Sorrow and struggle in the Amazon: Tuíre Kayapó, the Indigenous Brazilian woman who postponed the end of the world, dies
Every time the state tried to silence Indigenous peoples in Brazil, the late Tuíre raised her voice
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Tuíre Kayapó, one of the most important Indigenous leaders in Brazil, died on Saturday (10) at a hospital in the town of Redenção, in the state of Pará. She was 57 and battled uterine cancer. Her death ended an outstanding story of defending the rights of Indigenous and Amazonian peoples. From the disputes about the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant up to the legal argument known as “marco temporal” (usually translated into English as "Time Frame Law"), Tuíre has always taken a stance about government attacks against forest peoples.
Tuíre raised international attention in 1989. That year, the city of Altamira, Pará, was home to the First Meeting of Xingu Indigenous Peoples. The event, which gathered 600 Indigenous individuals all painted for war, aimed at discussing the Kararaô Hydroelectric Plant, later renamed Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant.
At a certain point, the then 19-year-old Tuíre put her machete on the face of the president of the Eletronorte company, José Antônio Muniz Lopes. According to her recollections of the episode in an interview with the Socio-environmental Institute (ISA, in Portuguese), Tuíre said to the man: “White man, you have no forest. This land isn’t yours. You were born in the city and came here to attack our forests and rivers. You won’t do this.”
The photograph of her action became known worldwide and drew the attention of authorities, activists and international artists, postponing the construction of the power plant for 20 years. After finished, Belo Monte was dubbed “the end of the world” among people in Volta Grande do Xingu. Tuíre was, in Aílton Krenak’s words, the woman who postponed the end of the world.
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novosparanos · 2 years
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PRECIOSIDADES KAYAPÓ NA LOJA Atendendo a pedidos, reunimos uma coleção de tecidos com grafismos Kayapó e lindas capas de almofada para os clientes da nossa loja virtual Habitantes do sudoeste do estado do Pará, os Kayapó (autodenominação “Mebegôkré” – povo do olho d’água) tem sua produção passada de geração em geração com base nas trocas com a floresta e formas de vida. De suas preciosas mãos saem tecidos com pinturas, cestarias, máscaras, colares, pulseiras, bolsas, flechas, arcos, entre outros. Tradicionalmente, são as mulheres da etnia que se dedicam a riscar traços precisos e geométricos inspirados nos animais, plantas e em formas do inconsciente, fazendo com que os grafismos sejam aplicados de modo a cobrir toda a extensão da peça. As fotos feitas pelo Kabu mostram o processo de confecção das pinturas em lonas de algodão que promovem a cultura dos povos. Ficam lindas emolduradas ou montadas como almofadas, dando um toque sofisticado ao ambiente através das linhas, padrões e variações. Deslumbrantes! Os tecidos e as capas de almofadas estão disponíveis na nossa loja virtual. Acesse já e garanta o seu! loja.novosparanos.com.br LINK NA BIO #novosparanos #kayapo #arteindigena #artebrasileira #para #brasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLBB_xOOp5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
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Portraits of Indigenous People From All Around the World
“Young Kayapó (Mebêngôkre) girl at a protest in Brasília. Every year, in April, thousands of Brazilian indigenous people travel many kilometers from territories across the country to gather at the Free Land Camp in the capital, to protest in defense of their lands and lives.” Kayapó (Mebêngôkre) girl, Brazil, 2022
(Photo: © Ekuná Kamayurá)
For over 50 years, Survival International has been working to protect the rights of Indigenous people around the globe.
To help support their ongoing campaigns, they've recently released their 2023 calendar, We, the People.
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aradxan · 2 years
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Kayapo Gorotire by sguiraud Jeune fille Gorotire avec la tonsure traditionnelle Motukôre Para - Brésil photo : Serge Guiraud Jabiru Prod https://flic.kr/p/2bFf1bF
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hawklanthebard · 2 months
About your version of the Planeteers, what’s the lore/backstory/headcanons for them? You can choose which you answer(or if you wanna answer multiple. Your choice). Also, what made you choose to give Linka heterochromia?
I don’t wanna give away too much for spoilers and in case it changes mid-production, but here’s what I can tell!
Kwame Achebe: From a close-knit village in Ghana, where he lived with his mother and four younger siblings. Since his father died when he was seven, Kwame had to take on the responsibilities of an older brother, a father and a strong leader. His steady, reliable nature makes him a pillar of strength for both his family and the Planeteers.
James Wheeler: From Brooklyn, NY, Wheeler lived on the streets for two years before he found the ring. After running away from his abusive father, and later left to die by his former gang, Wheeler became a dangerous fighter, protecting the poor from thugs and cops. His fiery nature makes him a fierce Planeteer.
