#kalki updates
witheredoffherwitch · 6 months
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It took me a week and a half to finally crack the code on layering a sketch art. Shoutout to my girl @snowprincesa1 for putting up with my annoying self and sending me endless videos and references.
But seriously, I lowkey want to delete all my old art now and redo it again with this technique 🫣
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daily-quiz-join · 3 months
Kalki 2898 AD Advance Booking | प्रभास की फिल्म ने 5 लाख से ज़्यादा टिकट बेचे
‘कल्कि 2898 AD’ पहले से ही बॉक्स ऑफ़िस पर अच्छी कमाई कर रही है। प्रभास अभिनीत इस फ़िल्म की एडवांस बुकिंग रविवार को शुरू हुई और दो दिनों में ही फ़िल्म ने 5 लाख से ज़्यादा टिकट बेच लिए हैं। फ़िल्म की प्री-सेल्स कमाई 16.22 करोड़ रुपये रही। नाग अश्विन द्वारा निर्देशित इस फ़िल्म की नॉवेल्टी वैल्यू काफ़ी अच्छी है और इसका सीधा असर बॉक्स ऑफ़िस पर भी देखने को मिला है। तेलुगु बाज़ार सभी वर्शन में 2.7 लाख…
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thespiritlady-brown-2 · 2 months
Tarot Event : Slot List
˖° On The Way To You Only ˖°
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𐙚˚ Introduction:
Hi people thanks a lot for participating in my newly event! I'm very happy and pleased seeing your immense love and interest .
Update - For participants only .
Slot List - Current event one .
Pinned post - For reference only .
Slot II - Part 2 of the slot .
Till then wait and enjoy !
NOTE : A feedback is really appreciated, you may send here or on my main account via off anon ask or [D.M - I will hide your blog ].
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You all are tagged in 2nd part of the list as one post can only have 50 people tagged in . So , please check the links section of this post/Main pinned post/click on slot 11 to find it .
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vishnavishivaa · 1 year
Pazhuvur Ilaya Raani.”
“Ilaya Piratti.”
The two Moons, the two powers, stood opposite each other, staring at one another calmly and with a smile on their faces, deadly ones. Vanathi watched this silently, thankful to both Sembian Madevi and Kundavai for their influence in her life, teaching her to act as she would if needed, to foil those who were different and alike.
“Is there a reason I am finding you coming to my thozhi’s room?” Kundavai, as protective as ever of Vanathi.
“When one sees themselves in another, one prefers to try to help them, Ilaya Piratti,” Nandini responded, her poise as elegant as her beauty was.
“Sees themselves in another?” Kundavai seemed to clearly understand, and stared back hard. “Is there a comparison?”
“Only broken hearts can heal each other.”
Kundavai’s strength seemed to have sapped, and she sighed.
“If two are of the same mind, then it is only fair to accept that both did their best in the situations they were in, and the hurt caused is something that shames them greatly, though they do not show it.”
Nandini nodded, staring back as impassively as Kundavai was as well. Both seemed to have arrived at a consensus, for they turned at once to Vanathi, who looked at both with wide eyes, wondering what she had inadvertently gotten herself into.
Me casually changing Kalki’s Ponniyin Selvan-
@vibishalakshman posting her AMAZING sneak peek made me want to post this, so here we go.
You all might have to put up with some heavy updates today, just sayin’.
@hollogramhallucination @rang-lo @kovaipaavai @dumdaradumdaradum @thelekhikawrites
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reading update: February
ahoy, gamers! after an uneven start to my reading year in January (high highs, low lows) I've had a pretty consistently excellent February! yes, I'm including Red, White & Royal Blue. it may not have been good, but it was definitely fun. more on that in a minute, but I cannot recommend enough if you, like me, are a rancid hater.
what have I been reading?
