#k-pop au
ny000mdraws · 1 year
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k-pop au shenanigans
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k-pokemon · 3 days
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Fortnight — a Twice/Seventeen Pokémon AU
When a dozen Pokémon (and one slightly troublesome local trainer) go missing from a small town in Hoenn, private investigator Jeongyeon Yoo asks her best friend Wonwoo to join her in her search for clues.
(please join me in a silly, self-indulgent little story that popped into my head while playing Arceus!)
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bnbc · 2 years
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When you run away with a girl you know NOTHING about.
Valerie Green by @vvizjer my beloved
don't reupload my content to other sites
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ohmygs-blog · 8 months
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jealous dreamies.
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spamsandsuch · 1 year
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beat pizza
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riphobisbraces · 1 year
The Lucky Seven | BTS ot7 x reader
Hybrid/Royal AU
~ Chapter 1 ~
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[ word count 3400+ ]
❀ genre: dark royal core, hybrid au, royalty au, hybrids/knights!ot7 x human/ princess!reader, afab (she/her) reader, polyamory (mostly ot7 x reader), strangers to lovers, daddy dom, smut and sexual sometimes. tiny bits of horror
❀ warnings: smut, swearing, murder, death (not the reader or ot7 though, I'm not evil), mentions of inbreeding (not between reader or ot7) some unsettling horror depictions, it won't be every chapter though or the whole story, just little bits here and there. (I'm willing to re write chapters for you to read if you can't do horror but still wanna follow along, just ask!🖤)
——— summary ———
In a world of hybrids and humans, following each other closely to extinction, you are one of the last full humans, Princess y/l/n of the emerald nation. humans are essential for the survival of hybrids so why are assailants hunting you and your family down? because of this, the court has decided it’d be best for you to be guarded at all times by the nations strongest knights, you’ve only ever heard of them but have never seen their faces. What will happen once you come face to face with the infamous “lucky seven”?
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[ chapter 1 ]
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“you will not go.”
Your father states lowly but firmly. The voice sharp enough to slice the chatter amongst the servants into silence. you were having lunch with your mother and father when you made the fatal mistake of bringing up the possibility of you attending tonight’s annual masquerade ball and thereby making your debut to the kingdom.
Ever since you were a little girl you had been sheltered your entire life. You’re told it’s for your own protection, for your people. you have to stay safe and alive to be able to nourish your nation.
being one of the last full blooded humans, you are a target. No one knows what you look like and you don’t know what anyone else looks like as well. Aside from your staff and servants, no one has ever seen your face. The kingdom and nation knows of your existence of course and they love you nonetheless but because of the scarcity of humans, your father has hidden you away in fear of you being kidnapped or worse.
Your father sees you as a priceless pearl, something he has the strong urge to protect. You were his treasure and he himself had a dark past he never got into as to why he was so overprotective. “but father… I’m 22 years old..” you say but as soon as it leaves your mouth, you wish you could take it back.
“Daughter, I know your age. And to question me is to disobey me, please leave your mother and I at once and make your way into your chamber” your father ends the conversation with that, wiping his mouth with his hanker-chief. He’s always been strict and what he says is always final. As you sat across from your mother, you stood up, placing your hands on the cold grey marble table.
You give her a look, furrowing your eyebrows as to say “please say something” but to your dismay she does the same as your father, wiping her mouth then clearing her throat before looking down to finish her meal. You sigh before you give in with a feeble “yes father”. standing up, you make your way out of dining room, feeling sympathetic glances from the staff as you leave the room.
Walking to your chamber you notice the marbled white floor feels a bit chilly today. you walk through the corridor, onto the white stairway, feeling the relief of warm velvet carpet beneath your chilly feet. Walking up the stairs, one by one, you reach the halfway mark.
The sun from the large glass windows on top of the staircase beams through, tickling your eyes. you squint and use your hand to shade your eyes before looking up. You see two birds fly by, disappearing as quickly as they appeared, almost looking like as if they flew into the clouds.
You feel your heart fall heavy, filled with desperation to be like one of those birds, even just for a second. how lucky they were, to be able to go anywhere, anytime they want. no responsibilities.
It’s a little cliche but people are right when they say they wish they were birds you think to yourself. You’ve read hundreds of books and definitely have come across some descriptions of people wanting to be birds. Never understanding though as a child, you would think to yourself “why on earth would one want feathers? And to have a beak? How bizarre” But as an adult, you understood why now. It was about the freedom.
“Your highness, are you alright? Is your heart okay?” No it isn’t. You snap out of your thoughts before you realize you were still standing halfway up the staircase, clutching your chest all the while an old male servant by the name of Lloyd, looked at you with a face of concern. How long did you space out for, you thought.
“Oh yes, thank you. I guess I just got lost in thought” you give a half smile to your servant. His face of concern turned to relief before quickly turning sour again. while waiting for his response you realize he was one of the servants that was in the dining room when that whole theatrical happened with your father.
“Your highness, please forgive me if I’m speaking out of turn but I do feel sorry for you and your predicament. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to lessen your grievances.” He tries to smile before dismissing himself with a bow and turning away. this of course isn’t unusual, your servants do seem to pity you a lot, which you find ridiculous and kind of ironic, that your “sheltering” has gotten to the point where servants pity a princess!
you’re grumbling as you think and make your way through the upstairs corridor, before eventually finally reaching your room. the oh so familiar two large and tall, white doors stand in front of you. you’ve seen these doors more often than you’ve seen your own face you thought to yourself.
reaching for the diamond knobs you turn them before pushing your way in. The breeze of the outside immediately hits your nose. It’s so fresh and delightful.
Your maids know how stuffy it gets in your chamber and how much you love fresh air so they leave your window open whenever you’re away from your chamber. Your room is cream coloured and filled to the brim with gold accents. High ceilings and lots of books.
Walking towards your desk by the window, you feel your mood start to shift. you feel a bit better despite the little argument you had with father this afternoon. you take a seat in your chair, it’s plush seating immediately coaxing your back into comfort and relaxation.
Inhale… exhale… you look up to your painting above the desk. it’s of two women, dancing in glee at some sort of outdoors festival. you always loved this painting, the happiness they seem to exude, the freedom and love.
They look like they don’t care about the past nor future, they are just focused on the present and what’s in front of each other. Oh how you longed to be that free and content. you feel the familiar heaviness sinking into you chest once again.
you have to feel that freedom, you have to have that happiness at least for one night, dear god, please, just for one night. The desperation in your chest starts to grow more and more. The desperation turns into fear and anxiety.
You feel your palms sweat and your face get hot just at the very thought. Your hands start to shake once you come to the very obvious conclusion. you HAVE to sneak out to the ball tonight.
“But Lloyd, you said you would do anything” you whine with a pout to your servant. “Your highness I-I might’ve of offered but I didn’t think you would need this! And your father- ohhh no, your father is a very scary man and I don’t think if I-“ you shush Lloyd, the same old male servant from before from the stairway. “shhhh. Keep it down! you aren’t doing anything you aren’t supposed to be doing, just play along. Just- Please.. “ You reply with hopelessness at this point, looking down.
you had hatched the perfect plan. You made it as though you were sleeping in your bed, forming your pillows to the shape of your body underneath the comforter. You were all dressed and had your mask on but even so, you would just have to avoid your personal staff and your parents, no one knew you were the princess and what you looked like.
Your father had luckily assigned Lloyd to sit outside your chamber with the guards. The routine is usually a servant will come in and out, checking on you from time to time making sure you are okay before letting the guards know. they would sit there all night which you had gotten used to over the course of your life.
You were always being watched and protected. a sigh interrupts your thoughts “if you’re caught, I knew nothing.” he says in defeat. your eyes widen with a bright glow and you feel your heart skip a beat before jumping into his arms “thank you, thank you, thank you” you whisper. he knows he shouldn’t be doing this but he can’t help but feel for you and your situation.
But the way you lit up and how fast he heard your heart go at his answer, he didn’t regret agreeing. Suddenly he pulled away from the embrace to face you, “Okay princess but you have to promise me not to leave the castle! please stay within the ball and please don’t get recognized. If you’re in danger please just run back to your chamber and reveal yourself to the servants so we can help you. And-“ the old man was about to continue before you cut him off “I promise I’ll be safe. just leave it all to me” you smiled at him.
He sighed out before he looked down at you and tried to return the smile but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. “Okay your highness” He replied. You give him one last smile before you let go and he dismisses himself.
Hearing your chamber door closed, you slowly walked up to your mirror, taking one last look. you were adorned with a long black dress, thin short sleeves resting on your shoulders, décolletage exposed wearing a pearl necklace with a dark green emerald laid in between your collarbones. your bangs were slightly pinned back just enough to show off your black lace mask.
Wearing your silk black gloves, you pulled up your mask to your face. this was the night. Tonight would be the night of your life. you feel yourself start to shake, before you suddenly feel the urge to throw up from all the adrenaline already.
you swallow it back holding your stomach. You thought this would be easy, thinking of it so many times before but now that you’re actually doing it, you are very frightened. You’ve never been by yourself, you’ve never been in public and mostly, you’ve never disobeyed your father.
You start to rethink your decisions. It’s not too late to undress and head to bed your good conscience says. father would never know. no. something snaps in you saying “it’s now or never”.
you shake your hands breathing in and out walking back and forth from your window before looking out to check for the outside night guards. You planned on jumping out your window and making your way to the ball since you’re only up on the second floor. There was also a small tool-shed in front of your window so you decided that you could easily make that jump to on top of it.
Once you’ve noticed that the guards finished their round near your window and were out of sight, you decide you have to just do it, or else you never will. without thinking, you opened your window ever so slightly before making the jump to the top of that very shed you’ve thought about jumping onto for years.
breathing in and out while looking up at the stars, you just lay there, on top of the tool shed. “I did it” you thought. You start to quietly giggle to yourself.
Even if you didn’t make it to the ball, this was enough. this was the furthest you’ve ever been outside the castle by yourself and it was simply outside your window. you catch eye of the Big Dipper, noting how prettier it looks outside.
You’ve seen the Big Dipper many times before from your window but to be apart of it outside, feels different. there are no walls surrounding you, just miles and miles of horizon. you feel like you’re in space.
“wow..” you say. You’re enjoying being in this new space before you’re brought back to reality with the sound of a snap of a twig. you quickly sat up and gasped.
you looked around into the darkness, squinting in hopes that would somehow improve your night vision. you quickly climb off once you decide that the coast is clear, making your way into the night. you can’t shake the feeling that someone or something is watching you though so you pick up your pace to the entrance.
