#k rewatches tvd
kmze · 19 days
Thought on 5x12 - 5x22 welp what a nose dive in quality that took! Not that the beginning of the season was great writing but at least I was having fun, this not so much. There's stuff I liked of course, the Steroline build-up is great and they got some beautiful scenes. I love Liv and Luke and the finale was awesome (this and Katherine in 1x22 were the best cliffhangers they ever did). The problem is the bad parts all outweighed that. I cannot STAND Enzo and this is the worst Damon has ever been which is saying a lot. Every DE monologue made me groan and the travelers are probably the worst villain this show ever had (Markos wasn't terrible though, he fit the description). But I made it, and you can read me bitching about it below!
I really hate how they used Caroline having sex with Klaus to somehow make her come around to DE because now she knows what it's like to "want the bad guy" RME! Caroline sleeping with Klaus was about her taking an opportunity to get him to leave her alone and have an itch scratched. Damon is still her rapist.
Katherine’s face at the KC sex reveal LMFAO she’s dying inside.
Honestly Stefan punching Tyler has a lot more to do with him not liking Tyler and less to do with him thinking Tyler was in the wrong. Do I think Tyler deserved to get punched absolutely not, Caroline needed to leave him the hell alone! But I’m not Stefan and I like Tyler and think he’s allowed to be really fucking angry at Caroline for awhile.
What Katherine said to Damon as Elena is exactly what Elena SHOULD say to Damon but never does.
The switch from “I want Stefan Salvatore” “Well I’d hate to be the person standing in your way” to a shot of Caroline is absolutely intentional. This scene is also adorable and say what you want but Stefan is absolutely flirting here, especially when he's like "I have no idea what Klaus saw in you, what was he thinking!" because he knows EXACTLY what Klaus saw in her!
Caroline leave Bonnie alone! She does not need to be single-adjacent she has suffered enough.
“Come on Damon, you’re better than this” he’s really not though Stefan! He’s pretty consistently been awful this whole show.
LMFAO there was a definitely a lot of foreshadowing that Stefan was gonna kill Enzo.
Caroline looks so hot and gorgeous in that dress and the way her hair is clipped *faints* no wonder Stefan checks her out. There's also a few moments where the wind blows her hair and she just looks stunning. Bonnie looks smoking hot too, I love her bob and the lace on her dress is super sexy.
Katherine’s eye roll at the dramatics of Damon kidnapping Jeremy and needing to show her concern for Jeremy... honestly same, this is a stupid ass plot. I do appreciate that Katherine knew to be worried about Caroline if she has feelings for Stefan. Like Damon is a moron so dispatching him was easy but Caroline, she’s gotta know what she’s up against.
EL OH EL the framing is so funny though how Caroline keeps popping up every-time Kathlena gets a moment with Stefan. And he looks guilty AF when she opens the door. Caroline also looks so good standing in the doorway with her little turn.
Caroline you know damn well the good news is that we might get to kill Damon, not the bad news.
Ugh Stefan is totally jealous of Tyler this show is so stupid you had the perfect love triangle set-up and you BLEW IT! FOR ENZO! I mean Stefan really? Acting like Tyler was gonna kill Caroline, please he knows that wasn’t going to happen. He just doesn’t want Caroline to go back to him because he’s totally crushing on her and refuses to see it!! He’s the same as Caroline because his bad news was actually good news for him.
Uh we don’t all love Matt Donovan Katherine, okay. Some of us have wished for his death every season. Words matter.
I appreciate Stefan pointing out Elena has never cared about Damon doing horrible shit before, and that’s like his first clue something is off.
Katherine asking who Stefan loves more Damon or Elena, girl don’t play that stupid game! You are only gonna win stupid prizes! Katherine should also know better than this, she knew Damon was the key to saving Stefan in 3x09 because she knew he wouldn’t let Damon die even with his humanity off. It feels like the show is doing that thing again where they make characters dumber than previously shown for the plot. Maybe you could say Katherine was off her game because she became impatient, but like she didn't survive for 500 years being impatient! DUH Stefan would do the most Stefan thing ever and put himself in danger instead of killing Damon, I mean what show have you been watching Katherine?
I love how domestic Steroline got in these last few episodes, Caroline made herself right at home at the Boarding house AS SHE SHOULD!
I love Liv lol.
You know I love LOVE Caroline but girl leave that man alone! Tyler needs space. While I agree about Caro monologue that people always expect good from her and she has flaws Tyler doesn’t need to forgive her and he really hasn’t been harping on her that much. Damon was right Caro took the nuclear option to end her relationship with Tyler. Even if I understand why she had sex with Klaus she still knew what it would do to Tyler.
I guess in retrospect Katherine was right, she made sure if she couldn’t have Stefan no one could.
I feel like the writers did a lot more damage to how they see Elena's character after the sire bond storyline than they realize. I don't mean that it ruined her character, I mean it ruined how they feel about her and how the inevitably treat her. This was a really fucked up thing to do to Elena, I mean she had complete autonomy of her body taken away for 3 (almost 4) episodes! That would have never happened in S1-3 because of how the writers felt about her, she was the special snowflake of human frailty MUST PROTECT. You can also tell by her styling, it's been off and on all season (especially the hair) as opposed to when she always looked stunning in S1-3.
CRYING at Elena’s “memories” and it's just her having fun in a bar dancing Iike a normal college girl and she’s like OMG the horror! What a loser!
“I wouldn’t lead you on like that” girl I- did you not watch yourself with Am!Stefan? That was 4 months ago!
Ah good Caroline is back to talking shit about Damon to Stefan, balance is restored.
Stefan just casually joking about having brain damage as his way of flirting, he’s so weird I love him.
THIS SCENE! When I watched this episode live I was ready to give up because I was so over the triangle of doom and straight-up not having a good time and then Steroline got these scenes in this episode and I was like OMG this is really gonna happen!?! When Stefan said "Me, and I would do it for you, too" he just confirmed that Caroline was up there with Elena and Damon for him aka people that he LOVES and Caro's face was my face like *tingle*. Then Caroline confirms the same when she says "You'd do the same for me right" and HIS FACE!!! He really didn't know she was so ride or die for him, and then his total jealousy over Enzo, I cry.
Damon and Elena are THE WORST my god. This is the stupidest dialogue I have ever heard on this show and that's only because it's second to their monologue in 4x23!
I’m sure Damon’s dialogue is supposed to be sexy but all I feel is rape-y.
God I absolutely LOVE the scene where Caroline can’t kill Tom and snaps Enzo’s neck instead! The way she reacts to Stefan is always more intense than any of her other love interests, sorry not sorry. She looked into those green eyes and remembered Stefan said he was a good person and the emotion from that meant she couldn’t do it.
Liv asking to be killed rather than listen to Damon and Elena, bestie I CAN RELATE!
Why are we doing with the Jeremy might be cheating on Bonnie subplot with Liv? Just so unnecessary MY GOD LEAVE BONNIE ALONE ALREADY!
The van scene is so <3333 I think it’s very obvious they both have feelings for each other in this scene. The way Stefan keeps looking at Caroline’s lips and the sultry voice he’s using *flails* and Caroline feels it too. I think this is the moment she realizes she’s falling for him. For Stefan I feel it started last season and it got even more confusing after his amnesia stint and this is probably the point where he starts pushing his feelings away because it's scaring him. He does not think Caroline has feelings for him with the way he talks about Enzo and her so for him it’s better to push it away than possibly ruin their friendship. Even if he’s such a dummy because OBVIOUSLY STEFAN she’s got a thing for you. I love them so much man, they just make me feel things!
Welp Bonnie hasn’t been tortured in like 3 episodes so of course we had to make up for that -_-
Oh man they even put Elena in her old S1/2 wardrobe and her straight hair is back! Totally gassing it up in these visions huh?
It’s amazing how interesting the traveler plot sounds with taking over MF like invasion of the body snatchers as opposed to how unbelievably boring it actually is.
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but I really don’t like Kol and I don’t know why I have to keep dealing with him.
Liv with her little sexy knife play, mark me down as scared and horny.
As someone who has watched the Steroline 8x02 proposal let’s just say A LOT, the Stelena vision proposal in 5x18 IS NOTHING LIKE IT YOU WEIRDOS. I mean the ring was in a drawer, that's literally it.
