#kamilah sayeed fanfics
violentinecrl · 8 months
Hello, may I reveal myself before Halloween 🎃 as your secret Trick-or-Treat partner for this @choicesfandomappreciation event 2023? It is I, and I came here to drop you your treat. I really hope you like it. I'm not a great artist like you.
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Leonore got slightly up on her tiptoes and threw her arms around Kamilah's neck. Her lips easily found hers in a crashing kiss. Kamilah growled against her and she pulled away breathless.
"What's the matter, my Queen?"
"Nothing, dear. How about we continue this in our bedroom and not here in the kitchen?", she raised an eyebrow while preparing breakfeast for Leonore and herself.
"Hmmm, maybe later. I'm hungry."
"But I want now.", Kamilah ordered, lifted her up and Leonore wrapped her legs around her waist. Kamilah nibbled on her lower lip.
After an intiminate and hot moment between them, they broke apart, taking their seats in the dining room for breakfeast. Kamilah impressed Leonore by serving yummy, heatshaped pancakes with Canadian maple syrup. Each bite of it felt like heaven.
"Mmmmh, I love you."
"Are you talking to me or to your food, Leo?"
"Definitly to you, darling. You made these tasty pancakes for me. I love you."
"Love you too", she answered and planted a sweet kiss on her nose.
"Oh hey, you think you could shape the pancakes like a pumpkin?", she asked which confused Kamilah.
"Why, dear?"
"Don't know what's coming up soon? Did you forgot? It's Halloween time!!! And we still have to decide which costumes to wear."
"Hmm... I'm not much into Halloween and dressing up, but for you I could. Have you thought about anything already, sweety? A theme or anything.", Kamilah raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, I did. My vampire queen.", Leonore smirked, opened her mouth and then two fangs appeared while her eyes turned into a red color.
"We'll go as vampires, Leo? Hmm, why not? I like that idea. Can't be that hard.", she winked.
"Oh no, we won't go as ordinary vampires. We'll go as a hot vampire couple, my Queen.", Leonore corrected her and planted a quick kiss on Kamilah her cheek.
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Kamilah Sayeed
You can tag all your Kamilah stans friends if you'd like. I don't know many
AHHHHH omg the fact that you were just here and now you tell me you're my trick or treat partner!!! This is the sweetest thing ever 🥺 And you even picked two of my options!! 😭😭 i loved all of it!! And Leo???? That's adorable 😍 I loved how you got a nickname for my mc!! THE MOODBOARD!! Gorgeous! I have a playlist on Spotify for kamilah and mc and the cover is literally the last picture you used, the neck and claws!!
This couldn't have been any better! It's so adorable, YOU are adorable!! Thank you for this and for the previous message! I am really lucky to have gotten you as my partner!
I hope you have the best Halloween 🧡🖤
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rhonda-sayeed-2-0 · 10 months
(Poor Amy)
Part 1
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Girls Night Out
Pairing ~ Kamilah Sayeed X MC
• Book ~ Bloodbound
• Words ~ 691
• Ratings ~ T
• Warnings ~ None
• A/N ~ This is a special fanfic for the event "You Go Girls" hosted by @choicesficwriterscreations
By @aesthetic-aag
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animedublove · 4 months
To Celebrate #ChoicesFanworksDay as well as International FanWorks Day I want start by list my top 10 favourite choices:
1) Shreya Mistry
2) Annelyse Adair
3) Kamilah Sayeed
4) Katrina Harrington
5) Eris Huang
6) Sei Rhuka
7) Sloane Washington
8) Zoey Wade
9) Sadie McGraw
10) Admiral Deimos
Before I close of this post I want to thank @choicesfandomappreciation and everyone into the choices fandom and the fandom space as a whole. I joined A03 in late 2020 with my first posted work ever being a fanfic for the The Elementalists and since then I've been witness to so much creativity it blows my mind. Alright rant over happy Choices FanWorks Day and to another 10 years.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 2 years
🛒 ⛔ ❌
Hi, Lily! ❤️ I hope you're doing well.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I use omniscient narrative a lot because I like adding characters' body language, thoughts and feelings and some scene descriptions. My fics come to me as if there were sneak peeks of a movie and I do my best to connect those little scenes together and put into words so the reader can visualize the story as well.
I also like adding details about characters that they're not mine as I write. It's nothing that will alter their essence and make them ooc. Just a few quirks, traits and little memories to make them more realistic to me. E.g. giving Prince Hamid allergy to seafood and Rafael Aveiro had long hair until he was five.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Oh, I have tons of those 😌
I had a Treasure Hunters AU fic for Kamilah Sayeed x MC that I didn't write because I realized I know very little about Kamilah and nothing about treasure hunts. My only reference was White Collar (a series that I love in which the main character goes on many "treasure hunts", so to speak 😁). I even tried watching Indiana Jones to see if I could get some inspiration, but there are too many scenes with snakes in the movie and I have ophidiophobia... So I closed the Netflix tab and said "yeah, not gonna happen..." 😅
I planned Professional Rivals AU for Miss Parsons x F!OC. Annabelle would be a professional actress and dancer making an audition for the main character of a play and Veronica (F!OC) would audition for the same part, but one of the producers of the play would suggest Veronica to play as the love interest. Lots of wlw cute scenes, some drama (because why not). But I had creative block back then and stopped writing. When I decided to continue that story, it was gone. I had to hard reset my phone a few times last year and I thought I had saved all my wips in one of my cloud storage accounts. I think I deleted it by accident while removing old outlines and first drafts. I kinda want to try again, but I don't know where to start... 🙁
There was a part of the fandom that was crazy about Niles Edison and an anon asked me to write a Niles Edison x MC for 2019 Kinktober. I wasn't crazy about him. Most of the time, I barely remembered he was there. (There's Fabien, Tillie, Rye and Eris in THM! No offense to who likes Niles, why would I care about some random white old dude?). But I was trying to be the "yay! send me fic requests, people!" kind of writer and said yes. That was my biggest mistake as fanfic writer, btw. With time, I realized I was getting overwhelmed trying to answer requests for ships I didn't like in hopes people would read my stories and they still didn't. So I hit the "fuck this shit" button and decided to write just what I know I will have fun writing and reading.
During that same year I was trying to be a people pleaser, I got tons of requests of certain person who kept sending me N*FW sentences prompts that I often found OOC for the characters involved. But since this person is no longer part of Choices fandom, I deleted the outlines I did for those requests and live my life blissfully knowing that person won't pester me with a new request 😁
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
ABO. I tried, but every time something about mating, heat cycles and bestiality came up, it became hard for me to read 😣
The only stories involving werewolves that I liked were Blood Moon IF and Lust Under The Moon (Moments). I didn't read Blood Moon enough to understand its universe (I started reading it in the very beginning. I think it only had four chapters and I read one), but in LUTM mating was a choice, not some Twilight imprinting thing.
Thanks for the ask, dear!
Have a wonderful weekend 😘
[ask me stuff about my writing, people]
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gaegalsyd · 3 years
See Through Me
Pairing: KamilahxMC
Summary: basically it's chaotic Lily, with lovesick Kamilah, then clueless Amy
Note: Set between BB1 and BB2.... and I did say that I would write after I'm settled with my classes but this was in my drafts so I just finished it. (just another way of saying I'm still not settle with my classes)
It has been a few weeks after the events with Vega in the cabin of Adrian upstate, despite that, Kamilah is still feeling some darkness waiting to emerge and cause havoc to the peace that they have. Kamilah is in her private elevator towards her office in Ahmanet financial to check some files before meeting with Lily to continue with their training. Lily may have moved in the shadow den and is also training with the vampires there, but the two of them continued their training in the studio in the office building of Kamilah. She may have grown a little fond of the fool but of course there are no hesitance in making sure that Lily becomes a strong vampire and she have made it her responsibility to look over her protégé.
And when she came out of the elevator, she sensed someone in her office, and the fact that it’s already late at night and all of her assistants and employees have already left the building she immediately withdrew her daggers to kill anyone whoever came into her office. Being as old as she is, she learned long ago that she should be ready with anything that can happen, which means she never go anywhere without her deadly jeweled dagger. When she got closer to the door with her fighting stance, she realized that it’s a vampire who is in her office but after hearing some weird noises-which is apparently a laugh- she knew that it’s Lily.
“What the hell are you doing in my office when you are supposed to be in the training studio?” she questioned with her daggers still on her hands.
