#kato thinks he's funny
underworld-cows · 4 months
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I think there's been a misunderstanding about what my intentions were
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mellorine-dreams · 4 hours
Always thinking about these pics and their cute backstory
So here Kato says something like: “Actually, Mephisto loves magic and is practicing secretly.”
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But here she explains: “Even when he occasionally succeeds, Mephisto is disappointed because people think he did it with magic. (I think she means his demonic powers)”
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So Meph, the King of Time and Space, loves magic tricks but usually fails at them which is so funny and cute. Like the one thing that comes naturally to him he has trouble doing by human means. But when he DOES succeed in magic tricks everyone thinks he cheated using his powers LMAO! Shiro’s disbelief and Meph’s angry face are just so amazing 🤣 💖 I love fun lore like this
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xleikosenpaix · 7 months
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A Shiemi Sketch Kato-Sensei drew on twitter that I colored UwU a friend of mine edited and I streamed me coloring it for funnies
Hope you like it I might do other ones UwU 🩷💚
This is Shiemi giggling when Rin says something funny
©️ Kazue Kato
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Liger pups if it’s not too late?
His bird is really good, too, even if the colors are funny. It looks a little bit like it's really flying, even. Panthera is very proud of what a good student Kato is, and very proud of herself for teaching him to draw. She’ll have to show Mother and Father her sketchbook when they get back. They’ll be very proud too, she’s sure, and Tigris and Leo will be impressed, and everyone will think she’s going to be a very good queen and that Kato is a very good boy. 
Panthera beams happily at the thought, kicking her feet a little bit against the tree, and then pets Kato some more so he knows what a good boy he is too. 
“You’re doing really good, Kato,” she tells him encouragingly as she rubs behind his ears. “Just keep being good for the whole week and you’ll get your special food again after, okay? I know you can do it, because you’re really smart and strong and already so good at being good.” 
Kato blinks at her a few times, just barely frowning, then pushes his head into her hand a little harder. She scritches him with her claws, because humans are very hard to scratch anyway, and he makes a low, rumbly purr and nuzzles into her, wrapping her up all clumsy but tight in his arms. 
He definitely does think she’s his cub, but that’s okay. She doesn’t mind at all if he loves her that much. 
She’d never mind something like that. 
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mariisaaaaa · 6 months
When he was five, Tooru remembers jumping the highest.
“Get off the couch, Tooru, or you’ll fall down and hurt your knees,” his mother says as he goes for the jump. He’s on his tiptoes, a second away from the thrill of flying, when his mom catches him from door. Tooru flattens his heels against the cushions, straightens his back, and pretends that he wasn’t about to play hopscotch out of their couches. “And how many times have I told you that you’ll dirty the cushions with your feet! Those couches are meant for guests, you little rascal.”
Tooru cannot count the number of times his mother told him that, but that’s because it’s been millions and he can only count up to one hundred. Kato-sensei tells him that after hundreds is thousands, but his mom must have reminded him more than that. She’s been doing so for the last two weeks, ever since the day she came and picked him up from daycare sweaty and grinning, triumphant at his most recent win: he jumps higher than all the kids in his class! 
Kato-sensei measured their heights last last week. All seventeen kids line up and wait for their turn. Their teacher has them standing straight agains the doorframe and places a sticker to mark each student’s height. Tooru’s sticker is a UFO. “Hey, Iwa-chan, what’s your sticker? A monkey? Why would you want a monkey?”
“It’s not a monkey, it’s Godzilla!” puffs Iwaizumi. He’s all red-faced and scrunched eyebrows, and Tooru tries hiding the giggles behind a hand at Iwa-chan’s funny face. Iwa-chan Hajime moved in the neighborhood with his family last summer. He’s a prickly little kid only a month (only a month!) older than him, but he’s a few centimeters taller than Tooru, and it’s the most unfair thing in the world. Tooru drinks all his milk (and eats all his milk bread!), and yet he’s still shorter than thirteen kids in his class–including Iwa-chan. And being taller than the other tree doesn’t count because they’re girls, and he knows that boys should be taller than girls. 
“What’s your sticker even supposed to be?” asks Iwaizumi.
“A UFO.” Tooru waves the sticker in front of Iwaizumi for good measure. It makes Iwa-chan’s eyes squint and Tooru struggles to quiet down his bubbling laughter.
“What’s a UFO?” Iwaizumi asks, doubtful.
“It's what aliens use to get to earth, Iwa-chan, how do you not know?!” And he honestly thinks it’s the most awful thing that his next-door neighbor knows nothing of aliens and space and UFOs. “One day, they’re gonna stop above our house and cast this big huge magic beam over our front door,” Tooru says while throwing his hands around Iwaizumi’s space for emphasis. “And this beam would pull me up into their spaceship! And it’d be great Iwa-chan, cause then I’ll be floating. And maybe, since we’re friends, I might even call for you to go with me.”
