#kacxa headcanons
dax-enfinity · 1 year
How do Acxa and Keith and Matt sleep at night, like who's in the middle? And what about Kosmo?
They switch around a lot but Matt is mainly if not always in the middle
Kosmo likes to lay on Keith’s lap and hogs the blankets, (Matt thinks it’s hilarious but Keith thinks otherwise)
Matt uses Acxa and Keith as pillows at times he just lays his head on their chests and falls dead asleep
(Matt being human weighs like candy to Keith and Acxa thanks to good old Galra genetics)
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blood-starved-beast · 11 months
I'm having trouble following Acxa's love life, so first she had an unrequited romance with Zethrid and now she's with Keith?
Okay let me be literal here - Acxa in show has no love life. Or at least, we have no explicit confirmation of a love life. All of these are headcanons based on what we know of the characters and what we can glean from the story told. And then extrapolating from there.
The idea behind zethacxa comes from certain interactions in the Grudge, specifically where Acxa tries to convince Zethrid to stop the hostage exchange with Keith. There, she promises that Zethrid could can and should change and if she does she can be "with me[Acxa], and Ezor."* In of itself Acxa says she cares for Zethrid, and Ezor too. But the interesting thing is that Acxa puts herself first. Before Ezor, who you know, is Zethrid's wife.** On one hand, this is meaningless, on the other hand, Acxa is letting out a Freudian slip - implicating that she is (or more accurately should) be a higher priority for Zethrid to change over her own wife.
It could also be cause Ezor left Zethrid on bad terms, and thus Zethrid and Ezor aren't talking (I mean, Zethrid is taking it out on Keith + Acxa instead of trying to talk to Ezor) so maybe Acxa operates on that logic. But if that is so, this means that somehow Acxa, who is responsible for blowing up half of Zethrid's face, is somehow in a better position to connect with her emotionally says a lot about everyone involved.They are so close you all. Either way, Acxa is measuring herself in an equal if not higher level than Ezor in importance for Zethrid, which imho, speaks volumes. And Zethrid also tells Acxa she's "too far gone" which is meaningless really, but it's the type of thing you'd tell someone whom you care for, if at least at one point.
Recall also that Ezor was supposed to have died as well, as one writer on the show admitted pre-s8 that Ezor was dead, but in response to backlash the undid Ezor's death. So in original canon, Zethrid was going to run away with Acxa, and lo and behold, at the end of the episode we have this:
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Acxa has and will not give Zethrid any peace cause she cares enough for Zethrid to be with her until she gets better. Your ship could never.
But what does that have to do with past Zethacxa? For that, we look to past canon. Acxa and Zethrid always had a contentious relationship throughout the show. Both are quick fuses, but triggered by different things. Zethrid sought violent thrills, Acxa wants to stick to the plan. Acxa is pissy over incorrect information, Zethrid does not care. Zethrid plans for long-term self-sustainability, Acxa will stick to their current course in hopes of achieving political change. Anything Zethrid does sets Acxa off.
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Conflict is a part of their dynamic and since s3 it's been foreshadowed that their arcs will go to a head this way. Now with that one line from the Grudge in mind, reading this animosity shifts slightly. It would be fun, if sometime before the events of the show, if they dated, broke off cause they were to quote Acxa "so full of hate and rage" and cannot carry a normal relationship (I mean, look how zethzor turn out by the Grudge, and Zethrid is older then), and then cause life hates them, they both get recruited by Lotor. Ironic. Their squabbling becomes exes drama. Zethrid is unphased by the shit Acxa pulls in s7 for ex, whereas Ezor took Acxa's leave as personal insult. If Zethrid is used to Acxa being Like That, it would make sense.
Alternatively, Acxa is very emotionally repressed, which given her whole thing with Keith, is a completely sound read of her.
So yeah that's the tea on Zethacxa.
With Keith, I don't really have to explain. Acxa hyper-fixated on him cause he saved her life (She was "born and bred in war" and every person was for themself, so Keith taking his time knowing she's the enemy to save her touched her personally.) and cause he has a freedom to achieve his plans/ideals in way Acxa could never imagine herself doing at that point of time (act 2). She hated him. She cannot let him die. From this, a more mature and self-actualized Acxa could develop an interest in him in act 3 and/or after. It doesn't have to be, nor did the writers want it by the time act 3 rolled around, but there's food there.
