#kanji is best boyfriend
soloragoldsun · 6 months
Winter Kannao Headcanon: When Kanji makes sweaters, he only uses the softest yarn. I'm talking good fleece/alpaca! He eventually gets confident enough to wear them when hanging out with his friends. Naoto can't get enough of the texture and will sometimes stim with the end of Kanji's sleeve without realizing it, then get flustered and apologetic when they realize what they were doing.
This, of course, leads to Kanji making his partner a bunch of winter wear out of the good yarn, starting with a scarf. Naoto will often rub their cheek against it when no one is looking.
Also, Naoto will shyly ask to cuddle when alone with Kanji when he's wearing one of those sweaters.
May or may not be planning a fanfic of this!!!
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ozzgin · 6 months
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Here's a complete list of all my original works to date.
Yakuza Series
Yandere!Yakuza x Reader (I)
Yandere!Yakuza x Reader (II)
Yandere!Yakuza x Reader (III)
Yandere!Yakuza x Reader (IV)
Yandere!Yakuza x Reader (V)
Yandere!Yakuza x Reader Headcanons
Yandere! Daitou x Reader x Yandere! Kazuya
Asks: Birthdays, Sharing, Baka Mitai, Readers, Children, Periods, Names (Kanji), Tattoos, Oral fixation reader
Doodles: Character Design, With Reader, Part 5 Preview, Pocket love, Daitou, Smooched Daitou, Daitou cleavage
Bodyguard Series
Yandere!Bodyguard x Idol!Reader (I)
Yandere!Bodyguard x Idol!Reader (II)
Yandere!Bodyguard x Idol!Reader (III)
Asks: Background & Skills, Children, Training, Bratty Reader, Love notes
Doodles: Under lock and key
Yokai Harem Series
Yandere!Yokai Harem Guidebook
Yandere!Yokai Harem Headcanons
Yandere!Yokai Harem x Reader (I)
Yandere!Yokai Harem x Reader (II)
Yandere!Yokai Harem x Reader (III)
Side Characters: Yokai Spider Lady
Asks: Oni! Reader AU, Yandere!Abe no Nakamaro Headcanons, Being Nakamaro's Wife, Sharing a bed, Virgin Reader, Ice Cream Flavors, Crossdressing Reader, other yokai joining Reader
Doodles: Suma and Reader, Reader doing their best, Sick Reader, Cheerleading Team, Sakaki Reference Sheet, Spider Lady, Suma and Reader 2
Generic Yandere
Cute!Twisted! Yandere x Reader
Yandere!Lawyer x Embroiderer!Reader
Yandere!Patient x Psychiatrist!Reader
Yandere!Host x Reader
Yandere!Serial Killer x Reader
Yandere!Bad Guy x Reader [Tig]
Nerd!Loser!Yandere x Bully!Reader
Yandere! Politician x Bratty! Reader
Yandere!CEO x Reader
Yandere!Android x Reader (I)
Yandere!Android x Reader (II)
Yandere!Male x Willing!Reader (Parody)
Yandere!Tumblr Writer x Literal Reader (Parody)
Yandere!Gamer Boyfriend Scenarios (Parody)
Asks: [Android] Technical details, Yan!Gamer Boyfriend (meme)
Doodles: [Android] Reader Insert, Kabedon Meme ft. OCs, [Meme] Yan! Burger, Yan!CEO's wife
Yandere Monsters
Complete list here
Chat with them: Character.AI list for OCs
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spooky-bunnys · 1 month
Title: Gloomy
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Pairing: Mochi x Kawata! Male Reader
Warnings: Violence, FLUFF, and over protective siblings.
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Kawata (Name) was known for multiple reasons. First, he was the older brother of the famous Kawata Twins aka the Devil Twins. Second, like his brothers he had an unusual resting face. But unlike his brothers who had a resting smiley and angry face, he always had a resting gloomy face. Hince that is way he's called gloomy.
Not many people have seen him without his usual gloomy face. Only those he's closest to have seen him change facial expressions. Those being his younger brothers and obviously his boyfriend. (Name) had met Mochi by accident one day at a convenient store. They had both reached for a (favorite drink) and it was like the two instantly clicked.
(Name) sighed as he brushed his hair back. Unlike his younger brothers that had peach and blue colored of hair, (Name) had a hair color that if you see it just right it looks purple. But its also thick and curly. Which all three Kawata males don't enjoy too much. Although (Name) usually wears his hair up and away from his neck and face.
(Name) was busy making dinner for a special dinner tonight. Tonigh (Name) was finally introducing his boyfriend to his brothers. Although (Name) was nervous. He was hoping it'd be a good night for them. It was very important for his brothers and boyfriend to get along. They're the three most important people in his life.
If they don't get along (Name) isn't sure what he'd do. He doesn't want to have to choose. But even if he did, he'd always choose his brothers. (Name) shook his head and checked the stove. He was making his brothers his famously known beef broth ramen. (Name) swears sometimes its the only thing his brothers will eat.
As he finished the ramen the oven went off alerting the male. (Name) grabbed his personalized oven mits, (a gag gift from his brothers that says Best Big Brother), and carefull pulled out the pan. See (Name) is trying to cook something special for his boyfriend. So he's attempting to make a Korean Barbecue meal. So far its been going right.
The door bell rang catching (Name)'s attention. Since (Name) had his hands full and after checking and seeing it was almost an hour early. He asked one of his brothers to get the door. That turned out to be a very BIG mistake.
Souya and Nahoya had been sitting on the couch talking. They had both agreed that whoever this guy was, wasn't even close to be enough for their brother. Their brother was everything to them. When their parents up and left, (Name) stepped up. He quickly graduated out of school and got as many jobs as he could.
They can remember how exhausted he'd be when he came home. But no matter how tired he was, (Name) would always make them ramen. Which has been their favorite food since they can remember. So yeah whoever thinks they can come in and sweep their brother off his feet has another thing coming.
As they discussed what the plan for the night was the door bell rang. After hearing their brother ask one of them to get the door, Nahoya decided to get it. Figuring out who it was already. But as he opened the door he was met by none other then; Mochizuki Kanji.
Nahoya didn't give the older male a chance to think before he had already swung. Souya not far behind his twin. As the trio fought none of them noticed the rushing male coming towards them. Not until the twins were pulled off and (Name) was in the middle.
"What is going on?!" (Name) huffed. Before either brother could say anything (Name) turned towards Mochi and carefully cupped his face. "Kanji are you okay?" Mochi grimaced before nodding. Rubbing his jaw. (Name) turned towards the other two. "Nahoya. Souya. Care to explain why you attacked my boyfriend?"
The twins froze. "THAT'S YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" Souya and (Name) flinched. Mochi carefully wrapped an arm around (Name)'s waist. "Yeah. I'm the boyfriend." (Name) softly smiled and carefully kissed his cheek. The twins watched with wide eyes. For the longest of times they had been the only people able to make their brother smile.
They shared a glance. They may not like it, but (Name) is happy. So maybe they can give him a chance. Nahoya sternly looked towards the buff male. "Alright. But the first time you hurt our brother or you upset him. You're done." Mochi snorted but nodded and (Name) smiled.
(Name) amd Mochi: *sharing soft kisses and smiling softly at one another*
(Name): This feels nice.
Mochi: *nods and holds (Name) close*
(Name) and Mochi: *lean in to kiss again*
The Twins: *barge into (Name)'s room* ANIKI!
(Name) and Mochi: *jumps apart*
The Twins: *quickly get between the two*
(Name): *smiles softly*
Mochi: *grumbles and scoots away*
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creamhoodie · 11 months
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ Internet Cafe Love ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
synopsis: The white haired boy who regularly visits the same internet cafe as you becomes your boyfriend but can your relationship survive when his best friend seems distrustful of you?
warnings: 7,915 words (long one shot with multiple settings),Nagi X female reader, gamer Nagi, per fluff no smut since it is written while he attends high school still.
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You had often noticed the white haired boy at the internet cafe as he seemed to go nearly every night the way you did. 
While you also brought projects and subjects to study on the side when you were taking a break, you noticed he never took breaks, the clicking of the keyboard and mouse were constant companions. This had led to you bringing your own noise canceling headphones that were much more soundproof than the gamer ones that came with the PC set at the cafe.
That was your current situation, headphones in practicing a new writing style of kanji when you felt a light tapping on your headphones. You glanced up and towering over you was the white haired boy. He wore an oversized gray sweatshirt and black sweatpants. You moved your headphones around your neck. 
“Did you need something?” You asked, meeting his gray eyes. 
“Do you have any money?” He asked straightforwardly. 
“Money? What for?” You asked, looking him up and down again. He didn’t seem in need based on his lounge outfit and you now noticed the light up rainbow keyboard he had under his arm. It had gone unnoticed before since his tall domineering figure was the main spectacle. 
“Lemon tea. I wanna buy one from the vending machine but I’m low on money because I spent it all on this and the gacha games on my phone,” he said motioning to the keyboard.
You raised a brow at not only his abruptness but also his poor money management. You had some cash on you but weren’t too keen on giving it up since you planned on getting food at your favorite food stand after you left the cafe.
“Well I don’t have any money,” you said.
“Bummer,” he replied, not sounding convinced as he plopped down in the spot next to you and began removing the default keyboard and setting his own up to the PC. 
You bit the inside of your cheek, chewing on it a little to hide your annoyance. Now he was gonna be right next to you making all this noise. 
“Do you really have to sit here?” You asked. 
He looked over at you as the PC booted up, his gray eyes seeming slightly hurt.
“Is that a problem?” He asked. The way he asked made you feel guilty. Yes he was a bit eccentric and odd but so far he was harmless.
“No it’s fine,” you said. By now your kanji was forgotten and you watched as he opened a first person shooter game and signed into his account.
“God of soccer?” You teased regarding his gamertag. 
“Oh yeah I’m on the soccer team at Hakuho High School,” he said. 
This guy went to the elite prep school? He didn’t seem like the type. You yourself were in the neighboring public school.
“I wasn’t aware Hakuho had a team,” you stated as he loaded into a game. 
“My friend Reo and I started the club up so we’d have a team to go to nationals.”  His focus was now on his game however as he had chosen a sniper character. You watched as he hit every headshot. He was eerily good at the game and you didn’t miss how match chat came up with the enemy team accusing him of using aimbot. When his team won the game he exited the queue and remained on the menu and looked over at you as he had been aware you were watching the whole time.
“You’re really good, how long have you played that game?” You asked.
“Just a few months now,” he said, shrugging. 
“And you aim that good already?” You asked in disbelief. You weren’t half bad yourself and had always considered your aim to be impressive but his was godly.
“I grew up playing first person shooter games,” he said as if it was no big deal. He glanced at your notepad before adding, “what’s with the studying?” 
You blushed. 
“I alternate between studying and gaming,” you answered his question. 
“No, I mean I see you studying here all the time even when it’s not exam season,” he said. So he had noticed you before as well? That was to be expected as you were both regulars. 
“I just like to study consistently,” you replied. He made a face and you added, “you don’t? You go to Hakuho, surely that’s more rigorous than my public school.” 
“Well sure but I just study a few days before the exams. Hey, are you sure you don’t have any money? I could really use that lemon tea.” 
His delivery made you wanna laugh. He was easy going and charming all without meaning to be and yet he was still odd, you hadn’t ever met anyone like him before. 
“I'm still thinking about it. Do you have a name or is it just god of soccer?” You asked. 
He chuckled.
“My name is Seishiro Nagi. What’s yours?” 
“Y/N Y/LN,” you replied, telling him your first and last name as well.
“Nice,” he replied, “you wanna play some games?” 
The two of you were duos on the same team with him playing the sniper character again and you his support offering him both damage boosts and heals. Between both of your combined skills and efforts the two of you went on an eight game win streak. 
An hour of gaming had gone by even though it didn’t feel like it and the two of you decided to call it quits.
“So Y/N,” he started.
“No about the lemon tea,” you joked. He shook his head.
“Forget about that. I have a home game tomorrow at my school in the evening. The match starts at two. You should come,” he said. You noticed the slight pinking of his ears when he said it. 
“I’ll try to go,” you said. You did enjoy playing with him even though originally you had felt slightly annoyed by his presence. 
“You should, our school’s marching band is gonna be there too for the first time,” he said. He finished unplugging his keyboard and putting the original one back and stood up. He scrolled through his phone quickly before adding, “will you be back online tonight? Maybe we could play some more too.” 
You felt your heart somersault at how he sounded hopeful.
“I may but I’m not sure I don’t usually play late.” 
“Bummer. Hey Y/N?” 
You prepared to be asked about the damn lemon tea again. 
“Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked shyly.
“No I don’t.” 
“Good keep it that way. I’ll see you online tonight,” he said quickly before waving bye and taking off. 
You were back home in your room that night freshly showered and sitting on your bed getting ready to settle in for the night and watch TV. 
You heard a notification from your PC and received the notification on your phone as well through the gaming app. 
It was Nagi using the whisper feature where you could message online friends direct messages.
GodOfSoccer: get on 
You smiled at his eagerness. 
SleepyKoala: Kinda don’t want to I’m tired
GodOfSoccer: don’t care I wanna play with you 
SleepyKoala: Nagi we played so much today 
GodOfSoccer: true well are you coming to my game tomorrow? 
SleepyKoala: Yes
GodOfSoccer: forgot to say earlier cute gamertag 
SleepyKoala: Thanks :) 
GodOfSoccer: give me your number 
You did and not even a minute went by before you got a message from him. It was a plushie of a koala on his desk next to his PC monitor. You also caught a view of the rainbow keyboard from earlier. You created a contact ID for him and added a koala emoji to the end of his name. 
You: Cute plushie 
Nagi: he says thank you. I’m gonna game a bit I’ll see you tomorrow 
You: see you 
You then settled at last to watch more of the Netflix show you were currently binging until you lulled to sleep. 
The next morning you woke up at noon having slept in later than you would have liked. After doing your morning routine and eating, you made your way to the supermarket to buy a lemon tea for Nagi. 
You hadn’t been able to ignore the butterflies that you had gotten thinking about him. You had checked his online status and had noticed he had stayed up until one in the morning gaming. 
Supermarket mission successful, you began to make your way to Nagi’s high school. You had timed your schedule perfectly so the metro would arrive at 1:30 giving you enough time to head to the stadium before the game started. Your outfit of choice was casual with a tote bag to hold the lemon tea and your noise canceling headphones though you doubted you’d need them. 
Arriving at the school on time you couldn’t help but notice how much more expensive everything seemed. You knew it was an elite academy but as you followed the crowd into the stadium you noticed just how much the school invested into its extracurriculars. 
You turned around and there was Nagi coming up to you. 
“Hey Nagi,” you replied feeling slightly shy from your flirtatious exchanges with him. 
“You like the stadium? Reo’s dad is this mega rich guy and he donated the funds and manpower to build it. He doesn’t care for soccer but he frequently donates funds to the school for them to use for whatever purpose they’d like.” 
You nodded. He looked handsome in his soccer uniform, the black jersey, shorts and black socks contrasting against his white hair and skin. 
“Oh before I forget, since you kept asking yesterday,” you said, taking the tea bottle out of the tote bag and giving it to him. That made him laugh in glee.
“Thanks for this,” he said gratefully. 
“Nagi! We need to warm up!” A purple haired figure shouted as he ran over. When he caught up to where the two of you were his equally purple eyes were distrustful of you. 
“Reo. This is Y/N. Remember I told you about her?” Nagi said. 
So this was Reo? His suspicious eyes took you all in.
“Yeah I remember. Nice to meet you,” he said but his words didn’t match his tone or expression.
“Nice to meet you too. Nagi’s talked a lot about you as well,” you said and you noticed that did soften his eyes a bit if not fully. 
Nagi seemed oblivious. 
“Y/N, if you sit there you’ll have a good view of me,” he said pointing to a specific section before continuing, “and I want you to look at me not any of these other guys.” 
His words sent a jolt of heat between your legs and to your face but you simply nodded and assured him you’d be watching him. 
“Nagi,” Reo scolded impatiently, “we have to warm up.” 
“Alright alright,” he said following him but yelling back to you, “stay after. Text me if you can’t find me.” 
You headed to the section he had designated would have the best view of him. 
Throughout the game Nagi had lived up to his gamertag. He truly was a god of soccer. He was lightning bolt fast his legs moved just as fast as you had seen his fingers were capable on the keyboard. 
He also worked incredibly well with Reo. They were a dynamic duo on the field and the passes between them were strategic. 
When Nagi had scored a goal he had looked directly at you and pointed, unmistakably claiming it had been for you. 
His team was in the lead right now and you hoped it would remain that way. 
During the halfway break, you waited eagerly waiting to see him again. When they came back his eyes searched for you instantly and met yours sending you a sweet smile. As expected his team won and you cheered happily for him. As others started leaving the stadium you waited for him afterwards like he had asked you to. 
You didn’t have to wait longer than ten minutes. He was racing towards you, changed clothes, freshly showered and his gym bag over his shoulder. To your dismay you noticed Reo tagging along behind. It’s not that you didn’t like him, you just didn’t understand his scowls and distrustful attitude toward you.
“Y/N! Did you like the game?” He asked, standing in front of the railing of the seat you had remained at. 
“I did. It was so great seeing you score,” you said. 
