#kamui bsd x reader
spacexseven · 1 year
Imagine waiting months for that one long holiday, finally youre able to go back home to your family...only to be kidnapped by doa on the day of your departure...how unfortunate
yandere content, kidnapping
manga spoilers about doa + kamui's identity. featuring all 5 doa members. there's a 'route' for each character. unedited, and much longer than i expected.
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the least they could have done was be a little gentler going about it.
but of course, you had to suffer through being wrapped up into a coat and tossed into a portal like you were simply a bag of flesh and bone. the humiliation of needing someone to help you in your disorientated state once you tumbled out somewhere else and the nonchalant attitude of your kidnappers only made you more angrier.
any escape attempts didn't get you far; though the windows weren't barred, one look outside the huge ones behind sigma's desk told you all you needed to know—you were suspended mid-air, and it didn't help that there were armed guards constantly surveilling the building, and cameras in every corner. (and, you wouldn't admit it, but your kidnappers really frightened you. they were all ability users, and more importantly, all completely insane).
after multiple failed attempts at sneaking out through the door or hiding between customer's bags, threatening a guard to escort you out and even trying to hijack one of the cars, you decide to change up your methods. maybe instead of running away now, you could try and exploit your kidnappers and leave when they're finally trusting of you...?
you don't like any of your kidnappers, but the only one you could stand was sigma, who was probably the most 'normal' out of them. though you mostly came to that conclusion because he had yet to threaten you for trying to run, his lack of an offensive ability, too, was a huge factor in it.
and sigma was...kinder, in a way, easier to dissect and play into the arms of. you didn't have to say anything to keep him from using his ability on you, in fact, he confessed to you that he feared his ability would make you trust him less, and so he held back from touching you altogether. despite it being a non-offensive type ability, if he used it on you, he'd have immediately found out about your plans, so it was for the best.
it's not as hard to pretend to like sigma, because you found him sort of endearing. it's not difficult to let out a few chuckles when he comes running over to you with a book about jokes that nikolai was reading, trying to make you laugh with them. it comes almost naturally when you sit beside him into the late hours of the night, watching him do his managerial duties and study his customers, and you almost forget you're supposed to be using him. it's easier than you'd expect to confide in him your fears of fyodor and the jerk who threw you into his coat, admitting to him that you can't bring it in yourself to be around without being filled with a sense of fear. he reciprocates it all greatly, wrapping an arm around you (and by now, you realize, he doesn't even consider using his ability on you anymore. if there's anything he wants to know, mundane things like what you like to eat and how you like your coffee, he just observes you and finds out himself, or asks you) when you're drowning in your own sorrows, teaching you card tricks in his spare time and bringing you presents that he thought you'd like; little snow globes and records that remind him of you, things of that sort.
you have to remind yourself that your kindness is an act and not genuine. after all, this man was part of the group that brought you here to satisfy their own sick desires. sometimes though, you find yourself hoping that sigma wasn't as bad, that he would understand your feelings.
clearly, he doesn't.
"i can't believe you," his voice comes out as a choked whisper, his eyes fixated on your cornered figure, "you were going to leave?!"
sigma's back was to the door, effectively blocking your escape route. he was trembling all over, clearly overwhelmed and crestfallen by everything that had just taken place. you had tried to sneak away while on a shopping trip with sigma, only the second time that you were allowed to go out, but he had caught on pretty quickly, and now you were trapped.
"let me go," you plead, hoping to appeal to his sympathetic side, "please, sigma."
he shakes his head, still glued to the door, "no. i can't. you can't leave me."
"out of everyone else, i hoped you would understand. i thought you knew how i felt, trapped with dostoevsky."
sigma's eyes widen, confusion clear on his face before he exhales sharply and straightens himself out, seemingly deciding on something, "i'm sorry, [name], but i won't let you go. this is the only way i can have you."
"you're so cruel," he whispers, watching your devastated expression, "why did you make me believe you loved me?"
the hooded figure of kamui never failed to invoke a sudden sense of eeriness he made an appearance.
he didn't come by very often, but whenever he did, fukuchi always took a moment to come check up on you. at least when he's not donning his mask and cloak, he looks a lot less...frightening. you're not sure if he has anything to do with your kidnapping, because his interest in you rarely went past a curious glance and the occasional, hearty laugh when he comes across you shrieking at nikolai's attempts to drag you away from the open door.
you're not sure to make of him, with his fake public persona and his involvement with the doa, but he isn't as much of a threat to you as the rest, at least not directly. at the very least, when he comes over, nikolai is so much on edge that he doesn't try to torment you as much as he usually does.
fukuchi regards you as something to serve as entertainment; dostoevsky's newest toy, as you hear him say in passing. he watches you like you're something novel, like he hasn't figured you out yet. since he wasn't as involved as the others inside the casino, you thought he would be your best option to try and exploit.
your attempt at getting to know him starts by offering small greetings.
"captain," you say, waving at him as he walks into your room, where sigma is asleep on your shoulder.
he observes the two of you with an oddly soft look in his eyes, a stark contrast to his usual hardened gaze that stays even with a large smile on his face. then, he nods at you before walking away, gently closing the door behind him.
you try to open up around him more, even if it's not through conversing directly with him. even though you know he's watching you from the corner when nikolai is trying to coax you out of your new hiding spot with little treats, you don't shy away as you usually would. you loudly proclaim to nikolai that you'd only come out when fyodor stops being so mean, which is received with a exuberant laugh from the older man. huh, was that all it would take?
and it works, oddly enough—fukuchi starts asking about you, whenever he sees you after that, in between hushed conversations with fyodor, ("and how are you, [name]? is dostoevsky still being mean to you?" you force yourself to ignore fyodor's pointed glare and instead offer a meek smile). he makes more conversation, and you quickly realize he likes your honest comments, even if it was all just criticizing his subordinates. you think he must find you amusing, like a spiteful pet that doesn't give up an opportunity to attack, especially when he places a large hand on your head to stroke your hair, unexpectedly tender despite his ruthless exterior.
"why do you keep trying to run?" he asks you one day, after nikolai had dropped your bound figure back into the room.
you huff, "what do you mean, why? why would anyone want to stay here? any longer and i might go insane."
"oh? that isn't good," he smiles, but it's not the warm ones he gives you. this was...unnerving, "dostoevsky will have no use for you then."
your eyes light up, immediately considering a new plan to have fyodor throw you out himself, but you're interrupted by fukuchi's low chuckle, a dark gleam in his eyes, "worry not! even if he doesn't want you anymore, i'll gladly keep you. if i had known that dostoevsky had picked up such a curious little thing, i would have taken you before he had...well, what do you say?"
to be honest, you felt for bram.
in a way, he was living just as miserably as you, locked up in a coffin and taken out only when he's needed, and without most of his body. it must be awfully disorientating to be shaken about by the stake through him, and he's always looked so...unhappy.
you're not sure how much help he could be in your plan to escape, except maybe provide emotional support, but who's to say he wasn't a resentful old vampire who wanted you to stay and suffer with him?
you soon learn, through awkward, stilted conversation and silent periods that bram is...not really as angry or scornful as you thought. he is bitter, and extremely uninterested in most things, but as long as you listen to his stories and provide your wholehearted support, he's surprisingly kind to you.
he doesn't even bother trying to offer any hope of escape, though. he tells you that you, like him, should just go to sleep and wait for the others to decide what they'll do with you. he reminds you that there's no escape from a heavily guarded, heavily surveilled casino suspended in the sky, and there's no escape from dostoevsky's cunning words or kamui's wicked plans. you're stuck here, just like him, left to lament the past.
when you suggest him using his ability on you, hoping that by being turned into a vampire under bram's control, he could find a way for you to escape, he looks horrified by the very thought. ("it's too much work for me now," he remarks, looking visibly irked, "to be turning humans. besides, what kind of foolish plan is that? and right after i informed you that i myself am not aware of the casino's layout.")
at least you have a friend here, even if he's constantly discouraging your escape attempts and convincing you to accept your fate. life would be terribly bleak if you were entirely alone.
out of the five, you hate nikolai the most.
your increased anger towards him stemmed from him being the one to actually kidnap you, as well as his daily attempts to get you to 'open up', which included him dragging you out of your room and annoying you incessantly until your patience snaps, relishing in your furious expressions. the most infuriating part of it all is that nikolai was never put off by your silent rage or your clear disdain, instead finding it all great fun. he thinks your frustrated words and attempts at hiding away should serve as his entertainment. nikolai laughs when you try to run, and he's always the one that whisks you back into the casino, no matter how far you've gotten. he never stops your escapes, though, almost as though he knows you'll end up back here, like he knows he'll catch up with you in the end.
but he's also unpredictable; for as much as he claims to love his job, he also tells you he hates it, and for every word of praise he has for fyodor and sigma, there are just as many potential murder plots. he's near impossible to read, but you think that maybe, he won't kill you unless you start boring him.
so if your escape served as entertainment for him, wouldn't he be more receptive about helping you?
you start off by seeking some civil conversation with him, but it's not working very well. nikolai tends to send any casual conversation spiraling into...odd directions, half of which you can't understand at all. and you almost start to feel like he doesn't want you to get to know him...still, you've got nothing else to lose now, so you keep it up. you entertain his ideas and go along with his pranks (even if it earns you an exhausted glance from sigma and thinly veiled anger from bram), you read the books he reads and watch the things he does at a mostly useless attempt to figure out his angle, and you even put in more effort in your escape plots, just so he doesn't get bored of you. but it's all in vain, however, because nikolai isn't someone you can just figure out. he's someone you're not sure you can even come close to understanding, let alone manipulating.
in the end, you decide the best approach is being forward with him.
"are you really asking me to make a deal for your life?" nikolai throws his head back in laughter, "this is why i like you! i was worried you were starting to lose your spark."
"i suppose we could come to an agreement" you should have known, really, that nothing good was going to come out of this when you caught sight of the malicious grin on his face and the wicked glint in his uncovered eye, "how about a game?"
"a game?" you don't bother hiding the skepticism in your tone.
"it's very simple! i'll give you an hour to leave the casino. all you have to do is step out of the building entrance, and i'll let you free. in fact, i'll even make sure that none of the others come after you after your victory!"
"but if you fail," his grin widens, "then you'll be leaving your fate in my hands."
the vague threat, combined with his unsettling expression fills you with a overwhelming fear. as if noticing this, he laughs. but now that you've put the idea in his head, you're not sure if he'll ever let it go.
"don't worry! either way, i'm sure we'll be having lots of fun!"
something was terribly off with the way fyodor looked at you.
despite the gentle smile on his face and the lovely way he said your name, all soft and gentle, there was an oddly distant look in his eyes. he observed you closely and made conversation—revolving around surprisingly mundane questions like have you read this book and what do you think of this movie, and are you familiar with this dish and this composer? and his tone is curious, a charming turn of his lips accompanying his careful probing, making for quite the lovely picture. but there was something meticulously crafted about it, almost like his words were practised and his reactions stilted. there was nothing genuine about the fond smiles or the barely-there touches. you wondered if perhaps, he was waiting for you to do something.
but you have to admit, you'll take the dread creeping over your shoulder over the blatant terror you're faced with when you talk to kamui, or nikolai. apart from his unsettling exterior, fyodor makes for decent company. he's quiet, but not the awkward silence that envelopes you when sigma runs out of things to say, and his questions never feel too invasive. he has a certain charm about him, you think, that makes him somewhat likeable, despite you knowing that he actively plays a part in whatever evil the doa performed.
these days, you spend more time with him. you find that the books he gives you are interesting, although not your usual taste, and that you look forward to seeing what he would lend you next. and the more you're around him, the more curious you get. why was he so...detached from you? why did he feel so disinterested despite being the one to initiate conversation? you try to listen for any indication of interest, and you think you find a trace when sigma tells him about preparations being complete, or when nikolai brings in some papers. later, you hear the same change in tone when you ask him why you've been brought here.
"why?" he smiles at you, and it's as beautiful as it is frightening, "i thought you may be of use to me."
"am i? all i do is sit around and...wait for something to happen."
"patience, [name]. i'm sure you'll figure it out on your own, you're quite smart, aren't you?" though his smile is still on his face, the hint of condescension in his tone doesn't escape you. you don't expect anything else from him, anyway.
one day, after you manage to evade nikolai long enough to sneak off to the lobby of the casino, fyodor stops by your crouched figure in a corner, still upset after nikolai's threats.
the ever present smile is still there, "caught again?"
you sigh, and look away.
then, he leans in closer, until his cold lips brush against the tip of your ear, "you might want to try the staff exit next time, or explore for other exits. there are many ways to come in and out the casino." you shiver, but his words spark a new flame of resolve in you. you've never seen fyodor come in through the main entrance, and he leaves quite often. if you insisted on seeing him out next time, you might have a better chance at escaping...
he doesn't look the slightest bit surprised when you walk with him as he's leaving a few days after, only glancing at you as he slipped on his coat. sigma frowns at you from the corner of the room, but noticing fyodor beside you, he goes back to his papers immediately. it must be nice having such an effect on people.
he's silent throughout most the walk, but right before he leaves through a door you've never noticed before, fyodor spares a few words to you.
"stay back a while and explore the building. not too long—someone will worry—but you should be able to find something helpful."
how strange it is that you found an ally in fyodor, out of everyone else. a part of you is convinced he must be playing a cruel trick on you, but you're willing to take any chances that you can find. when you're back for breakfast, you're grinning to yourself as you recount the two exists you've found, one hidden below a winding staircase, and the other at the opposite side of where the five gather with you. both representing hope that you can make it out.
both ways were failures. nikolai's grip around your wrists is painful as he guides you back to your room, goading you by belittling your attempts. fyodor is already waiting there, skimming through your current read, lingering on the pages where you've scribbled down your thoughts (the idea courtesy of fyodor). he puts down the book to look at you as you're embarrassingly being ushered back to your cell. at least nikolai leaves after sharing a few words with the other man—the humiliation of him having to hear how you'd been mislead would have been too much to bear.
your weak glare does nothing to perturb him, "you knew it wouldn't work, right?"