In other words - Zethacxa, break up, then kacxa. Or zethzoracxa polycule + Keith fourth wheel. Or very homoerotic intense Zethacxa friendship then kacxa. Or consider - Zethezoracxa but Acxa also has a thing with keith on the side. idk take your pick
*bear with me in that I don't have quick access to s7-8 cause it was never released in hard copy and I do not have Netflix. So a paraphrase from memory
** Yes they're married. To quote Avatar Korra - "You gotta deal with it!"
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vampirekacxa · 11 months
Do you have any headcanons for Matt and Keith and Acxa.
Hmm, I haven't thought about headcanons a lot, but here are few that came to my mind:
they like to curl up in the couch together and watch TV series or documentaries. Most of the times those are science fiction stories or dedicated to astronomy and it's Matt who chooses them. Acxa, surprisingly, appreciates them a lot and she watches them enraptured;
they often work out together and Keith enjoys watching Matt and Acxa sparring because... Matt tends to be "gentle" to her, but Acxa always kicks his butt. It amuses him LOL;
Matt would prank Acxa often at home through Alexa (like talking through the speaker when she's alone in a room). Keith's role here is to prevent her from killing Matt 😂
I hope you like them, anon! (Also, thank you for asking!) ❤💜🧡
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kacxa-fan · 5 years
Keith/Acxa Headcanons
► Keith likes to draw Acxa without her consent whether she reads, watches tv, eat, sleep, or whatever else she does.
► Sometimes Acxa catches him, and sometimes she pretends she doesn't notice and silently screams to herself on how cute he looks when he's so focused.
► He literally has a sketchbook dedicated to nothing but her, but is too embarrassed to show her so he keeps it up on a bookshelf.
► Acxa accidentally found it while looking for another book to read. She wants to ask about it but puts it back knowing that he might not want to mention it as his or something dumb.
► She eventually gets tired of pretending and asks if he would like her to pose, surprising him. He shyly does and later gets comfortable with sharing his drawings to her.
► He secretly draws her undressed, but for anatomy practices, of course. 👀
► Acxa is interested and enjoys her time painting, which she is actually really good at.
► She mainly paints landscapes of the sunsets in Texas, mountains in Diabazaal, or the flower fields and water springs of Altea.
► Other times they are her memories like in the stomach of the Weblum or some pretty nebula she saw while on duty.
► Together they'd sit and sketch/paint in comfortable silence, or with chill background music.
► Keith gifts Acxa handmade cards and drawings for special occasions. Along with some flowers as an apology for late shifts or as a little recovery from their long absence of working.
► Keith is tempted to blurt out a flirt/joke, and sometimes he does, but he internally cringes and apologizes. Acxa doesn't really get them anyways.
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clown-bear · 3 years
Lance and Acxa formed an alliance against Keith so that they always win the silly challenges Keith makes with either of them
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multi-fandom-asks · 5 years
Keith/Axca child (son or daughter) having a lion choose them to become their new pilot/paladin
Ahhh I am always here for Kacxa babies. Thank you for the ask! 💖💜 *prepares avalanche of headcanons*
so Keith and Acxa’s daughter, Cynara, spends the entirety of her childhood hearing tales about the Lions. She loves to visit the other Paladins and hear stories from their perspective.
she was 7 years old when she got to fly in the Black Lion for the first time. She had begged Keith to take her for a ride and he acquiesced eventually.
“has a child ever ridden in a Lion before?”
“no, but Black’s very gentle! He won’t let her get hurt. Promise.”
*judgemental parenting glance from Acxa*
well, it came as a surprise to no one that Cynara absolutely ADORED flying in the Lion.
“dad, look! You can see Altea! Do you think Aunt Allura can see us?”
“probably not kiddo, but next time we visit, you can tell her all about how you flew in the Black Lion.”
Cynara was, quite literally, over the moon during the whole ride. She never once got scared or overwhelmed. She simply sat snug in Keith’s lap and stared wide-eyed at the orchestra of stars in front of her.
fast-forward to when Cynara is 18.
she has flown in the Black Lion countless times at this point. But her dad was always the one piloting.
it made her just a bit envious, but she never brought it up, because Keith was the rightful pilot. She loved the Lion no matter what, even if she were never to fly it.
but randomly one day, Cynara, toying around with a scientific creation Pidge had gifted her, heard a growl erupt from behind her.