Sharks in the Time of Saviors (Kawai Strong Washburn, 2020) - @dykerory came upon this book in a pretty fruitless search for good adult novels that prominently feature sharks, a weird gap in the market that seems to ignore that SOME OF US don't ever stop thinking sharks are fucking sick. (don't talk to me about Jaws. even Peter Benchley regrets Jaws.) while Sharks in the Time of Saviors actually has much less shark action happening than one might hope based on the title, it's very much a case of "came for the shark on the cover, stayed for the phenomenal writing." the novel follows the lives of the three Flores siblings: athletic oldest son Dean, academic little sister Kaui, and middle child Noa, who possesses odd abilities that seem to be a gift straight from Hawaiian gods and just might be the savior his impoverished family needs. spoiler alert: growing up as a demigod in the 21st century is hard, and success is hardly guaranteed. Washburn writes beautifully about the the suffocating realities of struggling to survive poverty, and the ways it can both tie families together and creature fractures that are difficult to heal. apparently this was Barack Obama's top novel of 2020 and I am forced once again to acknowledge that the war criminal has taste.
Blue-Skinned Gods (SJ Sindu, 2021) - okay so this is ALSO a book about a boy being raised to believe he's channeling the divine; I accidentally struck a bit of a two-book theme. Blue-Skinned Gods follows the early life of Kalki, a boy born with blue skin and raised in a isolated Indian ashram by parents who assure him (and their many paying devotees) that he's the final incarnation of Vishnu. from a very young age Kalki is placed on a pedestal and expected to behave as a perfect spiritual leader, and you guys won't believe what happens next -- it turns out that really fucks with a kid. what follows is a coming of age story unlike any other, following Kalki's growth from a self-assured child god to a young man with a lot of questions about exactly how he fits into the world. Sindu's writing is smooth as hell, impossible to put down, and takes Kalki down some thrillingly unexpected twists that complicate every notion of identity and self. 10/10, made me want to go read all of Sindu's other work immediately.
My Solo Exchange Diary Vol. 1 (Nagata Kabi, trans. Jocelyne Allen 2016) - I was not remotely joking last month when I said that My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness was so good that I would be tracking down all of Ngata's other work in short order. her solo exchange diary continues to document a journey of self-growth with none of the usual unbearable fluff that phrase entails, instead highlighting all the discomfort that comes with realizing you can no longer keep living the way you were and finding yourself pissing, shitting, shaking, etc, in the face of learning how to do something different. I really admire the way Nagata's vulnerability is upfront and prevents her from ever sounding like some kind of self-help guru who claims to know everything; her self-discoveries are presented as unexpected gems rather than universal truths, the discoveries of someone as pleasantly surprised by her own progress as all of her readers. there's something immensely comforting in these graphic novels, which I think is the reminder that there's literally no wrong time to start wanting and doing better for yourself.
Me, Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism (Alison Phipps, 2020) - I added this book to my TBR because I noticed that Phipps seemed to be drawing the ire of a lot of TERFs on twitter, which is (in my experience) usually a pretty good indicator that someone is doing something interesting worth checking out. having finally circled around to her book, I can see why Phipps (who seems to have since deleted her twitter account) was making TERFs so angry: Me, Not You doesn't even get to page 10 without plainly stating its thesis statement that trans exclusionary feminism is inseparable from other reactionary conservative ideologies such as racism, colonialism, and misogyny itself. so that's a super promising thesis, but how about the actual content of the text? eeeeh. Phipps drops a lot of the right names -- especially Sara Ahmed, and I can certainly never object to Ahmed -- and she's certainly sincere, but I can't help feeling that many of her arguments come across as a bit shallow and under-supported for the sake of time. if I were assigning this book it would be the first week reading for, like, a semester-long exploration of white feminism, with more substantial reading to follow. not a bad primer on the whole, but lacking if you've, say, already read most of the writers Phipps is influenced by.
Nightbitch (Rachel Yoder, 2021) - this is a book that I have been MEANING to read since it came out in mid-2021, and I have FINALLY gotten around to it. having done it: I would say worth the hype. Nightbitch is an intensely internal meditation about the mundane horrors of motherhood, of isolation and endless repetition, of time and energy lost and creative pursuits stifled seemingly forever. its terror is that of the loss of self and endless stagnation in the face of duty, and how sometimes you get tired of being nice and just want to go apeshit turn into a dog and run howling through the night to kill small animals and take a shit on your republican neighbor's lawn. I don't even have a kid and it sounds good, so you can imagine how delighted I was when (vague spoilers) the book ends with Nightbitch absolutely winning. go, girlboss!
