may8chan · 1 year
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Shibari Jyuri Model Ryou   Photo Norio Sugiura
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questionable-doctor · 19 days
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i'm crazy,,,
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toranekooo · 2 years
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❥ ˚ ʚ LOVEY-DOVEY, LA LA LA~! 。*♡
♡ reblog + credit if used.
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karin-misono · 8 months
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jyuri... j-yuri.... jacked up-yuri?????
she is full of jacked up bastardised yuri tropes lmao
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allhailsugu · 1 month
Manga where the ML looks like...
JJK Characters ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
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Nanami Kento (Hot Actor Nanami AU (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)
taglist: completed, smut, mature, romance
......One day, the owner of a well-tailored suit showed up at her workplace. What is the true identity behind this intimidating man?.....
Fushiguro Toji (Pornstar Toji AU (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`))
taglist: completed, smut, mature, romance, comedy
.......Sato Jyuri has never been able to climax from sex. One night, she comes across her old classmate Seo and sees how much he's changed. Seo, now a porn actor, offers to listen to Jyuri's troubles and help her out.......
Geto Suguru (Lingerie fashion designer Geto AU ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚)
taglist: completed, smut, mature, romance, comedy
........Ms. Sumire Mizuno, an efficient office worker has a secret hobby... She wears cute and very erotic lingerie and posts sexy selfies on social media! One day, Murasaki, a designer of the company's supplier has identified her by chance. In exchange for keeping it a secret, he makes an unexpectedly serious proposal.......
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saturnalmoss · 3 months
Chapter Six
Lend Her An Ear
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Master Post
There was soft conversation in the kitchen when the detectives went down in the morning. They looked at each other, then Rosé slipped forward to peek through the door. Grendan and York left quickly before they drew too much attention.
“...really could have come in, Theresa.” Leon said softly. They were sitting in one of the hefty kitchen chairs, looking up at a tiefling woman. It was the doctor - the whosit. Pretty Prosthetics Doctor Shipsomething. 
“My office is being watched!” she hissed. Leon glanced up, surprised. 
“Three detectives came snooping by -” Leon covered her mouth with their hand and shook their head. Slowly they pulled back and Dr. Shipsomething looked around. 
“My home isn’t exactly a place for private conversation, Theresa.” They said quietly. She coughed. 
“Some dubiously kind people came by to return your prosthesis to you.” She said instead. “Though, I maintain that you would have gotten it faster if they had left it with me.”
“I’m sure they were just overzealous.”
“They seemed concerned that you had lost your arm on purpose.” She said carefully, openly studying Leon’s face.
“Not at all. I was mugged.” Leon smiled. “This was all cleared up, of course. The fine detectives are staying here-”
“-To track down the robber. I’m rather interested to know who it is.” Rosé saw them glance at Dr. Shipsomething, but she didn’t seem to notice. 
“Ugh, they badgered you into it, didn’t they?” She took something out of her pocket, then suddenly both of them sat upright, on high alert. Rosé pulled further from the door and held her breath. She listened.
“...Jyuri? Piri?” Leon called after a minute. They started to stand and Rosé started to back up hastily, when the door on the other end of the kitchen creaked open. 
Jyuri peeked in. “I wasn’t eavesdropping, I swear.” She said. “I just heard talking and I wanted to check if it was, uh, um.” She blushed. 
Leon smiled at her. “Jyuri, you aren’t in trouble. Come in and eat.” They gestured to Dr. Shipsomething. “This is Dr. Shipcott, she came by to help fix my arm up.”
Jyuri greeted her shyly and Rosé steeled herself. She crept down the hall and counted down in her head.
Rosé walked normally up to the kitchen door and pushed it open. “Morning!” she sang. “Oh. Uh. Hmm.” She met the eyes of Dr. Shipcott purposefully. Dr. Shipcott frowned at her. 
Leon started to rise and defuse the doctor’s ire, but she shoved him back down. Very familiar with each other, aren’t they? Rosé thought. “Ah, sorry, Theresa. I just wanted to introduce you. This is Rosé, a detective. She’s here with her office to try and discover who stole my arm.”
“We’ve met.” Dr. Shipcott said shortly. 
“Hi, again! Sorry for the misunderstanding.” Rosé said sweetly. “We had to consider the possibility that you were a murderer.” Dr. Shipcott shook her head sharply, as if to shake the notion off. 