"nikolai is very determined when it concerns keeping you," he says, "perhaps you underestimated him."
"i thought you were going to help me leave," you groan, "i'm so stupid."
"now, my dear," fyodor's amused smile sends shivers down your spine, "why would i ever do that? were you not aware that it was me who asked for nikolai to bring you here?"
"but you told me about the other exists—"
"only to keep you busy," he interrupts, "so you wouldn't do something rash in a desperate attempt to leave."
"i thought you didn't want me...like how they do." because fyodor has never shown interest in you, not like nikolai's constant need to be around you, or sigma's shy way of sitting next to you when he's off work, but perhaps it meant something different, because it was him.
"no," he says, "i don't need to want you like they do, because you are already mine," he leans in closer, a hand on your cheek, "you are mine before you are any of theirs, and you'll do well not to forget that."
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bvnnyl0v3r · 7 months
An Angel's Kiss pt.4
A/N: okay imma immediately say: I‘ll continue the timeline as it is rn and work my way up (mainly bc i live in germany and we only got 23 parts and the 24th part is coming out in idk how many months I am dying from spoilers 😭😭😭) also like idek why I am writing Nikolai to be a total asshole he‘s my fave character but at the same time I just….. is it wrong to want tobe mistreated by a white haired man who definetly does not have all his cups in the cupboard (someone help It‘s 3am and that cupboard cup thingy is a german thing that we germans say instead of having some loose screws I am so fucked out) 
TW: mention of near death experiences, blood, wounds, dirty talk, Nikolai is still just….. *sighs dramatically*, needles, slapping, for once (NAME) is being the weird one
What you did not expect this lovely morning as you woke up was….. Nikolai. In your bed….. well okay you sorta did expect it since he does not know personal space with you but the unexpecting part was that he was covered in blood, you were covered in blood and your sheets were covered in blood. You checked to see if that bastard actually dared to die in your arms but luckily he didn‘t.
While you coulhave done the world a favor and left him to die your dumbass‘ first thought was to drag him into the kitchen and pour cold water over him to wake him up and then get out the medkit. After all Fyodor‘s surgery book did help you sew some of the wounds shut. Well that was while Nikolai was still half asleep half dead but now he was neither half asleep nor half dead so he was just groaning like the fucking masochist he is.
And sitting there trying to treat someones wounds while they keep on saying:
“that‘s it darling….. just like that…. Fuck that burned….bet you like me like this don‘t ya, baby~ whimpering just for you~ ngh~“
Was not at all a pleasant way to pass your time so after the first 15 minutes you‘d had enough
“Can you stopdirty talking me while I treat you fucking wounds???“
„But baby, my pretty darling, don‘t you looooovvveeee meeee~“
when Sigma came in because he heard a scream….
…he just immediately walked out again at the sight of you stabbing nikolai‘s main blood vain in the upper arm. Sadly he survived....
About 10pm you wanted to go to bed. A good plan indeed as Fyodor was finally out the house just as sigma and fukuchi so it was just you and Nikolai. Nikolai had gotten a set of rules from the others. Much against his will as they "chained him even more than he already was" and "he'll never be free" but at some point agreeing when fyodor told him he'll lock him up in an actual bird cage if he doesn't collaborate.
So you finally got your sleep. 4 lovely hours until you shrieked up from a nightmare. To terrified to go back to sleep in your own bed you took a light and walke dover to Nikolai's room. To your surprise he was already asleep wich you found weird as you didn't think he'd sleep before 3am but who cares anyway. You were gonna wake him up and make him help you somehow. I mean yeah he may not seem the smartest but he actually can have some brain. 
So here you were. Sitting on Nikolai's bed. Trying to get the snoring bastard to wake up as he kept on sleeping. You got tired again so in the end you decide ife he can you andomly cuddle up to you so can you.
You don't know when you woke up but Nikolai was in a shock state. Looking at you with eyes wide open and an awkard grin. His arms tightly around your waist. Seeing this terrifying sight infront of you your flight or fight instict kicked in and you slapped him.
Then silence made it's way through the room until Nikolai speaks
"let's get mclfurries"
"For once youhad a good idea"
A/N: idk wtf happened at the end i'm honest. It's 3am again I can't sleep HELP THIS WAS IN MY DRAFTS FOR 3 MONTHS OR SO
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himbofan · 8 months
request rules and guidelines
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what i will write:
any fandom on my about me list
smut (18+ requesters only plz🙏🏻)
female and gender neutral reader
what i will NOT write:
smut for canonically underage characters (canon timeskip is fine)
characters i’m not confident I know well enough to characterize correctly
male reader
specific race/body type/nationality reader (unless it’s american cuz I only know what it’s like to be american lmfao)
if you request something and i write it, please reblog it along with liking it 🥲❤️
I have every right to deny or refuse any request that makes me uncomfortable, or requests that are too difficult for me to write
I have no obligation to finish requests in a timely manner since I’m literally doing this for free
when in doubt, ask me! I will never turn away well-meaning questions or clarifications about rules :)
thank you for reading ^_^
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pillow-anime-infos · 4 years
bsd masterlist {doa ver.}
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touch starved boy {headcanon ; sfw}
s/o with a hard past gets some love and understanding {headcanon ; sfw?}
“you’re so dumb!” “no? you’re dumb.” {quote prompt number 7 + scenario | 394 words ; sfw}
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attention hoe {headcanon ; sfw}
your b-day! {headcanon ; sfw}
match up with nikolai {match up ; sfw}
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pouty lil baby {headcanon ; sfw}
s/o with a hard past gets some love and understanding {headcanon ; sfw?}
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alleycat-arcade · 3 years
Game Start! The Seven Lords: Rashōmon
Anonymous asked: Oh my god, I LOVED how you wrote an MC with Atsushis ability and was wondering if you could do an Akutagawa like MC? Or maybe a Dazai MC as I've always wondered how they'd handle someone like either of them considering there depth as characters and they were my absolute favorites. Aku deserved better-
Hey uh, you sure that the machine you wanted wasn't possessed or something? I swear it bit me... Anyway, it's fixed now. Do let me know if it starts biting again, though.
The Mafia's Hellhound. (Part 1)(Obey Me! Older Brothers x Akutagawa Ryūnosuke(BSD)-like!Gn!Mc/Reader)
Content Warnings: Since this character is from the same series as Atsushi Nakajima, I'm gonna put the same first bit of warning here. Bungou Stray Dogs is a series that contains characters based on real life authors, with each individual character having an ability based on a book by their namesake author. There is also a character in the series who is Sui///cidal and it is somewhat treated more light-hearted than how it is usually treated in media, and though it is explained later as to why I don't recommend anyone who is put off or upset by that type of content to watch it. Akutagawa is not this character, but this character does have a heavy impact on him. To those who are interested in the original concept as a whole, I'd definitely recommend watching up to Episode 3 first since that is the first appearance of Aku in the anime. This will have light spoilers for Seasons 1-3 as well throughout, so if you do end up really liking the anime and don't want the slightest bit of spoilers you should finish it first. The majority of spoilers lie in Aku's overall personality, but if you've seen Bungou Stray Dogs: Wan! it is not too dissimilar. There will be mentions of blood and general violence, as well as spoilers for Chapter 16-20 of Obey Me. Don't blame me, blame Belphie. And again, there will be angst. Not just because angst is my chicken soup for the soul, but that this character is very angsty.
(Takes place in between the Cannibalism Arc and Kamui Revelation Arc, which I assume Wan! is also set in. I went with this specific version of Aku because it's where the anime has left off at, and I personally believe anime watchers are more widespread than manga readers most of the time. I'll be doing my best not to accidentally water down his personality though, as even at that point in the story Aku still has quite the inferiority complex, violent tendencies, and other such issues.)
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The life of a self proclaimed "humble dog of the Port Mafia" has and always will be eventful. Or at least, that was what you used to believe. Perhaps now it would be best to say that life was only sometimes eventful and the rest a sort of repetitive cycle. While most of the Port Mafia was still up to their usual business, it was unusually calm on your end. Without receiving any trouble from the Armed Detective Agency members or any sort of other outside groups like the Guild, there wasn't much to do in the ways of combat or any particularly difficult missions. Another barrier that stood in your way as well was the promise you had made to one certain were-tiger, since you had to be extra careful when eliminating opponents that stood in your way. Still, there was at least always some work to be done and someone had to do it. And today, that someone had happened to be you.
As it turned out, there could still be somewhat physically draining tasks out there for you to do even with the sort of truce with the ADA. At the current moment you couldn't be happier to return to the home that you and your younger sister shared, just for a brief moment of rest until Mori inevitably called you out for another mission. Your humble abode was empty when you had returned, leaving you to assume that Gin must've also been out on her own mission with the rest of Black Lizard. Falling into your nightly routine, you set a kettle on the stove to boil.
By the time you had cleaned up a bit of your scratches and put on a change of clothes, the hiss of steam was already emerging from the pot and you made your way over to retrieve it. Setting aside the kettle onto the counter, you searched through the cabinets to find the proper materials to prepare the tea. But as you placed the cup you had retrieved onto the counter next to the kettle, a surging headache flooded your head. Leaning against the countertop now, you vigorously rubbed your temples in an attempt to alleviate the tension. This left you in a vulnerable state for just long enough to slow down your reaction time, allowing you to simply fall through the portal that had suddenly opened up underneath you.
Being sent tumbling into the ground of an unfamiliar room after quite literally falling through the floor wasn't something you were expecting today, and it definitely wasn't a surprise that you welcomed. You would've assumed that you'd somehow ended up in a strange courtroom if it weren't for the attire the strange people surrounding you were wearing. One of them dressed in almost all red seemed to be making his way towards you, followed by two others. Unable to allow them any closer without any resistance, you staggered to your feet and slowly back away despite the sway that hung onto your body as a result of the headache. "Why hello there Mc. Welcome to the-" "Rashōmon!" Your voice cut through the stranger's words, calling upon your ability to protect you. Inky black tendrils emerged from your clothing, creating a protective cage-like barrier around you as you struggled to get your bearings.
"Lord Diavolo, pardon the crudeness of my words, but we need to send this one back. They're way too violent for this program and- what do you mean "no", milord? I'm aware that I chose them but... it said on their file that they are a part of a Human World mafia? That's what "PM" stood for? I.... Of course I knew that, but I just want to ensure your safety, my Lord."
What Lucifer had expected to come tumbling out of the portal to the Human World was, well, a human, but one weak, frail, and quaking in their boots like a newborn baby deer. Although your legs did quiver slightly as you stood, with the sudden black tendrils forming around you it was clear that you were expecting a fight. Everyone around him simply stared at you, unsure what exactly to do about this. You weren't a sorcerer last time he checked, you were supposed to be a normal human. So what in the Three Realms were these things surrounding you in a protective barrier? Did you have on a cursed object that created these seemingly living tendrils? And why was Diavolo staring at you with such amazement?
As expected of the firstborn, he was the first to jump into action with a spell that stunned your body. The restriction of your movement only infuriated you more, causing the tendrils surrounding you to begin twitching in an agitated manner. It seemed that they were a separate part of your being, one that was unaffected by magic. With no other options, there was an unspoken agreement between the demons occupying the room that if they wanted to get anything done here, they'd need to de-escalate the situation.
Getting you to calm down was far harder than they'd thought. Once or twice they had gotten you to lower what you had called "Rashōmon", but it shot back up whenever they brought up the fact that you were pretty much stuck here for the semester and could not return until it was over. Briefly, Lucifer swore that a flash of terror glazed over your eyes at the thought of being unable to return home, but it was quickly replaced by pure rage. You only calmed down finally when everything had fully sunk into your brain, cautiously retracting your ability and giving in. The downtrodden look that had crossed your face as you followed Mammon out of the Student Council room became stained in his mind for quite a while.
While you had been rather aggressive and violent in your first meeting, Lucifer rather appreciated your politeness in the days that would follow. He was unsure if it was just your personality that was so emotionally distant of if it was brought on by your circumstances, but he didn't care either way as long as you behaved yourself and didn't cause any trouble. This aspect of your personality made it all the more surprising as you made pacts with more and more of his brothers, especially considering their own unique personalities. Occasionally you would have short bursts of aggression towards the other students at RAD and at times his brothers, but as an increasing amount of pact marks adorned your body it seemed to slowly quell your anger.
Seeing as he'd failed to acknowledge the Mafia portion of your file prior to your enrollment in the Exchange Program, he only saw it fit to at least look a little deeper into your background. Lucifer had been aware of your previous history before the Mafia, with you growing up in the slums as an orphan alongside your younger sister, but your life in the Port Mafia was... a little shocking to say the least. He had to stop looking by the time he was through the 36th police report and the 19th article studying the Port Mafia as a whole. Now, Luci was a demon, and as many of his brothers had, he's killed before. But seeing a human become tangled up in such an organization that makes them kill and commit various crimes to survive? It was a shock to him, especially since he'd seen the species as incredibly weak. And there were even stronger humans similar to yourself out there as well? Just what had happened in Humanity's evolution over the years that he'd not been paying attention? Well, at least your "survival of the fittest" mindset made sense now.
Though he's not around as much as some of his brothers are, Luci is quick to pick up on the sort of inferiority complex that weighs down upon you. With no reason to get into intense combat and threats made against you should you fail, the only thing you have left to excel in is your studies. While you aren't stupid or anything, most of your intellect revolved around street smarts or simple education learned through books you had found as a child or read in your free time in between missions. Seeing as you had never properly attended schooling of any sort, you were at a disadvantage and out of your element, but even with all that you still stubbornly refused help. It wasn't until you had formed a pact with Satan that you finally buckled your knees and allowed someone to help you with your studies.