I did not remember that Vicki got sucked into Cade’s hell and IDK that’s a bit harsh show, Vicki did not deserve hell.
Turns out hell is every Delena scene this season.
The Stelena scene by the fire is an example of how the show uses nuance in scenes to keep ships alive depending on how you read into it. For me it feels like closure, they talk about how they grew apart and ending the spell kind of signifies that draw they felt has ended. However, you could say it shows they'll always love each other and now with the spell gone if they found their way back to each other it would be completely natural. YMMV.
I always thought "I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them. I don't think you can be both" was such a (!!!) quote from Stefan since it shows you how he compartmentalizes people because he's a control freak. He puts the women he loves into these two categories from everything we've seen so far. Caroline and Lexi fit into the "friend" box, Elena and Katherine fit into the "in love" box and the two boxes do not mix. He moves Elena into the friend box now since he's not in love with her anymore, but the problem is Caroline. Unlike Lexi Stefan does feel more than friendship for her (he says it in 6x16 argue with the wall) but he can't mix the boxes! He doesn't think you can mix the boxes! He doesn't think you can have both. This line is a Chekhov's gun IMO he says it because we're either gonna learn it's true or it's not.
I was about to say how much of a loser is Stefan that he keeps helping Elena study but obviously he would not miss a chance to be pretentious so I get it.
Poor Tyler this is the beginning of his tragic downfall of the writers not GAF about him anymore.
Enzo on the other hand is A LOSER!
This episode might be rock bottom for me in terms of being boring and stupid. I would almost rather go back to a stupid DE monologue, ALMOST.
Oh it’s the Steroline first kiss cabin!
Hehe Damon called Bill Forbes a dickwad, sometimes I like you Damon I admit.
Caroline knowing right away that Stefan and Elena were being lying liars who lie, my BB has come so far in her ability to read people. And her idea to expose them is through charades because she’s always gotta have a theme!
I have no idea what’s going on with Jeremy, Tyler, Matt and Bonnie besides the fact that Bonnie deserves better. Always and forever.
“I didn’t want you to think any less of me” TINGLE!! When I saw this scene live I was like okay I give in I WANT ALL THE STEROLINE! Knowing full well it could still get used as a prop for SE but like I couldn’t help myself! He brushed the dirt off her cheek! He did the thing he always did with Elena where he only wanted her to see the good parts because that’s what this fool does when he’s in love! Truth be told I do not think Stefan is in love with Caroline here, I think he loves her as a friend but his feelings for her have become something more than friendship. Caroline however knows she’s falling in love you can see it on her face when he walks away.
The writing for Elena is very passive these past few episodes and it feels weird. Like she’s just there, she doesn’t move the plot or really do much but exist in the scenes they put her in. It’s such a stark difference to when she moved everything and everyone revolved around her. Oh well!
Omg Enzo if you didn’t want to be dead then why did you let Stefan yank your heart out. HE’S SO ANNOYING!
Stefan was so proud of that “if Caroline Forbes were here right now we’d both be laughing” joke. What a dork!
The anti magic spell was a good twist, and I like that it took awhile to get rid of.
Even Luke feels a tingle for the Stefussy!
Damon’s note LMFAO
Poor Caroline she had to see dead Stefan way too often. I totally forgot she didn’t snap Julian’s neck because she was afraid of getting bite again, poor BB had PTSD about that (thanks a lot Klaus *side-eye*)
CAROLINE MAKING MOVES! I told you nothing gets a reaction out of her like Stefan.
Ugh I hate this scene! Poor Tyler that was cruel and I hate that they de-powered him! I think de-powering for male characters on this show is basically a death sentence because the ‘verse works on hard power for men and once you lose that your days are numbered (unless you’re Matt Donovan).
No Lexi he doesn’t, because he’s a moron.
Bonnie that was obviously not Stefan lol but she’s going through a lot I will let it slide. Why does Silas want to be resurrected now! Everyone was so ready to die until they actually did huh!
“This is my choice and I need you to respect it” ASDSFFDHGFJKHG I am always here for making fun of that!
Bygones! Great Bonnie scene!
The last few Delena scenes have not made me think I’d rather be chewing glass so kudos.
Lines that made me laugh:
Damon: It's the obnoxious theme song of the travelers. (the chanting was ridiculous!)
Damon: Liv has a twin? Is it possible for there to be just one of someone around here? (he's not wrong!)
Enzo: Eh, it's probably the bedroom. Stefan's pretty vanilla, but apparently that's Elena's favorite flavor. (okay points for making me laugh but I doubt that’s true Stefan had crazy bitches crawling out of the woodwork for sexy Stefan time)
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sasanka-27 · 10 months
Finally about to start season 4 of smallville, it was worth the pain of constant saving of lana in the end she got jason whole season kekeke. Not excited for her storyline this season but it will amazing to rewatch Jackles pre-spn era hehehe
Because when i was watching last time this show it brought me to spn thanks to this lil guy i was sad they k him off and that he was up for just one season so i did research where can i see him next or something and breaker breaker i fell for spn (i think it was like 2007? Because we used to watch smallville as it aired later on czech tv) then we had later rewatch with sister but ended around s6 i think 7 was about to start then i was into tvd and arrow (i kinda regret tvd but stefan and klaus were my boys so i stayed for them uff) so spn kinda were on break with me i was trying to keep up later but didnt do proper whole rewatch until this year and oh boy i fell harder (bonus im confident to draw now i wasnt back then) breaker breaker i think once i finish smallville season 4 I might start spn again because it was so much fun after long day just watch three eps before sleep so yea lets start the jason teague era!
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If he evil why sho cute?✨
(Also Lionel’s hair? Rip you were everything i will miss you)
Honorable mention 3x22 including the actress that played jess in spn hehe
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Godddd I'm glad they wore their previous fits to Daegu, because I would simply not survive another new and ILLEGAL outfit from Seonghwa.
EXACTLY MMMH COVER JUSEYO or better a mash up of Move and Mmmh I'm just saying I have a vision okay. I saw Mingi destroyed people it's not the first time and I'm not surprised because Mingi I'M LOOOOOKING 👁👁
Lmao your scenario, as long as he doesn't ditch me or scream into my ear we can hang out. And what are we talking about?
Makes me wanna rewatch TVD tbh lol. To me it was a perfect mixnbetween Twilight and True Blood - have you seen it? Twilight was very PG despite everything and their vamps were laughable, TB went all in and it was explicit. TVD had both, teenage angst, love triangles, angst, but more sex and blood just like TB.
SPOILER ALERT: Okay so you mean who was "A" in PLL? MULTIPLE FUCKING PEOPLE worked on the A team, but the main baddie was - brace yourself - Spencer's BR'I'SH LOST EVIL TWIN?!?! I thought the ending to Gossip Girl was ridiculous and out of pocket, but this reveal was much worse, so anticlimactic. But the show was crazy like seriously killing people left and right and in the weirdest way? Kidnapping, torturing, assaulting
It's Seonghwa affecting me, I'm going crazy, he's cringy amd cheesy and so am I now, that's why we're #married.
The Bad Prosecutor is on my looooooong watch list, how do you like it?
When Seonghwa mentioned they crossed paths with Taemin and greeted each other... we will never see it. At least they stood next to Minho on camera!
Yes yes SM THIS RIGHT HERE!!! Go full spooky please. Some of the photos reminded me of Wuthering Heights, when she was in that white dress, the potential was so biiiiiig. The apple, she's like the Snow White villain
I know that Jongho recommended Tomorrow on his PM, so 👀 seriously lol, but the hips didn't lure me instantly, on the contrary I got into Hwa because of his softness 😩💝
I know there are a lot of pairings in your villain fic and I don't mind it, I love a slow burn! But there's only ONE TRUE PAIRING REMEMBER THAT. Ooof yeah I'm bracing yourself for so many funerals...
