kazuki86 · 3 months
So this is one of milion ideas about kakayama that came to my mind when i heard some great old balad songs from some great singers at the swimming pool couple days ago 😅
One of the song was "Grow Old With You" by Westlife 😊
I hope you enjoy it 😃
I Wanna Grow Old With You
The wall clock at Senju Coffee shows 10 pm. All the visitors have gone home and some of the lights have been turned off. Tenzo wiped 4 tables and 8 chairs in the simple cafe room. Then he went to the counter, arranged the glasses, plates, spoons and so on. After making sure everything was clean and neatly arranged, Tenzo went into the kitchen behind the counter to wash up.
Klang klong!
The bell above the front door rang, signaling the cafe door to be opened and then closed again. Someone came in, walked towards the opposite door, the balcony door and opened it. Even though Tenzo had changed the writing at the front door to "closed", he didn't mind someone coming, because he knew exactly who that someone was. Someone who always comes after the cafe closes.
Tenzo turned off the sink faucet, wiped his hands on his apron, took two white cups, then started making cappuccino without sugar, and decorated the surface with milk hearts.
"Another tough day, senpai?" Tenzo brought two cups of cappuccino to the balcony and gave one of them to Kakashi, then sat beside him.
"Mhm..." Kakashi mumbled a "yes" while accepting the cup. He looked at the picture of the heart on the surface of his cappuccino and smiled. "This heart image is so sweet, I can't bear to drink it..."
Tenzo chukled... "I can make you a million more.."
Kakashi took off his mask and sipped the cappuccino slowly. "Delicious...as usual..." he thought. He then crossed his legs and sat back. Both hands were still holding the cup which he placed on his thigh. His eyes looked forward.
Senju Coffee is located on one of the slopes surrounding Konoha. The higher surface allows the two of them to enjoy the night view of Konoha from a height.
Tenzo studied his lover's face "What case today?" He asked.
"Bank robbery..." answered Kakashi.
"Oh...have the robbers been caught?"
"Mhm..." Kakashi nodded.
"I see..." answered Tenzo.
Kakashi went back to sipping his cappuccino..
"So?" Tenzo asked, feeling that something was on Kakashi's mind.
"Hm...?" Kakashi turned to Tenzo.
"Is there something you're thinking about, senpai?" Tenzo asked gently.
"Oh... that..." Kakashi was silent for a moment, then sighed and said "After catching the bank robber with me, Asuma got a call from the hospital. Kurenai was hospitalized after being stabbed by an unknown person..."
Tenzo gasped "Oh no...."
"Fortunately, the wound wasn't serious. Thank God she can do karate, so she managed to dodge the attack a little..." said Kakashi.
"How is she now?"
"I stopped by the hospital earlier, before coming here. She was sleeping. Asuma was waiting beside her..." answered Kakashi. "The police suspect that the person who attacked Kurenai was an order from one of the officials suspected of being involved in corruption and murder... Asuma led the team investigating the case..." he added.
Kakashi looked down, looking at the cup he was holding. The heart image on the surface of the coffee has faded, blending in with the cappuccino. "Tenzo..."
"Honestly...what happened to Kurenai bothered me..."
Kakashi was silent, then said..."When my father was still active as a police officer, he also often handled big cases. Once my mother was pushed by someone and almost hit by a car. That was a form of threat to my father. Last year, Rin almost died while she was sleeping in her house due to a fire that was allegedly set by someone. Luckily, before the fire spread, Obito arrived and managed to put out the fire. This happened while he was also investigating another big corruption case in the government ....I'm worried...." Kakashi sighed heavily, "I am in the same tim with Asuma. I don't want...really don't want anything bad happen to you...." he continued.
Tenzo shifted in his seat, moving closer, his left arm touching Kakashi's right arm. His left hand that wasn't holding the cup held Kakashi's hand.
"Do you remember the first time we met, senpai?" Tenzo looked ahead, towards the night view of Konoha.
"First time?"