In the past, Lucifer had not truly cared for humans. His sister may have loved the creatures so dearly that she perished to save the life of one, but he did not hold the same sentiments. Yet, here he was now, worrying over you in the late hours of the night. Worrying that you may be pushing yourself to hard, worrying about how much your past had damaged you emotionally and mentally, and most strangely of all, Lucifer had begun to worry about what would happen once you returned to the Human World.
The last thought was one that had developed in the days prior to the Attic Incident, but he had pushed it as far back as he could manage. Until it had come bursting forth suddenly, a week after him and his brothers found your body deader than a doornail at the base of the stairs. Not a single trace of life remained in you as his younger brother cackled over you in triumph. A few pieces of his clothing were torn to reveal minor lacerations on his skin from your retaliation with Rashōmon, but nothing that could compare to your injuries. Even as the past version of you disintegrated and a very angry, alive, and partially strangled version of you emerged from the top of the stairs, the sight of your corpse was not one he'd soon forget. His worries only accelerated upon finding out that you were one of Lilith's descendants.
Lucifer knew that Lord Diavolo's rule was absolute and what he said went, but on the morning that would mark the last day of your stay in the Devildom he crushed his own pride in front of the Demon Prince. It took a lot out of him to kneel before Diavolo a plead for him to allow you sanctuary in the Devildom, alongside bringing your sister down there as well with the same offer of safety. Luci had come to care for you even without knowledge of your ancestry, and he couldn't bear the idea of just letting you return to the hellish part of the Human World they had inadvertently saved you from, albeit temporarily, without some form of resistance on his end.
(I'll leave the interpretation of whether or not Diavolo agrees to this proposal up to y'all, but either way you'll be having an extended stay in the Devildom sooner or later. Manga readers of BSD know what's up *sniffle* *sob*)
But let's edge away from all the big sad stuff and get back to something nice and fluffy with the eldest!(Before I cry again.)
Lucifer finds you as quite good company for the most part. He delights in the short fireside chats that you occasionally indulge him in, eagerly speaking about your interests in curios and antiques over some freshly brewed tea. Sometimes he does need to be careful if he involves sarcasm or older sayings, since despite your tough and bitter exterior you're somewhat naïve at times to the people you respect. Lucifer's chest swells with pride when you begin to trust and even respect him, but perhaps you shouldn't have so offhandedly mentioned your previous mentor and his.... teaching methods. Also, Lucifer almost definitely enrolls you in some form of therapy, and your younger sister as well if she is there. Literally everyone in HOL knows how much you need it, I mean like damn.
For the most part Luci isn't too deeply invested in knowing the ins and outs of your ability, but he does appreciate Rashōmon's presence on days where he needs extra hands on deck and none of his brothers are there or willing to help out. You're honestly a life saver on grocery days, making it so that the two of you can grab everything in one trip. He's somewhat curious if the creature that can be formed out of any of your clothing is alive or not, especially when it wraps around your body like armor or it consumes everything in it's path.
On the topic of clothing, he appreciates your more formal style of dress. If not for RAD's dress code he would've happily let your oddly vamp-... Victorian era attire be worn whenever you please, but he does wish you would learn the name of the "frilly thing" around your neck. In the same regard as clothing, Lucifer doesn't understand exactly why you refuse to be even slightly nude with anyone in a 2 mile vicinity, until you explain that you're essentially powerless without any clothes on. Thankfully you have your own separate bathroom that he installed prior to the program, so he just buys you a more secure lock for your bedroom door. Much to his brothers dismay, that is.
Mammon's already grouchy that he has to look after a human in general, let alone one that has such a short temper and violent impulses. You can preach about your beliefs of "survival of the fittest" and how you're strong enough to handle yourself all you want, but he knows the second he actually lets you get into a fight without his intervention you're going to get yourself killed. Not to mention the fact that you have such a short temper at times that you have tried to attack him before, with little success. Even after forming a pact with you he's still the one to drag you out of trouble you've caused. Honestly hats off to Lucifer for finding Mammon a source of stress far greater than 50% of his debts.
You've only unnerved Mammon deeply once, and it was right before you made a pact with him no less. Leviathan had been instructing you on how you were supposed to go about getting his brother to form a pact with you by taking his precious Goldie hostage, and the demon in question just happened to overhear. Unfortunately for him, he also started listening in on the conversation at the same time as you offered a different way to go about the formation of the pact. Though you do end up going with Levi's original plan, Mammon is oddly more compliant than he would've been originally. Perhaps the fact that you had suggested threatening to curb-stomp the second eldest and beat him into submission had something to do with that, but there's no way he overheard that, right?
The Avatar of Greed really doesn't start liking you until he eventually sees your vulnerable side. Though you may have formed a pact and hung out before the TSL quiz in preparation, Mammon only starts to genuinely care for you after seeing the thirdborn attack you. The way you instinctively flinch and guard your face as Leviathan's fist easily breaks through Rashōmon's barrier brings an unfamiliar pain to his chest, one only worsened by the look of terror the had been briefly present on your face even as Lucifer protected you from any more harm. It was as if for a moment that ice-cold barrier that surrounded your heart was shattered, revealing the frightened human that lied underneath.
After that experience, Mammon starts to take his role as your Guardian a bit more seriously and tries to hang around you more often as well. He's never up front with it, but he just subtly tries to get you to allow yourself to become closer to him and be somewhat more vulnerable around him. As the realization of his desire for you to feel safe dawns on him, another feeling slowly develops in the span of time before the pudding incident. Perhaps Mammon was beginning to grow fond of you. A fondness that wasn't the same type that he felt for his brothers, followed by a burning need for your presence.
Being a model, Mammon is aware that your fashion style is unique, but not without it's own merits. He'll occasionally buy you similar clothes or suggest things to you that he felt better suited you, but he's never direct about it. Doesn't really understand why you have such a massive lock on your door all of a sudden though. How is he gonna sneak all of these new things he secretly bought for you into your room without getting caught now?
In regards to your Ability, Mammon finds it somewhat fascinating. The way that the tendrils of dark matter can sprout from any piece of your clothing and be morphed into just about every shape is something the demon would find interesting to watch, if he weren't preoccupied with making sure you don't get yourself killed since every time you bring it out usually you're in a fight. He might subtly suggest for you to use Rashōmon to help him in some of his schemes, but after a while you just told him to be upfront with you if he wants something from you. With growing up in the slums and working for the mafia, petty theft is mere Child's Play to you. After getting you in trouble multiple times with the string of shoplifting and pickpocketing he got you to do, Mammon stops trying to involve you in his schemes. It's also around the time that he begins to develop much deeper feelings for you other than the friendly type. Even if you don't mind it, he doesn't want you to end up hurt or enduring any harsh punishments.
While Mammon's not the best choice for a study buddy, he understands a decent amount of the material covered at RAD. He doesn't really let onto it that much and disguises his lack of motivation as a lack of understanding instead. But, if you need someone to tutor you in one of his stronger subjects, he'll willing take up the mantle. Unlike some of his brothers, Mammon picks up pretty easily that you may need some extra help during studying and homework. Refuse it all you like, Mc, but he's bolting this door shut until you agree to let him help you with your Mathematics homework. Out of the brothers, Mammon is the most patient when it comes to your lack of knowledge to most academic things that aren't exactly required for your lifestyle in the Human World. Though he may get distracted a little bit easily, he does his best to take it slow with you and make sure that you fully understand the material before moving on. Tsundere-ness and Lucifer be damned, he'll give the teacher an earful if they're too harsh with you in class about your grades and what not.
Besides Satan, Mammon is the brother that helps you the most with dealing with your emotions. If Lucifer hasn't already done it, he will subtly try and suggest to the eldest for you to be enrolled in some form of therapy. Mams easily picks up on not only your anger issues but your underlying trauma as well, and knows that whatever happened to you in your life has really screwed with you in more ways than one. I mean c'mon, what kind of human just casually suggests waterboarding as a method of getting Lucifer to tell him where he hid Goldie again?
As you grow more and more into a much calmer and open person than the human that he was first told to protect, he spends an increasing amount of sleepless nights thinking about you. Most of those thoughts are just general ones revolving around his growing romantic interest in you, with some sprinklings of jealousy whenever you spent too much time around his brothers instead of him. With these thoughts becoming more frequent now, your position in his life becomes cemented in his brain. He doesn't like to think of the fact that once the Exchange Program is over you'll be sent back to the Human World, straight back into the arms of the Port Mafia as well, so he tries not to think about it too much. At first it's an easy thought to push back, but as the semester inches closer to the end it becomes an almost constant worry on his end.
Seeing as he was the second strongest of the brothers, your assigned guardian, and almost always at your side, Mammon didn't think that at some point during your stay in the Devildom that you might actually get killed. And by his own brother no less. You were already dead by the time they had found you, but it was clear that you at least put up some sort of fight before Belphie finally landed the killing blow. As he crumbled to the floor beside your lifeless form, Mammon desperately searched for some sign of life, an indication that at least some part of you remained and could be saved by some sort of healing spell. Yet, not even his attempts to draw out Rashōmon from your jacket were successful, and your body grew colder by the second.
When you miraculously come back to life a appear at the stairs, he's even more attached at the hip than he was before. He had been the first to embrace you upon your return, and the whispers of joy from the sobbing demon who clung onto brought tears to your own eyes. Being someone that suffered from such an inferiority complex and lacked a decent amount of self-worth, feeling someone cling to you and hearing them cry so happily at the simple fact you were alive brought forth a heart-wrenching sob that even you didn't know lay under the surface of your cold exterior. Once the tears started they didn't show any signs of stopping, and yet Mammon allowed you to cry to your heart's content, whispering sweet nothings that felt more like sweet everythings as he rubbed calming circles into your shoulder blades.
After seeing your dead body that day, the fact of your mortality becomes even more of a nagging thought on his mind. And with that came an immense amount of worry caused by the idea that they'd likely be sending you to your death one way or another should they send you back to the Human World at the end of the year. Similar to the eldest, he's not going to let this happen without a fight, and if he has to he'll just come with you to the Human World to continue to protect you. No Diavolo, he isn't open for negotiations either. No amount of treasure in the whole Devildom could deter him from ensuring that you continue to live your mortal life to the fullest. Plus, he's got a bone to pick with a particular human with an very intense death wish. Tsk, stupid human cursing him with such a deep infatuation...
Geez, anger issues much? If you weren't a human, Leviathan might've worried that you may have ended up biting his head off at some point. You might just give Satan a run for his money in his position as the Avatar of Wrath if you became a demon yourself in the future. Not that a normie like you could even become such a high ranking demon anyway. You'd need to grind at least a gajillion centuries worth of kills to even be close to... wait you've actually killed how many people now? Well... those are still rookie numbers anyway! But uh, can you go away now?
Military officer or not, Levi doesn't wanna hear you described Humanity's newest forms of torture that it inflicts on other members of its species. Even with your rather off-putting nature, it's still not enough to deeply rattle one of the Seven Avatars of Sin. Honestly, he's probably seen a good chunk of whatever you're going on about before in an anime or manga, but that doesn't mean he really wants to hear about it right now. Your background in the Human World is easy enough to check also, and while it may be somewhat strange to him that they're fostering a known Human World criminal in their home, he's well aware that even with your ability you can do much in the means of harming or defending yourself from demons.
Leviathan is very upfront with his intentions regarding you at first. He just wants to use you so he can get his money back from Mammon, and then whatever else happens to you during your stay in the Devildom doesn't matter to him. But then oh no, you just had to go and pursue him and now he's catching feelings. Now he's stuck thinking about how much your newfound friendship reminds him of the new hottest anime in the Devildom, "I'm a Tsundere and this angry idiot keeps making me fall in love with them by accident while being a Tsundere themselves, please send help!". By the way, do you wanna watch it with him?
Your relationship is a bit rocky at the start, but overtime it smoothes out. Both of you exchange some rather harsh words in the beginning, which eventually fade and are replaced by more friendly exchanges instead. He's aware that you initially only formed a pact with him to get something, but he's not really in the space to complain about it considering Levi got you to make a pact with his brother to do pretty much the exact same thing for him. Plus, if you didn't enjoy him being around you wouldn't start hanging out in his room and playing video games with him in the dead of night, right? Or maybe you didn't, and all that self deprecation that lingers in the back of his mind is right.
Something Levi finds an odd sense of delight in is teaching you about video games and anime in general. The first time you had questioned what the plush toy he was holding in his hands was one night during one of his series marathons signed you up for a weeks worth of Otaku lessons from Leviathan-sensei himself. Lucifer had to forcibly remove you from the thirdborn's bedroom before he let you return to RAD, and as punishment Levi had to help you with all of the homework you missed when he had put you through the wringer known as "Otaku Boot Camp". Not that he really has an issue with this punishment though, he teaches you about the material covered at RAD just as easily as he taught you about all things non-normie. There's a bit of trial-and-error and some frustrations on both sides when he tries to go too fast for you to keep up, but eventually the two of you settle into a comfortable enough pace that you get a decent amount of learning done. As much as these study sessions would eat into his personal time, Levi grew to miss them after you started to go to Satan for assistance instead.
While we're discussing Leviathan's personal interests, your ability quickly becomes a new one of his. Until the constant usage of your ability shows a noticeable strain on you, he's going to keep begging you to do various things and show off as many attacks or defenses as you can. Either you'll need to outright tell him about the harm that over usage of Rashōmon is causing on your own strength and stamina, or he's going to have to pick up on it himself from your body language and sudden excessive coughing. If Leviathan's the one to pick up on the amount of strain you're putting on yourself for his enjoyment, he's probably gonna cry and beg you not to do it anymore if it hurts you so much to do. He doesn't care how strong you think you are, you have a household of seven powerful demons ready and willing to protect you in a moments notice if necessary. At most he might not argue letting you use Rashōmon for tasks that don't put any form of strain on you to use, but your days of getting into tussles with lesser demons are over once he has anything to say about it.