More sinister songs with a sick beat, please! I love when they start slow, almost seductive but then explode, Taste's dance break is gonna slap sooooo hard. Reminds me of Sunmi's Heroine, her voice at the beginning 😳 and then we go dancing
My friends said TMA was a shitshow and I could even tell from the screen, but it was nice to see everyone. Daegu was cool though! Friends were so overwhelmed I can't blame them, so many pretty people to look at
Us Also I live for the I.N sign next to it uwu
WHY SO FCUKEN CUTE WHEN LOOKING LIKE THAT - and a praying circle for Cyberpunk Halloween performance. Also I'm obsessed with this and I need to give him a smooch I'm afraid... - DV 💖
hi hello!!! this is so late i was busy liking wooyoung’s biting tweets <3
Godddd I'm glad they wore their previous fits to Daegu, because I would simply not survive another new and ILLEGAL outfit from Seonghwa.
EXACTLY MMMH COVER JUSEYO or better a mash up of Move and Mmmh I'm just saying I have a vision okay. I saw Mingi destroyed people it's not the first time and I'm not surprised because Mingi I'M LOOOOOKING 👁👁
Lmao your scenario, as long as he doesn't ditch me or scream into my ear we can hang out. And what are we talking about?
LMFAOOOO FQMDBALBFAM i would like to believe u guys were talking about how to escape the house but he walked too close and u did the squint and asked him to “dont walk too close to me u coward” fbwndbns
Makes me wanna rewatch TVD tbh lol. To me it was a perfect mixnbetween Twilight and True Blood - have you seen it? Twilight was very PG despite everything and their vamps were laughable, TB went all in and it was explicit. TVD had both, teenage angst, love triangles, angst, but more sex and blood just like TB.
ive only watched the first twilight movie i could not make it past the first 😭😭😭 AND NO I HAVENT I LOOKED IT UP ITS QUITE A OLDER ONE,,, pls twilight was def so laughable but carlisle cullen 👁👁 I CANT FIND THE EDIT I WANTED I TRIED FOR AN HOUR ISGABGSKS IT WAS THE BEST ONE BUT I WILL FIND IT but tvd,,, this edit made me want to watch it bc how is he so pretty fbsndsn
SPOILER ALERT: Okay so you mean who was "A" in PLL? MULTIPLE FUCKING PEOPLE worked on the A team, but the main baddie was - brace yourself - Spencer's BR'I'SH LOST EVIL TWIN?!?! I thought the ending to Gossip Girl was ridiculous and out of pocket, but this reveal was much worse, so anticlimactic. But the show was crazy like seriously killing people left and right and in the weirdest way? Kidnapping, torturing, assaulting
It's Seonghwa affecting me, I'm going crazy, he's cringy amd cheesy and so am I now, that's why we're #married.
The Bad Prosecutor is on my looooooong watch list, how do you like it?
it’s actually better than what i expected, i watched ep 3 and i thought that was big but then i watched ep4 aNd WENT WILD FOR A LITTLE WHILE THE ACTING OF EVERYONES REALLY REALLY GOOD SOLID 9/10 ATM FOR ME
When Seonghwa mentioned they crossed paths with Taemin and greeted each other... we will never see it. At least they stood next to Minho on camera!
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Yes yes SM THIS RIGHT HERE!!! Go full spooky please. Some of the photos reminded me of Wuthering Heights, when she was in that white dress, the potential was so biiiiiig. The apple, she's like the Snow White villain
EXACTLY THAT SM PLS HIRE ME AS UR MV DIRECTOR 😭😭😭 WILL MAKE BIG BANK AND HAVE SOLID CB’S GUARANTEED,,, omg no bc the concept photos are better than the mv itself,,, the art behind it was so so stunning only if we saw that same energy being put into the mv,,, NO UR SO RIGHT HER AND SHE COULD EASILY PLAY THE PSYCHO MALEFICENT
I know that Jongho recommended Tomorrow on his PM, so 👀 seriously lol, but the hips didn't lure me instantly, on the contrary I got into Hwa because of his softness 😩💝
jongho is a soohyuk stan idc idc this man has TASTE seonghwa’s shakira hips didn’t WORK on u BUT IT DID DURING DV HUH 🔫🔫🔫
I know there are a lot of pairings in your villain fic and I don't mind it, I love a slow burn! But there's only ONE TRUE PAIRING REMEMBER THAT. Ooof yeah I'm bracing yourself for so many funerals...
bestie the pairings u would not expect bdwnbdkw just know seonghwa is getting married to someone when he meets y/n <3 y/n was exiled <3 soohyuk as his father <3 dark magic <3 its reallt cute bc y/n always wears black and has a huge hat that covers her face and then theres hwa and his family who participate in activities whole theres that looming darkness in the bacK FHWKFHWKD ONE TRUE PAIRING WBFKWB I TRULY WONDER WHO THAT IS FHENFJN a lot of funerals, flashbacks, the pain ���🏼😮‍💨
here is a little spoiler 🤲🏼
“i do not trust anyone in this palace, not you, not me.”
“and why is that?“ you hear his shoes clack against the wood.
“…because i’ve seen lies change….i’ve seen truths change.” you pause to lean back, eyes on the glamorous chandelier that twinkled as the wind it grazed it gently. “…i’ve seen god change.”
“but if you changed,” you whisper, eyes stuck on that one teardrop diamond that twinkled at you. “i would cease to exist, your majesty.”
More sinister songs with a sick beat, please! I love when they start slow, almost seductive but then explode, Taste's dance break is gonna slap sooooo hard. Reminds me of Sunmi's Heroine, her voice at the beginning 😳 and then we go dancing
EXACTLY!!!!!!! ALL OF THAT !!!!! WHEN ITS SLOW AND TRANSITIONS INTO SEXY AND THEN BOOM VILLAIN 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 MORE OF THAT PLS omg do u remember history’s might just die 😮‍💨🤲🏼 WHEN WILL THOSE DAYS COME BACK omg sunmi’s heroine is so nostalgic,,, her vocals were truly the best there idk if she’ll ever come back to that but truly the best era,,, if u have any good those type of song recs 🤲🏼🤲🏼 i would say! imagine dragon’s bad liar relates to our villain fic!!
My friends said TMA was a shitshow and I could even tell from the screen, but it was nice to see everyone. Daegu was cool though! Friends were so overwhelmed I can't blame them, so many pretty people to look at
it honestly looked like 😭😭 i heard a lot ppl said and even in the performances the camera work was absolutely shitty, they didn’t even capture the transitions for songs for so many groups properly and zoomed out in the best times 😭😭😭 RHWNDBSM DAEGU FESTIVAL SEEMED TO MUCH FUN FROM THE KAI PURPLE ERA TO WOOYOUNGS CLAP BACK FBFBFH LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT BUT????? MF ATEEZ ALREADY WERE ON THEIR WAY HOME WE NEVER GOT THE END STAGE WHERE THEY COULD HAVE HELD KAIS HAND I WOULD LOST MY SHIT WHEKQJDKQ
Us Also I live for the I.N sign next to it uwu
hwa i.n interactions WHEN
WHY SO FCUKEN CUTE WHEN LOOKING LIKE THAT - and a praying circle for Cyberpunk Halloween performance. Also I'm obsessed with this and I need to give him a smooch I'm afraid... - DV 💖
nO BC HOW DARE THIS MAN,, this man is so embarrassing i want
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I WOULD like to side line hwa for a second BC SONG MINGI IS 😭😭😭😭
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seesgood · 4 years
caroline is so fucking terrified of elijah and i find it legitimately hysterical
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Spotify Unwrapped trending reminded of that shuffle thing from earlier this year so I had a go with mine and got -
Song 1: Character One Design - There She Goes by The La’s. Probably from when I rewatched The Parent Trap and had it in my head all the weekend. 😂
Song 2: Character Two Design Just A Little by Liberty X. Throwback but it still hella slaps!
Song 3: 1 First Impression of 2 we fell in love in october by girl in red. Aww, cute!
Song 4: 2 First Impression of 1 Nothing New by Taylor Swift and Phoebe Bridgers. New album’s been on repeat since it came out and I want to give this character a big hug. 🥺
Song 5: Story Setting/Atmosphere Secret Love Song by Little Mix. Ooh, hidden romance, exciting!
Song 6: Relationship Hold My Girl by George Ezra. This is my brother being a parasite with my account. Still cute.
Idk what ship it would be. Sex swapped Tododeku maybe?
T could be hiding in the closet from their father and M catches their eye so they keep it a secret until... something happens. Yeah, I don’t really have that many f/f ships. At least none that would fit this.
