#justin x owen
chaodic9 · 1 year
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Cute total drama doodles I made. Lindsay and Noah friendship is canon to me even though they like never interacted it is real in my heart of hearts
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ukiharavara · 3 months
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JustOwen doodle
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colorthecosmos444 · 3 months
Family Game Night
Summary: Reader, Matt and the rest of the Sturniolo family have a family game night together playing all their favorite games. 
Genre: Fluff, suggestive 
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 2322
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The living room was crowded as the entire Sturniolo family, Nate and I were having a family game night. Justin finally made it home and Marylou wanted to spend time with all of her kids, including Nate and me. So far, we have played Jenga, Apples to Apples and Monopoly. However, monopoly was only short lived due to the boys quickly getting into an argument and Marylou shut it down. Chaos now ensues as we are currently playing charades. My team consists of Chris, Justin and Jimmy, while Matt, Nick, Nate and Marylou are against us. At the moment my team is winning by two points, thanks to Justin and I having almost a telepathic experience between us. Chris is too busy screaming over everyone else to actually get an answer right and Jimmy is just laughing at everyone. 
Matt is over on the other side of the room frustrated as hell, because he has Nick and Nate who both have the attention span of toddlers. Marylou is actually the only one contributing something to their team. 
It’s Matt’s turn to have his team guess and he walks up to the front of the room, running his fingers through his hair a couple of times, figuring out what he wanted to do. He nods his head as he realizes what he’s going to have them guess and holds out one finger. 
“One word,” Marylou says. Matt nods and spreads his legs, holds his arms out and starts jumping up and down. 
Chris and I look at each other and we burst out in giggles as Matt moves around ridiculously. Matt just rolls his eyes and continues his movements, motioning with his head for someone on his team to guess. 
“I don’t know, are you a clown?” Nick jokes looking extremely confused.  Matt shakes his head and continues jumping up and down. 
“Give us something else, we clearly don’t know what you’re doing,” Nick mocks. Matt sighs and starts moving side to side. 
“Are you a racecar driver?” Marylou asks. Again, Matt shakes his head and gets frustrated. He then takes his left arm and pretends to take a hat off of his head and makes circles in the air. 
“Ooh, I know! A cowboy!” Nate shrieks jumping up off of the floor. 
“Yes!” Matt cheers and gives Nate a high-five.
 “How ironic, that’s yours and y/n’s favorite position to fuck in,” Chris teased. 
“What?!” Nick screams covering his ears. My face instantly turns red, and Matt’s eyes grow wide. “Shut the fuck up, Chris,” Matt chided. I cover my eyes because I don’t even want to look at his parents. “Yeah, man, way to go!” Justin chuckled, standing to dab Matt up. 
A puzzled Matt takes his hand and half-hugs his older brother. The fact is that it’s not even true, but Chris just had to say something to embarrass us in front of their parents. Chris, who’s sitting next to me is laughing his ass off. Matt trudges in front of him and smacks the side of his head. 
“Come on bro, that was too good you have to admit it,” Chris snickered. 
“Have some respect, mom and y/n are right here,” Matt scolded. 
“Chris, watch your language,” Jimmy warned. “Don’t talk like that.” Chris settles down and pulls my hands away from my face. 
“I’m sorry, y/n. I really just wanted to fuck with Matt, not you.” He confessed, recognizing that I wanted to crawl away in a hole and die in this moment of embarrassment. 
“I'm going to fix myself a drink. Does anyone else want something?” Marylou breaks the awkward silence that envelops the room after Chris’s apology. 
“I’ll take something! I’ll come with you Marylou,” I responded, practically jumping off of the couch and sprinting behind her into the kitchen. I follow her as she reaches into the cabinet above her and grabs two stemless wine glasses. Already knowing what she wants I open the fridge and reach for the unopened bottle of Merlot that Matt and I bought for her. She smiles and hands me the wine opener and I pull the cork from the bottle. 
“I’m really sorry about that, Marylou,” I apologize, pouring us both a glass of the red wine. 
“Oh, honey, there’s no need to apologize. Chris doesn’t know when he crosses the line sometimes,” She reassured, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “Just ignore him. That’s what I have to do sometimes,” she chuckles while taking a sip from her glass. “Let’s go back and see if the boys calmed down.” We proceed into the family room, Matt has taken Chris’s spot on the couch and Chris is on the floor leaning against the wall petting Trevor. I take a seat next to Matt, letting him wrap his arm around me while Justin gets up to let his mom sit in between me and Jimmy. 
Matt leans down and kisses me on the temple. “Hi baby,” he mutters and pulls me into him. “Chris is on a time out.” Matt motions to Chris who perks up and gives a small wave. I giggle and wave back to Chris. “Don’t worry he won’t be saying anything stupid again.” Matt soothed as he gently grabbed the glass from my hand and took a sip. 
“Are you sure about that? Chris always has something stupid to say,” I teased. Matt smirks, “You’re right. He won’t say anything about us though, I made sure of that.” He leans in to kiss my cheek this time. I flush under his touch, my sweatshirt making me ten times hotter. 
“Are we ready to continue?” Nick asks. “I am ready to kick some ass.”
“I’m ready, only if we switch up the teams,” Matt answered. “I’m tired of losing. Plus, I'm comfortable on this couch now.” He rubs his hand over my waist and squeezes my side. Nick huffs but we all agree that we needed a change. We decided to have Chris, Nick, Nate and Justin on a team versus Matt, Marylou, Jimmy and I. Matt wanted more “sane” people on his team and I could tell that he was getting annoyed with his brothers. We start the next round, everyone taking their respective turns. Soon, the madness begins again, and everyone is either screaming, laughing or guessing. I love spending time with Matt’s family. They are my family. I couldn't imagine myself not being in this room with them, being a part of their little family. I know that I belong here, and Matt belongs with me. Everything just feels so natural. Matt and I are holding hands on the couch as we watch Nick trying to act out something to his team. He looks utterly ridiculous, and I feel at home at Matt’s side. Laughing along with his parents as Nick gets louder and louder, thinking that it would help his brothers and Nate determine what he is acting out. 
I can’t help but look up at Matt, observing his features as he takes in the hysterical scene in front of him. His head leans back into the plush couch, his eyes squeeze shut as he laughs, and my body absorbs the warm vibrations from his chest. I lean my head onto his shoulder, wanting to be as close to him as possible. He glances down at me, noticing my movements, and tightens his hold on my waist, pulling me further into him. 
The night carries on and we finish playing charades, now uno has been brought out onto the coffee table. I opted out of this game because I was beginning to get tired. The boys sitting on the floor surrounding the table, Marylou and Jimmy sitting on the other end of the couch, my head laying on Matt’s lap and my legs curled up on the cushion. Trevor is sleeping in between Marylou and me. The night starts to become more relaxed. Charades must have used up all the energy in Nick and Chris because they are pretty chill now. Soft conversations are happening while a couple candles are lit in the room. Jimmy grabbed a blanket for me and covered me up. Now, my eyes are starting to grow heavy. I don’t know if it’s from the wine that Marylou and I have been drinking, almost finishing the whole bottle, or the fact that I couldn’t be in a more comfortable spot right now. Matt threads his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp as he holds his cards in his other hand. 
I am halfway between sleep and reality, silently listening to the family talk about their day and the plans for tomorrow. I hear Justin say “uno” and everybody sighs as this will be the third time he wins. 
“Can we play something else?” Chris whines. “Uh-uh, I’m tired and I'm sure y/n wants to go to bed too,” Nick responds, throwing his cards down on the table. “No, I'm okay right here, really,” I reply softly. Matt sets the cards down, “Are you sure? I can carry you up to my room if you want.” He whispers, rubbing my back. I shake my head and pull up the blanket to my shoulders, readjusting myself on his lap. “Continue playing, I like laying right here.” I mutter, my eyes still closed.
