#kaiju fanfic
qualxon · 1 year
A Little Surprise
I've had this little part of my au floating around as basically an abstract concept since the start, more or less. Now, finally, I've polished it up and included it properly!
Life always holds a great many things to be appreciated, least of all being how the lush rainforests maintained their grandeur and warms even in the clutches of the winter months when lands to the far north and south nearly froze over every year. No, the consistency of the environment suited him just fine, and he took great pride in keeping it that way: his rounds were as regular as the forest's rainfall, starting today in the East, he travelled with the sun as far West as the forest would go. Sure, trees were felled in his wake, but there was only so much he could do to prevent that when he's - well - a Behemoth, large enough so that even Godzilla had to look upwards to meet his eye. But, still, those felled trees had purpose yet, to decay and feed their neighbours - new trees would always grow.
So, here he was, on his usual rounds of the rainforest, just coming up to the halfway point of his trek as the sun came to noon. Really, he could have made it to his destination in the West by now, but what was the point in rushing? Unless he were to heed some urgent call from either the lands he cared for or Godzilla himself, then he would take his time, as all things should do as far as he was concerned. Besides, if he maintained a steady pace as he was, it meant that he would have plenty of time to look around and make sure everything was as it should be - he knew this rainforest better than the tusks on his face, so anomalies were easy enough to spot.
That's how he knew that the little ditch under his paw was new.
He stopped and looked down at it, leaning forwards a little to see it better. Sure enough, it was a small ditch, just less than the width of his knuckles and deep enough to curve away from view underground. A tunnel, it seemed. A mound of dirt, shrubs and broken tree roots sat near the entrance to the tunnel, only recently disturbed by the looks of it.
That was odd, hadn't he passed through this area just two days ago? Had something really managed to slip past his notice? He doubted it, and instead reasoned that whatever had made this had done so afterwards.
In that moment he found himself distantly wishing that his sense of smell was even slightly more acute, at least then he might have had a chance of finding some semblance of an answer to what, exactly, had been digging. Alas, that could not be, so he turned his efforts towards working out what it wasn't: the hole was too big to belong to any of the rainforest's native fauna, of that he was certain, and near enough every kaiju that he knew of was simply too big in turn to have dug it out in the first place.
Behemoth kept looking, and quickly noticed a parting in the trees where the underbrush sat half-crumpled, torn and trampled. The disorder of the ground formed a narrow path that may have already seen frequent use, leading due North. He considered this for a moment, before straightening back up and following the little trail.
The sun had hardly had the chance to move any further West when Behemoth spotted a drop-off in the treeline where the great river parted the rainforest, and as he moved closer he could just make out the thin line that made up the opposite shoreline. He stopped with the path on the riverbank, watching as the river's dazzling grey surface sat as tranquil as could be while the water moved steadily on its journey. He looked left and right up and down the river, but he saw nothing out of the ordinary...no, wait! There, a short distance out, a dark shape moved in the water; it drifted against the current one moment and then with it the next, only to repeat the actions like it were a game.
Behemoth wasn't sure how long he stood there watching the shape, but eventually it came to a relative stop, just out of his reach. He didn't know what he expected, but the little head that breached the river's surface was most certainly not on his list. It had a narrow snout adorned with three small ridges over the top and covered in grey scales. Luminous orange-and-yellow eyes peered at him curiously with no hint of surprise, and the creature began to swim towards him. He hesitantly reached out to it, and it made now show of alarm as he dipped his long claws under the water and under the creature's slim body, gently lifting it and bringing it closer to his face so that he could see it better. The creature didn't wait for his paw to come to a halt in the air before it scrambled from where it say in the curve of his claw, up over his knuckles and onto the back of his forelimb; its own little claws were far too small to do anything more than tickle the skin under his fur as it balanced itself.
Now that he could see it better, he noted the single row of green-ish crest-like protrusions that ran along its back from the top of its neck to the end of its tail. Its scales weren't just grey, either, as he had previously guessed - the upper part of its body had dark scales, similar to the colour of the mud that formed the riverbanks, and the rest were a pale grey like the water itself, aside from the beige hue on its underbelly. The little creature chirped at him.
Behemoth scoured his mind for any definitive answer, but he kept coming up short - he had a few theories, though. Still, he wanted to be sure, and he knew just where to go to find out.
He held his forelimb so that the creature might climb onto his back or shoulder - having all four of his paws on the ground just made walking that little bit easier for him - and the creature did just that, perching lightly on his shoulder. He gave a satisfactory hum, turned, and began the trek South.
Behemoth's role upon this earth was invaluable. He was, essentially, responsible for keeping the planet breathing: without him, or someone else to fill his place, the vast forests of the world would, through one circumstance or another, slowly dwindle into barren wastelands, taking everything good in the air with them. The winds would become stale before they became altogether toxic, so it fell to him and his natural affinity of the subject to keep the forests alive and healthy. He would even argue that his role held just as much importance as Godzilla's; as the alpha, Godzilla protected the structure of the natural balance, but every structure needs its supports, and Behemoth's work was one such support. However, that wasn't his only task, no.
The kaiju reign's origins predated even the memory of the ground beneath Behemoth's paws - even the oldest amongst those alive today were not the first of their kind. Even so, there remained one who - if the stories were to be believed - was birthed from the very first fires of creation on earth itself, one who had lived more lives than could be counted, and would love and live a great many more. This reputation had very quickly marked her as the everlasting Queen of the kaiju, one who would advise and guide each new alpha as they came and went with a wisdom that could not be found even in the memories of the stars. At the end of each life, she became reborn, and each time she needed a place where she could return to her full being in peace and safety.
For this life, she chose Behemoth's lands to begin anew.
The responsibility of such a task at first weighed heavily on his mind, but it wasn't long before he had learned that she needed little more from him than some company with the occasional friendly conversation. Had he not known of her status, he would have called her a friend instead of a queen.
The sun was perhaps an hour from the horizon when he found the yawning entrance to her cave home, and he descended into the darkness carefully.
The cavern ceiling was high enough so that Behemoth didn't have to worry about catching his head on the slick rock, and the space was shallow enough to where he wouldn't need to spend long searching for her. In fact, he spotted her as soon as his eyes had adjusted to the low light, a larva curled up in a nest of silk. She looked up at him as he approached.
"Behemoth," Mothra greeted cheerfully. "You're earlier than usual - is everything alright?"
Behemoth nodded. "Everything's fine, I just have a question or two that I hope you can help me answer."
"Then ask, my friend."
He sat on the damp, moss-covered floor of the cave and raised a forelimb to retrieve the little creature (who had remained entirely at ease and quiet on his shoulder aside from the occasion chirp for the whole journey). He held it out in his upturned paw, where it tucked its thin limbs underneath itself and looked between to two large kaiju. Mothra hardly needed to glance at it before she spoke.
"A gojira infant?" she asked.
"Apparently so."
"Where did you find her?"
Well, that was two of his questions answered.
"Well," he started, "I found a small hole, like a tunnel entrance, and a fresh trail that lead to the river, and that's where I found her."
Mothra leaned in a little closer to the gojira, inspecting her. "She seems a little undernourished, but otherwise fine - go on, you can put her down. I take it there were no adults?"
"No, nothing."
"And...how has she behaved around you?"
"There's not much to say, she hasn't seemed cautious at all - downright friendly, I'd say." Behemoth watched the little gojira as she waddled on slightly wobbly legs to his front paw, snuffling around until she found an angle where she could start gnawing on his claw.
He heard a light chuckle from Mothra.
"Ah, then it seems she's imprinted on you."
His head snapped back up to face Mothra. "Imprinted?" he echoed.
"Gojira are a social species," she said. Then she paused and added: "mostly. Many of them prefer the company of a pack or colony, if there's enough of them, meaning their young aren't fit to make do on their own; not this young, certainly. They need some kind of guardian to look after them, and they usually find it in anything that isn't a direct threat."
"So, you're saying..."
"This little one has picked you to be her new family. You needn't worry too much, most things she'll learn by herself in time, but she will need you to provide for her until then."
Behemoth shook his head. "How do I know she's not just lost?"
"You said there was a tunnel - her kind in particular don't make tunnels unless they plan to stay."
He looked back down at the little gojira infant, where she now lay, idly scraping her miniscule teeth against his claw. He didn't have many memories of family, truth be told, and the few he that he did have were murky at best. He nodded
Then she can stay.
The moon was high and bright in the starlit sky by the time he bid Mothra goodbye and left the cave; he started heading back North, intending to cover some more ground before he continued the trek of his rounds in the morning. On his shoulder, the gojira shifted, yawned and fidgeted in his fur. Instead, perhaps it would be best if he just found somewhere to rest for the night.
He wandered through the trees that reached no further than his chest until he came across the face a sheer mountain. A thin waterfall tricked down the middle of it and fed a stream at the bottom. This would be as good a place as any, he thought as he settled down in the foliage.
The gojira infant climbed down his forelimb and onto the ground, sniffing and pacing until she pushed herself against the crook of his elbow and curled up with her limbs tucked underneath herself, fast asleep before she even closed her eyes. He realised then that, if he were to become her caretaker, she would need a name.
Life always holds a great many things to be appreciated, Behemoth mused, and watching the stars as he settled on a name was a new one for him. He would call her Nanta.
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brookghaib-blog · 12 days
Kaiju No. 8: The Secret of Hoshina
pairing: hoshina soshiro x reader
summary : in which hoshina soshiro has to reveal his secret wife to the Third Division
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The Third Division's base buzzed with its usual energy. Soldiers trained in the yard, administrative personnel hustled through corridors, and the hum of machinery filled the air. Amidst this routine, Vice-Captain Hoshina Soshiro maintained his calm, collected demeanor, effortlessly balancing paperwork and tactical planning. However, a secret part of his life was about to unfold in the most unexpected way.
The day began like any other until an urgent message interrupted the flow. "Vice-Captain Hoshina," a young soldier called, saluting briskly. "There's a visitor at the gate requesting to see you. She says it's a personal matter."
Hoshina raised an eyebrow. "A visitor? Did she give a name?”
"Yes, sir. She said her name is y/n."
