#the doctor is so loved by all the universe….. but lmao who cares he’s never needed anyone but himself am i right
quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
(i do try not to think about that episode so much because it does annoy me greatly that it’s this build up of. everyone around the doctor loves him so much they’d risk destroying time itself to save his life. river resists shooting him, amy puts together pieces of him in her head enough to want to help him across reality breaking, and at the end, the whole of time and space hears someone say “the doctor needs help!” and they come to answer. because that’s the good he puts out into the universe. people will come. if he just asks, they’ll come.
and then the episode turns around and goes, ‘yeah, anyway, river’s an idiot for doing all this dramatic shit to save him lol. the doctor had a plan all along to save himself. he doesn’t need anyone’s help.’ like THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT. OF EVERYONE WHO CAME. TO HELP HIM. WHY DID WE BOTHER WITH ANY OF THIS.)
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tartsinarat · 5 months
Ngl was thinking about this whilst drawing some toh au stuff while watching doctor who in the background but I really feel like Pip would really be into the toh version of doctor who.
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no idea what it would be called tho in the owl house but Pip’s into it for obvious reasons of sci-fi but also occasionally randomly fantasy?? show, which has chaotic mess of lore that makes no sense whatsoever (I say this with extreme love tho) and has a main character who’s a mad genius and criminal who stole a time machine and ran away to explore the universe and time which I feel meshes very well into what Pip would enjoy
Like I don’t see him enjoying space frontier as it’s pretty much Star Trek and that show has an really optimistic grand view of the future, it focus mostly on the good of people as a whole and that anything can be achieved if people work together and put their minds to it, I can see why Hunter and Gus would enjoy it which I find really sweet and adorable
On the other hand Doctor who has a very complex but pessimistic view on people/the universe, it mainly focuses on the crazy situations that a lonely alien on who’s constantly running away but desperately trying their best at all times to either atone for what they did in the past or to help people across time and space which I think Pip would find more interesting and relatable.
He’d also probably think that all the historical stuff in doctor who is real and that Britain is just constantly getting invaded by aliens.
Funniest thing though about him discovering Doctor who is Pip finally learning what a British person is, and that he’s got a British accent himself as I’m pretty sure there’s literally no one on the boiling isles other than Belos and Pip have that accent so he wondered where it’s from.
Pip also enjoys this show even more because time travel is a concept in toh, soooooooo the guy is just itching to figure out how to make a real Tardis, the only thing stoping him is that he’s in the human realm and in the demon realm the titan themselves was like “nope not even risking it” and decided to never allow him to be able to find a time pool again (he was apart of the events of elsewhere and elsewhen along side Luz and Lilith… it was awkward between him and Philip to say the least but it was more on Pips part because he was like” holy shit is he an older me?? Or my great great- something?? grandad what is going on???” So he didn’t know how to react to that and neither did Luz who was like yep they’re related, and Philip was like “what a strange hooded kid, I didn’t know that demons could mimic accents and appearances so well, I should be stay wary of that abomination and slay it when I have the time”. Oh yeah Pip does almost get killed but Lilith springs into action and does the badass punch to stop Philip. Ngl I’ll have to draw this as a comic at some point because it’s interesting to imagine/draw)
As well I had some ideas of him in thanks to them dressed up in a nerdy doctor cosplay which I found fun but idk if that’ll end up being what I draw him as for his Halloween costume, all three were picked because they all had similar Pip personality wise and I feel like he would relate most to these three in particular;
Like Pip, 10 is pretty much a wild card personality wise depending on the situation he can either be a sad destructive arrogant bastard with a slight god complex who takes matters into his own hands because he believes that he’ll make the right decision without thinking about the consequences or be a lonely silly guy who rambles a lot and is always running around and just wants to have fun.
1 is a grumpy trickster that has strong opinions about right and wrong, he also appears rude or uncaring but actually cares a lot and is the guy who ran away and stole a fucking time machine. He and 14 (14 is basically a mature 10 but I was tempted to go with him instead of 10 but he doesn’t have the ego problem so 10 it was lmao) fought a god like being that’s from another dimension thats obsessed with playing games.
4 is a bit of an odd ball though, he’s the weirdest doctor out of the bunch. He’s pretty silly, but at times he’s shifts into being quite callous and broody but still has a heart of gold. As well as 4 seems to struggle a lot in acting human as he’s pretty distant, aloof and alien at points, he even emphasises a lot throughout his run how he’s not human. Which I feel Pip would find extremely relatable as well as enjoying 4’s adventurist spirit and his extreme hatred of authority.
I think 4 is Pips favourite so he’d most likely cosplay as him during thanks to them.
Omg almost completely forgot to mention but I didn’t add his scar on purpose, he’s used illusion magic to remove it to make the cosplay more accurate and because his curse at that point is showing more physically on his body at this point in season 3 (he goopy 😔) and I can imagine it’s hard to explain to people in public why you a rotting infected looking green scar across your face and an even worse looking arm that’s weirdly proportioned to your body.
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picnokinesis · 3 months
if you would be interested in sharing your thoughts about the star beast, i would love to hear them!!
Ooh okay, so - well, first, just to start off: I think The Star Beast is a really important episode, and was very much a needed episode. The current climate in the UK regarding the trans community and their rights is getting extremely rancid, to put it lightly. Having an episode of Doctor Who with an explicitly trans character, having the other characters around her be affirming and supportive - that was awesome. Extremely awesome. And I'm really glad that RTD is loudly putting himself on this side of the whole 'debate' (which isn't really a debate, because it's just straight up bigotry from the anti-trans side, and we need people like RTD outwardly speaking out against that bigotry).
When I talk to cis people offline about this episode, that is pretty much what I say and also where I stop.
I'll put the rest under the cut hahah - there's a bit of negativity here, just as a warning for all the hardcore RTD stans, but I think it's well-founded and not vitriolic at all, just like, miffed hahaha. Also, I know there were a few trans folks who found this episode really affirming, so just to be clear: this is just my opinion, personal thoughts, and also influenced by the conversations I had with other trans people that I know and care about about the episode.
When I talk to trans people - offline or online - about this episode, I go in a lot deeper, because whilst it was a very important episode, it was somewhat flawed. It also came off the back of several things RTD had said and done that really ticked me off, and so I wasn't really in the interest of being entirely uncritical about what, to me and a lot of trans dw fans that I spoke to, thought was a very "cis" trans story. And when I watched it, I thought 'oh geez, is this how poc feel when white people try and write poc stories with good intentions but don't really get it right??" because like. Ho boy.
The thing about this episode was that RTD wanted to write an affirming trans story, and mostly did that, but also, imo...doesn't actually understand what gender and transness actually is. I think my main gripes were definitely with the climax scene - the whole 'we can let go bc we're women' thing literally made me go 'what' out loud at the screen because...well, it's just gender essentialism. Trans inclusive, sure! But trans inclusive gender essentialism is still gender essentialism. Women aren't better than men. There's actually an exceptionally good essay written by a trans woman who was still in the closet about her experiences in queer spaces that had a very prevalent anti-men attitude, and I've seen it myself irl too. It's not helpful - it's harmful, in fact - and it leans on this strange mysticism about women that is fundamentally anti-feminist, in my opinion. Women aren't "innately better at emotional and intangible, instinctive things" (and it's unspoken counterpart - "thus men are better at logical, rational things" - is also untrue). Women aren't magically better at 'letting things go' than men are - I reckon you could make an argument about men being socialised to not be emotional, and that would be an interesting conversation to have, but that was not what was being said - especially with the Doctor being raised in a society that didn't even perceive gender in the same was as humanity.
Also, the thing that REALLY got me was 'if you were a woman, you'd get it' - first of all, no. Thirteen never let anything go in her life and repressed to the max, if anything she was WORSE than tenteen at that lmao. Second - and this is the more salient point - I think it's a strange thing to suggest that tenteen is fully a man, at this point? Like, regardless of what he looks like, regardless of how he identifies or how thirteen identified, he just lived a lifetime in a body that looked like a woman, and thus was treated as such by the rest of the universe. He wasn't going to forget all of that. I actually really liked how the Chibnall era approached thirteen's gender - or, rather, her complete ambivalence to it, where it seemed like gender was more of an annoying thing that kept happening to the doctor that she kept having to remember, rather than something she felt - however I really REALLY wish they'd actually dug explicitly into the transness of it all, and so when they didn't, I'd hoped that RTD would do that instead. Especially since we KNEW Yasmin Finney was in it and we knew we were going to get a trans character!! I was like, this is the PERFECT opportunity to get the Doctor to actually talk about their gender and how it, fundamentally, doesn't really change between bodies, just how people REACT to it changes. But instead, the episode seems to present the doctor as having flicked a binary switch - once woman, now man - and thus made sure to remind us that every time thirteen was mentioned, it was framed around the fact that she was The Woman Regeneration, but also that tenteen was Now a Man Again. And even if that WAS THE CASE, it still wouldn't mean that tenteen came out of that experience completely mindwiped of everything about 'womanhood', right?? Like he lived as a woman! He was a woman 45 minutes ago, but now you're telling him that he couldn't possibly understand anything about this because he's a man now? Like first of all, his physical body's characteristics have nowt to do with his ability to let things go, second, it's just....okay, it reminds me of the dichotomy between all these detransition horror stories the anti-trans folks like to spew out, versus when you talk to actual detransitioners, who are quite often gnc and extremely positive about the trans community, and whose experience within that community and transitioning impacted how they view the world.
And I think it fundamentally comes down to RTD not really understanding either womanhood or transness. He actively speaks out on both of these things, which is great, but I don't think he understands them fully. I think the fact that he didn't think that David Tennant could wear a t-shirt, braces, trousers and coat because they were "women's clothes", and that when he cast David Tennant that was one of the first things he immediately decided is kind of telling.
There's also the whole 'male-presenting timelord' thing, which, again, I just don't think RTD really understood what that meant, like I'm not sure what his point was there, genuinely. Like, on a technical level it's acknowledging that the Doctor isn't necessarily male, just looks like a man (correct) buuuuuuuuuut the full line was saying 'you'd never understand this because you're a man' SO LIKE...okay? So he's not actually a man, but actually because of his male-adjacency, he's incapable of coming to the same conclusion that a woman did? So he's still...defined by his maleness? Hm. Strange sentence to write coming out of a trans woman's mouth.
What would have been better? I wish they'd just had Donna and Rose say 'because we're human', or maybe 'because we're the Nobles'. I also know a lot of people really didn't like the misgendering scene with the kids on the bikes - I think my personal feelings on that are a little more complicated, as a trans person who is not out irl and functionally uses my birthname almost everywhere, but also isn't triggered by it. It's not a deadname, more like a paperwork name rather than my preferred name, right? But I know for a lot of trans people, deadnaming is like psychological warfare and it's really awful, especially when done with malicious intent (like shown in the scene with the boys on the bikes). However...I do understand why RTD included this scene, and actually kind of agree with him. Because the boys on the bikes are the sort of people who are also watching the show. And so then seeing that kind of thing being condemned by the narrative by a key, beloved character, is probably something that's actually helpful. On the other hand though...in the Doctor Who Unleashed (or whatever the behind the scenes thing is called now), you've got this interview with Yasmin Finney saying that it was actually a pretty triggering scene to film for her and genuinely affected her, and I'm like....okaaaaaay then I REALLY hope they had someone she could talk to on set. Like, fundamentally, I think telling these stories are important, but, yknow, not at the expense of the actual actress' mental wellbeing, right? So that concerned me a bit.
I also think that the scene between Sylvia and Donna in the kitchen talking about Rose was brilliant. And this is because it was about cis people trying to understand and support trans people whilst not completely getting it and making mistakes, but also trying their best!! Which RTD does understand, very well!! And it felt so real. It was fantastic. There's also the part with the whole 'did you assume the meep's pronouns' whiiiiiiiich I have mixed feelings about? I think here, RTD was trying to poke fun at the people who do say that sort of thing to make fun of trans people, and having the Doctor be like 'actually this is a good point we should be checking this sort of thing'......however. I don't think I've ever heard 'did you assume my pronouns' come out of a trans person's mouth. It's always been a cis person mocking our community. So it felt a bit...incongruent. And all that needed to be changed was having Rose say 'how do you know the meep is a he?' - like that was all it needed!!! Also, it was a shame that after the delightful moment of the doctor being like 'SAME HAT' regarding the meep's pronouns, that.....we then had NO OTHER DISCUSSION about the doctor's gender!! Like, Russel, dude, you're really gonna have Rose hear the 'male-presenting' guy say 'oh yeah I do that with pronouns too!! :D' - have her NOT REACT TO THAT AT ALL - and then you're gonna have her say by the end 'oh you don't understand bc you're a man :)' after her non-binary power move moment? Sighs. Yeah.
I think another important thing to remember here is that there were no trans folks in the writer's room on this. Now, this is a tricky one because I think people who aren't part of a certain community should be writing stories outside their own knowledge and experience, and should be encouraged to do so!! I don't think that you need to have everything rubberstamped, and even something written by someone in a certain community isn't going to resonate with everyone in that community. Actually, I think it's unhelpful to start getting into the politics of 'who is allowed to write what' - I think anything written with care and good intention is valuable, especially if the writer is willing to listen to constructive criticism and learn from any mistakes that are made. But I think, as a writer myself, if you are going to write a story about that community, it might be worth 1) talking to them a bit more than I think RTD did - but, to be fair, I don't actually know how much research he did, but, well, see above on the fact I don't think he really got what he was writing about - but also 2) not dismissing writers from that community (and others!), which RTD did in an interview not thaaaaaaat long before the episode aired. Again, to be fair to him, he has since then been like 'oh, we need to mentor and encourage the new generation of trans writers and writers of colour', which, great! But also, sir, then why were you saying that all the scripts you got from minority writers were all awful, angry, and lacked any love for tv like skksks SIR. SIR. The thing that gets me about that comment in particular is that, as someone currently starting out in script writing, I know exactly how hard it is to get at all noticed. It takes a lot of effort, a lot of passion, a lot of hard work and a lot of skill - and a lot of luck too, granted, but not luck along. So, RTD, if these writers got their scripts to your literal desk, as showrunner of Doctor Who...I think they have some love and passion. They HAVE to, to get to the point where he is reading those scripts. Also maybe RTD should unpack the fact that he thought the scripts were bad because they were too angry - I mean, I haven't read them, so I don't know, but maybe, sir, feeling uncomfortable about the anger in a script isn't a bad thing. Not every story is meant to be an easy pill to swallow. There are aromantic stories I want to write about romance as horror, romance as a virus, romance as a destructive force, that I think a lot of alloromantic people will find uncomfortable. Does that mean they're bad? Maybe, lol. Mostly they're bad because they're not written yet lmao, but I don't think the anger and discomfort in them makes them inherently weak. In fact, I think often anger can make a story stronger.