Lily simply snorted without removing her eyes on her computer “Dude, the security of your computer is so shitty that a baby can get in here any moment.”
The older vampire knew that there’s no point talking to Lily when she’s transfixed in a computer. So, she just kept her blades and crossed her arms. “I assume you already modified some of the security settings” she said in an unimpressed tone.
“you’re welcome” after she finally looked at her and then the fool stood up and gave her a dramatic bow. But Lily immediately realized that she is not happy.
It’s not that she is not grateful with what Lily did but she is still in the process of trusting other people than Adrian. And after thousands of years of experiencing betrayal from different people, it’s just hard for her to just open up. Yes, she has gotten closer and got herself to trust the mortal best friend of Lily, Amy but that’s different for her. And she now considers Lily and Jax her friends though she would not say that out loud, that does not excuse what Lily did going through her computer.
“shit shit, I’m sorry Kamilah” Lily pleaded her “I swear I came here early and you were not in your office and when I sat in your chair, I saw the software and I…” the younger slumped and must have really felt sorry for her actions.
The older vampire just sighed and started walking to the door but before she opened it, she looked back to Lily “I’m expecting you to be in the studio in 5 minutes” she said with a devilish smirk on her face.
“damn, I’m getting my ass kicked so bad”
Once both of them are in their training outfit, they did separate warmups before having a hand to hand combat. Kamilah is not the kind of teacher that the students will love, instead she is strict but patient when it comes to training her proteges.
“You know, I’m actually torn if you should be master Shifu or Tigress” Lily said before they have their fighting stance. “I asked my gal Amy about that earlier and she said you’re definitely Tigress” Lily continued.
Kamilah did not know and did not care in whatever Lily was talking about but when she heard the name of her mortal, her interest has been piqued, however it was covered by her stoic façade. “I don’t know what that is, and your right leg is positioned wrong”
Lily did not respond or make any more comments throughout the training. And Kamilah felt a relief without those silly comments that the young vampire always has, perhaps she still feels guilty about what happened in her office. At the end of their training, Lily was lying on the floor with her arms and legs spread out and her eyes wide open.
“What the hell happened to you?” Kamilah asked but in her mind, she thought that younger vampires are so bloody dramatic. “you kicked me to a wall so many times I lost track, and I can’t even complain because this is like your revenge” Lily replied while trying to sit “and my girl is right you definitely are Tigress” she added. Kamilah would not have cared why she is being told to be like a female tiger though she remembered that Lily mentioned something about her mortal saying she is a tigress, she cannot bring herself to ask Lily about the thoughts of Amy.
To say that she wishes to know the thoughts of the mortal is an understatement, there are many questions in her mind about Amy. Does she think of the old vampire as often as she thinks of her? does she also feel like the world around them vanishes when it’s just the two of them in a room? does she know that the thought of her brings Kamilah to peace and comfort?
“Will you kill me if I ask if we can take a selfie together?” Lily asked while gathering her things.
“A what?” Kamilah knows that languages are dynamic but this woman with her is a chaotic dumbass that sometimes she wonders if she is just making up words.
“A picture together, Imma send it to Amy later” Lily said nonchalantly while taking out her phone.
She just huffed and nodded but if it was somebody else that asked her, she would’ve stabbed them already. She simply isn’t interested in taking pictures but the back of her mind tells her that she’s doing it because she wishes that her Amy would see her even in just a picture. Kamilah may not admit it but she knows that after a few weeks of knowing and spending time with Amy, she’s already acting like a lovesick fool as if her day will not be complete without the girl being a part of it. Even as small as hearing her name, seeing her across the conference table, smelling her scent, and feeling her presence is enough to make lighten up her mood.
Lily moved closer to her and took the goddamn picture. “alright and sent!” Lily said in a very enthusiastic way. “Why are you so energetic” Kamilah sighed and she really did not know how Lily gets this energy. “I think I am energetic too especially for someone who got her ass kicked a lot of times” the young vampire murmured while preparing to go out of the building “Adios Sayeed! Fuck you very much for the body pain” Lily as she walked away and the fool had the audacity to raise her middle finger at her and then running away like a scared child after she glared at her.
She made her way to her private suite within the building to freshen up as she plans to visit her mortal. Even though she is certain that Amy is not yet sleeping- she may have memorized the schedule of the girl- she sent her a message, to inform the young woman of her visit.
“The company is very welcome” Amy replied with an “emoji” that she still refuses to use and a series of hearts.
On the way to the young mortal’s apartment, the mind of the vampire was just around how she misses her and how she wants to hold her forever. Love, crossed her mind many times whenever these kinds of thoughts invade her mind and infect her heart. And her mind says that she is not yet ready for such attachments, but her heart says otherwise, the stupid thing on her chest just knows that Amy is the one that she has been unconsciously looking for. Like being blind for two thousand years and finally seeing such beautiful colors for the first time, all this time she was blindly looking for something and when her heart found it, her too smart brain just won’t allow it.
And when she reached and entered the apartment, warmth filled her body and her eyes felt moist as if tears are ready to come down her face, that will go through her lips as it formed an endearing smile reserved for the woman smiling back at her. Amy stood up to welcome her with a light embrace and she knew, she’s home, and that her mind has surrendered to her heart completely and irrevocably.
“Sorry for the late visit” she said sheepishly while sitting down in the living room which was quickly responded by Amy with a smile “I did say that the company is welcome” that eased her, something about this woman just comforts her. “How’s training with Lil?” the girl asked while taking her right arm to loop it around her body. She recalled and told her the events that happened a few hours ago that made the girl in her arms giggle.
“She did send me the selfie” Amy said.
So, it really was a word and not a thing that Lily just randomly came up with she thought “I’m certain I don’t need to ask to know if I look presentable in the picture” She said too confidently when the truth is, she just wants to hear the girl say something about her. Apparently falling in love is making her greedy of attention.
“Why does that sound like you just want me to say that you are absolutely gorgeous especially when it’s after being a badass” the young girl said while laughing which made the older woman raise her brows, then she added “but kidding aside, you always look amazing”
Kamilah hid the giddiness she felt on her body by kissing the crown of the younger woman’s head “I suppose that’s just how it is” which made Amy laugh again who stood up and took her hand then lead her to the room “You need sleep, you’re getting way ahead of yourself” and now it’s the vampire’s turn to laugh but she just followed her to the room where they settled. This was not the first time that she will be sleeping over so she already knew which clothes she can borrow and which side she would sleep in. Moments like this are treasured for Kamilah because they are able to build a foundation for their relationship, or whatever this is, with connection and not just sex. She loves the part where they act on their desires and lusts, but the nights where they just lay in bed and talk are something she really adore. To understand and be understood is something her soul has been longing for.
And as they lay together, holding each other close, she thought of all the times where she fell in love to someone, and how it was all nothing compared to what she is feeling for the woman beside her. “Thank you” Kamilah whispered randomly, which Amy still responded sleepily to “you’re welcome to stay here any time”
Little did the mortal know that she is so grateful for her bringing light to the ancient vampire’s life, for looking at her and not seeing a monster, for letting her experience all the best feelings she never thought she would feel, and for making her try to be a person worthy of her love.
It has only been weeks, and she is already in too deep.
Only been weeks, and she already swear to protect Amy with her life.
She’s been existing for two thousand years, but it has only been weeks since she has truly lived.
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drmmyrs · 3 years
ok so i had this idea.. after kamilah and amy being married for quite a time they grow a bit distant and one day kamilah finds amy in a bar serenading someone or flirting - the thing is she’s cheating- however kamilah doesn’t leash out -at first at least- but get that amy is very young compared to her, and while kamilah had many partners, amy didn’t. so they talk about “having an open marriage”. however, they agree to not discuss any info about their affairs, until someday amy walks into a bar and finds kamilah with aiko (it’s a business thing but amy doesn’t know that). anyhow, after getting into a fight, where kamilah enjoys teasing Amy cuz that was her idea and letting her think that yes she was with aiko, Amy then realises that maaaybe an open marriage wasn’t a good idea after all
Sorry for the delay anon, kinda had a block the past few days 😕 Hope you like it! 💕
Shoutout to @samanthadalton​ for the title 🧡
tag list: @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @uselesslesbianfr @baexpoppy @alexroyard @alexlabhont @veenast @noixngn @sillyandcutewizardstuffs @noah6m55-blog @itszdavenport (If you wanna be added or removed or just prefer a certain ship just let me know ❤️)
Another Woman (Kamilah x MC)
Amy and Kamilah had been married for nearly 40 years, and life couldn't have been more perfect–or at least that's what Amy kept repeating to herself. She looked at her wife, happily tending her garden, a smile of pure contentment on her lips. Ever since Rheya had been defeated, there were no longer any major threats that terrorized both vampires and humans alike on a global scale. Sure, some fanatics would try and mobilize against the other kind, but it was never threatening enough that Amy and her friends had to intervene. There was no impending death. No running. No fighting. They were safe. She should be happy. Then why wasn't she?
