saeflin-art · 6 months
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*Points* just like in the fish shop
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crabsnfush · 1 year
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Posting fish everyday until I get a girlfriend
Day 29
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fiftyfly · 6 months
Fortunate enough to get a second summer again this year! Thanks to N, J and K for the hospitality and fun! They helped me get out fishing in the most beautiful spots and even catch a few fish along the way including my first kahawai. Hope to see them out there again soon!
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reallolattack · 2 years
can jack hit the griddy
He brought that shit to Octopia
Sally sees him do it and just stares dumbfounded at him
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apollos-olives · 9 months
as a pacific islander taika waititi is so fucking embarrassing he's like our lin manuel miranda. so much of the genocide in palestine reminds me of america's nuclear testing in the pacific & military occupation of hawaiʻi (and that's just the start of the comparisons from palestine to the pacific) and it not only breaks my heart but makes me even more determined to fight for a free palestine. for him to say "why should I care about their issues when they don't know about mine" is fucking disgusting. I can't believe how self-centered he is, his indigenous identity is apparently only meaningful when it comes to movie deals. mai i ke kahawai, a i ke kai 🇵🇸🤝🌺
"he's like our lin manuel miranda" HELP 💀💀💀 LMAOOOO
and yeah you're so right. his ignorance is really on another level. i'm sorry he's one of the big pacific islander faces in the celebrity world. obviously he does not represent all of you. thank you for standing with palestine <3 inshallah we will all be free together
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closeups, refs, n other stuff under the cut (//cw: mild nudity (female presenting nipples))
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blue marlin dante. u know him, u love him, hes just a lil dude. fun fact abt marlin in general - when they get excited (ie on the hunt), they light up w bioluminescent cells!! im not suuuper sure on the science of it (im a historian, not a marine biologist), but i think its super neat. anyway, when dante (and the rest of his family) get emotional (excited/upset/angry), they light up too!! dante lights up blue - this is what the blue stripes on his skin are.
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where dante is based on a blue marlin, gene is based on a black marlin! they're a lot bigger than blue marlin, and i thought it was fitting given that he's older and stronger (thanks shadow knightism) than dante. additionally, he lights up red instead of blue/grey - he used to light up in a similar colour to dante, but after he got shadow knight'd, his bioluminescence changed to red. its real fucking creepy when hes in combat n he lights up all blood red n scary, esp in the dark. rahh.
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and finally, the lovely @xyxofspades's fish donna!! i based her design on a kahawai (i think theyre called like. sea trout or australian salmon outside of aotearoa?? idk. theyre kahawai to me n always will be). theyre pretty n turquoise n yeah the colour scheme fits donna so kahawai donna.
idk. feesh.
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terraoliveira · 7 months
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My poem, Nā Kahawai (The Rivers) of my Great Grandmother, Maude, in Issue 05 of Paperbark Magazine (from UMass Amherst)
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fiction-quotes · 2 years
In the old days, in the years that have gone before us, the land and sea felt a great emptiness, a yearning. The mountains were like a stairway to heaven, and the lush green rainforest was a rippling cloak of many colors. The sky was iridescent, swirling with the patterns of wind and clouds; sometimes it reflected the prisms of rainbow or southern aurora. The sea was ever-changing, shimmering and seamless to the sky. This was the well at the bottom of the world, and when you looked into it you felt you could see to the end of forever.
This is not to say that the land and sea were without life, without vivacity. The tuatara, the ancient lizard with its third eye, was sentinel here, unblinking in the hot sun, watching and waiting to the east. The moa browsed in giant wingless herds across the southern island. Within the warm stomach of the rainforests, kiwi, weka, and the other birds foraged for huhu and similar succulent insects. The forests were loud with the clatter of tree bark, chatter of cicada, and murmur of fish-laden streams. Sometimes the forest grew suddenly quiet, and in wet bush could be heard the filigree of fairy laughter like a sparkling glissando.
The sea, too, teemed with fish, but they also seemed to be waiting. They swam in brilliant shoals, like rains of glittering dust, throughout the greenstone depths – hapuku, manga, kahawai, tamure, moki, and warehou – herded by shark or mango ururoa. Sometimes from far off a white shape would been seen flying through the sea, but it would only be the serene flight of the tarawhai, the stingray with the spike on its tail.
Waiting. Waiting for the seeding. Waiting for the gifting. Waiting for the blessing to come.
