#kai grieving zane because i think we deserved to see more of that
basicallyjaywalker · 1 year
Whumptober Day 1 is up
Hoping to catch up with 2 & 3 tonight! I completely changed my original concept for this and rewrote it because I didn't like the direction of the original.
Here's the link!
Character: Kai
Prompt: "How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?" & Safety Net (but it's a person)
Length: 1,290 words
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theatlasrealm · 2 years
If somebody says one more time that Kai deserved to not only get kicked but also beaten up by jay in that one fight scene in crystallized I will THROW HANDS. No, I DO NOT hate jay. But I DO HATE tommy anderson
we know why jay acts the way he does. we have information about his past. we have an entire season about him and how he perceives himself (sky bound). Nadakhan literally pointed out that jay uses jokes to cover up insecurity. His true potential showed that he was insecure about being himself (until nya talked to him etc). We got like three seasons of him being the hero and saving entirety of Ninjago.
We were given Information about Cole’s past. We saw his childhood with his gorgeous mom. We saw in his true potential how he desperately wanted to be accepted by his dad. We saw Zane’s past. We saw how he sacrificed himself for the Ninja, understanding and acting upon the same words Kai had told him, “it’s about family, not numbers”. The writers could dive into Zane more, but we got something. And we also got some Nya, why she’s a perfectionist, why she isn’t that verbal, why she’s Independent; Kai said so himself, after all. Even though I wish we saw her talk with Nyad more, we still got her. And the entire series is about our boy Lloyd. And even though every one of them could be explored so much more, we got something. And for a few ninja, we got a lot of something’s. But not Kai. Rarely Kai.
Kai’s true potential was protecting someone. And I loved that, I did. But that’s it. If anything, it literally points out that no, he is not selfish. We never got a season truly revolving around Kai’s childhood struggles/trauma. Why is he reckless? Why is he protective? Why does he never cry? While the other ninja have their spotlights, Kai never had his. He is such a complex character (that ninjago refuses to dive into) and that’s why I love him so much.
I know. I know Kai can be rude to Jay sometimes, and bully him, but if it came down to it, Kai would die for him. Because this is the man that makes his sister happy, because jay does mean a lot to kai. Kai doesn’t show it - frankly, he doesn’t show a lot of things. And I know this doesn’t entirely excuse the way he acted toward jay before, but why. I want to know why he acts like that. But the writers never dwelled on it. Jay is allowed to confront and express his feelings about how Kai for ‘bullying’ him, but not like this ( by the way, idk if I guys noticed but lately Kai has been complimenting/hyping jay up a lot now.)
And when jay, who is grief stricken, leads him self to believe only he loved nya in the entire world, kai is allowed to get angry. Kai is allowed to feel anger towards someone acting like no one else loved nya when Kai raised her. Protected her. Did everything for her. Just because we did not see as much of Kai grieving as we did of Jay, does not mean Jay was more upset. For all we know, Kai was dying on the inside. She was his sister for gods sake.
Kai did not “deserve” that kick. And if you genuinely think that, i honestly do not know what to tell you.
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toothlessturtle21 · 4 years
Beer Bottle Blues
I already lost count of how many oneshots I’ve posted, oops. Welp, here’s another one! CW: alcohol, Kai being tipsy, referenced character death. Enjoy!
After his boyfriend blows himself up to save Ninjago, Kai finds himself at a bar every night to try and forget his loss, even if only temporarily. However, he'll have to confront his feelings sooner than he'd like to when a certain blonde ninja shows up to tug him away from the bar countertop.
Kai drank the last of his bottle, slamming the glass on the bar counter with a quiet grunt. The room was slightly hazy, the effects of downing two bottles of beer in a relatively short time period taking its toll on his mind. He traced the woodgrain with his eyes, ignoring the bustle of both snakes and humans alike as they moved around the dimly lit hole-in-the-wall. His mind seemed simultaneously both dead and alive at the same time, thinking of nothing and everything at once.
But as he looked at his empty bottle, the condensation slowly dripping down the cold brown glass, his thoughts sharpened to the reason why he was hanging out in a seedy bar anyway. Zane was dead.