Ever since Adrian became the Chairman of the Vampire-Human Relations Committee, he barely had time for his company, which was why he had left Amy in charge of most business dealings. Amy quickly jumped at the chance, of course. Even when she was human, it had always been her dream to lead a company, especially a multi-billion dollar company like Raines Corp. What Amy didn't foresee, however, was how quickly she would lose her passion for it. She knew that if she quit her job, Adrian really wouldn't mind. But then what? It wasn't like there was another profession she was passionate about. And most importantly, Kamilah was already happy, content with the way things were. And Amy could never take that away from her.
One night, when Amy felt more downcast than usual, she decided to go to a bar for a drink or two, just enough to get a buzz after a crummy day. She was in the middle of her first drink when she was pulled out of her thoughts by the sight of the bartender placing a new drink on the counter in front of her.
"For you, Miss."
"But I didn't–" Amy started, but the bartender had already walked away.
She looked around until she met the gaze of a gorgeous young woman sitting a few seats beside her. The woman raised her drink and smiled at her.
"You look like you needed a stronger drink."
Amy blushed when she realized that she was staring. "Oh, uh, thanks."
The woman stood up and sat beside her, outreaching her hand. "Josie, by the way."
Amy shook her hand. "Amy."
The night went on with the two of them chatting and drinking. And before she knew it, Amy had forgotten all about her day, her sorrows, and the woman she was supposed to come home to.
At home, Amy could barely look at her wife in the eyes, the shame of her affair eating at her heart. It wasn't enough, however, for her to stop as the exhilaration of her newfound intimacy overpowered any existing guilt.
One night, Amy was at a booth in a bar with Josie, cuddling with her, when suddenly, the hair at the back of her neck stood up. She felt a familiar presence–her scent, the beating of her heart, it was all remarkably distinct from any other. Amy swept her eye around the bar and immediately saw her. Kamilah was looking at them, her gaze shifting from Amy's eye to her hand, which was on Josie's thigh. Amy quickly excused herself and strode to follow Kamilah, who was now walking towards a quieter part of the bar.
"I'm sorry." Amy didn't bother lying.
Amy fully expected Kamilah to be mad–who wouldn't be after catching her wife cheat on her. But Kamilah just stood there silent, no emotions betraying her.
"You're not mad," Amy stated as a fact.
"No." Kamilah gave Amy a tight smile. "I've been with countless partners, Amy, and denying you of that same experience would be... hypocritical on my part."
Amy just stood there silently for a while, not knowing what to say. She then took a deep breath and decided to break the silence. "An open relationship. We could have one of those." The idea left a bitter taste on her tongue, but it was the only thing she could think of that would be fair to both of them.
Kamilah nodded. "I suppose there are rules?"
Amy chewed on her bottom lip, thinking. "No feelings, just sex."
"All right. I also suggest that we don't discuss the details about our affairs."
"That's fair." Amy narrowed her eyes. "Kamilah, are you sure you're okay with this?
Kamilah smiled and placed a kiss on Amy's forehead. "Anything for you, my Dear," she whispered.
It wasn't an answer. In fact, it was a love declaration as it always was with Kamilah. And it didn't do anything to quell the guilt that Amy felt.
Amy sat at the edge of the rooftop of Raines Corps–something she usually did when she wanted to be alone with her thoughts–and watched as a group of young vampires jump from roof to roof. A smile escaped from her lips, remembering a similar memory from the past with her friends. Suddenly, her eye caught a familiar figure getting out of a car below, followed by another figure. Amy's anger and jealousy instantly spiked as she watched Kamilah and Aiko make way to a bar, her mind racing with all the possibilities. The devil then took over her body as she raced towards them, her eyes glowing red and her fangs exposed. When she reached the bar, Kamilah and Aiko were on their way to a booth, and before anyone had a chance to react, Amy dashed to Kamilah, grabbed her hand, and led her outside to a nearby alley.
Kamilah's eyes were wide, shocked by Amy's outburst. "Amy, what–"
"Aiko?! Really? Of all people?"
Kamilah stared at Amy, looking genuinely confused. "What's wrong with Aiko?"
"What do you mean what's–" Amy rubbed her temples. "Well, for starters, she's only madly in love with you, and you have all this history–
All of a sudden, Kamilah started laughing.
"–are you seriously laughing right now?!"
"Sorry. You're just too cute when you're jealous."
"It's not funny!"
Kamilah raised her eyebrow. "If I remember correctly, you're the one who suggested an open relationship."
"But we had a rule! No feelings remember?!"
"I don't have any feelings for Aiko."
"But she obviously has feelings for you!"
"And how can I be sure that the girls you're seeing doesn't have feelings for you?"
"I..." Amy didn't know how to answer that, so instead, she let her head hang down. "I don't know," she murmured.
A few seconds later, she felt Kamilah wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a hug.
Amy melted into the hug as hot tears prickled her eyes. "I don't want this anymore, Kamilah. Let's go back to the way things were. Just you and me."
When Amy pulled away, Kamilah's eyes were filled with desire, with hunger. And when their lips touched, it arose something between them. The passion that was once lost was flowing in waves–each touch, each moan, each sensation filling every inch of their bodies until the world dissolved around them; it was just her and Kamilah at that moment. Kamilah pushed Amy roughly against the wall, her fangs digging into Amy's lower lip until she tasted blood, earning a deep moan from her. In response, Amy slipped her hands inside Kamilah's shirt, digging her nails against her back until they bruised–the pain intensifying all other sensations until it became too much for both of them.
"Wow, that was..." Amy said between breaths when they pulled apart.
When they recovered, Kamilah looked at Amy intently and then said something so unexpected that Amy wasn't sure if she heard it right.
"When we get home, let's start packing our bags."
Amy blinked in confusion. "W–what? Where are we going?"
"Somewhere. Everywhere." Kamilah's brown eyes glowed with eagerness replacing the calm glint that Amy had been accustomed to for the past decades. "There are still so many places I want you to see, experiences I want you to have." Kamilah's voice then grew softer, almost shy. "After all the running around, building a home with someone I love, it was like a dream that I never thought could ever be fulfilled, even in an eternity. So when I had that with you, I became comfortable, too comfortable, that I deprived you of the worldly pleasures that you could have enjoyed. And I'm sorry for that."
"You didn't do–"
"No, let me finish." Kamilah took Amy's hand in hers. "You're my home, Amy. No matter where we are, that dream had already come true." Kamilah raised Amy's hand to her lips and kissed her knuckle. "So... what do you say?" Kamilah was smiling hopefully at Amy, the corner of her eyes crinkling in adoration.
Amy nodded enthusiastically, beaming, and pulled her wife into a bone-crushing hug. "Yes! I'd love to."
Kamilah buried her face against Amy's hair and hummed in appreciation. "You deserve the world, my Queen. And I intend to give it to you."
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I drafted something up because I finally got a little inspo n needed a refresher before resuming my actual works/series. 
“Hey Kami, how was your day?” I gently wrapped my arms around my lover as she closed the apartment door. I could feel her heartbeat quicken, I could sense something was wrong but I didn’t understand what could be wrong. “Did something happen at work?”
I felt her body tense in my arms before she shifted away from me and brushed her suit jacket off. I dropped my arms to my side and furrowed my brows in disappointment and concern. 
“No, everything is just fine darling, I’m just tired.” I got the feeling in my chest where I didn’t quite believe her, and when my eyes met hers, I knew I was right. I made my way over to the couch and I gestured for her to seat herself beside me, which she did.
“Kami...something’s wrong...talk to me...I can’t help you or fix anything if I don’t know the problem…” I pleaded softly with her, I wasn’t fond of arguing or burying my nose into her business - why would I - relationships are built on trust, but it would be a cold day in hell before Kamilah Sayeed would ask for help. 
“I’m just...overwhelmed. It’s nothing you should stress over dear, I have a handle on it.” She cupped my face with her hand, her thumb softly tracing the edges of my lips as my body began to respond. 
