#kanai answers
sakura-code · 9 months
Dual- Sword AU
I just thought of a cute and hilarious sinatio. It’s been established that Yuma is manly in charge of Makoto’s hair, what if he gets so into playing with his hair so much he starts trying different hairstyles on him. Makoto will get a bit embarrassed but he likes making Yuma happy and he gets undivided attention from his brother.
Fubuki and Kurumi thinks it’s cool and want Yuma to do there hair. Makoto gets possessive and now three people are fighting over Yuma with Desuhiko crying in the corner 🤣
That is such an adorable idea. Especially since (in my own headcanon) Yuma used to have long hair as well (basing off the old concept art of Yuma), so he probably has experience with tying his own hair. But he would definitely get better with other hairstyles through doing Makoto’s own hair.
I should also note in this AU, Yuma’s hair is actually a little longer. Since there is no reason to hide the fact Yuma and Makoto could be related because that’s the narrative they are pushing this time. It will still be shorter than Makoto’s still because I like to differentiate the two (and think Yuma having short hair looks nice to him as well). It’ll be like shoulder-length.
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pixelatedraindrops · 10 months
Yuma is so lucky that Rain Code doesn't take place during the winter. I'm pretty sure he would just collapse if that were the case.
awaaaa nooo stop making me wish it did anon
the rain's bad enough, but if it turned to snow when it's winter?
oh yuma would perish under the weight of that cold weather
he needs to be in the biggest weighted coat ever with a scarf over his face and some warm earmuffs
...and it still wouldn't be enough to save him F3
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keydekyie · 5 months
Can Ruyak smell when Kaelin is on her period? Do Kanai even get periods or do they have breeding cycles/estrus?
I've had a similar ask like this before, actually! Basically yes, he can smell it, but humans and Kanai don't have the same cycles/periods. Kanai cycles are more like bears, where female Kanai come into estrus in the summer months, although when exactly varies per individual.
Kanai will happily mate at other times of year, though. The only change estrus really results in is everyone being a little hornier for like, a month.
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alfiely-art · 8 months
would Sasha bully Charlie over his crush or would they encourage it (in the worst way possible)
Yes /lh it depends on the day... sometimes they're like "ew. Gay people... :eyeroll:" and sometimes they're figuring out the funniest way to use this
"I bet Seth loves caramel chocolate, buy him some" and then Sasha eats all of it
Every once in awhile they may GENUINELY help... maybe....... probably not often though
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justiisms · 6 months
"Since Kaito told me such a wild story yesterday, I want to hear one from you too, Little Koko!" *ichi is as excited as ever as he rests against the side of yuta's bed, a few unread manga scattered around him*
"I'm sure you have lots of amazing adventures, especially since you're a super smart detective! Even if it's something small, I wouldn't mind hearing it! I want to know some of the crazy things you've seen!"
"Hm? A wild story from me?" Yuta looks up from one of the manga books he was reading and towards his uncle in surprise! "E-Ehehe, thank you. Y... Yeah, I guess you could say that. And "crazy" is putting it lightly, frankly. Let's see... oh, I suppose I could tell you some of the amazing abilities I was able to use during cases, thanks to my friends from Chief's Agency assisting me."
"Have I ever told you about Fortes, uncle? They are special abilities that some Master Detectives have. Mine is called Coalescence. Basically, after being given permission by a Forte haver to borrow their ability, I hold their hand to activate that power. For one of my first Kanai Ward cases where we had to solve several locked room mysteries around town, one of my detective partners had an ability where you can literally see the state of a crime scene in the past! It was very helpful in collecting clues and evidence that otherwise would have been gone."
"Then for another case where I was basically like a spy like Uncle Phanty, one of my other partners has an ability where he can disguise himself, and so for us to be able to investigate inside of an all-girl's high school, w-we... disguised ourselves as a high school girl, me, and a teacher; him. It was pretty embarrassing, aha..."
"My third case was probably the craziest of all, with having to defuse bombs in several different areas throughout the city, being chased around by Peacekeepers, and eventually: an entire district literally flooded from the water bank pipes being destroyed! We had to travel through all that with a boat and everything.... and my partner who helped me there, had the ability to rewind time several seconds back, literally!"
"And then when exploring the city's gigantic lab, the one I investigated with has an ability where you can practically turn yourself into a ghost, while your real body sleeps. E-Even for me, it's still so unbelievable when that happened.... but yeah, it really goes to show just how amazing Fortes are, huh? And that I can borrow their abilities if they let me. If using RPG terms, I guess it's like my own special magic power? Ah, and speaking of which... out of all my detective partners and friends, I have one special one who was by my side through it all. She... um...doesn't exactly live where you can easily visit her, but if you two could meet... I know you'd get along wonderfully. She's a big Dragon Quest fan like you are! And while always loves to drive me crazy, I wouldn't replace herself with anything else in the world. She... is the reason I was even able to go on those wild 'adventures' through Kanai Ward like I did. I owe her a lot."
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("Aww, Master~!") Blushing, Shinigami brushes up against him, making the Koko chuckle!
Then realizing how long he's been going on, his cheeks turn just the slightest red as he scratches his cheek~ "O-Oh man, sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on so much! I know a lot of this sounds insane, even compared to Kaito's adventures, but it was thanks to everyone helping me, that I was even able to solve such bizarre cases. Nowadays, I do a lot more normal cases ever since leaving that city, which I'm definitely not complaining about. But it'd be nice to see all my friends I met there, again, sometime... Thanks for listening, Uncle Ichiban! I hope I was able to meet your expectations and tell you some exiting things!"
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waiting-on-a-dream · 10 months
aurora hi!! i got curious about something. so, like, even though milgram has so many bangers, the prisoners' real voices may actually not be as good (like for example mahiru says in her vd that she's not really a good singer, if i remember correctly). i was wondering, if you had to rank your prisoners' real vocals from best to worst, how it would go? :D
Yui - She's literally an idol, is this any surprise? Sure, she's better at dancing, but her vocals are still pretty good.
Haku - He has a bit of interest in singing.
Noa - She likes to sing in the shower.
Suzume - She has a nice voice, a bit soft.
Daisuke - He's in the middle mostly because I'm biased.
Akane - Hums songs under her breath while she walks.
Mayumi - Not bad. She'll hum while knitting.
Kiyoshi - Doesn't sing often, only sometimes when others make him join them. He would sound pretty good with more practice.