“Black? What are you doing, buddy?”
Black purred and grumbled, nudging its robotic nose against her.
“what’re you trying say?”
a whine. a growl. another purr.
“no, no, no, no, no, I’ve dreamed of this moment for years, there’s no way it’s actually happening. Am I just being stupidly hopeful? Are you actually saying I can pilot you?”
and Black roared in the affirmative. Cynara swallowed any anxiety she had and hopped in.
“okay...I’ve seen dad fly you a million times. You mind if I go forward a little bit?”
she fidgeted with the controls, and the Lion responded. The sudden rush of adrenaline and euphoria filled her to the brim. She could hear the Lion’s roars echoing throughout her head. She felt...bonded to this creature.
everything was hunky-dory until Keith and Acxa came home from a Blade of Marmora mission and saw their daughter gallivanting around in Black.
when Cynara told her parents how Black had accepted her as a Paladin, Keith left the room without a word.
“I thought dad would be happy for me.”
Acxa squeezed her daughter’s hand. “Give him time. He just doesn’t want you to endure the trials he did all those years ago.”
Keith stood accusingly in front of Black, who sat contentedly, and without a hum.
“there’s no need for Cynara to be a Paladin. The universe is safe. Why would you put her in danger?” He went on and on, spouting all of his concerns for his child and longing to still be in her shoes. Perhaps he missed the days as a Paladin.
but Black released a gentle, soothing purr and Keith simply did what all other Paladins did. Let the lion choose.
Keith came back inside, his daughter jumping to attention. She rocked on her feet anxiously, looking at him as if she stole a cookie from the jar before dinner.
“dad-“ she stepped towards him, only to be wrapped in a hug.
“you’ll make an incredible Paladin.” He whispered into her hair.
and Cynara chose to cement the words her father spoke that night.
she made one hell of a Paladin; becoming an Ambassador for not only Earth, but Altea, Daibazaal, Olkarion, and many other planets.
and she made her dad proud every single day
- mod Aoi 🌺
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endlesspillowtalk · 6 years
Ok but, Acxa wondering why the heck she never had a pet when it’s the best thing ever now that she feels Cosmo’s endless love towards her.
Acxa: I’ve never had a creature companion before.
Keith: Now you will, let me introduce you to Cosmo.
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yikeskogane · 6 years
some more kacxa headcanons in the canon-verse to spread some positivity!!
acxa and keith don't kiss on the lips a lot, but when they do, it usually turns into a full-on makeout session within a minute
one time, they were chilling in the black lion's hangar after a mission and acxa was chilling in the pilot's seat and Keith thought his girlfriend looked really cute
unfortunately, Lance, pidge and hunk decided that it would be a really good time to check if the comm system was working for their lions
Lance makes fun of acxa being in the pilot's seat
Keith ignores him until shiro's voice pops up and tells them all to join for a meeting
he bends down to give acxa a quick kiss on the cheek, but she turns to do the same so he ends up kissing her lips
let's just say that the kiss wasn't quick, the garrison trio are scarred for life, and shiro is just disgruntled about the fact that they were late
Keith is embarrassed
acxa regrets nothing
keith takes naps with his head on acxa's chest
she pets his hair while he snores softly
her other hand is occupied with a tablet
acxa says she's mapping battle strategies, but she's watching videos of elephants
she just really likes elephants, okay?