Iwa-chan’s face turns all silly again at his invitation to go to outer space together, and Tooru’s about to tell him more amazing things when Kato-sensei calls for the two of them. They’re the only ones left who haven’t had their turns yet. Iwaizumi gets his height measured first, and Tooru follows soon after him. 
Their stickers get placed on the doorframe like this: Iwaizumi Hajime. 110 cm. Oikawa Tooru. 108 cm.
At one-hundred-and-eight centimeters tall, Oikawa Tooru stands shorter than thirteen out of seventeen kids in his class, six of which were taller girls, one of which is Iwa-chan Hajime, and Tooru feels like crying at the unluckiness of it all. But he’s a big boy now, and he’s grown up from last year, and his mother says he’s too old for crying now, so he doesn’t cry like he wants too. Instead, he rips his UFO from the 108 cm it is sticked on, closes his eyes shut, and jumps in frustration to stick his UFO against the doorframe as high as he can–higher than 110 cm, higher than the tallest boy in his class, so much higher against the rest.
He gets scolded by Kato-sensei later when class ends, but it doesn’t do anything to stop Tooru’s good mood. He jumped highest! All the kids (even Iwa-chan, heh) tried copying him and reaching for his little UFO, but none of them reached close. Iwa-chan’s mom comes to the daycare to pick him up, and he waves happy little goodbyes to his friend. “Wait for your mom just a little bit, okay Tooru-kun? I saw her buy something from the convenience store on the way here. She won’t be long. Say bye Hajime.”
In the end, it’s only Kato-sensei and Tooru left, but he doesn’t feel like talking to Kato-sensei right now, so Tooru instead goes against the doorframe filled with colorful stickers once more. He takes out a star sticker from his uniform pockets–one that he’d been saving for something more important–and peels the sticker paper away. He holds it on the tip of his fingers, bends his knees, and raises his arm. 
Then, Tooru jumps.
His palms hit against the wooden doorframe. And there it is, higher even than his own UFO. Higher, higher than the anybody else, the highest. A star above them all.
Today, as young as five-turning-six, Oikawa Tooru learns this: the budding anticipation as your knees bend for the jump, the thrill of having your feet off the ground, the effort of stretching your arm to great heights, the call of come to me as you open your palms, and the victory slamming against your hand as you reach what you want. 
(Learns as much as his five-year-old candy-fueled brain can process anyway.)
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Artist's Blog - Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon (1973)
If you consider yourself a fan of martial arts movies and you haven’t seen Enter the Dragon, every time you say you are a fan, you insult yourself. It’s like dissing Dr. Dre. Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon may be the biggest title in the genre. So, fans that haven’t seen this one need to be beaten with many stripes with a ratan pole by a Sholin master. Lee is the martial artist of martial artist and is the reason that we have martial arts movies in the West that we do today – thank you Bruce! Bela Lugosi was a creepy guy so, Dracula came naturally. Red Foxx was a grumpy, funny old drunk so, Fred Sanford came naturally. Look at the life of Bruce Lee – he lived the life he portrayed. He showed up, that’s all he had to do to make his films cinematic greatness.
Bruce Lee is known for his speed, dedication, blah blah blah, but there are some other iconic things he brought to the martial arts cinema. What does Bruce Lee like to drink? Wa-taa, of course. The iconic “wa-taa” and cat like scream noises as his attack collided with an opponent are other Bruce Lee staples. Facial expressions he would make and the way he would positions his hands in the surfer “hanging loose” posture are also well-known moves. Perhaps the best most inclusive of all of these is Enter the Dragon. I assure you that they are all used. No better scene shows the face though than when we double stomps on Ohara’s chest killing him. Lee then ends with another signature grimace face. You can watch this scene, if you’d like, here to get an idea of what I’m talking about.
As a young man I heard of Bruce Lee’s incredible speed. His dedication, discipline, and speed are the factors that gave him his edge in the martial arts world. There are many stories about him. For instance, he got angry because Robin was supposed to beat Kato in the 60s Batman television series. The fight ends in a stalemate at the insistence of Lee. You can read more here. Another was that he was so fast, cameras couldn’t capture him. Watch a video demonstrating this here. As kids, we would watch the fight with Ohara in Enter the Dragon on VHS in slow motion. You can see that Lee takes his rear hand, pulls Ohara’s front hand down, and strikes him in the face with his front hand. The thing is, in regular speed, you never see Lee’s rear hand move.