So then, I think The Star Beast left a sour taste in the back of my mouth, despite all the positive aspects of it, because of that. I think that comment also kinda left me frustrated about Dot and Bubble, even though I think that was a fantastic episode and genuinely really well done, and very effective - and I'm genuinely loathe to criticise it at all because I think it was so important - but. Having RTD talking in an interview about wondering how long the audience will take to notice that the cast is all white (and, thus, the depicted society is racist) whilst sitting in a writers room that's all white iiiiiiiiiiis uh. I don't think he thought about that SKKS. I think a lot about Sacha Dhawan talking about how you can be as inclusive on screen as you like, but if it's all 'white behind the lights' then how much does that inclusivity actually mean?
RTD definitely had good intentions and wrote a mostly good story. But he definitely fell down in some regards, aaaaaand well. I don't know. My personal opinion is that he's kind of arrogant and thinks he's infallible as a writer (and I may feel this way bc of the way parts of the fandom seem to put him on a pedestal, if I'm honest) - but I think that he's just human. He doesn't get things perfectly right all the time, and that's absolutely fine, but I think it's interesting and important to discuss those pitfalls, and I just wish he'd stop making it feel like he thinks he can write trans stories better than, yknow, actual trans people, and then write the most cis trans story I've ever seen SKSKSKSK
(AND ACTUALLY - sorry, this is getting long, but it's kind of indicative of the whole industry at the moment? The industry is calling for more diverse voices, more diverse stories - but they also want stories that can appeal to the widest possible audience, the common denominator, and thus "trans stories by trans people for trans people" doesn't actually tick that box. This didn't hit me until I wrote a trans horror script that got shortlisted for a script call, but when I spoke to the (cis) producer and director (who were LOVELY, the producer had a gorgeous dog called Biscuit HAHA) I very quickly realised that they did not get it. They didn't understand. "Why do we have to kill the mirror demon that's the girl part of this trans man?" they asked. "She should get to live too!" But: "She was never a part of him," I had to say. "She was the idea of him that everyone around him thought he was, and thought it so strongly that she became real. It was her or him." They didn't really understand, but on the plus side it did highlight to me what was unclear in my script that none of my (trans) proof readers had picked up on (although my transfemme friend made the HILARIOUS comment that maybe the mirror demon could go and find a nice trans girl to possess? WHICH SKSKSKSKKSKSK I MEAN -))
Anyway. -gestures nebulously- I feel like my thoughts were a lot more concise and well constructed in the week after this episode actually aired hahaha, but I didn't want to throw my hat into the ring back then. I did find it amused how the majority of my cis trans-affirming friends were like 'GREAT EPISODE, RIGHT?!!' and the majority of my trans friends were sending me the grimace emoji in the week after the episode aired LMAO
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upslapmeal · 3 months
The Devil's Chord
For context going into this episode, I can name off the top of my head.....3 Beatles songs? idk I'd probably recognise more but I was v much hoping this episode didn't hinge on having any actual emotional attachment to them lol
that kid is excellently cast, really looks the part
RIP Henry your great casting was cut short too soon
very chaotic vibes from Maestro!
the theme on the piano!!
the theme on the jukebox!!
‘I want to see the Beatles’ followed by the most cute serious face <3
sure Doctor you've never been to see them but you've had the space time visualiser!
lmao Ruby and Fifteen are so much fun
pure vibes and here for a good time!
meanwhile One is busy kidnapping Ian and Babs lol
so. gonna guess from their faces it’s not an actual Beatles song
poor Fifteen dying at the orchestra and Ruby just 😐😐 *pat on the back*
hey it’s that lady again!
do these people look like the Beatles? I feel like they don't but again. I don't really know what they did look like
so my question with all this is.. why still make music if music isn't a thing any more?
why are the Beatles formed as a group and recording with someone encouraging them in the control room?
why even set up a recording studio at all?? I guess it speaks to the underlying human-ness of music
that even when musicality is gone, people are still forcing themselves to make some sort of music
yeah I feel like I should care more about the Beatles lol
Lennon and McCartney just. immediately baring their souls
feels weird watching this and knowing it's about someone who's still alive
'GEGGC'....ah ~~music~~
'we had bad smog in November ’62' I love how the Doctor speaks like a reminiscing Londoner bc that's what he was!!
Susan mention red alert!!!
‘timelords were murdered. :D I’M FINE’ sure
Ruby's theme!
interesting that in-universe it’s music she wrote for someone else
the giggle!!
‘you never hide’ I get that Fifteen and Ruby were instant besties but she's speaking like someone who's known the Doctor way longer than 3 adventures
the sonic screwdriver being sonic!!
RIP piano granny
‘defeating him took everything*’ * catching a ball
‘you always know’ idk if it's a symptom of the reduced episode count but it does feel like they've skipped over a fair bit of Ruby and Fifteen getting to know each other
‘I was born in 2004’ 👵🏻
oh so it’s been 6 months since the last ep??
again I guess the reduced ep count has meant speeding through but :/
‘where’s my mum’ :(((
I like the un-music that Murray Gold has going on for this bit. v effective.
child of the Toymaker??
‘now time for my ppt presentation about nuclear winter’
'the lost chord' - I feel like they could have done a lil bit more with that at the start bc it didn't feel as though the guy played anything particularly unusual or special?
lol Fifteen kissing the tardis better. I mean it seemed to work
the Doctor leaving Actual Musician Ruby Sunday in the control room while he tries to play a guitar
‘I thought that was non-diegetic’ lmao I guess it makes sense that the whole episode's music is being messed with
‘there’s a hidden song deep inside her soul’ hmmmm
...secret evil power Ruby??
excellent visual of her held up by the music in the snow
they're lucky Maestro doesn't seem interested in just. killing them.
‘music battle’ this is so weird. not sure if it's weird in a way I'm enjoying
this ep has felt a bit....meandering isn't the word but I don't know what is
lmao the nostalgic voiceover…not-Lennon totally unfazed by magical floating notes...reading them even though they absolutely cannot be read because there’s no stave
danse macabre!
it’s just so funny that it's the most boring-ass chord that defeats Maestro
the thing is the ep did v little to establish these guys as Characters To Root For outside them being Beatles and I just. don't care
I'd be interested to know if Beatles fans felt more about them saving the day
musical number!!
that shot of Fifteen vibing in the spotlight is so much fun!
and the one of him and everyone in the control room watching Ruby!
the world has been deprived of music for so long that of course it explodes into a musical number!!
and a certain Mr H Arbinger returns…I imagine that's not the last we'll see of him
what a fun end lol
I dunno about this one, it had good stuff but some of it was a bit all over the place and weird in a way that I didn't enjoy that much. And some of the music-specific stuff just idk. didn't land.
Also I rewatched the ep before editing my notes but I watched it as ep4 which honestly made Fifteen and Ruby's dynamic seem less rushed (and then there wasn't the weirdness in Boom of Ruby not going to a planet for the first 6 months of travelling).
I don't know. Mixed bag this one.
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leonenjoyer69 · 6 months
I present, from my new Lanyon drinks the potion AU (working on the name), Robert Lanyon and his HJ7 Alter ego!
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Taking pictures of colored pencil drawings is the bane of my existence, bc lighting is so annoying.
Anyways!!! I've settled on the first name Elias, bc I feel like Henry would help name him and Elias is a letter off from Alias (which means a fake/pen name), so I thought that'd be funny :3 still working on the last name tho.
Yes, that is Hyde's vest that Elias is wearing. Henry gave it to him on his first night alive after clearing everything up with him and Robert about what just happened to him. Since he's near Hyde's size, Jekyll decided that he needed some clothes, at least temporarily, but Elias refuses to give it back now, despite having his own clothes. Why? Because Henry gave it to him, and he loves Henry so much. it's also Hyde's vest, who's part of Henry, so by proxy he's gotta love him too, right? How could he hate any part of Henry?
Unlike Hyde, Elias isn't some self-proclaimed evil incarnate. He's very easy to read emotionally and is very honest to everyone around him. He's very open about his feelings, which are generally very quick to change, especially towards those he cares most about (*cough* JekyllandHyde *cough*-) and he strives for praise. He likes accomplishing things and has more of a liking for "sciency stuff", he also recalls most of the doctor things that Lanyon learned from university and isn't deterred by gross things and blood. He shares hyde's wanderlust and will run around town with him, though Elias prefers parks and nature over the slums of London, and he also enjoys the rooftops.
Timeline wise, Lanyon accidentally drinks the potion after all the blackfog and queen Lucy stuff, when they "kidnap" Hyde. Specifically, it happens right before Jekyll dumps all the HJ7 down the drain- like, right before. Lanyon kinda interrupts him doing that. Henry reenters the room in the middle of Lanyon's transformation, so he's there when Elias kinda "wakes up".
Anyways, please please PLEASE ask me questions about him, I'd love to answer them :3 also, I'm currently working on a fic for this!! The first chapter is almost done I think, I just need time to actually sit down and write.
Also jejvkekkvke character design is SO HARD, shout out to people who do it all the time. Also apologies if the skin looks off in any way, I've never really used colored pencils to color any characters, much less any colored characters, so I kinda had to figure it out as I went lmao.
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babiebom · 7 months
Two songs I think would describe my relationship with each doctor (nuwho)
A/N: i clicked on a video expecting chaotic doctor who TikTok’s but instead got edits and now all I can think about is what song would play if someone made an edit of me and the doctor. These headcanons are very self indulgent lmao so maybe read at your own risk(nothing too scandalous lmao)
Tw: some cursing maybe, the genre is really sorta fluffy and angsty so idk what to put as a trigger warning idk.
Bc: at least 4 for each 1 for each song and 1 explanation for each of those songs
Doctor who Masterlist
Until I Found You-Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold
Okay for this song it’s just if he had never met Rose and I was in her place. Because I do think that whoever he meets at this time(if he likes them) will change how he views everything like she did. Like he needed somebody in this point in time to show him how wonderful the universe could be again after he had lost everything. This song gives those vibes
Snowman- Sia
This is because he’s a sad sad angry man and like, I don’t want him to be sad. This entire song is just me and my sad bf I don’t want him to be sad but no matter what it’s him and me because who else is there?
Stay With Me- Miki Matsubara
If you read the English lyrics the song is Sadge and I think it fits what I think would be my vibe with him. He will never admit if he has feelings for me(prolly not lmao) and this is just him being like love and affection are different things and i have affection for you. And like just wanting to stay in the moment if not having to be upset because of feelings or anything, just want everything to be good so I can hold on to the good moments.
Heather- Conan Gray
Okay so I’m going with my own AU of me just being the companion of each doctor and like maybe stuff happening in between? I think at this point, the doctor wouldn’t really either admit if he does or doesn’t have feelings for me and ends up falling for someone else while we travel. Like maybe the Family of Blood happens or something in this universe and I get Martha-ed(she’s the loml and I’ll never forgive the show for doing her dirty) by him. This is just me being angsty.
My Love Mine All Mine-Mitski
Literally just how i feel about him. I’m the only companion and the only one he ever sails off with, he’s mine all mine in a way. I love him, and even if the song is talking about requited love, mine is probably delulu and this is me being all head over heels prolly
Again a sappy song. Out of everyone else in the entire universe he somehow chose me to travel with him, because of him I finally found what I wanted to do with my life (be with him) cute cute cute but also delulu
Shinuoga E-Wa -Fujii Kaze
If we’re going based off canon things, the doctor was kinda insecure about this new face(because it’s older? I’m going off of what lizard lady was talking about to Clara) and this is just me being like I really don’t care what you look like I’d rather die than be without you
A Thousand Years- Christina Perri
Like the last song this is literally me being like YOURE STILL ATTRACTIVE MY FEELINGS HAVENT CHANGED PLS :)
Take Me to Church- Hozier
I feel like out of these doctors that thirteen was more so of like…I’m keeping all of my personal information personal? Idk like the others knew more about the doctor than the fam knew? At least before their last season. So I feel like at this point she would be lying about a bunch of shit and I’d be like “okay :) I’ll believe everything you’re saying even though I know for a fact your bullshitting me rn”
Love Story- Indila
This is more so the second verse. Me being like “lmao I’m never leaving you” and her being like “I’m literally being an asshole and I forgot how to love” and me being like “idc I’ll literally fight for you. If you ignore me I’ll just offer you my life” kinda insane but also like an undying love sorta thing
Fourteen is the same as ten but less angsty :)
Best Friend-Doja Cat and Saweetie
Atp I think that our relationship probably would’ve evolved to a couple that has been together for a million years but instead of being tired of each other were more like best friends to the point where everyone thinks everything has always been platonic. Fifteen is a bad bitch I love him <3
I Will Always Love You- Whitney Houston
Because fifteen is still hella angsty. He’s acting like the therapy worked but it just helped him deal with everything probably. He needs to remember that no matter what I’ll always love him.
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punklorde-hunter · 6 months
So 2.1, just like the previous patch SO much happened, and To no one's surprise, It blew everything we saw in 2.0 out of the water! And since i did something similar during 2.1, I'd thought it make sense to do the same for the next part. So without further ado!
Spoilers under the Cut!!!!
Of course the start of 2.1's story has to end right where we left off, in the room where we found Robin's dead body O_O. But i like the direction they go, where after we split off form Aventurine and meet with the Express, we get to see multiple POV's, kinda like how they did with Dan Heng on the Luofu but more complex. And man did it work wonders!
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While I know there were people meming and a bit disappointed Duke Inferno never got to appear in game, I did like that Acheron at least remembers his last stand. Man stood by his principles and went out fighting (even if he' prob won't be playable)
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I also like how they handled Acheron & Welt together. Like I said before never got to play Honkai Impact 3rd, but I did get to read a lot of the supplementary material like Second Impact, so it was nice to see that side of Welt from there. And that's while Acheron isn't his Mei it's nice they shared a kinship
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What a fun Greek Myth ref to match the HI3 Ref
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I got nothing to add to this the sand pit was hilarious as hell! The NPC walking into walls and clipping into floors made me lose it. The devs had way too much fun in that area lmao.
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Siobhan give em one more chance 🥺
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the straight Up Pikachu ref sdjaldsadkklds
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The little detail of Aventurine's & Dr. Ratio's shoes was pretty cute, the lil' spades on Aventurine's sole and Ratio's sandals, it's nice!
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Nice Unlimited Blade Works ref there Star Rail
This next parts more on the serious side, so I'll give a little heads up that rest of the post is prob about to touch on really dark topics like Enslavement, genocide, su1c1de, and not so nice things like that so be warned.
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Aventurine / Kakavasha's backstory....
there's so much I could say but they really did a excellent job fleshing out his character. From how he was "lucky" from birth but everyone he ever loved wasn't so lucky, how his reckless gambling with his life was there even as a kid, him feeling he's never been truly free only going from one master to another, mans got trauma and it's no wonder he thinks everything comes at a cost.
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I haven't seen a lot of post about the part where Kakasvasha says his last goodbyes to his sister, right before the Narration explains that the small rebellion ended in the Avgin clan's extinction (it's vague if the Katacins survived, but considering how the story paints them, not many people are gonna miss them). over 6,000 deaths and over ,000 casualties, all on a planet that was barely survivable. And while his sister sends him off after one final prayer to Gaithra Triclops, it left him alone with no one, and we know how he ended up afterwards.
