#karo's backstory
karoiseka · 14 days
7) Morsel
((7.0 spoilers in the most BROAD of senses...And.... welcome to something that started during I think last year--if not the year before's FFXIVWrite... someone finally has a name, and 7.0 created some VERY big revelations for me with Karo's backstory. ^_^ many thanks to @lagolepuri for brother's name, and help brainstorming for Karo's original))
Not for the first, nor the last time, Rremeyo tugged on his turban to hide his ears better, while attempting to walk straight as he hid his tail as well.  It was preferred to the stares he got walking from the small clay hut his mother had gotten them to stay in to the market to get the meager morsels of food they could afford.  Luwateninyawawsa was a town of all Tonawawata–and being Hhetsarro made them stick out.  Not that anyone was directly cruel to them, but the stares were much for him to endure, being as young as he was.  His mother kept her head high, and though she wore the same garments as he to blend in a bit, she did not hide her Hhetsarro features.  
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Rremeyo missed the family tent.  He missed the clan, and the road.  He missed the animals and the sound of nature.  Most of all he missed father and little Khrrosaka.  They had left several moons prior, leaving him and his mother in this strange town, selling the tents and animals for the little dwelling on the edge of town.
No matter how many times he asked, he could not get an answer on where they had gone, why, or for how long.  He would catch his mother on the second story porch looking out towards the giant bridge that led to the Southern part of Tural, tears streaming down her face.  It was his only clue.
He lost track of the days and moons that came and went, slowly becoming more at ease in his new home, but joining his mother on the porch in the evening, looking to the bridge.  He had slowly allowed himself to stop hiding, the village having grown used to seeing him dart through the streets.  He earned them a meager amount of pel from running messages and small errands, being quick on his feet, and quicker to find his way around.  With everyone knowing his face, there was little reason to hide. 
Then one hot autumn day–over a year since they had been living in the small village–a solitary Hhetsarro walked wearily to their door, ears and tail hanging low.  And as his parents embraced, tears streaming down their faces, all the young boy could do was howl.
Where was Khrrosaka?
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ace-malarky · 6 months
Weekend WIP Game - DnD Edition
Here's the DnD edition of the weekend game!
Scenes are numbered etc, not necessarily in chronological order just in. uh. alphabetical order in obsidian...? it's all good I know where they are
Dumb of Ass, Snake of Tits (local dragonborn monk leaves the monastery, instantly falls in with the wrong crowd, somehow sticks the landing. Characters; Maverick, Nelaeryn, Venphina, Tosh (Temerity, Aria)). Scenes in progress; 16
Hunter’s Mark (local tiefling ranger gets hired to track down a company asset, ends up in the revenge business. Characters; Temerity, Aria (Maverick, Nelaeryn)). Scenes in progress; 3
The Many Lives of Makaria Trapeiros (local tiefling gets betrayed by her family, swears vengeances, wreaks vengeance, falls in love, fakes her death, runs away. Characters: Makaria/Luci/Chant, Pahzrasi, Lathlaeril, Telbi, Amos, Carbonne, Tosh, Karo (Maverick, Nelaeryn)). Scenes in progress; 7
The Ol' Razzle Dazzle (local goblin escapes a cult, learns magic, makes friends. Characters; Razmatazz, Maja Grothuul). Scenes in progress; 2
The Games
Three by Threes: For each filename you receive in your ask box, reply to the ask with 3+ NEW sentences on that WIP.
Lore Corner: Answer questions about your WIP. It can be anything from headcanons to backstory that you have for your WIP that don’t even make it into the fic. Askers - get creative with your questions!
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waechter · 7 months
4 gegen Z re-watch (Part II)
[super long post; use J on PC to skip it]
Hier ist Staffel 1, Episode 8-13:
Z findet, dass Julia intellektuell ist und bei ihm in die Lehre gehen sollte - das nehme ich jetzt und sage, dass Zanrelot auf kluge Frauen steht und demnach Jonas Mutter eine herausragende Magierin oder Wissenschaftlerin ihrer Zeit war (beides würde sie furchtbar unbeliebt zu ihrer Zeit machen) 
Julias größter Wunsch ist es, einen historischen Krimi zu schreiben
Z: “Doch nicht etwa meine Zeit”
Matreus: “Ich fürchte schon”
Saschas größter Traum ist es, ein Trendforscher in New York zu sein
Saschas größter Traum ist es, Julia zu heiraten :) Achso, halt, das war Leos Traum xDDD
Leos zweitgrößter Traum ist es, einen Hund zu haben :)))) 
Otti: möchte bekannter Musiker werden
Pinkas: möchte Modell werden
So süß, dass Leo am Esstisch zwischen Julia und Sascha sitzt und ganz bestimmt nicht so tut, als wären sie schon verheiratet und sie hätte wieder einen Papa :’D 
Zanrelot über Otti: Kleines Genie
Zanrelot über Karo: Schlaubergerin 
CANON: Zanrelot hat Matreus mit magischen Fähigkeiten beschenkt Oh, die Manipulation, die dabei mit im Spiel sein muss!
Das wäre auch so eine Folge, in der es logisch gewesen wäre, Jona einzuschalten? Oder zumindest zu versuchen ihn zu erreichen?
Aber die Frage ist ja…, was wäre Karos größter Wunsch? 
Matreus trägt ein T-Shirt mit Zielscheibe
This is funny
Karo sieht Kasimir in dieser Folge! Weil Kasimir ihr hilft in der Unterwelt
Warum wird Z nicht schlecht auf seiner rotierenden Plattform 
Z kann Kasimir sehen! Selbst, wenn Kasimir sich unsichtbar macht
Die Watze sind fast alle ausgestorben, und es hört sich fast so an als hätte Z sie alle umgebracht?
Zanrelot sagt auch, dass Matreus ein guter Schütze ist
Keine Ahnung, was man mit der Info machen kann, aber Matreus ist canon GUT in etwas
das ist die Zanrelot-Backstory Episode
Wie aus dem Hagenbecker Tierpark Tempel Shanghai wurde - einfach fantastisch 
Außerdem gibt es jetzt Hinweise auf Zanrelot in China - keine Ahnung warum, da fällt selbst mir keine Erklärung mehr ein
Das magische Buch hat mindestens 623 Seiten. Danach sieht es nicht aus
Jona lässt sich seine Sachen klauen… so ein typischer Jonamoment
Trendbüro von Sascha… das ist sein Beruf. Er ist ein Influencer in 2004
Schreibschrift auf dem grün linierten Papier in diesem bunten Heft - oh mein gott, Kindheit in Deutschland pur
Canon gibt es: Liebestränke, Heiltränke und Zeitreisetränke
Leo macht einfach mal den Liebestrank alleine - sie hat einfach auch so ein großes Potenzial, ne gute Magierin zu werden :( 
also Zanrelot war mal “eine unschuldige Seele” und “Mensch” - aber er hatte ja schon Magie, bevor er mit dem schwarzen Abt paktierte
Er war also ein geborener Magier.
Matreus war es laut der letzten Folge nicht.
Jona müsste ein geborener Magier sein, weil Zanrelot sein Vater ist? Näher wird der Canon das wohl nie ankratzen. 
Wenn jemand Zanrelot davon hätte abhalten können, sich mit dem schwarzen Abt einzulassen, dann wären es Sascha und Julia gewesen! Die hätten ihn doch einfach adoptieren können :( 
So, jetzt Canon
Ok, die Lübecker sprechen ja so eine Art Platt
Und jetzt stelle ich mir Jona und Matreus vor, die das auch früher gesprochen haben
Bürgermeister Wullenwever wurde geköpft
Franz ist ein Bastardkind von Wullenwever, aber heißt Olte - Das muss dann ja seine Mutter (gewesen) sein
Der Herzog von Braunschweig hat die Ermordung von Wullenweber angeordnet 
Die zeigen ja auch sein Bild im Medallion!!! 
Und der wurde auch hingerichtet, weil durch ihn Lübeck aus der Hanse austrat und Krieg mit Dänemark und FUCK hätte ich im Hansemuseum mal besser aufgepasst!!!
Der Wikieintrag ist auch so verdammt lang 
Der ist auch am gleichen Tag gestorben
Wullenwever hat Z gesagt, er sei was besonderes, also wusste er vermutlich, dass Z magisch begabt ist
Zs Mutter ist an der Pest gestorben und Wullenwever hat sich um ihn gekümmert
Zs Mutter war die Magd von Wullenwever
Da Wullenwever es nicht war, war wohl seine Mutter magisch begabt?? Oder ist das so eine Harry Potter Sache, wie bei Hermine? 
Warum hängt der schwarze Abt einfach so in der Gaststube ab? 
24. September 1537 da war Franz so etwa… äh… elf? Jahre alt?
Sagen wir mal er hat in der Zeit von 1547 - 1577 Jonas Mutter getroffen und ein Kind mit ihr gezeugt
Dann wäre Jona zum Zeitpunkt von 4 gegen Z 457 - 427 Jahre alt
Matreus ebenso, wenn sie sich als Kinder gekannt haben
Näher kommen wir der Sache wohl nicht
Warum sagt der Wirt explizit, dass es “schwarze Magie” ist? Gibt es gute Magie, die den Bürgern recht ist und die sie akzeptieren? Stichwort: Jonas Mutter? 
Die heilige Inquisition - dazu gehörte der schwarze Abt? 
Julia redet nicht über Karos und Leos Vater :(( Weil sie Angst hat, dass ihre Kinder dann wieder traurig werden
Pinkas und Ottis Mutter hat die Familie verlassen
“Dann könnte ich mir wenigstens einbilden, dass sie uns ein bisschen gemocht hat”, wow. Pinkas, ich sage das nicht häufig, aber ich möchte dich gerade in den Arm nehmen und trösten
Franz Olte
Wer auf tumblr war das, dem aufgefallen ist, dass Franz Olte nicht Zanrelot ergibt und da ein F fehlt? Zanfrelot, Zanreflot xD 
Und warum hat der schwarze Abt ihn damals überhaupt bei sich aufgenommen? Wo ist da die Backstory? Weil er sein Talent erkannt hat? 
Das ist doch der gleiche Schauspieler wie der aus der Gaststube, oder?? FUCK, Gesichtsblindheit
Sind der schwarze Abt und das Mitglied der Inquisition der gleiche Typ?? 
Durch den Zeitreisetrank hat Otti alles vergessen, was er in der Vergangenheit gesehen hat
urgh das ist diese gruselige Schönheitsfolge
“Und bring deinen Bruder (Pinkas) mit” - das ist nicht Karos Bruder! Aber alleine das macht die letzte Folge mit dem Liebestrank nur noch unangenehmer. 
Wo ist Janari denn hin? Warum auf einmal Larissa? 
Julia, du bist 34!! Warum denkst du über Falten und graue Haare nach?? 
Diese ganze Spiegelszene ey. Karo ist ELF JAHRE ALT I know this is the point, aber das ist so creepy
Und dass Zanrelot das alles mithört als son creepy old dude ist noch gruseliger
achso, er macht sich immun gegen schöne, gute Sachen xD 
“Euch, Meister. … Euch.” (dramatische Musik im Hintergrund und Matreus guckt als ob er noch drei Sekunden davon entfernt ist, Zanrelot zu hintergehen. Warum??)
Matreus legt seine Hand auf Zanrelots Schulter, why. Just. Why.
Selbst, wenn da schon festgestanden hätte, dass Zanrelot sein Onkel ist… asdfghj i don’t like it. Das macht auch überhaupt keinen Sinn! Matreus ist dumm. Aber nicht so dumm.
Sascha und Julia flirten miteinander, sweet
Ohh, aber Karo erzählt von ihrem Papa :( 
Oh Gott ist das kitschig zwischen Karo und Pinkas 
Z kann halt echt in der ersten Staffel gar nichts, er ruft für jeden Scheiß Matreus 
“Wo warst du?”, fragt Z Matreus
“Ich musste mal” OK CANON es ist CANON es gibt ein Badezimmer in der Unterwelt und Matreus muss zumindest trinken wie jeder normale Mensch auch! SO! Woher kriegen sie ihre Lebensmittel? Fährt Matreus einmal in der Woche zum Rewe? Haben sie da einen uralten Brunnen? KOCHT Matreus für ihn und Zanrelot? Wenn er trinken muss, muss er auch essen (und in season 3 essen die auch!).
