#karst lake
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science w/ sherrie: karst edition!
took my students to a local cavern walk and drove the department vans for the first time! had a lot of fun walkin and talkin about the caves
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ayaboba · 6 months
summary: a cozy vacation spent in another nation
characters: neuvillette, xiao, baizhu, wanderer, ayato, kaeya, childe, lyney, albedo, zhongli, wriothesley, venti, diluc, alhaitham, kazuha.
notes: locations handpicked by me!! these are general days in another nation, you’re not really doing anything too exhilarating, total wc: 1.8k.
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ dreamy december event masterlist
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mondstadt, starfell lake - neuvillette, xiao, baizhu
Breezy and wide plains on the tops of jagged mountains, carrying a sweet breeze of berries and dandelions. Mondstadt, the nation of freedom, stole the hearts of numerous travelers, with its homely and cozy atmosphere, frolicking the winds all around Teyvat and coaxing the interest of many.
It was Mondstadt’s virtue that first drew him in. Freedom, peace, and comfort, the only things he has ever hoped, wished, yearned with every fibre of his being. Mondstadt sounded like a long-awaited exhalation of air, to finally breathe in a new breath of fresh opportunities and beginnings.
The earliest beams of sunshine crept through the sheer curtains.
If it were any other day, you’d let out a vexed groan before rolling to the other side. But today, today was another day in Mondstadt, and you’d be stupid to let any of the time go to waste.
Shoving the curtains aside, you observe in awe as Starfell Lakes glimmers like a pool of sapphire diamonds or like a flutter of fairies, their pixiedust sprinkling a bit of happiness into your day.
“It really is so beautiful here.”
The abrupt voice startles you for a split second. “Don’t creep up on me like that,” faux disappointment lacing your voice. He mutters a quiet apology before letting out a faint smile, interchangeably switching his gaze from you to the lake.
“Should we go outside?”
You nod in agreement, the excitement rejuvenating you even further. “If it’s this spectacular from afar, can you imagine how majestic it must be up close?”
“Very majestic,” he repeats, leading you both out the door.
liyue, jueyun karst - wanderer, ayato, kaeya
Dizzying peaks and swirling mists convey an atmosphere of grandeur and mystique, alluring visitors and their fascination towards the beauty of Jueyun Karst, rumoured to be the abode of the adepti, typically unreachable by mortals. Yet, there was always an abundance of people willing to test their luck and willpower, returning to tell dramatic tales of exaggerated perils and glory. Even so, there were still facts that none could deny about the quiet abode, namely, the distinctive tranquility fusing within its clouds.
It’s truly hard to believe that you weren’t a figure in a watercolor painting. Soft brushes of orange, yellow, and green leaves dance in the chilly breeze. The sound of approaching footsteps quickly snaps you out of your afternoon reverie as you turn your head towards a familiar face.
He greets you with an unsually innocent, lighthearted wave, accompanied with an intriguing wrapped basket. It doesn’t take much to piece together the pieces and present an overall message, not that he tried very hard to conceal it. Perhaps this vacation has muddled up parts of his cognitive functions.
“How are you feeling?” he inquires, the question evoking some sort of suspicion within you. “Hungry? Bored?” he continues, appearing oblivious to your raised eyebrows.
“…both?” you reply, a little confused and hesitant. “I won’t say no to some lunch.”
“Perfect, I found just the place.”
inazuma, chinju forest & grand narukami shrine - childe, lyney, albedo
Luminous flowers hidden deep in the forests, fragrant cherry blossoms lining the streets of Inazuma—the diverse variation of natural features that Inazuma beholds captivates the interest of those seeking something different, a thirst for something that simply cannot be found anywhere else.
Chinju forest, a secluded area of glowing streams and blooms, far enough from the attention of the city, and close enough to the allure of the grand shrines, a more than ideal option.
In the space of Chinju Forest, day was like night, and night was like day. There was really no hourglass here, where time ambled, the grains of sand dripping one at a time. It unlocked a rare sense of bliss, where no-one was obliged to be anything or do anything.
Despite the strong desire to explore the all-imposing Grand Narukami Shrine, the sheer amount of the flight of stairs that you needed to overcome was already giving you second thoughts.
“…Please don’t tell me…there’s more,” he groans, almost succumbing to his knees and screaming up at the sky. “How many stairs do you think we’ve walked up so far? I’ll say at least two hundred, maybe even two fifty.”