“I wanted to score for you,” he said, his cheeks turning pink. “Hey Reo and I are gonna go get something to eat. Do you wanna come?” 
Your eyes dashed to Reo a second after Nagi asked the question and you could tell he was exasperated.
“That’s okay I think I’m just gonna head home,” you said softly. 
Of course you wanted to spend time with Nagi but you couldn’t risk Reo disliking you even more after all he is Nagi’s best friend his opinion must count for something. 
Nagi, still oblivious to all this, furrowed his brows in confusion.
“Okay. Well when can I see you again?” He asked. He seemed hurt that you weren’t coming. 
“I’m free tomorrow. Maybe text me later and we can come up with something,” you offered, not feeling comfortable under Reo’s purple gaze. 
“Okay I will. Thanks for coming, it really means a lot,” he said, giving you a sideways hug now as you stepped down from the bench you had been sitting at. He towered over you and he smelled incredibly good. 
“You’re welcome. I enjoyed every minute of it.” 
“So how long have you and Reo known each other?” You asked as you took another mouthful of ramen. When you had gone home yesterday you had gotten caught up on school work and chores. Nagi had texted you at night and asked if you wanted to play some games to which you had agreed. Somewhere between steam rolling the enemy teams and playing silly custom games in the arcade he had suggested going out for ramen and boba the next night.
Now as the two of you sat in the restaurant’s outdoor patio seating with red paper lanterns illuminating the night sky you were interested in knowing more about his best friend who didn’t seem to take to you. 
“Not too long. I met him here at school probably six months ago,” he replied. 
“He seems very fond of you,” you said. 
Nagi shrugged.
“Reo got me into soccer and I have him to thank for that. Before him no one really talked to me at school.” 
This surprised you. He was good looking and charming, sure a bit strange and had his quirks but he was friendly and good company.
“Really? Not even girls?” You teased. 
“Especially girls,” he joked back. His gray eyes were looking at you softly. It gave your stomach butterflies. Lately it seemed like all he did was either give you butterflies or make you belly laugh. His hand reached out to lift your chin up so you were forced to meet his gray gaze head on. 
“You always look away from me when you notice me looking at you. You never look at me for too long,” he said in a gentle tone. 
“I don’t mean to on purpose,” you said trying to be casual although the thumping of your heart was a great contrast to the calm you were trying to portray. 
“I like when you look at me and when you watch me play video games and soccer,” he said, inching closer to bridge the gap between the two of you as you sat on opposite ends of the table. 
Was he going to kiss you? It seemed like that was his intention. You wanted to kiss him but worry and concern and feeling Reo’s stinging rejection you pulled your chin from his hand and looked away. When you glanced back at him he wasn’t looking at you for once but looking down at his lap with clear hurt in his eyes. 
“I thought you liked me too,” he said with embarrassment coloring his voice. You couldn’t take him thinking you were rejecting him, not when he was perfect and sweet and everything you could ever want.
“I do like you!” You said. 
“Then why won’t you let me kiss you? I want to so badly,” he asked in desperation.
“Reo-“ you started but he didn’t let you finish.
“Oh,” he said, sounding deflated, “do you like him or something?” It was obvious he was trying to sound nonchalant but jealousy threatened to burst through.
“No no I don’t. I mean I don’t dislike him. He’s your best friend so I don’t have anything against him. I just don’t like him in the way I like you,” you stammered. His response had thrown you off completely because it was the last thing you had expected him to say. 
“You don’t like him? Lots of girls do because his dad is that rich guy and girls think Reo is good looking,” Nagi said. 
“No, I don't see him that way. I like you,” you said, face flushing at your confession. 
“I’m confused. What does Reo have to do with you not letting me kiss you then?” 
“It’s just. Reo doesn’t seem to like me. He looks at me as if he’s distrustful and suspicious,” you said. 
Nagi instantly relaxed and laughed.
“Oh that’s just how he is. He’s very overprotective of me. It’s nothing personal he’ll grow out of it once you’re around more,” he said. 
While Nagi’s words assured you, you still found the whole bit a little odd but maybe that was just their friendship. Maybe Reo saw Nagi as a brother he looked out for. You decided to focus on the latter part of his sentence. 
“Once I’m around more?” 
At this he reached out across the table taking your hands in his.
“You know how I asked you if you have a boyfriend?” He asked playfully.
“Yes it wasn’t that long ago Nagi,” you replied.
“Well I want to be your boyfriend,” he said. He looked at you from under his long eyelashes, his gray eyes so sweet and vulnerable. 
“Well I don’t know this guy at the internet cafe told me to not go getting a boyfriend,” you teased.
“What a little prick he probably wants you for himself,” he went along with your joke. 
The two of you laughed before he spoke again, 
“Can I be your boyfriend? I promise to be good.” 
“Yes you can be Nagi,” you replied. 
“Awesome. Can I kiss you now?” He asked practically whining.
“Yes Nagi,” you laughed but your lips were soon overtaken by his. The kiss was sweet and made your head spin. 
You wondered if this is what it meant to be on cloud nine. 
Your routine for the past few weeks had become Nagi centered. 
You continued to go to the internet cafe regularly. In fact that’s where you spent the most time with Nagi since you still went to different schools. You would go watch him practice and go to his games, he had even given you one of his jerseys to wear and he was strict about you wearing it to each match. You’d stay up on video chat with him as well and watch as he streamed his games for you when you were too tired to play with him yourself. 
As for Reo, there wasn’t any progress to be made there as the two of you were still virtually strangers but at least his scowling had  toned down. 
“I wanna see you more often,” Nagi said, his lips kissing the top of your hair as you hugged him bye at the end of practice. 
“We see each other nearly everyday, Nagi,” you laughed. However he did have a point since the majority of the day you were at different schools you only saw him in the evenings at the internet cafe, at his practice, or when he had games on the weekends. You were also busy studying a lot of the time as well and still not feeling comfortable enough to hang out with him and Reo who was often around. 
“Why don’t you stay over this weekend?” He asked but was trying to hide the shyness he felt from asking. 
“You mean like at your dorm?” You asked. 
“Yeah, why not?” He shrugged. 
You thought about it, you were so comfortable with him you didn’t have any objections and most of all Reo wouldn’t be there. 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
“This is Choki,” Nagi said, motioning to a little cactus in a pot on his desk. You had your travel bag with you around your shoulder and had taken the metro to go to Nagi’s dorm in the late evening. 
He had met you at the stop and walked you back to his room. 
“It’s very cute,” you said. He was eye level with the cactus smiling at it. 
“He is very cute not it,” he replied defensively. 
“Yes he is cute,” you corrected, continuing to look around his room.
For a dorm room it was quite spacious but that was to be expected of the elite school. His bed was made and neat with a plush dinosaur throw blanket folded neatly on the comforter. He had a television in his room on a stand next to his desk where his PC was. His PC setup consisted of the rainbow keyboard and the koala plush and Choki next to it, and a gaming chair. He also had a mini fridge with a magnet holding up a photo of Reo and him that was taken on a Polaroid camera. Towards the entrance of the room there was a sink and mirror and the toilet was secluded in a cupboard-like closet separate from the full walk-in closet that held his clothes. The room was illuminated blue from the LED lights he had. 
“What do you think of my room?” He asked tentatively as he watched you inspect the place. 
“I like it. It seems very comfortable and clean,” you replied.
He let out a sigh of relief.
“Good because I cleaned it before you came over. I’m not a slob or anything but I can get disorganized because I procrastinate,” he explained. 
You nodded but felt yourself blushing as now the full prospect of being alone with him was setting in. 
“You wanna watch a movie?” He asked. 
“Sure,” you replied. 
He grabbed the remote and laid back on his bed, kicking off his shoes while doing so.
“You can lay down you know,” he teased watching as you stood there. You followed his lead and also took off your shoes, dropping your overnight bag on the floor and laid down next to him. Gently he brought you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your hair. He flicked through movies on the streaming service.
“Do you have a preference?” He asked. 
“We can watch whatever,” you replied. He chuckled.
“You’re not helping here,” he teased but then settled on an animated movie about animals. He started the film and then put the remote down, his arms still holding and caressing you. 
“Is this okay? I want you to be comfortable with me,” he asked. You could hear the vulnerability in his question however and knew that it would hurt him if you didn’t want him to touch you. Fortunately, you did enjoy his comfort and warmth. He felt like a bear hug. 
“It’s okay I’m comfortable like this,” you assured him. 
You watched the movie intently but your heart still pounded in excitement from his closeness and you wondered if he could hear it.
He watched the movie as well, occasionally peppering kisses into your hair or chuckling when he found something funny. It was peaceful and not awkward in the slightest. You enjoyed this comfort only Nagi could bring. If it were any other guy you’d worry about his intentions but when Nagi said watch a movie and spend time with you he meant it, not trying anything else besides cuddling.
Towards the end of the movie you heard slight snoring and looking up you saw Nagi had fallen asleep. He looked more boyish when sleeping. You watched the rest of the movie and when it finished you turned the tv off. Nagi was still fast asleep but you didn’t mind, taking it as a sign that he felt comfortable around you. Ever so carefully you moved out of his arms and went to brush your teeth using his sink. You then used his walk in closet to change into your oversized tee and shorts for sleeping. When you came back you saw Nagi blinking in confusion from having woken up. 
“I thought you left,” he said sadly.
“No Nagi, I was just changing. You fell asleep towards the end of the movie.”
“Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” he rushed to get his words out but you were quick to assure him.
“It’s okay, I thought it was sweet. I didn’t wanna wake you but I already brushed up for bed.”
He looked you up and down in your pajamas and his eyes softened. He repositioned himself so he was now laying in the bed underneath the sheets and blankets.
“Come snuggle with me. It felt so good having you in my arms.”
You obeyed his words and got into bed with him facing towards him. His  eyes looked at you lovingly.
“I love having you here. I got up early today to clean my room and make sure everything was perfect. That’s partly why I fell asleep but most of it was because of you. Cuddling you and smelling the nice scent of your hair was so relaxing.”
His way of declaring loving and saying things so openly with his childlike innocence was so endearing to you. Other guys were much more guarded and wouldn’t admit such things out of fear of vulnerability but Nagi just said what he always thought. 
“I love being here with you Nagi, you make me feel so safe,” you replied truthfully.
He pouted a little.
“You know you can call me baby or honey or anything you want,” he said. 
“Okay baby,” you said, giggling a bit. It was still new and felt a little strange coming out of your mouth. 
“Hey what’s funny?” He asked before adding: “you’re my baby and I’m yours and that’s that.”  He pulled you closer to him as you laughed.
“You’re right baby, you’re so needy,” you joked. 
He pouted again but it didn’t last long because he kissed you nice long and slow. He tasted so good like mint and just Nagi, his ocean breeze scent intermingling with the kiss. Your hands felt his soft white hair as you kissed and he moaned a little into your mouth. 
When your kiss broke you gazed at each other. 
“You mean everything to me,” he said, cupping your cheek. You curled up closer in his arms so he could snuggle you again how he had loved.
“You mean so much to me too,” you told him. He yawned.
“I wanna sleep with you again, it felt so good. This feels so good, but don’t get any ideas. I brushed my teeth before you got here,” he said. 
That made you belly laugh and swat him a little in laughter.
“What? It's true I always brush my teeth right before I see you. I want you to like me,” he said innocently.
“I do like you,” you said. In fact you were starting to think you more than liked him and as you both dozed off to sleep you heard him say the words you had been thinking out loud and it was the last thing you heard before being overtaken by sleep. 
“I’ll be here waiting,” you told Nagi as he ran off towards the locker rooms to change for practice.
This morning you had woken up completely entangled and cuddled into him. His long legs had interlaced yours and after very prolonged kisses and cuddles you had gone out for miso soup for breakfast at a little restaurant nearby then returned to the high school campus for his practice. 
“I was almost starting to think he wasn’t gonna show up,” a voice said behind you. You turned around and Reo was standing behind you on the field already dressed in his uniform for practice.
“Reo, where did you come from?” You asked wondering how the two of you hadn’t noticed him on the way in.
He ignored your question and you felt small under his violet intense eyes. 
“You know Nagi is never late for practice. He’s usually here early with me,” he said in an accusatory tone. 
“Yeah sorry about that it’s just-“ you stammered but he cut you off.
“It’s just you were with Nagi last night and because of that he was thrown off routine this morning,” he finished for you. By now you felt yourself growing frustrated with him. You didn’t know him and he didn’t make any effort to know you, your only mutual connection was Nagi and he seemed hell bent on disliking you.
“Reo what is your problem with me?” You asked out of genuine curiosity and frustration.
He seemed more than happy to tell you.
“My problem is that ever since you’ve come into Nagi’s life he’s been changing. It all started with him wanting to spend more time at the internet cafe and when he told me it was because of some girl I knew it would become a problem,” he said. 
Nagi had been spending more time at the internet cafe not to play games but because he had wanted to see you? He had noticed you before he had even spoken to you and liked you? If it weren’t for this confrontation with Reo now you’d relish in that fact more.
“How is it a problem? We’re not doing anything wrong,” you said in an effort to defend yourself. 
“Maybe not, but Nagi isn’t like other guys, surely you’ve noticed that. He wears his heart on his sleeve and he’s a good guy. I don’t need you hurting him when he’s already changing for you,” he said.
“Changing how?” You said not fully understanding. 
“He’s more motivated. Before you I had to do everything for him because he thinks everything is a hassle. He showers after every game now because he knows you’re there waiting for him, he cleans his room because he knows you’re coming over, he does those things he normally wouldn’t wanna do because he has you in mind.” 
“Isn’t that a good thing?” You asked. 
Reo’s gaze was still sharp. 
“Maybe so but if you hurt him I’m worried he’s gonna be worse than before. Before he was just lazy after you hurt him he’ll just be unmotivated and depressed.” 
Your heart hurts at the thought. 
“I’m not gonna hurt him,” you said quietly. 
Reo didn’t seem convinced. 
“You and I both know that’s not how relationships work. Eventually you’ll hurt him and when you do I’ll never forgive you.” 
GodOfSoccer: where did you go after practice? I thought you were gonna wait for me but Reo said you left early :( 
You saw the whisper message come through the game server as you loaded up the game to play. You had set your status to offline but Nagi was savvy enough to know when you were online. 
SleepyKoala: I didn’t feel good 
GodOfSoccer: do you need me to come over? i can take care of you 
SleepyKoala: No it’s okay 
GodOfSoccer: do you wanna play a few games? 
SleepyKoala: I think I just wanna play by myself 
GodOfSoccer: oh alright 
GodOfSoccer: good luck in your games :) 
GodOfSoccer went offline
You sighed as you watched him go offline and you knew you had hurt his feelings despite his good natured response. Nagi was never offline and he wasn’t the type to set his status to offline so you knew he was really not gonna play games tonight which didn’t bode well. You didn’t mean to hurt him, it's just you couldn’t get Reo’s words out of your head. He’d never forgive you if you hurt Nagi? You’d never forgive yourself. He was so good and sweet and pure and Reo was right that relationships were messy. Did you really want to be the one to give Nagi his first heartbreak? 
You tried to play a few games but it was futile, the game had grown stale without him. 
You logged off and crawled into bed. Soon it began to pour outside and it reflected your inner state. 
The next two weeks were exam season so luckily you had an excuse to not be around Nagi as often. 
You stopped going to the internet cafe altogether and instead went to your school’s library to study. These days you only saw Nagi at his games and though he was understanding about it because he knew you had to study you could tell he was sad.
The two of you still texted at night but the conversation grew stale as Nagi wasn’t always the best texter and from your experience with him you knew that comfortable laid back atmosphere of being at peace with him was something text couldn’t capture. Text was made for talking and it forced this dynamic where it felt as if you always had to come up with something to say and often times the best moments with Nagi were just being able to enjoy each other’s presence. 
When you got home from school one afternoon you had noticed a bouquet of flowers waiting for you on the porch table. 
You had taken the flowers to your room and put them in a vase with water. You got your phone out to text him. 
You: Thanks for the flowers 
Nagi: you’re welcome. I know you’ve been working hard studying and I wanted you to have something to brighten up your desk. 
Your heart fluttered at his thoughtfulness and again you wondered why you were being so distant. You knew it wasn’t fair to him but what Reo said really got to you. You knew he was only looking out for his best friend but you were worried you were really going to be the one to hurt Nagi. 
Nagi: I miss you :( 
Nagi: Are you coming to my game tomorrow? 
You felt overwhelmed by it all. The flowers, his double texting, and all the while you still felt Reo’s disapproving eyes on you as if he were watching you now. Part of you thought maybe it was better to back out of things early on before they got any deeper. Maybe then Nagi wouldn’t be as hurt. It was that rationale that led to your reply:
You: Sorry I can’t. I have to study now more than ever. 
Nagi: oh okay
He didn’t say anything more after that. 
When you woke up the next morning you had ten missed calls from an unsaved number. You also had text messages as well. You unlocked your phone in confusion. The messages read:
It’s Reo, are you awake? 
Nagi is hurt he got hurt at the game 
He’s been crying for you and wants you here
You instantly called the number back. 
“Reo what’s wrong? Where are you guys?” You asked, your panic and worry not giving you time to feel weird about calling him. 
“We’re headed to a nearby medcenter clinic that's across the school. You can meet us there,” he said then hung up. 