A flash of surprise crossed Hoshina's usually stoic face. He quickly masked it, but not before Captain Narumi and Kafka Hibino, who happened to be in the room, noticed.
"I'll handle this personally," Hoshina said, standing up. "Kafka, Narumi, continue with the briefing. I'll be back shortly."
As Hoshina made his way to the gate, his mind raced. y/n hadn't contacted him in years, respecting their agreement to keep her identity and their relationship a secret for her safety. Why now?
Reaching the gate, Hoshina saw a woman with long, beautiful hair and a determined expression. Her eyes softened when she saw him.
"Soshiro," y/n said, her voice a mix of relief and urgency.
"y/n," Hoshina responded, his voice gentler than usual. "What brings you here?"
She glanced around nervously. "We need to talk, somewhere private."
Hoshina led her to a secluded office, closing the door behind them. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his eyes.
"I didn't want to come here and risk exposing you, but there's something you need to know," y/n began. "A new type of kaiju has appeared. It's different, intelligent, and it knows about us."
Hoshina's expression hardened. "How do you know this?"
"I encountered it," she admitted. "It spoke to me, Soshiro. It knew my name, our connection, everything."
Hoshina felt a cold shiver down his spine. "This changes everything. We need to inform the others, but discreetly."
As they exited the office, Hoshina knew it was time to reveal a part of his life he had kept hidden for so long. He led y/n to the main briefing room where Kafka, Narumi, and the rest of the key officers were gathered.
"Everyone," Hoshina began, his voice steady. "This is y/n. She is... my wife. And she brings urgent news."
The room fell silent, shock evident on every face. Kafka blinked rapidly, Narumi's jaw dropped, and Kikoru Shinomiya's eyes widened in surprise.
"Wife?" Kafka echoed. "Hoshina, you have a wife?"
Hoshina nodded. "Yes, and her presence here is tied to a new threat. y/n, please explain what you told me."
y/n stepped forward, recounting her encounter with the intelligent kaiju. The gravity of the situation was clear to everyone.
Narumi was the first to recover. "If this kaiju knows about y/n, it could target her to get to you. We need to ensure her safety and prepare for this new threat."
Hoshina felt a surge of gratitude for his comrades' swift acceptance and focus. "Thank you. We will integrate y/n's knowledge into our strategies and ensure she is protected at all costs."
As the team sprang into action, Hoshina exchanged a glance with y/n. For the first time in years, they were together, facing a threat side by side. The revelation of their relationship brought new strength to the Third Division, a reminder of what they were fighting for—each other, their loved ones, and the future of humanity.
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kaszuma · 10 days
Kaszuma's Masterlist
note: will update with other writing in the future. Also not accepting any requests. This is just a self indulgent writing blog.
Certainly Yours | Soshiro Hoshina
Part 0 | Mockery (Coming Soon...)
Part 1 | Certainly Yours
Part 2 | Cat and Mouse
Part 3 | Acta, Non Verba
Part 4 | Second Guesses
Part 5 | Oxygen is all we need (NSFW)
Part 6 | Bad Habits
Part 7 | Coming Soon...
Part 8 | Coming Soon...
Part 9 | Coming Soon...
Part 10 | Coming Soon...
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equestriagirl16 · 1 month
When I’m desperately checking the ‘x reader’ tag of a new series and I finally see multiple fics uploaded-
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mechaknight-98 · 26 days
Team Up I (NSFW) FT Chodan and Momo
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Authors Note: Have y'all checked out Qwer… I mean Sheesh. Also I am aware that I may have a type. Part II: Coming eventually
The first time I met Chodan I was at a random bookstore in California looking for the most recent volume of Kaiju no. 8, Go Go Loser Ranger and ultraman. I noticed her nabbing a few copies of bleach (my favorite of the big three) she was wearing a simple white shirt and dark pants. Cautiously I approach she tracks me and I force my most confident and resolute smile. I think of an opener but she beats me to it. 
“I see you like manga. How do you feel about Bleach.” She asked. 
“It is my favorite of the big three. I love its expressive art style and how the author portrays and draws “black characters” his portrayal is only second to the author of Soul Eater and Fire Force” I respond. The lady smiles like I passed her test.
“My name is Jihye,” I nod 
“Okay Jihye I dig it, but seeing you up close up you have this weird sense of familiarity.” I lied. Jihye smirked
“Well, that depends are you on twitch.” She asked seductively she was surprised when I shook my head. Seeing the opportunity I say, 
“I got it,” I say mock recollecting, “you’ve been the lady running around in my dreams” Jihye laughs and smiles.
“You’re funny I like that. What’s your name?” She questioned 
                        Two years later
“Okay, Cho. I am at arrivals,” I say to my girlfriend who’s been driving around the airport waiting for me. She had flown in the week prior for a series of shows across Japan. I was flying in to see "League of Legends" World championship which was in Tokyo this year. I was also staying an extra two days to see the showcase because I love her so much. She didn’t know it though. 
When I saw her I smiled. “Hey sexy thing, you waiting for me?” she asked as she rolled the window. I smile as I get in 
“You know you saying that makes me sound like a prostitute,” I tease.
Cho smiles back, “Well maybe I think you are a cheap whore. You would still be my favorite though.” I laugh with her as she drives off.
“So where are we heading?” I ask as she drives from the airport.
“Our little love nest than a PC Bang probably, don't worry though they have a card shop attached so you can play commander,” Chandan said with a smile. 
“You know me so well,” babe I say as she pulls up to the Hotel’s parking Chodan smiles before kissing my cheek. We get into the hotel and I set my bag down and take in the view. 
“You like it?” Chodan asks. I nodded and turned to her
“Yes, but I like this view more,” I say as I watch her take off her jacket and reveal her tight tank top. I kiss her and she chuckles
"You're such a slut you know that," She teases while bringing me in for a passionate kiss. her hands wander across my chest and arms before she breaks the kiss and lifts the tank top over her head. her eyes are wide with lust as I smile before responding
"Well, when my girlfriend looks this hot how can I say no, ya know?"
"Well, Why can't I just be sexy without my whore of a boyfriend needing to fuck me?" She teases back. Playing her game I respond in kind
"I can take a nap we don't have to do this," I respond. Cho responds aggressively by throwing my shirt off me and forcing my pants open. 
"I have gone without this evil but delicious cock for 4 months. you are not going to deprive me of it any longer," she growls and I worry slightly because she's never done that before. but my fears are soon pushed away as she takes my cock into her mouth. Her tight vacuum seal around my rod is intoxicating and causes me to begin moaning for her
“Ah fuck Jihye,” I moan out reverting to her real name. She takes me in further than she ever has as her throat relaxes around my cock and her eyes scream at me to go deeper, so I lightly grab the sides of her head before fulfilling her request. I plunge my cock deeper. Her gags and my moans are the only audible sounds resonating in the room I look down at my lovely girlfriend and gone is the cute girl I have come to love and cherish replaced with a hungry predator. She devoured my rod with the fervor of a starved animal. 
Her adorable bright eyes left dark tainted by the shadow of lust as her throat stretched to accommodate me. Her eyes invite, no demand I cum down her throat as she challenges me to fuck her face harder, which I do. I thrust with more force as she gags more on my cock her eyes roll into the back of her head signifying her satisfaction. Her spit is flying her makeup is ruined but she is euphoric in her body as I watch her finger herself. Unable to hold off any longer my dick churns massive amounts of cum down her throat as I exploded into her tight wet throat. Chodan moans causing an almost secondary orgasm on top of my original one but I hold out. I needed to own her pussy as well. When I left her mouth she stared at me with a disheveled but blissed-out look, 
“Thank God I had that itch in my throat for months, and only your cock could scratch it” Chodan joked before stripping the rest of her clothes. Her tight body enticed me to further depravity but what sealed the deal was her sizable bust swaying in the cool air hypnotizing me to fuck her for real this time. I grabbed Chodan wordlessly causing her to yelp before I stuff her pussy with my cock 
“Hey? Ooh fuck.” her voice went from a high-pitched yelp to a pleased moan. My cock invaded her insides as she said, “Oh is my slit gonna cum again?” she always knew the words to set me off as I began slowly I pulled out just enough for the tip to remain in her before slamming my whole length back in. Chodan moaned no longer having the mental capacity to do anything other than take my cock which she always did so well. I groped her mesmeric orbs she called breasts and forced her body to be flush with mine instead of having her bent over the bed. My primal instincts took over as I thrust into like an animal trying to impregnate her. The harder the better. 
Chodan throughout all could only moan before she came on my cock. Her moans rang through my ears like melodic percussion as she lost herself to the pleasure but I as her drenched and sloshed pussy squelched and squeezed my high was not far off. I explode into my girl as she moans “Oh God yes, oh God yes,” we collapsed onto the bed with my cock still inside her. When we woke up she rode my cock again to her and my fulfillment. Then we took a quick chaste shower Cho and I went to the PC Bang she mentioned.
You and Momo were heading to PC Bang after a long and stressful day at work. As you walk in Chodan and I bump into y'all.
"Oh Gomen," I reply. You look at me with a curious look as I return the look.
We stare at each other for a bit of time before Momo says to Chodan, how pretty her hair is. you notice my deck bag and ask if I play mtg in English. I nod and you gesture for Chodan and me to join you. Momo and Chodan split off while we find a nice table to play at. 
"Do you play modern?" You ask.
I nod.
"Oh good, I hate 1v1 commander."
"I do as well," I reply, "that is why I built Domain Zoo," I added.
"Okay good you are playing an archetype and not Jank," you reply relieved pulling out indomitable creativity. We get set up and I face you. I pull out my dice. 
"Do you want to go first or should I?" I ask. You point to yourself and I give you the thumbs up. We shuffle up and you and pregame action I play Leyline of the guildpact. You give me a thumbs up and play your turn 1 Ragavan. It gets to my turn I play an arid mesa and tap it for an Esper sentinel. you look at me surprised and then on your next turn you cast a bolt (directed at me)  and then I draw a card. You swing Ragavan and pull a leyline of the guild pact off of my top. I shrug at this, but before we can get further into the game the building begins to shake. We look at each other and run outside. As expected a Kaiju is wreaking havoc on the city. I take out my transformer and you take out yours as we do our transformations “Hyperion” you yell
“Hyperion X” I yell
We transform and fight the kaiju. Through our combined efforts it honestly barely an issue. We deactivated our transformations before the HDF could even arrive. 