He had watched his partner of over a year, best friend in the whole world, and love of his life blow up in front of his eyes. Well, not exactly, but he had felt the rumble pass through his body as he hid beneath the sewer lid, huddling with the rest of the team for cover.
Like a coward, he told himself. He should have been the one in his boyfriend's place, Zane didn't deserve to die the way he did, especially not when he had just met another android, one that understood how he felt and experienced the world. He had spoken at Zane's funeral out of duty, knowing his boyfriend would have wanted him to honor him out of everyone. He had held it together long enough to say some words about the lovely person his boyfriend had been, but Nya had cradled him that night as he broke down sobbing in her arms.
He hadn't spoken to the team in weeks, only keeping vague contact with his sister to let her know she wasn't dead. Nya thought he was out clearing his mind around Ninjago, not wasting his nights away getting drunk in a bar, only switching up the location to keep bartenders from getting suspicious. Eventually, he had landed at one that didn't seem to notice that he was the red ninja, or at least didn't care. It was nice, to not have expectations surround you as you tried to drown out your grief with cheap beer.
Speaking of beer, he flagged down the bartender, who passed him another opened bottle with barely a second glance. He took a quick swig, and glanced around once more. A Hypnobrai was on his right, sipping a whiskey while a Fangpyre laughed with him one more seat down. It almost reminded Kai of his and Jay's antics, but as far as he cared at the moment, Jay didn't even exist.
Even thinking about his former teammates was enough to cause bile to threaten to spill, his friends a painful reminder of his lost love. He hoped there was an afterlife for the Ninja of Ice after all, maybe even with his dad. Kai thought bitterly that his creator deserved to spend a peaceful life with Zane more than Kai did, as he knew how badly Zane had grieved after his father passed once more. His mind drifted back to long nights spent awake, holding his boyfriend in his arms as Zane cried, the heartache of losing his father for the final time too much to bear.
Oh, what Kai would give for even five more minutes of holding the android in his arms.
He blinked away the new mist in his eyes, and gulped down the rest of his drink. It stung his throat on the way down, a helpful distraction from the thoughts of his former boyfriend, and the haze helped keep them away as he drank into the night.
Much to his surprise, the bar was not as secretive as he had previously thought. The next night, when he returned, he only had the chance to down two bottles before a hand shook his shoulder. Kai turned his head in agitation, ready to tell some drunk Serpentine to screw off, but he was greeted by a familiar blonde face.
"Lloyd? What're you-"
"You're drunk."
The blunt statement surprised Kai's hazy brain, and he blinked before answering.
"So wha-? What d'you want?" He slurred, but only slightly (or so he thought). Lloyd just quirked his mouth in annoyance and pity, tugging gently on Kai's sleeve.
"C'mon, you shouldn't be in here."
"Why?" Kai bit, trying to drain the last from his bottle, which was snatched away by the Green Ninja in a hurry.
"Stop that."
"Go away," Kai grumbled, turning away sulkily, and Lloyd narrowed his eyes.
"Kai, you're being childish. Just come with me, please."
"Why should I?" He didn't spare Lloyd a glance, and the blonde didn't respond for a few moments, the roar of the crowd around them filling both of their ears.
"I miss you," He admitted, the same hand that shook his shoulder earlier merely coming to rest on it. "It's been pretty lonely without any of you. I haven't been able to track down Cole, and Jay or his manager hasn't returned any of my calls."
"Jay... has a what now?" Kai eyeballed Lloyd's expression for any jokes, and came up short.
"I'll explain, you just gotta trust me. Please, man."
"Fine, fine," Kai slapped down a twenty, enough for both beer bottles (he had memorized the prices by now), and followed Lloyd out with a sunken expression. Outside, the night was cool, and the freezing wind was both sobering and terrifying.
"That was... quite the place you were in," Lloyd began, leading Kai down the streets, presumable to return to a less seedy part of town. "What made you end up with a bunch of Serpentine?"
"All the other bars just hounded me. That one doesn't give a shit that I was the Fire Ninja."
"You still are, y'know," The Green Ninja said quietly, almost as if holding himself back.
"You're still a ninja. Just because we're down one doesn't mean we can't still be a team-"
"It's not a team without him," Kai interrupted, surprised at how quickly emotions leapt out, clogging his throat. "Never will be."
