#kayla reads rote
di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
When fitz says my Fool instead of the Fool>>>>>>>>>
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
We now move to Sara Bareilles, celebrating the patron saint of critics everywhere..
Kayla Beardslee: I've been returning to "Saint Honesty" over and over since April, and I fell even more in love when Bareilles performed it on SNL, in one of the strongest testaments to live performance I've seen since Beychella and Lizzo's Tiny Desk. The track was recorded in one take with a full band, so it makes sense how naturally transcendental and (in Sara's words) perfectly imperfect it feels when performed live. Hearing the beginning piano chords and Sara's honeyed "leaving all the windows open" transports me immediately and completely into the song's world -- a simpler one, where letting warm summer rain inside to stain the floorboards can cure all the hurt in our weather-maker hearts. It's not that "Saint Honesty" is ignorant of the complicated turmoil of real life, but that for four and a half minutes, Sara Bareilles's beautiful, compelling voice and gentle instrumental accompaniment give us a moment of reassurance in the storm. "We won't let go / We'll be soaked to the bone," she sings -- soaked in the intimate flaws of a romantic (or platonic) relationship and in the goddamn scary political mess of the past few years, cleansed by the rain and the faith that salvation must be coming, and, finally, baptized by the truth found in simple yet moving tracks like this one. [10]
Jonathan Bradley: I like the coziness of a warm room while it rains outside; it's much like the coziness of an upright bass and a brushed snare. "Saint Honesty" wants to let the storm in, but the arrangement doesn't, and nor does Bareilles's vocal, which she lays out like a table setting. [5]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I can't quite track the rains and the saints of the metaphor, but it almost doesn't matter-- the way Bareilles hits the high notes is salvation enough, the smoothness of her voice over T Bone Burnett's production a stunning bit of retro-pop. The rest of the song doesn't do enough to interest me deeply, but sometimes a moment as stunning as the bridge will stick, even as the rest fades into sophisticated beige. [6]
Katherine St Asaph: She's not gonna build you a bridge over troubled water 'cause you need one. Or, rather, she is, but I preferred the understated Sarah McLachlan/Pierre Marchand lullaby that preceded the eighth-hand gospel stylings and vocal bombast (bombast by Bareilles standards, at least). [5]
Katie Gill: Sara Bareilles has always had an awkward time fitting in. Bouncing between top 40 pop to adult contemporary to Broadway, she's musically had fingers in so many different pies. And once I saw that "produced by T Bone Burnett" label in the video description, I KNEW she'd be bouncing to a different sound entirely. The sound fits her but feels rote, like Bareilles just took a typical T Bone Burnett Acoustic Folkish Song and slapped a new coat of paint on it. [5]
Alfred Soto: At home in the medium of Florence Welsh and Fiona Apple, Sara Bareilles is plummier about her emotions. I'm not sure about "salvation" as salve after a night of angry sex, nor about the noodly lead guitar. Maybe Bob Seger's an ancestor too. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: The heavy piano slides around the shifting drums and smooth bass, guitar drifting in the fringes of the mix, as Sara gently, patiently gathers the broken pieces of shattered hearts and places them back in folks' chests. [8]
Iain Mew: The cleansing rain of honesty is a strong image to soak into, but "Saint Honesty" starts off as a cautious drizzle and essentially stays there, developing very little. The result is just a bit damp. [4]
Ryo Miyauchi: Sara goes for it with her vocals in the chorus, but as cathartic as that is for the narrative about pouring out the truth, the magic of "Saint Honesty" is found in its quiet moments. The song patiently spins a larger metaphor based on rain, confession and baptism with a series of rich lyrics, and the singer leaves behind gold like "oh, these hearts, they're weather-makers." She sighs them like just pieces of casual conversation, almost without knowledge she's letting it disappear in the smoky, stripped-down blues. [6]
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brianwestchest · 7 years
Day 739- Party At Mark’s House
It’s the first of July. Mark Pitstick is having a July 4th party at his house. It’s an annual affair, but the first time we’ve been close enough to Mark to be honored to have been extended an invitation. Kayla’s in Spain. Shayna isn't physically here. So, there’s no need to hang around West Chester for the Saturday before the 4th.  We make arrangements to have Lexi let the dogs out while we’re gone and we pack up the car to make the 1-½ hour drive to Chilicothe, OH.  In the four plus decades I’ve lived in Ohio, I’ve never been to Chilllicothe. 