“So you’re also a Hyperion?” you ask. I nod and quantify 
“But I was born here,” your eyes narrow and you respond
“Hmm, that’s a first,” you say.
I shrug and reply
“Well my parents like this planet, as do you it seems,” I tease as I watch our girlfriends walk up to us in their full HDF combat attire. 
“Oh good Dota you’re safe,” Chodan says relieved. You and Momo look at me confused. 
“Dota?” You question.
“Oh right, I never introduced myself. My name is Dakota King but everyone calls me Dota usually.” I respond you nod and then Momo says,”
“Okay well then Dota and Chodan how about we get some lunch since our date was ruined,” Cho and I nod as we follow the older couple. We went to a nearby restaurant and had a pleasant experience where got to know each other. I learned that Momo and you were part of Japan's HDF force (You were a cleaner, and Momo was a fighter), and we also learned that Chodan's subgroup would be working with Momo's group for one of the upcoming showcases. After we ate our fill Chodan and I left.
"They seem nice," Momo says to you when the two of you get back to your shared apartment. 
You nod, and reply, "I wonder if they have any other plans? Maybe we can see them again."
Mom lights up, "Ooh I'd love that," she says happily. The two of you then quickly discard the other's clothing and begin making out. Momo moans into the kiss. 
"Someone is excited," you say to her. Momo nods, 
"I have you all to myself tonight, and I am going to enjoy it," Momo said. 
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witchy-scribblings · 4 days
things hibino kafka likes to say in bed (mdni)…
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❀ "we can stop at any time, okay? it's never too late to change your mind, got it?"
❀ “you make me so hard, god, you're so sexy. what did i do to deserve you?"
❀ "can i play with your tits? i love how soft they are."
❀ *unintelligible tit-sucking gibberish*
❀ "b-baby, you don't need to do that, i'm more than happy just taking care of y- oh, shit your tongue feels so good...!"
❀ "oh my god, take it deeper please-! i love seeing you gag on it, please do that again..."
❀ "y-yess, good girl, my pretty girl, sucking my dick so well... fuck, i'm not gonna last, where do you want it?"
❀ "wait, lemme get you a tissue, you really don't have to swallow- oooh, okay that was hot, actually."
❀ "please, sit on my face, i promise i can take it... fuck, you can smother me for all i care, i need your pussy on my mouth now."
❀ "nonono, baby don't run away, i know it's a lot, but you can take it, i know you can."
❀ "c'mon baby, soak my face. grind on my fucking face until you come, just use me please."
❀ "that's it, that's it, such a good fucking girl, holy shit..."
❀ "heh, your legs are shaking babe, how 'bout you leave the rest to your trusty boyfriend?"
❀ "are you comfortable, baby? i'm glad, i'm really comfy too. i love feeling your legs around my hips..."
❀ "god, i'm so lucky, i love you so much, you look so gorgeous looking up at me..."
❀ "i'm gonna put it in, 'kay? i'll go slow, i promise... wanna make my baby feel good."
❀ "fuck, you always feel so tight... i'm not hurting you, am i? okay, good, good..."
❀ "g-gonna make love to my beautiful princess... please, moan for me, i need to hear how good i'm making you feel."
❀ *pant* *pant* "hold on, i need a second..." *wheeze* "pfft, zip it, i'm not twenty anymore-!"
❀ "can you rub that little clit for me? that's it, just the way you like it, keep going..."
❀ "god, i can feel you clenching on me... i'm so close. ooh, you're gonna make me come...!"
❀ "p-please, i need your lips, kiss me more..."
❀ "ohh, fuck, i'm coming! feels so good, i'm sorry, fuck, fuck...!"
❀ "shit... i'm so sorry, princess. wait, lemme make it up to you. gonna make you come on my fingers, yeah?"
❀ "that's it, lie back against me and spread those gorgeous legs wide. heh, i can feel my come oozing out. so dirty..."
❀ "you're close again, aren't you? hey, look at me... that's it, good girl. wanna look into your eyes when you come."
❀ "here, drink some water, i'm gonna go grab a towel." *smooch* "you did wonderful, princess."
❀ "remember to go pee, babe, then we can cuddle all you want."
❀ "you make me the luckiest guy on earth, did you know? i know i'm probably starting to sound like a broken record, but i love you, a lot. truly. thank you for being in my life."
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taglist: @flametrashira @i-literally-cant-with-this @southside-otaku @delirious-donna @kazutora-kurokawa
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naruumigen · 13 days
gen narumi most certainly isn't what one would consider a "romantic". hell, he hardly has anything nice to say to anyone even platonically, let alone romantically.
but these past few days have been almost...weird? you couldn't quite pinpoint it but something changed in gen's attitude towards you. he started holding your hand more often when out in public, placing his head on your shoulder while he was playing one of his games, even going so far as sharing bits of his food with you.
why he was suddenly acting so different, you weren't entirely sure, were you going to complain, though? most definitely not.
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kittydoremi · 1 month
Night Giant Sonic and Kaiju Sonic interacting
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Kaiju Sonic belongs to @taffydragonart
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kazutora-kurokawa · 14 days
Giving Kafka Head
♡ NSFW, fem reader, oral->male receiving, face fucking, cum swallowing, mention of oral->fem receiving ♡
note: supposed to be doing a request right now, but the Kafka brainrot is too real so yeah lol
note 2: Sza was right when she said "I need a big boy" 😮‍💨
It's quite obvious that Kafka gives the best head of any of your previous partners, especially when he's in his Kaiju form and uses his long tongue to explore every inch of your cunt. And he wouldn't hesitate to say that you give amazing head, he'd go as far as to say it's the best feeling he's ever felt in his life. The way your soft lips wrap around his girthy tip, tongue teasing it as you devour him whole. He's practically in heaven when he's in your mouth, and he's very vocal about it.
"F-fuck baby, just like that...your tongue feels so good, so fucking warm. Relax that pretty little throat for me, can you do that?"
His large hands cupped your face gently as he pushed further into your throat, slowly fucking your face. You had been at for less than an hour, yet you were an absolute mess. There were tear stains on your cheeks and a mix of drool and precum running down your chin from his fat dick stretching your mouth out. But you were determined to please him, speeding up your head bobs to match his thrusts and inadvertently gagging on his cock.
"Fuck, baby don't gag...just relax f'me and take it slow alright? Don't want you choking."
Despite his concern, he couldn't deny how sexy you looked, all needy and gagging on him. It made his dick twitch in the worst way and it didn't go unnoticed by you. He gripped your hair tightly as he felt you continue your fast movements, pulling your head slightly so he could look into your half-lidded, lust-filled eyes. You just looked so beautiful, so perfect for him. Who was he to deny what you were doing?
To deny the pleasure that you wanted to give him, the pleasure that only you could give him. He grunted softly, placing his rough hand on the back of your head and pushing your head as far down on his cock as possible, relishing in the way you gagged on him. His dick throbbed and twitched in your mouth as he came, shooting his warm load down your inviting throat and smirking when he felt you swallow.
He pulled out of your mouth, patting your head as you coughed and wiped your face with the back of your hand. His hand moved to your face, caressing it softly before tilting your chin up so he could look at you.
"You did so damn good f'me baby,"
His thumb swiped across your bottom lip, before slipping in your mouth and rubbing your soft, wet tongue.
"Think you can handle a little more?"
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx
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purblepebble · 13 days
ong I expected kaiju no.8 to have more of a fandom but alas. I dedicate this post to the fanfic writers of this site you keep me going and fuel my hoshina withdrawal
Anyways come join the kaiju no 8 fandom we have this guy and no one else does if that isn’t enough to convince you then idk
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hannya-writes · 8 days
New level unlocked
Fandom: Kaiju no. 8
Pairing: Gen Narumi x Reader
Other characters: there's a mention to Hoshina (?)
Category: romance
Warnings: implied smut,
Author's note: I saw the anime, I got really hooked and read the manga and now I had nothing else to consume about Kaiju no. 8, the worst part? I fell in love with Narumi Gen and I have read all the fanfics Gen x Reader! So I was forced into writing this...
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It had been a trend, not so long ago, that TikTok girls walked in on their boyfriends while they were distracted, they entered with their phones using only a towel around their bodies and called for the boyfriend only to take off the towel and catch on camera their reaction.
It was a nice idea, that's why you had decided to do it to your boyfriend. You entered the terrace where he was set up gaming in his phone.
— Gen — you called him out, closing the door behind you.
Gen hummed to let you know he was paying attention, even when he really wasn't paying attention.
— Gen, I need your help — you said in your best seductive tone.
— just a moment — he said with a pause between each word.
— really, Gen? — you pressed him crossing your arms over your chest.
— I swear just a second! — he said but his eyes didn't peeled off of the phone.
— guess I’ll have to ask Hoshina to see this, I’m pretty sure he won't ignore me — you said, taking off the towel.
It was the mention of Soushiro Hoshina what made him turn to you, only to see your skin under the merciless sun.
— I’m not ignoring you! — he said quickly but you had turned to leave, so his eyes drank the sight of your back, your pretty ass and your beautiful legs.
Before you could open the door to leave, Gen was behind you holding the door closed in front of you.
— you can't leave just like that — he said with a smile before kissing your shoulder — See? I’m paying attention to you — he said hugging you — why don't you lemme play with you? — he asked in your ear, sliding his hands from your waist to your breast.
— wait… Gen —
— Come on, you are my favorite game, only I know how to push your buttons — he said pinching your nipples.
— that's not what it means… — you complained only to bite your lip to avoid moaning — I'm recording... Gen — you wined, showing him your phone. He stopped his pinching and took your phone from you.