“What? That’s absurd.”
“So is finding a disembodied arm!“ Rosé said. “You never know.” Jyuri was looking between them, watching the exchange with an polite smile. Leon waved a hand between them.
“Please, we are on the same side. I understand, perhaps, we didn’t get off on the right foot?” Dr. Shipcott looked away. Rosé sat lightly at the table and pulled over a box of cereal and one of the bowls set out. 
Leon commandeered the flow of conversation, chatting with Jyuri and Rosé as they ate. Rosé kept her conversation light and unrelated to work while she watched the group. 
Dr. Shipcott seemed to have nothing more to say. She worked on Leon’s arm, with a look of cold professionalism. Reattaching an arm didn’t look comfortable for Leon, Rosé thought. But it didn’t seem painful. She hoped, obviously, that she wouldn’t lose a limb... but Doc Pretty Prosthetics looked like a good bet if she ever needed a replacement.  
Jyuri seemed almost a different girl today. Gone was the stutter, and she was positively focused on her conversations. This morning, she was a charming kid, but there was a hint of concern under her cheer. 
Dr. Shipcott stood back. “You are all set, Mx. Pelles. Please call my office to arrange a follow up appointment. I would like to verify there are no issues.”
“...Of course Dr. Shipcott.” Leon said. “I appreciate you coming over here to help.” They stood up. “I’ll show you out, then.” The two excused themselves from the table and made their way outside. Rosé had a guess they might take a moment to talk. It was too bad she wouldn’t be able to listen in.
She slip into the seat next to Jyuri. “Hey, girl. That doctor’s weird, right? She come here much?” Jyuri made a face. 
“She’s weird! She’s excited about people, um, losing their arms!” She squeaked. 
“Yeah, she said as much to us when we visited.” Rosé tapped her chin thoughtfully. “I got the impression she didn’t want to give Leon back their arm when we visited. We sorta fought about it.”
“Oh! I think, like, that might have been a misunderstanding. She’s just, like, really precious about it.”
“Yeah! When she made it for Narri, she said like, this is art! And it’s the best I’ve made! She scolded Narri a lot about taking good care of it.” Rosé hummed. It was odd that she didn’t recognise it before seeing the file on it, wasn’t it? And Leon’s family didn’t seem like the type to afford best-in-class medical treatment.
“Wow that’s pretty precious, yeah. Did she get her scolding in before I got here?”
“No, no. Like, that was when Narri first got it. She didn’t really say anything. Um.” Rosé looked at her with conversational curiosity. “I think they talked a little about you. Before you came in. Nothing bad! Just what you told me, I think. That you didn’t give her Narri’s arm? And that y’all are staying here.”
Jyuri fidgeted with her spoon. 
“Um, so, like, what’s it like being a detective?” 
“Oh, you know. Sniffing under rocks and finding perps. Stopped a guy who was killing ghosts for profit. Caught a guy who killed his dad for profit.”
“They like profit, huh?”
“Like Booby-Who villains. It’s ridic.” Jyuri laughed, and continued to fidget. 
“Jyuri. I think you’re worried about something.” Jyuri glanced up at her. “I think... you’re worried about your Narri.”
“I mean, we are like, all worried right now, right?”
“I think you thought of something.” Jyuri looked away. “But I think that maybe you aren’t telling me because it might be bad for your Narri.” She said nothing, but Rosé thought she would come up with some excuse soon if Rosé didn’t convince her.
Rosé turned away and rested her chin on her hand nonchalantly. “Jyuri, I am pretty new as a detective. Maybe I only want to bring in perps that hurt people. You think your Narri hurts people?”
Jyuri jolted upright. “Never!”
“That’s the impression I got, too.” She smiled. “But someone hurt your Narri.” The girl nibbled her lip. 
“Well, like... I was just thinking... W-what if, maybe, someone asked Narri do do something maybe secretly? And then they tried to, to off him? To keep it secret?” 
Rosé nodded. It didn’t strictly make sense to her, since Leon was still alive after the hubbub. “Why do you think that?”
“...The doctor is weird. And... Narri’s stupid sometimes.” Rosé nodded encouragingly. “I just mean, like, I’m stupid and Piri’s stupid sometimes. Ah. Granny said I shouldn’t say stupid... Um. Maybe Narri does things without thinking about the consequences?”
