dnangelic · 6 months
@kaerou : picks him up by the scruff
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cure-yo-curio · 10 months
At some point in our lives, we pondered with the thought of what life would be like if another place would be our home. Being Gen Z born, I share with my generation the search of home and our own true individual selves. For some reason, it felt like being a misfit became a trend, as if the glitch of birth mismatch becomes more intentional.
A lot of people feel like they are incompatible with their family or country for sure, and this spearheads the questioning on the notion of home. Is home really a point of place where we begin? Or is it a mission goal where we usher our soul towards?
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I would like to refer to Fujii Kaze's Kaerou to help put essence in this ponder post. You see, this song reached so many people as a genuinely healing message. I would say it has a strong influence in conquering over our egoistic and hate-filled tendencies.
Every time I listen to this song, I always picture this music video in my head where a version of me wearing a kimono woke up in the middle of a forest on his quest to "free" the other versions of himself that are chained to the sufferings of the past.
In this MV that I imagined in my head, several places were visited as settings here. These places included my slums hometown, my prestigious high school, my next hometown where I spent time with my friends, my college before I dropped out, my current residence, as well as the main park of my country. In every place, there will be a version of me to represent my bad experiences in each place, through the showcase of different clothing and aesthetics.
I would appear as a dirty beggar in my slums hometown, an ostracized nerd in my highschool, an underestimated friend in the next hometown, a hated student in my college, a mistreated and abused child in my current residence, and a horned-version of myself wearing my country's traditional clothing covered in blood and scars.
Throughout this MV, my scenes were all about the kimono-wearing self giving those other versions of me one last hug in different approaches, but with the same empathy just to set them free and disperse into the winds of peace. It ends with me waking up to another day in Japan.
I've expressed my desire to strive for home, and I think there is a basis in saying "home is where the heart is". I love Japan, not just because of mainstream media, but because of its nature's influence, culture, and language. I feel healed whenever I do activities related to Japan. I do appreciate my birth country still with its food and language, but Japan just hits harder and closer to home and my inner child's yearnings. I never experienced the genuine feeling of family and home, but I felt a strong pull to become that parent I never get to have and build a home experience that I never get to be born with.
Homecoming is a mission of journey and introspection. You might even find your true sense of home in a foreign country. While success feels good, succeeding in homecoming is a transcendent feeling.
Nothing will beat saying the words "I'm home" in a place that you actively chose and built for yourself.
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ardenssolis · 2 years
@kaerou​ said (inbox):
" if you embody the sun .. 'n i gotta call you your highness.. would your sunshine-ness but more appropriate ? " what on earth is this girl's thinking ?
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     SUNSHINE...NESS? WAS THAT not a mouthful? Sure saying all of Ozymandias' extremely long titles was probably quite time consuming for the normal individual, but 'Your Highness' seemed so much better bouncing off the tongue than that. ❝Would it not be better to merely call me...❞ he paused, seemingly thinking of what to say, although in actuality, he already had something in mind, ❝Great King of the Everlasting Sun!❞ That was worse than what was just brought up! However, in his mind, it was so much better (mainly because he thought of it).
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@kaerou​    ☼    
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❝ Heeeeeeeeeeey Master! No rest for the weary, huh? But at least now we have the chance to explore Japan a little. ❞ the exuberant swordbeauty looped her arm around Ritsuka’s neck, bringing her close. Sure, Musashi had lots of fun during the Las Vegas adventure but there was always this looming guilt of someone who screwed up, knew she had screwed up and was hoping nobody would notice it -- like when you break a vase (in the case, a Grail) and put it together with super-glue and hoping nobody notices the difference. Beautiful gals, swimming suits, a lake by the mountains in Japan. What could possibly go wrong? ❝ Hmn I know that cowgirls is a little out of place but these boots are comfy and useful to walk around the vegetation. ❞ she answered a question that no-one asked. The truth was that she was wearing that outfit because she liked it. ❝ What are we going to do? I want to try s’mores tonight, I heard they are great. ❞
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soulgathered · 2 years
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if i offer u ur-nungal i also gotta offer u kingu,,,
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hatsumishinogu · 2 years
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Ouchi e Kaerou -Neko-mimi Omega verse- Vol.3
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cacaitos · 2 years
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Let’s Return To The Forest, Nemoto Yue (1995).