— recording? kinky — he said smiling mischievously, making the phone change to the frontal camera and focusing in on you — I like it, I guess I unlocked a new level of horny in you —
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brookghaib-blog · 4 days
Whispers of the past pt.2
Pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x reader
tw: mentions of death
Summary: 10 years ago, Y/N went missing after being attacked by a kaiju, now working by Gen Narumi's side as his secret weapon, she hides herself in hopes that one day she reconnects with her first love, Hoshina Soshiro.
pt.1 - pt.3
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Y/N's pov:
The bar was a haven for the weary souls of the city, a place where laughter mixed with the clinking of glasses and the hum of conversation.
However, today was a slow day, the nights were full and tough, filled with people driking by themselves to get their loneliness away, others just friends enjoying their youth and love, others? Just men looking for a dancer to pay their way into a night full of lust.
At afternoon, just with a couple people showing up, I stood behind the counter, expertly mixing drinks, my eyes scanning the room for any signs of trouble or someone needing my service. It was a routine I had grown accustomed to, a semblance of normalcy in a life that was anything but joyfull.
"Evening, Chisuka" a familiar voice broke through my thoughts. I looked up to see Captain Narumi leaning against the bar, his eyes sharp and knowing.
"Good evening, Captain," I replied, keeping my tone neutral. "What brings you here?"
He smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Just checking in. How's everything?"
"Quiet, for now," I said, glancing around the bar. "But you never know when things might change."
Narumi nodded, his expression turning serious. "You remember your mission, right? If anything happens, you're to report to me immediately."
I nodded, a weight settling on my shoulders. "I understand."
As he was about to leave, he paused, holding my chin and looking back at me, never breaking our eye contact, “Chisuka… stay safe. We need you."
I watched him go, my mind swirling with a mixture of emotions. Despite the danger, despite the constant fear of discovery, I had found a purpose in my new life. I was fighting for a cause, even if it meant staying in the shadows, hidden from the ones I loved.
The night I vanished played out like a nightmare in my mind, a memory I could never escape. I had been walking home from school, my thoughts filled with dreams of the future, when a kaiju attack erupted. The last thing I remembered was the ground shaking, buildings collapsing, running to try and help my sweet mother and my baby brother, only to come back to their corpses…their lifeless eyes.
My mother was out of reach, her body under what used to be our home, only her head picking out, maybe she felt the kiss I left her with. My baby brother, four years old, died in my arms, the pain was too hard for him to endure, too hard for him to talk, maybe not too hard for him to listen to me, hopefull that my last words of love would give him some peace of mind when walking into the unknown.
When siting beside my mother and holding my brother, a blinding pain as something inexplicable happened. When I woke up, I was no longer human. I had become a kaiju, a monster in the eyes of the world. How could I come back. Now that I only had Soshiro, and I had turned into what he hated the most.
For months, I lived in hiding, grappling with my new reality, until one day, Captain Gen Narumi found me. It was in a battle field, I turned into a kaiju to help a family that was in my sight in the middle of the attack, with no weapons or skills at all, I was only left with one strategy.
I was desperate, afraid of dying, I wanted to see sohiro's face again on day, I couldn't die, I revealed my self, not thinking of consequences.
Instead of destroying me, he offered me a chance to fight back, to use my newfound abilities for a greater purpose. He gave me a new identity and a new mission: to serve as a secret weapon for the first division, known by their higher ranks.
Later that night, as I cleaned up the bar, the door swung open, and a group of soldiers from the defence force walked in, their uniforms unmistakable. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized one of them—Soshiro. He looked older, more hardened, but his eyes still held that same spark I remembered.
I quickly turned away, focusing on cleaning a glass, my hands trembling. I couldn't let him see me, couldn't risk him recognizing me.
As the soldiers settled at a table, I caught snippets of their conversation. They spoke of the latest kaiju threat, of battles and strategies, but one name kept coming up: Captain Gen Narumi.
"He's got something up his sleeve," one of the soldiers said, his voice low. "Something big. Even we don't know what it is."
Soshiro nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Whatever it is, let's hope it gives us the edge we need."
I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest. They had no idea that the captain’s secret weapon was standing right in front of them, serving drinks and pretending to be someone else.
For now, I had to stay hidden, a shadow among the living. But one day, when the time was right, I would reveal the truth. And until then, I would fight from the shadows, a secret weapon waiting to be unleashed.
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hcdragonwrites · 10 months
Good Memories
(a @semisolidmind Twice as Bad Au Fic)
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Ok I wrote another one. This one I focused more on Wukongs perspective ! A happier memory, a happier moment- even in this twisted and messed up bad ending. Because there has to be some sweet moments … right ?
Inspired by this ask!
The noise of the stone corridor was quiet. The silence was a peaceful breath of welcome here where Peaches hardly got a moment of true peace. The roar of the waterfall drowned much conversation here so the foot traffic of the mountains subjects was lessened. Except for the patrols of troops, the top ranking officials and guards, the eyes here were light.
A chance to escape had come. Of course escape wasn’t to leave the mountain. Peaches had learned that long ago. To attempt to get down the mountain- to get to the sea that kissed the beaches below- was foolhardy. She had tired once. Once in that far away time when the trauma of abduction has been fresh, when the desire to be anywhere but here drover her to staying awake at night and planning.
Now, years later, the escape was not to leave Flower Fruit Mountain. Though she desperately longed to do such a thing. Hope though was a hard bird to kill even when caged and clipped. So, to circumvent the need to escape- to release some of the pent up agitation- she had found another way to escape.
The patrol passed the alcove Peaches had huddled herself into without a look. She waited. One. Two. Three. Once they rounded the bend she made her move. Peaches snuck out of one of the many side entrances of Water Curtain Cave. She slunked from shadow to tree, avoiding the eyes as best she could. Once beyond the courtyard, beyond the orchards she felt her spirit take wing. It was the bubble of freedom that she had to take as medicine for the true longing she couldn’t - wouldn’t- ever feel.
Not as long as she had her husbands about.
Like a horse turned to pasture, Peaches kicked up her own heels and ran. She ran for the joy of it and for the enjoyment of it. She let herself believe that she was back in the village. That she was back in her home, beneath its peach trees and with its terribly creaking timbers. That this was only a jaunt out to the woods to enjoy the day foraging and finding morsels.
It was a delusion but it was like a balm to her soul. Too much time inside the mountain and among the talks of conquests and bloodshed dampened her. Her husbands never demanded that she attend councils between other Immortals or Demons but Peaches knew when she attended there was far less work for the servants to do. For one, there was less blood to be cleaned from the stone floors. Of course it would take some of her own energy to be apart of these conversations.
Peaches would dress in the courtly and lordly garments bestowed upon her by The Monkey King and The Six Eared Macaque. Gifts they called them. Blood gifts, Peaches knew. Dressing the part as Queen always put the two demonic monkeys into better moods. Of course, whenever she was present it also became a game of keeping.
This game all depended upon the placement of the two heads of Flower Fruit Mountain. They always were placed in strategic spots- to better intimidate or to better please whatever guest they were entertaining. If there was a demon of hungry standing there was always roasted meat and wine a plenty to drink upon. These times, Sun Wukong would be seated closest to the doors. If she entered the room he would catch her wrists, her hand, her waist. Those claws would grip and tug, and she would be in his lap. Wukong would keep her there. If the King was in the middle of a conversation he would simply stop and lavish compliments upon her. Wukong was more of a earnest love then his darker counterpart. She would be forced to stay in his lap, feeling his hands and the soft admonishments if she tried to move, as the conversation continued.
Peaches wished she could have said it was always unpleasant. In the years of captivity, in the moments of stuck between hope and despair, she had come to find a balance of some sort. After so long being molded and worn down by their attentions, Peaches had begun to tolerate the attention. Wukongs attentions helped establish her as something of importance and a person not to be touched. It helped when those demons had an inclination for human flesh.
Too many times she had been told not to touch the food, the meat, when it was presented on the council table.
If the sworn brothers were entertaining an immortal being with no bloodlust for humans the positioning was different. More lax in some ways but no less imposing. Sometimes Peaches would be able to actually sit in a seat beside or between the monkeys. Other times, Wukong would claim her to his lap and tug and tease at her, a game to turn her to blushing of what things he would whisper into her ear. And, in those moments when Wukong did not claim her it was Macaque who stole her into his seat. He was more touching, less outwardly loud praise. But still enough to burn her cheeks, to make her wish to dissolve.
Water Curtain Cave fell behind her as Peaches rushed forward into the woods and away from her husbands. Macaque was away, on some errand or other again. Wukong would be occupied until late into the evening. A conglomerate of would be allies wished to pledge themselves to the King today, and it would take much of her rowdy husbands time and energy to entertain. It would also boost his ego and, with no worry of bloodshed (unless someone was foolish enough to insult) Peaches had taken her leave.
She rarely got moments alone and she laughed, some of the tension sloughing off like snow in a spring melt.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sun Wukong rarely had patience with beings that held incompetence. He was seated in his spot in the council room, upon his golden gilded throne. The warlord was in full regalia, armour polished to a blinding sheen and staff set beside him. However all the splendour about Wukong couldn’t distract from the loathsome thing huddled at the foot of his dais, blubbering and sniffling like a slug.
The demonic monkey felt his teeth grind and clip in his mouth as the weakling worm of a dragon sniffled and bowed its head in a kowtow. Disgusting. This beast had come asking him to slay his brothers and sisters in the western sea so he could be appointed heir. Wukong raked his eyes over the diminutive fellow, taking stock.
Scales as thin as moonbeams. Teeth as square as a cows. Mane bedraggled and unclean. How filthy. This little worm couldn’t even clean himself before grovelling for my help.
A poor ally if he choose to anger dragons in an ocean a world away. Weak of claw and fang.
“It’s obvious you cannot even keep yourself fit let alone keep a kingdom if I gave it to you.”Wukong waved his hand, bored. “Leave my sight. Maybe once you’ve actually wet your muzzle and had a scrap or two I’ll consider. Get out.”
“But -“
Was this Dragon also weak of hearing? Was it slow of wit? He had dismissed the stupid beast. His eyes flashed.
“Get. Out.”
The thing moved now, scattering loose scales in its speed to escape. They fell like toenail clippings and Wukong hissed in disgust. He rubbed at the bridge of his nose and felt the patience in his body diminish. The king raised a bell and gave it a ring, summoning several servants - not monkeys these creatures were those foolish demons that had imposed themselves in the paths of Flower Fruit Mountains conquests- to clean up the mess of scales.