No words leave your mouth; there’s none in your head either; all you feel is a growing agonising pain in your calves and thighs. Short, tired pants take turns exiting your body, and you glance up at the new set of stairs—hopefully the last.
“Yeah, me too,” he replies, nodding understandingly as he recovers and hands you a bottle of chilled water. “Take your time, this is going to be a long one.”
After about ten minutes, you both set off again. To your utter confusion, he seems so energised, sprouting encouraging comments in the midst of silence. You’re thankful for the cheers of reassurance, but all that’s needed is a good night's rest under those glowing flowers and twinkling fireflies.
You don’t even realise for a good minute that you’ve reached the top. The sweat pooling along your clothes is an indicator of your mood—exhausted and sore all over.
Your name rings over the few other people gathered at the shrine as he eagerly hands you a fortune slip.
“Read it out loud; apparently it’s quite accurate.”
Modest Fortune: Clouds cover half the moon and the fog is thick.
Above you is the mood shrouded by cloud. Ahead of you, everything is engulfed by fog.
Though the way ahead seems unclear at the moment, all will become clear when the time comes.
Take this opportunity to improve yourself while waiting for the clouds to clear.
You’re not sure how to feel.
sumeru, port ormos - zhongli, wriothesley, venti
Port Ormos holds everything.
Marketing secrets, priceless treasures, and an aromatic scent of homemade dishes crafted with exotic spices and herbs, carrying through the refreshing winds of nearby seawater. It’s enticing—everything from the cultural architecture to the species of trees. Despite its prominence throughout Teyvat, it’s not as overcrowded as you originally thought it to be. Of course, it’s still busy, but everyone mostly keeps to themselves as they go on with their usual lives. At every new turn, you find yourself enamoured by the great variety of stores, keen to explore every inch of them, no matter how unrealistic that goal may appear.
Someone who’s probably more excited about being in the Port Ormos was probably the person trailing by your side. Out of the blue, he’d point and mutter an interesting fact, or occasionally go up to the store owner with a handful of questions, as you stood awkwardly behind him. It’s quite fine by you, though; the several friendships he’s established with owners have brought in handy discounts and bonuses.
“We should try out that new waterside restaurant,” he says one evening as you walk hand-in-hand by the docks, admiring the warm tones of a summer sunset blending together over the borders of clouds. “One of the vendors told me they have a special on Sundays.”
“Ah, a special,” you hum, amused. “Is that what caught your eye?”
“Special things always catch my eye,” he replies, a mischievous smile spreading on his face. “Would you like an example before we enter?”
You arrive at the entrance of the restaurant, and like mentioned, it boasts a stunning view of the clear and pristine waters, lapping at the edge.
There are floral garlands with small lights slithering across the corners of the ceilings, lit with blazing lamps, soft crackles of the flame add to the intimate atmosphere.
“If you insist, then sure,” you answer to his previous question. Your attention is more focused on searching the restaurant for a waiter to call.
“I think they might be standing right beside me.”
fontaine, elynas - diluc, alhaitham, kazuha
The cosmos present themselves in the elegant fashion of being subtle yet imperial, with millions of sparkling stars sprinkling all across Fontaine’s heavens, effortlessly illuminating the world underneath.
The pale streaks of moonlight gleam down onto the cascading waters and the array of flowers and shrubs, casting a magical afterglow that creates a bewitching sense of enchantment, like you were an illustration in an ancient storybook lost as the ages gone by.
Have you ever tried to paint at night? To become a midnight muse?
Cutting through the stillness were the delicate strokes of brushes on a canvas. It’s a smooth and soft sound, as the colours glide and complement each other.
You’re sitting opposite each other, one the muse of another.
With an air of finality, he looks up at you with a satisfied expression on his face as he begins to pack away the paintbrushes and palettes. Whether he’s content with his product is unknown. Nothing about his face or mannerisms convey an emotion, unless if you count the usual peaceful visage.
“Are you close to finishing?” he asks politely as he packs away the last of his equipment. “It’s alright if you haven't; those mountains aren’t exactly easy to get in the right shape.”
He’s right; the intricacies of Fontaine’s environment are undeniably striking and tedious to replicate, from the very details of the petals to the shade of grass.
You add the last few finishing touches before giving it one last, fleeting look.
“I’m finished.”