We bring a pasta salad to the party. It’s always challenging when you’re going to a party with people you’ve never met to decide what kind of dish to bring.  Mark is really into nutritional health (I just hope he doesn’t become a Breatharian at some point).  He drinks these green smoothies he’s concocted.  I’m not sure if he drinks alcohol. So, we bring a few bottles of wine, just in case.  I’m not (yet) on any of these gluten free, vegetarian, vegan, soy free, daily free, etc., etc. diets.  I’ll pretty much eat anything. But, clearly, this is not that crowd. Before we eat, Andy (who is engaged to Mark) gives us the run down on each dish she has provided and the people who prepared the dishes give a quick overview of what’s in it and how it was prepared.  I’m halfway paying attention at this point because if I looks good, I’ll at least try it. It doesn’t matter if it has gluten or if you already put the dressing on the salad or left it to the side. I feel like a heathen, but oh well.  The way I look at it is we aren’t meant to live forever in these bodies and we were given the sense of taste to enjoy.  We begin the meal with a prayer.  Interesting. In the Christian gatherings I grew up with, we always start our meals with prayers.  But, my guess is very few here would identify as Christian. The prayer is not rote. And, I sense everyone here feels it deeply and sincerely. We know we are all here to serve mankind and we are grateful for the opportunity.  We are on a mission.
As we begin eating, Tywana and I notice that most people it seem are not drinking alcohol.  But, as we began to assess from our conversations before we sat down to eat, none of these people are in a normal state of consciousness most of the time. They are not seeking alcohol to alter their moods. Many of them see spirits on a regular basis.  They view what we call “reality” in a different way, much more sensitive to the subtle energies around us.   One guy can put a numerical value on the “energy” in a space and describes how he’s sensed it going from a 400 to a 2,000 based on services that were performed at the time. We share stories of experiences that most people wouldn’t share with their best friends, let alone in a room full of people they have never met. Some of these people have been coming to this party for years.  I feel a bit out of place because I’ve never had these experiences. What I do share with them is the knowing though.  I know that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I know I am not my body. I have no doubt that each story, no matter how unbelievable, is true. I am honored to be included in this gathering and in awe of the experiences they have had.  It’s so amazing to be in a room full of people who see the world the way I see the world.
After we eat, we head outside to sit by Mark’s pond in a drum circle. I’ve never sat in a drum circle.  Our leaders are another guy named Mark who knows all about Native American (or is it Indian?) culture. He leads us in several songs.  A woman who plays the didgeridoo plays several tunes for us.  How she did that without passing out, I don’t know.  Before she does that, she performs a ceremony to invite in our ancestors from the seven directions (four compass points, Mother Earth below, Father Sky above, and within us).  Mark regales us with some fireworks and we head back inside where we continue our conversations.  A gentleman gives us a lesson on loving ourselves, how to replenish that love on a daily and continual basis and even does a demonstration for us.  We talk about the ultimate nature of reality- at this point there are about ten of sitting in a circle in Mark’s living room.  It’s getting late, but it’s clear no one wants to leave.  We have several impromptu prayers/meditations.  The room grows warm (almost instantly).  People say they can sense the energy passing through the circle as we stand and hold hands. Two different people describe a vision of seeing lightning strike in the middle of the circle. Midnight passes. The party started at 5. We got there about 5:05 and people were already there.  7 hours has passed and Mark’s joking about having to kick people out (maybe he was joking). Finally, one of the attendees asks if she can give a blessing to the people who are left. She’s certified in giving two types of blessings   Individually, she goes around one I believe is the flowering heart blessing. The other is the Oneness blessing.  I’ve heard of the Oneness blessing and even attended a ceremony to have that once. So, I go with that.  As she is giving me the blessing, for one of the only times in my life, I can sense my angels and guardians around me. I don’t see them or get any names or anything cool like that. But, I feel them there supporting me and telling me I am not alone on this mission.