Though your fashion style is somewhat unique, it does bring quite a few characters to mind that share a similar Victorian aesthetic. Levi doesn't mind your dark apparel and can relate to your desire to never be seen remotely close to nude by anyone. But he does wish that you'd give into his demands for best friend privileges and give him a key to your door so he can come and tell you about all the latest anime and manga as soon as news of it reaches the air waves.
Like Mammon, any discussions of your former mentor piss him off to no end. Learning how someone could treat their subordinate and teach them the ins and outs of the mafia with such cruel methods makes him want to load up Hell's Navy and storm Yokohama in search of the bastard. Sure, the mafia itself is ruthless and cruel, but even the literal Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy would be pressed to barely think about using such tactics on his own subordinates. Tell him as much as you'd like about how you respect your old mentor or how he made you stronger and whatnot, Levi's gonna want his head on a pike for at least the next couple centuries. No body hurts his normie and gets away with it.
The jealous that begins to broil in his stomach is the catalyst that makes him realize his deeper feelings towards you, feelings far deeper than wanting to just be best friends. Unless best friends kiss each other on the lips, cuddle together, dress in couples' cosplays, and more... lewd activities that is. But seeing both parties are lacking in the self-worth department, something big would certainly need to happened for Leviathan to act on these underlying impulses. And oh would you look at that... you're dead.
You're just lying there in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, his younger brother cackling over you, and Levi has no clue what to do with himself. Does he craddle you and check for any signs of life? No, Mammon's doing that just fine on his own. Does he try and search his mind for any sort of healing spell that might work? No, Satan probably is better with that. Leviathan's thoughts just become a tangled mess as all he can manage to do is collapse on the ground next to his older brother, fingertips only barely grazing your already ice-cold skin. If not for the fact that you somehow managed to come back to life, truly he doesn't know what would've happened after that.
If Lucifer wouldn't drag you away like he did the last time, Leviathan would've likely tried to keep you in his room for as long as possible after the Attic incident. Your lack of presence just allows his mind to drift, and his drifting brain only sinks itself into darker thoughts and insecurities that scream at him to check and make sure you're still breathing even if he did see you walking around just fine this morning. The night of one particularly nasty nightmare marks the same night of his confession regarding his true feelings towards you, even if they did come back in a ham-fisted, tsundere manner. He doesn't need or expect you to feel the same, and Levi's perfectly happy with remaining your friend instead, but he really just needs to tell you how much you mean to this yucky otaku. Hey, wait don't cry! Was it something he said? Oh, you're not used to kind words. *sniffle*
(Listen, to avoid constantly repeating myself, I will just say now that all of the brothers are in agreement of enrolling you in some god damn therapy. Just some of them are more forceful with it than others. Lord knows how much Aku actually needs it holy fuck.)
Let's go ahead and add another member to the "If Mc's going, I'm going" gang. It's somewhat shocking that he's willing to outright abandon the safe-haven of his room to ensure your safety instead, but it's a feeling that everyone in the Student Council and Exchange Program understands. The very thought of what might happen to you the second that you return home after being gone for so long without notice haunts him, making him cling even tighter to you whenever you hug him goodbye in between RAD classes. Lord Diavolo should either really consider how much control he has over the brothers or reconsider sending you back, unless he really doesn't want to end up with none of them left.
(Aku is a very deep and well developed character, so I did my best to do him justice! Also, those of you who know, know that like Mori would probably legit off him the second he came back tbh. As always, any critiques, comments, or suggestions are welcome!)
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spacexseven · 1 year
Tuna, messed up idea, but imagine thriller buddy cop comedy turned full blown yandere horror with: scapegoat! Darling based on the serial killer au. Darling just has terrible luck and gets pinned all the murders and worse thing? they wake up one day, covered in blood, in a strange place with the cold corpse of a red headed man. It takes a while for the implications of what happened to hit them and they later find out they now have mutiple abilities. Abilities they never had before. Or! maybe, this is a crappy isekai au with bad end! serial killer reader. sigma 🤝 isekai scapegoat darling - 🦄 (im thinking about random ideas too much while i should be finishing other wips and ideas.)
manga spoilers below regarding the unknown doa members and a future part of the doa's plan :) i took liberties with the extent of the book's abilities so. don't question it hfhfh
in the same universe as sk reader, but this time, reader is a stranger who has been brought into the bsd world as a pawn in fyodor's new plan. here, fyodor has broken out of meursault already. fyodor centric but implied sigma x reader and nikolai x reader
cw: murder, dark isekai, death, start of an obsession, manipulation, kind of dehumanization of reader, fyodor is Evil.
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let's say things were not going according to plan. the hunting dogs had found the coin bombs in the casino, and now all eyes were on sigma and the associated members, mushitarou was out and working with ango and the ada, and the port mafia had seemingly come to help the ada too. it would only be a matter of time before kamui's identity was revealed, and that would destroy everything he's worked for thus far.
it would be easy to do as kamui says and unleash bram's infection across the population; it would only take weeks, if not days, for the virus to spread with kamui's ability in hand. but fyodor disagreed with his decision. no, there was a better way to do things. all he needed was time to distract the public and get everything back on track. if kamui's identity was revealed now...it would throw the world into chaos, yes, but not the kind he needed.
this called for his last resort.
though he hadn't told anyone, there was a little more than a side of a page left blank in the book. on the written side, he had intentionally left a very part blank on the offchance that things would stop going his way. kamui was unaware. of course, but that was for the best.
the first order of business was to ensure ango sakaguchi was dead.
his ability would prove to be too much of a hindrance since he could use it to find kamui and the others. with the information he had, he could somewhat be certain of where ango was and what he would be doing.
under the moonlight, he writes, ango sakaguchi walks down the alleyway, believing himself to be alone. suddenly, there's a strange sensation at the back of his neck; he considers turning around to face his pursuer and slowly reaches for his gun. but it's too late. the minute his hand reaches for the handle, something pierces his chest...
he can almost feel the words coming to life, twisting reality. fyodor smiles to himself as he finishes writing the last line; besides the corpse of ango sakaguchi, a person awakens. in their hand is a gun, the bullets of which match the ones inside ango. he writes about the blood splattered newcomer methodically cleaning up the scene and disposing of the body and evidence.
this person's ability allows them to take the ability 'discourse on decadence' for themselves.
it's a little bit harder to alter history, to make it so that the deaths of numerous ability users before were a result of his new subordinate's work, and give you all the power you need to be useful to him. he has to write down all the details about the deceased users so that there are no discrepancies, has to ensure the crime scenes are cleaned up but with enough clues so the implication is clear. there is a serial killer loose in yokohama, one that has been targeting ability users for almost a decade now.
the special division wouldn't be surprised that ango had become a victim; it made sense because he had been strongly involved in the case for a while now, but this also made it a priority. files about the sky casino were put on hold, and now the terrorists of the armed detective agency and the serial killer were the priority of the government.
it's funny; the special division thinks that the serial killer is working with the ada, which is why you were not caught despite the agency being aware of your presence all this time, and the ada believes you to be working with the doa. they would all be running in circles, chasing their own beliefs, with no consideration of fyodor's involvement.
nikolai brings him updates; his pawn is in a constant state of confusion and shock, and still unable to use your ability as it was intended. you're plagued by nightmares, too, and still afraid of everyone. he chides fyodor for not writing you to be a calm, composed person, so you would continue your work as fyodor intended you to, but he only had so much space. besides, he tells nikolai, pawns can be trained, too; like pets. all he needs is to offer you a home, an identity, and a life—just like he offered sigma—and you'd be eating out of his hand. what did it matter to you, after that, if a few more lives were lost as long as it guaranteed your own survival?
he arranges for documents to be made; for you to have your own job and home so that there's no suspicion about your identity, arranges for nikolai to surveil you closely and watch out for the eyes of god, lest you're caught by fitzgerald, and for sigma to gain your trust. he himself comes to let you know about all the abilities you have and helps you wield them easily
it's a shame. on paper, you were the perfect pawn—but you're too weak to act on your own yet. he doesn't mind the extra time spent, however, and he coaxes you into targeting mushitarou, whose ability would be extremely useful, but your hands still shake even when he places his over yours and directs the gun for you, and you still cry when you see the blood pooling out of mushitarou, folding in on yourself with shallow breaths. you still tremble when he asks you to use your newest ability.
you're still sniffling when he pets your head and suggests you clean up, and though you go quiet, he can tell you're still haunted by your actions when he looks at the glossy emptiness of your eyes. even after all this time, you still look conflicted when he praises you for a job well done.
it doesn't matter what you feel right now, anyway. fyodor smiles to himself when he catches sight of you slumped up against sigma, watching the other go through his customer files, because he would never let you leave. you don't have anywhere else to go, or anyone else to turn to. nobody would accept you like they have, and you knew that; even if you were so terrified that your hands froze over the trigger or you can't pull the knife out, you'd still force yourself to do it if he asks.
truly, you make for a perfect pet.
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alleycat-arcade · 3 years
Game Finish! The Seven Lords: Rashōmon
Anonymous asked: Oh my god, I LOVED how you wrote an MC with Atsushis ability and was wondering if you could do an Akutagawa like MC? Or maybe a Dazai MC as I've always wondered how they'd handle someone like either of them considering there depth as characters and they were my absolute favorites. Aku deserved better-
Hmph, you're sure that machine still hasn't bitten you? .... N-nevermind, don't worry about it.
The Mafia's Hellhound. (Part 3) (Obey Me! Dateables x Akutagawa Ryūnosuke(BSD)-like!Gn!Mc/Reader, Platonic! Luke + Akutagawa Ryūnosuke(BSD)-like!Gn!Mc/Reader)
Content Warnings: Since this character is from the same series as Atsushi Nakajima, I'm gonna put the same first bit of warning here. Bungou Stray Dogs is a series that contains characters based on real life authors, with each individual character having an ability based on a book by their namesake author. There is also a character in the series who is Sui///cidal and it is somewhat treated more light-hearted than how it is usually treated in media, and though it is explained later as to why I don't recommend anyone who is put off or upset by that type of content to watch it. Akutagawa is not this character, but this character does have a heavy impact on him. To those who are interested in the original concept as a whole, I'd definitely recommend watching up to Episode 3 first since that is the first appearance of Aku in the anime. This will have light spoilers for Seasons 1-3 as well throughout, so if you do end up really liking the anime and don't want the slightest bit of spoilers you should finish it first. The majority of spoilers lie in Aku's overall personality, but if you've seen Bungou Stray Dogs: Wan! it is not too dissimilar. There will be mentions of blood and general violence, as well as spoilers for Chapter 16-20 of Obey Me. Don't blame me, blame Belphie. And again, there will be angst. Not just because angst is my chicken soup for the soul, but that this character is very angsty. It is much tamer on Luke's part though.
(While a good chunk of the Side Character's Development lie in Seasons 2 and 3 for now, I've chosen to keep this particular set of headcanons secluded to MC's first semester in the Devildom. There may be slight nods towards the following seasons, but that would need to be a seperate request.(Especially since I'd need to figure out how to play around with the timeline to keep Aku!MC from doing certain things relating to a certain arc.)
(Takes place in between the Cannibalism Arc and Kamui Revelation Arc, which I assume Wan! is also set in. I went with this specific version of Aku because it's where the anime has left off at, and I personally believe anime watchers are more widespread than manga readers most of the time. I'll be doing my best not to accidentally water down his personality though, as even at that point in the story Aku still has quite the inferiority complex, violent tendencies, and other such issues.)
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(Not writing the entire intro still 'cause that would be way too long. You can find the intro in Part 1, and Part 2 is the continuation with the Younger Demon Brothers.)
(Please note that since I don't have too many colors to work with, characters do share colors based off their glow sticks. The difference is that the Demon Brothers speak like this, and the side characters speak like this when in the same conversations as the Demon Brothers. Otherwise they just speak like this. Still working on stuff for the new three, since they don't have any set colors, so they might change off and on.)
"My! You're quite the curious case of a human, aren't you? What wonderful little tendrils you have there! They very much remind me of the thorny vines of the Black and Blue Butterfly Weed." :)
If Barbatos hadn't already turned down the idea in a conversation prior to your summoning, he might've just brought you to his place instead of making you stay with the Brothers. But honestly, could you blame him for wanting to talk to you more and learn more about you? Diavolo is ever the curious type in regards to the cultures and aspects of the residents of the other two realms. Not only to satisfy his own interests but for the betterment of relationships between the Three Realms as well. So, when a human with such unique capabilities and a heavily checkered past had been selected by Lucifer, Dia was incredibly eager to get to know them.
While Diavolo may have quite the cheery and somewhat carefree demeanor at times, he's far more intelligent than he usually let's on. He has tracked down all obtainable knowledge there is to find about you in the Human World, such as your criminal record, affiliations, family tree, known documentations on your ability, and other such things. Diavolo had actually known the majority of these facts about you prior to your selection as well, but made sure to thoroughly scour any and all documents out there in the Human World for as much information after Lucifer had chosen you as the second Human Exchange Student. With all that in mind, despite your checkered and spotted past Diavolo still chose to go through with Lucifer's primary decision. As for why? Only him and Barbatos, (and everyone who's played up to Chapter 16), know.