Linka Sychov: Born from a rich rural family, Linka lived under the confinement of her family’s expectations. Struggling to keep up her grades and earning her way to college, where the pressures intensified, Linka remained focused and vigilant throughout. Her intellect and ability to handle difficult situations makes her a valuable asset to the Planeteers.
Ginga Saito-Wongchan: From Bangkok, Thailand, Gi grew up by the ocean and developed a love and respect for marine life. Raised by her parents who were marine biologists, their passions were infectious. As a Planeteer, Gi’s knowledge and passion in marine life make her a valuable asset for the team.
Ma-Ti: Originally from the Kayapo tribe in the Amazon Rainforest, was raised in a culture that deeply respects and lives in harmony with nature. From an early age, he showed a remarkable ability to empathize with both people and animals, making him a moral compass for both his community and the Planeteers. His true name is known only to his tribe, but he goes by Ma-Ti among the Planeteers.
As for Linka’s heterochromia, her eyes change color in the original series. So I just went with both.
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neechees · 2 years
Hi there, I was wondering your thoughts on artists who leave the race of their characters "up to interpretation" or purposefully remain obtuse so they can ride both sides of the fence? example, a white artist drawing a white character with medium-dark skin and when POC asked to clarify their race so they could be respectful when drawing, the creator says "all i can say is they're nonwhite". Do you think that is dubious? As if they want props for being diverse without the responsibility that comes with having a nonwhite character?
(and i know it sounds confusing about "white character" but what i mean is the character can very easily be interpreted as white by the fandom and gain popularity, while another side could assume they're X race based on their skin, so creator benefits that way too instead of clarifying)
Hey!! I know what you're getting at. I think it can potentially depend on who's doing it and what the character is for?
Like if it's just an artist drawing their OC, and maybe they don't have all the backstory or character details worked out yet, or if they literally just wanted to do some character design practice so therefore they don't really have a full backstory in mind), and if they responded with something like your example when asked what the characters' ethnicity is, then it's less dubious. That could potentially be a case of not necessarily trying to benefit off of both sides.
But if it's an artist doing something like a webcomic, or something similar, then knowing a characters' ethnicity is more important. Them refusing to specify could get into the territory of homognizing multiple cultures and reinforce the idea that nonwhite cultures are all the same. Even if they specified something like "They Native American" or "they're Black" or "they're Asian" it's STILL doing this: like, if they're Native, then are the First Nations Canadian, Indigenous Mexican, Native from the Caribbean, are they Indigenous and Brazilian? What tribe(s) are they? Are they Inuk, Mixtec, Taino, Kayapo, or another tribe? If they're Black, are they Jamaican Canadian, Khoisan, Gullah Geechee, Somali-British, Afro Russian, or Aboriginal Australian? If they're Asian, are they Telugu, Armenian, Han Chinese, Bhutanese, or Kinh Vietnamese? All of these cultures can be VERY different from each other (even if, depending on geography and history, there could be overlap & similarities), so these distinctions are important. I think that IS dubious, if they do this.
White artists already get WAY more attention and praise for having nonwhite OC's in their art than actual artists of color, so when they do this it gets REAL sketchy real fast, and kind of feels like they know what they're doing, and they do it for praise. Like if they don't put in the effort in their nonwhite characters the way they do with their white characters, then it's definitely racist, and they're just riding with the approval in the way you say.
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amazoniatale · 2 years
AmazoniaTale Floresttale au original my au original
Amazoniatale (Foresttale) In Modelingtale's Au Eeva and wirte!sans were bored and frustrated because they wanted to know other universes, but papyrus didn't want them to leave, so in the middle of Write!sans thoughts he had an idea. "hey!, Eeva!", "yes,sans?", "Since we can't leave this universe, why don't we create our own au" bright stars come out of her head and a bright aura too, Eeva is insecure with this idea: "We?! Create an AU?!", "Of course why not?" a question comes out of sans head, "What if papy finds out and if we do this and other aus suspect us, what are they going to do with us and if they find us out?!" , she puts her hands over her head imagining the worst, he holds them and says: "Eeva relax, just don't sign with our names, and with our initials", he winks at her, she calms down and is convinced. So they begin to create their universe based on the history books of surface humans that papyrus brought, in addition to biology books about. the fauna and flora, and finally write finishes writing to Au" phew….. good….. we're done hey can you help me? , Eeva looks at him with a curious look "with what?", " help me bring our au to life? , "how would that work?" , " well you have the gift of creating living beings and I have the gift of giving them feelings, if we focus all our energy on this role we can make it come to life! in theory", "but what if it doesn't work out? " " well ….at least we tried". So the two decide to concentrate all their energy on the leaf and thus create Amazonia tale, but Eeva leaves a small tiny part of her energy in a tree that she named "tree of life" or "buriti of life", a large tree that would be kept by a ghost a lion with 7 wings and 7 eyes made of pure light that for 50 to 50 years the people would feed from the tree to gain eternal life and connect to nature, while this tree feeds and strengthens this universe bringing water, wind and life to her if someone disobeyed would earn a punishment and curse for getting too close to the tree at the wrong time, and anyone who tries to attack or enter the forest with an impure heart would be visited by this beast and this would make him lose all his senses in the same Aldem time to kick him out of the forest. When they finished their creation, they gained a magic sphere, where they could dazzle the creation they had created and guard it. They signed with W.E so that Au would have a mysterious creator.
