cephydeluxe · 3 months
fuckin love that most of the female antagonists in mysme have the last name "choi"
Choi Kyungju (Echo Girl)
Choi Sarah
Choi Glam
and even Mother Choi (even tho she's not really an antagonist lol)
hmmmm trio of evil materialistic girls that all have the same name,,,,, OOOHH ((((has the best idea and disappears in a puff of smoke))))
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anas-tasiaa · 1 year
Mystic Messenger Voice Actors 🎤
(Supporting characters)
Echo Girl (Zen's route) + V's mother
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Name: Lee Myeong-ho
Age: 39
Choi's Twin mother
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Name: Seo Da-Hye
Age: 32
(Main cast VAs)
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spoops-screams · 1 year
How is she saying that
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ikemen-trifecta · 4 months
Friend Quotes as MysMes [Part 2]
Typical people have photo albums. Shoko has her unhinged quotes sheet. –Edi
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vivixrocks · 1 year
Echo girls neck is so skinny and long…
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nowayimdie · 6 months
Chapter 4: The Unholy Trinity Reigns
".. -. / - .... . / ..-. --- --- - ... - . .--. ... / --- ..-. / .--. .- ..- .-.. / --- -. / - .... . / .-. --- .- -.. / - --- / -.. .- -- .- ... -.-. ..- ... --..-- / .-- . / - --- --- / -- .- -.-- / -- . . - / ..- -. . -..- .--. . -.-. - . -.. / -- . ... ... . -. --. . .-. ... / .-- .... --- / .- .-.. - . .-. / - .... . / -.-. --- ..- .-. ... . / --- ..-. / --- ..- .-. / ..-. .- .. - .... / .--- --- ..- .-. -. . -.-- / ..-. --- .-. . ...- . .-."
Yoosung traverses the desolate streets, his path littered with the remnants of life now stilled. He shoulders bags laden with provisions, the weight a tangible reminder of the world's upheaval. Despite the sombre scene, a faint melody escapes his lips, mingling with the eerie silence like a whispered prayer amidst the chaos. "Tralalalala," he sings softly, a hint of determination in his voice, "Eager to return and vanquish these creeping pests."
Startled by the sudden motion, Yoosung whirls around, his heart pounding in his chest. Before he rushes a figure, a blur of movement amidst the stillness of the desolate street. Instinctively, he tenses, his hand reaching for a makeshift weapon at his side. With narrowed eyes, he watches as the figure races past, leaving a trail of dust in its wake. Yoosung's curiosity piqued, he hesitated for a moment before deciding to follow, his steps cautious yet determined.
"Hello?" Yoosung calls out, his voice cutting through the eerie quiet of the deserted street. "Why are you running?" he asks his tone a mix of concern and curiosity. As he waits for a response, his gaze remains fixed on the figure ahead, his senses alert for any sign of danger lurking in the shadows.
Yoosung continued casually, "I meant no harm, well, maybe about 80% of the time." He paused, then added, "Though I do have a proneness for stabbing living things and tearing them apart with my teeth."
The figure conjured a fiery blast aimed at Yoosung, but he swiftly dodged it. However, before he could react further, the figure leapt upon him, causing both of them to crash to the ground.
"Don't mess with me," the figure, sounding like a girl, growled. "I was just running past you. Why are you following me?" The figure holding Yoosung's wrist tightly
As Yoosung found himself close to the figure, he got a clear view of their face—deep red hair cascading around, with long bangs partially covering one eye, while the other, with a striking golden hue, remained visible.
"Oh my!" Yoosung exclaimed. "A bad girl"
MC raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What?" she asked, standing up and releasing Yoosung's wrist.
Yoosung's eyes lit up with stars. "A bad girl!" he exclaimed. "I'm ready to be a masochist just for you."
MC responded with a deadpan expression. "Yeah, no."
MC, ready to walk away, suddenly found Yoosung clinging tightly to her leg, refusing to let go. "Let go of me, you brat!" she shouted, trying to free herself from his grasp.
At the Mystic Hotel Messenger, V paced back and forth in a state of hysteria, his mind clearly diverted. Meanwhile, Saeran and Jumin who calmly held Elizabeth the 3rd, walking alongside his friend with a reassuring presence.
V's voice quivered with a detectable perturbation, each word laced with the weight of impending doom. "Alright, so the extermination is advancing in six months instead of the anticipated year. It's just a slight setback, a mere hiccup in our plans," he muttered, attempting to reassure himself more than anyone else. "Angels altering our timetable without a second thought. But who needs a whole year to salvage souls, hm?" His voice wavered, the panic beginning to seep through his facade of composure. "And what about the next time they decide to halve it again, and again? Are we supposed to just adapt endlessly?"
Saeran's firm grip steadied V, grounding him in the moment. "Yes, we will," Saeran declared with a quiet determination, his voice a steady anchor amidst V's turbulent thoughts.
Zen's voice cut through the tension like a sharp blade, bitter and frustrated. "Oh, please. You knew the odds were stacked against you from the start of this so-called redemption mission," he scoffed, cynicism oozing from every word. With his phone buzzing incessantly, a storm of threatening messages, his frustration reached its peak. "And now..." he trailed off, the ominous notifications on his screen serving as grim exclamation points to his sentence. "There's no silver lining to be found this time," he muttered grimly, his eyes glued to the screen, the impending danger weighing heavily on them all.