Though your typical demeanor may be described as rough at best and cold at it's worst, Dia really doesn't pay any mind to it. He wouldn't blatantly admit it in the presence of the Eldest Brother, but you remind him of Lucifer in a way and he treats you as such. Albeit with an appropriate amount of distance between the two of you. Sure, he ultimately desires to unite the Three Realms and have peace, but there's no harm in keeping up some walls and not telling you more than you need to know. Dia's known Luci for far longer and he's not quite prepared to fully trust you in the same way, even if you do act somewhat similar.
Considering the situation of your residency, he doesn't often have the chance to monitor your well-being and progress with the Brothers outside of updates from Lucifer, idle chatter, or Student Council Meetings. To most others who would've overseen a program such as this one, this slow and steady stream of information would have been enough for them. But Lord Diavolo was a demon very much unlike most others, and as such went out of his way to get to know you whenever the opportunity presented itself.
Most of the time you were invited to outings with the Demon Prince or to his castle alongside at least one of the Demon Brothers, but it had become an increasing phenomena that you would be invited to spend time with him alone. You had been assured time and time again that Diavolo possessed no ill will towards you nor intent to cause harm, but for quite a bit these moments alone with him unnerved you. The way you had seen him in these moments was uncanny to that of the Mafia Boss you served under, and you couldn't help but squirm in your seat and await harm. Both himself and Barbatos picked up on this, and easily put two and two together based on their collected records of the Port Mafia. Dia did not relent with inviting you over though, choosing to persevere and gain your trust as you also grew closer to the Demon Brothers. To his credit he does slowly weave his way into your heart, while also failing to notice the way you'd begun to worm your way into his own. Once you've finally given Diavolo some leeway and allowed him some sort of entrance into your life, he's fully intent on staying in that position. With the comparison of your Boss buried away, now all you can really compare him to is an excitable puppy.(To your dismay.)
Returning to the fact he does have a very baseline understanding of your past and your abilities thanks to those public records of yours, Diavolo is ever so eager to fully understand you and brings up those topics often in your short meetings together should you be comfortable enough to discuss it with him. There's a constant glimmer of intrigue in his eyes whenever you choose to use Rashōmon in front of him. It doesn't matter if you're intentionally trying to show off or if you're just using it's tendrils to perform a mundane task, Dia is deeply invested on seeing your ability in action. Many a drape or tea set has been lost to the gaping maw of Rashōmon: Agito, to the dismay of a certain butler respectfully at standby outside of the Prince's office. Diavolo has trouble truly relating to the plights imposed upon you by your separation from your sibling in the same way that the Demon Brothers can, but he bears enough empathy to understand why such a thing effects you in that way and never fails to extend words of comfort in your direction as needed.
Your position as a decently high ranking member of the Port Mafia doesn't truly effect his perception of you or your species either, both since he'd known about this fact prior and he'd now gotten to know you more than just the surface level amount that he could gleam from Human World records about you. If anything, having someone like you was more beneficial to the Exchange Program than it may have seemed at a first glance. Though the media and most of the world may have seen you as a cruel murderer and self-branded mafia dog, Diavolo had slowly come to know the true version of you the lied underneath your sharp, cold exterior. Humans are certainly fascinating... No wonder the Brothers are so fond of you.
Back on the topic of the Brothers, and one brother in particular, Diavolo is quite well aware of the circumstances he was sending you into when sending you back into the past. He may have had some reservations about quite literally sending you to your demise, but Dia trusted Barbatos' abilities. Knowing that you had lain dead at the foot of the stairs just a few moments prior was slightly unnerving to him, yet he was more so thankful that he didn't have to bear witness to the scene itself and that he could simply swoop in at the end and tie up any loose ends.
Hmm? What's that MC? Dia seems to be inviting you over an awful lot more than usual lately? Nonsense, nonsense. It's perfectly normal for him to invite you out every other day, with the occasional surprise slumber party. You are his favorite Human Exchange Student after all! Just don't tell Solomon. All jokes aside though, Diavolo does start showing a bit more interest in your wellbeing that he already had after everything that went down with Belphie. He's even extended the offer to let you stay at the castle many a time should you ever feel unsafe in the presence of the Avatar of Sloth, although he is fairly certain that Belphegor will bring you no harm. (Also hooks you up with the best psychologists and psychiatrists he can find, both for your past trauma and your brand new limited edition trauma.)
Sending you back home at the end of RAD's semester is a rather difficult subject for him. Dia shares the same worries concerning what may happen to you after your return to the Human World as the Brothers do, and he can't help but get caught up on the thoughts of worst cause scenarios. You spent so much time and effort to contribute so much to his Exchange Program, only to be sent back to incarceration, demise, or worse? And yet, he's the Demon Prince and soon to be Demon King. He's more than aware of the consequences of tampering with a human's lifespan, a crime in the Celestial Realm, and the effect that prolonged exposure to the Devildom has on humans. Putting aside his sense of companionship, Dia needs to sit down and have a long hard think. Most likely, he'll have Barbatos look ahead into your future to see if it's truly safe to send you back and find some way to keep Team "If Mc goes, so do I" in the Devildom. This is a very delicate matter, one that could perhaps even change the fate of the Three Realms as a whole due to your unique bloodline.
Similar to his Lord, Barbatos is equally intrigued by you. Not particularly intrigued enough to let Diavolo move you into the Castle instead of the House of Lamentation, but at least somewhat more interested in you than he would usually be. Both him and Dia have done a bit of info-gathering and timeline inspecting prior to your arrival, but since he'd been requested to not look into your future unless asked after that Barbatos would need to actively seek you out should he desire to get to know anything more about you.
As it seemed to be good information to remember, Barbatos made it a point to give himself a decent amount of memory of your files. This includes but is not particularly limited to; the variations of your ability, the pure destructive capabilities of said ability, your past, your family tree, and records regarding your time in the Port Mafia. None of these factors startled or frightened him as it would most humans though, as he'd know quite a few demons in his time that had done far worse things with very little reasoning behind them. Nevertheless, Barbatos still needed to take these factors into account when certain matters involved you, such as your reckless streak of fights at RAD or your occasional visit to the Castle. No need to spend extra money on new antique furniture, décor, or bandages unless absolutely necessary after all.
Given his position and duties as Lord Diavolo's personal butler, this left himself with very little free time in general. Let alone free time that he'd wished to spend getting to know you and not winding down after a hard day's work. It's not that he didn't want to form some sort of bond outside of a baseline acquaintanceship with you, rather he found interactions to be particularly exhausting and draining after serving Dia all day long. So, the only true opportunities Barbatos has to get to know you are made up of chance run-ins and interactions. Or at least in the beginning it is.
Often you'd occasionally run into Barb in the halls of RAD and exchange a brief few words, but if you happened to not be in the company of any of the Demon Brothers and just so conveniently got a couple of scuffs and bruises from picking fights, Barbatos is quick to sigh and drag you off to an empty classroom. Setting aside whatever he happens to be holding on a nearby desk, Barb makes quick work of inspecting and treating any injuries you might have. All the while gently scolding you for your reckless behavior. These moments are strangely more intimate than any of your minute long chats in the halls or in between servings of tea with Diavolo, and the both of you oddly begin to crave this strange form of company as the Exchange Program continues on. Eventually one of you caves and gives up your little game of school delinquent and caring nurse, choosing instead to actually hang out like normal people do.
When bonding with Barbatos, most of it is done through the enjoyment of each other's company with bits of conversation sprinkled in. You're aware of just how little free time the loyal butler has, so it makes it all the more special when he invites you over for tea or out shopping with him. A decent chunk of your conversations consist of your day to day life rather than your past, but that doesn't mean Barb would bring it up from time to time should it be relevant to the current topic. Barbatos also uses your little personal meetings to introduce you to some new methods that might help you get a handle on your temper or adjust easier to your life in the Devildom. It becomes fairly commonplace that you end up returning to HOL with an armful of calming teas, sweets, advice notes, and lists after meeting him, so much so that you've just started bringing a reusable shopping bag with you whenever he invites you over.
Out of all of the Obey Me! cast, Barbatos is the person who asks the least about your ability and it's uses. He knows enough about Rashōmon to have a decent understanding of it and has probably seen it in his visions of different timelines, futures, and pasts. Unless you offer to use it in order to help him complete simple tasks like shopping or housekeeping, he'd prefer you not to use it at all. Diavolo's curiosity has caused the end of many drapes, armchairs, and rugs, and he'd rather not have to find Rashōmon shredding something any time soon. Plus Barb does become distressed quite a bit when he sees you coughing up blood from overuse, even if his face doesn't really show it at the time. If you desire to have a space to practice your ability, you're welcome to use it on any rats you find in the Castle though. He'd much prefer feeding them to the little creature that forms itself from your clothing, that pretty much disintegrates them, than deal with the mess left behind.
Barbatos also isn't off-put by the nature of your past. Like his Prince, Barb has met plenty of creatures throughout the Three Realms that have killed far more people for less reasons. If he was being truly honest, he'd consider your actions Child's Play in comparison to certain individual's he's met over the years. He'll offer you comfort and solace should you want or need it, but if you're worried about him bearing a distaste for you because of your role in the mafia, there's no reason to. Barb is far more interested in hearing you lovingly talk about your sister or any particular Human World teas that you're fond of anyway.
As previously stated with Diavolo, both him and Barb are well aware of the events following your release from the Attic. However, the image of your corpse is something that haunts his mind, most often in the late hours of the night. He'd jumped through many timelines until eventually arriving in one where you had succeeded in his original plan, but that wasn't without seeing a fair share of your demises. Luckily, years upon years spent shaping himself into the perfect butler allowed him to shove down these suffocating feelings. They do resurface eventually, but Barbatos keeps them hidden behind the door to his bedroom and later yours.
There's an exponential rise in Barb's invitations of companionship following the incident, much to the dismay of the Seven brothers already fighting amongst themselves and the Demon Prince for your attention. Diavolo has crashed a few of your "dates" with Barbatos at times, but for the most part it's just the two of you alone. These little meetings are fairly similar to the ones that had occured before, but they oddly just feel more domestic? Barbatos's gazes just feel softer and warmer, and his touches so, so gentle. He's handled ancient porcelain dishes far rougher than he does you. You've also noticed that Barb takes any chance he can get to subtly caress your face, but he'll dismiss it every time with a barely noticeable blush. You aren't slick Barbatos, we all know why you styled their bangs so they didn't hang in their face and why it took so long to finish.
Barbatos grows more and more apprehensive as the end of the Exchange Program nears. As much as he'd like to keep you in the Devildom for the rest of your days should you desire to stay, it's ultimately Lord Diavolo's choice in the end. He's already preparing to look into your future in the Human World when Dia asks, and fully ready to change timeline occurrences as needed. Just so long as Diavolo says the word. Perhaps if you had a bit more time to bond fully, instead of the sort of puppy love mutual crush relationship you shared, Barb might have considered going against his Prince's wishes a bit more.
Considering how much time this old man immortal sorcerer has spent roaming the Earth, it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that Solomon does have a decent amount of knowledge about those special humans known as "Ability Users". He may not know too much about you and your ability specifically, but he's fairly knowledgeable about the concept and people involved as a whole. There's also a decent chance that Solo knows a couple of the groups run by Ability Users, like The Guild, Port Mafia, and ADA. If asked for a description based on his current level of awareness on the topic, Solomon would best describe Ability Users as magic users who are limited to one singular niche spell. As such, seeing you using an ability doesn't come as too much of a shock to him, unlike certain demons and Angels who'd come to expect the majority of humanity to be magicless and overall defenseless aside from their handmade weapons. Yet, even though he's well aware of others like you, he's still ever so intrigued by you and Rashōmon. Seeing a small tendril pop out of your coat and snatch your D.D.D. back after he'd picked it up for you had been the starting point of his fascination, and it progressively developed more and more over time. Like a sort of Snowball effect.
Since you're both humans who possess some rather inhuman qualities, Solomon decides to use that detail as a starting point to getting you to bond with him. He's not very successful in his advances at first, since the Demon Brothers had yet to even begin to whittle away and the massive emotional walls around your heart. But as you slowly begin to soften up and slightly quell your aggression, Monsolo finds just enough leeway to wriggle his way into your life. Given that you're still slightly iffy about him and make that fact obvious, he starts out his bonding with you very slow and steady. Solo lacks the advantage of sharing a house/dormitory with you like the brothers, so he has to think ahead and plan out the best ways of interacting with you and what topics to bring up or avoid. Lucky for him, it seems that you have a certain knack for getting into trouble, so extending a helping hand your way with his magic is a huge benefit to positively influencing the way that you think about him.
The time the two of you spend together start off small and somewhat insignificant, like a brief chat in the halls of RAD or small talk after a chance run-in, but as your relationship deepens from an acquaintanceship to a friendship, you begin to have actual outings. These range from going to a restaurant or café, to coming over to the Purgatory Hall for some tea or a brief study session. Solomon easily picks up on the fact that your past is a rather sore subject, so he holds off on asking about it until you are in a better place mentally.
A topic he does indulge himself in quite a bit is asking about your ability and just about every detail you are willing to provide about it. If you're up for giving him a demonstration he's rather pleased to watch and take notes, but Solo also easily notices when you are beginning to overuse Rashōmon and will stop you from doing so. After a bit of studying your ability and the ways that you can or choose to use it, should your relationship be at a comfortable enough level, he might offer to give you some advice on how to improve your control and usage Rashōmon based on spells that somewhat resembled certain aspects of your ability. He's quite happy should you take him up on his advice and potentially seek him out for more in the future, but Solo does understand should you also disregard it and choose to develop your ability in your own way with little outside help. Solomon also will offer himself up as a sparring partner if you want to ensure that you're in tip top shape at all times. Both of you are human for the most part, so you have relatively similar endurance levels, and Solomon can replicate a decent handful of abilities held by other ability users you had met.
