#kazuya mishima headcanon
tkimaginations · 6 months
How would be his reaction to physical touch and his love languages 
@eboninapalm, @marnixbokuto (explanation: I decided to put them together because the asks were similar and to avoid repeat the same ask). 
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Physical touch.
If you are in a relationship with Kazuya and you are the clingy part of it because Heihachi treated him badly and didn't care about him, he would be surprised at first. He would look at you with a harsh and critical gaze. 
His daily bad humor and seriousness wouldn't help either, because if there is a day when you are feeling very clingy and he feels that you are suffocating him, he would transform into his devil form and fly away from your shared home. Even being an evil person with a controversial relationship with his relatives and family, he would never dare to lay a finger to hurt his love. 
Be patient, as it would take a long time for him to get used to it. I think it might take around 2-3 years for him to start tolerating and not feel as irritated with his lover's physical demonstrations. 
After this period of accepting and understanding the way and the personality of his partner, maybe he would think about returning the physical touch. However, it would be mentally conflicting and take time for him to convince himself that he is not being "less masculine" for demonstrating that he cares and loves too. His deceased dad wasn't the best example of someone who showed love towards him, his mother, and/or his grandfather. 
Showing a new side of him that he never showed, one day he called you to talk, feeling confident enough to express his feelings towards his cold personality. He explained that he loves you too, but he has great difficulty expressing it like you do—through hugging, kissing, and stealing kisses from him. He mentioned that he has never had someone who cares and likes him for being himself like you do, since his last relationship with Jun. You responded, assuring him, saying, "It's okay, bae. I won't force you to show love like I do, but it warms my heart to hear that you love me too." Since you started dating, he had never directly said, "I love you." 
He felt relieved, and for the first time in the long three-year relationship, he smiled spontaneously at you and kissed you, all on his own.  Love languages.
Being the leader of G Corporation, he would be a billionaire, with the gains from the worldwide war against Mishima Zaibatsu. Getting used to your physical affection, the way he would reciprocate is by spoiling you with expensive gifts. He would directly ask you what you like to be gifted, and the next day(s), he would show up with various G Corporation employees carrying your gifts to your mansion. This surprise would initially scare you, and you would tell him that it wasn't necessary since you had your own money. However, he wouldn't take no for an answer.
Acts of service would be quite common too. When he isn't busy with fighting Jin, destroying something or someone, or working on his G Corporation projects, during his free time (thanks to his high stamina from his demon powers), he enjoys serving and helping you out. This might include helping when you're tired from work or school, and even assisting with tasks like reaching for things or providing support during your period (if you are Assigned Female At Birth (AFAB)). In these moments, he reveals a kind and gentle side that only you know.
Quality time would be one of the ways he shows love and appreciation for you, simply by spending time together. Whether it's training with him, watching TV series together in the bedroom, or sharing a meal, these simple activities bring pleasure to both of you, especially to him.
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marsdontbesade · 7 months
⋆♱✮♱⋆ 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍 ⋆♱✮♱
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𝒕𝒆𝒌𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔 (𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆):
jin kazama & lars alexandersson: 'tragic hero' lovers - depressed, traumatised emo kid with only one thing on his mind: revenge. and a swedish rebel leader who's a hopeless romantic. the first most likely would not form a relationship to avoid inevitable bad luck if anything happened to you, considering he's at literal warfare with his father and grandfather. or because he just isn't interested. the latter would be the only one within these men who'd actually take a liking to you openly as he is the least hostile male member of the Mishima family. you'd notice the first at a dojo, practicing his skills or sitting alone somewhere in a quiet area. you're obviously the one to approach him first, which starts out as a failure because he really isn't interested in you....yet. or just isn't. aaand you're also disturbing his peace. but let's just say hypothetically, if you were lucky enough and you somehow caught his eyes, he'll be captivated. he'll hide it and try to suppress those feelings of course but it's inescapable and now you've just stained the insides of that man's brain forever. for lars, it's unsure where and how you meet up, though he's probably more interested in an anime girl cyborg (jk jk). but when you get his attention, you'd sent his heart a-throbbing.