V's voice cut through the tension, a beacon of optimism amidst the storm of doubt and fear. "Of course, there is!" he interjected, his tone resolute despite the chaos surrounding them. "We just have to search a little deeper, that's all," he insisted, his words carrying a hint of determination that refused to be extinguished by the darkness closing in around them.
Zen's frustration simmered as he waved his phone in their faces, the urgency palpable in his voice. "While you're busy searching for that elusive silver lining, the rest of hell is spiralling into chaos," he exclaimed, gesturing emphatically towards the screen. "Just look at what's happening in the Doomsday District," he urged, the gravity of the situation evident in his words.
As Zen scrolled down an article featuring a demon screaming in front of a blazing fire, a grey message suddenly appeared at the bottom of the screen. V leaned in closer to read it, his curiosity piqued.
V leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued as he glanced at the screen. "Um, what's a...Donkey Show?" he asked tentatively, his brow furrowing in confusion as he awaited an explanation from Zen.
"A Donkey Show?" Zen repeated the words, his tone incredulous. "Uh, it's... it's not something you want to know about, believe me." He shook his head, his gaze returning to the screen, a hint of discomfort lingering in his features. "Let's just focus on what's important here."
"Like I said, everyone's losin' their shit," Zen said
Saeran's voice cut through the tension, his words tinged with a hint of grim realization. "Indeed, sinners are desperate," he acknowledged, his gaze thoughtful as he considered the implications. "Desperate enough to consider even the most unimaginable options in a bid to escape the forthcoming extermination," he added, his tone heavy with the weight of their plight.
V's eyes widened in realization, a spark of hope igniting within him. "Oh! This is the perfect opportunity to recruit more sinners for the hotel!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with newfound enthusiasm. "With so many souls desperate for salvation, we can offer them a chance at redemption like never before," he continued, his mind racing with possibilities. "It's our chance to make a real difference, to show them that there's another path," he concluded, a determined resolve shining in his eyes.
Zen's scepticism cut through the air like a sharpened blade, each word laced with concern as he gestured towards the tumult unfurling beyond the confines of their shelter. "As endearing as your notion may be, V, are you earnestly proposing we venture into that maelstrom?" he queried, his tone fraught with incredulity. "Just take a glance at the unrest," he implored, his gaze flickering to the chaos illuminated on his handheld device. "It's sheer bedlam out there. Merely setting foot beyond this threshold would be a reckless gamble with our safety," he concluded, his apprehension palpable in his every utterance.
V shrugged. "Well, it's not as if we're expecting a sudden influx of visitors on our doorstep..."
Suddenly, a deafening explosion rents the air, causing V to scream in shock. Their attention snapped to the source of the disturbance, only to find a gaping hole in the wall. Outside, amidst the disarray of scattered flames, stood MC and Yoosung. Yoosung clung to MC's leg, refusing to let go as she struggled to free herself from his grasp.
With an irked tone, MC addressed the situation. "Hey, is this the horrid hotel that this brat Yoosung mentioned to me? If it is, then someone better pry him off my leg. He won't let go."
"Yoosung!" V exclaimed, his voice carrying a mix of concern and exasperation. "Did you bring back some groceries? And for goodness' sake, let go of that poor girl."
Yoosung's gaze softened as he regarded MC with an affectionate yet slightly teasing tone. "Bad girl," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "She could take me down anytime." It was evident that Yoosung wasn't paying much heed to V's words.
" Yoosung PLEASE" V said
" Awh... T_T" Yoosung pouted
After V's insistence, Yoosung reluctantly released his grip on MC. He pouted momentarily before uttering, "Don't worry, bad girl. Our paths will cross again soon :)," accompanied by a somewhat unsettling smile.
"I deeply apologize for any inconvenience Yoosung may have caused you. May I ask for your name?" V inquired with genuine concern resonating in his voice.
MC brushed herself off and replied flatly, "MC. My name is MC."
MC's eyes widened as she looked at V. "Hey..." she said, recognition dawning on her. "I know you. You're the guy named V or Jihyun Kim from the TV, talking about that redemption... something."
V's eyes sparkled with a newfound fervour. "Yes, that's precisely what I was discussing—the potential for redemption even among the most wayward souls," V began, his words imbued with passion.
Before he could delve further into their thoughts, MC interjected, eager to add her perspective.
MC chuckled heartily before interjecting, "Oh, V, you always aim for the stars! But let's face it, redemption for sinners? Seems like a bit of a stretch, don't you think? Your goals might just be a tad unrealistic."
V's smile wavered slightly, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features as he made a concerted effort to conceal their true feelings, not wanting to reveal his inner turmoil.
V's expression softened, his genuine hospitality shining through despite the earlier interruption. "Well, since you're already here, why not stay at my hotel for a bit? Consider it a token of gratitude for your understanding, and I apologize once again for any inconvenience caused by my staff, Yoosung."
MC glanced around the opulent surroundings of V's hotel, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. "Alright then, if you're offering free service, count me in," she replied, her tone teasing yet playful.
 Echo Girl's line. Her fan's line. Both line
Elsewhere, within the grandiose confines of The Apple Blossom Concert Hall, music erupted in a crescendo of sound, filling the air with an electrifying energy that sent waves of excitement rippling through the crowd. Fans erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause as their idol commanded the stage, a mesmerizing presence commanding every inch of attention.