“Alright...well...I mean...just don’t work yourself too hard...I was going to ask if you wanted to join me and Lily for a night out but I assume you’re too tired?” 
“Yes, I’m sorry, maybe another time.”
“Sure, I’ll see you later?” 
“Of course.” 
As the apartment door clicked shut I felt my face grow hot and my eyes began to water. Something felt wrong, something was wrong - or was it? Was I just overthinking the whole situation with my inner thoughts? Or do I really have a reason to be worried? As I walked back to my apartment I thought it all through, I told myself over and over again that it was only my insecurity and that there was nothing to worry about. 
“I’m just being paranoid…” I mumbled as I unlocked the apartment, my hands shaking from the nervousness I had caused myself while thinking of all the possible problems that plagued my heart and mind. 
“Hey bestie, I’m surprised you’re back, I thought you were staying with Kamilah tonight?”
“No, she’s too tired and I promised you we’d go out tonight.”
“Oh se we’re going? Fantastic because I just bought this new outfit!” My body language must have given me away because as soon as Lily turned to me, her entire mood shifted.
“You look exhausted and not the ‘I just got railed for the past eight hours’ exhausted. What happened? We can stay in tonight if you want to?”
“No no, I’d like to go out tonight. Come on, let’s go get ready - it’s only 7 pm.”
As I stood in the mirror I admired myself, maybe it was that my parents never dressed me in properly fitting clothes, or maybe it was that I just didn’t like the style, but I looked damn good in this outfit and I was going to be proud of it. 
“Come on girlie! We’re gonna get stuck in line if we don’t hurry!” 
I popped out of my room, and Lily and I made our way out of the apartment and hailed a cab to our favorite NYC club. 
“It’s not too late to want to stay in if you’re not up for this.” Lily nudged me softly, encouraging me to be honest with myself.
“I want to go out, ruminating over it will just make it worse because I tend to overthink things that are simple and don’t need to be overthought.”
“At least you’re self aware, but I want to be supportive of you taking care of you.” 
“You’ve always had my back Lil, I’m grateful for that.”
“Hey, you’ve seen me drunk, wasted, high, depressed, angry and all sorts of fucked up and you helped me - I’m returning the favor.”
“We’ll call it even.” 
As we pulled up around the club, I spotted a figure going inside - she almost resembled Kamilah. 
“Is that Kamilah?” I asked as Lily saw her too, she glanced at her for a minute before shaking her head.
“Bestie, you ought to get your eyes checked, did you smoke today or something? I mean she looks similar to Kamilah but not every tall, slender brunette is Kamilah. Come on, let’s get you a drink before you start getting me confused.”
I sighed and followed her inside - hoping I wasn’t just being paranoid. 
“So I said ‘shut the fuck up before I punt you’ and then I left.” The bartender laughed as Lily continued to slowly charm her. I leaned my back against the bar, and checked the time, 8:45 pm as the alcohol started to kick in as my footing became less stable. I scoped out the dance floor - and I thought I saw Kamilah - until she turned around to look nothing like her. 
“Damn, I guess paranoia really does something to me…” I mumbled before knocking the shot down my throat. I turned around and looked for Lily but I couldn’t find her, and I must’ve had too many drinks because Kamilah was everywhere? And nowhere? Fuck it, I needed to talk to her, to either help her or ease my anxiety and insecurity. I glanced at my phone, 11:53 pm. Jesus, and I thought I only had...oh...I should go home…
I don’t remember how I ended up at Kamilah’s apartment - but here I was - drunkenly swaying back and forth outside the door as I fiddled with the key. It finally clicked open and it was dark but it smelled really good inside - like honey clementine. 
“Weird, it usually smells like lavender.” I giggled softly as I stumbled to Kamilah’s room. I leaned my head against the door, attempting to regain my lost balance and that’s when I heard it - when I heard her. I thought it was just my drunken state that made me hear strange things but I had never gone from drunk to sober so quickly as I heard it again. Someone was in there with Kamilah. Someone was in there having sex with Kamilah - and from the sounds of it - it was really good sex. 
I felt the tears building in my eyes, but I felt a burning anger building too - and for once - I let the anger out first. 
“What the fuck is going on.” I opened the door and switched the lights on with surprising accuracy considering I didn’t remember how many drinks I had. I crossed my arms and leaned against the doorframe as the scene unfolded like any cliche cheating movie scene. 
“Who are you?” 
I met the woman’s eyes and instead of wanting to beat her lifeless, I found her expression to be as equally confused as my own. 
“Nobody important. That’s never been fucking clearer. Kamilah don’t just sit there, you lying sack of shit - say something? Do you have anything to say at all?”
My heart wasn’t ready, it wasn’t ready for the dead, piercing silence that followed. The wave of cold soberness that overcame the warm fuzzy feeling as I realized the silence was the answer to my questions. I gave one last look at Kamilah - allowed my heart to indulge its fantasies once more before I closed the door and didn’t look back.
2 days later
“Hey...hey come on you’ve gotta open up...I know the wound is still fresh but you haven’t left your room in 2 days...at least come eat something...I ordered all your favorites...literally every one of your favorite dishes from your favorite restaurants. Please don’t let them go cold…” I could hear it in her voice how much this hurt for Lily to watch - I didn’t want to imagine how she felt. Here she is trying her absolute best to cheer me up and keep me going and I’m laying in bed - totally unresponsive.
“...no? Not hungry…? I’ll stick it in the fridge for you...I...please just take care of yourself...you’ve always been there for me and...I care about you so please...just...if you need anything - anything at all just let me know…”
I faintly heard her footsteps grow quieter as I dragged myself out of bed, my head was spinning and I felt like I was going to faint.I opened the door and nearly stumbled over nothing trying to make it stop. Lily made her way over to me, her mouth was moving but I didn’t register a single thing coming out, I just shook my head and let the tears fall. Something must’ve happened because she seated me on the couch and opened the door, and started yelling. I had to investigate and when I saw who stood on the other side - all my senses came back to me.
“I’m...I’m sorry...I…” Kamilah stuttered, I wondered if it was from seeing my disgusting and sorry state, or if it was from Lily’s screaming or just for the fact she had actually broken my heart.
“There’s nothing left to be said. If you had anything important to say to me - you should’ve said it two nights ago - not now. Do you know how you hurt me? Do you know what the past two days have felt like for me? I’m betting you don’t.” I held my tears back, I had to - I couldn’t give her the satisfaction of knowing it still hurts even though it was pretty obvious it still very much hurt.
“You know what? I’ll save you the speech, go home. I don’t want to see you.” I turned away from her and pulled Lily inside as I shut the door. 
“I’m proud of you…” Lily hugged me as my body went cold. 
My heart is broken, but I’ll piece it back together slowly but surely until it is even more beautiful than before. 
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TW: Suicidal ideation, death
Every night it was the same dream. Darkness, and shadows, and her. Death never seemed so appealing as when He stood by her side. Then, she could make Hell itself enviable. Hell -
It had been days. How many, Amy couldn't say. But it didn't matter, really. Even a second in a world where she didn't exist was far too long.
The group came, and went, in their own time. They'd separated the hours between them, afraid to leave her alone. She'd told them it wasn't necessary, that she wouldn't do anything. But even then she hadn't the energy to lie convincingly.
No, truth be told, she'd join her in a heartbeat.
Death was cloaked, face hidden, as always. Her fingers entwined with his black gloved hand, her features darker, more striking. Her eyes were almost black, a far cry from the liquid gold that had watched Amy with desire. Amy tried to move towards her, but she was paralyzed. Unable to move, unable to speak - but it didn't stop the tears that streamed down her face.
The loop continued, just as it had every night since. Amy watched helplessly as the black robe stepped forward, Kamilah mirroring His movements like a marionette.
"This isn't right", thought Amy. "This isn't her."
Kamilah faltered, then, an interruption to the perfectly choreographed dream sequence. Something...new? Her eyes met Amy's, and for just a moment she saw her there. Her Kami.
But quickly as it happened, the black eyes returned and she dropped her gaze to the floor. Amy shifted her focus to Death, whose back was irregularly stiff. It seemed like hours that they stood there, no movement, no noise, just the fabric of the dream folding in on itself. Until...
Slowly, the black robe turned, bringing himself to face Amy. She stood, frozen in place, as He approached. He was only a few feet away when his black gloved hands reached up, pulling back the hood of his cloak.