Once you've reached a stage in your bond together where you are fully comfortable in his presence, he very subtly tries to get you to open up about your past. He backs off rather quick should it make you uncomfortable and waits to bring it up again for a bit, but eventually you give in and open up. When you're speaking about your past he's mostly silent aside from a few nods or hums that let you know that he's listening, all the while rubbing comforting circles into the back of your hand. Most days Solomon chooses to simply let you vent out all of your thoughts and emotions onto him while he calmly reassures and comforts you, but on the occasion he'll instead offer some advice on certain situations and any additional insights that you're comfortable with him adding in.
The fact that you're a decently high-ranking member of a mafia that contained some of the strongest Ability Users in Japan was a bit of a surprise at first, but given the additional details of your past before the Port Mafia and prior personality, the initial shock wears off fairly easily. It certainly would explain why you act so rough around the edges and try so desperately to not depend on anyone but yourself. Yet, Solomon's still not scared off or really even intimidated by this fact. It's reasonable to assume with how long he's been alive the he's at least had one or two run-ins with organized crime groups, and seeing as he's fairly alive and well after those experiences he's not too worried about being curb-stomped by your colleagues should he be caught hanging around you in the Human World. Though, perhaps you shouldn't have been calling yourself a "Mafia Dog" for all these years, since Solomon is now very taken with calling you every known somewhat aggressive dog breed in the book. His favorite in particular is "Akita", since you also happen to be a bit of the stubborn type.
Unlike Diavolo and Barbatos, Solomon and the rest of the members of Purgatory Hall are completely unaware of the incident following Belphegor's release from the Attic. They get a rather brief description that mostly entails just "Belphie was released, met Mc, and changed his views on Humans due to Mc's bloodline", but unless you openly tell Solomon he'd be none the wiser. Sure, he'd suspect something was somewhat off based on the very limited amount of details they were told, but as far as he can see you look to be alright for the most part. Possibly shaken up at times, but not too much out of the ordinary. By the time you've finally sat down and chosen to tell him the truth about that night, you've already had it cleared with Diavolo to be safe to talk about it and pulled him away to a secluded space where Simeon and Luke wouldn't overhear. Solomon doesn't really know how to react at first as you go through explaining the betrayal, your death, and subsequent revival, his hands simply hovering above your forearms while he stares into your eyes, desperately trying to swallow the knot slowly forming in his throat. It's silent for a few minutes once you've finished speaking, before he suddenly engulfs you in a tight hug. Most of what you hear him mutter into the crook of your neck seem to be words of comfort, but on the occasion you catch a poorly muffled sob and slight tremble in his speech.
After the night Solomon tries to pretend that nothing is wrong, mostly as not to alert the rest of Purgatory Hall, but you do notice a sudden spike in him fighting to get your attention from the Brothers. Sometimes you swear that he must've set an alarm for the most optimal times to invite you somewhere before the Brothers even get a chance, which at times gets to the point that they have to invite you out at midnight before Solomon swoops in.
As the end of the Exchange Program nears, Solomon begins to concoct plans on how to best keep you safe upon your return to the Human World. From what he knows it's likely fairly frowned upon for a high ranking mafia member to suddenly disappear and reappear months later unless ordered to, so he'd like to prevent that conflict from imposing itself on you. Honestly, it's quite likely that Solomon would either find you and your sister some place that you could live and lay low, or just simply let you and her live with him. The last option wouldn't be what he'd really prefer since Solomon can get into danger fairly often, but given that you and your sister can handle yourself decently well enough he may be pushed to reconsider. Even more so should it be requested by a certain Prince.
From your first meeting, Simeon can't seem to figure out what to think about you or how to properly approach. You're cold, somewhat bitter, and even aggressive at times, yet he can sense this underlying emotional injuries that you hide away in the deepest recesses of your heart under lock and key. Simeon both wants to exchange a helping hand in your direction and shy away from interacting with you outside of the bare minimum to be polite. With no real proper way to approach you aside from very brief stilted conversations, Simeon only really begins bonding with you after you've begun hanging around Solomon a lot more and become somewhat less hostile.
Deciding it to be the best course of action, Simeon approaches bonding with you in the same way he would with most younger angels that he spent time with. It's a little awkward for both of you at first, as his first couple of interactions in this manner unnerve you ever so slightly, but you grow accustomed to it overtime. Simeon also adapts his approach to better understand you and not potentially belittling you, moving from treating you like an angel in training to the same manner he usually treats Solomon, Diavolo, Barbatos, and the Demon Brothers.
Most of the time you spend with Simeon is spent in the company of the other Purgatory Hall members, but he does on occasion invite you out to do stuff with him alone. While you do enjoy hang out with Solomon and Luke, it's actually rather nice to spend some quality time with him. Most of your excursions aren't too long or too far away, but Simeon does his best to make sure that he picks places to go to that both of you would enjoy. He especially enjoys finding restaurants that serve Black Tapir or going to an escape room that he'd heard of from other students at RAD. But with how nice it is to spend time with Simeon, it's somewhat a frequent occurence that you accidentally get sent the wrong time or place due to his lack of experience in technology. Usually if you notice that the location or time looks weird you would just call him -since who would go to an arcade at 12am or some back alley right after RAD ended- but there has been situations where you waited in Purgatory Hall for a good couple of hours before the actual time Simeon had wanted you to meet him at.
Your ability is something he does find rather interesting, but he won't push you to show it off unless you're comfortable with it. Simeon can't help but inquire about how similar Rashōmon is to the power of the main character, Henry, from his series The Seven Lords, and if you're still fine with using it around him he may try and use you as a frame of reference for writing battle scenes or anything that involves Henry using his power. Often most of his referance material comes from just watching you and Solomon spar, as he is usually present to help with healing magic, but if you aren't opposed to it he'd gladly ask you to show off some of your abilities outside of the battlefield. Rashōmon: Sawarabi is his favorite of your attacks to see in action, but outside of combat he is quite fond of the little jawed creature that is created when you use Rashōmon: Agito to quickly consume something. He's thought a few times before about asking you to use the little creature to help with gardening as it could eat up any waste, but considering the size and destructive capabilities of it he later decided against it.
Simeon really isn't aware of your past unless you tell him, but even after you eventually confess of your position in the Port Mafia he makes no move to belittle you or treat you any different to how he usually would. He struggles to truly explain why, but he reassures you that he doesn't think of you any differently than he had before. Simeon doesn't bring the topic up unless you do, and does try to divert away from it when you show signs of discomfort or nervousness. He'll also offer himself up to you as a source of comfort on days you're feeling particularly homesick or just down, more than happy to reassure you or let you vent to your heart's content. In order to make you as comfortable as he can, Simeon does cast a few spells in the surrounding area that make the atmosphere more calming and soothing. The heavenly scent of fresh flowers takes your mind off the mafia and your parents, instead ushering in fond memories of your sister that you can't help but tell the Angel that is holding you in his arms so tenderly.
You initially put off even discussing anything about the Attic with any of the members of Purgatory Hall outside of the basics, but you can't help but find yourself craving to be comforted by the kind angel. Simeon is very gentle and delicate with the topic before you confide in the greater details with him, sensing that there may be some things that have been intentionally left out, but he doesn't force you to talk until you're ready. Throughout your entire explanation Simeon is doing his best to comfort you through touch alone, not wanting to interrupt your words. His thumbs rub comforting circles into your forearms, only stopping to wipe away any tears or apply a gentle pressure to your shoulder. Simeon pulls you in close once you've finished speaking, with your head resting on his chest as he runs his fingers through your hair. (If you're taller than him he does still have you rest your head on his chest, but he'll have to lay down a bit unless you really want to have a crick in your back tomorrow.) Though hearing of your demise does upset him, he chooses to prioritize your comfort over his own and make sure to do it to the best of his ability.
He's rather transparent when he begins inviting you out to spend time together after your explanation, and the places he takes you to are hand picked by him to be the most comfortable and secluded spaces in the Devildom. The Brothers are certainly jealous when they see you hanging around an Angel, but they can't complain too much on days that you and him spend time baking and bring some food home for them as well. You've noticed that Simeon has developed a sudden habit of resting his hands on the back of your forearms when walking side by side, but if you point it out he does play a rather unconvincing clueless act or tease you ever so slightly. Simeon has also started leaving his ringtone on a higher volume when going to bed just in case you happen to call in the middle of the night and need some words of comfort or just want to talk.
Like everyone else in the Exchange Program, besides Luke, Simeon does worry a good bit about what may happen to you upon returning home to the Human World. While Simeon would be more than happy to extend a hand and allow you and your sister to stay in the Celestial Realm for a bit, he's rather worried about how the other angels would react to your past. He may not judge you too much for your deeds in the mafia since he's gotten to know you as a person, but other angels in much higher positions of power very well may not be so kind. The most he can really do is try to be a comforting presence for you and hope that Diavolo or Solomon can figure something out.
Similar to Simeon, Luke is quite hesitant to interact with you. Honestly, he had though you were another demon upon meeting you for the first time until you had been introduced as the second Human exchange student, with how much your personality and demeanor replicated many of the stories about demons that he'd heard back in the Celestial Realm. Your ability wasn't also earning yourself any bonus points in his book, seeing as he'd nervously hid behind Simeon when you'd brought out Rashōmon to quickly dispose of the food Solomon had offered you. It's only after your sharp edges have softened up a bit and Simeon begins bonding with you that Luke attempts to approach you.
Luke's manner of approaching you in the beginning is slightly awkward, with him curiously following you around and watching you as you hang out with Simeon. This sort of reminds you a bit of the way a child gets to know one of their parents' or sibling's friends, so you try not too mind it too much. Simeon finds it rather cute at first but over time grows tired of watching Luke jump the second that you glance back at the wall he's peering at you from behind, and eventually just politely forces both of you to bond with one another.
A majority of the time that Luke spends with you is also in the company of Simeon, Solomon, and occasionally Barbatos, but as the two of you grow closer you do find the time to bake alone together or go out to a Devildom attraction that Luke had always wanted to see but not had the courage to ask Simeon to take him to. Most often you and Luke settle on just baking alone together though, as the Demon Brothers do sometimes crash your little outings to parks or Devil's Coast.
Your relationship soon blossoms from a rather forced acquaintanceship into a very sibling-like relationship over the course of your time spent together. Luke sorta reminds you of your sister and yourself when you were much, much younger, and you can't help but feel a little protective over him as he worms his way into a comfortable position in your heart. Though he's likely more powerful than you as well, you don't hesitate to at least try and protect him as much as you can. Luckily, Rashōmon makes a decent threat over most lesser demons that might pick at the young angel, and if all else fails you can subtly flaunt a pact mark or two of yours and threaten anyone messing with Luke to buzz off before you call one of the Seven Avatars of Hell to deal with them instead.
Returning to the topic of Rashōmon, it takes Luke a little bit to warm up to your Ability. In the beginning his take on it is fairly similar to Barbatos, in that he'd rather not see it or have you use it around him. The shadow-like entity puts him on edge in the same manner that demons do, even if you do have full control over it and it is formed from your clothing. But as he slowly sheds his prejudices against demons, Luke also begins to grow more intrigued than frightened by your ability. The times that you usually use Rashōmon around Luke after he's come to terms with it are still rather limited, but most of the time you simply use it to grab things off of high shelves or teasingly lift Luke in the air.
Early on into your friendship with the young angel, you decide not to bring up very much about your past. Telling him that you were a member of a rather infamous mafia would certainly scare him off, and you really didn't want him to know just how much blood stained your hands. You have to be very selective about what you do and don't tell him, as not to let any of the darker details of your past slip through, so Luke has a very limited understanding of your life in the Human World. As far as he's aware, you live alone in the suburbs of a Japanese city with your sister and work a rather physically draining job. It's not the best lie you could come up with, but it worked good enough to keep him from prying into your past or finding out about it before you're ready to tell him.
For similar reasons you also refuse to tell him much of anything about what happened after Belphie was released from the Attic outside of the basic information that had been given to the Purgatory Hall as a whole. You aren't sure how he would take it, and you'd rather not do anything that might smear the name of all demonkind in his mind more than the Celestial Realm already did. It's much nicer to just go out to try some cool new ice cream flavors or bake a cake from one of Barbatos's recipes than make your pseudo-younger brother find out about how you were literally murdered and dead for a good few minutes anyway.
Luke is somewhat confused when he picks up on just how apprehensive just about everyone around him was growing as the Exchange Program drew closer to a close, but chalks it up to the fact that once everyone returned to their respective realms that you'd miss one another. He does make sure to assure you that you will always be welcome to come and stay in the Celestial Realm if you'd like, but that insipid smile you give him when you ruffle his hair is oddly suspicious.
(There we are, Aku!Mc is all done for now! Unless y'all want the DLC for Season 2 lol. Apologies for my absence as of late, been going through some really rough mental times, but I am much better now!
I am not fully used to writing for the Side characters, Simeon and Luke especially, but I did my best! As always, any input is appreciated! Apologies is I missed any mistakes while editing and do let me know if you see any!
As they've requested, I'll be tagging @rakshamon to let them know about this fic and my upcoming BSD AU! Mc fics. If anyone else would like to be tagged as well, do let me know!)
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alleycat-arcade · 3 years
Game Continue! The Seven Lords: Rashōmon
Anonymous asked: Oh my god, I LOVED how you wrote an MC with Atsushis ability and was wondering if you could do an Akutagawa like MC? Or maybe a Dazai MC as I've always wondered how they'd handle someone like either of them considering there depth as characters and they were my absolute favorites. Aku deserved better-
(I swear I'm just inflating my ego at this point with copy and pasting this prompt, but I wanna give context lololololol)
The Mafia's Hellhound. (Part 2) (Obey Me! Younger Brothers x Akutagawa Ryūnosuke(BSD)-like! Gn! Mc/Reader)
(Part 3 will contain the Now Dateables and Luke(Platonic)!)