Whip me slap me, punk funk New York clubbers, bump drunk Dark like liquorice, bar slam Move it, this is your jam
The person singing is Echo Girl but also known as Velvet Echo when she isn't performing. Echo Girl exudes an edgy vibe with her unique appearance. Her pastel pink hair falls in loose waves, with streaks of bold blue adding a striking contrast. Her eyes, an intense shade of electric blue, captivate anyone who meets her. Her skin maintains a porcelain-like quality, adding to her enigmatic allure.
She's spotted in her black ensemble, reflecting her rock-inspired aesthetic. She rocks a sleek leather jacket over a graphic band tee, paired with ripped skinny jeans. Her footwear of choice? Iconic heeled boots that add height and attitude to her look.
Wash the night, with St. Jam-eson Like a baptism Heavy metal lovers play Baby, we were born this way
" I love you Echo Girl!"
"You're the voice of our generation, Echo Girl!"
"Rock on, Echo! You're killing it!"
"Echo, you're our rebel queen!"
"Keep shredding those chords, Echo!"
"You're a rock goddess, Echo!"
"We'll follow you anywhere, Echo! Rock on!"
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Heavy metal lover
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Heavy metal lover
"Join me in song, my lovely and slutty fans!" Echo Girl exclaimed with infectious enthusiasm.
Echo Girl belted out her part with passion, her voice resonating through the venue. As she reached a crescendo, she extended her arm, gesturing with her microphone towards her devoted fans, inviting them to join in the chorus. With excitement in her eyes, she urged them to sing along, their voices blending harmoniously with hers, creating a moment of pure magic in the air.
I could be your girl Girl, girl, girl, girl, girl, girl But would you love me (heavy metal lover) If I ruled the world, world, world
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (heavy metal lover) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (heavy metal lover) Heavy metal lover
As the final notes reverberated through the hall, the concert reached its climax, culminating in a spectacular display of confetti shooting into the air, showering the ecstatic audience below like shimmering raindrops. Cheers and applause thundered through the venue, echoing the collective euphoria of a truly unforgettable performance.
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my incredible fans!" Echo Girl exclaimed, waving graciously at the crowd. With a radiant smile, she blew kisses to her adoring fans, expressing her gratitude for their unwavering support and love.
"Kisses, kisses, and more kisses to all of you! And of course, special kisses just for you! Thank you for making every moment unforgettable!" Echo Girl exclaimed, spreading her love and appreciation to every individual in the crowd.
Outside Vee's headquarters, a bustling crowd had gathered in front of a storefront, their attention captivated by a series of TVs displaying a captivating advertisement. The screens showcased a sleek and sophisticated spy drone in action, its agile movements and cutting-edge features highlighted to perfection. Spectators watched in awe as the drone demonstrated its capabilities, igniting conversations and excitement among the onlookers about the latest technological marvel from Vee's headquarters.
Advertisement: "Introducing the New VoxTek Designer Voyeur Scopes! Peeping on the neighbours has never been more stylish. With VoxTek, indulge in discreet surveillance with unparalleled sophistication. Trust us with your money and experience the ultimate in voyeuristic luxury. VoxTek—setting the standard for privacy invasion with flair!"
The crowd surged into the store like a tidal wave, clamouring to get their hands on the coveted VoxTek Designer Voyeur Scopes. In a frenzy, they stampeded out, each person clutching boxes containing the latest in surveillance technology.
With various individuals watching their screens—a mix of computers, laptops, and phones—an eerie atmosphere settled in. Suddenly, their eyes took on a glazed, hypnotic quality, a subtle indication of something more sinister at play, suggesting the insidious influence of unseen forces behind the VoxTek advertisement.
Advertisement: "This week's episode of 'Yeah, I Fucked Your Sister, So What?' is brought to you by VoxTek. Trust us with your entertainment! With VoxTek, indulge in the most scandalous and provocative shows without missing a beat. From jaw-dropping drama to taboo tales, VoxTek delivers it all with uncompromising quality. Trust VoxTek for your guilty pleasures—because why settle for anything less?"
The scene unfolds with tapping fingers, building anticipation as we enter a vast room adorned with multiple screens, each displaying a montage of consumers immersed in VoxTek products. The phrase "trust us" echoes and overlaps, reverberating throughout the room like a hypnotic mantra.
Suddenly, electricity crackles in the air, intensifying as Vox rises from his chair, his laughter echoing with a chilling edge of madness. With a gleam in his eyes, he surveys the scene before him, revelling in the spectacle of consumerism and the power it affords him. In this moment, Vox embodies the epitome of corporate dominance, his laughter a sinister symphony to the tune of unchecked ambition.
Vox or real name Saejoong Choi. He sports slicked-back brown hair, reminiscent of the classic styles of the era, perfectly complementing his enigmatic demeanour. His eyes gleam with a captivating golden hue, adding a touch of mystery to his presence.
His physique is impeccably tailored, reflecting the timeless charm of the '50s era. Clad in a dapper dark blue suit with pinstripes, he exudes an air of sophistication. The crisp white shirt beneath his jacket boasts a subtle hint of vintage elegance, while a deep red tie adds a dash of boldness to his ensemble.