Mongrels (Stephen Graham Jones, 2016) - in another accidental two-book thematic streak, I immediately followed Nightbitch with Stephen Graham Jones' books about the saddest, grossest werewolves ever. Mongrels pulls no punches about the bloody realities of shifting perpetually between forms -- werewolves have to avoid wearing anything that won't tear away when they transform, because it will simply meld with their skin when they change back and kill them slowly; they have to dispose of their trash constantly, or risk eating something that will kill them slowly when they next turn into a hungry wolf; when human women give birth to werewolves they have to be killed quickly or, you guessed it, turn into half-dog monsters and die slowly. but despite the horrors, Jones' werewolves take grim pride in what they are and the solace they find in each other on their endless nomadic quest to avoid discovery and live the best lives they can. it's only February, but I'm absolutely confident saying that this blood-splattered book is going to be one of my favorites of the year.
Book Banning in 21st-Century America (Emily J.M. Knox, 2015) - I was lucky enough to recently see Dr. Knox lecture at the university where I work, and I'd hopped on my local library's website to place this book (her dissertation) on hold before she'd even finished speaking. while the text is a lot dryer than her very charming in-person presence, I think it's extremely important reading for anyone who has a vested interest in, you know, book banning and the prevention thereof. Knox cannily summarizes the attitudes that lead to challenges to the accessibility of various reading materials, offering examples from real challenges and interviews with challengers, creating a comprehensive study of the symbolic power exerted by fighting to remove a book from a library or high school curriculum. I think these kinds of studies are so vital, because understanding the mindset of people to whom you're pretty much completely ideologically opposed can be illuminating in many ways. I was particularly shaken by one grandmother's objections to the book I use when teaching human development to 4th-6th graders, which I consider incredibly tasteful and the grandmother in question considered pornography that was hellbent on destroying the fabric of American society. the more you know!
Red, White & Royal Blue (Casey McQuiston, 2019) - look, I pretty much already said it all here. this is a romance novel for adults who want to read about gay sex without having to see the word "penis" and believe that voting democrat is the best solution the all of America's ills. the plot is nonsense and reading it made me feel insane. I enjoyed almost every second of it because I experienced the correct way, which was reporting its many sins live to my wife, my creative partner @dykerory, and any other hapless passerby I could force to hold still and listen for five seconds. yes I will be watching the movie. no further questions.
sorry this update isn't in bulleted list form like normal, tumblr told me I had too many fucking characters and wouldn't let me post it until I separated them 💀
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indiawoodcini · 4 months
In past, Indian Cinema has gone international for mainly the artistic films made here. But after Bahubali and especially after RRR, its different now. The world have seen some Grand film from India with last Rajamouli's films, now it's opened the expectations for the big films from India in International level. And those kind of also sells all over India without any language barriers. That really helps the producers to put money in their films which will go Pan India, then the Pan Indian films can easily go International if it connects worldwide audiences. And that resulted in making more films in such way as KALKI 2898 AD and RAMAYANA etc. Mainly these 2 films the upcoming Rajamouli film with Mahesh Babu really focusing going Pan World. 
Team KALKI 2898 AD has started showcasing the film's updates in International events and making of the film is that standard with great technicians. The setup of the film is which the worldwide audience can get excited about and Prabhas's Bahubali reach is an added value. Important International VFX companies are working for the film.
Team RAMAYANA hired Hans Zimmer for music work of the film with Great AR Rahman collaboratting with him. And VFX work is done some important international companies. 
And we know that the next Rajamouli film will do no less than these films. 
So, That's what i meant when the tittle said INDIAN MAINSTREAM GOES INTERNATIONAL.
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deadloverscity · 1 year
my history loving sister shitted on film!ps so much I almost cried, Tamil book readers what is history and what is fiction in the book 😭 why is my sister saying Nandini was real😭
Update : after 2 hours she asked why wasnt kundavai made the crown princess of she is the oldest and ended was Kalki himself was confused bro my brain is not braining WHAT IS REAL AND WHAT IS NOT REAL???
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sorenblr · 1 year
Don't know if you guys have been keeping an eye on Dx2 news or not, but how are you with the new demons released for the gacha?