  —  The Whale Rider (Witi Ihimaera )
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frankego · 9 months
肥宅哈比人魔戒之旅-2023紐西蘭北島行(13)皇后街 Queen Street與維塔工作室(的紀念品店)
奧克蘭最繁華熱鬧的一條街,長約3公里,有需多的精品店,百貨公司,餐廳,酒店,還有奧克蘭知名地標天空塔與天空城賭場SKYCITY casino.雖然是最熱鬧的一條街,但是逛起來很舒服,不會有擁擠的感覺,環境也非常的casual,有一點點流浪漢但還算安全.
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Auckland Town Hall 一個巴洛克式建築的劇院,有很多不同大小的劇場在這裡,還有奧克蘭愛樂似乎也在這
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The Civic 這也是一個歷史悠久的劇場表演場地,也兼放映電影,裡面的裝潢富有異國風情且奢華,十分具有藝術價值. 
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  這棟The Strand Arcade的商店應該是受了疫情的影響,外觀看起來雖然很漂亮,裡面是巴黎拱廊街的風格,但是裡面剩下一些理髮店,服飾店已經關得差不多了,沒關的也都在大特賣.疫情過後,紐西蘭的經濟也大受影響,尤其是精華地段,付不起租金關門的店也非常多.
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  午餐我們去了一間似乎蠻有名的餐廳叫做Depot Eatery,位在天空塔附近,如果坐在外面還能聽到有人高空彈跳的慘叫聲.他著名的是他的生蠔和燒烤類的餐點.但是我們快中午到的時候生蠔還沒送到,所以只好點了一些排餐,但是整體來說也蠻好吃的,每道菜都能感受到用心.
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Skirt steak 牛排普通 沒有在Tongariro Lodge晚餐吃的那個好吃
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  然後我們又跑到隔壁姊妹店吃了甜點,這兩間店是連在一起的,應該是同一個老闆,連廁所都是共用的,只是一間算是正經的餐館,另一間是美澳式的咖啡小點(後來一查,這兩間店都是紐西蘭小有名氣的廚師Al Brown的店,他的餐飲事業版圖非常大Best Ugly Bagels 和GOOD JOE COFFEE也都是他的 )
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colesmurf23 · 11 months
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(OC) Shrek The Koopa
Bio: Shrek Koopa
Name: Shrek
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Birthday: October 22nd
Species: Koopa
Relationship/Wife: Shark
Family Members: Sharkeisha (Daughter) Sharlene (Daughter) Shriya (Daughter) Shadi (Son) Shalev (Son) Silverio (Son) Shakayla (Daughter) Silvano (Son) Sharkie (Daughter) Sharkey (Daughter) Silver (Son) Shaydon (Youngest Adopted Son) Shreya (Youngest Adopted Daughter) Ace (Brother in law) Gabriel (Nephew) Addison (Niece) Alayah (Niece) Lyle (Nephew) Gracie (Niece) Rio (Nephew) Jean (Younger Niece) Janae (Younger Niece) Issa (Younger Nephew) Issabella (Younger Niece) Acey (Younger Nephew) Acer (Younger Nephew) Acelin (Younger Nephew) Gracian (Younger Nephew) Gracia (Younger Niece) Gracilla (Youngest Niece) Grapes (Youngest Adopted Niece) Acee (Youngest Adopted Nephew) Amber (Sister in law) Amar (Favorite Nephew) Yannis (Nephew) Yanira (Niece) Yandel (Nephew) Amory (Nephew) Amie (Niece) Ambre (Niece) Abby (Niece) Gabby (Niece) Ameer (Nephew) Yori (Nephew) Ajay (Nephew) Christian (Nephew) Christopher (Nephew) Yuuma (Younger Nephew) Amberly (Youngest Niece) Ambria (Youngest Adopted Niece) Yariel (Youngest Adopted Nephew) Poofy (Brother in law) Pollyanna (Niece) Tinnie (Nephew) Reva (Niece) Reve (Niece) Tommy (Favorite Nephew) Puff (Nephew) Tinsley (Niece) Polaris (Nephew) Polar (Nephew) Tinaya (Niece) Polo (Youngest Adopted Nephew) Tinni (Youngest Adopted Niece) Tiny (Brother in law) Teensy (Nephew) Yulissa (Niece) Yulianna (Niece) Yuliya (Niece) Teeny (Favorite Nephew) Mini (Niece) Tini (Nephew) Yianna (Niece) Yulia (Youngest Adopted Niece) Teri (Youngest Adopted Nephew) Jett (Brother in law) Bliss (Niece) Winter (Nephew) Jet (Nephew) Jeter (Nephew) Blessy (Niece) Jevon (Nephew) Jeret (Nephew) Sorren (Nephew) Snowie (Niece) Snowey (Niece) Sophea (Youngest Adopted Niece) Jerick (Youngest Adopted Nephew) Emma (Younger Sister in law) Delilah (Youngest Sister in law) Delphine (Youngest Sister in law) Lydia (Youngest Sister in law) Pine (Youngest Brother in law) Perry (Youngest Brother in law) Precious (Youngest Sister in law) Denzel (Youngest Brother in law) Peasly (Youngest Brother in law) Virginnia (Youngest sister in law) Daphnia (Youngest Adopted Sister in law) Phiny (Youngest Adopted Brother in law)
Personality: Smug, Clam, Confident, Cool, Cooperative,Courteous,Skilled, and Motivated.