AU Tribes: The AU is divided into three tribes.
Guyrá Tribe (Ares)
Yahto araruna (blue macaw) (great warrior)
Porã Araruna (red macaw, rainbow macaw or colorful macaw) (party singer)
Yoki Araruna (Canindé macaw) (helps to cultivate and harvest food for the village) (the three are twin brothers)
Cauã Bagé (Gaviao real) (leader of the group
) Oriba Araxá (uirapuru) (guardian of the forest and symbol of legend) Iracema Bambui (purple hummingbird) (helps to bring nectar and food to the audeia too)
Taiguara Iabá (toucan) trader
Kayapo Tribe (forest)
Toriba Iapuama- (great military macaw) (novice warrior)
Snowly (jaguar) (warrior)
Jaciara (black panther) (merchant)
Deimos (I'll change that name because it's too ugly) (Guara wolf) (village child)
Abaeté (golden lion mico) (healer of all tribes)
Iguatu Tribe (rivers)
Jandir Iguapé (son of the pink dolphin with Iara) (merchant and warrior protector legend of the pink dolphin)
Lúna Iguapé (sister of Jandir) (mermaid and wishes to be the future protector of the Amazon)
Paitã (yellow-snouted alligator) (warrior and chief of the waters)
Human: Anahi Jurandir (Tupi Indian)
Protective cracks:
King - Curupira
Trader - Caipora
Vigolante- Boitata
my au and my ocs: @teensadventuresstudio and @amazoniatale
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materialgifspng · 2 years
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Assistência à população indígena foi uma das prioridades durante a pandemia de Covid-19; conheça as ações.
Detalhes no texto abaixo ⬇️:
Verdade sobre as fakes News da ESQUERDA nojenta ..sobre indígenas YANOMAMI
De 2020 a 2022, foram realizadas 20 ações de saúde que levaram atenção especializada para dentro dos territórios indígena.
Os cuidados com a saúde indígena são uma das prioridades do Governo Federal. De 2019 a novembro de 2022, o Ministério da Saúde prestou mais de 53 milhões de atendimentos de Atenção Básica aos povos tradicionais, conforme dados do Subsistema de Atenção à Saúde Indígena do SUS, o SasiSUS.
Um marco está no enfrentamento da pandemia entre os povos tradicionais. O Plano de Contingência Nacional para Infecção Humana pelo novo Coronavírus em Povos Indígenas é o legado de um planejamento que atendeu os 34 Distritos Sanitários Especiais Indígenas (Dsei) e englobou diversas iniciativas a partir de 2020. Assim, foi possível ampliar 1,7 mil vagas no quadro de profissionais na saúde indígena e a contratação de 241 profissionais.
Outra medida inicial foi a adoção do protocolo sanitário de entrada em territórios indígenas. Tanto no ano de decretação da pandemia quanto no seguinte foram produzidos informes técnicos de orientação aos serviços de saúde sobre diagnóstico, testagem, prevenção, controle e isolamento. No mesmo período, foram implantados os Centros de Informações Estratégicas de Vigilância em Saúde (Cievs) nos 34 DSEI.
De 2020 a 2022, foram realizadas 20 ações de saúde que levaram atenção especializada para dentro dos territórios indígenas, especialmente em locais remotos e com acesso limitado. Foram beneficiados mais de 449 mil indígenas, com 60 mil atendimentos. O Governo Federal encaminhou 971,2 mil unidades de medicamentos e 586,2 mil unidades de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI), totalizando 1,5 milhão de insumos enviados para essas operações.
Essas operações, além de combater a Covid-19, possibilitaram a oferta de consultas especializadas à população atendida, tendo em vista as limitações que a média e alta complexidade, a cargo de estados e municípios estavam enfrentando. Assim, além de clínicos gerais, as missões contaram com médicos infectologistas, pediatras e ginecologistas. Ante o alto índice de zoonoses, o Ministério da Saúde também enviou médicos veterinários para as missões.