Lloyd was quiet after that, simply walking beside Kai, deep in thought. The brunette sighed heavily, turning towards Lloyd when his voice was no longer threatening him with a puberty-worthy crack.
"I know you don't know what it feels like, kid, but I can't go back after all that."
"I miss him too, Kai. He was one of my best friends. I can't imagine what it's like for you," Lloyd tried not to let his pity show too much on his face, but he obviously failed, as Kai rolled his eyes playfully and pulled the blonde in for a side hug.
"Alright Green Bean, I'll bite. Where're we going?"
"Home," Lloyd grinned, and Kai knew he couldn't turn back now. "Uh, I have some leftover takeout, if you want it."
"You pulled me out of a bar just to shovel greasy shit in my mouth? Real healthy there, Lloyd," Kai teased, and Lloyd laughed, and it almost made Kai happy for a split second before his heart sank once more.
Kai stopped in his tracks, and Lloyd turned around from a few paces ahead.
"I- I can't go back. That means seeing his old room. Nobody's touched it since, right?"
"I know I haven't," Lloyd gnawed on his lip, guilt chewing at the corners of his mind. "Same with Nya. We just can't stand even knowing it's there."
"I just can't," Kai shook his head, not moving from his spot on the pavement. "I'm not ready."
"It's been a month," Lloyd stated blankly, not intended as a jab. The words hung in the air, and Kai blinked slowly.
More silence. Each ninja stared at the other, Lloyd waiting for a continuation, and Kai not sure how to move forward.
"I think alcohol is gross," Kai stated, and the Green Ninja looked surprised, but let his friend continue. "But it helped me not think during the night, which was when I was at my worst before. I didn't like thinking."
Lloyd hummed in sympathy, taking a step towards the Fire Ninja.
"Nya still thinks I'm off in the mountains somewhere," Kai chuckled humorlessly, his eyes meeting Lloyd's as a chilly wind tousled their hair. Kai both relished in and despised the cold that it brought with it. "Also, bars are warm. It's not exactly the beach out here. Being cold just doesn't sit right anymore."
Lloyd stepped forward again, wrapping his arms around Kai for a fragile hug. Kai returned it hesitantly, relieved when the heat of the Green Ninja's body was so different to the cold one he was so used to being close to.
"I miss him, Lloyd," Kai buried his head into tufts of blonde hair, reveling in the physical contact that he didn't realize he needed. "I just want him back."
Before Kai knew it, he was crying. Lloyd was holding him close under the street light they happened to be standing under, rubbing gentle circles into Kai's back as he poured his heart out into Lloyd's shoulder. It hurt the Green Ninja to see his friend in such a state, even with the knowledge of why he was such a mess.
As the crying waned and Kai's tears slowly turned to puffy eyes, he brought his head up and wiped at his face, red sleeve scratching at the sensitive skin.
"So," He choked out a small laugh, looking back towards the direction that Lloyd was leading him in earlier. "You said somethin' about Jay having a manager?"
When Kai had first read the note that Zane could be alive, he didn't know how to feel. On one hand, he was elated at the possibility that his lover could be out there somewhere, but on the other, the higher he let his hopes climb, the harder they would fall if it wasn't true.
Any doubts he had in his mind were thoroughly demolished once he saw his boyfriend standing next to Cole in the hot island sun. Zane scanned the surroundings, his now glowing blue eyes drinking in the people around him before they settled on Kai, the two holding eye contact for a moment before Kai broke into a sprint, flinging himself at his boyfriend, who caught him and held him fast.
Kai couldn't help it, he wrapped his arms around Zane's waist and buried his face into his chest, all of his pent up nerves and stress from the last while manifesting in happy sobs into Zane's prison clothes, his ever-gentle boyfriend pressing kisses to his forehead to guide him through it.
"Don't ever do that again, you fucking idiot," Kai mumbled into his shirt, and Zane laughed, the vibrations rumbling through Kai's body.
"I missed you too, Kai."
Although the two were broken apart shortly after to find their way off the island, they stayed close, Kai promising both himself and his partner that he would pamper the hell out of Zane for a week straight once they reached home, and the Ice Ninja smiled warmly at his boyfriend all the while.