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kaalavg · 8 months
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Ouchi ni Kaerou
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oratokyosaigunda · 8 months
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Ouchi ni Kaerou series banner
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asherasgayagenda · 11 months
particular music does irreparable damage to my psyche
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shoujosekaii · 2 years
Ouchi ni Kaerou
Chapter 16 (Final chapter)
Mei’s parents and her younger brother show up at the front door, happily greeting, “Good evening! My daughter has been in your care!”. Mei is surprised to see them while Iori maintains his poker face. (Clarification: Mei’s father here is actually her step-father. Mei’s mother remarried. For ease of typing I continue to refer to him as Mei's father.)
Mei goes, “Eh, Mum, Dad…?! Why…”
Mei’s parents explain that they tried contacting Tokieda, but couldn’t wait for his reply. They didn’t want to show up too late in the day, so they decided to come straight away. (Tokieda in the circle: You’re coming now?! Please wait a minute!!)
Iori checks his phone and sees that Tokieda gave him several missed calls.
Mei’s mother asks, “...Mei, who is this?”
Mei panics and goes, “Eh… um!” while wondering what to do and what she should say. Iori steps up and introduces himself: “I am Tachibana Iori.” Mei is shocked at his candidness in declaring it.
Mei’s parents look stunned. Mei’s mother begins, “Huh… I remember that Tachibana-sensei was supposed to be a lady…” (the magazine has a picture of Kanon and says: Young prodigy Tachibana Iori, exclusive interview)
Mei’s mother looms over Mei, going, “What is going on…?”, and Mei is terrified.
In the next panel, we see all of them seated around on the sofa. We can assume that the situation about Iori having Kanon be his stand-in has been explained to Mei’s parents.
Mei’s mother says, “...This can’t be. I never expected that Tachibana-sensei was a man. (Darn it, Tokieda-san…)”
Iori answers, “I’m sorry, this is all my fault.”. However, Mei retorts, “No, it was me…”
Mei’s mother dismisses them, saying, “Ah, enough. In any case, since we understand the situation now, I cannot allow Mei to continue working here.”
Pulling on Mei’s wrist, Mei’s mother says, “Let’s go home.”
Mei tries to ask her to wait and Iori also cuts in, saying, “Please wait a moment. If she is not around, I will be very troubled.”
Mei agitatedly adds, “Yes… that’s right!! If we leave Iori-sensei to live by himself, he wouldn’t be able to cook, clean, nor do the laundry!!”
Mei’s mother replies, “Even if you say so… he can just hire another housekeeper, right?”
Mei is speechless at the answer and looks down. However, Iori clarifies, “---No. My girlfriend can only be Mei-san.”
Mei blushes at the declaration, while Mei’s parents are taken aback.
Iori continues, saying, “...Till today, it’s all because I have not been expressing myself enough, as a result causing her to feel uneasy. However, I am serious about dating Mei-san. Therefore, I don’t wish for her to leave my side.”
Mei tears up in response to Iori’s words. However, Mei’s father looks stern and answers, “Did you think I’d approve of this, Mei-chan? I refuse.”
Mei’s mother tries to placate him a little, while Mei narrates: It’s the first time I’m seeing Dad so angry. When we became a family, we always got along somewhat cordially… (younger Mei and Dad back then: “Mei-chan, I’ll be in your care!” “...Okay!”)
Mei looks dispirited and goes, “I…I’m sorry. I’m aware that it is not appropriate for this issue to be widely known, but I will not cause any trouble for the two of you…”
Shaking with anger, Mei’s father points at Iori and says, “No matter what it is, I cannot forgive this man!! I’d never consent to handing my precious daughter over to this unknown man!!”
Mei looks surprised and somewhat touched at her father’s outburst. Her father clears his throat and continues, “Let…let’s put these things aside for now. Let’s go, Mei-chan.”
Surprised, Mei asks where, and her father pushes her to the door, saying to go to the hotel that they are staying in. Mei turns back to look at Iori worriedly, but leaves with her parents.
Later, Iori is sitting on his sofa with Soseki when his phone rings. He picks it up with a, “Tch.”
Tokieda goes, “You’re answering my call with a ‘tch’?! I’ve got bad news!! Mei-chan’s parents are…”
I: They already came.
T: Eh?!?! Then… what happened?!
I: They took her away.
T: How did that happen… what are you going to do about it?