when these men loves you, they'll love hard. you hold a deep place in their soul, more than anyone else. jin's stoicism makes it hard for him to express, but he really fucking loves you. he'll try to act affectionate, like small subtle compliments or just being slightly more lenient with you. he's also the type of guy to give one of those 'fatal' hugs like as if he just saved you from something or if he had to leave you to go somewhere. but other than that, he'll keep his loving minimal as he's a shy guy. lars would be the same but with a less fragile approach; he'd just be more willing to be around you until you get the gist. they'd protect you as much, beyond their own capabilities, to keep you safe from their havoc lives. jin is literally the same guy who went & sent the earth into absolute hell to wake up a 1000 year old demon to kill his father and paternal grandfather. if you think he wouldn't do something similar for your love, you're dead wrong. when he avenges, he avenges almighty, and he'll sacrifice his life for you. and with lars, he'll do the same, minus the demon part <3
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kazuya mishima: 'stone cold' lover - emotionally inept, stoic manly man; he's not the lovey-dovey type. he's a very busy man, his mind will be more occupied on world domination and ending his bloodline than 'petty romance'. but if you manage to win this man's heart, he'd be a sucker for you. he loves you, dearly,, severely, it's just... he's just not an emotional guy. sure, he's not completely devoid of intimacy and sensitivity, but his overall manly ego prevents him from embracing such things. you probably notice him as you were working at his company. neither of you would approach at first (you're afraid him and he's just probably insecure that'll make him look unprofessional). he'd dote you in secret, maybe say some subliminally caring things under the guise of 'chivalry' and his authoritative position as a ceo. he'll make sure security is always with you or himself. then when the relationship further, he'll let his guard down little by little, like he'll start holding the small of your back, or make sure you're pampered; buying you little gifts and all. and if he's feeling really good, he might even throw in flirts and compliments here and there. slap on the ass, even, with a mischievous smirk. but other than that, the most romantic things you'll ever hear from this man is his impending plans to kill his son. yippee.
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lee chaolan: 'ceo/sugar daddy' lover - silver-haired demon. handsome, charming, luxurious, chic, rich ceo. founder of robotics conglomerate, Violet Systems, this man is the typical socialite nepo-baby, "born" into wealth. he carries and alludes an air of luxury, old money richness, preppy stoicism, vanity and eccentricity. he'd notice you if you were working for him in his company, probably as a biotech scientist or as his intern. he'd find you interesting and approach you. since this guy is already such a sweet talker, you'll quickly swoon over him and fall in love. lee as a lover would be every woman's dream come true. he's successful, a gentleman, educated, a professional fighter, owns a billion dollar industry, and is godly attractive. what more could anyone possibly want?
he's a very romantic guy, very. he'll always treat you right, any day, any time. take you out on expensive dates & holidays, buy you gifts, pamper you up with spa trips, give you money whenever you want, romance you like no other. you'll never want a another man again once you win him. he is the dream guy ™ .
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yuzuna123 · 3 months
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Reina/Nina/Miguel/ and perhaps Eddy but i am not so sure about him - Mishima Zaibatsu after Reina takes control of it, possibly in the story DLC's that are coming.
And of course when i mention Miguel this is only a theory and speculation of mine if he is DLC, if he is, i see him joining Reina's Mishima Zaibatsu after Reina gives him a good offer to get revenge on Jin for killing his sister.
Now why i said Eddy? it was because when he was announced, he has a special intro with Nina, and according to a non canon book @acequeenking gave to me, there's ship tease between them ( they pretended to be a couple to Heihachi for awhile ) so my guess is Eddy would join the Zaibatsu for Nina, and also because he would never join a company Kazuya's in charge of.
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Kazuya/Anna/Jun/Bruce - G Corp. in Jun's ending, there's a G Corp blanket, that Kazuya gave to Jun according to wiki. Well, one of the theories and interpetations i have is that after Nina deserted Kazuya, and although she was retired, Anna took over a branch of G-corp and went to find Kaz and help her friend in Yakushima. Where she found Jun and a knocked out Kaz. She then and the soldiers she had helped them set up a camp.
Seeing that some of his soldiers and friends were still loyal to him and thanks to Jun, Kazuya found the solution and power to stand up to himself after Reina took over the Mishima Zaibatsu.