Rin - Going through puberty. Voice cracks.
Ichiro - He doesn't sing. He just doesn't feel the urge to. And he doesn't know the lyrics of most of the songs he listens to.
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mikado-sannoji · 10 months
*Monokuma was traveling the world, seeking answers for himself. He eventually finds his way to a mysterious city. One where the rain never truly ends. A city, that goes by the name of Kanai Ward. Getting inside wasn't easy, though. Most routes leading into the city were closed off, so he thought outside the box. He was able to get in from above. He safely lands on one of the buildings off the city and sighs.*
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"So this is KanaI ward, huh?.........Damp. Welp. Time to look around." *Monokuma takes out an umbrella and starts roaming the city.* @human-monokuma
Monokuma eventually bumped into a guy with very messy blue hair, he stumbled back and looked at Monokuma.
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"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!" He paused. "Wait... Who are you? I don't think i have seen you before." He was cautious of Monokuma.
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snivyartjpeg · 4 months
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Yuma Month Day 26 - Role Swap
god i was excited for this one. it first started off as a joke, but the more i thought about it, the more interesting this swap became. so here's my massive lore dump of changes that'd happen in the story beneath the cut (spoiler warning):
i think, fundamentally, yuma and yakou are very similar characters. they're both very protective and kindhearted, with a strong sense of justice and a penchant for attracting terrible luck. because of this, some things would remain the same, such as the NDA's dynamics with their doormat chief as well amnesia!yakou's massive unpaid intern energy. i think yakou would be pretty similar to how he behaved in the light novel- a bit more optimistic and naive, like yuma. but there are two key differences between them that'd make this a different story, especially in ch 4: yuma has a forte, and yakou is very selfish. so here's some changes:
yakou's wife is his shinigami now, as you can see, while shinigami is yuma's dead wife. i think mrs furio would act cooler than shinigami. she'd still be playful, but she takes her job more seriously. also she hands yakou the solution keys normally without throwing up. they still have to do the dance and mouth sword thing tho. and the other stuff. that's just death god protocol
shinigami (or in this case the unnamed Mrs. Kokohead but i will still be calling her shinigami for convenience sake) was a scientist at amaterasu who studied forensics and thanatology instead of regenerative medicine. this also means that the pill she gives zombie yuma is not going to bring him back, but instead grant the zombie homunculi a peaceful, painless, but permanent death
speaking of zombie yuma, he's the homunculus now! yakou is 100% human and also doesnt have a forte. he's still number one, but instead of having a forte he's just that good at solving mysteries
yes this means makoto looks like yakou now. sorry makotoheads. i think he'd have really long, shaggy hair dyed to be like. idk. black or something. also he's more clean shaven bc stubble with a mask on is a sensory nightmare
yuma still cant cook. he subsists entirely on takeout, meat buns, black coffee, and beer. he's still in a lot of debt and under a lot of stress and his personality is essentially "what if canon number one just gave up"
he doesn't smoke though. he tried once and got into the worst coughing fit
imma say it right now. kurumi is not a love interest. yakou likely disguises himself as a faculty member instead (also i think one of the teachers gets a crush on fem yakou bc i just know she'd be hot)
ANYWAY what about chapter 4? im SO glad you asked! because here's where things get spicy!
so, lets start with the dead wife. shinigami catches onto huesca's inhumane research and she's just as adamant about bringing the truth to light as she always is. she blows the whistle, so he blows her up. yuma investigates, but they dont let him look any further, yada yada, yuma stews in his misery for five years
yomi sends in the evidence to motivate yuma to kill huesca, and makoto lets it happen because a dead huesca would be convenient. he even introduces the hitman, fully expecting yuma to make use of him
yuma doesnt. in fact, he wants to kill huesca with his own hands. and now that these detectives are here, he can do it and even return alive. the thing is, he doesn't want to put them in danger, so he chooses to do almost everything alone (sound familiar?)
his plan is simple:
ask desuhiko for a peacekeeper uniform. desuhiko trusts him enough to take "i want to investigate kanai ward's ultimate secret by infiltrating their ranks" as an answer. he does, however, let yakou know about this as an offhand comment before the mystery ever begins
hold fubuki's hand. it doesnt really matter how. she'll gladly allow it because she's fubuki. he stores her time powers and heads out the sub. yakou also learns this as an offhand comment played off as a joke (maybe fubuki affectionately comments about how she never expected the chief's hands to be so soft... idk. there has to be some way for yakou to have this as a future clue)
use his peacekeeper status to sneak into amaterasu HQ and demand a functioning ama-pal from that one creepy researcher
use ama-pal + fubuki's borrowed powers to bypass huesca's security. sneak the bot past the hard-of-hearing doctor and press the button to shut off security
this would probably alert huesca, but since the doctor never received a warning, yuma has enough time to rush in and stab him before he realizes what's going on
leave HQ while still in uniform, dispose of the disguise once he's safe, and return to the NDA like nothing happened. success!
soooo.... yakou, on that same day, decides to investigate amaterasu HQ with makoto
all the while, vivia has his suspicions about yuma's actions and keeps an eye on him in spectral mode. he... basically witnessed the whole thing, so he gets up off his ass and decides to follow yakou to the lab because he has a Very Bad Feeling about this
just like canon, he senses the death god and deduces that our protag has been killing off murderers, and so he wants to protect his chief as well as his peace and quiet (his dynamic with yuma would be the same as his dynamic with yakou, since it's entirely believable for yuma to treat vivia with the same kindness yakou did)
yakou tries to speak to huesca, but surprise! security is disabled and he's dead in the lab! no one else at amaterasu liked huesca enough to check on him, so yakou and makoto are the first ones at the scene of the crime. yakou, of course, decides to start investigating this murder
vivia somehow sneaks into the lab (dont ask me how) and confronts yakou, threatening him with his boxcutter and adamantly imploring him to stop pursuing this particular mystery in the same way he did yuma in canon. unfortunately, this attracts attention, and now they're in trouble (maybe even yomi's there to fetch his files). at this point, yakou has enough solution keys, so he panics and goes right into the labyrinth (and maybe others can enter for another reason that isnt coalescence idk)
so... they go in the labyrinth... vivia tries to stop him every step of the way, until the answer is right in front of them
yakou kills yuma with his own hands. there's no stab wounds or toxic gas to leave any doubt. yakou begins to question what good his justice really does. it doesnt even save them from their predicament, just like the other deaths. instead, makoto ex machina comes in to save them, and hands yakou a small black box
when they return to the agency, everyone is heartbroken over their chief, who seemingly died out of nowhere. fubuki tried rewinding time, but to no avail. halara tried everything to wake him up, knowing it's futile. desuhiko stood aside, feeling completely helpless. and yakou and vivia return looking like they just came back from hell
they barely get the chance for a funeral before the knockout gas trap activates... you know the rest
AAAAND SCENE! so that's my extremely long winded lore dump about this au. i thought about it Way Too Much but god it's so interesting to me. i love these characters and swapping them was immensely fun
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loremaster · 1 year
PROLOGUE - We All Live In A Smelly Submarine (Comic)
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Nine Master Detectives and one detective-in-training convene with the Chief aboard the Nocturnal Detective Agency's semi-sub-aquatic headquarters. It's pretty cramped, and it reeks of tobacco.