Bruce Lee’s films are standalone so, it’s hard to compare them to others. It’s like comparing Jimi Hendrix to other guitarists or Van Gogh to other artists. I think it’s always apples to oranges because Lee was so unique. His style was unique, his skill was unmatched, and his timing in history was perfect. There are many great guitarists, but none like Hendrix. Many artists are amazing, but there will never be another Van Gogh. In the world of Kung Fu movies, there are classics and many other great actors like Jet Li, Gordon Liu, and Jackie Chan to name a few. No matter how great these actors are or how skilled in real life, there will never be another Bruce Lee. So, when I talk about his films, I may compare them to others but, there really isn’t any comparison in my opinion.
The final boss in Enter the Dragon is a former Shaolin kung fu practitioner who runs a drug operation. You don’t realize it until the final fight but, he has a fake hand. As Bruce goes to face him, he begins to change his hand out with others. The final hand, three blades, gives Lee the iconic cuts that you typically see on film art. The ending fight includes 2 things that stood out. One is the only thing that I don’t really like about Enter the Dragon. This climactic fight scene is in a room full of mirrors but, it seems more like a room with mirror walls. I’ve been in a mirror maze, and this wasn’t the feel I got. This could have been improved in my opinion. Secondly, it has one of my most favorite lines of any film that I’ve ever seen.
I heard a story once and I think it’s the best “oh crap” moment story I’ve ever heard. A story that really makes someone think, “my life is about to be over” or “this is it.” Say it however you’d like but, we all know the idea – something just happened, and you know that you know something bad is about to happen. The story goes like this. Brad Pitt, who pretends to be a fighter, is sleeping with Robin Givens. Robin is the wife of Mike Tyson, yes, “Iron” Mike Tyson. Iron Mike is a heavyweight world champion boxer who’s mentally unstable and has been to prison. He’s from the street and there’s no pretending. Well, Mike catches Brad with his wife. I imagine that Brad had to change his underwear. I would have. You can read the tale yourself here.
Now, for the second thing that stood out in the final fight, wrap you dome around this. The only time I think I could imagine a worse “oh crap” moment, if movies were real, would be in Enter the Dragon. You’re waiting on Bruce Lee to walk in, and he does. You can tell, even though he always has the same temperament, that he’s super pissed. You’ve done a lot of evil, and he knows about it all. He doesn’t slowly remove nunchakus from his pants, take a wide stance and do some surfer symbols, no. Instead, he stops, looks you in your eyes, and calmly says, “You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple.” At this point, you know you are about to take one of the worst beatings in history…before you die.
To my knowledge, Bruce Lee did not study at Shaolin but, anyone with his heritage and appreciation of the martial arts has a respect for the temple. I do and have never studied any Chinese arts in any official capacity. There have been a few backyard lessons with folks who knew a little but, nothing serious. Enter the Dragon has a scene that takes place at a temple where Bruce Lee’s character is recruited for the mission on which the story is based. We see Bruce instructing a young man about kicking in a temple courtyard. To a serious martial artist, respect is one of the biggest lessons you learn. One that is often more important than any kicking or punching. To disrespect the Shaolin temple would be to disrespect the mother of all fighting arts, all instructors, all knowledge, and thus a very big deal.
Personally, I heil Bruce Lee as the greatest martial artists of recorded history. By recorded, I mean on film. Out of fairness, I must admit that MMA has diluted my opinion. Let me explain. The Gracie family showed the martial arts world a truth about fighting. It can be incredibly hard to stay on your feet in a fight. Most martial arts prior to the UFC, including Wing Chun and Jeet Keen Do, are stand up striking arts with very little ground fighting. Had Bruce Lee lived and gotten into the UFC, I’m not sure how well he would have done. If, and it’s a big if, someone with modern MMA training were to have taken him down, I think he would have been at a loss. I imagine, like most other martial artists, Bruce would have incorporated Brazilian Jiu Jitsu into his style early on.
There are two things to consider here. First, the infamous fight between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris which takes place in Return of the Dragon is rumored to have been a real sparring match and not a choreographed fight scene. You can watch the scene for yourself here on YouTube. Now, there is footage of Chuck Norris, another martial arts legend, sparring with Rickson Gracie which you can see here. Rickson makes quick work of Chuck once the fight goes to the mat. In defense of Chuck Norris, I don’t know how seriously he was attacking Rickson in this sparring match but, it’s interesting to see regardless. These videos help to illustrate the point I’m making – Bruce Lee was amazing but martial arts have well advanced beyond only kicking and punching.
