#kang jaeehee
kangjaehee · 2 years
so. yesterday I was having a quick little scroll through the mysme smut tag on this website and counted only like 2 jaehee things, decided that was unaceptable so here i am. enjoy this sapphics we deserve it.
title: fantasy
rating: 18+
pairing: mcjaehee (but the mc is an oc and her name is Chaeyoung)
summary: Jaehee sends Chaeyoung a rather spicy picture. Chaeyoung near loses her mind, imagining everything they'd do once they meet.
tags: masturbation, pwp, not-so-undertoned d/s, jaehee has a praise k!ink.
word count: 1342
‘I’ll be waiting anxiously.’
The succinct yet felt message was paired with a picture that immediately made Chaeyoung blush as red as a tomato. It was nothing too explicit, but suggestive enough: a picture of her in a black lace thong, touching the inseam and crossing her leg in a way that was more lewd than anything else. 
Jesus fucking Christ, she thought to herself, biting her finger and begging no one outside this makeshift office at C&R she used for party planning matters could sense what was going on inside her. Because she was anything but collected and office-appropriate. Her girlfriend wasn’t the daring type, at least not most days. But when she wanted to provoke Chaeyoung, she definitely knew how to do it. And she’d learned fast that a little goes a long way. 
Huh. This was actually quite naughty of her part. And Chaeyoung would definitely make her pay for that later, teasing her while she should be thinking about anything but how irresistible Jaehee could be. She’d pay an expensive price. Chaeyoung was finding it hard to focus by the second.
Imagination can truly be a woman’s best friend, as well as their worst enemy. It’s always been one of Chaeyoung’s greatest assets. It’s mostly worked in her favor in multiple areas of her life, and now, with Jaehee, it’s becoming the sugar to their sexual life, as she lets Chaeyoung go wild with ideas of scenes and scenarios for them to try.
Now, though, it’s becoming an enemy, as her mind can’t do anything other than conjure image after image of Jaehee, impossibly beautiful Jaehee, at her most vulnerable, and all because of one message.
It was then that Chaeyoung declared herself absolutely defeated. She went ahead and excuse herself from her makeshift office to the restroom, because her clothes were too constricting and her cunt was fucking feeling it and she couldn’t stop thinking about Jaehee.
Jaehee and her honey eyes that always looked up at her with such desire. Jaehee and her cherry lips, always wet, gasping at the way Chaeyoung’s hands traveled down her body. Jaehee and her delicate neck which looked so lovely covered in Chaeyoung’s bruises. Her breasts, so plush with their lovely pert nipples, which never seemed to fit in her hands but oh, the sounds she made when Chaeyoung focused on them were an angel’s choir. 
Locking herself in a stall, she brought two fingers down to rub circles in her clit as she just let her brain do its thing. The way Jaehee sticked out her butt when she plugged her hole shut. How her hands tangled in her hair when she licked her cunt. How she never held back on wanting her. 
God damn it. 
She tried not to be too loud, lest someone come in and accidentally listen. But, truth was that, besides the cold hard porcelain she was sitting on, for all intents and purposes, she was not in this bathroom stall but enveloped by a golden flame, unaware of the automated motions of her hands or the sounds coming out of her mouth, mind only focused on how beautiful Jaehee’s thighs looked covered in her slick, the sweetness of her voice as she moaned her name. She was warm honey, all-consuming and sweet, and oh my God Chaeyoung would drown her in kisses as soon as she walked into that apartment later. 
Oh, the things she would do to her once she was there. Oh, how unable to resist she would be… She would kiss her, not slowly– devour her. Hold her tight by the waist as her thighs squeeze into her, each breath more labored than the last. She’d then go lower, mouth attending to her chest. She wouldn’t take her bra off just yet, wouldn’t give any sort of attention to her nipples which would surely be begging for it. She wouldn’t go lower either, although she’s sure that’s the only place Jaehee would want her mouth to be– no, she was not going to indulge her, no matter how much she whimpered for it. Not tonight, not after this. 
Eventually she’d get to it, though, her own impatience would win out and she’d yank that black lace thong out, fingers grazing though her hole, wet and puffed and open from all the previous stimulation (and whatever she’d surely given herself before Chaeyoung arrived, because Chaeyoung was no fool, but she’d let this one slide for her own sake). She’d tease her for her wetness, praise her for being such a good slut for her, and feel her melt under her. She’d then insert a finger or two in her hole and pull them out quickly– again, not indulging her– and Jaehee might sob but Chaeyoung, in her state, would just laugh and tell her to be a good girl. 