I: I’m trying to figure out what would make Mei the happiest. Rather than that, what did you call for? You have work-related stuff to discuss, right?
T: Ah… yes. I remember now. You won’t be attending the party tomorrow, right?
I: What is that?
T: It’s the award ceremony for the bestselling book award from that bookstore. There’ll be various journalists from the media industry. You don’t like facing them, do you? We’ll have Kanon represent you as usual…
I: –No. I will attend it this time.
The next day, we see Mei pleading with her father at the hotel, going, “Please, Dad!! Read this book!!”. She is holding onto Iori’s novel, ‘Moonlight’.
Mei enthusiastically explains that the novel ‘Moonlight’ is very well written, and that by reading it, he will understand that Iori has a wonderful heart. Her father goes, “Okay, I got it, I got it. Nevertheless, is he really the one who wrote this book? I still can’t believe it.”
Mei looks discouraged at her father’s doubts and thinks to herself, ‘Why is it like this…?’
Mei’s parents say that they should head off to have a meal and Mei sadly follows. However, she notices a large gathering of people.
Mei realizes that a famous bookstore is holding their bestseller award ceremony and she gets extremely excited, because she remembers that ‘Moonlight’ was the bestseller this year. She looks around anxiously, wondering if Iori came, while her parents are startled at Mei wandering off on her own.
Someone calls out, “Eh? Mei-chan.”
Mei turns around to find Kanon dressed up beautifully, and Asahina in a smart-looking suit. Mei goes, “Kanon-san! (You look beautiful!) Sora-kun, you’re here too!”
Asahina answers that he’s here because he is the actor for the upcoming movie ‘Moonlight’.
Kanon asks Mei who the people with her are, while Mei's parents are in shock because they recognize Asahina (they go, ‘Eh, that person… isn’t he an actor?!’). Mei explains to Kanon that they are her family members.
Kanon is surprised, saying, “Eh?! Really?!”, and introduces herself, going, “Nice to meet you. I am Tachibana Iori! (I’ve been in your daughter’s care!)”
Mei is slightly taken aback by Kanon’s self-introduction, but she remembers that Kanon is the face of ‘Tachibana Iori’, because Iori himself would never want to appear in such a place.
Mei’s father goes, “You said ‘Tachibana Iori’...!”, while Mei’s younger brother suddenly runs off. He was attracted by the smell of the food. Kanon accompanies Mei’s younger brother to try the food, and Mei’s parents anxiously ask them to wait.
Mei looks on and wonders to herself if it’s okay for things to have turned out this way. She happens to turn around and discovers Iori walking through the crowd.
After a short while, the event organizer announces for the winner of the bestseller award, Tachibana Iori, to come up on stage. Kanon goes up the stage and waves to the audience.
Mei tries to squeeze herself to the front while we see a pair of legs walking up the stage.
Kanon is about to address the audience, but someone appears and tells her, “--Kanon, I’m sorry.”
It’s Iori, who takes over the microphone and introduces himself: “I am Tachibana Iori.”
We see that Mei’s parents and Tokieda are extremely shocked. Kanon is also startled, whispering to Iori, “Wait a minute… Iori?! What are you talking about…”
The audience members are confused, going, “Who’s that?!” “What’s going on?!” “He’s kinda handsome, don’t you think!”
Iori continues, explaining, “All this time, it has been my older sister standing in for me at such events, because I don’t like appearing in front of the media. However, this time, I want to say it in my own words, hence I decided to make a public appearance.”
“Please accept my deepest apologies for doing something like this, which could have been taken as deceitful behaviour.”
The journalists are going wild, and one of them asks, “What…what caused you to have a change of heart?! Please tell your fans!”
Iori looks sombre for a moment, then begins, “I used to hate my fans.” Everyone is stunned.
Iori continues, “They like to interpret me in their own ways and often impose their ideals onto me. I really detest such situations.”
Mei is shaking with worry at Iori’s words and wonders if he’s being too blunt.
Iori explains, “Nonetheless, that view of mine has gradually changed. I met someone who was emotionally supported by my novels. It makes me feel glad and thankful.”
We see that Iori has an image of Mei (and Soseki) in his mind while he says, “For that person, I want to become a more honest and reliable person.”
Mei tears up at Iori’s words while Iori steps down the stage and bows to the audience. The audience applaud, and we see that Mei’s parents are still trying to process Iori’s announcement.