As you mutter those two words, something stirs in the air. The world suddenly feels so vastly beautiful, and this particular point in time feels so perfectly sacred that it couldn’t have been a mere coincidence, and you know it’s not.
You know that this very moment, this very vacation, this very night—you know that he must’ve planned this all along.
It was so sweet.
“Show me yours,” you suggest, crossing one leg over the other. Everything feels a thousand times more divine; everything feels so much more meaningful that it's imbedded into your head, in your guts; there's a doubt on whether it will ever leave.
“What’s got you so happy all of a sudden?” he asks lightheartedly. “Don’t raise your expectations too high; I can’t be an exception for everything.”
You’re just smiling, beaming up at the glittering stars, forever grateful for all the light they’ve bestowed upon you, because it’s been a while since you’ve last told them thank you.
Their splendour radiates down to your face; iridescent shimmers twinkle in the tears unknowingly sliding down your face.
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rjzimmerman · 27 days
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Good story from Yale Environment 360, without a paywall (I think), about beavers, public land, wildfires, endangered species, the largest beaver dam in the world, the degradation of that land and the large pond behind the dam due to the tar sands mining activity in the vicinity. In other words, a microcosm of all the bad stuff and good stuff intersecting in one place in Canada. Excerpt from this story:
Wood Buffalo National Park, the largest national park in Canada, covers an area the size of Switzerland and stretches from Northern Alberta into the Northwest Territories. Only one road enters it from Alberta, and one from the NWT. If not for people observing it from airplanes and helicopters, and satellites photographing it, little would be known about big parts of it. The park is a variety of landscapes — boreal swamps, fens, bogs, black spruce forests, salt flats, gypsum karst, permafrost islands, and prairies that extend the continent’s central plains to their northern limit. The wood buffalo in the park’s name are bison related to the Great Plains bison. In this remoteness, the buffalo descend from the original population, and the wolves that prey on them are also the wild originals. Millions of birds summer and breed here. The park holds one of the last remaining breeding grounds of the whooping crane.
Other superlatives and near-superlatives: the delta in the park’s southeast where the Peace River and the Athabasca River come together is one of the largest freshwater deltas in the world; last summer, some of Canada’s largest forest fires burned in the park and around it; and — just inside the park’s southern border — is the largest beaver dam in the world.
The dam is about a half-mile long and in the shape of an arc made of connected arcs, like a recurve bow. The media has known about it for 16 years, and in that time no bigger beaver dam has come to light, so it’s still known as the biggest, and scientists believe it almost certainly is. Animal technology created it, but human technology revealed it.
Many of the beavers that have reestablished themselves globally are descended from beavers that were planted by wildlife biologists. The thriving beaver population of Tierra del Fuego (another place Thie has studied) is descended from beavers brought to Argentina from Canada’s Saskatchewan River, who are themselves scions of beavers transplanted from upstate New York. No reintroduction of beavers was done in Wood Buffalo Park. Thie believes that the beavers who built the dam are of original stock. Like the wood buffalo and the wolves, they were too remote to be wiped out.
The park is suffering the worst drought in its history. Flows are down by half in many places, owing to climate change, water diversion, poor seasonal snowpack, and dams on the Peace River, upstream in British Columbia. A danger that seems inescapable comes from the oil sands that are being mined for crude-oil-containing bitumen, and from tailing ponds that hold trillions of liters of mine-contaminated water. The ponds are near the banks of the Athabasca River, just upstream from the park boundary. They are fatal to birds that land on them. Given the direction that water flows, conservationists and native people fear the tailings will pollute the park eventually. Toxic chemicals have already been found in McClelland Lake, just southeast of the park. Locals stopped taking their drinking water from the lake years ago.
Gillian Chow-Fraser, the boreal program manager for the Northern Alberta chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, in Edmonton, travels in the park often by helicopter, canoe, and foot. She has described the park’s environment as “super degraded.” When I spoke with her by phone not long ago, she talked about a recent tailing basin leak that was not reported to the First Nations downstream of it for nine months. In places that used to flood regularly but now don’t, the land is drying out and vegetation disappearing. Though she crisscrosses the park, she has never seen the world’s largest beaver dam, but she’s grateful that it’s there and bringing the park attention.
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Lake Ohrid and Lake Prespa, two of Europe’s oldest lakes, lie in mountains along the borders of North Macedonia, Albania, and Greece. The lakes have persisted for at least 1 million years, possibly longer. Ohrid has a mean depth of 155m to Prespa's 14m.