And Jaehee would be, of course, and it would fill Chaeyoung with so, so much pride. She’d be a good girl when she put the plug in– the large one with the ridges that can be felt every centimeter as it goes in, and that she would feel once Chaeyoung filled her with the strap– and Chaeyoung would kiss her in the back of her neck as a reward. Maybe leave a little bruise, something for her to smile at when she caught a glimpse of it after her shower in the morning, something to remind her she was hers. 
She’d then taste her. Taste every last bit of that cunt, lick every last drop from it, savor it. And Jaehee would be beautifully loud about it and she’d tell her to keep making those noises for her, tell her how good she was being while letting her work, and feel how that sends her further down the edge. She’d take her close to that edge, dangerously close to it, close enough to make her ask for permission to release. Chaeyoung, of course, would deny her, telling her to be patient for her sake. Maybe she would even give her thigh a good slap when her complaints got a little more insistent. 
She’d tell her to sit and wait. Be a good girl for her. Not move her hands. She’d go get the strap– the double-shafted one, my god how she loved that one, it hurt deliciously and took her straight to heaven– and when she came back, she’d find Jaehee exactly as she left her and, knowing the effort holding back must’ve taken and knowing she did it all for her, she’d praise the hell out of her and kiss her like she could survive on her lips. That was her favorite part of all this, really. Praising Jaehee, loving Jaehee, giving her everything she deserves. 
She’d go in slowly and then all at once. She’d go at a steady rhythm, feeling each thrust hit her spot with the shaft inside her, maybe she’d even take her bra off just to watch her tits jiggle with each thrust and– hold on, what time was it?
Her eyes suddenly broke open, her cunt very much stimulated and her climax close, but the images far gone from her mind. Shit. She’d forgotten she had the meeting with the Engineers’ Union today at 3, she couldn’t just stay in this stall forever. She checked her clock. It was 2:28. Shit. 
Min Chaeyoung swallowed her frustration and blinked away the tears from her eyes, taking deep breaths to at least attempt to come down from whatever high she just brought herself to. Well, this was annoying. And horribly unsatisfying. But at least she had the knowledge all of this would be a reality once she got home. Perhaps the reality would be even better. 
She rushed to her office to prepare her things, she had to leave in the next five minutes if she wanted to make it on time. She did take her time to open the messenger and reply to Jaehee, though, it was only necessary: 'Oh, you will be waiting, alright.'
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simplyotometrash · 4 years
i know i JUST asked for something but i saw you write for mystic messenger.... can u write me something about jaehee... bc im gay....
vbJaehee is such a babe. I love her so much!
Jaehee x Reader!
Warnings: None! Pure fluff!
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Running a business was harder than Jaehee imagined it would. It was nothing next to working for Jumin Han, but that didn’t mean it was easy. She would never go back to her old job, though. The cafe was her dream. She was the happiest she had been in so long. She was in control of herself and her own life. She didn’t have to be under anyone’s thumb. She could be whoever and whatever she wanted to be. 
But best of all, she got to share it with you.
If you hadn’t urged her to think of herself and her own wants in life then it never would have happened. She didn’t even think she would fall in love. Let alone be loved in return. Yet you loved her. She loved you. The two of you got to work side by side in the cafe and go home together. Life had become a dream. 
The cafe was closed for a few days due to some renovations. She still went in, however, to test some new recipes. She couldn’t go without working. Force of habit. You got to sleep in and would be spending the day at home. You worked so hard with her that Jaehee had urged you to take the day for yourself. You could experiment together another day. 
Although it did feel empty without you at her side.
You were what truly made the dream. If you weren’t there with her then it wouldn’t be the same. She didn’t know how or why you fell in love with her. She just knew she counted herself as lucky. Anyone would be. You were like an angel sent down to be a guiding light. When the entire RFA needed you most, you suddenly appeared in their lives. She wished she hadn’t been so suspicious of you back then.
If you hadn't come into her life then she would still be under Jumin. She’d be worked to the point of little to no sleep, running on coffee, being so overworked that she felt suffocated. Also dealing with the cat despite it not even being part of her job. His cat itself hadn’t been the issue. The issue had been her cat fur. Ugh. It always got all over her clothes. She hated it. The memories made her shudder. That was in the past. Hard to believe. She never thought she would have a job that made her happy.