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Not to mention the fact even when Aventurine killed his old master by STRANGLING HIM WITH CHAINS, he would've been arrested by the IPC had Jade not taken an interest in his bet. Man has been through it. No wonder he recklessly bets his life in gambles, it was either that or he dies.
Speaking of reckless gambling, the entire sequence after Sunday does his Harmony suggestion we get that oh so nice interactions with the young Aventurine and his shadow the true self other Aventurine that rags on him the rest of the way. The shadow Aventurine lays it in him that underneath that bravado is a man whose so scared to lose more and yet doesn't care if his own life gets taken in the process since all he has is that. Not even with all the money in the universe. Dr Ratio's "betrayal" was supposedly an act, but he still thinks on some level the doctor hates him and it was real, he has no one to confined in or anything.
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But with the younger self it's different. The way his young self still has light in his eyes, how in the hallucination he's at the theme park with his family, who are dead. First he denies that there are any Avgins since they were all dead right? But then he shows a kinder side he would never show to anyone, much less himself. And it accumulates in the scene where he decides to live on a bit longer and says a final prayer to his past, to Kakavasha. I was choking up all through that final part.
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I know the patch mostly focused on Aventurine, but even what we learned of Acheron is also sad. She's not really a Galaxy Ranger, because her status as an Emanator of Nihillty, a "Self-Annihilator," is tragic enough, means she'll forget precious memories, senses, untill there's nothing. So it's sticks out to me that Acheron is the one to give Aventurine the nudge to live on, she she also has lost so much but chooses to walk on in life. Plus Dr. Ratio's note to Aventurine was very Ratio, no-nonsense but also wants him to live on despite their differences. The Aventio fans are eating it up but it's still a nice gesture from Ratio.
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Speaking of Sunday, I said I wanted him to get his revenge as a treat but I wasn't counting on him almost killing Aventurine with whatever Harmony power he put on him. Sure the man lost his sister to an unknown murderer, and the light cone memory of them of a simpler time is sad. There's still a few unanswered question about him and Robin's relationship, like if Robin's fondest memories of are the pretend concert between her and Sunday, why is ti as adults she only just got back to Penacony, and why the Harmony isn't in sync anymore that caused her voice to lose it's tune. Also Sundays controlling attitude and his raven bird watching in every scene he's in makes me think the once closed siblings may not be as close anymore
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Also with the reveal of what "Gallagher's" role in the story is, the drink he made for my Trailblazer fits a bit TOO well. I don't completely believe he's working alone, but his association with the Something Unto Death meme has me excited for his role next patch. Let my chill bartender man be a bit shady as a treat. Truly the "most normal human in the game of werewolf" (Thanks Shaoji)
Also to no one's surprise, Sam & Firefly are one in the same. While I am interested on how the last Stellaron Hunter is gonna be like and what their deal is, it's a shame most people like em were spoiled by the twist since it makes Firefly and Sam SO much more interesting.
But overall 2.1 has been AMAZING in terms of characterization and with 2.2 being set to be the "climax" of Penacony's Story I can't wait to see what they do with the plot threads they have been cooking up.
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The Doctor takes Rose on her first voyage through time, to the year five billion. The sun is about to expand and swallow the earth. Amongst the alien races gathering to watch, a murderer is at work. Who is controlling the mysterious and deadly spiders?
WHAT was he doing in this scene.
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You think you're so impressive. ---I am so impressive baby’s first flirt….
2. You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible, that maybe you survive. i adore this line. Iirc i read somewhere that this episode was made when a lot of negative climate focussed media was coming out and rtd wanted to assure young viewers that there was always hope? Not sure where i saw it but it’s stuck with me
3. Is that why we're here? I mean, is that what you do? Jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?-- rose we are literally here so i can trauma dump. Haven’t you heard of healthy coping mechanisms??
4. He's blue RTD my beloved. What an incredibly realistic, human observation—i feel like companions simply do not do this anymore. And they should!
5. Love the bark makeup. It’s so pretty!
6. The air from my lungs….this episode is so good damn it
7. Moxx of Balhoon better known as the CEO of sex. I give you the gift of bodily salivas lucky Rose
9. Rose being overwhelmed and running out. I can’t get over the amount of care and detail RTD put into writing her. She really is his baby. Can’t wait to see how he brings her back now (because he will. He will.)
10. Jabe’s device is unable to identify a timelord, probably because the rest of the universe thinks them dead? Although her reaction is very different from that of the Nestene Consciousness (who is implied to have lost quite a bit in the Time War), whereas Jabe doesn’t seem to have any personal connection. I wonder what the other outsider perceptions of the War were!
11. Ahhh Rose being kind to the plumber. I love my girl. LMAO at her realising she just hitched a ride with a complete stranger w/o thinking about it. The metal spiders are very Minority Report.
12. Your machine gets inside my head. It gets inside and it changes my mind, and you didn't even ask? the WRITING. Just chef’s kiss. Even in this sort of power dynamic, you never ever feel like Rose doesn’t have agency. She’s so smart and capable and fierce. i love her.
13. Gotta love how fast they switch from arguing to flirting. Jiggery-pokery <3
14. I might be late home. and then she comes back a YEAR later JESUS
15. Bad Wolf mention!
16. Hahahah i can’t watch the Jabe scene without thinking of plant sex now, courtesy of Katie
17. I was born on that planet, and so was my mum, and so was my dad. I love how much Rose loves her dad. Like if you’ve never even known a parent, you probably wouldn’t bring them up in a context like this, but the addition implies that Rose thinks of her dad quite a bit, and this is a nice little subtle setup to my favourite episode of the season, Father’s Day
18. The sun filter scene! It’s unexpectedly tense. I remember being really worried the first time I saw it
19. This whole event was sponsored by the Face of Boe. He invited us. Jack set them up….god that’s so sweet. The fact that he knows that they’re properly together in Pete’s World at this point <3333333 he is Literally Us. Putting his blorbos in Situations.
20. What are you going to do, moisturise me?
21. At least it'll be quick. Just like my fifth husband. HUHHH?? LMAO
22. I love the turning fan trope, every time it’s in any movie ever, it’s got me on the edge of my seat
23. Everything has its time, and everything dies. OOF. Appreciate Rose still wanting Cassandra to be saved! Something something parallel with how she changed the Doctor so much that he’s willing to give Cassandra a peaceful death in New Earth <3 the power of love, folks.
24. The Earth death scene is beautiful. I remember feeling so sad that everyone just missed it! And the Doctor finally realising that maybe this wasn’t a great first trip for his young companion xD
25. I'm left travelling on my own 'cos there's no one else.---There's me. What a beautiful moment of intimacy. And such great acting! The Doctor is finally beginning to let her in, and Rose has attached to this stranger so quickly, despite how prickly and condescending he can be. Soulmates <3
Loveee this ending. 10/10 again!
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heleizition · 9 months
AIGHT im back and i did the reading and i need to know e v e r y t h i n g about the naruto au im not even fucking around. the amount of times ive fixated on that shit despite never finishing it is unreal. also which one was the one that got beheaded? because thats superb shit and i require more information to rotate them in my mind
HIIIIIII thank u so much for this ask i saw it at work and i was SO EXCITED to get home and tell u all about a) the naruto au b) eden who's the one who gets beheaded :3
BTW you can find the art i did of my ocs by checking out the tags on my blog of their name (ex nell art is under #nell, vik's is under #vik ...)
i'll start with eden !!! he's my token white haired guy (altho i have also a white haired girl in the same group of oc lol) to whom i do many terrible things. ever since i created him he's had a scenario where his neck got hurt (electric shock to his neck, knife injury, beheading to simply head explosiong lmao). he's an angel in the angel/demon scenario and the village's doctor in the farm au :3 he's always some sort of healer ! (he's that one "im a healer but... *cocks gun*" meme)
in the angel au he has extraordinary healing powers that antagonists want for themselves until they realise eden is not gonna give under the pressure and side with them so they behead him/make his head explode. not quite sure whcih one yet <3. except he doesn't die bc his power is more. body manipulation than healing and it acts by itself and stitch him back together . its a very traumatizing process but in return he destroys the other guys : D he's often nell's best friend in aus... moody guys who become menaces together. he was supposed to end up w jasper when i very first made him but eh !!!
okay so . disclaimer most of what i know of naruto is memories from what i watched when i was a young teen and a lot of sakura centered fanfics ive read the past few months lol
the story focus on on genin team but for the sake of the story ill jst go and talk abt the others too :
a) main genin team is nell, vik, lena and their teacher abel
b) second genin team is belly, jasper and eden with their teacher noah
c) cody is basically tsunade, titania is a civilian from a noble family who has a whole side story with lena lol
nell and belly (twins) are illegitimate kids from a clan's girl, who possess the clan's kekkei genkai. no i dont know what it is yet it's not even relevant to the story SEFJSEFOSFJOE
once their mother die they're put under the care of their mother's clan, where they're not rly treated well,,,, belly is a natural as using the clan's technic while nell isn't,,, they stick together but they're treated different and it sucks. tbh nell and belly's ways of dealing with family trauma is a recurring theme in all of the universes they're part of...
nell's fighting style focus on ice jutsu mostly, he's not a powerhouse but he's deadly. belly is more of a brawler type but i havent figured it out much yet :]
vik is an orphan who was groomed into roots (in universe it's a secret unit of ninjas like anbu but it's controlled by danzou who's a fucker and stole kekkei genkai including sharingans by STEALING DEAD PEOPLE'S EYES), who want's belly & nell's clan's kekkei genkai, and who's sent to pass as a new genin in nell's team to gain his trust and kill him and take his eyes,,, theres prob something going on to take belly's also but i havent gotten that far lol
lena (my BABYGIRL) is a civilian, born from a big player merchant family, who's supposed to inherit her parent's role but does Not want to :] she's lovely she's great she has a lot of chakra that she uses for summons (tigers!!!) and also she IS a powerhouse (uses . axes). not the most usefull of spy missions lol i love her <3
abel, in most of my stories, is a big brother figure to most of the kids especially nell,,,, i have not figured out yet what exaclty he does in this au BUT he and cody are old buddies and are destined to be together in all of my aus. anyway
quick other stuff, belly is very angry in hte beginning like her brother and does not know how to work with a team, jasper is kind and gentle and has to learn how to deal with her, also later masters mokuton (tree/plants jutsu) (which makes him very precious and rare), eden is once again a healer in this except he also works with poisons. bitch
and their teacher, noah, also works in torture and interrogation which will come up later.
basically the story follows nell's team as they meet and start working with each other, vik realising that maybe he's doing something that he shouldn't, almost kills nell once when infiltrating his living place but manages to get out when he hears belly coming in, discovers the power of friendship, then they're sent in the death forest for their chunin exam, antagonist guy sends more roots agents bc vik can't do the job, vik protects nell and lena, spills as much of the beans as he can before the seal in his throat starts to paralyze him, nell holds on to him for dear life and fights the other roots, lena gets one of her summoned tiger to go find eden and his team who save the day & also vik...
once vik is saved he cooperated with t&i and noah, who works on the case, adopts him,,, all is well. its not much . i feel like i had more thoughts lmao but its all messy in my head <3 thank u for reading
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annieshowell · 2 years
💀🥘🕹️🎻🎒🔮 for don, dominic, pascal, and juliette :D
💀: Enemies or Rival
don: nobody, i don't think don is the type of sim that makes enmities, i mean maybe people who find out he had 218372 affairs while woohooing with them will hate him and consider him an enemy but he genuinely doesn't care
dominic: THE WATCHER and loki for being circe's husband
pascal: loki and circe for nervous reasons
juliette: nobody she doesn't care about the feud so she doesn't have enemies or rivals and yes i ignore that she consider bianca her enemy cause for me that never made sense???? she is literally dating romeo how is she going to care about the feud and have enmities with some monty
🥘: Favourite Food
don: he apparently has italian ancestry, according to the names of his parents and grandparents, so i think spaghetti and more home-cooked foods which he unfortunately hasn't eaten in a long time
dominic: lobster and other things rich villains would eat
pascal: anything jenny cooks cause i think she is a great cook and she learned everything she knows from kitty, so whenever pascal eats jenny's food he remembers his mother and his childhood<3
juliette: she loves isabella's baked alaska whenever isabella makes it, romeo keeps a piece and takes it to juliette secretly so they can eat together on some secret date
🕹️: Video Games they like or Play
don: idk he looks someone who likes to play fifa
dominic: he doesn't have time to play video games, his evil plans to control minds and beat the watcher waste all his free time
pascal: he likes old video games and games like zelda and mario and stuff but pascal's real passion is good old fashioned chess
juliette: THE OFFICIAL GAMER GIRL juliette definitely has a twitch stream channel and she plays overwatch and stuff that gamers play idk what im not a gamer but SHE IS a gamer it's her true hobby
🎻: Musical instrument
don: he plays acoustic guitar is something very seductive and turn on many sims i wish we have an acoustic guitar on ts2 i'll look for cc later
dominic: piano obviously a villain isn't a real villain if there isn't a piano in the living room
pascal: he's not very good with musical instruments
juliette: she looks like someone who participates in the school orchestra actually consort kind of forced the three siblings to participate in the orchestra so juliette plays the clarinet there
🎒: University Major
don: biology
dominic: biology
pascal: physics
juliette: maybe drama? or literature idk
🔮: Something Random
don: ummmm i have several things about don cause i like him a lot and i don't really like how people see him sometimes, i mean, everyone interprets him the way they want, but anyway, first about don x cassie, don genuinely likes cassie a lot and i like to think they met during college and that their story is genuine, like, no interest in the goths money, anyway, he likes cassie so much and thats why he broke off their engagement, cassandra is a family sim, she wants to get married and have her own family, but don isn't like that, and he couldn't make cassie happy, cause he wants to be free, he wants to have fun, meet new people etc but even though he is very smart (he is a doctor, and to study to be a doctor you have to be smart) he's kind of dumb when it comes to feelings so instead of ending the engagement in a civilized way he decided to do it right away and left cassie at the altar lmao oh and there is also that hc that don is a pediatrician who was circulating around these times i love this hc and i agree sm, don really likes children and if he is a father he will be a very nice father, even not living in the same house, he will do his best to be present in his child's life
dominic: i'll be honest with you i couldn't think of anything about dominic lmaoooo i think he's already a very developed character in his own and i really like him a lot but idk i couldn't think of anything lol im sorry
pascal: pascal is the best father in the world seriously if there was a competition between simnation's fathers pascal would definitely win and he always goes to all the parties, meetings etc that happen at tycho's school and he is super friendly with all the teachers and other parents and also with tycho's friends
juliette: for me shakespeare is something that actually exists in the sims universe and veronaville is kind of a funny coincidence but whenever juliette is with romeo she makes him swear they'll never fake their own death or anything like the original r+j did and end up dead just to be together and romeo always laughs about it
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beyourownanchor6 · 1 month
Oh Arrow's finale was abysmal. Itvwas ceritifably terrible. Absolute shit if you ask me.