The Operational Land Imager-2 (OLI-2) on Landsat 9 captured this natural-color image of the lakes on August 19, 2022. Ohrid is the larger and deeper of the two, with a mean depth of 155 meters (509 feet). Prespa has a mean depth of 14 meters (45 feet).
The lakes owe their longevity to sustained tectonic activity that causes the land beneath them to sink, creating grabens, or low-lying valleys flanked by faults. This ongoing sinking of the valleys prevents sediment and plant life from building up and turning the lakes into bogs over time, as happens to most lakes after a few thousand years.
Most of the world’s millions of lakes are less than 18,000 years old and were formed when glaciers melted at the end of the last Ice Age. Geologists classify just 30 lakes, including Ohrid and Prespa, as “ancient”—defined by some researchers as persisting more than one ice age cycle (at least 130,000 years). Geologists think about 20 lakes on Earth, mostly found in grabens, have persisted for more than 1 million years.
Most of Ohrid’s water comes from underwater springs, but about 20 percent of it drains down from the higher-elevation Prespa through underground karst channels. While water levels have remained relatively stable on Lake Ohrid in recent decades, Prespa has experienced significant declines in both area and volume. In one recent study, based on nearly four decades of Landsat observations, scientists reported that Lake Prespa lost 7 percent of its surface area and half of its volume between 1984 and 2020, likely because of increased water withdrawals for agriculture.
The low-nutrient, high-oxygen waters of Lake Ohrid support more than 1,200 species of plants and animals, giving the lake one of the highest concentrations of biodiversity in the world. The longevity of Lake Ohrid has allowed for the evolution of 200 species that are found nowhere else, including unusual snails, ducks, and trout. The lake is a UNESCO world heritage site, and it is sometimes called the European Galapagos or a museum of living fossils due to its remarkable biodiversity.
The lakes aren’t the only local features notable for their ages. Ohrid, the largest town on the lake, is one of the oldest human settlements in Europe. It has the oldest Slav monastery and more than 800 Byzantine-style icons created between the 11th and 14th century.
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plaguedocboi · 2 years
it's been a long time. have you been horrified by any more bodies of water?
I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about Wild Lake, Slovenia, so let’s go
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This karst spring is the source of the shortest river in the country, at about 180 ft long. Water bubbles up from underground, but exactly where it’s coming from is unclear because, like many of the other bodies of water I talk about, the depth of the lake is unknown. Divers have descended to 550 ft without finding the bottom. Also, whenever it rains, the lake gets way bigger.
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So that’s… unsettling
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unrealward · 5 months
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Ecoposse (2021)
Drawn for a biomimetic design course; Collection of organisms and ecosystems that inspired me. Identification and fun facts below the cut:
Barometer earthstar - Puffball mushroom with a humidity-responsive outer casing that maximizes spore distribution. In dry conditions, outer layer curls around spore sac and allows the fruiting body to roll in the wind. During humid weather, rays unfurl and keep sac steady so rainwater disperses spores. The reaction is the result of the exoperidium's hygroscopic inner layer, and occurs without sensory organs.
Hagfish - Incredibly unique eel-like scavenger fish that have de-evolved a spine. Equipped with rasping jaws, baggy skin that protects the inner organs from damage and facilitates the body tying itself in knots, and a rapidly-expanding fibrous slime that suffocates predators. They are extremely cute and I love them so much.
Subterranean freshwater aquifer ecosystem (Specifically the Edwards Aquifer) - An ecosystem whose biodiversity is bolstered by favorable chemical conditions. Porous karst rock, alongside other natural processes, treat and purify the water to drinkable levels without the need for human intervention. Host to a plethora of stygofauna without pigmentation, eyes, and other features that allow for an efficient metabolism that can spend months between meals.
Harvestmen (aka Daddy Longlegs) - arachnids (not spiders!) adapted for movement in difficult terrain; voluntarily self-amputate limbs (autotomy) that do not grow back, but regain comparable movement speeds through behavioral compensation for up to 3 limbs lost. An interesting example of accepting greater risk by distributing resources among a greater number of less-specialized organs.
Caddisfly larvae - Caddisfly larvae are small insects that live in freshwater streams, rivers, lakes, and more, building protective cases with incredibly strong waterproof bio-adhesive and local detritus. Though they typically construct cases from specific abundant materials, they can incorporate artificially introduced objects like gold and precious jewels, which can be used to make jewelry.