Wukong had a full itinerary for the day. He had already met with his southern vassals and those positioned in the East. They were reporting movement from a would be upstart exorcist, one that deemed himself a demon slayer. A blood hungry pup. If it was blood he craved then Wukong would deliver it to him. He had set Macaque to the East, tasking him with bringing the man to heel. He had given his brother free reign. If the six eared demon wanted, Wukong wouldn’t stop him from making the exorcist into a gift - of flesh. Maybe I should have sent this whining worm to the East. Macaque would have shown him the ropes of turning an enemy into a boon.
“Foolish idiots.” Wukong grumbled, irritated. The other appointments had been his people which he took gladly. His own residents of the mountain were precious to him. They only asked for the numbers to help in the forest grove harvest. It was apple harvesting time and some of the trees were showing signs of damage from the deer and other beasts. The other group had been some now turned immortals begging for teaching in the east of shape changing. Wukong had dispatched them with ease, tossing their heads to the sea. He would send their corpses off to the visiting Swallow Heart- an upstart creature with a good three hundred beastly birds- as a peace offering.
His mood would have been better if his Wife had attended his talks. Wukong had kept glancing to the side, looking to the opulent doors and hoping they would open. Or her scent would waft in from the corridor, announcing her approach. Wukong felt his mouth salivate a bit at the thought of her. Oh he was lucky. His little Peach. Wukong and Macaques of course. Not just his morsel. Though today… with Macaque away. ..
She was all his to adore and hold and to make squirm with his praises and his demands.
“Trouble my King?”
An attendant asked of him, waking him from his daydreams. The monkey was by his side, face curled in worry. Wukong let the thinly held patience fall away as he gave into rubbing his head. Too much courtly affairs. He usually didn’t mind the task. In fact, he enjoyed pitting his mind against that of the estate he ran, the duty he held. Wukong had an iron will for ruling. He enjoyed the fruits of that labour, the rewards of conquest. One of the best rewards was here in the caves, walking the halls all alone …
“Trouble that can be easily cast off.”
Thoughts of his Peaches, and the irritation of his last meeting, decided it for him. Wukong rose out of his throne and stretched. Though he was a monkey originally of stone it didn’t mean he didn’t get sore in his throne. Popping his back, Wukong motioned to the door. “Walk with me.”
“Yes my King.” The servant walked beside Wukong as he stalked down the Halls. His people dipped and bowed. The servants who had been brought to the mountain and had been forced to serve kept their eyes downcast. Wukong paid them no heed. He had one goal.
“Peaches!” Wukong sang through the palace. He looked in her usual haunts. She had a tendency to stick to habit and Wukong made it his goal to know all of his little sweets habits and places of hiding. The kitchens, the scroll rooms, the bedroom and other such places deep beneath the mountains stone.
“Peaches?” Wukong now questioned. Usually she was so near he could hear and track her just from knowledge of her habitual motions. But there was a lack of her today in Water Curtain Cave.
“Where has my wife gotten to?” He mused aloud. Wukong would have been more worried in the early days of her life on the mountain. Peaches had a tendency back then to plot and scheme and attempt every sort of trickery to escape the brothers. She had tried tricking (Macaque had been present for that one where he had kept her trapped in a riddle game for hours), sneaking (again a foolish thing due to the number of ears between her husbands numbered eight), drugging (Wukong had thought it cute to see her try and ply him with so much wine he became inebriated. That had led to … other things however.) and finally just running.
Running had led to chasing. Wukong had tried to terrorize her just a small bit to discourage the action. Having her run off while he was in the middle of meeting and for him to rise and say “Excuse me gentlemen” and then rush off had first been an inconvenience. He would never punish his Peaches. No, never. When he talked of the terror it had been more to scare her of what could snatch her up. Tigers, leopards, wolves and their ilk. Taking her back to their rooms and tucking her in and locking the door was the most he did. If he had time, if he could ignore the work of the day he would wear her out in other ways. It would either be both or one and the other who would keep her attention. Wukong was a King but he wasn’t a tyrant.
This didn’t deter his little wife. She seemed … more determined, however, to attempt it. Peaches had learned over the years that running away was useless but that didn’t stop her from taking to flights of fancy. Which lead to a different kind of chasing. A pursuit that called to the raging hunger inside him, to that predator. Peaches had given him and Macaque a new game- a game he craved almost as much as he craved her scent in his nose and her body in his arms.
After opening their closet and seeing the small little nest she kept in there empty as well, Wukong felt his tail give an excited lash. The fur on his spine began to rise up in anticipation. It practically shook through his blood. Made his mouth grin and his body begin to buzz as if drunk upon fruit wine.
“A game is afoot. A game all for myself~” Usually these games of hide and seek with their wife became a race between him and his sworn brother. Macaque would enjoy the competition as he had a unfair disadvantage. His keen hearing compounded on his shadow ability let him take a lead that Wukong wouldn’t be able to close normally. But with his brother away from the mountain… Wukong laughed to himself, beginning to shed his courtly attire.
“Do you require anything, my king?” The servant asked from his shoulder. Wukong passed the servant his crown and those few glittery vestments he bore to impress the lesser demons who came to grovel for his power.
“Clear the rest of my meetings for the evening.” Wukong commanded. Where could my sweet have gone off to? To the grove? The stream? Did she perchance head to the woods? The thought of the hunt was already consuming his mind.
“My King that would mean dismissing the Swallow Heart Demon and his Entourage.” The servant set the items delicately on Peaches armoire, being careful to not tip any of the bottles, brushes or powders there. Macaque had sent for that armoire for their Wife. It had cost a pretty penny to have it brought in with the paints and brushes.
It was a warm memory in Wukongs mind, seeing the pure delight in her eyes. That night had been filled with the boys teaching her how to use the more expensive bits of makeup and had led to her learning to paint war paint upon their faces. The warm memory set a second shiver up his spine. When he caught Peaches he wouldn’t let her go- he would let her know how much he cherished her. The happy memories of her face were becoming more numerous now. It set his tail to swaying like a cat who had caught a canary.
“They are birds yes? Tell them to find another place to roost for the evening.” Wukong stretched his legs one at a time. He waved one hand to the servant, trying to rush the discussion along. He had a wife to find.
“I will meet them in the morning when my mood returns to better and more … harmonious thoughts.” All he could see in his head was her. Her skin shining in the light, her hair in his hands so soft. The rush of feeling hit him low in the gut. Was it love ? Was it possessiveness ? Was it possession? He didn’t know but it had his heart thundering. To think a mortal women could bring such a change through him so rapidly…
“I will see it done sir.” The servant bowed.
“Good.” Wukong stretched his arms, pulled his back straight. He had removed all but the trousers he wore. The glory of Sun Wukong had been set aside. Armour wouldn’t slow him- he was the Sage that had rebelled against Heaven. Had almost won. Armour was little hinderance in his silence or his ability to move. It would however limit him to capturing his intended target. Peaches was soft, pliable and would not like a tackle from her husband if he was wrapped all in his battle regalia.
He bounced on his heels. The excited energy wanted to be unleashed, to be set free. Wukong left the servant in their rooms, swiftly walking to the entrance of Water Curtain Cave. His generals saw him and bowed, continuing their rounds. Smaller monkeys, the children of his people came and clambered for his attention. He smiled at them and turned them back to their mothers promising attention later.
The waterfall came into sight and Wukong grinned. Just like he had when he first had been crowned King, the monkey lord bent low a palm pressed to the floor and launched himself through the torrent of water. He was out on the other side in a spray of water. Once on the ground again he looked, listened, smelled.
Wukong was an expert tracker. He could read the signs of his mountainous home. He knew every blade of grass every bend of the leaf in the trees above. Wukong looked for the signs, the telltale notes his wife would leave so lovingly in nature for him to find. There ,beneath the shadow of a tree. Wukong moved swiftly and lightly, faster then the long spotted cats to the far west. The press of foot too large to be a monkey, to heavy to be a cat.
I got you~
Wukong followed her path, enjoying the exertion and the feel of the sun on his fur.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Peaches had found herself a nice little patch in the wood, a small trickle of a stream ran through a copse of tightly packed willows. It had a few gooseberry bushes in its shade and she plucked them eagerly.
She had brought her small bit of knitting, a book, and a change of clothing if she wanted to take a dip in the water. The gooseberry’s were a plus, having been ripened and their red flesh sweet. Peaches didn’t have a snack- running into the kitchens would have alerted the staff she was going out and she did not want a retinue of guards on her tail. It was nice and pleasant to be alone. Hearing the soft babble of the water over the stones, the wind sighing in the leaves. It was peaceful. She could fall asleep. In fact a nap didn’t sound bad—
Her head snapped up, eyes widening. That had been too loud to be a simple little bird or just the sound of a branch falling from the wind. She felt her calm wash away in a rush of icy fear. Though Flower Fruit Mountain was possibly the safest place in the world, it did still have the occasional predator. Bear or tiger were the largest creatures to have been spotted on the mountain. Wukong and Macaque assured that the worst of those beasts kept to the lower plains of the mountain.
But what if— what if I went too low?
Her ears strained, her eyes blown wide to see. Nothing revealed itself from the emerald green foliage or the berry bushes. Her hair stood on end as something shuffled in the undergrowth. Behind her. Peaches spun, holding a knitting needle out—
To air.
Another brushing sound, like that of claws across wood. Peaches took a step back, away from the sound. Her heart was in her throat and all the peace of the day was gone in the rush of animal instinct that screamed in her mind.
Freeze of Fly?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sun Wukong followed her trail easily to the copse of trees. His Peaches had much to learn if she wished to our pace him in his tracking ability. The path she took was such a massive trail he could see it from miles away. The demonic monkey crouched low, keeping close to the earth.
She was sitting next to the little stream at the foot of a great willow. His Peaches. Her fingers were red with gooseberry juice, her hair down in the heat. She was the picture of peaceful, the very image of serenity. Wukong felt a desire to grab her to hold her close, to take the juice of the berries off her fingers and hear her laughter and voice.
