#kaishin server prompts
lupizora · 9 days
(This was my entry to the @/dcmkkaishinevents server's One Prompt Challenge of 2024 with the theme: He was, unfortunately, very handsome. Things became pretty chaotic ever since I posted it on AO3 back in the end of March, so I kind of forgot to post it here too hahah 😅 Hope you have a good time reading it!)
Title: Healing Touch
Genre:  Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: KaiShin
Rating: M (TW: Hospitals, hints to Suicidal Ideation, Minor Medical Procedures)
Word Count: 2,545
Summary: [Is it a dance, if they’re both pretending?] or Kaito wakes up in the hospital after crash-landing his glider, only to find Shinichi in the neighboring bed (who, for reasons unknown, is acting as if finding an unmasked KID is nothing out of the ordinary)
Voices ebbed and flowed like waves on a distant rocky shore.
Kaito was drifting in and out of consciousness.
The steady beeping from some kind of machinery and several shoes scuffing hurriedly on the floor served as additional undertones to his surroundings. Amid this cacophony, the voices were something substantial to lock on and focus. Each individual's timbre, from high and squeaky to low and sonorous, carried its own melody and tune. Speech patterns and word choices could reveal a lot about a person’s inner world. But none of these were an exact science.
Kaito hadn’t perfected his ability to that degree anyway.
It had begun as a game with his father. Back then, Kaito had been absorbing every trick in the book—even if his application of it turned out lacking. He had to experiment and learn as much as he could before settling on his path as a magician. Mimicking voices had been just one of those skills he shelved away as a kid, deeming it useless for anything other than practical jokes and pranks.
The irony was not lost on Kaito when impersonating anyone at the drop of a hat became vital to his career as the Phantom Thief KID. He had stumbled at first, his years of idleness making his voice crack at all the wrong times. But he persisted and insisted; until the disguises were the disposable props in this equation.
Now even that doesn’t matter.
Kaito’s first coherent thought blazed through his mind like a flash fire. It startled him, dispelling the hazy murmur of voices in the background.
Awareness returning to his body, Kaito found himself lying on a soft but firm mattress. Every part of him throbbed with the dull tune of pain. His left hand, draped over the edge of the bed, had some kind of object tugging uncomfortably at the inner side of his elbow. Something warm and featherweight was pressed against the back of his curled fingers. Kaito used this sensation to ground himself in reality and took a deep breath.
The sterile smell of antiseptic filled his lungs, the conversations around him clearing up enough for him to understand solid words. Somebody was calling for a nurse. Another was complaining about how long they had been waiting. A kid wailed in the distance, akin to an ambulance’s siren.
A hospital? Kaito wondered before his memories breached the fuzzy dam of sweet bliss. Realization hit him with the same force he had smashed on the ground. A hospital!
Kaito sat up in a hurry.
His heart hammered like a caged bird in his chest.
Light assaulted his eyes, burning them with its whiteness.
Disorientated, he blindly patted his arm.
Soft tube.
Under his skin.
Probably an IV.
Just as he took hold of it, ready to pull, a foreign hand grabbed his wrist.
“Don’t yank it out!” This voice—young, male, authoritative—tickled the edge of familiarity.
Opening slowly his bleary eyes, the fuzzy figure of a person greeted Kaito.
The other guy was leaning sideways from the neighboring bed. His deathly grip on the headboard prevented him from keeling over the space between them. Attached to the arm he was using to hold Kaito’s wrist—right above the turned-up sleeve of a white shirt—he had an IV drip of his own.
“Are you stupid?” he asked, heaving. “You’ll bleed out if you pull it like that.”
Even the chewing out sounds familiar, Kaito lamented in the privacy of his head. Where’s my brilliant quick thinking? I could use some help right about now…
There was one curious detail he was starting to notice though. His previously spiked heartbeat had slowed down.
The other gently shook Kaito’s arm. “Hey, are you with me?”
“Yeah. All my marbles are their rightful in place.” Kaito shook his head. “I mean. I’m aware and listening. Can I have my hand back?”
“If you promise me that you won’t do anything hasty, and will let me take a look at it.”