“Everyone does that.”
Jyuri pouted at her. “You ever go out on a boat in a storm when you can’t swim?” 
“Leon did that?” She blushed.
“Um, no. I did.” 
“Damn. I’m glad you’re okay.” Jyuri shrugged. She looked suddenly miserable. 
“Maybe not everyone does that. But, I guess I can relate.” Jyuri watched with shy interest as Rosé showed her several old scars. “Lemme tell you, I was not as smart as your Narri. Did not used to avoid fights.”
“What, um, what happened?” Rosé sighed. She didn’t really want to get into the truth of it. 
“Ahh, you know. I... tried to take over a gang of wild trains.” Jyuri’s eyes went wide. 
“W-wow!” Rosé hoped that no one more immoral than her tried to trick this girl. Leon peeked inside.
“Hey, Dr. Shipcott’s headed out, Ardsley’s dropped by to eat with us. ...Where’s the rest of your team, anyway?”
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beantothemax · 3 months
Court ordered yuri
call that jyuri duty…
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may8chan · 1 year
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Shibari Jyuri Model Ryou Photo Norio Sugiura
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freshdickies · 11 months
For the fandom ask meme: B, C, R, S, X!
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
Ranazu, I think! It didn't take a lot of convincing to get on board and now I love them the most for each other, but I didn't consider it til the notion was shared with me and I considered their dynamic in a new light
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
I don't actually think that there are any pairings I WISH I liked...? I'm more of a 'I either like it or I don't' kinda person when it comes to ships. That said, I think sometimes we all sit with our rarepairs and wish OTHER people liked them as much as we do
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
Man, let me think... I don't know, I usually hunt down my compatriots or convert people by sharing my enthusiasm for a ship 🤔 Maybe if I had a more straight-foward Viza ship than 'I believe this man fucks well and deserves hole,' I'd be alone in that?
S: What's a headcanon you have?
I think that Shimazaki must have received at least SOME training in massage and acupuncture at a school for the blind, since those are professions into which visually impaired people are typically funneled in Japan. I think his extra sensory abilities would make him naturally extremely good at both. I ALSO think he would hate to have a boring, stereotypical blind man's job, and if he was ever offered work by Spirits & Such as an act of kindness and Reigen asked if he could give massages, he'd lie outright to avoid doing it.
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Shimateru, Jinyuu, JYuri
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fabioperes · 7 days
Seifuku Densetsu: Pretty Fighter (SNES/1994) - Juri Akasaka [Playthrough/LongPlay] You can become a member if you'd like to support my channel and get access to perks, Thanks! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxpMGDjWkZVQxhhHOCwOO2w/join #loadinggeek #loadinggeeksnes #fightinggame #fightinggames *Platform:* SNES/Super Nintendo Entertainment System *Developer:* Genki *Publisher:* Imagineer *Year:* 1994 Information from (giantbomb.com): *Seifuku Densetsu: Pretty Fighter* is a comedic 2D fighting game developed by Genki and published by Imagineer for the Super Famicom exclusively in Japan on December 2, 1994. One of the earliest fighting games with an all-female roster, Pretty Fighter is unique for having each of the eight fighters wear a specific cosplay-style uniform while fighting (including a sailor fuku, a kimono, and a nurse's outfit). It later received a sequel for the Sega Saturn in 1995, titled Seifuku Densetsu: Pretty