Schläft er?? Wo schläft der arme Kerl? Schläft Zanrelot?
ich glaube ihm nicht, dass er nur mal pinkeln war
Mit der Szene von zuvor ist das… asdfghjk wieso verhält sich Matreus so verdächtig?
Gabs mal ein anderes Drehbuch? 
Karo/Pinkas? Bäh. Ekelig.
Otti/Larissa? It’s ok. It’s kinda cute. As cute as it can get for eleven year olds. 
Matreus begeht casually Grabraub
Und SORRY, ABER als Bestatter muss ich jetzt sagen, dass Hedda noch nicht annähernd so sauber skelettiert wäre. Es ist nicht mal ein Jahr vergangen. Die ist noch voll in der Verwesungsphase. Was Matreus da geöffnet hat, wäre entweder ne flüssige Matsche oder schwarzes Leder, aber definitiv keine sauberen Knochen
Und der GERUCH
Junge, du müsstest danach so stinken, dass selbst Zanrelot hätte würgen müssen, Bösewicht hin oder her
Nora Jones ist eine von Julias Lieblingsmusikern
Ok, moment. Matreus hat den Trank vorbereitet?
Er kann das? Er kann Tränke brauen? Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass er in der zweiten Staffel ein kleines downgrade hatte
Zanrelot hat grünes Blut; das vergesse ich gern mal öfters
HALT Matreus hat rotes Blut! Das sieht man in Staffel 3!! Er ist also nicht komplett böse! 
Der Trank funktioniert so: Zanrelot trinkt ihn, spuckt ihn auf ein Foto, einen Knochen und ein Taschentuch von Hedda und dann kann er ihren Geist kontrollieren? 
Matreus hat den Humor eines Fünfjährigen 
Klar, Otti spielt im Dunklen bei Kerzenschein Klavier
Die Unterwelt hat ein Verlies
für Matreus funktionieren die Löser nicht, er sieht nichts als er die Brille aufsetzt, aber vielleicht funktioniert die Brille auch nicht, weil er sie in dem Moment für sich selbst benutzen möchte? Wie bei Pinkas und seiner Mathearbeit? Magisches Potenzial hat Matreus ja, weil er… ein Magier ist.
Warum sind Matreus’ Haare diese Folge so extra verwuschelt? Cute
Matreus singt wieder! :D 
Leos Papa als Geist T.T
Otti sagt: Scheißkerl!
Deutsches Kinderfernsehen.
Der ist gestorben als Leo fast drei war
Die alten Wächter von zuvor haben ihn geschickt, was wohl heißt, dass Geister anders nichts zurückkehren können
Warum Wächter aber zurückkehren können, wird nicht erklärt. Magie vermutlich
Und Julia denkt, Leo hätte einen Albtraum :( 
Und Sascha steht da im Türrahmen und FUCK ich liebe diese Familie
Zanrelot: “Wo ist das vierte Kind?” Er weiß ja noch nicht mal alle Namen der Wächter! Und Matreus ist währenddessen schon dabei, den Kids Spitznamen zu geben (“Karolein”) 
Zanrelot: “Wer ist das? (zu Matreus) TU was!”
Tu doch mal was selbst, du alter Sack. Ich verstehe echt nicht, wie Matreus sich das über 400 Jahre hinweg angetan hat. 
Zanrelot nennt Matreus einen Idioten :( Aber irgendwie lustig. So tadelnd und in einer “Er ist ein Idiot. Aber er ist mein Idiot”-Weise
ich bin so verwirrt??? Leos Papa sagt die ganze Zeit: Im Namen der alten Wächter
und dann: niemals werden WIR dir Lübeck überlassen
War er Wächter?? Aber er hat doch in Hamburg gewohnt!
Leo headbutts Zanrelot in the nuts xDDD 
Sagt Zanrelot: “Dreh dem Wächter den Hals um?” ?? AUDITORY PROCESSING i can’t hear without my subtitles!
Aber wenn Leos Papa ein Wächter war, dann ist er deshalb vielleicht wieder "beruflich" nach Lübeck gegangen, nachdem er sich davon zur Ruhe gesetzt hatte, als Karo oder Leo zur Welt kamen. Aber er musste zurück für eine letzte Mission und wurde getötet? Das ist bestimmt nicht canon, aber schöner, trauriger headcanon :) 
Kasimir kann die Löser benutzen. Ich denke mal, weil er nicht sich, sondern den Wächtern helfen will? 
Kasimir macht mal wieder Jonas Job und rettet die Wächter
“Jona wird für euch da sein, wenn ihr ihn braucht” Ja klAR 
Hedda hat einen Geist umgebracht xD 
Karo casually blocking Zanrelots Angriff by herself?? Und sie besiegt ihn??? HALLO 
Ah, der Papa heißt Sven
Warum darf Karo keine Zeit mit Sven verbringen???? 
Ok, es liegt vielleicht an der Zeit, aber die Szene zwischen Sven und Leo ist asdfghjk traurig
und sie besuchen Heddas Grab T.T 
Ich lache mich darüber tot, dass Jona einen Stein GEGEN Pinkas’ Fenster werfen wollte, aber sich verschätzt und der Stein einfach mal durch die Scheibe fliegt xD
total unauffällig
Jona liegt auf einem Bett und kriegt was zu essen. Nature is healing.
Es gibt einen magischen Schlüssel zum Holstentor
den braucht Zanrelot, um nach oben zu kommen
und gleichzeitig kann man Zanrelot damit vernichten
warum hat Jona den nochmal in seiner Haut? 
ja, Karo, ich schlafe auch immer ein, indem ich schwach aufstöhne und dann nach hinten falle. Obwohl Jona vermutlich wirklich so schlafen geht, arbeitet sich bis an den Rand der Erschöpfung bis sein Körper einfach aufgibt
Leo, drei Sekunden später: WER HAT HIER WEN GEKÜSST?!
Sascha küsst Julia mit einem “guten Morgen, Schatz”, weil er so in Gedanken ist und sfghj ich stehe auf so eine kitschige Scheiße
Jona in der bisexual-Decke xD 
Wie ist das auf der Polizeiwache abgelaufen? Er hat doch bestimmt keinen Perso, keine Krankenversicherungskarte, keine feste Anschrift oder sonst irgendeinen Weg, sich auszuweisen
Otti sagt CANON, dass Jona ein Freund von Tante Hedda ist! Vor Julia und Sascha! 
“Und wir haben ihn ein paar Mal getroffen” - Jedes Elternteil würde da ALARM schlagen, holy fuck. “Ein Freund von Tante Hedda”, der sich mit Kindern trifft, ohne, dass die Eltern davon Bescheid wissen. 
“Ins Untersuchungsgefängnis - da wird dann festgestellt, ob er überhaupt noch zurechnungsfähig ist” Neee. So funktioniert das nicht. 
Ok, es sind Kinder, aber wie schnell die Wächter ihren Glauben an Jona verlieren :/ 
- 6 Monate auf Bewährung wegen Antiquitätenschmuggel
Außer Pinkas! 
Sogar Leo zweifelt an ihm!
Die Antiquitäten waren magische Gegenstände, für die Jona “Kopf und Kragen” riskiert hat 
Hedda kann das Buch der Wächter auch als Geist benutzen!
Die Brause, mit der man sich teleportieren kann, solange sie im Mund hält - aber den Zettel mit der Adresse muss man auch kauen xD
Jona hält es drei Sekunden in der Zelle aus, bevor er den Verstand verliert :’) Mit seiner Aussage, dass er gerade erst aus Zanrelots Kerker entkommen ist, oh sweet, sweet angst :)
Und er bittet Hedda um Hilfe :( 
Wie er sich über die Kinder freut
Jona: "Und ich dachte schon, Hedda hätte mich aufgegeben"
ICH MÖCHTE eine ABHANDLUNG über diesen Satz schreiben
Warum denkt Jona, Hedda KÖNNTE ihn aufgeben? Wo sich schon so lange kennen?? Something something, die Wächter nutzen Jona aus
Matreus really said: i don’t care, I’ll just use magic in front of Sascha and Julia 
Polizeiobermeister Matis.
1) Hat er Polizeiobermeister vermutlich nur gewählt, weil Obermeister sich in seinen Ohren so toll anhört
2) sind seine falschen Namen so unfassbar dumm xD 
Sascha und Julia gehen in die Unterwelt :D 
OK SASCHA wusste, dass die Kids ein “Doppelleben” führen, aber dachte, es wäre eine "Online-Internetfirma"?? 
Sind Zanreloten Roboter? 
Moment - Jona sitzt im Gefängnis und Zanrelots Macht steigt einfach mal sofort auf 98%?? Ist Jona als sein Gegenspieler so mächtig? 
Julia sagt jetzt, dass Zanrelot eine Sagengestalt ist? Ich dachte, wir hätten in Episode 2 klargemacht, dass jeder weiß, dass es ihn gab??
Jona telefoniert laut in seiner Zelle… er hat einfach auch null Gehirnzellen
Julias und Saschas erster Kuss :) 
Zanrelot: "Was ist Liebe?"
Das ist irgendwie so fucking traurig
Zanrelot wird auch einfach mal von einem Kuss so angewidert, dass sie entkommen können 
und natürlich verlieren sie ALLE Erinnerungen an Z und auch an Jona, also sind sie wieder bei Null
und die BESTE SZENE wo sie alle Jona umarmen :))))))))
Fuck, Udo Kiers Stimme kann halt echt so verdammt cool und gefährlich klingen.
Es wird auch irgendwie nie erklärt, was passieren muss, damit Zanrelot 100% Macht erreicht. Jetzt redet er von Angst - und das stärkt ihn so weit, dass er den Bann durchbrechen kann? Wird er stärker, wenn andere Angst haben? Weil das… also DAS wäre ja mal eine nette Idee für eine FF.
Wir starten mit Karo/Pinkas. Ich kotze
“Karo, du musst sofort kommen, ich glaube Jona stirbt” ist ein Satz, der genau so in der Serie gefallen ist. Und es ist irgendwie witzig. 
41,9 Grad Fieber??? He really is dying. Warum liegt er noch unter einer Decke??
Jona kann spüren, dass Zanrelot kommt. Kein Wort davon, dass sie verwandt sind und warum Jona das spüren kann, wenn sie in dieser Staffel offensichtlich nicht verwandt sind, aber er weiß es.
458 Jahre, 309 Tage, 21 Stunden hat Zanrelot in der Unterwelt gesessen
Hedda bestätigt: Jona ist kein Wächter.
Der schwarze Abt hat das Siegel zur Stadt
So you’re telling me: es gibt zwei mächtige schwarze Magier, die in Lübeck gebannt sind? Wo kommt der schwarze Abt her? Warum lebt der noch? Und warum hat er das Siegel der Stadt? 
WOOOOoooo haben Matreus und Zanrelot das Schiff her? Wie segelt man aus der Unterwelt in die Trave? WIE?!
Zanrelot kommt ein Jahr plus eineinhalb Tage nachdem sie Heddas Erbe angetreten haben, nach oben
Also Zanrelot hat diesen Schlüssel jahrhundertelang bei sich in der Unterwelt aufgehoben, damit er den schwarzen Abt treffen kann, wenn er an die Oberfläche kommt
Matreus war für den Schlüssel verantwortlich, i WONDER how Jona got that key
Zanrelot spricht davon, dass sein Zorn Matreus bis ans Ende seiner Tage verfolgen würde - also kann Matreus sterben; ich wünschte, ich wüsste, ob man so etwas auch zu jemand Normalsterblichen sagen würde, oder ob man da getrost hinein interpretieren kann, dass Matreus sehr, sehr lange leben würde
Zanrelot glaubt, Hedda hätte den Schlüssel stehlen können - vermutlich als sie noch selbst eine Wächterin war. Hedda muss einfach Karo hoch 3 gewesen sein in ihrer Zeit.