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Yakou tries to take charge of the group, but quickly finds that Master Detectives in greater numbers are not easy to give orders to...
((tw: cigarettes, cartoon violence + blood))
Suddenly the phone rings! They make Yuma answer it, of course.
They chat with #1 who tells them to investigate "Kanai Ward's Ultimate Secret" and the "Great Global Mystery".
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Then the Master Detectives start talking about using their Fortes to start digging into Amaterasu Corp ASAP, and Yakou balks. "Don't piss them off," he pleads, "they're too scawy :( if we just stand really still and don't bother them maybe the mystery will solve itself :'D"
The Chief's cowardice causes a stir in the room.
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Zilch and Aphex's bickering becomes louder and more heated. Yuma can tell looking at Pucci - sitting on the floor next to the guy in the fireplace - that the volume level is starting to piss her off. He's worried she'll get enraged like she did on the train, but before she can -- a different voice speaks out.
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Finally, the conversation winds back around to Yakou's leadership abilities.
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And then the extended gang gets a radical anime opening. Yippee!
Feels like this one took a while, but honestly I banged most of this out over the past couple days. I've been busy working on Chapter 1... and forgot the game also had a prologue. Whoops. I guess that means Chapter 1 will be uploaded pretty soon after this one - maybe on Monday or something.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy - I've had a blast reading through everyone's tags on Chapter 0 so far and each little comment gives me so much serotonin you have no idea ;u; Keep 'em comin'! (My askbox is also open if you have any questions or theories about Boba AU so far >:D)
As always, thanks for reading!
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renavi0 · 1 month
Rain Code Vampire Hunters AU — CHAPTER 0
Tw: some blood, death
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The story begins with a young man who woke up near a mysterious altar, inside a cave. He couldn't remember anything: how he ended up in this cave, his past, or even his name.
After looking around and checking his pockets, he found a letter. From that letter, the young man learned that his name is Yuma Kokohead, he's a vampire hunter and that he, along with many other hunters, was sent on a mission to find the mysterious Kanai City. The letter also mentioned that he should meet up with a group of other hunters to go to their destination together.
Therefore, Yuma had no choice but to leave the cave and try to find the other hunters, not even knowing where to go.
Luckily, he soon found them..... or rather they found him. All this time Yuma wasn't far from the station, where he, Melami, Pucci, Aphex, Zange, and Zilch were supposed to meet. And while the other hunters were waiting for the last person, they noticed «the little guy who got lost in the forest».
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They were surprised to know that Yuma was the hunter-in-training they had been waiting for. However, they didn’t know anything else about him. Aphex even doubted Yuma's honesty about amnesia and that he's a hunter, but the letter and the vampire hunter's badge convinced the others of his validity. They had no choice but to set out for their destination.
They spent about a week on the road. During this time, Yuma got somewhat used to his colleagues. Not everyone treated him well, but for Yuma, these were the first people he thought he could rely on.
However, there was something that scared him. A mysterious voice that he heard more and more often every day. Yuma had begun to think he was going crazy, until he saw a purple ghost in front of him.
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That day, Yuma had fallen behind his colleagues and got lost. He was shocked by what he saw. The ghost said she’s Shinigami – a Death God, with whom he had made a contract, and thanks to which he could now use her powers.
Yuma's head was spinning from all he heard. He couldn't immediately accept all the new information and the appearance of the Death God herself, but he was forced to put aside his worries and questions in order to return back to the others.
However, Yuma discovers something terrible. He finds Zange, mauled and covered in blood, about to die. Yuma runs to help him somehow, but Zange only manages to say, "He wasn’t who he said he was". Yuma began to panic, realizing that somewhere nearby is the vampire that killed Zange and is going to do the same to Yuma and the others.
Unfortunately for him, he then found the torn bodies of Pucci and Melami. While searching for both his companions and answers, Yuma thought more about Zange's words and realized that the older man had meant that there was a traitor among them.
Yuma eventually found the rest of their group, though not in the way he had hoped. Aphex was lying bloody and ripped on the ground, and in front of him stood Zilch, covered in blood and with black and red eyes, staring at Yuma with a feral expression. This image felt very familiar to Yuma, causing him to panic.
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Zilch looked at him with a smirk on his face and inquired if Yuma remembers him. Yuma didn't understand what Zilch was talking about, but Zilch didn't care whether he remembered him or not. In his current state, getting rid of Yuma would be much easier.
Zilch began chasing Yuma. Yuma could only run until Shinigami began telling him that he should finally use her powers, as it was the only way he could be saved at this moment. Yuma desperately called upon Shinigami, the Death God transforming into a large scythe in his hands. Now the Death God has become a tangible material. She informed Yuma that this form of hers is the ultimate weapon against vampires, from which they cannot escape. And despite his poor skills with weapons, he entered into battle with Zilch. As a result, he barely, but defeated him, piercing him with the blade of the scythe.
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Yuma didn't know what to do next once the battle was concluded. His colleagues were killed, one of them was a traitor, and he didn't even know where he was. He had wanted everything to stop at that moment and give him a chance to come to his senses.
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However, he heard a rustling sound close to him, which meant that someone was nearby.
As he prepared to fight again, he ran into a tall figure, which frightened them both initially. In front of him, there was a middle-aged man with blue hair and glasses of the same color, standing near a tree, scared, holding his heart.