Wisdom and Kung Fu seem to go hand-in-hand. Kwai Chang Kaine in Kung Fu: The Legend Continues is likely to blame for most of this but, Bruce Lee is another known for saying philosophical, wise, and almost cryptic things. His most famous line was “Be like water”, which you can watch here. Right behind this, would have to be, “The art of fighting without fighting” which is taken from Enter the Dragon. Very simply put, this just means to outsmart your opponent. In the movie, he convinces an aggressive fellow to meet him on an island to fight. The challenger gets in the small boat which Lee allows to drift behind the main boat leaving him at the mercy of the rope connecting the boat. This is a famous scene and a great demonstration of Lee’s philosophy.  
I compare late Bruce Lee to the late Prince. Allow me to elaborate on this point. Both men were great at what they did. In fact, I would put both as the best or in the top 3 best in their respective fields. With greatness comes a certain level of necessity for control over your craft, I think. Prince is well known for having been a control freak over his music. Watch a video of a young Prince talking about this here. He wanted his music to be as great on record as it was in his mind. He was a perfectionist. Bruce Lee’s guitar was the nunchuck and his pen was his fist. In this way, he was no different than Prince. Here’s my point with this, Bruce Lee choreographed his own fight sequences in his films and, to my knowledge, wrote them all too.
Of course, there is kung fu and great action in Enter the Dragon but, there’s so much more. There are old helicopters, ancient ruins, Chinese mansions, and extravagant Asian parties too. Bruce Lee alone would have been fine in this movie but, having other good actors never hurts. Enter the Dragon features 3 other notable names. First, Jim Kelly, who in this film, is an afro sporting karate champion and all-around cool cat. The second is a fellow named John Saxon. John, in real life, is a black belt in karate and plays one in Enter the Dragon. The most notable supporting actor though is Bolo Yeung. We all know Bolo who has played the character Bolo in many martial arts films. Bloodsport would be his most popular film. You can read my blog on this Van Damme classic here.
Nothing bad can be said for anything Bruce Lee did. Weighing everything is awesome against everything is awesome is tricky. Mathematically it’s easy but, it’s not. I don’t think that Enter the Dragon was Bruce Lee’s best movie but, many do. It was the centerpiece for him but, not his best work. I intend to watch all his movies again then make a comparison but, I like Game of Death best. Read a fan ranking here. Most, it seems, tend to disagree with me. Regardless, no one can argue that Enter the Dragon is not a classic martial arts movie and perhaps the greatest ever made. What do you think? Leave a comment with your favorite Bruce Lee movie below. I'd love for you to read more blogs, check out my art, buy some and link up with me on social media. You can find all these links here. Peace.
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epickiya722 · 6 months
For the anime ask game, can I ask :
Balance : Unlimited, Vanitas no Carte and ATLA?
Favorite Character: Haru Kato! From his design to his personality, Haru easily became my favorite character.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The entirety of episode 4. It's just too funny to me that Daisuke left the house because he got natto for breakfast, left his phone by accident, and has to stay with Haru because he refuses to go back home. He slept in the bathtub! 😆
Character I Think is Underrated: The whole Detective Division. They're actually very enjoyable characters to me and a lot of the scenes they have together are favorites of mine.
Character I Think is Overrated: We all know it's Daisuke. Remember when that show came out?! Oh my gosh... still love him though.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: DaiHaru, that will always be my ship!
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The gag that at the end of each episode shows the total balance of how much money was spent is something that I love. Whoever thought to do that, I applaud them. Also, just the overall vibe of the show. To me, it's an anime worth a rewatch. I find myself doing so once in a while. The opening song is one of my favorite anime openings still!
Favorite Character: Noé is everything to me. He actually holds a very special place in my heart because he looks like a character I created way back in middle school.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: One of my favorite scenes has to be that Vanitas had pushed Noé to the point of being scary. First season when they're facing Roland and Noé takes Vanitas hostage. The way Vanitas reacts will always have me in tears and Noé? Me watching that scene "you're doing amazing, sweetie!"
Character I Think is Underrated: I feel like Amelia is underrated. She's nice, I like her.
Character I Think is Overrated: Noé definitely, but more so Vanitas is overrated.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Vanitas and Noé! Their dynamic is everything to me, okay?
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The anime, to me, is very beautifully animated to me. The music though? That first ending song, oh my gosh. That song is just... I can't even describe. You ever listen to a song and it just puts you in a trance and it relaxes you? That's what that song is like.
Note: ATLA isn't an anime. But I'll answer for it.
Favorite Character: ATLA has such a good cast of characters, it's hard to choose a character. But for me, it's Yue! When watching her episodes as a kid, I couldn't help but admire her. Still do!
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Other than Yue scenes, The Beach is definitely one of my favorite episodes. Another would have to be "Firebending Masters". My favorite scene is when Aang and Zuko gets stuck in that trap and Aang yells for help and Zuko responds "who are you yelling to? No one has lived here for centuries!"