“Well, I’m going to bed so goodnight, everyone,” Nick announces and stands up to go to his room. “I think I'm going to go to sleep too,” Justin yawns, following behind Nick. We all say goodnight to Nick and Justin, and Jimmy suggests that the rest of them play phase 10. Chris grabs the game and deals out the cards and Matt resumes lightly scratching my head, lulling me back into a dreamy state. 
Some time passes as they play the card game, and Marylou leans over to Matt, “You know you picked a good one,” she whispers, “I mean a really good one. Please don’t ever let her go.” 
I know that Matt is blushing, he gets flustered whenever someone compliments me or him. “Thanks mama, I know. I won’t ever let her go.” He promised, lightly rubbing my back. I smile to myself, pretending that I'm fast asleep. “You know I would be happy if you two got married tomorrow, but there’s no rush.” Marylou prodded. 
“Mom! Stop!” Matt quietly sputtered. “We are not getting married tomorrow.” 
“That’s okay, take your time. Take all the time you need,” she replies sarcastically. “Mom seriously, you will get your grandbabies one day just not now.” Matt laughs. 
“But those babies would be soooo cute.” she gushes. 
Chris throws his head into his hands, “That’s enough! No more baby talk, it’s sickening.” he griped. “I thought you liked babies?” Marylou questioned. “Yeah, but not when you are referring to my brother and his girlfriend, that’s too much for me to handle.” Chris grunted drawing a card. Marylou and Matt chuckle at Chris’s reaction. 
“I think it’s okay for them to wait a couple years,” Jimmy interjected. “I don’t think she’s going anywhere unless Matt does something stupid.”
“Dad!” Matt blurted. Jimmy raises his hands up in defense, “Well son, she’s not going to do anything dumb so it would have to be you.” 
Nate and Chris snicker at Jimmy’s words and I'm having a hard time keeping my composure at the fact that everyone is discussing Matt and I getting married and having babies. 
“I mean I guess you’re right,” Matt confirmed. I let out a small giggle, ruining my peaceful cover. “Are you awake?” Matt exclaimed, leaning over to look at me. I opened my eyes and nodded, looking up at him. “So, you heard everything? He asks. I let out another giggle. “You don’t want my babies?” I tease. Matt rolls his eyes and leans into my ear, “Of course, just not right now,” he mutters so Chris and Nate don’t hear him. His face turns red, and he is embarrassed. 
“Hmm okay, I guess that’s fine.” I teased him again. “You know, I'll take you up on that offer and have you carry me to bed. I am exhausted.” He smirks and shakes his head. He puts one arm under my legs and the other behind my back and lifts me up. 
“I’ll be back,” Matt sighed, “got to take the princess to bed.” 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Marylou says softly. I wave everyone goodnight and Matt makes his way up the stairs into his room. He gently lays me on the bed and kisses my forehead. “Goodnight, baby,” he murmurs.
“Wait!” I reach out my arms, trying to grab onto him. “Don’t leave yet.” I pout, patting the bed next to me. Matt rolls his eyes, “Okay fine, but sit up. Let me help you get into your pajamas.” He motions for me to get up, and I lift my body forward, allowing him to take my hoodie off. He grabs one of his t-shirts from his dresser and hands it to me along with a pair of my pajama shorts. I change my clothes and climb under the warm covers. Matt lays down next to me, wrapping his arms around my body. “You know, it’s going to be my turn pretty soon and they aren’t going to want to wait for me down there.” Matt murmurs, kissing my forehead. “Just lay with me a few more minutes, I’ll be asleep pretty soon.” I say groggily, snuggling into the crook of his neck, my hands wrapping around his waist, slipping under his t-shirt. “I just want to cuddle you.” 
“Mmm, fine. Just a few more minutes.” He mutters, pulling my leg over him and rubbing the back of my thigh. “Just until you fall asleep. Okay, baby?” 
He doesn’t get a response, as I am already fast asleep, our limbs intertwined. “Mmhm, that’s what I thought.” He whispers, kissing my forehead and closing his eyes, hugging me tighter.
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩ ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
here's the link for the rest of the Boston Series
ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ: @aurora-merritt @spideylovin @watercolorskyy @esioleren @luvbotsblog
𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 <3
A/N: Sorry, this took so long!! Work has been crazy and sleeping during the day really messes with trying to write. But I hope this was okay! Thank you to each one of you that reads and likes my posts, it means so so much!! If you want to be on the tag list let me know!!
love you all to the stars, cece ★
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averysturniolo · 2 months
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Becoming a Matt girl
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kitonish · 11 months
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I saw a post with this idea a little while ago, and I finally found the motivation to make it myself
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lousypotatoes · 1 month
I Want Your Whiskey Mouth
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"I want you to love me
Like I'm a hot ride
Be thinking of me
Doing what you like~"
Only Girl (In The World) - Rihanna
Previous Next
"Yo! We're coming at you live from Camp Wawanawka, somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario." said a black-haired man, smiling into the camera.
"I'm your host, Chris McLean, dropping season one of the hottest new reality show on television right now!"
"Here's the deal," Chris said, walking across the dock. "Twenty-three campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp. They'll compete in challenges against each other, then have to face the judgement of their fellow campers."
"Every three days, one team will either win a reward or watch one of their team members walk down the Dock of Shame, take a ride on the Loser Boat," Chris laughed. "And leave Total Drama Island for good."
The camera panned away to a campfire looking setting.
"Their fate will be decided here, at the dramatic campfire ceremonies, where each week, all but one camper will receive a marshmallow," Chris explained, eating one of the marshmallows. "In the end, only one will be left standing, and will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune, which let's face it, they'll probably blow in a week."
"To survive, they'll have to battle black flies, grizzly bears, disgusting camp food, and each other." Chris smirked. "Every moment will be caught on one of the hundreds of cameras situated all over the camp."
"Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out here, right now on Total Drama Island!"
Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doing fine
You guys are on my mind
You asked me what I wanted to be
And now I think the answer is plain to see
I wanna be famous
I wanna live close to the sun
Well pack your bags, 'cause I've already won
Nothing to do, nothing in my way
I'll get there one day
'Cause I wanna be famous
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
I wanna be
I wanna be
I wanna be famous
I wanna be
I wanna be
I wanna be famous~
The camera pans to Chris, still standing on the dock.
"Welcome back to Total Drama Island! All right, it's time to meet our first eleven campers. We told them they'd all be staying at this five-star resort, so if they seem a little t-owed, that's probably why."
The camera panned over to a short girl with her brown hair in a braid, with glasses and braces.
"Beth, what's up?" Chris asked.
Beth ran and gave Chris a hug.
"It's so incredulous to meet you!" Beth exclaimed, getting off of Chris. "Wow, you're much shorter in real life."
"Uh, thanks," Chris said as Beth waved to the camera.
Another boat pulls up to the dock.
"DJ!" Chris called out.
A dark-skinned, muscular guy steps of the boat. He's wearing gray shorts, and a tight green shirt that really shows off his muscles.
"Yo! Chris McLain!" DJ said, high fiving Chris. "How's it going? Hey, you sure you got the right place here? Where's the hot tub at?"
"Yo dawg! This is it! Camp Wawanawkwa!" Chris smiled.
DJ frowned and picked up his bags, walking to the other end of the dock.
"Hm. Looked a lot different on the application form." he said.
"Hey Gwen!" Chris calls.
A pale skinned girl steps off the next boat. Her hair is dyed blue and black, and she's wearing a blue, green, and black corset/shirt, and blue and black shirt, black tights, and black boots.
She does not look happy.
"You mean we're staying here?" Gwen asked snarkily, looking around.
"No, you're staying here," Chris smiled. "My crib is an airstream with AC, that way." he pointed in the opposite direction.