As 20 operações contaram ainda com parceria do Ministério da Defesa, além de outras organizações governamentais e não governamentais. Foram atendidas localidades dos seguintes distritos: Alto Rio Negro, Vale do Javari, Leste de Roraima, Yanomami, Amapá e Norte do Pará, Xavante, Araguaia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Maranhão, Alto Rio Juruá, Kayapo do Pará, Guama Tocantins e Alto Rio Solimões.
Paralelamente às missões deflagradas para atender indígenas em áreas de difícil acesso, de 2020 a 2022, equipe de saúde da Secretaria Especial de Saúde Indígena (Sesai), composta por médicos, enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem, apoiaram os atendimentos de atenção primária e de enfrentamento à Covid-19.
A atuação dessa equipe volante beneficiou os seguintes distritos: Maranhão, Leste de Roraima, Potiguara, Amapá e Norte do Pará, Litoral Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, Araguaia, Xavante, Xingu, Kaiapó do Mato Grosso, Yanomami, Interior Sul e Alto Rio Juruá.
O Ministério da Saúde também firmou parceria para a formação dos pontos focais e bolsistas dos Cievs Dsei na especialização do Programa de Treinamento em Epidemiologia Aplicada aos Serviços do Sistema Único de Saúde da Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde (EPISUS - Intermediário).
Durante todo o período da pandemia, foram divulgados boletins epidemiológicos, que detalharam semanalmente a situação a partir dos indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade. Outra providência adotada foi a implantação do Comitê de Monitoramento de Eventos (CME) da Saúde Indígena.
Fonte: https://www.gov.br/saude/pt-br/assuntos/noticias/2022/dezembro/assistencia-a-populacao-indigena-foi-uma-das-prioridades-durante-a-pandemia-de-covid-19-conheca-as-acoes
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cadavezr · 2 years
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Turia Kayapo es una guerrera indígena que fue conocida mundialmente en 1989 en el encuentro Altamira de Brasil contra la construcción de represas en el río Xingu. Ella apareció en la sala con sus pinturas de guerra, desnuda y con un gran machete, se acercó al presidente de la compañía eléctrica de Brasil y puso el filo del machete en su mejilla, y proclamó que su pueblo y toda la Amazonía lo considerarían como un acto terrorista y de guerra. A continuación indicó: "Usted es un mentiroso. Nosotros no necesitamos la electricidad. La electricidad no nos va a proporcionar nuestra comida. Necesitamos que nuestros ríos fluyan libremente, pues nuestro futuro y el de toda la humanidad depende de ello. Necesitamos nuestras selvas intactas para poder recolectar nuestro alimento. ¡No necesitamos su represa!" Y se despidió diciendo: "Mi apellido: ofendida, mi nombre: humillada, mi estado: rebelde, mi edad: la edad de piedra"
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‘I want Lula to see this’: Indigenous chief continues fight for Amazon
Raoni Metuktire Kayapó has battled against deforestation all his life and is inviting Brazil’s president to see the damage to his land
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Flying low over the Kayapó Indigenous territory, the poisoning of the Amazon is starkly apparent in a string of mud polygons carved out by illegal goldminers. From a Greenpeace plane, the Indigenous chief Raoni Metuktire Kayapó stares at the scars – tinted red, blue, green, white, brown, yellow and grey – and jabs his finger in anger. “I don’t like this at all. The destruction is so big and the land will never go back to what it was.”
Raoni, a lifetime campaigner for the rainforest, has invited the Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to his territory this week for one of the most important meetings of Indigenous leaders in recent years.
Illegal mining, and its pollution of rivers, people and culture, will be high on the agenda. In the past four years, pressure on Indigenous territories intensified alarmingly under the laissez-faire presidency of Jair Bolsonaro, who encouraged a new wave of invasion by illegal miners, with the Yanomami, Munduruku and Kayapó territories particularly badly affected.
The visible damage caused by deforestation around the Maria Bonita area of Kayapó territory is only a small part of the impact from garimpos (illegal mines). A far bigger and much less understood consequence is the contamination of water systems by toxic separating chemicals and vast quantities of sediment. It is these agents and the algae that forms in the tailings ponds that make the pools change colour at different stages of production or abandonment.
“The garimpos destroy the rivers with mercury. This contaminates the fish that our people eat and then we become contaminated,” said Raoni, who has been campaigning on these issues for most of his life. He became a global figure in the 1980s, immediately recognisable by his labret lip disc, through his advocacy and friendship with celebrity supporters such as Sting, playing an important role in the government’s demarcation of swathes of Indigenous territory in the early 2010s, which is the best-maintained and protected forest in the Amazon.
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acemir · 3 months
Manioc Festival (2015) - Bepunu from Glenn Shepard on Vimeo.