What do you think? And what would yours be?
I actually don't know some of these songs! But it sounds like a very juicy concept k;ajsdfkajd and as always, fuck Endeavor. lmfao
I vaguely remember this trend, so lemme see-
Character 1 design/personality?- Riptide by Grandson
Character 2- Ashes by Stellar (okay, this is just dabihawks already wtf lmfao)
C1's first impression of C2- Why'd You Only Call Me When We're High? by Arctic Monkeys
C2's first impression of C1- King for a Day by Pierce the Veil
Setting/Atmosphere- Relationship by Anthony Ramos (BROOOO THIS IS JUST TVD LMFAO)
Relationship- Kingslayer by Bring Me the Horizon
Yeaaaa my spotify wrapped is just my two dabihawks playlists and my kiribaku playlist all smushed together lmfao.
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zalrb · 3 years
I was reading one of those Entertainment Weekly articles about the recent TVD rewatches and (quoting this directly, I swear) Ian said how he was so upset about the direction Damon’s character was taking, that at one point, he was sitting in Plec’s office, almost in tears and just pissed. Idk why this was so funny to me, but I had to share
LOL k.
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naramdil · 3 years
Omg are u rewatching tvd or first time? Which season??
Anyway this is my opportunity to express how much i hated elena gilbert. So self centered and annoying. bonnie must be protected AT ALL COSTS, which is hilarious (sad) cuz she suffers the most. They did her so so wrong. Stefan is so pure even though he isnt perfect but still better than that pile of ash that is his brother. I love klaus. Guilty af for it but manz is sexy. Anyway i hate elena.
I’m rewatching!! on season 2 now n eagerly waiting for the originals to arrive lol. elena is as annoying as any protagonist that is the moral compass of the show it’s just like Some deaths are ‘okay’ bc it means that elena n her friends get to have their merry lives but it’s like hm..... k..... 
i love caroline like sorry but becoming a vampire was the best thing that happened to her - love her and tyler as friends and her and klaus were the best as a couple!!! in the originals when they replaced her w that other blonde i was like this lady is literally a boneless caroline. also stefan and caroline were STUPID they were also better as friends. 
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rippermorality · 3 years
highlights of my tvd rewatch with a friend who is just watching it for the first time, up to ep 4:
vicki makes me so sad and i hate how everyone treats her
damon was pure trash wow i forgot how much of a douche he was in s1
tyler too like holy shit
people saying stefan was boring in s1 know nothing
we vibin’ with the gothic atmosphere and 2009 vibes
bon bon we love
tanner died and we celebrated
zach salvatore and jenna sommers are vibes, we love them so much
she specially loves them k
zach calling stefan like UNCLE STEFAN MY HEART
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Sunday, July 26th
Cordelia: Oz ? Oh, my god. Oz. It’s so good to see you. Good old Oz! Oz. (turns to Doyle and points at Oz) Oz! Doyle: Let me just take a stab at it, you’d be Oz? Oz: Good guess.
~~In the Dark~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Early Sunrises Over Sunnydale (Buffy, G) by thethinkling
Beginnings (Willow/Angel, T) by Ladyfae (Ladysaille)
Mama's Devilish Child (Buffy/Spike, T) by Lucky_19
Epilogue: Question 36 (Buffy/Spike, G) by stuffandnonsense
Standing Against the Forces of Darkness (Giles, T) by Aaronlisa
I Thought They Were the Kings (Fred/Gunn, G) by brightephemera
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Dark Side of the Gym (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by 3xy
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Episode 108 – Tabula Rasa (Poetry) by Buffyverse
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dear spike, will you be my boyfriend? (Buffy/Spike, NR) by prose-for-hire
Dear Spike, how do I make Buffy my girlfriend? (NR) by prose-for-hire
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Save the Kid, Save the World Chapter 8 (Connor/OFC, M) by Editor1
Wilderness Chapter 19 (Tara/Willow, NR) by onebuttoneye
Far-fetched Complete (MCU crossover, Buffy/Steve, T) by Aeolist
Far From Home Chapter 34 (Buffy/Angel, M) by aboutafox
The Scoobies in a Marvel World Chapter 24 (MCU crossover, Buffy, G) by Buffyworldbuilder (lateVMlover)
Undone By Love Chapter 16 (TVD crossover, M) by Buffyworldbuilder (lateVMlover)
Sunnydale's Last Guardians Chapter 10 (Faith/Buffy, T) by RavenclawSlayer
The Mirror Broke (But All My Friends Were Laughing) Complete (Ethan & Giles, T) by 23Murasaki
Before He Screwed It Up Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Hello_Spikey
A (Mostly) Comprehensive Guide to the End of the World Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, M) by MyAnnabell_Lee
Realizations Chapter 4 (Faith/Buffy, T) by Lesbian_Valkyrie
The Devil In Disguise Chapter 15 (Dexter crossover, M) by frogfarm
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And I Still Do (Love You) Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by slaymesoftly
The Worst of Humanity Chapter 31 (Buffy/Spike, R) by jhiz
The Calling Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, G) by Tennsters
Daughter of Aurelius Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by Loup Noir
Do Not Read This Journal - Musings of a Vampire on Life, Love and (Un) Living on a Hellmouth Chapters 89 - 92 (Buffy/Spike, NC17) by IvoryPetals
Princess Buffy's Choice Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, PG13) by zarryspolo
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Moments that Make You: The Hero and The Princess Chapter 32 (Cordelia & Doyle, K+) by myheadsgonenumb
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Darkness Rising Chapter 12 (Anita Blake crossover, Buffy, FR18) by Deesse
Rogue’s Hunter Rewrite Chapter 2 (X-Men crossover, Xander, FR18) by KnifeHand
A Matter of Control Chapter 5 (SPN crossover, Oz, FR13) by Rod
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: The result of working on my oil portrait skills during my WFH rewatch by kt_albino
Artworks: Wesley Wyndham Price, Fred/Illyria study, and An old buffy sketch by Beingnonchalant
Artwork: Digital drawing of Buffy by _Clem_Eats_Kittens_
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Artwork: Spike Facebook/Twitter header by maddievisuals
Artwork: Illyria by whatshisfaceblogs
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Willow Has a Girlfriend Now - a BtVS Fanvid by Periru3
buffy & spike | my kingdom come undone by burningveins
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Rewatch: The Trial of Xander. Week 12 (s03e13-s03e16) by tjareth
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Buffy S3E7 ‘Revelations’ by pass-the-bechdel
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Lacewings - everything_rhymes recced by Priceless
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
[Community Announcements]
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Buffyverse Character Battle Tournament 2 by DeadlyDuo
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Wizard World Announces ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Virtual Experiences by Nerds and Beyond
[Fandom Discussions]
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Number of Slayers by ChaseRules
Cordelia and Wesley by nightshade
Riley's Age and Buffy by nightshade
Faith Lehane / Alan Finch Murder: Did She Deserve Jail Time? by fauxindigo
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Reacting to Reactions! - alley box. / failwhale34 / Liam Duke / van by Stoney
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Post Chosen Fanfic universes vs. the Comics by MelinaBallerina
How would you change Season 4? by DoctorNettle
I'm so glad that The Gift wasn't the conclusion of the show by jdpm1991
Spike and Robin Wood by DeepBreath220
Why did the inmate Deb in Season 4's Salvage attack Faith? Who sent her to kill Faith? by jdpm1991
Why is Buffy sped up in the European releases? by jdpm1991
Season 2: I think Xander got out of his lie to Buffy way too easy by
What was the most gruesome scene? by NebCam101
Legendary Buffy Board game: Recommended decks? by LiaBrooksy
Does anyone else use Buffy as comfort viewing by Bella-Lugosi
I may be ill informed as I’m only on season 3 but I kinda think Xander is a douche by aRobot9000
started playing the buffy gameboy game from 2000, and there was this cute little call from cordelia by holy_decay
First time "Buffy" has ever let you down? by jdpm1991
My heart done got broke by bubblesnap
Anyone else not a big fan of Xander? by TheWaywardSister
How would Buffy handle The Circle of The Black Thorn by jdpm1991
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gaze in when she was bad by impalementation
Buffy/Angel and Darla/Angel by demandingbillydolls
Glory by thehollowprince
What is the difference between the love Spike had for Drusilla and the love Spike had for Buffy? by marshmallow-the-vampire-slayer
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
Do u think that Klaus really didnt realize he had turned himself into Mikael in a sense over the centuries? Im rewatching some tvd S3 & the epi where elijah undaggers all of them and they r bashing Klaus & saying they r gonna leave him and Klaus says he'll hunt them down and Elijah says "then you'll b the thing u hate most, Mikael" and K is all wounded. In TO as well someone tells him he turned himself into Mikael & he is all shocked and wounded about it. Wtf did he not consciously realize this?
