bonmatsu · 1 year
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DAY 3 February 15th, rōnin
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glumby · 2 years
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have not stopped thinking about fem adrien from this post by @yamiisart
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morosis-haze · 11 months
𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞
Ft. Aomine,Kagami,Kise x fem!reader | Pre-established relationship
Warning: Swearing
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𝐀𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢
❒ Would’ve thought he found his magazines digitally with the way he was staring at his phone
❒ Someone is trying to talk to him and his ass not even making eye contact just staring at his phone
❒ Like damn can you act like you care?
❒ The person starts to get annoyed and walks off just as you walk into the room now wondering what your boyfriend did now to piss someone off
❒ Aomine didn’t even look up from his phone not paying attention to his surroundings
❒ You of course now curious about what has your boyfriend’s attention have the need to figure out what has him so engaged in his phone
❒ You walk up getting behind where he was sitting and look at his phone… just to see your instagram page
❒ “You know you could stare at the real deal when she’s right beside you, right?”
❒ He flips his phone to face down as if now he couldn’t get caught
❒ He looked embarrassed judging by the wide-eyed expression from noticing him
❒ Aomine tries to recollect himself rolling his eyes and acting unbothered “I don’t know what you're on about” he grunts
❒ “Don’t play stupid in my face. If you miss me just say that”
❒ “I was waiting for you since you wanna be late” Getting up, he rolls his eyes, wrapping his arm around your waist “Let’s just go”
𝐊𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐚
❒Kagami and you were laying in bed it was another one of those chill days
❒ The fan was on, another rewatch of your favorite tv show started, and conversation was held between you two
❒ You both start to go into comfortable silence not really paying attention to the tv, starting to go on your phones
❒ After a while you're about to get up and grab snacks for you two
❒ When you turn to look over at him to ask what he wants you see his phone open on your instagram page
❒ He’s over here scrolling through lingering on the photos for a while
❒ “Hmm you think she’s pretty?”
❒ He gets all embarrassed not knowing what he should say after getting caught
❒ You laugh at his reaction and he groans “Why are you like this?”
❒ “Beautiful? I don’t know maybe so my boyfriend could just stare at any photo of me”
❒ “Yeah guess so since my girlfriend is really pretty” he mutters
𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐚
❒ Who is he to not wanna fawn over his pretty girlfriend
❒ He was always one to be complimenting and hyping you up like no other
❒ He always wanna see his girl so that lead him to be on your ig page
❒ First, it’s just looking at your more recent post then it’s going past photos before y’all were even dating
❒ Next thing he knows he liked an old photo
❒ He has the most dramatic reaction
❒ Being mad loud got his teammates looking at him sideways
❒ It’s a gasp, scream, then whining and falling all over the place holding his head
❒ Literally is doing the absolute most like you could’ve just quickly unliked the photo… which he didn’t do
❒ Meaning you had the time to see the notification and you of course checked what he liked because you didn’t even post something today
❒ Once you see it was something old you just know you had to tease him once you saw him
❒ You went to go meet up with him like you usually did when it came to the end of the school day
❒ You already see from a distance your boyfriend’s dramatic actions and his team staring at him with deadpan expressions
❒ You wave to his team and they seem slightly relieved seeing you get your boyfriend
❒ "Ryu what are you doing? You plan on joining theater?"
❒ He straightens up putting on the suave act
❒ Smile on his face looking at you as if nothing just happened
❒ "A few have wished to see my face on theater but y'know it's just not for me"
❒"Yeah I'm sure they ask just cause of your face... anyways what's up with the stalking?"
❒He freezes staring blankly at you "You know?"
❒ When you show him the notification he can only whine more before getting a sudden burst of energy now claiming he can't be embarrassed for liking his girlfriend's pictures
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𝐀/𝐍: @katsumiiii your man is in here
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭:: @jackibrown / @goldenglow149 / @userwithlotsoftime want to join taglist? fill out this form here!
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veroniquesboutique · 5 months
Study Break - Kagami Taiga x Reader
Did I mention KNB brainrot because it is real, and it's keeping me up at night. Losing my mind over here.