Kaito’s vision, like a viewfinder coming into focus, finally cleared. Realizing who was the altruist worrying for his health, only served to complicate things further. Since the person who had immediately jumped into action to help him was no other than the Great Detective in the flesh.
Although, upon closer inspection, Shinichi looked quite haggard himself. His suit pants were peppered with shallow cuts. If the discoloration of skin near his collarbone was any indication, more bruises were blooming under his shirt. Thankfully, his face didn’t suffer a lot of damage besides a split lower lip and a scratch on his forehead.
Shinichi cocked his eyebrow towards that exact wound. “So?”
Kaito blinked. Right. He’s expecting a reply.
“Sure, I promise.”
“Good,” Shinichi breathed out.
After going through the motions of sitting properly at the edge of the bed, he flagged down a nurse for fresh gauze and latex gloves. The nurse asked some standard questions to Kaito, but otherwise, she didn’t seem bothered by Shinichi’s request.
If anything, Kaito was the one puzzled that his name didn’t receive any reaction. So, while the Great Detective was preparing to help him out of the IV drip, Kaito took stock of his own appearance. The answer staring back at him was ridiculously simple. He was wearing his slacks and a hoodie instead of the KID outfit. No wonder he hadn’t been recognized.
But this brings another question, doesn’t it? Kaito thought. Should I play the fool?
Gloved fingers trailing against his forearm snapped him back into the present. In any other situation, this could have been part of some nightmare. Kaito had seen his fair share of quack doctors performing horror surgeries on him if he ever got his hands on Pandora.
But Shinichi sat still. His expression relaxed and open, offering an invitation for Kaito to take the initiative. It was so bizarre to be treated like a regular civilian without any mask or disguise to hide behind.
Against his better judgment, Kaito placed his arm in the Great Detective’s hands.
They were warm. His fingers gently prodded the area around the inserted tube, picking apart the dressing and the transparent tape holding it in place. Quite not as surprisingly, Shinichi was putting the same care and attention he allotted to clues and evidence onto this.
Kaito felt a little twitchy being scrutinized like that, even if it wasn’t for doing something illegal. Years of muscle memory from soccer balls flying at high velocity toward his face were hard to override.
So, he opted for some small talk. “What are you, an intern?”
“No. I’m a detective,” Shinichi deadpanned.
“What?!” Kaito made a show of trying to pull his hand away. “Do you even know what you’re doing?”
“Yes. I may not be a physician, but I know a few key things. Waiting for the coroner to make the first call is tedious. Sometimes, I need to identify the proper cause of death and find the culprit before it’s too late.” Shinichi’s hold remained steady and gentle. “Now, stop squirming. You will aggravate it.”
“Aye, sir.”
As more skin was becoming more visible by the minute, the unpleasant kind of squirming settled in his gut.
Kaito redirected his gaze to the room around them. Their beds were occupying the corner near the end of the Emergency Room. A beige curtain separated them from the rest of the beds in their line-up and their occupants, giving them a little privacy. Not that Kaito minded. Not at all, actually. There were worse people to get stuck in the hospital with, more so having them witness his earlier freakout. He wasn’t here as KID, after all.
“Alright. I’m ready,” Shinichi said. “This is going to hurt a little. So, stay still.”
Your understanding of “a little” might be kinda skewed, Detective. Kaito nodded despite his reservations.
Furrowing his brows, Shinichi seemed to search for something in Kaito’s expression. “If it’s making you nervous, you could close your eyes.”
“Thanks, but that would have the opposite effect. I can’t leave the fate of my arm to some run-of-the-mill sleuth, can I?” Kaito crumbled the sheets with his free hand. “Put yourself in my shoes. Who are you, acting all nonchalant without a license?”
Shinichi chuckled. It was short-lived and almost unnoticeable, but the soft sound of it rattled Kaito to the bone.
“I’m kind of a big deal though,” Shinichi meekly said. “I just don’t like bragging about it anymore. Brings more trouble than it’s worth.”
Kaito wanted to laugh at this scenario reaching a new level of absurdity. Instead, he closed his eyes. “Okay, Mr. Hot Stuff. We both have places to be—stuff to do. Let's get this over with.”