Character I Think is Underrated: Hmm... okay any Avatar that isn't Roku, Aang and Kyoshi. Avatar Yangchen being one.
Character I Think is Overrated: The main cast, but can you blame them? To pick... I'm giving it to Zuko and Sokka here.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Sokka/Suki will always be one of my favorite canon relationships. It's just so sweet! And admittedly, I am also a fan of Zukka.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The characters, love them. The plot, amazing. Music, on point. One thing I really like about the show is the number of memorable quotes. It's been over a year since I actually watched the show, but almost every day I or anyone in my family will quote something from it.
"Let us leave!"
"Lettuce leaf?"
"My aura has never been pinker!"
"My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right, of course, but it still hurts."
"It just says... 'bear'."
You get the picture.
Anime Ask Game
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zoobus · 1 year
You said to ask how you felt about Kato in Green Hornet so I'm doing just that
Keep in mind I haven't seen this movie in like ten years so the mental essaypost I made has faded and become inaccurate with time
Green Hornet (2011) was a fun movie overall, a surprisingly not-bad January release. Pretty funny, quick action, looked cool.
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Again, I am ten years removed from the essays I loved to read examining and analyzing racial depictions in Hollywood, but I'd say the desexualization of Asian men is fairly well known? You'd see an Asian man in a leading role and a hot girl in the hot girl role (you know how it is, plz excuse the implied misogyny) and somehow they would never end up together for some strange reason. I know there's a long list of Romoe-Must-Die type movies out there (because I read it that list 10+ years ago):
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I've seen plenty of action movies and seeing some tragic shit has never stopped the impenetrable force of stupid action movie romantic hook-ups, ever.
Anyway, Green Hornet spent most of its time looking like it would transcend the stereotype of weirdly cockblocking their rare Asian male lead - it's made abundantly clear that Kato (Jay Chou) is 100000% cooler, smarter, sexier than the Hornet (Seth Rogan). (Side note, I think this was the first movie I ever saw of Seth Rogan and how come no one's ever commented on the fact that he sounds like Grover Monster from Sesame Street? I thought he was doing a bit for the first third of the movie). Kato is slick, manipulative in a badass way. After he and Hornet meet Cameron Diaz' character, not only is their romantic tension between them, it's obvious they hook up. Kato was not going to this woman's house at night for actual "piano lessons," come on.
So hey, representation, we finally got a Hollywood movie where the Asian guy wins right? Wrong. Kato and Hornet get in some stupid boy-fight near the end of the movie and Kato, clearly in the heat of the moment, vulgarly says he fucked Cameron Diaz' character, knowing Hornet will seethe will jealousy over it. And seethe he does! Mr. tattletale runs crying to her and repeats all the stuff his friend said, Diaz gets mad and insists they never did anything together, he's lying (she's lying), and...their relationship is over I guess. She kind of forgives him, but it's over.
You could read that as empowering since hey, how many times have we seen a male lead insult and degrade the trophy romantic girl for minor plot conflict, only for her to quickly forgive him before the story wraps up? For once we have a woman stand up for herself and cut that toxicity out of her life. She's not dating either of them by the movie's end - uncommon for an action movie!
I just couldn't help but note that the rare moment of no one winning the girl coincides with the rare moment an Asian dude had a genuine chance of doing so.
I could never find it now but I saw The Green Hornet right after I saw another movie that I don't remember the title of but I'll call "Russian movie about a magical car that is somehow a ripoff of Spider-man (2002) you'll have to trust me on this." At one point in that movie not!peterparker publicly slutshames not!maryjane for like...no reason. he was mad about his magic car and takes his fury out by degrading his girl to her face, in front of their peers, in class while she gawks at him. Nothing she did prompted this, he just uses her as a punching bag. And at the end? She forgives him. They get back together. The end.
It's not hollywood, but made me think about how common less extreme versions of that are and highlighted the disparities. Kato's outburst is, again, vulgar, but it felt like a heat of the moment thing, a private tantrum that his character would regret after calming down regardless, a personal moment that should have stayed between friends. IMO it came across like oh, asian lead? I'm a feminist now. We gotta give women agency, we have to let women know men aren't ENTITLED to their bodies, and we have to send that message right now, before there's a chance of this guy emasculating a white man.
but hey maybe it was a coincidence
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gatheryepower · 2 months
now I am partway through Whole Cake Island and close to the end. just saw the fight with Katakuri, it was awesome.
I did end up really enjoying sanji during this arc! Him and Brook as well. I’m glad that he finally got to do some cool stuff again.