What sets him apart is the striking mask adorning the right side of his face. Crafted with intricate detail, the mask seamlessly integrates with his look, concealing his features while still allowing his expressions to shine through. Its dark blue and red hues perfectly complement his attire, adding an element of intrigue to his character.
Always accompanied by a beige coat draped over his arm, he moves with an effortless grace, captivating audiences with every enigmatic glance and subtle gesture.
"Mwahaha! Now that's captivating television!" Vox's laughter boomed through the room, a sinister melody accompanying the hypnotic display of consumerism unfolding before him. With a satisfied smirk, he revelled in the realization of his grand vision, where entertainment and manipulation seamlessly intertwined, ensuring his dominance over the masses.
As Vox's mask shifted, revealing the icon of Echo Girl, another prominent figure among the Vees, a signal of an incoming call, his attention was immediately captured. The clown horn ringtone pierced the air, a stark contrast to the tense atmosphere in the room.
With a swift gesture, Vox redirected the call from his screen to his hand using his electric powers, transferring it seamlessly. Echo Girl's image materialized on one of the many screens in the room, her studio backdrop framing her with pigtails accentuating her iconic look.
Vox settled back into his chair, his expression a mix of curiosity and calculation, as he prepared to engage in conversation with his fellow Vee.
"Greetings, Echo Girl! How fares your morning amidst this infernal chaos?" He said as he drink his coffee
"Vox, enough with the nonsense. Get up here immediately! And stop referring to me as Echo Girl; it makes me feel like I'm just another cog in the machine. Call me Velvet Echo." She said, her tone tinged with irritation.
"What might be troubling you, my dear?" Vox said with a wry smile
"Your damn boy toy is trashing my place while I'm busting my ass trying to get my show together for tomorrow. It's seriously pissing me off!" 
Off-screen, chaos reigns as workers dash around, shouting and objects are hurled through the air, while Valentino's voice can be heard swearing vehemently.
Valentino: (In the background, enraged) GODDAMN BITCH!
"Just haul your sorry ass over here, RIGHT NOW!" A crashing sound resonates as a chair is hurled across the room, smashing into something nearby. " ...Valentino, you're such a damn wreck!"
The call abruptly ends, and Vox's smile fades as he rises from his seat with a sigh, straightening his bowtie with frustration evident on his face.
"Oh god, here we go again with Valentino," Vox mutters to himself. "Just another damn day dealing with that guy. Hey-hey-hey, screw my life."
Vox strides over to a platform, which begins to ascend
In the elevator, a smiling Vox is depicted with a speech bubble proclaiming "trust us!" However, as the doors slide open, the scene shifts to show Vox, now frowning in the same pose, letting out a sigh before forcing a smile for the throng of overlapping reporters, each clamoring to thrust their microphones towards him.
Reporter: Mr. Vox, could you share your insights on the recently announced deadline for extermination?
Vox proclaimed, "Ladies and gentlemen, at VoxTek Enterprises, innovation is our hallmark. As we face this impending threat, our priority shifts to safeguarding you. It gives me great pleasure to unveil..."
Vox announced alongside an ad showcasing the VoxTek logo, now adorned in shimmering gold with angelic wings, accompanied by the tagline:
Vox: "Prepare for the arrival of VoxTek Angelic Security! Entrust us with YOUR safety."
Vox mesmerized the crowd with a gaze from his left eye, weaving a hypnotic spell just as he captivates his consumers.
Manager: Sir, may I ask when we initiated the development of Angelic Security?
"Thirty freakin' seconds ago," Vox spat out, strutting away. "Get off your lazy behinds and wrangle that jackass Vanderwood onto the damn schedule. Cancel all my freakin' appointments today. I've got a dumpster fire to deal with upstairs."
With a sneer, he morphs his body into crackling electricity, surging into the security camera mounted on the wall, taking control of its circuits with a smirk of satisfaction.
In Echo Girl's studio, the staff hustled about, tidying every nook and cranny to perfection. Velvet Echo herself lounged regally on a plush chaise, her gaze sweeping over four trembling designers who anxiously held up their creations, hoping to curry favour with the queen of the industry.
Echo Girl's style takes on a more relaxed and vibrant vibe, reflecting her carefree spirit. She dons a sleeveless dress adorned with a playful mix of orange, yellow, pink, and purple hues, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that mirror her energetic personality. Her dress flows freely, allowing her to move with ease as she embraces the rhythm of life.
Her hair is now tied up in playful pigtail braids, adding a touch of youthful charm to her look. Despite the casual styling, her iconic heeled boots remain a staple, albeit in a different color that complements the vibrant palette of her ensemble.
"Ugh, seriously? Un-freakin'-acceptable. You're canned, sweetheart. What is this garbage? Wrist ruffles? Are we stuck in 1750 or something? Burn it, burn it all, just like the witches who thought this crap was trendy!" Echo Girl/ Velvet Echo's voice cut through the air like a whip, her disdain palpable as she singled out one of the designers for a verbal lashing.
As she sent the hapless designer packing, Vox materialized beside her with a smirk, his presence oozing with arrogance.
"Echo, darling, I can see you're swamped," Vox drawled, his tone dripping with condescension. "Tell me, where's our hotheaded friend stomping around now?" He craned his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of Valentino's whereabouts.
"Up in his tower, throwing a tantrum like a spoiled brat, waiting for some sorry excuse of a prince to come kiss his feet!" Echo scoffed, her fingers aggressively pounding the keys of her phone.