He received only an agreeable hum in return. Shinichi’s fingers tightened around Kaito's elbow while his other hand started the procedure. All things considered, the pain wasn’t worse than getting shot at or whenever the belts of KID’s glider would dig deeper after a risky maneuver. Still uncomfortable, still painful. Kaito had never thought he would want to hide his emotions behind a Poker Face for something like this. But he came close, moments before it was over.
Pressing the folded gauze at the wound, Shinichi instructed Kaito how to keep applying pressure to it for a bit. “You took it like a champ,” he added with a smile. “I haven’t heard of anyone holding themselves this well together.”
“What can I say? My pain tolerance might be higher than I expected. Although—” Kaito leaned forward, scoffing— “I have to hope this wasn’t an experiment on your part.”
“Do I look like that sort of person?” Shinichi said, placing the remnants in the porcelain bowl the nurse had provided. His posture gave nothing away. Even the act of taking off his gloves, to throw them away, was done with a grace usually reserved for springing up his deductions on suspects.
What you look like right now is, unfortunately, a very handsome bastard. How did you become so smooth while I wasn’t looking for a couple of years?
Kaito’s inner complaints screeched to a halt when Shinichi took ahold of his hand again.
“May I ask what are you doing, Detective…sir?” Kaito squeaked.
“I noticed something while taking out your IV. Your arm is covered by scratches at weird angles.” Shinichi’s fingers trailed lightly along the wounds from elbow to wrist. “As if you dropped from the air into several thorny bushes and rolled down a hill full of them.”
This conjecture, while close, was not exactly accurate. Kaito had indeed crash-landed earlier amidst one of the parks still retaining its wild forest roots. But the weird angle came from the glider flying through the foliage before hitting the ground. It left Kaito wondering if the Great Detective was losing his touch or if this was the real test appearing at last.
Shinichi didn’t comment on the other’s prolonged silence. His inspection had reached Kaito’s palm and fingers. “These nicks here are more varied. Some old, some new. They are usually made from shuffling cards.” Looking up, he leveled his gaze with Kaito’s. “Are you a gambler?”
Kaito was positive he was messing with him—to what end, was still to be determined. “Sure. I've gambled my life on something that didn't matter in the end. One might say I wanted to soothe my frustrations with this daredevilish stunt today.”
Shinichi's expression darkened.
“I'm only kidding,” Kaito said with a self-deprecating laugh. “These are from practicing tricks. I'm a budding magician, as a side gig and all.”
“So, you're just an adrenaline junkie.” There it was—that troubled furrow on his brow again. “I find it hard to believe when the proof of your hard work is right in front of me.”
Offering a one-shouldered shrug, Kaito used his free hand to sweep Shinichi’s bangs away from his eyes. “Is it that hard? All great artists hit a wall they can’t overcome at some point. Inspiration dries up. Ideas aren’t working, not due to lack of trying, but from the sheer effort they need to come to fruition. Sometimes, there is nothing more you can do than give up and—”
The words stopped in Kaito’s throat. Shinichi had laced their fingers together.
“No,” the Great Detective said; a simple declaration ringing like the true final one. “You don’t get to throw down the mantle until I catch you fair and square, or you find what you’ve been looking for all along. Use me if you have to! I won’t settle for anything less.”
Laughter exploded; loud, unrestrained, and unapologetic. It took a moment for Kaito to recognize it was coming from him. He didn’t stop though. He laughed and laughed and laughed until he was running out of air. Tears prickled at the corners of his eyes and he wiped them out with the back of his free hand. All the while, Shinichi didn’t let go.
“You are truly an incomprehensible piece of work. You know that, right?” Kaito asked, after coming down from his outburst. “What sort of detective sides with the internationally wanted thief? And for what?”
Shinichi glanced at their joined hands. “The kind of selfish idiot who doesn’t want to let go of the thief that easily. Can’t have you dying on me before I solve your case.”
“I’m not—is that why you’re here? I’m pretty sure I called the ambulance myself!”
“You did, huh?” Shinichi cupped his chin in thought. “Was I that wrong in my estimate?”