This hypnotically beautiful film of the 3-day long manioc festival by Bepunu shows especially creative editing to reduce the running time for impatient kuben ('white') audiences. The original Kayapo-style film ran for half an hour, but Bepunu employed video stills and "slide show" transition throughout the film to make visual reference to important ritual moments in their proper order without cutting them out entirely. These editing choices are a perfect example of the "Kayapo film-making aesthetic" that anthropologist Terrence Turner described in the 1990s, and that continues through the present. See ethnoground.blogspot.com/2012/04/miss-kayapo-filming-through-mebengokre.html
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talesfromtrigadora · 4 months
Book Review & Poetry Potential
I finally finished Fathoms by Rebecca Giggs a couple days ago. I had picked it up from the library because it was about conservationism and whales. I've been trying to consistently enter writing contests, and there's a poetry contest due June 5th where the prompt is Kayapo Elder, or Humpback. Since I know nothing about Kayapo elders and little about Humpback Whales, I figured I should do some reading about both before I attempted this poem. In the end, Fathoms was an interesting and educational read, but I had a lot of trouble getting through it due to the author's inexplicable insistence on using big words when laymen's terms wouldn't have diminished the writing at all. I nearly put the book down just during the introduction because of the word choices, and found myself questioning the choices of her editor to leave these word choices in as they were likely to alienate the common reader, who ultimately would get the most out of a book that's message is why whales (and environmentalism in general) mattered, to everyone. After that first chapter, the editor maybe had some notes on these big words, but instead of removing them, Giggs merely added more words to her book by defining them in parentheses. Ultimately, it just seemed unnecessary.
I'm not sure I have a poem in me about whales and Kayapo Elders, though my readings have made it clear as to why these two seemingly unrelated topics are paired for this contest. They both are studies in conservationism. The Kayapo people of Brazil have been loud and active in their mission to protect their rainforest from the effects of logging, mining, and the building of dams. They have raised their voices in how these changes to their environment will negatively affect their habitat, and in doing so, they are fighting hard to protect the habitat of those who cannot speak up.
In contrast, whales were nearly hunted to extinction before people began to speak up for them. People had to essentially create a Super Whale, a conglomeration of many types of whales, in order to get enough human voices raised to speak for these creatures, because no one whale stands out as the most "savable." It was the Humpback who gave this Super Whale its voice, as it is the Humpbacks who sing.
But is there enough here for a poem? Probably. But at my core, I am not a poet (despite that the only thing I have been published for so far is my poetry). Poetry, for me, comes out of emotion. It rises within me as one whole when the emotions become too strong that I have no choice but to put them on paper. While I am intrigued about the environment and understand the importance of these two topics, there is not emotion here for me. I could write a story about it, because a creative writer (and maybe an attempting journalist) is my bread and butter, but this contest does not call for a story. It calls for a poem, so I think I will leave this contests to the poets.
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jgmail · 6 months
Amazonia: Lula abrió las puertas a Macron
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Por Juraima Almeida
Fuentes: CLAE
El presidente brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva y su par francés Emmanuel Macron, celebraron la asociación estratégica entre sus dos países: inauguraron un submarino franco brasileño y anunciaron un programa para recaudar mil millones de euros destinados a proyectos de economía sostenible en la Amazonía. Sin embargo, la disonancia fue más aguda sobre el acuerdo entre la Unión Europea y el Mercosur.
Los mandatarios extranjeros de visita oficial en Brasil no suelen incluir Amazonia en su ruta, pero Macron quiso empezar allí, donde se reunió allí con Raoni Metuktire, el líder indígena Kayapo de 92 años al que recibiera en el palacio del Elíseo y que encarna en Francia la batalla para proteger la Amazonia. Macron le impuso la Legión de Honor.
“Queremos convencer a quienes ya han deforestado de que deben contribuir de manera importante a que los países que aún tienen bosques los mantengan en pie, dijo Lula, mientras Macron posaba para un selfie con sus anfitriones, frente a una  pancarta que reclamaba “No al petróleo en la Amazonia, en referencia a un polémico proyecto de exploración hidrocarburífera en el delta del Amazonas que Lula respalda.
Lula dijo que Brasil necesita contar con Fuerzas Armadas «altamente cualificadas, preparadas y equipadas» para garantizar la paz cuando sea necesario. Sin citar el intento de golpe de Estado que sufrió en enero del año pasado por parte de militantes y militares bolsonaristas, Lula dijo que esa fortaleza también es necesaria para hacer frente a la actual «animosidad» contra el proceso democrático en Brasil y en otros países del mundo.
El viaje de Macron a Brasil, tras recalar en la Guyana Francesa, territorio colonial galo en Sudamérica, refleja unos intereses mutuos que confluyen tanto en medioambiente como en defensa.
El idilio político entre los presidentes de 78 (Lula) y 46 (Macron) años, es evidente pese a sus diferencias ideológicas, sus posturas irreconciliables sobre el acuerdo comercial Unión Europea-Mercosur y sus antecedentes: el francés trabajó en la banca de inversiones y el brasileño como obrero metalúrgico en Sao Bernardo do Campo.