We aren't interested in the game itself, but we're being kept abreast of the latest updates via discord. Other than stinkers like Zeus or Demeter making their way in, it's been cool to see many of the orphaned Kaneko designs from the 32-bit era receive 3D models for the first time. Just the sort of benefit you would expect to reap from a geriatric legacy franchise scraping the floor for assets, but of course it's locked away in the most vile context imaginable (gacha bullshit). Hopefully the meshes can be recycled at some point.
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Kalki is a great pick. Ahriman? Oh yeah, baby. Shaddai, not bad. You could do worse than Kresnik. Rahab? Are you out of your fucking minds? Pretty good.
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cinematicfy · 9 days
Kalki 2898-AD (2024)
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Free Cinema
Watch "Kalki 2898-AD (2024)" Now in HD on Cinematicfy!
Dive into the epic world of Kalki 2898-AD (2024)—a thrilling sci-fi adventure set in a futuristic universe! Now streaming in high-definition on Cinematicfy, your go-to platform for the latest and greatest movies, drama series, and more!
🌟 Why Choose Cinematicfy?
🔹 FREE Access: Watch all the latest movies and shows without any cost! 🔹 Easy to Use: A user-friendly interface for seamless browsing and streaming. 🔹 HD Quality: Experience crystal-clear video quality that brings every scene to life. 🔹 Updated Library: Enjoy a wide range of updated movies, drama series, and classics from year to year!
Don't miss the chance to experience this blockbuster hit in stunning HD. Watch Kalki 2898-AD (2024) on Cinematicfy today and enjoy a world of entertainment like never before! 🍿✨
🌐 Website : Go To Chrome, Search with keyword "cinematicfy"
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rakesh-kumars-posts · 16 days
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The World Leader Has Arrived!
Nostradamus predicted that the Great Chyren, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, would be the Chief of the World. Join the thousands already following his spiritual guidance.
Stay updated! Download our Official App.
#spiritual #spirituality #god #avatar #kalki #bible #revelation
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witheredoffherwitch · 7 months
OMG @starstrucksnowing and @zae5 look what I found 🤭
....and that too in 1080p 😭
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daily-quiz-join · 3 months
Kalki 2898 AD: Amitabh Bachchan से हो गयी बड़ी गलती! महानायक ने Prabhas के फैंस से हाथ जोड़कर मांगी माफी
नाग अश्विन ने कल्कि 2898 AD के लिए बेहतरीन कास्टिंग की है। इस फ़िल्म से कई बड़े नाम जुड़े हैं। प्रभास और दीपिका पादुकोण मुख्य भूमिका में हैं। महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन फ़िल्म में अश्वत्थामा की भूमिका निभा रहे हैं। कमल हासन भी अहम भूमिका में हैं। इतने बेहतरीन कलाकारों के साथ, कल्कि 2898 AD से बहुत ज़्यादा उम्मीदें हैं। यह VFX, एक्शन, रोमांच और बहुत कुछ से भरपूर है। अब, कल्कि क्रॉनिकल्स रिलीज़ हो गई है,…
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danzer91 · 16 days
Kalki Avatar Latest Update: Gods Are Powerless NOW!!!
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bhaktibharat · 1 month
🗡️ कल्कि अवतरण दिवस - Kalki Avtaran Diwas 📲 https://www.bhaktibharat.com/festival/kalki-jayanti
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To Get Daily Updates Follow WhatsApp Channel: 👆 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va8nPzl3WHTVft7nVt2g
🚩 दामोदर अष्टकम - Damodarastakam 📲 https://www.bhaktibharat.com/mantra/damodarastakam
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How to Find the Perfect Lehenga Online: A Shopper's Guide
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In today’s digital age, finding the perfect lehenga online has never been easier. With a myriad of options available at your fingertips, you can explore countless designs, compare prices, and even customize your outfit from the comfort of your home. However, the sheer volume of choices can be overwhelming. Here’s a comprehensive shopper's guide to help you navigate the online world of lehengas and find your dream outfit.
1. Understand Your Requirements
Before diving into the vast sea of online lehenga options, it’s crucial to understand your specific needs. Consider the occasion—whether it’s a wedding, festival, or a special event—this will influence the style, fabric, and color of the lehenga you choose. Additionally, know your body type and personal style preferences to narrow down your choices.
