damnedpmd · 4 years
Prologue 1/2 : New Beginnings
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White, nothing but blank whiteness was all Nyx could see. But soon the mist in her vision cleared, and Nyx saw before her a cloudy paradise, large castles of crystal tearing the sky.
Nyx was in awe looking at the scenery, but she was at a loss of where she was, is this a dream? She feels much smaller than normal... Lifting up her arms and looking at them, she notices she had paws, "that's not right... This has to be a dream..." The girl thought to herself.
Eyes move from the paws to see the crystal floor below reflecting herself, she expected to see a blond haired girl with comfortable attire. But instead she sees a cat-like nose, weighed down ears with a green eye on each, and white, pink and purple fur. Was she a Meowstic now? That can’t be right.
The now Meowstic’s thoughts were disrupted by a voice behind her, "Woah! This place is so pretty!!" A brownish Mawile with cute mint clothes hopped up and down in her spot, face beaming and mind clear of an anxiety.
Nyx also takes notice of a purple-orange Zorua lying face down on the cold crystal floor, sleeping behind the Mawile.
"This is all... Very detailed, for a dream." Nyx describes, she looks around more hoping to see anything or anyone else of notice.
There was a brownish, or rather orange Snivy, having come to and standing up straight, muttering to himself in the process.
“Ugh…Note to self… Houndooms are nasty folk…” His eyes seem to widen with realization, “Wait… How the heck am I still alive?!”
The Snivy had noticed a still unconscious, scarred Espurr.
“To loot… Or not to loot…” He seemed to mutter to himself as he slowly approached her.
“Hmm… Against my better judgment, not loot,” The Snivy decides while crossing his arms as though they would go against his head and do it anyway. “She might help me when she wakes up.” He concludes.
A pretty yet strange looking Lurantis looked about, pausing her investigation of the area to help up a newly awakened Morgrem.
He responds to her help by shoving her away harshly, she kept a distance in respect of the Morgrem though hurt emotionally from his reaction.
“My… You shouldn’t be so mean… Where are we?” The Lurantis questioned.
“Fuck if I know, back off lady.” The blue Morgrem with red eyes hissed back at her, making the distance between them wider.
A Braixen was there, sitting and keeping to herself, oddly calm despite the strange situation. As did a male Meowstic, keeping distance from anybody else and anxiously examining the scenery, eyes clouded with distrust, there was no way he could trust anyone here.
The Lurantis tried to approach the male Meowstic, but he threatened to scratch her by hissing and swatting a paw at her when she got close. She questioned how unapproachable all these Pokemon were.
The Lurantis approaches the Braixen next. Having given up trying to converse with the rude Morgrem or the Meowstic with trust issues.
“Dear, do you know where we are?” She asked her. The Braixen spared the Lurantis a glance, then shrugged in a slack manner. “Eh, dunno. But I can tell you who I am though, Linnea.”
“Linnea… Quite the lovely name there. I’m Kaori,” Kaori offered a soft smile in politeness. “I cannot get anything out of those two, though,” Kaori spoke with a voice just as soft, gesturing towards the Morgrem and the male Meowstic.
 A bladeless Bisharp, spun his head around looking around, head clouded with confusion. He remembered his bones broken, and the cold stares of a public eyes looking at him as he was left to die.
Was this a dream of the afterlife? He sees the others in the same situation as himself and reasons, maybe this was the afterlife. The Bisharp continued to gaze around at the others, trying to read further into the situation, trying to keep his cluttered mind at ease.
A Frapple groaned, he could barely feel his arms! He puts himself aside to ask an important question. “Where in the world am I?” And then a few other questions. “Where are my items?! Only I can be the one to evolved here! Not them!”
A dark purple Vaporeon wandered aimlessly face scrunched up with worry, he trembled with fear and tears fell like rain from his eyes. He tried to speak but his words were constantly interrupted with stutters, not that he could help it.
“A-A-A-Am... I dead? R-R-Really, really D….D-Dead... Oh wh-what have I done? What did I d-d-do... Oh dear me...” He continued to shiver and cry, unable to bring himself together.
A light purple Braixen sitting just a little bit further from the Vaporeon, was in contrast, much more calmer.
Having accepted this situation and his own fate with a clear head. He enjoyed his own peace on the floor, a peace that felt nice though like a stranger compared to his past chaotic life.
A Zoroark stood silently, they also were shivering like the Vaporeon, but not from fear, oh no, far from that. This Zoroark was pissed.
 “WHAT IS THIS, THIS IS FUCKED UP! WHY AM I HERE?! DO YOU THINK I DESERVE THIS?! WHAT THE FUCK.” They yelled, they hated the place and everything in it.
