#karma rant
karmaduck1 · 2 years
How is amnesia lazy? I think it's interesting and fun to explore :(
Boy you're in for a ramble.
It's mostly because of the way it's used as an escape button when an issue doesn't have resolution. We saw it in the DSMP because, c'mon, we knew Dream wasn't going to die and neither was Tommy + they needed some sort of redemption arc for Dream so he can take part in season 2 of his own SMP, the thing is that felt pretty damn useless? Because that's no actual redemption, Dream never felt bad for torturing and killing Tommy, they just forgot and because they forgot it didn't happen ^^
And they're not the only ones that have pulled the amnesia plot for a dire situation like that. We know some characters can't die because Karmaland isn't over and if they eventually make Karmaland 6 and they want it to be a direct continuation to Karmaland 5 if someone dies it could be... Complicated... Right?
Except it's not! We had other ways for dealing with those issues. Want an example? REVIVAL, MAN!!!! Alexby did die once and came back to tell the tale. They could've given the war a violent resolution and have their characters revived later like Alexby did. Maybe even have the survivor party feel bad for what happened because it didn't have to end like this? Maybe, who knows.
But let's say that's off the table for x or y reason... At beginning of Karmaland there were many theories about the heroes coming from different universes, not from the same Karmaland, what does that mean? It means that they can kinda pull a GTA Roleplay move, aka killing a character and bringing in another one to replace them, example? Auron roleplayed Gustabo in GTA Roleplay, but he killed him in the beginning of London Eye Roleplay, and he continued roleplaying with Toni Gambino. An option there could've been having either Quackity or Luzu killed and replaced by another Quackity or Luzu from another universe, and considering the multiverse is canon in Karmaland it would've opened the doors for something pretty cool to explore.
Another way, and this one is pretty simple... Is to just stop the war. How so? Well we saw that Sapo Peta could make it so Quackity and Luzu couldn't harm each other, remember that Luzu tried to shoot Quackity and nothing happened? Well there you have it.
And yet another way was to leave the end of the war for Karmaland's finale so that they could really have one killed without affecting the season.
Now with all of this I don't want to say how ccs should do their stories, I just want to point out that there were many ways to work with what they had going.
Amnesia isn't necessary a bad plot, if it's worked with it can give us a lot of content, take for example Lolito! He pulled the amnesia card in Karmaland 4 and did pretty well, people were trying to take advantage of him, there was some comedic relief AND HE EVENTUALLY REMEMBERED! He worked with that one and it was good.
To finish this I just want to say that although I hate amnesia plots when they're used as an escape button, it's not necessarily bad, lots of people enjoy it and that's okay, but being overexposed to that sort of plots just turns you into some kind of Grinch for them and that's what I am right now, I've had to deal with at least 5 amnesia plots in this same year and it's getting awfully exhaustive.
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arthursfuckinghat · 7 months
Sometimes, I'll be doing a mission with Dutch and everything is fine.
Other times, the light will catch his face in a way that makes me seethe.
I get reminded that Dutch got to age, he got to grow grey.
Did Arthur get that chance? Jenny, Mac, Davey, Sean, Kieran, Lenny, Molly? Did any of them get to grow old together?
Why didn't they, Dutch? Why didn't the gang survive? Why didn't they get the promised virgin lands in the west? Why did you outlive them?
Go on, Dutch, go ahead. I'm listening.
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karmaramen · 5 months
the toshiro/laios fight tickles my brain. i relate to both of them and it makes me a lil sad seeing people hate toshiro with such vitriol.
like as an autistic poc one of the major ways i mask is emotional repression. and while im completely oblivious to some social cues, i'm keenly aware of others, to the point where i'll be bottling stuff up and stressed tf out by this weird balancing game!
i innately want to appease people, to the point of playing nice even when i'm uncomfortable. i genuinely want to get along with everyone, but sometimes that's impossible. my nature to try to help everyone can often contradict itself and twist into appearing two-faced or duplicitous.
toshiro doesn't hate laios, but they aren't as close as laios thought they were either. it's not clean cut one way or the other. they fight, they talk—and yeah—its on toshiro to speak up and not make assumptions. but they're able to come to a mutual understanding and i think that's really neat since i resonate with them and my own internal conflicts!
all this to say im gnawing on ryoko kui's writing. really cool stuff going on. the parallels foils and interactions between different characters are so tasty.