Oh absolutely. Story wise the MCU is way better. My only beef with the mcu is that it follows the capitalist model of infinite growth, and say what you will about financial models, it is absolutely not sustainable from a storytelling perspective. Like it's intimidating. Compare that to Doctor Who, for example, which has over 60 years of history, but is constantly reintroducing it's returning characters and creating new jump-in points. Like i started doctor who with Series 01 (2005), my mom started on series 05 (2010), but a new viewer could jump in on series 14 / season 01 (2024) and it would make just as much sense. Doctor Who is constantly creating new entry points for fans. Meanwhile the MCU finished the Infinity Saga and i thought "great, now they'll create a new entry point for new fans" but nope, you gotta watch the whole infinity saga to understand the multiverse saga. A MULTIVERSE!! LIKE JUST START AGAIN IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE WITH NEW CHARACTERS??? But nice, nice. I didn't care for te character of black widow so i didn't bother with that one, and i couldn't get into hawkeye because I don't like Jeremy Renner.
It was unecessary and offensive tbh. They got Aids wrong, too. I didn't watch sons of anarchy, but that sounds fun. And vera farmiga is great! Have you seen The Conjuring? Max Thieriot is so hot. I'm gonna look for that show.
Oh i saw that video too. I'm hyped!
Oh that's good. Yeah aloe is great. I'm having a good week, yes. Did groceries and scheduled a blood test today. It's a routine blood test, i'm not sick. I hope you're having a good week too!
oh yea, hard agree there. felt like i wasted however many years of my life that show was on for, lmao.
i've never watched doctor who and had no idea there were that many series for it lol. but i do love shows like that that you can jump into at different points and understand without having to do a lot of backtracking if you don't want to. marvel is definitely a commitment in that way. what gets to me about marvel is all the comics, and people who complain when they don't line up or whatever. like props to them for keeping up with all those comics bc i'm overwhelmed at just the thought of thinking how many comics exist for marvel 😵‍💫 and sure you can watch some of the solo movies and understand for the most part, but there's a lot you'll miss/not understand if you haven't seen the mass majority of marvel stuff. even for me, i don't understand some of the after credit scenes bc i haven't read the comics. i remember being so confused when they did the after credit scene hinting at captain marvel bc i had no idea who that was prior lmao. yea the black widow movie came too late imo. i haven't seen jeremey renner in to much, but i think he's a good/enjoyable actor.
yea, i have no idea why they went with that storyline for him. completely unecessary for sure. sons of anarchy lives rent free in my mind ngl 😅 i think it's part of why i love the bikeriders so much lol. oh yea! i love the conjuring, and horror movies in general lol. i just saw they're doing another conjuring; hopefully it's better than the last one. lmk if you start fire country. such a good show!
hope all went well with your test! my sunburn has moved into the itchy stage but at least it's starting to heal lol. have a good weekend friend!
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transboykirito · 1 year
I have my oc brain rot rn so I apologize if this doesn’t help much but i’ll include some sao related stuff for them
nikki n tomo the ocs i was talking abt earlier, they have matching earrings!! They each have one Orange (like the fruit) charm earring that they wear on matching sides bc i got the idea from a webtoon ive been reading (cheriecrush)
they also!!!! Have promise rings, but they wear it on a string tied around their neck like a necklace, and nikki fidgets with it alot when she’s nervous
this is kinda cringe but its an old idea we never changed, but tomo calls nikki stupid names like “strawberry” because she gets really flustered and when she does her face turns red uhm uhm
OK HERES SOME SAO RELATED one of the v first things i drew for them was nikki sleepinf on tomos chest, and what happened was earlier they like. yk sao teauma oh no pvpers O H N O O I COULDNT SAVE MY TEAM and (yes, this was infact copied from kirito and asuna, we were like 14/15 when we vvv first started them) but i think iirc nikki asked tomo to stay the night because his presence comforted her and she really didnt wanna be on her own, especially because of how much guilt she felt because she couldnt do the final blows on the pvpers to save her friends and tomo had too (she never ever made that mistake again)
they went back to her apartment and i don’t remember but to lighten the mood and shit before she went to bed tomo put fucking frog legs and unknown mysterious meat in her bed 💀 it was a prank kirito would pull and based off that one scene in s1
Anyway they slept in the same bed, tomo couldnt fall asleep and nikki ended up hugging him while she slept n it was a cute thing i need to redraw it
i missed so many details, this was so long ago 😭😭
nikki was the party leader for her team, it was Nikki, Maemi, Tomo, and 2 other people i never named or drew, not in the sao universe anyway, nikki and tomo are the only survivors from that team but thankfully, Kiyoko her irl friend survived the game :D
nikki would nag tomo and the others all the time to make sure they had their healing items and antidotes and such, because tomo was a very forgetful person and def would be dead if he didnt have nikki around 💀 not because he cant handle himself but because he’s fucking stupid
i cannot remember if i said rhis but tomo is a very memey golden retriever type boy and if you mixed Kirito and Klein together i think LMAO
I have an oc named selka who i completely ripped off of selka from alicization bc i was too lazu to make up a new name and design HOWEVER!!!!!!!!! SHE BECAME HER OWN CHARACTER AND I DID GIVE HER HER OWN DESIGN n shes a sweetie i love hee to bits shes rllt into photography, and very academically smart, she takes care of everyone before herself all though she is very snarky sometimes, she like wearing this lacey blouse with slightly puffy sleeves
I have a lesbian oc who looks like fluttershy. I didnt mean for her to look like fluttershy and ngl i’m kinda :( abr ir but its ok shes pretty and her name is Eliana and shes a doctor and i love her
i love all of them <3 i love hearing about peoples ocs please ramble to me whenever i genuinely love hearing about them!!!!!
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all of the pre-relationship questions!!!
YIPPEE thank you!!
1. How did they first meet?
Immor and Regaya first met when Embrist was trying to introduce the two to each other. Regaya was looking for a partner and he thought that at the very least both of them could use a friend even if they didn't end up dating. so he went through all the impressive effort of arranging a meet up at a bar and then dragging Immor out of the house (who was very depressed at the time) only for Regaya to have gotten tipsy already and she was quite wildly gesturing and managed to immediately smack Immor in the face and break his nose. #meetcute
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Immor's first impression of Regaya was a very apologetic woman who gave him the excuse he needed to go home. and Regaya's first impression was that Immor seemed very calm and unbothered about having his nose broken and also she thought he was hot. so
second impressions were SLIGHTLY better because Regaya brought him a sort of apology gift basket the next day but she still came off to him as strange because she also quite literally asked him out then and there (and he said yes before fully processing the question and was like WAIT WHAT as soon as she was gone LMAO)
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
I mean Embrist obviously since he set them up with each other! but other than that, no. Immor didn't really have any living family left, and Regaya's mother hated Immor with a burning passion. in fact its safe to say that part of the reason Regaya was so interested in Immor in the first place is that he was like. #1 option available to really piss off her mom by dating him
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Definitely Regaya! she decided she was into him really fast, like weirdly fast, and Immor was more of a "oh no I accidentally said yes to her asking me out. well I guess I can humor her for a little while so I don't have to immediately go back on what I said and hurt her feelings" and then it was far more than a little while
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
as far as getting together, no. deepening the relationship though? very much so. both of them had a lot of baggage and secrets that they didn't want the other to know and this went on for years until finally they ended up in a situation where they had to talk about it. but they grew extremely close very fast after that—in fact, it was the morning after that conversation that Immor realized he wanted to marry Regaya :)
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
I guess that depends on what time in the story? logically before they met, so,
I think Immor would be shocked pre-war, because Regaya was this pretty high society lady with a fiance and he was just some guy. after the war but before they met I think he would just straight up not believe you. sure, that's nice, but he's toootallyyyy never going to find love or anyone new who's going to care about him. go tell your silly tales about soulmates to someone else
as for Regaya, I'm not sure she really knew who Immor was for a long time? depending on time period, I think she'd be upset to learn that her soulmate was not the woman she had a serious (and secret) relationship with while she was still with her awful fiance. after she murdered the fiance though I think she'd kind of watch Immor from a distance for a bit and try to get an idea of the type of person he is. and she'd probably worry about how rough of a state he was in at that time but also overall I think she'd be satisfied
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
well Regaya would probably be doing pretty well for herself all the same! she has a doctorate degree and all that. I think if she hadn't met Immor she probably would have moved back out of Hafalia again to get away from her mother, though. maybe she would go find work as a professor at the First University
as for Immor,,,,, really hard to say. I'd like to think he would have recovered fine and moved on with his life had he not met Regaya, but. she really was integral to pulling him out of his depression and I think if he hadn't had her support he might not have been able to deal with Cadaea's death some time later. but he does have Strendthras and Embrist by his side, so I think he could have pulled through. but what he had really needed at the time was someone who could meet him at his lowest and still care for him, not out of any history or prior obligation to care, and Regaya was that person. I think its safe to say that he'd be fine in the end, but not happy.
thank you again for the ask!!!!
0 notes
ackerfics · 3 years
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heaven and hell aren't that far apart ― attack on titan ft. f!reader
warnings: spoilers of squid game, violence, mentions of gore and blood, mentions of human trafficking, mentions of harassment, debt, gambling, major character death, angst (no comfort)
summary: attack on titan characters play in a life-or-death game with you. will you prioritize the relationships you made with these people or the family that's waiting for you back home? will you throw their lives away for millions of dollars?
notes: after suffering through the popular series called squid game, i thought why not make a headcanon list about it? a huge thank you for the anons who told me that levi can play as the detective, you are the absolute best. i'm not romanticizing the series, God knows how many times i became speechless every time there's a game in the episodes. i just thought this will be a perfect opportunity to make an au out of it. ^^ also, i'm going to add characters who you don't expect solely because of the plot. there might be characters who you love that won't make an appearance in this hc list. oh, and i kinda went off track with mikasa's lmao just don't mind me showing my love for that woman. THIS IS LONG, OKAY? that being said, enjoy !!
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― [name] [last name] ; player 356
a college student who's barely getting by.
you lost your scholarship the moment your senior year in university rolls in ― the reason being your father's illness. you spent the majority of your junior year slacking off since that was the time when he collapsed in your home because of heart failure. you had to ride back to your hometown with your last savings just to take care of him, causing a majority of your grades to plummet to the point that extra credit couldn't help. not only that, your mother left your father right after he announced that he might have little time left to live, that he's getting broke and in a lot of debt. you were only twelve years old at that time, your younger sibling being two. that was the time you promised to yourself that you carry everything on your shoulders no matter how young you are.
now, in your early twenties, you're being sued for unpaid bills by your father's doctor and you're so tempted to drop out of university.
one time after coming home from university, you're being followed by the people your father owed a debt to. with your heart pounding and phone battery empty, you hasten your pace with tight grips on the straps of your backpack. once you spot a convenience store sign up ahead, you instantly seek refuge in the many aisles of junk food and beverages, waiting for the debt collectors to search another place. during your wait, you borrow someone's phone to call your boyfriend, only for him to never pick it up, his voicemail reminding you that he's attending a foreign university event the whole month. your peaceful minutes of hiding don't last. the debt collectors find you and drag you out of the convenience store, the person at the counter gawking at how one of the unknown men grasps your hair with all his strength. they gang up on you in the alley beside the establishment. you can only cry with your head raised to the starless sky as they manhandle you into paying, their hands on your throat scalding and their words piercing your weak resolve.
with bruises painting your skin like the flowers you give your father every time you visited him in the hospital, you head over to the subway. you brush off the bewildered stares other people are throwing at you. spots of blood on your shirt from your broken nose, coat torn at the sleeves, hair in disarray, and vacant stare ― you're the main attraction of the subway. you want to cry but you choose to bite your lip to prevent your soft sobs.
it's until you're sitting on one of the benches, waiting for your train, that you hear a―
"i see that you are also a troubled individual. hey, if you say yes to this game i'm proposing, there will be a promising amount of money given to you. so, what's your answer, [name] [last name]? will you accept this card?"
― mikasa ackerman ; player 067
the player who saved your life during red light, green light.
after becoming an orphan from a gang riot more than ten years ago, she accepted the invitation of going to this survival game to take revenge on her so-called guardian whose gang murdered her parents and little brother in the middle of the night. to her surprise, when all of the players gather around the huge sleeping area, the sight of kenny the ripper walking towards her direction becomes her welcome to this shithole. again, surprises keep coming her way as you shout for kenny to stop hurting her. dread fills in her veins when she sees kenny glowering at you to continue defending her. mikasa pushes you out of the way, bluntly telling you to stay out of her fight.
player 067 glares down at you with sharp glacial eyes, rendering you speechless. "stop meddling in fights that don't involve you. i don't need your help or anyone's help." the change in your expression makes her blink. you're telling her with your furrowed brows and small frown that she doesn't deserve this pointless beating. 067 scoffs, turning around with her hands in her pockets. "who are you to help me anyway?"
it just so happened that in red light, green light, you trip on a limp arm while the time is running out. however, you never meet the sandy ground, a hand gripping the back of your jacket. you don't risk looking back but as you cross the white line, you want to thank your saviour, your smile dissipating upon meeting the blank mien of player 067. no words are needed. the astonished look on your face says it all. so, 067 walks away from you for the second time of the day.
after you snap out of your trance, you follow her until all of you survivors reach the sleeping quarters. your words of gratitude might seem to fall on deaf ears but player 067 still listens. she doesn't bother replying because it won't change anything. yes, she saved your ass but she wants you to stop thanking her when you're one of the people she's going to kill for the piggy bank dangling above your heads.
you thought that's your last meeting with player 067.
you never expect your father to collapse once again when you came home, his heart once again failing. you also got a visit from the social services to have your little sibling placed in the city's orphanage since your father is not suitable to take care of him, plus, your finances are hitting the deepest parts of a trench. with the decision of coming back, you once again encounter player 067 in the most cliche scenario ― you bump into her while going back to your bunk with your dinner in hand.
you invite her to join you. only after you surmise that she's not going to say 'yes' did you notice her towering figure closely following you. her footsteps are silent, as if she's stalking her prey ― you. but that's not the case. 067 is just raised that way. most of the time, she sports an expressionless face but you're slowly getting used to it even after one night. she scoots further away from you when a brown-haired girl sits beside you with the most pleasant smile on a place labelled as hell. 067 watches you and the new girl interact like the best of friends, with the black-haired girl keeping quiet as she munches on her fried egg and boiled vegetables.
even though she doesn't trust anyone yet, it won't hurt to have allies in this place.
so, she asks for you to accompany her to the toilets because she has to take a huge shit right after lights out and she needs someone to hold the toilet paper roll. you choke on your saliva. 067 narrows her eyes at your hesitance, finding this as a mistake. with a roll of her eyes, she walks to the door with those soundless footsteps of hers. however, she nearly jumps when you appear next to her.