Turns out your feeling was right. someone was watching you, not a threat though. the hybrid watched in the dark with curiosity as you made your way to the front of the palace. “Hmm” a low voice grumbles from the dark as you’re already long gone.
“woah…” you say in amazement at the crowd. You made your way to the front entrance where every hybrid of all ages were laughing and chattering. everyone looks beautiful and exquisite, definitely fit for a Royal ball.
You can’t help but smile like you never smiled before in your life. in awe of the different faces and smells, you find yourself all of a sudden getting pushed inside as everyone makes their way in. the crowd forming a moving wave toward the entrance with you in it so you decide to just go with the flow hoping you won’t trip.
As the crowd moves towards inside, it doesn’t take long before everyone starts to disperse into a large and grand ballroom. You gasp in astonishment, why haven’t you ever seen the ballroom when it was decorated like this?
Yes you’ve passed by it many times but the room was always empty and plain. It always felt spacious and dark, a lonely room. but tonight was different, the room had come alive with warmth and gold.
It was as if what was missing were people, smiles and laughter. It felt like an another dimension, the layout was your home but you were somewhere completely different. You made your way to the side of the room, leaning against the wall and just taking in the scene before you.
The sound of trumpets startle you from your bewilderment, panicking and immediately ducking down because you know that could only mean your father is going to make his entrance. “Woahh there miss, it’s just the horns for the king” a deep voice makes you turn your head.
A tall man standing in front of you makes your stomach drop. Looking him up and down real quick you realize, he’s a knight. you’ve never been this close to anyone but your servants, let alone having to speak to them. “o-oh yeah. I know” you quickly say before trying to hide again.
You look at the grand staircase in the middle of the room where it looks like your father will be entering from. Feeling your heart beat faster you turn back to get another look at the man’s face beside you before realizing he hadn’t broken his eye contact on you since he’s spoked. he was wearing a black eye mask but you could tell that he was handsome.
His heart shaped lips and angular jawline. He had dark hair and dark eyes to match, you could feel your palms getting hot and a weird fluttering feeling go off in your stomach just by looking at him. “is there a reason why you don’t smell of hybrid miss?” he broke your thought whilst smirking.
Wait what, smell? “what do you mean?” you question. He continues “well it’s just that, every hybrid has a certain scent that others can decipher as hybrid but it seems that…” he leans closer to smell you as you shiver from the sudden close contact “you don’t have a scent. Not a hybrid scent anyway, and as a hybrid, I shouldn’t even be having to explain this to you as you should know this… right?” He smiles. Shit, you are screwed.
You didn’t know that. otherwise you would’ve stayed in your chamber. Humans and hybrids have differentiating scents? your father never really told you these things as he thought you wouldn’t need to know them.
God damn it, father, you thought to yourself. “I just-“ you were about to continue when you were saved by the bell, or at least you thought you were. It was your father speaking. “Welcome to the 34th annual masquerade ball! please help yourself to refreshments and dance to your heart's content! please enjoy!” He finishes with a bow.
Everyone begins clapping as you find yourself sneaking away to get back to your chamber. Making your way out, you suddenly feel your wrist being grabbed, you gasped before your turned to face the same man you were talking to before. “I know you’re the princess, and I know you shouldn’t be here” he admits with a soft voice.
You feel your knees turn into noodles as you’re caught. “Please oh please don’t tell my Father, I was just about to go back into my chamber-“ you’re cut off when something quickly partially covers your sight. the room went quiet from the sudden fast flying object. you look above the thing partially covering your sight before you realize what it was.
An arrow. in between yours and the man’s face. You gasp, breath hitching, trembling as you look at the man in front of you who also has wide eyes. he suddenly covers you and picks you up bridal style without a thought and yells “THE PRINCESS IS BEING ATTACKED” everyone starts to scream and duck once everyone registers what’s going on.
“the princess?” “What is she doing here” screams and confused chatter quickly spread amongst the ball all the while, your father is standing on top of the stairs frozen in bewilderment.
What were you doing here? Who was attacking? Who’s going after his little girl? Why can’t he move? He can’t do anything but watch everything unfold in shock, still like a statue.
The voices of servants and knights trying to get orders from him, just registering as ringing in his ears. His mouth slightly agape, amongst the chaos, one of his best knights pulls him by the shoulders. “MY LORD” suddenly a loud voice abruptly brought him back from his frozen shock.
He looks up before realizing it’s one of the lucky seven. Ironically, he feels lucky because of this. “get my daughter out of here” is all the king could muster before the knight gave him a stern nod.
Running down the stairs, the knight yells out to his pack member carrying the princess “HOBI, GET HER TO NAMJOON” hobi nods while running to the front to where the said knight named Namjoon resided. The aforementioned knight running down the stairs then took out his sword and quickly looked for his other pack members to take down the asalients.
you’re frozen. You can’t do anything but watch the horror unfold. This is all your fault, it had to be. People were pushing each other, screaming and crying.
Everyone was running for their lives all the while you were being carried by this unknown knight. You could feel the regret and fear in your stomach churning together to create this whole new awful feeling. You just wanted to go home, you regretted ever coming out.
Your train of thought is broken when the two of you finally made it outside. An even taller and buff looking man ran up to you guys. “Hobi, what’s going on?” he asks concerned while looking back at you both and everyone running past you guys. Who you guess is Hobi, puts you down and replies “this is the princess, she’s being attacked. We need to hide her until the others calm everything down, king’s orders”
Namjoon looks at you in shock “the princess?” before quickly shaking his head, snapping himself out of his own shock before saying “alright, I’ll take her from here”. The buff looking man quickly shape-shifts into his animal form, a large dark grey wolf.
Hobi quickly puts you on top of his back before saying “hang on tight your highness” you do as your told and hold onto the wolf around its shoulders, not being able to wrap your arms fully around because of how truly large he was. Letting your hands sink into his fur, you grab on before he suddenly starts running.
You turn around as the palace behind you becomes smaller and smaller and the screams become quieter and quieter. You turn back to face forward before letting yourself succumb to your adrenaline, now feeling safe. This fur is warm you think to yourself before drifting to sleep, all the while you somehow held onto the hybrid tight the whole ride, too scared to let go or be alone even whilst asleep.
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a/n; okay so I know I said I would start writing chapter one tomorrow but I couldn’t wait, I wanted to get the story rolling before I started writing tomorrow again. anyway what did you think? why didn’t Lloyd tell y/n about humans and hybrids having different scents? who was watching her while she was on top of the tool shed? and how did hobi know y/n was the princess 🤔 also who was the knight that broke the king out of his thoughts? So many questions unanswered but continue reading to see what happens! we will be meeting the boys properly next chapter :)
Next chapter:
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diaryujin · 11 months
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summary: you were tired of waiting around for heeseung to confess. so, to rile him up, you go on a 'date' with his best friend, jake.
genre: angsty fluff
includes: roommates au, uni au (mentioned once) friends to lovers, jealousy, heeseung is whipped but won't make a move, jake is mentioned once as hee’s bsf, angst with happy ending
pairing: bsf! heeseung x bsf! fem! reader
word count: 1.3k
a/n: late heeseung birthday special! isn't that angsty unlike SOMEONE (read: sol) tbh, had this in my drafts so i just rolled with it
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“Where are you going?” He eyed you as you headed towards the door. Your outfit wasn’t something you usually wore. You were all dressed up, ready to go outside. “To a cafe.” “Dressed like that?” He raised an eyebrow, leaning against the wall. “Any issue?”
“Well, you usually don’t go to cafes- hell, anywhere- dressed so…fancy? You’re trying to impress someone, hm?” He saw right through you. It wasn’t like you were hiding it extremely well, but it still always caught you off guard.
“Okay, maybe I am. Any issue?”
“Who is it?” “Jake.” Heeseung’s eyes widened and he crossed his arms. You were trying to impress his best friend. What did Jake have that he didn’t?
“Why? You told me before that you liked him. What’s with the sudden interest?”
“I just like him, okay?”
He looked up at the ceiling.
“Um, I just don’t know if he’s the right one for you.”
“Well, I can’t just wait around anymore. I’m going to have to search.”
“Yeah, but- I don’t think you’re his type.”
“...are you saying that negatively?”
He pushed himself off the wall and came closer to you. His eyes were soft but the tone of his voice was firm.
“Look, I’ve known him for a long time too, it just wouldn't be a good match.”
“You need to also know that life is full of surprises.”
“This would be a nasty one.”
You were getting him all riled up. The point of this whole ‘date’ was to see if Heeseung would react. You weren’t actually going out romantically with Jake, it was just a meet up. You hadn’t fallen for him as hard as you feel for Heeseung.
“Well, why are you so pressed about it? It shouldn’t bother you in any way, right? We’re just friends, it’s not like we’re dating or anything.” 
He had a very strong urge to just kiss you to make you shut up.
“I know, I just…wanted to tell you what I thought. I’m serious though, it’s not a good idea.”
“Didn’t ask, don’t care.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, clearly pissed off.
“Okay then. Have fun with Jake.”
“I will.”
That hit him like a shot in the heart. He provoked you, so why was this hurting?
“Call me if you need anything or if something happens, hm?”
He held your hand for a few seconds before letting you go and smiling, although it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Thanks Hee. You’re the best best friend someone could have.”
You hugged him, and he hugged you back. His grip was oddly stronger than normal, and he was clutching onto you as if he didn’t want you to leave. You ignored this and broke off the hug before waving to him as you walked out the door of your apartment, closing it.
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Heeseung stood frozen there for a few seconds, before sighing and pinching his left arm.
No, this wasn’t a nightmare. He wished it was.
His vision was blurring due to the tears in his eyes, and he pursed his lips into a thin line.
Hell, here he was, crying over a girl.
That too, you.
He slumped onto the floor, burying his head in his hands.
He wanted to scream, punch something and take his anger out on something.
He did neither.
He stared blankly at the wall, hands now crossed against his chest again. He tried to think of anything, everything other than you and your date with his best friend.
He failed miserably.
After a few hours, a notification popped up on his phone while he was mindlessly watching TV. He turned it on to see that it was six messages from you. He opened it to see that it was five pictures of you and Jake, with bright smiles on both of your faces. His chest tightened, and he wanted to throw his phone against the wall. He wanted to block you. He wanted to tell you that you were breaking his heart. He wanted to tell you how he felt.