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musashi · 2 months
How did the "Phoenix sent Miles letters and then MVK burned them" headcanon belief turned an actual thing people believe happened even come about?? I truly have never seen a fandom so hellbent on making people conform to their headcanons that they literally make up things and pretend they happened in the games. It doesn't even make sense with MVK's character but I guess people are too hellbent on portraying him as comically evil.
ace attorney fans are very bad at playing ace attorney. tons of them will readily admit to not watching playthroughs or playing themselves but instead getting all of their knowledge on the canon through fanfiction and fanworks.
they are quite literally playing telephone. and the fandom is actively hostile to new fans, because we come in and say 'this fanon is directly contradicted by canon?' and IMMEDIATELY get dogpiled en masse by the 6 high school bullies in charge of What Fanon Is Allowed. obviously, that scares new fans off--if a fandom doesn't even respect the canon, then anything goes, and whoever wins is whoever shouts loudest.
no one wants their fandom experience to be shouting. so they move onto fandoms that are more welcoming, and only the nastiest people are left. it sucks, and ace attorney is bar none the worst example i've seen.
and like i said, it all just comes back to the fact that miles edgeworth is the fandom darling, very easy to project onto because fandom is often full of traumatized social outcasts who struggle with immeasurable amounts of self-loathing. miles edgeworth is like crack to them. but to acknowledge that he is a complex person who can make mistakes and hurt others means acknowledging that so can they. they are not brave enough or mature enough to do that, so they make all of miles' choices not his own, but the action of some faceless abuser in the shadows who "made him that way" or forced him to hurt others.
that's also why these same people go CRAZY when they encounter people who identify with and project onto a character like mvk. as someone with OCPD, i find manfred very relatable. i love that he's canonically disabled, i love that he's canonically neurodivergent, and i love that he is easy to project my own OCPD onto. when i bring this up in fan spaces, all respectable debate goes out the window and the naysayers just start reciting quips and memes at me instead. they cannot argue against it because they see the logical contradiction--why is it ok to project onto miles, but not onto manfred? they cannot allow me to expose that hypocrisy.
if only its transparency lead to any productive discussion about it. sadly, these people are just beyond help or debate, and so all i can do is block them and ignore them and pray they stop making sockpuppet accounts to harass me and my friends for liking some made-up collection of pixels.
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madeofvoid · 2 months
Convinced a long time friend of mine to stop waiting and get her HRT. She took her first dose today and noticed a change in her mood instantly.
It may take months or years for you to notice the effects, but don't use that as an excuse. Its never too late. Sunken cost is a fallacy for a reason.
If you often find yourself contemplating "being the girl" in any situation, idc if its smutty or sfw, its because you probably are. Cis people don't do that. Don't wait, being a bystander to your own pain and discomfort is violence unto oneself. Go fucking get it. Just do it, I swear it makes a difference. It's hard, yes, but it'd be no easier to live in pain.
Also, generally ignore the TERFs. I've seen them honestly debate if Joanne Kathleen Rowling is cis herself. They're unreliable narrators at best and delusional by default. (Protip: Dissenters may floss with razor wire at earliest opportunity.)
Odds are you won't regret it. More people regret knee replacement or cancer removal surgeries than starting hrt. Trans-trenderism is a fallacy rooted in selection bias. Inertia was a real phenomenon before it had a name.
Don't want top surgery? Aight dont get it. Don't want bottom surgery? Aight dont get it. Gender euphoria is about you and what makes you happy. (Protip: cis chasers are for one night stands only. Wear gloves.)
Family doesn't agree? Forget about them, they only care about the idea of you in their minds. Make friends, form bonds of choice because those will always be stronger than bonds of force. (Protip: the full quote reads "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.")
Religion in the way? You should probably second guess that, anyway. Any doctrine which boils down to "bro just trust me" should be discarded. There are plenty more gods you can worship who view you as sacred. (Protip: There are explicit records of the sumerian deity Ishtar having transfem priestesses dating back to c~ 2000 B.C.E. Look it up.)
Too expensive/cant get an appt? r/DiYHRT exists. If not there, then there are comprehensive guides on 4chan's /lgbt/ board.
In a state where it's banned? See above. Move if you're able. If not, just fucking lie on your medical documentation. Get a P.O. box somewhere as an address and use that on medical records. With telehealth appointments and the proliferation of MyChart, it's stupidly easy to get treatment from a doctor and never have to see them. (Protip: this is legal and will likely remain that way for corporate interests. Abuse the system.)
p.s. any terfs found on the premises will be dealt with in accordance with the second ammendment. you've been warned. goodnight.