Es wird zwar nur durch Matreus’ abgewendeten Blick angedeutet, aber ich glaube, dass er auch verantwortlich für Jona war, als er im Kerker in der Unterwelt gesessen hat. Oh, the possibilities :) 
Ok, die ganze Unterhaltung zwischen Matreus und Zanrelot beweist wohl, dass es in der ersten Staffel nicht canon war, dass Jona und Zanrelot verwandt sind. “Der Mentor der Wächter” - Zanrelot, meinst du deinen Sohn?? 
Matreus stellt die richtigen Fragen! Warum braucht Zanrelot das Siegel?
Zanrelot ohrfeigt Matreus. This. Is. Unacceptable. 
Aber zuerst: Zanrelot ist mächtiger als der schwarze Abt es jemals war!, laut Matreus.
Was ja irgendwie bedeutet, dass Matreus den schwarzen Abt auch getroffen haben muss, um das zu beurteilen
Zanrelot kann es gar nicht leiden, wenn man den schwarzen Abt beleidigt. 
Der schwarze Abt hat Zanrelot also irgendwie großgezogen. Da war Zanrelot zehn als sein Vater gestorben ist. 
Zanrelot bedroht Matreus ganz offen mit dem Tod. Drei Mal bisher in der Folge. Und irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass er es auch ernst gemeint hätte. 
"Jede Hansestadt besitzt ein Siegel. Es ist wie eine Königskrone. Ein Zeichen der Macht." 
wie Matreus zu Leonie “Buh!” sagt, ist zu gleichen Teilen pathetic und süß. Sie ist sieben Jahre alt, Matreus. 
Matreus haut Otti mit Pinkas k.O. - ist auch irgendwie lustig
Der schwarze Abt ist im Holstentor hinter einer Tür, deren Schlüssel Zanrelot hat und er wartet da in seinem Zauberbannkreis seit 458 Jahren. Und die Wächter haben es nie für eine gute Idee gehalten, den schwarzen Abt einfach mal ganz zu bannen? Oder ist es nur Jonathan gelungen, den Schlüssel zu bekommen? in 458 Jahren??!
Der schwarze Abt “schläft”. 
Ich hatte vergessen, dass Zanrelot bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch immer das Bild seines Vaters bei sich trägt!!
Liebende können das Siegel zur Stadt nicht empfangen. Aber WAS ist das Siegel zur Stadt? Serie, explain!!
Ok, mit dem Siegel bekommt Zanrelot die Macht des schwarzen Abts und dadurch würde seine Macht grenzenlos werden - woher Otti letzteres weiß, weiß ich nicht
Franz hat blonde Haare und blonde Haare werden rezessiv vererbt, wenn das andere Elternteil dunkle Haare hat. Also hatte Jonas Mutter dunkle Haare. Wow, wir wissen so viel über sie! 
Zanrelot vernichtet sich selbst. 
Zanrelot ist literally so pathetic. “Hilf mir, Matreus. Hilf mir.” Shut up and die. 
So und der schwarze Abt geht jetzt wieder schlafen? Ist er frei? What?! 
In der nächsten Szene im Holstentor ist der schwarze Abt WEG. Sorry, das kommt mir vor, als wäre die Szene erst sehr viel später gedreht worden als klar war, dass es eine zweite Staffel gibt. Denn ansonsten: WO ist der schwarze Abt? 
Und Matreus hatte ja noch nie die klarsten Motive für sein Handeln, aber warum bringt er Zanrelot überhaupt zurück? Was hat er davon? Warum schwingt er sich jetzt nicht selbst zum schwarzen Magier empor? Warum hilft er dem Magier, der ihn DREI MAL diese Folge mit dem Tod bedroht hat?
Warum sehen wir Jonas und Heddas Reaktion nicht auf den Sieg? Das wäre so süß gewesen. 
Season 1 - final thoughts
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass die erste Staffel so konzipiert wurde, dass man an sie anknüpfen könnte, aber in sich abgeschlossen war - Julia und Sascha haben sich verliebt, Karo und Pinkas haben sich verliebt und alles ist Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen. Und dann haben sie beschlossen, eine zweite Staffel zu schreiben
die Familienverhältnisse aus Staffel 2 werden nie erwähnt, Jona scheint mehr “irgendson Typ” zu sein, der den Wächtern hilft, genau wie Matreus, der Zanrelot hilft aus Gründen, die nur kurz angesprochen werden (“Ich habe dir die Magie geschenkt”) und ist halt auch “irgendson Typ”, der einfach beschlossen hat, böse zu sein
die zweite Staffel ist vermutlich ein “oh, wir könnten doch DAS aus den Charakteren machen. Wäre es nicht cool, wenn Jona Zanrelots Sohn wäre UND er Matreus aus seiner Kindheit kennt?”
die Julia/Sascha-Romanze ist sehenswert und niedlich und beide sind zwei coole Charaktere, die ein bisschen mehr Tiefe haben als einfach nur “Eltern”-Charaktere 
es wird so gut wie nichts erklärt. Magie kann, was der Plot von der Magie gerade benötigt
es wird mehr geflucht als ich gedacht hätte xD
Jona als Mentor zu bezeichnen ist der running gag dieser Staffel. Frei nach dem Motto: “My job here is done” - “But you didn’t do anything”. Er ist entweder nicht da, oder verletzt oder anderweitig nicht erreichbar. I love him. 
War Sven Lehnhoff jetzt ein Wächter oder nicht? Wir werden es wohl nie erfahren...
Zanrelot und Matreus haben eine seltsame Beziehung zueinander. Mal sprechen sie beinahe auf Augenhöhe, dann hat Matreus wieder Angst vor Zanrelot. Sie stehen so nah beieinander. Sie hassen sich. Sie gehen manchmal regelrecht handzahm miteinander um. Matreus putzt Zanrelot die Schuhe. Zanrelot schreit ihn an. I don’t get it. 
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Die 4><Z Bücher aber ich reviewe sie/ gebe meinen Senf dazu (part 1)
Während ich letzte Woche im ICE nach Hamburg saß, habe ich mir eins der 4><Z Bücher durchgelesen und dachte mir:" Ok, aber was wenn ich im Internet meinen Senf dazu abgebe, jaja das ist eine absolute Top Idee, dass mach ich irgendwann." Jetzt ist dieses irgendwann und joa.
Anmerkung: Ich bin komplett übermüdet, nicht ganz nüchtern und habe absolut keine Ahnung wie ich diese Reihe gestalten werde, also schau ma mal was wird. (Um diesen Post zu verstehen sollte man zumindest die Serie gesehen haben)
Das geheimnisvolle Erbe:
Dieses Buch fasst die ersten beiden Folgen der ersten Staffel zusammen, wie alle anderen Teile auch liegt die Altersempfehlung bei 8 Jahren (was sagt das jetzt über mich aus, dass ich über ein Buch rede, dass sich an fucking 8 jährige richtet) und es gibt Illustrationen (Die alle in diesem typischen "90er/2000er deutsches Kinder/Jugendbuch" Stil sind, von dem ich nicht weiß wie ich ihn genauer beschreiben kann )
Meine groben Notizen:
Kapitel 1:
Matreus durchsucht anfangs die Villa genauer, er findet schließlich Jona und muss ein Stöhnen unterdrücken (ohne den Kontext würde das alles deutlich weirder klingen)
Jona redet auf (die leblose) Hedda ein und meint:" Wir sehen uns bald wieder" (vielleicht eine Anspielung auf das Geistwerden von Hedda? Wie wird man überhaupt Geist in dieser Welt? Warum sind die nie genauer drauf eingegangen)
Matreus trägt einen Mantel, statt seiner Lederjacke
Jona geht an ihm vorbei und bemerkt ihn nicht mal
Big reveal: Es ist einer von Leonies Visionsträumen
Kapitel 2:
"Der Typ in den sich meine Mutter beim letzten Familientreffen beinahe verknallt hätte" (bezogen auf Julia und Sascha) (Sweet home Norddeutschland, was haben die eigentlich alle mit ihren Cousins tf)
"Aber was will man schon erwarten von jemandem, dessen Sohn Fröschen den Hintern aufpustet" (Aussage von Karo über Pinkas) (Auch wenn das anscheinend ein Missverständnis war tf , warum kriegen wir solche Infos, warum keine coolen/interessanten Backstories )
Kapitel 3:
"Bloß weil sie in Heddas Villa Papa kennengelernt hat" (Bezogen auf Julia und Sven) (wäre die ideale Vorlage für eine Backstory gewesen aber so klingt das irgendwie weird idk )
Keine wirklich spannende Notiz ABER Ziege ist einfach sehr underrated
"schüttelte sie ab wie lästige Insekten" (der ist jtz etwas schwach, aber die Vergleiche in diesen Bücher sind top tier)
"Der Mann sah ganz schön gruselig aus" (gruselig ist wenn Lederjacke und Motorrad)
"Ein fremder, junger Mann stand vor ihnen" (Ja, er hilft Ihnen, aber das ist jetzt schon der zweite so gut wie unbekannte Mann der einfach random auftaucht, ich würde mir ja irgendwie Sorgen oder so machen, aber idk)
Der Dieb starrte den Mann voller Hass an (Verständliche Reaktion von Matreus ig)
"Wunderschönes Amulett mit einem grünen Stein" (Color-coding missachtet 😔)
"Hattest du dein Zimmer nicht abgeschlossen" (einfach next Level Hausfriedensbruch von Jona (oder Hedda) )
Kapitel 4:
"Nicht ganz verehrter Zanrelot" (Ich verstehe, dass dieses Name dropping wichtig war, aber es klingt irgendwie so weird)
"Sobald ich den Fluch überwunden habe, der mich in die Unterwelt verbannt hat, bekommst du deine Belohnung(Ich frag mich ja was diese Belohnung an Matreus gewesen wäre, vielleicht ja ein Zwerghamster oder ein Hund oder seine Familie oder Jona, tja wer weiß, ich weiß es nicht, weil die sind ja nie genauer drauf eingegangen)
Keine wirklich spannende Notiz aber "Auge der Finsternis" ist so sick als Name für dieses Riesen Auge in der Unterwelt
Kapitel 5:
"Das habe ich alles nur dir und diesen widerlichen Kindern zu verdanken" (woah, solche Aussagen sind richtig aufbauend, das wird Matreus sicher motivieren, es beim Nächsten Mal besser zu machen oder so )
Die ganze Stelle mit der Siegelringpolitur >>>
" und dann Trümmer und Schreie... "Papa! Mama!", er seufzte vor Wonne. "Und zum Schluss die Schlagzeilen:" Was für ein tragischer Unfall, der vier unschuldige Kinder samt ihre Eltern ins Verderben riss" (und schon wieder wird "Verderben" als synonym für sterben verwendet, aber gut das Ding richtet sich ja auch an 8 jährige )
Matreus sah ihn mit einer Mischung aus Bewunderung und Abscheu an" (lowkey zurecht, weil tf, die Kinder loszuwerden ist ja das eine, aber gleich auf so eine brutale Weise, chill, das ist die erste Story)
Kapitel 6:
"Vom Aldi oder aus der Altkleidersammlung" (Fashion und Beleidigungen einfach durchstudiert )
Er kam sich vor, als müsste er zu seiner eigenen Beerdigung gehen (Mood iwi.)
"Versuchte Zanrelot 1545 zum ersten Mal die Krone der Macht zu stehlen" "Natürlich ist er längst tot" (Selbst wenn die normalen Bürger ihn für tot/eine Sagengestalt halten, warum hinterfragt eigentlich niemand die kommenden Ereignisse und macht Witze á la:" Höhö, was wenn Zanrelot dahintersteckt"
"Ich hab nicht so viel Zeit" (digga, du bist über 400 Jahre alt)
"Wie ein Brummkreisel" (bezogen auf die Ein-Mann Sauna Sache) (genau dass meine ich mit Top Tier Vergleiche)
Kapitel 7:
Karo nimmt eine große Bratpfanne mit in die Unterwelt und Pinkas bekommt sie bei der Ankunft ab.