"I did not sign up for this." Gwen angrily said.
"Actually, you did," Chris said, pulling out some paperwork.
Gwen pulled the forms out of Chris' hands and ripped them up and threw them in the lake.
"The great thing about lawyers is, they make lots of copies." Chris smiled, pulling out some more paperwork.
"I am not staying here." Gwen said, picking up her bags.
"Cool, I hope you can swim, though," Chris said. "Because you ride just left."
"Asshole!" Gwen spat.
The next guy to arrive is wearing a pink unbuttoned shirt that shows off his abs, jean shorts, and a large cowboy hat.
"Chris McLain!" the guy said, after doing a literal flip off the boat. "Sup man! It's an honor to meet you man!"
"The Geoffster!" Chris fist bumped him. "Welcome to the island man."
"Thanks man."
"If they say man one more time, I'm gonna puke," Gwen said.
"Everybody," Chris said. "This is Lindsay,"
The girl he was talking about had straight blonde hair, and was wearing a red and orange crop top, an orange miniskirt, brown boots, and a blue bandana.
"Not too shabby," Chris muttered to the camera.
"Hi!" Lindsay said. "Okay, you look so familiar."
"I'm Chris McLain," Chris explained.
Lindsay had a confused look on her face.
"The host of the show?"
"Oh, that's where I know you from," Lindsay smiled.
"Uh, yeah."
The next camper to arrive has long black hair, and is wearing a red crop top, green shorts, and aviator sunglasses.
She takes off the sunglasses and looks around, a look of disgust on her face.
"Heather," Chris says, as she walks right past him.
"Hi!" Beth says, running up to Heather. "Looks like we're your new friends for the next eight weeks!" she says, spitting all over a disgusted Heather.
The next boat to arrive is playing rock music. The guy to get off the boat has a green mohawk, piercings everywhere, a black skull shirt, jean shirts, and a spiked collar.
"Duncan, dude," Chris says.
"I don't like surprises," Duncan said, raising his fist.
"Yeah, your parole officer warned me about that man," Chris said. "Also told me to give him a holler anytime and have you returned to juvie."
"Okay then," Duncan said, walking off.
"Meet you by the campfire, gorgeous."
"Drop dead, you skeeze," Heather says is disgust. "I'm calling my parents. You cannot make me stay here."
Chris smiled and pulled out a copy of paperwork.
The next contestant to arrive was water skiing, the rods attached to the boat.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Tyler!" Chris exclaimed.
Tyler had brown hair and was wearing a red tracksuit with a matching red sweatband.
As soon as Chris stopped talking, the ski's fell from under Tyler and he flipped into the air before slamming down onto the dock, right into the pile of everyone's luggage.
One of the suitcases, fell into the water, creating a wave that splashed onto Heather.
"Ugh! My shoes!" Heather groaned.
"Wicked wipeout man!" Chris yelled.
Tyler only gave a thumbs up in response.
Chris snickers, before jumping as a loud exhale rings out.
"Welcome to camp, Harold," Chris says.
Harold looks scrawny, has ginger hair, glasses, and is wearing a blue shirt and green pants, while holding an electric keyboard.
The typical Napolean Dynamight type look.
Harold looked around, not saying a word.
"What's he looking at?" Beth asked.
DJ shrugged.
"So, you mean this show is at a crappy summer camp and not on some big stage or something?" Harold asked.
"You got it!" Chris said.
"Yes!" Harold exclaimed. "That is so much more favorable to my skills." he said, walking off.
Chris cringed as the next contestant arrived.
"Contestant number nine is Trent." Chris said, gesturing to Trent.
Trent has a black mullet and is wearing a green shirt with a green camouflage handprint, and black trousers, while carrying a guitar.
"Hey, good to meet you man," Trent smiles. "Saw you on that figure skating show. Nice work."
"Thanks man." Chris fist bumped him. "I knew I rocked that show!"
"I saw that!" Beth said, raising her hand. "One of the guys dropped his partner on her head. So, they got immunity that week."
"Lucky," Harold said. "I hope I get dropped on my head."
"Me too!" Lindsay said.
Trent looked around. "So this is it?" he asked.
The camera panned over to Heather squeezing the water out of her hair and Harold picking his nose.
"All righty then," Trent said, concern etched on his face.
Trent walked off and stood next to Gwen. He smiled at her, but she turned away, a scowl on her face. When Trent looked away though, Gwen had a small smile on her face.
The next contestant had her blonde hair in a ponytail, was wearing a blue hoodie, short jeans, and holding a surfboard.
"Hey, what's up?" the girl says as she gets off the boat, leaning on her surfboard.
"All right, our surfer chick Bridgette is here." Chris says.
"Nice board," Duncan scoffed. "This ain't Malibu, honey."
"I thought we were going to be on a beach." Bridgette said.
"We are," Chris said. The camera panning away to a gross looking beach with trash and weird green liquid.
"Great," Bridgette sighed.
"All right, that makes-" Chris started before getting in the head with Bridgette's surfboard. "Ow! Damn it! That hurt!"
Bridgette walked off, ignoring Chris' complaints.
"Hey guys," Bridgette says to the other campers.
"Hey, I'm Geoff."
"What's up?" Bridgette says, turning around, making everybody duck to avoid getting hit with the surfboard.
"Dang! Watch the board man!" Harold said.
"Hi! I'm Beth!"
Hey," Bridgette says, turning around again, almost smacking Trent, Duncan, and Harold.
"Okay, we've all met surfer girl, can we get on with the show, please?" Heather said, still squeezing the water out of her hair.
"Someone missed their double cappuccino macchiato this morning," Duncan smirked.
"Fuck off," Heather spits out.
The next camper to arrive is short with brown floppy hair, a frown on his face. He's wearing a white undershirt, a blue polo, a red vest, grey shorts, and lace up boots.
"Our next camper is Noah," Chris said, rubbing the spot on his head where he got hit.
"You got my memo about my life threating allergies?" Noah asked, walking past Chris.
"Sure someone did," Chris answered.
"Good. Is this where we're staying?" Noah asked, his face scrunching up in disgust.
"No, it's your mother's house, and we're throwing a party." Duncan said, cracking his knuckles.
"Cute. Nice piercings, original, do them yourself?" Noah asked sarcastically.
"Yeah, you want one, shithead?" Duncan asked, pulling on Noah's lip.
"No thanks, can I have my lip back please?" Duncan let go of Noah, smirking "Thanks,"
The next person to arrive is a curvy, dark-skinned, girl. She's wearing a yellow shirt and blue jeans, with her black hair pulled into a ponytail.
"What's up ya'll?" she calls from the boat. "Leshawna is in the house."
Harold gasped when he saw her.
"Yo baby. Hey, how you doing?" Leshawna said, stepping off the boat, giving Chris a high five. "How's it going?"
"Feel free to quit now and save yourselves the trouble, 'cause I came to win." she said, walking to where everybody else was on the dock.
"Oh, what's up my brother?" Leshawna said, high fiving DJ. "Give me some sugar, baby."
"I've never seen a girl like you in real life before," Harold said.
"Excuse me?" Leshawna asked, her eyebrow raised.
"You're real big, and loud."
"What did you say to me?" Leshawna said angrily. "Oh, no you did it. You have not seen anything yet. I'll show you big, baby.
Just as Leshawna was about to pounce on Harold, DJ and Bridgette ran to hold her back.
"Oh yeah, you want some of this?" Leshawna said, struggling against DJ and Bridgette. "Come on then!"
"All right campers!" Chris sternly said. "Settle down!"
Leshawna readjusted herself, glaring at Harold.
Harold smiled shyly in return.
The next two campers to arrive were dressed like twins, with the same haircuts as well. One was tall, skinny, and dark skinned, while the other was short, chubby, and pale. Both of them were wearing black and white striped shirts, and hot pink shorts.