An Umbreon stood emotionless, cold and unaffected by the situation or the Zoroark’s dramatic and loud reaction.
A Mightyena in royal robes went down in a breakdown of laughter... And tears. He only cried and hysterically laughed to himself on the floor like a madman.
“Hey” The Snivy poked the Espurr, “Hey, Espurr, get up. I’m seeing a lot of weirdos here.”
The Espurr stirs awake, glares at the person who had dared interrupt her sleep. “Fuck off” She hisses. “Hmm…That’s quite the mouth you got there” The Snivy comments, not bothered by her attitude.
Nyx looked at all the others, examining them carefully and taking notes about some of them. The Zoroark is probably one to avoid with that sort of temper, a very odd Frapple, a calm Bisharp, both Braixens were rather calm which was suspicious but also did show they had a responsible head on their shoulders, there was also a too-nice-for-her-own-good Lurantis, Nyx noted she would be easy to befriend if needed to.
But in conclusion… They were all very odd but they seemed just as confused and clueless as she was. The more dramatic reactions of the others amused her a bit but also made her more worried.
“Where was I before this...” Nyx flinched at the thought, that's right she died... She sighed to blow out some of her uneasiness.
“What is going to happen now?” She patted the large coat of fur that decorated her neck, the softness was comforting. It’s almost like a portable stim toy, Nyx giggled at that thought.
The Snivy takes notice of the female Meowstic who was lost in her thoughts. He waved and called out to her, “Hey! You there! You’ve been watching us right?” Nyx looks up from her coat of fur to gaze at the Snivy.
“PLEASE, PLEASE I’M SORRY, I’M SORRY FOR WHAT I’VE DONE, PLEASE FORGIVE ME... PLEASE, PLEASE...” The Vaporeon’s emotions all spilled right out, unable to contain them all he cried them all out.
The purple Braixen headed over to the Vaporeon with intent to offer him help and comfort . But seeing the Vaporeon’s reaction, brought up by the  Braixen’s own negative emotions he had pushed down, he fell face down to the floor in a breakdown.
And now, in the background we observe a screaming Zoroark.
"Mm?" Nyx tilted curiously, "Yes, I have bee-" Nyx flinches at the loud noise from the Vaporeon and Zoroark, she was tempted to yell at them to shut up. But that would ruin her image so she bit her tongue and turned back to the Snivy and approached him so they would not have to yell to converse.
"Do you have any ideas about what's going on? I'm pretty confused to be dragged out of my normal life to this... Sort of dream-like place" Nyx asked with an awkward smile, continuing to pat her coat of fur to relieve the anxiety.
"No idea." The Snivy answers, shaking his head. "One second, I'm being horrifically burned to death, the next second I'm here."
So he died too before coming here... "Is this the afterlife?..." Nyx in a daze, let her thoughts slip out. "Well, given the scratched up state of Miss Foul Mouth here, I'd say probably." The Snivy guesses with a shrug.
The Umbreon stood, expressionless, but yet, his cold eyes seemed to slowly get colored with fear, his mind was at unrest. He knows what he did, he fears what is to come.
The Mightyena didn’t offer any aid at all, he was sputtering out words in a hysterical frenzy. “I DID IT… I DID IT… AHAHAHAH, I DID IT!... THOSE FOOLS ARE DEAD FOR SURE… AHAHAH… I’M A SINNER… I’M A SINNER…. HAAHAHAHA.”
The Umbreon began to approach the group, away from the group of Pokemon having mental breakdowns, he didn’t wish to be with the group of screaming morons. They ought to be insane with how easily they snap at just about anything. He stood closer to the calmer Pokemon keeping his cold and stoic expression, determined to not let his fears known to the others. He kept his silence, observing all the other ones that were with him in this.
"You want in on the conversation?" The Snivy asks the Umbreon, having noticed how he had approached.
“I rather... Not talk about mine...” He responded avoiding eye contact, last thing he wanted was to think about his death.
The Umbreon kept up the cold aura, but seems that aura goes unnoticed by the Vaporeon, who suddenly ran over and clung to the Umbreon, “OH WHAT HAVE I DONE... WHY DID I DO THAT... WHY, WHY?” More waterfalls fell down his cheeks. The Umbreon hesitantly pushed the Vaporeon away, but he persistently clung onto the arm of the Umbreon like a magnet.
The Snivy shrugs, ignoring the scene with the two Eeveelutions, he kneels down to the Espurr. "So, how'd you kick the bucket?" He asks the Espurr, who still laid on the ground, "Listen here you snake, I don't take orders from you."