"just so you know, i was going to say yes," you casually tell her while going to the toilets after a square game guard permitted you. your smile is genuine as you look up to her. "you didn't let me finish. who asks someone to hold toilet paper to them while taking a shit anyway?"
you swear you see player 067 quirking a small smirk.
upon arriving in the toilets, 067 immediately goes to work ― unscrewing the vents so that she can spy on the guards. she tells you that it will give you both a clue on what the next game is. while she's finding herself becoming baffled at how the guards keep melting pots of sugar, you're trying to distract the guard who keeps pounding on the door of the toilets with the butt of their gun.
you turn to 067 during breakfast.
"they're melting sugar." she looks at you dead in the eye. "do you know any game that involves sugar?"
your mind becomes blank, your hold on your uneaten bread slacking. when you feel your brunette friend sidling up closer to you, you tighten your hold on your breakfast. "no, i don't think so." 067 leans down to let you whisper in her ear. "is that really what you saw last night?"
player 067 nods.
"hmm. strange. let's figure it out along the way, okay? why don't you eat your breakfast for some energy, yeah?"
she follows your words and nibbles on her bread.
you look down on your bread, tearing apart a piece. a small roll of paper catches your eye. without anything surfacing on your face, you slowly pull out the small piece of paper and read its content. with a small sparkle in your eye, you tug on 067's sleeve. she leans towards you again, gunmetal blues flickering as you murmur, "honeycombs."
starting that day, 067 follows you more and more. even if your group starts gaining numbers, she never leaves your side.
during the lights-out riots, the first instinct zapping through her is to find you and make sure you're safe from any threat. as she gets out of kenny's murderous hands, she finds you swinging a thin beam of metal. she knows you're capable of protecting yourself but something is whispering in her mind, telling her to pull you in the direction of the bunk beds.
she lets you lean on her shoulder after the riot stopped, her hands awkwardly rubbing on your shaking arms. you're the most warmhearted person in this game, God forbid if anything happens to you, she'll go berserk. she offers to stay with you during your turn in keeping watch during lights-out and there you two share things that deepen your relationship.
"what made you join here, 067?"
mikasa lifts her head to give you a small smile. "that's my name. mikasa ackerman."
you return the smile with that pretty one that always makes her eyes widen. "that's such a pretty name. mikasa." you test it out. mikasa thanks the darkness for concealing her warm face. you give her yours and she mimics the action of repeating the syllables of your name. you giggle before echoing your question. "why did you join this game, mikasa?"
she pensively looks away. "to best my guardian, i guess. i got some debts here and there, but that's about it. after my family died, i'm just living my life the way kenny wants it to be ― to be a part of his gang. i hate him." she puts her chin on her arm. "i want to be free from that life so i joined this hellhole. money brings you happiness, you know? so i said fuck it and accepted the invitation that blonde woman gave me." mikasa glances at you. "what about you, firecracker?"
you laugh at the nickname. she started calling you that after witnessing you mindlessly swinging a metal beam at nothing in particular. "i joined because my dad needed the money."
"your dad?"
you nod. "he's ... sick. he had heart surgery last year but his disease came back a few months ago. he got kicked out of the hospital because we couldn't afford the bills and medication. that hospital sued us and now we're barely breathing with all this debt. i ..." you take a deep breath to prevent yourself from tearing up. "i lost my scholarship because of that, which is the only thing paying my tuition and letting me have a future that can save my dad. plus, the social services are forcing us to put my sister in the orphanage because we don't have the capabilities of caring for her. i'm just so tired, mikasa." your voice wavers, a tear dripping on your cheek as you bury your face in your knees, mikasa's gentle touch on your head anchoring you to the earth.
there mikasa realizes that you're doing this for your family. you have some people waiting for you while there's nothing out there in the world for her but the police tracking her down. she vows that she will do everything to let you win this game. you're literally an angel who lost herself in the coldest pits of hell and mikasa will do anything to bring you back to the surface.
― eren jeager ; square
your boyfriend who's out of the country for one month.
or so you thought.
you know him throughout your life at paradis university. it was purely by chance how you two met but eren felt a pull towards you after your first meeting, getting lost in those wholesome smiles you give him. he knows about your familial situation and he offered so many times to help you but you respectfully decline. you always told him that you want to pay off your father's debt and hospital bills through your own efforts and he understands that. but the look on your face every morning unsettles him. you look so gaunt and lifeless that he feels so guilty of just watching you from the sidelines. yes, he's your boyfriend but your relationship is just you worrying over every little thing about him when he should be the one doting on you and caring for you. this man loves you so much that he sometimes anonymously pays your father's hospital bills, keeping it quiet for fear of you breaking up with him. but he has his limits, he's not made of cash after all. he's only leeching off of his half-brother.
the last thing he wants is for you to leave him behind. he admits he's being selfish but as long as he has his heaven by his side, he's sure that he can survive a lifetime in hell.
imagine his surprise when he sees you in the crowd of people participating in these life-threatening games, his mask hiding his wide eyes, parted lips, and the urge to vomit. you, the most beautiful thing on earth, staring at the piggy bank holding millions of dollars at the moment with a determined look on your face. it hurts him. eren has every chance to help you but he chooses to let your suffering fester until you have no choice but to be one of the horses the v.i.p.s are bidding on. he closes his eyes for a moment, willing to let you disappear as if this is a fever dream, but you're still there. oh God, you're really there. and it's his fault.
as his role of having a square on his mask, he holds the command over the other shapes. that fact he's thankful for.
eren knows about the games beforehand, seeing as he's assigned as the announcer for this year's games.
he watches you behind his mask, narrowing his eyes when you're with that black-haired young woman every time he enters the sleeping quarters. he clenches his teeth when he sees that bastard of a man with a long face tries to flirt with you. at times, eren panics when you flicker your gaze in his direction, your questioning gaze too calculating for his heart to take. who knows what you'll think if you discover that he's one of the game guards stationed in commanding the triangles to shoot the weaklings. will you look at him differently? will you break up with him? anything but that. eren can handle you sulking for days but just the thought of losing you chills his veins.
this spurs eren to make the system unfair by favoring you over the others. he slips little notes in your food about the games or the riots, pulling strings behind the spectacle to keep you alive. even if he has to kill off one of his coworkers to change his masks, he will do it in a heartbeat. he will make sure you win that prize money and live a luxurious life fitting for a person like you.
in fact, he's the square guard that you asked permission to use the toilet in the middle of the night, with that blank-faced woman no less. at first, he's suspicious that you're going in there with someone else but he trusts you so he lets you do your business. at the small distance between you and him, eren held everything back from holding you and cradling you close to his chest. all he wants is to graduate from university with you, buy a house, and start jobs that settle you two down in a domestic lifestyle. heck, he's willing to have children with you. but as he stared down at you that night, he bit his lip before speaking our his feelings. instead, he said that it's okay for you to do whatever you want in the toilets, a longing gaze targeted on your retreating back.
two words: the riot.
that nearly causes his mask to break.
the doors open and eren walks with his head empty except for you. he doesn't care about the dead bodies unless it's you. he has to find you because why the hell would you disregard what he wrote inside your dinner. you should be alive and breathing and intact ... and definitely shaking with your head buried on player 067's neck. his coworkers are curiously looking at him but he doesn't pay them any mind because all eren sees is you.
you feel mikasa's hand tighten around your arm, causing you to look up to a square masked guard standing idly in front of you. even your brunette friend and little group gawk at the highest-ranking staff who's rendered speechless at the sight of you. you flinch at the unyielding person, possibly staring at you, but you never look away from him. the next thing the game guard does stuns you ― his right hand unconsciously rubbing brushing the inside of his left wrist before turning around to signal the others to bring in the bowed coffins. you instantly stand up with a shocked visage because that game guard did not just make your boyfriend's nervous tick ― rubbing his left wrist, which has a simple bracelet with your initials as pendants. your group of allies is asking you what's wrong but all you can see is the back of that square-masked game guard who looks back at you with a small inconspicuous gesture that lays out everything.
that game guard holds out his pinkie in a silent promise to keep you safe.
now you understand why eren disappeared on you without any word but a short message of going on a random university event.
― sasha blouse ; player 151
your first friend in the games.
this girl immediately latches on you the first day of the games.
you're taken aback by such enthusiasm but you're not unwelcome by it. you're rather grateful that there's still bright and bubbly that can keep you sane in this place. you timidly call her by her player number, to which she brushes off with a light laugh.
"call me sasha!" sasha beams with her hands on her hips, chest puffing out in confidence. you blink a few times before laughing at her exuberance. sasha's a ball of sunshine and you unconsciously think that she doesn't belong in this place. she tilts her head at you and you're reminded of that puppy your little sister found on the street back when you were in high school. "what's your name?" you tell her and she brightens even more. "that's so pretty! it fits you so much. well," she holds out her hand expectantly, "i believe you have yourself a friend. nice to meet you, [name]. please take care of me!"
sasha entered the games because somebody approached her after going out of the police station. she tells you this when you came back to the games. she relays how the first body she saw was the corpse of her mother lying on a puddle of blood on the kitchen floor. chills run down your spine at her next words. sasha didn't hesitate from taking one of the discarded knives on the floor, pushing her father away from her dead mother, and proceeded to continuously stab him while his screams echo into the neighbourhood. she was arrested on the spot. she tells this story to you with a smile on her face, almost as if anything that happened in her life is pushed back and she only focuses on surviving the games. you thank her for sharing that part of her life.
"when we get out of these games together, promise me we'll have a girls' night out," sasha casually states while the tension rises after kenny stole another player's share. you're sitting with a stiff posture, player 067 beside you on high alert that kenny might come stomping in your direction to pick an uncalled fight. still, sasha eats her boiled egg with gusto. "us three can travel around the world with that money. we can go wherever we like. you can bring your little sister and you," she points at the blank-faced player who looks unamused at the idea, "can let loose for once."
you have no heart to tell sasha that getting out of the games with multiple players seems to be an unreachable thing but you smile at her suggestion. "that sounds like an amazing idea. we can drink those mojitos and go visit the maldives! just like what they portray in hollywood movies. what do you say, player 067? sounds like fun, right?"
067 looks at you for a moment before nodding slowly. sasha grins.
"that settles it! we'll go to the maldives for our girls night out."
"hey, let us join, too," another player in your little ally group chimes in.
sasha grimaces. "like hell we want to invite you, jean!"
you and mikasa have this silent pact of holding back sasha when the food is distributed. this girl can eat anything in a three-meter radius so every time it's her turn, her hands are itching to take another share for herself. you make sure you're behind her to hold her wrist in a vice grip as she reaches for another boiled egg or bread. you apologize to the person behind you for taking too long, pulling sasha behind you to where your little group is waiting. after witnessing kenny beat the whining player to death, sasha never once reaches out for another meal. since the beginning, you're the one supplying her with her extra portions, sliding your food to her after taking out the piece of paper wedged between. despite knowing her for a couple of days, you conclude that sasha has a vacuum for a stomach.
she has amazing senses. this girl always knows when something goes wrong. she heard mikasa crawling inside the vents while spying on the guards. she heard you two whispering about something regarding the second game. also, she heard a gunshot ringing out from somewhere in the compound when it's her turn taking watch in the middle of the night. there are surely no games happening, right? but as the alarms blared a few minutes after that gunshot, sasha's instincts of brewing danger are pulsating even more throughout the night.
if mikasa swore to protect you, you chose to protect sasha in little ways. you fought for her to be in your team for the tug of war because you're so sure that she's an asset to the team. you gave her tips during the honeycomb game. you let her hide behind you during red light, green light. she's so radiant that it hurts just looking at her. but as every luminary, they have to dim. losing her light came in the form of the marble game, where she asks you to be her partner because she knows you two will win it. as much as mikasa wants you as her partner, you honor sasha's request by shaking the brunette's hand. mikasa huffs and finds another person to pair up with, a player from your team named armin, and you promise her that you will work with her in the next game.
but as the game guard leads you through a maze of houses, all your confidence before turns into dread as you turn to sasha, whose smile disappears for the first time during all of the games.
"thank you for being my best friend and for always protecting me. win this and live the beautiful life you deserve, okay?"
― levi ackerman ; the detective
the one who followed you at midnight to get some clues on his lost siblings.
levi ackerman is considered to be the best detective in your city. he was commended for his performance every time he's on the field. he solves every case he got except for one. levi never knew what was behind the kidnapping of his siblings, farlan and isabel. their disappearance happened several years ago and while people were alarmed that there has been an increase in human trafficking, the police were lousy enough to turn this case cold. he begged for his higher-ups to continue the case but since there wasn't much evidence regarding the kidnapping of farlan church and isabel magnolia so the police department had no choice but to close it. that case plagues levi's mind to this day, that was until he met you.
you look like shit, that much levi can pinpoint.
he's sipping on his morning tea in his desk, listening in to your rambles of a mysterious game where it kills people without remorse. you are talking about how there's a life-size doll who scans people's movements and snipers shooting people if they move. it's absurd. that kind of story only unravels in a television show, never in real life. levi's curiosity turns into dust as he drowns out your frantic voice with the constant thrum of early city mornings.
"a blonde woman was giving out cards in the subway," you plead, hands running through your hair in distress. your clothes are thrown on you haphazardly and the policemen in front of you immediately thought that you had a rough night inside the club because what you're spewing doesn't sound like a sober person might say. "i have her card with me. i'm speaking the truth." you pat your jeans until you take out your wallet, the little brown card making your breath hitch. you hastily hand it over to the policeman. "here. there's a number at the back. they will immediately answer if you dial it." still, the policeman keeps snickering at you. "please." you try again. "just help me investigate this, sir. i beg you. lives are on the line if you don't do this."
"i think you had too much to drink, young lady," the policeman laughs. "i'll wager that you're hungover. booze can alter your dreams into reality, you know?" your glare appears and the policeman chuckles nervously. "okay, okay, i'm calling the number now." he inputs the number on the telephone and waits for the other person to pick up. after three rings, silence greets the policeman. you whisper the things that he needed to say, "uh, i'm calling because i want to play a game."
everything backfires. the person who answered the call was a woman screaming that the policeman was a complete pervert for calling her asking for games. it seems like the policeman pressed the number wrongly, brushing it off as you pulling off a prank in the police station. while you begrudgingly go out of the sliding doors of the station, levi stands up from his seat and inquires about your situation.
"oh? does mr. ackerman have a taste for younger women?" the policeman teases, his voice lilting annoyingly.