"Yeah... that time, when we were kids. Some kids bothered me after school. They deliberately took me to the deserted school yard. They grabbed my bag, took my bento and money. Then one of them had the idea to cut my hair while he found the scissors I brought in my bag for handicraft lessons. At that time I was really helpless and and affraid. Suddenly..." Tenzo smiled, then continued, "Out of nowhere a boy with messy silver hair and masked face appeared. He bravely faced and knocked out the naughty children himself. After they ran away, the boy came over to me, knelt in front of me, then gently touched my cheek and said, don't be afraid, you are safe now... " Tenzo then turned to Kakashi, "That's when, I told myself that I wanted to be with that boy, I wanted to be near him, side by side with him, accompany him, whatever happens, good or bad even dangerous....I want to grow old with him..."
They both looked at each other.
"Of course I remember that time. That was the first time I saw a very cute boy with a pretty long brunet hair and a pair of beautiful wide dark eyes...People call it love at the first sight..." said Kakashi smiling. He then cleared his throat, then put his coffee cup on the table and then both hands held Tenzo's hand. "So, you said that you were willing to accompany me, right?"
"in good times and in bad?"
"In good times and in bad..."
"In sickness and in health?"
"Yes, in sickness and health..."
"And love me all the days of our life until death do us apart?"
"Of course I do, senpai. Why do you ask me like that? It sounds like a wedding vow, you know..." Tenzo laughed.
"It's a wedding vow..."
"What???? Seriously????"
"Of course, I am serious. Can I kiss my groom, now?"
"Wait....Wait a minute...if you really want to marry me now, then you have to give me a wedding ring, senpai..." Tenzo teased Kakashi.
"Of course..." answered kakashi. He then took something from his trouser pocket, a small red box. Kakashi opened it. Tenzo was so surprised. Inside the box there were a pair of silver rings.
“I, Hatake Kakashi, take you, Senju Tenzo, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part. .." Kakashi took one of them, then put it on Tenzo's ring finger. Tenzo looked at the ring, Kakashi's name was engraved on it.
"Will you?" Kakashi asked. Tenzo then took the other ring, then put it on Kakashi's ring finger, Tenzo's name was engraved on it.
"I really didn't expect this to happen tonight. This is really very very sweet, senpai... Thank you..." Tenzo was touched, he wiped his tears.
Kakashi smiled gently. "Now...can I kiss..." Kakashi didn't finish his sentence, because Tenzo had leaned forward and kissed his lips deeply. Kakashi welcomed the kiss. "Anytime, senpai...anytime..." Their foreheads touched.
"I love you, Tenzo..."
"I love you too...senpai"
-The End-
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strangefl0wer · 1 year
You know what, if you're not multishipping, you're missing out. Not to hate but, like, you are missing out on so many headcanon hoarding ideas and you can just bounce around at any time and continue blissfully ignoring canon because it sucks.
I mean, just
Kakashi definitely doodles on Iruka's papers which he pretends to be annoyed about
Iruka fighting for his life to get Kakashi into a regular sleep schedule (not working)
Mission cuddles/hand holding
Helping each other through PTSD moments
Kakashi's relentless teasing and 'I can make anyone do what I want'
Tired men
More PTSD assistance
They'd definitely go stargazing
Highkey soulmates
Sasuke is super stubborn and Naruto waits for him to be done to be like "Can I have a kiss tho"
Sasuke hates how flustered he gets, Naruto doesn't even do it on purpose
She's nice and he's nice because of her
He is going to fight her dad
She's going to actually listen to him when he needs to be sad about everything
Hinata definitely didn't know two girls were legally allowed to kiss
Ino loves making her blush with little bits of affection
Very soft
I kinda made this one up
He'd thinks she's cute and then get way too close investigating her blushes
She'd think he's pretty weird but reminds her of Shino which makes her feel safer
She'd get all surprised when he draws her
Sai draws the flowers from her shop
Ino likes dressing him up and doing makeup for him
Help each other cope post-war
The best living couple in canon sorry I don't take arguments
Temari does his eyeliner
And also steals his clothes
He plays with her hair while they cuddle
Once she's over being super red all the time, she wants forehead kisses all the time
He loves loudly telling people that she's his gf and then wife
He just randomly picks her up
I don't know they're just cute
They like to just relax together and braid each others hair
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goodbyelore · 2 years
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For Vénia! 