I was pretty neutral on Pedro when he first joined up, but I ended up really enjoying him. He’s very cool the fact that he can light his own cigarettes by like snapping lightning between his fingers. it’s awesome, especially when he does it for Sanji!
I still don’t really know what I think of carrot, I found her pretty grading when she was introduced but I feel like that’s gone away a bit as time has gone on. I like her fighting style and I also enjoy her relationship with Chopper.
all of the musical numbers in this are are really fun! I wasn’t expecting it going in but I was very charmed by it. the set up of the islands is really really interesting in general and a lot of fun character designs have come out of it. He’s not a major character by any means, but I really liked. Kato’s designed in particular.
I absolutely love that when a woman is genuinely interested in Sanji he just acts unbelievably normal towards her. That is so funny.
That smile that Luffy did though… it was making me think of Corazon? That must’ve been intentional. it gave the impression that he was forcing a smile which is something that he’s never done before. I thought it was a very important moment. smiles have always been so effortless and genuine and the smile that he did there was so forced. I’ve been thinking about it for days.
Anyways, I want to say what my favourite arcs have been of one piece overall.
Water 7 and ennies lobby
Sabaody (pre-time skip)
those aren’t in order or anything. my least favourite arts have been thriller bark and Fishman Island. Fishman Island in particular I straight up did not enjoy.
Jinbe is awesome. it’ll be great to have another character on the crew that is more levelheaded and rational. I think that it will balance the crew out very much because all of the other characters are deeply silly in some way or another. I’m excited to see what kind of dynamic he picks up with the other characters.
Also nami has been quite fun during this! I’m glad that all of the I guess weaker characters are getting chances to do really cool stuff. And it’s also fun to see Sanji in a damsel in distress role almost.
I’m having a great time with one piece recently. I’m really excited to see what happens in the next arcs.
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punkishtoxtricity · 3 months
i have many so bear with me if u will
herra hevisaurus
-he’s a very big fan of certain metal bands from around the world. i think the german version canonized him being a rammstein and metallica fan
-the beef with helene fischer is also personal. i feel like something had to have happened to make him not like her that much
-just a silly lil guy! he loves trying new things and doing dangerous stuff that often gets him into trouble(riffi usually gets him out tho)
-he’s pansexual to me. i think he loves everyone!
-also the english version of jee hevisaurus has him saying yall so. he would be southern if he lived here in america
riffi raffi
-the watchful one of the group. i think he’s the oldest along with the quietest. he gets everyone out of trouble and is generally a good help around the house and on tour
-the little tiny wings idea you had was so real he totally does
-also the trans masc idea is so true. i think his top surgery scars would be flames or something cool. or not bc he’s a dragon
-he paints his nails. i will not take question on this
-i think it’d be funny if as a dragon his fav song to play on guitar to play is through the fire and flames. i think he likes complicated rifts and likes being challenged
-gay methinks
muffi puffi
-(insert the thing that chrissy chapleka said about “she’s not dumb dumb. well she is dumb but not in that way. she’s actually a radical leftist!)
-he’s plotting something i can feel it
-he is autistic you’re so true. i think he’s really into monster trucks (herra wrote monster auto for him) if he was american he would be a monster jam fan
-bi disaster. i will not explain myself
-he probably had a crush on any good bassist he liked. so the chick from maneskin, and mikey way
komppi momppi
-he’s tired of everyone’s shit
-he be drumming so late into the night that riffi has to tell him to stop so they can sleep
-also he wears a nightcap and that thing scrooge wears to bed. idk it just feels right for him
-he LOVES horses. he rides them, researches them, he’s in on the horse drama on social media. he could tell you 300 horse facts and you wouldn’t be able to stop him
-also yes he is def a polyglot. i think he speaks everything with a very on point accent
-no kato is his vocal stim. this is true i am him
-the app makes his voice that of a surfer dude, i think he would surf in his free time
-he’s ace panromantic. i can’t explain this one it just feels true
milli pilli
-silliest girl ever. she does some light crime. riffi lets her as a treat
-she prefers keytar to her regular keyboard but usually opts out of it on stage bc her legs be hurting
-chaos ball of the group. none of them can keep her from doing crazy stuff so they just let her
-lesbian. also won’t explain this one
-she plays the most out there video games you can think of. like she loves lsd dream emulator
-she’s also a horror fan. idk why
-whenever they stop in a city they haven’t been before, komppi plans a couple things to do in that city and everyone follows him around
-all of them like theme parks. especially the one shown in ugala bugala
-they like pokemon. no this isn’t me projecting
-once a week one of them picks a show and they all sit down and binge the whole things over a couple days
that’s all i got for now
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I just realized that I never explicitly shared my spotify wrapped and now that I have time (and i cant sleep bc IM FREEZING TO DEAD),well, I'm going to do it >:D
So, yeah here it is...