"Ladies, Sadie, Katie, welcome to your new home for eight weeks," Chris said, gesturing towards the camp.
"Oh my gosh! Sadie look! It's a summer camp! Katie said.
"Okay, I always wanted to go to summer camp!" Sadie squealed, as the two of them ran down the dock.
The next camper to arrive was very pale. He was wearing a blue hat, a green hoodie, and blue joggers.
He looks like he doesn't get out much.
"Ezekiel. What's up man?" Chris asks.
Ezekiel looks up at the sky.
"I think I see a bird," he says, making Trent chuckle.
"Okay, look dude, I know you don't get out much," Chris says, his hand on Ezekiel's shoulder. "Been homeschooled your whole life, raised by freaky prairie people just don't say much and try not to get kicked off too early. Okay?"
"Yes sir," Ezekiel says, walking off.
"That's just...wow," Gwen says.
Next, comes a short scrawny kid. He's wearing a striped, yellow sweater and blue jeans.
"Cody. The Coadster. The Codmesiter!" Chis says, finger gunning him before high fiving him.
"Dude, psyched to be here, man," Cody said, walking off. "I see the ladies have already arrived. All right."
As he's about to say something to Leshawna, she puts her finger up to his lips, silencing him.
"Save it short stuff."
The next girl to arrive is very intimidating. She has her black tied into a ponytail, and is dressed in a blue tracksuit, showing off her muscles.
"Eva. Nice. Glad you could make it." Chris says.
Eva walks past him, ignoring him completely.
Cody holds his hand up for a high five, but instead gets his foot smashed by Eva's bag.
"Ow!" Cody says, holding his foot. "What's in there? Dumbbells?"
"Yes," Eva answers.
"She's all yours, man," Duncan says to DJ.
"Woohoo!" screams a voice, making Chris cringe.
The guy who screamed is a chubby guy with blonde hair, wearing a white shirt and green shorts. He has a big grin on his face.
"Chris! What's happening?" he laughs "This is awesome! Woohoo!"
"Owen!" Chris says. "Welcome!"
Owen picks up Chris in a giant bear hug.
"Awesome to be here man!" he says. "Yeah! Man, this is just so..."
"Awesome?" Gwen finishes, a smirk on her face.
"Yes! Awesome! Woo!" Owen exclaims. "Are you gonna be on my team?"
"Oh, I sure hope so," Gwen says sarcastically.
"You about finished?" Chris asks.
Owen puts him down, still grinning wildly.
"Sorry dude," he says. "I'm just so psyched!"
"Cool, and here comes Courtney."
Courtney steps off the boat, with help from Chris.
"Thank you," she says.
She has short brown hair, and is wearing white blouse, and tight green jeans.
"Hi! You must be the other contestants. It's really nice to meet you all."
""How's it going?" Owen says, grabbing Courtney's hand and shaking it. "I'm Owen!"
"Nice to meet you Ow-wow," Courtney says, distracted by the next contestant.
The next contestant had sculpted muscles and nice dark skin. He had black hair just barely covering his eyes and was wearing a tight green shirt and simple jeans.
Everyone on the dock was staring at him in awe. The girls and the guys, especially Owen.
When Justin smiled, Eva and Katie swooned while Sadie fainted.
"This is Justin," Chris said as Justin got off the boat. "Welcome to Total Drama Island."
"Thanks Chris, this is great." Justin said.
"Just so you know, we picked you based entirely on your looks."
"I can deal with that," Justin shrugged his shoulders.
"I like your pants!" Owen said.
"Thanks man," Justin said.
"Because they look like they're all worn out." Owen laughed. "Did you buy them like that?"
"Uh no, just had them for a while."
"Oh, cool," Owen gave a thumbs up before smacking himself in the face. "Stupid."
"Hey everyone," Chris said, getting everyone's attention. "Izzy."
Izzy had curly ginger colored hair and was wearing and a green crop top and a green skirt, that looked like it was made out of leaves.
"Hi Chris!" she exclaimed. "Hi-Oh!"
As she started to run off the boat, she tripped and hit her chin on the dock before falling into the water.
"Ooh," Tyler cringed. "That was bad."
"Guys, she could be seriously hurt," Courtney said, trying to pull Izzy up.
When Izzy got onto the dock, she shook the water off her like a dog.
"That felt...so...good! Except for hitting my chin. This is summer camp? That is so cool! Do you have paper mâché here? Are we having lunch soon?" Izzy ranted
"That is a good call!" Owen said, pointing at Izzy.
"Calm down," Chris said. "We still have one more camper to meet."
At that moment, a boat pulled up, and a H/C haired girl stepped onto the dock. She was wearing a black and white stripped long sleeve, a black skirt, red converses and had nose ring.
"Last but not least, we have Y/N!" Chris smiled.
Y/N looked around at the camp, a frown etching itself onto her face.
"Um, I thought we were going to be staying at a resort?" she asked in confusion.
"Can't believe you guys actually believed that," Chris chuckled.
"Is it too late to go home?" Y/N asked.
"If you like swimming, then no." Chris cheekily.
"Douchebag," Y/N muttered as she walked to the other side of the dock.
"Before we do anything, we need a group photo for the promos," Chris said. "Everyone on the end of the dock!"
Y/N walked over along with everyone else, her frown still on her face.
'Oh well, I'm already here,' she thought. 'Besides, all of this is for Dad.'
Y/N was between Duncan and Tyler. She gave both of them a small smile before smiling towards the camera and putting up a peace sign.
Chris hopped onto the boat, a camera in his hand.
"Okay, one, two, three,"
The camera clicked.
"Oops, okay, forgot the lens cap," Chris said.
Y/N blew some hair out of her face, already annoyed.
"Okay, hold that pose. One, two, no wait...card's full, hang on,"
"Come on man, my face is starting to freeze," Leshawna rolled her eyes.
"Got it!" Chris said. "Okay, everyone say 'Wawanawkwa!'"
"Wawanawkwa!" everyone said.
As if this were a movie, at the exact time, the dock gave out, plunging everyone in the water.
Y/N screamed as she felt the cold water hit her skin. She struggled to get above the water, throwing up her hand, hoping someone would help her.
As she was about to sink, a rough hand grabbed her and pulled her to the surface.
Y/N coughed and spluttered up water, the person still holding on to her as they both got to shore.
"Okay guys," Chris called out. "Dry off and meet at the campfire pit in ten."
"So far, this fucking blows," Y/N said, standing up.
"You're so real for that," Duncan says. "You alright?"
"Yeah," Y/N mutters. "Thanks for helping me."
"Don't mention it," Duncan shrugged, before a flirty grin came up on his face. "The names Duncan. I didn't catch your name, sweetheart."
"Maybe if you were paying attention, you would have caught it, Duncan," Y/N smirked, walking off. "I'll see you at the campfire."
"This is Camp Wawanawkwa," Chris explained to the campers sitting on trunks in front of him. "Your home for the next eight weeks."
Y/N was currently standing in in between Eva and Duncan.
"The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends, you dig?"
Y/N and Bridgette looked at each other, smiling.
"The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest, without getting voted off will win one hundred thousand dollars!"
"Excuse me," Duncan said. "What will be the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her." Duncan said, pointing at Heather.
"They're not co-ed are they?" Heather asked, concern on her face.
Y/N elbowed Duncan hard in the ribs.
"No. Girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other." Chris said.
Heather sighed in relief.
"You are so gross," Y/N muttered.
"What? Jealous 'cause you wish it was you instead?" Duncan smirked.
Y/N elbowed him in the ribs again, harder this time.
"Excuse me, Kyle? Can I have a cabin with a lakeview since I'm the prettiest?" Lindsay asked, batting her eyelashes.