Fighter X, which updates the roster while redrawing all characters in a hand-drawn anime art style and adding anime-style cutscenes. It also received a 3D-focused spin-off for the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1996, titled FIST. *Juri Akasaka (Jyuri) ( 赤坂 樹里 ) [SNES] [Playthrough/LongPlay]* 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:06 Title 00:00:23 Character Select 00:00:33 vs Keiko Konno (Kei) ( 紺野 警子 ) 00:02:46 vs Yawara Yamabuki ( 山吹 柔 ) 00:04:56 vs Ryouko Kiori (Oryou) ( 黃織 涼子 「おりょう」 ) 00:06:55 vs Kris Shiratori ( 白鳥 クリス ) 00:09:04 vs Ai Momoyama ( 桃山 愛 ) 00:12:28 vs Minami Midorikawa ( 綠川 みなみ ) 00:14:03 vs Marin Aoki ( 青木 真琳 ) 00:16:16 Ending 00:16:58 Credits 00:19:28 Thank You For Watching! via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG4e-9PHruQ
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yukiori77 · 1 year
レズビアン リッキング - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画)
レズビアン リッキング - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画) スタジオ: オリエンタルドリーム 時間: 150分 女優: Eiko Kai Komachi Akina Yasuko Ibuki Jyuri Hijiri レズモノ大好きなあなたにオススメの本作。8人のレズビアン少女たちが、男の脳みそでは考えもつかない、女だけのドレズビアンワールドにご招待!女の性欲の深さは男のそれを軽く凌駕し、100倍ものスケベさを誇るといわれますが、その女のップリったらもう...開いた口がふさがらない、たったが大爆発...スゴイんです。もう生ツバべたべた、ヨダレどろどろ、だらだら...興奮しすぎて体中のしるが出まくります!!ああ、汚い。そんな大興奮のレズビアン少女たちの痴態をとくとご覧あれ!レズに興味のないあなたにも超オススメの逸品です。 ***********************************
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【DVDハッピー】 https://dvd-happy.com/ ストリーミング・ダウンロード・DVD $1.49~ 正規品最安値保障 ***********************************
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kobayou · 1 year
Obscene Lady Vol. 4 猥褻痴女優4
Obscene Lady Vol. 4 猥褻痴女優4 スタジオ: ストリップ 時間: 60分 女優: 浜岡樹里 Jyuri Hamaoka ***********************************
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【DVD村】 https://uradvd-mura.com/ ストリーミング・ダウンロード・DVD 大手メーカーから個人撮影まで $1.49~ ***********************************
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ici23625 · 2 years
Lesbian Beauty Salon - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画)
Lesbian Beauty Salon - 無料動画付き(サンプル動画) スタジオ: ORIENTAL DREAM 時間: 151分 女優: Komachi Onono Ibuki Harusaki Akina Nakamori Kai Umino Jyuri Oomine Yasuko Tamura オリエンタルドリームがエッチ天国にオープンした今話題の「レズビアンビューティーサロン」の1号店がついに誕生。当店ではエッチ過ぎる美女たちが、あますとこなく女体を使って、相手の女体もあますとこなくサービス、サービス、エッチなサービス。あますとこなくと言ったらホントにあますとこなく....肛門を無理やりこじ開けその中に舌をつっこんじゃってウンチを書き出すくらいにありとあらゆる場所を攻める攻める攻める。もう大変なくらいに攻めまくる!!女同士のレズなセックスってどうしてここまで卑猥なんでしょう。ちんけな男の想像力では思いも突かない世界がそこにはあります。女体だらけの天国。是非味わってみてくださ DVD販売 【DVDプラス】 サンプル動画配信中 DVD DVD ブルーレイ販売サイト 【DVDプラス】では、業界最安値を実現。激安dvdをはじめ、最新版の正規品DVDやブルーレイ、av、av dvdなど幅広いジャンルをカバー。 iPhone, iPad, Android系のモバイルデバイスでは購入された商品そのまま視聴できます。お客様にとって、便利で安心・安全・確実なDVD通販サイトです。
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puppysicle · 5 years
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HAPPY PRIDE!!! ❤️💛💚💙💜
Here's my favorite boys. My original idea was Yuri attending his first Pride with JJ :') 💕
btw i also like the idea of bi disaster Yuri but in the end i just went with demi to kinda represent the two sexualities i identify with?? idk
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pliroyweek · 7 years
🐯👑 PLIROY WEEK 2018 👑 🐯
Hey, lovely Pliroy shippers! We are happy to announce that Pliroy Week 2018 is just right around the corner. Like last year, it will officially start on March 1, the same day as our Ice Tiger Yuri Plisetsky's birthday, until March 7.
Here are the prompts for this year:
1) Gold
2) Cooking Together / Food
3) Meeting the Family
4) Thunderstorms
5) Firsts
6) Seasons
7) Vacation
BONUS: Free Day on March 8!!!
ALL types of content (fan art, fan fiction, AMV, etc.) in ALL languages are welcome as long as it's Pliroy. Please tag your posts with #Pliroyweek2018 so we can see, and reblog your wonderful Pliroy works.