‘happy 4 u :)’
You looked at his message, cogs turning in your brain. That was…a response alright. You couldn’t understand what he felt behind it. If he was truly happy, he’d text something in a more excited manner. If he was jealous or mad or sad or just feeling negative in general, he’d text less enthusiastic. What was he like back home?
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You reached your shared apartment. He unlocked the door, expression unreadable. 
“Hey Seung. Nothing burned down while I was gone, right?”
You chuckled, but it was lost on him. He usually laughed along, no matter how corny the joke was.
“Check for yourself. I’m going to bed.”
“Uh, so quickly? It’s only 8 p.m.”
“We have uni tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow’s a Sunday.”
“I want to wake up early to study.”
“Since when were you studious? You usually stay up until like 4 a.m. playing video games with me.”
“Don’t want to this time.”
“Something’s wrong, isn’t it? What happened? You know yo-”
He stormed off to his room. As he was about to enter, you pulled his arm, preventing him from going.
“Heeseung, you’re not acting like yourself. You usually trust me with anything.”
“You don’t really care.”
“I d-”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does!”
“You don’t need to know, okay?”
He raised his voice at you, making him sound intimidating. Your grip on his arm didn’t falter though, and you were slowly pulling him closer.
“No, I can’t- I can’t trust you with my feelings, because damn it Y/N, you’re the reason behind it! It’s so obvious that I’m so foolishly in love with you and yet you’re so fucking oblivious to how I feel! Do you know how- how hard it is to hear you talk about Jake like that, how hard it is to pretend to be happy- for you, when all I just want is for you to love me back?!”
He was breathing heavily after his outburst. His eyes were squeezed shut, and he gritted his teeth together in frustration. Your grip on his bicep loosened, and your hand slid down from his arm to his hand. 
 His eyes shot open in fear as he realized what he just said.
“Y/N, Y/N, I’m so sorry- I didn’t…didn’t mean it, mm? It was a mis-mistake, I was just joking- haha! So funny right? Very funn-”
You pulled him closer until your noses were touching. Shocked by the sudden movement, he whispered quietly, his warm breath hitting your face.
“What…Y/N, what does this mean?”
“It means I like you too, Heeseung.”
His eyes softened, and both of his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you so delicately. 
“I’m- I can’t even explain how I feel in words like now.”
One of his hands went up to your hair, his palm on the back of your head, holding you firmly in place, yet it felt so loving. His fingers got tangled in your hair, and he started into your eyes, smiling softly. You leaned in closer, your noses brushing against each other’s.
“May I…?”
“You may.”
He moved close enough to allow your foreheads to bump. He continued gazing into your eyes, admiring them. He them slowly moved his lips to yours, closing his eyes. He kissed you gently, holding you close. His lips moved carefully against yours, as the fingers of his free hand intertwined with yours. After a few seconds, he pulled away, before wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you, sighing.
“I’m sorry for the sudden outburst, Y/N.”
“It’s okay- it helped the both of us anyway.”
He chuckled a this, and pressed a light kiss to your forehead.
“Thank you.”
“For not choosing Jake.”
“I knew you’d be jealous!”
“I was not!”
“You were!”
“Was not!”
“Were!” “Was n-”
He felt your lips against his again, making him get flustered. After you broke the kiss, you grinned.
“You totally were jealous. At least now you know that you shouldn’t be.”
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honeyhae-svt · 23 days
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✧.*⑅˖♡On My Command MASTERLIST♡⁠˖⑅*⁠.⁠✧
heya, heya, heya! aeya here!: I jus' want to let yk that requests are now open! Feel free to suggest and I will be writing it, hehehe. —bummer, no one wanna though.
My first ever story & series posted here on Tumblr! Yey! Promoting my Wattpad >w< @muuimihanmal_writes - The link is from Wattpad also posted by me ^^ but dw, if you dont have a Wattpad acc, just check the chapter down below!
On My Command
GENRE: Mafia, Businesses, Dark Romance, Smut, Gangs, RomCom, Action, Fem!Reader x Mafia!Seventeen, Baddie!Reader x Businessmen!Seventeen
⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️: Smut, Kissing, Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex (though some have), Mention of Birth Controls, Gunshots, Blood, Fingering, Squirting, Language, Manipulation, Fighting, Action, Pet Names, Size kinks.
>>>> IMAGES ARE FROM PINTEREST so yeah, ctto. Also, there will be a 1st person POV 'cause I like starting from Y/N's POV at every story I make. Lmao. Enjoy babies. ♡
PREVIEW: YN POV: I had always thought I would live out the rest of my days aging quietly and dying a mundane death. My life seemed devoid of surprises until I turned 23. Suddenly, I found myself entangled with businesses, gangs, and even dangerous mafias. Who could have imagined my life would take such an exhilarating turn? At last, I had something new to experience in my previously dull existence. Now, I could finally put my unique ability to good use-an ability to manipulate, honed by my deep understanding of psychology, in situations that were both serious and thrilling. Would I able to handle this serious turn of events? You're damn right I can.
-AEYA HERE!: Sorry guys, I recently only uploaded this story on Tumblr so yeah, still working on other chapters (hehe) Please keep in touch with me, (cause like I said, I will also be posting my Heeseung & Sunghoon FF here too this September) I won't be creating a masterlist (yet) but SOON I will!
Do check this story out on Wattpad since I've already uploaded a bunch of chapters there (though still unfinished) but yeah, busy with schools and stuffs as well so I don't think I can update frequently. PLEASE ENJOY
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wonboni · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS: you moved back to Seoul South Korea after living in the states for 5 years starting your senior year back your friends were happy about your return couldn’t say the same for everyone.
Genre: smau,fluff, angst,frenemy’s to lovers?, crack bc,(ig that’s all)
Warnings:kys,kms jokes,swearing,bullying(friendly way ofc),Jake is low key a coward, Jake was an asshole in the past,Heeseung is blunt, Jake and Heeseung have a argument which leads to silent treatment.
Status: ongoing
Note:Hey I’m Minnie and I’m new to making these smau things and from my previous poll from some months ago😭,Jake has been chosen for the smau we’re doing today.Also don’t come for my poster I made it myself again all I got to say is I tried I really did but it does look like hot garbage tho but anyways enjoy
Note: there’s some updates to this cus I noticed I made many many mistakes I’m sorry but they’re fixed now pls don’t fear to tell me if I missed something cus I will correct it.
Note2: ya’ll there will be a new character that Jake find interest in for a while but it’s still Jake x reader tho also I forgot to mention everyone in this are 17-18 since they’re in 12th grade.
PROFILES:1.weirdos, 2.grandpa’s, 3.helpers, 4.privs
1.look who’s back (part2)<read this too
4.we’re so cooked
(new character?)
5.discord kitten reveal
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hyuneee3 · 1 year
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★ ・ release date ・ ➜ 08/03/23
★ ・ completed date ・ ➜ 08/12/23
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★ ・ pairing・ ➜ ex summer fling boyfriend san x fem teen mom reader・ synopsis・ ➜ jungwon was used to the teasing jokes his baby sister and friends made about him not meeting his dad, but after a joke from one of his friends, he sets out to find the man・warnings ・ ➜ ・ teen pregnancy, reader and san are 35, san is an absent father (not on purpose), profanity, kys jokes & hyein’s father is a dick・featuring・ ➜ enhypen maknaes + sunghoon, danielle, hanni, and hyein from new jeans, yunjin from le sserafim, some ateez members, choi yena
・ authors note ・ ➜ please do NOT SPAM LIKE, you will be blocked after two warnings because it causes me to be shadowbanned, i made this account because i was shadowbanned on a previous one
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one- subway 😋
two-what the fuck
three- gertrude
four- angsty mom
five- rofl
six- hyein spice
seven- user parkhoon
eight- reminisce
nine- twins
ten- jelly fish sting
eleven- world stop
twelve- in contact
thirteen- grrr
fourteen- always
fifteen- epilogue
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★ ・ taglist ・ ➜ (closed) @axo-l0tl @ssanshine @huachengsbestie01 @deadgirlwalking3 @stopeatread @atinytinaa @cookiechristie @yyxy27
281 notes · View notes
sooinbloom · 2 months
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Wedding Dress
pairing: kyungsoo x you genre: angst, fluff, lost love, slight smut word count: 3,619 description: Kyungsoo has one last chance to prove his love for you, and it just so happens to be on your wedding day to a man that you don’t love. warnings: mentions of domestic/relationship abuse and violence, minors DNI author’s note: hello dear reader. this is another one shot that was collecting dust in my drafts. This is heavily inspired off of the Grey’s Anatomy Jackson x April arc where Jackson confesses his love to April at her wedding to Matthew. I also had, “Wedding Dress” by Taeyang playing while I wrote this. Those two elements came together to make this fic. There are mentions of abuse, please proceed with caution if this is a sensitive subject for you. Thank you for your likes, reblogs and shares! I appreciate it more than you know. Dividers by @saradika-graphics , photo is not mine.
- Aria
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It felt like 100 years had passed since you said goodbye to him. It felt like longer, but Kyungsoo knew he could exaggerate details when it came to you and living life without you. He remembers the moment you said goodbye, it was confusing but also made so much sense.
He failed you.
On the night of your breakup, you told him everything that was on your mind and he hated it. You felt that the relationship was going in circles in an endless guessing game of back and forth. Up and down. The endless questions that embedded themselves in your mind without any answers. Feeling abandoned, unimportant, the list started to accumulate. It felt like you were in a relationship with a completely different person than you had met and fallen in love with your first year of university.
 To be clear, it wasn’t that Kyungsoo didn’t love you or care about you. He did. He adored you. Ever since the moment you met in ECON 101 in fact. It was such a specific place to meet someone. A lecture hall full of people and the meet-cute set up was something out of a movie. Kyungsoo saw you from across the room and could not take his eyes off you. He just didn’t account for the fact that there was a wall in front of him that he didn’t notice until he walked right into it. While stumbling to the floor of the lecture hall, you had a laugh and helped him up.
Despite the embarrassment of your first meeting and a few awkward run ins at the university library, you and Kyungsoo became study partners. This continued for at least half of the academic year and you began to dance around the fast that you had feelings for each other. At the same time, you were grateful for the budding friendship at least. What started as something very innocent turned into something else entirely one night in his dorm room.
After an uneventful evening of studying and soft conversation over cups of coffee, the young and not-so-confident Kyungsoo took a risk and kissed you. The kiss was unexpected, hungry, and so needed to break the tension that built for months between the two of you. Something between you two awakened. Love began to bloom. He became yours, a position he thought was irrevocable. He got comfortable at the notion of you and not growing with you.