The stranger assured him that he didn't want to cause harm and was only worried, because he saw someone running in panic. The blue-haired man introduced himself as Yakou and said that he lives in this forest and helps lost people or vampire hunters who sometimes need a place to stay for the night or day. Although he admitted that he meets the latter of the two options very rarely, but over the past month he had spent a lot of time with four hunters who arrived in a nearby village. They didn't tell him their goals, but he himself admits that he can do little to help them.
Yakou then offered to take Yuma to the village to the others, to which Yuma hesitantly agreed, full of distrust but had no other options. On the way, Yuma recounted his experiences with his first group, after which Yakou expressed his sympathies and tried to help.
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Happy that I finally got to do something big with vampire hunters au!
Initially, I was going to do something more large, including a comic about how Yuma met Yakou. But I realized that I don't have enough energy for it, especially recently because of work (it was a hard period), so I decided to do everything in this format
I didn't want to stray too far from ch 0 of the game, but I did add some new details and hints that I hope you'll find intriguing. Do you think Yuma really knew Zilch before he lost his memory?
I also want to thank @draconicsparkle ( I hope you don't mind that I'm tagging you here) for beta reading. You really helped me a lot!
I hope you all enjoy it! I would like to see your comments and any guesses you may have (my askbox is always open)
Thank you so much for reading!
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 6 months
RAIN CODE Fan Meeting Report ③
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From the second reading to the end of the of the daytime program.
Previous posts:
RAIN CODE Fan Meeting Report ①
RAIN CODE Fan Meeting Report ②
⚠️This is a looong post and contains spoilers! Only read this if you have already played RAIN CODE and have time.
After introducing the merchandise sold at the event, Fukuhara, Suzushiro, and Ishikawa gave a reading performance. The reading was a direct reenactment of the game's dialog from Chapter 1, when Halara's forensic forte was first shared with Yuma, so I will just leave out the details.
After that, KENN joined in and the four VAs gave a reading performance. This was a re-enactment of the part after the Mystery Labyrinth in chapter 2, where Kurumi gave Yuma information about the homunculus and Yuma shared it with other detectives of the Nocturnal Detective Agency. Yakou's lines were replayed by playing the voices in the game, and Fubuki's and Vivia's lines were simply omitted. In the actual story, Vivia mentions Death God here, implying that he knows Yuma is possessed by Shinigami, but those lines were left out, and Shinigami forced a punchline by being a bit silly instead. I remember it ending with a meta-statement like, "The most mysterious thing is that Fuzz Head's voice is heard even though he is not here."
I forgot to mention in my previous post that the entire script for the reading was done by Spike Chunsoft staff, and Kodaka was not involved at all. (From the way he talked, it sounded like he didn't even supervise it). So the story itself was not something worth explaining in detail. Just the VAs' performances were really perfect and wonderful :)
The next segment, "Kanai Ward Citizen Survey", featured a game in which the VAs predicted which answer to a three-option question would receive the most votes from the audience. The audience was treated as Kanai Ward residents, and voting was done by clapping their hands. The person who best predicted the audience's answer won a book token printed with the main artwork of the RAIN CODE Fan Meeting.
The first question was as follows:
Q1.Which Forensic Forte would you use if you could? 1. Halara's Forensic Forte 2. Desuhiko's Forensic Forte 3. Fubuki's Forensic Forte
Maybe they dared to make it easy because it was the first question, but clearly Halara's abilities are too limited compared to the versatility of Desuhiko and Fubuki's abilities 😅 so the VAs predicted that it would most likely be either 2 or 3. And here's the result of their choice:
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(The VAs were given placards to hold up to answer the questions.)
Then, the option that got the most votes from the audience was "3. Fubuki's Forensic Forte". To which the VAs said, "I knew everyone wanted to rewind time." lol
The level of popularity was Fubuki > Desuhiko >> Halara.
The next question was this:
Q2.Who is the detective you want to be your boss? 1. Yakou 2. Halara 3. Yuma before losing his memory. (Number One)
When Kodaka saw these options, he immediately commented as follows:
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But Suzushiro said "Isn't Halara too strict? Yakou seems to be very subordinate-minded." Then Ishikawa said, "If I were to become Halara's subordinate, I would like to see Halara looking at pictures of cats."
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(The gesture of looking through the gap is what she actually did on the stage!)
And here's the result of their choice:
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I was so convinced by Ishikawa's opinion, but she actually raised Yakou's number. (She betrayed us! 😂)
Only Fukuhara chose 3 and was asked by the MC why:
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(He really loves Yuma!)
Then, Kodaka commented as follows:
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Fukuhara countered, "But don't you think it's good that he only shows his true face to me!?" (He seemed to imagine what would happen if he became Number One's secretary or entourage 😄)
But whether his arguments did not resonate with the audience or were simply not popular enough, the option that got the most votes from the audience was "1. Yakou".
The level of popularity was Yakou > Halara > Number One.
Q3.Which organization would you prefer to join? 1.World Detective Organization 2.Amaterasu Corporation 3.Resistance
Kodaka saw these options and again immediately commented.
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(That's true 😂)
The VAs began to discuss these options and which organization would give them the best chance of survival. However, all of them are very risky 😅 WDO's work is fraught with danger (as a lot of detectives were actually killed in chapter 0), and workers in Amaterasu would be executed if suspected of rebellion. Of course, the Resistance is always fraught with danger!
After such discussion, here is what they chose:
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When asked by the MC why they chose Amaterasu Corporation, Ishikawa and KENN replied:
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(Becoming an Ama-Pal developer is certainly a fairly peaceful option 😆)
Fukuhara replied that the reason he wanted to join WDO was because of his love for Yuma, and Suzushiro said she wanted to use Forensic Forte.
And as a result of audience voting, the most popular option was "1.World Detective Organization".
The level of popularity was World Detective Organization > Amaterasu Corporation >>> Resistance. (FYI, WDO and Amaterasu were almost equally popular. WDO was slightly more popular).
Last Question: Which line do you want Shinigami to say? 1. "Kyahaha! Down the rabbit hole we go!" (JA: きゃっきゃっきゃ! いざ、迷宮入りーーーー!!) 2. "Luminous darkness! Shining rainbow! Glorious stellar spiral! Bello Fresco Grand Finale!" (JA: ダークネスシャイニングファビュラスレインボービューティフルマックススクリューラブリーフレッシュグランドフィナーレ!!) 3. "I hope he dies with his upper body stuck in the pond." (JA: 池に上半身が突き刺さって死ねばいいのに)
*As for the third, I don't remember where Shinigami said it, so I made up the translation myself. I used "he", but it may have been said to a female character. The first and second should be correct because I checked the English version of the videos on YouTube.
