut down if he didn't talk about what was bothering him.
Quietly, Sunghoon pulled out the spare key Jake had given him for emergencies and let himself in. He carried a bag of food, hoping that a warm meal might help lift Jake's spirits. As he stepped inside, he was struck by the silence and the disarray. The broken mirror, the scattered shards of glass, and the overall mess painted a clear picture of Jake's turmoil.
Sunghoon found Jake slumped on the couch, looking disheveled and exhausted. His eyes immediately went to the bandaged wrist, the blood seeping through the white fabric. Sunghoon's heart sank.
"Jake, what the hell happened?" Sunghoon's voice was a mix of concern and frustration as he set the bag of food on the table and rushed to his friend's side.
Jake looked up, startled. "Sunghoon? How did you—"
"I used the spare key. I was worried about you." Sunghoon gestured to the bandage. "You hurt yourself again. You can't keep doing this, Jake."
Jake sighed, his head in his hands. "It's nothing, Sunghoon. Just had a rough night."
"Nothing? This is not nothing!" Sunghoon's voice softened as he sat beside Jake. "Talk to me. What's going on? You can't keep bottling this up. It's eating you alive."
For a moment, there was silence. Jake struggled to find the words, his emotions a tangled mess. Finally, he looked up, his eyes filled with pain. "I had a nightmare. It felt so real, and I woke up feeling... broken. I can't shake this feeling, Sunghoon. I feel like I'm drowning in my own thoughts, and I don't know how to stop it."
Sunghoon placed a reassuring hand on Jake's shoulder. "You don't have to go through this alone, Jake. I'm here for you. We all are. But you need to let us in. You need to talk about what's going on inside your head."
Jake nodded slowly, tears brimming in his eyes. "I know. It's just so hard. I feel like I'm not enough, like I'm always failing."
"You're not failing, Jake. You're human. We all have our struggles, but we face them together. You don't have to carry this burden by yourself."
Jake took a deep breath, the weight on his chest feeling a little lighter. "Thanks, Sunghoon. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Sunghoon smiled, giving Jake's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You'll never have to find out. Now, let's get that wrist properly cleaned up, and then we'll figure this out together. One step at a time."
As Sunghoon helped Jake with his bandage and then unpacked the food, a sense of hope began to bloom in the room. It wasn't a solution to all of Jake's problems, but it was a start. And sometimes, that's all you need to begin healing.
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Sunghoon sat across from Jake, he was talking about their plans for the upcoming weekend, but he noticed Jake's eyes drifting away, staring blankly out the window. Sunghoon knew this look all too well. Jake often spaced out like this when he was really struggling with something heavy on his mind.
Sunghoon's voice softened, careful not to startle Jake out of his thoughts. "You know, Jake, it's been a while since we went to the beach. How about we get some fresh air?"
Jake blinked, his focus slowly returning to the present. "The beach?"
"Yeah," Sunghoon said with a gentle smile. "It could be good for you. We can invite Jay too. Just the three of us, like old times."
Jake's lips curved into a small, grateful smile. "That sounds nice."
Sunghoon pulled out his phone and quickly sent a text to Jay. Within moments, Jay replied with an enthusiastic "I'm in!"
"Jay's on board," Sunghoon said, standing up and offering his hand to Jake. "Let's go."
They gathered their things and headed out the door. The drive to the beach was filled with light chatter, mostly led by Sunghoon, with Jake giving occasional nods or short responses. Sunghoon didn't mind; he was just glad to see a hint of relaxation in Jake's demeanor.
When they arrived at the beach, Jay was already there, waving at them with a big grin. "Hey, guys!"
"Hey, Jay!" Sunghoon called back, returning the wave.
Jake managed a small smile as they joined Jay by the water. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the salty breeze seemed to lift some of the weight off Jake's shoulders. For a moment, he felt a sense of peace.
They walked along the shore, the sand cool beneath their feet. Jay, always the joker, started telling funny stories about their school days, trying to coax a laugh out of Jake. Sunghoon watched as a small spark of amusement flickered in Jake's eyes.
"Remember that time we tried to build the biggest sandcastle and ended up with more sand on ourselves than on the castle?" Jay said, laughing.
Jake chuckled softly, the sound like music to Sunghoon's ears. "Yeah, and we were so proud of that lopsided thing."
Sunghoon joined in the laughter, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "We should try building another one today. What do you say, Jake?"
Jake looked at his friends, feeling a swell of gratitude. "Yeah, let's do it."
They spent the afternoon building a sandcastle, their laughter mingling with the sound of the waves. For a while, Jake forgot about his troubles, lost in the simple joy of being with his friends. As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, they sat down on the sand, watching the horizon.
"Thanks, guys," Jake said quietly, his voice filled with emotion. "I really needed this."
Sunghoon wrapped an arm around Jake's shoulders. "We're always here for you, Jake. No matter what."
Jay nodded, his expression serious for once. "Yeah, man. We're a trio. We stick together."
Jake felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes, but he didn't try to hide them. He let them fall, feeling the warmth of his friends' presence. In that moment, he knew he wasn't alone. He had Sunghoon and Jay by his side, and that made all the difference.
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You stood motionless in front of the bridge, the biting wind whispering secrets of the past as it brushed against your skin. The bridge held a profound significance, a silent witness to a night that had changed everything. You could still feel the weight of that evening, the crushing despair that had driven you to the edge.
It was late, the kind of late where the world seems to hold its breath. You had been ready to let go, to escape the relentless pain that had become your constant companion. You had stepped onto the bridge, your heart pounding, your mind a chaotic storm. The darkness below had seemed inviting, a final respite from your suffering.
But then, out of the shadows, Jake had appeared. His presence had been like a beacon, a light cutting through your darkest hour.
"Y/N, please don't," he had called out, his voice trembling with fear and love. He had approached you slowly, his eyes never leaving yours. "You don't have to do this. You're not alone. I'm here with you."
Jake had wrapped you in his arms, holding you with a strength that belied his own fears. His embrace had been warm, a sanctuary where your broken pieces could find solace. He had whispered words of comfort, of hope, convincing you that your life was worth living. That night, he had saved you, pulling you back from the brink.
But now, as you stood before the bridge once more, Jake was gone. He had died, leaving a void that nothing could fill. The memory of his sacrifice haunted you, a constant reminder of your guilt. You had never wanted to live, yet Jake had fought so hard for your life. And now, he was dead, and you were still here, drowning in a sea of remorse.
The tears began to fall, slowly at first, then in an uncontrollable torrent. You sank to your knees, your sobs echoing in the emptiness around you. The guilt was overwhelming, the pain unbearable. It felt as if your heart was shattering into a thousand pieces, each one cutting deeper than the last.
"Jake, I'm so sorry," you whispered through your tears. "I miss you so much. Why did you save me?"
The wind continued to blow, carrying your words into the void. You clutched at your chest, the ache of loss and regret consuming you. You remembered his smile, the way his eyes had sparkled with life, and the way he had always known just what to say to make you feel better. But now, those memories were all you had left.
You cried until you had no more tears to shed, your body trembling with the force of your grief. In the stillness that followed, you felt a faint sense of release, as if your tears had washed away a part of the burden you carried. You knew that Jake would never truly be gone, that he lived on in your heart and in the memories you had shared.
As you stood up, you took a deep breath, feeling the cool air fill your lungs. You looked out over the bridge, the place where Jake had saved your life, and you made a silent promise to him. You would try to live, not just for yourself, but for him. You would carry his memory with you, letting it guide you through the darkness.
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Jake stepped out of Sunghoon's car, waving a tired goodbye to his friends. The night air was cool against his skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of the car's interior. Despite his exhaustion, he felt a restless energy coursing through him. He knew he needed to clear his head, so he decided to take a walk, even though it was pretty late.
The streets were eerily quiet, the only sounds being the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant hum of traffic. Jake walked aimlessly, his thoughts a jumbled mess of regrets and what-ifs. He found himself heading towards the bridge, a place he often went to when he needed to think, to escape, to breathe.
As he approached, he noticed a figure standing by the railing. It took him a moment to realize it was Y/N. She was crying, her shoulders shaking with each sob, the sound barely audible but piercing through the night. Jake's first instinct was to turn around and leave her to her privacy, but something stopped him. He saw himself in her—broken and lost. The raw emotion on her face mirrored the turmoil he felt inside.
Despite everything she had done to get under his skin, he couldn't just leave her there, struggling alone. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to her, his footsteps soft against the pavement. Each step felt like a mile, the weight of the moment pressing down on him.
"Y/N," he called out gently, his voice almost a whisper.
She looked up, startled, and quickly tried to recompose herself, wiping away her tears with trembling hands. But as soon as she saw him, the facade crumbled. Her eyes, red and swollen, filled with fresh tears. Without thinking, she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around him in a desperate hug. Jake stood still for a moment, surprised, but then he felt her body shaking against his, her sobs muffled against his chest.
He hesitated, then slowly brought his arms around her, holding her as she broke down. They stood there for what felt like an eternity, the night wrapping around them like a comforting blanket. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their shared pain.