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rowretro · 5 months
Pls ppl be dragging Jojo Siwa way more than Oli London....
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tech-obssessed-shark · 6 months
prowl rant:
(I haven't gotten through a lot of the Transformers IDW comics, but I'm up to a point where Starscream is kind of in charge of Cybertron, and Swearth just happened in MTMTE so just context)
Prowl's a jerk- like he's done a lot of bad stuff- but... I feel like some of the things he's went through is pretty rough. Something that keeps sticking with me was the moment where it was realized the Prowl wasn't in control of his own body and nobody noticed.
I honestly don't know what I'd do if I was Prowl. These are the people you've worked with for millions of years, and yet they didn't even realize when you weren't yourself. That would be horrible, no matter who it was done to. Even Prowl was shocked at how nobody noticed he was being controlled, just a prisoner in his own body. To make things worse, he then was forced into a gestalt bond with people he hated. Yet again he was made to attack the people he worked with and even considered some of them his friends.
The thing is that Prowl had done a lot of things in the past, things that weren't done under the control of anyone. It left him alone. The only people who stuck by his side from that point on were the Constructicons, who were the ones he was FORCED to bond with from before.
While he was dealing with all this, he still had to deal with the fact that Spike(someone who he trusted) straight up told him that he never trusted anyone of the Autobots, including Prowl.
(I'm not going to include the whole Tarantulas thing because I'm not there yet but I KNOW it's messed up)
I honestly feel like his story is just the definition of karma. He's hurt so many people that he can't even remember them, and in exchange he's been through a lot.(I'm still mad about the whole AH YES PUT A WAR CRIMINAL ON A SHIP NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN-) I find he's an interesting character, who's not a "good guy" but is still considered to be on the "good side"- which is just an example of why I like Transformers so much. Everyone feels like shades of greys than just whites and blacks. Like THEY REDEEMED MEGATRON- THEY JUST DID THAT- So yeah anyways Transformers slay, Prowl had it coming(the horrors), and go read IDW.
tldr: the idea of being not in control of your body or actions is scary and the fact that those you trust didn't notice is worse- I feel like Transformers has some of the worst torture methods out of anything i've read really-(We're not everything starting on what happened to DAmbius aka THE PET-)
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ohwhale-exo · 1 year
I swear there’s not enough Karma x Reader out here. I feel deprived of him he became my guy as soon as I saw him like 👀 🤭
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biscuit-sheep · 1 year
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Did more duo drawings of characters that are siblings/have sibling dynamics. Then we have a drawing of Maya I did in 10 minutes cause some kids at the place I worked at wanted to do a drawing competition (judgement never took place). Then we move onto the drawings I actually did today so Beanix and two Kristophs because I think about him a lot.
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karmaduck1 · 2 years
Atleast it's not as bad as dsmp ending, atleast quackity suspects something is off, hopefully they will get back to normal after a while because I trust rubius
Yeah okay, you got a good point there, the DSMP finale SUCKED for so many reasons and some of them revolved around the amnesia bit; Karmaland isn't over, so it should bring us hope.
I just really pray for things to be fixed in a good way, not just "haha, forget this happened and be friends or else ^^" because that's just not the way, they might make the same mistakes that led them towards that hatred in the first place, and given that things are happening exactly as they did when they met? It's very likely history will repeat itself.
Actually, you know what, maybe I don't hate that idea so much 🤔🤔 maybe that's even a good way to work with the plot, with history repeating itself and triggering the memories they forgot? Sapo Peta would have to understand then that what he did was not going to fix things permanently and pulling that card again would only make this a vicious cycle.
Could also be a good lesson, fixing things by forgetting isn't a solution, but acknowledging the wrongs and letting things run their course is.