"Okay you are," Chris said, making Y/N and Duncan look at each other with their eyebrows raised. "But that's not really how it works here. And it's Chris."
"I have to live with Sadie, or I'll die," Katie said, holding onto Sadie's hand.
"And I'll break out in hives, it's true," Sadie whined.
Y/N tried to contain her giggles by covering her hand with her mouth.
"This cannot be happening," Gwen sulked.
"Oh, come on guys!" Owen said, grabbing onto Gwen and Tyler. "It'll be fun! It's like a big sleepover!"
"Yeah, with people who I would never want to be around in public," Y/N muttered.
"Here's the deal," Chris said. "We're gonna split you into two teams, when I call your name out, go stand over there," he finished, pointing to the left of the campfire area.
"Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, and Noah. From this moment on, you are officially known as The Screaming Gophers!" he said, throwing the team a dirty green banner.
"Yeah!" Owen exclaimed. "I'm a gopher! Woooo!"
"Wait, what about Sadie?" Katie whined.
"The rest of you, over here," Chris said, pointing to the right.
"Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, Harold, and Y/N. Move! Move! Move! Move!"
"Can't this guy have a little bit of patience," Y/N mumbled.
"Clearly not," Bridgette giggled.
"Excuse me?" Heather raised her hand. "How come they get an extra player?"
"Because I'm the host and I get to make the rules," Chris laughed.
"Ugh, whatever," Heather scoffed, giving Y/N a dirty look
Y/N gave one back.
"But Katie's a gopher!" Sadie whined. "I have to be a gopher!"
"Sadie, is it?" Courtney said. "Come on, it'll be okay."
"This is so unfair!" Sadie cried as Courtney walked her away. "I miss you, Katie!"
"I miss you too!" Katie cried.
"You guys will be officially known as The Killer Bass!" Chris said, throwing them an identical red banner.
"Awesome," Harold said. "It's like, amazing."
"It's so amazing," Y/N sarcastically said, making Courtney glare at her for whatever reason.
"Alright camper," Chris cleared his throat. "You and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition."
"You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape, with video diaries anytime you want," Chris said, sitting in an outhouse, flies buzzing around him. "Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking. Or just get something off your chest."
"Um, okay, so far this stinks," Gwen said.
"I don't get it," Lindsay said, facing away from the camera. "Where's the camera guy?"
"Hey everyone, check this out," Owen said very seriously. "I have something very important to say."
Owen then farted, a sly smile on his face before he started laughing.
~Confessionals~ "So far, only like two people look reliable," Y/N said, covering her nose, "And oh my lord, what died in here?"
"All right, any questions?" Chris asked. "Cool. Let's find your cabins. Gopher's, you're in the east cabin, Bass, you're in the west." Chris said, gesturing to the cabins in the distance.
Y/N grabbed her luggage and started walking over to the cabin.
"Hey, you're Y/N, right?" Bridgette said catching up to her.
"Yup, that's me," Y/N smiled.
"Cool. I'm Bridgette," Bridgette smiled back. "I really like your nose ring."
"Thanks," Y/N said, as they reached the girls part of the cabin. "You wanna bunk with me?"
"Sure," Bridgette answered. "You want top or bottom?"
"You pick first," Y/Nsaid. "I don't care which one I get."
"Okay, if you're sure," Bridgette shrugged before picking the top bunk.
"Excuse me, Chris?" Y/N heard Geoff call out. "Is there a chaperone of any kind in this facility?"
"You're all sixteen years old," Chris said. "As old as a counselor in training at a regular summer camp. So, other than myself, you'll be unsupervised. You've got half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge, starting now!"
Suddenly, Y/N heard a loud shriek coming from the Gopher's cabin, making you and Bridgette look at each other.
"What the hell was that?" Y/N asked.
"I don't know," Bridgette answered. "Let's go check it out."
Y/N and Bridgette walked over to the cabin, peeking your heads in, along with Tyler, Gwen, DJ, Duncan, Harold, Heather, and Leshawna.
"Damn, that white girl can scream." Leshawna said.
Peeking in, Y/N saw that Lindsay was the one screaming. She was standing on a stool, in front of her, was a tiny little cockroach.
"Are you serious?" Y/N asked, dumbfounded.
"What is it!?" Lindsay asked. "Kill it! Kill it!"
The bug started to move around, making DJ squeal like a girl and jump onto one of the beds.
"That was my bed," Gwen groaned.
Everybody started screaming and jumping onto objects, trying to avoid the cockroach.
"It's just a tiny cockroach!" Y/N grumbled. "You guys are acting like a bunch of pussies."
Suddenly, Duncan walked through the door, carrying an axe.
Y/N swore the heard the cockroach saying 'Help me' before Duncan brought the axe down on it.
"You know, stepping on it would have worked to," Y/N said.
"Then why didn't you do it?" Duncan asked, smirking.
"Didn't wanna get cockroach guts on my shoe."
"If you ever see one of those again, just let me know, kay?" Tyler said to Lindsay. "Cause, you know, I could do that too,"
"They always go for the jocks," Duncan scoffed.
"What? Jealous that it's not you?" Y/N mocked his earlier statement, walking out of the cabin.
"Y'know, you still haven't told me your name, sweetheart," Duncan said, catching up to her.
"Chris literally said it earlier when he was making the teams," Y/N laughed. "Not my fault, you're dumb as sand."
"Ow! You hit right where it hurt!" Duncan said, holding onto his chest.
Y/N giggled. "Tell you what, I'll tell you my name at the end of the first challenge. Deal?"
"Why you waiting until then?" Duncan asked, the two of them now standing on their cabin porch.
"Just to make you wait," Y/N smirked. "Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna finish unpacking my stuff."
"Listen up!" a voice rang out through the mess hall. "I serve it three times a day, and you will eat it three times a day!"
"Grab a tray, get your food, and sit you butt's down NOW!"
"This guy is seriously crazy," Y/N whispered to Duncan.
"Seriously," he whispered back, as the line in front of them started to move.
"Um, what exactly is this?" Y/N asked, grabbing her tray. "There's not any wheat in here is there? 'Cause I'm really allergic to wheat."
"I don't think it's gonna be that much a problem, sweetheart," Duncan muttered, also grabbing his tray.
"What did you say!?" Chef yelled.
"Nothing sir!" Duncan said, before him and Isabell quickly sat down at one of the tables.
"Sheesh, you're gonna die before the show even begins," Y/N laughed, poking at her food.
"Dying would be better than eating whatever this is," Duncan said, taking a bit then immediately spitting it back out.
"Welcome to the main lodge!" Chris said, walking in.
"Yo, my man," Geoff said from right next to Y/N. "Can we order a pizza?"
Y/N barely had time to react before a butcher knife was thrown right in between her and Geoff's head. Isabell's eyes widened in fear.
"Woah! It's cool G!" Geoff panicked. "Brown slop is cool!"
"Seems like you're gonna be the one dying before the show starts," Duncan muttered.
"Go fuck yourself," Y/N muttered.
"Your first challenge begins in one hour!" Chris said, walking back out of the lodge.
"What do think they'll make us do?" Katie asked.
"It's our first challenge, how hard could it be?" DJ answered.
At the top of a thousand-foot cliff, was Y/N and the rest of the contestants, all dressed in their swimsuits.