Hydrothermal vent ecosystem - Deep underwater where no light penetrates, geysers of supercritical magma-heated mineralized water and high pressures create harsh conditions for survival. The unique adaptations of chemosynthetic bacteria convert the toxic sulfides into biocompatible chemicals, supporting the range of life in the ecosystem. Giant tube worms, scaly-foot gastropods, and eyeless, hairy Yeti Crabs are some of the interesting creatures that call this habitat home.
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dromaeo-sauridae · 3 months
i wanna talk about caves gimme your cave facts
since you didnt ask for anything specific so im just gonna say whatever comes to mind
- the type of cave you probably think of, the kind with different formations and pools of mirror-like reflective water, is called a cavern, solution cave, or karst cave. these are formed when water enters a crack of soluble rock like limestone and erodes it away
- some of the other ways caves can form is by the wind or ocean. these ones look vastly different to caverns and are known for there flowing shapes. ive yet to visit a sand or sea cave yet!
- stalactites, those big rock icicles that hang from the ceiling. grow about .005 inches a year. when you go into your next solution cave, look at those stalactites and think about how long it took for them to get as big as they are
- the largest underground lake in america is called the lost sea, second only to the lake inside dragon’s breath cave in namibia. (in the non-subglacial lake category. subglacial lakes are big enough to even make me shudder
- we all know axolotls. those cute minecraft mobs that eat fish and live in caves, right? ….nope. axolotls live in freshwater lakes in mexico. they resemble cave animals like the olm because they bot exhibit neotony. neotony occurs when animals (salamanders, in the axolotl and olm’s case) retain juvenile traits instead of growing out of them
- the largest cave in the world is han son doong in vietman. son doong, along with other asian caves similar to it, is large enough to support its own rainforest ecosystem and has stalagmites over 200 feet tall. its the holy grail of caves to visit, and hopefully i’ll be able to make the trip someday!
- mammoth cave is the longest known cave system in the world, and is a solution cave. but walking into it, you dont see any of the usual cave formations. thats because the cap of the mountain much of mammoth rests under is shale, which is less soluble than rocks like limestone and gypsum. that didnt stop the green river from carving it out from underneath, though. the green river still flows through mammoth and occasionally floods some passages in the wet season.
thats all i can think of! if anyone wants to know more specific stuff i will gladly tell you as much as i know
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rebeccathenaturalist · 7 months
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Well, it's been a whirlwind few days! Thursday I went on the weekly phenology walk at Audubon Trails Nature Center in Rolla, MO. It's the last one of the year, and we were seeing if there were still any wildflowers in bloom in spite of the freeze a few nights before. We did find a scant few Asteraceae with open flowers, but for the most part everything was done for the year. It was a really good experience getting to wander the trails with someone who knows the local flora really well; I'm still playing catch-up on learning (and remembering) native prairie plants in this area, and since they happen every Thursday morning during the growing season, I'm going to make sure and attend whenever I'm in town.
Thursday afternoon I officially taught my first in-person class in Rolla with my basic mushroom foraging intro at the Rolla Public Library. I checked out SO MANY BOOKS from that library as a kid, and so it was basically coming full circle to be able to teach there. I had an awesome audience that packed the room, got some great questions, and really appreciated the support that library staff gave me throughout the entire process. I'm already brainstorming what I want to teach when I head back to this area next spring.
Friday I got to spend immersed in planty goodness at the Missouri Botanical Symposium. I had actually registered last year but ended up not feeling good at the last moment so I had to miss out. Totally worth the entire trip this year, though! There were some really great talks (I especially enjoyed the one on the interplay of geology and plant life in Missouri karst fens), and I even made some good connections and new friends! I am SUCH an introvert that it can be tough for me to go around introducing myself in a room where I don't know anyone, but luckily a friendly extrovert latched onto me and helped me meet some really cool people. (Also, pro tip: having art supplies out and in use makes for a great conversation starter, and if you bring enough for others to use you can have a little science illustration party at your table!)