Vox let out an exasperated sigh. "And what the hell's got him so worked up today?"
Echo rolled her eyes dramatically. "Who knows? But he shredded my top model! And you know damn well this show ain't waiting for that sorry excuse of a girl to pick up her pieces! Melissa! Get your sorry ass over here!"
Melissa scampered onto the platform, sweat beading on her brow as Velvet Echo wielded her overlord powers, flicking her hand dismissively to change Melissa's outfit with each swipe, as though she were nothing more than a mannequin to be dressed and undressed at will.
One of the clothing is a Beige Knitted turtle neck
Velvet Echo's face twisted in repulsion, her disgust palpable as she glared at the turtleneck. "I want to vomit. Gross," she spat out before suddenly gasping with theatrical flair. "Ah! Yes, that's it!" Her approval cut through the air like a whip, leaving no doubt that her word was law.
Vox drawled with a hint of sarcasm, "Well, well, looks like you've got everything handled here, as usual."
"Damn straight I do! Screw you, loser!" Velvet Echo shot back, giving him the finger with an eye-roll. "Now scram! Go play nanny to the crybaby!"
Vox ascended the stairs, greeted by two moth demons who swung the door open for him. Stepping inside, he was enveloped in a haze of crimson smoke, his senses assaulted by the suffocating atmosphere. As he locked eyes with Valentino, seated on his couch with a simmering rage, Vox braced himself for the storm about to break loose.
Valentino cuts a striking figure, shrouded in an aura of mystery and anonymity. His most prominent feature is his raven-black hair, which cascades sleekly down his back, adding to the enigmatic allure that surrounds him. But it's his mask that truly sets him apart.
Concealing his entire face, the mask is an arresting sight. Crafted in the style reminiscent of "V for Vendetta," it bears the iconic design of the Guy Fawkes mask, a symbol of rebellion and defiance. Rendered in stark black and white, it adds a surreal quality to Valentino's visage, obscuring his expressions and intentions, and leaving others to ponder the depths of his motives.
His attire is as dark as the shadows he seems to effortlessly inhabit. Clad entirely in black, his clothing exudes a sense of sleekness and sophistication. From the tailored coat that drapes over his frame to the fitted trousers that taper elegantly at his ankles, every garment speaks of meticulous attention to detail.
Valentino: About damn time! [tosses drink] Kitty! Another round, pronto!
The Robo Fizz beside him nodded in acknowledgement before swiftly darting off-screen. Moments later, it reappeared, holding the drink in its mechanical grip, ready to placate Valentino's mounting anger.
Valentino's voice thundered with aggression, his fury palpable as he seethed, "Ugh! Can you believe what that scum did? THE UNGRATEFUL BITCH!!!"
As he spoke, Valentino hurled the drink at Vox with a snarl. Vox swiftly sidestepped, causing the drink to miss its target and shatter against the door, liquid cascading onto the floor in a mess of shattered glass and splattered liquid.
Vox casually dodged the incoming drink, unfazed. "Uh, which bitch are we whining about now?" he quipped, his tone dripping with indifference.
Valentino rose to his feet, his fury reaching its peak. "God damn Zen!" he cursed, marching up to Vox with a lethal glare. "Who the hell else would I be referring to?!" He stormed past Vox, consumed by wrath. "That damn JERK ditched me! ME!" Valentino pivoted sharply, locking eyes with Vox, his intensity palpable. "I built him up! Without me, he's just a bag of flesh with a slightly amusing voice." Vox, unfazed, backed away slightly, a smirk dancing on his lips.
Vox's response came with a casual shrug. "Oh, Zen quit? Huh, figures," he remarked as if it were of little consequence to him.
Valentino's rage reverberated through his voice. "NO! He didn't just quit! It's way worse!" he bellowed, seizing Vox's phone in a fit of fury. "He fucking MOVED!!!" The words boomed through the room like a thunderous clap, underscored by Valentino's boiling wrath.
As he uttered those words, he hurled Vox's phone against the wall, shattering it into pieces.
"He thinks he can just stroll in here, put in some work, and then waltz off to his own damn home?" Valentino bellowed incredulously, his fists clenched in fury. "Can you FUCKING believe that?!" He stormed towards the closet, his anger pulsating with every step. "Thinks he can run off and shack up with Lucifer's bimbo servant." His voice dripped with disdain at the mention of Lucifer, his rival's associate.
Vox's brow furrowed in confusion. "Zen is... living with Lucifer's servant?" he echoed, his tone betraying his perplexity at the unexpected revelation.
Valentino: Yeah! That ASSHOLE Jeehyun Kym or Jihoon Kim, or whatever the hell—something manly like that—he's got this hotel and—
As Valentino spoke, he absentmindedly opened the closet, revealing its contents - an array of guns, drugs, and various pictures, including a poster featuring himself. Valentino, fueled by his rage, reached for two imposing firearms - a long revolver and a semi-automatic pistol - his hands steady despite his seething anger.
Valentino's tone shifted, adopting a more laid-back vibe. "So, which one of these screams 'sexy' to you?" he asked casually, shooting a smirk towards the closet.
Vox chuckled, his tone laced with amusement. "What are you up to, Val? You're not heading over there, are you?" he remarked, a hint of skepticism in his voice.