Bruce is also there as he is one of Kazuya's best friend along with Anna.
Again, Bruce and Anna are only speculations IF they are DLC!
Perhaps Kazuya will live in the Mishima Estate in Nara ( as Harada stated that their clan originally resided there ) and open a Dojo too to train his second son and his students Jinpachi's style of Mishima Ryu, and how the Mishima clan was always meant to be.
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Lars/Alisa/Lee - Violet Systems, this one is actually more obvious to me because we see Lars here with Alisa and Lee in the end credits.
I see them..well, becoming more accepting of G-corp after Reina takes control of the Mishima Zaibatsu and Kazuya's redeemption/recovery thanks to Jun.
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Now for Jin?, I believe the poor boy would just want to live in peace lol. I see him living in Yakushima, or perhaps, if something happens to somone he deeply cares about thanks to Miguel or Reina, he goes on a Journey and becomes a shadow hero like Luke or Sasuke became in their respective franchises. Or still being that even nothing bad happens to the people he loves. To be honest, although his arc is done, I don't think Bandai will give this boy a break lol and they will continue to give him more trauma. Jin would just want peace to be honest, and nothing to do with any huge companies, considering what happened to him over the years.
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doryyaaa · 4 months
Hi I’d like to make a request :3
Can you please write headcanons for Jin and Kazuya dating a shy s/o?
You’ve been dating a couple months and taking it slow. Jin isn’t one to complain and he’s very patient, not one to fuss about arbitrary milestones. At the same time, he won’t let his shy s/o worry about their relationship stagnating. It’s Jin who would gently nudge you to do new things together, keeping your needs in mind. He’d plan chill dates for you like a picnic at a park, flower viewing in the spring and star-gazing during summer nights. When you run errands together, he’d shield you from crowds and make sure you’re never overwhelmed. When you’ve had a bad day, he’d fly you up a mountain to watch the sunrise and kiss below a sea of clouds, far away from the rest of the world. He’d always reach out to hold your hand, but he’d never push you to do anything else you’re comfortable with. You’re just that precious to Jin—he’d always protect you.
Kazuya is a show-off who likes to make grand gestures to woo the object of his affections. He also pays incredible attention to detail, and he’d go the extra mile to adapt to your needs. On a special date, he’d book out a five star restaurant just to have you all to himself. But then, he’s not one to forgo the simple gestures. He’d leave you little notes all over your house so you’d think about him even when he isn’t around. He finds you fascinating, being someone so different from him, and he always wants to be near you. It doesn’t matter even if you push him away at times. Kazuya never gives up. He’ll fight for you to the end. Slowly but surely, he’d tear down your walls until you can no longer deny your own feelings.
tip jar
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thekingwhereitallends · 6 months
Kazuya is quite easily the smartest among all Mishima,the type of nerd who has highest grades in the class but manages to have debates with teacher and gets told to get out of the class for beating teacher in his own domain.
Lee isn't really a Mishima so don't try to mention him. Lee is more creative and has more inventions than Kazuya,while Kazuya is more strategic and farsighted than Lee. It's like "Scientist" vs "Mastermind".
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cuddlyscribe · 8 months
Yay requests are back! Can't tell ya how much I've missed your writing Hon, hope you been taking care!
Okay so back on my Kazuya train (Can't get enough of this dilf!) I wanna see him jealous! Like he has no reason to be loving femdom s/o is obviously into him and him alone but I have a need for jealous cutie, and to reassure said jealous cutie 😏😏😏 SFW and NSFW if possible please and thank you! 💙
hello my dear!! that is so kind of you to say, I've been doing well and am finally getting a chance to relax! hopefully these lil headcanons will spice up your day! 🖤
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Oh man, you wanna talk jealous? I'm pretty sure that Kazuya invented the word. And if he didn't, he sure as hell owns it.
I hope that you like a jealous s/o, because when the feeling strikes him, you will know about and truly get to enjoy everything that comes with it.
Kazuya isn't aggressive with you and doesn't take anything out on you; he trusts you with his life and truly believes that you can do no wrong.