There, where the face of the fourth horseman Himself should be, were two familiar bronze eyes.
"No," Amy thought, rage and panic dwelling inside her. The face before her grinned like the cheshire cat. He slowly raised his hand, stroking Amy's cheek.
"I've finally got my Queen," he said in a hoarse voice.
"No!!" Amy shrieked, jolting upright. "No, no, no!"
Lily crossed the room in two steps, enveloping Amy in her arms. "It's okay, Ames," she cooed. "It was just a dream."
Amy's eyes settled on the other side of the bed, cold and empty.
"No," she replied. "It's not."
Idk if any of these folks still care to read, but -
Tag list: @h-doodles @scarlet-letter-a0114 @wildsayeed @lightning-fury  @blogsupitssam   @la-guera-69  @iam-the-fuckin-queen @sheyah @lifesadance96 @theoblivionforest @sayeedbound  @kamilahismyqueen @vonda-b-real @freespiritdani
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believeinvillaneve · 3 years
3 A.M (Kamilah x mc)
“How it’s like when a vampire gets jealous…”
This is my first time writing fiction in English so if there are any grammar or spelling error, please let me know so I can fix it ☺️ thank you so much !!!!
“Amy, don’t suddenly fall asleep while you are changing your costume or I will tell Kamilah that you don’t want to—“
Lily held herself back as she dramatically fanned herself when Amy appeared seductively in a black latex Catwoman costume.
“How do I look ?”
“You can step on me if you want to” Lily’s eyes couldn’t help but stared without blinking at Amy. As this was a once in a blue moon chance, she unhesitatingly snapped plenty of photos of her appealing best friend and posted it on her Fangbook. The reason why it was so rare was that Amy didn’t like wasting her time on clothes and wearing this costume may take her longer than finishing a meal. Casually, it only took Amy about 1 to 2 minutes to decide and put on a perfect top-to-toe look and thanks to her mix and match talent, she always turned heads in her fit.
“Look, Amy look !!! It’s only 5 minutes and 78 people have already devoted willingly to you Miss. Catwoman”
“First of all, I don’t know who they are and I can’t let them do that. Second of all, you are such a dork. Now we should go to the Shadow den to catch up with Jax first if you don’t want to miss the Halloween party of the Council” Amy playfully nudged her vampire fellow and dragged her out of the door while she was still replying people’s comments attentively.
Meanwhile, at the private bar, everyone was surprised by Amy’s Catwoman cosplay photos.
“Mmmm… Seems like I have underestimated this little girl. Adrian, you lucky dog” Lester smirked at Adrian as he didn’t care what he said while Priya was busy irritating Kamilah.
“This naughty girl, don’t you think she—“
“You should shut up before I have to use my knuckle” kamilah’s eyes flashed with fury as Priya rolled her eyes and put her phone away.
A long while later, Amy finally arrived the bar with Jax and Lily. “That Kitten is finally here” The Baron slightly looked at Amy while enjoying his cigar. After glaring at him, Kamilah gestured to her to sit down next to her.
“This strangely intimate ambience makes this Halloween meeting even better right” Amy giggled and refilled Kamilah’s flute. It’s not too weird when Kamilah stayed silent but this time, it’s more like Kamilah was stunned by the mortal next to her. She may have felt tempted toward many men and women but “feeling allured” was not a right phrase to describe herself right now. She wanted to worship that woman. Her smile, her eyes, her curves, her everything, she just wanted to devour her and kept this woman to herself forever.
“Soooo should we play some games to hype everything up ?”
“Now you are speaking my language !!!!” Lily enthusiastically patted her mortal friend.
“Let me guess, Lily will choose “spin the bottle” and then Kamilah will resist”
“Now Jax is saying what I’m saying. I have the right to reject you this time after that kiss with Jax”
“Okay so since Kamilah is not really into spinning the bottle, we will play 2 minutes in heaven” Everyone looked at Lily with confusion for seconds, waiting for her explanation. “So 2 people that are selected by spinning the bottle will go into a dark enclosed space and do whatever they like in 2 minutes. However, each person’s body must have at least 1 kiss of their partner”
“I’m in” Jax and Amy both answered at the same time with huge grins on their faces while Kamilah still looked at Adrian with uncertainty.
“I’m not interested in those trivial games but I want to taste that sweet sweet human so I’m in” Priya gave Amy a provocative look and smirked at the senior vampire, who glared at her with a fierce glint. “Count me and Adrian in” After Kamilah and Adrian’s participation, Lester decided to give it a try while The Baron was only interested in smoking and drinking.
“Let’s begin with this gentleman, Jax” Lily announced and passed him the bottle. After spinning several rounds, the bottle stopped at Adrian. “Tell me if that sexy boy is a good kisser when you finish” Priya’s joke and the crowd’s laugh somehow have released the tension among everyone. After 2 minutes, they came out of the room with a red messy kissing mark on Jax arm. When Amy couldn’t hold back her laugh, Priya just winced because they didn’t really kiss. “You two are super boring, especially you Grandpa Mc NiceGuy” Adrian just answered her with a slight timid smile. However, after Jax’s turn, everyone seemed to be intrigued more and more with this game. This time was Priya’s turn, and the bottle surprisingly stopped at Amy.
“So that’s how it’s done !!! Don’t be impatient, I know how to undress that latex costume really fast”
“ Don’t you dare…”
“ Sit down and stop being jealous Kamilah !!”
“ Don’t mention that word toward me or I will snap your fucking neck. Those feelings are as pathetic as you.”
Priya seemed frightened toward Kamilah’s threat but then just stayed silent and gave her a sarcastic smirk before she and Amy vanished out of her sight. Kamilah’s heart at that moment was pounding so hard that it may jump out of her chest if her dear mortal and that wily creature wouldn’t come out after exactly 2 minutes. She was too anxious that her mind just automatically counted down the time.
“Lily, this is a threat. You will never start any stupid game like this again or I will have to—“
“Seems like somebody is green with envy over there. Ragging at innocent can’t make you feel satisfied like me right now”
“Amy come to me” Ignoring Priya’s satiety, Kamilah gently pulled Amy down on her lap
“You look so pale… what’s wrong ?”
“No, I was just scared that she would hurt you or try to do anything inappropriate…” Kamilah tried to hide her feelings right now, she couldn’t let anyone knew that she was furious and jealous with what Priya had done. She calmly wiped off the bloody red lipstick mark on Amy’s neck and gently asked “Did she do anything that made you feel uncomfortable ?”
“No actually she wanted to kiss on my lips but—“
“Pl— Please, tell me if you are uncomfortable, I will make her taste her own blood right now”
“Kam, everything is alright. No one hurt me and I’m here with you right now. Just trust me, okay?” Amy gave Kamilah a mild kiss on her brow to comfort her. “I denied and I was straightforwardly said that I didn’t want to be kissed by her so she faked this kissing mark. She just wanted to know the witness the look on your face when you are jealous” As she nuzzled Kamilah neck, her hot, weak breath mildly touched Kamilah’s skin, her hands clung tight to the vampire’s vest. After Lily, Adrian and Lester had finished their turns, Amy continue the game by spinning the beer bottle.
“Anddddd… ADRIAN” Lily eagerly announced as they walked together to the room in front of them. None to speak, Kamilah furiously scoffed under her breath and started to feel uncomfortable, she stood up and tried to make everything seemed least suspicious by wandering nearly that enclosed room.
“Calm down, they have just been in there for like 30 seconds”
“Firstly, I’ve never felt more pleased and happier than this moment. Secondly, I have nothing to deal with anyone in that god damn room so stop annoying me, Priya Lacroix” A fake smile flashed on Kamilah’s deadpan face as she was trying to calm herself and listen to what Adrian and her Amy were talking.
“It’s so hard… I don’t think I can handle it”
“Don’t worry, this is your first time and I never judge you, you know… Tell me if you need any—”
“Your time is up. Don’t make me carry both of you out of here” Their conversation was cut off suddenly when Kamilah abruptly opened the door and threw them an icy look. This was not the first time Adrian saw Kamilah’s fury. However, after hundred years being her closest companion, he could really feel it’s mostly about jealousy and her ardent love for his assistant.
“Kam, what’s wrong with you…?” Amy nervously looked at the woman in front of her and caressed her face “Maybe we can leave this place if you don’t feel good…”
“I’m alright my dear, it’s all about you.”