Yeah I don’t think he understood that at all because I think he has an extremely delusional and narcissistic self image. He would never see himself as Mikael because he understands his own motivations and therefore thinks that his behavior is justifiable, and ironically the abuse that Mikael and Esther heaped on him is something that he uses as an excuse for nearly every shitty thing he does.
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kmze · 2 months
Thoughts on 2x01 - 2x11 So much better than S1, I am so much happier having more characters involved in the storyline and Katherine is such a great villian. I also noticed the lighting is warmer and brighter this season. I think I read somewhere that was intentional because they were introducing werewolves (warm orange hue) whereas the first season was vampires (cold blue hue). Also feel like I can SEE the scenes now (modern lighting on shows is the bane of my watching experience everytime) Random thoughts under the cut!
I cannot stress enough how much Katherine makes everything better, Nina deserved more accolades for how she played two very different characters interchangeably so flawlessly. Her presence even made me care more about the love triangle and the albit messed up dynamic. I mean her and Elena look EXACTLY the same and the Salvatore's want me to believe there's no transference issues? I'm so sure.
I definitely get more from Stefan and Katherine than I do from Damon and Katherine though. Katherine brings out the meaner side of Stefan that he pretends doesn't exist and I appreciate that. She is clearly still under his skin though as much as he wants to deny it because I really loved their scenes in 2x04.
Damon and Elena have great sexual tension and chemistry but I just cannot vibe with it because he killed her brother like a month ago?? I just continue to be flabbergasted by that (I am a hater).
Obviously I have seen the Stefan and Caroline scenes from 2x02 and 2x03 dozens of times but watching them like this in a rewatch makes me love them even more. Especially their scenes in the woods and at the swimming hole, Stefan is so much lighter around her. Even his scenes with Lexi last season didn’t feel as effortless. I know this early on he's friends with her because of Elena and "hero-boyfriend" duties but he still let her distract him at the grill because I think he genuinely likes being around her. Him showing her his insecurity about Damon and Elena already shows they have a lot of trust building between them. I love them.
I was so happy and almost cried at Liz being the first person to see how much Caroline changed when she became a vampire! The physical strength gave her so much confidence and Liz saw that instantly. It was so sad watching Caroline (kudos Candice) have to compel that away. I was just thinking in S1 like damn I can't believe their relationship was this rough but this moment sold how and why they become so close in the later seasons.
It’s really not a surprise Aimee and Sarah died, they were always too eager to get wasted in a town with mysterious deaths weekly. The odds were never in their favor. Katherine killing Aimee on the dance floor in front of everyone had me cracking up though! The best crazy bitch ever. The masquerade episode was probably my favorite so far in my rewatch, this is when the contrived events work with everyone playing a part in the game!
Caroline turning into a vampire really helped start to remove her from being stuck under Elena. Especially now as she's getting involved in Tyler's storyline who truly has nothing to do with Elena narrative-wise. She's even got her own love triangle brewing already.
I like how easily Stefan accepted he was going to be stuck in the tomb with Katherine for a few days, as if it was a weekend retreat. In all honesty he probably wanted to avoid Elena and the self sacrifice mission so he wouldn’t have to go along with it since he’s in “boring-choice-matters-self” mode. Because I thought it was odd he wouldn’t let Elena even see him and then told Damon to keep her away from there, so that's my theory.
Trapping Elena in the house was the best move for everyone involved. I’m sorry but the whole suicide mission was getting on my nerves. Girl shut up and sit down.
Someone should really have told Jenna already about vampires because then she'd stop inviting them into the house! Sadly I do not care about Alaric and Jenna either, I remember when I first watched I did but now, meh.
Bonnie and Jeremy are cute I don't care what anyone says! I know they have their issues in the later seasons but they could have come back to them, I can't have nice things.
Bonnie and Damon really do have great chemistry as enemies to reluctant allies, I will never forgive TPTB for denying me this.
Elijah is zzzzzz so far.
Lines that made me laugh:
Damon: Elena’s on a martyr tear that rivals your greatest hits (I yelled! he wasn't lying oh my god!)
Caroline: They were more... gold with amber highlights (she's so unintentionally funny)
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hithelleth · 5 years
Fic writer asks
I was tagged by @eveningspirit. Although my writing has been very minuscule and sporadic over the last years, but as you say, once a writer, always a writer, so thank you!
Author Name: Hithelleth on AO3
Fandoms You Write For:
Uh, the latest were The 100, Yellowstone (the one and only fic for it, yay?! gotta do it yourself if no one else will, right? Please, someone else jump on this bandwagon), Station 19, and Timeless but most of my fanfics were for Revolution (with some crossovers) - I guess i came across it just when my time/energy/writing mood, the show’s potential, and the fandom’s best-ess-ness aligned perfectly -  and I also wrote for AoS and TVD/TO. 
Where Do You Post
Mostly on AO3, sometimes ficlets on tumblr. 
Most Popular Oneshot
AO3 stats say Not Only Bound, a TVD Elena/Elijah/Klaus fanfic from 2013 - and it still gets kudos’d at least once or twice a month, I think. Well, done, me. 
Most Popular Multi Chapter Story
Curiously, Each of Us Is Broken, Always and Forever, a TO Rebekah/Elijah/Klaus fic from 2014 both by number of kudos and chapter/kudos ratio. 
Favorite Story You Wrote
IDK, they are all my babies? I mean I love some more and some less, but yeah? Maybe Dominoes Falling - a TVD/TO happy-ending-for-all that I like to reread myself and marvel at who this genius writer was and f**k JP. Or, similarly,  Reasons to Fight (The 100) and f**k JR.
Story You Were Nervous to Post
I’m always a little nervous - the healthy bit, I think. But fics that I was most nervous about posting were certain AoS fics, because antis. Not that they would stop me, but I was nervous about potential hate barrage, but apparently I’m either not a BNF enough or I give off a repelling vibe, because only one or two people dared pipe up with obnoxiousness. 
How Do You Pick Your Titles
Either I have a title and never finish the fic or I have the posting form already all filled out and then... *panic!* “Oops, forgot a title!” and then I put in a phrase from the fic or one word description of it or something. 
Do You Outline
Sometimes. But usually not-outlining yields better results - or results at all. 
How Many of Your Stories Are Complete
Of the stories posted to AO3, 71 out 77 stories are completed. 
I have six unfinished works on AO3, but I don’t think I’ll finish them. one is a prompt collection (which I could just as well mark as complete, but, eh), and the others are... IDK works in fandoms I lost my mojo in. 
Only Human  is the one I might still add some chapters to. Though It’s Us Who Own the Apocalypse is the one I would most like to see finished, but... it would require too much work. 
And it’s too bad I couldn’t finish There’s a War… but All I See Is You and Me but if the previous one would only require too much work and there’s still hope for it, this one would also require rewatching that shitshow and nope, I am not self-destructive enough to subject my delicate mental health to it. 
And Close Encounters is a bane of my existence, because I like the idea, but I really only like the first two chapters and although I have more chapters written than the 5 posted, I keep going back and forth between ‘this is passable’ and ‘I could publish it’ to ‘this is crap and I should delete everything and just mark the first two chapters as finished.’
Coming Soon
You wish if anything at all. (I mean, I assume eventually something will make me want to write enough to overcome the obstacles and do it, but who knows what and when.)
Do You Accept Prompts
Nah, not currently, but I used to. 
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For
See above, my excitement levels for anything right now are close to 0, at least writing-wise, apart from random flashes that pass before I act on them.
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions
I have no idea who’s still writing, a natural consequence of not really being really into any fandoms right now, but I’ll pass the ‘once a writer, always a writer’ torch to @lglorien, @jadedbirch, @vesperass-anuna, @ofwoodsandwaves and @stargazerdaisy.