most of his body weight is on acxa, he's hugging her torso tightly and has his legs tangled with hers
she likes to kiss his head when she thinks he's asleep
(Keith pretends to fall asleep a lot faster now)
acxa loves his eyes and compliments them in subtle ways
she stares into them a lot
her new favorite color is coincidentally purple/grey/blue or whatever the fuck his eye color is
she doesn't like it when he wears his bom mask
she tells him he "has the eyes of a soldier" a lot
she slowly starts finding gems/rocks/pebbles that match his eye color on other planets and gives one to him after each mission
Keith is somehow less emotionally constipated than acxa
she doesn't like talking about her feelings because it makes her feel vulnerable
Keith hates it too
but he's tired of having communication problems, so he takes it upon himself to learn how to talk to acxa properly
they lead to tense arguments the first couple tries, but he gets better at it quickly
hunk is his coach and is proud of him
acxa steals his clothes a lot
she likes his jacket a lot
and she enjoys wearing Keith's black t-shirt as a dress even though it's too short for her
Keith doesn't complain
they're that really chill couple most of the time you wouldn't even know they're together
but after a long, hard day, you can bet ur ass that acxa will be sitting on Keith's lap, or her hands will be around his waist, or he'll be playing with acxa's hands
basically they show affection when they want ok
acxa is not much of a dog person, but she'll tolerate Kosmo for Keith
kosmo likes acxa
a lot
she always finds him on her side of the bed, looking at her smugly as Keith snuggles into his fur
she keeps pretending to hate him for a very long time
but Keith catches her petting and cooing at kosmo in the kitchen on a very late night, and just smiles as his girlfriend and wolf finally get along
When she thinks Keith isn't looking, she presses a kiss onto kosmo's forehead before they leave for a mission
Keith catches her one day
he is salty
even he doesn't get kisses before a mission :(((
it's ok though she'll make it up to you later Keith ;)
so that's that for now!! pls stay happy and positive and ship what you want!
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fan-gyaldump · 6 years
Keith x acxa fluff/smut head canons/oneshots that I thought of making because there’s hardly any fics or writing about my beautiful ship.
Don’t hate. Appreciate
•(f) Keith is jealous of his dog Cosmo after realising that acxa gives him the best hugs and kisses instead of Keith.
-Him being an angsty lil bean, he pouts a lot at his girlfriend and just wants some cute lil kisses from her as well.
•(f) Keith gets closer to pidge and Allura more so that he can vent his feelings for acxa to them.
Keith: hey pidgeeeee
Pidge: What is it now Keith?
•(s) Keith had always wondered why Acxa’s armour looked so big on her, he thought that it was impractical when it came to fights or missions.
-That’s when he realised that her armour was only like that because she had a large bust.
-he found out the hard way when he took a minute to put the lion on autopilot and decided to walk out into the cockpit to check on her.
-he managed to walk in on her changing clothes.
-Let’s just say that he was more than grateful for walking in on her changing. Now her boobs will forever be marked as his.
•(f) The paladins decide to take a quick break from their mission and land on a planet that was nearby, inhabited by an alien race that was previously conquered by the galra.
-the people show their gratitude for voltron by providing them with offerings.
-Some of the kids grow to like Acxa and admire her for how strong and pretty she is.
-Keith watches as his girlfriend giggles and handles the kids in such a sweet way.
-That sight just made him want to have kids even more now.
•(s) For some strange reason,Acxa is feeling particularly horny today, she attempts to get Keith to make love to her.
-unfortunately, they were currently in space on their way to their next mission which was very crucial.
-It was hard to tell who was more frustrated, Keith for being distracted or Acxa for being rejected.
-She decides to do it her own way. She goes down onto her knees and hovers her face over his clothed crotch.
-Keith does not react at all,which only motivates her more. She begins to take out his member only to find that it was semi hard.
-She begins to stroke it slowly and grasps it in her hand softly but tight enough to send him over the edge.
-She then decides to put it all in her mouth which causes Keith to gasp and jerk his head back. His breathless pants filling the room and his hand tightly gripping onto the handles of the black lion.
-Both of them were now satisfied with that outcome.
•(f) Keith woke up to Acxa’s constant struggling and fidgeting.
-he looked over to her and it looked as if she was having a nightmare.
-judging from her uneasy expression and quiet whimpers. She was on the brink of tears aswell.
-Keith tried to soothe her and calm her down, her wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.
-She began crying in her sleep while quietly muttering the words “I’m scared” over and over again.
- keith put his hand on the back of her head and began stroking her hair softly while telling her that she was alright.
-He pressed small kisses on the top of her head to reassure her.
-She went back to sleep in his arms and warm embrace.
•(f) Keith was more than happy when he found a sparring partner that would actually challenge him.
-Both of them gave it their all, going at eachother at full force, no holding back whatsoever.
-It went on for hours, they were both tired however, they didn’t want to give in to eachother just yet.
-they were both willing to keep it up if it meant that they didn’t have to yield.