Content Warnings: Since this character is from the same series as Atsushi Nakajima, I'm gonna put the same first bit of warning here. Bungou Stray Dogs is a series that contains characters based on real life authors, with each individual character having an ability based on a book by their namesake author. There is also a character in the series who is Sui///cidal and it is somewhat treated more light-hearted than how it is usually treated in media, and though it is explained later as to why I don't recommend anyone who is put off or upset by that type of content to watch it. Akutagawa is not this character, but this character does have a heavy impact on him. To those who are interested in the original concept as a whole, I'd definitely recommend watching up to Episode 3 first since that is the first appearance of Aku in the anime. This will have light spoilers for Seasons 1-3 as well throughout, so if you do end up really liking the anime and don't want the slightest bit of spoilers you should finish it first. The majority of spoilers lie in Aku's overall personality, but if you've seen Bungou Stray Dogs: Wan! it is not too dissimilar. There will be mentions of blood, injury, and general violence, as well as spoilers for Chapter 16-20 of Obey Me. Don't blame me, blame Belphie. And again, there will be angst. Not just because angst is my chicken soup for the soul, but that this character is very angsty.
(Takes place in between the Cannibalism Arc and Kamui Revelation Arc, which I assume Wan! is also set in. I went with this specific version of Aku because it's where the anime has left off at, and I personally believe anime watchers are more widespread than manga readers most of the time. I'll be doing my best not to accidentally water down his personality though, as even at that point in the story Aku still has quite the inferiority complex, violent tendencies, and other such issues.)
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(As per usual, the intro is in the first part which you can read here!)
How peculiar you are for a human... You say you know nothing of magic and yet you possess the ability to create what seems to be a shadow beast of dark matter. An Ability? Hmm... Humans have become quite the intriguing specimens nowadays, such unique adaptations certainly have peaked his interest. Fancy talk and wannabe novelist dialogue from Satan out of the way, the only real interest the Avatar of Wrath takes in you is your ability and its properties. Unless he's busy with his own academic pursuits or setting up pranks to pull on Lucifer, before you form a pact with him it may be in your best interest to avoid him or not be caught alone without one of the brothers you do have a pact with there. 'Lest you become a sort of test subject. Of course you're welcome to fight against this position to your heart's content, but the more you avoid it the more he becomes interested in studying you. Seeing as the demon brothers are much stronger than you and your ability, it leaves you with little choice other than stealthily avoiding certain confrontations or begrudgingly submitting and going along with their plans.
Momentarily he reminds you of your mentor in the days that he does catch you in a position to pull you away for an hour or two. Not exactly for the way he treats you, since he hadn't outright attacked or beat you verbally or physically, but rather in his demands to push your limits for his own interests. Satan is much more preoccupied in analyzing just how strong in offense and defense your Ability is, either not noticing or just not caring when choking coughs rack your lungs and scarlet droplets coat your palm. Prior to a bit before the formation of the pact between you two, the Avatar of Wrath cares very little for you or your wellbeing. So, should you live or die, it didn't use to matter to him. All he desired before then was to satisfy his curiosities.
And now... the same demon who could really care less about you was tightly wrapped around your little finger. Oh well, that just makes for all the more teasing that his brothers can inflict on him when they're feeling particularly rowdy. Worried about them overusing Rashōmon and wearing themselves out, Satan? Didn't you just say last week that you couldn't care less about them and how you would never be so deeply involved with a human like the rest of us? Haha gottem!... Oh shit run run run
Rather than being mostly interested by your ability now, Satan finds a new interest in your life in the Human World instead. Sure, some of the questions do revolve around what you know about other individuals you've worked with or fought against and their own abilities,, but most of them are about your own personal experiences. He listens intently when you're finally comfortable enough with to speak about your childhood with him and your own version of hell that came from growing up in the Slums and becoming a high ranking member of the Port Mafia. You're about halfway through your explanation of your old mentor's effects on you when you notice he's been writing down all of this, hey wait a minute. Why does this paper say "Information Regarding Trauma for Therapist".... where are you running off to now Satan, I thought we were going to talk?
At times Satan has tried to encourage you to branch out a bit more in your fashion style, cause you look a bit too much like Luci, but one comment on his own fashion sense and he's lost the argument. Once you did decide to humor him somewhat and tried on a pair of his clothes, but he didn't exactly get the point you were trying to make an let you keep that set of clothing. He has enough green sweaters, weird belts, black undershirts, and unique blue jackets to share at least one full set with you. At most you might just wear the sweater under your overcoat or the blue jacket over a dress shirt, but he feels a fuzzy feeling whenever he see's you out and about wearing a piece of his clothes. Should one of the brothers see you in his apparel, especially if you're wearing the jacket in the same way Satan does all the time, at the end of the day you'll likely end up with a whole new wardrobe formed completely out of borrowed clothing from the brothers. Thank goodness Rashōmon isn't confined solely to your jacket and can be created out of any clothing item you're wearing.
Something about you that Satan can't help but relate to is your short temper and somewhat hot-headed nature despite being such a serious person. In the beginning your short fits of rage and pessimistic ideals are just a minor inconvenience and annoyance, but now that he's found respect and care for you he has a strong desire to help you manage your issues, similar to how his brothers had helped him control his sin. Satan's help alone isn't truly enough to truly begin to heal the wounds that have been so deeply engraved into your very being, that's what the therapist is for, but you find yourself growing more and more calm as the days go by now. Though you can still get angry or aggressive at times, there is a noticeable reduction in your more violent tendencies. Mammon does get a little grouchy with Satan for this, but it's more in the tsundere way. He's just jealous since Mams had been the one gradually helping you with your anger issues, so don't take his complaints too seriously.
Out of all the brothers, Satan is your best bet in terms of being your tutor. It takes a bit for him to properly adjust the speed of his teaching methods, but once he's gotten into the swing of things it's only up from there. In the beginning he can get a little easily frustrated by your lack of understanding in some subjects, but over time he does grow more patient with you. While you may frustrate him sometimes, he ensures that he doesn't take it out on you and opts instead to take a calming walk before returning back to the subject when it becomes too much for the both of you. Satan can also sense when you're getting upset or angry over time through the pact, so he'll make sure that you get optimal breaks in general and while studying.
When his brothers had proposed their little scheme to get you and Lucifer to bond a little with each other, it was the same day that the two of you were going to go out for dinner and attend a late night show at the Devil Planetarium as a reward for scoring quite high on one of your worst subjects. He had begrudgingly accepted, since the plan would be done soon enough and give you enough time to do everything the two of you had set up prior. Yet, as he and his brothers stumbled upon your body in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the stairs, Satan couldn't help but wish that he had said "no". Though he wanted nothing more to cast a healing spell that would seal up your wounds, one light brush against your frigid skin told him you were beyond saving. A broiling rage slowly began to fill his body upon watching your arm that he had once carefully cradled in his palms drop limply to the floor, one of such a heated intensity that it was about to boil over right before your corpse had suddenly dissipated and a second version of yourself appeared at the top of the stairs. Angry tears stung the corners of his eyes until he wiped them away, a sudden sense of relief dulling the wrath the had infested his brain. Truthfully he had mostly tuned out your speech regarding Lilith, favoring to let you speak your peace and pulling you away for one of your calming walks together. In the garden behind HOL is where he lets his emotions finally come flooding out, hot tears flowing behind the arm he raised to hide them as he apologized for not being there to protect you from harm. He cannot help but meld into your arms when you lift his arm away from his face, nestling himself into the crook of your neck and holding onto you like your body would once again evaporate into thin air should he let go even a little. Your responding sobs only made him hold on tighter.
Though Satan still wants you to feel independent and like you're not being smothered, he's noticeably more touchy-feely than usual, even more so in the presence of Belphie. He loves the youngest of his twin brothers dearly, but he's still somewhat hesitant to leave you alone with him for very long. Satan also starts inviting you to tag along with him whenever he goes out a lot more than he used to, so the two of you can spend more time together in general. Going to go see a movie? Hey Mc, I heard you liked this one so I bought an extra ticket. Going to the library? Mc, there's a few books that I want to recommend to you, so you should tag along. Just going on a normal shopping trip? Mc, I need some help finding the best deals over at Devil's Value, care to tag along?
When it's finally time for you to head back to the Human World, Satan is very torn. As much as he'd like to join team "If Mc goes, so do I", he also recognizes and respects your own abilities. You may not be the strongest out of all the ability users out there, but from what he's seen you're one of the strongest people in the three realms even without factoring your ability. Still, the fact that there is ability users out there in the world that likely could harm you a thousand times more than you had been during the Attic incident set him on edge a little bit.
Wow! While Asmodeus had met quite a few magic users and cast a good bit of his own spells, never before had he seen someone create tendrils out of their own clothing that seemed like the could stretch and strike without too much limitations. He's a bit disappointed that he can't charm you into using them for his own ambitions and purposes, but that factor just makes you all the more of an enticing target. Honestly, Asmo would pursue you at least a bit more, if not for a good chunk of his other priorities taking up those spots of time. Brand deals, fan meet-ups, VIP parties; you name it and Asmo's got about 20 or so of each to attend to that month. You'll need a few additional tie ins before you have the Avatar of Lust wrapped around your finger, so for now the most he pursues you is a few flirtatious comments here and there. Perhaps a little bit of teasing touches on your arms or shoulders, unless you should shy away and scramble out of his touch.
Most of your interactions with Asmodeus prior to your pact together boil down to his brief and usually one-sided advances, as previously stated. Once or twice you've been involved in the same discussions with his brothers being the ones to pull you into the conversation somehow, and on the rare occasion he'll chat you up on his own whenever he just so happens to be seated beside you at the dinner table. Though you are aware of his exact intentions and the meanings behind a majority of his words, over time you grow used to it and brush it off fairly easily. Your usual tactic of scaring people off didn't even seem to work on him anyway, and there's only so many times you can listen to Asmo call your offers to curb-stomp him "cute" or "hot" before you just give up.
The pact between the two of you is finally sealed after you first wield Solomon's borrowed powers in a way far stronger than the wizard ever had before. Damn, this Human has a neat ability, is part of some strange ability user filled mafia, AND has incredibly strong untapped magic potential? Step aside Solomon, Asmodeus has a new favorite Master.
Asmodeus will be the second of his brothers to admit to you that he's more interested in you as a person rather than your ability (The title of first goes to Beel). While his brothers overtime outweigh their interest in you or their interest in what you could do, Asmodeus is far more intrigued on going straight for the heart of the operation and getting to know you inside and out(emotionally I mean, you horny fool). In the beginning he's somewhat subtle about asking about your past and your current living circumstances as a member of the mafia, but over time Asmo just starts outright asking you whatever comes to mind once he's gotten a feel for what topics to not bring up in order to avoid making you upset or uncomfortable. With how much effort he puts in to earn your trust overtime, if you haven't already opened up at least some of your heart to one of his brothers, it's likely that Asmodeus will end up being the first to chip away at your chilly exterior. He just goes out of his way to make himself warm and inviting whilst actively caring about your wellbeing, so it's honestly hard not to.
Back on the topic of the mafia, Asmodeus honestly has probably had one or two run in with your weaker, ability-less subordinates in the past. The name Port Mafia isn't something he recognizes off the top of his head, considering how many mafias there are or have been in the Human World on ports and other seaside locations, but eventually he does connect the dots after a few additional details. Most of his memories regarding your subordinates involve them either seeking out power so that their boss would give them a higher ranking position and acknowledge them, or just them looking for a way to wind down and come undone after all the stressful and strenuous duties they had been tasked with. He had once teasingly asked if he could meet this all powerful boss they had spoken of, but seeing your eyes begin to panickily shift and face drain of color was all it took to drop it. Asmo still might visit this "Mori" fellow in the future, not exactly for pleasant reasons but also nothing you'd need to worry about.
Sometimes Asmodeus will indulge himself just a little in his occasional curiosity of your ability, but he doesn't press you if you feel uncomfortable with any of his requests. Most of the time he asks to see what Rashōmon can do in the form of a trade. Like, if you show him how much piercing damage one of your tendrils can do, he'll show off any of his demonic powers that you happen to be interested in. You're aware that he'd likely still show you any of his abilities if you asked anyway, but you too enjoy indulging him in his curiosities from time-to-time. So far what he's found most interesting is just how malleable Rashōmon can be without causing any damage to your clothing, and that Rashōmon can be formed through any clothes on your body. (Does that mean you're defenseless when you're- Yes Asmo, and that is the reason why you have a hefty lock on your bedroom door.) Asmo also picks up very easily when you're starting to feel the negative effects of over using your ability, and is quick to stop you and whisk you away for a pampering session. No matter how many times you explain to him that you can handle a little bit of wear and tear or that it's just a little coughing fit, he'll always insist on not allowing you to overdo it. He may not be able to help you all that much with homework, but he'll be damned(again) if he doesn't get you to practice some self-care routines.
Initially he was a bit nervous to go along with Satan's idea to get you and Lucifer to hit it off, but went along with it anyway. He did trust the both of you quite a bit, and though some of his eldest brother's past interactions with you had made him a bit nervous, ultimately Asmo knew that Lucifer was slowly warming up to you. As it just so happened to turn out, he had no need to worry about Lucifer causing any harm to you, since the one who actually ended up killing you was his younger brother that had been trapped in the Attic up until now. Seeing as he had been near the back of the pack when the brothers had all come scrambling to find the reasoning behind your sudden disappearance and a random cacophony of noise, Asmodeus hadn't seen your body at first. Mammon and Satan had surrounded you before he could catch sight of your familiar pitch black coat-tails, and seeing Belphegor suddenly back in the Devildom was enough of a shock to draw his eyes away momentarily. Only after hearing your voice fall off his brothers' lips in such a sad way did he look back and finally see your corpse. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he looked into your own, and the way they seemed so glassy and dull nearly made him fall to his knees and sob. Calling out to his brothers for help only made it harder to hold back, seeing as you were already gone by the time they all had gotten there. None of the brothers were even quite sure how Asmo would've responded had it not been for your sudden revival, but if one were to ask him the only response he'd give would be that it wouldn't have been pretty.