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undyingdelena · 5 years
ok so, I’m here rewatching TVD 1x02 trying to write my new episode post about it but its so boring and has too much Stelena and too little Delena thus causing Delena withdrawal syndrome. So, I started looking for some of my very very old post and I found some fanfics and head cannons that I wrote based off of Delena scenes so I’m going to reblog them all because I’m bored and slightly tipsy and I miss Delena so much. like can we all time travel back in time to like 5 or 6 years ago please. I don’t think its much to ask to time travel. like its 2019 why hasn’t anyone invented time travel yet. for real. its in all the movies and tv shows just teasing us. like someone invent it for real. please. okay im going to go reblogged my head cannons since that's the closest form of time traveling I have. k bye. 
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 years
i saw in an ask that you said you hadn't gotten around to season six of tvd not too long ago, and i was wondering since i just did a rewatch of most of the series if you had yet. what did you think of it if you did?
I did watch it! Overall, I liked it a lot better than season 5, which I did not like at all. Let’s see. Let me do a kind of recap for you of things I liked and did not like. 
I loved the Damon/Elena becoming human + getting married arc at the end of the season even though I think it could have introduced less suddenly and handled a little more smoothly. I mean, they didn’t literally get married but I consider them Married™ and that’s what the arc was about. That felt so in character for me for both of them and the themes were really beautiful, choosing family and marriage and an ordinary, beautiful human life and each other over literally everything else. Amazing.
 I liked the Bonnie + Damon becoming friends arc even though we didn’t get to see as much of the actual development of it as I would wish. The bamon reunion hug was SO GOOD. I still cry about it sometimes.
I didn’t like the Elena erasing her memories thing but ALSO, considering the fact that they had literally killed off Damon at the end of season 5 and were determined not to bring him back too soon, I didn’t really see any other way they could go forward and so kind of liked the symbolism of that? Elena wasn’t just going to “move on” from him this time and I loved that.
The falling in love again arc was cute but not as satisfying as a reunion where everyone remembered what they were supposed to would have been, in part because they can’t actually have them fall in love for the first time. My biggest season 6 emotion is that we were robbed of the delena reunion the painful parting at the end of season 5 warranted. Can you even imagine what that would (should!) have been like. I’m still bitter.
I hated, hated, hated 6.22 but mostly because I was just so upset and in denial that the show had (essentially) ended without a happy ending and also the st*lena bullshit that resurfaced for absolutely no apparent reason in their goodbye  k shut up maria put the salt back but Damon and Elena’s final dance was really beautiful. As always with tvd, it’s a mixed bag. I talk a little bit more about season 6 here and also !!! I went through my drafts and found a kind of season 6 recap I wrote but never posted. (See below) I still believe most of it (though at the time I thought Stefan and Caroline’s story was going to be more satisfying than it actually ended up being, me @ my past self: we were not, in fact, moving into better territory). 
season 6 non-delena thoughts (episodes 1-10)
I can LITERALLY not follow the plot or make sense of it and not because it’s too complicated but just because it’s clearly not worth it and why should I try. (to be fair, I felt this way for all of season 5 and this is slightly better because the villains are more personal than the travelers who were cardboard cutouts of characters, but still. early tvd this is not.)
Speaking of more personal villains, there are cons to this as well as pros because I do find Kai to be truly unbearable. ugh. It’s making me miss Klaus, and Katherine. Also I MISS ELIJAH (no really, i unironically miss Elijah, come back to meee Elijah!)
I don’t love Liv but I do enjoy Liv’s hair so pros and cons. She and tyler don’t make any sense. Why is tvd so opposed to me seeing people actually fall in love. Why do they just keep telling me.
It’s nice to see Alaric happy and also to see him dragging sincere apologies out of Damon. (Also the way he and damon talk about each other to other people while making sure to mention that “he’s my best friend” is so stupid i love it.)
Bonnie, my girl, I love you and I need you to be okay!!!!! Her endless string of terrible luck/suffering/losses is killing me. (I didn’t really feel much for Bonnie one way or another in the early seasons but she’s grown on me so much and now I just *sob* want someone to hug her. Preferably Damon.)
Speaking of, Damon and Bonnie’s friendship is Such A Good™!! !!!!! !!!!! I love that they love each other. I love that Damon is so protective of her even when he pretends otherwise. I love that she’s so unruffled by his frequent jackassery. I love that his circle of deep loves keeps expanding. Don’t look now, Damon but you love people (plural) and they love you!
The Stefan/Caroline fight dragged out for too long but I see we are moving forward into better territory with them and I’m so excited.
Enzo’s weird thing for Caroline- which seems to be less explicitly romantic than it is “Stefan made you cry? I will PUNCH stefan” is the best thing about him but I don’t know what else to do with him and clearly neither does the show.
I want Matt to be happy and find peace and possibly love. Sighhhhh.
Jeremy is there too?? I guess?
A lot is still confusing and inconsistent. The good moments are still beautiful. The soundtrack remains amazing.
Thanks for asking and I hope you enjoyed your rewatch! I’m frozen in time on season 7 and probably won’t finish it. 
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scorpio-karma · 5 years
Let's Finish Season Fucking Two: 2x18-22
So in 2017 I started to rewatch the show but had to stop at 2x11 because Elena annoyed the crap out of me. I literally needed to take a step back and didn't restart my rewatch until 2018 where I have been basically trudging my way through 2x12-17 because I want to rewatch S3, as it's the season I've forgotten the most about.
So last week with a half of a bottle of wine I made it my mission to finish out the season so 2019 I can rewatch season 3 and maybe remember Kol, but I kinda doubt it. I'll probably come out shipping Klonnie more, if I don't see too many temper tantrums.
First of all, this is a terrible episode to start with because it's the episode where Bonnie dies for the first time, so dealing with that is going to be annoying. Second of all why do the recap always explain that Elena and Katherine look alike. Not only is that the least complicated part of the show, but it's also the entire fucking premise of TVD. If you didn't know that by the end of season 2 you're really fucking slow, but I guess they planned according for their audience. Also, lots of people look like Nina, so I don’t know how this is the most “unbelievble part of the show.
Anyway, on to the episode. Matt Davis made a great Klaus. I may hate him, but I'm not ashamed to admit he was attractive to me playing the evil Original, but he equally creeped me out which is why I say he made a great Klaus. The way he kissed Katherine's forehead and basically leered at Elena and other students honestly made me more uncomfortable than watching Penn Badgley in You. Davis should play villains more often, seems to be his niche since Legally Blonde. (Although he didn't do a great job with evil!Alaric in season 3 from what I remember, it was a weak storyline that even I couldn't get into when I mindlessly watched the show, it was how I noticed the drop in quality then) Don't get me wrong I like JoMo's portrayal of him too just really only this season before they woobiefied him.
You know, rewatching all of this I’m noticing more and more that Nina isn't that great of an actress. Like, I was never overwhelmed with her talent before and I definitely am not now especially as I watch her play Katherine scared and there is no difference in the way she plays Elena scared. It's like how Elena with no Humanity is Katherine, well Katherine scared for her life is Elena. There's no nuance when she plays these characters. The only difference is the hair and when season 4 rolls around not even that.
Which brings me to Elena stupidity which I'm not even surprised. First, knowing her life is in danger she goes to school and endangers others lives, under the order of it's my way. Which first of all sweetie, your way has always sucked, until you yield good results maybe hold off on making plans. Second of all, the only reason you know you'll be fine is because Bonnie will save you which is a consistent pattern of hers--risking her life with the confidence that someone will always save her which annoys me because what about everyone else. First it was not staying in the car so she hindered saving Stefan, then it was manipulating Damon, and now it's risking everyone else's lives including Bonnie's because school? Which is where I get confused, no one, especially her, are particularly studious, so why the sudden need to go to school. You could ditch and no one would care because Jenna's out of town.
Which brings me to another thing which I'm sure I went over when Jenna left, but leaving teenagers alone for days at a time because you feel betrayed by your boyfriend and teenage niece you have guardianship over is just...I have no words.