As for the first line, KENN mentioned that this line was memorable, but I need to make some explanations so that you can see why he said it. This line is said by Yuma and Shinigami enter the Mystery Labyrinth, but it differs considerably between the Japanese and English versions. If I translate the original Japanese line into English, it should be like "Now enter the Labyrinth!" However, in Japanese, it actually shares a meaning with another word that has a different meaning, but if it were put into English, it would lose that meaning, so it was probably changed to something completely different. In Japanese, when things are left unresolved, the thing is described as having entered a labyrinth. So KENN commented that he found it interesting that a word that was originally used in this sense was literally used in the sense of entering a labyrinth.
The second line is the one that Shinigami says at the end of Mystery Labirinth, when she reaps the soul of the true culprit:
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Kodaka said it was based on the scene when the main characters perform a special move in the Pretty Cure series, a famous Japanese anime for girls. Suzushiro said that she searched for videos of Pretty Cure on YouTube and used them as a reference for her performance. When I heard this, I remembered that the title of the music played in the scene is "Heart Catch! Convict! Convict!" in the OST. I think "Heart Catch" is based on a title of one of the Pretty Cure series: HeartCatch PreCure! - Wikipedia
By the way, for Japanese Otaku, "heart catch" is also a word with a different meaning. I know the correct grammatical order in English should be "catch heart", but Japanese otaku dare to say "heart catch" when a cruel character grabs someone's heart (as an organ). So I think the reason for such a music title is a cross between the Shinigami harvesting the soul scene and the cute image of Pretty Cure.
Sorry for the long explanation! 😣 And my memory is a little fuzzy as to which answer the VAs chose here. I think 2 was the most popular. And in fact, 2 was the most popular among the audience, and Suzushiro actually read the line out loud!
The level of popularity was 2 > 1 >>> 3.
As a result of this game, it was Suzushiro who was the best at guessing the audience's answers! She received the book token and declared that she would use it to buy some RAIN CODE books :)
In the next segment, "RAIN CODE Maniac Quiz", the audience answered super-geeky questions about RAIN CODE. All questions were true/false and the audience answered by opening their fist for true and clenching their fist for false.
The audience was first asked to stand, and the person who made the mistake was treated as having left the quiz at that point and was seated. And when there were only a few people standing, the game was over. Those who stayed until the end received limited edition merchandise. (They received a card that looked like a pass).
This quiz was full of really difficult questions! 😅 There were 7 questions in total. I encourage you to see if you can answer them.
The questions were as follows:
The tallest person in Amaterasu Corporation is Dominic. True or false?
2. It is in Chapter 4 that Shinigami shows the pose in the following image. True or false?:
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3. The word "WINE" is written on the label of the wine bottle* used in the case in Chapter 2. True or false? * The bottle was used as a prop for a play by the Aetheria Academy Theater Club.
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4. The cat in the photo Halara was looking at in Chapter 1 had blue eyes. True or false?
5. The color of Pucci's stuffed bear* was white. True or false? * It is the stuffed bear that was sitting on a chair in Pucci's room in Chapter 0.
6. The load capacity of Ama-pal is 120 kg. True or false?
7. In chapter 1, the amount Halara asked for as the price for helping Yuma was 5,500,600 shien. True or false?
The order of the questions may differ from the order of the actual quiz, but in any case, only those who answered all of these questions correctly were eligible for the prizes.
The correct answers are written at the very end of this post!
Finally, the participants gave their closing remarks. The VAs all said that it was the first time they had seen the fans since the game was released, and that it was nice to know for the first time that these people love RAIN CODE.
Ishikawa said that even from the stage she could see some fans wearing merchandise shirts or carrying Shinigami bags, and felt that RAIN CODE is really loved.
Fukuhara said that he was very happy because this was the first time he had been able to talk with spoilers. (He had been on the RAIN CODE introduction live stream before RAIN CODE was released, so he had had many opportunities to talk about RAIN CODE, but this was the first time he had done so with spoilers).
The following is Kodaka's final comment, which I tried to write as accurately as possible:
"It took six years to make RAIN CODE, and as you can see from the credits, there were a lot of people involved in making RAIN CODE. I was nervous about releasing it because it was the result of so many people's efforts, and I was worried about whether how many people would like it, but I am glad that there are a lot of fans who have gathered here with such enthusiasm. I am sure that RAIN CODE will have new developments and other things to come, so please continue to support us. Thank you very much."
After the closing remarks, Shinigami's announcement began. Shinigami then asked the audience, "Did you have a great time?" and the audience responded with applause 👏👏
Correct answers to the RAIN CODE Maniac Quiz! :
1.✅ True. (Dominic's height is 225 cm (7'4").) 2.✅ True. (You can see this pose in the result of the second Shinigami Puzzle in Chapter4.) 3.❌ False. (It was labeled LEQUELR.)
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4.❌ False. (Black is correct.) 5.❌ False. (Pink is correct.) 6.❌ False. (100kg is correct.) 7.❌ False. (5,500,800 shien is correct.)
How many questions did you get right? I got the third question wrong and dropped out 😝 (In a post-event interview in the media, Kodaka said he did not know the correct answer from the first question. lol)
This is the end of the daytime program!
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sakura-code · 11 months
Yakou’s wife was an amatarasu researcher right has Yuma ever met her during the experiments. I had an idea where she would look after Yuma and wanted to help him by exposing there treatment of Yuma casing her murder. I particularly thought of Yomi tormenting Yuma with the thought that her death was on his hands and he would be torn by guilt especially when he starts spending time with her husband.
Ohohoho, I won’t lie, I may have contemplated on that idea as well, mostly for a self-indulgent what-if, but this is actually really good. I can already think of some ideas already.
Okay, with the Yakou DLC out, it gave me enough content to really help me get a more clearer picture of how the backstory could go. Also, that’s why I waited to answer the question (though it was originally because I wanted to wait to see Yakou’s wife canon name would be reveal—it did not—but I ended up with more content than I expected).
