rypnami · 2 months
Wait! Okay, truth time. Ive beem scrolling on your blog for like 15 min because there was a post I liked and I wanted to go back and comment on it but now I can’t find it🤦🏼‍♀️
It was something about HL being the same except Leander is trans ftm.
Anyways I thought it was such a cute idea🥰
And then I started thinking about Prewlow and maybe Seb doesn't know at first and Leander being all nervous and dorky and awkward about it when he finally tells Seb because Leander really likes him. And then Seb gets all flustered and immediately tries to go look for information in the library because he wants to understand everything. And he doesn't want to do/say the wrong thing.🫠🫠 and they both just love each other.
My brain’s been sent on a tangent it never knew it needed😅🥰
okay so tbh i privated the post because i was scared of how people would react 😅
but holy shit i love this??? because honestly this idea has been rotting my brain for the past couple days and this is SO CUTE. i actually wanna cry at how soft. like, you just know sebastian is the kinda guy who is such a lover and would do everything and anything in his power to make his friend/partner/whoever feel comfortable after a transition/coming out, and him raiding the library to educate himself on how to be more helpful is so in keeping with his character 🥹
i miiiiight have to do a little something with this idea 🥺👉👈 i absolutely LOVE! it
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sidenote just because: i came up with the HC because i noticed that other from professor ronen and leander, every summoner’s court opponent is a girl. so i started thinking that maybe it started out as a girls’ club but they let leander keep playing after his transition because he’s still their friend and he can play to improve his skills 🥺❤️
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ravenbronze · 2 months
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Sebastian and Clara
Commission for the lovely @kaidynsarell of a scene from Chapter 6 of her fanfic Sanguinis et Omnium Fractorum (AO3 link).
I can’t recommend her writing highly enough, so if you’re looking for something new to read then go read this!!
Thank you so much for asking me to do this, it was a lot of fun! 🥹
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kaidynsarell · 5 months
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Sanguinis et Omnium Fractorum // Sebastian Sallow
by Kaidynsarell
-*- So, I did a thing. Mostly it's a new scary thing. But kind of exciting too. So, come check it out, if you want *hides* -*-
Summary: Clara Elmore was fifteen when she saved the wizarding world. The Hero is Hogwarts they'd called her. But could she truly be called a hero if she was the villain in the stories of so many others? Was it truly victory if blood lingered under her fingernails from the mountain of corpses she'd crawled over to obtain it? Was it truly victory If Anne was still dying? If Ominis still lived under the shadow of his family? If Sebastian had vanished and left everything that had sparked between them behind without a word? Leaving nothing more than a single letter. Two years later; dark forces begin to stir in the shadows, nightmares prove frighteningly real, and memories are not what they seem. Victory may not have been what she thought and the repository may have only been the beginning.
Sebastian Sallow x Female MC (Slowburn)
Seventh year fic| 18+
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rypnami · 3 months
Hi🫣 Can I just say I adore how much you love Leander. Like every time I see your little posts about him I get all giggly and happy☺️🤭
That's it. That's the ask. 💕
hi 🥺🥺
honestly that makes me so happy to hear bc i’m trying to do a more positivity spreading thing these days ❤️
yeah i just love that silly dorky loser man and he just makes me feel ❤️❤️❤️ all the happy things. and it makes me beyond happy that people are starting to appreciate him more, too!!
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ravenbronze · 3 months
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Sometimes ya need a crackship in your life 🤷‍♀️
Dedicated to @diligentcranberry @slytherizz @xantineverdoer @writing-intheundercroft @kaidynsarell for all their Willow goodness and for feeding the obsession with TSH/Henry Winter/80s AU Sebastian/general insanity 🙃
(I promise I’m gonna draw some actual HL stuff again as well 😂)
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rypnami · 2 months
more than anything (pt. 1)
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ship: leander prewett x sebastian sallow
word count: 938
warnings: mild angst, anxiety, vaguely implied transphobia.
summary: leander is returning to hogwarts for 5th year after transitioning over the summer. he struggles with anxiety over his identity as his family sends him off for the year.
a/n: @kaidynsarell completely inspired this lil fic. you’re the best! (don’t know pic credit sorry, please let me know if it’s yours so i can credit!) part 2 should be semi-soon idk
Leander stood on the train platform, feeling a bit faint. As usual, it was busy- trunks were loaded, parents said goodbye, students boarded the train- but to him, it all felt alien.