It's just other people that he does not trust. Kind of to be expected considering his experiences.
If you guys are out and jealousy starts to boil over in Kazuya, he will stand very close to you. Closer than he already was.
He will keep his hand firmly on your waist and give perhaps the most terrifying death stare to whoever has dared to invade your space.
And you won't even have to look at Kazuya to know that he's feeling jealous. All you have to do is look at how everyone else is reacting; if they're sweating, you know what's up.
But for the most part, Kazuya saves his strongest emotions for when you two are alone.
Though he could easily grab you and kiss you for everyone to see, he doesn't even think they're worthy of getting to see the two of you like that.
His vulnerability is saved only for you!
spice under the cut!
With the absolutely carnal energy that is radiating off of Kazuya, I am well and truly sure that you will be running home with excitement, LOL.
Kazuya is probably his roughest when he's jealous. Most of the time he will be as gentle as you want him to be (or not), but when he feels jealous he just has this pent up energy that he needs to express.
Please speak up if you don't like it because this man will fuck you SO hard you will be needing crutches for the rest of the week.
He will happily slam the front door shut when you get home (by some miracle it does not fly off the hinges) and bend you over the counter before you can even utter a word.
Kazuya will growl in your ear about how badly he wants you and that he's been so hard for you all night. There's no one else that can sate him, not a soul but you.
He will take his time with you, peeling each layer of clothing off so slowly that it'll have you moaning and panting for him to just hurry up...
And once you're all undressed for him, he will take you on every surface in the house. Counter's a given, dining table, bathroom sink, you name it he will fuck you against it.
He'll just kiss his way up and down your stomach and along your breasts and just revel in how you scream for him. Please tell him how good his cock is making you feel because it's all for you.
You moaning his name is all the reassurance he needs~
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abysmal-eve · 8 months
Tekken Headcanons: Body Hair (men only)
Excessive body hair: Paul, Leroy, Bruce, Marduk, Bob, Miguel, Shaheen
Medium body hair: Kazuya, Lars, Heihachi, Dragunov, King, Raven
Faint body hair: Jin, Hwoarang, Claudio, Steve, Eddy, Forest, Marshall, Baek
No body hair: Lee, Bryan, Yoshimitsu
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schyzotypalmind · 4 months
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Lover Tier List in Tekken 8. What would you change?
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terabyteturtle · 4 months
correction, soulmate au with jun, lars, lee & kaz x reader who's secretly a persona user is poly rs, if you can write poly relationships!! if not, you can make it x lars since he's my boy hehe
I don't mind writing poly relationships at all! Hopefully, you enjoy this. There's a slight mention of sex at one point, but nothing blatantly NSFW.
- Oh boy. All four of them in a relationship with you at the same time? Good luck.
- Jun is fine, but the three brothers are gonna be difficult to deal with, at least for the first few months. There's a lot of animosity and unsettled business between them, so they're definitely going to fight A TON.
- You and Jun are gonna have your hands full trying to keep the peace between these three. Don't worry, they'll set aside their differences eventually, but in the meantime, you poor souls are the only forces stopping them from killing each other.
- The fact that you're physically linked only makes matters worse. The way your soulmate connection works is that you are connected to all four of them, and they are all connected to you, but they are not connected to each other. So if one brother gets too fired up and tries to harm another, you'll feel the pain too. It won't be as severe for you, considering you weren't the one actually receiving the injury, but you'll still feel a sharp sting for a few seconds.
- Again, as time passes and everyone grows used to the relationship, the fights will become less frequent. Initially, though, it requires a lot of patience and communication between all of you.
- Jun doesn't mind being in a poly relationship. It definitely takes her some getting used to, since she loves you and you only, but she always reminds herself that fate brought all of you here, which is proven by everyone's soulmarks. In the end, if everyone else is happy, then she is happy too.
- Lee doesn't mind it either. As long as he gets to have some time spent with you, he's over the moon. Some time is better than none at all, and you're worth everything to him.
- Lars is a little put-off at first. Every time he sees you giving affection to one of the others, it kind of hurts him a bit. However, as time goes on, he begins to understand poly relationships more, and those feelings slowly disappear.