As Vox spoke, a flicker of anger flashed in his left eye, though Valentino remained preoccupied with loading his guns, seemingly oblivious to Vox's simmering ire.
Valentino: That slippery twink is gonna remember who's in charge. I'm gonna screw with everyone in that dump, mark my words!
Before Valentino could finish, Vox lunged forward, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him forcefully, their faces mere inches apart. Vox's fury burned bright, his eyes flashing with intensity as he confronted Valentino head-on.
Vox's voice initially sounded distorted with anger, but he swiftly regained his composure. "Val—" he began before letting out a chuckle. "Hehe. Just ponder that for a moment," he said with an eerie calmness, his previous rage seemingly dissipated.
Vox guides Valentino towards the window, deftly relieving him of one of his guns and tucking it into his own pocket.
"Our brand is synonymous with perfection," Vox stated firmly, his voice resonating with authority. "And what do you reckon chasing after prostitutes all over town will do for our image?" His words were calculated, underlining the significance of upholding their reputation.
Valentino's response came hesitantly. "Um... screw it up?" he ventured, his tone uncertain as he reluctantly acknowledged the potential damage to their brand.
A stereotypical 'winning' ding chimed in the background, punctuating Valentino's realization with a touch of irony.
"Exactly!" Vox nodded emphatically. "Do you want people thinking you can't even control your own damn employees?" He emphasized the point, underlining the importance of maintaining authority and professionalism.
"No!" Valentino affirmed vehemently.
"Exactly!" Vox agreed, nodding in approval. "And hey, you still have him under contract. He isn't going anywhere! So... you should..." He trailed off, leaving the suggestion hanging in the air, expecting Valentino to connect the dots.
Valentino: Do nothing?
A victorious casino sound resonated in the background, punctuating the moment with a hint of triumph.
Vox: Brilliant move! That's why they pay you the *playfully pinches cheek* big bucks.
Valentino groaned in frustration. "Ugh. But I was really looking forward to shooting someone," he lamented, his disappointment palpable.
As Valentino spoke, he retrieved a cigarette holder, his frustration evident. Without missing a beat, Vox summoned a spark of electricity from his fingertips, lighting the cigarette with a flicker of power, showcasing his abilities effortlessly.
"Well, let me round up the bottom feeders of the month," Vox quipped, striding over to the array of televisions with purpose.
Valentino chuckled darkly as he blew out a puff of smoke. "Oh, you know me too well," he remarked with a smirk. "But Zen isn't the only one cozying up at that ratty hotel with the devil's servant."
Vox's interest was piqued. "Oh? Who else might be lurking about? Perhaps someone with a debt to repay?" he mused, his tone coloured with intrigue.
Valentino chuckled darkly. "Someone indebted to us far beyond mere currency," he divulged with a sinister grin. "The Overlord of Commerce awaits."
Upon those words, Vox felt a surge of electricity jolting through his mind, his fingers digging into the desk leaving deep scratch marks. Small, ominous chuckles escaped him as he turned to Valentino, two crimson lines etching across the left side of his lower lip.
Vox's voice distorted, crackling with intensity. "What... did you just say?" he demanded, his tone laced with a mixture of dread and anticipation.
Valentino's response was cold and unwavering. "You heard me," he reiterated, his tone devoid of remorse or hesitation.
Vox's voice erupted in fury, crackling with barely contained rage. "Jumin Han ... came back... and he's allied with Lucifer's *glitching* servant, and that wasn't the first fucking thing you told me?!?!" he roared, seizing Valentino by the collar with a grip like steel.
Valentino managed to wrest himself free from Vox's grip, his expression turning defiant. "Hey! Killing Jumin is your kink," he retorted sharply, his tone laced with a mixture of defiance and mockery.
As Valentino spoke, he sauntered over to the desk and flicked on the television. Instantly, Vox teleported to the centre screen, revealing a recording from a VoxTek Voyeur scope stationed high above. The scene unfolded from a drone's point of view, capturing Jumin leisurely sipping his wine and nibbling on cheese, oblivious to the watchful eye above.
"And here's Jumin Han, my closest buddy! Sure, he's got that whole Overlord thing going on, but trust me, he's not all doom and gloom. He's got a soft side too!" V chuckled nervously, flashing a friendly smile as he introduced MC to Jumin.
MC's eyes widened in surprise. "Jumin Han... the Overlord of Commerce," she murmured, casting a wary glance at V. "You're pals with that... guy?" Her tone was incredulous, a mix of surprise and scepticism evident in her voice.
" Jumin shot a quick, penetrating look at MC. "You got a problem with that?" he retorted, his tone laced with a hint of challenge, his demeanour poised and confident.
MC scoffed dismissively, her tone dripping with disdain. "Someone like you, it's hard to believe you could even make a friend, let alone keep one," she sneered, her words laced with a harsh edge. "How could someone like you even have the ability to form a connection?" Her skepticism was palpable, her gaze cold and unwavering as she challenged Jumin's very capacity for friendship.
Jumin's eyes narrowed into a menacing glare as he fixed his gaze on MC. "You're really asking for it," he growled, his voice low and dangerous, hinting at the simmering intensity beneath his controlled demeanour.
"Um... Jumin! I think that's enough," V interjected hastily, his tone tinged with nervousness as he attempted to diffuse the escalating tension.