“And now it needs to chill,” she murmured as she pushed a tray of puddings into the cafe fridge. She’d try them tomorrow. What she wanted was to clean up and go back home. Call it an early day. Since there were no customers until after renovations were done, she could actually do that. 
So, Jaehee washed up all her used dishes, wiped the counters down, and cleaned the floors. If they weren’t clean enough to eat off of then they weren’t clean. Jaehee was a stickler for cleanliness, especially in the cafe. Everything had to be cleaned and stored properly. There was no way she would take any health code risks. Risk losing her precious cafe? Never!
She took her apron off as she left through the back door, locking it before turning to go to your shared apartment. Deft fingers pulled her hair from its place in an elastic. She even got to start growing her hair out again. Jumin had a rule that required her to keep it short. Same with wearing glasses that she didn’t even need. Now she could have long hair! It wasn’t there at the moment, it still had growing to do, but it was long enough that it finally needed to be tied back when she worked. 
From outside your shared apartment, Jaehee could hear you humming. You were humming a song from one of Zen’s musicals. It was cute. This also meant the door definitely was unlocked. She kept reminding you to lock the door even if you were home. She opened it up and walked inside, sliding out of her shoes.
“Jaehee,” you exclaimed as you stopped what you were doing in the kitchen, “welcome home!”
She laughed a little and headed to the kitchen to greet you. “I’m home. I made some test puddings today that I’d like you to try tomorrow.”
You leaned over and pecked her on the lips with a grin. “I’d love to! You are just in time, lunch is nearly done! I was hoping you would be done by now. If not then I planned to take lunch to you.”
Yes. Jaehee was the luckiest woman in the world. All because she had you.
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rainylune · 6 years
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who needs a Mom Friend when you have the Perpetually Disappointed And Reluctant Father Friend?
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highbornsiren · 7 years
The boys from Mystic Messenger wouldn't treat me like this.
Me, whenever something mildly inconveniences me.
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epic-potato-crisp · 7 years
Imagine Mystic Messenger as  K-Drama
The main plot would be 707′s route (fan favourite character and only route that will solve the mystery behind Mint Eye and Unknown in the end)
To make it more realistic and allow more screen-time for the drama, the drama spans a complete 11 weeks instead of days (perhaps even months?)
The Prologue:
MC is a student studying away from home, living by and mostly keeping to herself (to faciliate the plot)
MC finding a cellphone and via Saeran’s instruction making her way through a busy Seoul  (assuming that all characters are in the same “town”, it would make sense for C&R’s main quarters to be seated in the capital)
The text messages from Unknown appearing on the screen next to MC with a voice-over of him speaking them out loud (complete with his anonymous profile pic, colour-coded in mint-green)
 For a few moments the camera switches between them to show Unknown - however,only his smirk and his fingers tapping the cellphone in the greenly-lit Mint Eye headquarters
MC arriving at Rika’s apartment, and joining the chatroom
Introductions of the RFA members:
 - Zen styling himself in front of his mirror, critically checking his appearance, while sending texts, his script with marked lines right by his side
- Jumin stroking a purring Elizabeth the 3rd seated on his lap, a glass of wine in front of him, absent-mindedly tapping on his phone
- Yoosung replying to a text while playing a round of LOLOL and then crying out frustratedly, ripping down his headphones, having apparently lost the match and turning his full attention to th chatroom
- Jaehee yawning and fighting sleep, taking large gulps of coffee as she answers texts, surrounding by mountains of paperwor
- Finally 707 loudly exclaiming his shock at the appearance of the new member in the chatroom, and Vanderwood appearing right behind him one second later, sporting cleaning gloves and wacking him with a feather duster for making such noise
The introductions begin: while one character is shown on the screen, the messages of the others, complete with voice-overs, profile pic and colour-code, appear on the side
The show progresses in the way the game would, MC and the characters chatting throughout the days, 
The first half:
 Plot points from the other Common and Deep Story characters (except 707) run simultaneously and interconnec
 Zen being stalked by Echo Girl, and eventually making up with Jumin 
Jumin’s distrust of his father’s affairs, and Glaim Choi and Sarah slowly becoming a danger to the C&R cooperation, until they are stopped
Jaehee realizing she’s being overloaded with work, and deciding to leave C&R to open a successful coffee chain 
Yoosung struggling through college, slowly dropping his pride and accepting help from his family and coming to terms with Rika’s death
 V’s route is not shown, however he joins the chatroom at multiple instances and is also shown on screen, wearing sunglasses every time
No clear pairing in the first half, hints at multiple ships 
The second half:
The focus is shifting slowly to 707: his family history, his reasons for joining the agency and it’s revealed that his cheery exterior is mostly a cover-up
 MC and 707 being established as the main pairing
The events of 707 route unfold
- MC coming to 707′s house, having to deal with a distant, irritated hacker while trying to gain his trust
- Operation Rescue Mint Eye with Vanderwood chasing after them
Secret Endings 1 and 2 are the plot of the last episodes: 707 (now Saeyoung) MC and Vanderwood rescue Unknown (now Saeran)
The police is send to take care of Mint Eye, but a warning has apparently gotten through because once they arrive, they find nothing but an empty building
The RFA celebrate their party, which is a great success, and the members (except 707) meet MC for the first time
V is present at the party, but drops several hints about leaving in the future, thanking MC for “taking over Rika’s role, and making sure the RFA party will always be here”
No one heard from V, but from a camera left by a blooming hillside in an unknown location along with a backpack, it’s hinted that he might still be alive, scouring the world
Saeran is recovering in therapy
Zen, Jumin, Jaehee and Yoosung have settled well within their lives
Vanderwod and Saeyoung have both left the agency and taken up freelance hacking work
It’s revealed that Vanderwood moved in the Choi household, primary to look after Saeran once he’s released. He keeps complaining about it on the exterior but in reality, he’s relieved to finally have a place to call home.