"cut the bullshit," levi snaps. "what was that woman here for?"
the policeman hums before laughing lightly. "something about games and dolls. just the random drunk stories, most likely. why?"
levi keeps quiet for a moment, gaze pensive as he stares at the brown card you left behind. his fist clenches at the familiar brown card, the shapes mocking him to pick it up. so, he did. levi pockets the card and doesn't answer his colleague, catching up to you outside of the police station. you're murmuring things about hating policemen as he stands behind you. he opens his mouth to interrupt your rant, "hello, excuse me. i'm detective levi ackerman. can you tell me more about what you told my colleagues?"
you proceed to tell levi everything you experienced so far, with him keeping an impassive facade that reminds you so much of a certain player in the game. you thought he's going to help you investigate this case but he wordlessly walks away after you reveal everything to him. bowing his head as thanks for your time. thinking that the police chooses to brush this situation off their shoulders, you feel as if all hope is lost. yes, you figured that they are incompetent and lousy when it comes to doing their job but you never expected them to put this aside. so, you go back home, only to find your father on the living room floor and your sister nowhere to be found.
that night, levi stays true to his judgment of investigating this case because he feels that your situation is somewhat connected to the disappearance of his family. he narrows his eyes at your standing form a few meters ahead of his parked car, cautiously waiting until a white van comes into view with its door open to invite you in. the whole thing flashes red flags in levi's head. he revs his engine and slowly follows the white van carrying you, watching with hawk eyes how the vehicle keeps on picking up random people on the street. he doesn't know that they're players of the game just like you are. as the moon remains high in the sky, levi sees that your white van is not the only one going in a certain direction. all this secret mission of his leads him to the port with a trail of white vans heading to a large ship.
taking his badge and gun with him, levi drops down and clings at the bottom of the last white van, praying that this will ultimately reveal why his family disappeared for days. or better, praying that levi finds his missing family in wherever this ship sails to.
what he will discover on this mysterious destination will throw him off though.
― hange zoe ; player 136
the doctor that you trust.
mikasa warned you beforehand that player 136 isn't right in the head after expressing how exciting it is to witness so many dead bodies in one game. she latched on your arm and whispered into your ear that you shouldn't trust privileged people who wormed their way into the games. you always heard player 136 bragging about how they're a well-known doctor so it doesn't add up that they're in this game. it was then that you discovered that they're fired by the hospital they're working at after receiving an alert that player 136 participated in money embezzlement. they're recruited by player 218 into your group for tug of war and after hearing them assuring you that you can rely on them, it's settled that they're a part of your little ally group.
being a doctor in the outside world, player 136 is assigned to be the dissector of alive bodies every night. however, they rejected the offer of getting clues on the games because it seemed unfair to those who are in the dark and not given the opportunity to work with the game guards. that's when you know they're trusted ― for telling you the truth behind their nighttime disappearances. they don't hide any details. instead, they willingly tell you the conversation circulating during those operations. after hearing a story that the game guards harassed a barely-breathing body minutes before they arrived for the operation, you vomited your dinner. mikasa glares at player 136 for eliciting such a reaction from you, all the while feeling the urge to vomit as well. it's not only the place that's so disgusting, the workers are the real devils as well.
having player 136 in your team screams advantage throughout the contest. just the presence of a person who specializes in mending people's wounds sets a wave of relief in your little group.
you only know their name when player 218 mentions it during the marbles game since he asks them to be his partner. they refuse, however. it seems like they both know each other all this time. now that you think about it, player 218 only ever converses with the silent player 199 and animated player 136, the latter being called hange. you find it to be a pretty name and you wish you could've talked to them a little bit more.
the only time you directly talked to hange was when they treated your hands after the tug of war. their hands are so gentle as they run over a wet towel over your wounded skin and you find yourself dozing off. it's only when they speak that you regain your consciousness. they ask you about your reason for entering the games since it looks like you're one of the so-called kindhearted people in this godforsaken place. you relay to her everything you told mikasa and sasha and suddenly recognition sparkles in hange's eyes. the look on her face is something that you can never forget. it's a mixture of horror and astonishment at the same time. you wonder why they acted that way. it's before the game of marbles that they look back at you with saddened eyes, their words chilling your body.
"i'm sorry for putting you in this mess. i didn't mean to kick your father out of the hospital that day. i remember seeing you in the hallway of the hospital begging for the nurses to stop rolling your father's wheelchair. i'm sorry that i don't feel remorse at that time even though you sound so broken and desperate. i'm also so sorry for suing your family. i hope you don't forgive me, 356."
― jean kirschtein ; player 097
the boy who asked you out during freshman year in university.
poor him. he's trying so hard to woo you despite having a death sentence hanging over his head by participating in these games. it's a good thing that eren is not here to watch jean shamelessly flirt with you every chance he gets. the only time he stops is when mikasa steps in front of you with a glower on her face, expression silently screaming for the ash blonde to stop embarrassing himself. you faintly remember how eren grumbles at you about this guy since you started dating, saying along the lines of trusting you at the same time never trusting anybody who lingers too long in your presence. after rejecting jean on freshman year, he stopped pursuing you until now. fuck these games. you already have a problem with death, now life has added another piece of suffering for you to worry about.
jean seems reliable and physically strong enough to carry the team on his shoulders, given the fact that he's well-built with lean muscles and tall stature. he's the one who brought armin to your little circle, his arm around the shorter male's shoulders with an easygoing grin, much to the blonde's dismay.
mikasa never trusts anyone and it flares even more around jean.
you try to reason with jean that if he wants to be inside your little group, he has to prove that he's trustworthy enough to keep playing with all of you. you want to prevent mikasa from lashing out at him to the utmost of your abilities. so, he did. jean is an expert on weighing people in his mind, being a psychology major. he scans a person's mannerisms and micro-expressions and report them to you to find out who's the real threat. he's the one who told you to keep your guard up with player 218, something that doesn't even cross your mind until the very last minute. he deems armin as a friend because the blonde was showing some signs of nervousness all throughout the first two games and that all armin's words seem genuine. but this isn't enough for you and mikasa. people like jean tend to lie more if given the chance. people from his major can use their knowledge to their advantage as worm their way in an intricately woven group just to sabotage them.
it's during the riots of the lights-out did he slowly gains your trust.
he saves you from being strangled by an unknown player before mikasa finds you, ripping your attacker from you to pull you to the intact bunk beds. he pats your figure with frantic hands, eyes flashing with panic every beating second. his hands are shaking yet they firmly hold you at arms-length. he asks you, "are you alright? are there any more wounds that i failed to check? fuck, everything is just plain bullshit right now. just stay close to me, okay?" jean places his hand on your cheek to bring you back to reality because you look shaken up by the incident. "hey, stay with me, alright? god damn it!" his outburst causes you to flinch. he apologizes soon after. "i want to find that motherfucker who attacked you, princess. i want to teach them a lesson for laying their hands on you like that."
he throws you a metal beam when you two got separated because a player got a hold of his jacket.
at this point, nobody is safe during the riots. even if nobody holds a grudge against you, you're still going to get targeted. so, with the metal beam, you swing it around yourself. people around you keep jumping back to avoid your blind swinging except for mikasa who pulls you to safety.
it's also jean who points out to you that the square game guard acts so different around you, that their actions are so similar to a certain someone he knows. you already have a clue on who's behind that mask but once jean voices out his opinions, that just proves it because jean is never wrong in these things.
you never got to say goodbye to him. the last words he said to you rings in your mind as you enter the sleeping quarters after the marbles game.
"hey, you better be alive after this game, princess."
― armin arlert ; player 431
an unlikely player who somewhat thought this was a place without slaughter.
you know armin because jean pulls him in your team for the tug of war.
at first, you're surprised that such a soft-spoken person manages to enter the games but when you see the glint in his eyes that he's willing to win the prize, you're convinced that he's not just a simpleton acting all clueless for people to underestimate. but, according to jean, armin is not like another blonde that you need to watch out for. true enough, the first time you talk to armin, he instantly gives you his name. there's no secrecy lacing his words. that manages to convince you that he is trustworthy enough. not to mention that mikasa appears wide-eyed when armin walks to your group, saying that she knew him as the kid who played with her in the sand playground years ago. apparently, armin was her only friend until his family moved away to a different city because of his father's job. there's nothing negative about the remarks surrounding armin and you welcome him with a smile before the tug of war.
"i'm armin," the blonde states, holding out his hand for you to shake.
you look at his expectant gaze before dropping your eyes to his outstretched hand. most people in the previous games never asks for a player's name. the numbers are enough for them to call the others but the wonder in armin's eyes is too hard to resist. you smile at him and fit your palm against his. "i'm [name]. nice to meet you, armin."
his expression brightens like a kid with a surprise birthday party.
there you notice that armin doesn't deserve to be in this place. he shouldn't have an imaginary death flag waving over his head. he deserves so much better than being betrayed by his so-called teammates. your little quartet (you, mikasa, sasha, and jean) forms into an intricate pentagon of people with different reasons for stepping inside their designated vans.
armin fits so well in your group, being the brains aside from player 218. if 218 shows cold calculations that will favor himself, armin focuses on the strategies that greatly benefit the rest of the team as well as distribute jobs that are suitable for every member of the group. even after a few minutes of interaction with him before the next game, you thank armin for his quick wits as he comes up with the strategy for this game of strength while all of you are inside the elevator. player 218 doesn't agree with most of what armin says but since there's not much time left before the game starts, all of you will have to follow armin's suggestions.
he has great assumptions about the games.
before the marbles game, armin becomes suspicious of the instructions of the game guards. find a pair? there's no game in his childhood that has pairs as teams. unless these pairs aren't supposed to be on the same side. armin gawks at the game guards, who wordlessly watch everyone scramble to get the fittest or smartest people to be their pair. the best solution for this is to pair up with people outside of his team. he looks back to you, horror painting his face when you accept sasha's handshake. no, that can't be happening. why didn't you notice this trap set by the creators of the game? armin is about to convince you to rethink your decisions when a firm hand circles his arm. he turns around, blanching inwardly when someone appears in front of him.
"hey, min, team up with me."
armin notices your apologetic expression directed to the young woman in front of him. so, he meets your gaze. he mouths, "goodbye." you're confused. what does he mean by that?
it's only when you see mikasa walk past the gates with a gaunt expression that you understand.
that night, you cry for the first time in this place, your silent sobs dedicated to sweet armin, beautiful sasha, and caring jean. you cry for your friends who deserve everything except for their fates in these games. that night, you ask mikasa if it's okay to sleep on her bed. as she wraps her arms around you, you cry again for fear of the next few games taking away the last person who kept you sane in this hell.
― erwin smith ; player 218
your professor who randomly stopped teaching in your sophomore year.
surely your eyes are deceiving you if you're seeing the most loved professor of paradis university standing in one of these foreboding green tracksuits. maybe you are too disoriented after the car ride that you keep seeing hallucinations of your previous professors. however, you know he's real when he meets your gaze and furrows his brows at you gawking at him. he silently walks to you with a puzzled expression, his tone polite as he questions what are you doing in a place like this. you tell him that you two share the same reason why you're standing under a piggy bank with millions of dollars. he accepts your enigmatic response and hums under his breath as if that already satisfies his interrogation. for you, though, you don't know how such a perfect man came to this place.
the only thing you remember from your short time learning under erwin smith was that he was a family man, with a picture frame of his little family on his office desk, and an amazing tactician. if a game needs strategy, this man is the only person you can go to. having taught business in the renowned university across the continent, erwin smith is not someone to be messed with. despite being known for his caring personality among his students, he also bores a menacing and merciless professor when needed. that side of him is not what you need right now. good thing that you only heard of it from your seniors a while back. but you don't know what to expect if he loses his control over that approachable mien.
one thing is for sure, erwin is a dangerous individual to be considered as an ally.
still, you teamed up with him way before sasha befriended you.
unbeknownst to you, erwin is facing a million-dollar debt for taking part in the stock market. that picture of his perfect family was taken way back when his ex-wife was still happy with him. it was his gambling ways that made his ex-wife drift away from him. he was constantly out until the late of the night to spend every single penny in her account just to bet on horses. the divorce and the continuous debts were the reasons why he stopped teaching at paradis university. he became a broke man in an entire year, always running away from the law and debt collectors who follow his every movement. the fight for the custody of his son was the nail to the coffin. he loves that little boy and seeing as he lost every bit of financial stability just proved that he's not fit for taking the boy under his care. then, came the blonde woman knocking on his dingy apartment, claiming that he can win millions of dollars if he just plays a little game.
there's more than one person who keeps telling you to never trust erwin but you can't help but listen to his suggestions, especially in the game of tug of war. when armin's strategy didn't work, it's erwin who stepped up as the temporary leader of your little group. there's no way that he'll willingly let all of you die when he's the one standing at the front of the line. so, you tell everyone to follow erwin's instructions, catching the other team off guard by sliding close to the edge. you internally let it sink that you owe your life to erwin at this point.
you notice how he shifts closer to player 199, a man named mike and a person with a great sense of smell, and the doctor. there seems to be a connection going on with those three that seems to have stemmed from when they were in college.
you're correct to never trust erwin when you see from a distance how he tricks mike into giving his marbles, never even flinching when the gunshot rings out and the monotone voice announcing that player 199 has been eliminated. again, your instincts are correct when he pushes hange into the regular glass pane when it's just the four of you left. that mistrust turns into anger as you witness him slitting mikasa's throat, face devoid of any emotion when he turns to you with bright sky eyes.
"just me and my favorite student left. how thrilling."
― zeke jaeger ; front man
the one who feels the least remorse from all these bloodbaths.
the previous recruiter.
he's given the role of the front man in this year's games, appointing a previous winner named yelena to be the next recruiter.
he's the one who gave eren the job of being a game guard. it's supposed to be a playful game of ddakji but since eren chose red instead of blue (the younger man's reasoning being his girlfriend looks great in red), zeke's interest is piqued. he's only known his little brother for about three years but he knows that eren has no reason to enter the games as a player. their father is a doctor and their family is pretty well-off for them to start getting desperate for any cash. since the younger man expresses his boredom of being a college student, zeke uses that opportunity to invite eren to the games. not as a player, but as a game guard. he proceeds to explain eren's role in this grand scheme, with the latter hesitating when zeke mentions something about killing people. in the end, the blonde uses another tactic to get eren on board with this. he mentions his girlfriend.
if eren joins as a guard, a high-ranking one at that, he gets a good paycheck to help you out.
equality has always been the main mantra of these games but when your group came, everything flew out the window.
zeke has taken a liking to how you formed relationships despite having your lives on the line. yes, he doesn't feel anything for the other players, they can die for all he cares, but when it comes to your little group, he's actually considering letting your group pass the games. even without eren's threat of exposing this whole spectacle if his brother doesn't show leniency to you, zeke is willing to make the system unfair to let you or any of your teammates win. (the reason mainly resides in the back of his mind; a five-person group who became unlikely friends so many years back.) in fact, he talked to you two years ago when eren introduced you to his family, inviting you to dinner. he found you remarkable and charming, wishing you the best of luck for being eren's partner, to which the brunet always get offended about.
he watches with attentive eyes as you walk to the center of the venue of the last game, the other finalist towering over you. the v.i.p.s beside him are laughing at how such a small girl managed to survive this far, all of them betting on player 218 with everything they brought. to prove himself, zeke casually bets on you, his eyes glinting behind his mask. as zeke watches the game unfold in front of him; gone was the girl who reminded eren to eat during all-nighters, gone was the lovable young woman who gained the blessing of grisha and carla jaeger, gone was the understanding friend during the previous games. in place of all of those was an expressionless person who struggles to get out of player 218's hold in the middle of the square, biting off a chunk of his ankle without second thoughts, and taking advantage of the vulnerability by straddling the blonde man. you stab and scream your sorrows out to the rain until erwin smith breathes for the last time.