Jake could feel her tears soaking through his shirt, her grip on him tightening as if she was afraid he would disappear. He gently rested his chin on top of her head, his own eyes stinging with unshed tears. He didn't know what to say, didn't know if there were any words that could ease her pain. So he just held her, letting her cry, letting her release the torrent of emotions that had been building up inside her.
"You're not alone," he whispered finally, his voice breaking. "I'm here."
Y/N's sobs grew louder, more anguished, as if his words had opened a floodgate. She clung to him, her body shaking with the force of her crying. Jake tightened his hold on her, his heart aching for her, for them both. In that moment, all the resentment, all the anger he had harbored towards her seemed to dissolve, replaced by a deep, aching empathy.
They stood there for what felt like hours, the night growing colder around them. Eventually, Y/N's sobs began to subside, her breathing becoming more even. She pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes.
"Thank you," she whispered, her voice hoarse.
Jake nodded, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Anytime," he replied softly.
They stood there in silence, the bridge their silent witness, the night their only companion. For the first time in a long while, Jake felt a sense of purpose. He didn't have the answers, didn't know what the future held, but for now, being there for Y/N was enough.
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You and Jake walked side by side, the dim streetlights casting long shadows on the pavement. The silence between you was thick, but not uncomfortable. You reached the nearest shop that was still open, a small convenience store with a flickering neon sign that buzzed faintly in the cool night air.
"I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?" Jake asked, his voice breaking the silence. There was a softness in his tone that made your heart ache.
You shook your head. "No, I'm good."
Jake raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. He disappeared into the store, leaving you standing outside, your thoughts racing. You couldn't tell him the truth—that you had traveled back in time to save him. How could you explain something so unbelievable?
As you waited, memories of the accident flooded your mind. The screeching tires, the shattering glass, and the overwhelming sense of helplessness. You squeezed her eyes shut, trying to push the images away, but they clung to you like shadows.
A few minutes later, Jake emerged with a bottle of water and a small bag of chips. He handed the chips to you. "I know you said you didn't want anything, but I got these for you anyway."
You took the bag hesitantly, your fingers brushing against his. "Thanks," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
You started walking back, the crunch of gravel under your feet the only sound. Jake glanced at you sideways, his brow furrowed with concern. "So, why did you say I needed to be saved?"
Your heart skipped a beat. You had to think fast. "Oh, I was just... you know, being dramatic. I didn't mean anything by it."
Jake stopped walking and turned to face you, his eyes searching yours. "You don't have to lie to me, Y/N. I can tell something's been bothering you."
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you blinked them away. "It's nothing, really. Just... a lot on my mind."
Jake reached out and gently touched your arm, his expression softening. He wasn't your biggest fan, mainly because it always seemed like you had your life together, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. He knew it was wrong to assume and dislike you for that, but those feelings had lingered for so long.
However, when he saw you a couple of minutes ago, with that same look and feeling he had been battling his whole life, something inside him shifted. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks—how much of a jerk he had been. Jake's heart ached with regret as he looked at you, finally understanding the weight of his misguided resentment.
"You can talk to me, you know. I'm here for you."
You felt a lump in your throat. You wanted to tell him everything, to unburden yourself of the secret that weighed so heavily on your heart. But you couldn't. Not yet. Instead, you forced a smile. "Thanks, Jake. That means a lot."
You continued walking in silence, the tension between you palpable. As you guys neared the corner where you would part ways, Jake stopped and turned to you, his expression serious.
"We should probably figure out when to meet up for the project," he said, breaking the moment you had shared.
You nodded, grateful for the change in topic. "Yeah, how about tomorrow after school?"
"Sounds good," Jake replied. He hesitated for a moment, then added, "And if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Anytime."
Your heart ached at his kindness. At the kindness you haven’t been able to witness for a couple of years now. “Thanks, Jake. I'll remember that."
As you went your separate ways, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. You wanted to tell him the truth, but you knew you couldn't. Not yet. For now, you would have to carry the weight of your secret alone.
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Jake sat alone in his room, the weight of his actions crashing down on him with unbearable force. He had always prided himself on being strong, on keeping his emotions in check, but now he felt like he was unraveling. He had misjudged Y/N so badly, and the realization of how much he had hurt her was like a punch to the gut.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about all the times he had let his resentment and jealousy guide his actions. He had been so blinded by his own insecurities that he failed to see the pain he was causing someone else. Y/N didn't deserve any of it. She was just trying to navigate her own struggles, and he had made it so much harder for her.
Jake's heart ached as he remembered the look on her face, the vulnerability he had overlooked. He had always managed to hurt people, even when he didn't mean to. It was like a curse he couldn't escape. The guilt was suffocating, and he couldn't hold back the tears any longer. He broke down, sobbing quietly in the darkness of his room.
He glanced at his injured hand, which he had managed to hide earlier. The pain was a constant reminder of his own mistakes. Tomorrow, he would have to figure out how to hide it at school. He didn't want anyone to see his weakness, especially not Y/N. He had already caused her enough pain.
But as he sat there, crying and clutching his injured hand, Jake realized that hiding his pain wasn't the answer. He needed to make things right, to show Y/N that he was truly sorry. It wouldn't be easy, and he knew it would take time, but he was determined to change. He couldn't keep hurting the people around him, especially not Y/N.
With a heavy heart, Jake wiped away his tears and made a silent promise to himself. Tomorrow, he would start making amends. He didn't know how, but he would find a way to show Y/N that he was sorry, that he wanted to be better. For her, and for himself.
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taglist: @belovedsthings @en-chantedtomeetyou @syazzzlisa @k1ttylvr @jaeyunpinkyring-deactivated2024 @dreamiestay @soobs-things @capri-cuntz @beomgyusimp @heelariously @thinkinboutbin @jyunsgf @lwavander @chaewonshoney @maliakealoha @addictedtohobi @likeemilia @shaniandme @chocminteu @lilyuwon @kgneptun @dojaejunging @binniesbabe @asteria-wood
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scarysanctuary · 1 year
I'm so normal about the fact that the crew chose to use the unicorn hoof of all things for Izzy's new leg, its unbelievably moving. The unicorn was the figurehead of the ship, and back then figureheads embodied the spirit of the vessel, offering the crew protection from harsh seas and safeguarding their homeward journeys. Now i don't think i need to really explain just how beautiful this is, but, I'm also incapable of shutting up about Israel Hands, so. Izzy seems to assume everyone still hates him, and is drinking his many sorrows away, alone in his room, not knowing that the crew fully recognizes that Izzy saved them from Blackbeard, that he chose to protect them. The note said that Izzy is the ships "new unicorn" i.e. the new figurehead, this means that he also embodies the spirit of the vessel, and that they have faith in his continued ability to protect them, as is the job of the figurehead. Even the fact the hoof was painted gold seems intentional, gold in the bible represents love and protection, as if they are saying thank you for protecting us, now let us paint you in our protection as well Izzy. When they knocked on his door to give him his present, Izzy derogatorily calls himself a cripple, showing that he's feeling particularly clumsy and weak after his fall in front of everyone, and assumes this must be how everyone sees him now as well. But, unicorns actually represent power and grace, they've not only enabled Izzy to feel sturdy again physically with a new leg, they've also taken a bit of the weight off his shoulders emotionally by proving to him that he's not alone. Similar to his new leg, they're willing to bear some of the burden for him. And that's the thing, Izzy always tries to do things on his own, he gets drunk alone, he cries alone, his version of self-healing involves coming up with stories about sharks biting his leg off, and he even does that alone too. Yet they're giving him a sign that no matter how much he tries to self isolate, he's actually shit out of luck because they're there for him. What I appreciate about this show of support is the fact that they didn't force Izzy to accept the gift face to face, rather, they left it outside his room, proving that they know him quite well, and didn't want to push him too far too fast. Just like their extending of friendship, they are letting Izzy come to them when he's ready. But what i love most of all is that it actually works, this is what finally snaps him out of his spiral of depression, and gets him sword training again, improving himself rather than giving up, and engaging with the crew and helping them. This one show of solidarity, gratitude, and compassion, opens his eyes to the fact that he's a part of their messed up family, he belongs to something, and this fact alters Izzy forever.