“So…. I think we can leave now I find this party no more enjoyable, and also I can’t really stand straight on this high heels anymore” Amy’s eyes lingered on Kamilah as they walked out of the bar hand in hand, letting the loud music trailed off behind…
The street at 3 A.M just became one of Kamilah’s most favorite panorama. It was not because she loved the way those weeping willows gracefully swept their plumes in the midnight breeze or the rare silence of those busy streets. It was only because of Amy, she just wished this moment could last forever. 2000 years surviving on this earth and this was the first time she could feel how much she longed for this moment, the moment that she realized that she was genuinely in love, and that love was returned. However, it’s just so hard for her, a woman with a traumatized past of being abused and emotional manipulated, to say out loud those 3 words…
“It’s only us here now. Can I ask you something?” Amy squeezed her hand mildly as she nodded “I don’t know whether I make you feel uncomfortable or not so you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to… You was jealous, right…?” Amy hesitantly asked but then nervously felt guilty after seeing Kamilah stayed silent for so long. “ I—I am sorry for asking such an inconsiderate question. I am—”
“Yes, I was. I was jealous. And please don’t apologize for anything if it’s not your fault” Kamilah abruptly cut off her little girlfriend after remaining silence for so long. She pulled her into a big, warm hug and soothed her back “I am the one who needs to apologize for overreacting at the bar. It was supposed to be one of your most memorable moments but I’ve ruined everything. I was so jealous of Adrian and Priya and that jealousy just clouded my judgments. I trust you and I always do but I couldn’t stand all the potential things that they could have done to you. And I’m sorry for eavesdropping on your conversation with Adrian… “Kamilah trailed off for a moment.
“Kam, I understand why you felt like that, and it’s not your fault for having such feelings, I even love you more when you chose to be so honest and open with me about your feelings. About me and Adrian, we are nothing but good friends. I just confided in him about my workload… because we felt so awkward to just stand there and look at each other” Amy shot Kamilah an innocent smile, then kissed on her lips sweetly while standing on her tiptoe.
“Wearing your boots is more comfortable than my high heels but seems like I will have to stick with that tiresome heels as long as I want to kiss you first every time I see you”
“You don’t have to do that, I’m so competitive that I will never let you kiss me first” Kamilah gave Amy a smooch and kneeled down, patting her back “Here. I give you a chance to be taller than me today. Now tell me where you want to go, your only job now is holding me tight”
“Can we just stop the time… I only want to hold you like this” Amy nuzzled Kamilah’s hair, slightly kissed her ear while feeling their hearts beat in sync…
“Kam… You know New York is not my hometown but I don’t know why just love it so much now”
“Really !! I don’t know you are that easy to root for some random cities”
“No, I love it because it has you…”
“That’s so corny… but now I love New York too”
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nala-raines · 3 years
The Office Season 2 episode 4: the fire
While waiting for the fire department to clear the building, Jim suggests that everyone play Desert Island.
A Moment later, I realized that the BloodBound Gang was on a deserted island, filled with monsters. Playing Never Have I Ever, INSTEAD of Desert Island.
How did it take me over a year to realize this? And why didn't someone think about this sooner.
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violentinecrl · 2 years
For all the people you've hurt
Kamilah Sayeed x Mc (Lenore)
Warning: smut at the end (also, I am not sure if that is a good ending, I got stuck there for a while but I mean I've been told it looks good like this so if you don't like it blame the people tagged below 😂)
Rating: Mature
This happens right after Mc goes after Gaius on her own on book 3, and brings him back to the group so he can help them defeat Rheya. However, Kamilah is not as calm as she was in the game... her fear of losing Mc once again gets the best of her, her walls crumbling down...
Thank you @tyrilblue for correcting my english, and thank you @neversleepgaius, @supercorpstuff and @rainbows-ampersand-sunshine for reading this cringe thing ❤️
“So listen, and listen well. This is not your redemption story. You do not get to become some hero in the last act. One good deed does not undo millennia of evil. So we will take your help. Because we need it. But when this is done, you’ll pay for your sins. For all the people you’ve hurt! Understand?!” Kamilah’s voice came out rough, harsher than Lenore had ever heard it. There was no doubt in those words.
“I do.” After a moment of hesitation Gaius answered, his voice fragile, all the anger, hatred, all the violence gone.
As Jax walked over to Gaius, ready to speak his own piece of mind, Kamilah’s eyes darted in Adrian’s direction, as one of her fingers pointed straight at the newest ally of the group, the rest of the room a simple blur to her, the words Jax was now yelling at Gaius drowned in her anger.
“Keep an eye on him! Any kind of suspicious movement and I mean any kind, you strike! I’ll have a word with her!” she said, grabbing Mc’s hand strongly enough for her to understand that Kamilah was not happy, but not strongly enough to hurt her.
And yet, Lenore was not putting them at risk, she believed in Gaius' intentions, she had to if they wanted to finally defeat Rheya. Kamilah needed to trust her just this once. His mind was… polluted, a disorganized mix of dark, evil webs hiding his own thoughts, desires, the true Gaius. That didn’t erase all of the things he’d done, it didn’t erase the sword that had trespassed her chest, taking her last human breath. And even if it didn’t, they needed his help, the real Gaius’ help. They needed his desire for revenge and the regret that now clouded his mind even if no one knew that.
As Lenore was being dragged through the bar to the small and quiet room, the only space that could give them privacy right now, all the arguments she would have to use were running through her mind directionless, confused. Kamilah’s reluctance to work with the person that had hurt her so much was understandable, but there wasn’t any other option. “He’s being honest, I saw it!” she would have to repeat, “I wouldn’t have brought him here, to you, if I wasn’t 100% sure it was safe!”
Finally, as they reached the room, Kamilah harshly opened the door, getting Lenore inside and following after, closing it as aggressively as she had opened it. It was the same room, but it felt colder than it had the night before.
Lenore focused on the other woman’s heart. It was beating fast, drumming inside of her. Had it been like that before, when she first saw Gaius entering the bar? At first, Kamilah just stood there, fists clenched, and eyes shut, trying to calm her breathing and slow her heart.
“Kamilah, listen to me! I-“
But there was no time to talk, Kamilah immediately cut her off, her voice begging for answers, her eyes searching for them.
“What were you thinking?!” she asked slowly, without breaking the distance that separated the two girls.
“Ka, he won’t hurt us, I can assure you that he is-“ she tried to say, remembering all the arguments that had crossed her mind on the way to the room.
“You don’t get it, Lenore, do you? You don’t get it…”
“I do, I do get it!” Lenore got a little closer trying to reach for Kamilah, her voice low and calm, and yet pleading for the other woman’s comprehension, “I understand that you don’t like this idea and don’t trust him, I don’t like it either, I get it, but he will help. We will kee-“
“I don’t give a shit about that! I can see he’s going to help, I’ll kill him myself if he doesn’t! But how did you get to him, Lenore?! Did he come here without any of us noticing? Did he take you with him?! Did he, Lenore?!”
Kamilah knew the answer to those questions… Lenore could see it in her eyes, in the way her mouth formed a thin line, the way Kamilah kept her hands closed in fists. And the realization hit. The problem was not bringing Gaius here to them, it was the fact that she had left, without telling anyone, to face the person that had once killed her, on her own.
“I- I had to… It had to be me. It was the perfect time, we couldn’t wait any longer. And it worked!” her head lifted, looking Kamilah in the eyes, hoping those last 3 words would make her worries cease.
But Kamilah just sighed, running her hands through her hair, eyes closing shut once again, harder than the first time as if to stop all the possible outcomes of Lenore’s actions from going through her head. The image of her dead body next to Gaius in the streets of Tokyo, without her knowing, while she slept with no clue that the next morning she would be alone again.
“But what if it hadn’t?” she said almost in a whisper, “What if it hadn’t, Lenore?!” her voice grew stronger, more desperate, eyes shooting open, pain flooding them, “You’re our only hope of defeating Rheya, and I don’t think you understand the fear that puts me through every day! Every day I fear for the moment we will face her and you’re there, in the front line! Every day I fear that I’ll have to watch you die right in front of my eyes, in my arms again and this time I won’t be able to do anything to bring you back to me! And yet you go out to fight against Gaius, on your own!”
Her eyes were now brighter as the tears started forming, dripping slowly down her face. She held herself, grabbing the sleeves of her suit hard as if trying to force the walls not to completely crumble once again, baring herself and her tears to the one she loved.
Lenore stood there, the weight of those words sinking in, her chest tight, and making it impossible for words to come out of her mouth.