2. Set a Budget
Lehengas come in a wide range of prices, from affordable to high-end designer pieces. Setting a budget beforehand will help you filter out options that are beyond your financial reach and focus on those that fit within your price range. This will save you time and prevent any potential disappointment.
3. Research Reputable Online Stores
Not all online stores are created equal. Research and select reputable websites known for their quality and customer service. Look for stores with high ratings, positive reviews, and clear return policies. Some well-known online platforms for lehengas include:
Amazon India
Utsav Fashion
Aza Fashions
Kalki Fashion
4. Check Size Charts and Measurements
One of the most challenging aspects of online shopping is ensuring a good fit. Carefully check the size charts provided by the online store. Measure yourself accurately and compare your measurements with the size guide. If you’re unsure, it’s always safer to go a size up, as alterations can be made later.
5. Read Product Descriptions Thoroughly
Product descriptions can provide valuable insights into the lehenga’s fabric, embellishments, and care instructions. Pay close attention to these details to ensure the material and design meet your expectations. Look for high-resolution images from multiple angles to get a comprehensive view of the product.
6. Look for Customer Reviews
Customer reviews are a goldmine of information. They offer firsthand experiences from other buyers and can help you gauge the quality, fit, and overall satisfaction with the product. Look for reviews with photos and detailed feedback to make a more informed decision.
7. Consider Customization Options
Many online stores offer customization options, allowing you to tailor the lehenga to your exact specifications. Whether it’s adjusting the blouse design, changing the lehenga length, or altering the color scheme, customization can help you achieve a perfect fit and unique look.
8. Check Return and Exchange Policies
Before making a purchase, familiarize yourself with the store’s return and exchange policies. Ensure they offer hassle-free returns and exchanges in case the lehenga doesn’t meet your expectations. Knowing this beforehand can save you from potential headaches later on.
9. Take Advantage of Sales and Discounts
Online stores frequently offer sales, discounts, and promotional offers. Sign up for newsletters and follow your favorite stores on social media to stay updated on the latest deals. Shopping during festive seasons or end-of-season sales can help you snag a beautiful lehenga at a bargain price.
10. Trust Your Instincts
Finally, trust your instincts. If something feels off about a website or a product, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Your perfect lehenga should make you feel confident and beautiful, so take your time and choose wisely.For More Information Explore the Website
Finding the perfect lehenga online may seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a seamless and enjoyable experience. By understanding your needs, setting a budget, researching reputable stores, and paying attention to details, you can find a lehenga that fits like a dream and looks stunning. Happy shopping!
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astrodevamarticles · 2 months
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Discovering Your Aura
Humans are surrounded by an energy field called an aura, which reflects our physical, emotional, and spiritual state. This concept has intrigued people for centuries. 🤔😲
What is an Aura?
An aura is a luminous energy field that surrounds all living beings. It represents the frequency or vibe that can attract or repel others. Although not visible to everyone, auras are real. It was first observed by Russian technician Simon Kirlian in 1939.
Aura Colors and Their Meanings:
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Each aura color is linked to one of the seven chakras in the body:
Red (Root Chakra): Grounded, passionate, energetic.
Orange (Sacral Chakra): Creative, enthusiastic, social.
Yellow (Solar Plexus): Optimistic, confident, communicative.
Green (Heart Chakra): Healing, balanced, nurturing.
Blue (Throat Chakra): Calm, peaceful, intuitive.
Indigo (Third Eye Chakra): Wise, insightful, mystical.
Violet (Crown Chakra): Spiritual, visionary, compassionate.
Training in Aura Scanning:
Achary Kalki Krishnan Ji from AstroDevam offers specialized training to enhance your aura scanning skills. This training awakens your Kundalini energy and synchronizes it with aura scanner for accurate results.
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🔥 Seats are limited, so act fast!
👉 REGISTER FOR FREE - https://bit.ly/Free-Aura-Scanning-Training
🗓️ Date: Aug 4th, 2024 (Sunday) 🕰️ Time: 11 AM-12 PM (IST) 📍 Venue: Zoom Class 🌐 Language: English
Stay Updated: Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for more posts.
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