Specifically for an upcoming fic featuring a triple date~  Keep an eye out or consider subscribing so you don’t miss it! 
Organized by @narutoreversebang | Also on Twitter
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kumeramen · 1 year
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Another daily dose of Nart memes and this time— Team 7
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equill · 1 month
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Job promotion (now what?)
Comic 1: Interrogation
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Caught him lurking in the background (he was being suspicious in their defense)
Comic 2: Everywhere you go.
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skykashi · 2 months
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"The hole in one's heart gets filled by others around you." ❤️
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yg-arts · 27 days
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Mask + suits
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Sometimes i think about how kakashi went from saying "im leaving/im home" to an empty house as a kid to a house full of people and i become violently ill. So these are vignette's of Kakashi's family as time goes by
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captaindelighte · 7 months
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spxartblog · 2 months
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Been watching naruto here's a couple of fast doodles of a few of my favorite characters
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kazuki86 · 7 months
I have nothing if I don't have you
(Chapter 4)
Kakashi parked his car right in front of Senju Cafe. As he said when he took Tenzo home that time, tonight he came. He came to try the coffee provided at the cafe. He also came because he wanted to know what the inside of Senju Cafe was like, because at that time he didn't have time to go in. But...the number one reason why he came....was...because he want to meet Tenzo.
Today is Saturday, so Tenzo didn't come to his house to work as a nanny. That's why he want to see Tenzo. Kakashi himself felt strange, why he "want to" see Tenzo, and now when he was standing in front of the cafe door, for some reason his feelings were pounding.
"What's wrong with me?" Kakashi shook his head. He then inhaled and exhaled, then pushed open the cafe door.
Ting tong!
The bell hanging at the top of the door rang when Kakashi opened it.
"WELCOME!" Greeted a voice in its usual cheerful tone. That's Tenzo's voice.
"Oh...welcome sir!" Tenzo said surprised
As usual, his shoulder-length brunet hair was left loose and he was still wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a cat (this time turquoise). His wide eyes looked right at Kakashi.
So sweet and cute as usual...Kakashi thought.
"Please sit down sir..." said Tenzo with a smile.
Kakashi realized then nodded. He closed the cafe door then he walked towards the counter where Tenzo was. While walking, Kakashi could inhale the aroma of coffee and hear the strains of 90's ballad songs.
Kakashi sat in the middle seat, right in front of Tenzo.
"How are you, sir?"
I'm so glad you came here, sir...". Tenzo said it sincerely and innocently, without realizing that his words made Kakashi's face turn red.
"This is the menu, sir. What would you like to order?"
Kakashi cleared his throat to get rid of his awkwardness and accepted the menu Tenzo offered. "Thank you. Umm...I'll just order a hot americano..." answered Kakashi while looking at the menu.
"One hot americano. Alright. Would you like to order some food too, sir?"
"Oh...ummm...I'll order a cheese and smoked beef croisant."
"Okay. Please wait a moment sir, your order is coming soon." Kakashi nodded.
While waiting, Kakashi paid attention to the inside of the cafe. There are 3 tables with 2 chairs facing each other at each table. One table near the door, one table in the corner of the room, and one near the counter. A man and a woman were seen sitting opposite each other at a table near the door, chatting. Meanwhile, at the corner table, an old woman was sitting alone, knitting. At the counter itself there were 3 chairs, and Kakashi sat in the middle chair. Even though it's not spacious, the cafe feels comfortable.
"Thanks for waiting, sir. This is your order..." said Tenzo while placing a cup of hot americano and a plate of warm cheese and smoked beef croisant.
"Oh...thank you. Are you alone? Where's your aunt?"
"Aunt Tsunade is resting upstairs because of a cold, sir..."
"Oh...i see." Kakashi took his coffee cup, inhaled the aroma, then took a sip. "Hummm... really delicious..." he said.