Finally, people are starting to leave. Tywana and I retire to what will be our room for the night.  I’ve been focusing on dreams because of a book I’m reading, but I don’t recall any dreams recently. Probably not for a couple of weeks. Tonight, I have a dream that I’m working with Mark on a project where we’re counseling people and someone has sent in a question I go to him for advice on how to answer.  It’s the first time I’ve ever dreamt of Mark.
In the morning, we get ready to hit the road back to West Chester.  The other overnight guests, another couple, are having the smoothies they brought for breakfast. Andy and Mark share with the rest of us their magical concoctions.  I’m not converted to being a smoothie guy or giving up my meat or alcohol, yet.  But, this party has been like a mini spiritual retreat. It was amazing to meet people with whom I could be completely myself, immediately, share the most intimate details of my spiritual journey, and be completely accepted.  I hope we are invited and able to attend next year.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
02/04/2019 DAB Transcript
Exodus 19:16-21:21, Matthew 23:13-39, Psalms 28:1-9, Proverbs 7:1-5
Today is February 4th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is a pleasure and an honor to be here with you today as we sail forward into our work week and continue the rhythm of the Scripture in our lives each and every day. And, of course, we pick up where we left off every day and in the Old Testament we’re with the children of Israel out in the wilderness and, you know, it’s kind of a tumultuous journey for them but now God has summoned them to Mount Sinai and He plans to have a conversation and we’ll pick up with that story. We’re reading from the Amplified Bible this week. Exodus chapter 19 verse 16 through 21 verse 21.
Okay. So, in an Exodus today God instructed the children of Israel to consecrate themselves because He was gonna come and meet with them. And, so, they camped around Mount Sinai and God came and thunder and lightning and clouds and shook the mountain and people were terrified and it's here that they ask kind of pivotal and turning point question. They ask Moses to speak on behalf of God, because they're too terrified to hear from God for themselves. And, so, Moses reassures them that God coming in the way that He's coming with such authority and such power and such an awe-inspiring visual was to give them a sense of awe and wonder and fear, the fear of the Lord. Quoting Moses, “God has come in this way to test you so that your fear of him will keep you from sinning.” And this this is a pivotal moment, God was about to begin giving customs and rituals and rules and regulations showing them what a people set apart were supposed to look like. And we have to remember, this is a people that had only known one thing, right, slavery. This is all they had known. They don't have any natural understanding of like how to govern themselves or what a society should be shaped like, other than how they had lived in Egypt. And, you know, with the plaques we see that, you know, God wasn't affirming the culture that the children of Israel were enslaved in. And, so, this is this is new territory for them, how they’re to behave toward one another and we see some of that being laid out today. And it's so interesting because, you know, like one of the things God talked about in our reading today was how to treat servants or slaves and that we start back reading and open up a can of worms and try back read what happen 3500 years ago into today's more modern culture where we would denounce slavery of any kind or the treatment of a wife. That was touched on today. And we can look at this and go, “this is so archaic, like this so…we don't live…we wouldn't live like this now. So, why is this like being memorialized as these are the new rules and customs for this people of God. Like, why?” But what we have to begin to understand is that this the point where things begin to turn in human history that lead us until today. This culture that God is beginning to implement and tell these people how to behave, for the first time gave someone who was a servant rights, someone who was a wife, rights. This, even though we are many, many, many, many steps forward these thousands of years into the future, these are dramatic steps forward in the culture of the time. Like, for the first time to codify rights in a fairly barbaric time in the world where, you know, different clans would invade other clans to steal people…I mean all of this kind of stuff. Like, for example what we watched in the life of Joseph. So, we are taking dramatic steps forward at this point and it'll take some time for all these instructions to unfold in the Scriptures but as we read, what we’re witnessing is a complete reshaping of worldview and identity for the Hebrew people and we began that with the 10 Commandments.