The purple Braixen managed to gather himself back together and came over as well, though with hesitation. He approached the group, whilst adjusting his crown and cape. Smiling, he spoke, “... I guess we’re here for a reason... Perhaps? Although I can’t imagine what it would be…”
The other two had calmed down, but it seems like it would be rather best to leave them alone at first... As they seemed to have been through a ray of emotions already.
Kaori moves on to talk to the bladeless Bisharp, finding him approachable and also having no topic to continue speaking with Linnea. "Excuse me, do you know where we are...? You seem at least approachable-"
The Bisharp shrugged, “I wish I knew, last thing I remember was being tied up as they were beating me with clubs... As though I was some sort of pinata”
Being reminded of death, Kaori responds with sorrow, "Oh... That is horrid... I was executed. That's all I remember."
“It was, I knew it was risky to try and join a new kingdom but I didn’t know they were that keen on finding me...”
The Bisharp talking about his past seemed to cause Kaori to mention more of her own. “I murdered my own husband because I was scared of him, the man was abusive,” Kaori explained to him, “I feel so horrible about it...and..rightfully so, I was executed by hanging. Though now....now I'm here.”
“Sorry to hear what happened to you,” The Bisharp bowed a bit.
“It is alright,  but.. everyone is so loud…” Kaori spoke quietly, “I'm a bit scared now honestly…”
"Really?" The Mawile bumped into Kaori and Bravo's spaces. "I think it's lovely~" She said with a childish tone. "By the waayyy... What should we do bout that Zorua? She doesn't seem to be getting up. I tried poking her and kicking her, but nothing worked! Is she dead?”
Bravo looked at the Zorua “Maybe just not into this whole thing by the looks of it.”
“I think you shouldn’t bother, Miss Zorua here... You know...” The purple Braixen gave a sheepish smile to the Mawile after sparing the sleeping Zorua a glance.
Having come to their senses and having a stronger grip on their emotions, the Mightyena and Zoroark came over and joined in. The fox seemed like they would snap at any second. While of course the Mightyena seemed to be twitching, but he did a good job of keeping himself under control.
The purple Vaporeon’s tears soon ran out and his cheeks were dry. The Umbreon was able to kick him away as the Vaporeon rolled onto the ground unable to carry his own weight anymore, his mouth spoke up before his brain would follow, mumbling inner anxieties, “What… Have I done…?”
“Shut up and stop being a baby already. Be grateful for being here, you deserve it more than I ever could hope to,” The Umbreon snapped and glared down at the Vaporeon, then snapped his head away from the Vaporeon not caring to look at him anymore.
The Snivy gave a weak glare to the Espurr in response, "Okay, you're rude as heck. I'm gonna find someone else. That Lurantis looks nice, Hey! Lurantis!"
Kaori looked over, being the only Lurantis in this strange place "Hm?" This all was a bit too much for her, but she managed to keep calm.
"These guys giving you trouble?" The Snivy asks, to which Kaori would shake her head, "No not really."
"Well, this is the afterlife, no other explanation. Not gonna lie, I expected more Grim Reapers."
"The afterlife is more lovely than my actual life, so I'm happy to be here I guess.." Kaori spoke, looking up at the clouds and colorful sky, as well as glancing over at the glittering crystal towers piercing the sky, then she turned to the Snivy, "It's just a bit loud, or..was at least…" She glanced over at the loud group, being the Zoroark, Mightyena and Vaporeon, but was careful not to stare for even a second too long. Bravo followed Kaori’s gaze to them, and chuckled, giving his agreement. “Yeah…”
“My life was kind of an asshole, you know. So I don’t mind being here either” The Snivy responded, after also having taken a moment to admire the scenery
"I must tell you, my life was horrid as well... Living with an abusive husband. I never got the chance to raise my own children." Kaori stared down at the reflective ground, at her reflection of a face shadowed with regret and scrunched up with sorrow, “I murdered my own husband, a horrible crime.”
"Eh, I'd say you were justified. When someone's being more of a detriment to you than a help, you either leave them behind or get rid of them. It's common sense." The Snivy tried to offer comfort, seeing the Lurantis’ expression from his short height.
"I hope that man is in hell." Kaori muttered with words dripping with pent up hatred for the man mentioned.
"Well he's not here with us, so maybe. That reminds me, we’re sure this isn’t hell, right?” The Snivy looked up at the Bisharp for his response.
"I don't think it is, and I sure hope it’s not..." Bravo shivered at the thought.
The other Pokemon in the group seemed hesitant to share their past. But it seems like the Purple Braixen came out first in a form of a lil poem... Or well he tried through...