"I'm glad you like it, sir."
"To be honest, I'm curious... when you made coffee for me yesterday, the coffee tasted much better than what I make. Even though I'm sure you made the sachet coffee that I usually make too, right?"
"Really, sir?"
Kakashi nodded. "How can you make it taste better?"
Tenzo smiled "Oh...that's a secret, sir..." he said while blinking one eye. Kakashi became embarrassed.
"We'll go home, Tenzo!" said the male visitor.
"Thank you very much for the coffee!" said the female visitor
"You're welcome, Izumo, Shizune. Please come again..." answered Tenzo while waving his hand.
"See you Grandma Chio!" said Izumo and Shizune while waving at the old woman who was knitting at the corner table. The woman looked up and smiled.
When Izumo and Shizune closed the door, Tenzo asked Kakashi.
"They look like a very lovely couple, don't they sir?" Tenzo said.
"Huh???" Kakashi turned towards the door... "Yeah, I think so..." He wasn't really sure about the answer because he had only glanced at them briefly.
"They first met in this cafe, sir..."
"Did they?"
Tenzo nodded. "It was raining heavily at that time, while Shizune had to immediately return to her office, but she didn't bring an umbrella. Coincidentally Izumo brought an umbrella, and he offered to take Shizune..."
"Oh... I see... what a coincidence..." said Kakashi in response.
"It seems the Cupid was also here at that time, and shot his arrow at them..." Tenzo chukled. "By the way sir, is it okay to leave the kids at home at night?"
"Oh... I was supposed to be at home with them tonight. But suddenly there was a meeting at the office. In the past, when there was no nanny and I had to work late into the night, sometimes I took them to the office. Or if it turned out it wasn't possible to invite them, then I was forced to leave them at home. Actually, on the one hand, I felt guilty. But on the other hand, I felt it could be an opportunity for Sakura to look after her younger siblings."
"I'm sure Sakura can be relied on, sir. She's a good older sister and will definitely look after her younger siblings..." said Tenzo while remembering the incident at school some time ago when Sakura tried to protect Sai. "Does that mean you're working overtime today, sir?"
"Not really... it was just a meeting to announce that our company had succeeded in winning the tender of government headquarter renovation.."
"Excellent! Congratulations, sir. I'm happy to hear that."
"Thank you. And after the announcement, people in the office immediately celebrated it by drinking at their regular bar."
"You're not going with them, sir?"
"Of course not. I'm not young anymore and I don't really like drinking like that. Besides, I don't want to set a bad example for the children. What would happen if they saw me coming home drunk..." said Kakashi.
Tenzo smiled. "You are really a good father, sir."
"Am I?" Kakashi felt his cheeks flush again.
Luckily, suddenly the cell phone in his pocket rang. From Gai. Kakashi signaled to Tenzo that he had to take the call first. Tenzo invited him then went to tidy up the cups and plates on Izumo and Shizune's table.
"My friend, I don't see you anywhere in this bar. Where are you hiding"
"Sorry, I didn't go to the bar..."
"What? Why? Don't tell me that you're afraid of getting drunk and revealing all your secrets to us..." came Genma's voice. Looks like Gai turns on the loudspeaker.
"No. I have another thing to do."
"What thing?" Genma asked again.
"It's personal." Kakashi answered briefly.
"Ooooh... could it be that you're dating the new nanny, huh?" Gai asked in a loud voice.
"Don't be inconsequential!" Kakashi said quickly.
"Kakashi...you've always been bad at lying. You must be having a romantic dinner with her, right?" Genma said.
Kakashi just sighed. "Alright, have fun, guys..." Kakashi was about to end the conversation.
"Wait! Wait! It's okay if you can not go to this bar tonight. But I think you should join the tomorrow night event..." said Gai.
"Tomorrow night event?"
"To celebrate our success, Anko suggested that there be a party at the office tomorrow night."
"A party?"
"More precisely, a couple dance party..."
"Couple dance party? What for?"