I find it inconceivable that AJR has lost the number 1 position it had the previous year but I've been listening to the OST of Free! and Drst like... literally every day so... makes sense, Tatsuya Kato, sir, thanks for all the magic in your music.
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Also seeing BAE make their way through my playlist until they achieve a position is incredible, I love them so much, and so I realize that all the hours I spent listening to Undertale music while doing homework were not in vain, oh, and also, I think it's funny to have Haru among my top artists like: oh yeah there he is, my favorite singer, Haruka Nanase from STYLE FIVE lmao askdnkzkslzk
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it's not even noticeable that I am obsessed with rinharu and their main leitmotif of the series... (CHERRYBLOSSOSTEAMOMÁSQYENADAENESTEMUNDOPODRÍABEBERMETUMELODÍAGRACIASPORSALVARMELAVIDA)
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Ok, that's the price of repeating a song over and over again to learn it, it ends up appearing as your second most listened to... i love the song so freaking much is not even funny.
Oh, so listening to Rin's morning routine song during the mornings really didn't went unnoticed... the BAND LIVE version is so lively and cheerful!
And then the rinharu brainrot continues...
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so yeah that's pretty much It :]
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underworld-cows · 6 months
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bobbieisthebest · 2 years
Juniper (MC): What did you two do?
Richard: You guys aren’t in trouble, we just need to know if we have to lie to the police again or not.
Alicia: Something’s off.
Bobbie, sarcastically: Maybe you’ve finally developed emotions and feel bad for hurting people! Maybe THIS is your redemption arc!
Alicia: No, but that’s funny.
Mom: Did you wash the dishes?
Dad: I thought you wanted to do that...
Mom: *chuckles* You were WRONG.
Teacher: Sit up straight.
Charles: No, I'll sit as gay as I want.
Flick: Sometimes I worry about Juniper.
Flick: I mean, how damaged does the girl have to be, to be into someone as annoying as Jake?
Nathan: If I came home with four ducks would you be mad?
Charles: What's in your bag?
Nathan: I think you know what's in my bag.
*After the incident with the football*
Charles: You want to kill Sam? 
Jake hugging Juniper: Just briefly.
Alicia: Can you please be serious for five minutes?
Bobbie: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Juniper: I'm always thinking about that one time I was on register for like four hours straight and I said over mic, "Someone please take over register I am about to become the Joker" and they came to relieve me faster than I've ever seen anyone relieve me before.
Buddy: I really like these cool lights you installed.
Juniper: Actually those are police lights. Jake is getting pulled over again.
Jake: Don’t the police have anything better to do? Three people are getting mugged right over there!
Kato: Just try
Wendy: I'll try, but I'm telling you I'll purposefully fail
Kato: How is that trying!?!
Wendy: Without ugliness, there would be no beauty in this world. Thank you for your sacrifice, Sam.
Sam: Look here you tiny shit-
Jake: Come on, what’s the worst that could happen?
Buddy: We could die?
Jake: Please, like that’s ever stopped us before.
Bobbie: Not all of your life decisions have to be smart. Some can be purely for cinematic value.
Bobbie: What disease do beekeepers get? Hives.
Kato: Hives is a skin reaction due to excess antihistamines. Not a disease.
Bobbie: Hives.
Nathan, hungover: please tell me I imagined claiming I was the king of all ducks.
Richard: Well I would, but then I would be lying to the King of all Ducks.
Juniper: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Flick: 'Prettiest Smile'
Richard, beaming: 'Nicest Personality'
Jake: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
Kato: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'. Damn straight.
Charles: I mean, yeah, I get along with my father great! Last conversation we had didn't go so well, but that was years ago.
Jake: When we were little kids, Richard got bit by a house spider and he was crying so I went to get some stuff from Juniper’s mom to soothe and numb it, but before I could even walk out the door, I heard him quietly whisper, "I can’t handle the responsibility of being Spiderman."
Sam: Can you be quiet?! I'm trying to think.
Kato: Don't worry. Doing anything for the first time is difficult.
Flick: Why are you apologising for liking me back?
Kato: Because I don’t want to ruin— wait a second. Pause and rewind, what did you just say?