- It's Kazuya who has the most difficult time adjusting to the relationship. He hates the idea of sharing you with anyone, let alone his brothers. He gets really defensive and angry whenever he sees them showing you affection, which often contributes to his fights with them. When it comes to Jun, he feels awkward. He hadn't seen her in decades, and now they're in love with the same person? Needless to say, all of this is going to take a while for Kazuya to get used to, so you'll need to show him as much patience as possible.
- If someone asks about their soulmark, they all have different reactions: Kazuya ignores the question entirely, Lee makes a joke about it, Lars passes it off as a scar, and Jun simply says it's a new tattoo. They're not embarrassed by their soulmarks---they're just worried about people potentially discovering your soulmate connection and using it against you.
- The great thing about everyone having a physical link to you is that whenever you get hurt, it acts as an alarm system to the others. They won't get the injury themselves, but they'll feel a quick flash of pain similar to yours. Within seconds, you already have four people ready and willing to take care of you. In the beginning, this causes them to worry about you a lot, but as time goes on, they'll learn the difference between a minor injury and something to be concerned about.
- Upon learning that you run your own bakery, Jun is more than happy to help you out! Out of the four of them, she'll probably be there the most. Not only does she love spending time with you, but she's also great in the kitchen. She's a fast learner too, so she'll be quick to pick up on all of the recipes you show her.
- Lars will show up occasionally to lend a hand whenever he's free. Growing up, he and his mother cooked a lot together, so he knows tons of recipes and will happily teach you some if you decide to add new options to the menu.
- Don't worry about all of the bills and taxes that come with owning the place—G Corporation has got you covered. Will Kazuya do something illegal while handling all of this? Maybe, but it's fine. Only he has to know.
- Violet Systems will frequently send you new appliances to test out. Many of them are highly innovative and increase productivity by a long shot. Thanks to Lee and his fancy tech, you've been able to crank out cupcakes faster than you can say, "Hey, Hachi." 
- Speaking of which, he wanted to give you his Heihachi Combot machine to assist you with certain things, but after seeing Kazuya's reaction to it, he decided against it.
- In terms of helping you run the business, you could not have a better team to work with. Jun and Lars help come up with fun, creative ideas for new recipes, which is great for getting public attention and increasing revenue. Meanwhile, on the business side of things, Kazuya and Lee handle advertising, setting quotas, and upgrading whatever necessary to keep the shop running smoothly. Rest assured, your bakery is in good hands with these guys.
- You always offer to give them free discounts, but they always decline and pay the full price just because they want to support your business (Lee almost took the offer once, but one glare from Kazuya and he paid just like the rest of them).
- When they find out you're a Persona user, it serves as a massive shock to them. 
- When they noticed you started coming home later than usual, they knew something was up.
- When they asked you what you were doing, you told them you were working extra shifts at the bakery. None of them truly bought it though; something felt off to them. You were so tired and worn-out, barely being able to walk through the front door some nights, which worried them tremendously.
- Eventually, you told them the truth about what you were doing and why. When you were finished explaining, everyone was super confused. Stealing people's hearts? Some dimension in which desires are materialized? How is that even possible? Not only were they dumbfounded by your tale, but they weren't too sure how they felt about it. Jun, having experienced extraordinary happenings herself, was the only one who actually believed you. The other three were skeptical.
- Lee and Lars both looked at each other, thinking you'd hit your head somehow (which would've been impossible without anybody having felt something), and Kazuya refused to believe it unless he saw it himself.
- It was a dangerous place, but you knew deep down that they could handle themselves, so you told them you would take them eventually if they promised to be careful.
- They'll still be worried about you whenever you head to the Metaverse, but they're willing to support you in whatever way they can. They'll provide you with plenty of supplies, as well as some snacks to munch on and restore your energy with.
- Lee will see you crafting stuff and then will just casually hand you some random gadget, saying something along the lines of "Here, use this instead. It'll work much better."
- All of you train and fight together outside. Initially, everyone was worried about hurting you, but you've proved yourself more than capable of sparring with them.
- Afterwards, all of you will take turns treating each others' wounds. Bandaging, providing heating pads and ice packs, giving massages---everyone, especially you and Jun, will take their time to alleviate as much pain as possible.