Title: Study Break
Rating: Explicit
Alternate Universe - College/University, Older reader, Older Woman/Younger Man, Younger Taiga Kagami, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Oral Sex, Condoms, Missionary Position, Taiga Kagami calls you baby girl, Friends to Lovers
Characters & ships: Kagami Taiga x AFAB!Reader
Word count: 4.5k words
“Wait, you’re being serious.” Your mouth is stuck between gaped open in surprise and smirking at the incredible goldmine of embarrassing information you just realized about your newest best friend, Taiga Kagami. “Never? Not once?”
“N-no, but-” He stammers, but you laugh to cut him off.
“Have you even seen a vagina before?”
“Of course I have!” He snaps, glaring at you from his own spot on your tiny twin-sized bed. “I just…have never….I’ve…” He trails off, and you stare at him with high eyebrows waiting for some sort of explanation. “I’ve never-”
“Fucked one?”
“I’ve, like, eaten girls out! But-”
“Okay, okay, I’m getting the picture,” You laugh again, holding up your hands to stop him because if his face gets any redder, you’re afraid he might pop.
Continued on AO3...
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belowthesurface · 1 year
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the girls pt 2
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neptunesopening · 10 months
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𝐊𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
summary: taiga kagami as a bf obvi
warning: fem reader
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you both go to seirin and you became the manager
when he saw you, he automatically thought you were beautiful and the way you helped everyone out made him slowly fall for you
when you asked him out he blushed so hard and became so flustered when you kissed him
loves to cook for you and will at any opportunity, will be so happy if you know how to cook and want to cook with him
loves to play you in basketball, even if he’ll beat you he still wants to bond with you like this
loves to give or receive forehead kisses
loves to lay his head on your chest
he would match or color coordinate outfits with you, loves streetwear so he’ll wear hoodies and cargos etc
loves 90s - 2000s movies and music, his favorite movie is coach carter he’s rewatched it 25 times
loves hearing you read to him
is a hopeless romantic and does that noodle thing where you take one end
loves dates in nature like picnics or carnivals or just you two just enjoying each others presence
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a/n - stopped writing cause i ran out of headcanons 😞
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Sketchy bonus:
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every now and then i think about my genderswapped kagakuro AUs and remember i'm no better than i was at 12.
I wrote a kagakuro fanfic like a year ago, and in it, there was a discussion of girl!kagami being the lead in a school play and since she's so inept at everything, they vote kuroko to be the other lead to help her out. i never go into the play in the fic, but you best believe i haven't stopped thinking about it since.
In my main girl!kuroko AU, the Miracles are also genderswapped, but its so fun to have them as their canon genders so its truly just a scott pilgrim AU. it's truly kagami taiga vs the seven evil exes.
kagakuro close ups below cut
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mochiko7 · 4 months
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quick sketch, I may color it someday, or not.
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aoyeissleepdeprived · 4 months
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Silly kagafemkuro dump now imma go back to my hibernation <3
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𝑲𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒊 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉 𝒐𝒏 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅! 𝑭𝒆𝒎 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Just watched Baywatch again and OMG C.J. is SO PRETTY I got so inspired and remembered that Kagami surfs so here you go. This is set after the Vorpal Swords movie by the way. I was listening to "Accidentally In Love" by Counting Crows (Yes from the Shrek movie it slaps) because I just feel the vibe fits this idea so much <3 Or No Lie by Dua Lipa and Sean Paul works too <3
Pairing: Kagami Taiga x Fem Reader Warnings: Curse words Genre: Fluff. Might get suggestive idk.
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The beaches of California especially Los Angeles were always crowded. Whether that's on weekdays and most especially on weekends and holidays. The white sand beaches were always filled with portable lounge chairs, towels, umbrellas, and sunbathing people of all ages.
And most of all, It was Kagami's favourite place to be after coming back to America earlier that year. Whenever he wasn't at school or playing basketball, he would be surfing the waves at the local beach. No better way to spend your free time than going against big ass waves that could potentially swallow you whole and drag you down to the deepest depths of the ocean. If you had to ask him about his favourite beach? Definitely Malibu. Not only are the waves large enough that you can surf but also because you're there. The attractive and beautiful lifeguard. You were also a student, like him from what he's heard and you're only a part-timer there. But my oh my did he love seeing you.