“You should have told me”, continued Kamilah “I should have gone with you just to be sure you’d be safe, that I wouldn’t lose you again… I can’t lose you again, I can’t handle that feeling once again, Lenore! I have lived for 2000 years, I’ve suffered… but that feeling… that was agonizing…”
“Kamilah…” Lenore whispered more to herself than to the other woman, involving her in a tight hug. She had expected the hug not to be returned, but Kamilah’s hands traveled to her girlfriend’s back holding her tight… tighter than she had ever held her, the idea of losing her making it hard to breathe “I had to try… I was ready for it, it had to be now or never. And you forget that if I can avoid putting you in danger, I will… I know you’re strong, stronger than me, but I fear for your safety just as much as you fear for mine. I couldn’t drag you with me. I had to face him myself no matter the consequences.”
Kamilah's tears were now unashamedly falling down her face, soaking her flushed cheeks. Lenore had never seen her so vulnerable. Had she been like this when everyone thought she had died? Had Kamilah held her just as tightly when her limp, dead body rested in her arms? What about the next four days? Had she looked this beautiful crying for her to come back?
“When I saw you with him I started imagining what you had done, how you went to him alone, and all these thoughts of losing you… they just came all at once.” Kamilah swallowed her tears, bringing her face up high again, vulnerability hidden but still there, on those wet cheeks and slightly red eyes from where tears kept escaping, on the way her arms held Lenore as if she might vanish at any moment “So, no more «no matter the consequences». You listen to me girl, you do that once again, and I’m killing you myself” she said, but her eyes were kind, loving, her voice was firm but warm, her hands held Lenore tight but gently.
Lenore couldn’t stop a laugh from escaping her mouth, tears still covering her eyes “Yes, Mom. I’ll behave from now on, promise”.
Kamilah couldn’t handle not rolling her eyes at the sarcasm hidden in Lenore’s words, a little smirk forming on her lips. She was in love with a dumbass.
With her thumbs, she caressed the dark-haired girl, drying her wet cheeks gently, slowly feeling every inch of her hot and flushed skin. And that was the moment she got conscious of her own tears. She tried to reach for them, drying her cheeks as well, but Lenore stopped her, grabbing her wrists gently.
Taking her thumbs just like Kamilah had done, Lenore caressed her cheeks, tracing the path where the tears had flowed.
“You look pretty when you cry, did you know that?” she whispered, as she hid her face in the crook of Kamilah’s neck, breathing deeply, taking in all her sweet scent, her vampire senses making it even sweeter.
“If this is your way of escaping the subject, I have to warn you, you picked the wrong thing to say” even though Kamilah’s voice was serious, Lenore could feel how unexpected it had been for her to hear that, how her heart started beating faster. Not only had she seen those barriers crumble once again, with desperate tears, but she had found it pretty.
“Is it not working?” she teased, hand traveling from Kamilah’s cheeks to the back of her head, feeling her body tensing, as Lenore slid her fingers through her dark brown hair, getting their bodies closer.
“You w- “
Lenore didn’t let the older vampire finish, trailing her lips over Kamilah’s, ever so slightly, kissing her bottom lip once the words had gotten lost on her tongue.
“Trying a different escape route?” Kamilah asked, her voice so low only a vampire’s ears could catch the sound, her breath getting heavier, her lips trying to get closer to Lenore’s who smiled at the question, nodding, and teasingly pulling away.
Kamilah’s eyes flashed at the movement, hands grabbing her lover’s waist, pulling her impossibly close, her lips hovering over Lenore’s.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, girl” she whispered, her voice hoarse, all the emotion, fear, and adrenaline that she had gone through mixing up with the desire that was now lighting inside of her.
Hearing that, Lenore crashed their lips together, parting Kamilah’s, allowing her tongue to slide inside. Only that touch turned their heartbeat unsteady, uncontrolled, their breath caught in their throats. Their mouths hot and demanding, the kisses getting more and more feverish. The younger vampire’s hands were now all over the place, one of them grasping Kamilah’s hair hard, making a low groan escape through kisses, the other one trying to get rid of the blazer, get it away from the skin she so wanted to touch.
But a quick hand stopped Lenore from removing it completely, letting it hang on Kamilah’s arm, who was shaking her head disapprovingly.
“No, Lenore” Kamilah smirked at her and approached the girl, murmuring low in her ear “Get naked, now”.
That was enough to send a spike of electricity running from Lenore’s spine to her core, fire starting to burn deep down inside of her. Clumsy, she obeyed, taking her black dress off a little too fast for her own liking, but the desire was building just too fast for her to keep up, her eyes never leaving Kamilah’s. Those deep brown eyes followed her every movement, with unspoken desire, hungry as they always were for Lenore.
Finally, her bare body was in display for Kamilah to take in. The woman got closer taking one hand to Lenore’s hip, pushing her closer, leaning her head down to kiss her softly, teasingly. Then, suddenly, she pushed Lenore down on the bed, biting hard on her lower lip, trying to contain the yearning burning inside of her, trying not to devour ever single bit of that pale, white skin, calling for her. She ignored how her thighs started to tense, trying to press on each other to contain the powerful aching building up between them.
“Lay down” she demanded, walking slowly towards the bed, her eyes taking in every single inch of Lenore’s body bathed by the white light of the moon entering from the small window behind the bed “and spread your legs wide for me”.
Lenore gasped at the command, trying hard to spread her legs before Kamilah’s eyes but the desire was way too big, the need for friction screaming inside of her. Laying down, the vampire took one hand to her nipple pressing hard, moaning at the sensation, wishing it was Kamilah’s hand.
In front of her, Kamilah started undressing, not looking at what she was doing, but instead staring at the hand pressed against Lenore’s breast, how it started caressing the rest of her own body, wandering through the middle of her breasts, the length of her stomach, getting too close to where Lenore wanted Kamilah.
“Stop” Kamilah said as she slipped out of the last piece of clothing, head tilted to the side, breath becoming erratic.
Lenore groaned in frustration at the command, her legs starting to get closer, as the tension became unbearable “Please, Ka” she begged, brows furrowing, hands pulling on her skin, trying to get any kind of friction she could.
Kamilah smiled mischievously, getting in the bed, hands on either side of Lenore’s head, and one leg teasingly pressing at her core. Lenore’s hips bucked at the contact, starting to rub herself against it, a cry surging from deep within her “Kamilah…”.
The older vampire took her lips just under her ear, starting to trail kisses down her neck, biting and licking her, her hand pinching the hard nipple under her, grabbing the whole breast, while her leg kept pressing against Lenore.
She wanted to keep teasing the girl under her, to hear the sounds of frustration and desire as she rubbed against her, but the idea of tasting Lenore, after all the worry she had gone through that day was almost irresistible. She wanted to touch her, make her scream and beg for more.
Kamilah took her leg from the middle of Lenore’s, who sucked in a heavy breath at the lack of contact “no…“. Lowering herself over Lenore, Kamilah started kissing along the valley of her breasts, hands roaming lower now, pressing her nails down her hips.
“What do you want, Lenore?” She asked looking up, spreading the girl’s legs wider apart, hands moving to her inner thighs, drawing small circles, slightly scratching her pale skin.
Lenore felt her breath quicken as the anticipation built up inside her, making it hard to speak “touch me…”.
Kamilah smiled “what did you say?” she asked, as her mouth left small kisses at the very top of Lenore’s thighs, so close to where she wanted to be, making the girl bulk her hips up, despair starting to build up.
“Please!” Lenore almost screamed, taking her hands to Kamilah’s hair, grabbing hard, begging for the contact “please, Ka…”
“Good girl” with a smirk Kamilah gave in. Leaving one last bite at her tight, the woman moved, grabbing Lenore’s hips, kissing her right at her core, brushing her tongue up and down her wet folds, tasting her.
As she felt Lenore’s wetness grow, the feeling of herself dripping for Lenore became too intense. The way the girl looked at her in between moans, the way her hand grabbed her hair hard sent sparks of electricity through her body, moans being muffled between Lenore’s thighs.
Kamilah kept tonguing her, slowly, low noises escaping her throat, Lenore bucking her hips against her mouth, her hand still on her brown hair keeping her head in place as she kept screaming Kamilah's name.
“Are you enjoying it, Lenore?”
“Ye-“ Lenore moaned loudly, not being able to finish answering, as Kamilah took her lips to her clit, sucking hard, pressing two fingers at her entering and sliding them inside. Feeling Lenore tighten around her fingers, she inserted one more, speeding up her pace.