When I was 15 my mom had to go out of town for a convention in San Francisco I couldn't come with her due to school. She was gone for 3 days and I had to stay with my Great Aunt and Uncle because even at 15 you don't just leave your kids alone for days at a time (and also my mom was over protective and paranoid but that's beside the point). At least leave an adult in charge, maybe John, he's probably got to be salty that Jenna was God parent and not him, he is in fact Elena's actual father. There were so many nuances with John the could have had, but I'll get to that in later episodes.
See I understand Jeremy being salty at John for killing his girlfriend, who by the way managed to get over it, but I don't understand Elena's disdain for him. It was there before she found out he was her father, before he enabled the device, she just didn't like him and it's never explained. Like honestly when I think about the reason Elena annoys me the most it isn’t that she whines (which has never really been my big complaint with her), it’s the reasons she’s whining and in this case I have extra annoyance because there are actual reason for her to be this salty towards John and none of them are the reasons she uses.
I noted that Klaus had no plans of killing Bonnie until she became a legitimate threat. The only thing that’s honestly annoying me about this is the direction I know they take Bonnie and her magic in season three. She’s powerful and a legit threat against the original hybrid and yet she’s damn near powerless in later seasons it just irks me.
Also noted, I’m not making any arguments for Bamon, it’s just there is a stark difference in chemistry when Damon dances with Bonnie opposed to Elena. For one, when he’s with Elena he legitimately looks like he can’t dance, all his lines are stiff, as are Elena’s. I can at least forgive Nina since she’s supposed to be frosty towards him, but Ian, this is during a time he was dating her meaning he wasn’t pulling petty shit from the finale--he just legitimately doesn’t have chemistry with Elena.
When he’s Bonnie all of that changes, suddenly he does have dance skills, his lines flow naturally, even his acting improves tenfold and he can play nuances that aren’t eyebrow movement. There’s a reason why he’s only bearable when he’s in scenes with Kat unfortunately those scenes are far and few between and always about Elena.
In a weird twist of events Bonnie has the better costume than Elena--she doesn’t even look like a caricature of the 60s other than the go-go boots. Also Caroline dressed as Jackie O. has an amount of irony I don’t even thing she’s aware of. 
Bonnie bossing Jeremy around was hot which is new for me as I don’t care anything about Beremy. That paired with Damon’s “not caring” it was an overall good episode for Bonnie...until she’s stuffed in the trunk of Damon’s Camero.
Bonnie’s line “If the situation was reversed would you do it for me?” just has me rolling my eyes because we all know the answer to that--no, Elena wouldn’t do the same for you Bonnie and she continually doesn’t do the same for you so cut your losses. In fact that’s my advice for the entire series, cut your losses, let Elena die, so many more people will get to live when she does.
So when we do finally get to Bonnie’s death I actually agreed with Damon’s sentiment of “it had to look real” Elena is a terrible actress (Elena not Nina though she has a lot of questionable acting), it’s so bad they trusted Jeremy more and he’s not so great either. Also why are they spending so much time on Elena’ pain at Bonnie’s death and not the character who actually died--it’s the Abby situation pre-Abby, like we should have seen that shit a mile away if this is any indicator.
Although, in an unexpected twist, the episode ends on a a decision of Elena’s I agreed with. Granted it came with me screaming at Elena for apologizing to Damon like??? even if I understood the reasoning she literally owed him nothing, but count on Plec with misogyny for the win, and Williamson lest we forget he’s also responsible for this mess. Anyway after Damon’s words, Elena undaggering Elijah was the best decision she made and this is before the betrayal, so I at least understand trusting him.
We start with Nina’s god awful English accent. When she ran lines someone should have made her keep the Bulgarian on from the first Katherine flashbacks because Nina can’t fake an accent to save her life. Also much like the flashback in S7 the Katherine flashbacks with Elijah and Klaus are not only unnecessary, but explain very little. How exactly did Katherine escape? Why didn’t they compel her? Did she have access to vervain? Like little is explained about her duality then and why exactly Elijah had issues Katherine. All that was explained is that they were almost lovers. Honestly all we learned about Katherine is that she really likes for people to chase after her. 
Damon is just as bad at plans as Elena. Like I hate them both, but sometime DE are a match made in heaven with how awful they are at things. Like I understand trusting Elena’s lead is actually pretty rational given her past decisions, but you way of thinking isn’t any better. Leave the thinking to those who can actually do it. 
This is JoMo’s first episode and you know what? I really miss this Klaus. Also when they do the “Niklaus” reveal I thought it was absolutely ridiculous when I first watched it. I still find it ridiculous, but I realize that much like Mikael, Kol, and Rebekah, it was the “fancy” way of spelling Nicolas, and I’m even more pissed off. No wonder I equate the introduction of each Original to introducing another Kardashian--they really love their K’s.
Elijah trying to use OMG as a cultural reference was just cringe. “Our whole family was human” I wonder at what point they decided to retcon this? Probably around the time they realized they could do anything creative with vampires. Also this line “my mother bore seven children” I thought no one knew Freya existed. Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, Kol, Henrik, and then Freya--how is she their long lost sister if they already knew about her?
You know I spent so much time away that I literally forgot about Andie, and now I’m very creeped out. They follow the classic domestic abuse formula where she keeps coming back when she has the option to leave. You know, when rape becomes Stolkholm Syndrome and in Plec and Williamson form they try to convince you that this is a normal vampire thing even having the victim saying “I’m perfectly fine with this”. There were so many Nos.
I remember that the whole Sun and the Moon curse was fake, what I did not remember is that Klaus and Elijah started it. I thought Esther started it to dupe Klaus and that the whole sacrifice was for no reason. I have yet to see S3 so that thought might still be correct. Also, white supremacy essentially causing the war between vampires and werewolves--not surprising, but still disappointing.
Jenna’s reaction to finding out about vampires is appropriate granted her cluelessness up until this point is a whole other level. And Stefan’s serious face towards Klaus seems to to just look at him cross-eyed which I never noticed. And of course we end the episode on on of the lamest vampire fights of all time--they really ran out of ideas around here.
So Tyler’s back! Unfortunately it’s because Klaus threw his mom down a flight of stairs. Man, he’s been hurting his mom for quite some time. That sire bond really did a number on him to forget this shit. At least he has that excuse, all Elena ever had was “love” and “hope” like bitch,Damon’s been terrorizing your friends and family, he’s had more than enough chances to prove himself. Also Tyler came back for important things. Sorry, Caroline stans, but Caroline missing him isn’t important when his freedom is on the line.
“Damon s the problem, not Caroline,” listen to Matt, Liz.
I’ll give Matt Davis this, he was a pretty good actor here. The distinct differences between Alaric and Klaus were a lot better than the cliches Nina was using. But then again because he only put against her acting that’s probably why it seemed good. I’m sure there is a lot better (I’ve never seen Orphan Black but I don’t doubt she did a better job at playing her clones than Nina did with any of her doppelgangers).
It must be easy to brutalize Elena after brutalizing Katherine so much--he never missed an opportunity to hit her. Although him shoving vamp blood down Elena’s throat wasn’t as anger inducing as it should have been since it reminded me of a time when Damon being the wild card actually made sense. Not just so much that given how early it is in the show him doing random things makes sense, but that his random actions make sense, less man pain, and was actually strategic.
Also why didn’t Katherine drink vamp blood and then go through with the sacrifice--they had the same results except one less angry hybrid. Is this ever explained as to why vamp blood can’t be in your system for the ritual?
Which now that Elena is essentially taken care of, I suggest using the elixir on Bonnie so she can take down Klaus without dying and then we can avoid the whole thing.
Tyler really should have listened to Jules, but then again, I know she’s the one who dies in the end so maybe she should have followed her own advice. 
Also I remembering why SE was never my jam--it was a lot of babysitting Elena and her “I don’t knows”. THEN STOP MAKING MAJOR LIFE DECISIONS UNTIL YOU DO KNOW. “I’m 17 years old, how am I supposed to know any of this?” you aren’t sweetie and that’s exactly the point however I don’t understand how being a vampire is worse to her than the possibility of being dead. From what she lists off as what she wants to do, they all can still happen as a vampire, not so much when you’re dead. And even if she does turn she doesn’t have to fully transition so I don’t get the mourning period she’s having especially since THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO FOCUS ON. Priorities, bitch.