Gods he craved her.
He held off leaping, held off and observed. Magic would make it easier to drop in on her but he liked the challenge of keeping his current shape. So Wukong lay low, watching. The brothers had a practice of watching their Peaches when she thought she was alone. It was in those moments they learned the most about their mortal heart. How she would sigh, how she always got itchy if she wore too much of the powder upon her face. It was how Wukong learned Peaches preferred bangles over rings. How Macaque gleaned that her favourite foods involved a doughy treat called cinnamon rolls. Little things. Silly things. Treasured things that the brothers would go over and strategize on how to make their precious fruit the most comfortable. To win her favour. Her love. Her attention.
Sometimes she would cry in these moments and the game would have to be put on hold as they made themselves known beyond her field of vision. Wukong hated when she was upset. He knew, somewhere in his twisted heart, that he had caused these tears. That he was to blame for the sorrow that weighed heavy on her.
I can make her happy. No one else saw her sparkle like we did. She’s ours. Forever if I have my way.
But right now he had a game he was in the middle of. The immortal peach he was keeping for her would have to wait. Wukong stalked forward, through the brush. Peaches had laid herself back, body flat to earth and completely relaxed.
Wukong took a branch in his hands and snapped it.
His Peaches lifted herself up and whipped her head in the direction. Wukong had already moved, speed on his side as he circled beyond and behind her. The terror on her face made something stir in him, a protective urge. He would sooth her worry when he caught her. He would pet her hair, hold her close and tell her how foolish she was to leave his safe embrace. She had nothing to fear from him. Only his little sweet fruit didn’t know it was him. Not yet at least.
Wukong let his tail tussle the dead leaves beside him then darted off. He raked his claws over a bit of bark and then zagged back to a new hiding spot. Peaches turned like a doe, alert and eyes wide. Her face was full of fear, full of such open prey-like terror that Wukong couldn’t resist anymore. He rumbled, mimicking the sound of a big cat. Sweet Peaches stared right at the spot he was hiding.
Run little wife, he urged. Come on. Run for me.
At his second snarl, she obliged him. She spun her back to him and took several vain attempts to run. Wukong smirked. And leapt.
He caught her in several bounds barreling full into her body and taking her off her feet. His hand had her by the back of the neck, the other about her middle. They rolled in the air but Wukong angled himself, curling her into him and taking most of the fall. Peaches cry rang in the trees and sent the birds flying. Wukongs laughter was loud and shook through his body as he landed with her. The demon caged her in, setting her hips between his legs so he straddled her. One hand had both her wrists held above her head. The other angled her face to him, the eyes firmly shut.
“Caught you~” He purred.
“WUKONG!” Peaches gasped, opening her eyes to stare right into his face. Wukong felt his heart give a squeeze as the fear melted into ease. Ease with him. It sent a trill of joy up his spine. “You gave me a heart attack. I thought you were some tiger.”
“No love.” Wukong mentally took note of her. No scrapes from their tumble, no bruises. A perfect capture. “A tiger wouldn’t have toyed with you like I did.” Here he stretched his free hand, claws on display.
Peaches laughed. A laugh for him. His tail was swaying, his face inching closer to hers. “I’m glad I’m not getting devoured then.” She said, breath still catching up with her shock.
“Oh my Peaches, I may not be a tiger but I’m going to devour you all the same~” he let the words sink into her, enjoying the blush that coloured her face before he bent down and kissed her. She tasted of gooseberries, of laughter and the earth and ever of peaches. Her lips were soft against his. Wukong moved away from her mouth, wanting to taste her throat, her cheeks, her nose. Kisses he planted along her most ticklish spot on her neck, eliciting giggles and cries of mercy.
The Monkey King felt like he was drinking wine, head getting lighter and lighter while his body relaxed over hers. Only with Peaches had he felt so at peace, so blissful. It’s why he could never let her go. To rob himself of this? Never. She was his and he was hers and that was it.
Peaches pressed a kiss to his nose and he swooped back down to capture her lips. How could someone so soft and small consume me so? He felt starved. He felt parched. Here Peaches was, a bountiful feast and and overflowing cup. He couldn’t get enough of her.
Wukong nipped her neck, tugging her into his teeth to elicit a squeal. She laughed and tried to worm her way out of his grip. “Wukong please! Let me up, let me up!”
“Only when you tell me how well I caught you. Lavish praises on me.” He grumbled. He didn’t want to let her out of his arms. If he could he would keep her here and live in this bubble of joy forever. Peaches blew hair out of her face.
“You’ve got to be kidding me…”
“I assure you I’m not. So tell me.”
“Wukong your pride is insufferable.”
“And your beauty is unconquerable.” He countered and was rewarded with a scarlet Peach. “Now tell me.”
“Ugh. You caught me. You startled me so badly I thought I had gone too low on the mountain.” That had Wukong grinning wide as he now rolled over taking her onto his chest.
“Go on~”
A snort. Peaches was open in only the brief times when his and Macaques earnest attentions had worn down her barriers and aversions to nothing. Here was his adoring and adorable wife. One he wanted to bring treasures and conquer worlds for. I would burn this whole place to the ground to please you.
They spent a time there, the two of them in that grove of trees. Wukong kissed the gooseberry juice from her fingers and Peaches tried to see the good in this moment. Wukong was, a murderer. He was a monster who had taken her from her village. He had killed the villagers. Laying on his arm, feeling his voice and laughter in her body, seeing the tender way he held and touched her…
His love was hard to deny. To match up to the truth she knew so well. He was a murder. The soft glow as his eyes alighted when a butterfly landed on his hand. Wukong would kill again. He set the butterfly on her hand and they both marveled at the changing colors.
Peaches felt a bit more of her resolve break. Wukong and Macaques love was an ocean slamming into her. It was eroding the coastal cliffs she had within her. It had been a constant, driving force these years. She didn’t … she couldn’t remain so indifferent in the wake of such attention. Of such open love. She would never fully be at peace here. However … she was finding a balance.
Maybe that was the closest she would be to the love she originally had showered them both in. Or maybe she would fall head first into that roaring surface and loose herself in their love.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wukong tugged the brush through Peaches hair, listening to her sing softly in the night air of their bedroom.
Suddenly- the ground became black and Peaches squealed as she disappeared into the earth—
—and popped up in Macaques arms.
“Save some of her for me, Wukong.” Macaque drawled, hands wrapped around her middle in a possessive gesture. They were back in their room, the night air wafting cool tonight. Wukong and Peaches had spent the rest of the day in that copse of trees and upon the mountain. They had walked hand in hand, visited the monkeys and the new babies that had been born to the family’s farthest from the caves.
It had been a day of sweet gestures and, whenever Peaches had turned eyes inward or far off, he had pressed her with tender affection. Drawing her back to the present. If Wukong had learned anything over the decade it was to keep his Peaches in the present, to keep her away from the drifting worry of the past.
They had returned home only when the first stars had begun to spark in the dark sky. Wukong had carried his tired wife all the way back to Water Curtain Cave. He whispered how he would make a necklace of the stars and give them to her and teased out of her sleepy laughs.
Maybe tomorrow will be full of hardships. Maybe she will hate me for what I did. This though- I would kill a thousand villages if I could get a single day of joy like this.
Macaque had returned shortly after dinner, coming into their room to Wukong holding Peaches in his arms and biting more of her neck between brushes. Of course Mac had wanted a bit of her to himself after being gone for a day. Wukong obliged, not bothered one bit.
His brother in arms was still dressed in armour meaning he had probably just arrived back from the East. Not a speck of blood was on his clothing. Wukong would ask him later about how the trip went, when Peaches was asleep. This moment was meant to be a memory of joy. He would not drag kingly duties into this moment.
“I caught her fair and square.” Wukong sniffed, growing a bit jealous at Macaque. He had stolen his prize from beneath his nose- right when he was getting to Peaches too, in her sleepy state. Macaque blinked then stared between the two, his purple eyes flashing.
“You played the game without me?” Wukong heard the bit of hurt and, though he was sure part of it was drummed up for sympathy, felt a bit of guilt. Only a splinter of it. He didn’t regret acting on his own. The game was his to play when he was away. However it had the desired effect on their Wife.
“Oh Mac- no I didn’t know Wukong would be coming after me.” Peaches was so easily guilt tripped. She kissed the darker demons cheek. The sudden flash of confusion and delight passed over Macaque features. His eyes stole towards Wukong, questioning.
Is she happy? Is she giving without teasing? Wukong nodded, the smile on his face like the soft warm dawn. Peaches was happy and that’s all that mattered. She was happy and would give to them.
“He did have a full schedule of meetings.” She bemused. “What.. happened to them?”
“I cleared my evening.”
“Of course you did.” Macaque snorted, half heartedly irritated. His fingers were already brushing through Peaches hair, grooming.
“Nothing was getting done beyond my latest meeting.” At the raised eyebrow of his six eared brother, Wukong waved a hand. “I’ll tell you later but for now- why don’t we have another game of tag.”
“A-another one?” Peaches sat up a bit, looking outside to the dark and moonlight beyond.
“Well you owe Macaque a chance to catch you. And I want to compete again. We will give you … thirty minutes.” Wukong grinned. “No going outside. Just find one of your hidey holes in the Palace, Love.”
“What if I’m too tired for this game?” She pouted and Wukong smirked. Seeing her pout brought the urge to tug her close and erase that pout from her lips all the stronger. He had been hoping she would say it. It’s why he had one of his chefs cooking a very special sweet treat.
“If you play you’ll get a reward~” Wukong crooned.
“That sounds ominous.”
“It’s innocent. I have some delicious sweets being made as a treat. Just a few short rounds and all of them can be yours.”
“Are they …. Cinnamon rolls?”
The Monkey King felt like he had caught her all over again. “Yes”
“… two games. Then no more. I’m tired..”
Macaque kissed her temple and set her free. “Go on darling. When I find you first I will tell you of the sights I saw.”
“You have to get to her first brother.” Wukong challenged. When he got to Peaches he would make her laugh again, demand kisses and more.