Mei’s father turns away to leave, but Mei calls out to him. She says to her parents, “...I’ve always been wary and conscious of your feelings, so I didn’t dare to tell you this - but the reason I left the house was because I felt that the three of you - Mum, Dad and Aoi-kun, would be happier without me around.”
Mei’s mother looks hurt and says, “Mei…”, while Mei’s father adamantly answers, “That’s not true at all…!”
Mei continues, saying, “But I was wrong. When you got mad and anxious because of me, I finally understood that I am also a part of this family.”
Smiling, Mei says, “It’s thanks to Iori-sensei that I was able to tell you about these thoughts. No matter how we clashed in opinions, he would always accept and face me in a genuine manner.”
“Therefore… please allow me to continue staying at Iori-sensei’s house!”
Mei’s parents look at each other with smiles on their faces. They tell Mei, “...You’re welcome to return anytime, alright?”
“There’s more than one place where you can call home.”
Mei answers, “...Yes!”
On another day, we see Mei and Iori alone at home (with Soseki). Mei remarks that the home feels somewhat empty now, and Iori agrees. Sipping his coffee, he says, “My ears are finally cleansed.” (Mei sweatdrops at his comment.)
Mei narrates that after the award ceremony, Kanon and Asahina moved out from the house.
The television plays a talk show, and the TV hosts announce, “The most widely-discussed topic right now is the true identity of Tachibana Iori!”
“Who would have known that he was actually a dashing, young college student?! What a surprise~! We hear that the number of female fans around the nation has exponentially increased!”
Disgusted, Iori quickly moves to turn off the TV, surprising Mei. She says, “Iori-sensei, you’re going to be even busier from here on, huh.”
Iori looks at her and asks if she’s worried about it. Mei answers, “Not at all.”, which surprises Iori. She smiles brightly and says, “I really can’t wait for Iori-sensei’s novels to be read by more people!”
Iori seems moved and has a blush on his cheek. He says, “Mei.”, and Mei asks him if anything’s wrong (if he wants another cup of coffee).
Iori says, “Let’s get married.”
Mei is stunned. Iori explains, “It’ll be dangerous if you also get hounded by the fans and media, right? We should put your name in the register now. This way, you won’t be disturbed, and our daily lives will be more peaceful.”
“...No. Not because of this.”
“I just want to always be by your side.”
“Please marry me.”
Mei tears up and smiles happily. She leans into Iori’s embrace and replies, “I will…!”
Sometime in the future, we see a little girl (accompanied by Soseki) calling to her mother, “Mama~ Where’s Papa?!”
The mother (whom we can assume is Mei) answers, “He’s out today, having a consultation!”
The little girl whines. However, the front door rattles open. The little girl cries out, “Ah! Papa is back!” (Soseki also perks up.)
The little girl runs to welcome her father (whom we can assume is Iori), who pats her head and says that he’s home. He looks lovingly at his wife, who answers, “Welcome home!”
The End.
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pikahlua · 4 months
MHA Chapter 415 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 突如現れた、ここに居ないハズの面々。それはーー とつじょあらわれた、ここにいないハズのめんめん。それはーー totsujo arawareta, koko ni inai HAZU no menmen. sore wa-- They suddenly appeared, all of these [people] that weren't supposed to be here. That's--
tagline 2 No.415 拒絶 堀越耕平 ナンバー415 きょぜつ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 415  kyozetsu  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 415 Rejection Kouhei Horikoshi
1 "記憶"の交錯…‼︎ "きおく"のこうさく…‼︎ "kioku" no kousaku...!! The intermingling of memories...!!
2 加速度的に進行していたAFO因子とOFAの感応がーーーー… かそくどてきにしんこうしていたにいさんとワン・フォー・オールのかんのうがーーーー… kasokudoteki ni shinkou shite ita niisan (kanji: OORU FOO WAN inshi) to WAN FOO OORU no kannou ga----... It's progressing at an accelerating rate, the responsiveness between brother (read as: the AFO factor) and One For All----...
3 何故 なぜ naze Why
4 おまえ達が見える!!? おまえたちがみえる!!? omae-tachi ga mieru!!? can I see you all!!?
5 2代目の攻撃で臨界点に達したんだ リーダーの譲渡でりんかいてんにたっしたんだ RIIDAA (kanji: 2daime) no jouto (kanji: kougeki) de rinkaiten ni tasshitanda By transferring (read as: attacking) Leader (read as: the Second), we reached the critical point. (Note: I don't think this is meant to be idiomatic. I think he means Through the transfer process, we were able to hit his weak point.)