Ayame is a researcher in medical research, and was assigned to research the childrens’ immune systems to find a way to improve them (in reality, they want to improve it to make the Homunculus stronger). One of the children that peaks her interest is a quiet teen named Yuma, who was moved into Kanai Ward due to the loss of his mother, and has a disdain towards Amaterasu and Kanai Ward. She tries to help Yuma heal from the terrible experience and learn to appreciate Kanai Ward a bit more to the best of her abilities (as Amaterasu wants to keep a close leash on Yuma, and Yuma didn’t really trust Ayame in the beginning). From there, she learns more about the corruption of Amaterasu, like having a possible hand in Yuma’s mom’s death and the experiments Yuma is being subjected to for his Forte. This inspires Ayame to make a stand against Amaterasu’s corruption, starting with Dr. Huesca like in-game.
Unfortunately, Ayame will still die, which would devastate Yuma that another person he cared for died by Amaterasu’s hands. Even more so as he feels personally responsible for her death since he helped spark the desire to expose Amaterasu’s darkness, and Yomi would absolutely not help the matter by putting him down for telling informations he should not have shared (and maybe try to guilt-trip him that their experiments were actually helping the world). And do so again in the future when Yuma and the detectives tries to investigate Ayame’s death in the Chapter 4 remake (Yakou will not be happy about it—towards Yomi I mean, he does not blame Yuma at all for Ayame’s death).
However, Ayame would leave an impact on Yuma to give Kanai Ward a chance, and now desires to expose Amaterasu’s corruption, like his mom and Ayame has. But he will be more careful in doing so, as the women died before they could expose Amaterasu, and even if he risks dying, he wants to make sure his death isn’t in vain this time.
Also, to put in a timeline for the events, Ayame and Yakou reunited in the Spring (since it means new beginnings like Yakou’s life and their relationship), which they spent time together over the summer and a bit of Fall. Yuma would then meet Ayame in the Fall a while after he was moved into Kanai Ward, and would interact a couple of times (like once a week or something—I’m not sure but it’s like a limited times where the two establish a bond that would impact Yuma’s life, but not enough that the memories would become faded overtime in four years). And Ayame dies in the Winter-Spring next year, like the end of Quarter 1 or beginning of Quarter 2.
And to explain why Yakou wouldn’t have met Yuma with Ayame, or the two realize they both knew Ayame was because Yakou would have major restrictions in Amaterasu and would not want him around the children because, being a detective, he would realize there was more going on. And Ayame would be vague towards the two men: Yuma only knowing that Ayame has a husband who is a Detective, and to Yakou she mentions a patient she’s researching on his immune system and who recently moved into Kanai Ward at the time. And with it being four years and suppressing the emotional pains recalling her, it would only take a specific trigger to recall the memories (though I don’t want the secret to be too long since it is a fictional story not limited by game-player perspective, but I also want the emotional impact to hit in the Chapter 4 remake).
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funishment-time · 3 months
🔵 Kodaka BlueSky Q&As: Rain Code Characters (All)
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Please be advised! Translations of all Japanese answers derive from a combination of Google Translate and my manager's three-quarters-remembered Japanese. We've tried our best to work out what he's saying, but there will be mistakes here and there. Do not take this as gospel!
To avoid spreading too much misinfo, where we're completely boggled about an answer, we've decided not to even make an attempt. We'll still list the post, but mark it accordingly.
First of all, the questions answered here are not official. Everything that is official is what is said within the work. In contrast, this is simply what Kodaka, the creator, thinks, and it is not the correct answer. Use this as a starting point to enjoy the depth of each character, or to say, "That's not right!" and enjoy it with your own interpretation. I think of this as a way of communicating with the characters who live in fiction. This is important, so please spread the word.
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💕 FEBRUARY 2024:
Q: I love shinigami chan. Please make games forever!
Q: What happened to everyone at Amaterasu Company after the main story?
A: Yomi [Hellsmile] is growing magmatically angry with the opportunity to revolt while imprisoned…!
Q: Why does Vivia wear such stringy underwear? Does he untie it every time he takes a bath or something?
A: I feel like he just goes in like that.
Q: Was Vivia's umbrella tattoo done in Kanai? I was curious because that was the only tattoo related to rain.
A: I think he likes the gloomy rain. I'm sure he doesn't think Kanai Ward is so bad.
Q: The pattern on Director Yakou's uniform is really cool, is there a reason for that?
A: I leave that up to Komatsuzaki-kun, but being a detective is, after all, a job in the underworld, so I think it's better to have that sort of shady side to it.
NOTE: Komatsuzaki is the guy behind Danganronpa and Rain Code's art.
Q: [the question has since been deleted, but I remember it was about the ages of Master Detectives in Rain Code]
A: It varies quite a bit, but let me just say that most are in their 20s to late 30s. By the way, I'm 45. Oh, you didn't hear that.
Q: How much does the director smoke in a day? That ashtray is disgusting.
A: That's probably three packs a day. I smoke half a pack a day. Oh, you didn't hear that.
NOTE: We're pretty sure this is about Chief Yakou.
Q: I would like to hear about your impressions of the masked man, and what you were conscious of when writing. I will continue to support your work☔️
A: He's nonchalant, talks about himself without listening to what the other person has to say, but seems intelligent. That's the impression I get.
NOTE: This is about Rain Code's Makoto.
Q: Kodaka-san!! Thank you for your wonderful works as always ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎⊹ Amaterasu is exactly my type of organization (especially the head of security...!) Even if it's not a sub-story, I'd like to know if you have any small details that haven't been made public 🙏🏻💞
A: Thank you! Of all the Amaterasu characters, Komatsuzaki-kun was most enthusiastic about the robot researcher.
NOTE: We're pretty sure this is about either the character known as "Akira" or Yakou's wife.
Q: A question about Rain Code: Are there plans to release a book that delves deeper into the backstories of the people who appeared in Chapter 0?
A: If there's a demand, I'd like to see a spin-off novel or something...
Q: Excuse me for asking a question about Yuma, the main character of Raincode! What type of woman does Yuma like?
A: I wonder...! I think he's a pushover. lol
Q: The names of the characters in Rain Code are sprinkled with elements of Japanese mythology, but is there any inspiration or backstory for this? Is there a reason why you named Makoto after the god of fire?
A: It all started with me wanting to incorporate a Japanese flavour.