Saturday I peeled myself out of bed early yet again for a very good reason--I got to lead a lichen hike at Audubon Trails! It sort of felt like cramming for a test because while the basic biology of lichens is the same everywhere, I'm not as familiar with local species here as I am back home in the PNW. So I visited the site a few times on this visit to look for cool lichens and try to get them down to at least a genus level, if not species. Again, really great turnout for the hike--people were having a great time, lots of excellent questions and discoveries along the way. And there were two kids from the Rolla Outdoor Collaborative School on site who were not only THE best guides to the trails there, but they found and showed off some cool stuff (including lichens, AND fuzzy oak galls!) The next generation of naturalists is already well on their way to helping others connect with the great outdoors, which does my heart good.
I gotta start driving back west tomorrow; I have classes in Portland next weekend. So today is being lazy, doing laundry, and helping my folks with a few more things around the house. It's been another great visit here, though, and I'm already making plans for next year. I'm going to try to schedule a couple of classes along the way for my spring trip; since I'll likely be taking I-70 since 80 is sketchy even in April, I'm probably looking at Salt Lake City and Denver for venues. I'm open to suggestions if anyone knows of a bookstore, library, nature center, or similar who might like to host a wandering naturalist infodumping about ecology for a couple of hours!
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What is the age of groundwater venting at submerged karst sinkholes?
Dear AGU,  
Mysteries abound regarding ground water composition, inventories and fluxes. This is particularly true for the age of ground water venting from submarine and sublacustrine vents such as the submerged karst sinkholes in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Currently, we have no idea if the groundwater venting out of nearshore and offshore sinkholes in Lake Huron is days, years, centuries, or even many millennia old – even though this know-how is key to understanding aquifer recharge and turnover, assessing its contribution to lake levels and the potential for groundwater contamination and its transfer to the lake’s interior.
            Here onboard NOAA’s R/V Storm, divers have just brought up groundwater samples in airtight Van Dorn bottles from the bottom of Middle Island Sinkhole (~23 m depth). Working underneath the shade of an umbrella, research technician Tony Weinke and graduate student Cecilia Howard are carefully draining the groundwater samples into copper collection tubes that will be sealed without bubbles and exposure to atmosphere for sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) measurements. Since anthropogenic SF6 arose about 70 years ago, its presence or absence in venting groundwater will inform us if it is relatively young or quite old, respectively.   
— Bopi Biddanda and Tony Weinke, Annis Water Resources Institute, Grand Valley State University (https://www.gvsu.edu/wri/); Cecilia Howard and Diana Velazquez, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Michigan (https://lsa.umich.edu/earth); and Steve Ruberg, NOAA-Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (https://www.glerl.noaa.gov/), Michigan.
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protoindoeuropean · 8 months
The absolute shade of 'I'd describe those as hills' heheheh Slovenian mountains do go pretty hard tbf. Also the karst region of Slovenia is so cool and I never knew that region is where the name comes from!! I assumed the region was named after the rock not the other way around
💁‍♂️ tbf we have a three-way basic distinction anyway (gora 'mountain', hrib 'hill', grič 'hillock', though much like with hill and hillock you can make further diminutives from each of those too), which is something that happens when your hills and mountains are about twice as high as they are in Britain, for example :p
But yeah Karst (Kras in Sln., Carso in Ita.) is a limestone plateau in Slovenia and Italy where these phenomena were first studied and presented to the wider public in the 17th century – both to academic circles with Valvasor's publications, as well as more generally: the records of the first tourists in the Vilenica cave go back to 1633 (making it the oldest show cave in Europe). Because of that the region is also called Classical Karst, to disambiguate
In contrast to the South China mountains, a surface feature of karst topography (that's not to say there isn't anyththing else going on there, above- and underground), Karst is more well known for the subterranean features, caves and caverns full of stalactites and stalagmites, underground rivers and lakes – famously, the river Reka (which means 'river' in Sln.) goes underground in the Škocjan caves and surfaces as the springs of Timavo on the Adriatic coast; there are many other examples like that, also outside of the Classical Karst, like the seven names of Ljubljanica which we learn in school – seven different streams that were identified as one single river, going underground and resurfacing (at least) six times
the already mentioned Škocjan caves are also my favourite natural wonder 😌 (an underground canyon is kinda hard to beat tbh)
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eusuchia · 4 months
I haven't travelled nearly as much as I would like to, but I am really grateful to have seen a lot of different kinds of geographies. spent a lot of time in the rockies, summer and winter, all the sharpness and drama and beautiful teal lakes and beetle-excoriated conifer forests and deafeningly loud waterfalls, always struggling to grasp the sheer scale of glacial formations spilling out over the rest of the continent when I walk over their meek echoes in the present. on the other hand, I find I miss more often the oceanic vastness of prairie, more sky than you can imagine if you've never been somewhere so open, horizon to horizon of nothing but blue above and cereal yellows and grassy greens below. and the badlands, red and ochre bands documenting millenia all carved into a pale green-carpeted valley. humbled to have touched both oceans, pathing along sloping rainforests in BC and the ancient ediacaran cliffs in NL whipped relentlessly by wind. felt the oppressive heat of a hong kong typhoon season. biked for hours along rice paddies in the blue-green shadows of karst hills. squished through quiet creeks and wetland burbling with life. walked the verdant caldera of an old volcano and its glassy black spill into the ocean. stood on the cold shore of a lake so big it crashes tides of broken ice against sand dunes. still a lot left to see but I'm grateful to have seen what I have.