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leonscape · 1 year
Top 3 LIs (ikemen prince, sengoku, vampire, villains, revolution, genjiden)
top three for each? well i guess it doesn’t matter because leon takes up all of it… just kidding kinda
i don’t play ikevil and ikegen because they’re only in japanese and i don’t know japanese. i could use a translator to play but ikegen hasn’t really caught my interest and um… i don’t actually like villain type characters? i’ve seen some roger posts and i think he could be cool but other than that, nothing has interested me.
so anyways top 3 Love Interests for ikepri
1. leon🦁💕
2. leon but in spot #2💕
3. leon but in spot #3 and shared with jin possibly
in no particular order 3 Like Interests for ikevamp
1. napoleon
2. comte
3. leonardo
in no particular order 3 Like Interests for ikerev
1. luka (my boy luka so cool)
2. harr (cool wizard dad)
3. sirius but also idk zero might be here too
in no particular order 3 Like Imterests for ikesen
1. masamune (he’s too funny lmao also his va is kazuki kato so he sounds like leon)
2. controversial but maybe nobunaga i think he’s interesting and he says funny things too
3. mitsunari because someone once said that we’d be a good couple and he’s cool too
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suzukiblu · 9 months
Feral Kon and liger pups for WIP Wednesday, I love the Panthera PoV sooooo much. She's baby! Kon cares about her so much!
As Kato’s munching down the last bite of his pasty and Panthera is sorting through the marzipan candies to pick out the ones she thinks Tigris and Leo will like best. They’re all shaped like pretty flowers today, and Tigris likes yellow and Leo likes pink, so she picks out the yellow and orange for Tigris and the pink and red for Leo, and then a purple one for them both because they both like purple. She keeps the other orange for herself and the other red for Kato, and the rest are all green so they’ll both just have two greens, she decides. Kato always buries Mother’s emeralds in the courtyard whenever she tries to wear them, but he doesn’t mind green marzipan, she thinks. If he does, she’ll give him her orange one, she decides. Or maybe she’ll switch for one of the purples . . . ?
“Ah, our precious little princess!” a voice calls. Kato doesn’t growl, so Panthera knows it’s not going to be someone dumb even before she recognizes the familiar voice and scent, and she looks up and finds Howler approaching with a hand in the air and a bright, wolfish grin on his face. Growler and Gorr are behind him, Growler looking like he thinks something’s funny and Gorr just looking grumpy. So they’re all normal, then. “Pray tell, what’s got you out so early today, Princess?” 
“Kato needs his exercise,” Panthera informs him, then does a very nice curtsy to him because she’s a lady, and she has manners. Howler bows back extravagantly, because he’s very dramatic like that. But it’s funny, so Panthera likes it. And he bows to Mother the same way, so she likes that too. It makes her feel very grown-up. 
Which she is, obviously, because she’s a very big cub now.
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presidentstalkeyes · 2 years
While I generally think the Live A Live remake is even better than the original, especially the writing, there are a handful of things I kinda miss from the old Aeon Genesis fan translation. Such as:
The chapter-unique fonts.
Picking up items in the Prehistory chapter being rendered as just one word while Pogo points to the sky, like 'STICK!', 'HARD ROCK!', 'STONE KNIFE!', etc.
The Prehistory cast's moves all being rendered in Caveman-speak, like 'Eeeeh!', 'Baridreen!', 'BlumBlum!'. I know this change was probably made to make it easier to figure out what the moves actually do, but still. :V
Odio's prehistoric incarnation being called 'O-D-O'. Maybe it was too obvious?
The ability to just... equip a whole-ass panda in the Imperial China chapter. It's a funny image, okay? :V
Squirrel Kick. Maybe I'm just too used to the old name since it's Lei's go-to move.
Oboromaru running three times as fast as every other character. Again, I get why this was removed, it looks pretty silly when everyone in his party can somehow keep up with him.
Everyone in the Wild West chapter using bizarre old-timey figures of speech, especially "you are th' Simon pure!"
Odie O'Bright (or Odie Oldbright as he was known) forgetting Moribe Seishi's name in his intro speech. "And the geezer, whatever his name was".
Matsu/Lawless yelling "I'M THE TAIYAKI GUY!" as his fight-opening line.
Pissed Fist. I really don't understand why this was changed, since 'piss' is really low on the cuss-word hierarchy and the much stronger 'shit' wasn't censored.
Matsu having kind of a Stallone-esque accent for no apparent reason in a couple scenes.
The implication that Matsu got drunk off Matango. Hell, just the way Matsu was written in general. Well, except his comment about 'women always getting in the way'. Matsu drinks his respect women juice.
Professor Livingstill's old name, Cindelman. I know it's just a literal translation of his Japanese name, but still.
Kato's initial name for Cube being Rover, as in an exploration vehicle, which is then rejected because it sounds like a dog's name. Though I spose the remake alluded to this with the 'hardly fit for a dog' line, so. *shrug*
Naorigusa. I know it probably means something in Japanese but seeing 'you got Naorigusa' a dozen times in a row is somehow funny to me. :V
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