"According to Anko, apart from celebrating our success in winning a big tender, the party will allow all employees to get to know each other better. I know, that sounds ridiculous, but the director, her father of course, agreed to it. And obliged everyone to come . Especially you.."
"Yes, you. Well actually Kakashi, Gai and I felt that Anko had a special purpose when proposing this dance party. And it must be related to you..." said Genma.
Kakashi sighed. "I am not interested of that party or the things you mentioned earlier at all..."
"Yeah...we know it, buddy. But it would feel strange if everyone came and you didn't. After all, you're the leader on this project..." Genma said again.
"You're still lucky, Kakashi... because it won't be difficult for you to find a partner for tomorrow's dance party. Meanwhile, us? I'm not sure anyone will want to partner with us." Gai said.
Kakashi didn't say anything.
"Okay buddy, we will take another drink. Have a nice date there..." Gai said again in a teasing tone.
Kakashi put his cellphone on the table. Take another breath. Honestly, he wasn't at all interested in coming to the dance party tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with celebrating the success of winning a tender. After all, it is obtained through serious struggle and preparation. He himself even lacked sleep to prepare it. But the real work, namely the renovation process, hasn't started yet. So there's no need to celebrate it excessively.
Besides that, he also doesn't want any further relationship with Anko. Just as a co-worker. And he also didn't want to leave his children at home.
'But it would feel strange if everyone came and you didn't. After all, you are the leader of this project...' Genma's words rang in his mind again.
But... a couple dance party????
"Is something wrong, sir?" Tenzo's voice broke his reverie.
"Oh...nothing. Just a phone call from the office guys..."
"Do they look for you because you don't join them, sir?"
"Oh...not really. They just told me that tomorrow will be a dance party at the office.."
"A dance party?"
"A couple dance party to be more precise..."
"Wow...very interesting!"
"Really? I won't join the party..."
"Why, sir???"
Kakashi was confused about how to explain it to Tenzo, so he answered briefly "I can't dance..."
Tenzo gaped.
"What?" Kakashi asked.
"You won't come there tomorrow just because you can't dance?"
"Umm...yes..." Kakashi answered hesitantly.
Tenzo sighed. "Alright then, I will teach you, sir." Tenzo said with his hands on his hips.
"Wait...you don't need to..."
Tenzo tapped the tablet screen next to the cash register, selecting a song. Then walked out of the counter, heading towards Kakashi. The intro music from the song "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston was heard.
"Tenzo...i can't dance..."
"That's why I'm gonna teach you, sir."
"Come on!" Tenzo grabbed Kakashi's right hand and took him to the middle of the room. They stand facing each other. Tenzo put Kakashi's right hand behind his left waist, then put his left hand on Kakashi's right shoulder. Then he raised Kakashi's left hand and held it.
"Just follow my steps, sir..." Tenzo whispered near Kakashi's ear. Kakashi felt that now his face was completely red.
Share my life
Take me for what I am
'Cause I'll never change
All my colors for you
Take my love
I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are
And everything that you do
Kakashi repeatedly made the wrong move and stepped on Tenzo's foot.
"Sorry..." said Kakashi. He stopped walking.
"It's alright, sir. You can do it. Just relax and feel the music..." said Tenzo smiling.
In such that close position with Tenzo, Kakashi didn't know how he could relax. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
"Ready, sir?" Tenzo asked. Kakashi nodded. And they started walking again.
I don't really need to look
Very much further
I don't want to have to go
Where you don't follow
I won't hold it back anymore
This passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Even though he tried to relax, sometimes Kakashi still had difficulty adjusting his steps.
"Don't look under, sir... Just look at me..." said Tenzo smiling. Finally, slowly, Kakashi began to be able to take steps and adapt to Tenzo's steps.
Don't make me close one more door
I don't want to hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you, you, you, you, you
Tenzo removed his left hand from Kakashi's shoulder, then by lifting his right hand which was still holding Kakashi's left hand, Tenzo spun beautifully. Then he grabbed Kakashi's shoulder again.
"You did it, sir!" Tenzo said happily.