Somewhere in between Kyungsoo finishing law school and you branching off to go to culinary school, the relationship fell flat. Then crashed. Then burned. Ashes of your memories together were all that remained mixed in with every should’ve, could’ve, would’ve that existed in Kyungsoo’s mind.
Kyungsoo had an inkling your parents were relieved; he was not exactly the guy that they envisioned for you. You were not a rich girl, but your family was well off and expected you to marry a social status above you. Ridiculous? Yes. Characteristic of you? Not in the slightest. That didn’t necessarily matter to your parents, they thought they knew what was best for you, emphasis on thought. Every single day regret lived in Kyungsoo as he watched you date some idiot named Ren. Your parents had set you up with him not even a month after yours and Kyungsoo’s breakup, despite your protests of wanting to be single and focus on your career. What kind of name was Ren anyway?
Ren had money, nice cars, and a fancy job at his father’s brokerage. That meant nothing to Kyungsoo, he knew Ren would never care for and love you the way he did, even though he did not fully show you the love you absolutely deserved. Kyungsoo was grappling with the fact that Ren was marrying the love of his life, the one that got away.
Now, Kyungsoo had an hour.
An hour to stop an entire wedding.
Kyungsoo's friends tried to talk him out of his plan to stop the wedding of his ex-girlfriend, but he could not acknowledge logic over love. Chanyeol had spent countless hours on the stool next to Kyungsoo at their favorite bar, hours after the law firm closed and Kyungsoo was four beers deep in wallowing over you. He would ask Kyungsoo over and over if this is what he really wanted to do. Chanyeol also knew once something was in his best friend’s line of sight, there was no changing his mind. It was as counter productive as mixing oil and water trying to reason with Kyungsoo at this point in his decision making.
On paper, Ren was a great guy. Kyungsoo, being a prosecutor, knew there were many men that looked good on paper and were absolute monsters in reality, behind closed doors of course. The realization that his suspicions were correct came in the form of your friends telling Kyungsoo the truth about your relationship with Ren.
 One by one, friend by friend, the truth came together. Their stories matched and didn’t leave out a single detail, as difficult as the details were to stomach. Ren was a millionaire, sure. There was a secret he was hiding from the world. He was a man with little patience and a temper. His family did their utmost to hide the fact that he battered every woman he dated, including you.
What you did not know was that Kyungsoo knew.
The first time Ren laid his hands on you, you were terrified that your friends would tell Kyungsoo. They knew that it was not easy to explain the reasons why you were black and blue. The words seemed as generic as a PR statement, that you didn’t think you would ever be in this position, he didn’t mean it, any excuse to make Ren look innocent though blood was on his hands.
Your friends explained to Kyungsoo that you made them swear not to say anything to anyone. Fortunately, the friend group you had cared enough about you to not even listen to your requests. Each request was futile, ignored. If they kept quiet, Ren would end up killing you. They did what they could, but it was not enough to get you away from your abuser. The cycle was embedded into your brain, became routine, and felt impossible to escape.
The violence against you continued and your friends felt no choice but to tell Kyungsoo a few weeks before the wedding that it wasn’t getting any better. Kyungsoo did what he did best and gathered evidence. It was the only thing that silenced the screaming voice inside of his head to throw caution to the wind and erase Ren from existence. Kyungsoo spent most of his time plotting how to get you away from Ren. The only solution was to crash the wedding and get you to run away with him.
He had to give you a grand gesture, he had to save you.
Kyungsoo anxiously adjusted his cuff links, smoothed his neatly combed hair, and adjusted his lapel one more time. Taking a breath, he rehearsed his speech over and over in his head to make sure not one word was missing. Every second counted, every word held weight. He just hoped they would tip the scales in his favor.
On the drive to the wedding venue, Kyungsoo listened to songs that reminded him of you. He hummed along as his heart beat out of his chest. He knew he was out of his mind, but he did not care. There was still a chance that you would say no. Turn away. It was a chance he was willing to take if it meant you were away from the monster you were set to marry. If you were in his arms again you would only know love and nothing else.
God, he needed this to work… As outrageous as the plan was. There was no backup or do-overs. You were on the line, and needed to know you were everything to him.
Meanwhile, you were surrounded by people poking and prodding at you, getting your hair and makeup done for the biggest day of your life. Everyone around her was smiling, happy and emotional. You couldn't feel anything. Your heart was not with Ren at all. Your heart belonged to Kyungsoo. Even though the breakup felt like it happened so long ago, you constantly compared the two men.
Ren was initially a rebound that was carefully set up by your parents, Kyungsoo was the right person at the wrong time. You knew that the moment you said, "I Do", your chances with Kyungsoo would be gone. The breakup was so juvenile, the reasons were stupid. You could have fought harder, he should have put in more effort. You both would have been happy if you just got over yourselves and invested more time together to grow and fall deeper in love. In your point of view, the problem with Kyungsoo was that he did not show affection often and his work was a priority. Being on track to becoming a successful prosecutor at the time had its pros and cons, the cons being a very lonely girlfriend who desperately wanted to be your wife and craved her lover’s attention. If only you would have seen how your life would’ve turned out before breaking up with him, you never would have done it.
You hear your name being called. It snaps you out of your thoughts of Kyungsoo. You turn to see your mother with watery eyes.
"My baby, why aren't you smiling? This is the best day of your life!"
"So you think," you mumble as the makeup artist finishes your face. So far, you had done an excellent job at hiding the black eye that Ren gave you a couple of nights ago. 
"Baby, you are about to be set for life. What did I tell you about a man like Ren?"
"Keep my mouth shut, turn my cheek and endure." you whisper fearfully, "Kyungsoo would never do this to me."
"Ah. That Kyungsoo! And where is he now?"
"Enough, mother! Either you keep quiet or I will throw you out." you growl.
You walk over and put your wedding dress on, getting good photos for the wedding album. No one dared to question the healing bruise on your side, you knew that if you lied enough about clumsy injuries that no one would ask anymore.
Ren had initially presented himself as a good guy. He came from old money and was impressed by your skills as a baker. You owned a cafe downtown that Kyungsoo always encouraged you to open. If it weren't for him, you would not be as successful as you are now. Ren didn’t know your former lover was the reason you opened your bakery, that his loving encouragement rang in your ears any time you hit a milestone or even unlocked the doors in the morning.
Once the honeymoon phase with Ren ended the beatings started. They were violent, endless at times. It didn't matter what set Ren off, he'd always take it out on you. Proposing was his attempt of saying sorry. He knew you wouldn’t say no to him if he acted like he meant it. The pressure of the wedding planning made him even more violent. No one stepped in to help you, not even your friends… Or so you had thought.
You felt so unbelievably lonely in a world full of enablers. You had no courage left in you to call it off, fearing the wrath of Ren. You look at your reflection in the mirror. You were disgusted that you were not going to meet the one you loved at the end of the aisle. Instead, you were meeting nothing but a mask, a lie… Someone you loathed.
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Kyungsoo watched closely from the vantage point across the street as people entered the venue, the clock minutes away from striking 4pm. He had to time this perfectly or it would all fall to pieces in mere seconds. Sweat beads started to drip down his forehead, anxiety pressing onto his chest. His eyes focused on Ren, the bastard was smug. He wanted to have his fist meet Ren’s jaw so badly, but he also knew that wouldn’t get you away from this man. It would only make things worse. Kyungsoo had to be patient, something he was learning the hard way how to do.
The clock struck 4pm and Kyungsoo got out of his car, casually walking across the street onto the outside steps of the venue. With a deep breath he sneaks into the very back row on your family's side and waited. The ceremony starts and Kyungsoo's heart starts to pound in his chest. 
He catches sight of you.
My God, you were gorgeous in white.
You looked immaculate; your beautiful hair pinned into a braided style with loose strands around your face. a veil lay attached on the back of your head and trailed down your back. The dress was lace and had sleeves, probably to cover the bruises Ren left. The idiot wasn't even smiling as he saw you, he looked completely unbothered. Kyungsoo's eyes narrow and he waited for the right time to make his move. 
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the union of two beautiful souls. What a beautiful bond a marriage is, the couple wishes to thank all in attendance for supporting their union. Now, for formality I must ask, is there anyone in attendance that objects to this union? Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
It was now or never.
"Stop! You can't do this. I'm in love with you."
Your eyes divert from Ren and look down the aisle.
You couldn't believe your eyes, it was Kyungsoo!
Oh no. It was Kyungsoo. This wasn’t a dream.
His hands rest in his pockets as he walks casually down the aisle. The entire venue gasps and murmurs amongst themselves. Who is the handsome man calling for you? Why is he stopping the wedding? Isn't that Prosecutor Doh? How does she know such a man?
"What the hell is he doing here? Did you plan this?" Ren growls in your ear.
"I had no idea." you whisper, your posture straightening at the tone of Ren’s voice.
"Baby," Kyungsoo starts while walking further down the aisle, "This man doesn't deserve you. He can't even treat you well. It killed me to know you were marrying someone else, and I recalled my many mistakes I made in our relationship. Now, we have our chance to start again, I'm sorry I didn't speak sooner." 
Ren had a death grip on you.
You fought to get away from him until your arm was free. You slowly walked down to Kyungsoo and meet him in the middle of the aisle, your hands shaking.
"Excuse me, Prosecutor, but you are out of line!" Ren calls from the altar, "My sweet love, get back up here."
"No, you don’t get to do that. Not now!" Kyungsoo points at Ren, fury written on his face and coating his voice, "I have every right to be here and to do this. She has a choice now, it's up to her. She is not married to you yet." 
You look between Kyungsoo and Ren, the choices laid out in front of you.
"Love," Ren calls.
“She’s not your love.” Kyungsoo snaps.
Kyungsoo takes your hand, stroking your fingers. 
"If you don't want to do this, say the word and we'll go." Kyungsoo whispers.
Out of anxiety, you look to her parents and your future in laws. Marrying Ren isn't what you want and you know it. This gesture was the biggest Kyungsoo has ever made. You search his eyes and find nothing but the love you sought in him. How is this possible? Your friends told you how he never dated after you, and it never felt real or believable. Kyungsoo was far from not being handsome or kind. He was the whole package.
He’s everything you need.
You loved him, oh God, did you love him.
Hesitancy fills you, knowing you would have to explain everything to Kyungsoo about your relationship with Ren. Kyungsoo sees the hesitation and tightens his hold on your hand. "I know everything, and we can throw his ass in jail for what he's done to you. He'll never hurt you again, baby. I'm sorry I confessed to you this way. I’m sorry it took me this long to get to you.”