"Holy fucking shit," Y/N said, looking down into the water.
if you don't like the swimsuit, or the outfit that you wear, you're more than welcome to imagine something different
im going to try to update more frequently
but no promises tho
stay safe and make sure to drink lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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venusxsturnio · 2 months
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gweathney-propaganda · 7 months
ok ok i will
Chris as Roy
Noah as Red Guy
Alejandro as Duck (i imagine him being a falcon, a small one tho)
Lindsay as Yellow Guy (hear me out-)
Courtney as Sketchbook (the creativity teacher)
Trent as Tony the Talking Clock (time teacher)
Justin as Shrignold (love teacher)
Harold as Colin the Computer (technology teacher)
Owen as Steak (eating healthy teacher; guys i know this might be weird, but i didn't really know who else would work as Steak :<)
Gwen as Lamp (dreams teacher)
now the tv series teachers les go
DJ as Briefcase (jobs teacher)
Geoff as Coffin (death teacher)
Katie and Sadie as Lily and Todney (family teachers)
Tyler as Choo Choo (transportation teacher; i know it's probably weird, but the two characters do have some things in common, soooo it's the best fit for him lol)
Ezekiel as Warren the Eagle (friendship teacher)
Sierra as Electracey (electricity teacher)
Blaineley as Lesley (i mean....come on)
sorry for this coming out a bit late, my mom had dragged me to do errands with her, and also i had to think abt who would be who, since i wasnt expecting for anyone to br interested lol; but I do wanna use the other td characters, so i'll probably make them original teachers or somethin. i also wanna draw screenshots from the show as this au, but i've never been confident in my ability to draw, so maybe i'll do it, maybe not, idk
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peridotamethyst · 11 months
This is how i found out about total trauma
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the-record · 11 months
kissing lessons: 3
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synopsis: it was like she’d never left as you settled back into friendship, but how you wished there was more to it.
song: kissing lessons - lucy dacus
pairing: college!ellie x reader
warnings: nothing??
a/n: getting juicy now 😊😊
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
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“move in with me.”
was she crazy? you couldnt just move in with her.
“im sorry?”
ellie laughed, you looked at her like she was crazy. “move in with me! ive got an apartment like 10 minutes from here.”
“ellie, respectfully, i haven’t seen you for a decade, and you think im just gonna move in with you to an apartment ive never seen? that you don’t even live in?” you stood up, arms crossed over your chest and paced. “and, even if i wanted to, im still 17, i dont turn 18 until september. i cant just move out. my mom would, like, i don’t know… she’d probably call the police.”
ellie smiled was you through out every possibility under the sun. “she’d disown me. take back my car. she pays for it, not me. and i don’t know if my job even pays enough for me to pay rent.” your threw your hands in the air and finally saw ellie’s small laugh. “what are you laughing at?”
she shrugged, pulling you back down to her bed. “i don’t even move in until the end of september. and only someone who was considering it would come up with all that in two minutes.” she sighed when you rolled your eyes at her. “you keep rolling those eyes and they’re gonna get stuck.”
“oh my god, shut up.” she watched you try to hide a smile.
ellie couldn’t help but wonder about you even as you sat in front of her. what did you love and what did you hate? what made you tick? did you remember everything she taught you in her old room? on the mattress you sat on now. how to kiss, and how to get cole or justin or whatever guy had a crush on you.
she wondered what you wanted to do in life. who you were friends with at school. if you wanted to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss you. like old times.
your heads both turned as the street lights flicked on.
“i better get going.”
“stay for dinner.”
your voices overlapped before silence.
ellie smiled, getting up and holding a hand out to you. you took and she pulled you up but didn’t let go as she led you back downstairs.
god it was gonna be hard to be just friends.
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“so,” joel sat down his fork and looked at you. “have you thought about college? where you wanna go? what you’d like to study.”
you nodded, copying joel and putting down your own fork. “yeah, i was planning to stay here actually. instate tuition and all that.” you took a sip of water before continuing. “i think i’d like to be a teacher? maybe. i just know i want to work with kids.”
“wouldn’t even have to learn about them, considering you are one,” ellie teased. you kicked her shin under the table. “ow, fuck.”
“ellie no cursing at the dinner table.” joel winked at you as ellie scoffed. “what’s happened since we’ve been gone?”
you sat back in your chair, thinking about everything of sustenance. “honestly nothing. it’s incredibly boring.” you gasped as you remembered. “mel got pregnant last year.”
ellie nearly spit out her food. “no way.” you nodded, picking up your fork again. “with who? what’d her parents do?”
“owen.” ellie gasped as you nodded. “who, mind you, at the time was dating abby.”
“good god.” joel stood up, taking his plate with him. “thats enough for me.” you and ellie laughed as he left.
ellie cleared her throat as you took a bite. “20 questions?” you nodded and set down your fork before getting comfortable. “favorite song?”
you hummed, “kyoto, phoebe bridgers.” ellie nodded approvingly. “favorite movie?”
“the outsiders.” you groaned and ellies jaw dropped. “excuse me? whats your favorite then?”
“practical magic, duh.” you smirked as she rolled her eyes. “you keep rolling those eyes and they’re gonna get stuck.” you echoed her comment from earlier.
“you’re so annoying.” ellie flicked a pea at you.
you threw one back, hitting her forehead. “favorite book?”
she thought for a moment before she answered. “catcher in the rye.”
“good one.” she nodded. “wanna get slushies?”
ellie bolted up with a smile, “god i thought you’d never ask.”
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“i can’t believe you dont get cherry and blue raspberry.” you shouldered ellie as you walked back to your car.
ellie scoffed. “i can’t believe you do.” she pulled at the passenger door. “unlock the car.” you got in, closing your door and locking it. “angel.”
you smiled at her and turned on music, singing along between sips. ellie walked around to your window and knocked. your pretended to be shocked, turning down the radio and rolling down the window. “what can i do for you this fine evening?”
ellie leaned her arms on the car door with an innocent smile. “can i kiss you?”
“what?” your face and mind blanked long enough for ellie to unlock the door and pull it open. you barely realized before she was clambering over you to the passenger seat. “oh fuck you.”
ellie gasped, “how unladylike. you just sip your slushy and get me home safely,” she teased as she buckled her seat belt.
you fought the urge to roll your eyes as you shut your door and put the car in reverse.
how badly you wanted to have said yes.
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t4taletyler · 10 months
Noah(TDI) and Queer characters in media.
In 2007 Teletoon premiered Total Drama Island, Apart from that cast was Noah. Noah quickly became a fan favorite along with Cody in the episode 'The Big Sleep' where Noah is shown to be kissing Cody's ear in his sleep, The two wake up and freak out. They quickly run away from each other.
This becomes a running gag of sorts, As in the episode 'Haute camp-ture' We see all the characters who got voted off this far in the show at the resort Playa Des Losers.
We see Noah featured in some of these scenes in the episode, As Noah is describing his experience on Total Drama Island he says he's gotten nothing out of it and that it was completely uneventful to him. We see Izzy pop in and say, "He kissed a guy!" The two bicker back and forth about whether it happened or not, Trent rebuttals Noah's no's with "He totally did" and then shows a flashback to Noah and Cody kissing with Noah saying he has no comment. We see this gag again in Total Drama Action in the Aftermath show, We are introduced to the people who didn't end up making it on TDA. In Noah's introduction, we are shown a clip of him kissing Cody AGAIN. They are also shown sitting with each other in a lot of the TDA aftermath segments.
One question I have is why is this gag shown over and over again? In the episode where it came from it didn't move the plot along, it was just a few-second gag. I feel as if this was hinting at Noah being gay, Freshtv who was producing the series has made gay characters before in their other show 6teen. I firmly believe that Noah is queer-coded at the very least. When Justin is introduced to us in episode one of Total Drama Island we see Noah, Owen and Trent all swoon over him much like the girls
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In the Total Drama flash game 'Oh No U Di'n't' we see Noah say this about Cody
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Though this saying can be said by any of the characters in the Flash game about Cody it sounds the most like Noah, especially with his sarcastic voice. Noah's personality is also a gay stereotype, at least in the first three seasons. In the 2000s typically gay men were depicted as feminine, sassy, and sarcastic. We can see this in TV shows such as Sex in the City and the movie The Devil Wears Prada. Noah emulates a lot of these traits with his sarcastic personality and how sassy he is. He is also depicted as skinny and having a 'girly' scream, shown in the special Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island.