Kakashi looked at Tenzo, his right hand was still holding Tenzo's waist, and his left hand was still holding Tenzo's right hand, time seemed to stop, and that's when his heart said... I have nothing... if I don't have you...
"Umm...Sir..." said Tenzo
"Huh???" Kakashi realized.
"You can let go of me now..."
"Oh, sorry..."
The two of them were a bit awkward...
Thankfully the awkward atmosphere was then broken up by Grandma Chio.
"Tenzo dear... I'll go home..." said Grandma Chio.
"Oh...alright, granma chio. It's always nice to have you here. Please come back again..."
"I will. And this is for you, dear..." Grandma Chio put a knitted scarf around Tenzo's neck.
"Oh...grandma chio...this is so beautiful...thank you so much..."
"You're welcome, dear. This really suits you. You are so beautiful too..." said Grandma Chio, smiling and touching Tenzo's cheek. She then turned to Kakashi. "I can see that you are a good guy." She said while patting Kakashi's shoulder. "Please take care of Tenzo..." she added while whispering near Kakashi's ear and making Kakashi's face blush again...
"Alright, I'm gonna go home now..." Grandma Chio walked towards the door then turned to face Kakashi and Tenzo and said "I think...the Cupid has released his arrow again in this cafe..." then Grandma Chio opened the door and left the cafe.
Kakashi and Tenzo were silent and the atmosphere became awkward again.
"Umm...I think the kids are waiting for me at home...so...I have to go home too..." said Kakashi while scratching the back of his head.
"Oh...you right sir...they must be...waiting for you..." said Tenzo.
Kakashi paid for his coffee and croisant.
"Umm...thank you so much for the coffee and the croisant...and also...for the dance lesson..." said kakashi.
"You're very welcome, sir. Thanks for your coming to night.."
Kakashi nodded. "Umm...see you..."
Tenzo smiled. Kakashi then turned and walked towards the door.
The next morning, while cleaning the cafe with his aunt, Tenzo's cell phone rang, it was Kakashi.
"Good morning sir.."
"Morning tenzo. Umm...I'm sorry for calling you this morning. Can you help me?"
"Sure. What can I do for you, sir?"
"Umm...I think I will come to the party tonight."
"That's great, sir"
"And that's why I want to know...if you can help me to accompany my kids tonight?"
"Ummm..." Tenzo looked at his aunt. From behind the counter, Tsunade, who was counting money at the cash register, seemed to know what Tenzo meant, then she smiled and nodded. "Alright sir, I will come to your house tonight..." replied Tenzo.
"Great! I'm really sorry for bothering you..."
"No problem, sir."
That evening, Kakashi came downstairs dressed neatly.
"Wow dad...you look so handsome tonight!" Sakura said.
"Just tonight? Don't I usually look handsome?"
Sakura laughed "Of course you always look handsome. But tonight you look a million more..".
Kakashi laughed and rubbed Sakura's head. "Thanks, darling."
"Honestly, I don't like that couple dance party..." said Sakura.
"Because there is no one in your office who is suitable to be your dance partner. I don't like all the female employees in your office. I can see that they have hidden intentions when they see or talk to you. Moreover, that woman with black hair tied into a ponytail above..."
"You mean...Anko?"
"Yes, she is. She looks cunning. You have to be careful with her."
Kakashi laughed. "I will be careful. Thanks for your suggestion, sakura."
Ting tong! The doorbell rang.
"That must be Tenzo..." said Sakura. He immediately rushed to open the door excitedly. "Tenzooo!" Sakura said immediately hugging Tenzo.
"Good evening, Sakura." Tenzo said while hugging Sakura.
"Come in!" Sakura took Tenzo inside.
"Good evening, sir." Tenzo said
"Evening, Tenzo. I'll go now. I'll leave the kids with you."
"You can count on me, sir."
And Kakashi left.
An hour and a half passed.
Tenzo closed Naruto's room, after reading five story books and he fell asleep before the fifth book was finished. It looks like Sakura and Sai have also fallen asleep in their rooms.