Kapitel 8:
"Du Wurm" (top tier beleidung aber armer Matreus)
Kapitel 9:
"Ich mag Kinder! Ja wirklich. Eigentlich liebe ich sie sogar (AU in dem Z Kindergärtner/Grundschullehrer ist)
Zufrieden betrachtete er seine perfekt manikürten Fingernägel (Matreus Nail technician confirmed)
"Er warf einen Blick zur Uhr" (welcher Uhr? Seit wann hat die Unterwelt eine Uhr?)
"obwohl es nett wäre wenn du die Reinigung bezahlst" (hell yes, die wichtigsten Gedanken wenn man kurz vorm abkratzen ist 🧍‍♂️)
"Was für ein Glück, ihr streitet euch schon wieder" (Sie war noch die so Happy über einen Streit)
Z einfach top tier villain während des Kapitels
Joa, das wäre es eigentlich (Ich hoffe diese Notizen machen irgendwie Sinn ); vlt. kommt irgendwann mal der zweite Teil, keine Ahnung ob die Kapitelangaben stimmen (ich hoffe es einfach mal )
und joa irgendwie off topic, aber irgendwer dachte, dass dieses Buch irgendwas mit dem Russland-Ukraine Krieg zu tun hat (wegen dem Z und so )
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mortingx7l · 1 year
Underkalo process and introduction
Au type: story change, theme change, world view change.
* Basically based on the original character setting changes and innovative character AU, with the addition of some characters.
* Both humans and monsters are divided into card and Ni, and because the world of Ni was destroyed, they moved into Kaloau.
* The human setting changes slightly, with monsters and humans all believing in light, hope and the future.
* The monsters are not sealed underground, because the prevention and reconciliation of the god Carlo allows the monsters not to be sealed, but to live separately from humans, but to maintain a friendship.
When the parallel universe reached the new generation stage, in 203X, a god descended to the universe, and he used the nine-colored stone he made to build a new universe --- the kalo universe, not only that, he caused a cosmic branch because of the new universe, and there was a kalo universe, which made God busy again, he just created the universe and met the AU guardian INK, and discussed with him about creating humans and monsters together, and finally they also went to AU for investigation, Finally, the two codes of undertale copy code and underswap copy code were combined with Kalo's power, and humans and monsters were born, but because the code combination collided with power, more monsters and humans were created, and Kalo himself raised them, and after he turned into a spar, people and monsters felt sorry, so the two races worked together to become a new generation of AU with developed technology and super magic.
*Kalo characters are made of magic and code, so the characters are sometimes like the original, sometimes like swap, while Kaloswap uses the swap character entirely.
*Underkalo was once invaded by the Vortex Black Devil born in Au and his legion, Chara was killed by the curse of the Black Devil in the battle with the Black Devil, and Asriel took the copy 10 souls to absorb into nine soul sheep to fight the Black Devil in revenge, although defeated, but turned into flowely.
* Kalo stone is a stone made of gods, it has unknown power, it can purify darkness, destroy evil qi, only people and monsters that match the character of Karostone are protected by him and become the chosen of Karo, and can also make the chosen person into the light form, but only 2 hours will lift the light form, the next time you open it to see if it shines.
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*The Kalo universe has nine souls in addition to the seven souls, pink love, brown loyalty, and white hope souls, but people with hope souls are particularly rare.
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The isolate button is Kalo's original key, which can isolate harmful data and code such as overwrite and hatred, but it can be isolated for a while to people and monsters that erode harmful code.
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【Plot direction】
The Frisk character only walks the PE line, and the ge line is operated with the character of Adoria. The rest is optional.
 Well,Just send a picture of kalosans
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by my friends
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sioster · 2 years
I will fix this pinned... sometime in the future
Proud member of dreblr, drungergames 1 winner, madduo/conflictduo/dreambur main, is very normal about them.
Transformice enthusiast
My works on AO3
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Unless explicitly stated all duos, fanart, posts etc. about characters are /p or /qpr
!! Tags written in cursive lead to my stuff but on others' blogs !!
#karo stuff- random stuff like complaining about neighbours
#karo rambles- tag for posts about hcs, aus, brainrot in general #karo rambles nr2- the same tag but on Pluto's blog (I spam there so much /srs)
#karo art/#karo art- tag for art
#karo ask- ask answers
#karo writing- anything about my fics, from bonus things to crying over details
AU Tags
#hedgehogbur & #jeżobur- it's exactly what the tag says.
#armageddon's toll- Transformice inspired, Philza & Dream centric with Wilbur for madduo points
#chapter 5- superhero, Wilbur & Dream centric
#raven compass/#raven compass au- mostly modern setting, ghost, Wilbur & Dream centric with big Philza sideplot/backstory
#lifeless isolation/#lifeless isolation- modern setting, hostile ghost turned friend, Wilbur & Dream centric
#zabawki ze strychu
#cereal box- @obsecure-pluto's au that I just happen to interact with a lot, Wilbur & Dream centric with OC Nev
#bur z rowu
#otwarta trumna
#digital entity
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linc-karo-27 · 2 years
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I posted 328 times in 2022
That's 308 more posts than 2021!
36 posts created (11%)
292 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 134 of my posts in 2022
#jonathan bailey - 23 posts
#ffxiv - 19 posts
#jonny bailey - 10 posts
#ffxiv endwalker - 10 posts
#endwalker spoilers - 9 posts
#lol - 8 posts
#graha tia - 8 posts
#g'raha tia - 6 posts
#jonny bailey please never change - 5 posts
#ffxiv spoilers - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#there is a meme in the eng ffxiv circles of his press shot from drag race where it looks like he is shorter than he actual is and we memed
My Top Posts in 2022:
So the Translators for FFXIV were interviewed and I'm dying. They sit in on those recordings. So the English translators very well know about the meme recording/delivery of certain scenes and just have accepted the English cast being the English cast I'm dying 😂
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6 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
As I've been joking with @bridgertonninenine
It's Mario and Lugi
I have a B in Graphic Design and all I use it for it's shitposts
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See the full post
12 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
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Follow me on twitter where you get gems like this and the same 5 jokes about FFXIV repeated daily 
14 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Reminder to you all that Lord Anthony Bridgerton’s actor played a bunny that lives on the moon in Final Fantasy XIV - in the patch which was simultaneously in production with the show 
Do with this info as you please 
17 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The more I read into G’Raha Tia’s backstory and the known lore involving him you realise how much that dude’s been through 
Dude basically has lived 99% of his life in some sort of war and its been that way since he was born. 
No wonder he is so clingy to the scions - its the one set of people he has lived and befriended in peace and he probably just wants to feel safe 
61 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rozcdust · 3 years
She’s so mean
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Pairing: Kokonoi Hajime x f!reader
Genre: Crack, SMAU, this chapter is angst
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Canon divergent, profanity, ooc, domestic abuse, violence, attempted murder, murder, implied grooming, large age gap relationship, toxic relationship, attempted drowning, the reader is tired and a bitch
pt. 1 | previous | pt. 20 | next
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“This is fucked up.” Ran let out a frustrated sigh, slamming the police and medical records on the table in front of him.
Kakucho nodded, frowning as he flipped through the crime scene photos, stopping at one that depicted a sink filled with red, murky water.
There were some of the body, some of the scene, some of your face, and even if Kakucho saw that same blank, dead look thousands of times, something about your usually annoyed, tired face being so empty unnerved him.
He sighed as he opened his laptop, digging out a USB stick from his pocket.
“What’s that?” Ran perked up, getting up from his seat to glance over Kakucho’s shoulder.
“Footage. They had video surveillance in the apartment.” Kakucho clicked on the file, waiting for it to load.
“Ohhhh!” Without a thought, Ran pushed Kakucho’s chair back, plopping himself in Kakucho’s lap.
Before Kakucho could push him off, the file opened, and a video started playing.
Holding the forward button, Ran waited until the dim screen showed something other than an empty kitchen.
He let go when you walked on screen, placing groceries on the kitchen counter.
“When was this?” Ran questioned Kakucho, noticing the slight baby fat still sticking to your cheeks.
“2015. She’s 19 here.”
Ran forwarded the video, not too interested in watching you put away groceries and clean the kitchen.
A man walked in on screen just as you were done cleaning the sink, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek, moving away from you to grab something from the fridge.
There was no audio, but Ran could swear he saw you tense up at the man’s touch, face twisting for just a second.
“Zankoku Karo. 31 years old here, son of an oil tycoon, inherited the business.”
“This fucker was 31 dating a 19 year old?”
“By the court records, they started dating when she was 17.”
Ran felt disgusted.
The man was washing his hands in the sink, seemingly listening to you talk intensely.
His face suddenly twisted, the tap still running as he turned towards you, and even if Ran couldn’t see his face, he could tell he was yelling.
You started yelling too, backing away, but Zankoku followed, grabbing you to keep you in place.
Ran watched as you tried to wrestle out of Zankoku’s grasp, flinching when a slap landed on your cheek.
Ran almost cheered when you returned the favour, until Zankoku grabbed you, throwing you to the ground, and Ran flinched as your head hit the corner of the kitchen island, blood starting to drip down the side of your face.
Your foot met Zankoku’s shin as you tried to back away, desperate to get on your feet, your back hitting the kitchen element preventing you from doing so.
Ran had to pause when you were lifted from the floor by the hair, Zankoku’s hand wrapping around the back of your neck as he pushed your head in the now overflowing sink.
Taking a couple of minutes, Ran nodded at Kakucho to continue when he was ready.
The video resumed just as you started thrashing around, your hands desperately scratching at your own neck, trying to get Zankoku to let go.
Ran could feel Kakucho tense under him when the bubbles stopped, and you went limp.
He knew you were alive, you had to be, but the lack of movement made him nervous.
As Zankoku loosened his grip on you, you suddenly jerked up up, managing to get your head out of the sink, pushing him off.
He stumbled, falling, the back of his head hitting the island corner on the way down.
You didn’t move for a few seconds, your eyes wide and focused on the man now bleeding out on the floor.
Ran didn’t know what you were saying before tears started streaming down your face and you slid down on the floor, but he could assume it was Zankoku’s name.
You held your head in your hands, ignoring the still running sink above you drenching your clothes, not moving even when blood coming out of Zankoku’s head reached your feet.
Still sobbing, you crawled up to the body, digging through his pockets to find a phone, backing away into the corned as soon as you did.
Your phone call didn’t last long, and Ran knew it was over when you allowed the phone to drop to the floor, rocking back and forth as you let out a scream.
Kakucho was certain the sight of your face twisted into a silent scream, blood and tears mixing with the water will haunt him forever.
Your body suddenly stilled, face turning blank, and you didn’t move a muscle as you started speaking, and even if Ran couldn’t hear the tape, he could read the phase off of your lips.
‘I’m sorry.’ repeated like a prayer, over and over again.
Kakucho forwarded the tape 20 minutes, letting it play again when a dark-haired man with long hair came into the frame, his eyes wide and panicked.
“Who’s that?”
“Her brother, Baji Keisuke.”
“He looks familiar.”
“He was in Toman with Mikey.”
“Oh, I remember him, he almost died in the Bloody Halloween incident. I was there with Rin.”
Kakucho nodded, observing as Baji pulled his phone out, presumably calling the police.
Keisuke approached you, walking over the body, pulling you to your feet out of the kitchen corner.
You slumped into the his touch as he held you, rocking you back and forth softly like a child, ignoring the fact you were soaking his clothes with blood and water.
The tape ended when a policeman appeared in the frame, pointing his gun towards you.
Ran and Kakucho stared at the black screen for a few minutes, neither of them moving a muscle.
“That poor girl…” Kakucho murmured, closing his eyes as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“What do we do?” Ran asked, getting off Kakucho to sit back in his chair, cursing himself when his fingers shook too much to light up a cigarette.
“What do you mean ‘What do we do’? We don’t do shit.”
“Shouldn’t we tell Koko?”
Ran flinched when Kakucho got up from his chair, his hands slamming on his desk as he got into Ran’s face.