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inventors-fair · 11 months
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Back to Nonbasics Entries, #11-20 of 30
Forsaken Battlefield by @bergdg Harmonious Karst by @horsecrash Hazardous Warehouse by @0woah Howling Cliff by @deg99 Karbranth Grand Clinic by @mmmmmin Lake of Valkmir by @hiygamer Lochthwain, Compleated by @curiooftheheart Marrow Duns by @certification-wizard Migrating Star Scape by @little-red-rabbit Parotia, Wrenn’s Legacy by @marrinara-sauce
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Shenhe helping you after you get lost in Jueyun Karst
characters: Shenhe x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: This wasn't requested, but I kinda wanted to write something like this for quite a while. I think this is a bit longer than my usual posts (around 1k words), but I'm not too sure.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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It wasn’t every day that Shenhe encountered another human being in Jueyun Karst. Encountering Slimes, Hili- and Mitachurls was far from extraordinary, but since humans tended to tell themselves stories about the Adepti living in the mountains, the only people she saw traverse Jueyun Karst were Treasure-Hoarders looking for a quick buck.
So, when she first laid eyes on you, marching up the mountain, she first prepared for trouble once again, only to relax when she saw that you were unarmed and completely alone, a wave of curiosity washing over her, causing her to think of all the reasons a seemingly harmless human might find themselves in Jueyun Karst. Maybe you were here to offer Cloud-Retainer some food? The table in the middle of the lake was there for a reason after all. But you didn’t seem to have any food on you, causing the Adepti-Discipline to scratch that idea.
Finally, after wondering about your reasons for quite some time without managing to figure it out, she decided to simply confront you. The only important thing she needed to know, was if you meant any trouble or not, something she’d probably figure out in no time at all.
You were lost in thought, trying your best to entertain yourself with daydreaming. Walking alone for a few hours left you bored and while boredom wasn’t something you liked all too much, it was still a lot better than fearing for your life. You didn’t know how long it was until you reached the peak of the mountain, but once you did and finally managed to figure a way out of the seemingly maze-like mountains, you’d be able to rest for a while.
Or so it was planned, until a voice, seemingly out of nowhere, nearly finished you off with a heart attack, causing you to startle before finally noticing the woman in front of you. And while she was unarmed and seemed a lot less hostile than those Treasure-Hoarders and Hilichurls, something about her, maybe her Aura or the fact that you met her on a mountain in the middle of nowhere, leaving you wonder why she was also here, told you not to mess with her.
“Tell me, why are you trying to march up this mountain? Are you here to pay the Adepti your respects or do you mean to try and harm them?”, the woman stated, her almost emotionless voice reinforcing your prior feelings about her. But while you managed to recover from your earlier shock, you needed a bit longer to think of a suitable answer, mentally going over her words a couple of times, only to stop at one of her words. Adepti? Didn’t those live in Jueyun Karst? Your eyes instantly began scanning the mountains and valleys around you before finally realising were exactly you managed to get lost in.
When you finally looked at the woman again, you realised how suspicious your silence probably felt for her, causing you to quickly explain your situation, from how you were running away from Treasure-Hoarders, to how you got lost in the mountains and planned to climb one of them in the hopes that a bird’s-eye view would help you find a way out. All the while waiting for her to show any reactions that might indicate if she believed you or not.
“If that’s the case, let me accompany you on your way out. These mountains can be dangerous for unarmed people”, the woman stated before signalling you to follow her. And while you didn’t doubt her knowledge about how to find a way out for even a moment, you caught yourself thinking about asking her how she planned to defend the two of you when she didn’t carry a weapon herself, only to decide to remain silent when you noticed the Cryo vision she wore.