-Acxa got the upper hand and sweeped Keith’s feet, making him fall to the ground, he lay there and saw his girlfriend stand above him victorious.
-he used this opportunity to sweep her from the ground and make her fall the way she did to him.
-once she was on the ground, he pinned her down, preventing her from making any other moves.
-‘not bad’ She panted.
‘Thanks.’ He smiled.
-Keith pressed his lips onto hers softly but it somehow turned into a heated makeout session.
I would write more but I’m out of ideas sorry xxx I’ll probs make a smut fic of Kacxa soon tho...
See ya then
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Can people chill about the Acxa thing?
Why is everyone freaking out about this? Am I the only one that thinks the whole Axca deal might be used as a catalyst plot point for Sheith? Cause now we are stuck in the status quo, a disaster gay and a distinguished gay both in equal positions of power as leaders of big giant robots, who both can be considered each other's most important person in the whole show but apparently they did not have any chances to freaking discuss things (the fight?? the dying+coming back to life?? the confession????) between them until now. And lets not forget that learning your ex with whom you had a bad break up died before you could get some closure means Shiro would need some time to himself and Keith precious soul that he is would keep some distance and offer Shiro the space he needs.
Not to mention they are STILL busy with the whole defenders of the universe thing, drowning in responsibilities and the such so they are probably both being stupid about the whole thing. We need something to move things along in a sense or we will remain in this standstill of these two pining idiots.
Considering the above I want Lance to burst in a room at some point in s8 to announce to anyone available to listen "You will not believe who just got a new girlfriend", enter Pidge "Lance we dont really care about your gossip" meanwhile Shiro just carries on with whatever he is doing at the moment but Lance goes on "This is not simple gossip because I just found out that the Mullet of all people hooked up with Acxa!"
Naturaly Lance is missinformed but nobody in the room knows that for sure so there are various reactions to the "news" and then Shiro's brain finally catches up with the conversation "Wait what?"
"Acxa! You know, Lotor's former general that helped us out that one time? Keep up with the news Shiro"
"I know who she is, Lance"
"Well she and Keith are a thing now! You know dating and stuff"
"Keith doesnt do "dating"
Que all heads in the room turning to look at him weirdly and someone asks "How do you know?"
"I just... do?"
Lance keeps pocking "No wait seriously, how WOULD you know whether Keith dates people or not?"
Disaster gay Shiro is back and frustrated as hell "Can we focus on the more important issue here?? Lance where and when did you here about this?" (same energy as contract that pod moment)
Meanwhile somewhere else Keith has talked with Acxa "You do not really see me that way right? Ezor and Zethrid were just taunting us?" and after Acxa reafirms this "Would that have been a problem?Because you are awfully defensive about this." Keith explains he just wants things to be clear and he is not interested and "There is someone else. Has been for quite a while" and Acxa making conversation asks "Is there any specific reason why you and this someone are not together yet?" "Actually... I could use some advise on that front."
And it AAAAALLLL goes downhill from there. Or the opposite. Depends on how you look at it. I dont know its just a thought I had and I feel like that or something similar is the ONLY route I could see this supposed love triangle going.
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blood-starved-beast · 3 years
Kacxa concept: Acxa and Keith trying this concept of getting together but not really knowing how to go about it in the ~ Galra way ~ cause a) Acxa’s a militarized war child/child soldier growing up in an environment where the finer points of culture have been scrubbed out and b) Keith’s a loner who never picked up on human relationship norms let alone Galran ones. What ends up is a lot of trail-and-error where they’re making a lot of mistakes and bumbling things but they try their best and settle into something that isn’t traditional, but it’s distinctly them and they’re satisfied with that.
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Voltron for the fandom ask
Since you didn’t give me a single character, I’ll just have to cast a wide net; Team Voltron incoming!
Favorite thing about them? Well, honestly, Shiro’s probably one of the more likable characters on the show.
Least favorite thing about them? I feel like both fandom and canon tend to give him a flat character arc too much.
Favorite line? Form Voltron
brOTP? Keith
OTP? Shallura
nOTP? Shaladin, & most ships involving villains.