Then in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus is in Jerusalem and this isn't just another Festival visit, this is the visit, THE visit. Jesus won’t be leaving Jerusalem before He dies. And what’s happening in Matthew is like about 1500 years after Moses. And, so, Jesus gave a glimpse of what had become of this law that we're just at the very beginning of reading in the Old Testament and how God through Jesus thought about it. Quoting Jesus, “what sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You won't go in yourselves and you don't let others enter either.” That is a pretty serious indictment of the religious system by Jesus, who is One with the Father. So, what Jesus is saying is a pretty big deal, which gives us a moment to pause and just to consider the territory that we are about to head into because as we move into the giving of the law we’re gonna have to understand the difference between like, the exact words and sentences that make up the law, like the order of the words and the spirit of the law, right, the reason, the circumstances that created the need for the law in the first place and all the underlying concepts that informed the way that the laws are written. In Jesus time the Mosaic law had lost its spirit and had become a device for control and devotion by force, by rote. And as devout as the religious leaders may have been, they kind of…they lost the plot…the underlying reasons for why things would shape us the way that they do and how they would inform how a holy people, a set apart people would behave. Here's the irony. We’re about to move into our first account of Jesus death and it would be the Mosaic law that would judge and condemn Jesus to death, a law that He had given to Moses so long ago at Mount Sinai where we are in the Old Testament. So, as we go forward between the Testaments we’re going to have this unique view of both the law and what became of it. Oddly we’re gonna often find ourselves looking a lot more like the religious leaders of Jesus time. We’re so busy trying to understand the letter of the law, like, “how do…even in the Christian faith, okay, what are the rules, how do I do this exactly right” that we forget the spirit, the plot of the story. So, let's remember, the rules were not given as a cage. In Exodus God had just delivered His people from slavery. So, as He's handing out His intentions and what the cultures supposed to look like, His intention wasn't to move them from slavery in Egypt to just another form of slavery. And that is not God's intention with us. God’s objective then and now is to set people apart as holy and to set those holy people free. And this is what God continues to do in our lives.
Father, come Holy Spirit. We’re moving into some territory where the stories are beginning to shift. We've settled in and followed the journey until we got here but now…now we’re kinda moving to some pivotal stuff and we need Your Holy Spirit to come, guide, lead us. Help us to not only understand the Scriptures but understand what You are saying to us through the Scriptures because for each of us there will be commonalities and there will be uniqueness because we are all unique and have our own stories. So, come Holy Spirit as we move into this new month and into this new season in the Scriptures. We ask in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay connected in any way that you can, in any way that you want to. Just always be aware, you’re not alone. Like, that's really the point of going through the Scriptures in community as we are. It lets us know, like, every day I show up here this is fresh, this is something that's happening, this wasn’t recorded a decade ago, this is happening now. There are a community of brothers and sisters that may be separated from us geographically but they’re there, and we are brothers and sisters and we are the body of Christ and we are here to reveal the kingdom of God together and we’re not alone in this. And, so, that’s such an important part of this rhythm as we go through this year in the Bible. So, dailyaudiobible.com is home base.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey, it’s Kayla in Nashville. I wanted to call in and…it’s the 29th of January. Just got done listening…like three in the morning…but I just got done listening and to the prayers and Stanley from Maryland, I think, or Massachusetts, one of those East Coast states…but it was Maryland…I think. I want to say thank you Stanley…first to just having the courage to follow that pull, that leading of you know, calling in, of God wanting, the Holy Spirit wanting you to call in and, yeah, I appreciate it, I appreciate it very much. Just hit the nail on the head for me. I mean, again, I have trouble finding words quite often. So, I appreciate that very much. Don’t hold back. That’s all I can say to you. Don’t hold back. In the future, just, you know, anyways, thank you, God bless. Love all you all. Bye-bye.
