#kaidan alenko x male shepard
aidenlydia · 6 months
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A lil comfort sketch..
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atoastbw · 6 days
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I commissioned semains for this glorious smutty scene from my favourite chapter from my Mshenko Tattoo Parlour/Flower Shop AU fic, The Stars and Infinity on High, and it turned out so damn good! Look at all the details and everything!
Had to crop because of Tumblr guidelines, but full *spicy* version is here and the non-tattooed version is here!
You can read the fic on Ao3 here! The full pic is there too, but you'll have to get to Chapter 7 to see it ;)
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gemsbokk · 4 months
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average ME2/ME3 beginning shenko interaction
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x3no9 · 10 months
A new partially rendered sketch of Kaiden and my OC, Dom Shepard.
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monowires · 9 months
i made this months ago but i’m still in love with it.
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fruity-salie · 8 months
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Words can't express how much I love them.
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sihirbazi · 2 years
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give your loved ones the gift of kaidan alenko in his boyfriend's hoodies because that's the best part of having a boyfriend. the hoodie
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timptoe · 1 year
Okay look I know things are bad but here's the thing: when I was a queer closeted teen back in the late 90s, none of the video games I was playing had queer content. None of them. The best I had was small moments like this, from Final Fantasy VIII:
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Zell, on his knees, thanking Squall for rescuing him. Canon's pretty clear that Squall ends up with Rinoa, but just for a second, I could imagine Zell and Squall together. (To the point that I went on my parents' dial-up AOL internet late one night and found my first fanfic, Zell/Squall slash, shoutout to bishonenink.) I could imagine a world with people like me, and it was wonderful, even if it was me reading way more into the text than was actually there. And fic is great, and imagination is powerful, and I made it through and love my queer self and everything.
But never, in my wildest dreams, did I imagine something like this would not only be canon but shown on screen:
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Or this:
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People like me, on screen, in love and showing it.
It's not that fanfic is bad - it's incredible, and I love it. And shipping characters in non-canon relationships is great, too. And I know that just representation isn't enough, and plotlines matter, and there's so much more that needs to be done, and things are bad.
But I wish I could show my closeted queer teen self those two images, or the dozens more from games like Dragon Age or The Last of Us or others, so he could see how much the world has changed in twenty-five years. And I'm so glad my kids are going to get to play these games one day, even if they're not queer.
Just some pride month encouragement for my younger self.
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idaintykeith · 1 year
Community of Mass Effect, I invoke you to show you this video:
It's an amazing channel that produces Mass Effect ranking lists, it's 100% worth the watch. Hilarious and all, but this video makes me think about one thing:
What if the fanfic community used AI Voices for podfics?
What are your thoughts on this? Feel free to share your thoughts.
Source: @primeradiancy in YouTube
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clericofshadows · 7 months
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Two Mod Releases!
Kaidan Alenko's Catsuits
Ashley's Outfit for Male Shepard
I went back to my refitting roots and refitted Ashley's outfit for both Male Shepard and Kaidan Alenko :)
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aidenlydia · 9 months
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Young mShenko first kiss <3 The gentle biotic and his gangster boyfriend~
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atoastbw · 12 days
The Stars and Infinity on High
A MShenko Tattoo Parlour/Flower Shop AU
Chapter 7: Orange Jasmine
Now here's my vision of Shepard's apartment in the fic, created in the Sims 4! (Please ignore the fact that it's on the ground floor, none of the existing apartments fit the layout I was envisioning, and I made this before I got the pack that allowed us to make our own apartment buildings.)
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The fishtank, the hamster and the display case, recreated as best as I could in the Sims (why are the aquariums and the hamster cages in the game so big damn it).
If you haven't seen it yet, you can check out my vision of Kaidan's home from the fic here.
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luckyclovercoin · 11 months
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guess who is the dumb soft bitch who decided to replay the entire mass effect trilogy for the gay slow burn
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robboyblunder · 2 years
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Holiday gift art for my pal @bluu-spectre Of his Shepard and Kaidan made into a custom design for printing on clothes! :) He loves these two together so much, and I'm just happy I made their armor look okay LMAO. Happy holidays blue!
Image ID in Alt text!
(please don't repost or use this, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs welcomed!)
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enderevynne · 1 year
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send help😭
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midisdying · 2 years
Ok. Hear me out!
ME3 Sleep deprived MShepard shenanigans and very brief Mshenko.