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1 OFAを奪う為に兄さんは心を欲した… ワン・フォー・オールをうばうためににいさんはこころをほっした… WAN FOO OORU wo ubau tame ni niisan wa kokoro wo hosshita... In order to steal One For All, my [older] brother wanted a heart...
2 だがどれ程無体な力を得ようと心はーー… だがどれほどむたいなちからをえようとそれはーー… daga dorehodo mutai na chikara wo eyou to sore (kanji: kokoro) wa--... but no matter how much intangible power he gains, that (read as: heart)--...
3 ここだったんだ koko dattanda was here.
4 悪意と憎しみに塗り固められた最強の敵… あくいとにくしみにぬりかためられたさいきょうのヴィラン… akui to nikushimi ni nuri katamerareta saikyou no VIRAN... The strongest villain coated with malice and hatred...
5 凶行を止めるには初めから きょうこうをとめるにははじめから kyoukou wo tomeru ni wa hajime kara Stopping atrocities starts from the beginning
6 僕らが紡がれた意味は ぼくらがつむがれたいみは bokura ga tsumugareta imi wa As for the meaning we spun together,
7 ここにーーー koko ni--- here [is where]--- (Note: It sounds like this final phrase is meant to be read like "It's in this place that the meaning we spun together will come to be." In other words, this is the place where they will see the meaning of their existence as One For All come to fruition.)
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1 って感じねすごいわ二人とも ってかんじねすごいわふたりとも tte kanji ne sugoi wa futari-tomo "You're amazing, both of you!"
2 へし折って帰ろう! へしおってかえろう! heshiotte kaerou! "Let's smash [his pride] and go home!"
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1 死柄木!!!! しがらき!!!! Shigaraki!!!! "Shigaraki!!!!"
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1 緑谷あ みどりやあ Midoriyaa "Midoriyaa!"
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1 OFAの"譲渡"が ワン・フォー・オールの"じょうと"が WAN FOO OORU no "jouto" ga "The transfer of One For All"
2 弾き返された⁉︎ はじきかえされた⁉︎ hajikikaesareta!? "was repelled!?"
3 ぐア… guA... "Gwa..."
4 ダメージはある‼︎ DAMEEJI wa aru!! There is damage!!
5 "拒絶"しやがった…‼︎俺たちを奪える程強い意志ならそれも可能ってことか… "きょぜつ"しやがった…‼︎おれたちをうばえるほどつよいいしならそれもかのうってことか… "kyozetsu" shiyagatta...!! ore-tachi wo ubaeru hodo tsuyoi ishi nara sore mo kanou tte koto ka... "He freaking rejected it...!! If his will is strong enough to steal us, then I guess that's also possible..."
6 6代目だけが辛うじて"譲渡"された!ダメージはそのおかげさあ エンだけがかろうじて"じょうと"された!ダメージはそのおかげさあ EN (kanji: 6daime) dake ga karoujite "jouto" sareta! DAMEEJI wa sono okage saa "Only En (read as: the Sixth) was barely transferred! That's why there's damage."
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1 …つまり…完全には閉ざしきれていない……! …つまり…かんぜんにはとざしきれていない……! ...tsumari...kanzen ni wa tozashi kirete inai......! ...In other words...he's not completely closed off......!
2 増殖した指から"譲渡"できたらいいけど…今の二度の"譲渡"は指を壊して胸に当たった瞬間に発生した つまり指からは渡せない あれは爪や垢のようなものか ぞうしょくしたゆびから"じょうと"できた��いいけど…いまのにどの"じょうと"はゆびをこわしてむねにあたったしゅんかんにはっせいした つまりゆびからはわたせない あれはつめやあかのようなものか zoushoku shita yubi kara "jouto" dekitara ii kedo...ima no nido no "jouto" wa yubi wo kowashite mune ni atatta shunkan ni hassei shita tsumari yuba kara wa watasenai are wa tsume ya aka no you na mono ka It'd be nice if I could transfer it through his fingers that multiplied, but...the two current transfers occurred the moment I hit his chest and broke my fingers. In other words, I can't transfer through his fingers because they're things like fingernails or dirt?
3 ゴ GO "Ggh."