Q: Rain Code was really fun! I wonder if there will be an "if" story where the five train detectives (all real) arrive in Kanai Ward!? I'm ready to buy all the DLC and whatever else it takes👍
A: I would love to depict stories of their success. It would add more depth to Chapter 0.
Q: Are there any characters who are certain that Halara's gender is this or that?
A: I don't think anyone can ask. Even if they did, Halara would probably think there's no point in answering. They might tell someone they like...
Q: Mr. Kodaka, what is your impression of Director Yakou of Rain Code?
A: He's caring but also lazy, sloppy but cool... I think he's a very human detective.
Q: Is Vivia's name a reference to the movie "Ghosts of the Sierra de Cobre"? Are there any other works that the names of the other characters are also based on?
A: I'm ashamed to say that I hadn't heard of that movie. The characters in Rain Code were named with an emphasis on giving them a stateless feel, and on the sound of the name.
Q: Was there a deciding factor in casting Uchida Yuuma for the role of Seth?
A: I basically leave the casting up to the sound company. They did a very good job.
Q: I'm sure Desuhiko has picked up as many women as there are stars in the sky, but does he actually have much experience in love?
A: Although he is not unpopular, he is most likely rejected quickly.
🍀 MARCH 2024:
Q: I'd like to know the ages of the Resistance members (even a rough estimate is fine if you haven't thought about it)! Since Iruka is planning to receive a birthday present from her parents, is she the youngest member?
A: Judging from his voice, Shachi sounds like he's 52 years old.
Q: Excuse me.Who is most given chocolates on valentine day in raincode ?
A: Maybe, Vivia.
Q: Why did Shinigami-chan give Halara-san the nickname "Hellara"?
A: I wanted Halara to be so stoic it drew Shinigami's attention.
Q: There may not be sushi in Kanai Ward, but I'd like to know what your favorite sushi toppings are, folks at the detective agency.
A: Desuhiko likes sea urchins, Yakou likes mackerel, Vivia doesn't feel like eating, Halara likes maki rolls, and Fubuki tries to save the fish with time reversal.
Q: [The question has since been deleted, but I believe it was about Seth's childhood.]
A: His childhood must have been similar to that of Jataro [Kemuri]...
Q: I would like to hear about Martina's "calculation" of Yomi, which came up in a previous Rain Code interview. Did you have any stories in mind, Mr. Kodaka?
A: She thought she could use Yomi's favor to advance her own career.
Q: I'd like to know the name of the Amaterasu Researcher who appears in Director Yakou's DLC!
A: His wife? It's a secret! I only tell people when I'm drunk, so... nope. (said cutely)
Q: I'm guessing the age order of the train detectives is Zange > Melami > Zilch > Aphex > Pucci, is that correct?
A: There are various theories about the location of Melami [in that order].
🥬 APRIL 2024:
Q: Do special abilities have a genetic component? (e.g., Vivian's family is more likely to see spirits)
A: Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not. It is said that the Clockford family will rarely produce a child like this due to genetics.
Q: Sorry if this has already been mentioned❗️ Harara Nightmare's gender is unknown, but do they ever wear feminine clothes like skirts as fashion?
A: "No. I only wear clothes that are easy to move in."
Q: Halara is often depicted holding a lollipop, but do they have a favorite flavor?
A: Anything as long as it's sweet. It's to get the sugar needed for that person's brain.
Q: I played Raincode to the end ☔️ I love the masked man...! I'd be happy if you could tell me anything about him.
A: "I made the masks myself. I made them suspicious on purpose to scare people away."
NOTE: This is about Rain Code's Makoto again.
Q: A question! I'm curious about what method the Raincode super detectives used to get into Kanai Ward! What other routes could they have taken besides the Amaterasu Express!? I'd be happy if you could tell me who got there and how!
A: I'm saving [this info] so I can make a special edition someday! lol
Q: who would you choose to solve a mystery and why? kirigiri, saihara or halara?
A: It would be great if the three of them performed together!
🌺 MAY 2024:
Q: What do you think about animals other than dogs and cats, Halara?
A: "More precious than humans."
Q: Can Chief Yakou cook?
A: "I can make lazy meals."
☀️ JUNE 2024:
🎇 JULY 2024:
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keydekyie · 2 years
Have humans and/or Kanai ever tried negotiation with each other, either as groups or individuals?
A fabulous question with a complicated answer!
So worldbuilding spoilers ahead (if that's a thing), but for thousands of years Kanai and humans actually got along! Though for most of that history they didn't really live together or interact closely, they were very cooperative. Kanai eating humans was basically unthinkable.
A few hundred years before the story takes place, a series of events (some war, some drought, more war, a lot of fire, the beginnings of industrialization, etc) caused a lot of devastation to Kellabor's ecosystem. For several years some Kanai tried to negotiate with the then-government (a monarchy) to stabilize things, but there were problems. Kanai have never had any kind of centralized government or representatives for themselves, outside of very localized elder groups, and so the Kingdom of Kellabor disregarded their petitions (remember that until now Kanai had been nothing but peaceful and helpful).
Pregnant Kanai that go into wintersleep without enough fat on their bodies will reabsorb their embryos. Things were so bad for a few seasons that no Kanai were born for several years, and many perished of winterfright or good old fashioned regular starvation. Kanai were staring extinction in the face.
And then a few of them had the bright idea to just, y'know... eat the humans. Those that did survived, and the idea soon spread like a plague.
Almost immediately the old Kellabor government collapsed. Most records were lost and the country regressed technologically by several hundred years. Humans fled to walled cities like Loske and hunkered down. Over the next century, humans started to learn to defend themselves, and the ecosystem healed enough that Kanai mostly returned to their normal habits and became more secretive. However, most Kanai maintain a belief that negotiating with humans is stupid, and that humans need to be managed the same way every other animal is: by eating them when they get out of hand. While humans have ventured out of their walled cities and started reestablishing themselves, they do so at huge risk.
The "modern" government, the Sutzgrad government, is only a few hundred years old, if that. The country is still rebuilding.
All that being said, yes, in some isolated areas Kanai and humans are getting along and cooperating for mutual benefit, even at the time of the story. As an example, I actually have another story idea about a family of Kanai that allow weg drovers to graze their droves in their territory, protecting them from direroden and fen cats in exchange for wool and wegskins.
