neutrallyobsessed · 29 days
textposts with a side of fries, cake and sparks~~
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Nick, stop gifting me flowers, give me a cone of fries instead!
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elephantkingdom · 2 years
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She is solo Idol for favorite science&invent .
He take care of her like that.
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tunaricebowl · 1 year
gonna be honest here: please dni if you ship narumayo or kayworth
if you like those ships, good for you i guess but i hate the age gaps so fucking much. a 24 year old should not be in a romantic relationship with a 17 year old let alone a 26 year old
i could understand maya and phoenix at 28 and 35 if it wasn’t for the fact that phoenix knew maya when she was a minor. like it’s better than og trilogy maya and phoenix but i’m still a bit iffy about it
i just kinda. had to get this off my chest. i really dislike these ships.
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manofshrimp · 4 months
im a kayworth hater till i die kay-why es lmao
actively headcannoning a fictional character into being a pedophile ("erm acshully its eubophiel🤓☝" i dont care‼️) is so sad dude like just. why.
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misiahasahardname · 2 years
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lawyest · 11 months
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ttdnoticias · 1 year
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Manchete do Jornal de Tão Tão Distante: "Apagão Misterioso Assola a Cidade - Recomendado Ficar em Casa por Sua Própria Segurança"
Por: Jornalista Don Kayworth @donkeyworth
Tão Tão Distante - Uma noite de escuridão envolveu a cidade em um mistério eletrizante, deixando os cidadãos perplexos e preocupados. O apagão, que ocorreu nas primeiras horas da noite passada, afetou toda a região e continua envolto em segredo.
O apagão súbito deixou as ruas em total escuridão, interrompendo o fornecimento de energia elétrica em toda a cidade. As autoridades locais e a empresa de serviços públicos estão trabalhando incansavelmente para resolver o problema, mas, até o momento, a causa raiz do apagão permanece desconhecida.
As autoridades estão aconselhando fortemente os cidadãos a ficarem em casa por sua própria segurança enquanto a situação é investigada. Com a escuridão que paira sobre a cidade e a falta de informações claras sobre a causa do apagão, sair de casa é considerado arriscado.
"Até que saibamos exatamente o que está acontecendo e tenhamos certeza de que a cidade está segura, recomendamos que as pessoas permaneçam em suas casas", disse o policial Lobo Mau em um comunicado oficial.
O apagão misterioso levou a especulações sobre possíveis causas, desde problemas técnicos até eventos sobrenaturais. No entanto, as autoridades estão pedindo à população que evite especulações infundadas e permita que as equipes de resposta lidem com a situação.
Enquanto a cidade permanece nas sombras, equipes de emergência, polícia e bombeiros estão de prontidão para responder a qualquer situação que possa surgir. Os cidadãos estão sendo instruídos a manter suas casas iluminadas com lanternas e velas, caso a escuridão persista.
Esta é uma situação em evolução, e a cidade de Tão Tão Distante aguarda ansiosamente informações adicionais sobre a causa do apagão e quando a eletricidade será restaurada. Enquanto isso, a população é instada a permanecer em segurança dentro de suas casas até que a luz seja lançada sobre esse mistério eletrizante.
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box-dwelling · 1 year
Hey fuck it i choose chaos tonight. Controversial AA Ships and my opinions (all these are being treated as romantic ships):
Krisnix- great to observe. Horrific for them to be in. It is a terrible choice for Phoenix to make but it is one I am certain he did in fact make. It's also a fundamentally very interesting dynamic
Narumaya- I don't hate it as much as a lot of people though pre JFA it's gross because shes underage and I don't like the age gap. I don't always think thats whats going threw shippers heads with it. It just really strikes me as basic. Just seeing a male and female protagonists and presuming they have to be dating. It reeks comphet. If you want Nick to be straight Iris is right there you know. Also canon is pretty explicit about it being a sibling relationship.
Klema- OK, I don't think it's a thing but like... it is very very funny in concept. Idk I could see my girl being down for some hate fucking. So maybe but only if she straps him.
Junipollo- again not loving that age gap but there is canon backing at least from. Junipers side. I think it's a one sided crush but there's are worse
Oldbag x Edgeworth- actively dislike. It feels like people are giving a pass to a woman sexually harassing a man
Edgeworth x Kay, Edgeworth x Trucy, Phoenix x Trucy- I never understood the concept of a notp until I heard this was a thing. I find these actively disgusting and I feel like I don't need to explain why. Kayworth is marginally better but it's still a relationship that pretty canonly discussed as being a parental one and it's still fucking disgusting to me. Ew ew no
Edgeworth X Ema- ew. I get she had a crush on him but like. I feel like it don't need to explain why them dating is problematic
Cykesquill- before I played DD I kinda got it. Like they're really close. Then I played DD found out the age gap and also found out that their mother's were canonically at least a one sided thing and now this is 1000% a sibling thing to me and I find it gross
Apollo x Phoenix- I like don't have an explanation of why I don't like it, the age gaps not great but there's waaaay worse on this list, but it just gives me the ick
Larriska- come on man my girl deserves so much better than him.
Apollo x athena- eh, fine. I don't vibe with it but the age gap isn't that bad, they both met as adults even if athena is barely one and they do have a fun dynamic even if it feels like a sibling on to me to me, its way less one than some of the others here.
Tag or hit me an ask with any others that I might have missed.
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beebisbeeble · 7 months
me when one of the only people I know who actually draws miles Edgeworth like the wrinkly old man he is ships kayworth
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 days
there's a kayworth post thats literally blowing up on twitter rn! thought you might like it lmao https://x.com/aceattorneygame/status/1836073409865818288
OMG THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for letting me know!!
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The Kayworth was Among Us™ all along~~♥♥♥!
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ey dónde miras Edgeworth
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elephantkingdom · 2 months
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manofshrimp · 4 months
what a sad miserable person you are
go play with your radfem sisters
??? what is this in response to when have i ever said something radfem
like is this about the anti-kayworth and therefore proshipping? is being against imagining a full grown fictional man dating a fictional minor now considered a radfem thing
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proshippersstimming · 2 years
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Kayworth with red, pink, city, cloud, and neon/glowcore stims for anon!
x x x / x x x / x x x
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puspaallamanda · 6 years
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Kayworth - Let's ride a bike, Mr. Edgeworth!
Another art gift by my talented friend from Singapore, Dae Harts
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