Brasil y Francia pretenden unir fuerzas para conseguir en cuatro años inversiones por mil millones de euros para impulsar la bioeconomía en la Amazonia. Lula y su Gobierno están especialmente interesados en que se cree un mercado de carbono que sirva para compensar económicamente a los países que invierten en la protección de bosques que capturan dióxido de carbono.
Le plateau das Guyanes
Según el gobierno brasileño, Francia es el tercer mayor inversionista en Brasil, con cerca de 38 mil millones de dólares. Ya en el primer día de la visita, los presidentes anunciaron un programa para recaudar mil millones de euros (1.080 millones de dólares) para invertir en proyectos de economía sostenible en la Amazonía brasileña y francoguayanesa.
Pareciera que se concreta una primera parte del proyecto de Sarkozy («Le plateau das Guyanes»):  Lula y Macron anuncian plan de inversiones para economía sostenible en Amazonía, en intento de redimensionar el predominio «anglo» en la zona. La primera etapa del viaje de Macron a Brasil fue a Belém, la puerta de la Amazonía.
Es lo que los geopolíticos brasileños definen como «la Isla Guayana», entre el Atlántico (al noreste y este, el Amazonas al sur y el Río Negro-Orinoco al oeste y noroeste. Detrás de la estrategia Sarkozy-Macron parece estar el interés de los laboratorios de medicamentos franceses en la gran biodiversidad amazónica.
Con una «France-Afrique» cayéndose a pedazos, al igual que la Ostpolitik alemana, un continente asiático muy competitivo y un México con creciente presencia de maquiladoras chinas, Macron apuntan a nichos en Sudamérica.
Tras reunirse con Lula, Macron se trasladó  a San Pablo para participar de un foro económico, donde calificó como «muy malo» el acuerdo de libre comercio negociado entre el Mercosur y la Unión Europea y propuso hacer uno nuevo «que sea responsable desde un punto de vista de desarrollo, de clima y de biodiversidad».
“Es un mal acuerdo para ustedes y para nosotros”, dijo Macron sobre un pacto que ya había dado por muerto en enero, en el pico de las protestas de los agricultores franceses. “Vamos a forjar un nuevo acuerdo responsable con el desarrollo, el clima y la biodiversidad”,  propuso. Lula había señalado al francés y a su proteccionismo de ser el principal culpable de que el acuerdo UE-Mercosur esté en coma profundo y sin visos de resucitar a corto plazo.
El proyecto de tratado, cuyas discusiones comenzaron en 1999, pretende suprimir la mayoría de los derechos de aduana entre las dos zonas, creando un área de más de 700 millones de consumidores. Tras alcanzar un acuerdo político en 2019, varios países, entre ellos Francia, bloquearon su adopción, una oposición que se ha acentuado con la crisis agrícola que asola Europa.
Macron ha argumentado que las normas de este tratado comercial no son «homogéneas» con las europeas. El peso pesado del Mercosur, Brasil, liderado por Lula, es sin embargo implacable en su defensa del acuerdo.
Cooperación militar
El miércoles, los presidentes inauguraron un submarino de propulsión convencional francobrasileño en el astillero naval de Itaguaí, cercano a Río de Janeiro
El mandatario brasileño señaló que la cooperación militar con Francia no se limita a la construcción de submarinos. »Nuestra asociación muestra el interés de Brasil en conquistar una mayor autonomía estratégica ante los numerosos conflictos que han surgido en el mundo», dijo. Con estas monumentales inversiones, Lula intenta aminorar los recelos golpistas de los militares.
El acuerdo también prevé la producción de helicópteros, el desarrollo de un satélite que garantiza las comunicaciones militares de Brasil y la compra de una computadora de altísima capacidad con usos en el área de defensa.
Ambos mandatarios subrayaron la importancia de esa asociación en un mundo marcado por las guerras y los desequilibrios globales. «Va a permitir que dos países importantes, cada uno en un continente, se preparen para que podamos convivir con esa diversidad sin preocuparnos por ningún tipo de guerra porque somos defensores de la paz en todo momento de nuestra historia», dijo Lula.
Macron evocó una «misma visión de mundo» con Lula, a pesar de los desacuerdos, especialmente sobre Ucrania. «Las grandes potencias pacíficas que son Brasil y Francia, que deben actuar en un mundo cada vez más desorganizado, a veces necesitan saber usar el lenguaje de la firmeza para proteger la paz», dijo el galo.
Submarino nuclear 
El «Tonelero» es el tercero de cuatro submarinos a propulsión convencional previstos bajo el Prosub, un programa por 7.200 millones de dólares para desarrollar los submarinos brasileños y su industria. El «Angostura», el último de estos ejemplares destinados a la protección de los 8.500 kilómetros de costas del gigante latinoamericano, debe ser lanzado al mar en 2025.