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Lloyd, Son of...
(Thanks for promting me on this @ninjagotree101! I'll tag you too @cakeking-cole since you wanted tk check it out!)
Lloyd smirked as he flipped out the way of Kai's fireballs during training.
"You'll have to do better than that to take me down Kai." He smirked as his hands glowed green.
He then started up his Spinjitzu, heading straight towards him.
"We'll see about that!" Kai yelled, starting his Spinjitzu too, both of them coming together and clashing several times before they were both thrown back.
Kai groaned as he sat up, shaking his head before gasping to see Lloyd.
"Lloyd!" He yelled as he ran over to where he was laying, unconscious. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry! Sensei Wu!" He yelled out, looking away to see where he was and missing when Lloyd peered an eye open.
"Ha!" Lloyd yelled, pouncing on him and holding him in a choke hold.
"Dammit Lloyd!" He grunted out and Lloyd laugher as he let him go. "Not cool! I was worried something actually happened to you!" He glared at him and Lloyd smiled ruefully.
"I'm sorry. From now on, no fake injury act." He says, placing a hand on Kai's shoulder.
"Good." Kai nodded then got up, pulling him up too. "And just so we're clear you totally didn't just win that round." He pointed out and Lloyd snickered.
"Whatever you say Kai, whatever you say." He says amused.
The scene brought warmth into heart of their Sensei who was watching by the door.
"Lloyd's come a long way, hasn't he?" Wu looked back to see Misako smiling at him.
"Yes. He has." Wu says quietly. "You should tell him." He says, looking out at the duo who continued to train while the others were on a short trip in New Ninjago City.
"As should you." She says, standing next to him to watch her son.
"I can't exactly tell him when you haven't told your part." Wu says pointedly, expression calm.
"You could still tell him without him knowing my part first." Misako hummed.
Both looked at each other.
"We cannot keep doing this. He deserves to know." Wu told her and Misako sighed.
"I know. I should have told him a long time ago. But what should I say? 'Lloyd sweetie, your father isn't your father'?" She whispered and Wu wore a look of understanding.
"What?" Both turned to the two ninja before them with a gasp.
"Lloyd..." Misako says, guilt filling her at his shocked expression.
"You're joking... Right?" Kai was the one to speak up, looking between her and their Sensei.
Misako and Wu shared a look before she sighed.
"No. Unfortunately it is not a joke." Misako says as she stepped down, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Lloyd, sweetie..."
"My dad... Garmadon's not my dad?..." Lloyd whispered, feeling as if he picked a sudden case of vertigo.
"... No. He isn't son." She says and Lloyd struggled to blink away the sudden lightheadedness that hit him.
"Then... Who is?" He whispered, not even sure he wanted to know the answer.
"Well..." Misako whispered and Wu stepped forward.
"I am." He says quietly and Lloyd stumbled back, breathing picking up rapidly as he turned away.
"Lloyd!" Kai ssys, holding onto him, knowing the signs of a panic attack anywhere. "You have to breath Lloyd. Deep breaths. In, out. In, out." He coached as he felt him shake.
"Stay back Sensei!" Kai growled at him from over his shoulder.
"Woah, what's going on?" Nya asked as she and the others ran over to where Lloyd was trying to work through his panic attack.
"It is unwise to crowd him." Zane says, holding them all back.
"Keep breathing, you're doing great." Kai told Lloyd, rubbing his back.
Lloyd on the other hand was not doing great. What the hell does she mean Uncle Wu was his father. What the absolute fuck?! All these years, all this time, his whole life has been a lie? Is this some kind of sick joke? Did his father- did Garmadon know about this? Why the hell did they think it was a good idea to hide something like this from him?! He pulled away from Kai turning around to face Wu and Misako.
"What kind of sick joke is this?!" He snapped at them breathlessly, not fully recovered from the anxiety gripping him still. "You-! You're my dad?!" He yelled, gesturing to Wu and the other Ninja gasped.
"Lloyd, ple-"
"No! No, no, no, no!" He yelled, cutting Wu off. "I can't believe this! I can't believe you!" He growled, gesturing to his mother.