You raced outta bed and got dressed quickly. You didn’t bother to eat breakfast as all you could think about was how you hadn’t been there for Nagi. You were so worried and your heart hurt. 
The ride on the metro seemed obnoxiously long despite being the same as always. You anxiously tapped your fingers along your thighs the whole way there. 
At last you arrived and headed toward the clinic Reo had described. You felt nervous and shy as a nurse directed you to what room Nagi was in when you asked and told her you were his girlfriend. 
In front of his door you hesitated a little bit not knowing what to expect. How hurt was Nagi? Would he be upset with you for not being there for him? The only answers you’d get would be through that door. 
You pushed the door open slowly. 
Nagi was laying down in bed with his right ankle wrapped in med bandages and an ice pack against it. He perked up instantly when he saw you.
“Hey I knew you’d come,” he said. This wasn’t what you expected. He wasn't upset with you at all.
“Reo said you asked for me,” you said, noticing how the room was devoid of any purple. 
“I did. I needed my girl,” he said. His words tugged at your heartstrings as you walked closer to the bed so you were right beside him. 
“Where is Reo?” You asked. 
“He went to get us some food from the cafeteria and call my parents,” he said. You stroked his hair. 
“So how bad is it?” You asked. 
“Not too bad it’s just a sprained ankle but it hurt like hell when it happened. It should heal quickly,” he said. 
You nodded and stopped stroking his hair. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there when it happened,” you said. 
He shrugged but you could tell he was a little downcast even if he didn’t say it.
“It’s okay I know you’ve been busy,” he said. There was an awkward tension in the air that you knew was your doing. You were the one that had been distant lately. You just didn’t want to hurt him but it seems like you already were. 
“How long are you gonna be here?” You asked.
“Reo wants me to stay for a few days for some reason since he thinks I won’t take care of it but I told him I have you to take care of me,” he said beaming up at you his smile wavered when you didn’t react and added,”you will take care of me won’t you?” 
You wished he hadn’t asked that with his begging gray eyes that looked at you with the eagerness of a puppy.
“Nagi I’m just really busy right now, maybe Reo is right,” you said softly. His face fell.
“Why don’t you wanna be around me anymore? Am I doing something wrong? Am I spending too much time on soccer?” He asked. 
“No Nagi it’s not like that-“
“Bullshit. I know you have to study but you always did before and we were able to see each other. I’ve tried to be a good boyfriend and spend time with you by letting you stay over. I just don’t know what I did,” his voice almost broke. You reached for his hands but he pulled them away.
“Nagi, you didn’t do anything. I love being with you and spending time with you,” you said. He looked at you again, his eyes ever so stormy and sad.
“Then tell me the truth,” he pleaded. 
You swallowed, you'd tell him the truth but you didn’t want to make Reo look bad after all he was his best friend. 
“You remember the morning after I slept over and we went to your practice?” You started reluctantly.
“Yes,” he replied, understandably confused.
“Reo started talking to me and saying this stuff about how he’s scared I’ll hurt you. He told me how you’re already changing for me and taking initiative and doing things you normally wouldn’t like: showering after your games and waking up early to clean your room. He’s worried I’ll break your heart and you’ll be unmotivated and depressed.” 
There was silence for about a minute after you told him this. He was the first to break it.
“He really told you I didn’t shower after games before you?” He asked.
“I guess he kinda implied it,” you said wondering why he focused so much on that part. 
“Well that’s embarrassing,” he said with a wry smile before adding,”you don’t have to worry about hurting me.” He reached for your hand now and brought it up to his lips to kiss softly. 
“Why aren’t you more concerned about this? Reo is right. Relationships are messy and people get hurt and I don’t want to hurt you ever,” you said shivering at how his lips felt against your skin. 
“Reo is cynical. Yes people get hurt but I don’t wanna close myself off from you just because something may or may not happen.” He kept your hand laced in his and that’s how the two of you stood until Reo himself walked in a few moments later. He had two trays of sandwiches that he set down and seeing the state the two of you were in he asked: “Am I interrupting?”
“No Reo, I actually wanted to talk to you. Why have you been telling my girlfriend that she’s gonna hurt me?” Nagi asked in a conversational tone.
Reo glanced at you before looking back at Nagi.
“Nagi, you know everything I do is to protect you. I don’t want you getting hurt. You know how the girls at school are,” Reo replied. 
You didn’t understand this and looked curiously at Nagi but he ignored you.
“She’s not like that, she's nice to me and sweet and I need the two of you to get along otherwise you’re hurting me both,” he said firmly. 
At last you and Reo looked at each other, his last words resonating with both of you so there was no malice or ill will in the others eyes.
A nurse interrupted, coming in and saying she was going to change Nagi’s bandages to freshen them up before he left for the night and you and Reo were ushered into the hallway. 
“Thanks for coming,” Reo said genuinely once the door closed behind the two of you. 
“You’re welcome. I really care about him,” you said. 
“Yeah I can see that,” he said, running a hand through his hair that was loose out of its usual ponytail. 
“I didn’t mean to snitch on you or anything like that. I only told Nagi because he was asking why I was being so distant,” you said to him. He nodded in understanding. 
“No it’s fine I knew something was up when he was bumming around and blue because you weren’t around all of a sudden. It’s my fault,” he said. Now that he wasn’t looking at you with suspicion he seemed friendly and you could see why he got along with Nagi. 
“I know you were just trying to protect him since he’s your best friend,” you said.
“Still I shouldn’t have said anything to you like that or in that way. The last thing I wanted was for Nagi to be sad but I seemed to have caused it by you being distant. I've never seen him so down like that before.” His words made you feel guilty, after all you had only distanced yourself in order to not hurt him. 
“What did you mean by that comment about girls at your school?” You asked him. 
“Girls at school think Nagi is weird. Well, not just the girls but everyone does. He sticks to himself and he’s not concerned with impressing people the way everyone else is,” he said. 
You did know Nagi was a bit odd but he was endearing and now you knew why Reo was so protective of him. He was very attractive as well so you had truly thought he was joking when he had said that girls especially don’t talk to him. 
“Reo I wanna be able to get along. I don’t wanna stay away from Nagi because I care about him,” you said, deciding to call for a truce.
“Yeah that sounds good to me. I guess I  judged you unfairly and like Nagi said he wants us to be able to get along. It’s just always been him and me so I have to get used to it,” he said. 
You assured him you didn’t wanna ruin his and Nagi’s friendship and that of course they’d still be able to do the things they’ve always done. When the nurse came out of the room you both went back inside to find Nagi playing games on his phone in his typical fashion. 
You and Reo smiled at each other both knowing this was a sign he was recovering. 
“I never said thank you,” Nagi said, stopping in his tracks as you both walked in the park.
It had been three weeks since his injury and he had recovered with you by his side. These walks with him had been a form of physical therapy but once he had healed they had stuck around as a routine thing for you two. 
“For what?” You asked. 
“For accepting being my girlfriend. I had liked you for a long time before I spoke to you and I was always too nervous to do so,” he said. He looked wonderful surrounded by the cherry blossoms of the trail you too were on. It had been his idea to go cherry blossom viewing with you and he had been looking forward to it for weeks even drawing a little blossom on your calendar for this date. 
“You’re welcome. Reo had told me about how you had started spending more time at the internet cafe because of me,” you said. A blush the color of the blossoms formed on his cheeks.
“The only downside to you and Reo being friends now is that he tells you all the embarrassing unfiltered things about me,” Nagi said but you could tell it meant a lot to him that you and Reo got along. 
In the weeks following Nagi’s injury you had stayed with him at his dorm and took care of him and Reo would come over in the evenings and all three of you would binge watch shows and movies you took turns picking. Of course you and Nagi continued to support Reo by watching him practice and coming to games as well while Nagi was healing. 
“I don’t think it’s embarrassing. It’s sweet you like me so much,” you said. 
He reached out to cup your face in his hands in the way he was so fond of doing. 
“I more than like you,” he said seriously before adding,”I know you were scared of hurting me but the truth is I’m not scared to be hurt if it’s by you. I wanna be with you always.” 
Your head was spinning at the way his eyes penetrated into yours. 
“I more than like you too,” you said shyly. He looks at you lovingly before leaning in to kiss you. 
When he pulls away he looks into your eyes and tells you those three words you had sworn you had heard before you had dozed off to sleep when you had slept over: “I love you.” 
This time as he kisses you again even though it feels like it, you know you’re not dreaming.
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writers-reach · 3 months
hellooo! can i request yu, yosuke, and kanji date headcanons?? thank you
persona 4: general date headcanons (yu narukami, yosuke hanamura, kanji tatsumi)
notes: gender-neutral reader, fluff, reader implied to be a part of the investigation team
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yu narukami
kind of a classic romantic. starts with going out to a movie. will take you out to dinner and buy dessert. maybe even a quick trip to the hot springs to unwind before going home.
holds open doors for you and stuff (bc he's a GENTLEMAN!!!) and insists on paying when he can. but, if you really insist, he won't put up much of a fuss.
will stop on a walk to pet a cat he sees across the street. you join him (unless you're allergic in which he will carry some hand sanitiser on him at all times to wash his hands before going back to holding yours)
gives you a hug and kiss on the back of your hand before saying goodbye, but doesn't keep up the gentleman act seriously for long before bursting into giggles.
he's just a rlly sweet boy
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yosuke hanamura
a bit less formal than yu, but still tries his best.
as much as he'd like to go all-out, taking you to the nicest places and spending the night dancing under the stars...... he's still just a part-time worker.
so he'll have to settle for something a bit more homey. buys all your favourite snacks and candy and invites you over to play video games with him.
does the thing where he sorta-spoons you (sits behind you, wraps his legs around your torso, and rests his chin on your head as you two play games). it makes him feel like The Man in the relationship, irregardless of your gender. you keep telling him he doesn't have to be this macho image of a strong, providing boyfriend, but he feels confident when he's the big spoon so yk, you go along with it
steals kisses whenever he can (usually to distract you from your game (bastard.)), but again, he's just too cute to get really mad at.
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kanji tatsumi
cooks for you! he's actually a pretty decent cook (not as good as yu though) and along with cooking dinner, will probably have made something for you beforehand and gives it to you.
i imagine you and kanji would really be into stuff like journalling or colouring books. a date with kanji is Floor Time(tm) with some tv on in the background and doing a colouring date.
sometimes you'd do the thing where you put on a timer and after it goes off, swap drawings and finish what the other has drawn. kanji, despite being amazing at fabric arts, isn't the best artist. he tries his best though!!!!
sooner or later you'd probably end up cuddling with a mountain of plushies or other soft material while talking. such is life at the tatsumi household.
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a/n: tysm for requesting!! have a good day!
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izukuwus · 4 months
thinking started feeling like burning - nishinoya yuu/reader
m.list - deleted smut scene - read on ao3
A/N: would you believe I wrote the majority of this BEFORE having a complete mental break and quitting my job without any sort of plan? this one is gonna have a smut spinoff oneshot sometime before the end of the month but no clear ETA yet due to school and job hunting. this boy needs more love and goddammit I may not be confident in my noya but I'M GONNA GIVE IT TO HIM
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Summary: Nothing had changed since you left. Not him, a brilliant hurricane, and not you, a lost robot moving forward with no goals or dreams of your own. Opposites attract, after all.
Warnings: past minor character death, suggestive themes. reader is gender-neutral but for purposes of the deleted smut scene coming later is afab. reader basically has an anxiety disorder and it's implied they have not great parentage but no major detail is gone into.
Word count: ~8600
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/dĕs′ə-lĭt, dĕz′-/
1. Devoid of inhabitants; deserted
2. Barren; lifeless
Yeah, maybe that was it. Desolate. In this hotel room—small, furnished but empty—you set aside your phone and its little dictionary definition of what’s wrong with you and the definition imprints itself on your brain all over again. Hardly the first time you’ve known the meaning of the word, but perhaps the first you’ve recognized it in your face.
In high school, you’d occupied your time with almost nothing but studying. There had been friends, one or two, and a blip towards the end in the form of a boyfriend, but you had potential and didn’t need to focus on things like going out to karaoke or making out with a guy when you had exams to study for.
You had so much potential.
You recall, dimly, having memorized the definition for desolate one day among all your vocabulary. More than that, reciting it for a hopeless light in your life who just didn’t get all this school stuff.
Your nose wrinkles at the memory. Best not get caught up in that spiral, yeah?
Against your better judgment, you flop onto the hotel room bed face-first and sigh. What the fuck are you even doing here? None of this was necessary. None of this was planned for.
There’s, of course, the simple textbook facts of the situation: you attended a work event, and halfway through, went to the bathroom and just stared at yourself in the mirror—much like the way you spent the past half an hour in a hotel bathroom—went home, got in your car, and drove to a hotel precariously close to your hometown. Sure, there’d been some kind of internal monologue going on, but you don’t remember any of it anymore. Nothing beyond what you’ve known for the past six years:
Something is fundamentally wrong with you.
“So, what, we get in our car and drive away and don’t show up to work and hope it all works out?”
The desolate room does not answer the desolate you.
Some species of sea turtle have been observed returning to the beach where they were born in order to nest, a phenomenon known as “natal homing”. There are many theories as to how they are able to return to their birthplace…
Like the sea turtle, you swim through endless water and find yourself, of all places, back in Miyagi, staring at a house you only vaguely remember and wondering if your instincts really led you here, or if you’re staring at a random stranger’s house you’ve never been to. Maybe there’s more than one family with his last name in the area.
It looks like all the others—a house in the countryside, standard and homely. You were here… what? Three times? Five?
Not even in the double digits—you know that much. You and Noya had spent more time together at school, or at your house. Your parents hadn’t wanted you to spend too much time alone with a guy at his house. In hindsight, you kind of get it. His grandfather hadn’t exactly been the type to make sure you two were being good kids, or whatever.
Still, you run your fingers over the nameplate, the kanji of Nishinoya’s last name, and try to figure out why this, of all places, is where you’ve drifted to.
You startle, looking to the voice. Familiar, yet matured. Perhaps a bit lower. Perhaps carrying an emotion you don’t recognize. That, you know, must be him.
You note with a barely-stifled laugh that Noya has not changed his hair in the years since you’ve seen him. Still that stupid, adorable tuft of dyed blond hanging down in his face. Good.
Then, the feeling passes, and the panic sets in.
What the fuck are you doing at your ex-boyfriend’s house?
“Noya,” you breathe. You nod to him, stunned.
“Holy shit, that’s actually you!” He’s closed the distance in an instant, swept you off your feet in a hug that has you crying out in surprise. When he sets you down, you stumble, trying to catch your brain before it falls out your head. He studies you with bright, sharp eyes. “What are you doing here?”
Ah. “Uh, yeah. About that? I… I have no idea.”
He blinks slowly, and then he’s laughing. “That’s not like you at all! Come on, if you’ve got the time to sit down, I’m sure we’ve got something around here to feed you with.”
“Feed me…? Wait, I…”
But he’s already grabbed your wrist, pulled you across the forbidden threshold and right to the front door. Maybe you should have thought about literally anything before showing up at his house.
Too late for regrets, you guess. You’re in way too deep for him to let you slip away now.
In your mind, Nishinoya is steepling his hands together like a stern employer trying to figure out the best way to admonish a bad employee. The image doesn’t really suit him, and you do know that, but you still feel like cubicle fodder waiting to get chewed out.
In reality, he’s resting his chin in his hand, watching you carefully as you run your thumb over the glass of water he’s given you and try not to meet his eyes. (It had taken quite a bit of debating to keep him from actually feeding you. The water was a concession in a valiant fight.)
“So, you don’t know what you’re doing?”
A slow nod.
“You don’t know what you’re doing.” The statement, repeated, does little to hide how astounded he is at the concept.
You sigh. It is easy and so, so heavy as the air escapes you. Maybe you can drown your errant thoughts in water until you understand just what, exactly, you’re trying to do here. You try, but no matter how much you drink, you still don’t have an answer. “Pretty much, yeah. I just sort of ended up here.”
He has an easy smile on his lips, sharp eyes taking you in. “After what?”
“What do you mean, after what?”
“I mean, it’s not like you to just run off and end up anywhere. You’re, you know, thoughtful and stuff! I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of you just doing something without at least three plans ready to go in case something went wrong.”
“I mean, there was you,” you admit with a laugh.
Shit. That was the wrong thing to say, but here you are, panicking and thinking you’ll make things even more awkward than you already feel, and there he is, smiling like he’s looking at…
It isn’t until he’s leaning in further like he’s about to say something dirty that you realize your real mistake in that response.
“You didn’t think before you did me, huh?”
Your cheeks flare, and you hurriedly down the rest of the glass of water while you try to think of a suitable redirect. “You know what I meant!”
“Sure do! You meant—“
“Oh, hush.”
He laughs, and you fall into silence, trying to commit the sound of his laugh to memory.
That’s what sucks about this, oddly enough: you sit at his dining room table, holding a now-empty cup, and it’s just as easy as it always was. He tells you what he’s been up to: how he doesn’t play volleyball anymore (tragic—you loved watching him play) and he’s been traveling a lot (infuriating—you love to travel) and he’s dated once or twice since you last spoke, but nothing really lasting.
(you love—)
(you loved him when you left.)
“So,” he says, ever enthusiastic to redirect the conversation onto you, “what have you been up to?”