You turn to Ren and take a breath, both of your families and friends awaiting your answer with a mixture of judgement and hope. You shake her head and walk toward Ren. Kyungsoo's bravery depletes, knowing that with each step he's losing you. 
Until you take off the engagement ring and place it in Ren's hand. "Goodbye, Ren."
Kyungsoo's smile beamed across the entire venue as you ran to him. Together, the two of you run out of the venue and to his car. He drives off and heads to the coast. 
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"Let's get you out of this dress, baby." Kyungsoo groans.
You nod and Kyungsoo's fingers easily undo the row of buttons along your spine and slowly allows the dress to fall that held you captive to another man.
Out of fear, you hug the dress on your body in an attempt to hide yourself from Kyungsoo, your lover. You didn't want him to see what Ren had done to your body, he'd lose it. The man holds you, his beloved, and a look of concern flashes on his face.
"No, you can't see."
“It’s okay. I already know. Your friends told me everything. Let me take care of you. Please.” Desperation and longing coated Kyungsoo’s words, he meant every single thing that left his mouth. Your grip loosens on the dress and you drop it, your body covered in just a strapless bra and underwear.
Kyungsoo’s fingertips grazed your skin, helplessly trying to figure out why someone would hurt a woman as lively and beautiful as you. There was no filter on Kyungsoo’s thoughts, they only multiplied as he slowly revealed the black and blue marks that attempted to camouflage your skin. The enamored man took your hands, guiding you to the bed.
“I could kill him for what he did to you, but not even then would it be justice. He deserves to burn for everything, for all the pain he caused.” Kyungsoo says in between soft, gentle kisses.
He held you like you were fragile, despite the fact that he knew you weren’t as delicate as you seemed. The only thing that he was certain of was that in this moment, you needed to be fragile. You needed to be assured that this would never happen again. He could at least do that for you.
The desire that once drove his every move depleted into concern and care. His fingers danced on your skin, then moved to unbutton his shirt. His tie was lost somewhere by the entrance of the hotel room, but that was the last thought in his mind at the moment. As he unbuttoned his shirt and slid it from his body, he encouraged you gently to sit up.
“What are you doing?” You question.
“I want you to be comfortable.” Kyungsoo mutters, fastening the shirt around your body.
 Memories flicker of how you’d be just like this after long hours caught in between his sheets and his body. How you clung to the bed as you begged him for more. How after you’d always find whatever shirt he was wearing and put it on. In a way, he knew you did it for comfort but also as a sign that you belonged to him. You didn’t have to, but you wanted to have him on you and around you even if you weren’t being intimate in that moment. His shirt would suffice for his hands being kept to himself.
“I am comfortable. I’m with you. I just wish you said something a hell of a lot sooner than my wedding day.” You know your words sound harsh, but Kyungsoo knows you better than you know yourself. He understands what you are saying without an explanation. You missed that.
“I have shitty timing. I know.” Kyungsoo chuckles as his fingers dance along your thighs. His eyes meet yours, eager for a response. He missed your voice. The soft exchange of words that felt so easy. He watched you take a breath, pull him into you and he went more than willingly.
“No. It’s not shitty timing in hindsight. You saved me from a lifetime of misery and reminded me that even though we’ve been apart… It’s always been you. You were stubborn and so was I when we dated. We were young and had no idea what life could offer us. Now don’t think for a second you have shitty timing. It’s me who makes shitty decisions and you have to rescue me from them.” You sigh.
“Not in the slightest. We make mistakes. It’s okay. What matters is that you and I are here right now. And that bastard will never lay a hand on you ever again. Ever. I’ll make sure of it.” The enamored man nods.
Your heart pounds as he kisses you. The need and desire returns full swing between the two of you. It felt right to be with him in this room. To be in his arms. To feel him melt with you.
Once again, he proved that he has always been the one, your last, everything that you ever needed and so much more.
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bnbc · 2 years
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some runaway popstar I don't know her
hoodie || recolored by me
don't reupload my content to other sites
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aloneatpeace · 4 months
Fall of Empire
MAID '7'
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Summary :𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 . 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 . 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓭𝓮𝓷𝔂 𝓸𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓽 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼.
→✒️:★: ͜͡✿͜͡ →.- this is pure fan fiction it's not real. I mean no disrespect to any of the members.The stroy is fictional it's doesn't have anything to do with the real life members of bts.
.→✒️:★: ͜͡✿͜͡ →. Sorry it's short chapter guys
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Your heart beats anxiously, griping the apron that hug around your waist, the clothes fit you well. Emma guides you through the halls of palace. “We can start with mopping the ballroom” she quietly says glancing back at you while walking.
You nod seeing that she is speaking quietly almost faintly that you are afraid your voice would only come out as loud and disturb the peace atmosphere. The ballroom stands empty, silent and still. The polished the hardwood floor and high, painted celling reflect the flickering glow of the chandlers overhead. Tall windows set into one wall overlook the guidance, while ornate doorways on each side of the room lead to other parts of the palace.
Emma hands you a rag and bucket of water and instruct you to starts with the door you two quietly starts working, scrabbing the door to the floor there was no exchanges of words between the two of you as you both worked. 
Hoseok stands in between jungkook and jimin waiting for yoongi to show up, they had huddled together outside the palace near to the stable.
“Hoseok how are you with swords?”
Hoseok thinks for a moment if he become a he would not have access to the palace where you are, who would even allow a stable boy enter the palace. If he become a knight like his new friends then he can enter the palace with no difficulties even if he would a low rank the possibility would be higher to if he become a knight.
“I do well” he decided
Jimin raise his eyebrow at the male who clearly laying but says nothing jungkook beams “That great, you can even train with us”
Hoseok nod and his eyes finds yoongi walking towards them “Yeah, yoongi I want to become a knight” he states without any hesitation the other knights look dumb found at the male who freely called the commanders son’s name without any fear, no one had dared to addresses by his name it always Sir yoongi, or Sir Min yoongi.
They were expecting yoongi to glare at man but they were surprised when yoongi merely just nodded. the selection for knights and stable boys done relatively quickly. The sun had long set; the moon slowly rise in the sky hiding behind the clouds. The three knights had taken hoseok to where they reside the youngest one said that he could stay with them and hoseok found no reason to deny the request, hoseok and the new knights are instructed to starts training early morning under one of their supervisions.
Thaddeus Theron knuckle softly knocks against the door of king’s study quarter, the door opens by one of the servants who bow and move out the way Theron enter the room before motioning the servant to leave with a flick of his wrist.
The king sits on his chair looking out of the large to the sky “is everything in order for their arrival”
“Yes, my king” Theron answers “You seem troubled my king”
The king nod “I am afraid they remember what happened maybe he does” his voice came out Shakey
Theron understanding what the king refers walks towards the king “burden not my king, its was years ago its impossible for them to know, the emissary informed that princes are oblivious as ever. And even if they come to know, they do not hold the power to compete against you”
“I am getting not any young, Thaddeus. The throne belongs to one of them”
Theron nod “But that does not mean we cannot control them, what we need to pass the throne my king not the power”
 “Keep everything in control as well” the king adds
“Certainly, my king” 
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@uniquetravelerone @bangtan1325
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ateezyuri · 9 months
another brother
time :: december 2018
summary :: yuri wanted nothing more than a hug from her older brother — but when he wasn’t home, yuri finds herself getting another brother.
warnings :: busy schedules, stress, crying, not having time to sleep/eat
tags: @chaerincore @atzaria @ateezjuliet @m00niesk7 @btsnvra @softieteez @shinyddeonghwa @girlzwfun @still-astray @txt-yaomi @billboard-singer @newjeansmax send an ask to be included or removed]
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It had been a long, exhaustive, excruciating day for Yuri. With back to back practices, vocal lessons and schedules, she wanted nothing more than to throw herself in the comfort of her brother’s arms — just like when she was younger. She hadn’t seen Jae in a few weeks — which was the longest time she went without visiting him for years. She didn’t realize how much stress Jae had relieved her of until now, and she swore she was never going to go without her brother for this long again.
Thankfully, Jae had given her his spare key when he moved out of the dorms, telling her to use it for ‘emergency purposes only’ — which resulted in her breaking the rule just an hour after he handed the key to her. To be fair — she had just heard that she would be able to meet one of her favorite artists due to their comeback schedules overlapping, and it was quite the emergency.
Yuri knew she should have texted Jae before she came over — because she wasn’t even sure if anyone was home. If Jae wasn’t there, she knew Bambi, Jae’s dog, would be there, and nothing was more therapeutic than getting cuddles from an overly excited dog — expect for, actually going to therapy, which was something Yuri wasn’t able to do recently, not with her hectic schedule.
Yuri opened the door to Jae’s apartment and closed it behind her, sliding off her shoes and putting on her house slippers — ones with an adorable bunny face and bunny ears attached, courtesy gift from Jae’s three year boyfriend, Jeonghan.
Jae and Jeonghan had lived together for under a year — the couple only moving in together at the beginning of the year. Jeonghan and Yuri were acquaintances before he fell in love with her brother — and they had slowly became better friends as his and Jae’s relationship progressed.
Jeonghan had been home almost everytime she came over when she had an “emergency” — and slowly got used to hearing her obnoxious yell as soon as she entered the house. But this time, Yuri didn’t let out a scream or slam the door behind her, instead, she was slowly walking into the living room, praying that her brother was home. She could feel her emotions starting to bubble up in her throat again, tears beginning to cloud her vision. She swore she could have burst when Bambi excitedly jumped down ran towards her, surprising Jeonghan, who had been cuddling her before she left him.
“Oh, Yuri. I didn’t hear you come in. I must be going deaf from the amount of times you screamed coming in.” Jeonghan chuckled, frowning when Yuri didn’t laugh for comment, only absently mindlessly scratching behind Bambi’s ears. “Is everything alright?” Jeonghan asked, furrowing his eyebrows even more when he heard the girl sniff, wiping under her eyes with her sweatshirt. He never saw Yuri be vulnerable in front of him — it almost scared him to see the girl in tears. Something had to be very wrong in order for Yuri to break down her walls so easily, and Jeonghan didn’t know what to do in response.
“Is Jae home?” Yuri asks instead of answering, slowly raising her head to look over at Jeonghan, only to look back down when she saw his concerned expression. Fuck, she couldn’t hold back her emotions for a few more minutes — and now she had someone worried for her. She couldn’t help but feel like a burden when Jeonghan got up from his spot on the couch to move infront of her, crouching down to where she sat on the ground.