“Yes. Maybe? It was a lapse of judgment on my part. I still very much like living, I’ll have you know!” A headache was building behind his eyes, so Kaito buried his face in Shinichi’s shoulder. He didn’t miss the flinch. “How did you end up here, if it wasn’t on purpose? Messed with the wrong crowd again?”
“Believe it or not, today was a lapse of judgment for me too.”
“The scandal!”
Shinichi pinched Kaito’s cheek. “I let my guard down during surveillance. Those mobsters I was following jumped me when I was least expecting it.”
“Mobsters? Wasn’t that a little out of your depth? I thought private investigators mostly deal with hunting down cheaters and marriage affairs, that sort of stuff?”
“A case is a case as long as it’s interesting.”
It was Kaito’s turn to give him a once-over. “Good thing they didn’t damage your face too badly. Your mother would have cried rivers upon rivers of tears.”
“As if you care about that. It would have been harder to impersonate me. That’s all,” Shinichi said with an eye roll.
“Am I such a despicable person in your eyes? I simply expressed my genuine worries about your health.” Cupping Shinichi’s chin, Kaito run his thumb over the split lip. “Is that too much for my reckless, handsome Great Detective?”
Slipping from Kaito’s loose hold, Shinichi pushed him back to his own bed. He quickly laid down himself. “The painkillers in your system are messing with your brain. Get some rest and we’ll talk in the morning, you weirdo.”
Although Shinichi’s back was turned, Kaito could swear he heard him say: “Take better care of yourself, idiot thief. You're not half-bad either.”
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war-of-the-words · 4 years
Summary: Prompt fill: Kaishin Discord Server - Winter Written Nov 2018 Read on AO3
It was cold, incredibly cold, and snow had seemed to be falling from the sky for weeks. Shinichi had been pleasantly surprised that evening, his boyfriend had been at his door, the magician’s nose and cheeks bright red from the cold. Kaito had a drink tray in one hand and a bag from a cafe they both enjoy in the other. Turns out, the magician just had the sudden urge to visit the cafe with Shinichi but knew that there was no way he could get the detective to go out in that weather, so he had decided to bring the cafe to him. It was a sweet gesture, but Shinichi berated him for being so dumb as to go outside with so little layers on. Regardless, they had a nice, light dinner, until the power went out.
  Kaito was heartbroken, he had wanted to cuddle and watch terrible Christmas movies all night long. “Shinichi!” He complained, fumbling around in the now incredibly dark room, curse the shorter days, “My plans are ruined!”
  “Whatever,” Shinichi retorted, turning on his phone’s flashlight and rummaging around the kitchen. Kaito let out an aghast noise, horrified that his boyfriend was unaffected by his plight. Shinichi ignored him in favor of continuing his search.
  “My own boyfriend, neglecting me, in favor of looking around the kitchen for, what, a flashlight?” Kaito was curious now, his histrionics forgotten.
  “Nope,” Shinichi placed a candle on the counter, “candles.”
  “Candles.” Kaito seemed unamused, “You are foregoing the marvel of humanity harnessing the power of electricity for candles?”
  “Yep,” Shinichi replied cheerfully, placing more candles on the counter, “now are you going to help me light these or what?”
  “Of course, dear,” Kaito replied and, always one for magic, ignited the candles with a snap of his fingers. The warm glow filled the room as Shinichi shut off the artificial light from his phone, the heavy snowfall visible now that the harsh light was gone. It was magic in itself, casting an enchanting air about the room, as if they were a completely different universe, just the two of them and the candlelight.
  They carried several candles into Shinichi’s living room, the wood floors already growing cold with the lowering temperature. After setting down his candle, Kaito quickly moved to the couch, covering himself in one of Shinichi’s many blankets. As he burrowed himself into the soft fabric, he anticipated Shinichi joining him soon after, but he could still hear the detective rummaging about the room. “Shinichi!” he cried, his voice muffled from the blanket, “What are you doing now? It’s too cold!” Shinichi only laughed in response, and a clicking noise brought Kaito out from beneath the covers. Shinichi was bent in front of the fireplace, messing with something at the bottom of it. Shinichi leaned back, looking pleased, as a fire ignited within. His boyfriend turned back to him smugly.
