hunterxmilo · 2 years
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Kagakuro Month 2022 Day 30 (FREE DAY) (KISS)
Ever since they started dating, Kuroko has found it a lot easier to calm down his ferocious tiger through simple actions.
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myndless88 · 2 years
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KagaKuro Month 2022: Day 7 - Fantasy
Waltz for the Moon 🌕
Final Fantasy works for this prompt, right?  ^^;;  I’ve been thinking about them in a FFVIII au for a while now...  This is based off the scene in the game where Squall and Rinoa first meet.  I put Kagami in the SeeD formal wear and Kuroko in what I imagine to be a suit version to Rinoa’s dress.
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lan-tana · 2 years
Hello everyone !
Thank you so much for your support with my kagakuromonth art it means a lot !
Sadly, real life got in the way of my rythm so I will take some time to make the next drawings BUT as I already did the sketches you can be sure I will definitely finish them ~
Thank you for your support again and your patience, you're the best ♡
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yuhaengga · 2 years
i wanna write something for kikasa before making one for kagakuromonth soo if anyone want to share their hc or prompt lmk hihi
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annciel7 · 7 years
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this is for the first week of kagakuromonth - Job AU
Kagakuro starting their new jobs. I imagine Kuroko can’t help but be worried for Kagami
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umisabaku · 7 years
The grand prize for the "Will You Ever Write" Giveaway is finished and posted on Ao3!! Congratulations again, @cordialcuddle, for winning and thank you for choosing such a fun fic for me to write!
Mwahahaha, I also get to kill like, three birds with this one stone, so yay! Becaaaaause @cordialcuddle chose KagaKuro for the Prison AU as the prize winner, and this year's @kagakuromonth celebration this year was themed around AU so I thought, "huzzah! I can participate!!" even though it doesn't exactly follow any of the prompts.
(Next week was "alternate manga" and this Prison AU was looooooosely inspired by Under Grand Hotel, so I guess it still counts). But it is still an AU! So I'm tagging it.
I also finished it in time for KagaKuro Day, so Happy KagaKuro Day everyone!!!!
I genuinely did have a lot of fun writing this fic, and it worked out that I was still able to work on the MasaYou story in my usual daily allotted writing time while writing this fic, so that was fun. (Double the usual writing! Woo!) There was a point when I was thinking that in order to properly do this, it really should have been *a lot* longer. But I wanted to stick to 5K and finish it as quickly as I could for @cordialcuddle, so for now it's mostly like an introduction to what could possibly be a much longer thing.
It's a stand-alone for now, because I honestly don't know if I'd ever write more in this AU, but I would like to at some point (it goes on the epically long "Projects List") so if I ever DO write more, I will properly turn it into a series.
Also, does anyone else randomly have moments where you go, "I really want to title a fic using something from an Emily Dickinson poem so let's just make that work no matter what?"
Because that's totally what I did. I didn't even have a particular Emily Dickinson poem in mind when I first decided that. I just really wanted to do that so I did.
Reminder of the Prison AU headcanons here and the Prison AU tag =D
Thanks for reading, friends! I hope you enjoy! Happy KagaKuro Day!!!
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fi5thmoon · 10 years
Today is 11/10 and the final day of KagaKuro Month and I'm just terrified I'm not going to get my last fic done by day's end that I've been working on for like a month URGGGH.
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eisoptrophobia13 · 10 years
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Be my light // Fem!Kagakuro Fantasy AU I’m so late ;u; But this drawing literally took my life away from me! I’ve always wanted to draw a fantasy/medieval Kagakuro AU This past week was about fem!slash and fears, so I made up a little story. Princess Kuroko had been really afraid because her best soldier, Lady Kagami, went missing after a mission. But she came back, In order to be her princess’s light. And also all the roses on Kuroko’s dress are fresh, Kagami picks them every morning
I’m so sorry I’m late, sorry sorry sorry <3
I really hope you like it!
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punk-lucifer · 10 years
KagaKuro Month: AUs pt. 2
My pet tarantula dog escaped and I forgot to warn the guy below me who is scared ofspiders dogs AU Living in an apartment block is not quite the worst thing in the world to Tetsuya, but it’s a close call. He’d hesitate to call anything the literal worst, though establishing a baseline would be a good idea. Perhaps the baseline could be “Nigou escaping”. Especially since, due to living in an apartment block, he has flats above and below him and his downstairs neighbour is frightened of dogs. Well then. Then he hears a scream. At least he knows where Nigou is? Maybe he’ll buy his downstairs neighbour some flowers. Or considering how much food he sees him order, an extra-extra-large pizza with everything.