“No, he’s not home. He went grocery shopping,” Jeonghan answered, awkwardly clearing his throat when Yuri only turned away from him, hurriedly wiping her face — in hopes to wipe away any expression of pain. “You could call him, i’m sure he would pick up —”
“No, no. It’s okay, I think i’ll just go home. I’ll call him later.” Yuri said, pushing herself up and attempting to walk towards to door, halting when Jeonghan stood in front of her. Yuri tried to move around him, but the man only moved with her, blocking her in. “Jeonghan, please, let me go home.” Yuri sighed exasperatedly, biting her lip in annoyance when Jeonghan continued to block her, eventually grabbing her shoulders to keep her from moving.
“I’m not letting you leave when you’re this upset — now sit, and tell me what I can do to help.” Jeonghan stated, and if Yuri had any energy left in her body, she would have pushed past him and smarted off to him, but she had no motivation to continue to fight with man. With a defeated sigh, Yuri threw herself onto the couch, pulling a blanket from the side and wrapping herself in it, resting her head on the armrest.
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” Yuri muttered, swallowing harshly in hopes that it would get rid of her tears. “I know you want to help, but I just don’t want to talk about it...please.” Yuri said after a few beats of silence, her voice only being a pained whisper. She saw Jeonghan sigh and moved to sit next to her, leaning back and resting his head against the back of the sofa, turning his head to look at her after a few minutes.
“Are you sure? Because i’m a really good listener.”
Yuri knew that Jeonghan wouldn’t give up on the subject anytime soon — his expression mimicking one of a kicked puppy. Yuri couldn’t push him away again — his pout pulling at her heartstrings. So, with another defeated sigh, Yuri pushed herself up again to sit, bring her knees to her chest and turning to face Jeonghan, looking back down to her hands when she started talking.
“I don’t know...i’ve just been really stressed lately. I have no time at all, I don’t even have time to go to therapy. It’s been so busy — and I know that I should be happy because that means Ateez is getting more popular but — it’s so exhausting.” Yuri admitted, her voice cracking when she realized how tired she truly was. “I just — I can’t handle it. I cant constantly be going from schedule to schedule without any break at all, I just can’t do that. And everyone else seems to be fine, they’re tired, but they still manage to smile through it all. I just feel like i’m holding my group back — in so many ways.”
Yuri raised her eyebrows after she finished talking — she hadn’t even opened up that much to her members. She knew that her feelings would hurt them, and that they would tell her over and over again that she wasn’t holding them back at all — but Yuri knew that there was some truth to it. Ateez missed out on so many opportunities just because they had a girl on their team — not even her popularity from the past could save them from the hate. In fact, it only made the hate stronger.
Yuri thought that she wouldn’t let the hate get to her — especially with her tough skin, but the comments were terrifying. They hit every wound Yuri had with a grain of salt, and left no remorse for her whatsoever.
“You aren’t holding your team back — not one bit. The boys might be able to smile through it, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t exhausted too. Some people are just better at masking it than others, and that’s okay.” Jeonghan said after awhile, softly smiling when Yuri looked up at him.
“When I first debuted, it was so busy. And it only got even busier — we barely even had time to sleep, let alone eat. Some members could handle the pressure...while some of us couldn’t. But that didn’t make them any lesser to us, because they were still our members at the end of the day. We are all human, we can’t be running full speed at life all the time.” Jeonghan finished, sighing as he thought about his earlier debut days. It was hard and stressful, but he had friends and family on his side to help him get through it.
Jeonghan wanted to be a person that Yuri trusted and could come to when things got hard, like she did tonight. He knew she originally came for her brother, but he was glad she stayed with him. He heard the girl sniffling next to him, so he quickly reached over and handed her the tissue box that was laying on the coffee table, calling Bambi back into the living room.
“Bambi! Give Yuri kisses!” Jeonghan said, giggling when Bambi laid on top on Yuri’s figure, attacking her with love and affection. Jeonghan couldn’t help but smile when he heard Yuri’s giggles, laughing as she attempted at pushing the dog away.
“You can call me Yeong-mi, Jeonghan.” Yuri said once Bambi calmed down, now resting her head in Yuri’s lap. “And thank you for the kind words, I really needed that.”
“Of course, I was a rookie once too.” Jeonghan joked, nudging Yuri’s side, scoffing when Yuri shook her head in disbelief. “I’m not that old!” Jeonghan protested, only for Yuri to sarcastically agree.
The two bickered back and forth about Jeonghan acting like he was an old man until they heard the front door creak open, Bambi waking up and running to attack the intruder, smelling for any treats in the grocery bags.
“Yeongmi? Why are you here?” Jae asked once he walked into the living room, freezing in his tracks when he say his sister lean over to put Jeonghan in a choke-hold, biting back his own amused chuckle.
“Shouldn’t you be excited to see me?” Yuri exclaimed, pushing herself off of the couch to slap her brother’s chest, laughing when he picked her up and threw her on the arm chair next to them, squishing her cheeks together. “Is this how you treat me after everything i’ve done for you?”
Jae could only sigh and roll his eyes, ruffling her hair before going to sit next to Jeonghan. “I don’t know if you breaking into my house every week is really doing something for me...” Jae mumbled, yelping when Jeonghan pinched his side.
“You should be nice to your sister! She comes over because she misses and loves you!” Jeonghan scolded, winking at Yuri when she giggled. Jae only shook his head and pulled his sister into a hug, smiling when she didn’t push him away.
“I love you very much, sis” Jae whispered, making Yuri almost break into tears again. She didn’t say anything, but Jae knew when Yuri wrapped her arms around him, that she loved him too. Yuri knew that as long as her brother was on her side, everything would be okay. Jae would always be on her side - no matter what.
And now, she knows she can count on Jeonghan too.
“Oh to witness sibling love - this is too precious!” Jeonghan yelled out, making both Yuri and Jae laugh, separating to see Jeonghan dramatically wiping away tears. Even with all of her hardships, Yuri wouldn’t wish for any other life.
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storytowrite · 1 year
|Don’t be late again ~ Kim Seungmin|
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Theme: Seungmin x Y/N, teacher au, smut
Word count: 1,689
Warnings: mention of punishment, sex with the teacher
Summary: Y/N being late again at her classes and her teacher, Seungmin is not pleased about that
The day was bright and quite warm, which was unusual for the early autumn. You were walking towards your university with a coffee from Starbucks in your right hand and a bunch of notebooks in your left one. You were heading towards your classroom. You were late. And your professor, Kim Seungmin, the most annoying person you’ve ever met, didn’t like that.
You entered the class saying quietly “sorry for being late” and sat down at your desk. You didn’t even look at the clearly annoyed professor who was now standing in front of you.
‘Ehm…’ He cleared his voice. ‘Miss Y/N, what is the rule number one when it comes to our classes?’
‘To not be late?’ You asked rolling your back.
‘Then why are you late, again?’ He asked with sharpness in his voice.
‘Because the line in the café was long?’ You took a sip of coffee and didn't even look at him, which made him even more annoyed with you.
‘Ah, yes. The line in the café.’ He snarled. ‘You will stay after class will end Miss Y/N.’
‘Wha… But why?’ You asked, looking at him surprised. He’d never told you to stay after class.
‘Because I said so.’ He answered and then turned towards the rest of the class. ‘And now, you all can thank your friend here, because all of you will do an additional assignment individually or in pairs. The deadline is due next Friday.’
You looked shocked at him. He wanted to give your class an additional task anyway. You knew that, because it was typical of him. But this time he put all the blame on you. All of your classmates were angry and disappointed with you, and you couldn’t do anything about that.
You sighed heavily. You weren’t the most liked person in your class and with your professor's action, you started to be even less liked than before. You wanted to figure out why he said what he said. Why did he put on this situation?
All of your classmates had ignored you. They paired up and left you all alone. You knew you would end up like that. That made you hate your professor even more than before.
The classes finally ended. You took your belongings and wanted to leave the class when your teacher approached you.
‘Miss Y/N haven’t you forgotten something?‘ He asked with a stern voice.
‘I don’t know, have I?‘ You asked, looking at him clearly annoyed.
‘Sit down, please.’ He said sharply. There was something in his voice that made goosebumps on your body. ‘I said, sit down.’ Now his voice was a little more angry.
‘Y-yes sir…’ You said and stuttered a little. You sat down and looked at him.
‘Good girl.’ He muttered and cleared his voice. ‘I’ll be clear. I hate when you are being late. And I cannot accept that in my class. Do you understand Y/N? There is only one rule and believe me I don’t want to punish you just because you cannot be here on time. And also you, taking back and undermining my authority drives me crazy. So unless you have a good explanation for your behaviour or we will play differently.’
‘I’m sorry sir…’ You said looking at him with wide eyes. ‘I didn’t know that…’
‘Oh stop that nonsense Y/N. You know.’ He interrupted you. ‘We both know that you know what you are doing. You don’t respect me at all.’
‘I… I’m sorry?’ You smiled with a cute expression on your face which made his heart flutter.
‘You are sorry?’ He asked and raised his eyebrow. ‘I don’t think so. Probably I should give you a lesson giving another assignment due tomorrow, hm?’
‘No! Professor please no! I’ll do everything!’ You stood up.
‘I like it when you beg.’ He smiled. ‘You will do anything? Are you sure?’
‘Yes. Anything. Please. I’ve already worked on my own on your assignment you gave us today. Please have mercy.’
‘I do really like when you beg, baby doll.’ He said seductively. You looked at him with wide eyes open. He called you a baby doll. You weren’t deaf.
You swallowed hard and were looking at him surprised. It was the first time in your life when you didn’t know what to say. The first time ever when you couldn’t think about a proper riposte. You were more than confused. Didn’t know what to do.
He was looking at you with an unreadable facial expression. You didn’t know what to do, or what to say. You stared at him with a million questions running through your head.
Was he serious? Did he really call you a baby doll? Little that he knew that it was actually turning you on. You moved your legs slightly feeling your growing wetness in your underpants. Unfortunately he saw your movement.
‘What’s wrong baby doll?’ He put a stronger accent on his last two words. Which only made you go crazier. ‘Do you have a problem, little one?’
‘Wha… Ehm… What? A problem? N-no’. You stuttered again. It was pretty unusual for you because typically you knew what to say or do. But being with HIM, all alone, made you a little uneasy. You didn’t want to admit it in front of yourself, but you in fact liked him more than you could say.