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basimdasasonst · 2 months
snw spock rant
i've been watching strange new worlds recently, and the prevailing feeling i always leave with, no matter the episode, is that i would like it if not for spock.
don't get me wrong; i'm a tos fan to my core. star trek launched me into a love of sci-fi and space fiction and is the whole reason i'm in university studying astrophysics, why i'm writing a book using said inner astrophysics nerd, why i have any sense of purpose to me, cliche as it is to say. star trek was an integral, important part of my upbringing, and continues to be one of my main interests to this day. i love jim (and i love snw jim! especially after aos kirk (shudders)) and i love bones (i really hope he joins snw soon....leonard mccoy save us....save us leonard mccoy...) and i love scotty and i love spock. but not snw spock.
here's the thing about spock: his internal character conflicts have always had some sort of root in him being not enough/not vulcan enough/not human enough/etc. his struggles with relationships as a result – because, lets face it, both humans and vulcans are social creatures and need friends otherwise society as a whole wouldn't be a thing on either world – make up a core part of his character. in tos, his relationship struggles were nearly purely platonic, with a few offhand remarks about stray crew members having crushes on him (uhura in early first season, chapel in amok time). 
s1e4 "the naked time". spock, right before losing his figurative Marbles, sees "love mankind" written on a wall. later, he goes on to say to jim: "when i feel friendship for you, i'm ashamed." other posts have done and will do better jobs of explaining it, but in conjunction with "sinner" written on the turbolift near jim (about not being able to form lasting relationships with other crewmates because its too much of a power imbalance), the writing on the wall (literally) is that spock is inherently ashamed of his humanity. he has been raised on vulcan to be a vulcan.
his internal conflict is always about him struggling with his human side. he struggles with friendship, he struggles with his humanity, he struggles to be something that people don't immediately deem wrong. as a gay man, and certainly as a young queer child first watching tos, i felt closest to spock not just because of feeling ashamed of part of my cultural heritage, but also because of repression. spock represses these feelings of insecurity, of friendship, of the need for connection in others in a certain way, so much that it causes him pain. growing up gay, his pain was very real to me. writing on the wall. he’s silly and a cool character of course, but he resonated with me in a way that, at the time, i didn’t have anything to resonate with. 
what does this all have to do with me hating snw spock so much? i want to preface this by saying i went into snw really wanting to love it. i saw the intro and the planets and the nebulae and the black hole and the music and was like "damn, this is fucking cool." star trek, to some part of me, was also about the space exploration aspect as much as the characters. the whims of wacky crewmembers and sentient rocks. the impossibly infinite things nature can form on its own. snw looked fun. i really wanted to like it. and you know what? i almost like it.
except for spock. quite literally the only character i have any quarrels with is spock. dehydrated, glistening, oiled up spock. wtf. why is he in a relationship with t'pring? why does he (almost) cheat on her with chapel? and why chapel??????????? chapel has a one-sided (VERY CLEARLY ONE SIDED) crush on him in tos. why is it two sided now. 
what, and i can't stress this enough, the fuck? 
and don't come into my house and tell me "oh you know, it makes sense, because, because then spock gets all hard and Logical and shuts himself off and obviously the reason for that is a breakup–" No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no no no no. i don't care if it makes “sense” it feels so intrinsically wrong to his character. i’ve had much more character development from losing life-long friends than ending barely a year long relationships. spock wouldn’t immediately shut down because he kissed a girl once and then she said “acshually sowwy my work is more important” when that’s the exact sentiment he echoed to t’pring when they broke up.
more importantly, snw spock barely has friends. he calls pike a friend once or twice, but i hardly believe that they're friends. he barely interacts with la'an or erica, he has a few passing conversations with uhura in season 1 on episodes about her that don't really carry into season 2, and otherwise he's just There. he doesn't have friends in snw. the writers are prioritising him having a romantic relationship over a friendship. snw spock needs a friend way more than he needs a bone buddy. and it really rubs me the wrong way the way the relationship with chapel was portrayed to be first friendly and then romantic. i never believed for a second that he and chapel were friends – despite the screenwriters trying. every time they talked prior to s2e5 there was this odd undercurrent of sexuality that seemed to follow them. lingering looks, touching fingertips, long pauses – it was so unbelievably awkward and obvious that they were setting up a relationship between the two. i mean, for fucks sake, s1e1 uhura calls chapel "spock's girlfriend." boy did my blood boil when i figured out that was where the show was going. s1e5 was actually painful for me to get through (chapel sits down, gives spock relationship advice, giggles, smacks him upside the head, and calls him an idiot. 2017 wattpad is calling, they want their material back) and i had to take two full days to get through s2e5 because i was in anguish the whole time. it was a constant mental barrage of "spock wouldn't say that," and "spock wouldn't do that," and "this is not spock."
for the most part, i couldn't figure out why spock and chapel's relationship specifically bothered me so much. i mean i have my quarrels with la'an and jim, and i really don't give much of a care about pike and batel so why was spock and chapel grating on me so badly? was it because it was being shoved in my face? was the writing that much more atrocious than the others? was it the decimation of spock's character?
it was, i found, a product of all of those and the issue of queerness. 
look; i've survived sherlock bbc, i’ve survived the golden age of quotev fandom in 2016, i've bared witness to so much queerbaiting in my life that i don't even bother trying to hope for any sort of main character queer representation anymore. we’re going to be a footnote until someone does something about it. unfortunately, that’s not going to be me because i’m not a film director. so i look the other way and steam about it on twitter or tumblr or whatever hoping that i, like many other frustrated queer people, get noticed one day in the far future when it’s ok to have a queer romance in mainstream, it’s ok to have a queer main character, and it’s ok to let it simmer slowly and burn instead of jumping into it to say “look guys we’re woke!!!!!” (star trek literally was the pioneer for most of these things back in the day. but that’s another discussion on the heterosexualisation of progressive media that i wont get into. it just feels bitterly funny that this is happening to star trek of all things.) these days i just pretend the relationships dont exist and skip over them when they happen. i've developed a sixth sense for when weird, forced heterosexuality is about to be shoved down my oesophagus. i've just gotten used to it. 
but sphapel (or whatever it's called) burned through me. i've never felt quite this angry at an on screen relationship. and, trust me, i saw AOS. i didn't like spuhura then and i don't like it now but i wasn't angry so much as i was just tired and annoyed. but spock was – and always is to me, confused, queer 10 year old me – a queer character. his struggle with humanity, with friendship, with fitting in, with just being as a perceived "other" was what made him an interesting character to me to begin with. he was a certain outlet to vent that frustration for being "wrong" in society no matter how hard you try to conform one way or another. the knowledge that even if you are different, you still have people backing you up. his fucking friendships, guys. jim and bones. yes i know his friendship with jim is also inherently romantic dont worry im spirk #1 shipper but that’s not relevant here because, and forgive me for being pessimistic, i don’t believe for a second that these writers are going to lean into spirk anytime soon. their relationship went beyond friendship or romance or any of that stuff. coughs in the roddenberry footnote.
what i’m trying to say here, in layman’s terms, is that giving a friendless character a romantic relationship is exactly how you alienate a character. name one person you know in real life that can survive healthily with one single relation, that being their romantic partner that they have no friendly base of. you can’t. that’s a toxic relationship. that’s not romance, that’s alienation. that’s isolation. that’s loneliness. and that’s the OPPOSITE OF WHAT EXPLORING SPOCK’S HUMAN SIDE IS SUPPOSED TO DO TO HIM .
by stripping spock of his friends, and forcing his arc to be purely romantic, you have essentially stripped the character of all he is. i'd be mad if chapel was a dude, too, honestly speaking. but beyond that, corralling spock of all people into a heterosexual romantic relationship is – well. it's a choice i don't think i can ever agree with. the best way i can describe such a choice is like a dissonant chord – you can pluck the notes and they'll sound fine on their own, but when you put them together they will clash. there is nothing you can do with your fingers to play the same notes and not cause the clash. they will always clash. it is dissonance ringing through you, an inherent wrongness coupled with writing that is lazy and clearly meant for a very specific audience. snw spock is bad writing, fanservice, and extraordinarily out of character. notes i can tolerate on their own, but strung together – dissonant.
i really want to like snw. fuck, i love la'an, i love erica, i love jim (!!! thank you paul wesley for making him a nerd, and kind (glares at AOS), and generally a jim kirk that i can look at and say, "yeah, that's jim alright"), i love uhura, i love una, i love m'benga and i love pike but i hate spock. i really, truly, cannot like snw when i have to pause the show and take an irritated deep breath in every time i see chapel approach spock. it's – frustrating, and alienating, and wrong. so, so wrong. 
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pocket-watcher · 3 months
Maybe an isekai where the transported FeMC knows one of the characters has hypnosis powers (love rival? twist villain? Just The Villain?) and does everything she can to avoid him. That makes him suspicious, so he corners her and uses his powers & learns a lot more than he was expecting...
Anon you have reached into my soul with this prompt. I am SO excited to write this I can’t even EXPLAIN.
What’s worse than being hit by a truck and magically waking up inside of your favourite show?
Knowing all of the plot twists ahead of time.
She could never feel comfortable around her new magical friends! Whenever she looked at them all she saw was the plot:
Casey would lose the love of her life.
Danell would turn to the dark side to try and save her family.
Trevor would permanently lose all of his memories of their time together.
And Ryan?
“Something the matter?” Ryan said, clocking in on her checked-out look.
Ryan was the villain.
“Oh. Sorry, I totally spaced. What did you say?” she replied.
Who was she, you ask? The main character, of course.
The fact that she knew she was a main character was awful. I mean, the first thing she did was dye her naturally bright pink hair a nice earthy brown. And get blue contacts for her purple eyes.
