#kat solokov
fruifruit · 2 years
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my little fake intern for @prof-peach !! her name is kat solokov and she's very anxious but does her jobs well KJLKDJFS
transcript of the writing under the cut + a few tidbits bc i realize my handwriting is iffy
[first image]
Kat Solokov
21 - she/he - intern - autistic
Gentle/very skittish
tends to attract ghost pokemon
scared of all ghost pokemon (except for her mimikyu)
scared of most pokemon actually
but tries her best with them!
took this job to help with her anxieties surrounding pokemon / genuinely does enjoy the work!
in the middle image she is protecting an unclothed mimikyu by hiding her under his jacket!
in the bottom left it says "gets overwhelmed easy" and the arrow pointing to mimikyu's hand says "cold and comforting"
somethings that arent on the image but i think is relevant:
she has a large scar on her right shoulder/back that is covered by her sleeve from where a houndoom bit her when she was very young and defending mimikyu from it. it never stops burning but there is cream that she applies daily to help! she doesnt have great coordination with her right arm because of it but she certainly tries extremely hard to preform tasks to the best of her ability!
she will defend those she cares about with her entire life if threatened. no exceptions. and will bite. also no exceptions
Second image!
pointing to kat and swablu, "yellow + no thoughts"
and gastly is "prepared to lick" . the back of her head specifically
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adellovesrowan · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADDIE FROM ME AND KAT!!!! kat got her a little thing she saw in a window probablh HSBDJS like a figurine that she was like :000 ADDIE SHOULD HAVE THIS
THANK YOUU AND HDNKDND oh thats very cute 🥺🥺🥺 addie treasures it sm <333
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perfect dynamic no notes
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londonhalcyon · 9 months
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this is massively overdue BUT is the reason i asked abt younger lily :3c i hope u like it!
[submission by @lostgaytestsubject]
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magicapandora · 3 years
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“C’mon , ‘Rula. Let’s go home.”
It’s @struckbyelectriclove ‘s birthday and i wanted to draw Kat! So here’s her, as Utena from Revolutionary girl Utena!
Happy birthday dude! 💖
ref under the cut
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6ftslytherin · 3 years
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@struckbyelectriclove I figured since our mcs' share a birthday I might as well make some art for the two of them.
As for putting Kat in an instant ramen noodle sweater... it just felt right.
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camillejeaneshphm · 3 years
do you have any hcs for kat and camille friendship :0c?
camlike is a huge cuddler, and tends to tackle-hug kat (when she’s okay with being touched, ofc !!)
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lostgaytestsubject · 4 years
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it runs in the family
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night-rhea · 3 years
if you’re still taking requests, can kat get a hug please?
Anyone who wants a hug, will get a hug! Especially Kat!!!!
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Could it be possible im getting better at hugs??? I hope so!!
I was so excited when you send ask,i was like "YEY I CAN DRAW KAT NOW" 🥺 She is so CUTE and ADORABLE and deserve a VERY GOOD hug.. So i hope Kat doesnt mind Night giving big tight hug...
dont mind me crying over them.Pose turned out better than i thought i can make it.. And and you cant convince me they DOESNT look so cute...pls let them be friends 😔
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stupendousbookworm · 3 years
kat for the notebook asks if you’re still doing them?
✦ 𝑨𝒓𝒂 𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌❜𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 ✦
Ekaterina Solokov :-
The sweetest little munchkin ever, Kat deserves all the hugs and head pats. Every time I feel like getting ice cream, I grab Kat and throw her (gently) into a muggle shopping cart with Adel, and sprint towards the ice cream shop. Kat, I hope you feel better after my ridiculous speed while running lmao <3
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fadedglcrya · 6 years
continued.   //   @fateendured
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                               dmitry cocks an eyebrow , lips twitching involuntarily. their friendship had blossomed instantly and without effort , where he himself almost didn't believe this was really happening. but watching her fluster over it? it was cuter than it should be.  " hmm, nice subject change. "  he winks , mouth spreading into a full on smile.  " i'm never turn down pizza , you know. even if it's not as good as the new york. "  there's a hint of disappointment and sadness to his voice , but it's gone as quickly as it came.  " you know you my  BEST FRIEND  too? "
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fruifruit · 2 years
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og story stuff JLSKDFKLSFJS kat is fifteen and very very terrified of Many Things
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
OC X OC friendships and love stories are so much fun – but tag another creator and tell me about their OC that you love who is NOT a close friend or partner of your own.