“Nothing, I guess.”
“Oh, come on. You’ve always been amazing. I bet you’ve been doing something awesome with that brain of yours. You wanted to write, right? How’s that going?”
Hah. Amazing. He’s only saying that because you were useful when you tutored him. “No, really. Nothing. Sales, I guess. Convincing people to give up money for a product I don’t believe in for a company I hate. I guess I’m up for a promotion soon. Really though, I think I’ve probably just been dead for the last… what, six years?”
You’d picked the number because it was when you graduated high school. That had made sense to you—college, too, had felt like nothing. No parties, no partners, just studying, exams, and keeping your body moving forward until you had a neat little degree in a field you didn’t care about. But when you spare a glance away from the window, where your attention has been glued in hopes of avoiding letting the awkwardness and pain of this whole situation actually hit you, it’s the first time since he ran into you that Noya isn’t smiling at you.
Oh yeah. And right before you graduated, you’d broken up with him.
“You broke up with me, you know,” he says after a long moment. “Are you saying you’ve been a ghost this whole time?”
And ouch. He’s right, and you hate that. It hadn’t been his fault you’d left. It’d been your insecurities, your inability to handle the weight of your parents’ disapproval, your unwillingness to fight for something that seemed so correct, your stunning realization that Noya would always shine too brightly for you to be the one standing beside him. He always thought you were amazing, but you were nothing compared to his whirlwind personality, his passion, his sense of life.
Maybe this would have been easier if you’d ever told him that.
“I don’t know what I’m saying. Probably just that high school was the last time I felt like a real person, and that ever since, I’ve just been going through the motions and slowly losing my mind and trying not to panic about the fact that not only do I not have any direction in life, I don’t even know how to enjoy it if I did.” Your words come out calm and metered. You try not to betray the worst of it.
For a moment, talking to him, you’d been able to forget the person you’ve been since graduation. You were always moving forward a step at a time, but at some point, you stopped being a hiker on your predetermined life path and just let yourself be a robot. Mechanical step after mechanical step. Just keep moving forward and you’ll get to where you’re going. When you get to where you’re going, you’ll take another stupid, empty step towards where you’re going now. Some successful career, some boring partner that your parents like, kids, wake up, go to sleep, another day, another day, another day doing exactly what you’re expected to do. Just keep following that bright, clear line. That bright, clear line to nowhere at all.
And then you stumbled. And now you’re here, again. Dizzy, sitting at the same table with the same guy.
At some point, you’d trailed off, staring at the table and searching for scars of a life well-used on its surface. You hear the shuffle of him standing over you, and look up to find him reaching out a hand to you. “Alright. Come on.”
“Come… on?”
He leans forward a bit more to take your hand and pull you up. “I’m taking you out to dinner.”
“Huh? Wait, but where?”
“Don’t know yet!”
He drags you out, and you stumble after him in mind and body.
“It’s one o’clock!”
“So we’ll scout places that look good while we get lunch. You don’t have anything to do, right?”
“Well, no, but—“
“Then we’re going!”
He pulls you right past the entryway, nearly has you out the front door before you can protest. “I’m not wearing shoes, Noya! You’re not wearing shoes!”
He only laughs, only pauses, only gives you a moment. “Get them on, then.”
“And do you even have your wallet?”
He blinks and pats his pockets. “Guess not! You’ve got until I’m back with my wallet to get your shoes on and decide to let this happen!”
Decide… to let this happen?
He disappears around the corner, deeper into the house, and at last you sigh, sitting to put your shoes on properly. You doubt he’ll be quick finding his wallet—if he’s anything like you remember (and so far, he’s exactly like you remember) then he has absolutely no idea where he put it last. If you didn’t think he’d absolutely drag you out the door once it was found, you’d kick your shoes back off and help him look.
After getting your shoes on, setting his out in ideal kicking-feet-into-without-stopping position, and five minutes of listening to him rustle about the house, you glance at a table in the entryway and smile at the sight of a plain black wallet in the dish. You inspect it, just in case it’s not his—there’s been no sign of Noya’s grandfather around, but almost nothing’s changed, so he probably still lives here. Better to check.
You open it, just to see that it’s got his ID in there and not someone else’s, and nearly slam it closed again immediately.
Yeah, it’s his missing wallet. ID and everything. And, in the little photo slot, a six-year-old photo of him in his volleyball jersey, million-volt smile on his face as you push him away with your own brilliant smile. He’d just won a game, and you’d been busy trying to get him, gross and sweaty, to stop getting all that gross and sweaty on you even as you laughed the entire time. Tanaka took the picture, you think—there’s a bit of thumb in the bottom right corner.
Noya keeps a photo of the two of you in his wallet. After six years without talking.
A noise bangs from somewhere else in the house, and you close the wallet and force down the warmth welling in your chest and rushing to your face. “All good?” you call out.
“I can’t find my stupid wallet!” he shouts back a moment later. He sounds a bit frustrated. “This isn’t going to work if I spend the whole day trying to—“
“Nishinoya,” you cut him off, half sing-song, “you left it by the door.”
No reply except the thudding of feet as he runs right up to you and plucks it from your hand. “There it is! I found it!”
“Oh, really? You found it?”
“Yep! Are your shoes on? We gotta go now!”
“Go where? You’re in an awful rush. Do you have plans or something?”
He kicks his shoes on and grabs your wrist again. “Nope! You’re gonna love it!”
Really a type of plankton, jellyfish possess extremely limited swimming abilities, if any at all, and rely on the currents to control their horizontal movements through the sea.
It occurs to you, as you make the trek to the bus stop, that you didn’t have to say yes to this. Well, really, it’s not like you said yes so much as didn’t say otherwise, and Noya, ever the trail-blazer, pulled you along for the ride. What’s even the difference in what you’re doing now and what you’ve been doing these past six years?
You barely make the bus. Nishinoya pays the fare for both of you, before you can protest, and when there’s only one open seat, he takes it.
“You’re such a gentleman,” you snort.
He responds by tugging you down into his lap. “I am!”
You’re stronger than you were in high school. Really, you are. You don’t collapse into emotions like embarrassment. You don’t let the sensation of being flustered consume you. You do not.
…you bury your face in your hands. “What are we doing right now?”
Always laughing. Always lighthearted. “What do you mean? We’re taking the bus someplace we can find some restaurants.”
“You know exactly what I mean!”
The bus passes over a bump, and he wraps an arm around your waist to steady you. “You know, you’ve barely changed at all.”
“Neither have you,” you fire back. You meant it as an accusation, but the words come out tender. “You’re still a complete hurricane.”
He laughs, his own tenderness bleeding through. “And you’re still not letting yourself have anything you want.”
“When have I ever—“
“I think you know.” His other arm comes around your waist, holding you in a loose hug, chin resting against your arm.
You try not to stiffen at all the contact. This, too, is something you haven’t felt in ages—simple, casual touch. He had always been that way, resting a hand on your shoulder, your back, running fingers through the ends of your hair, like if he stopped touching you, you’d run away.
Maybe he was right. Maybe he is right.
“You didn’t answer me before. Are you still writing? I’ve been keeping an eye out for your name on the shelves, you know.”
You rest a hand on his arm, half considering pushing his arm off. The bus stops, but apparently not at a stop Noya is interested in dragging you off at—he steadies you as the bus jolts, and as a few passengers file off, you consider admitting the answer.
“Poetry these days, mostly. It’s not like I’d ever get published if I went for it, so I just scribble out a few half-assed lines and—“
“See, stop that. That’s half your problem right there, you know!”
“Another seat just opened up, you know,” you mumble. If you try to fight him on this, he’ll end up talking you into these grand ideas that you’ll never be able to accomplish, and by the end of the day he’ll probably have you in love with him all over again, even though you know it would never work, even though you know you’d never really be anything—as an employee, as a person, as his. “We don’t have to do this… couple-y thing.”
“I want to, though. It’s nice, isn’t it?”
…it is. It really is.
“…I still like to write, but I never have time anymore. It’s work, recovering from work, getting ready for work, waiting to come home from work so I can prep lunches and wash my clothes so I have something to eat and wear at work. I don’t have energy for anything except meetings, emails, and phone calls where no one means anything they say.”
“Damn. No wonder you seem so lost. Why don’t you quit?”
“And do what? It’s not like I have a dream job. I just want to get by and survive—“
“Why? You’re not happy. Don’t you want to do something more than survive?”
“I don’t even know what that would look like, Noya.”
He says everything so simply. Just quit. Just move on. Just move forward. He’s lucky, you think. He doesn’t know what it’s like to have parents planning out your entire life for you.
…okay, that was mean. Add that to the list of things that are wrong with you.
He sighs, shaking you gently in his hold. “It’s worse than I thought. Hey, [name], why’d you come here?”
“I told you already. I have no idea.”
“Alright. Adding it to the list. Today, you’re experiencing adventure for the first time in six years, and you’re gonna figure out what you were doing standing outside my house at noon on a Saturday. If I have my way, you’re also going to be quitting your job and starting a promising career as the greatest writer Japan’s ever seen, renowned the world over, but we can get to that some other time if you want!”
“Noya, I’m not—“ Your words die in your throat as his fingers slide between yours. You hadn’t realized your hand was sliding up his arm, but here he is, holding hands with you like it’s nothing.
God. How old are you, again?
Lunch ends up being crepes. Never mind the fact that crepes are not a meal, not even when Noya suggests buying two each—he proudly declares it lunch, and so lunch it must be. You’re lucky that he graciously allowed you to get a table, though he’d insisted on grabbing one outside even as the sky above has started to loom with rainclouds.
“And what’ll we do if it rains?” you retort drily as he sits across from you.
“We’ll figure it out,” he grins, sliding you a menu. “Dry off after we get rained on, not before.”
You snort. “How about we just try not to get rained on?”
“Then we would be sitting inside, and you wouldn’t get to look up at the clouds while we eat! You always liked the way the sky looked before it rained, right?”
A soft huff leaves you, a small smile unbidden. “You actually remember that? I think I said that to you, like, one time.”
He nods. “Only had to say it once! Besides, I caught you staring up at the sky in the rain more than once.”
“And yet, I had to repeat the same information for you so many times, only for you to still get it wrong on test day…”
“Hey! I was distracted!”
“You weren’t supposed to be,” you tease.
“What was I supposed to do? There was this gorgeous person sitting across from me telling me all these complicated things in a nice voice. I’m a simple man!”
Though your cheeks heat at the declaration, you can’t help but laugh. “Clearly.”
“Yeah. Clearly.” For just a moment, he’s soft, unbearably soft, and you fear looking at him. Quick, change the subject before you have to acknowledge whatever’s going on here!
“S-so!” Smooth! You’re doing great, sweetie! “Any idea what you’re going to get?”
He slaps a finger down on the menu without looking. “A… monte… monte…”
You sigh and peer over to look at the fanciful English he’s pointing to. “A Monte Cristo crepe?”
“Did you read the part where it’s got onions as a main ingredient? Don’t you hate onions?”
He wrinkles his nose, but stands firm. “I’m sure!”
You huff softly. “Alright. Far be it from me to stop you.”
“What about you? Make a pros and cons list for each menu item yet?” he teases.
“For your information, I don’t have to do that when ordering in restaurants. That’s for big decisions. But…” You sigh. “I haven’t eaten out in a while. It stresses me out.”
“So let’s say I pick something that looks good, and it sucks. I won’t eat it because it sucks, but then I feel like I’ve insulted the chef and wasted my time and money.”
He narrows his eyes at you. “If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. But at least you’ll know! When’s the last time you actually ate out like this?”
You bite your lip thoughtfully. When was it?
“I… think I did a celebration dinner with my parents when I graduated?”
“No, high school. We didn’t celebrate when I graduated college.”
Once again, he’s staring at you in blank disbelief. “[name], that was six years ago.”
You flush. “Yeah, so?”
“That’s so sad. What have you been doing? I’m about to take you on a food tour just so you can catch up on all the restaurants you’ve been missing.”
You wrinkle your nose. “Please, no. I can’t eat that much.”
“Then we’ll spread it out!”
The waiter drops in at exactly the wrong time. Flustered, you stumble your way into lemonade for you, apple cider for him, and then, as he’s confidently mispronouncing “Monte Cristo” to the waiter, you panic and end up ordering some curry crepe, a concept which intrigues and horrifies you.
“How’d you even find this place? Seems weird for there to be some half-French, half-English upscale crepe restaurant out in Miyagi.”
“What do you mean, how did I find it? We found it together. I’ve never eaten here.”
Right. He’s completely winging everything. “Amazing.”
Drinks come, and you sigh into a masterful lemonade and try to think of things to say to fill the space between you and your ex. (You have to try not to forget that bit—that this isn’t natural, that this can’t lead anywhere. For your sake and his.) “So, how’s your grandfather been?”
The easy smile on Noya’s lips drops. “Oh. He died late last year. Age caught up to him, I guess.”
Oh. Fuck. “Noya, I’m so…”
He shakes his head. “Don’t apologize. Crazy bastard had a hell of a time of it. He’d hate for me to sit around feeling bad about it, anyway.”
He wouldn’t want you to pity him. Doesn’t want you to pity him. You know that. But…
Did Noya ever talk about any other family members when you knew him? You know he lived in that house with his grandfather. No siblings. Never mentioned any cousins. You know he didn’t grow up around his parents, either…
Has he been alone this whole time?
You reach across the table. Place a hand on his. “Maybe I’ll visit more often.”
In silence, the two of you sit and wait for your crepes.
The crepes come out, and with them, new points of conversation that carry you both to finishing—all the way until Noya manages to argue you into letting him pay. He pulls you along, a bit slower than before, a bit easier. You can’t help but let him take your hand and bring you wherever the wind is leading him, half-pitying him and half from the complete lack of will to fight him all day.
“I told you you weren’t gonna like what you ended up ordering.”
“You liked it though, right?”
Predictably, he’d taken one bite of the crepe and instantly realized his mistake. Far too much onions for his tastes. Your curry crepe had been… well…
Let’s just say that you weren’t especially upset when Noya asked you to swap.
“It was really good, if you like onions.”
“I know what I like! Onions aren’t it!”
It’s easy like this, and the day really is nice. There’s rain on the breeze and in the clouds, a pleasant scent and a comforting gloom over the day. You tease and joke back and forth, hand in hand like it’s natural, and it is. It’s easy, being around him. It was easy back then, too. So easy it scares you.
You’re just waiting for the bottom to fall out.
You’re waiting for the bottom to fall out, and it does—with a shriek and loud laughter, rain chases the both of you underneath a tree and within sight of the nearest bus stop, soaking you both through to the bone.
“See?” Noya says, grinning as he pulls you a little closer underneath the tree. “Now we can worry about getting dry.”
“You’re unbelievable,” said with a smile. “What is all this meant to prove again?”
“Well, why’d you come here?”
“Here? You dragged me out here.”
“Yeah, but why’d you come back to Miyagi? I’m just saying, my doorstep is not the first place I expected you to turn up on when the inevitable nervous breakdown hit.”
You fall silent, shiver in the rain. It’s peaceful. You try to focus on watching for a bus, anything except the question you were asked.
You glance at him, yelp a little to find how close the two of you have gotten. This close, in this kind of situation, it’d be only natural for you to lean in, for you to brush your lips against his.
God, have you even kissed anyone since you burned everything down?
You’re not doing this. You’re not falling into a hurricane like him again. You won’t be able to come back if you do that. (Especially with such a fucking cliché.)
You turn away. “You already asked me that. I told you before, I don’t know.”
He hums thoughtfully. Drapes his jacket over both of your heads in an attempt to keep you both from looking any more rained out than you already do.
“I’m just saying, if you want my opinion, you’re going to have to do a lot more adventuring and a lot less sales for a company you hate if you want to remember what ‘happy’ is supposed to feel like.”
“Not sure I ever knew what that was like to begin with.”
“When I was a kid, maybe.”
He tilts his head. “Not even when we dated? Is that why you broke up with me?” He sounds genuinely curious. Would it feel better, you wonder, if he sounded hurt?
You wince. “I didn’t mean… I just…” A sigh. “It’s more like, I was too afraid to let myself be happy when I was with you.” In the close proximity, you find it easier to let your head rest against him a little. “Please don’t misunderstand. I like you. I probably would have been really happy with you if there weren’t something fundamentally wrong with me as a person.” Shit. You definitely misspoke there.
“I don’t really know how to teach you to relax a little, but it’s gotta be easier now that you’re out of your parents’ house. Maybe you need to go somewhere completely new. Get a fresh outlook.”
You arch a brow his way. At least he’s not commenting on your slip of the tongue. “What are you suggesting, Nishinoya?”
“I’m leaving for Italy. Six weeks. That’s enough time for you to plan your little heart out, right?”
He nods, as though it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Italy.”
“And if I came back after six years to kill you or something?”
He barks a laugh, stark against the pouring rain. His eyes linger on you. The part of you that’s charitable to yourself thinks he might be mentally undressing the clothes sticking to your skin, though you know it’s more of a challenging look. “I’d like to see you try.”
One soaking wet bus ride back to Noya’s house doesn’t save you from this little adventure plan of his. Instead, you’re given a towel or two to dry off with and a change of clothes from his closet, as though it’s the most natural thing in the world. The way he acts, everything is.