Please share to our fellow Pliroy shippers so that they may also take part in our ship week!
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saturnalmoss · 4 months
Chapter Five
Old Friends Dead Ends
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Master Post
The detectives didn’t have a chance to ask Leon more about the odd encounter when they met again that evening. Leon came home only just in time to head back out again. Piri pulled Grendan along playfully. 
“You look too boring in the clothes Granny gave you. You’re coming with us, right?”
Grendan laughed, following along after her. “To this fortune teller, right? Yeah! We all want to come!” Piri squinted at Rosé and York, then huffed. 
“Piri, be nice.” Leon said. “You’re all welcome to join.” They looked over at their eldest. “Are you sure you don’t want to, Jyuri?”
Jyuri stared at her Narri with an expression so complicated and pained that only a teenager embroiled in her own personal drama could have made it. 
“I’m fine.” She said. 
“Uh-huh.” Leon said. They looked at Piri, who shrugged.  “If you’re sure...” She nodded, eyes glittering. Granny Skully gave her a hearty thump on the shoulder. 
“Never you mind this. I’ll take care of her.” She grinned toothily, and Leon smiled back. 
The fortune teller’s building was a little hole in the wall. There was a banner hung over the door advertising the grand opening, dated almost three weeks ago. Piri was vibrating as they approached the door. “Ahhhhh...!!”
She flung open the door. “Hello!!”
“Madam Arrow...?” Leon called after her. 
“Welcome, welcome.” A voice called out from the dimly lit interior. Rosé perked up, and glanced back at York, eyes wide, and Grendan, with a big disbelieving smile.
The group walked carefully into the smokey candle lit room. A short woman sat at the far end of the table. She was wearing, as far as they could tell, a hat shaped like an ominous tower, complete with lightning bolt. 
“Ohh, I get it.” Grenda muttered.
“Terry!” York said. 
“Or, Sharron..?” Rosé tried. “It’s Sharron for real, right.”
Sharron Lutz blinked at them. “Oh, I know you.” She said. “Who do I know you?”
“We’re Eugene’s parents!” Rosé said excitedly. “He’s our precious baby boy.”
“Oh, you're those ones, huh.” Sharron said. 
“Did you miss us?” Grendan asked. 
“Sure, sure.” Leon looked between them, bewildered. Piri didn’t seem deterred at all and waited with a hunter’s patience at the table. 
“We missed you.” York said. The three of them sat too. After a moment of hesitation, Leon followed suit. 
“We’ll catch up later,” Rosé said sweetly. “This young lady has been so excited to meet you.”
“Aw, well, that’s nice.” Sharron said. She put her hands on the the table and it rumbled gently.
Sharron leaned back, eyes to the ceiling. “Ah... let me summon the spirits to converse...” She said. "Do you wanna speeeeak... speak with your passed mother?” 
Leon lurched in their seat. Panicked, they shook their head as violently and subtly as they could.
“Nah,” Piri said. “Show me the fake stuff.”
The table stopped shaking. Sharron looked down. “The... fake stuff?”
“I love this kid.” Rosé whispered.
“Yeah. I’m not interested in the real spirit summoning. I want the tricks! Please show me your best tricks!”
Sharron looked perplexed. She looked at Leon, then the drawtectives, who were all looking at Piri. “Well, it looks like you run the show around here. Alright, hold on. I wasn’t prepared for the fake stuff.” 
She shuffled into a room nearly invisible in the shadows. Leon leaned back into their seat, calming their racing heart. 
When she came back she offered a deck of cards with black and white geometric designs on the back. “Draawwww a card...” Sharron told her. 
Piri delicately plucked a card from the top of the pile and turned it over. Sharron stood, free hand dramatically in front of her face. “I see..eeee..ee... you’ve drawn DEATH!” She droned. 
“Oooh! I did!” Piri said.
“What?!” Leon looked alarmed between them. Piri gave an annoyed sigh. 
“Narri, it’s fake, remember?” She said pityingly. 
“Also, death’s more of a metaphor.” Sharron added. “But it makes for some juicy drama. Good card for a reaction.” Leon deflated.
 “Haa. Yes. I forgot. Immediately.” They rubbed their temple. “I’m. Going to get a little air, alright, Piri?”