“And I will!” The six eared demon grinned eyes flashing. Peaches stood a bit uncertainly until Macaque leaned forward and gave a kiss to her temple.
“Go Peaches. And don’t stop running till you are in one or both of our arms.”
Peaches ran.
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rwac96 · 2 months
G-Clone Project: Gojera/Godzerra (April Fools)
Subject # 4: Humanoid Kaiju/G-Cell endowed atomic mutant/ "Kaiju Girl"
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(image by Witchking00)
HEIGHT: 80 Meters
LENGTH: 180 Meters
MASS: 50,000 Metric Tons
Based on a project suggestion by roboticist Dr. Hideo Shida, creator of the 'RoboMusume' anti-Kaiju weapon during his last days before his passing. In the aftermath of Godzilla's (II) rampage throughout Tokyo, not only the city was doused in radiation but the Monster King left behind samples of its body. "G-Cells", christened by Dr. Genichiro Shiragami, are a rare and dangerous commodity sought after by multiple governments, organizations, and special interest groups all over the world. After witnessing footage of Godzilla's battles against other Kaiju such as Biollante, Ghidorah, and Spacegodzilla; Shida suggested a Kaiju-sized humanoid made from bioengineering. The UNGCC Council was hesitant, remembering the doctor's unorthodox "Bride of Godzilla" mech, how it violated Japan's anti-nuclear weapons policy, and the near-disaster that would've destabilized both the Earth and Hollow Earth if it weren't for RoboMusume's peculiar self-sacrifice. To bring legitimacy to his idea, Shida explained that the subject would have the might and power of Godzilla, but with the mind of a human being.
Miki Segusa spoke up about her concerns over this idea since she advocated for Godzilla to be left in peace ever since he adopted a juvenile Godzillasaurus and the plans of Mechagodzilla, MOGUERA, and Project T failed. Not to mention this was three months after Spacegodzilla's attempted conquest of Earth, a Kaiju-sized human being made those of the G-Countermeasures council uneasy. But Shida replied the possibility of this supposed soldier being an ideal improvement over Mechagodzilla as a defender of Japan and a deterrent to Godzilla. Days after this meeting, select bioengineering scientists began with the 'G-Cell Project', moving their resources to France.
By 1996, Shida had passed away due to old age, and it seemed UNGCC was on the verge of pulling the project's funding. That was until the Baas Island explosion and Godzilla's emergence as "Burning Godzilla", a nuclear meltdown that would've destroyed the world. The G-Cell team found themselves free of oversight during the crisis, as the appearance of Destoroyah heightened the danger. But, the crisis has passed with Destoroyah's rampage stopped and G-Force minimizing the damage as Godzilla perished. But, his leftover radiation transferred to the supposedly deceased Godzilla Junior revitalizing him and maturing him into a new Godzilla (III). With the future uncertain, a breakthrough was made with the G-Cells, the project was renamed the 'G-Clone Project'.
The New Godzilla lacked its father's hostility to humans but, the UNGCC wasn't going to take any chances, as they heard reports of another Godzilla battling an extraterrestrial known as the 'Gryphon' in the United States, unaware that it was what Monarch classified as 'Titanus Gojira'. Then, the monster known as 'Zilla' escaped its holding cell in France and rampaged in 1998, causing complications for every government involved. Many questions surrounded the Kaiju's appearance, as the French contingent of the project had gone rogue. Fearing that their pet project, 'Gojera', would be discovered, they ejected a large egg onto an island that had leftover nuclear radiation from atomic bomb tests in the 1950s. The egg laid dormant for months, until it hatched, revealing an abnormally large infant girl...with dorsal spines eerily similar to Godzilla. The infant fed on the radiation, having an accelerant growth similar to Godzilla (III) until she reached maturity in 2003.
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Unfortunately, like Zilla, Gojera, or as Westerners would refer to Subject #4 as 'Godzerra', escaped containment and made landfall upon the coast of Japan, much to the surprise of everyone involved in the battle and witnessed it. Though she slightly resembled a human being, she had the ferocity and aggressive demeanor of any Godzilla, what made it worse was the young woman's genuine malice and enjoyment of the destruction she wrought. It was evident that communication with Godzerra would be unwise, as she seemed to revel in violence. Luckily, the UNGCC had created another anti-Godzilla weapon, launching Kiryu against the Kaiju Girl. Though it turned the tides in humanity's favor, it was clear that something about the mech set her off. As things seemed to be in G-Force's favor, Godzerra bellowed a defiant roar, making Kiryu pause. Seeing the mech's eyes turn from orange to red, she looked down at the gathered soldiers with an eerie smile, as if she knew what would happen next and turned back to the sea.
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"Reap what you sow."
-A scientist translated from the Shobijin when Godzerra 'spoke'.
In horrifying reality, Kiryu was built around the skeleton of the 1954 Godzilla that attacked Japan and was killed by the Oxygen Destroyer. Some blamed a technical malfunction, others claimed that the Kaiju Girl's roar influenced the mech, and the Shobijin claimed that the spirit of Godzilla (I) lived within the bones. Overall, the latest anti-Godzilla weapon ironically caused more harm than Godzerra. After Kiryu ran out of power and was escorted back to G-Force, the UNGCC faced intense backlash internationally. Dr. Ishiro Serizawa of Monarch demanded answers, for both the explanation revolving around Kiryu's existence and Godzerra, the latter being verily outside of the Natural Order Monarch had studied for years. Many bioengineer scientists and researchers were questioned, as they could face jail time. Unfortunately, Godzerra resurfaced in Tokyo Bay, demolishing G-Force forces. As the Kaiju Girl marched closer and closer to the city center, the UNGCC Council and the Prime Minister had no choice but to launch Kiryu, believing whatever caused its malfunction was fixed.
The latest Mechagodzilla encountered the Kaiju Girl, resulting in an intense battle, appearing equally matched. Despite Godzerra's mixture of brute strength and human-like strategy, Kiryu gained the upper hand, wounding the atomic mutant with the Absolute Zero Cannon. While it failed to kill Godzerra, Kiryu did expel her, meaning humanity finally had a sure means of fighting back against any Kaiju. But, one year after the battle, Mothra returned to Earth, the Shobijin warning that the first Godzilla's bones must return to the sea for it was blasphemous to use them as a weapon. Takaaki Aso, former G-Force commander and the Prime Minister at the time, stated that too many resources had been sunk to scrap the project now. But, the Shobijin ensured that Mothra would defeat the atomic clone, despite Aso's doubts and remembering the 1992 battle against Godzilla (II) that claimed Battra's life. Soon, Godzerra returned to Tokyo, heading for Kiryu's hangar but was intercepted by Mothra. But, due to her time in space, the divine moth had reached old age; making her outmatched against the Kaiju Girl.
Unwilling to let Mothra fight alone, the G-Countermeasures Council ordered Kiryu's deployment; while Miki Segusa used her telepathy to contact Godzilla (III), fearing the situation's escalation. Despite being outnumbered, Godzerra proved to be a match for both the mech and the moth. Until Godzilla's arrival, who was curious about this being before engaging in combat. Despite the Monster King's strength and power, the Kaiju Girl lived up to G-Clone's original aspiration of creating a being to best their primary foe. Before she would kill the King of The Monsters, Mothra used the last of her strength to take the Atomic Breath for Junior, being set ablaze and exploding. Enraged at his 'sister's' callous reaction to the Guardian Kaiju's death, the saurian gained a second wind and the battle turned in his favor.
As the battle dragged on due to Godzilla's determination to avenge Mothra, G-Force units with Kiryu Mechanic Yoshito Chujo charged into the battlefield to repair the mech. With repairs completed, the Mechagodzilla joined Junior in the fight, turning an even battle to the favor of Earth's Defenders. But, Godzerra, revealing with cruelty, unleashed her own Atomic Pulse, unleashing Spiral Blasts upon Godzilla. Hearing the current Monster King's pained cries, the first King of the Monsters' spirit awakened within Kiryu, blasting the Kaiju Girl away. Unwilling to see such carnage between members of his species, despite the mutant's unnatural origins, Kiryu grabbed Godzerra and flew out to sea, sinking the two monsters in the Japan Trench.
The battle was finished but was declared a hollow, pyrrhic victory, with Tokyo in ruins once more, Mothra dead and Godzilla barely returning to the sea before collapsing due to his injuries, going into a healing hibernation. Finally seeing his grudge against Godzilla as folly, Aso ordered the Kiryu project to be officially scrapped and funding to G-Force cut in half. Since then, the UNGCC and G-Force are now a shadow of their glory days in the '90s and 2000s. However, the G-Clone Project secretly holds the DNA of multiple monsters, including Godzilla, to create more clones in case other Kaiju emerge. As for Godzerra, it took years for her to break Kiryu's grip, re-emerging in 2016, months after the rampage of 'Shin'. Godzerra had taken up residence on the mysterious 'Monster Island', isolating herself from the other Kaiju. Declaring the rather empty title of 'Queen of the Mutants'.
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An Heir to the Throne: The Final Decision
Chapter 3:
It had been a week since the intense conversation between Mothra and Godzilla. The dynamic between the two didn't change, but the atmosphere most certainly did. Both Kaiju knew that at some point the subject would come up again, but neither knew when or how. 
As the nights and days passed by, Mothra quickly became impatient with the thought of them avoiding it. To take her mind off of everything, she planned a trip back to Hallow Earth to have some time to herself. As the new day came in, Godzilla was surprised to see Mothra awake along with him. His snout gently nuzzled into her fluff as he gets her attention. "Why are you awake so early my queen? Is something the matter?" he questions, worry obvious in his tone. She picks up on this and quickly nudges her head against him. "No my king, everything is fine. I will be traveling to Hallow Earth to check on the tribe. I will also make sure there's no trouble happening that may bubble up to the surface." she trills calmly, quickly easing Godzilla's previous thoughts. Mothra perched herself on top of Godzilla's back as they made their way out of the nest and down to the beach. 
"Please, be safe my queen." Godzilla huffs quietly, getting a small content chirp from her. "I will, my king." she assures him, laying her head onto his as their bioluminescence dances between them.  After saying their goodbyes, Mothra lifts herself into the sky as Godzilla made his way to the sea. They knew their time apart would be short, but necessary for the development of their current situation. 