I get Matt wanting to save Caroline--he clearly still loves her, but saving Damon? He said it himself--he’s the problem, he’s the reason your sister is dead, God! protagonist based morality really gets to me these seasons.
“You turned your back on me when I needed you” but did he, Caroline? If I recall, he saved you in the nick of time so...Also, you asked him to leave, what’s with playing victim all of a sudden (while equally forgetting the time you were a victim). Also, Caroline, you really need to listen to Tyler when he tells you to go, granted the other time she does this is in S5, but he’s literally in a position where he’s not in control of his actions and you are what he hunts. Go, when he says go! These women really need to stop with this “He’ll never hurt me” mentality when their monster is coming out because, bitch, how is that working out for ya?
Also the final scene with Klaus, Stefan, and Elena, I swear most of the dramaticism is in the music the scene isn’t heartbreaking enough for this music. And in a town filled with vampires Klaus needed to make a vampire? I remember not liking Jenna’s death and I like it even less here because it really was for no reason other than the writers don’t know how to write parental figures.   
Which brings me to Greta. Her complete and utter indifference to her family being dead is really on par with TVD’s views on family. Even worse, it continues this black character forsakes all family for a white character mammy trope they always have with black witches. Although she does fit the Jezabel trope more, but I’m really tired of “loyal” black characters being loyal to everyone but themselves.
This honestly should have been the season/series finale--it actually had a great natural ending. The only thing I’d tweak is Elijah following through, and then it would have been the perfect conclusion to this shit show. Instead we go on for another six seasons where they accomplished nothing other than more of a shit show.  
So of course we start with Katherine “caring” for which honestly makes no canonical sense. Damon has literally always been a game for her so why either doppelganger bothers with him just honestly baffles me.
Also we start out with some classic Elena “pleading to their humanity” which was almost as laughable with Greta as it was with Kai. Like Bitch, did you not just see how she brushed off the deaths of her family, why is she going to give a flying fuck about you of all people? 
Also Greta, sweetie, what are you doing? I get not wanting to serve nature, but Klaus? WHAT IS THIS NEW ORDER AND WHAT DOES SHE GET OUT OF IT? Because from where I’m standing, she’s in the exact same position as servant just now with an added side of “happy slave” because it wouldn’t be an episode of TVD without that trope. Despite TVD using black bodies as food, I will give Jenna props for going after Greta--someone finally using strategy and knowing Klaus has nothing without his witch.
Which brings me to how the MFG plans to defeat Klaus--they don’t and I’m not surprised since it focused completely on Elena. Elena is one out of three sacrifices and the only irreplaceable item--why not focus on the full picture and maybe accomplish something in the end. I’ll give it to Bonnie and  her bad ass magic, but it’s honestly not enough. The entire plan hinged on Elijah who betrays them and Elena for some reason trusts again getting Abby killed and turned, but that’s salt for another review.
The salt for now is that Jeremy and Bonnie have been together in an abandoned house for days on end with really nothing to do, and they tried to convince me that season 5 was the first time her and Jeremy had sex, let alone that was her first time. I was suddenly reminded why I thought it was so weird to me that everyone thought that was when Bonnie lost her virginity--like I’d read it in fanfics and be just confused. Granted she hadn’t had a sex scene up until that point, but given the shows attitude toward sex I just assumed lack of virginity was everyone’s default. And then you had this shit, Beremy was never my favorite ship, but I wasn’t so in hatred of them that I would discredit them having a sex life because why wouldn’t they? Everyone else does, and given the shows attitude toward sex, if she was in fact a virgin that would have been known. Of course, my naive 16 year-old ass didn’t realize how asexual they were making her, but now at 25 and looking back at this I’m just pissed.
So when I looked back on season 2 I remember John being more of a villain, not surprising since the narrative treats him as such, but I literally remember him being turned into a vampire against his will and continuing the process. I’m realizing now I may have had him confused with Logan, but I was really surprised when throughout this entire rewatch John is human and then getting to this episode, knowing he dies at the end and the realizing he never was. I thought he was one before Jenna and that was just all kinda of wrong. I guess it’s because the episode had him apologize for all his wrong doings (none of which were his actual transgressions) and I guess my mind tried to rationalize.
Given my complete indifference towards Elena, it is kinda surprising that John’s letter to her still makes me cry, but I’ve always had the sentiment that John is the only person who made any sense sacrificing his life for Elena. TVD may not value familial relationships but I do. However his “prejudices” line gets to me because he was right--vampires are dangerous, and it irks me that Elena wasted the life he gave her. She doesn’t even manage to stay human for a fucking year, and not by her choice which he gave his blessing for. She just Elena’d it. 
Overall this probably would have actually been a good episode if Klaus had actually died and it was the last episode. John dies for Elena, Elijah gets his revenge against Klaus, Damon is left for dead, and the series ends on the note that they’re no longer in danger--the end, finito, better than the acid trip series finale.
If this episode needed to happen it should have been Damon’s farewell episode. Actually follow through on something with his character and have him make amends and having a heartfelt goodbye. End series and have every live happily ever after because Klaus and Damon are gone, and Katherine who had no relevance after this season leaves as she had no reason to stick around. Like this is where the series should have ended--it had a nice sense of finality missing from the actually series finale.
Anyway, on to the mess of a fucking episode it was first with Stefan, ever so loyal, ruining what could have been a great Damon death. Now this isn’t really because I dislike his character, it’s more that him dying especially here would have been at a time where that would be an actual loss, this anti hero role Plec kept insisting he was might have been able to have been accomplished with his death in this one episode. And best of all, I wouldn’t have had to deal with one more temper tantrum from him or Klaus.
Watching Alaric’s man pain is marginally easier to deal with because it’s not destructive, but then again he’s human so what would he have done. I’m sure original vampire Alaric would have went on some massacres because they can’t resist man pain destruction. 
Caroline once again shoehorned, in today’s episode, a brother sister bonding moment between Jeremy and Elena that would, once again, suit Bonnie more, if even her at all because this is a scene that doesn’t require Caroline, but you gotta giver her that unnecessary screen time some how.
Stefan going to Emily literally makes no sense. As does Stefan’s entrance to the witch house. What do these women owe Stefan Nothing. What do these women owe Damon? Nothing. So the insistence that they help him makes no sense. But of course a black witch not serving a white vampire is useless to Plec so here we are.
The urgency of this episode was lost on me because it was getting in the way of a good plot--Damon’s death. Also after reanalyzing Jeremy’s death scene I’ve come to a few conclusions. First: in a crazy twist of events it is not in fact Damon’s fault. He was literally hallucinating out of his mind so I doubt he was thinking about anything logical. Second: Caroline snapping his neck before he officially died could have saved him. Bonnie even said it outloud--he needed to die a supernatural death to come back. In fact, it probably would have made more sense characterization wise given how she became a vampire. And lastly: even if Bonnie needed to bring him back the “spirits” shouldn’t have been so hard on her especially since they weren’t that hard on Stefan earlier. Like he shouldn’t have had to step one foot in that house--he’s still a murderous vampire, I don’t care how much of a “kind soul” he was as human that certainty didn’t translate into vampire form. 
Overall this episode was abysmal but so is this series. My overall thoughts on season 2 is that it’s easily a stronger season, but still is god awful and has not aged well. Also the series would have really benefited if it was a two season vampire series from the late 2000s unfortunately that time period wouldn’t allow that. At the hype of vampires they were determined to milk that for everything they could and the still are with the train wreck that is Legacies. They need to let it die. 
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klarolinedrabbles · 7 years
Steph what the f**k are you doing damaging your brain like that! Stop watching TO this instant, it'll give you bad luck for the new year! (Happy New Year btw). You should rewatch Ben Hur instead or TVD season 3(Pretty Please). And talking about JoMo, what other movies starring him should I watch??
Happy New Year, haha. And yes, I do intend on finishing my TVD rewatch, I just merhhh, it’s gonna bum me out. Why I countered that with watching TO? I honestly don’t know, and I fear I never will.
I can’t seem to explain what happened, like I was watching Medici: Masters of Florence, then I was on this historical fiction kick, so I binged all three season’s of The Borgias, cause I hadn’t seen it before, and then now here I am. Something along the way went terribly wrong with me.
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