“Yup! I’ll stay right here. I’m gonna figure out how Madam Arrow knew it was Death.” She waved after Leon and loudly sniffed the card. “Hmm.”
Rosé leaned over to Grendan and York. “Should one of us go after them? Maybe they remembered something important?” 
“Good idea! York, do you want to go? Their whole family is orcs, maybe they would be more comfortable with you?” York thought seriously about this.
“No. That’s why I should stay here. I’ll keep Piri safe.” 
“From Sharron?” Rosé asked incredulously. York shrugged. 
“Probably not.”
“I’ll go, then.” Grendan said and slipped away from the table. 
Rosé and York turned back to the table. “So it’s not smell?” Piri was asking.
“That’s be hard.” Sharron said. “All the smells would get on each other.”
“I guess... Are the backs subtly different?” Piri asked. 
“Can’t see the backs or the fronts with my hand in my face.” 
Piri chewed her lip lightly with a tusk. “Ahh... How’s she do it..”
“Maybe it’s my psychic powers.” Sharron said. Piri grinned. 
“You had the card in your sleeve and slipped it to me!”
“Surely you would’ve noticed that?”
“You subtly pushed the death card to the front and made me pick it!”
“The whole deck is death??”
“Oh, you got me.” Sharron said. “Keep it to yourselves, would ya?” Piri looked pleased and nodded. 
“What else you got?” Sharron tapped her cheek with a nail. 
“You’re an odd kid, huh?”
“Hey, Piri,” Rosé said. “You really enjoy these sort of things, huh?” Piri wiggled a little in her seat. 
“Yes! I’m gonna learn magic and grow up to be like Narri!” She thought a moment. “I’ll get a cooler job, though. I dunno. Street magician or master thief or something.”
“Master thief?” said Rosé.
“Master thief?” said Sharron, with a touch more concern. Piri shrugged. 
“I’m still undecided. The cards aren’t your only fake trick are they?”
“Well, I don’t really have a need for the fake stuff when I can do the real stuff.” Sharron considered a moment. “How about a seance?”
“A fake one?”
“A fake one.” Sharron held her hands out to the side. In one she took Piri’s hand and in her other she took York’s. At her insistence, Piri and York took Rosé’s hands in theirs. 
“Oooh, spirits.” Sharron said. The table rumbled. “Oooooh, listen...!” She huffed and the candles went out. “Tell us.... Secrets!” The crystal ball glowed gently in the center of the table. 
Sharron turned to Piri. “Ask... the spirits! Ask ‘em your question!”
“Just like, anything?”
“Yeah, like anything. Works best if it’s something you’re a bit invested in.”
“Sure. Uh. My sister’s acting weird lately. Can you ask the spirits, did she like steal Narri’s arm as a prank and she’s too embarrassed to own up?” Sharron looked at her. 
“No.” She said.
“No.” York said.
Outside, earlier, Grendan stepped into the low evening light after Leon. They looked back at him. 
“Ah. Hello, Grenda.” They looked back through the doorway behind Grenda. “Just you?”
“York and Rosé are staying with Piri.” They said. “But I was worried about you. You wanna talk about it?”
Leon sighed. “I’m grateful to them. You three... How do I explain?” They leaned back against the wall and looked up at the purples and reds of the evening sky. “I feel very sure that you would protect them. Piri and Jyuri.”
“Of course! I think you’re more in danger right now, though, don’t you?”
“Well...” they said. “I still don’t know that it was more than a one off thing.”
“Pretty mean spirited! If someone hit me and took my arm? I think I’d feel pretty targeted!” Leon said nothing. “You seemed pretty shaken up by Te- Sh... Madam Arrow.”
“It was foolish of me. I mean, it’s fake tarot. Deliberately fake tarot.”
“Maybe you were feeling tense in general?” Grenda suggested. “They whole mugging, and the seance before?”
Leon glanced down at them. “You’re a pretty astute bunch, aren’t you?” Grenda smiled. “... I didn’t expect Madam Arrow to bring up the kids’ - My wife.”
“Didn’t talk to her about it before hand, huh?”
“I mean, why would I! I certainly didn’t want her to bring up Piri’s late mother?!” Grenda nodded, understanding. They leaned back as well, and tried to study Leon from under the brim of their hat.