"Ah, it appears a visit to the tailor is in order. Wishing you all the best, my friends." Jumin remarked with a touch of exasperation.
"Wait, you're departing?! Jumin! Your assistance is imperative! We're reliant on you to fulfill your duties," Saeran exclaimed, his tone tinged with surprise and urgency.
Zen raised his glass of liquor, gesturing towards the wall marred by a hole caused by MC. "Clearly, we're in dire need of a sturdy barrier," he declared.
Jumin nodded decisively. "Absolutely not! Allowing my latest project to falter would be unacceptable. Imagine the headlines!" he exclaimed, a hint of concern creeping into his voice.
With a snap of his fingers, black ink demons materialized, armed with construction tools, as Jumin strode away purposefully. Intrigued, Zen cast a keen eye over one of the larger, muscular demons, gently nudging Saeran aside as he approached the figure.
Zen couldn't suppress a giggle as he leaned in, teasingly addressing the demon. "Hey there, sweet cheeks. Got any plans for later? I've always had a thing for a man with a giant... tool," he remarked, his tone playful and flirtatious.
Valentino seethed with jealousy, pointing accusatorily at Zen's flirtatious interaction. "See that?! Zen's all over that guy, not even sparing a glance for me! Who the hell is he? I swear, I'll make him regret it. Vox! Get over here!" Valentino slammed his fist on the table, his anger palpable.
Vox, seemingly unfazed by Valentino's call, was distracted, his left pupil morphing into a tilde shape as he fixated on Jumin's departure. His appearance became static and out of focus, mirroring his distracted state, while the screen flickered with interference.
Vox: *glitches* That FUCKER is back!
Valentino's grin widened as he pieced together the situation and approached Vox with a sly swagger.
Valentino: Yeah! I thought he was gone for good too!
Vox: It's been seven years!
Valentino leaned in close to Vox, his grin stretching into a mischievous smirk, and he pinched Vox's cheek teasingly. Despite Vox's evident irritation, Valentino seemed unfazed, revelling in his own amusement.
Valentino: You still pissed that he almost beat you that time?
Vox: Uh, FUCK YOU.
Valentino: Just saying. *walks around him*
Vox: Things have changed a lot since he left town!
Valentino: THAT'S for sure.
Vox: I gotta send a message of who's REALLY in charge of things now!
The camera focused entirely on Vox's face, filling the screen, as Valentino's laughter echoed in the background. In the next shot, Vox's grin was evident as he strode purposefully to his chair, his confidence unwavering.
Vox: ♫ Welcome home! ♫
♫ I'm gonna make you wish that you ! ♫
As Vox began to sing, a surge of electricity crackled through his arm, illuminating his features with a faint blue glow as he settled into his chair. With a dramatic turn, he faced the numerous screens before him, his expression filled with determination and power.
Vox: ♫ Say hello to a new status quo, ♫
With a decisive press of the big red button, four cords shot out, swiftly latching themselves onto the ports on the back of Vox's head. Instantly, he was connected to his vast array of TV networks, the screens flickering to life with his image as he prepared to broadcast his message to the world.
Vox: ♫ Everyone knows that there's a brand-new dawn, turn the TV on! ♫
Director: Camera, speeds, rolling in three, two...
Chorus: ♫ Wel-come to the show! ♫
Vox: ♫ Top of the hour and we're discussing a certain Mystic who has been spotted cavorting around town after a seven-year absence, ♫
♫ Did anybody miss him, did anybody notice? ♫
♫ More on tonight's program. ♫
♫ So, the Overlord of Commerce is back in town! ♫
♫ Why is he hanging around? ♫
♫ What does that mean for your family? ♫
♫ Well, handily, I've got good news! ♫
♫ He's a loser, a fossil, and I don't mean to sound hostile, ♫
Vox & Chorus: ♫ But the demon is a coward! ♫
Vox: ♫ You can take that as gospel. ♫
♫ Pulling my viewers? Impossible! ♫
♫ I'm visual, he's barely audible! ♫
♫ Stop giving him the time of day! ♫
♫ Don't listen to a word he'd say. ♫
♫ I hope he had a nice vacay! ♫
Vox & Chorus: ♫ But he should have stayed away! ♫
Cut to Jumin, freshly tailored coat adorning his frame, as he noticed the gathering crowd, captivated by the advertisement featuring Vox. A smirk played at the corners of his lips as an idea began to form in his mind. With determined steps, he walked away, his mind already racing with plans. Meanwhile, Vox continued to sing, his electrifying performance captivating the audience both in-person and through the screens.
Vox: ♫ While he hid in radio, we pivoted to video! [pulls out an uncooked bloodied deer head from an oven caked in blood] Now his medium is getting bloody rare! ♫
In a hallway within V Tower, Vox executed a graceful jump, seamlessly transitioning into a twirl before smoothly pulling Valentino and Echo Girl, also known as Velvet Echo, towards him. The trio moved in perfect synchronization, their movements exuding confidence and flair as they navigated the corridor with effortless style.
"Don't you dare lay a finger on me," Echo snapped, her tone dripping with disdain as she forcefully attempted to wrench herself free from Vox's grasp, shooting him a look of utter revulsion.
♫ Hell's been better since he split, ♫
♫ Where's he been? ♫
♫ Who gives a shit?! ♫
The scene cuts to Jumin making his reappearance, poised and composed, as he begins his radio broadcast from a station situated at the top corner of the Mystic Hotel Messenger.