“Fucking listen to me. We, don’t have a right to do shit. It’s y/n’s to tell Koko, if she so chooses. For fuck’s sake Ran, they’ve known each other for what, two months, went on one date? Fucking think.”
Ran let out a shaky breath, burying his face into his hands.
“Listen, I know you’ve grown fond of her, she’s a good kid, but we shouldn’t do anything.” Kakucho’s tone softened.
“Kaku, she fucking slammed me on the floor because my fingers brushed against her neck, she looked like a wild animal, what if Koko does something unknowingly and she seriously hurts him?”
“Ran, respectfully, you triggered her, and she only threw you off herself, which props to her for only doing that, if I were in her shoes I would probably bash your face in, and she even was apologetic about it.”
Ran nodded, frowning as he stared at the back of the laptop.
“She was 19.”
Kakucho sympathetically nodded.
“If Koko and her end up together, and I’m sure they will because their date went great, she will never be in that situation again. Koko would never hurt her.”
Ran looked at Kakucho quizzically.
“How do you know it went great?”
“He told me.”
“Oh, did he now?” Ran’s tone was suspicious.
“…I read his diary.”
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Taglist (open):
@1818cigarettes @babu-haitani @dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @lagrimasdeglitter @kisekihany @missarabellla @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @hana-patata @bontenacious @crybabylisa @spookydraken @rorobaijifuyu @yukihime-mikeys-girl @toobsessedsstuff @sammcaav222 @emilywaters @agoddess-inashell @levistiddies @t04dxm @qualitygiantshoepsychic @chilledraft @bontensbabygirl @brokencoinlocker @somniari-94 @yujibhabie @inumaki-s-onigiri @wakasagurl @sup-zfam @nqctre @chronic-claire-universe @rozewayne2005 @bxnten @graythecoffeebean @hanmascult @sanzuswh0re @yuushs @little-crow @halcyondaisy @st4rryhae @gvancagamer @passionateuchiha @haikyuu-simps-assemble @hecatve @notsodeadgirlwalking @royal-shinigami @marrymemanjiro @frogtits1 @k-y0sh1
a/n: i love 😩 angst 😮‍💨 also tumblr won’t let me edit posts or reply sometimes so i’ll just add a ssm series tag on all posts to make finding parts easier 🤧
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
murder meri jaan! ep 8 lb
askfkddjdsjsjsjs sonal mauke ka pooora fayda uthaate hue. she really knows how to play these dumbass men, and ma’am, i’m a fan.
lmaooooooo aditya’s face at this do takke ka flirting happening in front of him. 🤣🤣🤣
there needs to be more of these mummy/sonal/adi scenes coz honestly they’re the most heartwarming.
haaaaye shy boy ka smile toh dekho on being praised by wifey. too cute. 🥰🥰🥰
lmao pls i think we know kiska driver.
ofc shady vijay mallya uncle ka.
god the food in front of them looks good. man, remember restaurants????? fuck i miss eating out. 😢😢😢
“TUM KARO TOH INVESTIGATION???? HUM KARE TOH CHORI?????” asffjdhshsdjsj sonal. 🤣🤣🤣 and his taken aback face lollllllll.
ohhhh rishi ke haath pe stamp tha, not tattoo. of a club. no doubt one known for lgbt patronage.
aditya laying down the cards and trying sonal-style appealing to humanity. and it works. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
i’m mildly relieved that ishita was just blackmailing the haraami baap and not……. the other thing.
ADITYA WHY THE FUCK WONT YOU LET PPL, ESP. SUSPECTS, FINISH TALKING MAN?!??!? 😤😤😤 idk that seems like a required skill for a cop to have?!?!!?!!
haraami baap: “i’m just a homophobe, not a murderer.” uh cool. i guess that makes you not a 100% garbage human being? 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
aditya’s fondness for his parents is adorable.
oh nope. goddamnit. i wanna know more about her!!!!!!!
ofc desi boy is falling for how good a bahu she is to his parents. 🙄🙄🙄
an apology!!!!!!!! for a minor transgression!!!! he a good bean! 😭😭😭
damnnnnnnnn she’s such an astute judge of ppl, i love it. no wonder she was so good at conning.
lmaooooooooooooo pehle hi bola tha usne ki 1,56,000 ka chuna lagega!!! I FUCKIN LOVE HER AND HER PAARKHI NAZAR!!!!! 😍😍😍
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plagueofskeletons · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by @aphrodaisyacs and @tigers1o1 for this, thanks you two!
Name(s): Plague
Fandom(s): Currently into Jujutsu Kaisen, the Magnus Archives and Demon Slayer. Slowly falling into Haikyuu. Formerly in BNHA
Where do you post: AO3
Most popular oneshot (by kudos): Blackbird, stay in your cage (no i won’t). I know I have a little negative attitude with this, but I am always baffled at how well it turned out and how many people loved it. I’m always floored by the attention it gets lmao
Most popular multi-chapter (also by kudos): ok here’s a funny thing - I don’t actually write multi-chaps. When I do, they get abandoned forever. Anyway - Night Light Attractions is what I wrote for the TDDK 2020 Big Bang and I still have chapter 3 mostly done but I just,, don’t have the motivation to finish it and the rest. Sorry.
Favourite story you’ve written so far: I’ll go for one of my recent JJK fics, leave something of sweetness and substance, because wow. I remember being so giddy and excited while writing this, especially with Gojo’s grief and guilt and his breakdown and everything after that.
Fic you were nervous to post: Love You Infinity was the first time I wrote Satosugu so this was more like a practice fic than an actual one to get a hand of their personalities and such.
How do you choose your titles: Sometimes they just pop into my head, sometimes from song lyrics, sometimes from a line of a quote, sometimes I make it up for the humour
Do you outline?: For longer stories, pretty much. It’s more vague than detailed and I have a pretty good job of keeping track of them in my head haha
Complete: I’m more comfortable with oneshots so those are done
In Progress: There’s the Feral Event Horizon series that’s ongoing but I’ve decided to discontinued it. There’s also my random salt on canon series but idk what else to add to that sooo. And there’s some other JJK stuff I want to do including Nobara growing up with her grandmother, Papaguro angst and fluff, a Carrie AU, Fyodor’s backstory from BSD, a few wacky Haikyuu AUs, and so on.
Coming Soon: I have my first Haikyuu fic that’s half Atsumu-centric and half-Sakuatsu mostly done. I’m aiming to get that done hopefully sometime by the end of this week!
Not Started: Literally everything I came up and half of the stuff in the ‘In Progress’.
Prompts?: A lot of my work is from CTABB mini bangs and the rest is from my ‘what if’ imagination
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: Definitely for my first Sakuatsu one! It’s a little nerve wracking since it’s a gift fic for @anubis2701 but she’s loving my progress updates in our DMs so I’m sure she’ll love the whole fic when it’s done!
No pressure tags: @bittermoonswrites @vhaenya @kae-karo and anyone else who’s interested!
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karoiseka · 4 years
Forgotten Home
Spoilers for End of 5.0-takes place 5.1-2 ish. ((This is finally digging into a bit more of Karo’s backstory.  I really took my time with this one, and am very proud of it.  Hope you enjoy!))
The Twelveswood felt different. That was the only way Karoiseka could describe it.  The First was saved, and she was back on the Source again, giving an update to the Scions still here, but had felt a pull to the woods just to the South of Camp Tranquil.  The forest giants of years past had given way to a younger growth bordering Thanalan, the warm air from the desert colliding with the cool shade under the trees.  She could feel Ardbert's curiosity at what they were doing there, paired with her own.  The paths she had walked most of her life held an extra forgotten meaning that was clawing its way back into her memories. This wasn't just a hunting trail, like so many others, there--beneath the tall oak--she could remember her first hunting kill with her new larger bow, a gift from-- 
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There was almost a physical pain as the forgotten memory surfaced, almost an Echo manifestation, and she could see a snapshot of the moment, Seirlait--her Da--proudly standing nearby.  Her heart ached as she saw his face in her mind as clear as it had been that day. As clear as it had been when she had waved good-bye to them-both her fathers- a smile on her face as they headed out to help with the preparations for the clash at Carteneau as she stayed to look after the cabin.  How? How had she forgotten them? Da and Pa both, the memories assailing her senses as feet tore along the trail heading to a destination her mind had not reconciled yet. 
There- that tree had been so good for climbing.
The little stream that held such wonders to the small child she once was. 
That clearing holding the best herbs for the evening stew to be cooked over the fire.
Tiny fingers weaving a flower crown, placing it triumphantly on Feophaux's (Pa’s) head.
The boughs of a willow creating a curtain to play hide and seek in--learning more skills from both her fathers. 
The perfect reading nook nestled high in the treetops with just enough light.
Eyes unseeing of the present, Karo lived in the flashbacks of her past as every step closer to- closer to home.  The word burned in her mind as a beacon, blinding her to all else. Was this what she had been seeking all these years? Wasn't that the Rising Stones?  Hadn’t she found her other home in the Crystal Tower on the First?  She vaguely remembered in her unforgotten recollections the Highlander and Duskwight, eyes full of grief as they watched her escape the cabin that she had lived in after the Calamity--and before she now knew again.  The pain in their voices as they pleaded with her to remember them, and the anguish when she told them to stop calling her their daughter.  She left shortly after, headed to Gridania to find her own way, adrift with scant more than the short bow she had been teaching-reteaching-herself to use, and a small pack. 
The Calamity.  It had to have been the catalyst of the memory loss, for she could see clearly now that nothing but muscle memory and a vague sense of what felt right were all that had remained from before that fateful day.  Now she wondered what had changed again, even as the sheepish feeling from Ardbert guided her to an answer.  The shock of living through the initial seventh rejoining of souls must have triggered the amnesia in the first place, her mind blocking the trauma of the moment.  The acceptance and welcoming of Ardbert's soul to her own had healed all those splintered parts, even those that were unknown to her to begin with.  It had taken time to come back to her, and a slightly longer stay on the Source than she had taken in a long while, but now that the trickle had started, the dam was broken--her mind filled with all that she had forgotten.  Ardbert ensured that they didn't stumble through the frantic rush she made down the trail--not caring about the tracks she was leaving in her wake. 
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Malms later, her feet stopped and past and present collided as her eyes saw again. The small cabin was sealed tight against the elements, and the overgrowth in the garden and clearing spoke of no one having tended to them for at least two years. The Bard fell to her knees, a low keening sound filling the air--she vaguely recognized it as her own voice, grief overwhelming her.  The run, much less the mental exertion, had taken a huge chuck of energy from her, and Karo wept, broken at the sight of her childhood home--empty.
As the sun crawled across the sky, Karo slowly took in the details of the clearing.  Not much had changed in the years since she had left.  The garden was overgrown, but the perennial plants fought for their place among the weeds.  The archery targets were still affixed to the surrounding trees, all at different heights, some now hidden from the growth.  Bluebells covered the small meadow, and she remembered stubbornly throwing the seeds all over instead of planting them in neat rows in the flowerbeds because they were her favorite and she couldn't see the flowerbeds from her bedroom window.  Looking carefully, finally pacing forward on shaking legs, Karo noticed that the cabin was carefully secured--just as it had been every time they had left for their summer journey.  The only thing that concerned her was that it looked as if they hadn't been back in at least one winter--maybe even two or three--not even passing through during the warmer months. 
Digging into her newfound memories, she spun and headed to the tree that was surrounded by the most bluebells.  The archery target there was still attached to one of the lower branches, but the Bard still had to climb a bit to reach it.  Fiddling with the back of it, the small compartment made itself known, and the prize ended up in her nimble fingers.  The front door key.  Jumping down, she forced herself to walk fully around the house, checking for any breaches that could mean that the house wasn’t secure, or that someone or something, was residing within.  Not finding even so much as something that would let a draft in, she braced herself and headed to the door.
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The key slid into the lock, and only needed a slight bit of jiggling to get it to turn, the door itself stiff from disuse and the hinges creaking with the rust buildup.  Karo was hit with the sweet smell of dried lavender, vanilla, and sweet cedar; all the smells she remembered that hearkened to what home meant.  The curtains being drawn left the main room in shadows, the light from the doorway streaming into the air laden with the dust she had kicked up by entering.  The cabin was one main room split with partitions into areas for cooking, dining, and leisure.  There was a bedroom for her fathers off to one side, and a small bathing chamber on the other.  The tiny loft above the bath area had been hers to claim, curtains creating a small wall for her privacy.