Friends: Lev (Purple Pikmin) Vanity Smurf Handy Smurf Nat Smurfling Slouchy Smurfling Miner Smurf James (Best Friend) Kahawai Tanner Alonzo (2nd Best Friend) Barth Rocco (My bestie's oc and 3rd best friend) Brody (My bestie's oc) Splendor (My bestie's oc) Kaleb (My bestie's oc) Laurel (My bestie's oc and 4th best friend) Galileo (Our oc) Sereno (Our oc) Ashwin (Our oc and 5th best friend) Raiyan (Our oc) Thurrell (Our oc) Devland (6th best friend) Tennyson (7th Best Friend) Colbey (My bestie's oc) Indeeo (Our oc and 8th best friend) Kean (Our oc and 9th best friend)
Favorite Color: Dark Green, Lime, And Dark Blue
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Fun Fact: Shrek is named after and orgor from Dreamwork Shrek. Shrek is a very smug koopaling. He smugs pretty much all the time. To do something funny. So watch out for him. He may be smuged. But he can be very clam. He really doesn't panic. Quickly, like everyone else does. So he claimed. Just be in a single file line. And he does have the patience. Because he's is calm and smuged. for a smuged koopaling. He can very confidant. When he sees something, he have the confidants. To wait for a game. Even if it's comes out on the release day. He also have a lot of confidants. From himself. When he sees something hard to do. He is confident enough to try it out. Even it looks hard. He does have a lot of confidants, for himself. (Just like from Dreamworks Shrek) As a confident koopaling, he can be quite a cool koopaling. He is smuged and cool at the same time. He does a lot of cool things with he's daughter Sharlene. He wants to teach her, how to be cool like him. And confident. As a father, he even does a lot of cool things with all kids. Ad a cool koopaling, he can be coorapitave, he may be cool and smuged. But he likes be coorapitave. When taking care of his kids, he is always coorapitave. Helping out he's wife. Before he be done for the day. He's love it, when he is always coorapitave. Taking care of their kids. He may be smuged and cool. But, he can be very polite. He doesn't show it. Because he doesn't want anyone to know. That is polite. He have a lot of respect to people. He may not show it. But he is very respectful. As a confident and smuged koopaling. He is very skilled at, helping he's smurf friend. Handy and Nat. He have a skill commotion to Animals, Nat couldn't be more proud of him. At least he have a friend, that can also commation with animals. And he helps hand build things. He have a skill of making things look great. Even Handy is proud of him. Just like Nat. And Shrek is always movatied, he doesn't run out of ideas at all. As long as he is being movatied. Nothing can't make him run out of ideas. Because how movited he is.
Shrek belong to: me
Koopaling Species: Nintendo
koopalingsfanart #koopalings #koopaling #koopalings_oc #kooopalings #koopalings_fanart #koopalingoc #koopalingsocs #fanartdigital #fanartdigitalart #fanart #fanartvideogames #supermario #mario_bros #super_mario_bros #bio #oc
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ajaygulatinz · 1 year
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😇 Dream 😴 Living Starts Here! Unleash Your 👓Vision ...
👉 Welcome 🙏 to a slice of semi-rural tranquillity nestled in the dream location of 📌 #KahawaiPoint. This is a place where the harmony 👌 of nature meets modern living, a place where your dreams can turn into reality. Imagine owning a ☀️ freehold 567m2 (more or less) section, providing ample room to build your dream residence.
Picture your future �� home, cleverly designed around two stunning 🌊 rivers, parks, conservation zones and wetlands. Depending on the elevation and orientation, you may enjoy breath-taking vistas of the surrounding landscapes or the nearby 🌸 natural features. As the area continues to flourish and develop, there is great potential for #capitalgrowth and return on #investment.
All essential 👍 utilities and services are readily available in the area, making the process of 🏗️ establishing your dream home both convenient and effortless.