Hi, my name is Nelly and I’m calling from California. I just recently joined the Audio Bible community. I actually found the app on a podcast that had different apps. And, so, I really started to listen to it and I just really started to be really encouraged by a lot of prayer requests and encouragement which were being sent from different people. It’s just amazing to see the love of God from everyone calling in around the world. And, so, I’m calling because I just wanted to ask for prayer. I’m a single mom and I have three kids. I work a 40-hour a week job and on top of that I am involved in a lot of different ministries. So, I just called to ask prayers for strength and wisdom and guidance on this season of my life with my children. I feel like I’m on a roll and I get excited about the word of God and I’m just excited about what God’s doing and then I start to see that I get weak and I get, you know, tired and then that joy to starts to dim. And, so, I’m like, “God I really want to stay on fire for You”. And I’m just calling to see if you guys could just pray for strength, for God to give me strength and wisdom and guidance this year as I continue my journey and my walk with Him, to become closer to Him. So, I just want to say thanks everyone and it’s just great to be part of a community where people love God and, you know, they really care about each other. God bless everyone.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, this is Treasured Possession coming to you from cold Minnetonka Minnesota where we could possibly get up to 29 below in the next couple days. And I’m thinking about what it takes to be a woman of excellence and what it takes to maintain my attitude and confidence in God. And I’m thinking when Job said, “yet so you slay me I will wait for and trust Him” and when Jesus said “you’ve gotta pick up your cross and follow after me”. The one thing that I have to really work on is picking up my own cross and quit trying to pick up everbody else’s cross. And I think that comes from living in a family of alcoholism and being married to alcoholics. So, I’m just asking for prayer, I’m asking for strength in my inner man, that God would continue to do His work in me and continue it until the day of Jesus Christ. And all these things Lord, I just…I praise and thank You because You promised them to me and I know You’re gonna do it. And that’s what gives me confidence Lord, is because I’m in You and You don’t let me down, You don’t discourage me, You don’t drop the ball. You’re speaking of words of encouragement into my soul no matter what’s going on around me. So, I pray these things father God for all the people that need encouragement today and I just praise You Lord for Your son Jesus Christ. And thank you Brian Hardin for your dedication to bringing the word to me and basically saving my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Hi DAB family, it’s Jane in New York. I’m just really overwhelmed inside today and I’m just calling in for prayer because life is just hard, too hard. I don’t have family. I don’t have someone to help me with all the hard feelings of my son. And now yesterday we got a letter from our friends in Switzerland and all about the accomplishments of their kids and stuff and Joshua just let loose about, you know, why did I leave there and why did I come here to New York and, you know, he had family there. And I can only explain that it was in obedience because I felt I needed to be back here. So, right now I don’t have any work. I’m back to calling in every day. And life is just hard. I don’t have any interest in anything and then I hear people tell me about their Holy Spirit, you know, when they felt filled with the Holy Spirit and I’ve never had one of those and I think, when does that happen? Is that what’s gonna give me my super strength that I can make it through all this? I just, anyway, I thought I would call for prayer because I’m sitting here in my kitchen and just, you know, sobbing and, yeah, I just need prayer because I don’t know how to take care of all this hard stuff and I don’t have any family to just, you know, count on except for my Christian brothers and sisters. So, I’m reaching out. Thanks guys. My time is up. Bless.