El acuerdo con Francia, que data de 2008, prevé también un quinto sumergible, que sería el primero de Brasil con propulsión nuclear. «Quiero que abramos un capítulo para nuevos submarinos, que miremos de frente la propulsión nuclear siendo perfectamente respetuosos de todos los compromisos de no proliferación», dijo Macron. «Francia estará junto a ustedes», agregó el presidente francés junto a Lula.
Cambia, todo cambia. La relación del Brasil de Lula con el gobierno del derechista Macron está en las antípodas de la tormentosa que tuvo Francia con su predecesor, Jair Bolsonaro. Ahora reinan la sintonía, las sonrisas. Al poco de llegar al poder en 2019, Bolsonaro insultó a Brigitte, la esposa de Macron, mientras los incendios devoraban la Amazonia y Macron alertaba al mundo del impacto del fuego en la mayor selva tropical del mundo.
Juraima Almeida. Investigadora brasileña, analista asociada al Centro Latinoamericano de Análisis Estratégico (CLAE, www.estrategia.la)
Fuente: https://estrategia.la/2024/03/28/amazonia-lula-le-abrio-las-puertas-a-macron/
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segolenemoteleyecrits · 8 months
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. Biotope Univers . 02.02.2020
Il peut paraître illusoire, inutile ou présomptueux d’oser consacrer quelques lignes à l’Univers dans son ensemble.
les enfants vont bien
Dès les années 1950, l’UICN, au sein de l’ONU s’émeut et s’inquiète des modifications faites par l’homme, qui artificialisent les biotopes naturels1.
5% de remise sur TOUT l’univers Neuf
Univers panorama
Univers Decor
Univers Apple
Univers AB
Univers Dorothée
Univers de l’emballage
Je ne vous fais pas un dessin
Au bout d’un moment ça suffit
L’extension de l’univers est-elle infinie ?
les âmes qui
le Cabinet UNIVERS est à votre disposition pour mettre à votre service ses compétences.
Ce Cabinet à taille humaine
Place de la terre dans l’univers global
Dans l’univers systémique de l’écologie, et dans un contexte de finitude écologique de la Terre, la biosphère (au niveau planétaire) et les biotopes (au niveau local) sont étroitement dépendants les uns les autres. Cette interdépendance du local et du planétaire a des conséquences philosophiques considérables.
c’est pas sorcier
Biotope est un lieu de vie
Biotope création
Biotope sur Amazon
Amazon Site officiel
Amazon Prime
Amazon CD
Amazon livre
Biotope intégrale tome 0
il y a 0 produit dans mon panier
entreprise de l’écologie
Amazonie incendie
Amazonie actualité
Amazonie déforestation au plus haut
Amazonie carte géographique
12% des réserves en eau douce du globe
17 % de la forêt ont disparu en raison des actions humaines
Comment créer un décor d’aquarium amazonien ?
Biotop amazonien pierres et rocher ou pas?
Un biotope 100% amazonien est facile à mettre en place dans son aquarium
Vous invite à vivre une expérience inoubliable
Soyez sur de trouver le produit Livre Poissons Amanizie le moins cher
En séjournant dans leur univers, 
comme un chapitre de la Genèse, 
m’apparaissaient tous les excès de notre civilisation
Amazonia ou l’inversion du sauvage
Le peuple oublié des Kayapo
Ont un rapport étroit avec la nature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMt06JwUl3U
Canção Kayapó - Mawaca
Anka mutuku 
rurukutire aba 
morueti abamare 
Mama mama mama 
mama mama mawe
ils veulent défier le soleil
Un crédit vous engage et doit être remboursé
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Raminô - Yawanawa (Canto Mulheres Índigenas) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ro-VroLByQ
A letra de Ramino significa se você me quer ou não...é uma música de amor....é um canto Katukina...aqui cantado por mulheres da tribo yawanawa...
(Les paroles de Ramino signifient que vous me vouliez ou non ... c’est une chanson d’amour .... c’est une chanson de Katukina ... ici chantée par des femmes de la tribu Yawanawa …)
Rararará rarararámino ramino raminoooooooo 
raminako raminako ramino ramino ramiroooooo 4x
eroynayna eroynãina ramino ramino raminoooooo 4x
initima oiánande tenande nandenã nandenãaaa 4x
zininana zininana ramino ramino raminooooo 4x
rararara rararara raminoooo ramino raminooooooooo
Vous allez bientôt pouvoir rencontrer votre hôte !
Dans le meilleur scénario, il reste 7546 jours 
avant la fin quasi-totale des forêts tropicales!