Jumin: ♫ Salutations! ♫
♫ Good to be back on the air. ♫
♫ Yes, I know it's been a while since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast. ♫
♫ Sinners rejoice! ♫
Vox: ♫ What a dated voice! ♫
Jumin: ♫ Instead of a clout chasing mediocre video podcast. ♫
Jumin: ♫ Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? ♫
♫ Flitting between this fad and that. ♫
♫ Is nothing working? ♫
Jumin: ♫ Every day he's got a new format! ♫
Vox: ♫ He's the shit that comes before that! ♫
Jumin: ♫ Is Vox as strong as he purports? ♫
♫ Or is it based on his support? ♫
♫ He'd be powerless without the other Vees! ♫
Valentino and Echo, overhearing Jumin's broadcast, exchanged smug glances, their confidence bolstered by his words. Echo couldn't resist chiming in, nodding in agreement as she remarked, "Well, he's not wrong, you know."
Vox: Oh, PLEASE.
Jumin: And here's the sugar on the cream. 
♫ He asked ME to join this team! ♫
Vox: Hold on!
Jumin: ♫ I said no, and now he's pissy! That's the tea. ♫
As Jumin's radio broadcast continued, Vox's frustration mounted to such an extent that the mask covering his right side began to glitch and crash, mirroring his escalating anger. Sparks flew from the malfunctioning device, casting an eerie glow across Vox's features as his fury reached a boiling point.
Vox: [Glitches.] ♫ You oold timey PRICK! I'll show y-you suffering! ♫
Jumin: ♫ Uh oh, the TV is buffering! ♫
[Vox couldn't handle his anger, causing him to overload his circuits with static electricity.]
Vox: [Signal breaking up.] ♫ I'LL DESTROY YOOOOU-YOU LIT-T-LE—♫
Vox's screen face and voice overloaded and crashed, a cacophony of glitches and static emanating from every screen. Suddenly, Vox let out an involuntary outburst of energy, causing a surge that overwhelmed everything from the TV screens to Valentino and Echo's phones, spreading rapidly throughout Pentagram City. In an instant, the entire city was plunged into darkness, except for the Mystic Hotel Messenger, which remained illuminated amidst the chaos.
Echo's phone was overwhelmed by the surging energy, causing her to be shocked by a powerful jolt of electricity. Her hair transformed into an afro style from the sheer force of the blast. Enraged, she screamed, "Vox, you damn idiot!" But upon checking her hair, she begrudgingly admitted, "Forget it, the afro style is the least of my worries."
Jumin: ♫ I'm afraid you've lost your signal. ♫
♫ Let's begin. ♫
As Jumin spoke, his form began to shift, morphing into his true demon form with each passing sentence. His features elongated and sharpened, taking on the sleek, feline appearance characteristic of his demonic nature..
♫ I'm gonna make you wish that I stayed gone! ♫
♫ Tune on in. ♫
♫ When I'm done, your status quo will know it's race is run! ♫
♫ Oh, this will be fun! ♫
With one last sinister laugh echoing through the air, Jumin exerted his power and cut off Vox's signal throughout the entire city, leaving the Overlord dismayed. Despite Vox's efforts, Jumin remained as popular and powerful as ever, a force to be reckoned with in the realm of Pentagram City.
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demigods-posts · 2 months
i'm one hundred percent certain that after percy and annabeth made out underwater. and he wanted to make their relationship official. the question was not "will you be my girlfriend?" but "can i be your boyfriend?" i don't care what the canon says. percy gave annabeth the space to take the lead in the relationship. because after a lifetime of being abandoned by everyone she dared to care for. and then watching her on the brink of a panic attack at the thought of losing him the last four years. he wanted to honor a new beginning between them by follow her lead and moving at her pace.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The girls are back (from the grave)
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pocketseizure · 3 months
So in Echoes of Wisdom, I heard that Zelda can pick up and throw boulders. I heard that Zelda is shredded. I heard she's stacked. I heard she's built, like a brick house
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blackseafoam · 4 months
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A Bad Batch x Red Dead Redemption AU that’s been living in my head for a while 🤠
Omega does not like the names Hunter gave the horses
The Batch is a small time outlaw gang of brothers hiding out as hands on a dude ranch. Trying to leave their pasts as mercenaries behind them. Until they receive a mysterious letter that their long lost younger sister is being housed in an orphanage nearby. After an unsuccessful attempt to legally adopt her, they return later to break her out.
Now they’re all wanted criminals trying to outrun the law as well as their past.
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zaptrapp · 6 months
How do Rex/Wolffe/Gregor girlies sleep knowing they're safe for the Bad Batch finale:
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How do Hunter/Wrecker/Crosshair/Echo/Howzer/Cody girlies sleep:
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magicandmundane · 3 months
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Happy Father’s Day to them specifically ❤️
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skaspert · 2 months
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query and echo! also miss tuesday
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i’m such a whore for jaw-dropping, heavily stylized, thematically laden, full of heart animation. will forever be impressed at the stories that are coming from non-disney studios having their moment to shine.
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grooviestsadpapaya · 3 months
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Echoes of Wisdom//September 2024‼️💫
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uwudonoodle · 2 months
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Canon confirmed. Both Link and Zelda are horse girls.
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