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A lot of these scenes are played as a joke as LGBTQ+ representation was very hard to find that wasn't played as a "haha funny" moment.
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In Celebrity Manhunt we see Cody and Noah parallel two straight pairings in this scene. We don't see Noah actually smile a lot but the times he does we see him with men such as Cody,Alejandro and Owen
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(aftermath show)
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(Newf kids on the Rock)
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(I see London..)
On FreshTV's now-deactivated Tumblr blog, they said in response to an ask about Noah
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This along with the existence of Nemma (Noah x Emma from rr) has always confused me, Why would Fresh TV go back on their character and suddenly change him to be less sarcastic and sassy? I think if they addressed Noah's queerness they would get backlash because he is A stereotype of a gay man BUT! I think the way they did it was actually more harmful to the queer TDI community. It made a lot of Noco,Alenoah and Nowen shippers face backlash till this day. Now with the TDI reboot we finally have two canon queer characters that are dating which is exciting and I'm glad they fought so hard to keep them but i think this was a way to pay their respects to characters they couldn't make queer like Noah and Owen.
Final Notes/TLDR;
Noah is a queercoded character that wasn't allowed to be queer which still hasn't been answered to this day. I hope with future seasons of total drama we will get more queer rep!
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td-rarepairs · 8 months
even MORE rarepairs this time some i don’t even ship because the world needs more rarepairs
noaheather (noah x heather) - easily annoyed sarcastic boyfriend x easily annoying sarcastic girlfriend. bi4bi AND t4t. someone sedate me.
aleowen (alejandro x owen) - excuse me for being real
justowen (justin x owen) - excuse me for being realer owen deserves all the pretty men
justzeke (justin x ezekiel) - need them to make out ugly ripaxel style oughhh so obsessed with the idea of them actually bonkers over it urgrhrhrhrhrb
scarillie (scary girl x millie) - @a-casual-egg made one post on them and now i need to share the word. they literally ARE the serial killer x writer trope and i NEED to see a fic based on this NOW!!!!!
scaryzee (scary girl x zee) - very scary person x never scared person is SOOO funny to me can someone get this. i don’t but the dynamic is SO THERE. LOOK AT IT!!!
axemma (axel x emma) - something something toxic yuri. i hc emma as aro but i need yall to see this. spread the word. axemma.
priyemma (priya x emma) - same as above but less toxic more cute. love me some “babe can you kick their ass for me” x “already hospitalized them babe who’s next”
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lokiondisneyplus · 1 year
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The first trailer for the highly anticipated second season of Marvel Studios’ Loki, released yesterday morning, has quickly hit a new milestone for the studio with it becoming the biggest online trailer debut ever for any series on Disney+ with 80 million views. The new season of Loki debuts on October 6. Season 1 remains Marvel Studios’ most watched series on Disney+.
In the trailer, Tom Hiddleston’s title character gets caught in some serious time-slipping and we see the debut of Ke Huy Quan’s new previously undisclosed character O.B. Hiddleston returns as the God of Mischief and is facing some wild challenges with Owen Wilson reprising his Mobius role
Fan sentiment toward the trailer was extremely positive and Twitter/X opinionated conversation was almost 90% positive with fans specifically calling out their love for the first season and characters like Loki, Mobius and Sylvie.The first season of Loki, which debuted in 2021, was a hit with both fans and critics. The series was nominated for six Emmys.
Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Wunmi Mosaku, Eugene Cordero, Rafael Casal, Tara Strong, Kate Dickie, Liz Carr, Neil Ellice also star.
Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead, Dan Deleeuw and Kasra Farahani direct episodes. The head writer is Eric Martin. Kevin Feige, Stephen Broussard, Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Brad Winderbaum, Kevin R. Wright, Hiddleston, Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead, Eric Martin and Michael Waldron are the executive producers, with Trevor Waterson serving as co-executive producer.
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lousypotatoes · 2 months
Heavy Metal Lover - Duncan
"Tonight bring all your friends, because a group does it better
Why river with a pair?
Let's have a full house of leather~"
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Song Recommendation:
Heavy Metal Lover - Lady Gaga
Next Chapter
"Come on! Why won't this thing turn on?" a H/C haired girl said, frowning at the digital recorder in her hand. After aggressively hitting it a few times, the recorder turned on.
"Finally!" the girl smiled, smoothing out the wrinkles in her skirt before pressing the record button.
"Hiiii! My name is Y/N L/N and this is my audition tape for Total Drama!" she cheerfully said before dialing it back a bit. "Sorry if that sounded too cheerful. I'm just really excited for this, that's all."
"Anyway, let me list off the reasons why I think you should pick me to compete in your show."
"I'm competitive, I'm friendly enough, I was on my school's softball team so I'm athletic, and I'm an excellent chef, so if the people in charge of food for whatever reason decide not to do their job, I can totally help! My food is absolutely exquisite." she said.
"I promise you, if you pick me for your show, you won't regret it." Y/N said, flashing her pearly white teeth to the camera before ending the recording.
"Did you send in your recording yet?" Y/N's dad asked before putting a spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.
Y/N and her dad were currently eating dinner.
Y/N nodded her head. "I sent it in a few days ago. Hopefully I'll get my answer soon."
"Me too, honey," Dad smiled. "If anyone deserves this opportunity, it's you."
"Thanks, Dad." she said, smiling back. "And thanks for supporting my decision to do this."
"Why wouldn't I?" he chuckled. "If you were to win, that would mean more money for us."
Y/N laughed along with her dad. Not paying attention, she accidentally spilled the cherry Kool-Aid she was drinking all over the table and her shirt.
"Oh shit!" Y/N shouted, immediately trying to find something to clean up the mess. "I'm so sorry Dad! It was an accident!"
"You don't have to say sorry, dear." Dad said, helping her mop up the mess with napkins. "It happens to the best of us. Why don't you go and change your shirt while I clean up this mess?"
"Thank you," Y/N mumbled before trudging off to her room.
As she was putting her clean shirt over her head, Y/N heard a 'ping!' coming from her computer.
Y/N would never tell anyone this, but she almost broke her neck trying to get over to the computer, her shirt still halfway over her head.
She pulled her shirt on and opened up her notification. It was an email from the producers of Total Drama.
Holding her breath, she read the email.
'Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in our brand-new reality show, Total Drama! Please read further for travel information....'
Y/N didn't even finish the rest of the email before calling out for her dad.
"What? What is it?" Dad asked, running into her room.
"I'm competing!" she exclaimed. "They chose me to compete!"
"Really!?" Dad's eyes widened before catching Y/N into a bear hug. "Oh my gosh this is wonderful! I told you that they would pick you!"
"I'm gonna be famous!" Y/N said, jumping up and down with her dad
"You sure you're gonna be alright by yourself?" Y/N asked.
After three long weeks, it was finally ready for Y/N to leave. But now, she was having doubts about leaving. Y/N could tell that the taxi driver was getting annoyed at waiting.
"I'll be fine, Y/N, I promise," Dad said.
"But what if you have a seizure while I'm gone and no one's there to help you?"
"I told you, your aunt is going to come and check on me everyday."
"But what if you have one while she's not with you? What if it's a really bad one and-"
Dad interrupted her with a hug.
"Everything will be fine, sweetie. You deserve to go out there and meet people. I don't want you missing out on this just because you're worried about me, especially because you wanted this so bad."
Y/N pulled away from the hug. "Okay," she said softly. "I love you, Dad."
"I love you too, kiddo."
Y/N gave him one last hug before walking off of their porch, giving him one last look before getting into the taxi.