Leaving the door open for the light, and to air the place out a bit, Karo started to open the curtains to let in more natural light before she looked around for any clues to where Seirlait and Feophaux had disappeared to.  Absentmindedly, she headed to the kitchen sink, and ran the tap for a few moments, letting the components loosen up and water to come back through the pipes since it had obviously been a while.  Grabbing a rag, she wet it with the first bit of water that came through, and wiped down the counters, removing the thin layer of dust that had gathered.  A quick peek at the pantry showed that beyond some items that kept for seasons, naught had been left.  That was normal enough, so she continued on to the all-purpose room.  The large fireplace on one end was one of two in the house that provided most of the heat in the winter, as well as some basic charms.  The wall was lined with books of all types, and one of the racks of shelves was full of supplies for writing, and hooks for instruments that had obviously gone wherever their owners were.  
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Karo’s attention was pulled to her left, for there, lying on the table near the fireplace, was a folded piece of paper, her full name carefully written across it.  Hands shaking, she picked it up carefully, blowing dust off of it as she broke the seal on the back and started to read.
Dearest Karoiseka,
If you’re reading this, it means, we hope, that you have found your way back home and that beyond our wildest dreams that you have finally remembered all that occurred prior to Carteneau.  
After you left, we continued on best we could, despite missing you dearly.  We know that we had spent a long time at Carteneau helping to clean up and transport people all over Eorzea, but we had not anticipated you not remembering us at all or anything from your childhood.
Some time after you left, at least a year, we started hearing your name out of Gridania--how you were a bit of a local legend as an adventurer.  You had cleared out several dens of evil, and were becoming beloved by all that crossed your path.  Incredulous, we followed any scrap of information we could get, hearing about the Scion, Primals, and Garlean forces and your role in taking them down only made us fear for your safety.
Then came the accusations from Ul’dah.  None of which could be true.  Word of you dropped off except for hushed whispers, before rushing back in a whirlwind of fantastical stories of you bringing the Dragonsong War to an end in Ishgard.  We even made the trek to Mor Dhona hoping to catch a glimpse of you, but left before we did--partially because we feared you still wouldn’t recognize us.  We heard that you were part of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn there, and even talked with an Ironworks engineer who said he had worked with you before.  Knowing you were safe among friends eased our hearts for a bit as we headed home.
Another year passed and the uprisings in Ala Mhigo are now all that the city-states are talking about.  The Scions are said to be helping with the organization and negotiations , so we have decided to pack up for this year and help.  I know not if we shall cross paths while there, or if you will ever see this, but we must do what we can to help.  Not only for those that live there, but for you as well.  Knowing that we can hopefully take even a little of the burden off of your shoulders is all that we can hope to do.
We love you, and miss you, and pray that you stay safe and healthy through it all. 
~Da an Pa
A hot tear splashed onto the paper in her hands as Karo put together the timeframe that they had been gone.  They hadn't yet returned from the liberation of Ala Mhigo--and they had left near the beginning of the conflict, well over two years ago.  Considering they had taken almost five years to return from Carteneau, she shouldn't be much surprised.  They were probably helping courier refugees back home, and the wounded to the respective city-states.  She paced the length of the room, worrying for their safety throughout the conflict as well.  It had been extremely wide-spread with the Garlemald forces targeting anything and anybody they even thought were helping the Resistance.  She had seen it time and time again from the small villages and hamlets throughout the region in the aftermath as she tried to ease her own guilt from not being there for them and tried to help with the smallest of tasks from anyone who asked.  She knew logically she could only be in one place at a time, and that the forces she had been helping were the same.  If they hadn’t done what they had, there was a chance the country would still be occupied even now..
Had she seen them though? Walked right by with unseeing eyes?  Had they greeted her, only to get her strained public smile in return and a generic platitude--all that she could muster?  Had she passed by their graves not knowing who lay there?  She had talked to so many people all over the broken country, her mind raced, but all the faces were a blur.  She had spent plenty of time in Doma as well, not counting for all the travel back and forth, during that time-paths may have crossed, or may have been missed without even the chance of happening.  
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Karo wasn’t sure how many times she re-read the pages, and wasn’t fully aware that she had curled up in the large armchair until the evening light hit her eyes streaming in from the still open door. Blinking blearily, she stood and lit a couple of the candles to provide some light in the growing dark.  The house had electricity, however, she didn’t feel like finding and turning on the generator quite yet.  She closed the door, and got a glass of water from the tap, scrounging for some trail rations that were still in her pack from earlier.  The Bard didn’t remember relinquishing her bow and pack at the door, but old habits die hard, and they were neatly hung by the door on the pegs meant for that very purpose.
Tucking the letter safely in her bag she cleaned up the small mess she had made and went to the washroom to clean her face of the salt-crusted tears that had dried there.  Not a thing had changed, towels and soap stored neatly away in the same places they always had been.   The vase on the sink, usually filled with wildflowers picked during the day, was empty for the time--and she longed to fill it and keep the room cheery, but knew not how long she would be there herself.  Responsibilities still loomed both here and on the First, her comrades bodies still laying still in the Dawn’s Respite.
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As she climbed up to her loft, not much had changed since she had last been up here.  When her memories had first escaped her, she had stayed down in the main bedroom, not realizing that it wasn’t her’s.  The loft she had never quite gone up the ladder-like stairs, and so it remained very similar to when she last called it her own. The bed was made, but with an additional sheet covering it all to keep the dust off, ready to be used at a moment’s notice.  The hope that lived in her parent’s hearts nearly broke her own, as she caved to exhaustion finally, Ardbert’s comforting presence allowing her to drift off to sleep when she thought it was the furthest thing from her mind.  
On the morrow, Karo would write her reply and leave it where she had found her own letter, secure the cabin once more and return the key to it's hiding place.  She wouldn't forget again now that her soul was healed, yet her obligations would keep her busy, she knew.  When she had time, she would ask her various contacts, hoping beyond hope that someone has news, and if they didn't, that her note would be read, and that they would return once more to the Rising Stones, asking for her proudly by name. 
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ace-malarky · 7 months
Ok @sprokat has (very lovingly lmao) reminded me that I was going to set into a wip weekend game!
It was created by @rottingfern - I'll reblog their post in a minute so you'll probably have seen it first for the better explanation - to uh. Give us a friendly nudge into working on our wips? Hell yeah love that for us
*with the caveat of actually i am on holiday so limited computer access (aka my phone) and definitely going places this afternoon at least*
Anyway hell yeah gonna be good
The WIPs
Shapeshifter wip (Syn/Halliel, fantasy, star crossed lovers)
Soul of the Party (fantasy, light detective shenanigans)
DnD (specific characters are; Maverick, Tem, Chant/Luci/Makaria, Razmatazz, Tosh, Karo, Phorg)
Dorks 'n' Disasters (fate based ttrpg currently in edits. Full first arc draft can be seen at @dorksndisasters)
But hey listen if you want to ask about any of the others, go crazy go wild
The Games
Three by Threes: The OG WIP Wednesday game. For each filename you receive in your ask box, reply to the ask with 3 NEW sentences on that WIP.
Lore Corner: Answer questions about your WIP. It can be anything from headcanons to backstory that you have for your WIP that don't even make it into the fic. Askers - get creative with your questions! (If you are playing Lore Corner, please give a single-sentence description of each of your WIPs so askers have some context)
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phoenix-failing · 4 years
Got tagged in a few of these awhile back and I can’t sleep so may as well use them as warm ups before running into backstory building.  tagged by: @urdnotgrunt, @frenchy-and-the-sea
So first up is Caranessa, my wonderful anxious ghost because this week is my last session with her and I am so not ready to let her go.
full name: Caranessa Arden Luprinez
gender: Female
sexuality: Lesbian, most likely ace as well 
pronouns: She/Her
family: Her mother Susanne and father Dale, one older brother Leland. Her brothers wife Natalia and their 2 kids Jackson and Caroline aged three and about a month respectively. 
birthplace: Wing North Dakota , it has a population of about 150....
job: Field Agent and Team Lead in the Order of Concealment, Bureau of Arcane Secrecy
phobias: Sorta everything, unmediated high anxiety will do that. Not to mention loosing all the old progress she had and the medication regiment when she died, can’t exactly go to the old therapist as a ghost and anti anxiety medication does not properly metabolize in an incorporeal body.
guilty pleasures: Watching bad soap operas and memorizing infomercials to recite and act out  in full later
morality alignment: Chaotic Good
sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious
Agreeable / Disagreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Outspoken / Reserved
Leader / Follower
Empathetic / Unempathetic
Optimistic (Nihilism) / Pessimistic
Traditional / Modern
Hard-working / Lazy
otp: Nessa/ Information, so she can maybe calm down enough to be happy for 30 damn seconds 
ot3: (platonic) Caranessa and the Pet Squad, Parmesan her giganticly fat Pidgeon familiar who domesticated herself, or maybe she domesticated Nessa? and Infamy, the swirling black orb of chaos that killed her, but it was lonely so it’s not like she can leave it. 
brotp: ‘Matthias and Caranessa, bc sometimes mlm and wlw solidarity is beating the shit out of eldritch horrors and sometimes it’s punking your city-slicker best friend into believing a North Dakotan cow’s charging speed is based on how badly you serenade it.’ Stealing @themilokin‘s answer because it’s accurate.
notp: Arlo/ Nessa
And now for the new Tuesday bean, Sikora!
full name: Sikora Thera
gender: Female
sexuality: Unsure but probs Bi because I have a type I like to play
pronouns: She/Her
family: A mother Petra and father Declan who both kicked her out at 10 to ‘make room for the rest of the kids’ Her known siblings: Karo, Luca, Gizella, Katia, Andi. And almost assuredly plenty more who came before her and got kicked out just the same and more who were born after she left. 
birthplace: Some itty bitty no name town in Sivvan
job: God Chosen of the Crooked Warden, Former fast hands thief with the Nameless Estate, Full time vengeance bringer 
phobias: Horses, one broke her shoulder when she was a kid and hiding in horse stalls she’s not a fan anymore. Also the woods, not a full phobia but she’s a city girl, her skills were honed getting things from people not knowing what plants are safe to eat. 
guilty pleasures: She loves kids, the product of being the oldest of five and it’ll break through her sharp defenses the quickest if a kid is scared or in need of help.
morality alignment: Chaotic Neutral
sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious
Agreeable / Disagreeable
Cautious / Reckless
Patient / Impatient
Outspoken / Reserved
Leader / Follower (Or she will be anyway)
Empathetic / Unempathetic (depends on who)
Optimistic / Pessimistic
Traditional / Modern
Hard-working / Lazy
otp: Her and revenge, her entire crew left her to die and she’s coming for every last one of them
ot3: ????
brotp: One day it’ll be her and Halcyon I know it... One day
notp: Koth and Sikora probs? Who knows its all pretty new dynamic wise
Plus the relationship meme Frenchy tagged me in literal ages ago..... Doing Larken/Reva which is partially guesses because it’s still fairly new but it’s the only in game ship I really have at the moment. height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves (ish) | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing worldviews | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures (on larken’s side especially) | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity (Ekat has to learn to knock) | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other (or trying) | big fancy gala (does a wedding count?) | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames (Lark) | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
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ellieaelious · 5 years
Semi Hiatus
So, I had a major breakdown/meltdown at work Sunday. Since then I can't stay awake during the day and it's like my brain is running windows 98. I plan on going to the doctor and seeing if there is something that they can do. Until them, I'm going to try and get all my replies in drafts and get to them as I can.
As my muse comes I'll reply. Since Karo seems to operate using different parts of my/our personality and mind, hopefully he can be more functional. But I think the meltdown hurt both of us. I feel like I was in the middle of transitioning to Karo when it happened, and idk if that made it worse or not.