Random headcanon? Shiro’s grandmother is basically a one woman Japanese adaptation of Golden Girls
Unpopular opinion? If Shiro was going to die or retire, it should have been in Season 7, at the earliest. Then we’d feel the gravity of the loss. An S2 twist was alright, but 
Song I associate with them? Hunted by Steve Jablonsky, The Born King by Daniel Pemberton, Come Together cover by Gosmack, and possibly Broken Parts by Hollywood Undead
Favorite picture of them?
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Favorite thing about them? I like how passionate she is. Whenever she’s being silly or sad or angry or whatever, Allura goes for broke.
Least favorite thing about them? Allura can be a bit of a know-it-all. Granted, she’s very smart, but still she can be pretty stubborn when it comes to admitting to be wrong.
Favorite line? Pidge is a what!?
brOTP? Coran
OTP? Shallura, though I also like unrequited Lotura
nOTP? Allurance
Random headcanon? Allura doesn’t have a bellybutton since she was hatched from an egg.
Unpopular opinion? I’ll admit that while aspects of Allura’s character arc in VLD were clumsy, I do feel that fandom tends to give her a halo. 
Song I associate with them? The White Whale Chant by Roque Banos, though I could see Angel with a Shotgun
Favorite picture of them?
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But I also like this one
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And also this
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Favorite thing about them? say what you will, Keith’s feelings of insecurity and lostness can be relatable.
Least favorite thing about them? Him getting shotgunned into the leader position rather than exploring
Favorite line? no lines. Only gifs
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brOTP? Shiro and sometimes Lance
OTP? Goodness, I’ve got three; Kacxa, Komelle, and a secret one just for me until furthr notice.
nOTP? Klance.
Random headcanon? Keith can purr.
Unpopular opinion? Keith could have been a good leader of Voltron, but we never really see the arc of it. If it’s there, it’s kind of hidden.
Song I associate with them? Everything I Need by Skyler Gray
Favorite picture of them?
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Also this one, because I like it.
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Favorite thing about them? They got the sass
Least favorite thing about them? Pidge can be kind of closed off at times... Look I’m trying my best here.
Favorite line? “ It's kind of cute...in a creepy, hideous way. Sort of like Lance.”
brOTP? Lance & Hunk. Garrison Trio
OTP? Plance, though I also kind of like @chibi-pix ‘s Bandidge pairing
nOTP? Shidge and incest
Random headcanon? Pidge believes in the mothman
Unpopular opinion? IDK if I consider Pidge a member of the LGBTQ+ community
Song I associate with them? Last of the American Girls by Green Day
Favorite picture of them?
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Favorite thing about them? I guess I like that Lance’s ultimate character arc is one of realizing the value of teammates over glory and finding grace through humility.
Least favorite thing about them? Lance can be pretty obnoxious at times. Like, really dislikable. And I know that makes him a good character, I’m just saying that I wouldn’t get along with him in real life.
Favorite line? “As someone who’s made a million mistakes all you can do is get up and try to make it right.”
brOTP? Hunk, Pidge, and sometimes Keith
OTP? Plance, but I also like Lirance from the Space between Stars fic by @thethiefandtheairbender 
nOTP? Klance. It’s just... not very interesting to me. I’m also not a fan of Allurance, either. No hate, I just don’t really care about them.
Random headcanon? Lance is Roman Catholic and somewhat protective of his faith.
Unpopular opinion? Lance can kind of be overblown, by both canon and the fandom.
Song I associate with them? One for the Razorbacks by Green Day
Favorite picture of them?
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Really, I like any image where Lance eats crow, but I also like those moments where he’s like this.
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Favorite thing about them? Hunk’s a pretty cool guy, in all honesty: gregarious, relatable, understanding. Really he’s just a great guy.
Least favorite thing about them? IDK, maybe... fear? (I got nuthin)
Favorite line? The one where he said he had a family too in a really quick awkward way, when Pidge was leaving.
brOTP? Lance & Pidge, the other two amigos
OTP? Hunnay
nOTP? Everything else, I guess
Random headcanon? no headcanons. Only Gifs.
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Unpopular opinion? The food jokes with Hunk could work. They just need a little better framing and a little less... tonedeafness
Song I associate with them? The Mycroft Suite by Hans Zimmer
Favorite picture of them?
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Favorite thing about them? you gotta love his energy. The man just can’t seem to lose his enthusiasm.