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yufcourse · 1 year
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smalllone · 2 months
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THE NERVE 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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zymstarz · 4 months
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yeah sure that's how i'll [re]come out
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#zymart#zymtalk#rant in the tags ->#okay listen to me this is really important and also i have a witness. this was not intentionally supposed to be posted on june 1st#the stars just aligned for this to be at its funniest. which means its also easier for me to dismiss LOL#i drew this like a week ago after trying to draw a whole like. 5 page comic about it and then stopping it mid-board#bc it was horrifying imagining being perceived that much. so i needed to make it into a joke instead and this was the funniest route#and then i was like 'UGH. UGH!!!! i can not be 20 and deal with this like im 13. if i dont post it by the end of the week#then [the witness to all my rants on this topic. shoutout to twig bc they got the most of it] can joke abt it as if i did anyway'#and now its the end of the week and i looked at the date and went 'oh my god didnt may just start what happened'#'WAIT ITS JUNE FIRST. GOD. THATS TOO FUNNY TO NOT SAY SOMETHING' and who am i if i dont prioritize the bit honestly#in all honesty. kinda hate it! not bc of internalized homophobia but actually bc of internalized arophobia that has somehow been emphasized#after having my brain shift from '1000% aromantic without a doubt no exceptions' to 'just arospec ig lol??'#but tragically as it turns out. you can not just try and self analyze yourself into speedrunning closure.#horrible news for the oscar zymstarz community frankly#SO i needed a way 2 justify shoving this off my plate and into the trash as fast as possible.#im impatient and cant acknowledge my own emotions. its a flaw im working on it#oh and for all the ppl who know the running gag abt 'my allegations' [i do not have any real allegations for anyone not in jems server]:#that was in fact just a running gag for like well over a year and a half. like that was just a long running bit COMPLETELY unrelated to thi#i only started having this weird sexuality shift or whatever not too long ago lol. like long enough to go through 4 of the 5 stages of grie#[evidently bc like. im posting this. i got close enough to 5 to throw in the towel ykwim]#but on 'oscar zymstarz emotional acknowledgement' time that is....... not long.#but yeah ig tldr like. still ace [thank god] just arospec [probably demiro? i hate trying to figure out my own labels] instead of Aro now#idk none of this is that deep but also like it kinda is unfortunately bc i have to actually talk abt it to be able to ignore it ykwim#but i did! we're done talking abt it now! and now i can act like i dont care and try to make jokes about it to speedrun the rest of it#anyway. Happy Pride everyone. Fukign kitty.#side message to jem. by no means does this mean im not still gonna bully you. its a sign of love but also it is you specific bullying 🫶#you are not safe#edit: this is karma for saying 'thank god'. might be demiace too. this is the worst month of my life /j
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bloodymyhands · 1 month
aegon and alicent being mirrors of each other in a twisted sort of way, he's the son most like her but also the one she "likes" the least. what an interesting, delicious dynamic, i absolutely love it
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dreamyeyedrose · 2 months
listen if we brat summer our way out of fascism I'll fuckin take it
#ravi rants#historically speaking the best way to shut down asshats that violate the social contract of tolerance is to mock them#idk man maybe I have a different perspective on all of this because I'm part of the desi diaspora#but like.... so Indians won't always obviously call out violations of social decorum#if you're making an idiot of yourself or you're making a scene. other people will stand by and let you do it.#my therapist and I talk about me coming from a high-context Asianic cultural background like I do a lot actually#because the thing about Indian decorum is that. like.#one. you protect yours. if your friend is actively intervening in on something there's a reason and it might be helpful#but two. if someone's breaking decorum.... we allow them to do so in order to figure out why.#if someone's ex is crashing a wedding and successfully gets the floor they'll get heard out#and everyone will be paying attention#because the thing is those kinds of overt violations of decorum usually happen for a reason....#Indian soap operas are A Lot™ but listen. a party might be the right time to call someone out on being abusive or manipulative#because the whistleblower can be escorted away to safety by them and theirs.#and usually you have to be able to know enough decorum to get to the point where you make a scene#and Indians respect the hustle. we'll hear you out.#the Hindu gods are notorious for being like 'alright smart guy. here's your wish.'#the gods will readily admit if they've been outwitted#but you're an idiot if you think you'll get away with fucking with the natural chaos of samsara and karma forever :)#however. there's also Hindu parables of asuras and dumbass humans realizing they fucked up and taking the L with grace#and the gods respect that#but lol. fascists aren't respectful.#Richard Spencer shut the fuck up after we all saw him get punched#conservatives are having a mental breakdown over being called weird while insisting that a cis woman is a man#and I'd like to remind everyone that the social role of a court jester is to keep everyone humble#bc dude. if you're getting butthurt over the clown ribbing you. maybe calm the fuck down? look in the mirror?#you may be a king but the larger the seat you hold#the better your toilet plumbing should be
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querido-eh-dump · 9 months
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