He was just different. He was smart, handsome, not that old and definitely not boring. He was a great teacher though. You secretly liked his lessons. He could catch everyone’s attention easily. Half of the school, including other professors, both male and female, had a crush on him. No doubts on that.
But you. Even if you liked his lessons, since biology was your cup of tea, you didn’t like him. He was an arrogant jerk, who always put some sort of comment towards you. He was the big tease too. And you were sick and tired of his comments. But were you really?
‘What are you thinking about, sweetheart?’ He asked, tilting his head to the side.
‘Why do you hate me professor..’ You said looking at him. He looked a little surprised.
‘Who said that I hate you? I would rather say that it’s quite the opposite…’
‘Because you are always humiliating me in front of the class, and…’ You couldn’t finish your thoughts. Suddenly you were interrupted by his lips, which were on yours. He. Kissed. You. It took you by surprise but after a short while you answered the kiss. He deepened the kiss then pulled away. He licked his lower lip and you followed his tongue with your gaze. He was a great kisser. You just wanted more.
‘Does it answer your question, Y/N?’ He asked.
‘I guess so… You answered quietly. Still confused.
‘Good… Do you want more, baby doll?’ He asked, leaning over you. ‘I can already tell what your answer is… Are you wet?’ He asked again, kneeling in front of you and spreading your legs. ‘Yes, very wet…’ Then he ran his finger over your private area through your panties. You sighed quietly. ‘Take them off, let me see.’ He commanded.
‘B-but what if someone sees us?’ You asked with fear.
‘Nobody will see us, baby doll. I’d closed the door.’ He smiled at you. ‘Take them off.’
You did what he said. You took your underwear off. Now he could see your bare skin and dripping wetness from your pussy. How come one man could make you like this? You didn’t have time to answer that question, because Seungmin’s hands were all over your thighs.
He lifted you and sat you again on the desk. Then he leaned over you kissing your neck passionately. One of his hands slipped between your legs. You felt his finger inside you, slowly teasing you. His other hand was unbuttoning your hand and squeezing your right boob. You whined. It already felt good, and he still hasn't started yet.
‘Be good, baby doll… And don’t be too loud.’ He put another two fingers in your wetness. ‘We don’t want somebody to hear us, don’t we?’
He made you moan loud, with his three fingers inside you and a thumb rubbing your clit. You started to squirm under him. You felt like your orgasm was close. And when you had thought that you would finally feel all the pleasure flooding your whole body he pulled his fingers out of you and took his hands.
‘W-Why?’ You whined looking at him. ‘I was close…’
‘I know, baby doll, I know.’ He smiled at you. ‘But I really want to feel you right now and cannot wait any longer.’ He started to unbutton his pants. ‘But, do I have your full consent?’
‘Yes! Of course yes! Please!.’ You were so eager for him. But that was all he needed. In one, quick push he was all inside you.
‘Fuck!’ He whined. ‘You are tight sweetheart. Even if I stretched you! Fuck, Y/N you feel so good.’ He started to move inside you fastly. You felt like you were in seventh heaven. He was definitely an experienced man.
You hugged him tightly, digging your long nails into his arms. You probably ruined his sleeves but you didn’t care. He felt too good to even be bothered by this. You whined and moaned as much as him. The two of you were connected in that dance of passion.
‘Oh! Fuck!’ You moaned. ‘I’m… I’m close!’
‘Don’t hesitate sweetheart.’ He whined. ‘Fuck! Cum for me!’
‘Min! I… Ah!’ You couldn’t say a word. Your orgasm hit you hard, but you felt too good to complain. You came, and he was with you. Your breathing was heavy. He looked at you and smiled.
‘That was something.’ He said after a while, breaking the silence.
‘Yeah… It was.’ You said with a slight rasp in his voice. ‘So… About the assignment…’
‘Don’t ruin the moment sweetheart, please.’ He laughed quietly. ‘You still have to do your assignment… But I am more than sure that you will like the reward after.’
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riphobisbraces · 1 year
The Lucky Seven | BTS ot7 x reader
Hybrid/Royal AU
~ chapter 2 ~
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[ word count: 3400+ ]
❀ genre: dark royal core, hybrid au, royalty au, hybrids/knights!ot7 x human/princess!reader, afab (she/her) reader, polyamory (mostly ot7 x reader), strangers to lovers, daddy dom, smut and sexual sometimes. tiny bits of horror
❀ warnings: smut, swearing, murder, death (not the reader or ot7 though, I'm not evil), mentions of inbreeding (not between reader or ot7) some unsettling horror depictions, it won't be every chapter though or the whole story, just little bits here and there. (I'm willing to re write chapters for you to read if you can't do horror but still wanna follow along, just ask! 🖤)
——— summary ———
In a world of hybrids and humans, following each other closely to extinction, you are one of the last full humans, Princess y/l/n of the emerald nation. humans are essential for the survival of hybrids so why are assailants hunting you and your family down? because of this, the court has decided it’d be best for you to be guarded at all times by the nations strongest knights, you’ve only ever heard of them but have never seen their faces. What will happen once you come face to face with the infamous “lucky seven”?
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[ chapter 2 ]
chapter content warnings: possible emetophobia warning: mentions of needing to throw up (character doesn’t actually throw up though) and unintentional self-harm.
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The cold night’s air trickled between Namjoon’s thick fur. Millions of thoughts ran through his mind, faster than the paws carrying him and the princess. What was the princess doing outside? Why did she look so familiar and most of all, are his pack mates okay?
Growling out of frustration whilst running into the night, he shakes those thoughts out. For now he has only one thing he needs to focus on. Getting you to safety and he knows exactly where you’ll be safe.
Multiple hurried footsteps and panicked screams filled the room. It was chaos. What was a joyful and merry evening turned into absolute havoc.
The once golden room suddenly having turned cold and blue, its warmth having completely washed away. Hobi quickly ran and tried to push through the crowd looking for any of his pack mates. It seemed impossible with the sea of people engulfing him.
Just as Hobi started to feel hopeless, he found two of his pack members, Jin and Jimin, spotting them from across the room. Hobi used his hands to cup around his face before yelling desperately “JIN! JIMIN-AH! “ The two instantly recognized that voice.
They both quickly snapped their heads into the direction of where it came from, spotting their fellow pack mate trying to make his way through the wave of people. What after seemed like forever, they all finally reached each other, Jin grabbing onto Hoseok’s hands.
“Where are the others” Jin quickly questioned. “I don’t know, you’re the first two that I found” replied Hoseok. Jimin starts glancing around, running his hand through his hair as he pondered.
“Well wherever they are, they can handle themselves. For now we have to neutralize the threat.” Jimin asserts before turning to his fellow knight and pack member, Hoseok. “Hobi, you were the one who alerted that the princess was being attacked, where did the arrow come from?” Questioned the knight.
Hobi doesn’t waste time in answering, “Follow me, I know what direction it came from. Possibly even the shooting location” briskly, Hobi starts making his way to where he suspects it came from, with Jin and Jimin following closely and quickly behind.
The temperature around your body is warm. You feel snug and drowsy. Hearing the crackle of fire wood just makes you want to fall back even deeper into your slumber.
The smell of cedar filling your nostrils, comforting you furthermore. Shifting around and moving your legs, you start to feel the softness of blankets underneath, gliding against your skin as you moved. You start to wonder when was the last time you felt this pleasant..
Alas the sudden realization of what had just transpired abruptly started streaming back into your head. Quickly, you sat up, instinctively backing up and grabbing onto whatever was underneath you which happened to be the same blanket that had just brought you so much comfort.
“Your highness, you’re awake” a deep voice suddenly declared, making you shoot your head into the direction it came from. Letting go of the blanket in defense you realized it was the same man from before, the wolf hybrid. He was sitting beside your bedside in a wooden chair.
You didn’t get to have a good look at him before due to the havoc but now that you are, you realized that he’s a gorgeous man. He had tan skin and dark siren-like eyes. His hair was dark, adorned with an undercut.
You found yourself studying his features, they were soft and welcoming. As you sat in silence, taking in the man before you, the same voice suddenly interrupted your admiration. “your highness? are you alright?” his face contorted into worry.
How embarrassing. “y-yes, I am alright.” You answered before quickly looking down to avoid the man you had just been in awe of. Feeling his gaze burn into you, you can’t help but look back up, taking in your surroundings instead, trying to ignore the man obviously examining you with his eyes.
The room was lit with an orange hue from the fire, the room being much smaller than any you’ve ever been in before. Instead of the white walls and golden accents you were accustomed to, you were surrounded by walls of bark.
The walls simply decorated with some little paintings here and there. Looking around some more you noticed this room had no windows, how peculiar you thought to yourself. You noticed some bookshelves hung on the wall above the fireplace across from you, filled with old and torn books much like your own books.
Once you felt you’ve taken in enough of your surroundings and felt more at ease about the man that was studying you, you looked back down. Examining the sheets you were covered in, you realized they were a maroon shade. the colour was dull but you could tell it had been a vivid maroon at some point, or even red.
You decide to finally ask the questions that had been on your mind since you woke up. “Where am I? Are my parents okay?” you asked feebly, ashamed and feeling as though these circumstances were all your fault. Still looking down, you grip onto the sheets once again awaiting his answer.
“You’re at my pack’s den. Kings orders were to get you away from the chaos until it was deemed safe. Unfortunately I don’t know about the well being of your parents but as you might know, your mother didn’t attend the ball, just your father. Last I heard, he was being led to safety.” He replied with a gentle voice, as to not stress you out anymore than you already are. Sighing you let go of your grip to hold your face. covering your eyes, you just sit there, not wanting to cry in front of a stranger especially as princess.
You were to be queen one day and queens cannot show weakness, especially to their subjects. Your heart filled with rue, you decide to let go of your face. Turning to the man once again. “Your name…. It’s sir Namjoon.. right?” you inquired. His eyes widening from the sudden question and the fact that you knew his name.
You must of heard it when Hoseok was talking to him. His face quickly turns from surprise to a gentle smile “yes your highness, my name is Namjoon. Sir Kim Namjoon.” he confirmed.
He then got up from his seat to bow, before gently grabbing your hand with both of his. Softly, he brought it to his lips, you could feel his breath against your hand before he bestowed a kiss of respect upon it, his lips ever so slightly brushing against it. You’re used of servants bobbing you a curtsy or kissing your hand out of respect but this feels different.
You could feel your face start to get hot at the contact, stomach contorting into a ball of what feels like butterflies trying to fight their way out. Taking your hand back, you glance back at the man, met with the same warm smile you had been examining before.
