#kawamatsu no kappa
chenziee · 1 year
Protect her right
My piece for @opdilfzine!! So honoured to have been able to work on this amazing project with so many talented people <3 Aftersales are open right now but stuff is disapprearing really fast so don't hesitate to check it out!
I wrote two more fics for the digital add-on that i'm excited to share soon as well!! :D
Alternate summary:
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Making his way through the snow-covered lands of Ringo with fried tofu in hand, Kawamatsu the Kappa couldn’t help but remember the last time he had walked this same path. Back then, he couldn’t appreciate how pretty the winter region looked with its small shrines and toriis, snow sparkling in the sun above.
Thirteen years ago, he was looking only at his feet, searching for a place to rest for the final time. He had ignored the way Sotomuso cried at his waist, the blade knowing its master was ready to atone for his failure, yet unable to do anything.
It was a twist of fate that had brought him to the eternal graves just as the graverobbers had attacked Onimaru. He truly owed the flame-fox—and ironically, the robbers—his life.
Kawamatsu wasn’t expecting Onimaru to still be waiting for him… but he hoped he was doing well despite having been left alone.
He looked up at the sound of steel clashing together. Fighting on the Bandit’s Bridge… that brought back memories. The thought of Gyukimaru and Onimaru protecting the graveyard just beyond—it made Kawamatsu smile.
But, looking at the warrior monk and samurai crossing blades, it didn’t seem like the same scene from years before. His hand closed around Sotomuso’s hilt—the blade’s presence familiar as if it had never left his side—and slowly pulled it out of its scabbard.
“Cease this fight!” he called, throwing Sotomuso towards the battle that lacked any bloodlust.
He only huffed when the samurai stopped the shirasaya as if it were nothing before throwing the blade back. It was reassuring, seeing that the Land of Wano wasn’t completely void of capable samurai after all these years.
A laugh bubbled out of his chest as he caught Sotomuso in his hand once more. “What do I find here? A samurai and a monk, doing battle in this remote place? Yet neither of you is trying to kill the other. A curious sight!”
“Kawamatsu?!” a woman’s voice cried out then. “Is that you?!”
Kawamatsu frowned, his gaze turning in the direction the voice had come from—a young woman hiding behind a tree; her hair long and turquoise in colour, her features soft and pretty, her eyes wide with shock where she stared right at Kawamatsu.
The samurai felt a pang of nostalgia looking at her… but why?
“How do you know my name?” he asked.
Tears appeared in the woman’s eyes when she covered her mouth. “Kawamatsu!” she gasped, taking a step forward, then another, and another. Soon, she was rushing towards him; as soon as she was close enough, she buried her face in Kawamatsu’s chest, her shoulders shaking as she clutched at the fabric of his kimono.
Kawamatsu wasn’t sure what to do. Just who was this person? He had been in prison for thirteen years. If she had known him before… she had to have been quite young.
There was only one young girl who knew him well enough.
Kawamatsu’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open, heart beating fast in his chest. He gulped heavily, his hands coming to gingerly touch the woman’s trembling shoulders.
“Don’t tell me—” he paused, taking a deep breath. “Don’t tell me you’re… Hiyori-sama?”
Immediately, the woman lifted her head. She looked up at him with big eyes that glistened with unshed tears, her lips stretched into a bright smile. “Yes! I’m so happy to see you safe!”
The moment he looked into those eyes, it was like he was thrown back in time.
Suddenly, he was back at Oden Castle with tiny hands clutching at his webbed fingers as the little human girl learned to walk. A smile spreading on his face in response to the adorable grin she would give him any time he’d accept one of her lovingly folded origami creations—a ball, a crane, a fox, or even just a simple boat.
He could almost hear a shamisen playing, the song clumsy and slow, the instrument a little too big for the four year old thrumming at its strings with utmost focus. Even while she was still learning, the melody was already so beautiful. Kawamatsu wondered… How sweet would it sound today?
“Hiyori-sama…” Kawamatsu breathed, barely audible. “To see you alive and well is the greatest gift I could imagine.”
The fists clutching at his kimono tightened momentarily at his words while the Princess buried her face in the fabric, a sob escaping her. “I’m sorry!” she cried. “I’m so sorry for running away!”
With every tearful word from her, Kawamatsu felt the weight that had been resting on his shoulders for the past 13 years lifting little by little. He couldn’t believe how terribly kind Hiyori-sama was even at such a young age—to leave all for fear of her retainer going hungry. A kind of warmth gathered in Kawamatsu’s chest, spreading throughout his body to the very tips of his fingers. He barely felt the chill of the wind blowing past them anymore.
Just to see Hiyori-sama again, grown up into such a wonderful, kind young lady—
Deciding to stay alive for all those years, eating every disgusting, poisonous fish thrown his way… it was all worth it just for that.
He had failed to keep her safe once before.
This time, he was not going to make the same mistake.