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biggie-chcese · 1 month
concepts for kurumi wendy gumshoe gabs because why the fresh fuck did they not give her any like actually hey kodaka can we talk-
(rain code spoilers btw)(also gab will stop sounding like a word to you)
im gonna try to structure a kurumi gumshoe gab set but i will not be writing the conversations out bc im sorry girl but 1. im not obsessed with her enough to basically write a fic and 2. i think the conversations would still be comparatively dull due to yuma's function being "the normal one" to contrast the rest of the kooky cast and kurumi's function as essentially the same thing but also as a love interest and exposition dropper. but i still wanna at least give a model of what her conversations would be like for funsies. I'll be mixing what i think would realistically happen if they gave her gabs and also what i think should happen. alright let's get started
first off, obviously they shouldnt be available until after ch 2. maybe in ch 3 you get a new gab page and yuma can start finding new gabs out in the overworld (what sort of gem color would she have??? jade? is that too close to vivia's emerald? i dont wanna say some shit like rose gold). im not coming up with locations and hints sorry idc that much.
GAB #1
the first gab is them jumping over the hurdle of "wait we don't really have much interaction besides investigating murders and blushing dumbly" which is primarily what irks me in the game's efforts to push her as a love interest. at least let us watch yuma spend some god damn time with her holy shit WHYYY doesn't she have any fucking gumshoe gabs I'm going insa-
erm anyway let's make em have a casual talk abt something. yuma would probably start off like "this is the first time ive really been alone with kurumi ahh i dont know what to say this is awkward ahhhh" and shinigami gets rightfully annoyed with his cuckly behavior. but in an effort to save the awkwardness yuma asks her about her work as an informant. i think she'd enthusiastically spout off about it and how her grandfather inspired her (though keeping it vague because i think she could save more talk of missing family members for later). maybe she talks about her first forway into her informant work and a certain mishap that occured, yuma has to guess what happened bc she's a little embarrassed about it (this is whwre the dialogue options come in). but it's completely harmless. maybe she got spotted by the person she was tailing and then got a slap on the wrist and sent home. yuma finds it a little endearing, shinigami gives the bond level up message, and there. solid conversation. next
GAB #2
yuma asks her what exactly got her so interested in detectives. did she read heroic novels about them? did she see their noble efforts in the headlines? was she personally saved by one? the possibilities are endless and could all be answered here. actually lets have her teasingly make yuma guess here. poof, there's your dialogue options.
maybe she can even have a little kookiness as a treat and accidentally let the true nature of her admiration for detectives slip for a moment where it pretty much crosses the line of "that's a bit creepy". not towards yuma but still something a bit off putting like obsessively keeping track of her favorite detectives' activities or having information about their personal lives she absolutely shouldn't have (informant + proud participant in WDO stan culture is a dangerous combo) but she also misses doing that because now kanai ward is isolated. yuma could also be like "wait isnt what you were doing then a bit too much?" but it gets dismissed by shinigami telling him they levelled up their bond
this one should be about aiko methinks. yuma catches kurumi in a down mood and asks what's up and it goes from there. she gives us more detail into her friendship with aiko and maybe she could even actually acknowledge the deaths of those theatre club girls and mention how chillingly quiet the club has gotten. she tells yuma that she tries not to think about it, but the empty space they left behind is immense... yuma's dialogue choices may be to try to cheer up/comfort her. thank you, next
perhaps now she can talk about her grandpa (and also maybe drop how that home situation is cause girl where are your parents). she could talk about her mission in finding him cause he must be out there!!! somewhere!!!! this shit could be sentimental or smth. she could say something about kanai ward's nearly extinct species of people who are still fighting for the truth and how even when things are dangerous she remembers that no one else will do it so she's gotta step it up. she'd pivot that over to saying how glad she is that the master detectives are here bc of that, and yuma could have dialogue options where the correct choice is basically saying he admires her for that. idk. next
The Fiverrrrrrr
final gab. i was gonna be funny and say "probably another love confession like fubuki's and then yuma hits her with the nuh-uh" but due to the nature of the epilogue i actually dont think it does exactly that. maybe kurumi is stuck on a small, separate thing she's investigating and she summarizes what's up. i think it could potentially be a more personal problem or at least something she can connect to (another girl in school missing a family member? idk) so that it's a bit obvious she's more frustrated in not finding any leads. yuma helps her out a little in finding a lead (this is where the dialogue choices come in) and after thanking him, kurumi is like "y'know, we make a pretty great team" (flirting, but yuma doesnt read it that way.) shinigami groans and maybe even fusses about how she's yuma's partner but this goes ignored. and of course yuma's dense ass is like yeah i think you have the makings of a great informant and detective and he essentially coworker-zones her. kurumi then asks about how they could still maybe possibly work like this together perhaps maybe 👉 👈 🥹 after solving kanai ward's ultimate secret and yuma happily agrees. this will make his choice in the epilogue to fuck off to florida without much of a goodbye even funnier.
anyway thats it for my kurumi gumshoe gabs thanks for reading
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justiisms · 6 months
"Ah. Looks like it's going to rain soon. Again." *there's a sigh in yakou's voice as he stares at his reflection in his phone, pouting a little as his hair is more puffed up than usual*
"I guess it is spring, but still. Feels like I'm back in Kanai Ward with how often it's been raining lately..."
"Ah, yeah... the weather app on my phone is telling me the same thing, too.." Yuta says, giving a small chortle at his chief'y even fluffier looking hair before also looking at his phone, and then gazing towards the window, seeing gray clouds slowly form...
"Yeah; and with it about to be April, I think we'd better prepare for a lot more rainy weather days in general, too. Ahaha, true... when there's a lot of rainy days in a row, it really does remind me of Kanai Ward, too. Man....how long has it been, since we've last been there, Chief...? I know you've gone back a couple of times on your own, but for me, it feels like it's been forever. Maybe, one day...we could both visit it again, together? And bring Yuma with us, too, if he'd want to! Being able to actually enjoy the city without any worry of cases or peacekeepers, would be very nice... Maybe see how well Makoto and Kurumi are doing, too.... And I know the other detectives aren't there, anymore, but maybe there's a small chance we'll bump into at least one of them, if they're visiting..maybe! Ah-"
Looking back towards him, he bashfully rubs the back of his head. "S-Sorry, didn't mean to ramble on like that, heh heh... But yeah, I just think that would be nice to do together, sometime! I-If you'd like!"
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