"Are you even really my mother? Did dad- did Garmadon know about this?! What the hell else are you hiding from me?!" He snapped, red in the face.
"Of course I am." Misako whispered, stepping towards him, feeling hurt when he stepped back. "It's best we tell you from the start." She says, looking to Wu.
"It all begins with Morro." Wu says and Lloyd huffed in disbelief.
Of course. What? Is Morro is brother now?
"What does Morro have to do with the fact that you lied in Lloyd's- in all of our faces about this?" Cole asked, more than a little peeved on Lloyd's behalf.
"I'm sorry Sensei but this is the worst secret you've kept from us yet. I'm beginning to ponder if there is any truth in the words you speak." Zane says with distrust.
"No, I want to hear it. I want to hear how they justify hiding all of this." Lloyd says, looking at his friends from over his shoulder. "Go ahead, father." He says mockingly and even though it struck Wu deeply, he decided to tell the tale.
"When my brother had been banished to the Underworld, he left behind a mourning brother and a pregnant wife. The child Misako gave birth to... Was Morro." He says quietly and Lloyd laughed.
A humourless, bitter, ugly laugh.
"Of course. Morro's the true son of Garmadon. Wow. Perfect." He says then sat down on the ground because his breathing was picking up again and he was feeling like a really bad asthmatic.
"Just keep breathing bud." Cole says, kneeling next to him.
"Might as well keep going." Kai says, shooting them a glare.
"Right." Misako sighed. "Morro was my first son, Garmadon's only child. Wu and I raised him as best as we could without his father. The late master of wind had passed his powers over to Morro, seeing the potential he had and so Wu began training him to use his powers well. I had already started researching the final battle then and we thought it all pointed to him being the Green Ninja. But once it turns out we were wrong... He became obsessed, doing terrible, dangerous things to prove his worth but he was simply not meant to be. He left to find his grandfather's tomb in the dead of night. We couldn't find him and after a few years... We finally accepted that he had passed." Misako explained then fiddler with a button on her shirt. "We were both grieving since he was just as much as a son to Wu as he was to me. Things took a turn and well- I became pregnant with you." She whispered.
"... If you knew I was your son Wu... Why." Lloyd lifted his head, face wet with angry tears. "Why leave me at Darkly's? Why not take me in when I was kicked out with nowhere to go?" He growled at him.
"I did try. Several times. But you seemed more content with Serpentine company." Wu justified and Misako placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Darkly's was my fault." She whispered. "I had just lost one son. I didn't want to lose another. Not when you fit so perfectly in the prophecy of the green ninja. So I had taken you once you were old enough and sent you there-"
"But why Darkly's of all places?! My life was a living hell there!" He snapped at her, not about to be given the run around.
"The other schools were too far out with too bad of a reputation. They didn't keep the children they taught either. I... I had a friend there I trusted. She didn't condone what they were teaching the children there. She was working with a few others to change how Darkly's operated. The only way for her to be able to get you in was to list you under your uncle's name. What I didn't expect was for them to be discovered and fired. They wouldn't give you up and she couldn't force them because the documents were all signed by me... And I was nowhere near by at that time. I only found out about what happened shorty after the Overlord's first defeat." She explained to him.
"But I don't get it. Why did Garmadon keep calling him son if he knew?" Nya asked with a frown.
"He does know... Right?" Jay asked slowly.
"Yes... But also No." Wu says then sighed, placing most of his weight on the staff he held. "When I had gone to the realm of madness for his help in rescuing Lloyd, I soon realised he would not help him unless he thought Lloyd was his. So I had lied." He began.
"No surprise there." Lloyd huffed, the shock and panic giving away to numbness.
"I had told him the truth the moment we had a moment alone after Lloyd was saved. It... Turned out to be too much for him." Wu whispered. "He couldn't handle the knowledge that while he was trapped in the Underworld, his true son had been born, had lived and died without him even meeting him once. He had convinced himself that you were his child still and given that Morro's death was on my hands, I allowed it. A son for a son. But as I watched you grow and thrive, the weight of this secret we've kept from you grew as well.." Wu says solemnly.
