#kax x Inej
thejudeduarte · 4 months
Kaz and his cane be like:
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don't take the money (the bleachers)/ six of crows (leigh bardugo)/ crooked kingdom (leigh bardugo)
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phantasmicfish · 1 year
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You've all got it wrong. Tolya and Inej going off together at the end of sab season 2 isn't setting up a love triangle (in the traditional sense) but instead a dope ot3 with 2 poetry dorks and their knife wife 🥰
(This is about the show BTW)
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ladylokilaufeyson5 · 2 years
MYSTERY - w/ Kaz Brekker/Jesper Fahey please ! <33
A : "She's/They're/He's crazy!"
B : "Me? No, just goal oriented!"
C : "..I think the barrel's finally gotten to her/them/him.."
A/N: enjoy<3
Pairings: Kaz Brekker x Reader (could be romantic if you want but it's not really specific)
Warnings: mentions of illegal activity. idk anything else
Words: 300+
“You want me to break into the governor’s house – which, by the way, is illegal–”
Kaz cut you off with a huff and a roll of his eyes. “As if you haven’t done worse.”
“Yeah, I’m actually concerned why that’s the part you’re emphasising,” Jesper added with a small chuckle.
You glared at the sharpshooter, who only waggled his eyebrows in response.
“I’m leading up to it,” you grumbled. “Anyway, you want me to break into his house, get into the most secure safe in the world and steal his most prized possession – which is worth well over what most people see in a lifetime – and also kidnap his wife?!”
Kaz shrugged and turned in his chair. You honestly had your doubts about this little mission – of course, you’d done things like this before, but never at the same time. All six of the other crows were in the room too, and quite a few of them were also clearly lacking confidence at the plan. Of course, no one was doubting your ability to get the job done, but more so the level of difficulty required, as well as the fact that you were going to have to do it alone.
“I know you can do it, Y/n,” Kaz said, twisting a gold coin between his fingers.
“Actually, I agree with Y/n,” Wylan interjected. “Are you crazy?” 
“Me? No, just goal oriented,” Kaz responded, not even looking a little bit alarmed or even angry that someone had just accused him of being insane.
Which he might actually be.
“I think the barrel’s finally gotten to him,” Inej whispered.
“The barrel got to me a long time ago,” Kaz countered. 
Matthias sighed loudly. “So you’re telling me we’re running around with an mad man?”
“As if you didn’t know that already,” Jesper scoffed. “It’s all downhill from here.”
“Or, it’s not,” Kaz disagreed. “Wouldn’t you all like to be rich beyond your wildest dreams?”
Kaz turned to look at you, his stare hard but softer than he ever looked at the others. It was barely noticeable, but you could see it. See the worry and care in his eyes, see it being battled by his faith and confidence in you.
“I’ll do it,” you decided.
Wylan sighed and whispered to Jesper, “I think the barrel’s gotten to Y/n, too.”
come and join the celebration!
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Just a pawn
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Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
Notes: kinda wanna make a part two..but maybe I just will leave it here.
Warning: Angst, heartbreak, no comfort, short, cursing, I wanna hug the reader.
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This was exactly what you signed yourself up for, you tried to stop it. Telling yourself to bury the feeling deep down so you couldn’t get hurt, you hated feeling weak and this was exactly what you expected. You knew he would crush your heart, that you would wait for the end of time for him, just for him to feeling anything…
Anything other then anger.
“Don’t you walk away from me!” He shouted from behind you as your back was turned. You bit the inside of your cheek ready to cry and scream in anger. Spinning yourself you glare at him, his face dirty and sweat dripping and he looked as miserable as always. “Or what, Brekker?” You stepped closer, never letting your anger slip.
“Because we both know you can’t afford to let me go, who else would you have to throw in harms way? Inej, oh not your wraith. Jesper? Not him, your charming shooter. Nina, wylan, Matthias? Because for fuck sake he risk anyone he doesn’t care about!” You shouted as loud as you could, actually hoping everyone could hear you in ketterdam.
“Don’t you shout at me, this wasn’t my fault. We got the job done so stop yelling like this.” He groaned out. You laughed and put on a smile, “Oh thank the saints! We got the job done, so glad my almost death was worth it.” You cheered while putting your hands up.