Alright, here goes, excuse the fanboying.Tbh there's so many to get through so I apologise if I miss anyone out.
First of all Ekaterina "Kat" Solokov by @struckbyelectriclove This quirky cursed weirdo has some of the best angst done by an insanely talented creator. From just how badly her curse effects her to the multiple angst-filled scenarios Charlie has come up with. Her relationship with Merula is also very well done.
Matthew Luther by @hphmmatthewluther I love how Matthew starts as this sweet, shy kid and he stays like that just a bit more confident thanks to Quidditch. To say nothing of the fact that he's an absolute badass when the time calls for it. His relationship with Merula (and the interpretation of Merula's parents as being decent people) makes me root for Luthersnyde 100% of the time.
Adel Young by @adellovesrowan also springs to mind. I love this girl's relationship with Rowan as they grow as friends, fall out and then reconnect later in life.
Freyja Young by @marmotish would it really be an awesome Ravenclaws list without Freyja? I love that she's always got a poker face yet she she still feels emotion. Marmo's artstyle especially makes sure the subtle changes in expression carry that much more weight. While quite flawed, that just makes me love her as a character even more.
Next is Maca Camillo by @akaryuga I love the future AU for Maca and Merula. In large part thanks to Aka's art style, Maca comes off as a really expressive character and her relationship with Merula is honestly the most adorable one I've ever seen.
Eugene Hope by @witchy-push can I just say, I love how this OC swooped in and stole most of the fandom's heart, my own included. Witchy's art style brings Eugene and the other characters to life in such a unique way.
Verna Malinda by @gaygryffindorgal you know I love a good enemies/rivals to lovers story and Verna’s relationship with Merula delivers that in spades.
Artemis Hexley by @the-al-chemist I love this little firecracker and her tragic backstory. Her sass is most definitely the best part of her charm.
Carmilla Frank by @carmilla-the-bird I love that she's such a realistically flawed character. Also provides a really cool take on an MC who’s a seer. Her relationship with Merula is just the icing on the cake.
Cereza Gomez by @rosachaotic  Her relationship with Talbott is both one of the most well thought out and entertaining MC x Talbott relationships I’ve seen.
Edie Quinn by @praetoring I love that she attempts to breakaway from her death eater family. Her relationship with Barnaby is just the icing on the cake as far as this amazing character goes.
Alex Vega by @weirdcursedvaultkid without a doubt the cutest HPHM MC, I love all the cute little takes Alex’s character gives to certain moments in the game such as the Sphinx Club TLSQ.
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god they suck sm
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adellovesrowan · 3 years
notebook ask for kat? no pressure!!
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[ on the top right corner, is a simplistic drawing of two birds. ]
e(kat)erina solokov
well, what did you expect, notey? of course ill be writing about my other first friend after kay!
kat is a real special one, shes so interesting! shes a bit skittish. i dont mind much, i think she likes being around me ( i like being around her, too! ), because she kept trailing after me curiously once weve met each others acquaintances. is it weird that i find it endearing of her?
kat likes making what she calls a nest with all and any warm clothing she can find. its so silly ( endearing, nonetheless ), she made a nest for me that one time and it was nice. i felt safe and warm and protected.
just like how it feels to be around kat.
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magicapandora · 3 years
kat for the notebook asks if you’re willing!
Ekaterina (Kat) Solokov- Ravenclaw
I think I just helped someone with their crush? There was another student pacing back and forth in front of the Slytherin common room door when I was walking out. I asked them if they needed help and they asked to give a box to Merula. It was a box of candies and I happily agreed. I walked back in, handing it over to Snyde. Merula was, as always, bragging on about how many gifts she got but then when she saw the name, I think her ears turned red? Couldn’t tell, everything is kinda always green in here. I think her name was Ekaterina? Or maybe Kat. Not sure, will have to look into later.
I would lay down my life for Kat. I’m being serious. Kat is just…so cute? And Adorable? We were walking in Hogsmeade and found an amazing crepery! I ordered some for both of us and I think she’s never had one, considering she devoured it in less than a second. She got cream and syrup all over her shirt and We had to get it out as best as possible, with a lot of napkins and tide stick I had on me.
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