Any woozle. I'm going to work on some solos and backstory for some of my OCs and AUs. Asks and DMs are open.
I'll also be making graphics (with my watermark) on @bk-aesthetics if anyone has requests.
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fontasticcrablettes · 5 years
all the vespy salt.
hell yeah
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? - I’m not sure about this because I’ve always been able to ‘get’ just about any ship even if I don’t like it.  Even if I think it’s gross - like Rita/Raven - I still understand why other people ship it.  I think it’s part of being a writer; understanding the thought processes of other people is 
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? - oh yeah like all the popular ones lol.  Fluri is my favourite broTP, I love that friendship, I enjoy it so much as non-romantic.  Yustelle and Ristelle are also good friendships that I love but I’m not interested in seeing as romance.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? - Yeees, but it wasn’t so much for the opinion as it was that the opinion was rooted in homophobia. (It was “this character can’t be gay because it would be improper for them and they wouldn’t choose that”)
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? - I mean, there’s the obvious ones of like... anything involved Repede, the adults and the kids.  Beyond that, anything involving Karol is a notp for me.  I’m sorry felinis that includes Karol/Nan, I just... I can’t stand that one.  
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? - Hmm nope not that I can think of. 
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? - I don’t think so. 
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? - I don’t know if I’d go so far as ‘can’t stand’ but there’s a pretty wide gap in how I used to feel about Ristelle and how I feel now.  Like, I used to be all about it but now I just.... nothing.  It does nothing for me.  
Have you received anon hate? What about? - Not for Vesperia based things!  The only time I did was a Zesty situation because I don’t like the popular ship.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? - You know I actually really like the Vesperia cast.  There isn’t really anyone I dislike.  Maybe Ragou?  Because he’s kind of bland as a villain.  Like, Cumore and Zagi are equally one-dimensional but at least they’re fun about it.  In the main party, it’s probably Karol, but I don’t exactly dislike him.  I’m just rather neutral about him so he loses by default.  Although I supposed I should mention that OG Vesperia is the only Vesperia for me, and in PS3 version the most disliked would be Patty because I find her presence inconsequential and out of place.  
Most disliked arc? Why? -  Does the Labyrinth of Memories count as an arc? Because I hate it.  It’s just recycles maps and recycled bosses with a horrible drop rate for fake gald that makes beating the dungeon a slog.  It would be fun if at the very least, there was commentary from the characters about who they’re fighting again - like Estelle startled to face herself, or something - but there’s nothing like that to make it interesting.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? - I think I like Alexei a lot more than the general fandom likes Alexei.  I love his backstory, I love how he works as a dark foil to both Flynn and Yuri and shows why they need each other to keep each other in check, and I love his over-the-top drama and DC Douglas’ fantastic delivery.  He’s just a good fun villain who’s satisfying to take down and fun to watch.  
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? - I think I like the third act a lot more than most people do.  I still think it’s the weakest one, but I actually like the Adephagos as a final act save the world situation.  I see the message in act 3 as being about figuring out who has the right to make decisions that alter the face of the world, which neatly aligns with the themes the game builds up to, rather than being purely a climate change moral out of nowhere that it frequently gets written off as.  
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? - I guess I’ll just pick a character so um....  Karol’s a little shithead toward Nan in the beginning and it pisses me off.  She tells him no, she’s not interested every time they meet and he still!  Won’t stop pining!  Leave the girl alone! Respect her ‘no’!  Yuri needs to give him a big jug of Respecting Women Juice.  
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? - I don’t know if I have any...?  I’m a little stumped.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? - I like the 360 version better.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? - Oof, only one thing?  I have a huge list....  But let’s make Alexei the final villain, he lives until the end of act 3.  that’s really important to me.  
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen….  Instead of Raven showing up on the Heracles, I would have had him remain “dead” until at least you run into the Schwann brigade in Zaphias castle.  There’d be a big “hey, who’s the knight who stayed behind to protect the lower quarter?  Surprise! It’s Raven!”.  
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? [looks at my list of OTPs] I sure as fuck hope not lmao.  
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? - There’s not much diversity.  Every time I check AO3 or twitter or the tag, it’s the same two ships every time.  I like to see content for other ships, too, even things I’m not especially into, just for some variety.  
What is the purest ship in the fandom? - Flynn/Estelle is good and pure and they love each other.  
What are your thoughts on crack ships? - They’re fun!  I feel like people use the term crack ship too broadly though.  In my opinion, a crack ship is a ship that could not possible work, not just anything that could not possibly be canon.  If you can make serious, in-character content for the ship, it’s not crack, it’s just a rarepair.  Crack ships are things like... Tokunaga x Cumore.  Kaufman x The Fiertia.  
Popular character you hate? Patty
Unpopular character you love? Most of the characters I love are already popular so Alexei
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? - Oh yeah!  I mean it depends on what the friend likes, but if they’re into JRPGs or I think they’d enjoy this story then sure.  
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? - Oh lol yeah.  I’ve written extensively about how I would change the ending so I won’t repeat myself here but basically just, push Yuri and Flynn farther, make their fight more intense, Alexei is the villain, etc.  
Most shippable character? - Hmmm either Estelle or Yuri.  I ship both of them with a large list of people, although not with each other (unless Flynn is there too)
Least shippable character? - Karo.  He’s babby.  Oh, or Repede, for... obvious reasons.  
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themastercylinder · 5 years
While praying in St. Agnes church in New Orleans, Father Dennis is confronted by a demon taking the shape of a seductive woman. The woman tears his throat open, killing him. Several years later at a New Orleans hotel, Father Michael is called to talk to a man named Claude who is threatening to jump from the top floor of the building. When he offers Claude a cigarette, Michael is pulled out the window and falls to the ground. Inexplicably, he survives the fall without injury. After the incident, Michael is appointed to the St. Agnes parish by the Archbishop Mosely; the parish had been closed after Father Dennis’s unsolved murder.
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Upon moving into the rectory, Michael is notified by Lieutenant Stern that another priest was murdered there before Father Dennis. Michael finds mention of Millie, a waitress at the Threshold, a local black magic performance art club, in Dennis’s journal; Michael goes to visit her, but she is evasive. She later comes to the parish, claiming to Michael that she saw Father Dennis for confession before his death; during the confession, she admitted to giving her soul to Luke, the owner of the club, whom she claims is the Devil incarnate. Luke visits Michael shortly after, claiming that the Satanic shows put on at the club are only gimmicks, and that he does not actually believe in them; however, he says he’s been recently experiencing supernatural phenomena and begs for Michael’s help. Michael agrees to spend an evening in Luke’s apartment, where he witnesses furious poltergeist activity.
When Michael brings the information to Archbishop Mosely, he is informed that Father Dennis was approached by Millie and Luke in an identical manner before being murdered. Father Silva, an elderly blind demonologist, informs Michael he has been “chosen” to fight the devil, but Michael dismisses the notion. Millie is incarcerated in a psychiatric ward after attempting to kill Luke, and Michael goes to visit her. In a fit of madness, she claims Luke tried to rape her, and that Father Dennis has been talking to her. That night, Michael has a nightmare of the Demon, and receives a disturbing phone call from Father Dennis, who claims he is “waiting for him in hell.” Millie arrives in the middle of the night begging for help, and Michael agrees to let her stay in the rectory.
While cleaning the church with the housekeeper Teresa, Millie is fascinated by a statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which Teresa tells her was salvaged from a church in a foreign country that burned down. Lieutenant Stern warns Archbishop Mosely that Michael is in danger, suspecting Millie was responsible for the previous murders of the St. Agnes priests; Mosely assures him that Michael is safe. Meanwhile, Millie discovers a book in which she reads of a demon known as the Unholy, which seeks to corrupt and then take pure souls. To prevent herself from being a target, she propositions Michael to take her virginity, which he refuses. Convinced Luke planted the book, Michael confronts him, but Luke denies it.
The next day, Michael finds Luke’s eviscerated corpse hanging above the church altar in the pose of the Cross of Saint Peter. Seated in a pew is Claude, who begs Michael’s forgiveness for pulling him out the window. Suddenly, Claude begins to bleed profusely from his eyes and mouth, and bursts into flames at the foot of the Immaculate Heart of Mary statue; Luke’s corpse also ignites. Michael meets with the Archbishop and Father Silva, who warns him that the Unholy will manifest to Michael between Ash Wednesday and Easter, when it will try to tempt and then kill him. In the church, Michael is confronted by the Unholy (taking form as the woman), and she attempts to seduce him, but he denies her.
The Unholy reveals its true form—a monstrous creature—and two mutant creatures crucify Michael. Millie enters the church and is confronted by the creature, but before it can harm her, Michael calls upon God for strength, and damns the Unholy to hell. He collapses, and when he awakens, is blind. As Millie walks him out of the church, the Immaculate Heart of Mary statue begins to weep tears of blood.
 Shot during late 1986 and early ’87 in South Florida, with additional filming in New Orleans and post production in California, The Unholy is a big-budget thriller in the tradition of The Exorcist and The Omen. Though The Unholy features scenes of extreme violence, gore and an appearance by a monstrous incarnation of hell itself, director Camilo Vila balks at calling his third feature directorial effort a “horror film.” “I don’t consider this a horror film,” he says. “Of course, we’re gonna have a demon and a monster, but in a context that’s not going to have teenagers running wild.”
Speaking English in a thick Latin American accent, Vila describes his developmental work on the screenplay of The Unholy. “Originally, it was very much like The Exorcist,” he remembers. “I changed it. I created a myth about a demon that tempts priests during the 40 days of Lent and then, on the night of the Resurrection, does his final temptation.”
A Catholic himself-and a former altar boy-Vila admits that his religious upbringing had a strong influence on his approach to the material. “You never get over it,” he says, adding. “The story is very Catholic but it doesn’t have a Catholic message. It’s about temptations and how deceiving they are. They’re not black & white.”
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Barry Anderson sculpting a ripped apart chest prosthetic for the film ‘The Unholy’
Though Vila created the myth of the Lenten season temptation, another aspect of The Unholy’s premise comes from actual Catholic lore. “On Good Friday, they take all the communion Hosts out of the church and extinguish the sanctuary light,” he explains. “From Friday at 3:00 to Saturday at midnight, the church is not holy. This is the time when the demon makes his last strike.”
The screenplay for The Unholy has an interesting history, beginning life as a treatment by old-time Hollywood writer/producer Philip Yordan. Although best known as the author of the cult classic Johnny Guitar and prestigious epics such as King of Kings, The Fall of the Roman Empire and Battle of the Bulge, Yordan is more familiar for Day of the Triffids. He wrote his Unholy treatment some years before The Exorcist and The Omen created a vogue for major horror films. Too far ahead of its time, the story collected dust on Yordan’s office shelves until Vila discovered it while working with Yordan on another project. Vila turned the treatment into a full screenplay and a production deal was struck, with filming set to begin in January 1986. This deal collapsed before shooting started, but Vila found new backers while in Florida later that year. New producer Matthew Hayden brought in writer Fernando Fonseca to polish another draft before the script was taken before the cameras.
Most of The Unholy was shot in Miami’s Limelite Studios, with studio owners Frank Tolin and Wanda Rayle serving as executive producers. The film is the initial project of Team Effort Productions, Inc., a Florida-based company formed to make Hollywood-caliber films in the Sunshine State.
In the lead role as Father Michael is Ben Cross. Veteran actors Ned Beatty, Hal Holbrook and Trevor Howard round out the supporting cast, along with William Russ. The leading lady is Jill Carroll, who plays a young woman involved with Father Michael. Nicole Fornier another lovely-and mysterious-lady. Fornier’s role reportedly required a very unusual bit of prosthetic makeup: The application of an extra nipple on her left breast.
Assuming responsibility for the special makeup and prosthetics on The Unholy was Isabel Harkins. A veteran of 12 years in the business, her credits include Scared Stiff and dozens of rock videos and commercials. “I’ve done lots of ‘doubles,'” she laughs, “making people up to look like Abe Lincoln and George Washington, or bears or sandwiches.” She also assisted creating the elves and fairies for Ridley Scott’s Legend. About the extra nipple on Fornier, Harkins says, “I just made a cast of her real nipple and then doubled it. She’s a beautiful girl. I bleached her dark brown hair into a fiery red and made her up glamorous, the Christian Dior look.”