Least favorite thing about them? uhhhh... some of the goofiness I guess.
Favorite line? “It’s like the old proverb says; a man can be driven to do anything if a beautiful woman is just really, really mean to him.”
brOTP? Alfor
OTP? I don’t really have one for Coran *shrugs*
nOTP? any of the Paladins or Allura.
Random headcanon? Coran was born offworld, but later moved to Altea after striking up a friendship with Prince Alfor.
Unpopular opinion? Coran should have gotten more screentime.
Song I associate with them? Ariel Swarm by Elliot Goldenthal & Christ in the House of his Parents by Daniel Pemberton
Favorite picture of them?
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Send me a character & I’ll answer some things about them
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kacxa-fan · 4 years
I got another ask ") So a Harry Potter AU. But you don't have to match like harry = Keith more just what are the houses of kacxa (plus maybe the paladins if your up for it) and how would they end up dating? ")
🦁 Keith, Lance, Zethrid
🐦 Acxa, Allura, Pidge/Matt
🐝 Hunk, Coran, Ezor, Acxa? (Think of Tonks)
🐍 Lotor, Narti, Shiro?
· Keith and Acxa meet up during a broom race practice (a club thing?) At first it's quick accidental glances during the instructions gathering, then they eventually chase each other for the flying snitch. They both end up touching hands while trying to catch it, which makes Keith panic cause AH THIS GIRL TOUCHED HIM?! So, being a flustered boy, he ends up swerving his broom and flips then crashes. Acxa wins that round.
· Once that round is over, Acxa is a good sport and picks Keith up, walking him to the nurse's office. Keith curses himself for having this pretty girl help him around when he's perfectly capable of doing it himself. He couldn't help!
· Now everytime after practice they end up chatting up a bit like "Good game!" and Keith tries to be suave or just nice by saying "Y'know, for a girl you sure don't play like one!" "Uh, thank you? I suppose..." and he justs 🤦
· They become known as one of the tops (aside from the MFE gang) and "silent rivals".
· Pidge and Hunk know about his crush first, and they'll be all over it with the teasing! Sometimes right where Acxa can see or hear.
· Hunk slips it out to Allura (plus she's smart and guesses) Of course she's very supportive and understanding, maybe even teases Acxa too whenever she crosses her in the hallways, but keeps it subtle (she can't help it) Anyways, Acxa is super dense and gives her this uncomfortable confused glare like 😕
· Hunk and Pidge shut their mouths around Lance for the sake of having him wait, cause they like to annoy him, but Allura tells him- THEN HE LOL CAUSE LIKE "WTH KEITH LIKES SOMEBODY? NO WAY!" AND HE USES IT AS BLACKMAIL AGAINST KEITH
· That, but he also is in actual shock. He and Keith have this frenemy brothership and who would've thought there'd be a time Keith would fall for anyone? Being his friend he gives him advice (even when he doesn't want it) and kinda pushes him until Keith has had enough and explodes with sheer anger/embarrassment.
· Shiro (a professor) sees that Keith has been acting differently, but whenever he asks Keith dismisses it and runs off. He asks Allura and she tells him. He too is surprised, and oddly proud of his lil buddy. The next day he mentions it and Keith goes all red while laughing awkwardly, again trying to play it off. Shiro puts a hand on his shoulder and tells him it's alright, saying "Just be yourself. It's as simple as that. Don't get your hopes too high though, feelings are complicated."
· Coran (another teacher/janitor) knows about it too through Allura (again girl wow) and gives Keith this big ol' cheesy "aH yEs yOuNg lOvE i rEmeMbeR mY FirSt dAtE! SuCh gOod TiMeS!" Keith just fake laughs and walks off.
· Somehow Zethrid and Ezor figure it out cause they do... And won't leave Acxa alone whenever she comes back from broom practice; "So how was it? See your boyfrieeend~?" "I haven't any idea who you could be referring to. Now please, leave me to my books."
· Narti knows and although she could ask (sign language) about it, she'd rather not.
· Acxa doesn't know much about love, but she admits to feeling warm for Keith. Almost as if he needs protecting? She doesn't know for sure, so she pushes it away only for it to grow and haunt her.