So now here you are, wearing a shirt far too large for you that you’ve wrestled into looking somewhat nice with Nishinoya’s jeans. It slides off your shoulder a bit no matter how many times you fix it. You admit, you do manage to pull it off, but the whirlwind of the day still has your head spinning with just how wrong this situation is.
You’re supposed to be at work right now. You should be in office clothes, sitting at a desk in a too-cold cubicle that you never got around to decorating, perfect and polished while you tap out yet another perfectly-balanced email, three-quarters professional, one-quarter gentle familiarity to lure your clients into a false sense of security. Not standing in your ex’s bathroom, tying one of his t-shirts at the waist, adjusting your hair to look closer to “decent” than “drowned rat”. This, this day, this situation, was never supposed to happen.
Is this whole day going to be a stumble? How long will it be until you catch yourself and get back to moving forward? When you do, will you still have a place at your desk?
Do you even want one?
A knock at the bathroom door. “If you give me your clothes, I’ll get them started drying,” his voice filters through the door.
All of these actions have been so easy. Your wet clothes, picked up from where they hung shower-side. Easy to wring them out a bit more to keep from making the floor worse. Easy to open the door. Easy to hand them to him.
Nothing had ever been particularly hard before him, but falling in love with him had been just like this: easy.
Maybe the first easy thing you ever remember.
So you go along with it. Another bus ride, this one less crowded than before. This time with umbrella in hand—just one, because of course Noya didn’t even think about it on the way out the door—and a determination to figure out what the hell you’re doing here to begin with.
Everything is as everything was, you think. Shops lining the street, one familiar sight in particular, one of two things you had never had the strength to deny yourself back in school. At the sight of the bookshop, you tug Nishinoya to a stop. You’re a little surprised when he actually does stop.
“Sorry, can we head in? I used to love this place back in school.” You nod to the bookshop. He smiles and lets you lead the way.
“I think that’s the first time you’ve done something selfish today,” he comments as you lead him in.
You refuse to meet that one with a reply.
The shop is exactly as you remember. High stacks of books, books, books everywhere. The scent of old books and a slight spice in the air, scents blending and mixing until, for just a moment, you’re in high school again, marveling at rare finds coming through the used books section and finding some new world to escape into.
You sigh into the scent and disappear into the stacks. Noya is kind enough to humor you as you pick through, find a title or two to take up to the register. If you really do come back to visit from time to time, you’ll have to make sure to stop in here when you do. The old woman at the register hasn’t aged a day. She smiles when she sees you the same way you’re smiling as you approach her.
“Is that little [name]?” she asks, though you both know she already knows the answer. “Why, I haven’t seen you around here in ages! You’ve grown so well!”
“It’s wonderful to see you again, ma’am.”
“Just as polite as you always were. Find everything you were looking for?”
She’s got a poster on the counter by the register. You steal a glance, then meet her eyes with a smile. “Sure did! I’m glad to see you guys are still here.”
Her smile turns bitter. “I’m not sure how much longer, I’m afraid.”
Ah. There’s the heartbreak, panic, fear. “What?”
“It can’t be helped. It’s getting difficult to watch this place in my age, and my Taka’s not been doing so well lately. The kids are all off worrying about their own lives now…”
Your chest twists at the thought. “Can’t you find help?”
“We’ve been looking, but…”
It cannot possibly be this easy.
There’s no way.
Noya slides a few bills over the counter while you’re busy fighting a war in your head.
“Oh, and who’s this? You’ve got to introduce your boyfriend, dear.”
“Oh, he’s not—“
“It’s nice to meet you, Granny! I’m Nishinoya.”
Already, they’re spiraling off into some side conversation, too fast for you to make the obvious correction as the old lady makes your—Noya’s—change. She tucks a little bookmark into the front of the stack, and you slide your new books into your bag in resignation. It becomes his space as easily as it was yours, and somehow, it doesn’t feel wrong.
After you’ve left, you consider clearing the air, bringing up… whatever that was.
…it’s not worth the argument.
Another few shops, another few stops. Another few steps forward, another few hours, and yet again you’re sitting across from him, fretting over being underdressed at the restaurant you’ve both happened across and settled on.
“Are you sure we’re dressed alright?” you mutter.
“They let us in the door, didn’t they?”
…yeah, you don’t know what you expected him to say.
“Besides, you look great,” he adds. His eyes dance over you, over the bare skin on your shoulder where you’ve finally given up on pulling the neck of his shirt back up. “I think you wear that better than I ever have.”
You ignore him in favor of another menu, another decision to make that feels earth-shattering. At least you’re aware you’re being ridiculous when it comes to ordering. Really, what’s going to change if you get the fun-looking drink you might not like over the safe one? How bad would it really be if you didn’t like your meal that much?
Drinking too much. Discovering a new allergy. Food poisoning—
“You’re overthinking again,” he teases.
“I’m always overthinking,” you grumble.
“Maybe you need to take the edge off.”
He’s right, and you know that in theory. But in the practice and the day-to-day, you stare at the drinks menu and feel your chest constrict with that itch of anxiety all over again.
“You’ve just got to jump in before you can talk yourself out of it. Come on, [name], let me distract you a little.”
…you don’t think he’s trying to flirt, but your face feels hot all the same. And, well, shit, Noya is a great distraction. He’s a bit less keyed-up than he was back then, but he’s still endlessly charming, endlessly easy to get wrapped up in if you lower your guard even a moment.
“…fine. So what’s this you were saying earlier about Italy?”
His eyes light up. You rest your chin in your palm, glance over the menu again as he tells you about his dreams of traveling the world, how he wants to seek new thrills and see all these new things. You can see every potential disaster of the situation—for one, he has a house back home that someone’s going to need to care for while he’s away, and he doesn’t seem to have thought of that. For another, he’s got an inheritance and no passive income to work with. His grandfather’s leftover money may be substantial enough for this to work in the short term, but longer-term…
Well, one day, he’s going to run headfirst into a hole he can’t climb out of himself.
The thought scares you. Who’s going to be there for him when that happens?
The waiter stops by. Before you can talk yourself out of it, you pick out something alcoholic and fruity and try not to preen under Noya’s delighted approval.
“I’ve never seen you drunk before. Looking forward to it,” he grins. This time, you’re sure he means it flirtatiously, given the wicked gleam in his eyes.
You reach across the table to bat at his arm. “Keep looking, then. I don’t plan on getting drunk tonight. Just buzzed enough to put up with you.”
“Well, that’s no fun. I wanted to know what you’re like when you finally let loose.”
“Excuse you, I can be plenty fun without getting drunk off my ass.”
“Then let’s see it.”
Drinks come out, food orders are placed. You get your margarita halfway down before the buzz starts really setting in, a pleasant warmth blossoming through you. At least now when Noya makes your face hot with some offhanded comment, you can blame it on something other than your own weak heart.
“You know, this is the most adventurous thing I’ve done since I dated you,” you admit once you’re both walking back to the bus stop. Fully sober you would never have this conversation. You recognize that, but there’s enough pleasant fuzz in your head that for once you do not give nearly enough of a fuck to stop yourself. The night is warm, maybe even romantic. “This whole… running around, stopping at random restaurants, getting drenched in the rain without an umbrella. All that.”
He’s got this soft look in his eyes as he regards you. “Really? I can’t say I’m surprised. You were always worrying about everything.”
You snort. “Someone had to.”
“We were kids, though. You probably could have left at least some of that worrying to your parents.”
“Believe it or not, they gave nearly all of that worry to me. On purpose, I think.” You sigh, lean against him just a touch. Your balance never was all that great sober. “I had to be perfect. You were that one little blip.”
“Hey, it felt perfect to me.”
“Did I make a mistake, do you think?”
He looks a little wounded at that. To your credit, he’s definitely misinterpreting. “Dating me?”
“No. Leaving you.”
He pauses, an awkward motion that has you both stumbling just a bit. He’d drank over dinner, too—you’re both buzzed, and the bubbly, floaty feeling ebbs out as you stare at each other. “Why do you say that?”
“I just… I thought about it a lot,” you mumble. “What it would have been like. If I’d just stayed, instead of letting the thought of my parents scare me into running away.”
He huffs a soft laugh and winds his arm around your shoulder. “I thought about it, too. Come on. You don’t need to make it back to the hotel alone; I’ve got a guest bedroom you can use tonight. That, and I’ve still got your clothes.”
Oh. Right.
You nod and let him walk you back to his home.
“Have you figured anything out yet?” he asks as he finds another oversized t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts for you to sleep in. “Gotten even a little closer to figuring out how to do something you actually feel like doing?”
“I had fun,” you mumble in reply. “I know that much, at least.”
“Good. That was mostly the point.” He hands the clothes over to you. They’re more neatly folded than you would have given him credit for.
“Well,” he grins, “I also wanted to spend the day with you. Didn’t figure you’d ever agree if I didn’t drag you out before you could think about it too hard.”
“It was nice,” you admit. “Thank you. For all of it. I… I still don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow, though.”
“Is it so bad listening to what you feel like doing every once in a while, though?”
“If I knew what I felt like doing, maybe.” You linger awkwardly in his doorway, bounce your shoulder rhythmically against the frame. “You’ve got your work cut out for you if you think one day is gonna get me that in tune with my brain.”
“That’s why I asked you to come to Italy with me.” He tilts his head, some question lingering unspoken. “Try it now, though. What does [name] feel like doing right now?”
He’s close to you. Too close. He’s close, and pretty, and magnetic, and—
“[name] feels like doing something stupid.”
His grin widens. “Nice to meet you. My name’s Nishinoya Yuu, and I’ve been told on more than one occasion that I am pretty damn stupid.”
—fuck it. You grab him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him before you can talk yourself out of it.
He reciprocates in kind, an eager hand coming to settle on your waist like it’s been waiting to rest there all night. You kiss him hot, heavy, open-mouthed; let your hands slide from gripping his collar to locking loosely behind his neck. When you’re both out of breath, he pulls back and leans in to whisper into your neck:
“Why did you come here, [name]?”
It’s hard to think with his breath on your neck, his hands on your body leaving your skin on fire where he touches, but you are great at thinking and finally off the deep end enough to admit it.
“I wanted to remember what it was like to feel alive,” you breathe out into his ear. His lips brush your throat, and you let out a breathy whine. “You’re the only person who ever—who ever seemed to know how to do that.”
“Let me show you how to let go, then.”
There’s no illusions about what he means. Not this time, not with his lips dancing down your neck to your exposed shoulder. Not with his hips pressing into yours, not with his fingertips toying with the edge of his shirt you’re wearing, and not with his fingertips brushing the bare skin at your waist.
You nod and hope you won’t regret it.
If there’s regret to be had, you expect you’ll see it in the light of morning. As it is, Noya returns from the bathroom and collapses right onto you, a lithe arm pulling you into his chest.
“I’m glad you came back,” he mumbles into your hair. You’re both tired—it’s late, and that might have been the best workout you’ve gotten in a while.
“Because you missed me, or because you got to fuck me?” you tease, sliding a hand over his.
“I missed you,” he replies without missing a beat. “Not too late to come travel the world with me. Quit your job and feel peace for once in your life.”
“Peace? With you around? Not likely. Besides, I’m renting a place in Tokyo. I can’t meet rent if I quit my job.”
He laughs and pulls you in a little closer. “Then just Italy, and you can go back to the way you felt before you turned up on my doorstep looking more lost than I’ve ever seen anyone in my life.”
You sigh. “When you’re traveling the world, who’s gonna take care of your house? It doesn’t seem like you’re selling it, are you?”
“Italy, come home, we’ll break in the place, and then I’ll come home to you between trips while you work on writing an international bestseller.”
Your heart flutters at the thought. Admittedly… it’d solve a lot of the problems you have with his little “plan”.
“And how do you suppose I pay for being alive aside from not having rent?”
“Ask that old lady at the bookshop if you can help at the store.”
“Why do you have an answer for everything?”
“It’s okay if things fall into place once in a while, you know.”
You sigh into him. There’s too many unknowns. How is he going to keep paying for traveling? What if the book never works out? If there’s no space for you at the bookshop? If—
He nuzzles into your neck. “I’m waiting on an answer, baby…”
“It’s late, Noya. I’ll think about it.”
“Do me a favor and think yourself into something for once, instead of out of it. I might die if you leave again.”
He presses one last kiss into the back of your neck before you both draft off, sore and exhausted.
There’s one thing, at least, you can be sure of, at least for tonight: you’re glad you came here.
“You’re looking much better,” your coworker nods to you as you settle back into your desk. “Get some much-needed rest?”
You nod your reply. “I did, thanks. Sorry for disappearing so suddenly. That cold was killer. Think I slept about fourteen hours straight.”
She snorts. “Man, no wonder you weren’t answering your phone. Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
She wanders off to her own desk. You take a long sip of your drink, stretch a bit, and get right to your stupid little emails.
You tap away, pausing between sentences to consider, to answer the phone, to sip your drink. Occasionally, to tab over to some other draft when you worry a passing coworker might see exactly what you’re writing. At one or two points, over to your web browser, either to the wikiHow article you’re referencing, or to one of the many other tabs: your online banking, to confirm that this isn’t going to completely kill you (it won’t—all work and no play gives Jack a hefty savings account), or to any number of other wonderful things on the Internet that you suddenly feel comfortable accessing with the letter you’re drafting in the background.
It takes an hour to settle. The letter is drafted, all the right people are copied. You’ve triple checked everything, gotten all your things already slid into your bag or in a box to carry out with you. Made sure everything you need to leave behind is in clear view on your desk. You’ve even prepped an auto-response on your email client so people know who to bother, if not you. It’d take three, maybe four clicks to blow up your life.
You can’t do it.
You reach for your cell and dial.
Noya, despite all that worries you about him, has always been an early riser. He picks up on the second ring. “Hello?”
“Distract me,” you order in lieu of a greeting.
You hear laughter, a slight shuffle. “From what?”
“Doesn’t matter. Just distract me.”
“Ah, you’re doing something you don’t want to talk yourself out of. I’m proud of you!” You hear the smile in his voice, close your eyes to try to visualize it. “Am I allowed to ask what you’re up to? Where you are?”
“No and no. If I tell you, I’ll back out by the time I finish saying it.”
“I get it. Hey, do you still have that mark on your neck from when I—“
Your cheeks burn, fingers dancing along the bruise in question. It had been a bitch to cover with makeup this morning. You’re still not convinced you did so successfully, but no one’s commented on it yet, at least. “No thanks to a certain someone. I still can’t believe you did that.”
“Hey, you said you felt like doing something stupid. Who was I to deny you?”
“Cheeky bastard.” You smile, lean back in your chair a little bit. Click ‘send’. “Oh god. I did it.”
“Am I allowed to ask what you did now?”
“I might throw up. Not sure yet. Hey, how do you feel about renting bikes?”
“In Italy. I was looking up, like, bucket lists and stuff, and there’s this road, the Appian way? You can rent bikes and bike it. Apparently, it’s pretty old, and there’s this café we could eat at, and—“
You hear the thunk of something falling in the background of the call. “You’re coming!?”
“Well, I just emailed my resignation letter to my boss and HR, and I can see him panicking in his office from here, so you better have meant it. Here in a minute or two, he’s probably going to call me in, or come yell at me at my desk—“
“When’s your resignation effective? Did you give a notice?”
“Effective as soon as he stops panicking.”
A bark of laughter sounds in your ear. “So if he comes to yell at you, just leave. You already quit, anyway. What’s he gonna do?”
“Good point. Leaving now.” You stand, scoop up your bag. “I have two months left on my lease. If you didn’t mean that thing about me housesitting while you’re off seeing the world, speak now before I call my landlord and let him know I’m canceling that, too.”
“All yours, but your rent is walking around without pants whenever I’m home.”
You roll your eyes. Pause to wave at your boss on your way out the door. If he shouts after you, you don’t hear it. You’ve got a trip to Italy to plan.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory
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bagel-muncher · 3 months
You're THE SOUKAN guy, tell me every single soukan HC you have IMMEDIANTLY (this is a threat btw :3)
I literally started typing this all up before I went to bed last night and I woke up to see this... get out of my head bestie. I am honored to be thought of as the Soukan guy lmao.
Some Soukan hc's because my brain is wrong
First off, I see Yu as bi and Kanji as pan.
Yu fell first. He has no clue when it happened, but at some point, Kanji just went from one of his best friends to someone he couldn't really do without. Still, Yu doesn't confess. If any of y'all have played the New Days fangame, I think of it like that dream Velvet Room thing with Kanji, where Yu worries that being in a relationship with Kanji would just make his life harder. He knows that if he does feel the same he'd just grin and bear it, but he doesn't want Kanji to have to deal with more rumors and assumptions about him than he already does.
Kanji is the one who confesses. It's the classic "one fell first, the other fell harder". Yu had time to come to terms with his feelings and let them be, Kanji realized he was head over heels for Yu and almost explodes trying not to let it slip every time they hung out. Surprise surprise, he doesn't last long and tries to make some big romantic gesture, only for it to fail miserably. Luckily, Yu found it adorable and they started dating.
Yu expresses his love through physical touch. He prefers being quiet to talking, so it's the easiest way to make sure the people he cares about know he loves them. He does his best not to be too obnoxious about it in public for Kanji's sake, but he's constantly holding his hand, leaning onto him, or otherwise invading his space. When they are alone though, he's super cuddly. Kanji can't do much of anything if it doesn't allow letting his boyfriend hold him while he does it.