“Long away in a distant land
Lives a kingdom of Trio of Clans
All of them had once become one
shattered friend ends them well
The sole ruler wept and cried
Though he twisted his own mind
‘I’ll take everything, you’ll have none’
Soon the war has become
Shattered thrones come alone
More flags burnt into stone....
Then the king turned his back..
Fallen times... Off his head”
But however, before any of them managed to brew up a response for the Braixen’s story, a new voice joined in.
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loosesodamarble · 4 years
Main OCs as Pokemon Trainers (900th post special)
I don’t show it enough but I really do like Pokemon. I like a lot of the pokemon themselves, the world, plots, the activities outside of gyms, and a lot more.
So I decided to do something fun and give my main three OCs (Haruka, Shizuka, and Helia) their own Pokemon teams. I might make teams for more of my OCs in the future, but I’ll stick to these three for now.
They won’t be mono-type trainers but their teams won’t have too much type variation in them. I’m mostly giving them thematic teams based on their stories, personalities, and what they might like. I’ll give their teams as fully evolved pokemon and the reasons for having it on their team.
Haruka Ayume —Primarina: Haruka would’ve gotten a Popplio from her father Hayate since he’d specialize in water and flying-type pokemon as a pokemon trainer. I feel that the fact that Primarina’s voice is a strong aspect of its design complements Haruka’s struggle to use her own voice. Finally, the fairy-typing of Primarina goes along with the mystical theme that Haruka has. —Zoroark: This pokemon is known for its illusions, befitting Haruka’s Quirk. Plus, Zoroark shares Eijirou’s red and black color scheme. —Hatterene: Hatterene are solitary and reclusive, much like Haruka before she learns to open up. Just like Haruka, they’re not fond of loud noises. The psychic/fairy-type combo with all the magical implications suits Haruka too. —Galarian Rapidash: Keeping with the psychic/fairy-type trend, Galarian Rapidash is noted for its pride and bravery, traits which Haruka doesn’t have initially but learns from her loved ones. —Musharna: The last pokemon for the team is a psychic-type, fitting int with most of the others. The mist Musharna creates can change color and manifest the dreams its eaten much like how Haruka’s Quirk causes her to release a color-changing mist as she makes her illusions. —Togekiss: Togepi evolve with friendship similar to how Haruka grow as a person when she finally makes friends and their shells are said to be filled with the kindness of others. Togetic shower people with happiness and Togekiss avoids conflict like Haruka does.
Shizuka Hisasue —Meganium: Shizuka would’ve gotten a Chikorita as her first pokemon from her mother, Kaori. Shizuka works with plants to make incense and soap, thus she would start out with a grass-type pokemon. The flower around Meganium’s neck is also noted to be quite fragrant. —Lurantis: Another grass-type and this one also has a very nice aroma to it. Lurantis leans into Shizuka being a fighter, having the blade-like arms it uses to attack. —Aegislash: Shizuka is a swordswoman. Aegislash is a sword. What can I say? This: Aegislash lowkey symbolizes Shizuka’s need to learn that she has to defend herself in battle just as much as she needs to attack her foes. —Corviknight: A reference to the kasugai crow Shizuka would have as a demon slayer. —Lucario: A pokemon known for training hard to master the use of its aura, much like how Shizuka as a demon slayer trains to master her Breath Style. Lucario are loyal with a natural sense of justice, much like Shizuka too. —Gallade: This pokemon is stated to have an “honorable warrior” image, be protective, and helpful, all things Shizuka would strive for. Plus, one of Gallade’s main colors is green which is a color I associate with Shizuka.
Helia Nymvire —Whimsicott: Helia uses Flora magic and has a fae aesthetic to her character, thus the grass/fairy-type combo is perfect for her. And Whimsicott is such a soft, fluffy, and adorable pokemon. It would be a perfect match, Whimsicott and Helia. —Shiinotic: While Shiinotic is a mushroom and not plant, it’s is still grass/fairy. Plus, it’s glow-in-the-dark properties reminds me of her Moon of Winter spell. —Comfey: Pure fairy-type and is good with support/healing in a team. It also gives flowers to the people it likes, just like Helia. I could see Helia’s Comfey sitting on her head like a flower crown or hanging from her neck like a lei. —Mudsdale: One of Helia’s spells creates a horse (out of plants) so she can ride a horse like Mudsdale. She’s also a fan of playing in the mud so a muddy horse suits her well. —Lilligant: The species is noted to be popular for its beauty and Helia herself is quite the beauty. This pokemon is like what Helia could be she had been raised as nobility in the capital. —Leafon: A graceful little grass-type for Helia that evolves with lots of training around a certain area. Helia trains and grows as a mage with the Black Bulls.
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