Info désespoir : une tribu Guarani prête à se suicider en pleine forêt Amazonienne !
cause des dommages irréparables sur le biotope
Selon leur vision de l’univers, tous les êtres vivants, le cosmos, les plantes, l’eau, les animaux... sont intimement liés et forment un tout indissociable. Chaque être vivant n’existe qu’à travers le maintien de cette relation.`
Citations d’Hommes justes
Vous pouvez nous envoyez les phrases
(d’Anciens ou non) qui vous semblent
aller de soi et participer à l’ouverture 
des consciences
Autre citation
Lorsque vous prenez conscience de votre source, vous devenez naturellement tolérant, aimable et enjoué. 
Lao Tseu
Note : ce texte a été réalisé dans le cadre d’un atelier avec Fabienne Swiatly & Carole Bijou à Lyon
Les contraintes étant de produire un texte à partir de 2 mots et de recherches internet.
Il a donc été écrit à partir de biotope et univers, sur ecosia, le 2 février 2020, par hyperliens.
Ont inspiré ce travail : les écrivains Kenneth Goldsmith et Nathalie Quintane.
Les phrases barrés ne sont pas obligés d’être lus à l’oral, les chants écoutés durant la lecture sont conseillés.
Sentez vous libres!
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edisonblog · 10 months
Txucarramãe was a Brazilian indigenous leader of the Caiapó ethnic group, he was the first indigenous person to assume the position of indigenous director of the Xingu Indigenous Park, in 1984.
He was also at the forefront of achievements for his people, such as the construction of a school and teacher training. “These workshops must continue, there must be more. Because there is still a lot for teachers to write in the language”, says Megaron Txucarramãe
Txucarramãe, his name means "Monkey's Foot". He was an important figure in indigenous resistance during the period of aggressive expansion of the agricultural frontier and mining in the Brazilian Amazon in the 1970s and 1980s.
Txucarramãe became known for his firm stance in defending the territorial and cultural rights of his people. He led the resistance against the construction of the Transamazônica highway and the advance of illegal miners into Kayapo territory, mobilizing his people and seeking international support for his cause.
His work gained prominence on a national and international level, and he was a prominent voice in the fight for indigenous rights and the preservation of the Amazon. His story is an example of indigenous peoples' confrontation with threats to their land, culture and traditional way of life.
images: Megaron Txucarramãe Photos: Laura Rachid and Juliana Pesqueira
edisonmariotti @edison
Txucarramãe foi um líder indígena brasileiro da etnia Caiapó, foi primeiro indígena a assumir o cargo de diretor indígena do Parque Indígena do Xingu, em 1984.
Também esteve à frente de conquistas para o seu povo, como a construção de escola e formação de professor. “Essas oficinas têm que continuar, tem que ter mais. Porque ainda há muita coisa para os professores escreverem na língua”, avalia Megaron Txucarramãe
Txucarramãe, seu nome significa "Pé de Macaco". Ele foi uma figura importante na resistência indígena durante o período de expansão agressiva da fronteira agrícola e do garimpo na Amazônia brasileira nas décadas de 1970 e 1980.
Txucarramãe ficou conhecido por sua postura firme na defesa dos direitos territoriais e culturais de seu povo. Ele liderou a resistência contra a construção da rodovia Transamazônica e o avanço dos garimpeiros ilegais em território Caiapó, mobilizando seu povo e buscando apoio internacional para sua causa.
Sua atuação ganhou destaque em nível nacional e internacional, e ele foi uma voz proeminente na luta pelos direitos indígenas e pela preservação da Amazônia. Sua história é um exemplo do enfrentamento dos povos indígenas diante das ameaças à sua terra, cultura e modo de vida tradicional.
imagens: Megaron Txucarramãe Fotos: Laura Rachid e Juliana Pesqueira - @edisonblog
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upismediacenter · 11 months
LITERARY: Walang pamagat
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Langit na kahel at may kayakap Malamlam mula sa sulyap Dumikit ngunit nang humarap,
“Psst, kakilabot ang ganap!”
Tumingala nalang sa ulap
Taglay ng kwelyo mong gusot Magdamag na gulu-gulo’t Mga usap-usapang lumilibot Dahil sa puso mong masalimuot
Ating relasyong baluktot
Nang pumuti, nang kumidlat
“Hindi pa ba ako sapat?” “Hindi ko ba ibinigay ang lahat?”
Nawa’y pumula ang sugat Basta’t punan ang pamagat
Mala-rosas na ang bahid Tago, tahimik, lingid Pagka’t tayo’y “MAPAKIAPID!”
Bakit, kasi hindi tuwid?
Walang bahaghari; dumating ang unos Walang tigil ang pagbuhos Hindi raw tanggap ng Diyos Aking nawalang kayapos
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