"Don't worry, Dad," she mumbled as the taxi started to drive away. "I'll win the money for you."
literally i love total drama so much
it's one of my comfort shows
yes, i know i still have other fanfics i need to finish
but i do what i want, im a grown woman
stay safe and drink lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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camptv-era · 2 years
Ace-Aro DJ
I was starting to skim Island for headcanon proof and I didn't even have to go far for it!
"Not So Happy Campers Part 1" has this:
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Duncan's remark of "She's all yours, man." Makes DJ give this face.
Yeah, the point of this scene could be 'blah, blah. Eva is undesirable' but we were just shown that Cody was trying to flirt with her too, and Duncan himself was turned off by her attitude/strength.
Then, Justin is announced! Everyone's surprised or delighted to see him. Everyone except...
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Even Duncan whom I headcanon as closeted bi is surprised.
DJ is the only one who makes two faces in this scene-- confused and then frowning. (Coincidentially, I'm also an aromantic Justin truther, but he's not who this post is about.)
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Now this scene!
In "X-treme Torture", the way Bridgette disproves DJ is the one who wrote that mystery haiku is... him deflecting.
...now that I'm typing this out, it feels like I can't word this well, but I hope you guys feel the same aro vibes I do in that particular interaction.
(We also need more smug DJ and DJ with bite moments tbh!)
No pictures for these next two examples of proof, since they're dialogue-based.
In "Up The Creek" DJ offers romantic advice to Geoff by comparing it to something he knows, that is, luring in a rabbit to feed.
In World Tour's Japan episode, he compares Alejandro's smooth moves being irresistible to his mom's gravy.
I think DJ is romance+sex repulsed, but he clearly has a thorough understanding of it. He was raised by two people in love!
He's emotionally mature and well rounded in physical activities too. His moms raised him well! He just feels uncomfortable when people make romantic remarks/advances toward him.
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He has no qualms in affectionate touches or contact. (See also: my DJ+Lindsay Friendship post!)
Except, when there's a romantic or sexual layer added to it:
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In this case (Action's "Aftermath II"), Geoff suggested off-screen that Gwen was being cozy with DJ when he just saved her life! He's clearly bothered by it, even though he was just talking pleasantly with Gwen.
In "Newf Kids on the Block" there's also that hot dog scene. (I've hit the picture limit TwT,) When Owen hits on DJ for Noah to try and get him into a alliance with Team Chris, DJ makes this face again.
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Yeah, yeah there's the gay joke here, but given DJ's character we know thus far: chill, kind and soft-hearted. He wouldn't be homophobic.
(Again, even if it was accidental or fanon, he has two moms. Plus, he's been shown to accept things more easily than others, like being on good terms with Gwen in Action after the Trent ordeal. I highly doubt someone's sexuality would deter DJ from being nice, if morality or social pressure doesn't.)
Anyway, though. It serves to add to my point. He's made that face (or one similar to it) when it comes to romantically suggestive situations!
He's also one of the only campers (if not the only one, I'm not really thinking hard about the other 99 contestants.) whose storylines have never revolved or included attraction in any way.
In conclusion: aro/ace DJ. 💙
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themakeupbrush · 11 months
List of Met Galas since 2001
I've gotten a few asks for a list of Met Galas. Technically, the gala has existed since 1948, and been themed since 1973, but I started at 2001 to keep it short (there was no gala in 2000 apparently). If you're interested in every theme that's ever existed, there's a chart on Wikipedia.
Most lists online start somewhere around 2011-2013, since it wasn't covered by the press the same way before then.
2001 Jacqueline Kennedy: The White House Years
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Christina and Lindsay Owen-Jones, Annette and Oscar de la Renta, Carolina Herrera Caroline Kennedy and Edwin A. Schlossberg
Sponsor: L'Oreal
2003 Goddess: The Classical Mode
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Tom Ford, Nicole Kidman
Sponsor: Gucci
2004 Dangerous Liaisons: Fashion and Furniture in the 18th Century
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Renée Zellweger, Lawrence Stroll, Silas Chou, Edgar Bronfman Jr. Jacob Rothschild, Jayne Wrightsman
Sponsor: Asprey
2005 The House of Chanel
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Karl Lagerfeld, Nicole Kidman Caroline, Princess of Hanover
Sponsor: Chanel
2006 AngloMania: Tradition and Transgression in British Fashion
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Christopher Bailey, Sienna Miller Rose Marie Bravo, The Duke of Devonshire
Sponsor: Burberry
2007 Poiret: King of Fashion
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Cate Blanchett, Nicolas Ghesquière François-Henri Pinault
Sponsor: Balenciaga
2008 Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Giorgio Armani
Sponsor: Giorgio Armani
2009 The Model As Muse: Embodying Fashion
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Kate Moss, Justin Timberlake Marc Jacobs
Sponsor: Marc Jacobs
Ticket Price: $7,500
2010 American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Oprah Winfrey, Patrick Robinson
Sponsor: Gap
2011 Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Colin Firth, Stella McCartney François-Henri Pinault and Salma Hayek
Sponsor: Alexander McQueen
2012 Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Carey Mulligan, Miuccia Prada, Jeff Bezos
Sponsor: Amazon
2013 Punk: Chaos to Couture
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Rooney Mara, Lauren Santo Domingo, Riccardo Tisci Beyoncé
Sponsor: Moda Operandi
Ticket Price: $15,000
2014 Charles James: Beyond Fashion
Co-chairs: Aerin Lauder, Anna Wintour, Bradley Cooper, Oscar de la Renta, Sarah Jessica Parker, Lizzie and Jonathan Tisch
Sponsor: AERIN
Ticket Price: $25,000
Theme Announcement: September 4th, 2013
2015 China: Through the Looking Glass
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Jennifer Lawrence, Gong Li, Marissa Mayer, Wendi Murdoch, Silas Chou
Sponsor: Yahoo
Ticket Price: $25,000
Theme Announcement: September 11th, 2014
2016 Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Taylor Swift, Idris Elba, Jonathan Ive Nicolas Ghesquière, Karl Lagerfeld, Miuccia Prada
Sponsor: Apple
Ticket Price: $30,000
Theme Announcement: October 13th, 2015
2017 Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garçons: Art of the In-Between
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady, Katy Perry, Pharrell Williams, Rei Kawakubo
Sponsor: Apple, Condé Nast, Farfetch, H&M, Maison Valentino
Ticket Price: $30,000
Theme Announcement: October 21st, 2016
2018 Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Rihanna, Amal Clooney, Donatella Versace Christine and Stephen A. Schwarzman
Sponsors: Christine and Stephen A. Schwarzman, Versace
Ticket Price: $30,000
Theme Announcement: November 8th, 2017 (currently the latest they've announced the theme)
2019 Camp: Notes on Fashion
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Serena Williams, Alessandro Michele
Sponsor: Gucci
Ticket Price: $35,000
Theme Announcement: October 9th, 2018
Planned for May 4, 2020 (canceled) About Time: Fashion and Duration
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Meryl Streep, Emma Stone, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Nicolas Ghesquière
Sponsor: Louis Vuitton
September 2021 In America: A Lexicon of Fashion
Co-chairs: Timothée Chalamet, Billie Eilish, Amanda Gorman, Naomi Osaka, Tom Ford, Adam Mosseri, Anna Wintour
Sponsor: Instagram
Ticket Price: $35,000
2022 In America: An Anthology of Fashion
Co-chairs: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Regina King, Tom Ford, Adam Mosseri, Anna Wintour
Sponsor: Instagram
Ticket Price: $35,000
2023 Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty
Co-chairs: Anna Wintour, Dua Lipa, Michaela Coel, Penélope Cruz, Roger Federer
Sponsors: Chanel, Fendi, Karl Lagerfeld (brand)
Ticket Price: $50,000 (most expensive to date)
Theme Announcement: September 30th, 2022
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