Kanji is all about acts of service and gift-giving. Words are hard and he struggles to be as unabashedly affectionate as Yu. So instead, he makes use of his skills in sewing and cooking to constantly make him gifts or treat him to meals. Even if some part of him is still embarrassed about his hobbies, he feels a lot better about it since he's doing it for someone he loves who wholeheartedly supports him.
Comfortable silence is the name of the game with them. Yu prefers not to speak, Kanji never knows what to say without feeling like he'll make a fool of himself. Still, he always felt like he had to fill the void Yu made with his silence until Yu eventually was able to convince him he didn't have to.
THE cat dads of all time. Yu showed Kanji the neighborhood strays one day and now they have them all named and Kanji comes by to help feed them from time to time. Kanji mentions getting a cat or two when they eventually get their own place, and Yu teases him for already fantasizing about them living together. (He has already imagined a full wedding and everything his ass should NOT be talking)
Dojima had very mixed opinions on them dating at first. There was the whole thing about Yu dating a guy in the first place, which while making Dojima a bit confused at first, he got past pretty quickly. The bigger problem was that it was Kanji. Dojima knew he really wasn't a bad guy, but he was stubborn and had trouble being comfortable with a guy with his reputation dating his nephew. Nanako really likes Kanji though, and with how often Kanji shows up with Yu and helps out while he's there, Dojima does grow to accept it. There's still a level of "Dad who makes sure his daughter's bf knows he owns a shotgun" energy, but he lets them be as long as they're responsible.
On the other hand, Kanji's mother was over the moon when she learned they got together. Yu's a great guy, and she's overjoyed that not only has her son started to make some great friends, but he even managed to snag himself a boyfriend.
I think Nanako would absolutely love to learn they're dating. Even if she still thinks Kanji looks scary, he's very sweet to her and makes Yu happy, so she adores him. He's basically already her brother-in-law in her mind.
Yu and Nanako have a frankly ridiculous amount of plushies that Kanji made for them. Nanako is of course overjoyed by the gifts, but Yu is starting to run out of space on his shelf.
Since Dojima is usually out late, Yu invites Kanji over often to have dinner with him and Nanako. It's part date, part making the work easier on himself. It's the exact sort of domestic fluff one would expect, the three of them having a great time cooking and eating dinner before watching TV together (Yu using Kanji as a pillow the entire time, ofc) before Nanako eventually has to be put to bed. Yu constantly jokes about them living just like this when they grow up and if they decide to start a family, and Kanji's red even as he denies how much he'd like that. These nights usually end up with Kanji staying too late to be out and having to stay over or straight-up falling asleep on the couch. Yu always has to deal with a lecture from Dojima the next morning, but getting to cuddle Kanji all night makes it more than worth it.
Honestly, I could write waaaaay more but I feel this is enough for now and I probably should focus that energy on actually writing lol.
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melancholysway · 1 year
Hi babe! If you’re doing requests at the moment, I have a cool idea that I think you’d write perfectly! If not just ignore this lolz But I was wondering if you could do like a short-shot headcanon of each of the Bayverse turtles with an S/O that gives them like a hand-made gift she made for them? Maybe a piece of jewelry or a blanket or something and how they’d react to it :) Thank you <3
Hii!! <3 & YES, I LOVE- I also did this with Christmas in mind :)
I hope you enjoy this!
TMNT Bayverse Headcanons: Gift-Giving (Fem!Reader)
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You use Raph to your advantage with your gift to Leo
Because you want to make him something that he’ll enjoy and something that’s very unique 
You really wanna make him something, but you aren’t sure where to start
You sulk around the Lair for a bit, until Raph comments on how your face looks like you're constipated, when in reality, you’re thinking hard of a gift for your boyfriend
“I wanna make him something,”
Raph just sits there minding his business as usual, until you get an idea
A rug for his room! It’s so painfully obvious 
You have approximately 25 days until christmas arrives, and if you work really hard, it’ll be done by then! 
After watching Raph (who later says you’re making him uncomfortable for staring too long,) you decide its best to knit it. It shouldn’t be that hard, right?
 Wrong, kind of 
It’s not difficult, it’s just very time consuming. 
You want it to have this cool kanji symbol in the middle that you think he’ll like, and you run it by Splinter to make sure it means what you think it means
And once it’s cleared, you spend so much time to make it.
I mean, A LOT of time. Something like this would be very sentimental for Leo!
And when it’s time to give it to him, you sit there with the baby blue box with a royal blue ribbon, excited to see his reaction
Leo isn’t as expressive as Mikey, so you don’t expect him to be jumping off the walls 
But as he starts unraveling it, talking about how “you didn’t have to get me anything,” he’s absolutely shocked when he opens it
It’s the neatly folded rug, with the large kanji symbol face front for him to see as soon as he takes the white tissue paper off of it
It was a VERY hard symbol to knit, with all the different directions the stroke marks go in, but it came out amazing.
“I ddin’t get you it, I made you it,” you reply. His blue eyes look back at the symbol, and then at you, back at the symbol, then at you
It’s pretty funny
“What’s wrong? Did I mess up the kanji or-” “no.”
“It’s perfect. I love it.” 
He flashes you a genuine smile, bringing you into a hug and then breaking it off to kiss you, with a slew of ‘thank you’s’ that followed. Leo really appreciates this gift, but honestly, he appreciates little things. After all, he wasn’t grown up like a normal kid, things were scarce, and Master Splinter did what they could. Things were often handmade for him and his brothers, so this means a lot to him.
The fact that you made it yourself? And oh, it probably took so much time, too
He seriously cannot be more grateful. It’s a great christmas gift, especially coming from his S/O.
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Bayverse Raph is most definitely not materialistic. He genuinely enjoys time with you
He seriously doesn’t ask for much
Like at all
You had seen something that reminded you of him in a store that you seriously had to get for him
It happens to be something useful to him yet also very sweet
It’s a knitting loom!
They’re very easy to use and can make a seemingly difficult project become easy!
While Raph does like a challenge, sometimes he just wants to unwind and knit as his leisure, not wanting something hard to do- just vibes
But then, you think about it for a moment. You put it back on the shelf and just think. 
What if you made him his gift instead? 
As you leave the arts and crafts store and get back home, you create a “List of Things I can make my Boyfriend who’s a Mutant Turtle” list and get to it. You brainstorm ideas and some are decent. You want them to be good for his hobbies, but you can’t MAKE a bench press or make yarn come out your as-
You get the point
But then it hits you
He loves music, it’s something he’s always listening to while he’s working out or lounging around or 
Seriously anything this man does
So why not make him a playlist!
You already know what kind of music he likes, and spotify is his go to
You make him a playlist and when it’s done you just
Sit and wait for the 25th
December obviously
And when that day hits, you’re excited, you managed to get the Spotify code printed on a small pillow for him, so that when he scans it with his T-phone on spotify it’ll bring up the playlist!
It’s a unique gift, and when it’s time to exchange them with the guys in the Lair, you save Raph’s for last
You give him this little pillow to put off to the side as bedroom decor and he just
He’s so happy
He scrolls through after scanning it and he’s happy
You know him so well, you’ve gotten to know him so well. It’s perfect. 
“I’m usin’ it afta this,” Its HOURS long, a load of songs that he likes. A lot of workout songs, and a bunch for leisure activities. It’s something unique to him that you made, and the title of it followed by red as the photo cover of it made him equally as ecstatic 
Made with Love, Y/n.
Once everything gets cleaned up from all the gift unwrapping, he just kisses you hard ending it with a soft “Thank you, baby,”
Because, well, nobody has made him a fucking playlist before! It’s the coolest thing to him. That you know his music tastes to a T.
Not only that, but you had to have paid extra attention during conversations. He doesn’t outwardly reveal what he loves and hates like his other brothers, but you can pick up on it in conversation and his actions
How he always makes this face of disgust when he passes by Donnie’s lab and hears classical coming from the other side
Yeah, he has his likes and dislikes for certain genres
So it makes this present so much more meaningful to him- you’ve been listening, and picking up on the  little things ever since you two have started dating.
He loves it so much
And he loves you, too
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 Donnie is probably the hardest to get a gift for
He has…everything
And if he doesn’t, he can make it
Broken phone? Okay, give him a few and he’ll invent one thats 100x better than the standard Iphone
You wind up just observing your boyfriend for awhile, wondering what he’s wanting to have
You try and ask around- asking Raph mainly, since they were always the closer pair
“Ya got me, ion know what I’d even get ‘em.” Raph replies after you ask what you should get Donnie
But, you think about making something instead
After pondering about it (for a long time, might I add)
You watch Donnie one day, and you notice that he folds his pages in anything he’s reading instead of putting a bookmark
Now, some people prefer to fold it, but a lot of the time, having a bookmark is a cool thing!
So, you have your idea.
Throughout the month of December, you take photos of you and Donnie together, turning down his questions as to why-
“I can’t take pictures with my hot boyfriend?”
He doesn’t ask after you say that, he’s now too shy 
Once you pick out photos that you like, you decide to make A LOT of them, a big bundle of bookmarks!
You laminate them yourself, just in case a coffee spill occurs while he’s reading, and it looks much better!
It also lasts longer btw
Anyhoozle, once christmas comes around, you give him this envelope with purple hearts on it, and he notices it’s more bulky than the standard christmas card
And once he opens it, he looks in and picks out a random bookmark to examine it
It’s a photo of you and him cuddling together on a lavender bookmark.
After looking at that one, he begins to take them all out, laying them on his lab table, looking at the different pictures you guys took together. Not only that, but the bookmarks are all different shades of purple.
“There has to be…50 here-” He says, “I…these are pictures of us! Hold on,” Donnie then examines each and every one, talking about how he remembered when each one was taken
“You made these all for me?” 
Yes, yes you did
He’s already bringing down books and notes that are in dire need of an unfolding page and to be replaced with one of your homemade photo bookmarks instead, and once he puts the first one in one of his favorite books, he admires it for a few
“They look incredible” He smiles down at you, leaning to reach your lips. 
“Thank you, dove,” He gives you another kiss while also giving a warm hug,  “I always felt guilty folding my pages.” 
Save the trees, ya know?
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Making something for Mikey may appear to be difficult,
Because, well, he loves a little bit of everything
He doesn’t really hate much, and honestly, he’s open to any and everything as a gift
He would prefer something like a new comic or new cookware he can use in the lair, so along with getting those items for him, you bake him brownies-
But special brownies
No not weed brownies
Homemade brownies! Not from a box, no, you’re starting from scratch
You buy some semi sweet and dark chocolate morsels, molasses instead of regular sugar, to really make them delectable and rich!
But, also sweet as well. Not too sweet, we don’t wanna give poor Mikey a stomachache now
But just the right balance between rich and sweet. 
He’s completely unaware of this by the way
When Christmas comes around and you give him the newest comic he’s been wanting and a new kitchen utensil set he can use while making food, you present the brownies in an orange box with a tinfoil top, and when he opens it, you could visibly see fireworks shooting out and his eyes becoming starry
“Guys! My Angelcakes made me…angelcakes!” He’s so happy and the hug given right after was as tight as can be
“Kind of. Brownies, from scratch.” You smile as he’s already picking one out- the corner piece- to eat
Anyway, he takes a bite and he just
He looks at you and gives you a chocolatey kiss on the cheek
“Angelcakes, this is like, the best gift!”
He’s already taking another bite soon after, munching in the gooey goodness
Once he’s done with the first piece, he’s already onto the second
“Thefe ar sho….gwud, thanf you!” He says in between bites
Also, he wants to bake with you now. Because this tasted amazing, what other recipes do you have up your sleeve? 
He loves it because he’s usually the one cooking for his family and only knows his cooking and April’s 
He’s not really into April’s…she’s a healthy gal, the kind that would sneak spinach or avocado into baked goods  *shudder*
Plus, he doesn’t really bake anyway, he’s a cooking guy, breakfast food is his specialty
But, now is a great time to take a couple weeks to learn everything you know about baking! Testing out new combinations and food items to use!
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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Bonten ➳
🎴As a Whole
With a Debbie Jelinsky Reader Part 2 (os) ♂️❔
With a Morticia Addams Reader (os) ♂️❔
🥮Sano 'Mikey' Manjirou ➳
While You Count Sheep (os) ♂️ 💞
💊Akashi 'Sanzu' Haruchiyo ➳
Just Relax, Honeybun~ (os) ⚧ 💞
Parody of an Office Romance (os) ♂️ 💞
Watermelon Sugar High! (os) ⚧ 💞
Dinner and a Bath
Bonten Sanzu × Crazy S/O Series.
Enter A Random Thought Part 2 (oth.) ⚧
The Case of the Missing File
Our Honeymoon on Warm Isles
Take Me to Your Warped Wonderland
Scars To Your Beautiful
👁Kakucho Hitto ➳
Oh, You Tranquilize Me~
Scars To Your Beautiful
🚬Akashi Takeomi ➳
Late Night Lovin' (os) ♂️ 💞❣
Scars To Your Beautiful
💸Kokonoi 'Koko' Hajime ➳
Sugar Daddy Behavior
🍆Haitani Ran ➳
Attacked By Turkeys (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀❔
"Bitch What's For Dinner" Tiktok (hc\os) ♂️ 🧀❔
Making You Fail NNN (hc\os) ♂️❣🔞❔
Candy Man~ (os) ♂️❣🔞
Lanky People
🫐Haitani Rindou ➳
It's One of Those Days
🍡Mochizuki 'Mochi' Kanji ➳
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Tokyo Manji Gang ➳
🥮Sano 'Mikey' Manjirou ➳
Sweet & Gentle But Ruthless Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Chifiyu's Older Brother Reader (os) ♂️ 💞 🧀❔
🐉Ryuuguji 'Draken' Ken ➳
Lanky People
🐈‍⬛Baji 'Edward' Keisuke ➳
🐈Matsuno Chifuyu ➳
🪡Mitsuya Takashi ➳
📸Shiba Hakkai ➳
Scars To Your Beautiful
🍜Kawata 'Smiley' Nahoya ➳
🥡Kawata 'Angry' Souya ➳
🥟Hayashida 'Pah‐Chin' Haruki ➳
My Darling Dumpling (in drafts)
My Very Own Sentient Body Pillow
Home Just in Time for Dinner!
Puppy Love; The Literal Translation
A Conveniently Available IQ Test
Like in Those Old Home Movies
A Blanket That Hugs Back
👔Hayashi 'Peh-Yan' Ryohei ➳
Lanky people
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Tenjiku ➳
🎴Kurokawa Izana ➳
Sweet & Gentle But Ruthless Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Making You Fail NNN (hc\os) ♂️❣🔞❔
Every King Needs His Queen
🍆Haitani Ran ➳
Haitani-san's House
🫐Haitani Rindou ➳
Haitani-san's House
🍡Mochizuki 'Mochi' Kanji ➳
I Want A Big Ol' Boyfriend!
🐓Madarame Shion ➳
He's A Little Dumb, But That's Kinda Hot
Hello Again, Rooster Boy
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Valhalla ➳
👓Kisaki Tetta ➳
It's The Glasses, I Swear! (oth.) 💩
Brother Knows Best (os) ♂️ 💞
He Be Sneakin'; He Be Schemin'
You'll Never Get the Girl~
✋Hanma Shuji ➳
A Sexy Man With Sexy Hands (oth.) ❣
Truly A Menace to Society
Lanky People
🐯Hanamiya Kazutora ➳
We Just Need To Talk It Out
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Black Dragons ➳
🔧Sano Shinichirou ➳
I Just Love Pathetic Guys (imgn.) ⚧ 💞
Homo-Erotic Hijinks (os) ♂️ 🔞
All Talk And No Action
🍭Imaushi 'Waka' Wakasa ➳
I'm a Sucker For You
Arashi 'Benkei' Keizo ➳
Morning Cuddling (os) ♂️ 💞❔
Akashi Takeomi ➳
Late Night Lovin' (os) ♂️ 💞❣
💢Shiba Taiju ➳
Stress Ball ~ (os) ♂️ 💞 ❣
Wow! So Cool! (os) ♂️ 💞
A Lovingly Home Cooked Meal
💸Kokonoi 'Koko' Hajime ➳
The Frog Boy's Neighbor
🪞Inui 'Inupi' Seishu ➳
He's Got Pretty Boy Privilege
Scars To Your Beautiful
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Other ➳
Sano Emma ➳
Akashi 'Kawaragi' Senju ➳
Shiba Yuzuha ➳
Tachibana 'Hina' Hinata ➳
🌶Terano South ➳
Someone Like South (oth.)
Sweet & Gentle But Ruthless Reader (hc) ⚧❔
Making You Fail NNN (hc\os) ♂️❣🔞❔
An Awfully Violent Cuddle Bug
Always Punch First and Talk Later
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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undatablebracket · 10 months
Last updated 8/18/23, please check the bracket posts for the most up-to-date competitor list.
Sorted alphabetically by game for easy searching.
These are (almost) all of the bracket participants! There are a few who are still up in the air. Please do not get upset with me if your blorbo did not qualify; I did my best to research each game I was unfamiliar with. The most common reason for a character to be disqualified was being from a game without any romance at all.