“Of course, of course. I meant, to warn her not to! Like, boundaries and stuff.” Leon thought a moment.
“Grenda. I’m afraid to say it has only just occurred to me that she may have some supernatural power.” They rubbed their temple. “I just thought she was going to cold read the kid and Piri would get a kick out of it.” Grenda laughed lightly. 
“She’s not too good at that actually! So, it’s like a fun thing you two are doing? Finding scammers and street magicians and stuff?” Leon smiled and nodded. 
“She’s got quick fingers and a sharp tongue. I am hoping she’ll find something... above board that keeps her interest.”
“Oh, definitely. There’s lots of stuff. I mean, Rosé’s super above board and she’s got all those quick fingers. The fastest. And you!” Leon’s eyes flicked away and back. 
“Of course. You’re in logistics. I mean, until you quit I guess. I don’t know what you’ll do after that.” Leon was quiet for a moment. They seemed to be genuinely thinking about it. They quit without another job lined up? Grenda thought. They must have decided very recently, indeed. 
“Leon, can I ask you, what we saw earlier... Did you think that your boss has something to do with your attack?” They heard Leon groan. 
“Ugh. Of course not. Quitting has nothing to do with this. It really was something I was planning for a while.” They tapped their foot impatiently. Grenda was sure there something else here... something with their boss or their wife, they weren’t sure. 
“Sure, sure.” They said kindly. “I’ll stop bothering you about him.” Leon laughed softly. “Can I ask you something else? Case related, of course.”
“Of course.”
“I wanted to ask... and I sorry if this is sensitive, but were you reminded of anything when Madam Arrow mentioned your late wife?” Leon frowned at them. 
“I don’t see how this is related to a recent mugging.”
“It’s just, I get that you’d be worried about Piri getting upset about talking to her mother... I definitely wouldn’t know how to handle that! But I don’t really see how it would, let’s say, prime the mind to worry that Piri is in danger?”
Leon was quiet for a long moment. 
“It didn’t, of course. It’s perhaps a fault of mine but I’m rather overprotective of my kids. I’m told it’s rather unbecoming for a parent of orcs.” They pushed off the wall. The sun had set and left long shadows on the ground. Leon’s face was hard to distinguish. “The seance... It only put into my head that what she does could be real.”
Grenda patted their arm. “I understand. Thank you for telling me. Let’s go in! It’s getting pretty chilly, huh?”
They both slipped quietly back inside and through the back. They heard Piri talking loudly.
“Eh? That was too fast! You didn’t even check with the spirits! Er, pretend to check, I mean.”
“Oooh, spirits...” Sharron said.
“She’s a good orcish kid.” York said over her. “She woulda crowed ‘bout winning the fight.” Piri looked peeved. 
“No, she’s not all orc. We’re half sea-elf.” she said. “I can even swim. Can you swim?”
“Sure.” York said. “It’s just punching and kicking water.” Piri only looked more irritated. 
“She’s a dumb cry baby elf and I’m a sneaky clever elf!” York nodded. 
“But she an’ you are also good honest orcs. I see it on you. If you beat someone up, they’ll know who did it.” 
“What’s going on?” Leon ducked their head around the curtain. “Piri, don’t yell, love. You’re a guest.”
“Nothing’s going on.” Piri said, suddenly sullen. She looked away. Rosé waggled her eyebrows at Grenda subtly. Grenda gestured back that there was much to discuss. 
Sharron looked skywards. “Oohh... ” she said. Leon looked over.
“Ah, I think we should head out, actually.” They told her with regret. 
“I see... A large shadow... a large shadow...” she droned. There was a tension in the room. Piri looked up at Leon, who walked to her side. Rosé leaned over and laid a gentle hand on Sharron’s shoulder.  
“You think this is a real one?”
Sharron blinked suddenly. “Whoops.” She shook her head. “That wasn’t what you paid for at all.”
“Um.” Said Leon. “We were going to head out? Are you okay?” 
“Oh, yeah, yeah. Don’t worry your head. Comes with being in the psychic field of research.” Leon nodded slowly. 
“What did you see?” York asked.
“A large shadow!” Grenda said. Sharron thought a moment and nodded.
“That it?” York said.
“Hmm. It was standing behind you.” She said, and pointed to Leon.
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