He actually thought of pretending to drown but he knew that he wouldn't be able to convince you especially after you just saw how agile he is even in the water, even complimenting his surfing skills!
Kagami knew that if he wanted to take you out on a date, he would have to do it the classic way.
It was Saturday and he didn't have practice. He decided to catch a bus to go to the beach and catch some waves, trying to convince himself that it was just because he wants to surf even if he knows, deep down, that a huge factor of why he actually wanted to go is because he wanted to see you. He hopped off the bus and inhaled the scent of the seaside, the sounds of the waves and the chatter of the locals and tourists. He dropped off his bag somewhere he could see it and slipped his shirt off. The redhead looked around and to your usual post if you were there, but he couldn't see you anywhere. He sighed but decided to go on with his plans anyway.
“Hey, Cassanova~! Lookin’ for name?” f/bf teased as she passed by him, making the redhead roll his eyes.
f/bf had known about his (not so) little crush on you for AGES. She never failed to notice how Kagami’s gaze would linger a little longer on your figure or how he would instinctively search the beach for you and sigh in disappointment once he realizes you were not there. And she also never failed to tease him about it in your absence. 
“Get out of my hair.” He said, his face heating up as he grabbed his surfboard to go catch some waves.
It was f/bf’s turn to roll her eyes as she watched him jog over to the water. She was so so tired of playing middle-woman between the two of you. She’s been watching you two ogle at each other for MONTHS and you still haven’t gotten past the small, fleeting talks. 
Meanwhile, you were actually supposed to be on the beach. But traffic caught you on the way and thankfully, you didn’t have to worry about your superiors yelling at you because you had informed them ahead of time. Once you arrived, you jogged to the locker rooms and hurriedly changed into your swimsuit before sprinting to your post. 
“I’m so sorry I was late, Jeana!” You said to your coworker, with who you would exchange shifts. She smiled in understanding,
“It’s okay! No biggie~” She said before you watched her form disappear.
You took your place and monitored the beach. Your shift was gonna be a little longer today. It wasn’t too hot that you were sweating like a sinner in church but not too cold that your lips would turn blue. It was a bit windy though and the tides were a bit higher than usual but thankfully, most visitors were professional swimmers, athletes, and surfers. But it was still your job to make sure that they will only be leaving the beach with good and happy memories. You had to stand up a few times since there were still kids that underestimated the tide but thankfully, they were all fine. 
A few hours into your shift, your best friend’s voice was heard as she slid next to you, handing you your favourite snack and a cold drink. “Guess who I saw today~?”
You scoffed playfully, “That British Girl you’ve been flirting with since she arrived?”
F/bf gasped, hitting your arm, “Gosh no! I wish... But not the point! I saw Taiga today!” She said excitedly, knowing your not-so-secret crush on the basketball player.
Your figure visibly lightened up, eyes started to twinkle. This didn’t go unnoticed by the girl next to you as she smirked, “12 o’clock,” She said suddenly, catching your attention.
You became alert, thinking that your friend was pertaining to an emergency, a drowning person maybe as you stood up abruptly, grabbing your binoculars and trying to look in that direction.
“I didn’t know you were that eager to see him.” f/bf whispered next to you as you removed the binoculars and came face to face with Kagami’s figure rising from the waters, his surfboard held in one arm and pressed against his hips as water droplets ran on his body, just meters away from you.
“Oh,” You muttered absentmindedly. 
Your gaze lingered longer than it should as you watched him take a towel to dry himself with.
“You should probably go ask him out. Your shift’s ending in…right now actually. Ask him to go grab a bite to eat with you.” f/bf encouraged you.
You looked at her, then back to Kagami, then back to her again before you looked at the clock. She was right. Your shift’s over. You thanked her before you went and jogged towards the basketball player, feeling your heart hammer in your chest as you got closer to him.