Harkins served up several generous helpings of gore FX for The Unholy, including bloody bodies both human and canine. At one point, a man is butchered and crucified upside down on a cross in a Satanic parody of Christ’s death. “He gets ripped open from his crotch all the way to his neck,” reveals Harkins. “His heart and a liver are hanging out, the ribcage gets all torn up, and his bones are sticking out. It came out beautiful.  They did it with the real actor and then again with the stuntman the next day. I had to match exactly how the blood ran hanging upside down.”
The Unholy also features the gory slaughter of a German shepherd.  “But we didn’t hurt the dog!” Harkins hastens to assure everyone.  “We had a veterinarian anesthetize him. Once the dog was sleeping, we had to work really fast to apply the prosthetics and special blood I made. It looks very, very real.” And what did the pooch think of this? Harkins chuckles. “He was just licking himself off, licking up all the Karo syrup and pancake stuff. He liked it.”
Another interesting challenge came on Halloween night, when the filming of an accident victim prosthetic job was repeatedly postponed. “I put on the makeup at 5:00 p.m.,” she recalls, but the first shot wasn’t until midnight, and they shot the close-up at 6:00 the next morning.” The delays necessitated constant maintenance to preserve realism. “Appliances start going bad after you daub them up with all the glue and blood. The edges start coming up. But I used some products from RCMA, the same stuff Tom Savini and Rick Baker use. They keep the appliances going for a long time.”
Harkins says she would prefer to work with more lighthearted fantasy-oriented projects like Legend, but for now the splatter jobs are keeping her employed. “I know everything about anatomy,” she says. “I’ve been doing this for 12 years now. I go to the morgue for research.
Creating a plan for the spectacular climax of The Unholy was the duty of special FX designer Michael Novotny. No stranger to fantastic films, Novotny served as production designer on the upcoming Invasion Earth, as art director on Flight of the Navigator, and worked on the mechanical sharks for Jaws 3-D as well as the robots for Chopping Mall. Advance word on The Unholy was that a 6-foot demon appeared at its finale, but Novotny shrugs this off. “That’s a rather pedestrian description of what, in fact, is going to be revealed,” he says. “We are making a physical shape which is much larger than 6 feet, and we have several different versions of this, uh, shall we say, ‘demon.’
“It’s hard to describe exactly what it is,” Novotny explains, “because some of the versions of the ‘demon’ are meant to be seen only from certain points of view. One might be just a profile. Another might be just a background piece that’s meant to be interpreted as a shadow, and another is what I’d call a ‘full-on jeopardy shot’ where you’ll be confronted by him directly.”
This evil entity manifests itself in many forms. “The whole concept is that the power of the devil is at its extreme as a deceiver,” says Novotny. “He’s changing constantly. At one point he becomes a holocaust of fire, with the entire church splitting open and forming a hell.” This last effect required the assistance of Star Wars FX Whiz John Dykstra’s Apogee company to execute Novotny’s plan.
Charged with building the monstrous entity that Novotny designed was makeup FX creator Jerry Macaluso, who has worked under Rick Baker. Macaluso was assisted by Linda Arrigoni, Barry Anderson, and Brian Burgstaller, all veterans of Romero’s Day of the Dead. Working with mechanics built .by Ken Wheatley, Macaluso and his crew assembled the demon by first sculpting in clay, then molding in fiberglass. “It was quite an experience because none of us had ever done anything this big before,”  recalls Macaluso. “Standing straight up, she’s 9 feet tall.”  She? Yes, you read that right.
“You can definitely tell it’s a female. It has large, sagging breasts, fully articulated. We’ve got her mounted on a crane in back, and her arms are puppeted. There’s some pneumatics, also.”
Construction of the creature took over three months, followed by an entire week of screen tests before the monstrous creation was pronounced film-worthy. “There are actually three demons,” Macaluso reveals. “There’s the full-scale demon, then there’s the costume, which is basically for head and shoulders shots, and then there’s a special demon for… something else.”
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The Jerry Macaluso Creature
One person particularly impressed with the Macaluso crew’s demon work is Fernando Fonseca. “There’s six guys in there, working it,” he says with obvious amazement. “It’s fantastic to watch.” The multi-talented Fonseca, who served as the Unholy’s production designer, also composed the music score and co-wrote the screenplay. Fonseca sheds a bit more light on the subject of that extra nipple applied to Nicole Fornier. “An additional nipple is supposed to be a sign of witchcraft,” he explains. “That was one of the ‘tests’ for witchcraft back when the Spanish Inquisition had its bonfires. It was called ‘the devil’s mark.”
Although Fonseca’s scripts have been performed on the theatrical stage, The Unholy is his first produced screenplay. He describes his rewrite of the Yordan and Vila script as a matter of fleshing out the characters and filling in important details. For example, in the earlier script, Father Michael was invulnerable to temptation. “To me, this left much to be desired in the way of dramatic conflicts,” recalls Fonseca. “The demon is trying to get to him by tempting him. If he’s not susceptible, then we’ve given you the conclusion at the beginning of the story. In Yordan’s script, the demon was sent back to hell when the bell struck midnight, kind of like Cinderella.”
Another addition was a background story of elderly Father Silva’s own experience with the demon. The earlier draft had Father Silva lecturing at length about demonic lore but never explained how he acquired the knowledge. Fonseca added an explanation for Father Silva’s inside information and linked it to a new, bone-chilling finale. Due to Fonseca’s innovations and the skilled work of the entire crew at Team Effort Productions, The Unholy should provide ample thrills for even the most jaded horror film-goers. Vestron Pictures will release it this Halloween.
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  The Bob Keen Creature
Unfortunately for Vila, the people at Vestron who picked up the feature for distribution apparently wanted a horror film. Impressed with Waxwork, another of their genre offerings, Vestron contacted that piece’s producers, Christopher Anderson and Gary Bettman, and makeup FX man Bob Keen to shoot a new ending for The Unholy. Keen, who handled the FX on Waxwork in addition to directing second unit, was asked to rework and direct The Unholy’s climactic church battle. “The film is not that bad, it stands up by itself. The ending just needed a little polish,” Keen comments. “It’s still the original director’s and the original team’s film. I’m just doing the ending. I’ll probably get back-end credit as ‘Additional sequences directed by …’ and I’m happy with that. I’m here to help people out.”
For the reshoot, shop was set up for 10 days at the Raleigh Studios in Hollywood, right across the street from Paramount Pictures. The original church set was the only thing shipped in and reconstructed from The Unholy’s Florida shoot. A new production crew consisted mostly of Waxwork veterans in addition to Keen’s British team of Simon Sayce, Neill Gorton and brother David Keen. As scripted by Keen, the new sequence’s main purpose was to provide a more exciting and satisfying plot resolution. “The ending is bigger now, we expanded its scope,” notes producer Bettman. “The battle between God and the devil, heaven and hell, Father Michael’s fight with the Temptress, the question of should he or shouldn’t he be attracted to a woman, that’s a lot going on in just a few minutes. There’s also more action. We’ve added two other little demons, and there’s more happening with the monster. Visually, it’s a fantastic creature.”
The new creature, the demonic transformation of the Temptress who torments Father Michael, is a departure from the original Jerry Macaluso creature. It’s still very tall and noticeably female, but now the demon is meatier, slimier and looks like it’s covered in rotting entrails. Its head is larger and more menacing, with fiery red eyes and sharp claw like teeth. Explaining how the new creature was designed, Keen says, “We started from scratch. We had to simply scrap everything or we would botch up what had already been done. Vestron believed in this movie, so the decision was made quite early on, ‘Let’s spend the money, go back to square one and see what we can do.’
“There were little problems that I don’t think became evident until everything was in place,” Keen continues. “The original creature didn’t have any teeth and had very little personality. Since the scene cuts between a real person and the creature, it was important that the creature move and behave like it had a personality. That was the basic reason for abandoning the original design.”
Keen’s demon began its life as two separate pieces: an articulated head and shoulders for close-ups, and a suit worn by Gorton and Sayce for the long shots. “Midway through a scene in which the creature, on all fours, stalks the fallen priest at the church altar, we decided we needed something halfway between the two and grafted the close-up head onto the suit to make a giant puppet,” Keen reveals. “I wanted the creature to have a hands-on conflict with the priest. The conflict was very important; I didn’t want something that took place with them 200 yards away from each other.”
The finale also includes “a trip to hell which is structured with very strong images,” says Keen. “The priest eventually wins and dispatches the demon back to hell. We built the miniature set (of the church opening up into a deep pit) upside down so we could control the creature’s fall. The camera was aimed up at it, and on film it looks like the creature is dropping down a huge hole. We used the 2001 technique and hid all the wires behind the model as it gets pulled up.”
To keep the film a cohesive narrative, some of the additional footage is being edited into the body of the film as dream sequences experienced by Father Michael. While many who leave the church never go back, British actor Ben Cross did return almost a year later to reprise his role as Father Michael. “It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible,” he judges. “I’ve really forgotten a great deal, so I relied on Bob Keen, who had seen all the footage, to remind me. Basically, it’s acting by the numbers.”
The Unholy marks Cross’ first horror/FX film, as well as his first performance as an American. “Father Michael, rather than being Super-priest,” the actor observes, “is actually a bloke who can’t come to terms with the fact that he’s gifted. There’s a human side to the character. He has a strong will and strong faith, but he’s also very cynical. He doesn’t believe that evil can personify itself in fleshly form. Of course, he finds out otherwise.”
Throughout the rigorous FX shooting – including the afternoon he had to don painful contact lenses to simulate Father Michael’s ultimate blindness – Cross tried to keep a sense of humor. After one difficult shot, he announced to the cast and crew, “I’ve just been through hell.”
“These movies are tough,” Cross laughs. “When I studied at drama school, I received a classical actor’s training. I was prepared for all sorts of things; we were trained for radio. But no one ever trains you to scream and shriek while you’re crucified to an altar, and the thing that’s actually coming toward you is a prop man lighting up a cigarette behind camera. These things are so embarrassing and undignified that you just try to get it in one or two takes. After that, you start to analyze, and that’s not good.”
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Puppet created, shot, but ultimately cut from a film. Created by David Sosalla, Rick Lazzarini, and Mike Sorenson at Apogee, Inc.
Preferring to view the 10-day filming as “additional stuff” rather than a reshoot, Cross doesn’t consider this an opportunity to add anything to his performance, “This is to improve the film,” he maintains. “It’s the final 10 minutes. By that time, you either have a good movie or you don’t. The whole film builds toward these last 10 minutes. If they don’t work, then I along with many other people look a bit ridiculous, and the audience will go out laughing.”
Gary Bettman agrees, give or take five minutes. “Often what people will leave the movie theater with is the last reel. It’s what they remember most,” he nods. “The final climax leaves you with the thought of the picture, that last 15 minutes. Hopefully, we’re going to leave them so they tell their friends.”
And just in case there are any doubts left, the final word belongs to Bob Keen, who expects his sequences to comprise to 10 minutes of screen time. “Now,” assures the director, “The Unholy is definitely a horror movie.”
Keen says he doesn’t plan to emphasize his film’s FX aspects. “I’m a special effects man, but I don’t want to be labeled a special effects director,” he notes. “The area I want to develop is the character. How the story is important to the character’s structure and growth is the part I’m going to spend all my time on. If I don’t know how to do special effects by now, and how to direct them, I might as well give up.
Ben Cross as Father Michael
Ned Beatty as Lieutenant Stern
William Russ as Luke
Jill Carroll as Millie
Hal Holbrook as Archbishop Mosely
Trevor Howard as Father Silva
Claudia Robinson as Teresa
Nicole Fortier as Demon
Peter Frechette as Claude
Earleen Carey as Lucile
    The Unholy (1988) Retrospective PLOT While praying in St. Agnes church in New Orleans, Father Dennis is confronted by a demon taking the shape of a seductive woman.
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