⚡️Kahawai Point is situated along Auckland's Glenbrook 💦 Beach Peninsula meaning you will get to enjoy the best ✌️of both worlds - modern day living in beautiful coastal and rural surroundings. 🚶Take an easy stroll on a beautiful sunny morning along the walkways to the future waterfront ☕️ cafe that will be on offer in a perfectly designed spot to take advantage of the stunning views. An all tide boat ramp to enjoy 🚣‍♀️ watersports, fishing and just an overall 🌈 relaxing day is just down the road from your future home.
Hurry.. 🛎️ Don't delay to create your 🗝️ dream home in this unbeatable location. Take advantage of this opportunity, our vendor is looking for a 🔴 QUICK SALE. Call Ajay Gulati - Barfoot & Thompson NOW! ⁨021 236 2008⁩
#Section #BarfootandThompson Barfoot & Thompson Manukau #RealEstate #GULATI #OtohikawaAvenue #Glenbrook Ajay Gulati
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HBR's February stats report shows a sluggish housing market in February as O'ahu home sales remained down year-over-year, though sales picked up month-to-month. Additionally, single-family homes are taking nearly four times longer to sell at 47 days, and condos are taking two times longer to sell at 28 days compared to the same time in 2022. fa. Single-family home sales declined 28.2% compared to February of last year. However, home sales rose 15.3% month-to-month. m Condo sales dropped 33.1% ~ year-over-year but rose 18.2% month-to-month. Roughly 189 0'ahu properties sold for under $500,000 in February. The median sales price dipped 12.3% * to $987,000 for a fu single-family home and declined a modest 3.4% W to $480,000 for mi condos compared to last February. "Average mortgage rates began to dip heading into February but started to tick higher throughout the month, weakening buyer purchasing power compared to one year ago," says Fran Villarmia-Kahawai, president of the Honolulu Board of REALTORS®. For more info on real estate and to see what’s on the market, visit www.HawaiiHome4Sale.com or contact me 📧Natalya.shagalova@ Cbpacific.com #hawaiirealtor #realhawaii #living_destinations #гавайи #homeforsale #realestateagent #oahurealestate #luckywelivehawaii #hawaii #oahu #hawaiilife #sold #hawaiilliving #oahuhawaii #hawaiioahu #alohastate #cbrealty #honolulu #movetohawaii #oahulife #hawaiirealestate #hawaiihome4sale (at Oahu, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpgKBuKSulx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kiwika · 2 years
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Kahawai Wander-Faltstöcke, speziell zum Wandern konzipiert, zeichnen sich durch ihr geringes Gewicht, ihre geringe Größe, gute Kraftübertragung und extreme Steifigkeit aus. Die Verwendung von Wanderstöcken beim Laufen verringert die Ermüdung der Muskulatur in den Beinen, insbesondere bei langen Laufstrecken oder vielen Auf- und Abstiegen. Neben der Beschleunigung bergauf können Wanderstöcke auch die Trittsicherheit in unwegsamem Gelände erhöhen.
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apollos-olives · 9 months
his indigenous identity is apparently only meaningful when it comes to movie deals. mai i ke kahawai, a i ke kai 🇵🇸🤝🌺
Just like his Jewish identity only matters when he can pull his Jew card!!!! According to him, he doesn’t identify with his Jewish roots at all unless he needs to “play the Jew card”. So yeah, outside of JoJo rabbit, he doesn’t really give af.
someone come kill this guy
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reel-n-deal-tackle · 3 years
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REEL N DEAL TACKLE www.reelndealtackle.com.au BEADY EYE KABURA DESCRIPTION The latest progression on NZ’s hottest jig! The Kabura is a sensational performer when the fishing is tough and with a fresh new shape, enticing colours and larger improved hooks, the Beady Eye is an unstoppable force. The curved bottom of this lure ensures skirts are off the bottom even when the lure is just sitting and the Tenya design creates action on the drop. Curved base of this lure ensures skirts are off the bottom even when the lure is just sitting. FEATURES Five Bright Colours with UV and Glow Weights from 60g to 120g Lethal on local fish species including #snapper #kingfish #kahawai #gurnard #johndory & many others. High quality Japanese hooks. The Catch Kabura is extensively tested and used by fishing professionals in Australia & New Zealand. #jiggingfishing #jigging #jigs #fishingaustralia #fishingvictoria #fishingnsw #fishingqld #fishingtasmania #fishingwa #fishingnt #fishingaddict #fishingfnq #fishingseq (at Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRqByhEFb-i/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wellingtonnz · 4 years
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Petone wharf, freshly caught kahawai
Māori name: kahawai
Scientific names: Arripis trutta, Arripis xylabion
The kahawai species most people are familiar with (Arripis trutta) is found around the North Island, South Island, Kermadec and Chatham Islands. They mainly occur in coastal seas, harbours and estuaries, and enter brackish water in rivers.
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