His back was facing you so he didn’t see you coming, but he did sense a presence behind him. He turned to look at you, expecting your menace of a friend but his eyes met yours. You were smiling so sweetly at him, your hair already a little dry but still a little wet, clad in your lifeguard uniform.
“Hey,” You greeted him, grinning in his direction. 
You giggled at his awkwardness, finding it adorable. “So my shift’s over… And I was wondering if you wanted to get a bite to eat. My treat. Like…a date,” 
Kagami’s mouth hung open as his gaze flicked to your previous post, seeing your best friend holding a thumbs-up with a grin on her face. 
His lips curled upwards, face heating up as he nodded, “Sure yeah. I’d love that.” 
You perked up, smile widening as you said, “Great! I’ll just change out of my swimsuit and we can go.” Kagami nodded as he watched you skip over to the locker room, with your best friend high-fiving you on the way. He couldn’t help but feel giddy. He just couldn’t believe it! He was gonna go out with his crush, from the beach! He honestly thought you were out of his league. 
But now? Sitting across you at a local diner that serves THE BEST burgers in town? Maybe he did have a chance with you after all. You did ask him out. 
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𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
𝑲𝑵𝑩 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
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starfoundnight · 1 year
Promise to never leave me
Taiga kagami x Chubby Fem!Reader
Its fluff but he call you "fat ass" but read it to get it ig. Im a lazy writer I write for my own enjoyment.
"Lets get out of here, Im so hungry" Taiga groans about how hard training was and how hard his coach was on all of them but especially on him. "Well...Wanna go to a sushi restraunt? Its my shout for you hard work!" He sees a small convinence store and points to it "Lets go there instead so we can sit at a park and feel the cool breeze. Im too hot to be sitting inside a restraunt."
"Hmmm...Okay" You grab his hand and walks towards the convinence store and he dosen't move at all. "Coach said...I should be carrying around weight to strengthen myself...So.." "Well what are you trying to say?" "Can I carry you on my back?" You tilt your head a little to the right "But you said you wanted to rest?" "Yeah well now I want to carry you now. Is that a problem?" You shake your head. "Well I'd rather not be on your back. I think when your coach said 'carry some weights around' I don't she meant something as heavy as me" "What?" You can hear the bit of annoyance in his voice and a sprinkle of anger. You laugh a bit "Whats the matter?" "You think Im too weak to carry you?" He walks near a table and stands close to it. "Well...Get on, hurry up!" You step on the table and hesitantly wrap your arms around his shoulders. "I...don't think this is safe Taiga." He grabs your hamstrings gently pulling you off the table.
"Taiga! You'll drop me!" He laughs and jogs around while gently holding you. "Come on. Lets get a snack" He walks into the store as you hide your face in his shoulder feeling embarrassed being on his back. When you feel the cool breeze on your back again, you sigh in relief. He walk to a small playground with a basketball court next to it. He lets you back down. I got some candy and several rolls of sushi. He hands you the bag of candy. "Here you open that, while I open this okay?" You open that package very easily and you start eating the sweets while you watch your boyfriend struggle opening the sushi roll. "Well...you're struggling with that sushi roll. I'll open up this one." You grab the other one in the bag and open it with ease. Tiaga looks at you with awe at how you made it look so easy. "How did you do that!?" You laugh at his reaction "Maybe its just your humongous hands with the tiny packaging."
After around an hour you two finish with the food you guys brought (It wasn't just candy and sushi, theres more food. Not a lot of food, you're just a really slow eater) "Lets play a game of basketball." He jogs to the court and dribbles the ball and throws the ball at you as you catch it. "Go easy on me. You might just wreck me, my love" You laugh at the small nickname he gave you "Says the one who won at the final" He smirks at your praise "Yeah but your amazing and your teams freaking sucks" You laugh loudly and throw the ball at him "You talk bad about my girls and I will try my best to crush you"
You two play a game and unsurprisingly you won. You have to admit though, you are a sore-loser. "When I say go easy on me, I didn't mean treat me like a freaking baby." He laughs "Yeah but if I treat you any older, I'll freaking destroy your fat ass" You laugh "Says you, you freaking muscle head" He picks you up and makes your legs wrap around his waist "God...Never leave me" He puts his head between your tits waiting for your response "Never, wither we're old or young. poor or rich. I'll never ever leave you." You run your hands through his hair and wipe his forehead then kiss him. "I didn't want to kiss your sweaty forehead." He smiles "I thought you love every part of me?" He whines sarcastically. "I do...but put a ring on my finger and then I'll show you I love every part of you...even your gross sweat" You gag dramatically. He then grabs your ass and smacks it. "You're just so freaking cheeky, aren't you baby?"