Saeyoung and MC are dating to the RFA’s members surprise, but after the primary scepticism has died away, they receive the RFA’s unconditional support 
MC has also moved in with Saeyoung
The last scene is a happy one with them waking up side-by-side on the bed
Saeyoung, still tormented by nightmare’s, jolts up from a bad dream, but MC is quick to comfort him and whisper that it’s all going to be alright now, to which Saeyoung smiles genuinely
There is a black cut, and the actual last scene reveals a woman in a white dress, with flowing blond hair and green eyes, standing in the middle of nowhere, in front of an ancient building that has the Mint Eye logo engraved above the front entrance
She smiles at the camera, whispering with a delighted smile that she will make sure she is the last sun V will ever see
End (to be continued…)
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code-error-606 · 7 years
ZEN • You invite him once to hang out with some friends of yours • He would be like 'yeah, why not?' • At first he was a little surprised to see that all your friends were boys • But he tried to be fine about it • Well... It's just a dinner and movies, what can happen? • BOY HE WAS WRONG • The second you all were at the restaurant, there was a boy who was all touchy with you • Zen was practically burning inside • And not in a nice way • All those "friends" of you, were totally FLIRTING in front of him • He tried to give him some hints that he was ACTUALLY your boyfriend • Like kissing your cheek, resting his hands on your leg, and asking you to feed him • Couple things, you know? • But damn, those boys didn't understand what the word "COUPLE" meant • He was tired at the moment you all got into the cinema • So when the movie just started • He called your name out loud • “MC” • “What's wrong Z-?” • His lips where on yours • Your friends were all like 'Ew' • But at least now it was all clear YOOSUNG • This guy would be so shy about it • I mean, when you told him about your day you always talk about guys • A lot of manly names, a lot of manly stories about them • He was happy you were dating him • But still... He was not confident • What if you liked another guy and just decided to leave him? • Just thinking about it, made him sad • So one day just decided to join you when you told him you were going out • Of course you were happy about that • Finally you could present him to your friends • So when you both went to the mall, where your group of friends awaited • He was shocked when all those boys recognized him instantly • “Oh! So you are THE guy” • “MC talks about you like 24/7” • “Finally we met you” • Yoosung was so shy about this • And secretly proud of himself • “Yeah, I'm the guy” JAEHEE • Jaehee at first was like totally cool about that • I mean, she was working with mostly men • She was happy with your happiness • She knew that no men could get between you both • Your relationship was strong • It was always been you two in a world full of men • Who needs them anyway? lol JUMIN • “A lady shouldn't be around a lot of men, MC” • “Jumin, those are my friends” • He was secretly jealous • Always asking you what were you always doing with them • His face said 'Im cool with it's • But on the inside • God • He was burning in jealousy, and thinking in a thousand ways to ruin those men lifes • He wouldn't dare tbh • He knows your friends are special to you, so he didn't wanted you to be mad at him • You knew of course • He was totally jealous, and he couldn't even hide it • So one day when you both were having lunch together, he low-key asked you if you had any plans with your friends • You just laughed • He was cute • Jealous Jumin Han was cute • “I love you, Jumin” • “...Was I that obvious?” • “Kind of” • He was a little jealous but • He knew you were his anyway SAEYOUNG/707/LUCIEL • Tbh • At least one of you two needed to have a social life • So you having a lot of friends was good for both • He was not worried at all • I mean, he did a background check to all those guys you met • Just in case one of them was a psycho or something • Checked all their moves • And poor of them if they tried a move on you • HE WOULD TOTALLY MAKE THEM SUFFER • Like that boy who tried to kiss you even though you reject him • That poor boy was still traumatized with ants • Seven may or may not have put ants on his entire house • Even his car • No proofs tho • So he was totally cool with any of your friends • As long they don't try to pass the friend line
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hyunglove · 7 years
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Tenía que hacerlo.