4 うう uu "uu"
5 ああ aa "aa"
6 近付いてる… ちかづいてる… chikadzuiteru... I'm getting closer...
7 何度だって試してやる なんどだってためしてやる nando datte tameshite yaru I'll keep trying no matter how many times.
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1 衛星通信を介した超超長距離リモート操縦‼︎ えいせいつうしんをかいしたちょうちょうちょうきょりリモートそうじゅう‼︎ eisei tsuushin wo kaishita chou chou choukyori RIMOOTO soujuu!! "Super-super-long-distance remote control via satellite communication!!"
2 オーライ OORAI "All right."
3 オーライ OORAI "All right."
4 オーライ OORAI "All right."
5 さすが腐っても天下の雄英ね…‼︎ さすがくさってもてんかのゆうえいね…‼︎ sasuga kusattemo tenka no yuuei ne...!! "As expected of the-best-in-the-world UA, even if it's crumbling...!!"
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1 あの子は緑谷くんのグローブ作成を取り次いでくれたのです あのベイビーはみどりやくんのグローブさくせいをとりついでくれたのです ano BEIBII (kanji: ko) wa Midoriya-kun no GUROOBU sakusei wo toritsuide kureta no desu "That baby took over the production of Midoriya-kun's gloves for me."
2 不時着となったので資材で強化しました ふじちゃくとなったのでしざいできょうかしました fujichaku to natta node shizai de kyouka shimashita "Since it was a crash landing, we're reinforcing it [UA] with materials."
3 手伝う! てつだう! tetsudau! "I'll help!"
4 怪我人を頼むよ!動けない人がいたら教えてくれ けがにんをたのむよ!うごけないひとがいたらおしえてくれ keganin wo tanomu yo! ugokenai hito ga itara oshiete kure "Take care of the injured! If anyone can't move, please let me know."
5 彼は私のクライアントなので今後より良いサービスを提供する為にも見る必要があります! かれはわたしのクライアントなのでこんごよりいいサービスをていきょうするためにもみるひつようがあります! kare wa watashi no KURAIANTO nanode kongo yori ii SAABISU wo teikyou suru tame ni mo miru hitsuyou ga arimasu! "He is my client, so in order to provide better service in the future, it's necessary I watch him!"
6 私の愛する人を逮捕に貶し入れてあろうことかより一層素敵にさせてくれちゃった男の子…! わたしのあいするひとをたいほにおとしいれてあろうことかよりいっそうすてきにさせてくれちゃったおとこのこ…! watashi no ai suru hito wo taiho ni otoshi irete arou koto ka yori issou suteki ni sasete kurechatta otoko no ko...! "He's the boy who made the person I love more amazing than did anyone who put him under arrest...!"
7 不時着 ふじちゃく fujichaku "A crash landing."
8 早く陸へ はやくりくへ hayaku riku e "Quickly, to shore!"
9 手を貸してくれ てをかしてくれ te wo kashite kure "Lend me a hand."
10 応援しなきゃあバチが当たるってものよ! おうえんしなきゃあバチがあたるってものよ! ouen shinakyaa BACHI ga ataru tte mono yo! "If I don't support him, I'll pay for it*!" (*Note: This phrase also means "What goes around, comes around," so "I'll pay for it" means basically "I'll regret it due to the karma.")
small text 映った…! うつった…! utsutta...! "It's displaying...!"
11 …⁉︎ なんだこりゃあ…⁉︎ ...!? nanda koryaa...!? "...!? What the hell is this...!?"
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1 避難所 ひなんじょ hinanjo [At the] evacuation shelter
2 おい oi "Hey."
3 なんだあれ nanda are "What's that?"
4 手の…塊…⁉︎… ての…かたまり…⁉︎… te no...katamari...!? ... "A ball...of hands...!? ..."
5 アッ A "Ah!"
6 待チナサイ! まチナサイ! maCHINASAI! "Wait!"
7 エリチャン‼︎ ERI-CHAN!! "Eri-chan!!"
tagline 駆ける先はーー… かけるさきはーー… kakeru saki wa--... [Where] is she running to--...[?]
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mysticsaki · 11 months
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Kaerou Riko-chan. Riko-chan?
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randomyaoimoments · 7 months
Hello, do you mind if I ask your fav BL based on this categories? But all category must have different BL titles.