Kaz looked at you with a glare and stood up straight not having the slightest bit of amusement from you. “For fuck sake, I had a plan. Yes you almost died but that happens on jobs like these. You came to me remember? You signed yourself up for this.”
You sighed yourself up for everything.
“No, I did not. If jesper wouldn’t have acted fast I would have fell from the building, nothing under me or could stop me from hitting the ground. I knew i could die on these jobs,” you went quieter and your eyes become heavy and flickering with tears, “what I didn’t know is that I would be used as a target to just toss around. Each time it’s always me who almost dies and you tell me to do it.”
He glare softens and his jaw unclenches it self. “I don’t toss you for you to die. You know that.” But did you? Did he ever give you a reason to believe that? “I actually don’t, kaz. I know nothing of what you feel or care about other then yourself.” The words cutting him like a knife. She wasn’t yelling or shouting but speaking to him in such a hurt tone.
“I know you know how I feel about you, kaz. I tried to hide it but it was just too hard, and I thought when you looked back at me- That you felt the same way I did.” You laughed and wiped the tears rolling down your face, “Funny huh? It was pathetic of me to believe that. Because you never could care for me like I want you to, you can’t even treat me like something other then a pawn.”
He couldn’t say anything, couldn’t do anything as she broke in front of him. She didn’t know that it was her he cared about the most and it scare him how deep his feelings went. He pushed her away each time to not let the feeling take over, always yelling at her or moving her around. And it killed him to know he could never pull her close and touch her skin.
“Nothing to say? Fine, I’ll talk for the both of us. I’m leaving and when I come back we will forget this ever happen. You wouldn’t speak to me other then on a job, no glances from across the room. Nothing but acquaintances.” Speaking clearly with her mind made up.
Kax watched her walk away to the door and all he wanted to do was go after her and make her stay with him, tell her just how much he cares for her. But she could never know, he could never give her what she deserves. He stepped closer and his body moving on its own, but he forced himself still. You turned around and looked at him half way out the door, a sad smile on your lips and glossy eyes.
“Goodbye, kaz.” And then he lost sight of you and his heart shattered. He knew this was your way of saying goodbye to the way it was between the two of you. It was never going to be the same, a goodbye to him as yourself. He huffed and turned around to clear his deck of everything on it in anger. He shouted and slammed his hands on the table knowing it could very well be goodbye forever.
“You never were a pawn.” He sighed to himself like he was talking to your ghost. Everything he wanted to say.
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maroon-book-dragon · 7 months
Grishaverse Ship War
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bubblesandpages · 2 years
Bardugo’s editor had originally tried getting her to cut out the scene where Kaz’s gouging a man’s eye out to which Bardugo’s response had been “you can’t cut it! It’s the hight of romance!”
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Kaz, having an off day: hello Inej
Jesper, having walked in Kaz’s office: um not ‘Nej but hello
Kaz, looking up: damn it I could have sworn she was here
Jesper: no just me but since you’re talking to me
Kaz, looking back down: I’m not talking to you
Inej, hiding in the vents after sending Jesper in to mess with him: damn it Kaz he’s our friend
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wordsinheavyblue · 3 years
B99 au where Jesper proposes to Wylan on a heist.
But Wylan opens his mouth to tell Jesper that he has just set a bomb and Jesper starts freaking out because HE DIDN'T SAY YES HE DIDN'T SAY YES.
And he keeps panicking until the bomb explodes and realisation sets in and then they're both crying and saying yes.
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wylan-van-moonlight · 3 years
kaz: *dead face*
nina: saints, is he dead?
inej: no he's resting his face so he can scowl at people later
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older! Kanej, they're in their mid 20s and they've healed and they're finally happy together 😭😭
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Shadow and Bone season 1:
→1x05: Show Me Who You Are
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songfromstars · 2 years
What do you believe in then? My crows.
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meanwhile, inside kaz's head
kaz's emotions: *sick of being ignored* this isn't working, if we want him to notice us, we're going to have to try something new.
*inej enters the chat*
kaz's emotions: never mind, that'll do. that'll do nicely.
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gra-leitora · 3 years
the cast of this adaptation is amazing. 🤩🤩🤩
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(📷: 𝘗𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵)
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