- It's not often that cuddling occurs, but when it does, there's always a specific order to it. Kazuya sits in the middle, with you and Jun on either side of him. Lars always sits next to you, and Lee always sits on the other side of Jun. That way, the brothers have some space between each other, and you and Jun are safely nestled in between them.
- When it comes to who you sleep with, that also happens in a very specific manner. You guys have worked out a schedule to decide which person you sleep with on certain days of the week. The brothers hate sleeping in the same bed, so trying to get two of them to hold you while you sleep is going to take a lot of convincing.
- When it comes to bedroom activities, no threesomes, foursomes, or fivesomes are allowed. It's just you and one other person only. Kazuya, Lee, Lars, and Jun all want to keep things just between the two of you. They want to be intimate with you and you alone, without the presence of anyone else.
- You, Jun, and Lars trade off in the kitchen---you make breakfast, Jun makes lunch, and Lars makes dinner. Lee and Kazuya don't know too much about cooking, so they don't often make anything. They'll only try their hand at something if it's for a special occasion.
- Speaking of special occasions, expect those to be booming with vibrant roses and generous gifts. The three brothers (mainly Lee and Kazuya) will definitely try to one-up each other to see who can give you the best stuff, with Jun lecturing them about how thoughtfulness shouldn't be a contest. They understand that it's childish, but they just can't help themselves. Your happiness is the most important thing in the world to them, and they want to be the one to put a smile on your face.
- It's a chaotic relationship, especially at the start, but you guys make it work. Overall, they love you to bits and, although this relationship wasn't something they expected to be in, they wouldn't have it any other way.
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yukiinvs · 5 months
Headcanon : You're crying.
✩ You are crying uncontrollably, they don't know you but you caught attention on the street.
Genre: fluff ☁️
Characters: Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima, Lee Chaolan, Hwoarang
(I know I missed many characters but I didn't want to make it too long, sorry)
Jin Kazama (student era):
- He would see you crying and ask you if you are okay.
- He would sit next to you and listen to your problems.
- If they are family problems, he would be depressed with you.
- "Don't worry, everything will be fine" he doesn't know what else to say.
Kazuya Mishima :
- He wouldn't mind.
- Believes that crying is meaningless.
- It bothered him at least a little to see you vulnerable.
- When he is gone he would feel a little bad for not having helped you.
Lee Chaolan :
- If it was daytime he was definitely wearing sunglasses and when he approached you he would "mysteriously" take them off.
- He would ask you if everything is okay and sit next to you.
- He would console you and if it is a bigger problem I would give you options on how to solve it.
- Before leaving he says goodbye with a hug or takes you home in his limo or takes you with him.
Hwoarang :
- He would come closer and without asking you, he would sit next to you and hug you.
- He would ask you what's going on and help you with your problems.
- He would do everything possible to make you happy at that moment.
- Probably to make you laugh he would make fun of himself.
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Kazuya Mishima from the Tekken Series-Bisexual
Status: Alive
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tkimaginations · 2 years
Kazuya Mishima
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Gif credits to Bandai Namco.
Nothing for now...

How many languages the Tekken cast would speak in real life? How would be his reaction to physical touch and his love languages?
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yuzuna123 · 4 months
I imagine, after Tekken 8 Kazuya and Jun living in Jinpachi's old house ( the Mishima clasic estate before Heihachi build the mansion ) in Tokyo and opening a new Mishima Dojo, teaching the next Generations and his second son with Jun the true nature of the Mishima style. I also see him building a tiny shrine/grave for Jinpachi and Kazumi there in the Dojo where they can rest in peace and be respected by the students. Of course he's also rebulding his relationship with Jin, it's gonna be a big proccess but they are surely little by little getting there. xD
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kazamasthings · 2 years
tekken characters & love languages
genre: fluff
characters: jin kazama, hwoarang x fem reader
Jin Kazama
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the language that jin gives most are acts of service. why? well in the time he spent with his mother, the only person who loved him, she taught him how to take care of someone you love. I can see him when he was a kid asking Jun "mum why did you always do all this for me?"  and her replying with a big smile "because I love you jin". Jin learned to show his love with acts of service. he’ll book your doctors appointments, he will always know what to order when you go to the restaurant.  If you need help with any school or college assignments, don't worry! your super smart boyfriend will do it for you.