  “Gas fireplace,” he said as an explanation, “You looked cold.” Kaito quickly migrated off the couch to sit in front of the fire.
  “Convenient.” Kaito revelled in the warmth, a pleased hum coming from his throat. Shinichi sat down next to him, planting a small kiss on his cheek as Kaito wrapped the blanket around him. They sat in silence for a while, relaxing in the warmth of the fire and each other. “I’m still bummed about the movies. I don’t suppose you have a gas powered tv, do you?”
  “No, you dork,” Shinichi laughed, “but I think I might have something.” Kaito made a distressed noise as Shinichi stood up.
  “I didn’t mean it, don’t leave Shinichi.” Kaito reached out a desperate hand toward his boyfriend, as if the detective was leaving into the blizzard, never to return. Shinichi rolled his eyes and made his way toward one of the built-in bookcases that lined the fireplace. He took down what looked like a small suitcase and something in a thin sleeve of cardboard. Kaito couldn’t quite see what the detective was doing, but it soon became clear.
  The telltale sound of a needle being placed on a vinyl record echoed in the quiet room. The familiar sound of a Christmas song filled Kaito’s ears, the quality of the vinyl giving it a nostalgic feel. “It’s not a movie,” Shinichi said, moving back to his blanket-covered boyfriend, “but it’s something.” The smile Shinichi gave him was soft and warm. The light from the fire gave him an ethereal look, as if he just stepped out of a painting. Before he could move to sit back down, Kaito stood up, so abruptly that Shinichi stumbled back a little. With a playful smirk, the magician gave a small bow and extended his hand toward his boyfriend.
  “Might I have this dance?” Kaito looked up at him, the firelight dancing in his eyes.
  “How could I possibly say no?” Shinichi replied, placing his hand onto Kaito’s. He straightened and wrapped a hand around to the small of Shinichi’s back, pulling him close. Shinichi was unfazed, smoothly placing his hand onto Kaito’s shoulder. Kaito kicked the blanket out of the way as he began to lead Shinichi around in a nonsensical pattern, only abiding to the tempo of the song, one with an upbeat tune. Shinichi said nothing about Kaito’s terrible choices, only giggled when he insisted on dipping and spinning Shinichi every sixth step or so.
  It went on for a while, the two occasionally switching positions, taking care not to bump into the furniture while staying near the fire, the farther edges of the room too cold to journey too. Kaito was leading again, and the songs had turn slower. They were barely moving now, Shinichi’s head resting on Kaito’s shoulder. The record turned back to the gentle crackling of needle on vinyl, causing Shinichi to make an annoyed little whine.
  “I’ll get it, love.” Kaito said, his voice a whisper, he guided Shinichi to where he was sat before, wrapped the blanket around him and planted a kiss on his temple. Kaito took the needle off the record and turned off the power. He grabbed more blankets and the pillows from the couch. When he was finished he managed to make a kind of makeshift bed on the floor; they certainly weren’t going to sleep in one of the cold bedrooms.
  Shinichi, who seemed to be on the verge of sleep, made no protest when Kaito pulled him down to rest on the “bed”. Kaito wrapped both of them in another blanket and took a moment to observe his boyfriend’s sleepy face. It was exceptionally adorable. “Goodnight, Kaito,” Shinichi yawned, his heavy eyelids finally falling closed, “I love you.”
  “I love you too,” Kaito smiled, placing a kiss on Shinichi’s forehead and keeping him close. Who knew that not having power could be so wonderful.
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youmicielnobyoga · 6 years
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· prompt: rainbow 🌈✨ ·
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kaishinbigbang · 3 years
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KSBB21 Interest Check Results!
Hello everyone! 
Thank you all once again for your interest in the KSBB21 event! I come bearing interest check results for you! Sorry in advance for the long post!
Responses: 62!
Interested in participating: 72.6% yes, 27.4% maybe This event has been greenlit! Thank you so much!
Participation: Mostly writers This happens every year! If you are a writer please don’t be too concerned by those numbers, there are plans in place in case more writers than artists sign up! 