Scratching the back of your neck, you quickly turn your head to face the other way, an attempt at looking at anything but the beautiful man in front of you. You knew your face was probably the colour of crimson so this was as an attempt of hiding that. Glancing around, you remembered how there were no windows, what time was it?
The last thing you remembered was riding away from the palace on top of the wolf hybrid. Had you fallen asleep? You looked for a clock in vain before briskly turning back to face the very man you were just trying to avoid eye contact with. “Ummm… how long was I sleeping for? What time is it?” You questioned, fidgeting with your hands, a bit embarrassed that you had fallen asleep on the hybrid.
“Oh! I apologize, it is the next day. it’s….” he looked down at his watch “09:37” looking back up at you he continued “speaking of, my pack should be back soon, along with your servants and a carriage to escort you back to the palace” he smiled. It’s the next day? You slept for so long, and he had to watch you the whole time.
Your guilt growing, you look down at your hands. Your chest weighing you down, you uttered “I’m… I’m sorry.. I fell asleep on you...” you sniffled. Surprised by your own unexpected moment of weakness, you really didn’t want to cry but you just couldn’t fight the tears.
Oblivious to the man’s sudden worried expression, you continued “and you had to watch me… all night… it’s all my fault, I-I put your pack in d- danger-“ you tried to continue as the lump in your throat fought to take over. But before it could, abruptly, your vision is covered.
Large arms are wrapped around you. They feel warm and comforting. You’re being gently pressed against a broad chest before you realize, he’s hugging you. His scent and warmth instantly calming you down.
Your muscles relaxed and you went loose while you breathed in his scent, closing your eyes. Slowly breathing in and out to calm yourself down, you just sat on the bed, letting yourself be embraced by the man. The embrace is cut short by the realization of what Namjoon had just done.
Gently pulling away, “Y-your highness…” he stammered, clearly embarrassed and quite frankly, scared of what he had just done. Standing up straight, he explained “please forgive me, that was out of line. it’s just… you looked so sad..I felt…” he continued, letting go of your arms to run his hands through his hair but before he could finish, the sound of horses and footsteps cut him off, making the both of you stand up.
“thank you once again sir Namjoon, to you and your pack for keeping the princess safe and your services” Your father’s servant said to Namjoon, bowing gratefully to the wolf hybrid. “ it’s really no problem, we are glad to be of service to the king” the hybrid replied, returning the bow.
Your fathers leading officers and servants had come to pick you up from Sir Namjoon’s and his pack’s den. Sitting in the carriage, you stared at the man who had saved you the night before. Pondering of what had transpired just before your father’s men had arrived.
You’ve never been held before by anyone before but your parents and governess. It felt nice. the different body type holding you, way bigger than your parents or governess’ body. It made you feel at ease and protected.
Suddenly your stare is met with his, his head turning to face you. He flashes you a smile before you quickly look down in embarrassment, fiddling with your hands. How rude of you, this man had just saved your life and you repay him by staring?
Footsteps interrupt your mental self beating, realizing they belong to the wolf hybrid that had saved you the night before. He’s coming this way, why do you feel so nervous? “Your highness?” he inquires.
“yes?” You answer with a small smile. “Im very sorry about… what happened in the den. I was out of line and I can only hope you and your father could forgive me for crossing such boundaries” all he did was hug you. You knew it was only a problem because you were the princess but what if you weren’t… would he….
You cut your own thoughts off. You can’t be thinking like that. “oh.. yeah.. please pay it no mind, I really didn’t mind… I actually.. quite enjoyed it.” You admit, mentally slapping yourself as soon as you said so.
A flush quickly took over his face, heart skipping a beat before he started smiling widely. “well.. me too.. you’re highness.” he also admits. You’re both looking at each other, smiling in silence.
Rubbing your hands together nervously, no one’s ever looked at you for this long before and neither have you ever looked at someone for so long. You didn’t want to admit it but for some reason, you wanted to be held by him again, to have his arms around your body, keeping it in a cocoon of safety and maybe… maybe even love-
“WE’RE OFF IN TWO MINUTES” the sound of your fathers men startled you from your thoughts, maybe for good reason too. “well, I guess I’m off.” The hybrid proclaimed with a half smile. “Me too I guess” you responded.
He then reached into the carriage to grab your hand, gently brushing a kiss against it once more just like he did inside, making your heart flutter. He then bowed and said “goodbye Princess. I hope our paths cross again one day” he smiled. You felt your stomach do flips as you looked down.
You uttered a shy “goodbye sir Namjoon… so do I” before looking back up. Looking into each others eyes, you smiled at each other one last time, the hybrid giving you a nod before reluctantly turning away. “MEN, WE’RE OFF” and just like that, the carriage started to move, finding that your eyes never left the man and the direction he was going.
While watching him, you notice his figure was suddenly accompanied by 6 other ones, all walking into the den you had just vacated in. Who were they? Looking back into the front of the carriage, reality started to sink in and your circumstances.
Realizing your parents were waiting for you back home, a sinking feeling settles in. You are in so much trouble.
Sitting in the plush chair in your room, you can’t help but think about the men from last night. Hobi, was it? And Namjoon. They were both very attractive yes but truth is, that wasn’t the only reason you kept thinking about them.
Who were they? What were they doing at the ball and why did they seem to know you? Sitting back on the chair, you brought your legs up, holding them against your chest.
Most importantly, how did Hobi know you were the princess? Sure he said you smelt of human but don’t other human hybrids do too? You are a full human though you thought to yourself. Maybe that’s it. You were missing the hybrid scent and perhaps he put two and two together, you and your parents are the last full humans in the nations after all.
Groaning, you slightly swung your head back in frustration. You need to see them again, you thought to yourself. You need answers. Knocking brings you out of your rumination, “your highness?” A voice spoke behind your doors.
“yes?” You replied. “your presence is requested in the courtroom by your Father” Shit. You knew your father would be livid about all of this but the courtroom?
What was he up to? Was he going to send you away? All of these worries ran through your head before you stood up. Turning toward the door, you croaked out a pathetic “I’ll be there in five minutes”.
Your steps echoed the hallways, shoes clacking against the marble. Hugging yourself while walking, you can’t help but tighten your grip around your arms the closer you get to the courtroom. Your eyes trailing the passing paintings hung alongside the hallway, a feeble attempt to keep your mind calm.
Alas it’s futile as your thoughts keep running your mind rapid. What if father sends me to a nunnery you think, you’ve never been away from your parents your whole life so this frightens you. Or worse, what if he decides to keep you locked up in one of the dungeons for the rest of your life.
You find your nails starting to dig into your skin, you need to throw up. You stop and kneel. Coughing as you hold on to your stomach. Nothing is coming out.
You can’t throw up but you need to. Tears started beaming through your eyes before you quickly got up. You dusted yourself off and wiped your tears. You need to do this. You need to get it over with.
As you continue your way down. The doors of the courtroom finally come into sight, making your heart drop. ‘This is it’ you think to yourself. You feel as though you’re not in control, you just want to run away but your body is calmly walking toward the doors with no hesitation.
Reaching for the handle, you gently turn it, using your weight to push it open. Why can’t you run, you just want to turn back. Entering the room, the discussion within it instantaneously became quiet. All eyes turned to face you.
A large L shaped table sat in the middle of the room, your Father at the end of the L. The courtroom had high ceilings and tall windows, velvet red curtains draped over them. You cleared your throat, ignoring the eyes on you, you held your head up high and calmly began to make your way to the end of the table, where your father was.
The once clamorous room, was now filled with nothing but the clacking of your shoes against marble. All you could feel were dozens upon dozens of burning gazes, almost making you trip as you walk. Once you made it to the end, you looked at your father.
Meeting eyes with his, his face is filled with sadness but somehow also solace. Without warning, something overtakes you. You thought you could do it but your Fathers’ face had made you weak. You were guilty.
You sank to the floor almost mimicking the way your heart felt. Kneeling down, you placed your forehead to the ground, hands placed side by side. Gasps and muttering quickly filling the courtroom at the spectacle, silencing as fast as they started at the wave of your Father’s hand. His sight never leaving you, “Father…” you weakly whispered.
“Please, forgive me… I can’t-“ you were about to finish when you heard a chair being pushed back. You looked up, your father was walking briskly toward you. You were scared but then you noticed his eyes were glossy.
He quickly picked you up from off the floor, embracing you like he never had before. “Daughter…” you hear your father choke out. your eyes were wide when they suddenly filled with tears at the realization and relief.
Feeling safe, you quickly wrapped your arms around him. Oh how you loved your father. After a few minutes, your father pulls away from the hug, wiping your tears. “a future queen should never cry in public” he reminded you, smiling.
You chuckled at the joke “yes father” looking down as he pushes your hair behind your ears. He was so glad that you were safe, he didn’t even care about the disobedience. One thing was made clear to him though, he could not stop you. So if he couldn’t stop you, you would just have to be protected at all times.
“Daughter, I know I cannot stop your desires to leave the palace, I can see that clearly now..” he admits shamefully while looking down. “and because of last nights threat, you will have to be guarded at all times, even more so than before” your heart began to palpitate in excitement. Wait… does this mean.. you can leave the palace?
Looking into your fathers eyes with anticipation, you spoke up “what are you saying father?”. Your father sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose “you may leave the palace from time to time, but you must be guarded by all seven while doing so.”
all seven? You cocked your head in confusion before your father registered your questioning look, clearing his throat before continuing “because of last nights threat, the court and I have decided you need to be guarded at all times” guarded? Like, a babysitter? “by whom?” You inquired.
Your father snaps his fingers, signalling to one of his servants to bring whoever it is, in. Hurriedly, the servant runs to the other door connecting to the next room, opening it. The men who came waltzing in, made your breath hitch.
It was seven handsome knights, two of them being the same men from the night before, Hobi and Namjoon. After quickly scanning them, your eyes met with Namjoon’s. A smirk appearing on his face. “I bet you didn’t think our paths would cross again so soon, your highness.”
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A/N: OOOOOOOO cliffhanger! I know I said we would meet the boys this chapter but I didn’t want to rush things, howeverr I PROMISE we will meet the rest of them in the upcoming chapter :) anyway what did you think of the chapter? Any notes are deeply appreciated, especially comments. It makes me so happy that people are actually reading this, I promise I’ll do my best to deliver! Have a good rest of your day/night everyone, I’m gonna get started on chapter three once I wake up tomorrow ☺️
P.s I was asked about a tag list, so if anyone is interested, just ask! I’ll be putting the tag list on the next chapter xx
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