themiliti · 3 months
kafka is so fucking hot
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kitspeech · 5 months
Food symbols: Kafta
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[ ID: Emoji of two kafta on a white plate. /End ID ]
emoji/aac symbol for kafta/kofta. more used to this version than the round one so made it like this.
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littlelarajean · 1 year
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Did a fancy foooooooood
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noshedoesntlabel · 7 months
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Cuisine - Lebanese - Kafta BBQ The yummiest preparation mixture for ground beef EVER! I have made this Lebanese meat for all of my friends and family and have HAD to leave the recipe with everyone! The mixture can be used for everything: meatballs, meatloaf, BBQ skewers, and hamburgers.
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maidith · 10 months
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Kafta BBQ Recipe The most delicious ground beef preparation mixture EVER! I had to share the recipe for the Lebanese meat I had prepared for all of my friends and family. Everything can be made with the mixture, including meatballs, meatloaf, barbecue skewers, and hamburgers. 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh parsley, 1 teaspoon salt or to taste, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 1.5 pounds lean ground beef, 6 wooden or metal skewers, 1 medium onion grated
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lilianekhalil · 1 year
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Kafta BBQ Recipe The yummiest preparation mixture for ground beef EVER! I have made this Lebanese meat for all of my friends and family and have HAD to leave the recipe with everyone! The mixture can be used for everything: meatballs, meatloaf, BBQ skewers, and hamburgers.
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komodopix · 1 year
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Kafta BBQ The yummiest preparation mixture for ground beef EVER! I have made this Lebanese meat for all of my friends and family and have HAD to leave the recipe with everyone! The mixture can be used for everything: meatballs, meatloaf, BBQ skewers, and hamburgers.
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desertoparticular · 1 year
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Autor desconhecido
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bembrasilreceitas · 1 year
Receita de Kafta assada na churrasqueira
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Receita de Kafta assada na churrasqueira - A kafta é um embutido de carne que pode ser feito com carne bovina, porco ou frango. Além disso é bem simples de preparar e fica uma delícia assada na churrasqueira! Portanto, você só precisa temperá-la da forma que preferir, colocá-la em um espeto e levar ao fogo.
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Receita de Kafta assada na churrasqueira Quando estiver pronta, é só servir com alguns molhos à sua escolha. A kafta é de fato, uma ótima opção para servir em festas ou reuniões com amigos. Espero que gostem!
Receita de Kafta assada na churrasqueira
Ingredientes - 300g de carne moída - 1 cebola média ralada - 1 colher (sopa) de creme de cebola em pó - 3 colheres (sopa) de folhas de hortelã picadinhas - Sal - Pimenta síria Modo de preparo - Em uma tigela coloque antes de mais nada a carne moída, a cebola, o creme de cebola, as folhas de hortelã. - Acrescente o sal e logo após a pimenta síria - Faça bolinhas de carne na palma das mãos e logo depois modele-as em torno dos palitos de churrasco. - Leve as kaftas para assar em churrasqueira, e asse dos dois lados. - Tome cuidado para não assar demais, porque ficarão duros e ressecados. - Sirva em seguida. Sem dúvida, agora que você já sabe como fazer receita de kafta assada, conheça também as outras receitas, que tem a finalidade de ajudar a montar seu cardápio para o dia a dia, fim de semana ou comemorações. Certamente vai agradar a todos! O nosso blog Bem Brasil receitas é especialmente feito para ajudar você na cozinha e facilitar o seu dia a dia, nele você encontra receitas de bolo de cenoura, bolo de chocolate, fricassê de frango, carne assada, patê de frango e receita de pãozinho simples para o seu café da manhã ou chá da tarde. Além da receita de sonho, acompanhe o nosso site e conheça outras receitas como: Como fazer pudim de manga espetacular Picanha assada com batatas fácil e saborosa Batata doce assada surpreenda a todos Salada de grão de bico Cheesecake de cerejas especial Gostou? Sobretudo não esqueça de deixar o seu comentário e avaliação sobre o que achou dessa receita. Então aproveite e compartilhe com os amigos e familiares. Read the full article
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selfcaredicas · 1 year
Kafta recheada
400g de patinho moído.
Cebola picada.
Alho moído.
Sal e azeite a gosto.
4 espetos de queijo coalho (reservar).
1. Reserve o queijo coalho e misture todos os ingredientes acima em uma tigela. 2. Cubra por completo o espeto de queijo coalho com a carne. 3. Em uma forma untada, coloque os espetos de kafta prontos e acrescente um pouco de azeite por cima. 4. Asse um forno pré aquecido à 180 graus por 40 mins.
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sizzledad · 2 years
Kafta libanesische Kebab mit Hummus und Sumach Zwiebeln | Barbecue Rezept DADs BBQ
In Deutschland gibt es die Frikadelle, in Kroatien die Cevapcici und in der Türkei die Köfte und heute zeige ich die Kafta aus dem Libanon. Essen werde ich sie in ein Fladenbrot mit Hummus, Sumach Zwiebeln und eine Sriracha Mayonnaise. Für die Zubereitung der Spieße verwende ich die Rotisserie von Onlyfire. Den Rezept und Bericht zu den libanesischen Kafta findest Du hier: 
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nogarlicnoonions · 2 years
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#Kaak… #KaakKaak . @khanjbeil . #cheese, #tomatoes and #Kafta #Lebanon #Breakfast #KaftaWJebneh #Byblos #Jbeil (at Byblos - Jbeil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRRJByoo1T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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detroitpigout · 2 years
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Congratulations on a decade of wonderful food in Downtown Allen Park Mi. The combo for 2 is fantastic value, our go to meal. Shish Tawook, Kafta and Lamb Kebab on a bed of Rice. Comes with Fatoush Salad and Lentils Soup a basket of Hot Puffy Bread n Toum da Garlic sauce. I'm addicted to the Armenian Lebanese Sujuk, those little red spicy sausage a must try. Always marvolus service and a real bank vault to dine in. Easy to find next to Allen Park PoPo on Southfield road. #shishpalace @shishpalace2 @shishpalace1 #sujuk #platterfortwo #kafta #chickentawook #lambkebab #downriverclassic #downriverfriendseat (at Shish Palace - Allen Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnVbfsjs6DY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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buildupnutrition · 2 years
Buy Kaftan Pant set For Women & Girls at Divenaworld
Choose the Best Quality Kaftan Pant Set That Will Give You a Comfortable Feel Buy It and Get 50% Off at Divenaworld!
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vergess · 4 months
tell me what i can put hummus on besides bread and celery (remember i am allergic to carrots :( and i cannot handle any spicy whatsoever)
Anything durable enough to hold the hummus up is a good call. Bell peppers slices, cucumber slices, pickles, onion petals, fresh broccoli, radishes, snap peas...
Hummus stuffed into a cherry tomato or a roasted mushroom cap is a real killer finger food for parties. Or, slather it on a broiled portobello steak for a giant version.
But for less of a snack and more of a meal, you can always use meats. Red meat goes better IMO, but pretty much any meat can be dipped in hummus.
And you know what happens to go well with hummus and have lots of meats?
They're even conveniently dippable shapes. Almost? like they were made to be eaten together??? (JKJK they were of course literally made to be eaten together).
You can also stuff bell peppers or tomatoes with a mixture of 2 parts cooked yellow rice/rice pilaf, and 1 part hummus. Roast them until the vegetables have a level of char you like on the outside, then eat with a fork.
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