Discord: Mostly yes, Discord required A small number of you said you don’t have a Discord nor would you create one for this event. Unfortunately, if you wish to participate in this event, Discord is required.
Writer word count requirements: 48.4% said 3k, 48.4% said 5k It’s a tie! I’m going to split the difference and make 4,000 words the writer word count requirement this year.
Optional theme: 53.2% said it doesn’t matter, 35.5% said yes, 11.3% said no There will be an optional theme this year! Already-submitted themes from the survey have been added to the theme voting form. Additional theme submission will begin March 28 for those who have new ideas or didn’t get a chance to submit from the survey. Theme voting will be held April 4-10.
Questions from the survey are below the cut: 
Q1. What is qualified as fully finished art? What would happen to our WIPs if my partner or I have to drop out - would we hand them over to the pinch-hitter? A1. Fully finished art means art or edits that are finished to the best of your current ability. The effort should be equal to the effort of the writer. If you must drop out, your idea will be passed on to a pinch-hitter so that your partner is not forced to continue a partnered event alone. Your work, as always, is your own.
Q2. Can we sign up for email updates, or join a discord early? I don't have a tumblr. Q3. I don’t have tumblr, only Discord. Will that make things difficult to be involved in? A2&3. Tumblr is currently the place of advertisement. The bang actually takes place on discord, so a discord handle is required to sign up and participate in the event. The server is only available upon signing up and there is no email newsletter for the event, so if you don’t have a tumblr i suggest bookmarking the schedule page!
Q4. As a writer, I know that the majority that write this pairing prefer a romantic relationship between the two, but what if I personally do not and prefer a platonic relationship, i.e. how do I ensure that I do not somehow end up with a romantically-inclined prompt that makes me uncomfortable to write when I know that it is basically a near-certainty that prompts will likely be romantic in nature? A4. As a writer, you will be able to choose which artist you want to work with based on their provided wip and their prompt summary, where they should also note how they would like to see the KaiShin relationship play out. Ideally there should not be a situation where you are unaware of the intention of the artist.
Q5. If I had to ask something, it would be how to submit what I did for the KaiShin Big Bang. A5. This will be detailed for participants when the time comes to submit, but you can see past submissions here and here.
Q6. Are there anymore specific instructions? A6. I don’t understand the question here, sorry!
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mintchocolateleaves · 6 years
I thought I’d do a summary (like presume, haaa I’m such a copier) of my writing this year!
Looking at my Ao3 stats shows how much of a nerd I really am in terms of fic as I’ve written 245k of words this year which... omg so many? I wasn’t expecting that many at all, wtf.
I want to thank lots of people for this, because ahhh everyone in my fandoms are just amazing? I’ll throw the rest of this under a read more?
So thanks to everyone who follows me for being amazing. Thank you for the notes, the reblogs and tags you leave. It makes me super happy to read over them, and I always find it reassuring to go back over them whenever I’m feeling down!
I’d like to thank @detectivegeekshin / @bakathief / @dont-touch-my-sons for being such amazing new friends to me this year, you’re all fabulous and deserve the world! I hope 2018 treats you guys as kindly as you’ve treated me in 2017!
@presumenothing deserves her own little section, because that you for being my friend, but also thank you for being an awesome senpai! Thanks for giving me advice and responses to what I write! Similarly to this is Angelicsentinel, whom I miss seeing on my tumblr dash, but still see in my AO3 emails!
I also want to thank the KaiShin discord for generally being amazing and giving me somewhere to feel at home this past year. Especially @shizuna610 who invited me to the server in the first place. It’s been a blast talking with you all!
And then little ideas for where the next year’s going to lead me writing wise! I’m definitely going to have to finish the fics I’ve already got, and hopefully I’ll get to the prompts in my inbox! Let’s see how I fare with my writing alongside med-school!
(Oh shit, did I tell you guys on tumblr? I got into MED-SCHOOL!)
Everyone, have a happy new year, and I’ll see you all in 2018!
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hypaxia · 6 years
hell yeah happy pride month!!!