Hi DAB family my name is Sachon and I’m from Ohio. I have played soccer professional in Europe for three years now and I can feel the Lord’s calling on my life to continue to play and to share the gospel with the players there, most of whom are atheists or agnostics who all worship themselves by hundreds of thousands of people each week. As such they often will only listen to other players who are at the same level and there are easily less than 300 strong gospel focused top-level players on the entire continent of Europe not one of whom is American. There are many more Christian players but they’re either not at the top level of the or are not outspoken about their faith. I feel the Lord has called me to be both. The only problem is that for the past eight months my agent and I have not received one actual offer for many clubs in Europe despite entering negotiations on more than one occasion and time is running out in more ways than one. I’ve also suffered multiple untimely injuries of the course of my personal training these last few months which have really slowed by preparations to the point that even though I want nothing more than to get that call, if I got it today I don’t know that I’d be ready even though I’ve been training for eight months, which is obviously very frustrating. There are so many factors outside of my control that has to line up, the only thing I can do besides continue to train is to pray and to ask for prayer. Please know that this is not a fleeting passion. And at 24 years old I have dedicated my entire from the age of 4 to the pursuit of tis dream. And the way the politics work in European soccer, if I don’t get over there soon given my age and my nationality I may never get back over. So, please pray that the right team in the right place with the right coach makes the right offer at the right time and that I am fully healthy and prepared spiritually, mentally, physically, technically and tactically to make Jesus famous wherever I am planted. And, if in a few months you see or hear about soccer player putting the cross up with his arms after he scores then I guess your prayers were answered. Thank you again thank you in advance God bless.
Hi this is Monique from Virginia. I haven’t called for so long but I’m still listening to every day podcast that Brian is reading. To me, with a heavy heart I’m requesting prayer for my son who got three years from jail last year in February. This year, February the 12th it will be a year that he has been home with me, but he hasn’t been attending church regularly and not focusing in God’s __ . Please pray for him that he could follow God in his life. I also want to request you to pray for my daughter who is getting ready to marry a nonbeliever guy. It is very sad that I have raised my kids taking him to church from their childhood but now they are making wrong choices in their lives. I would appreciate your prayers. Thank you.
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
I just finished the farseer trilogy and oh my gooosshhh
- Assassin's quest is probably the longest book I've ever read and I finished it all in less than a week instead of a few months. I'm very proud of myself
- Fitz farseer is my friend. He's more than that to me actually I feel like I know him personally. No joke, my feelings for fitz are what I think it feels like to have a skill bond with somebody or something
- robin hobb is such a good writer like... I don't know if it's because I started reading the books when I was procrastinating for studying for my finals or what but I was hooked from the very first page. I normally take a couple pages to warm up to books especially ones that are so dense but she had me from page one of assassin's apprentice and I've been in a chokehold since
- my attachment to Fitz is so real and so true. I can't wait to finish liveship traders so I can move on to tawny man. I miss him so bad already and I just finished the series
- someone please explain to me why robin hobb wrote an explicit romance between Fitz and the Fool and then just didn't do anything with it? The fool literally goes missing? Fitz ends up having a friend with benefits thing with starling? Miss girl you had a perfectly good romance right there and you just wasted it? Why?
- Verity's ending was so bittersweet because on one hand I just wanted him to be okay and to come back to buckkeep and take his place on the throne. Don't get me wrong I'm very happy that Kettricken is Queen and she got her heir and everything's okay for the most part but like I got attached to verity okay 😭 and after Shrewd getting murdered chivalry getting killed and regal being absolutely insane I think the farseers deserved a win
- absolutely obsessed with Fitz turning regal into a yes-man for the six duchies and the people Fitz cares about. girlboss moment
- either fitz is a liar or he's simply a better man than me because there's no way he didn't feel an ounce of betrayal at Burrich and Molly getting together. Girl that is the love of your life, the mother of your child and your father 😭 personally I'd light myself on fire but that's just me
- Kettricken my LOVE
- I love this series
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
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There are two spirits inside me battling for dominance. One is telling me to calm down because she's only 12 and 12-year olds say stupid stuff all the time and the other wants to slap the shit out of this spoiled brat
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
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Not the gay allegations 😭😭 damn she's only been back in bingtown for a few weeks can yall let her breathe 😭
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
I'm not even halfway through the first book in the liveship traders trilogy but I will make it my personal mission to ensure that Kyle Haven never sees Heaven.
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
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Man said nooo don't kill yourself your so sexy ahaha
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
So i finished the liveship traders a few hours ago and i have Thoughts and Feelings.