"We knew we should have told you long before but you looked so happy and we couldn't bare to ruin that. If you'd like, this doesn't have to change anything-"
"Doesn't chang- are you kidding me?!" He snapped at her, anger returning at that. "You dropped something like that- which might I remind you that you did on accident- and you expect everything to just... Go on as if I didn't just learn my uncle, my Sensei is my real father after all these years?!" He snarled, getting to his feet.
"I don't want to hear it." He interrupted his supposed father with a hand held up. "I just- i can't even- I-" He paused to take deep breaths before looking away.
"I need some time." He says, walking away, past his friends before he began running.
"Please son!"
Lloyd ignored them, summoning his elemental dragon and taking off. He glared ahead, determined not to look back. Images of all the times he's spent with his father flashed before his eyes. From the volcano rescue to the first time he saw him after the tomorrow's tea incident. He remembered the joy he felt when he saw his father after the Overlord's first defeat, their journey into Hiroshi's Labyrinth, the time they spent together in his Monastery, their time on Chen's Island, watching him sacrifice himself to save Ninjago, seeing him again in the Cursed Realm. He remembered it all and couldn't help but cover his mouth as he shook wirh sobs. It was all nothing?!
He swallowed back the sobs to come and swiped furiously at his eyes. They're lying. They have to be. He gripped the reigns tight with determination. He'll get the truth and he knows just where to go.
"Thanks for allowing me to see my father Mr. Warden." Lloyd says as he lead him through Kryptarium Prison.
"No problem. Anything for the Green Ninja!" He says, opening up the thick metal doors that lead to his part of the prison. "Just press the buzzer on the inside when you're done." He says as they waited for several rows of doors, lasers, spikes, knock out gas and darts to open and become unarmed.
Once they were, Lloyd took a breath then walked towards the dark figure locked in a glass cage. He stopped before them, red eyes looking down at him without feeling.
"And under what honour do I receive a visit from the Green Ninja himself." Garmadon asked, looking down at him wirh all four of his arms crossed.
Lloyd swallowed.
"Am I your son?" He asked, keeping his voice strong but it still broke halfway through.
Garmadon was silent, looking down at him with cold, unfeeling eyes.
"I told you before, didn't I?" Garmadon says quietly. "I have no son." He hissed and Lloyd's next breath was a shudder, failing to stop the tears filling his eyes.
"Not here. Not in Ninjago." He continued, turning away from him. "My true son is in the Departed Realm."
No. No. This can't be. He is his father! He- He had to be!
"If you only came here to discuss Morro, then you may as well leave now. My son is dead." He says, walking towards the other end of the cell, away from Lloyd.
That the final nail in the coffin. His legs gave out.
"So it is true." He whispered to himself, tears blurring his vision.
"Let's go Lloyd." He looked up once a hand touched his shoulder, seeing Nya and his friends there.
He nodded numbly, letting then pull him to his feet and escort him out of the prison.
"There's a wise saying for a situation like this." Zane spoke up once they were outside the prison.
"Not the time Zane." Kai says irritibly.
"No. Let him say it." Pixal says, nodding at Zane.
"You may not be able to choose your family but you can chokse your friends." Zane says and Lloyd looked up at him as they stood there, staring out at the Badlands.
He looked at them all and gave a tired, wistful sigh.
"Yeah..." He whispered before all of the day's revelations caught up to him, leaving Cole to catch him once he fainted.
"Poor kid. He's been running on fumes." He says once he picked him up bridal style.
"That was a dirty secret to keep." Nya says, pissed off.
"Sensei doesn't even matter right now." Kai says then summoned his elemental dragon. "Lloyd's our priority. We'll be his family. Right now, let's get him somewhere to rest." He says to his friends who looked at their emotionally and physically exhausted friend.
"You heard the man." Cole says as he was lifted off the ground by his own dragon. "Let's get the kid home."
(*has anxiety because this feels short* Tada! I really struggled on who Lloyd's really father would be but I felt it being Sensei Wu would have a bigger impact. And impact it had. Just know which Lloyd does eventually accept the truth of the situation, he won't speak ot his parents out of obligation for a long time to come. Calling them 'mother and father' is even farther out. Whelp! I hope you guys liked it!)
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