"player 218 has been eliminated. the winner of the squid game is player 356."
eren was right, you look great in red.
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reblogs are very much appreciated !!! <3
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riversofmars · 3 years
Sometimes 13 just poses as a student and attends rivers lectures.
Hellooo! I’ve been saving this prompt for a long time cause I love it so much and now finally did something exciting with it! This is actually a little collaboration I did with @serawalkerwrites. She keeps getting asked to write for DW and never has, so we decided to do a little thing together! Basically, we took turns writing paragraphs! She's written the River bits and I wrote for 13. Really fun thing to do because our styles are quite different but it worked :D Apart from the fact that she made me write in present tense which I hate lmao! Also, if you like American Horror Story or Ratched, check out her stuff!
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2300
Read on AO3 or below
Like The First Time
“I might be younger and far prettier than the other Professors at this University, but that doesn't mean I don't expect the same level of good behaviour from my students,“ Professor River Song barks up the rows of lecture hall seating, slapping her papers on the desk. She tosses her bouncing curls of hair and brings her hands to her hips, watching the chatting students in the back row and waiting for them to take notice. That blonde girl seems to whispering at some speed, with enthusiastic hand gestures to boot. “That means you in the back row!“ She raises her voice again, finally getting the young blondes attention.
The Doctor hadn’t been able to stop herself. When River had started talking about the Venusian tomb she’d visited not long ago, it had been a perfect opportunity to tell the other students about the time she’d been invited to a funeral service there. It’s an incredibly stupid thing to do, of course. She isn’t meant to interact with anyone - as strictly speaking - she isn’t meant to be here. For a start she isn’t actually a student at Luna University; for another, she could very well be causing some damage to the fabric of space and time. Visiting her wife earlier in her timeline is risky… but she hasn’t been able to stay away. Sometimes, when the Doctor misses her a lot, she sits in on her lectures, right at the back. She knows River won’t recognise her and she never speaks to her… there’s no harm no foul is there? However, a slip up is bound to happen eventually.
Now, as she looks at River, who is shooting her piercing glare from the front of the auditorium, the Doctor realises she’s messed up. The Doctor looks left and right to the other students, hoping it’s one of them River is scolding.
“Yes you, don't act like I cant see you -“ River lifts her eyebrows at the petulant student. “Forget it, I’m not shouting at you from down here, stay behind after class. Then we’ll talk, and believe me you won’t like what I have to say.“ River rolls her eyes away, a taut huff tumbling from her lips to find her inner calm once again, before continuing. “Now where were we…“
The Doctor shrinks back in her seat, her neighbouring students giving her sympathetic smiles. Others just snicker and smirk. River has a reputation for strictness, no-one messes with her…The Doctor’s made a big mistake. She glances to the exit; she can still escape this situation. But if she does, she’ll never be able to come back. Perhaps it’s time to face her wife at last. She gnaws her bottom lip anxiously and tries her best to sit still for the remainder of the lecture.
As a shrill bell rings out, signalling the end of class and an end to the Doctors torture, River watches the troublemaker while she packs her things. Students rise to their feet, stuff their bags with books and file out in an eager swarm, heading into the midday sunshine. But not this student. She’s bouncing down the steps to the front, an epic grey coat and too-short trousers have her piquing River’s interest before they start talking. “Ah, good. At least you decided to be smart this time and not run-off out the doors. I would have found you,“ River informs the girl, whose swinging her arms and looking guilty. If this were any other circumstance, then River might have bought her a drink. But as it is, she's her student, however adorable she is. “Care to tell me what is so pressing you had to take time out of my lecture to talk about it?“
“Ah well, you know, the whole thing about the Venusian tomb, just brought back some memories to when I was learning Venusian aikido. There was this one time when I was invited to a funeral at one, which - you know - is a big deal for any outsider and…“ The Doctor starts rambling, unable to stop herself. A grin spreads across her features, hoping to entertain River with her story, as she had done so many times in the past. River always liked to listen to recounts of her adventures.
“Venusian Aikido?“ River folds her arms, skeptical. “They don’t teach that to just anyone. I happen to be a black belt myself.“
“Oh I know.“ The Doctor grins.
“It’s not on my resumé,“ River parries, her eyebrows lifting into an arch. “So someone told you. Perhaps at this funeral, you supposedly attended?“ River laughs doubting the girls claims. “No-one just gets invited to a Venusian funeral, or a wedding, or any kind of ceremony unless you’re a honoured noble. Which you clearly cannot be, no offence Sweetie but -“ River pauses. She stares at the blonde and her mismatched clothing, then bunches her lips. “What did you say your name was?“
The Doctor doesn’t answer immediately. This is it, the moment of truth. She could just tell her… surely there’s no harm in it. This is River Song after losing her parents in Manhattan, and before Darillium; there is no real reason to keep her identity from her. Apart from the fact that she isn't sure how she will react. They didn’t see each other for so long in between Manhattan and Darillium, enough for River to come to doubt if the Doctor had ever truly loved her. Her words still echo through the back of the Doctor’s mind now. The Doctor doesn’t and has never loved me. - But you are the woman who loves the Doctor. - Yes I am. I never denied it. But whoever said he loved me back? Those words still haunt the Doctor, even after spending 24 years with her in which she’d done everything she could to convince her of just the opposite.
“Jane Smith.“ The Doctor answers at last with a thin smile.
River lets out a loud chortle. “Jane Smith? Of course it is,“ River replies not believing her for a second. Who has the most standard name of all names like that? River postures a little, shuffles her papers around into a neat pile already thinking of the lunch that’s waiting for her in the refectory, because she's not getting any truth from this girl. “I don't recall your name on my student register; so…how about you tell me the truth.“ River hooks her bag over her shoulder and takes a long stride forward, claiming the podium as her space, the lecturer to the student. River examines her, because if she’s not her student, then who is she? All beautiful round eyes and choppy blonde hair, River certainly doesn't recognise her. Should she, recognise her? “Or you can come to my office and explain yourself there.“
“I uhh…“ The Doctor swallows hard. Of course she doesn’t believe her, people rarely do initially; but usually she can use her psychic paper to back up her identity. She knows River would see right through that if she tried it, so that isn’t an option. “Well, I’ve actually got somewhere else to be. A really very important…thing. A thing that can’t wait, so…it was really nice talking to you, brilliant lecture. Slightly exaggerated in some parts but - you know - got to keep the students engaged…“ Her eyes flick to the door. She’s parked her TARDIS in a supply closet, so it’s not far away.
“Are you calling my stories embellished?“ River trails after this Jane Smith towards the door, flabbergasted. She’s a bone fide time traveller, she knows her subject matter better than anyone in the known universe, except  - “It’s not as though you can possible know better? How old are you anyway, twelve?“ She carries on trying to get under the girl’s skin, who is clearly hiding something.  “Where on earth are you going? You realise that’s the closet.“
“Why are you following me?“ The Doctor had hoped to simply shake her but River seems to have different ideas. She doesn’t dare open the supply closet door, River would see the TARDIS and she would be done for. But where else could she possibly go? She looks around anxiously for a way out.
“Mmm it seems you might be trapped…“ River drops her voice to a knowing whisper. She smirks, delighting in watching the girl fret.
“I just… forgot which way I… uhh…“ The Doctor struggles for a response suddenly aware of how close River is getting to her. And that smirk… She knows it all too well. Like a lioness stalking her prey. She can’t even think of a credible lie to get her out of her predicament.
“Which way you meant to go?“ River bobs her finger on her lip pretending to think hard about it. “My office is this way, if you didn't get the hint earlier.“ River ghosts her hands over the girls hips, rubbing into her hipbones with her thumbs and sucking her lips and humming. “Jane Smith. I appreciate the code name. You can slip me your paper later, I’ll be sure to mark it up a grade, well, depending on your performance of course.“ River winks coyly.
“I…“ The Doctor’s mouth suddenly feels really dry, she can’t speak. Flirting and reading innuendo isn’t exactly her forte but River can’t possibly be more obvious with her advances. Is this what River is like when she isn’t around? The Doctor isn’t sure whether to be flattered or hurt. They’re not exactly exclusive but she doesn’t like her nose rubbed in it like this. But at the same time, perhaps this is an opportunity… She could be with River without having to reveal her identity… but is that something she wanted to do under false pretences?
“Good talk, come along!“ River grins and leads the way across the lecture hall to the staff door, and unlocks it with a quick key-twizzle, then presses the door open wide to wave ‚Jane‘ through. River uses the opportunity to loop her arm around Jane’s waist and scoops her in the right direction down the hall towards her office.
The Doctor doesn’t know what to do. Things are moving fast, River doesn’t even give her a chance to protest. Her hearts seem to skip their beats when River pulls her along.
Once inside, River tosses the door shut and wastes no time in pushing Jane against it, roaming her hands up and down her sides and snapping the elastic braces. “These are retro, but I can go with the flow, off they coooome…“ River sings as she yanks them off Jane’s shoulders, then the coat, and where is the edge of this t-shirt? River is keen to feel her hands up Jane’s abdomen, and the flush of her skin. River knows her hands are rough - years of archeological digs will do that to a girl - but Jane is young and sweet enough to need a little roughing up.
“River…“ The Doctor tries to protest, this was moving too fast. Her breath catches when River untucks her t-shirt. The Doctor is still getting used to this new body and she suddenly feels very hot.
“First names already? My my…“ River tosses her mane of hair out the way as she leans in to kiss Jane on the neck, biting her and enjoying teasing her far too much. “Sweetie you do give yourself away, even in this body,“ River tickles her teeth along the Doctor’s collarbone searching for the next spot to bite. “I mean, I like it darling, but give me a heads next time -“ River explores the Doctor’s petite body with enthusiasm. “My apparatus is your apparatus and all that, got to get my head around it.“
“You knew?!“ The Doctor blurts out and pushes her off, holds her at arms length. “And you just played along?!“ She’s breathless from River’s kisses but her outrage overshadows her arousal.
River unbuttons her shirt confidently, tearing the sides apart and presenting her body to the Doctor once again, even if it’s all new for the Doctor, River is still River. “Well what did you think? I do this with all my students, Jane Smith?“ She smiles a broad, proud River smile and holds her hands out for the Doctor to take. “I’m married, remember?“ Mutually exclusive is…a bit of stretch, there might be other husbands here and there, but there is only one Doctor. “So, wife, how about a little ride on the merry-go-round with this new body?“
The Doctor just stares at her for a moment. It’s been a while since Darillium but she still recalls every moment, and River is just as beautiful as she remembers. And just as much of a temptress. She bites her lip, suddenly feeling very insecure. It would be her first time in this body…and it’s her first time being a woman as far as she can remember. That’s a lot to be anxious about.
Softening the come-on, River takes the Doctors hands and steps closer to her, squeezing her hands in reassurance. “I knew it would happen eventually, a wife and not a husband. It’s okay, you know.“ River takes a deep breath, and kisses her wife properly for the first time. Her lips are thinner softer and taste of cinnamon, but she kisses back just like her husband did. Her Doctor. “I love you. This adorable new body is just a bonus,“ she says gently, then kisses her nose for extra effect.
The Doctor can’t help but chuckle as she looks up to her. This was new. She is shorter than her! Though only due to River’s ridiculously high heels.
“I love you, too.“ She whispers nuzzling into her crook of her neck as she wraps her arms around her. River smells exactly the way she remembers, like sunshine on a spring day. “I’ve missed you so much.“ She confesses.
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Red Rose (3)
Jaebum Mafia Series
one / two / three /  four / five  masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: mafia, angst, romance, mature plot: im jaebum was your first love in university, but then he disappeared. and now he’s back, and he is a mafia leader? a/n: okay so I got a little carried away, and what about it? lmao jk. hope y’all like it. it’ll get better from next chapter <333 not edited at all
The first time you met Jaebum was on the first day of orientation. Your friend had ditched you last minute, and you didn't know anyone else. You stood off to the side, on the edge of the group wishing to hideaway.
You wondered if you could just go away unnoticed. You probably could, but you were scared to be called, and you also didn’t know what you would do if you walked away. You didn’t come to the city much, and all the streets looked the same. All walking away would have achieved would be endless wandering through the city streets, trying to find some sort of familiarity.
You sighed, checking the time and seeing only twenty minutes had passed.
“Hey, can I sit here?” You looked up to find a dark-haired boy smiling at you as he pointed to the seat occupied with your bag. Your cheeks flushed once you realised you had been staring for a minute too long.
“No. I mean, yes, go for it,” you mumbled, before biting your lip at how awkward you were as you removed your bag.
“I’m Im Jaebum, by the way,” he smiled sitting next to you. You gave him a shy smile back, your fingers a fidgeting mess in your lap.
“Y/n,” you replied softly.
“Are you doing a STEM degree too?” He asked you shook your head before replying, letting him carry you into a friendly conversation. He spent the whole day with you after you told him your friend couldn’t make it.
However, you didn’t get his number, and no matter how much you searched on social media, you couldn’t find him. But then by fate or destiny, you met him again. You were outside the lecture theatre waiting for the class inside to walk out when you felt a presence beside you.
“We meet again,” he smiled at you, and your heart skipped a beat. “Hello, y/n.”
“Let me out of here!” You banged against the door, your fist hurting from the heavy beating against the hard wooden door. “Please!”
You didn’t get a reply. No matter how much you yelled, knocked or kicked against the door, you didn't get a reply.
“Please,” you breathed placing your head against the door. You closed your eyes tight as you pushed back the tears of frustration.
You tried not thinking about what had happened a few hours ago. You didn't want to think about the deafening silence after the gunshot. You didn’t want to remember the red that pooled beneath him, how his limps fell to the floor as the man you had killed slowly bled out.
You had killed someone.
You needed to get out of here.
But you couldn’t. You had woken up in this huge room that belonged to some sort of king. It was magnificent, yet modern and contemporary. It’s how you’d imagine penthouse rooms to be that cost more than your monthly wages. But you knew this wasn’t a penthouse.
The silence, this peaceful, skin-biting silence didn’t exist in the city you lived in. No police sirens were going off every few minutes, no honks, no loud suspicious noises, no screams or yells. There was nothing, absolute quietness, and you were losing your mind.
“Let me out!” You pulled at the door once again, before kicking it once again. You stumbled over to the bed, bringing your knees to your chest as you hid your face into your body.
You wouldn’t cry, you told yourself. You will not cry, not now.
And then, like a miracle, the door swung open and in walked in a familiar boy.
“You,” you breathed, remembering him. He was the card-bearer of the group whenever they walked into the diner. He would be the first to tell of the boys and talk to you as if their behaviour was his responsibility.