I had this idea for a long time now and I need to let it out. I haven't written anything in a while so you will have to excuse me poor writing skills...
I just wanted some fluff ok?!
also Happy late N7 day ppl!
It wasn't unusual to see Commander Shepard hanging around random areas of the Normandy. Talking to his crew or just doing paper work.
When asked why he wouldn't make use of his personal quarters he'd say it helped him stay focused and awake. The only thing he'd skip over was the amount of time he'd actually stay awake for. Like the time while still working for Cerberus, Shepard had stayed awake for three days in a row (against the very sound medical advice of Dr. Chakwas) before the Normandy's first touchdown on Tuachanka.
Nevertheless, Shepard knew his limit and upon reaching it he would head back to his quarters for a few hours of rest before repeating the cycle.
So to say that finding their CO passed out at one of the mess hall tables was a bit of a surprise to some of the lower rank crew members of the Normandy would be an understatement.
"He's been out for a while now, hasn't he?" Garuss asked, joining the little circle of some of the oldest members of the Normandy crew that had gathered around the table occupied by Shepard's slumped body. Others either actively avoiding or sending curious glances towards the group.
"I guess even that abomination couldn't keep him up at this point. Swear I saw him adding three tablespoons of coffee into that thing last night.” Kaidan said while taking a long, disgusted look at the cup standing not too far from Shepard's face.
"Good thing then that he has all those cybernetics, otherwise his heart might’ve stopped. Again." Joker mentioned sitting at the opposite side of the table.
"Should we do anything? Like wake him up? I can't imagine that this is the most comfortable sleeping position for humans.” Tali spoke up, turning her head towards Liara who just came up behind her.
"I suppose we could, but we could also get some markers, or if we're feeling especially mean-"
"Not if we don't want to get a biotic throw to the face as soon as he wakes up, we don't." Kaidan swiftly interrupted whatever Joker was about to suggest.
"Yeah, you'd know something about that, right? Cause you know, you almost shot him."
"You're never going to let that go, are you?" Kaidan looked back at Joker who was mildly amused by the major's irritation.
"Can we backtrack a bit? Why markers? What would we even do with them?" Garrus spoke up before the two could start anything else.
"I assume that Jeff and Major Alenko are talking about a form of a popular hazing prank done by humans in which the sleeping person, in most cases, has their face drawn on or covered with various usually viscous substances. Like toothpaste, soap, whipped cream, or glue.” Explained EDI.
There was a moment of silence where the non-human crew looked at eachother and then at the two awake humans in the room. Liara first broke the quiet atmosphere.
"That seems… incredibly childish."
"Yeah, it does." Garrus agreed then added "SO, where do we keep the markers?"
The asari turned her gaze towards the former C-Sec officer with a disappointed expression. "You can't be serious about this.”
"Come on, Liara, it'll boost morale." Garrus said trying to jokingly convince the asari into joining the mischief.
"Can we draw something nice, though?" asked Tali.
"You can draw whatever you want, Tali" Joker answered slowly standing up from the table.
"You're really going to let them do this, EDI?" Kaiden asked, making his voice a bit louder, even though he knew he didn't really need to.
"I am taking this as an opportunity to expand my knowledge on organic humor."
"Just no dicks, alright?" He said mainly looking at Joker in mild defeat.
For now Joker staggered over to the medbay to ask Dr. Chakwas about the markers, Tali and Garuss disappeared to ask about them in the crew’s quarters, and Liara went back to her room in search of something. Kaiden was left alone in the mess hall with his sleeping boyfriend.
He brought himself to sit in a chair closer to Shepard, looking over his relaxed form. It was a rare sight these days. Understandably, with what felt like the entire galaxy pushing down on the commanders shoulders. He slowly reached out to delicately caress Shapars cheek, to which he unconsciously leaned into the touch. Kaiden slightly startled that he accidentally woke up his lover retreated his hand but even after a minute of stillnes Shepard hasn't shifted. The only noticeable movement was his chest slightly rising and falling with every breath.
The major sat back for a moment taking in the sight before him then stood up taking the cup, containing the now cold, disgusting beverage, to dispose of it. He may love this man, but he definitely doesn't approve of his taste in coffee.
Three hours later Shepard woke up to a glass of water and a ration bar with a note from Kaidan, a blanket he saw laying on Liaras bed during one of their often talks, as well as a surprising amount of doodles on his face in blue, red, and black marker.
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