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war-of-the-words · 4 years
Summary: Prompt fill: Kaishin Discord Server - Autumn Written Sept 2018 Read on AO3
Autumn had finally arrived. The weather was becoming cooler, jackets now necessary, a relief from the intense summer they had had.Trees were beginning to change color, green fading into an array of reds, oranges, yellows and browns. Perhaps Shinichi’s favorite part of the season was the cold mornings. The old, wood floors of his childhood home froze his toes, leading him to wear slippers, and the chill in the air to a blanket over his shoulders; most notably, however, was that the first cup of coffee was all the more satisfying. Sure, the hot beverage would burn his tongue, but it was worth it to feel the warmth of the drink spread through his body, warming his soul.
These mornings were all the more pleasant nowadays. He got to share them with Kaito. Mornings weren’t as cold when you woke up in your lover’s arms, plus, he didn’t have to be the one to wake up and start the coffee, he could wait until the smell of the intoxicating brew wafted its way into Shinichi’s bedroom before having to make his way downstairs. When he was down there, Kaito already had a cup prepared, not to mention being able to cuddle on the couch kept him warm. Shinichi loved Kaito and would never use him for anything, but he had to admit it was nice to have his own giant hot water bottle for cold mornings.
Not only did this giant, walking water bottle make his morning coffee, he also took him on cute, fall themed dates, what more could a man want? Kaito was currently throwing one hand around in elaborate gestures, excitedly talking about the day he had planned for the two of the. His other hand was resting on Shinichi’s waist, holding him close underneath the blanket as Shinichi let his hands warm up on his coffee cup, taking long sips and enjoying the sound of his lover’s voice. “...and then we can come home and cuddle and watch that movie I told you about.” Shinichi hummed in approval. “You only heard half of what I said, didn’t you?” Shinichi hummed again, in agreement. “That just means the date will be a surprise. Life is more fun that way anyway.”
After Shinichi had finished his coffee, Kaito rushed to get the detective dressed, eager to get the day started. When Shinichi had deemed himself thoroughly prepared, he met Kaito at the front door. The magician was practically buzzing with excitement. Shinichi rolled his eyes, how he managed to be so excited for each date, Shinichi didn’t know; he felt the same, however, even if it didn’t show on his face.
Kaito took him by the hand and lead them down the streets of Beika, a skip in his step as they talked about Kaito’s upcoming shows, books they had read, the weird morning T.V. show they had been watching, anything that came to mind. All the while, Kaito lead them around corners and down different alleyways, Shinichi grew up here, but the way Kaito got around always left him feeling a little lost, so when Kaito pulled them down a short alley that lead them to a small park, it was like entering a portal to another world.
The trees were full of fall color. Brilliant reds, vibrant oranges, and vivid yellows colored the branches of large, struddy looking trees. Despite being in a city, the leaf covered pathways were devoid of people, although birds and squirrels flitted in and out of Shinichi’s view. “How did you find this place?” Shinichi asked, his voice full of awe. Kaito grinned at his boyfriend’s reaction.
“You would be surprised at the things you can see from a bird’s eye view.” Kaito had, of course, scouted the place after spotting it from the air. He had to ensure it was a good date location before he took his darling anywhere. The park had been everything Kaito had hoped it would be. It was the perfect location for this date, and it had to be, he had been planning this date for months, ever since the weather had started to cool. Tugging at his boyfriend’s hand, he lead them onto the path, the crisp leaves crunching under foot. They walked, hand in hand, admiring the beautiful colors, the silence between them comfortable. The birds chirped from somewhere in the high branches, and the soft breeze carried leaves down, falling gently, almost like a dance, to the ground below. The park may have been small, but the tree cover was so dense, and it was so quiet, Shinichi could have believed Kaito had somehow teleported him away into a distant forest.
They had wandered that way for almost an hour, before Kaito pulled Shinichi to a stop. He was staring a large, beautiful maple tree. The red of its leaves were like a fine, red wine. Light managed to sneak through its branches, casting delicate shadows onto the pair’s faces. “Well,” Kaito said, a mischievous grin on his face, “let’s go.”