Would anyone even recognise him?
He had the same face, maybe, but he’d changed so much that most days when he looked in the mirror he didn’t even recognise himself.
Maybe they would all hate him. That was a thought that had been plaguing him for the past few weeks. No one would accept him, he’d have to move schools, lose all his friends… he tried to stop that thought. Worrying would do nothing.
His own parents hung back a few steps, letting him decide what he wanted to do. Lily had come along to send him off for the year, too, which was slightly embarrassing- no one else needed their big sister there. Then again, no one else, to his knowledge, had made such a big change, either.
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” His mum had come up and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “We can wait a few more minutes, if you like?”
“Erm…” Leander cleared his throat, feeling a bit more embarrassed. “No, that’s okay..” He picked up his trunk. “I think I’m ready.”
“If you’re certain…” She moved her hand as if to pat his head, but seemed to think better of it, her hand pausing halfway.
Leander wasn’t certain at all. His stomach was in knots, and his knees shook slightly. He still felt a bit light-headed.
“We can wait a few more minutes, you know. There isn’t any rush,” Lily said quietly. Her eyebrows were knit together, her fingers drumming slightly on her thigh as she stood. She looked almost as anxious as Leander felt.
“But there *is* a rush,” Leander muttered. The train would be leaving soon- he couldn’t stand on the platform all day like a baby.
“There doesn’t have to be,” Mum said, worry seeping into her voice. “We can take all the time you need.”
“Don’t even have to take the train. We could just use the Floo network later this evening,” his father added.
Leander slammed his trunk down, growing annoyed. A few people glanced their way. “It’s fine! I’m fine!” He snapped. They hadn’t been this overbearing since his *actual* first day at Hogwarts. Although back then, Lily had still been attending, and she’d been able to look out for him. This time he would be all alone.
Alone and completely different.
Mum backed off, seeming hurt. His father, too, seemed upset. He knew he shouldn’t have been snappy- they were just trying to be supportive of him. That was more than a lot of people like him could say about their families. But it was almost too much. Maybe it was entitled of him to complain.
Lily motioned for their parents to step away for a moment, coming up to Leander herself.
“Hey, kiddo. What’s going on?”
He shrugged. “I guess I just… I just…” Leander stared at his feet. The platform was clearing out as more students boarded the train, probably making them stick out more. Was everyone staring at them? Judging him? Did any of his classmates even recognise him?
Leander didn’t quite know how to phrase what he was feeling, but thankfully he didn’t have to. Lily always seemed to know what he was thinking; it was part of what made her his favourite sibling, not that he’d admit that to the others. But they probably already knew that anyway.
“Look,” she started. “I understand this is scary-“
“You don’t understand, though,” he cut her off. “You’ll *never* understand, not really.” Maybe it was a rude thing to say, but it was true. Lily had always been so confident and sure of herself, all the time Leander had known her. She had no idea what it felt like to be trapped in wrong body, to hate herself every day for it. Maybe he was a little envious, even, that she’d always known exactly who she was.
“…you’re right. Maybe not *understand*, but I know that this is scary for you.” She looked into his eyes with a deep intensity that was almost uncomfortable. “You have already been so brave these past few months. I know you can do this. And I think you do, too. If anyone gives you any shit, you write to me as soon as you can, and I’ll sort it out. I promise.”
“I will.”
The train whistle blew, loud and shrill. Last call for students to get on board.
“You certain you’re ready for this? No shame in going tomorrow, you know.”
“It’s alright. I’m ready.” And he was. Leander turned and rushed to give his parents a hug. Maybe they could he overbearing, but he knew it was just because they loved him. It meant the world to him that his father had gone out of his way to get time off work, to see him off. “See you at Christmas,” he said as they all broke apart.
He grabbed his trunk, heaving it behind him as he got on the train.
“Good luck, kiddo!” Lily called after him. He waved, loaded his trunk, and went to find somewhere to sit.
There was an open compartment, completely empty. He sat down just as the train began moving, and waved goodbye to his family through the window as it left the station.
So long, London.
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