“Don’t make a mess, babe, what will they think of you if they see the mess you did?” Kamilah teased, barely taking her lips off her center.
“W-what if I do?” Her voice was a mere murmur, hoarse, as Lenore looked down at Kamilah, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. Her face was flushed, mouth open, eyes rolling back as Kamliah thrusted her fingers harder inside her.
All of the blood in Kamilah’s brain rushed directly to between her thighs, as she heard the provocation. She couldn’t take it anymore.
“I’mma fuck you so hard you won’t walk for the next week, love” she said, using her thumb to circle Lenore’s nub as her fingers curled inside of her. Her free hand traveled down her chest, to her belly and then lower. Keeping a perfect rhythm, her tongue lapping effortlessly against Lenore, Kamilah started working on herself, feeling how wet she was for the girl trembling under her, her fingers dripping with the evidence. Her back arched against the pleasure surging through her, moans leaving her lips, as she circled her own clit, rubbing faster and faster.
“Kamilah…” hearing her name the woman peaked, facing Lenore, never slowing her pace. Seeing her rosy face, the way Lenore breathed forced her to speed up her fingers, hips moving in rhythm, her legs starting to tremble. The anger and fear she had felt before, all turning into adrenaline as her body gave in to the sensations she couldn’t keep in any longer.
“I wanna see…”
Kamilah’s hips bucked up at the request, the idea of displaying herself to Lenore making it impossible to control herself. The woman could feel herself blush, her hand creating more friction against her core.
“no, you didn’t come yet…” kamilah whispered, because it was true, but also because the idea of Lenore looking at her while she played with herself… that was another level of vulnerability, it made butterflies come to her stomach, the aching between her thighs becoming even stronger.
“Please” the other woman mumbled, leaning on her elbows.
Kamilah eyed her, biting her lip. Slowly, the vampire moved, laying her back on some pillows, parting, shyly, her legs wide.
In front of her, Lenore’s chest was rising and falling faster, her nipples hard, cheeks flushed. Just the idea of what she was about to watch made all of her body tingle and ache, making controlling herself harder and harder by the time.
“I love you, Kamilah. More than I’ve ever loved anyone, I hope you know that”.
Kamilah's breath caught in her chest. Hearing those words was never going to stop making her body go tense, her mind spiral, and her heart race like it couldn't spread enough blood through her whole body. She had heard those same 3 words so many times through her 2000 years of living, but Lenore’s… hers had power, felt magical, they would trap Kamilah in her own paradise, anytime, anywhere.
“I love you too, Lenore. I love you”
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livvynka · 3 years
Horror movie - Kamilah x Amy /short/
Warnings: none, just fluff.
Tag list: @fal-carrington @samanthadalton @vonda-b-real @drmmyrs @straightlikewetspaghetti @blaine-hayes @lizielasyd @mrskamilahsayeed @millasayeed @ntoraplayschoices @ilove-kamilah-sayeed @kamilah-is-queen @rhonda-sayeed @queenkamilah @domakir @kwaj115 @fundamentalromantic @somethindarker @crimsonvrose @glowriter @leenasayeed @hellyeah90sbaby
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters, they are property of PixelBerry studios!
It’s Friday, shortly after midnight, Kamilah has already found a new CEO, who leads the company. They are both happy and enjoying peaceful times. Every Friday night, they watch a movie or series. Amy casually lay in her favourite spot, in Kamilah’s arms. This time, they are watching horror movie, The Ring. Amy doesn’t really like horror movies, they scare a sh*t out of her. But she loves spending time with Kamilah. Eventually Amy nuzzles into Kamilah’s neck.
Kamilah: Amy, what is going on?
Amy: Erm… Nothing. Just enjoying your company.
Kamilah: Your heart is beating like crazy.
Amy: I - I guess I’m scared.
Kamilah: Scared of what?
Amy: Samara…
Kamilah: You know you are a vampire, right?
Amy: But what if she comes to kill me? You know? Through the TV?
Kamilah: Amy, you killed an ancient goddess, a more than 3000 years old vampire, when you were still human and talked with an entity who change clima on a deserted island, who is apparently your ancestor.
Amy: I know. But she is still scary.
Kamilah shakes her head and wraps her arm around Amy tightly.
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In Good Times and Bad
Pairing ~ Kamilah Sayeed X Ade
Book ~ Bloodbound
Ratings ~ T
Warnings ~ None
Words ~ 371
By @esthetic-aag
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sylverstorms · 3 years
It's been two years since you wrote it but would you be willing to share snippets of Avery and Kamilah? Please give me more of our queen
Temptation's Call and all of your RE8 fics are *chefs kiss* btw.
Temptation's Call is old and I don't even dare to read it again because I'll notice so many things wrong with my writing I'll cringe. Butttt I'm glad you like it.
That being said;
Kamilah x Avery below the cut:
Avery belonged to the group of vampire hunters who stormed Gaius' castle at dawn to purge the vampire threat from their village.
She and Kamilah crossed blades at the raid, during which time the queen simply toyed with her, like a lioness playing with her food.
"Tell you what, little one. Land a single hit on me and I will let you live." she laughed haughtily.
To her utter shock, Avery did land a thin slash on her neck. Kamilah was both enraged and impressed to reach up and feel blood there.
Gaius, of course, wasn't too fond of the thought that his queen let a human escape after cutting her, so despite her shouting otherwise --she gave her word and she never went back on it, to a human or fellow immortal-- he grabbed Avery and sank his fangs into her neck.
Gaius drank her dry and changed her to prove a point. He liked the thought of subjugating a former hunter, of gifting her to Kamilah as a slave or a toy.
At first, Avery would take every chance she got to try and fling herself into sunlight, but Kamilah stopped her.
The two of them had a tense relationship for a year, though gradually started talking more. Surprisingly, they had a lot in common.
Physical attraction was an easy thing to occur between them, with their looks and preferences, but neither acted on it. They were still very much at each other's throats.
Avery only became a true 'vampire' mentally when Vega found evidence that she had been stolen from her real parents as a baby, to be raised as a warrior for the hunter order. Her love for humans turned to disgust, her trust shattered.
Priya took a liking to her early on and she was one of the few vampires Avery didn't find utterly intolerable.
As the years went on and the sexual tension with Kamilah reached a boiling point, the two of them eventually shared a passionate kiss that led to more.
Kamilah's relationship with Gaius strained further and further with his ideas of world domination and subsequently her closeness to Avery grew.
There were times when Kamilah felt oddly... soft, with her. Like she could see a future with her, one where Gaius wasn't anywhere near them.
It scared the queen to think this way.
In the end, when the vampires agreed that Gaius had gone too far, they all joined forces in the battle against him. Kamilah was the one to land the finishing blow.
Avery hugged her there and for a moment, just a moment, everything was peaceful.
And then the question of what to do with Gaius came into play.
It ruined everything.
Avery immediately said he needed to burn. Priya agreed with her and so did Baron. However, Adrian refused to put an end to him and swayed Lester to his side. Vega begrudgingly agreed Gaius' blood could be useful to them.
The deciding vote fell to Kamilah.
"You know what he's done to me. I need him dead." Avery hissed, eyes wide and looking into her lover's own.
But Kamilah could not do it. She had been through too much with Gaius. The love they once had may have been gone, but she could not watch him turn to ashes because of her vote.
Avery felt betrayed. Kamilah refused her the vengeance and closure she needed for years.
During the forming of the Council, Avery immediately opted out of being a clad leader. But when it was time for her and the remaining vampires to choose which leader they would follow...
Avery chose Priya.
Kamilah's and Avery's bridges were burned and never mended after that day. Their meetings after that point had been strictly business, brief and curt and to the point.
Whatever feelings still remain are a prized secret for both vampires.
They both recognize they have taken their separate ways, never again to be what they once were.
But... perhaps, in the distant future...
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lorirwritesfanfic · 3 years
BloodBound Fanfiction
Tumblr media
Main Character: Samantha Holden
Series: Wanted
One shots and Miscellaneous
Jax x Samantha
Where She’d Rather Be [adult content]
OTP Texts - I Want A Baby Challenge 
The Secret Room 
Other Relationships
A Break For Dinner | Kamilah x F!OC (Maisie)
More | Adrian x MC (Amy) 💋
Proudly | Jax x Samantha, Lily Spencer x NB!OC (Gabrielle) 
What Loss Feels Like ✨ new ✨
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