· How they confess: Again, they are the ones chasing after the flying snitch high in the sky. During their typical struggle they touch hands, but this time it's full on hand over hand. Keith's hand tightly holding Acxa's. He tries to let go but he just froze and they stare at each other. Acxa is 😶 while Keith is 😳! Keith drags them down cause he's (again) a nervous wreck and they clumsily crashland. Topple topple and oof! Keith is on Acxa, arms at the sides of her head.
· Now what? While Keith stumbled over his words and still didn't move, Acxa looked him straight in the eyes and asked "Do you like me?" and then Keith faints. Real smooth 👉👉
· He wakes up in the nurse's office and sees Acxa sitting there beside him, holding his hand innocently. She doesn't let go and he doesn't stop her while they talk causally enough, until she goes back to that question. Keith stares at their hands and nods/shrugs, avoiding eye contact. Acxa hums and confesses too, very calmly but burning up inside.
· They date in secret for a bit then decide to spill the beans when someone caught them together (Acxa smooching Keith's forehead) in the halls.
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clown-bear · 3 years
one sided kacxa but it's not at all angsty, Keith is just aro and Acxa is not so Acxa loves Keith (romantically) but they dont love hir (affectionate) you know ❤💜
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poorrichardslegacy · 4 years
For the fanfic director’s cut, what was the experience of writing for Keith and Acxa once they became parents to the twins? Do you have any headcanons about how they came into the world/names/personality/etc?
Thank you for the ask!
When writing the Keith/Acxa interactions for the Galra Chronicles and the one-shot derivatives for Kacxa Week 2020, I drew heavily on my own family experiences. Growing up, I was part of a rather large extended family (Italian, on my Mother’s side). The personalities of the original characters are drawn for the most part directly from family members, while I’ve taken some traits of family members and added them to Keith and Acxa’s characters.
These personality traits come specifically into play when writing Keith and Acxa as parents. Their interactions with the twins (who first appeared in It Takes a Village) are based largely on the interactions I observed between my older sister and her husband, as well as their interactions with their daughters. Let me tell you, there was no shortage of material to work with. The scene in It Takes a Village where Krolia sits Keith and Acxa down and reads them the riot act is based on an interaction (more of a one-sided conversation really) my mother and one of my many aunts had with my sister and brother-in-law.
Later familial interactions in my other Kacxa Week 2020 stories (when the Kacxa daughters were 16 and then 18) were again drawn from family experiences.
Do I have any headcanons on how the twins came into the world? Depends on what you mean by coming into the world. In my head, Acxa had serious doubts about her ability to get pregnant and was pleasantly surprised when she did following a BOM mission to wipe out a band of pirates (Chapter 14 The End is the Beginning of The Seven Paladins).
The names of the twins came about as a result of a Google search. I wanted something that sounded different, not a run-of-the mill name. I came across Mireya and Cataleya, liked how they sounded, and went with that. And I’m glad I did.
The personalities of the twins are based almost entirely off my nieces. Mireya, the snarky almost completely spontaneous one; Cataleya, the more thoughtful and slightly more reserved one (although she also has her spontaneous moments).
That’s the condensed version. Thanks again for the ask!
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endlesspillowtalk · 4 years
For the question meme 002 Voltron/Keith. Thanks! :)
Hi! Thanks for asking :)
How I feel about this character
Love him! He is one of my favorite characters in the show. I wasn't very into him when I started watching it but as I was learning more about him he started to grow on me, mostly because I related to him in some aspects of his personality. He is very special to me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Acxa and Allura.
My non romantic OTP for this character
I'd say klance. I'm a fan of their development from rivals-to teammates-to friends. What I really like about their development is how they went from two teenagers who couldn't stand each other to two mature men who learned to respect and admire each other. They're best buddies now.
My unpopular opinion for this character
He never implied to be interested in other male characters or have romantic feelings for them. Like, never.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
Well, if I had to talk about something I wish had happend with him, it involves another character: Acxa. I wish the writers allowed us to explore more about his relationship with her (not romantically speaking). We learned in s7 they became allies but that was it, we didn't get to see them interact again in the next season. I feel it was a missing part of his arc (and Acxa's as well). But overall, I'm okay with how he was portrayed during the whole show.
A headcanon fact
He can sing and play the guitar. And he likes to do it when he's alone, so one knows that.
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