No matter how many of Orochi’s or Kaido’s men came after them, no matter how little food he would be able to find, this time…
This time, he was going to protect her right.
And he was going to start with taking Kaido down along with the rest of the Kozuki samurai.
Kawamatsu wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting at the edges of the ongoing festival, simply watching the crowds celebrate the fall of Orochi and Kaido’s tyrannical rule. He could hardly believe it had only been a little over a week, a mere ten days, since he had been reunited with the Princess.
Even just the battle of Onigashima itself felt like it had happened a lifetime ago. Yet, the remains of the island were still lying beyond the Flower Capital’s borders, a reminder of all the pain, suffering, and loss that they had gone through. A reminder of the disaster that they had barely avoided only thanks to Momonosuke-sama and Luffytaro.
A reminder that dawn had finally come to the Land of Wano.
Kawamatsu laughed at the happy yip. Turning his head to look at the flame-fox sitting by his side, he placed a hand on Onimaru’s head, running his fingers through his soft fur. “Are you excited, Onimaru? We can put the swords to rest again now.”
With another yip, Onimaru tilted his chin up, leaning into Kawamatsu’s hand for more scratches, and a wide smile spread on Kawamatsu’s face at the sight. It reminded him of the old days—only now, there was no biting cold, no graves to rob, and no danger of capture.
No need for Kawamatsu to hide his face and no need to steal food.
Suddenly, Onimaru jumped up to his feet, fully alert. Kawamatsu almost reached for Sotomuso but then he noticed Onimaru’s tail wagging, his mouth open as he panted happily, his eyes short of sparkling and he could only let go of a relieved sigh as he relaxed again.
He smiled when a young woman carrying a woven basket approached them a minute later, a warm smile of her own on her lips as she kneeled in front of the fox. “Your name is Onimaru, right? Do you like fried tofu?”
“Kon kon!!” Onimaru yipped, tapping his feet in excitement.
Kawamatsu hummed. “Good for you, Onimaru. Your favourite!”
Hiyori-sama chuckled before picking up one of the tofu pieces and handing it to Onimaru—who finished his treat in two bites only to stare intently at the Princess, begging for another piece.
“Here you go,” Hiyori-sama said, placing the basket full of tofu in front of Onimaru.
“Are you enjoying yourself, Princess?” Kawamatsu asked once she sat next to him on the grass.
“I am!” There was a bright smile on her face when she nodded. “It feels like life is coming back to the country.”
“We need to properly thank Luffytaro and his friends!” Kawamatsu laughed.
“What are you talking about?!” Hiyori-sama cried, her cheeks puffing up. “What about you and Denjiro and everyone else?!”
Kawamatsu blinked as she went on, poking the kappa in his chest with her perfectly manicured finger.
“I’m sorry,” Kawamatsu said with barely suppressed amusement at the sight she made right then. Somehow… no matter how old she got, she would always be that little girl pouting because Oden-sama stole her favourite kappamaki at the dinner table.
She huffed defiantly as if reading his thoughts but then her face split in a soft smile once more when she looked at her retainer. “Thank you, Kawamatsu. For everything.”
Kawamatsu blinked, completely stunned for a moment… until a happy laugh bubbled out of his chest. “It’s an honour, Hiyori-sama.”
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everykawamatsu · 8 months
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Kin'emon's soft face, that is me watching this scene (except I cry while at it)
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snbossart · 1 year
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Kappa style!
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pippin-pippout · 1 month
Did the little foxy cultivate human form?
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
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Me 'n the boys runnin’ for the bus again.
Episode 1036
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cuttyflammm · 2 years
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Kawamatsu! With a phrog!
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fallensnowfan · 11 months
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Kappa Style! Mic drop of retribution!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
Goth Queen Kiku with the black lipstick
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getsesko · 2 years
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— ;; Kawamatsu [Kappa] and Kaido anime: One Piece
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fireycircus · 26 days
I think that one piece fans slept on Kawamatsu. I don’t think I can pick a favorite between him, Kiku, and Kinn’emon because they all rule but still I need people to talk about this guy.
Like his design rules first of all. I love that he’s a fishman that hides his identity by looking like a kappa. He’s so responsible and such a good foster dad to Hiyori. AND ALSO HIM EATING POISONED FISH AND SHOOTING THE BONES AT PEOPLE AT HIGH VELOCITY IS SUCH AN ICONIC INTRO LIKE COME ON. Let’s put some respect on my man’s name.
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onepiecebdays · 3 months
june 14th - kawamatsu
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debut chapter: 920
recent chapter: 1057
epithet: kawamatsu the kappa, yokozuna kawamatsu
current age: 41
affiliation: kozuki family
bounty: none
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everykawamatsu · 2 years
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160 notes · View notes
snbossart · 1 year
Kappa-style Speedpaint
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lunonox36 · 2 years
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
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Serious Criminals
Episode 1036
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kuriball · 3 months
0 notes