Note that some of these may be removed, as my attempts at research may not have been sufficient.
Madoka Aoyagi from Aokana Four Rhythms Across the Blue
Reiko Satou from Aokana Four Rhythms Across the Blue
Nahara from The Arcana
Nazali from The Arcana
Nasmira from The Arcana
Natiqa from The Arcana
Brasidas from Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Soma Jarlskona from Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
Alfira from Baldur's Gate 3
Volo from Baldur's Gate 3
Mallory from Black Closet
oniontheif from Blooming Panic: Full Bloom Edition
Mossie from Cattails
Guinevere from Code: Realize
Kotoho Sakuragawa from collar x malice
Antonio from Coral Island
Helene Leventis from Crown and the Flame - Choices (mobile app)
Owen Herriot from Cupid Parasite
Viktor Vector from Cyberpunk 2077
Johnny Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077
Goro Takemura from Cyberpunk 2077
Mayor Mingus from Dialtown
Jerry from Dialtown
Pierre from Dialtown
Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club
The Arishok from Dragon Age 2
Varric Tethras from Dragon Age 2
Avaline Vallen from Dragon Age 2
Vivienne de Fer from Dragon Age Inquisition
Cole from Dragon Age Inquisiton
Scout Lace Harding from Dragon Age: Inquisition
Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi from Dragon Age: Inquisition
Sten from Dragon Age: Origins
Quizzmaster Quinn from Dream Daddy
Morgott the Grace-Given from Elden Ring
Matthew Gursky from Emily is Away
Magnolia from Fallout 4
Nick Valentine from Fallout 4
Phila from Fire Emblem Awakening
The Gatekeeper from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Hypnos from Hades
Orpheus and Eurydice from Hades
Chaos from Hades
Charon from Hades
Sisyphus from Hades
Alecto from Hades
Azami Koshiba from Hatoful Boyfriend
Blanc Lapin from Ikemen Revolution
Lyla Park from Life is Strange 2
Kyousuke Natsume from Little Busters!
Javik from Mass Effect
Urdnot Wrex from Mass Effect
Zaeed Massani from Mass Effect
Mordin Solus from Mass Effect 2 & 3
The Illusive Man from Mass Effect 2 + 3
Samara from Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3
Evfra de Tershaav from Mass Effect Andromeda
Zevin Raeka from Mass Effect Andromeda
Jeff "Joker" Moreau from Mass Effect trilogy
Moss Mann from Monster camp
Gerard from Monster Camp and Monster Roadtrip
Tate from Monster Prom
Sadie from Monster Prom 3: Road Trip and Monster Prom 2: Camp
Jerry the Murderer from Monster Prom series
Mali from My Time at Portia
Jaehee Kang from Mystic Messenger
Vanderwood from Mystic Messenger
Shinbi from Nameless (the one thing you must recall)
Soi from Nameless (the one thing you must recall)
Thirteen from Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All
Aurora Emery from Open Heart - Choices
Jeremy King from Our Life: Beginning & Always
Miranda from Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Terry from Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Rio Iwasaki from Persona 3 Portable
Junpei Iori from Persona 3 Portable
Yosuke Hanamura from Persona 4
Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4
Goro Akechi from Persona 5
Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5
Ryūji Sakamoto from Persona 5
Eothas from Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Grim from Romancelvania
Gaius from Rune Factory 3
Illuminata from Rune Factory 4
Porcoline Tulle De Saint-Coquille from rune factory 4
Ventuswill from Rune Factory 4
Lin Fa from Rune Factory 4
Volkanon from Rune Factory 4
Terry from Rune Factory 5
Malix from Seduce Me the Otome
Halek Prince from Shepherds of Haven
Bao-Dur from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Clint from Stardew ValleyGus from Stardew Valley
Jodi from Stardew Valley
Kent from Stardew Valley
Krobus from Stardew Valley
Linus from Stardew Valley
Marnie from Stardew Valley
Mayor Lewis from Stardew Valley
Sandy from Stardew Valley
Robin from Stardew Valley
The Wizard (aka. M. Rasmodius) from Stardew Valley
Clemens from Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town
Jacopo from Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town
Karina from Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town
Flora from Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
Lars from Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town
Brynjolf from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Cicero from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Erandur from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Faendal from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Hadvar from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
J'zargo from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Miraak from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Seranna from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Teldryn Sero from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Ondolemar from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis from The Royal Romance - Choices
Iorveth from The Witcher 2
Vernon Roche from The Witcher 2
Julian Alfred Pankratz (Dandelion/Jaskier) from The Witcher 3
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy from The Witcher 3
Karen Hanatsubaki from Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3
Arihiko Inui from Tsukihime
Yumizuka Satsuki from Tsukihime
Alicia Rosales from XOXO Droplets
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers Masterlist
(Note! This is uncompleted! I'll be adding as I write!)
He Escapes
Broken Leg
Addams Husband
Gothic Mood Swings
I am Bonten
A Rat in Toman
Short Problems Part 2
Babysitting Duties Part 2
Mizo Mid Five
The Dark Knight
No Sharing! (D x M.R x M)
No Sharing! Part 2 (D x M.R x M)
Haitani Ran
Drunk Ran
Haitani Brothers (Ran and Rindou)
Smiley (Kawata Nahoya)
His Lucky Charm
His Prize
The Best Birthday Ever!
Kisaki Tetta
Mini Tetta Part 2 (Mini Shuji)
Peh-yan (Hayashi Ryohei)
Damn Rolos
Promise me
Pah-chin (Hayashida Haruki)
Third Wheeling?
Terano South
Just a friend Part 2 Final
Shiba Taiju
First Kiss
Shark Attack
Jealous and Overprotective Boyfriend
2 Year Anniversary
Birthday Surprise!
Family Thanksgiving
Sanzu Haruchiyo
200 Follower NSFW Special
Mochi (Mochizuki Kanji)
Small bites
Meeting the Family
(Name)'s Surprise B-Day Party
Hanma Shuji
Celebrity Husband
The Irresistible Omega
Happy Birthday Hanma
Checkmate Blondie
Baji Keisuke
His Tall Omega
Madarame Shion
Cat Shion
Kokonoi Hajime
Bonten's Secretary Part 2
His Omega
Mucho (Yasuhiro Muto)
Rich Boyfriend
Draken (Ryuguji Ken)
Our Stores
Sano Shinichiro
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
"My roommate’s boyfriend is staying over, so can I please sleep on your floor?" for Mocchi, smutty, pretty please with sugar on top? Congratulations on 3k and have a nice night~
Thank you so much, love!
Sleepovers: Kanji Mochizuki x Fem!Reader
wc: 870
tw: smut
3K Event Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Your hand hovers over your crushes door, post-knock. For a brief moment, you wonder if he's heard you and you turn back to where Izana stood moments before. But the Iota Kappa frat president is missing, leaving you to stand before Kanji Mochizuki's door. Alone.
"Y/n," Mochi mumbles, wiping the sleep from his eyes as you stand in his doorway. "What's up?"
"I have a huge favor to ask," you begin, clenching your fingers together. "My roommate’s boyfriend is staying over, and they're really loud when they... you know. I have a test tomorrow that I need to get sleep for, so can I please sleep on your floor?" Mochi pauses and looks at you seriously, blinking as if he's seeing you for the first time.
"You're saying Shion is staying in your dorm room?"
"And he's there with your roomie?"
"And they're--" Mochi waves his hand, trying to erase the mental picture.
"Yeah, yeah, come on in." You exhale in thanks and enter into the room, trying your best not to make too much noise. "Hey, take my bed, and I can go to Izana's room."
"Oh, no," you reply, eyes wide. "I don't want to kick you out of your own space!"
"Hey, it's no big deal," Mochi answers, grabbing his pillow and walking toward the door. "I just want you to get some good sleep. I can snore pretty loudly..."
"Listen to me," you urge, grabbing his arm. "Just..." You look toward the bed, inhaling deeply. "The bed is big enough. I'm sure we could both fit. I insist."
This results in you and Mochi trying to fit in the full-sized bed. You're crammed against his backside, and he's facing the other way, arm tucked underneath his pillow. But after you drift off to sleep, you awaken to Mochi's snores and your head crushed against his chest. His hands hold you against him and his rock-hard chest, pressing you close and swamping you with his warmth.
"Mochi," you murmur, but it's drowned out by the sound of his deep breathing. "Mochi."
He snores again, then nestles even closer, muttering something that has to do with "I'm gonna win this one" and "you're not gonna eat more than me, bro." You roll your eyes - he's such a dude - and try to wriggle free. "Nuh-uh," Mochi responds, still dreaming. "I'm the best."
You try to break free from his grasp to maintain some modicum of modesty, but all that happens is a soft grunting and nothing more. You're stuck. You turn around in his arms and gasp for air, inhaling deeply as he presses his hips into yours. "Fight me," he grumbles, snoring again.
"I'll fight you," you warn softly. "I'll make sure you wake up with a big, fat--" Then you feel it. The evidence of something more bucking against your ass. "Oh, shit." You still yourself as much as possible, trying not to rouse him with any more movement. If you... If you did... then...
"Is that all you've got, bro?" Mochi exhales deeply, and his breath tickles your ear as it passes. "Weak." You move your hips a little to see what he would do, and he doesn't disappoint.
"You like that, bro?" you hiss back, and Mochi doesn't respond for a minute - until he bucks back. "Thought you would."
"If it gets you to hump me like that, then trying to fight you in my sleep is worth it."
"Fuck," you hiss, pulling away from the man. "I--"
"No, don't stop," Mochi laughs, pulling your hips back against his. "Please, keep going. I was enjoying our little altercation. Do you really think you would win?" You open your mouth to say 'no,' but Mochi is already on top of you, grinding his hips into yours and kissing down your neck. "Hmm?"
"Oh, shit..." Your hand flies to the man's head and he smiles, biting his lower lip as his hands pull yours above your head.
"Surrendering already?" he wonders, moving your wrists to one of his hands and moving the other across your cheek. "You look cute like this... all hot and bothered." Mochi pauses, then smirks. "I'll bet that Shion and your roomie aren't really even together right now. You just wanted some excuse to come over here and seduce me."
"They are," you quip. "They are together."
"And you really have a test tomorrow?" You swallow hard. "Hah, who would've guessed?" Mochi resumes his touching, sliding a hand down your sweatpants. "I'm going to also guess you're wetter than a waterfall down here." A digit slips past your folds and you moan, spreading your legs further for the man you've always wanted. Who knew it would've been so easy to just...
"I'm gonna put you back to sleep for your little test," Mochi starts, adding another finger to your sopping wet cunt. "But I'm going to only use my fingers. Does that sound fair?" You can't say anything but a meek yes as Mochi begins to finger you, driving shocks of pleasure to your core. "Let's just call this a... pre-test exercise, yeah?"
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soranihimawari · 1 year
Rest Easy Love
Pairing: established relationship! Miya, A x reader
Word count: 2.8+K
Rating: MAF (miya atsumu fluff)
Warning: none? bath scene/tasteful nudity/fluff no smut/sfw
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It’s not everyday you’re on the phone with the athletic trainer for the MSBY team. You’re currently on a brief coffee break at your bookshop job. Your office is right next to the stock manager’s and your phone is currently on speaker at your desk. Although you weren’t too busy filling in the latest inventory order, when the phone began to ring you were perplexed by who was calling.
“Hi, is this yn?” The voice was quite filled with worry.
“Yes,” you sigh shortly after taking a sip from your mug. “What did Atsumu do this time?”
You hear the balls echoing the background and a frustrated yell you recognize only as Hinata’s at the moment in an attempt to quell the growing animosity between his own teammates.
“Is he ok?” You ask even though you know the answer.
“No, ‘fraid not,” the athletic trainer frowns. “How fast can you arrive?”
You glance over at the analog clock in your mini-office and give a reasonable time accounting for travel time to the practice arena.
“Fantastic,” the trainer says with a smile you can hear through the speaker. “I’m not sure how long practice can happen if he’s in a mood.”
You thank them and hang up. The stock and floor manager knock on your open door frame shortly thereafter, both giving you a hopeful glance.
“You should head out, the order’s almost done, right?” Mr Yamada asks. His bow tie and name tag has the kanji for stock manager written beneath his first name.
“Mmhm,” you nod, clicking save on the file. Your computer goes to into rest mode once you recover the ok to take the test of the day off.
The travel time was roughly a half hour by train to the arena from your work location. By the time you arrive you see an angry looking blonde bouncing his leg apprehensively while another setter is helping the rest of their respective teammates with the drills they were going over today.
You’re greeted warmly by both the coach and athletic trainer on duty during this practice. You were approached by both whom were wearing weary smiles on their faces. You greet them with a slight bow of your head before your eyes wandered to the bench your boyfriend was sitting with the most annoyed pout on his face. You know he’s itching to play with his friends too just by the way he is anxiously bouncing his leg.
“What happened?”
Your inquiry led to the coach giving you a bullet point version of a play gone wrong during the umpteenth time for a three on three match. Things weren’t going so well and granted on Atsumu’s last serve, he nearly bruised Bokuto and Meian’s upper arms respectively before the ball went out of bounds.
“…And after that, he had a temper tantrum which forced me to bench him the best of practice right after Yoru-San spoke to you.”
“I see. Thank you for calling me,” you smile before excusing yourself to confront the sourpuss of the MSBY.
You kneel down so your boyfriend’s eyes bore into your hardened ones. His scowl recedes and is replaced with a worried look. Atsumu is not one to trifle with two things: one was his mother’s anger and the other was to bring forth the look of death™️ you gave him right now. He knows he’s screwed the moment you said in a strict tone, “get your bag Miya.”
You were pissed, rightfully so, as you gave a friendly wave to the players who were playing the final set of their three on three match. Shortly thereafter, they came to greet you, and for whatever reason you felt, you implored them to forgive Atsumu’s tantrum earlier. Sakusa, though, speaks his mind saying that they were fortunate this incident didn’t happen at an actual match.
“I know, believe me,” you cross your arms over your chest. “I’ll talk to him guys.”
Glancing over your shoulder you see a glum blonde tapping his foot eagerly. His hand is wrapped tautly around his practice bag.
“See ya at the next match,” you receive a side hug from Hinata and Bokuto before walking over to the exit doors a few feet away from where Atsumu had been standing.
The ride home in his car was a quiet one. You looked past the lights and city’s dusk dusted skyline. The apartment complex you live in together comes into your preview and when Atsumu turns the engine off, you hear him shuffle in his seat.
“Atsumu,” your voice calmly stays as steady as you can make it. “Mind telling me why you almost injured your teammates today?”
He shrugs brushing it off saying some lame excuse about, ‘y’know how I am. Especially mah temper.’ You cross your arms and uncross them hurriedly when he winced at your aggravated sigh. Placing a hand on his bicep, you force him to look at you with a call of his name.
“‘Tsumu, you’re better than that,” you say this in a tender tone. 
It was his turn to sigh at this with a nod. He mumbled an, ‘I know,’ and it was in that moment you unlocked the passenger side door to let yourself out. You turn around to face your defeated boyfriend for a short while longer.
“You have two options right now ‘tsum,” you lean down and he stares at you blankly with his honeyed eyes. “You can wash up first without me while I order from your brother’s shop, or you and I can have a spa night with a blanket fort in our room. And your brother’s onigiri is still on the menu for tonight because I know how much you love his cooking.”
Roughly an hour or so later, you’re seated in front of your boyfriend in your shared tub. His hands are below the suds, holding you by the waist, playingfully feeling up your chest. You lean your head back, your hair feels like the softest spun silk against his pectoral muscle.You hear him hum the more you relax in his embrace. Though he leans forward to rest his forehead against your back right shoulder blade, he apologizes for acting out. Once the apology left his lips, the words happen to flow out of his mind as he vents about how today was a horrid one: to start, he loathes the fact you two have nearly three to five hour work hour differences; then the cafe down the road didn’t receive their shipment of cinnamon spiced syrup for his normal drink order (on top of them discontinuing the everything bagel with blueberry cream cheese); Sakusa beat him to the gym’s weight room entrance by five minutes, thus forcing him to parallel park (you’re better at it than he is); and finally the incident you were called in for had occurred…
“It was an accident, I swear,” he whined. 
“Oh my darling boy,” you pat the top of his head. He pulls you tighter, like he is trying to hide behind your body right now. “We should get out of the bath now, huh?”
You show him your pruning hands, he chuckles at that. “We’ll do some face masks after dinner arrives, yeah?” 
You stand to grab your towel off the hanging rack; he does the same in a few minutes time.
Eventually when you both are dressed in your night clothes, you’re sitting by the kitchen island counter where you keep the leftover open wine bottles. You’re halfway between naming the rose in the refrigerator when Atsumu’s phone goes off alerting you both Osamu was a few minutes out. The glasses you were to drink from were stemless ones and thus the conversation or lack thereof revolved around the unknown guilt the setter must have felt post loose canon-service ace.
“What if I’m benched for sure? What if mah temper makes us lose the next match? What then?” Atsumu’s whining and complaining is reminiscent of the time you initially met way back during a summer festival. Your school had decided to ask the student council of Inarizaki at the time, to rent out their track field. You may not have played a major part of your own student council, but your third year peers nominated you to be the face and coordinator for said festival. You were tasked with procuring and partnering with a nearby campus to house the pagodas for the classes who wanted to conduct businesses. Luckily, Inarizaki was not too far away, so nothing like an e-mail could fix, right? Wrong. Members of the Inarizaki student council’s e-board decided to interview you before even considering voting for your school to have their festival on their grounds. Lo and behold, your meeting with the council members had been scheduled during a time where volleyball practice was being held: thankfully a student in their designated tracksuit had the audacity to flirt with you first instead. He introduces himself as the better twin before you hear his name being called back to the gym. 