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bonmatsu · 10 months
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nothingbutartstuff · 1 year
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Chat: Be my girlfriend!
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Kagami: What? Chat I can’t just-
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Chat: Yes you can. I want you to be my girlfriend.
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Chat: I know you like me.
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Chat: So-
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Chat: Oh wow
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Chat: So is that a maybe...
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Kagami: It’s a yes, Chat
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Chat: I care about you so much, Kagami.
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Kagami: I care about you too, Chat.
I decided i needed to provide to the adrigami (specifically chatgami) community with a mini comic. I made this since im going to be asking the girl im dating to be my girlfriend. I’m scared, but the power of sapphic adrigami will keep me going!!
Wish me luck pls
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nanapeachy · 2 years
short fluff drabble
"do you think it looks good?" you asked your boyfriend who quickly looked up from his phone while you were straightening your long black lace wig. "you always look good, dont worry babe" he smiled at you standing up to hug you from your back. "you sure your parents will like me?" you asked him once again and unplugging the straightener brush and putting it down to put your hands over his arms.
"like you? the will love you" kagami pecked your cheeks and pulling away from the back hug. "okay let me get changed" you grabbed your outfit which was a yellow long sundress. "oh should i go out or-" "no its okay its not like you havent seen me without clothes" you chuckled taking you sweatpants and sweater off then throwing them on your bed. kagami looked away blushing since you had no bra on.
you slid the dress on which went down to your legs and fixing the short sleeves. "bae´, how i look?" you tapped on his shoulder and making him turn around. "wow i- you're so beautiful- i mean like always but you know what i mean and-" "taiga, shut up" you laughed pulling him in a quick kiss.
"but i mean it, you are beautiful" kagami placed his hands on yourr waist and smiling at you. "we should get going before you make us stay here because i cant stand how hot you look right now" you whispered loking into his eyes.
"then we should ditch the dinner-" "nope, we going"
"but you said-"
"we goinggggg"
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veroniquesboutique · 5 months
The Stranger From The Bar - Kagami Taiga x Reader
Watching KNB and can't seem to get any of the boys out of my head. Oh well, here's this!
Title: The Stranger From The Bar
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Strangers to Lovers, Penis In Vagina Sex, Oral Sex (m-receiving), Dry Humping, Making Out, Predator/Prey, Breeding, Overstimulation, metaphorical DILF!Kagami, Aged-Up Character(s), Creampie, Cock Worship
Characters & ships: Kagami Taiga x AFAB!Reader
Word count: 5.8k words
He had such an air of mystery that it was hard to keep your eyes away from him, even across the room, or maybe it was just the haziness of the hotel bar that was making him seem that way, but either way, it was working on you.
You hated yourself for the cliché of the hotel bar, but you convinced yourself that this is probably swankier than most hotel bars with its velvet curtains and dark red accents. It is totally not weird to be picking up someone in a bar that looked this nice. It has a piano in the corner for Christ’s sake, so it must get fancy in here. The lights are dim; it feels sexy. 
At least, that’s what you tell yourself when you realize he’s walking your way. Then he sits down. Then you two get to talking. And talking. And talking, the hours pass like minutes before you even realize it. 
Continued on AO3...
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bearfoottruck · 2 months
FANFIC UPDATE 5-10-2024:
Political stuff aside, I published two hot and spicy Miraculous one-shots: Kitty Needs Pussy (Fanfiction, AO3) and Blueberry Eats His Strawberry (Fanfiction, AO3). Other than that, all I have is the usual update for Gonna Kiss You On the Boulevard (Fanfiction, AO3).
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