At first, your journey was filled with a heavy silence for what felt like hours. With you feeling too awkward to say anything while the woman keeping you out of any danger didn’t seem to be interested in starting a conversation either. That was until you finally opened your mouth, trying to engage in a bit of small talk, hoping it would make the awkwardness go away. Surprisingly, she responded. And while her answers at first were nothing more than a few words, they eventually grew longer, until the conversation stopped being completely one-sided.
“Thanks for helping me, Shenhe. I’m convinced that I would have found my end in those mountains if I didn’t met you”, you thanked her once again once Liyue was finally in sight, turning towards her before showing her the biggest smile you could muster. At first, you assumed she’d also make her way to the city, but when you noticed that she hadn’t taken another step in the city’s direction, choosing to stand still instead, you approached her one last time.
“Oh, so you’re not from the city?”, you asked, only for her to quickly confirm your suspicion. “Well, it’s getting late, so I don’t want to keep you any longer, so goodbye Shenhe”, you said your goodbye before she did the same and turned around before starting to walk back to the direction you came from. You may have just said that you didn’t want to keep her any longer, but seeing her walk away made you feel strange, causing you to quickly call out her name once again.
“Do you need something?”, she asked you as calmly as she did all those hours ago, bur instead of her voice containing a hint of distrust like the first time around, you could have sworn that you heard a hint of curiosity instead.
“My parents own a small shop near the harbour selling all kinds of stuff, it’s nothing special or anything, but if you ever decide to visit Liyue again, then please consider stopping by. You helped me a lot today, so I’d like to give you something as a thanks”, you stated. At first Shenhe tried to decline your offer, telling you that you didn’t need to give her anything since she ‘only’ helped you find a way out of the mountains, but seeing how determined you were, she eventually folded.
“Good, I will keep that in mind the next time I’m in the city”, she responded before shooting you a smile so small that you had almost missed it. “Until then”, she said her goodbye before continuing to walk, leaving you in thought for a couple of seconds, only for you to eventually make your way home.
You would excitedly wait for the day when your saviour paid you a visit and once she did you’d make sure to repay her kindness in full.
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covenawhite66 · 1 year
In the rainforests of Guatemala were more than 900 habitations including at least 4 large cities and thousands of yards of raised causeways connecting them.
650 square miles across northern Guatemala’s Mirador-Calakmul Karst Basin (MCKB) revealed 30 of the famous ball courts of the Ancient Mesoamerican team sport, 195 cement reservoirs which literally drained nearby lakes dry, and 110 miles of elevated walkways connecting 417 villages.
Found in a (LiDAR) survey, which uses lasers to give centimeter-accuracy of the terrain features below a forest canopy, effectively allowing archaeologists to do what used to take decades of expensive excavations with a few fly overs in a plane.
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jasfhercallejo · 1 year
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Hello Puerto Prinsesa!
Adventurers and beach bums flock to the towering karst cliffs of El Nido, and divers and nature lovers are drawn to the lakes of Coron. But long before they made a mark on Palawan’s tourism map, Puerto Prinsesa was already giving tourists of all types a little taste of what the province has to offer.
The last time I went to Palawan was in 2016, I was a first year law student travelling alone because I needed some time and space to get away from the expectations, the conversations, the noise, the media, and the pressure. My law school experience isn't exactly how I imagined it, and I wasn't really your perfect stellar student, but I somehow managed. Today marks my first year as a lawyer, and looking back, honestly I wouldn't change a thing.
When in Puerto Prinsesa, I would totally recommend visiting Badjao Seafood Restaurant. This restaurant foremost concretizes the warmth unique to Filipino dining through its interior centered on wooden materials and a food selection that highlights local seafood dishes. Best believe that you can sail through the sea even while statically perched on your seat when you dine here. A must try!
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First stop — Kinabuch!
This place was recommended by some of our friends, and a few of the locals upon our arrival in our airbnb. Talk about the power of word of mouth. This laidback place is an open-air restaurant with a large parking space centrally located in downtown Puerto Princesa. Few huts are scattered outside, and the whole area is surprisingly well-lit. The food is good and definitely filling, and our cocktails are freshly made.
I have a firm feeling that this trip is going to be epic!
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