After everything regarding the Attic incident has calmed down and he can comfortably hold you in his arms once more, he suddenly develops a rather strange and very noticeable habit. And what is this habit? Stealing your coat whenever he gets the chance too. Asmodeus doesn't do it maliciously, and most of the time he just does it so he can be comforted by your scent. It's simply an added bonus that the coat he took is the one you wear all the time and you'll more often than not come to him in order to retrieve it. Somedays you do just let him have it for an hour or so, but during the Devildom's winter you don't let him keep it at all, no matter how much he offers to warm you up instead.
Count another one into team "If Mc goes, I'm going". Asmo cares for you to the moon and so much further, and going back to the Human World at this point sounds like you'll be ending up with either a death or prison sentence(or both). He's aware how strong you are to have survived on your own this far, but the thought of you dying again and him not doing anything to stop it AGAIN haunts him. Plus, prison isn't good for his darling Mc's skin! If you do end up staying in the Devildom though, Asmo is overjoyed at the idea of you bringing your younger sister along. Especially after all the stories he's heard about her from you!
Oh. Hm. Anyway so when's... Yeah, Beel's not exactly impressed or really interested when he sees you come out of the portal and the fact that you surrounded yourself with this strange cage of tendrils still somehow manages to not really catch his eye. He's got a lot of other priorities Mc, he can't get hung up on why the human he's not allowed to eat has a weird superpower when Beelzebub is far more concerned on if Lucifer is going to punish him when they get home because he ate all the food in the fridge before they left for RAD that morning. The thing he finds most interesting is more so the fact that Mammon was your appointed caretaker, but that moment of curiosity is ever so fleeting. Beel really just wants the Student Council meeting to be over and done with, preferring not to stare at the empty chair beside him.
As expected, you don't really interact with Beelzebub all that much prior to the formation of the pact between the two of you. Unless Mammon or Leviathan need help with something or get him to help you with something, he doesn't find himself in your general area too often. Your somewhat cold and standoffish personality doesn't help on that front too much either, as even with a bit of warming up a-la the Great Mammon and Lord of Shadows, you're still not the easiest person to approach and strike up a conversation with. Occasionally he does ask the brothers you're close to about how they're getting along with you, but it's more for their sake than yours.
After the whole Custard fiasco takes place and you're forced to share a room with him, he starts taking at least a little bit more interest in you. You're still somewhat aloof, but you manage to make a decent amount of small talk with him. What catches his attention the most is when you bring up your younger sister, whom you care for dearly. The first night the topic is brought up the two of you almost stay up all night, trading stories about your respective siblings. You can't help but sympathize with Beel as well, since you know the inner turmoil you'd go through if something were to happen to your sister. Beelzebub can also sympathize with your own current plight of being trapped in the Devildom and away from your only other living family in the Human World. Honestly if he hadn't formed a pact with you after everything that happened in the Underground Tomb, he likely would've done it at some other point.
Unless you can or are willing to use your ability in a way that would help you in working out with him, Beel doesn't often ask you to bring out Rashōmon aside from helping him carry some stuff that didn't fit in his arms. He'd much rather help you train your physical body than watch you wear yourself down by using your ability anyway. Of course the two of you make a workout routine that suits you the best, but Beel can also recognize when you're pushing yourself too far and will stop you and probably just head home for the day after. Most likely you do end up using your ability for other purposes around him at some point, and he's quick to pick up on the effects that over usage has on your body just as fast as he notices you overextending yourself in the gym. Should you be a bit defiant with him and try to keep going despite your current state, Beel with simply pick you up and gently toss you over his shoulder. You're well aware that kicking or screaming won't get you out of this, so you just have to settle for being carried home like a sack of potatoes or at least until he puts you back down.
Bringing up the topic of the Port Mafia with Beel yields somewhat interesting results. He'd rather not hear about some of the more brutish methods they use or a good majority of the schemes they commit, but he is oddly intrigued by the sense of camaraderie that you seem to share with some of your superiors and the leaders of Black Lizard. It reminds him somewhat of the bond he shares with his Fangol teammates, minus the fact that his teammates aren't actively committing crimes as far as he's aware. Rather than subtly convincing you, Beel would much prefer to just outright tell you that he doesn't like that you're a part of such a dangerous side of humanity and urges you to stay in the Devildom with them after the Exchange Program is over. And once everything involving the Attic is over and done with, he's only further cemented in the idea of you making your stay in the Devildom permanent. But of course before we get there, we gotta talk about the Attic incident.
Similar to Asmodeus, he'd been at the rear end of the group when the brothers had been searching for you as well as the source of the noise. But unlike Asmo, Beelzebub's height advantage allowed him to not only see Belphegor somehow standing there cackling, as well as your crumpled body in Mammon's arms. As much as Beel had desperately been awaiting the day of his twin's return and wished to pull him into an embrace, it was incredibly clear that his oh-so beloved twin brother had literally just murdered you in cold blood. He didn't even need to ask the motive either, knowing full well just how much Belphegor had sworn vengeance against humanity ever since the Fall. Yet even so, Beel felt that you didn't deserve this, to take the full front of his brother's wrath just for your species. Unable to make a move towards or away from either of you, he remained rooted in place and just stared, occasionally glancing back at Lucifer for guidance. A sudden gnawing hunger fills his stomach and gradually builds up as the tension in the air grows thicker, the unnatural sort of hunger that only your living presence could truly fill. Thankfully it seemed at least one of his hungers would be solved that day, as you suddenly reappeared at the top of the stairs alive, but slightly bruised and batter. Alongside Lucifer, he held Belphie back to prevent him from attacking you again, letting you get out what needed to be said about Lilith that you had learned from the other timeline's version of Lucifer.
Beelzebub hangs back for quite a bit after your revival, allowing his brothers to hug and hold onto you as they tell you how happy they are you're alive before approaching you. Mostly he just wanted to allow his brothers to get your full attention before he asked for any, but a small part of him felt that he didn't deserve to embrace you in such a way after failing to protect you like he had promised. By the end of the night he still does embrace you, but not too long afterwards is when the guilt-ridden nightmares set in. Not only does he now dream of failing to protect Lilith, but your death now plagues his mind as well. After the first set of sleepless nights caused by these new nightmares, Beelzebub asks if he can sleep in your room for the night. Following then you often find yourself sleeping with Beel, as your presence seems to ward off nightmares like a sort of dreamcatcher.
Yet another member of team "If Mc goes, I go" for very obvious reasons. He's your sworn protector and if you're going back to a part of the Human World where you're incredibly likely to end up getting yourself killed, he's coming along with you. Also he really wants to meet your younger sister!
Woe is him! Such a poor, unfortunate human locked up in the Attic of the treacherous demon brothers! What ever shall he do, trapped up here until his bones begin to crumble and skin turns to dust? Fellow human, won't you listen to his plea? Won't you help him escape the confines set in place by the wicked Avatar of Pride, Lucifer himself? "No"? What do you mean "no"?! Hey! HEY! Where the fuck are you going?! And did you just shrug and call him weak as you walked off???!!! Get back here!
Yeaahh, unfortunately for Belphie he's gonna have to wait until you get annoyed by his constant complaining in the dead of night or warm up to Beel and learn about him before you come back. At the point in time that you had made your way up the stairs to discover the mysterious voice that had been calling out to you, you certainly were not in a state that you would've jumped to save this random "human" from their imprisonment at the hands of Lucifer. Once you do finally return you're somewhat upset that Belphegor had attempted to lie to you about his origins, but you set aside those reservations in favor of focusing on how to get him back with Beelzebub. You couldn't deny that if you had been in his position, you might've lied in order to get back to your younger sister yourself.
Luckily for Belphie, besides his initial lie of being a human, you don't pick up on any of his other manipulated truths and forced words of kindness. Outside of the occasional update whenever you would get a new pact with one of the brothers or just going up and making sure he's still healthy, the two of you don't interact much during his stay in the Attic. Near the end of his time up there you did start coming up more frequently, under the guise of making sure he was eating and drinking properly. You may have tried to be as subtle as possible about your true motives, but he had begun to pick up on how much his brothers had worn down that harsh outer shell of yours that he'd seen in your first meeting. He'd even caught you smiling at one point when you had thought he wasn't looking, and act that made him scowl and growl to himself about after you had left for the night. He hated putting on that fake smiley attitude with you to gain your trust, but what he hated even more was that you yourself had begun to make him feel strangely warm and tingly inside. Just how was he supposed to go about his plans of killing you if he's getting distracted by these sudden complex feelings? With no clear alternative answer, Belphie settled for just pushing them deep down inside instead.
As with any other day sent in the Attic, he had been sleeping during his brothers' plans to get you and Lucifer to bond closer together. Most of the time he just slept until you rhythmically tapped on the bars of the door, so he didn't budge at all when the door had suddenly opened at your touch and you stepped inside. The feeling of someone's hand on his shoulder shaking him was enough to snap him awake, locking eyes with you as you now stood beside him in what had been his own personal prison for months now. Still going along with his plan, Belphegor is quick to express his deepest "graditudes" and holds his arms out to you for a hug. Hesitantly, you slowly ease into his embrace, making it clear that physical affections weren't you strong suit. With how much you had hesitated in the beginning, Belphie almost felt bad for what he was about to do to you. Almost. His hands suddenly wrapped around your throat, squeezing tighter and tighter with a gleeful expression on his face as you violently thrash and struggle. Rashōmon attacks blindly in his direction in an attempt to protect you, but the most you manage to get out of it is a momentary distraction to wriggle out of his grasp before he's attacking you once again. It is at this point Lilith's spirit whisks you away, trading you with the alternate timeline version of yourself and saying her peace to you.
The alternate timeline version of you puts up just as much of a fight as you would have, but ultimately falls by the hands of the Avatar of Sloth. Most of the damage you deal against Belphie is minor cuts and bruising, but that's still more then any other weaker creature that had gone against him had done. If he had to admit one thing, it would be that he was somewhat surprised by your tenacity. He would have enjoyed it far more if he could've beaten you into submission and watched you slowly pass on, but you continued to put up a fight until your dying breath. By the time his brothers had arrived onto the scene, your past self's body was already growing cold and your blood had begun to dye the white spots of the rug a deep red. The betrayal in the air was thick, yet he still cackled and mocked not only the human he had just killed but his brothers as well, for caring so much for such a weak being. He had honestly expected at least one of them to turn against him and go after him, but any of those thoughts were quickly silenced by the disappearance of your body and re-emergence at the top of the stairwell.
Coping with the fact that Lilith had been reincarnated as a human and lived a happy life with her lover was far easier the what he was now coming to terms with. Not only had he killed you for what he perceived as the wrong-doings of your entire species, but he had betrayed your trust that he had spent months building up. You still didn't even fully trust him at the time of his release either, too nervous to hug him right away when he'd offered. Somehow though, you eventually found it in yourself to slowly forgive him and begin building up trust in him again. It was a slow and steady process with a few set backs along the way, but as his pact mark now lay emblazed upon your skin Belphie could sleep comfortably on your lap.
Seeing as you didn't have much of a reason to show him your ability before, Belphie had only really seen you use it when you were trying to fight for your life against him. Since he'd rather not have that in mind when thinking about your ability, he started to occasionally request that you show it off for him whenever you feel like it. Mostly he enjoys just watching the tendrils perform mundane tasks like carrying groceries or folding laundry, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't secretly scheming some pranks with Satan that you would be a big help in. But his favorite use of Rashōmon is when you pick him up after he's fallen asleep and carry him to a more comfortable location. Rashōmon's tendrils are somewhat prickly, but Belphie has thick enough clothing that if you grab onto the right parts you can use your ability to lift and pull him about with ease. Secretly, he's often awake whenever you do end up carrying him somewhere, but he just enjoys being along for the ride. The second you start coughing or showing any negative side effects though, he's strangely and suddenly woken up and is sleepily asking to be put down, which usually just ends with him pulling you down with him to the floor for an impromptu nap.
During his stay in the Attic Belphie had helped you a little with your subjects at RAD, but now that he's out and has a massive backlog or homework and assignments to get through you'll actually end up helping him more than he helps you. Belphegor isn't stupid by any means and does finish up everything within a month and a half, but it's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of and study with. Once he's all caught up though, he's more than happy to help you with your own classwork, even if he does tease you every time you ask for his help.
Yeah so, team "If Mc goes, I go" is honestly all of the brothers beside Satan and Lucifer. It's not that they aren't confident in your own abilities, it's just that they're all incredibly aware just how fragile even the strongest of humans are. And no one is more aware of that than Belphegor. Not to mention they're quite literally sending you back to hell on earth, where your superiors are very likely to be pissed off about your sudden and very long absence. Plus, either way he'll get to spend more time with you and probably meet your younger sister. Hopefully someone steps in for or against you Mc, otherwise you better hope that your salary can account for all of these brand new roommates you and Gin just received.
(*drinks my "I love making Chapter 16 more angsty and emotional than it canonically is" juice* Drifted a bit outta canon for this one, as a treat. Also if y'all have noticed, I did have to nerf Aku!Mc a bit so the demon brothers are an actual threat. I don't believe Mc would be too scared of the demon brothers if they didn't at least have some resistance to Rashomon's incredible consumption of matter and space.
After all of that mixed angst and gen hc's, here's a cute gif of Aku from BSD: Wan! I love every time he just looks like (◎ ◎) I hope y'all look forward to the next part with the Now Dateables+Luke!)
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