-im so????? emotional?????? i feel wrung out. i was so invested in the lives of these characters and the speed with which i read the books combined with how emotionally weighty some of the content of the books has left me feeling so many emotions and i cant name half of them.
-i didnt expect to enjoy this series as much as i did. i practically flew through the last book (read it all in roughly 2 days) and i think thats the fastest ive ever read a book that length.
-Althea Vestrit my darling, my baby, my honeybunch, my sugarplum. How i adore you.
-She went through so much :( And despite it all she kept that daring spirit.
-actually i think all my favourite things about althea are the thing that keffria hates about her lmao
-kennit. fucking kennit. i was actually kind of attached to that bastard right up until you-know-what happened. yes i know he was manipulative but at that his motives were still kinda understandable and even forgivable given the trauma and whatnot. he was actually doing some good with destroying the slavers and freeing the tattooed (even though his real intentions were selfish). But what he did to althea was fucking disgusting and honestly i think he deserved a worse ending than the one he got.
-like seriously. you had a perfectly good sympathetic villian. whyd you have to go and make him irredeemable.
-wintrow and paragon not caring that kennit is a literal rapist is actually so realistic bc men fr be defending their rapist friends like that irl too.
-on the subject of villains, kyle haven got off too easy as well because this whole thing is his fault if you ask me. wintrow, althea, ronica, and keffria should have all gotten the chance to beat the shit out of him.
-at first i thought etta was wayyy too clingy and weird but she grew on me (thanks to her expanding her world past kennit's existence). i actually really hope to see her in the rest of the books, and i really wanna see how shes adapted to being queen.
-i love the vestrit women and how they were written. aside from my boundless love for althea, i have mad respect for ronica and i enjoyed seeing malta's character development. at first i thought keffria was too much of a prim and proper tradwife but when shit hit the fan and she had to stand up and be strong even she became tolerable.
- i went from wanting to throttle malta to her becoming my little princess. i just wish she didnt have to go through so much shit to become better :( she was too young to act the way she did before but she was also too young to go through the things she did when she got lost in the rain wilds
-malta should have gotten the opportunity to slap cosgo silly at least once
-im so conflicted by reyn and malta's relationship bc on one hand they are SO cute together but on the other hand im not really feeling that age gap :/ the story would have lost absolutely nothing by making reyn closer to her age.
-MISS AMBER❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
-i know who she really is and im just so interested to find out whats going on there cause why the masquerade??? theres a whole other layer added to it when i think about all the talk about the Fool's gender in the farseer trilogy
-amber is so different from the fool that it took me way longer than it should have to realize that they were the same person. At one point i suspected she was his sister LMAOOO. but sometimes she'd say something or do something and i couldnt help but feel so happy in my heart bc thats my fool!!!!! <3
-paragon asking her to give him a face she could love and she just. without hesitation. gives him fitz's. down to the damn earring. down to the broken freaking nose. help.
-i love her relationship with paragon 🥺
-grag>>>>>>>brashen. i liked brash as a character and id most definitely let him hit but theres something about tenira that just #DoesIt for me. hope althea's happy though
-i love this book series.
-even though i know that im likely to see many of these characters again in the later books i still miss them :(
-time to read tawny man!!!
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
5 more chapters left in assassin's fate and I've been weepy all day because I don't want to leave rote behindddd
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
Im reading Royal Assassin and I'm actually so soft over Fitz's feelings for Molly??? He cares about her so much and he's so lovesick??? The way he walked into Patience's room to visit her and saw Molly and just.? Automatically threw himself at her feet without thinking like?????
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
I can't believe Paragon told Amber to give him a face she could love and she gave him Fitz's face.
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
Just finished tawny man. I'm a fucking mess right now that was SO MUCH. I don't even have the strength to make a post about all my thoughts like I did for farseer and liveship traders so I'm just gonna jump straight to the rain wild chronicles
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 2 years
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Oh my gosh im gonna rip all my hair out hes in love with him fr??
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