Lifeguard AU There’s a guy face-down in the pool. Taiga’s almost out of his chair and running to dive in when he recognises the blue hair. It’s been five months of this and he should really have learnt when the bastard comes in, but no. He takes a slow walk over, and gently shakes his shoulder. “If you don’t want to be rescued again, can you at least float with your face above the water?” He says as Tetsuya lifts his head out of the water. “Sorry, Kagami-kun.” “Why, so familiar, bastard?” And so begins their routine. “Seeing as you rescued me all of those times, I feel like I should be able to call my hero more familiarly. Especially since I’ve seen you with your shirt and shorts clinging to your body.” “Stop it.” He looks over, and checks that the other lifeguard on duty has his zone. She has, but she doesn’t look best pleased, so he needs to get back to his high chair quickly. “You sure you’re alright though?” “I’m always alright, Kagami-kun. See you when you clock out?” That bit’s not quite knew anymore, so he doesn’t spit take or anything like he used to, but it still gives him a tingly thrill whenever it’s said. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you then.” He says, like it’s off-hand, but Tetsuya won’t be fooled. He never is. Taiga takes the time to scan his zone as he walks back, and Tetsuya’s thankfully face up again. Why he doesn’t start out that way is beyond Taiga, but hey. It’s more interesting than 10:20 scanning.  
"didn’t I see you as a model in a sexy calendar somewhere" AU It starts, as it always starts, in a bar. It’s Tatsuya’s birthday, there’s a lot of vodka shots and alcopops, and Taiga’s shirt got taken off a while ago. To be fair, it’s better than the last party that Tatsuya had which had ended up with temporarily relocating them to Canada while they worked out how exactly they’d managed to get on the flights while extremely drunk. But anyway, they’re in a bar, Taiga’s shirtless and tipsy and looking for something more interesting than Tatsuya’s drunken make-outs with 45% of the bar. Then there’s a voice behind him. “Excuse me. You are treading on my foot.” “Sorry”, Taiga says, and does his best to move around. He is not sober enough to do it without having his hands out and looking like a right tit, but it’s better than falling over. He might not be able to get up if he falls over. He might drop whatever alcohol that’s in his hand if he falls over. Alcohol in his hand. He tastes it. Whiskey. “Aren’t you August?” “Whaaa?” He’s not concentrating paticularily, he’s got whiskey on his hand and it’s dripping and he needs to lick it off but he can’t get his face at the right angle. “Can you lick this off my hand?” It seems that the other person must be equally drunk, because they do. “That whiskey is awful.” Is the only comment. “Anyway, are you or are you not August?” “My name is Taiga?” He’s missing something here. “As in August, on the ‘sexy firefighters 2019’ calendar? You had a basketball and were shirtless?” Taiga casts his mind back. He remembers that. It was Tatsuya’s idea, as all the bad ideas generally are. “Yeah. That’s me.” If he was sober he’d probably deny it, but if he was sober he probably wouldn’t have his shirt off so there’s that. “Can I take a selfie with you?” And then he realises that hey, it’s the attractive blue-haired boy he saw on the way in and he’s struck with a feeling of want. “You can take a lot more than selfies with me,” Taiga says, and oh god it’s an awful line, but the blue-haired pretty boy is laughing and his hands are warm on his chest, just like his tongue was on his hand, and this is not such a bad idea after all.
A.N: I didn't work out the two's ages in the last one. I have no idea whether it's underage drinking in the country where they are. I have no idea what country they're in at all. Also, I suck at Kuroko POV it seems
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kagakuromonth · 10 years
Reminder that the au/family week ends on monday but you can still post your works after that time. Same as you still can post works for week 1 :)
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hunterxmilo · 2 years
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Kagakuro Month 2022 Day 25 (AFFECTION)
I can’t remember who made the short comic of these two hugging on a court looking at Aomine like he would separate them but that's what inspired this scene XD.
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myndless88 · 2 years
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KagaKuro Month 2022: Day 18 - Jealousy
Kagami tries (and fails) to hold back his jealousy whenever Aomine (or any of the other Miracles) get a little touchy with Kuroko.
Kuroko usually doesn’t show his jealousy--but if a girl from school is trying to get a little too cozy with his light...it tends to slip out a bit.
Bonus: I made GIFs!
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The finger animation probably took longer than it should have.  But it was my first time actually making a body part move, so I’m pretty proud of myself.  
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How am I going to get through all these Kagakuro fics
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hunterxmilo · 2 years
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Kagakuro Month 2022 Day 28 (TOURNAMENT)
Kuroko and Kagami are ready to show the Jabberwock how basketball is really played.
(For this day I had to go all out and wanted to draw this out as closely as I could in the style of the show/movie! Took a lot longer than I expected, especially with the background, but it was worth it in the end! (I don’t want to draw out floor boards ever again...))
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myndless88 · 2 years
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KagaKuro Month 2022: Day 26 - Nightmare
Poor Kagami out here having nightmares of Kuroko and Nigou fused together.  
This is originally on my Twitter as a one hour drawing prompt that I repurposed for this prompt.  ^__^  In Kagami’s nightmare, Kuroko is a 人面犬/Jinmenken or "human-faced dog"--a monster of Japanese urban legend.    
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myndless88 · 2 years
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KagaKuro Month 2022: Days 4 / 16 / 19 - Future / Promise / Inspired by a Song
Cause you're my miracle  I want a future with you for only myself My girl love, if these feelings reach you Say your answer is “yes”
‘You’re My Miracle’ by Tohoshinki  
Kagami makes good on his promise that in the near future, he and Kuroko are going to get married.
Originally, I was just drawing this at random.  But it seemed to fit some prompts, so I went with that.  I didn’t really have a song in mind, but I chose a TVXQ (Tohoshinki) one because they’re my favorite group even if they’re split and have some really good music.
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