Tenzo came downstair. When he was about to sit on the sofa, he heard the sound of Kakashi's car. Tenzo looked at the clock. "He came back so quickly?" he thought.
Kakashi opened the door.
"Welcome home, sir. Umm...I thought you would be home late. Is the party over, sir?:
"Not yet. But my business there are finished. So I'm going home."
"Oh...and how about the couple dance, sir?"
"I didn't dance there.."
"Why, sir?
"Because...How can I dance there...if my dance partner...is here?"
Tenzo looked clueless.
Kakashi took off his jacket and draped it on the sofa. Then he took out his cellphone and played Whitney Houston's song, I have nothing. Then put it on the table. The intro of the song was heard and Kakashi approached Tenzo.
"Shall we dance?" Kakashi said while extending his right hand.
Tenzo was surprised, then smiled, and accepted Kakashi's outstretched hand. And they danced.
Faintly hearing music playing, Sakura woke up, then opened her room door He saw Sai squatting near the stairs looking down.
"Sai? What are you doing?"
Sai motioned to Sakura to lower her voice, then pointed downstairs. Sakura walked over to sai and crouched down next to him, then looked down at the floor. And she was surprised...
"So beautiful..." Sakura said in awe. "Feels like it's been a long time I haven't seen dad so happy like that...". Sai smiled and nodded in agreement.
Kakashi and Tenzo continued dancing. Until when the song ends and Tenzo finishes spinning beautifully...
Right in the lyrics 'I have nothing, nothing, nothing....if I don't have youuu....' Kakashi grabbed Tenzo. His left hand wrapped around Tenzo's waist and his right hand touched tenzo's cheek. He then whispered in Tenzo's ear "I will have nothing, if I don't have you...tenzo..."
Tenzo was surprised to hear Kakashi's whisper. A second later, a warm and comfortable feeling filled his heart. "Me too, sir..." Tenzo answered softly.
Kakashi's eyes meet Tenzo. Their faces inch closer....and closer...until they can feel each other's breath...
"Aww...I can't see anything!!!" Naruto's voice of protest was heard.
"Shut up! Don't make any noise!" Sakura said.
"Sakura, you not only close his eyes, but also his nose...Naruto won't be able to breathe..." Sai said flatly.
Kakashi and Tenzo both looked upstairs...
"Guys???" Kakashi said surprised.
"You haven't slept yet?" Tenzo asked, no less surprised.
Sakura, Sai, and Naruto looked downstairs..
"Umm...sorry dad...we don't want to interrupt you two..." Sakura said cautiously. "I just want to go to the bathroom..." he added.
"No, I'm the one who wants to go to the bathroom..." Sai said flatly.
"No... they obviously didn't go to the bathroom, but were squatting here watching dad and Tenzo... I was the one who wanted to go to the bathroom..." said Naruto.
Tenzo chuckled while Kakashi sighed. "Alright...alright...just go to the bathroom..." said kakashi.
"Umm...sir...I think it's time for me to go home..." said Tenzo reluctantly.
"Oh...right...I am really sorry for making you go home late. I will drive you home..."
"You don't need to, sir. You have to accompany them. I can go home by myself..." said Tenzo smiling.
"Ummm...what if Tenzo stays here tonight?" Sai suggested.
"Agree! Please sleep here tonight, tenzo!" Sakura said excitedly.
"How about we all sleep together?" Naruto suggested.
"We....all?" Kakashi asked.
"Yes!" Sakura, Sai and Naruto answered in unison.
Kakashi turned to Tenzo. Tenzo smiled while nodding. So that night the five of them slept together in Kakashi's room. Naruto slept in the middle between Sai and Sakura. Meanwhile Kakashi was next to Sai and Tenzo was next to Sakura. Thankfully the mattress was big enough to accommodate the five of them who were now fast asleep hugging each other.
If seen from above, the view looks like a family photo.
But, can they really be a family, If someone suddenly appears unexpectedly?
To be continued... :)
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hopistaches · 1 year
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clovernment · 5 months
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