It didn’t counteract the curse of a main character, though.
Love interests of every gender threw themselves at her feet. Mysteries and prophecies popped up every two days. She couldn’t even walk three steps without stumbling across a mystical artefact to help her and her friends save the world through the ✨power of friendship✨.
So, as they sat around chatting she tried to pretend this group was as normal as possible.
But she couldn’t do that with Ryan.
Ryan had these powers, ways of controlling and manipulating the main cast. He rarely used them this early on in the series.
But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t.
She started out by avoiding him as much as possible. Putting her earbuds in as soon as he spoke. Switching classes (which she always sat in the back of, by the window).
He clocked on pretty quickly - which was annoying.
Then, when cornered about why she was acting so weirdly around him she claimed it was because she had some crush on him which only made him more suspicious and led to three episodes of her friends trying to force them together.
And now?
He was watching her. He knew something was up. He knew that she knew something she shouldn’t.
And she had run out of excuses to avoid him.
One by one her friends left to deal with some side plot that had cropped up, and before she could react she was sitting alone with him.
“So, penny for your thoughts?” He started, pushing the emo black hair out of his eyes.
Total villain stereotype.
“Oh, nothing!”
Being the main character, her smooth, easy lie, came out jumbled and awkward. Just a by-product of being in the presence of a villain. Or maybe he was activating the part of his powers that made them slip up.
Either way he could read her like a book.
“Come on, I don’t bite.” He let some of his deep tone sink into the words and she felt her head go slightly fuzzy.
She jumped to attention at once to snap out of it.
“Oh! Wow! I uh, I forgot about the - thing! Gotta go do the thing, yep. See you later, Ryan!” She tripped over air, steadying herself. She was still affected by whatever he had done to her.
“…did I do something?” He asked, voice surprisingly small.
“What? No! I told you. I have to go get the thing!” She said, eyes darting away from his gaze.
“Really?” He said, something shifting in his facial expression. He began to raise his hand, and she instinctively shut her eyes to block them out.
He stopped. Looking between her and the glow of his fingertips.
She’d played her card, hearing the curiosity and amusement in his voice.
“How long have you known?” He asked, calmly. She stood firm, unyielding, eyes squeezed tight.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Is that so?” He laughed. “Then why don’t you open your eyes?”
She felt the temptation, his magic at work, tugging at her. She wanted to open her eyes. No, he wanted her to feel that way.
Stay strong.
“Come on… just a little peek?” His hands glowed more, her face relaxing as his power sank into her. She’d feared this day for a while, but now she was living it her mind couldn’t find the will to fight back.
Her eyes opened low, and that was enough.
The glow filled her vision, her eyes wide and jaw slack.
“There you go. That wasn’t so hard, was it?” He said, and if she could think she’d have realised that was the exact quote he said during the grand reveal…
But she couldn’t think. She couldn’t begin to imagine resisting.
“Now, why don’t you tell me how you knew about my powers hmmm?” His glowing finger beconning her closer.
Her legs moved on their own.
She froze, what little part of her was aware tried to fight it. But it was no use.
She spilled it all. How she ended up here. The plot of the show. Everyone’s hidden subplots and character arcs.
By the end of it he simply sat and contemplated what she had told him for a moment.
He stared at the broken woman before him.
“Well, I guess now is when things get interesting…”
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bestie what are some of your merthur fic recs
Omg who me? stooppp <3
Okay so I used to read a LOT of merthur fics back around 2011-2013 and have only recently hopped back on the bandwagon so this will be a mix of some oldies i've revisited and some newer fics that have made me insane :))))
0. this one goes without saying but The Student Prince is seriously one of the best fics in any fandom i've ever read to this day. I relisten to the podfic every single year and it SLAPS every time. If you haven't listened/read recently this is obviously my #1 rec hahahha
Okay onto some actual recs
1. Tired by spqr
King Arthur gets enchanted and keeps having dreams about his court sorcerer merlin :))))) He obviously doesn't say this to Merlin, but Merlin notices he's not been sleeping and Arthur comes clean about having 'nightmares.' When Merlin tries to figure out a counterspell, he accidentally casts it on himself and ohh nooo they're both having sexy dreams about each other but also have to act normal in real life ITS SO YUM. This fic was surprisingly soft, like yes they are having some full on dreams but also the bits that made me extra insane were just the little soft moments between non-dream merthur 🥺
This was a school holidays read and i remember reading this in the staff room of the elementary school i was working at trying so hard not to SCREAM. At one point i had to go on a spirited walk around the building just to get my energy out because it was JUICY.
If you like: canon era fics, court sorcerer merlin, the intimacy of domesticity, arthur with a beard and merthur being so in love but also fucking clueless about it this the fic for you <3
2. But It's a Good Refrain by lady_ragnell
Merlin runs a relationship advice/matchmaking service radio show and Arthur's ex calls in and rips into him on air. Arthur calls in to defend himself and he and Merlin butt heads. An oldie but such a goodie. I love this one because the characterisation feels very natural. Plus i loooove arthur POV fics. Merthur are so sweet in this one and i love love love the dynamic of their respective friendship groups merging. It also features the fandom favourite m/f crack ship that is elena and gwaine which im always here for.
If you like: silly modern AU friend group nonsense, Arthur POV fics, snarky Morgana, and a fic writer who understands the sheer power merlin emrys' 🥺 face would have over not only Arthur but literally ANYONE who looks at him, this is the fic for you.
3. Second Chances by DragonDucks
This is a canondivergence/fix-it fic set immediately after Arthur dies in 5x13. In this version Arthur tells Merlin he loves him with his dying breath and Merlin's magic sort of implodes sending him back in time to 1x1. So it's like sad s5 Merlin getting a second chance to save Arthur in the body of tiny baby s1 merlin.
I'm gonna be honest i'm still reading this one but it has me kicking and screaming!!!! Most of the dialogue is repurposed from the show which makes it extra juicy to me and its just delicious i love it so much. The POV switches between S5 mourning merlin and S1 gay panic arthur and its soooooo good i'm loving it so far. Some of the side characterisation is a little weird but Merthur are PERFECT. It NAILS that yummy introverted Arthur and fond Merlin characterisation.
If you like: canon era fix it fics, time travel, Arthur pendragon falling in love with merlin bit by bit and actually having space and time to grow as a person, and merlin emrys being like no everyone shut up about my destiny i just wanna have a good time with my boyfriend, this is the fic for you.
4. All is Semblative by Whitefox
I just fucking love crossdressing fics okay 😇. This is cinderella meets Merthur. Uther is throwing a ball to find Arthur a bride and servants aren't allowed. Out of spite (and, lets be real, also jealousy) Merlin tries to disguise himself to sneak in and ends up accidentally turning himself into a princess. Arthur hits it off with a weird but beautiful mystery princess who turns out to be his manservant he's been in love with this whole time. Simples.
If you like: Prince Arthur knowing about merlin's magic and being cool with it, fairytale AUs, accidental genderbending (but still canonically mlm merthur), and arthur pendragon singlehandedly embodying demisexual panic this is the fic for you.
5/6. As Long As We Have We AND No Matter How Far Away You Roam by lady_ragnell
Lady Ragnell again because I looove the way they do modern day Arthur. and i've been going through their stuff. These are both super cute christmas fics (I know its a little early but I couldn't help myself). In the first one, Uther has just died (rip uther you will not be missed) and Arthur accidentally collects lonely friends to spend christmas with him in the empty house. At the same time he befriends Merlin, the owner of his local bookstore, and merlin brings his own group of strays to Arthur's christmas...and obviously everyone gets along super well and merthur fall in love. The second one is a fake dating. T get his parents off his back, Arthur lies to Uther and Igraine that he and merlin have been together for years and Merlin (plus his mum and his sister Freya) has to play along one christmas..and obviously everyone gets along....and obviously everyone gets along super well and merthur fall in love.
If you like: found family, cute christmas fics and fluffy merthur these fics are the ones for you!
Also pls if anyone has any canon era secret dating merthur fics i beg of you please send them my way 🥺
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kasaru-chan · 2 months
you know what? I'm not finished with this!
In continuation of this post:
Bradley is half human on his mother's side and his Pure blooded vampire father really hates having a half blooded, unclean son.
To escape his abusive dad he allies himself with Vampire hunters but seeing as how he also half vampire on his dad's side they don't exactly trust him.
They create a sort of magic shock collar on Bradley and assign their newest hunter, Max Goof, to be his handler.
The shock collar is very painful but Bradley can't help but be a little shit to his handler, mostly out of frustration at his situation.
He is also terribly hangry. Because, while he doesn't need blood the same way a pure blooded vampire does, human blood does provide him with essential nutrients that an all normal food diet lacks. He also needs it to power up his fire abilities.
Oh did I mention vampires have powers? The more blood they drink, the stronger it gets.
Max doesn't trust Bradley at first and is convinced that he'll stab Max in back at the first chance he gets. This goes on until Max get caught off guard by a powerful vampire and Bradley takes the hit for him effectively saving his life.