“Go where?” Shinichi asked, confused as Kaito approached the tree then made a leap for one of the low hanging branches. The magician quickly pulled himself up into the branches, disappearing from Shinichi’s view. “ Kuroba Kaito, I am not a squirrel. ” Shinichi marched to the base of the tree, looking up into the canopy to try to spot his boyfriend. He was standing in the higher boughs of the maple, grinning down at him, eyes alight with mirth, the light sneaking through illuminated his face, and the warm colors around him only made Shinichi realize how startling beautiful the magician’s eyes were. If he wasn’t already smitten, hearing Kaito giggle, looking so ethereal, certainly solidified his love for the other.
“I’ll help you up,” Kaito said, laughter in his voice, “all you had to do was ask.” Kaito elegantly maneuvered his way to the lower branches, Shinichi mesmerized by the graceful movements. The smug look he gave Shinichi when he reached a low branch let the detective know his admiring looks hadn’t been lost on the magician. Shinichi was sure the blush he gave in return was the same color as the maple leaves.
Kaito had somehow managed to lead them up through the branches, and now they were seated up there, near the base of the tree, perched on two large branches high off the ground. All Shinichi could see was the red of the maple. Kaito admired his lover for a moment, much like how Shinichi had admired him just moments before. The detective look like he was in a trance, eyes staring out into the branches, the light making his face glow in its golden light. Kaito loved that look in Shinichi’s eyes, it was one of wonder and of innocence. It was a rare look on the detective’s face, it was hard when he was constantly surrounded by death and betrayal. His blue eyes shone like a clear autumn sky, his face was relaxed, not twisted in concentration. Don’t get him wrong, Kaito loved watching Shinichi solve a mystery, but sometimes, he needed to see Shinichi like this, to know that he was relaxing and enjoying what was around him.
Kaito pulled a picnic basket from where he had stowed it in the tree this morning, before Shinichi got up. He nudged the other with it, shaking him from his entranced state. “I’m not even going to ask,” Shinichi said, looking at the basket and rolling his eyes, but there was a soft smile on his lips.
They ate up there, in the trees, laughing and talking and taking and just enjoying the feeling of isolation. It was there own little world up there, and no one could interfere. Once they finished, Kaito began putting everything back in the basket, still smiling and chatting, while Shinichi gazed at him. Slowly, carefully, he leaned forward, meeting Kaito’s lips as the other turned to look at him. The magician jumped slightly, caught off guard at the sudden kiss, but he quickly melted into it. It was small and chaste, but it carried Shinichi’s emotions clearly. Shinichi pulled back, embarrassed. Kaito only giggled at his love’s flustered face. “What was that for? Not that I’m complaining.”
“Nothing,” Shinichi answered bluntly, despite the blush still coloring his face. “I just love you.” Now it was Kaito who matched the maple leaves. It was rare, but Shinichi could fluster Kaito if he tried hard enough, and it was a treat every time. Kaito tried to form a sentence, but all of his words came out incoherent. Eventually, he gave up with a little whine, burying his face in his hands.”
“You aren’t allowed to do that, Shinichi. That has to be illegal.” Shinichi let out a laugh. He nudged Kaito’s foot to get his boyfriend to look at him.
“Let’s get home and watch that movie.” Kaito nodded in agreement, still too embarrassed to speak.
The movie ended up being fairly mediocre, but the two didn’t mind. They were pressed together on the couch, relishing in one another’s company, making jokes about the plot holes in the movie’s story and coming up with wild ideas that would improve the movie’s quality. It was looking like a cold, fall day. The trees were changing, the birds were leaving, and winter was fast approaching, but if the rest of autumn was like today, the pair was looking forward to it.
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youmicielnobyoga · 6 years
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· prompt: love letter ✉ 💕✨ · ________________________________
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dcmkkaishinevents · 2 years
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DCMKKSE One-Prompt Challenge: Halfway There!
We are officially halfway through this event’s creation period! As of today we have 24 participants in the server aiming to post during the posting period! 
If you are itching to participate, you can do so without any sign-ups! Just submit your work to the AO3 Collection between February 27 and March 5!
Those of you who are participating and are interested in joining the server, just shoot me a message with your full discord name (ex: kaishin#1412) off anon via ask or tumblr messaging system and I’ll send you a link!
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