Shounen ai
Younger top
Younger bottom
Seme redflag
Uke redflag
Most greenflag couple
Most redflag couple
Enemies to lovers
Childhood friend to lovers
School life
Thanks if you want to answer.
Hello there! thanks for asking :D to answer your question, Below are my personal favorite BL 😙 Hope you’ll enjoy reading it :D
Manhua :
- Fragile Relationship
Manhwa :
- BJ Alex
- Dangerous Convenience Store
- I Can Hear It Without A Microphone
- Legs Which Cannot Walk
- Perfect Buddy
- Pian Pian
- Rivalry 1
- Semantic Error
- Shutline
- Surge Looking For You
- Sweet Spot
- The Kang’s Yeesu
- The New Recruit
- The Time Between Dog And Wolf
- Walk On Water
Manga :
- Finder Series
- Cherry Magic!
- Dakaretai Otoko Ichii Ni Odosarete Imasu
- Itou-san
- Kiraide Isasete
- Honto Yajuu
- Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai
- Sasaki To Miyano
- The Alpha’s Bride
- The Titan’s Bride
Omegaverse :
- Heat And Run
- Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
- Kedamono Arashi series
- Kekkon Shite Kudasai!
- Okusama Wa Alpha
- Ou-sama to Puppy Love
- Remnant : Jujin Omegaverse
- Totsugimasen Kara!
- Usotsuki Na Tsugai
- You Who Wants To Love
Shounen ai :
- Boku-tachi Wa Mada Aoku
- Green Apple Paradise
- Heesu In Class 2
- Kieta Hatsukoi
Younger top
- 17 Seito
- Boku No Mama Chan
- Dou-imo Nara Nai
- Eat Me Up, My Husband
- Honey Bear
- If You Hate Me That Much
- Kore Mo Shigoto Desu
- My Pretty Policeman
- Papa Datte, Shitai
- Seashell Boy
Younger bottom :
- Collar Kiss
- Goodbye Lilac
- Hana Wa Saku Ka
- His Little Amber
- Honey Maple More More Sugar
- Hwanghyeon Text
- Isso Koe Ga Nakattara
- Katekyo!
- Kikoeru?
- Kobi No Kyoujin
- Koi Ga Michitara
- Love Me Doctor!
- Mankai Darling
- My Little Inferno
- On Or Off
- Ou-sama No Koi Asobi
- A Tiger’s Den
- Usagi Otoko Tora Otoko
Seme redflag
- Even If You Don’t Love Me
- Love Jinx
- My Hyung’s Lover
- Roses And Champagne
- Sadistic Beauty BL Sidestory
- Unscented Trajectory
Uke redflag
- Sweet Heart Trigger
Most greenflag couple
- Ouchi E Kaerou : Neko Mimi Omegaverse
- After Staring At The Starry Sky
- First Night With My Beloved
- Mother’s Spirit
- Muri Marriage
- Old-fashioned Cupcake
- Raion Gotoki No Kuni Kara
- Restart Wa Tadaima No Ato De
- Shiba-kun To Shepherd-san
- Tatoeba Konna Koi No Hanashi
- Until I Meet My Husband
Most redflag couple
- Dragless Sex
Enemies to lovers
- Alpha Ga Alpha Wo Daku Houhou
- Anti Alpha
- Fudanshi No Ore Ga Youkya Osananajimi Ni Semarareteru Ken
- I’m Banging My Rival From A Parallel World
- Omae No Koi Wa Ore No Mono
- You Get Me Going
- Megumi And Tsugumi
Childhood friends to lovers :
- Ashita Wa Docchi Da!
- Dekiai Honey Baby
School life :
- Bukiyou Na Silent
- Doushiyou Mo Nai, Boku No Hatsukoi
- Ero Yume Aquarium
- Gosan No Heart
- Hana Tokidoki Kuma
- Hatsukoi Encounter
- Hinekure Chaser
- Houkago No Etude
- I Seriously Can’t Believe You
- Iberiko Buta To Koi To Tsubaki
- Inu Mo Arukeba Koi Ga Hajimaru
- Kawaii Akuma
- Kijima-kun
- Mask Danshi Wa Koishitakunai No Ni
- Nar Kiss
- Yarichin Bitch Club
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hatsumishinogu · 2 years
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Ouchi ni Kaero Vol.4 (end)
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cacaitos · 2 years
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Let’s Return To The Forest, Nemoto Yue (1995).
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