"Why did you save me?"
"A momentary lapse of sanity, clearly."
Their friendship is tentative after that, with Max using the shock collar less and less until he just stops using it all together. Bradley is still in a constant state of hangry bitch though despite this.
It all comes to a head when, while they are out somewhere, a little kid falls and skins their knee. Max goes over to help the kid but Bradley is frozen, his hunger and scent of blood getting to him and he quietly warns Max to get the kid out of here.
Max is confused until he sees Bradley literally fighting to hold himself back, his fangs elongating the veins on his face bulging and his hands are gripped so tight that his sharp claws are cutting into his skin.
Max tries to use the shock collar but it has no effect, Bradley is too hungry, has gone too long without blood and his conscience mind is shutting down to be replaced with pure survival instinct.
Before can hurt the kid, Max tackles Bradley and holds him down while telling the kid to run. Max was ordered that if Bradley even got to this state, he'd need to be put down for the good of humanity.
Max takes his gun (did I mention Max's hunter weapon is a gun?) And presses it under Bradley's chin but looking into his eyes, feral and wild as they are, he finds he can't go through with it. He likes Bradley, even though he's rude and nasty, he's also got a good heart deep deep deep deep down. And Max is too attached now.
So instead he tosses the gun aside and shoves his bare forearm into Bradley's open mouth, letting the teeth sink in.
"You want blood? Take mine."
What both Max and Bradley don't realize is that Max's blood is literal vampire cat nip. He has the tastiest blood that Bradley's ever had and as he takes gulp after gulp he almost doesn't want to stop drinking it, even after he's had enough to calm down.
But Max shakily tucks a strand of hair behind Bradley's ear, and the motion gives him pause enough to look at Max, and what he sees shakes him. Max has no fear in his eyes, no distrust. Even as this predator has its jaws locked around his arm, Max's expression is open, trusting and kind.
"It's ok Brad."
Bradley's eyes go wide and he releases Max's arm, licking the wound he left behind clean. He sits back on his haunches looking at Max in confusion.
"Why did you let me drink from you? I could have killed you."
Max smiles dopily, swaying ever so slightly and looking pale.
"Momentary lapse of sanity, clearly." And then promptly passes out from blood loss. Bradley catches him before he hits the ground and rushes him to the nearest hospital to get him a blood transfusion.
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towards-toramunda · 10 months
My brain wouldn’t shut up about Orym and now I have this:
There was a gnawing feeling inside of Orym. Not harsh or unwanted necessarily, but deeply uncomfortable.
He’d become so well acquainted with his loneliness that it shifted to a dull pull and rarely bothered him at all anymore. His bed was empty (metaphorically speaking) and he would one day be with Will again, and that was what he wanted. He would live the rest of his life in quiet peaceful mourning, enjoying the view as he lived, and then return to the love of his life in death and his loneliness would be resolved.
What he didn’t expect was closeness that would shift the dull ever present pulling into sharp focus. That the closer he grew to the bell’s hells, the lonelier he would become. The more he invited friendship and care and love in, the more he craved it. Familial platonic closeness couldn’t ease the pull when it begged to be touched intimately. Distant magic bringing images of dark hair shifting white tugged at his heart. Firm touches on stone skin became kindling. And the neglected loneliness made itself well known to Orym.
He was a romantic, and waiting to return to your love in the afterlife is romantic. Yet, Orym was a romantic without warm lips to kiss or strong hands to hold, and, as he became aware of his fresh loneliness, he realized he was not wanting for options.
The quiet pining for Dorian had become a constant companion of his, as did the pain that came from truly yearning for someone for the first time since Will. His feelings were a constant thrum, made stronger with sendings and glimpses in a scrying eye, but his guilt waxed and waned with the light of the big moon.
The slowly growing care and attraction for Ashton wasn’t something Orym noticed until it was too late; by the time he realized the depth of his feelings they were well and firmly rooted. Ashton’s proximity and recklessness made that attraction both a nervous and powerful one. He was different from Dorian, different from Will. Yes, they were impulsive and rude, but Ashton shared Orym’s jokes, promised protection, and held a deep well of gentleness that Orym was sure Ashton was unaware of.
The gnawing feeling of loneliness felt like a cavern to sink into. The yearning felt like a rowdy child let loose in his mind. The delicious possibility felt both harrowing and full of potential. But none of this would matter. Not if they all died.
He could live with the loneliness and yearning and possibilities for a few more weeks. Feelings would complicate the mission at hand, and likely he would die in the process of trying to save the world and, at least then, he’d finally return to Will.
Link on ao3:
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velaryqns · 1 year
Robert chase x female reader.
Based on season 3
Chase started to fall in love with his co-worker Y/n but she can’t see him in that way, or that’s what she said. But the truth is that she likes chase as well.
Chase starts to get a little jealous like he did in episode 19 of season 3.
They finally get together and chase couldn’t be happier.
Since Y/n and chase started to work with each other she didn’t like him because she thought he was an idiot who didn’t care about anyone then himself. But chase changed himself for y/n.
Pairing: Robert Chase x Fem!Reader
Universe: House Md
Summary: hiding feelings for your co-worker was never a good idea, on either end. But when he’s fed up after witnessing you be too close with a co-worker: Chase will do anything in his power to show you he’s serious about his possible chance at a relationship with you
Warnings: medical talk, Greg House being Greg House, jealous Robert Chase, slight angst and arguing
Notes: another Chase request; you’re on a role. I did make it so Chase is jealous of reader’s FRIENDSHIP with Wilson; the whole Chase being jealous of a kid was on par for his character but I don’t wanna write that so. This one was definitely shorter than On Your Side, lowkey hummed about that.
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“I see you were with Wilson last night,” Robert Chase pointed out as the two of you walked alongside one another into the locker room for the morning. You raised a brow, caught off guard by his sudden choice of words.
“Why does it matter what I was doing with my friend?” You asked him accusingly.
“It’s just ironic that you’ll grab a drink with him but not me,”
“I never said I wouldn’t get a drink with you,” You informed him. You stopped and faced him full on, a look of disbelieve on your face, “But I know you want something more from that and I can’t ruin our friendship. I went with Wilson because we’re friends. Like we have been since I started working here.”
You didn’t bother putting your things in the Locke room, and decided you’d take everything to Wilson’s office to save you the haste of listening to House complain all day. You were grateful that Wilson wasn’t in his office, and just set your things on the sofa and walked back out to go to House’s office.
You would be lying if you said you didn’t understand where Chase’s feelings for you came from. And you would also be lying if you said you didn’t share those feelings. But he was impulsive, and sometimes selfish — you didn’t like that.
Chase walked in with Foreman close behind. Foreman instantly didn’t want to be at work as soon as he could sense the hostility between you and Chase, and sat as far away from you as he possibly could. Foreman had always seen the butt end of these arguments that you and Chase had gotten into recently, and House only fed into them.
The case was pretty open close once House and Cameron walked in; House gave you all tasks and went on his way while you all went through all of the work. You sat in the patient’s room with Chase, asking her any questions that she could answer to see if you could get any general ideas as to what could have put her in the hospital.
The information you got wasn’t a lot, but you took what you could and the team gathered together to bounce ideas off of one another. House didn’t shut down each idea that came his way; challenging everyone to find a bigger and better idea.
Safe to say that the case went the same as every other. House avoided much of his job, this included clinic duties that Cuddy got after him to do. You packed up your things from Wilson’s office, and he got you to agree to let him walk you to your car.
“So what provoked you to stash your things in my office?” He inquired, pulling on his coat and joining you in the hall.
You watched James close his office door and lock it. You sighed, shaking your head, “Robert and I got into an argument.”
James raised a brow, not bothering to ask for more information. Nodding you continued, “He’s upset that I keep turning him down…but it’s so hard to say no to him every single time.”
You sighed, not noticing that Chase was talking to Cameron in the hall as you shook your head, “He can be selfish. Impulsive…and extremely idiotic. And I don’t know if I’d be able to handle that in a relationship.”
Chase watched you walk past him, James listening to you intently as the both of you didn’t notice his presence. His brows knit together and he lost track of his thoughts as he looked at Allison.
“I’d say they’re arguing about House, but she would never date him,” the brunette made a look of disgust before she chuckled and turned to walk away.
“Cameron, wait,” Chase called out, she faced him again. She looked confused, “I think I need your help with something.”
You had just finished a shower when you heard a knock at the door. Ensuring you looked presentable, you walked to the door and pulled it open. Robert Chase stood smiling down at you, a bouquet of flowers [whatever flowers you wish] in one hand and takeout in the other.
“It’s almost nine o’clock,” You told him, an amused look crossing your face while he shrugged.
“I overheard your conversation with Wilson,” he admitted. This caught you off guard, as the Robert you knew would frequently keep something like this from you for as long as possible, “And I want to say that I hate that you feel that way about me. But for you? I’d be willing to fix that.”