“See ya around blondie,” you wave. Seconds later, their captain of the volleyball team also introduces himself when he sees you round the corner past the gym as you mention you were looking for classroom 4-1. Now why would you be looking for the student council room was none of the team’s business according to Kita. Afterall, your uniform looked nothing like their own to begin with.
Years later, when you reconnect with said blonde, you were in Onigiri Miya asking for a to-go pick up order. He introduces himself as the brother of the owner. This was how he actually gave you his phone number, quite deliberate and to the point. You laugh a bit at how easily he was tongue-tied until you hear his name clear as day for the second time, “‘Tsumu, back away from mah pretty costumer before ya taint ‘em with your ugly-ass attitude…Sorry if he’s been botherin’ ya. Mah brother doesn’t know any manners.”
You shake your head telling the head chef and owner you didn’t mind his twin’s boisterous nature. You even make it a point to leave behind your phone number as well in case either of them were in need of a bookstore employee’s expertise. Who would have guessed the blonde twin beat his brother to the punch by asking you out first when you happened to stop by the onigiri restaurant a second time within two months? Certainly not the setter of a pretty popular professional team, his words, not yours. One date turned to three, then many more after that; the best date as of yet was the first match against the Adlers in the Tokyo Dome where after their winning point, you’re in the box with family and friends and your not-so-stealthy boyfriend runs to meet you in the middle of the media frenzy yelling a frantic, “Ya made it!” in between kissing your cheeks and you saying how proud you were of his accomplishments. Sure the media had shared various clips and the gossip circles finally had a face to the myriad of nicknames number 13 calls you by during pre and post match interviews. Hell even their social media pages both for the team and individual ones for the athletes blew up with well wishes and ‘man aren’t they lucky to be together’ or ‘get yourself a guy that looks at you the way Miya A looks at yn’ type of messages. 
Regardless, for all the trials and tribulations of being associated with the lighter ash blonde now, who is eating his brother’s specialty, one extra large, extra fatty tuna onigiri, you recognize the early signs of a burnout brewing. You don’t want to suggest him taking a season off to relax, to think, to breathe right now, although your pensive look while you enjoy your pork char siu stuffed onigiri might have given you away. You’re obviously a bit worried about his outburst and though you did have fights or spats in the beginning of your relationship with Atsumu, you both don’t recall the last major one off the top of your head. Maybe it was when he met your family for the seventh time ever and your physical appearance was being torn down at the high end restaurant where your aunt and uncle were holding their twentieth wedding anniversary dinner. You mentioned you looked better in a suit and jokingly asked to trade jackets with Atsumu right before leaving. You decided to leave your suit pieces behind and opt to change into a gorgeous sunset hued dress; it was form-fitting and truly accentuated your figure. For what it’s worth, you wore it because you loved that dress and haven’t had an excuse to wear it other than Aran’s wedding in the Maldives a couple of months back. However, when you had excused yourself to the outside patio area of the rented dining room, Atsumu followed you after sternly telling your parents off: ‘Yn looks great no matter what they wear. I loved them in the suit they were going to wear, but I also loved the dress they’re wearing now. What gives ya the right to ridicule ‘em like that, huh? Now if ya’ll ‘xcuse me, I got t’comfort yn.’
That memory sticks out in your mind as you glance over to where Atsumu is perched, happily tearing away at his onigiri. The frosted bottle of rose from the fridge sits uncorked in front of the two of you. You take a mighty swig from the bottle and place it back down. Atsumu nearly chokes when he calls you a heathen. 
“The glasses were right there!” he laughs as he points where they were–in front of the island, next to the sink, on the right of the closed dishwasher.
“Meh, shoulda brought ‘em over to me if ya had the time,” you shrug. “Besides, you looked so happy to be eating dinner.”
He hums as he finishes the last bite only to take an even mightier swig of the rose. 
“Oi, leave some for me,” you pout, swatting his arm. He smirks at you, promising the last sip to be yours. You drink the rest of the bottle and right before you can swallow it completely, with pursed lips, you kiss Atsumu point blank. You feel his hands tilt your head back a fraction and as the wine washes down your esophagus, his tongue licks the sugars off your lips in an attempt to thoroughly deepen this kiss. You’re in your right mind as is he when he stands to envelop you in his arms. You push him back a bit asking if it’s time for bed only for him to whisper a, “not yet baby,” causing him to kiss you once more. Only this time, like all the times prior, he lifts you up to carry you to bed; his lips trace your pulse point as a warning before you whisper out a whimper of his name when he nibbles a love bite on your neck. You don’t squirm, rather you relax your body more the moment you tilt your head more to the side for him to continue trailing your neck with sensually quick pecks each one lingering longer than the last.
“Say mah name,” he requests, no implores you to do so when he’s about to lay you down on your bed. You take his face in your hands and bump your nose against his whilst you nod.
“Atsumu,” your voice has a giggle in it he had come to memorize. “We should sleep here soon…”
“In a bit,” he cradles the back of your head as he lays you down higher than himself on the bed. He tells you to get comfortable while you open your arms for him, politely waiting for him to curl into your embrace. You run your hands through his hair reminding him everyone has their off days; every athlete whether professional or not, are going through the same trials and tribulations as him. He nods as his breathing evens out. You’re nearly half asleep yourself when you hear him say a word of thanks. 
“Anytime,” you deftly say. “Rest easy love. I’ll be here to wake you up in the morning.”
You kiss the top of his head as he snuggles against your chest. You lean down once more to tell him a few things you knew he needed to hear; it was the same thing he told you on your second date: ‘you are loved; you are valid; and you are proof that love for me exists.’ 
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rubylarkspur22 · 4 months
Tsuyuri Kikyo(🔥)
Who is Tsuyuri Kikyo? She is the former Flower Hashira, and the adoptive mother of Kanao in my Age/Fate Swap AU. Let's dive into her character a little, shall we?
Kanji: 栗花落 桔梗
Age: mid-late 40's
Status: Alive(retired)
Hair: black with a pink streak, worn in a knot with a flower hairpin
Eyes: blue, both eyes are blind
Clothes: purple kimono with blue embroidered flowers on the sleeves, black hakama pants, purple-laced zori sandals
Notable Features: scars of varying shapes and sizes on her arms, chest, and back, a rather large scar on her right leg, slight limp(more weight on left foot), smile lines and crow's feet
No nonsense: Kikyo will take exactly 0% of your BS. And despite some believing her use of Flower Breathing means she's weak, she packs a mean wallop. Even if you are her favourite person on this earth, she will take none of your BS. And her blindness has made her strikes no less true. She can and will knock you on your a**.
Caring: Kikyo is both a sisterly and maternal figure to her juniors and fellow ex-Hashira. She truly considers Kanao the child she never had, and only has a different consideration for Aoi out of respect for the girl's parents. Her care can be harsh, but you'll feel better afterwards... eventually
Perceptive: As a former Hashira and current medic and trainer, Kikyo has a perceptiveness only rivalled by the Hashira with special senses(including her adopted daughter, Kanao). Even without sight, she can readily provide a challenge to the Demon Slayers in her estate.
Stubborn: Kikyo is exceedingly stubborn. The only people to outmatch her stubbornness have been Tanjurou, Kie, and their kids. The only reason she retired was because she sustained damage that would prove life-threatening in the field.
Meiji Era Rumours/Secrets(This isn't ALL the interesting stuff, but the rest is very big spoilers for this AU, so they'll be left out):
The kanji for Kikyo's given name means "bellflower".
Kikyo is a Marechi. While not as rare as Sanemi Shinazugawa's, her blood is still considered a delicacy by demon standards. She became a Demon Slayer to better protect herself and those around her, after a demon attacked her for her Marechi blood and killed her boyfriend.
She actually beat up Tanjurou(Tanjirou and Nezuko's dad) one time. She gave the Kamado patriarch time to grieve the loss of Kie and the younger four kids, even taking in Tanjirou and Nezuko as needed, but decided an intervention was needed before her best friend drowned in the grief. While she loved the Kamado kids, she strongly felt the family needed to stay together.
During their run as Hashira, Kikyo, Tanjurou, Urokodaki, and Kuwajima were considered the quartet to beat. Even after retirement, they all have a reputation that keeps their juniors from getting too cocky around them.
Out of the four, Kikyo was the third to retire(after Urokodaki and Kuwajima, but before Tanjurou). Overuse of the Equinoctial Vermillion Eyes technique cost her her eyes, and very nearly her leg, so she retired so her girls wouldn't have to fend for themselves before they were adults.
Some art I whipped up.
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
I AM FULL OF TIKKA MASALA AND SPICED SWEET TEA AND GULAB JAMUN, I AM INVINCIBLE also i might crash and sleep from Too Much Food, let's GO
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Got Yukiko's updated persona. Weirdly, given how much I like her SLink, her bonus scene wasn't really much to write home about. EH. They can't all be Kanji and Chie, I guess, who have had the best so far.
Oh I finished up Naoto's SLink actually?
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Caaaaaaaalled it. It was pretty transparently an act put on by Naoto's grandpa to remind them of the joy of their youth, yeah. In that sense, it's really sweet!
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This bit is the most I've liked Naoto in the entire SLink. The bubbly excitement about having made Reverie a detective badge. It flashes! She made one for herself to match! Reverie is now obligated to be their assistant. lol.
Yeah I've now reached the end of Naoto's arc and got the upgraded Persona, and mostly I'm just ambivalent to Naoto. Again, in the MSQ, they're kind of great and I really enjoy his chemistry with the rest of the team? But solo, it feels like the SLink just didn't have much bite too it. It doesn't really do much except got "yeah Naoto really likes detective stuff and also needs to loosen up a bit." Much like Chie's was "Chie feels like the spare and wants to protect people." It's not bad but it pales compared to other options.
Though, SIDEBAR.
Man, Chie and Yukiko is crunchy huh.
I have a tremendous amount of sympathy for Chie. I've often had that feeling like i was the spare, the person left behind, who just wasn't as bright and talented as others. I feel very acutely Chie's desire to make herself useful to the people around her because she needs that niche or she'll be left behind.
I, uh, get that vibe from Yukiko honestly. She could do and go anywhere, and leave everyone behind her. Including Chie.
It's.... an uncomfortable, complex dynamic between them. It's not as simple as what you get from the start of the game, and I like it because it's conveyed a lot in how Chie's arc has a LOT of mentions of Yukiko but Yukiko's.... doesn't. To such a degree that it's, uh, telling.
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Teddie wants to play tag with Nanako in Junes, and Yosuke is at his MOST older brother. For a guy who didn't have a younger brother six months ago, he's taking to it swimmingly.
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everyone loves nanako so much sob
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wow kanji that sweater is so nice, did you sew it yourself? what's it made of, boyfriend material? hey where are you going
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do you ever think about teddie and when he chooses to be in the suit and when he chooses to be a humanboy. do you think the humanboy is more of a guise for him than the suit. does anyone else think about this? even when he is humanshape, he moves the exact same way as when he's a bear
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I love Teddie and wish I still had a modicum of his joy at simply being alive. He's so good.
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Teddrick Hanamura is my fave, I love him so much. He's so fucking stupid and heartfelt and loving and can bring people back to life with his love and he did sit-ups until he Pinnochio'ed himself and he's JUST SWELL AND I LOVE HIM
if kanji is my favorite character, it's very possible teddie is my second, and lemme tell you!!!!! what the fuck.
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blackhakumen · 10 months
Mini Fanfic #1123: Sharin' the View Together (Persona 4 Arena)
7:34 p.m. at Shichiri Beach........
Teddie: (Let's Out a Relaxed Sigh as He Watches the Sunset Alongside his Girlfriend Labyrs) Isn't the sunset beautiful in this time of day, Labby-chan?~
Labrys: Sure is. It's bright, orange, shows off it's reflection on the ocean pretty well. Kinda makes ya forget that summer's about to come to a close.
Teddie: (Places his Hand Onto his Chest in a Very Dramatic Fashion) 'Tis a shame for a joyous season to come to a tragic end!~ And even bigger shame that I, Teddie Haramura III, have fail to achieve my goal to become big and muscular!~ And less scary than Kanji-Kun.
Kanji: (In the Distance) Oi!
Labrys: (Snickers at her Overly Dramatic Boyfriend) Simmer down a bit there, Shakespeare, there's always next year. And I'm sure you'll be able to grow a muscle or two one of these days, not like need 'em to begin with.
Teddie: (Sits Back Down) Yeah, but have you seen Inaba's Finest Weekly? (Picks the Magazine Up Beside Him and Shkws Labyrs a Page or Two) Research states that over hundred ladies would rather go out with guys who are more manly and have beary huges muscles and biceps than those with skinny bones.
Labrys: (Shrugs) Then that's their preference, ain't no changing that. (Forms a Seductive Smirk on her Face) But me personally, I like my man sweet, handsome, a little on the skinny side....(Playfully and Gently Pinches Teddie's Cheek) And an overall cutie~
Teddie: (Giggles Ticklishly While Blushing) Oho Labby-Chan!~ You always know how to make my day even more brighter with your kind words~
Labrys: (Smiles Brightly) Well, everything I say is the truth, ain't it? I love ya to pieces, Ted!~
Teddie: And I love you pieces as well, my dear magnifique princesse~
Labrys: Ah~ I see your French is startin' to get better there~
Teddie: (Smiles Proudly as He Begins to Sparkle) You notice~ I work my absolute hardest to perfect my fluent in the language of romance!~
Labyrs: (Goes Back to Smirk) Just to try and impress me?~
Teddie: (Let's Out a Loud Gasps Before Pouting and Turning Away woth his Arms Crossed) To become a respectful gentleman, thank you! ('Sighs in Defeat') But to....also impress you, yes.
Labrys: (Chuckles Lightly as Put her Her Arm Around Her Teddie and Pull Him into Loving Hug) You are such a casanova dork!~ But I appericate your efforts though~
Labrys starts kissing up on Teddie's cheek, causing him to giggle once more, for a few seconds before taking a look back at the bright, orange sunset in question.
Labrys: ('Sigh') But yeah, the sunset here does look gorgeous. 'Sure 24 would love to see this too.
Teddie: (Turns to Labrys With a Bit of a Confused Look on his Face) 24?
Labrys: She's a friend of mine from way back, the first friend I've ever made to be exact. (Begins to Frown) A friend who's......not here with us right now.
Teddie: (Frowns as Well as He Realizes What Labrys Meant by her Wording) Oh no....I'm so sorry for your loss, Labby-Chan.
Labrys: (Smiles a Bit Sadly at her Boyfriend) Thanks, 'hun, but really, don't worry it. It's been like, what? A few years since she been gone? I've already made my peace with that since then. (Looks Back at the Sunset) And I'm definitely sure she wouldn't want me to sit around and mope about it all day n' night. Best I can do is to honor her wish and keep livin' my life forward from here, till the bitter end or whateva'..
Teddie: (Gives Labrys a Reassuring Hug and Smile) And I'll be more than happy to stand by and live through life with ya, Labby-Chan. There's still a lot we don't know about the world around us, but I'm 1005% positive that we'll get to experience all of it in no time!~
Labrys: (Snickers Some More) Don'tcha think you lotta percentage ya got there, Ted?
Teddie: Why, of course!~ How else am I gonna show you how beary serious I am?
Labrys: Welllllll, you could be a gentleman and give momma some kisses~
Teddie: Hmmmm....... Seems like a pretty tall order. (Smirks Seductively) But if it's a request made by my beloved knight princesse, then who am I to refuse?~ (Starts Kissing Up on his Girlfriend)
Labrys: (Giggles Ticklishly by Teddie's Love and Kisses) Your French is startin' to lose it's edge already, Teddie Bear!~
????: Hey! Lovebirds!
The couple cease their romantic antics for a sec as their turn their attention to Kanji, Naoto and Nanako in the mid distance, picking up their stuff for today.
Kanji: We're about leave soon, so quit foolin' around already!
Nanako: (Smiles Brightly) Dad just called. He already sliced up the watermelon for us! Cone on!~
Teddie: Oooh!~ Watermelon Slices!~ (Gets Up From his Seat)
Labrys: What do they test like again? Been wantin' to test onr for myself, but I never got around into doin' so before.
Teddie: It's only the most yummiest fruit ever made on this planet!~ Unless you put salt on it. Then it'll taste salty and bitter. (Offers Labrys his Hand)
Labrys: (Accepts her Boyfriend's Gesture as He Helps Get Herself Up on her Feet) Really now? And does it has the same taste effect when ya put pepper on it?
Teddie: (Starts Walking Towards His Friends While Holding Onto his Girlfriend's Hand) You know, I'm not sure. Yousuke used to forbid me from laying a single finger on the pepper shake, so I never know what it'll taste. Ooh! Do you think we should combine that with the salt with one of our slices when we get back?
Labrys: Teddie, that's the craziest idea you ever thought of. (Smiles Brightly) I'm in.
Teddie: Ye!~
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