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hiragis · 7 years
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C O M I N G   S O O N  ⋆
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bunnieebabe · 7 years
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I love these babies so much 💕
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aph-moodboards · 7 years
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Mystic Messenger - Main Cast “No matter who you choose, I’ll still love you.”
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thewarmisice · 7 years
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i found an app that lets you do glitch edits, and i did some a baehee
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xikra · 7 years
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leos-pineapple · 7 years
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Jaehee appreciation post part 1!
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Just a short fic
Genre: Angst???
Word Count:b716
I am new to this and don’t really know if I should continue. Hahah. If you do have comments please do tell me, it would be appreciated. ^_^ 
Raven locks reflected iridescent blue in the dim lighting of the room. I t has grown since he laid eyes on her… How long has it been? He asks himself, months? Years?  She has been laying there, her hair draping over the pillow like a dark waterfall of silk.
The muted beeping of the monitors proved her alive though she appeared to be little more than a statue of death. The respirator enforced her chest up and down in a parody of breathing. A number of tubes assisted the artificial life; wire taped to different parts of her body making her look even more weak and fragile in the small bed. She was weakness personified and yet he wishes she would just wake up.
Jumin Han had everything. A career, wealth, fame… things many people would only dream about of having but he would give up all of those, just to have his fiance back again.
He wished he had notice if she was ever in pain, of how she felt that day. If he had known he would have done anything to have her rest.
They were just celebrating her birthday. Everyone was there. All the members of the RFA were congratulating her on her birthday. She was precious to all of them. She had changed their dull life into a colorful one with her kindness and thoughtfulness.
She was so happy, beaming at all of them because of the surprise they made for her. She hugged the RFA members one by one stopping to pinch Yoosung on the cheek and congratulating him in getting his Ph. D earlier than everyone else, then moving to Saeyoung’s brother thanking him for attending and also complimenting him on his progress with his therapy. She then went to Zen and commended him for his new role then embracing Assistant Kang thanking her for clearing Jumin’s schedule for the day. She gave Saeyoung a little pat on the back and thanked him for his cat decorations all around the penthouse and for the confetti now making a mess on the floor. They bickered a little more, then she turned to Jumin.
Her eyes held so much love for the man which made him think of how lucky he was to have her in his life. As she was in front of him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a light kiss on the lips.
“My love, I am grateful to you and everyone. I am so happy to have you in my life, Thank you for everything that you do for me. I love you”
Jumin looked at her trying to convey the love he has for her not only with his words but also with his eyes
“MC my angel, You are a gift to us all and without you I am nothing more than an empty man void of emotions and a man who would have never known love” He leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss not minding that the rest of their friends were there, he just wanted to make her feel how much he loved her.
“Let’s party!!!” They heard Saeyoung shout as they parted from their kiss. He popped more confetti and called for everyone to start eating.
The party was simple and only the RFA were present but MC looked so ecstatic to be there and that’s the thing that was most important to Jumin.
The party was going smoothly,  that is until they heard a glass break only to see MC on the floor.
Jumin immediately ran towards his fiancé in panic.
“MC! MC! Wake up my love! Tell me what’s wrong! Assistant Kang please call an ambulance now!”
“Yes Mr. Han!” Jaehee immediately dialing the ambulance Saeyoung following her outside to wait for the ambulance.
“Jumin she’s not breathing!” I heard Zen say panicking.
I look at my fiancé willing her to wake up “ MC! It’s me! Wake up please!”
“Jumin-Hyun! Move and let me do CPR! I know how to do it!” Yoosung finally stepped up being the rational one here. He positioned MC flat on the floor and started CPR
Jumin felt his world crumble...
 But that would have been more acceptable than what is happening in front of him at that moment.
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krixa15 · 7 years
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Jaehee, you savage, XD
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