You shook your head, “No, Robert —“
“Y/n, I love you,” he interrupted almost immediately, taking a step toward you and setting the takeout bag on the floor. He shook his head as he looked down at you, “And I don’t want to go without attempting a relationship with you when you feel as if I’m selfish—“
“You are,” You interrupted with a grin.
He shook his head, ignoring you, “Impulsive—“
“Which you are,” you insisted.
“And an idiot,” You made a face, and he sighed, whispering, “You can have that one.”
“I have all of them,” You muttered.
“Please,” he pleaded, taking your hand, “Just give this one chance. Give us…better yet me a chance.”
You smiled up at Robert, knowing it was hard to refuse him when he was being oh so sweet — and surprisingly thinking with his head.
“Of course I will,” you told him, reaching you to wrap an arm around his neck and pulling him down to you. He chuckled as your lips interlocked, a brief kiss being shared before you pulled away, “Let’s get you out of this hallway.”
The next morning, you walked into work with Robert instead of James. You enjoyed each other’s company as you walked into the locker room and changed for the day, deciding on possible things to do after work.
Before you could depart to start on task for the day, you grabbed Robert’s hand to give it a quick squeeze, and then planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Don’t be stupid,”
He chuckled and watched you walk away, maybe you were right, but he wouldn’t let you get away with thinking so.
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It's the little things: A Mirage Appreciation Post
**Transformers: ROTB spoilers ahead!!!**
Now it's time for me to talk about all the little things that Mirage did in ROTB that made me smile. I know, I know, I could just say "exist" and that would cut this post hella short and save me some time. But where's the fun in that? 🤪 My ROTB brainrot is bad!
There is no order, because Mirage is a rebel and I like that. I like it A LOT!
He messed with Noah by re-locking his door twice before he FINALLY let Noah enter. But then when Noah wanted to peace out because he realized that stealing Mirage may not be so easy after all, MIRAGE LOCKS HIM IN!!! He really said, "You're not going anywhere. You're mine now!" and then proceeds to kidnap Noah. Kidnapping is no laughing matter, but omg I just found that hilarious. 🤣
Mirage asked Noah multiple times to give him a little tap, and it was nice to see that in this moment Noah slowly became relaxed around Mirage and no longer felt scared of him.
*Noah falls hard on a bunch of junk after failing miserably to discreetly escape the Autobot meeting he was not invited to* Mirage: He's perfect!!! 🤣🤣 Basically, Mirage saw his new human friend try to escape and he thought nope! Let me rope him into our mission so that I can spend more time with him. He's slick af! 👀
I like how chill and reassuring Mirage is with Kris. He knew that moment with Noah and Kris is delicate, because Noah is trying to convince his little brother not to worry, even though he knows he's about to go on a very dangerous mission that he may not come back from. Kris tells Mirage to watch out for his brother and Mirage says, "You got it, little man." and reassures Kris that he's got Noah's back and promises that he will protect him. And he does! He freaking keeps that promise!!!!! 🥲🥲🥲
The sad look on Mirage's face when Noah rushes passed him to comfort Elena and make sure she's okay after she is safely rescued from a corrupted Airazor. He even tries to reach out a servo because he probably feels so bad that Elena was almost killed, and now Noah is freaking out because Elena was almost killed. The moment is brief but it was very sweet. He cares so much! 🥲🥲
I love, I mean FREAKING LOVE the scene when Mirage tries to peek into Kris' bedroom window to see what him and Noah are up to. I love this scene so much because he really could not help himself! It's adorable! He even tries standing on top of another car and of course the car is not strong enough to support his massive frame. But he tried! He really tried to be discreet and take a little peek because he is an alien robot, so it's natural for him to be curious about humans. And more importantly, curious about Noah. 🥺
That look on Mirage's face when Noah initiates a fist bump before he heads out to distract Scourge to buy Noah and Elena time to shut down the transwarp key control panel. It's just so AHHHHH! He's so happy and he just takes a few moments to look back at Noah. His smile in this scene is everything. 🥺
Mirage used his last remaining bit of strength to power his built in walkie talkie so that Noah could talk to Kris. And then he transformed into an exosuit and fused with Noah's body as a last, desperate attempt to protect him. 🥲🥲🥲🥲 I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING!!!!
"But what about for friendship? 🙂" I'm sorry, but that line KILLS ME! 🤣 It's sooooo cheesy but it's just so funny to me! Mirage has known Noah for like 10 minutes and he is so eager to be friends with him. It's really cute.
🌟 Edit: Since I got called out QUICK for not adding it (I wanted to see how fast people would react to that line not being mentioned 🤭), here it is:
"*scoffs!* Work friends??! You've been inside me!!!"
Yeah, I'm convinced that Mirage knew exacty what he was doing when he said that and he is 100% that bot that will not hesitate to remind you of his awesomeness. He is not a "work friend" and "work friends" just sounds too formal and weird in this particular setting. He also could have just been oblivious to the sexual connotations associated with that line because he is an alien robot. But then again, somehow I doubt that. He's seen movies and has most likely been to drive-in theatres. I bet he said it to get a reaction out of Noah. Yes, that sounds more accurate. 🤣
Yeah, so basically Mirage is best bot and I think Pete Davidson absolutely nailed this role! 👏🏾 He gave it his all and he actually became Mirage. I thoroughly enjoyed Mirage throughout the entire movie and he better be in the next movie. 😤
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sunnychuuya · 1 month
Cutely sobs knowing om nearing the end of sally face
I finished it.
Hey so guess who's looking up a toturoail
Whys the screen so fuckn dark
Me when I forget my lefts and rights do I start going never eat soggy waffles
"we are the shadows of a sleepless dream" fucking banger line??
I cannor handle seeing Diane rn I'm gonna sob
Guys I don't actually think I like the cult I kinda died cuz of them !!
having thr t
Guys this is not girlpop
-"how many loved ones will you kill to save the world. What will be Left worth saving" crying sobbing screaming throwing up
Also am I hallucinating or was that not grammatically correct
No it was
It just doesn't sound like it
"They deserve happiness after all the shit they've been through" me when the entirety of this fucking game
"Do you.. do you think anyone could ever love me like they love each other?" I'm gonna bawl my fucking eyes out sal you're amazign
Fucking damnit
Larry was sposed to move in with them.. they were sposed to be happy.. nghehhe
Hmm. Another textbook case of: I hate the characyer until they fucking die tragically
Sal no we're not defending her she still kinda ducked
Woah ghsotie arm
Cofnused as shit ngl and this music is terrfyding
oh no! Why is everyone gone!
Giving "why is boss music playing" vibes
stop. I love this. So cool.
Yea I don't quite like that. Kinda uhh sus thats like the things that humans grow in in movies
cutely Google safe combination
Wait what Jim's latter
Guys! Thats so not girlypop!
What rhe fuck!
"You killed them" NO SHIT?!
Me after game over immesirlat
Oh wow thats so cute murder great
guys oop I apparently missed the thing where u see sal get shot lmao
Its fine I already knew what happened
I just looked it up and what the florp bro
chat I hate this like they all die and they can't even live happily ever after in the afterlife its just not fair.
Hol up- lemme clean my glasses for this.
"eat mt ass, you red eyed birch!" ILY larry
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Yeah okay I knew it wouldn't be thst easy but. One can hope.
Yeee guitar blasts
I diedieidid
Chat have we considered I suck at video games
I just died 3 tomes in a row
fifth death (end me)
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Oh fuk pixem sal
Ooh chairs
Oh duck that scared me
God damnit Terrence
When I started playing sally face, would I ever have thought I would be whisper screaming "VOMIT YOUR BALLS TERRENCE!" at 12 37 am, he'll fucking no. But it happened.
This is why I am unloved.
What da fuck
Uhh I don't like how the teeth skin is closing in
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Sal really said with the power of music and friendship
wdym it don't feel like over
"Maybe we see him again someday. On the other side of oblivion. If there is such a place." then it just fades out. This game is absolutely amazing.
I love it but it also lowkey felt so incomplete
Idk the ending felt a little fast.
like very satisfying but it felt rlly fast.
But also sf2 is a thing in progress I know
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ourvanishingghosts · 2 years
HIII omg finally someone with open requests🙏🙏could u pretty please do hcs of raihan with a fem s/o who is a pharmacist/poison type gym leader who is initially really standoffish and bitchy at first meet but as you get to know her is actually very sweet and friendly? very specific request i know LOL. thank youuuuu🤭🙏
Yes! Also, I love when people are specific with their requests because it makes it easier for me to write them. But I guess it depends on what they request. Anywho. Here you go. F/N= First Name L/N= Last Name
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The Harmacist Gym Leader
Raihan x Fem! S/O Reader
When Raihan heard that Kabu was retiring from being a gym he was sad but supported his friend’s decision
He heard that a new gym leader was already chosen by Kabu himself and said that it was friend of his who he constantly trained with on his days off
So naturally Raihan go curious and headed to Motostoke to check out the new gym leader. He assumed the Milo and Nessa already introduced themselves to the newbie
He got there and was to see that the gym leader was Y/N L/N
He had heard about you through Kabu, but assumed you were from a different region
Which was correct since you moved to Galar from Kanto region based on the fact he saw a Pokémon he didn’t recognize
He introduced himself to you trying to be confident, but that didn’t work out since you just rolled your eyes
“I’ve heard all about you, Raihan.” You said coldly, but he could feel the poison coming out of your mouth (not literally)
“Oh. I’m guessing Kabu told you about all of the Galar gym leaders?” He asked a little scared of you
“Oh yeah. I know that you are very overly competitive and that you don’t go easy on anyone. Especially Leon.”