the language Jin needs most is physical touch.  yes, even though you guys have been together for some time, he is still shy to ask, but when you initiate physical affection, this man's heart melts completely.  Jin can be a little insecure because of the betrayals he has suffered in the past, so words alone aren't enough for him.  However, you only need to stroke his hair and give him the most sincere and bright smile, and Jin will feel loved again!  :)  he's just a baby.. 🥺
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the language that hwoarang gives the most is quality time. he is a loving person, but not good with words. he is a hothead and gets stressed easily, when that happens, his only thought is: "pfff,,,, i wanted my girl here". hwoarang wants to do everything with you. will he practice taekwondo?  then you will stay in the dojo with him. does he want to eat tteokbokki?  then you two will go out to eat. does he just want to ride his motorcycle around town? so get on the back!
the language hwoarang needs most is words of affirmation. tbh, he appreciates sincerity in his beloved. due to his explosive personality, he needs someone who can tell when he's crossing the line and getting into trouble. on the other hand, he loves having his ego massaged, so you win his heart when you give him heartfelt compliments: "whoaa rangie, you're so strong you're the best ever."
kazuya mishima: none.  he doesn't love anyone.
heihachi mishima: he kills you.♡
hello dear friends idk if anyone will read this but i hope you like it. i came up with this idea because i like this kind of headcanon, but i didnt find many about tekken around here, so i made my own hehe. did you like it? 🥺 maybe ill write more later… bye bye
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thekingwhereitallends · 6 months
(Kazuya and Reina meet for the first time)
Kazuya:Let me guess,you are another illegitimate child of Heihachi.
Kazuya:You don't actually give a single damn about that bastard.
Reina:That's right.
Kazuya:And you want to overthrow me to reclaim Mishima Zaibatsu,huh?
Reina:The fact that you understood your assignment...I love that about you.
Kazuya:And you are like what,18 years old?
Kazuya:That scum really never kept it in his pants and now here i am,having no choice but to babysit his kid.
Reina:Don't get cocky,asshole.
Kazuya:Tch,spoiled brat...
*a few minutes later*
Kazuya:Challenging me to a fight and threatening to kill me just to lay on the floor and crying out loud like the annoying baby you are?
Kazuya:You all really feel the urge to antagonize me? The hell have i ever done to you anyway?
Reina:Sorry,oni san-
Kazuya:(pinches Reina's ear) Don't call me that,little girl.
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cuddlyscribe · 9 months
Why it take me so long to see request were open?! 😭 Anyway I'm here again for more Kazuya x femdom reader! This time that nsfw breeding kink headcanon you hinted at in the last request and if possible lots of fluff. Thx!
[you got it, my friend! thanks for your patience while I filled this request btw!! I still stand by my kaz breeding kink beliefs 😌]
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Kazuya is already having to grapple with the fact that he cannot get enough of you bossing him around and being dominant. Now he has to process his breeding kink??
He thinks things are getting out of hand, but it's not like he's gonna stop or anything...
When you ride him he's just overcome with this undeniable desire to breed you and pump you so full that his cum starts leaking out from your tight little hole.
But he won't let any of it go to waste. He'll keep fucking you until you take it all; that or he'll make you clean it all up with your mouth.
How could he not want to breed you when he pictures you pregnant and it makes him hard all over again?!
Your sheer strength and the knowledge that you would be able to carry his child that would potentially have the Devil gene is a huge turn on for him.
Don't ask him to explain it, he just feels that way. And you will hear all about it, trust.
Less likely to be talked about from him, though, is that he kind of wants you to make him breed you. Not in a non-con way, but he wants you to take his seed from him by pleasuring him so much he can't help himself.
Please milk this man's cock already, his legs feel like jelly and he needs to cum in you when you're being your best femdom self on top of him like this.
If you've been at it for hours at this point, you can easily get him to beg you to let him cum inside of you. This will never be spoken of elsewhere, but it will be your little secret together..
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