“We haven’t been introduced,” he adjusted his black jacket, as he placed a tray of food on the table in front of the empty fireplace. He gestured to the food, raising an eyebrow at you in invitation. “I am Park Jinyoung.”
“I’m y/n,” you replied, not moving from your place, your knees still tucked into your chest. “What am I doing here?”
“How about I explain that while you get some food in your tummy?” He gave you a reassuring smile, as stepped to the side and settled on a chair, gesturing the other to you.
You grudgingly got up and sat in front of him. Jinyoung didn’t say anything, his gaze on you and the food, waiting for you to start eating. You slowly took a small bite of the French toast, “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, y/n,” Jinyoung softened as he watched you chew your food. “It should be us who should be thanking you for saving our maknae.”
“Oh right,” you placed the bread down, you didn't care to use cutlery, not when you felt so raw and savage. “How is the boy?”
“The boy,” Jinyoung snorted, “is fine. It’s nothing he hasn’t experienced before.”
You nodded, taking it all in.
“So this isn’t new to you? You use guns and hurt people all the time?”
“Only the bad guys,” Jinyoung smiled, offering you a cup of hot chocolate. You took it off his hands and took a small sip.
You welcomed the warmth it spread in your empty tummy, “How do you decide who is good and who is not?”
Jinyoung smirked at that, as he took a sip from his own cup filled with dark coffee, “Sometimes things are cosmically bad. A moral code isn’t required to know and punish those evils.”
“Violence is violence.” You countered.
“Not when it’s to stop a greater evil.”
“There will always be a greater evil,” you held his intrigued gaze, “how do you know when to stop before you become the greatest yourself?”
Jinyoung smiled at that placing his cup down, and just shrugged, “I don’t know.”
You watched him for a few more seconds, before glancing at the open doors.
“How long have I been here?” You asked, meeting his beady eyes.
“You’ve been unconscious for two hours, and then have been sleeping since then, according to our doctor,” Jinyoung replied, smiling as your cheeks began heating up. “It’s been a day. Don’t you sleep?”
“I do. I just...” You trailed off not answering the question. Your leg started shaking anxiously as your mind began to race. “Can I go home?”
“Yes, of course,” Jinyoung replied offended. “We weren't kidnapping you.”
“It seemed like it with the locked doors, and not letting me out.”
“I’m sorry,” Jinyoung laughed a bit, his lips slightly pouting. “We weren’t home, so we didn’t realise you had woken up. And the guys who remained back ended up occupied, that’s on us. Sorry.”
You just nodded. This didn’t seem that bad of a situation, it didn’t seem like these guys would hurt you or wanted to hurt you.
And then you remembered him.
“Jaebum,” you spoke, making Jinyoung’s wide eyes meet yours in surprise. “Where is he? Can I meet him?”
“You know JB?”
You nodded in reply. Your body on edge with nerves with anticipation, as Jinyoung walked out to get Jaebum. Your fingers nervously fidgeting on your lap, your lips turning raw between your lips, and your leg furiously moving up and down.
You didn’t know if you were truly ready to meet him again. You didn’t know how you would act or what you would say. You had seen him at the diner once, and that was it.
That was all you had of him in the past few years. Just those few moments in your small diner avoiding him and his melting warm brown eyes. You didn’t know what to expect, or how he would act.
But in all this mess, he was the only one you could count on. The only one you knew, the only to help you settle your shaking heart and speeding mind.
You heard his footsteps before he walked in and the doors closed. You spun in your seat to see the boy who comforted you in a room full of strangers, standing there staring at you.
“Jaebum,” you breathed raising up from your seat. You didn’t know if you would ever say that name out loud to him ever again. You had said it so many times before, in so many different ways to him.
You whispered it into his ear, you had moaned it, screamed it and warned it. You never got tired of saying his name, you never got tired of him. Before the name could even begin to lose its magic he had disappeared, but now he was here once again.
He stood there. His dark hair a troubled mess, as if his fingers had spent the past hours running through them endlessly. His white button shirt clinging onto his solid muscles, showing his toned abs and strong arms. The first two buttons of his shirt left open, showing soft skin, the bottom of his shirt untucked messily. He looked like a mess, he looked beautiful,
“Jaebum,” you whispered, tears sparkling in your eyes as you gave him a small smile. Jaebum continued to stare at you, but it didn't falter your racing heart. “How are you?”
Jaebum didn’t reply for a long minute. He continued to stare at you, taking you in slowly. His dark gaze swept over you, drinking you in carefully. But he didn’t smile, his tense shoulders didn’t relax. His hands remained tight by his side, as his jaw remained locked.
“I am as good as someone can be when dealing with a meddlesome waitress shooting the right hand of a mafia company could,” he replied coldly.
Your brows furrowed at that. There was no hint of a smile, no warmth, nothing.
You stumbled over your words, as you gulped and took a step towards him, “Is he okay, Jae?
“He isn’t dead, right?”
Jaebum rolled his eyes, annoyed before sighing, “No, unluckily not.”
“Didn’t you say it was trouble that I shot him? How is it unlucky that he didn’t die?” You asked confused, your lips falling into a soft pout. You didn’t like the cold line Jaebum’s lips were drawn into.
“Well, he deserved to die,” Jaebum sighed, finally moving from where he stood. He walked away from you towards the windows looking out over the garden, and forest beyond. “The trouble is now we have a liability.”
“I am the liability?” You asked, watching his back flex as he placed his hands on ledge leaning against it.
He didn’t turn back to you, he looked over his shoulder. His voice tired, irritated as he breathed, “I don’t see any other waitress in this room.”
Your brows furrowed, your lips frowning and you were sure you looked like a ridiculous little kid about to throw a tantrum, but you didn't care.
Before you could speak, the door opened and in walked Jinyoung.
“JB, Derek is on call,” he spoke in Jaebum’s direction. Jaebum just nodded, sighing heavily before he began walking towards the door. You stood there struck by shock at how he was acting.
Was he really going to be like this?
You had just almost murdered someone, ended up in this strange mansion place, near kidnapped, and all he had to say was that you are a nosy waitress who was nothing but a liability.
No hello, or thank you, or how have you been? or I’m sorry for disappearing all those years ago, but surprise! I am now part of this shady bullshit.
Like hell.
“Jaebum!” You called out into the hallway, he stopped a few steps away from disappearing around the corner.
He didn’t reply, he just stood still staring ahead of him. Jinyoung turned to look back at you with raised brows and then gawked between Jaebum and you.
“I am just a nosy waitress?” You snickered, as you strutted towards him. “I am no one else?”
You stopped behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder and twisting him to meet your enraged eyes. “Is that all I am?”
Jaebum smirked back, his eyes so dark and empty, your heart sank, “Are you meant to be anything else?”
“You don’t remember me?” You snorted, your eyes burning with threatening tears. You hated the crack in your voice, but you didn’t care. It didn’t matter what emotions you showed or spoke with, it didn’t take away from what you saying. “You don’t remember me at all? You don’t know me? So what you’re saying is that you never went to a carnival and missed all the targets with the gun game, and then treasured a panda keychain I had won you?”
You could see Jinyoung close his eyes to stop himself from laughing.
Jaebum, on the other hand, was not amused or pleased. He took a step forward, making you tilt your head to meet his furious eyes darkening with every passing second.
“You are no one.” Jaebum spat each word, soaking in every word as it pierced your heart.
You looked away from him and took a step back.
“I want to go home,” was all you said looking at his chest.
Jaebum turned, giving Jinyoung a nod before disappearing around the corner.
Jinyoung bit his lip, and you could feel the questions bubbling inside him.
“Shoot,” you muttered as you followed behind him.
“Did he choose the panda keychain?”
“I could have gotten him the giant teddy, but that's what he wanted,” you shrugged, and Jinyoung chuckled.
You lifted your curtain to find the car remain outside your apartment. The two men in the vehicle reclined, settling as they pulled out snacks and began their little campout.
You sighed, and moved towards the bathroom, stripping the dirty and sticky uniform of your body. You turned the shower on and stared at your reflection, waiting for the water to heat up.
You took in your face, your hair, your lips and your eyes, and wondered how much of it had really changed since you last saw Jaebum. You looked exactly the same; those who knew you would never forget you. Especially, not someone who had spent endless extraordinary moments with you as Jaebum had.
You were exactly the same. Your eyes just a bit more tired, a few lines starting on your face. You didn’t look like a girl anymore, you knew that. The person in the reflection was a woman, a ghost of the past, but still recognisable.
Once the mirror fogged up with steam, you walked into the hot water and let it wash over you.
You didn’t cry.
You didn’t say or do anything.
You turned off the shower, dried yourself and walked into your bed.
You covered yourself in your blankets up to your neck and stared at the wall.
“Didn’t recognise me, my ass,” you whispered, and then finally you let go of the tears.
Luckily, you didn’t have work for the past two days. You had spent one day passed out at Jaebum’s mansion, and the other mopping around in your room. You had spent it watching romcoms, and binge-eating every form of sweet and chocolate in your kitchen.
But reality had caught up, and you were now going back to work at the diner. Your gaze drifted to where the car had remained religiously the past day and found the empty parking spot.
You shook your head and brought your purse closer to you as you walked towards the bus stop. You would normally walk to work, but today you were exhausted.
You felt so drained mentally, that your body actually hurt physically.
You didn’t know what happened next though. You were looking through your purse searching for your bus card at the bus stop, when the next moment, a hand tightly gripped your wrist pulling you forward.
The edge of the van slammed against your shin, making you cry in pain. Your wrist was already burning from the tight grip, while your other hand clawed at the hairy hand, that painfully pulled you into the white van.
“No. Stop.” You pleaded, trying to throw yourself back out into the street and out of the van.
A sharp slap against your cheek made your neck almost snap, as someone pulled your hair, and yanked you inside.
“Shut up bitch.” A man with angry eyebrows warned, your cheeks prickling from the pain. He took your hands and tied your wrists behind you, and duck-tapped your lips.
You let him. You fell back, knowing and waiting.
There were four men.
They threw you into a room and didn't even bother to lock it as they walked out. You stayed quiet and listened.
Finally, after what felt like two hours, two of them went out to get some food. The other one went to take a lap around the building, leaving only one.
One was better than four.
You reached along the edge of your skirt, finding the small flat-blade you always kept tucked away there. Everyone had laughed at you and called you insane when you told them you had been doing this to all your outfits, but jokes on them.
You opened your mouth, darting your tongue out to lick away the adhesive of the duck-tap. You carefully cut the zip-tie, biting back the hiss as the sharp edges painfully dug into your skin. You snapped it free, pulling the duck-tap away, before getting up and stretching.
One guy. You could take one guy.
You looked around the room and found a wooden chair.
You rolled your eyes at how stupid they were. The first thing they should've done was tie you to the chairs, but these idiots underestimated you.
You opened the door slightly, searching for the remaining lad. You found him sitting on a chair facing away from your door. He laughed at whatever he was watching on his phone, and you quietly crept out.
You decided against the chair, picking up a rod on the way instead. The guy must have sensed you, as he began turning around, but before he could, you slammed the rod against the head.
You watched as he knocked out, and began walking towards the area you hoped was the exit.
You were almost out when another figure appeared in front of you.
You sighed, clutching the rod tighter in your hand before raising an eyebrow at him.
“Come and get me, shit-head,” you smirked.
“You’re dead, you fucking bitch,” he growled as he charged towards you. You dodged him as he swung a fist at you. You didn’t have strength, but you had speed, you quickly smashed the rod at the back of his knees, making him fall. You instantly landed another blow on the back of his head.
Once he stopped moving you began running out again.
You didn’t know how long it would be before the others returned, or if any others were loitering outside. You didn't let go of the rod and checked every corner before making a turn.
You could see the parking lot, you were almost out.
You began racing towards the door when a bang echoed from behind you. Terrified, you turned back to find the first guy standing there with a gun pointed at you, “Going somewhere, bitch?”
You cursed yourself, as you tried running faster. You should’ve checked for guns, how stupid could you possibly be.
“I’d stop there if I was you,” he chuckled, enjoying the game. However, despite his warning words and the gun in his hand. He didn't chase after you or shoot at you freely. You guessed his lack of speed to be a result of his bleeding forehead thanks to you. But the missing gunshots, however, were a mystery. Nevertheless, you welcomed the stroke of luck or his foolishness with gratitude.
You were almost at the door when two figures appeared in front of you.
“Really, Ron?” The red-haired one grunted at the man behind you. “Couldn't even take care of a little girl like her?”
Three against one, odds outweigh you by a lot, but you were not going down without a fight.
You continued racing towards them and swung the rod straight onto their face. You land it straight onto the red haired’s face but were too slow for the other.
The other kicked your stomach, making you fall to the floor. The rod slipped out of your hands and fell a few feet away from you. You tried reaching for it, but before you could, your scalp burned in pain as he yanked you up by your hair. His hands folded into your long locks, as he held you still before striking your face with the back of his hand.
Your cheeks throbbed in pain, and you tasted the warm metallic tang of blood on your lips and cheek.
“Asshole,” you cursed before thrashing around. It didn't achieve anything but another slap, making you fall onto the floor and hit your forehead against the cracked tiles. You winced glancing up, to find your rod just a few inches away from your hand. You quickly grabbed it as he dragged you back up.
You crushed it against his head, making him fall to the ground. You heard gunshots resound from the other side of the room. You instantly hit him one more time, swinging the rod, at the other guy coming towards you. He lunges backwards giving you enough time to pull out the gun from the guy crying in pain, holding his nose and mouth.
You pointed the gun to the leg, swiftly shooting his leg, making him cry out in pain. And then turn to the other, who surrenders instantly.
He gets on his knees, holding up his hands.
“Throw out your gun, now.” You ordered, and he did it immediately. You picked it up quickly, before turning to the other guy. His head still bleeding, and his gun still pointed at you.
“I know you can’t shoot me,” you told him, you were just bluffing but hoped it was correct. You shot towards him, missing his feet by a few centimetres. “But I can shoot you. Take out your magazine and throw it over here.”
You shoot one more time, this time higher. He grudgingly fell onto his knees and did as you said.
You picked up his bullets, putting it into your pants, along with the other gun. “If you’re going to chase after me, count to two hundred before you start. It’s the least chivalrous thing you could do.”
You raced onto the deserted road. The moon low and the world surrounded in darkness. You continued running, despite your cramping legs, and burning throat and lungs.
You knew the men would be arriving any second now.
And then, like a miracle, you saw headlights. You threw yourself in the middle of the road. Your arms flailing like crazy; tears, sweat and blood mixing together as you cried for them to stop.
“Please stop!” You cried, and then thinking maybe you should’ve hidden the gun to seem more friendly and less serial killer. “Please! Please!”
It slowed as it neared you, and you carefully made your way towards the driver’s side.
“Please help me,” you cried, your words rushed and breaking. “I was kidnapped, and I somehow escaped, but they’re chasing me- please- just- please just give me a ride just a few distances away from here. I- please.”
The windows rolled down, and you were met with distant eyes blazing with icy fire.
“Get in.” He said coldly.
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