He nods “Uh. Yeah. I kinda eased up on him after The Darkest Day happened. So, what kind of gym will you be running? Still fire types?”
“Poi-son. If you’re just going to ask stupid questions please leave. I have to refine my team.”
He leaves you with a quick goodbye
You decided that your team will start with Arbok, Skuntank, Salazzle, and finally ending with Venusaur
After a year of being the Poison Type Gym Leader you let down your walls around Raihan when you realized that you have so much in common with him
Like you both are intimidating to on lookers, take battles very seriously, and take pride in your Pokémon
He also learns that you are trying to figure out how to counteract the poison that Pokémon create if a human gets poisoned by said Pokémon
It took another 3 years for him to ask you out because he didn’t want to ruin your friendship (he asked you out via Applin)
You said yes
After dating for 4 years he asked you to marry him
The public calls you two the Galar Power Couple
Trainers try to hit on you constantly, but you quickly shut that down by giving them a death glare and telling them that you will have your Skuntank spray them causing them to have to bathe in tomato juice for a month or that you are married to Galar’s Dragon Tamer
He loves you for that and he thinks it’s hot
During the time between dating and getting married you finally made the medication to counteract Pokémon poison in the human body
Everyone celebrated and hospitals all over Galar started using it after a few more tests
Allister is the one who came up with calling you “The Harmacist Gym Leader”
And that’s what everyone ended up calling you
The only people who were scared of you besides him were Nessa, Leon, Hop, Bede, and Gordie
But they ended platonically loving you when you and Raihan started dating
Nessa ended up being your Maid of Honor and Kabu was Raihan’s Best Man
And at the end of everyday you and Raihan cuddle but won’t tell anyone that you two do so because you two like to keep up the intimidating looks that you two have going
You teach him about all the Pokémon from Kanto and he teaches you about all the Pokémon in Galar
Finally, your medical creation is being used worldwide and saved countless lives
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nitw · 2 years
did you guys know that i really, REALLY love both of the pilot episodes for mp100 seasons 1 and 2 because theyre fucking perfect. i'm gonna talk about them. shut up
literally the first thing you see is a distorted mob fighting evil spirits in a wasteland while his bgm plays. no dialogue, no context, no explanations; just batshit visuals and music to make sure you're awake for what's to come
introduces reigen in the funniest ways possible and immediately gets you familiar with his Vibe, yet leaves you with even more questions like "is this the main character? am i supposed to root for this asshole????"
whoops here comes a little boy! whoops he's extremely powerful! and doesn't that music sound familiar??
in contrast to All That we then see mob and reigen's ridiculous dynamic, followed by mob's daily life at school. whatever expectations you had about either of these characters 9 minutes ago were wrong (OR WERE THEY????)
now that you know the duo and their main characteristics a little better it's time to really watch them in action. the haunted tunnel does such a good job of showing what mob and reigen actually do at work, how they play off on each other's quirks, setting the tone for the overall supernatural plot, and of course the animation is just gorgeous too
ESTABLISHES THAT REIGEN ACTUALLY DOES LOOK OUT FOR MOB, AND WORRIES FOR HIS SAFETY, EVEN WHEN HE (REALISTICALLY) DOESN'T NEED TO. i can't stress how important this is to show from the beginning, i've seen so many people gloss over that detail and continue to act like he doesn't care about him?? wtf
that final scene of mob just.. staring at a group of teens hanging out and talking together while he waits for reigen at the station, who then takes him out for ramen. it adds even more to the genuinity of their friendship, but also hints at mob's struggle to connect with others and figure out what to do in his spare time. all of that, that single episode is just like, the whole show. this is all you need to know
same old reigen with his same old schemes, but it's a nice detail that he didn't wamt to take money from the poor farmer guy and instead asked for a cut of his harvest (who said he doesn't even do fieldwork for a living anyway). reigen's refusal to accept unfair payment comes up a lot in this show and i think that's neat
same(?) old(?) mob goes "shishou for the love of god i have a life outside of this job yknow"
when the wriggle spirit captures reigen first and threatens to kill him if mob persists, mob actually lets his guard down. 1) he learned from last time 2) possibly foreshadowing how mob will be the one to save reigen in more ways than one this season
mob realizes that the spirit isn't directly possessing the plants, but rather sending out a signal that forces them to obey it, which is technically still a form of "control". COUGH minegishi COUGH COUGH toichiro
also mob basically learns plant magic! ~this action will have consequences~
lots of arcs that started in s1 are immediately continued! ichi and the psycho helmet cult, shinji stepping down from the student council, ritsu supporting his brother, etc. and just seeing how many friends mob has now that want him to succeed is amazing
the fact that mob even agrees to ichi's plan about the election and takes it so seriously is proof of how much more determined/confident he's become
mob gets asked out for the first time in his life, and even though it turns out he rejected emi, he's so cool about everything and still wants to hang out and get to know her - early s1 mob probably couldn't have handled it this well
"do you even have feelings, or your own opinions?" "i decided to consider my feelings more" THOSE ARE THE MAGIC WORDS FOR SEASON 2'S OVERALL THEMES AND PLOT BABEY!!!!
the floating paper scene. i don't even need to say anything just take it in
OHO? TSUBOMI? SCHEMING? LURKING? could this be the beginning of the rumored "character depth" i've heard so much about???
n e way. season 3 soon. explodes
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themushroomgoesyeet · 5 months
The sonic live fandubs have been rotting a hole straight through my skull so here are some incorrect arcana-ified quotes wheeeeeeee
(also tw for swearing ig)
The Devil, stepping through a portal from his realm hell: hi Lucio, it's me, the Devil™, I'm here to convince you to do sin! Come with me, steal candy from babies & small businesses!
Lucio, still in his mercenary arc & was just minding his business: I will never do such a thing! I'll sin my own way!
Devil: ok bye *sics his demons on Lucio *
Devil: *calls back the demons & goes back through the portal to hell *
Lucio: heh, works every time
Lucio: *starts a plague *
Devil: heeeey that was pretty good, you got 16 sin points
Lucio: *contracts the plague*
Devil: bing bong what's up you're doing a bad job
Lucio: I KNOW I'm doing a bad job!
Lucio: *does plot stuff & destroys hell or something (idk what happens in Lucio's route) and comes back to the real world thinking the day is saved*
Devil, materializing with his entire army: ding-a-ling cock sucker! ok, you can't do that to hell and get away with it; I had to roll back TIME, do you know how much of a fucking logistical issue it is when you destroy HELL?!?!? that's MY HOUSE DUDE
Devil: *about MC* who's that person? do you know them? are they a friend? that's kinda cool, are they alive? do you know them? are they alive? do you hang out with them? do you save them? that's awesome dude, I wish I had a friend like that, that could save me if I was ever in danger
Lucio: *having flashbacks about the plague*
Devil: weeoo weeoo I'm in your flashbacks now, apparently you didn't save MC - you did a very bad job actually that's really embarrassing for you buddy
Lucio: wait, WERE YOU MC?!?!?
Devil: no I'm the Devil™
Lucio: *becomes count & commissions a bunch of art of himself*
Devil: okay, that was like awesome - not a sin. you did just waste military money which is super funny, uhhhhhh...you're really really bad at this
Lucio: your standards are so fucked!
Devil: are you sure you're evil?
Devil, at any given time: hiiii Lucio, it's me, the Devil™, I love you......I'm having so much fun with you
Devil, after fighting Lucio & MC: hey what's up, I'm completely fine by the way you stupid idiot
MC: actually, this guy never reset the timeline; you're kinda just really bad at killing people
Devil: yeah no I'm fucking with him at this point - you ever heard of gaslighting? that's like my specialty, I'm the Devil™. did you know that? hi, I'm the Devil™, nice to meet 'ya MC. I already know who you are - you kissed those 5 other people that one time?
MC: oh! gaslight me! gaslight me!
Devil: uhhhhh I already am, I was gaslighting you this whole time
MC: ohhhohoho cool!
Devil: shut up
Lucio: STOP
Devil: it's really cute how you're gonna defeat me with the power of friendship & all but again I am the Devil™, from the Arcana™
Lucio, infiltrating Vesuvia's government: ok, let's see, best way to sin.......killing the count
*Valerius walks by*
Lucio: new idea.....adultery
Lucio, meeting Muriel again for the first time in years: wait, I traumatized you as a child! that's badass!