It did not take long for the humans to catch onto Mothra's plans. She watched as they scrambled to catch up to her in their small metal birds, their curiosity amusing to her. As Mothra approached a shallow pool nearing an unmarked island, she braced herself as she dove head first into it. The process of getting from one world to the next was no sweat for her, but did take great effort for the poor humans wanting to follow. Within seconds Mothra was already adjusted, gliding effortlessly through the crisp morning air. Emitting a short warning cry, the queen quickly arrived to her destination. Thankfully, the silk barrier she had put up earlier was undisturbed.
Not wanting to break through it, Mothra decided to take a brisk stroll around the area for any signs of trouble. Her eyes scanned endlessly around the dense trees, rocky nearby mountains, and various critters scattered around. After a thorough search, everything seemed to be clear with no immediate danger present. As Mothra took to the sky again, the screech of a Giant Condor caught her attention. The large Kaiju traveled alongside her, crying feverishly at the opportunity to see the queen again. It had been many many years since Mothra had seen such a creature, its beauty was well developed since then. Though it reminded her of that treacherous traitor Rodan, she nodded humbly to her as a sign of respect. The Condor nodded in return before looking behind her, a gentle cry calling to them both as Mothra turned as well. An incredibly young hatchling had been trailing behind the two, trying its best to keep up with its mother as its obvious first time flying. The small condor turned to its mother for approval before approaching Mothra, screeching nervously as it bumps into one of her legs. Mothra chuckles at this before leaning down slightly, her bioluminescence glowing brightly as she helps calm the condors fears. It caws again, bumping clumsily into her forehead as a goodbye before heading back to its mother. 
As Mothra watched them both leave, slight envy gradually picked away at her. She wanted to feel the same pride and joy, the same happiness at the mere sight of her own offspring. Before she could let it consume her, Mothra turned away to start making the trek back home. She had been noticing more and more hatchlings appear recently, chalking it up to being that time of season. It was almost maddening, longing for the same life but knowing the road to it was almost impossible. In the midst of her thoughts, she remembered another encounter just before she left to be with Godzilla:
Mothra was saying her temporary goodbyes to the Iwi people, watching them crowd around her. Some sobbed at her departure, others cheered quietly for her return. As some were more outgoing than others, Mothra almost instantly noticed a young woman shuffling through the crowd. Lowering herself down to get a better look, the woman approaches the queen to present a small bundle of cloth. Mothra's eyes widen as the bundle unravels to reveal a newborn baby, its tiny delicate features encapsulated her. From that moment on, she could not get the idea of offspring out of her mind. 
As the sweltering heat of the day turned to a calm cool evening, Mothra had already found the portal, but halted herself from returning so soon. She felt almost at war with herself, debating if she should bring it up again or let it fester in her mind. After another brief flash back of the youngling from before, she made up her mind. This was now or never.
Godzilla had been swimming through the endless oceans, taking brief rests here and there and enjoying the opportunity to do what he wanted for the day. Even though the day was to himself, the wellbeing of his queen held firm at the back of his mind. He enjoyed returning home to check on her, and bringing her food and small gifts he found during his patrols. He knew he'd be seeing her later tonight, but still felt the nipping feeling of loneliness that he had forgotten about upon her arrival. 
Along with Mothra, the conversation from before also never left his mind. Previously, the presence of children was not something he was worried about. But the more he thought of it, the more it made sense to try. The strength and intelligence of their offspring would surpass every Kaiju inhabiting this planet. And to raise that hatchling would be quite prideful to him.  The more he let it linger, the more he agreed it to be something worth trying. 
Though the initial idea sounds wonderful, there are still con's to becoming parents of an interspecies kaiju. The hatchling could be far too underdeveloped or defective to the point of early death. If it somehow turned out ok, Godzilla would have to give up his free time, resources, and most of his sanity to care for the youngling. The humans would become much more pesky, and the danger of other kaiju potentially wanting to kill it would be much greater. Just the mere thought of it irritated Godzilla to pieces. 
Interrupting his thoughts, the familiar sound of a humpback whale caught his attention. At first, he thought it would be great to hunt for his own amusement. But the moment he got closer, his eyes locked onto a much smaller creature following behind it. The young whale calf swam carelessly around its mother, clicking and crying into the deep blue of the ocean below. Godzilla watched intently, recognizing that this was an incredibly rare occurrence to witness. Whales, much like kaiju, take quite a while to produce offspring. A tender call rang out from the calf to Godzilla as it noticed his presence. Though he was a good distance away, the calf could not comprehend just how large Godzilla truly was. The king found this amusing, and with a low growl, he successfully startled the young whale back to its mother.
Though he initially wanted to hunt, he felt it wrong to do so to a mother and her young.  Without a moment of hesitation, Godzilla backed away to head home. He could sense his queens return, and knew she'd be happier knowing why he came back empty handed. 
During this swim, he had made his final decision on the topic of offspring. Now, he just needed to figure out how to say it. 
Mothra sat quietly in their nest, her mind deeply lost in thought as she stared longingly to the open sky. It didn't take long for Godzilla to return home either, his quick movement reverbing through the island like an echoing cave. Mothra took a deep breath, turning to greet her king at the entrance with an excited trill. 
"How was the visit?" Godzilla questioned, settling in snuggly beside her. "It was wonderful. I saw many new creatures and ran into an old friend on the way." she purred, snuggling into his forearm. She asked him the same, to which he dismissed as the usual. After a moment of hesitation, Mothra found this to be the perfect opportunity to bring it up again. This time, she was as determined as ever.  
"Gojira.." she started, straightening herself out into a more serious position. "This is very important. I'm sorry to spring this on you now, but I need to know. Are you willing to mate with me or not?" 
"Yes my queen. I think its time we give it a try." 
"Please Gojira, I-.." she pauses, looking up at him with wide eyes. After a moment of stunned silence, her voice breaks slightly as she speaks. "You.. want to try? Are you serious?" she questions again, getting another confident yes from Godzilla. "You were right. Now is the best time to try. I'm willing to take the risks and.. I want to make you happy. Let us try for offspring, and bond as true mates while we raise them." 
Mothra sits and listens uninterrupted. As he speaks, a wave of relief and happiness wash over her as she crawls into Godzilla's arms. He looks down at her surprised for a moment before asking if she's ok, to which she nods. "I'm just... so relieved.." she sighs, feeling Godzilla begin to groom her neck and wings.
"Well I guess now the only thing I'm questioning is how are we going to do this?" he asks, getting a smug look from Mothra. "You'll be happy to know I've taken my time to change as well, making sure my current form is capable of bearing your offspring. Or at least, that's what I attempted. The only way to know is to try." she sighs, getting an intrigued huff from Godzilla. He gently licks her fluff again before nuzzling her. 
"Then I'm ready when you are to find out."  
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witchy-scribblings · 6 days
hibino kafka? more like hubbyno kafka (mdni)
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❀ kafka who loves kissing you more than anything, and will have his lips on you at any possible time. this clown here loves to press the wettest smooch on your cheek just as much as he loves kissing you softly while you rock to the sound of the news in the background.
❀ kafka who's always texting you. his name will constantly be popping up on your phone, be it to wish you a good day at work, to complain about some inconvenience at his job, or to remind you that he loves you for the seventh time that morning.
❀ kafka who had always been okay with his bachelor apartment looking like a wreck, but since he started dating you no dishes pile up in the sink, the trash is taken out, and the cleaning is kept up with.
❀ kafka who immediately started getting extra toothbrushes, towels and other supplies the moment your relationship started looking serious, in hopes that it would incite you to come over more often.
❀ kafka who thanks his lucky stars every time he gets to wake up next to you because holy shit how did a loser like him pull a beauty like you? (it's fine we love losers 'round here)
❀ kafka who can never get enough of slow mornings with you. he often has you staying over at his place, and his bathroom is too small to let you brush your teeth side by side, so he gets the next best thing: you straddling his hips while you sit on the counter, peacefully getting ready for the day.
❀ kafka who gets a little insecure sometimes, especially before becoming an officer. he doesn't need constant reassurance, but there are days when he can't help staring at the mirror a little longer, a little harsher.
❀ kafka who falls harder still when you assure him that his dad body is extremely sexy, and that you love that he's so big and warm he's literally perfect to cuddle with.
❀ kafka who feels so much better when he sees how happy wearing his huge baggy clothes makes you. he has had to give up too many hoodies to count at this point, not that he's complaining.
❀ on that note, kafka who loves it when you're wearing one of his oversized shirts and nothing else - well, except perhaps a pair or wooly thigh-high socks during the colder months. After all, the central heating in his apartment is pretty bad, so you have to work with what you have.
❀ kafka who presses down on your covered hamstrings to keep you folded nearly in half while his fat cock plunges in and out of your soaking wet pussy; he's obsessed with the unrestricted sight of the filthy mess he's making out of your swollen cunt.
❀ kafka who sometimes absently wonders if you would be okay with him shapeshifting to fuck you better. he knows that kaiju no. 8 looks scary as shit and that he still has a hard time controlling the extra strength, but some twisted part of him wants to see how much further he could push you (little does he know his fans are monsterfuckers)
❀ kafka who ultimately is a pretty vanilla lover who just lives for those moments late at night when he has you sitting back against his soft chest with your legs spread embarrassingly wide while his thick fingers play you like a goddamn fiddle.
❀ kafka who, yes, is 100% a giver in every aspect of your relationship. but boy does he turn into a whore whenever you pay some well-deserved attention to him. he'll take anything you're willing to offer, but worship his body and his cock with your hands and tongue and he's done for.
❀ kafka who is not shy per se, but he gets really horny really fast if you start dirty talking to him. it might take a little bit of confidence for him to reciprocate, but once he warms up he's pulling out all the "yes, baby, want your mouth on me so bad", or the "i'm not gonna stop until you make a fucking mess on my sheets, got it?"
❀ kafka who used to dread laundry day, but will now happily change his sheets everyday if it means he got to fuck you good the night before.
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brother i’m so down bad for this himbo he’s making me have unholy thoughts on finals week
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