MC: Lucio, you're an asshole man
Lucio: you are what you eat MC
MC: wh-what the hell man......that was kinda sick
Lucio, surprised that joke worked: thanks, I worked hard on it
that's it I'm done good night everybody
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goodnightmemes · 2 years
Lines taken from s03e09 - s03-e12 of the show Dexter. Feel free to change pronouns or edit in any way to better fit your needs. Here is part one.
❛ It's like there was an imbalance in the world, and we righted it, with our own hands. ❜
❛ I feel real. Like, maybe for the first time in my life. ❜
❛ If I knew where [name] was, I'd tell you. ❜
❛ All right, all right, you're right. I know where he is. I can show you. ❜
❛ You don't have to keep on checking on me. ❜
❛ He's held life and death in his hands. He likes it. ❜
❛ So how do I crack this sick fuck's brain? ❜
❛ I am not having a goddamn affair, okay? ❜
❛ I just needed space. I've got everything falling apart around me now. ❜
❛ You keep going off half-cocked. How am I supposed to trust you? ❜
❛ I didn't tell you because I know you wouldn't approve. ❜
❛ Whatever happened to serving justice? ❜
❛ I should have told you. It was a chickenshit thing to do, and I abused your trust. ❜
❛ Look. I'm a big boy. I know what I'm doing. Eventually, you're gonna trust that too. ❜
❛ He thinks he's untouchable. He's not. It's time he learned that. ❜
❛ For you, I'll do everything in my power. ❜
❛ Too many people are affected when the innocent die. ❜
❛ I'd be a fool not to follow your lead. I think you're gonna save my life. ❜
❛ I have to go look at some blood. Evidence. For a crime. ❜
❛ I'm sorry. We didn't mean to get your family caught up in this, all right? ❜
❛ What can you do? Nothing! ❜
❛ You gotta help me, or I can't do anything to help you. ❜
❛ It's me. It's okay. You're safe. ❜
❛ You found me. ❜
❛ I can't go home. There's too much silence. ❜
❛ He's been using me the whole time. ❜
❛ I'm responsible if [name] takes another innocent life. ❜
❛ I think we should just stay out of it. ❜
❛ They're gonna think that we slept together! ❜
❛ I mean, if my show does not make people vomit and have an erection at the same time, then I've let my audience down. ❜
❛ Hey, I'm not giving up on our friendship. ❜
❛ For someone so innocent, he sure looks guilty. ❜
❛ I am indeed a good friend to have. And one can never have too many friends, right? ❜
❛ I feel like Cinderella. Except for the whole Disney virgin thing. ❜
❛ Oh, don't worry. No one'll know Prince Charming knocked ya up before the ball. ❜
❛ You're sorry? Well, you can take your sorry and shove it up your ass! ❜
❛ Hey, I just wanted to say, I never meant for any of this to go down the way it did, you know? ❜
❛ I messed up. I wanted to apologize to your face. ❜
❛ You lying son of a bitch! You almost got me killed! ❜
❛ I am not the enemy here. ❜
❛ You feel guilty? You feel responsible for what happened to me? ❜
❛ Shit. You're bleeding. You're gonna need new stitches. ❜
❛ I need for you to seriously think about this. Think about us. ❜
❛ Wine... invented for the sole purpose of handling grief. Believe me, I know. ❜
❛ You've always been important to me. You know that. ❜
❛ Please don't hate me, but I may have done a bad thing. ❜
❛ You are too good a liar. ❜
❛ I don't know when you're telling the truth anymore. ❜
❛ Cause after all... familia is sacred. ❜
❛ I know what it is to want to rebalance an unbalanced world. ❜
❛ Some doors should stay shut. You open it, it's too easy to walk through it a second time. ❜
❛ Well, at least I didn't teach him how to get away with murder. I'm learning. ❜
❛ God. You are useless. Love you anyway. ❜
❛ I didn't get to where I am, who I am, by letting some little worm like you walk all over me! ❜
❛ I am the last person you wanna fuck with, because I will fuck you back in ways you never even imagined! ❜
❛ Wow. I didn't get it before, but you can't be reasoned with, guilted, or controlled. ❜
❛ I'll do what I want, when I want, to whomever I want! Count on it! ❜
❛ My search for connection always ends in blood. ❜
❛ As challenging as it will be, it's back to option one. I kill him. ❜
❛ So this is how it ends. I've pictured it a thousand ways, but never this. ❜
❛ Must be what your victims feel like. Trapped, hopeless. ❜
❛ You got any more words of encouragement, or are you just here to gloat? ❜
❛ I should have fucking killed [name] when I had the chance. ❜
❛ That's fucking hilarious! You were freaked, right? ❜
❛ For a smart guy, sometimes he doesn't have the good sense that God gave little chickens. ❜
❛ A true friend knows when to bury the hatchet, because friendship is a sacred bond, built on trust. ❜
❛ I have learned so much from you about, uh... trust. ❜
❛ Things are bound to go wrong. The less left to chance the better. ❜
❛ You always look so happy to see me. ❜
❛ Getting married's easy. All you have to do is show up. ❜
❛ I need to be with somebody who's got his shit together. ❜
❛ You're the only one he trusts. ❜
❛ Well, it's really hard to find people that you trust these days. ❜
❛ I could hear it, you know? The sound of the blade cutting into me. That and, uh... the sound of me screaming. Like it was somebody else. And I remember thinking, "That guy screaming...he's gonna die." ❜
❛ If home is where the heart is, where do you go when you don't have a heart? ❜
❛ So why is it every time I look at you, I still feel the same way I felt when we first met? ❜
❛ They make a cute couple. Too bad they're both lying through their teeth. ❜
❛ And this is, "Do as I say, not as I do"? ❜
❛ If you need something under the table, I'm your guy. That didn't come out right. ❜
❛ So, now you know. Question is, what are you gonna do? ❜
❛ I need your word this stays between us. ❜
❛ Yes, whenever you have an earth-shattering, ball-crushing, mind-fuck of a secret, you should tell your fucking sister. ❜
❛ You're the hardest-working person I know, you're loyal to a fault. In all the years I've known you, you've never let me down. ❜
❛ I know I crossed the line here. I know that now. It doesn't have to come to this. ❜
❛ I had higher hopes for you, for us. But I finally just have to accept it, I'll always be alone. ❜
❛ I tried. I tried to crack that damn armor of yours. ❜
❛ I know you better than anyone else. ❜
❛ I know I'm a monster. ❜
❛ I accept you, like a brother. ❜
❛ I didn't plan to, but it was kill or be killed. ❜
❛ You little freak! You think I'm done with you? You think this ends here? It doesn't! ❜
❛ There are few milestones in life that evoke a stronger response than our final act. Death. ❜
❛ We all react in different ways to death. Some choose anger. Others cling to ritual. ❜
❛ You can tell a lot about a person by the friends he keeps. ❜
❛ That was awkward. I don't think I've ever been asked to leave a funeral before. ❜
❛ You lost a friend. You don't have to be so strong. ❜
❛ [name] warned you that his death wasn't gonna be the end of things. ❜
❛ Can't kill him. Can't ignore him. ❜
❛ You know, Dad would be proud. That still means something, no matter how flawed he was. ❜
❛ Well, then tell me. How am I supposed to live with this? ❜
❛ I'm the only one that knows, I think. It's not even that big of a deal. ❜
❛ We all have secrets we prefer not to share. Skeletons. Feel free to keep yours in the closet. Deep in the closet. ❜
❛ Look, these people have nothing to do with this. This is between you and me, right? ❜
❛ I should put a bullet in your head. In front of everybody. So they can see what it's like to lose someone. ❜
❛ So you don't really have to bother with reality. That must be nice. ❜
❛ Until you came into our life, everything was fine. ❜
❛ I spent my whole life trying to hold it together, and now it's all gone to shit. ❜
❛ Someday your kids will be old enough to see the truth for themselves, just like you did with your father. ❜
❛ The sins of the father go on and on, from kid to kid to kid, unless someone - you - chooses to end them. ❜
❛ There is no possible way that us being together is a mistake. ❜
❛ You hold on to that personal life. Reminds us what's important. ❜
❛ I've been scared of it coming to this your whole life, a violent end. I tried to protect you. ❜
❛ This is my fault for not trusting you. ❜
❛ You did the best you could. ❜
❛ I've never seen you cry before. ❜
❛ I've never wanted anything so much in my life. ❜
❛ You are the best thing that has happened to me. ❜
❛ I had a choice. I chose you. Your turn. ❜
❛ Oh, I have my excuses and justifications, but, really, I just... need to. ❜
❛ So really, you're just a killer, a monster. The stuff of nightmares. ❜
❛ A wolf would chew off its own paw, its survival instinct is that fierce. So is mine. ❜
❛ We all have secrets. In that way, I'm just like everyone else. ❜
❛ All my previous attempts at human connection have ended in... well, death. ❜
❛ Sure, I'm still who I was, who I am. Question is, what do I become? ❜
❛ Right now, at this moment, I'm content. Maybe even happy. And I have to admit, when all is said and done... life is good. ❜
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